Re: Which Server OS to choose

2009-07-27 Thread DavidH

I guess there's no real good argument against Ubuntu, except for the
colour scheme of course :). Personally I like my Linux to be as close
to UNIX as possible in operation and I guess the 'sudo' thing put me
off a bit (though since I've found how to get su to work). The other
problem I had with Ubuntu was getting my 1650x1080 monitor to work
with it. The latest Ubuntu I tried just wouldn't drive it.

SuSE seems pretty much up to date with applications / libraries etc.
However you're in the same boat with any distro - there's always a
possibility that the particular library or app that you need isn't
going to be available through the distro build and you'll have to
compile it yourself.However if it's a LAMP server you're after for
doing dev. work you shouldn't have any problems with any of the
mainstream distros.

On Jul 27, 10:28 pm, Kau-Boy  wrote:
> Thanks for your quick and good response.
> I have a small virtual server with Ubuntu and I used the Plesk Panel
> to create users and ftp accounts. But I also had some problems when
> connecting as root and creating folders for the www-data user.
> How easy can you install applications on openSUSE. The last Suse I
> used was version 6.1 I think. How is the console-based YaST? Are there
> always current versions of PHP and MySQL. And how about SVN and Git?
> Can you get all the important libraries for web development without
> needing to build them on your own? I rarely used configure, make
> install.
> Is there any good argument against Ubuntu?
> On 27 Jul., 19:03, DavidH  wrote:
> > My own preference is for OpenSuse 11. I was using Ubuntu (version 7.x
> > and then 8.x); but I had issues with authorization taking a long time.
> > This was annoying when saving files from Dreamweaver on my desktop
> > over ftp sessions to the server. In the end I got fed up with it and
> > switched (back to) SuSE.
> > On Jul 27, 5:42 pm, Kau-Boy  wrote:
> > > I bought a new root server as my hoster has a very bad support on the
> > > managed servers. Now I have to choose a good OS to run a Webserver for
> > > my first big CakePHP project.
> > > So I want to ask the community which OS to choose. I have to say, that
> > > I am not a linux expert The only OS I have used is Ubuntu Desktop. I
> > > am very happy how easy it is to apt-get install a new software. But
> > > how about update to a new version of PHP or MySQL. What are the
> > > arguments for or against Ubuntu and which OS would you suggest?
> > > Here is a list of OS' I can choose from:
> > > openSUSE 11
> > > CentOS 5
> > > Debian 4.0 (etch)
> > > Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
> > > Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
> > > I hope that this post will also help others, who have to decide which
> > > OS to choose!
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Re: How to remove items from $this->data

2009-07-27 Thread DavidH

Thanks for your input guys. This is what I eventually implemented:

$charts_kpi_index = 0;
$dataKeys = array_keys($this->data
foreach($this->data['ChartsKpi'] as
if ($chartskpi['kpi_id'] == 0)

Thanks again

On Jul 27, 8:32 pm, Jaydeep Dave  wrote:
> Create a function in your controller:
> private function filter_my_data()
> {
>            unset($this->data['ChartsKpi'][x]);
> }
> // And use it in your add/edit functions
> function add() {
>    if(!empty($this->data)) {
>        $this->filter_my_data();
>        ...
>        ... // Save Data
>    }
> }
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:51 AM, DavidH  wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm using CakePHP with PHP 5.2.9 on Apache 2.10
> > I'm hoping someone will give me a hand with what is essentially a PHP
> > question as oposed to a question about CakePHP.
> > I'm returning this data array from my add.ctp view:
> > Array
> > (
> >    [Chart] => Array
> >        (
> >            [title] => Test Chart
> >            [chart_type_id] => 1
> >            [width] => 128
> >            [height] => 128
> >        )
> >    [ChartsKpi] => Array
> >        (
> >            [1] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 1
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] => 2
> >                    [width] => 5
> >                )
> >            [2] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 2
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] => 3
> >                    [width] => 5
> >                )
> >            [3] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> >            [4] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> >            [5] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> >            [6] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> >            [16] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> >            [17] => Array
> >                (
> >                    [kpi_id] => 0
> >                    [kpi_colour_id] =>
> >                    [width] =>
> >                )
> > ...
> >        )
> > )
> > You see all the sub arrays of [ChartsKpi] that have a kpi_id == 0? I
> > dont want to save those so I've a beforeSave callback in my ChartsKpi
> > model and I was trying to unset($this->data['ChartsKpi'][x]); but this
> > isn't working.
> > Is there an accepted way for taking data out of $this->data before
> > doing a save?
> > Thanks
> > David
> --
> Regards,
> Jaydeep Dave
> Mobile: +919898456445
> Email:
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread Yannis

Hi leop,

Thanks for the code. I've used it but I get the following error:
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at .../config/routes.php:49) [CORE/cake/libs/
controller/components/cookie.php, line 364]

If that rings any bell?!?!

Looks like the line that is causing this is the p28n.php:
$this->change(($this->Cookie->read('lang') ? $this->Cookie->read
('lang') : 'eng'));

Have you had that?

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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Andras Kende

Yes, its overwrites cake's hashPassword function to not to salt the  
password put the code into usually user model
and see if the password is encrypted in the debug display...


On Jul 27, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Steppio wrote:

> @Miles J, thanks for the post but im using alot of cookies so i need
> the salt value set in core, just not used in the authentication
> process.
> @Andras Kende, thanks mate, do you know what it does?
> On Jul 27, 9:14 pm, Andras Kende  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You could try in your model:
>>   function hashPasswords($data){
>>  return $data;
>>   }
>> Andras
>> On Jul 27, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Steppio wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that  
>>> the
>>> Security component automatically gives to a password?
>>> The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
>>> converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to  
>>> log
>>> in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger  
>>> appears
>>> to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original,  
>>> non-
>>> salted sha1 password.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Steppio
> >

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Re: Download code for downloading a file

2009-07-27 Thread delocalizer

Just so this is searchable & on the record here at the cakephp group:
using ob_gzhandler in conjunction with ob_* functions like the
ob_clean and ob_end_clean in the code snippets in above posts can
cause headaches.
In particular, you might have output_handler set = ob_gzhandler in
your php.ini and not even realise it... this caused downloads to fail
completely for me (php-5.1.6 on CentOS 5.3). Seems to be an old php
bug ( & variations...).
Answer = if you want to use ob_gzhandler, invoke it at function level,
and not in conjunction with ob_clean.

On Jul 24, 6:34 pm, Vijay Kumbhar  wrote:
> Hey Crazy,
> thanks a lot ... i will try this out.
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Crazy  wrote:
> > Will there be allot of file downloads?
> > If there will be a big load on the site from file downloads,
> > especially big files. Then it's not smart to handle it in cakephp.
> > Especially if you want to support download accellerators/resume
> > support
> > On every request(someone that uses a download accelerator and makes 10
> > requests), the cakephp framework is loaded.
> > This is accually not needed, because it's a plain file download.
> > Even if you want to check a couple of things in the database, it's
> > better to do it manually.
> > This ofcouse depends on the situation you're in.
> > In my case, using cakephp this way would crash my server within 5
> > minutes(if not faster)
> > You can find the code I use here:
> >
> > I've been using it for several years and transfer 15 to 20tb per month
> > using that piece of code.
> > /Crazy
> > On Jul 24, 9:58 am, Vijay Kumbhar  wrote:
> > > Yeah...
> > > Thanks rufus it works .
> > > only i changed this line,
> > > header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); to
> > > header("Content-Type: ".$result['Application']['resume'])."");
> > > that is the content type of the uploaded file coming from my database.
> > > Thanks again...
> > > On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Rufus  wrote:
> > > > Here is my code:
> > > > pdfDir is defined constant fyi
> > > >        function download($id = null) {
> > > >                if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {
> > > >                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Invoice',
> > > > true));
> > > >                        $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
> > > >                }
> > > >                Configure::write('debug', 0);
> > > >                $file = $this->Invoice->findById($id);
> > > >    if (file_exists(pdfDir.$file['Invoice']['file_name'])) {
> > > >        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
> > > >        header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
> > > >        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename
> > > > (pdfDir.$file['Invoice']['file_name']));
> > > >        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
> > > >        header('Expires: 0');
> > > >        header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-
> > > > check=0');
> > > >        header('Pragma: public');
> > > >        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize(pdfDir.$file['Invoice']
> > > > ['file_name']));
> > > >        ob_clean();
> > > >        flush();
> > > >        readfile(pdfDir.$file['Invoice']['file_name']);
> > > >        exit;
> > > >    } else {
> > > >                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('File Does Not
> > Exist',
> > > > true));
> > > >                        $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index'));
> > > >     }
> > > >        }
> > > > On Jul 24, 12:44 am, Vijay  wrote:
> > > > > Hello All,
> > > > > I uploads the files to webroot/uploads folder from the file uploading
> > > > > component.
> > > > > Now I am trying to download that file from webroot/uploads folder but
> > > > > it is giving me 0 byte file.
> > > > > Code is as follows,
> > > > > function admin_download($id)
> > > > >     {
> > > > >         $this->adminchecksession();
> > > > >             // you'll want to check the login status here ...
> > > > >             $result = $this->Application->findById($id);
> > > > >             Configure::write('debug', 0);
> > > > >             $this->view = 'Media';
> > > > >             /* MediaView is really irritating
> > > > >              */
> > > > >             //$name = $result['Application']['resume'];
> > > > >             $ext = explode("." ,$result['Application']['resume']);
> > > > >             $params = array(
> > > > >                     'name' => $ext[0],
> > > > >                     'download' => true,
> > > > >                     'extension' => $ext[1],
> > > > >                     'path' => APP."webroot/uploads".DS,
> > > > >                     'mimeType' => array($result['Application']
> > > > > ['type'])
> > > > >             );
> > > > >             $this->set($params);
> > > > >     }
> > > > > Please help me on this.
> > > --
> > > Thanks & Regards,

Re: Weired cakePHP behavior!!

2009-07-27 Thread phpcurious

I noticed that in the frist part of your codes you indicated that you
needed a recursion on the pagination, while the other, you only used
read function which reads only a specific row with no recursion.
That's just my guess where you are having trouble with.
To know more about recursion,

On Jul 28, 5:48 am, Abraham Boray  wrote:
> I'm doing ajax call on some models ,and the 1st code seems to be
> workin' , but the second one is not !
> I'm simply retrievin' data from database and print it in JSON format :
> this is my view :
> echo $javascript->object($category);
> this code work perfectly
>  Configure::write('debug', 0);
>            $this->layout = 'ajax';
>            $this->RequestHandler->setContent('json', 'text/javascript');
>            $this->RequestHandler->respondAs('json');
>            $this->Category->recursive = 2;
>            $this->set('category', $this->paginate());
> this code won't work!!!
> Configure::write('debug', 0);
>            $this->layout = 'ajax';
>            $this->RequestHandler->setContent('json', 'text/javascript');
>            $this->RequestHandler->respondAs('json');
>            $this->set('category', $this->Category->read(null, 1));//here I'm
> just getting the record with the id 1
> it's  little confusing 4 me how can the first code work and the second
> one not
> regards
> Abraham
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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread brian

Have a look at admin routing. You don't need to have separate
controllers for what you want to do.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Michael Gaiser wrote:
> Well, my users and locations use the same setup. I have split up my normal
> controller into 2 parts so I can have different permissions and functions.
> ie, I don't want normal users to be able to delete user records, only
> admins. So instead of having all my functions have an admin test, which
> would seem to be ignoring the ACL stuff.
> With the 2 controllers, I can set the user controller to just have the
> standard user functions, but then have the UsersAdmin controller require
> that the user is an admin to access it. It also allows for separate
> functions so that the user can edit their account settings, but with limited
> access. Only the Admin can edit the username and stuff like that. If there
> is a better way to be using the Auth component, I would love to hear it, but
> having the controller split into normal/admin seems to be the only way I
> found to make it work. And since there is a ton of shared code between them,
> I wanted to have the admin inherit from the normal, then add in the
> additional functionality.
> So that's where I am right now. I hope that sheds some light on what I am
> trying to accomplish.
> ~Michael
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:46 PM, brian  wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Michael Gaiser
>> wrote:
>> > When I try that, I end up with this error
>> >
>> > Fatal error: Class 'LocationController' not found in
>> > C:\wamp\www\theinconnu\app\controllers\locationmanager_controller.php on
>> > line 6
>> You might have to include the path:
>> > So for the parent controller name, do I use 'Location' or
>> > 'LocationController'?
>> "Location" would be the name of the model. If your class file says
>> "class LocationController ..." at the top, that's the name to use.
>> Although it really should be LocationsController.
>> But I wonder if you'd be better off without importing one controlller
>> into another. You began by mentioning something called UserAdmin,
>> which suggests that you could just stick with Users and admin routing.
>> Where does this LocationController fit in?
> >

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Re: Weired cakePHP behavior!!

2009-07-27 Thread Miles J

$this->paginate() will grab all records based on your controllers
$paginate property.

$this->read() will update the $data property in your model with data
based on ID, and then return the $data.

Which are you trying to retrieve?

Why not just do $this->Category->find('list')?
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Re: Weired cakePHP behavior!!

2009-07-27 Thread Abraham Boray

Retrieve categories records ,very simple isn't it !
but the code seems it doesn't work !

On Jul 27, 10:59 pm, Miles J  wrote:
> Well both those functions do completely opposite things, what exactly
> are you trying to retrieve?
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Re: keep hitting mysql memory limit, even in Cake Shell when exporting large xml file

2009-07-27 Thread shabba

It seems like a PHP memory limit error rather than MySQL as Waither
said, PHP on a standard install has a limit of 64mb, I never find this
enough, especially dealing with largew datasets. Seting the memory
limit to 128 should suffice, either in the actual file, or in the
php.ini. Personally I raised the limit to 128mb for php and 512mb for

On Jul 26, 4:02 pm, JamesF  wrote:
> i have paginated the results and no matter how i chunk it it still
> fills up the mysqli result set and hits the memory limit. i need to be
> able to flush the result set between each iteration.
> On Jul 26, 6:33 am, Jaydeep Dave  wrote:
> > You can try something like this in your shell
> > 
> > ...
> > ..
> > $page = 1;
> > while(1) {
> >          $records = $this->findAll("conditions' => array(bla bla bla),
> > 'fields' => 'Model.*' ,'limit' => 50, 'page' => $page);
> >          if($records) {
> >               // Write Your XML in a File.
> >          }else{
> >                break;
> >          }
> >         $page = $page + 50;
> > }
> > This will help you a lot.
> > Regards,
> > Jaydeep Dave
> > On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:41 AM, majna  wrote:
> > > Try with :
> > > $mysqli = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
> > > $mysqli->disconnect();
> > > $mysqli->connect();
> > > debug($mysqli->connected);
> > > debug($mysqli->connection);
> > > On Jul 26, 7:55 am, JamesF  wrote:
> > > > MY PROBLEM:
> > > > i am running into a wall with this one. basically i have a large xml
> > > > file that i am rendering using XmlHelper. We are talking about a
> > > > 25-50mb file. This is basically a product data feed. I have tried
> > > > quite a few methods to overcome the memory limit but no luck.
> > > > MY ERROR:
> > > > Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted (tried to
> > > > allocate 53 bytes) in /home/username/usr/cakedev/cake/libs/model/
> > > > datasources/dbo/dbo_mysqli.php on line 402
> > > > 1) Initially i set this up to render through the web in one
> > > > shotthis cause execution limit timeouts and memory errors.
> > > > 2)I broke up the data requests in seperate chunks of 500 records using
> > > > internal method calls, like $listings = $this->getListings($start_id,
> > > > $limit); This caused the same problem
> > > > 3) I set the whole thing up via the cake shell interface. It works
> > > > great except for the fact that i keep running up against the same
> > > > limit, even with staggered chunks of records in different method
> > > > calls.
> > > > MY GUESS:
> > > > is that Cake is keeping an open connection with the database for the
> > > > life of the script.
> > > > can i disconnect and reconnect from the database inside of the script?
> > > > specifically can i do this in a cake shell script? will this solve my
> > > > memory problem? am i going about this the wrong way entirely?
> > > > thanks again anyone who has some advice!
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Jaydeep Dave
> > Mobile: +919898456445
> > Email:
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Need help with ACL

2009-07-27 Thread Sheetal

I am implementing ACL for an existing site.
There is a view file , the name of the view file is edit.ctp it is
under the folder  acl_aros.
This view file contains a single text box, and this value is used for
the 'alias' column in 'aros' table.

The name of the controller that has the 'save' function is

The name of the model file in which I have written the validation for
the field is 'acl_aro.php'.
The validation says the text field cannot be empty and has to be min.
of 4 char.

But the problem here is data's are getting inserted, but it never uses
the validation in the model file. In simple words, it doesn't uses
that model file at all.  If I submit a form with empty text box, an
empty record is getting inserted.

What am I missing here? How should I tell the system to use this model
file so that validation check is done.

Please help me with this.
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Re: Weired cakePHP behavior!!

2009-07-27 Thread Miles J

Well both those functions do completely opposite things, what exactly
are you trying to retrieve?
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Allow some html tags in Sanitize::html()

2009-07-27 Thread Arnau Alcázar Lleopart

Does anybody knows if there is any way to allow some html tags in
function Sanitize::html()?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Display months in datetime fields in german

2009-07-27 Thread Hols Kay

Look into PHP's setlocale and strftime functions, and create a helper
in Cake to format the date the way you like:

Also see this thread:


On Jul 27, 10:22 pm, Bs  wrote:
> Hi,
> is it somehow possible to display the months of a datetime field in a
> view in german?
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Re: Display months in datetime fields in german

2009-07-27 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


> is it somehow possible to display the months of a datetime field in a
> view in german?


Set Config.language to ger and in app/locale/ger/LC_MESSAGES/default.po:

msgid  "July"
msgstr "Juli"

msgid  "June"
msgstr "Juni"


If you don't want to do it like this, just copy core form helper to
app/views/helpers and edit the source.


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Weired cakePHP behavior!!

2009-07-27 Thread Abraham Boray

I'm doing ajax call on some models ,and the 1st code seems to be
workin' , but the second one is not !

I'm simply retrievin' data from database and print it in JSON format :

this is my view :
echo $javascript->object($category);

this code work perfectly
 Configure::write('debug', 0);
   $this->layout = 'ajax';
   $this->RequestHandler->setContent('json', 'text/javascript');
   $this->Category->recursive = 2;
   $this->set('category', $this->paginate());

this code won't work!!!
Configure::write('debug', 0);
   $this->layout = 'ajax';
   $this->RequestHandler->setContent('json', 'text/javascript');
   $this->set('category', $this->Category->read(null, 1));//here I'm
just getting the record with the id 1

it's  little confusing 4 me how can the first code work and the second
one not

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Re: Which Server OS to choose

2009-07-27 Thread Kau-Boy

Thanks for your quick and good response.

I have a small virtual server with Ubuntu and I used the Plesk Panel
to create users and ftp accounts. But I also had some problems when
connecting as root and creating folders for the www-data user.

How easy can you install applications on openSUSE. The last Suse I
used was version 6.1 I think. How is the console-based YaST? Are there
always current versions of PHP and MySQL. And how about SVN and Git?
Can you get all the important libraries for web development without
needing to build them on your own? I rarely used configure, make

Is there any good argument against Ubuntu?

On 27 Jul., 19:03, DavidH  wrote:
> My own preference is for OpenSuse 11. I was using Ubuntu (version 7.x
> and then 8.x); but I had issues with authorization taking a long time.
> This was annoying when saving files from Dreamweaver on my desktop
> over ftp sessions to the server. In the end I got fed up with it and
> switched (back to) SuSE.
> On Jul 27, 5:42 pm, Kau-Boy  wrote:
> > I bought a new root server as my hoster has a very bad support on the
> > managed servers. Now I have to choose a good OS to run a Webserver for
> > my first big CakePHP project.
> > So I want to ask the community which OS to choose. I have to say, that
> > I am not a linux expert The only OS I have used is Ubuntu Desktop. I
> > am very happy how easy it is to apt-get install a new software. But
> > how about update to a new version of PHP or MySQL. What are the
> > arguments for or against Ubuntu and which OS would you suggest?
> > Here is a list of OS' I can choose from:
> > openSUSE 11
> > CentOS 5
> > Debian 4.0 (etch)
> > Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
> > Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
> > I hope that this post will also help others, who have to decide which
> > OS to choose!
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Display months in datetime fields in german

2009-07-27 Thread Bs


is it somehow possible to display the months of a datetime field in a
view in german?

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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Miles J

You can create your own auth.php file in your components, then copy
and paste the original here. Once you have done that, you can
configure the Auth to work how you want it to, without overriding the
core one.
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread leop


Here are the crucial fragments. As you can see, the use of three
letter and two letter language codes is confusing, more so because
catalan doesn't seem to have a xx_xx code.

I hope you can understand the following. I've included my version of
p28n.php because I think I might have made some changes to it.

In locale, the folder names for each language use th three letter
code, e.g. spa & cat

In config/routes.php:

//route to switch locale
Router::connect('/lang/*', array('controller' => 'p28n', 'action' =>

//forgiving routes that allow users to change the lang of any page
Router::connect('/eng?/*', array(
'controller' => "p28n",
'action' => "shuntRequest",
'lang' => 'en-gb'

Router::connect('/ca?/*', array(
'controller' => "p28n",
'action' => "shuntRequest",
'lang' => 'cat'

Router::connect('/es?/*', array(
'controller' => "p28n",
'action' => "shuntRequest",
'lang' => 'es_es'

In app_controller.php:

var $components = array('P28n');

In views/layouts/default.ctp:

"ca" && $currLang<>"spa")
  $currLang = "ca";

"ca") ? 'Català' : 'Català' ; ?>
"spa") ? 'Castellano' : 'Castellano' ; ?>


$this->change(($this->Cookie->read('lang') ? $this->Cookie-
>read('lang') : 'cat'));

function change($lang = null)
if (!empty($lang))
$this->Session->write('Config.language', $lang);
$this->Cookie->write('lang', $lang, null, '+350 day');
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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Steppio

@Miles J, thanks for the post but im using alot of cookies so i need
the salt value set in core, just not used in the authentication

@Andras Kende, thanks mate, do you know what it does?

On Jul 27, 9:14 pm, Andras Kende  wrote:
> Hello,
> You could try in your model:
>   function hashPasswords($data){
>      return $data;
>   }
> Andras
> On Jul 27, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Steppio wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that the
> > Security component automatically gives to a password?
> > The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
> > converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to log
> > in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger appears
> > to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original, non-
> > salted sha1 password.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > Thank you!
> > Steppio
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Re: $session->flash() in view displaying a 1

2009-07-27 Thread leafchild

I think you don't need "echo"

Just type:
flash();  ?>

I had this issue and after taking "echo" fixed the the issue.

On Jul 27, 1:04 pm, Taff  wrote:
> Hey,
> I baked a controller with the following snippet:
> $this->Session->setFlash(__('List has been saved', true));
> Why the underscores, and what does true denote, I couldn't find a
> reference anywhere?
> Also in my view
> echo $session->flash();
> is returning List has been
> saved1
> After an evening of huntingwhere on earth is that 1 being
> generated, and how do I do away with it?
> Thanks for any pointers!
> Taff
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Re: Cache not configured properly

2009-07-27 Thread Eric

Thanks - memcached was not installed correctly.

So it was defaulting back to file caching? I didn't realize you can
cache an individual variable with file caching like that. With no load
on the server, it was just as fast.

On Jul 26, 12:04 pm, "euromark (munich)" 
> i thought so
> with
> apt-get install php5-memcache
> + editing of php.ini
> BUT i found a typo
>  (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)
> should be
>  (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)
> then it works just fine:
> "The MemcacheEngine is being used for caching. To change the config
> edit APP/config/core.php "
> On 26 Jul., 17:05, brian  wrote:
> > On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 7:48 AM, euromark
> > (munich) wrote:
> > > i doubt that your memcache is working^^
> > > actually, it falls back to "file caching" if memcache cannot be used:
> > > trigger_error('Cache not configured properly. Please check
> > > Cache::config(); in APP/config/core.php', E_USER_WARNING);
> > > $cache = Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
> > > you can see that if you check out the default "home" page (home.ctp in
> > > cake)
> > > anyway.. in my case the problem seems to be that there is no
> > > "Memcache" class
> > > $memcache = new Memcache; $memcache->addServer('xxx.xx.xx.xx', 11211);
> > > $version = $memcache->getVersion(); print_r($memcache->getExtendedStats
> > > ()); $cacheKey = $memcache->get("cake_homepage"); echo($cacheKey);
> > > echo "Server's version: ".$version."\n";
> > > returns
> > > Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in /home/web/test/comm/views/
> > > pages/homes.ctp on line 2
> > > any idea whats missing here?
> > > thx, mark
> > memcached? Is it installed?
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Re: Deleting items and their children if they belongTo

2009-07-27 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


> I have baked a few controllers, models and views, but if I delete an
> item using threads/delete/3 is there an easy way of deleting all the
> posts (with an thread_id of 3) that "belongTo" the thread with an id
> of 3, which I have defined as "hasMany" posts, or do I need to do it
> manually?

- see dependent attribute


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Re: Problem with HBTM tables. (included image)

2009-07-27 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


> Excuse me, but, nobody has answer me. It's anyone here can help me?.
> tnx a lot.

In this case I'm pretty sure that you have to define additional HABTM
keys in TipoUsuario and Modulo - I mean:
joinTable, foreignKey, associationForeignKey. Just get one model
association working 1st, and then you'll get the pattern.



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Re: Problem with HBTM tables. (included image)

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
Brother, I don't know your problem.  But you can try this.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Carlos Suarez Fontalvo <> wrote:

> Excuse me, but, nobody has answer me. It's anyone here can help me?.
> tnx a lot.
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Andras Kende


You could try in your model:

  function hashPasswords($data){
 return $data;


On Jul 27, 2009, at 1:53 PM, Steppio wrote:

> Hi there,
> I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that the
> Security component automatically gives to a password?
> The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
> converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to log
> in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger appears
> to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original, non-
> salted sha1 password.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you!
> Steppio
> >

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Re: Which Server OS to choose

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
I have used Fedora 9 (Desktop Edition)
Then I switched my complete system to Ubuntu Server Edition.

I liked Ubuntu. Server Edition is really light weight, fast and stable.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:03 AM, DavidH  wrote:

> My own preference is for OpenSuse 11. I was using Ubuntu (version 7.x
> and then 8.x); but I had issues with authorization taking a long time.
> This was annoying when saving files from Dreamweaver on my desktop
> over ftp sessions to the server. In the end I got fed up with it and
> switched (back to) SuSE.
> On Jul 27, 5:42 pm, Kau-Boy  wrote:
> > I bought a new root server as my hoster has a very bad support on the
> > managed servers. Now I have to choose a good OS to run a Webserver for
> > my first big CakePHP project.
> >
> > So I want to ask the community which OS to choose. I have to say, that
> > I am not a linux expert The only OS I have used is Ubuntu Desktop. I
> > am very happy how easy it is to apt-get install a new software. But
> > how about update to a new version of PHP or MySQL. What are the
> > arguments for or against Ubuntu and which OS would you suggest?
> >
> > Here is a list of OS' I can choose from:
> >
> > openSUSE 11
> > CentOS 5
> > Debian 4.0 (etch)
> > Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
> > Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
> >
> > I hope that this post will also help others, who have to decide which
> > OS to choose!
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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$session->flash() in view displaying a 1

2009-07-27 Thread Taff


I baked a controller with the following snippet:

$this->Session->setFlash(__('List has been saved', true));

Why the underscores, and what does true denote, I couldn't find a
reference anywhere?

Also in my view

echo $session->flash();

is returning List has been

After an evening of huntingwhere on earth is that 1 being
generated, and how do I do away with it?

Thanks for any pointers!

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Problem handling search form fior multiple values

2009-07-27 Thread NIghtmare327

I have a form I am using to do searches, and am having issues with the
return values from the form.  here is the code segment from the form:

= index.ctp =

button('Reset Form', array
('type'=>'reset', 'style'=>'width:200px;height:35px'));
echo $form->input('Search.keywords');
echo $form->input('',array('after'=>__
('wildcard is *',true)));
//echo $form->input('Search.vendor_id');
echo $form->input('Search.vendor_id', array('type' =>
'select', 'multiple'=>true));
echo $form->submit('Search');

It shows me the multiple list, but when I print the passed values in
the controller, this is what I get:

Array ( [Search.vendor_id] => Array )

It appears I am getting the word Array back rather than the values of
the selected items.

Any thoughts on this matter?  let me know if you need to see more of
the source to see what is happening.  Just as some background, Vendors
is a lookup table for vendors based on vendor_id obviously.  I want to
be able to do a search based upon multiple vendors rather than just
1.  I have the search for one working, just not this one.  Thanks!

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Re: Session/Cookie problem with Facebook JS + PHP

2009-07-27 Thread Eric

Just as a followup, I have had no side effects using ...
and it definitely did not work using "localhost"

On Jul 21, 7:10 am, rchavik  wrote:
> I agree.
> A better way would be to stage your application with (or
> whatever name you want), and set that in your hosts file.
> You'll need to adjust your Facebook App setting and your apache
> configuration to reflect this change.
> On Jul 21, 6:56 pm, Smelly Eddie  wrote:
> > Something is wrong
> > removing localhost from your hosts file may have  a negative impact on
> > any applications that expect localhost, a de facto standard, to be the
> > local loopback address. Besides that it should not affect cookies from
> > another domain.
> > Although the two may be related, I don't think you should declare
> > victory yet.
> > On Jul 20, 2:19 am, ""
> >  wrote:
> > > The bad news is I am an idiot.
> > > The good news is the solution is to not use LOCALHOST. I changed C:
> > > \Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts 'localhost' to '' and
> > > Facebook cookies work the way they should.
> > > On Jul 19, 11:12 pm, ""
> > >  wrote:
> > > > More information:
> > > > I checked to be sure Facebook is instantiating correctly. I think
> > > > CakePHP is preventing the Facebook class from getting the cookie data.
> > > > Facebook::get_valid_fb_params() tries to access $_COOKIE but the only
> > > > thing in there is $_COOKIE['CAKEPHP']
> > > > There is a weird fix on the FB Wiki but tricking Cake to use
> > > > Facebook's session seems like the wrong thing to do.
> > > > Given this problem, I don't understand how this 
> > > > works:
> > > > On Jul 19, 4:02 pm, ""
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > > I'm attempting to use Facebook Connect with its PHP library.
> > > > > 
> > > > > That gets the user logged in ok but then using the PHP libs:
> > > > > $facebook->get_loggedin_user() is always NULL. Anyone run into this?
> > > > > I'm wondering if it has something to do with Cake taking over the
> > > > > sessions and cookies.
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Deleting items and their children if they belongTo

2009-07-27 Thread Taff

I'm luvin cakephp at the moment, in particular how fast things get
done, and all the hidden functionality that automagically "happens". I
was wondering if there is a simple way to do the following:

I have baked a few controllers, models and views, but if I delete an
item using threads/delete/3 is there an easy way of deleting all the
posts (with an thread_id of 3) that "belongTo" the thread with an id
of 3, which I have defined as "hasMany" posts, or do I need to do it

Thanks for any pointers!

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Re: Problem with HBTM tables. (included image)

2009-07-27 Thread Carlos Suarez Fontalvo

Excuse me, but, nobody has answer me. It's anyone here can help me?.
tnx a lot.
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Re: uploading file to directory

2009-07-27 Thread Miles J

Or you can test out my robust uploader plugin :]
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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Miles J

Just set the configure salt to empty.
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Re: How to remove items from $this->data

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
Create a function in your controller:
private function filter_my_data()

// And use it in your add/edit functions

function add() {
   if(!empty($this->data)) {
   ... // Save Data

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:51 AM, DavidH  wrote:

> Hi
> I'm using CakePHP with PHP 5.2.9 on Apache 2.10
> I'm hoping someone will give me a hand with what is essentially a PHP
> question as oposed to a question about CakePHP.
> I'm returning this data array from my add.ctp view:
> Array
> (
>[Chart] => Array
>[title] => Test Chart
>[chart_type_id] => 1
>[width] => 128
>[height] => 128
>[ChartsKpi] => Array
>[1] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 1
>[kpi_colour_id] => 2
>[width] => 5
>[2] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 2
>[kpi_colour_id] => 3
>[width] => 5
>[3] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
>[4] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
>[5] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
>[6] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
>[16] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
>[17] => Array
>[kpi_id] => 0
>[kpi_colour_id] =>
>[width] =>
> ...
> )
> You see all the sub arrays of [ChartsKpi] that have a kpi_id == 0? I
> dont want to save those so I've a beforeSave callback in my ChartsKpi
> model and I was trying to unset($this->data['ChartsKpi'][x]); but this
> isn't working.
> Is there an accepted way for taking data out of $this->data before
> doing a save?
> Thanks
> David
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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Re: SecurityComponent::requireAuth : when?

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
Hi Lucas,
I think it blocks the page using "http authentication method" (similar to

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Lucas Costa  wrote:

> Hello fellows, I think there's a lack of examples of the use of
> SecurityComponent's requireAuth method.
> What is indeed the purpose of this method?
> What vulnerabilities does it cover?
> Is it or how is it related to the AuthComponent?
> Could you give some examples of the right use?
> Thank you all.
> Lucas Costa
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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SecurityComponent::requireAuth : when?

2009-07-27 Thread Lucas Costa

Hello fellows, I think there's a lack of examples of the use of
SecurityComponent's requireAuth method.

What is indeed the purpose of this method?

What vulnerabilities does it cover?

Is it or how is it related to the AuthComponent?

Could you give some examples of the right use?

Thank you all.

Lucas Costa

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Re: HABTM and extra foreign keys

2009-07-27 Thread DavidH

Hi Matias

What are the relationships between options and characteristic_types?
How have you defined that relationship in the models?

Where do you get that error message? I suspect the problem is
somewhere in the models.


On Jul 27, 6:36 pm, matias  wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a problem. I want to link relational table of two habtm tables
> with another one.
> I have table `types` (id, name) that is habtm `characteristics` (id,
> name). Their rel table is `characteristics_types` (id,
> characteristic_id, type_id). I want to link each record from this
> table with many records in 4th table `options` (id, name,
> characteristics_types_id).
> But it doesnt work. Cake says "Undefined property:  Property::
> $CharacteristicsType". Can somebody help me? please?
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Re: Strange afterFind notice

2009-07-27 Thread Hols Kay

For anybody who might be having the same thing, the problem was due to
my failing to encapsulate my data :)

I needed a setter method to manipulate the results, just like in the
Cookbook ( ), heh.
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Re: Using Ajax to dynamically update a select box

2009-07-27 Thread j0sch

I forgot that this is also in my view:
 'update_select', 'update' => 'NodeId');
echo $ajax->observeField('LocationId', $options);

I think that AJAX isn't working for me at all.  I also am trying to
submit an ajax form, but I can't get that working either.
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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Steppio

Yes thanks that helps a little, still a tad confusing though. I've
found a few more links that may be of interest to us both:

I'll keep looking, thanks for your help!


On Jul 27, 7:10 pm, Piotr Kilczuk  wrote:
> Hello,
> > I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that the
> > Security component automatically gives to a password?
> > The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
> > converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to log
> > in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger appears
> > to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original, non-
> > salted sha1 password.
> I'll be experiencing similar things in next few days (basically I have
> a IPB user database that I need to authenticate against). 
> Does you?
> Regards,
> Piotr
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Re: How to remove items from $this->data

2009-07-27 Thread j0sch

I know php has a built-in function called array_filter().  Check the
php manual (  ) to see if it does what
you want.
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Re: Router URLs: hyphens instead of underscores

2009-07-27 Thread Jamie

Alright, so what I just ended up doing was adding a bit of a hack to
cake/libs/router.php and app/config/bootstrap.php.

In the Router::url(), I changed the last line:

return $output . $extension . $_this->queryString($q, array(),
$escape) . $frag;

To this:

$url = str_replace('_', '-', $output . $extension . $_this->queryString
($q, array(), $escape) . $frag);
return $url;

Then I added this to the top of my bootstrap:

$_GET['url'] = str_replace('-', '_', $_GET['url']);

Total hack? You betcha. But it works for now.

On Jul 27, 10:56 am, Jamie  wrote:
> Yes, I know this issue has been raised in the past (a long while ago),
> but there's been no satisfying answer yet.
> Basically, best SEO practices say that we should be using hyphens
> instead of underscores in our URLs, since search engines such as
> Google have an easier time parsing "my-page", rather than "my_page",
> as two separate words (and thus a distinct search term). Is it time
> for Cake to look at allowing hyphens instead of underscores in URLs?
> Before anyone says "OMG you can just do this" (as Nate suggested 
> at
> $_GET['url'] = str_replace("-", "_", $_GET['url']);
> that's fine for parsing incoming URLs, but it doesn't even come close
> to providing a solution since links generated by the Cake router (i.e.
> via the HtmlHelper etc.) use underscores instead of hyphens, and
> that's that. So for those of us who want to use hyphens instead of
> dashes, we need to enter manual URLs instead of using Cake's routing
> capabilities. So, sure, we can translate incoming links, but we can't
> generate the proper links in the first place.
> Has anyone thought of a solution? Is the Cake team contemplating
> adding support for multiple URL separators? Any home brew hacks out
> there?
> - Jamie
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HABTM and extra foreign keys

2009-07-27 Thread matias

I have a problem. I want to link relational table of two habtm tables
with another one.
I have table `types` (id, name) that is habtm `characteristics` (id,
name). Their rel table is `characteristics_types` (id,
characteristic_id, type_id). I want to link each record from this
table with many records in 4th table `options` (id, name,
But it doesnt work. Cake says "Undefined property:  Property::
$CharacteristicsType". Can somebody help me? please?

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Re: Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


> I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that the
> Security component automatically gives to a password?
> The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
> converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to log
> in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger appears
> to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original, non-
> salted sha1 password.

I'll be experiencing similar things in next few days (basically I have
a IPB user database that I need to authenticate against). Does help you?


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Router URLs: hyphens instead of underscores

2009-07-27 Thread Jamie

Yes, I know this issue has been raised in the past (a long while ago),
but there's been no satisfying answer yet.

Basically, best SEO practices say that we should be using hyphens
instead of underscores in our URLs, since search engines such as
Google have an easier time parsing "my-page", rather than "my_page",
as two separate words (and thus a distinct search term). Is it time
for Cake to look at allowing hyphens instead of underscores in URLs?

Before anyone says "OMG you can just do this" (as Nate suggested at ):

$_GET['url'] = str_replace("-", "_", $_GET['url']);

that's fine for parsing incoming URLs, but it doesn't even come close
to providing a solution since links generated by the Cake router (i.e.
via the HtmlHelper etc.) use underscores instead of hyphens, and
that's that. So for those of us who want to use hyphens instead of
dashes, we need to enter manual URLs instead of using Cake's routing
capabilities. So, sure, we can translate incoming links, but we can't
generate the proper links in the first place.

Has anyone thought of a solution? Is the Cake team contemplating
adding support for multiple URL separators? Any home brew hacks out

- Jamie
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Bypassing Security Salt

2009-07-27 Thread Steppio

Hi there,
I was wondering if anybody knows a way to bypass the salting that the
Security component automatically gives to a password?

The problem is that i have a database of old passwords and im
converting the site into a CakePHP site, however when im trying to log
in to the new site the password being returned by the debugger appears
to have been salted and therefore doesnt conform to my original, non-
salted sha1 password.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Using Ajax to dynamically update a select box

2009-07-27 Thread j0sch

I am trying to use a select box to update another select box using
ajax.  I have two tables: locations and nodes, and Locations hasMany
Nodes and Nodes belongsTo Locations.  I want a locations select box to
update the nodes select box with all the nodes that are at that
I've been to multiple forums with great tutorials explaining how this
works, but I follow their directions exactly and it never works.
I am brand new to any type of AJAX development, and I have only been
developing with CakePHP for a couple weeks now.

Here is the code:

In my controller:

function update_select() {
if(!empty($this->data)) {
$locationId = $this->data['Location']['id'];
$options = $this->Iface->Node->find('list', 
$this->set('options', $options);

In my view:

input('', array
('type'=>'select','options'=>$locations, 'id' => 'LocationId',
'label'=>'Location')); ?>
input('', array('type'=>'select', 'options'=>
$nodes,'id' => 'NodeId', 'label'=>'Node')); ?>

In my update_select.ctp:

 $option): ?>

(I have Ajax and Javascript helpers, RequestHandler component, and
prototype all defined)

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Re: Which Server OS to choose

2009-07-27 Thread DavidH

My own preference is for OpenSuse 11. I was using Ubuntu (version 7.x
and then 8.x); but I had issues with authorization taking a long time.
This was annoying when saving files from Dreamweaver on my desktop
over ftp sessions to the server. In the end I got fed up with it and
switched (back to) SuSE.

On Jul 27, 5:42 pm, Kau-Boy  wrote:
> I bought a new root server as my hoster has a very bad support on the
> managed servers. Now I have to choose a good OS to run a Webserver for
> my first big CakePHP project.
> So I want to ask the community which OS to choose. I have to say, that
> I am not a linux expert The only OS I have used is Ubuntu Desktop. I
> am very happy how easy it is to apt-get install a new software. But
> how about update to a new version of PHP or MySQL. What are the
> arguments for or against Ubuntu and which OS would you suggest?
> Here is a list of OS' I can choose from:
> openSUSE 11
> CentOS 5
> Debian 4.0 (etch)
> Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
> I hope that this post will also help others, who have to decide which
> OS to choose!
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How to remove items from $this->data

2009-07-27 Thread DavidH


I'm using CakePHP with PHP 5.2.9 on Apache 2.10

I'm hoping someone will give me a hand with what is essentially a PHP
question as oposed to a question about CakePHP.

I'm returning this data array from my add.ctp view:

[Chart] => Array
[title] => Test Chart
[chart_type_id] => 1
[width] => 128
[height] => 128

[ChartsKpi] => Array
[1] => Array
[kpi_id] => 1
[kpi_colour_id] => 2
[width] => 5
[2] => Array
[kpi_id] => 2
[kpi_colour_id] => 3
[width] => 5
[3] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>
[4] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>
[5] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>
[6] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>
[16] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>
[17] => Array
[kpi_id] => 0
[kpi_colour_id] =>
[width] =>

You see all the sub arrays of [ChartsKpi] that have a kpi_id == 0? I
dont want to save those so I've a beforeSave callback in my ChartsKpi
model and I was trying to unset($this->data['ChartsKpi'][x]); but this
isn't working.

Is there an accepted way for taking data out of $this->data before
doing a save?



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Re: keep hitting mysql memory limit, even in Cake Shell when exporting large xml file

2009-07-27 Thread Walther

That is not a MySQL error but a PHP memory error probably related to
the opening and processing of the 50mb file.

You can use ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); to change the memory
limit for the request (Change the 128M as required)

On Jul 27, 4:27 am, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> You should make sure, that you free memory between chunks requests.
> And do not try to output all this 25 Mb file at once, it also should
> be done chunk-by-chunk. Remember, that PHP do not have automatic
> garbage collector so you should unset no longer needed variables.
> On Jul 26, 10:02 pm, JamesF  wrote:
> > i have paginated the results and no matter how i chunk it it still
> > fills up the mysqli result set and hits the memory limit. i need to be
> > able to flush the result set between each iteration.
> > On Jul 26, 6:33 am, Jaydeep Dave  wrote:
> > > You can try something like this in your shell
> > > 
> > > ...
> > > ..
> > > $page = 1;
> > > while(1) {
> > >          $records = $this->findAll("conditions' => array(bla bla bla),
> > > 'fields' => 'Model.*' ,'limit' => 50, 'page' => $page);
> > >          if($records) {
> > >               // Write Your XML in a File.
> > >          }else{
> > >                break;
> > >          }
> > >         $page = $page + 50;
> > > }
> > > This will help you a lot.
> > > Regards,
> > > Jaydeep Dave
> > > On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:41 AM, majna  wrote:
> > > > Try with :
> > > > $mysqli = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
> > > > $mysqli->disconnect();
> > > > $mysqli->connect();
> > > > debug($mysqli->connected);
> > > > debug($mysqli->connection);
> > > > On Jul 26, 7:55 am, JamesF  wrote:
> > > > > MY PROBLEM:
> > > > > i am running into a wall with this one. basically i have a large xml
> > > > > file that i am rendering using XmlHelper. We are talking about a
> > > > > 25-50mb file. This is basically a product data feed. I have tried
> > > > > quite a few methods to overcome the memory limit but no luck.
> > > > > MY ERROR:
> > > > > Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 83886080 bytes exhausted (tried to
> > > > > allocate 53 bytes) in /home/username/usr/cakedev/cake/libs/model/
> > > > > datasources/dbo/dbo_mysqli.php on line 402
> > > > > 1) Initially i set this up to render through the web in one
> > > > > shotthis cause execution limit timeouts and memory errors.
> > > > > 2)I broke up the data requests in seperate chunks of 500 records using
> > > > > internal method calls, like $listings = $this->getListings($start_id,
> > > > > $limit); This caused the same problem
> > > > > 3) I set the whole thing up via the cake shell interface. It works
> > > > > great except for the fact that i keep running up against the same
> > > > > limit, even with staggered chunks of records in different method
> > > > > calls.
> > > > > MY GUESS:
> > > > > is that Cake is keeping an open connection with the database for the
> > > > > life of the script.
> > > > > can i disconnect and reconnect from the database inside of the script?
> > > > > specifically can i do this in a cake shell script? will this solve my
> > > > > memory problem? am i going about this the wrong way entirely?
> > > > > thanks again anyone who has some advice!
> > > --
> > > Regards,
> > > Jaydeep Dave
> > > Mobile: +919898456445
> > > Email:
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Re: How to write one single query for fetching data from two tables

2009-07-27 Thread Vijay Kumbhar
Yes , RWS - Bharat Maheriya  is right.

If you are writing queries for joins in the fabulous framework like cakephp
then what is the need to us the framwork.
Cakephp has a good feature of associations so please use that to join the
You have to write custom queries only few times & it is negligible.

So my suggestion is dont break the rules of the framework.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:33 AM, RWS - Bharat Maheriya <> wrote:

> Hello
> you can define model association between agent and device and perform find
> operation  with condition agents.verified=1only..CakePHP association perfom
> internal joining and give you expected result. you can try out with this...
> Thanks
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:17 PM, mona  wrote:
>> How to write the folowing query in cakephp
>>  $sql = "select
>> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
>> devices,agents where devices.uid = agents.uid and agents.verified=1
>> limit 100";
>> Followin is my controller file
>> class AgentsController extends AppController {
>>var $name = 'Agents';
>>var $helpers =
>> array('Html','Form','Xml','Text','Javascript','Ajax');
>>var $uses = array( 'Agent','Device');
>>var $components = array('RequestHandler');
>>function admin_exportDevice(){
>>$export = trim($this->data['deviceExport']['export']);
>>   $sql = "select
>> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
>> devices,agents where devices.uid =   agents.uid and agents.verified=1
>> limit 100";
>>  $qry = mysql_query($sql);
>>$this->set('qry', $qry);
>>$this->set('filename', 'Full'.date("Ymd").'.xml');
>>$sql1 = "Update devices set export=1 where export=0";
>>$query = mysql_query($sql1);
>> else{
>>   $sql = "select
>> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
>> devices,agents where devices.uid = agents.uid and agents.verified=1
>> and devices.export=0 limit 2";
>>$qry = mysql_query($sql);
>>$this->set('qry', $qry);
>>$this->set('filename', 'Incremental'.date("Ymd").'.xml');
>>$sql1 = "Update devices set export=1 where export=0";
>>$query = mysql_query($sql1);
>>  }
>> }
> >

Thanks & Regards,
Co-founder (

"You Bring the Dreams, We'll Bring the Means"

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Which Server OS to choose

2009-07-27 Thread Kau-Boy

I bought a new root server as my hoster has a very bad support on the
managed servers. Now I have to choose a good OS to run a Webserver for
my first big CakePHP project.

So I want to ask the community which OS to choose. I have to say, that
I am not a linux expert The only OS I have used is Ubuntu Desktop. I
am very happy how easy it is to apt-get install a new software. But
how about update to a new version of PHP or MySQL. What are the
arguments for or against Ubuntu and which OS would you suggest?

Here is a list of OS' I can choose from:

openSUSE 11
CentOS 5
Debian 4.0 (etch)
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

I hope that this post will also help others, who have to decide which
OS to choose!
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Re: uploading file to directory

2009-07-27 Thread Vijay Kumbhar
Hello Farjad,

There is a file uploading component in the cakephp.

Please check the following links,

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:02 PM, brian  wrote:

> Farjad, you should read this:
> The easiest thing to do is to debug($this->data) in your action so you
> can see how the array is laid out (and if it's correct).
> The file is probably in /tmp and you'll still need to move & save the
> file from there.
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Farjad wrote:
> >
> > i found $form->file() method to upload a file but i dont know how to
> > specify the path to which the file should b uploaded!
> >
> > i call the method, i specify the path of file to be uploaded then
> > submit form but dont know where file goes
> >
> > can anyone help and explain the process of file method and parameters
> > that it takes.
> > >
> >
> >

Thanks & Regards,
Co-founder (

"You Bring the Dreams, We'll Bring the Means"

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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread Michael Gaiser
Well, my users and locations use the same setup. I have split up my normal
controller into 2 parts so I can have different permissions and functions.
ie, I don't want normal users to be able to delete user records, only
admins. So instead of having all my functions have an admin test, which
would seem to be ignoring the ACL stuff.

With the 2 controllers, I can set the user controller to just have the
standard user functions, but then have the UsersAdmin controller require
that the user is an admin to access it. It also allows for separate
functions so that the user can edit their account settings, but with limited
access. Only the Admin can edit the username and stuff like that. If there
is a better way to be using the Auth component, I would love to hear it, but
having the controller split into normal/admin seems to be the only way I
found to make it work. And since there is a ton of shared code between them,
I wanted to have the admin inherit from the normal, then add in the
additional functionality.

So that's where I am right now. I hope that sheds some light on what I am
trying to accomplish.


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:46 PM, brian  wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Michael Gaiser
> wrote:
> > When I try that, I end up with this error
> >
> > Fatal error: Class 'LocationController' not found in
> > C:\wamp\www\theinconnu\app\controllers\locationmanager_controller.php on
> > line 6
> You might have to include the path:
> > So for the parent controller name, do I use 'Location' or
> > 'LocationController'?
> "Location" would be the name of the model. If your class file says
> "class LocationController ..." at the top, that's the name to use.
> Although it really should be LocationsController.
> But I wonder if you'd be better off without importing one controlller
> into another. You began by mentioning something called UserAdmin,
> which suggests that you could just stick with Users and admin routing.
> Where does this LocationController fit in?
> >

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Re: How to write one single query for fetching data from two tables

2009-07-27 Thread RWS - Bharat Maheriya

you can define model association between agent and device and perform find
operation  with condition agents.verified=1only..CakePHP association perfom
internal joining and give you expected result. you can try out with this...


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:17 PM, mona  wrote:

> How to write the folowing query in cakephp
>  $sql = "select
> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
> devices,agents where devices.uid = agents.uid and agents.verified=1
> limit 100";
> Followin is my controller file
> class AgentsController extends AppController {
>var $name = 'Agents';
>var $helpers =
> array('Html','Form','Xml','Text','Javascript','Ajax');
>var $uses = array( 'Agent','Device');
>var $components = array('RequestHandler');
>function admin_exportDevice(){
>$export = trim($this->data['deviceExport']['export']);
>   $sql = "select
> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
> devices,agents where devices.uid =   agents.uid and agents.verified=1
> limit 100";
>  $qry = mysql_query($sql);
>$this->set('qry', $qry);
>$this->set('filename', 'Full'.date("Ymd").'.xml');
>$sql1 = "Update devices set export=1 where export=0";
>$query = mysql_query($sql1);
> else{
>   $sql = "select
> devices.uid,devices.agent,devices.capabilities,devices.localcaps from
> devices,agents where devices.uid = agents.uid and agents.verified=1
> and devices.export=0 limit 2";
>$qry = mysql_query($sql);
>$this->set('qry', $qry);
>$this->set('filename', 'Incremental'.date("Ymd").'.xml');
>$sql1 = "Update devices set export=1 where export=0";
>$query = mysql_query($sql1);
>  }
> }
> >

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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread brian

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Michael Gaiser wrote:
> When I try that, I end up with this error
> Fatal error: Class 'LocationController' not found in
> C:\wamp\www\theinconnu\app\controllers\locationmanager_controller.php on
> line 6

You might have to include the path:

> So for the parent controller name, do I use 'Location' or
> 'LocationController'?

"Location" would be the name of the model. If your class file says
"class LocationController ..." at the top, that's the name to use.
Although it really should be LocationsController.

But I wonder if you'd be better off without importing one controlller
into another. You began by mentioning something called UserAdmin,
which suggests that you could just stick with Users and admin routing.
Where does this LocationController fit in?

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Re: data SAVE when clicking back button - (wizard component)

2009-07-27 Thread

Hi, I got it working after some time of debuging the component.

I have changed _getExpectedStep() function a bit... see comments below
what was added and why.

Now it saves data when going back on all steps !!


 * Finds the first incomplete step (i.e. step data not saved in
 * MODIFIED by Tomas - if using save on BACK button, last step is
saved as well
 * so this function needed to be modified to return last step as the
expected one
 * in case that we already have all steps completed, but not submited
 * --> this function must return expected step for stepValidation.
until this change
 * it was not returning anything, and back step was not valid.
 * @return string $step or false if complete
 * @access protected
function _getExpectedStep() {
$steps_done = 0;MODIFIED - added
foreach ($this->steps as $step) {

if (!$this->Session->check("$this->_sessionKey.$step")) 
$this->config('expectedStep', $step);
return $step;
} else {
$steps_done++;//MODIFIED - added
//MODIFIED - added if().
//in case that all steps are completed => return last 
step as the
expected one
if($steps_done == sizeof($this->steps)){
return end($this->steps);
return false;

On Jul 27, 3:49 pm, ""  wrote:
> Hi, anybody has tried saving data when going back in the wizard
> component?
> Wizard is working nice and is keeping data when going forward. I need
> to save data when clicking the back button. Anybody knows how?
> Imagine you put some data on STEP2 but you have not continued yet. you
> go back to STEP1 and then to STEP2 and data from STEP2 were not saved
> - naturally - you did not clicked continue to STEP3 yet.
> so ...
> I have added ONE line of code... it working ALMOST perfectly, but it
> tells me not valid step ERROR in case I am returning from the LAST
> step!
> ..} elseif (isset($this->controller->params['form']['Previous']) && prev
> ($this->steps)) {
> this->save();//MODIFIED - added ... performs save of data when going
> to back-step
> ..
> It only happens on last step. maybe it has something to do with array
> pointers. Anybody tried that solution??
> Thanks
> Tomas
> Component:
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Re: uploading file to directory

2009-07-27 Thread brian

Farjad, you should read this:

The easiest thing to do is to debug($this->data) in your action so you
can see how the array is laid out (and if it's correct).

The file is probably in /tmp and you'll still need to move & save the
file from there.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Farjad wrote:
> i found $form->file() method to upload a file but i dont know how to
> specify the path to which the file should b uploaded!
> i call the method, i specify the path of file to be uploaded then
> submit form but dont know where file goes
> can anyone help and explain the process of file method and parameters
> that it takes.
> >

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Strange afterFind notice

2009-07-27 Thread Hols Kay

Good afternoon!

I have a view (rates/index.ctp) that displays data from my model
(models/rate.php). I make a small edit to the data before I send it to
the view, as below:

function afterFind($results) {
foreach ($results as $key => $val) {

if($val['Rate']['daily'] <= 0) {
$results[$key]['Rate']['daily'] = "Not 
else {
$results[$key]['Rate']['daily'] = 
return $results;

For some reason this gives me the following notice on index.ctp:

Undefined index:  Rate [APP\models\rate.php, line 16]

(line 16 is "if($val['Rate']['daily'] <= 0) {" )

The logic in the afterFind callback works exactly the way it's
supposed to, and 'Not Available' shows up where the value of daily is
0, so there's clearly not an actual problem with the assignment. But
still, the notice...

What is Cake trying to tell me?

Thanks for any help :)
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Re: Changing field type in scaffold form

2009-07-27 Thread Marcelo Andrade

2009/7/24 Antônio Marco :
> Hi, folks!
> [1] I'm using scaffolding;
> [2] I have a table wich contains a INT2 column named LEVEL. This
> column accepts only values IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
> [3] When the scaffold form is shown, the LEVEL field is a simple *
> TEXT type * field.
> My question is:
> Would be possible to change a * TEXT type * field to a * SELECT type *
> field by manipulating the $this->viewVars OR setting up something in
> the related model OR something else?

I'm not sure, but I think is not possible.  Flexibility is the price
to pay when using scaffold.

Best regards.

Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread Michael Gaiser
When I try that, I end up with this error

*Fatal error*: Class 'LocationController' not found in *
C:\wamp\www\theinconnu\app\controllers\locationmanager_controller.php* on
line *6

*So for the parent controller name, do I use 'Location' or

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Graham Weldon wrote:

> Try something like:
> if (!class_exists('ParentController')) {
> App::import('Controller', 'ParentController');
> }
> class ChildController extends ParentController {
> // Imeplement controller as normal
> }
> Cheers,
> Graham Weldon
> e.
> p. +61 407 017 293
> w.
> On 27/07/2009, at 8:22 PM, Michael Gaiser wrote:
> > I want to have my UserAdmin controller inherit from my User
> > controller instead of AppController. but it cannot seem to find it.
> > Is there a special way to do this in cake or can I just use and
> > include statment? Thanks.
> >
> > ~MJG
> >
> > >
> >

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Re: Searching non existent related models

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
Nevery used HAMBT
but u can try something like

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:22 PM, iFeghali  wrote:

> Thank you Jaydeep. Now how do I do the same for a HABTM ? It is not
> joined in the query by default.
> On 27 jul, 05:25, Jaydeep Dave  wrote:
> > try:
> >
> > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
> >  'OR' => array (
> >  ' IS' => 'NULL',
> >  ' IS' => ' NULL'
> >  )
> >  );
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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validates() not working on all functions...

2009-07-27 Thread number9

I'm using a validates function in a model in order to validate image
uploads. I want to validate the filetype, and also make it required.

I know cake has built in validation for these, but I could never get
it to work. The image upload component I am using uses an array,
accessible via $this->data['Img']['pic'].

The problem I am having, is that the /add/ function works great, but
when I use the image field (Img.pic) on another function (/
edit_image/) the validation function isn't applied.

Here is the model code:

function validates()

$image = $this->data['Img']['pic']['name'];
// Grab the file extension:
$path = pathinfo($image);
$filetype = $path['extension'];

if(!empty($image)) {

if (($filetype != 'JPG') && ($filetype != 'jpg') && ($filetype 
'GIF') && ($filetype != 'gif') && ($filetype != 'JPEG') && ($filetype !
= 'jpeg'))
else {

$errors = $this->invalidFields();
return count($errors) == 0;

Is there something I have to include in the controller to make the
above happen automatically?

I would appreciate any guidance on this, I can include more code if

Thanks in advance.
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Dutch CakePHP get together

2009-07-27 Thread Primeminister

Message for dutch bakers:
Please leave a reply so that we now with how many we are...

Dates will be provided next week.
- Charlie
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread Yannis

I have managed to make the po files work.
All I did was rename them to default.po
and it worked. I'm still changing the language
through core.php though.

thank you very much leop

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Form fields repopulating with default data.

2009-07-27 Thread Shaun

I have a form field named user_first_name with no default value.  When
a user named Fred completes this field correctly, but enters invalid
data in another field such as user_password, user_first_name is
automatically repopulated with "Fred" so Fred doesn't need to write
his first name again.  Nice!

However, I also have a form field named user_birth_year with a default
value of "".  Fred enters a valid birth year, but an invalid
password.  Rather than saving his correct birth year, the field is
automatically repopulated with "".

How can this be avoided?  Thanks.
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data SAVE when clicking back button - (wizard component)

2009-07-27 Thread

Hi, anybody has tried saving data when going back in the wizard

Wizard is working nice and is keeping data when going forward. I need
to save data when clicking the back button. Anybody knows how?

Imagine you put some data on STEP2 but you have not continued yet. you
go back to STEP1 and then to STEP2 and data from STEP2 were not saved
- naturally - you did not clicked continue to STEP3 yet.

so ...

I have added ONE line of code... it working ALMOST perfectly, but it
tells me not valid step ERROR in case I am returning from the LAST
} elseif (isset($this->controller->params['form']['Previous']) && prev
($this->steps)) {
this->save();//MODIFIED - added ... performs save of data when going
to back-step
It only happens on last step. maybe it has something to do with array
pointers. Anybody tried that solution??


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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread leop

The site is one I did a while back.

I will have access to the code when I get home - about 3-4 hours from
the timestamp on this comment.

I used poedit to do the extraction, not the console as, like you, I
found it very buggy.

The rest I'll check later and get back to you.

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uploading file to directory

2009-07-27 Thread Farjad

i found $form->file() method to upload a file but i dont know how to
specify the path to which the file should b uploaded!

i call the method, i specify the path of file to be uploaded then
submit form but dont know where file goes

can anyone help and explain the process of file method and parameters
that it takes.
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Re: Searching non existent related models

2009-07-27 Thread iFeghali

Thank you Jaydeep. Now how do I do the same for a HABTM ? It is not
joined in the query by default.

On 27 jul, 05:25, Jaydeep Dave  wrote:
> try:
> $this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
>      'OR' => array (
>          ' IS' => 'NULL',
>          ' IS' => ' NULL'
>      )
>  );

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Re: Edit record validation versus New record validation (Solved)

2009-07-27 Thread Rick

I think it only works if you are using the 'id' field in your table.
These tables are legacy tables that don't have an 'id' field as the
primary key.

So I guess in general you can say that isUnique only works if you have
a primary key of 'id'.

Do you agree?


On Jul 26, 9:18 am, "euromark (munich)" 
> isUnique also works for edit!!!
> it does check on "id != ownId" automatically...
> On 25 Jul., 23:20, Rick  wrote:
> > Found my own answer/solution with this custom validator.  I put this
> > in my app_model and then can use it from any model.  You use it as a
> > rule as you would any core validator:
> > [code]
> >    var $validate = array(
> >        'partnumber' => array(
> >           'rule1' => 'validateUniqueness',
> >           'message' => 'This part number is not unique')
> >        )
> > [/code]
> > And the code is:
> > [code]
> >         /**
> >          * Fails if given value for field is not unique for that field in 
> > the
> > table.
> >          *
> >          * @param  $fieldData - array(fieldname => fieldvalue)
> >          * @return  - true if unique.
> >          */
> >         function validateUniqueness($fieldData) {
> >                 $fields = array_keys($fieldData);
> >                 $fieldName = $fields[0];
> >                 $values = array_values($fieldData);
> >                 $fieldValue = $values[0];
> >                 // To determine whether we are going to insert (new) or 
> > update
> > (edit)
> >                 // get the current row ID.  If empty then this is a new 
> > record
> >                 // if not then it is an edit record.
> >                 // If this is an edit then exclude the currentRow (the one 
> > we are
> >                 // editing) from the uniqueness test by adding a condition.
> >                 $currentID = $this->getID();
> >                 if (!empty($currentID) or $currentID = 0) {
> >                         $rowID = 
> > $this->data[$this->name][$this->primaryKey];
> >                         $condition = ' AND ' . $this->name . '.' . 
> > "$this->primaryKey !=
> > '$rowID'";
> >                 } else {
> >                         $condition = '';
> >                 }
> >                 if ($this->findCount("$fieldName = '$fieldValue' 
> > $condition", -1) >
> > 0) {
> >                         return false;
> >                 } else {
> >                         return true;
> >                 }
> >         }
> > [/code]
> > Rick
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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread Yannis

Is that your site .. multilingual works great. Well done!
OK let's try and follow this step by step. If you have the time I
appreciate it. Otherwise no worries maybe someone else can help on the

** A **
So I have a table with articles and a table with i18n
I set the core.php: Configure::write('Config.language', 'eng');
so that when I add an article it gets saved on the i18n table as well.

** B **
I guess the next step is to set up the po files.
I am using 3 languages: Greek, Russian, English
The way I see it since there are no final standards for language code
I could use any format (however stick to it)
So for greek: gre / english: eng / russian: rus
I create 3 directories under locale named: gre, eng, rus
then on each directory I create LC_MESSAGES
Then I go to console and have cake i18n extract a single file (all
merged) and copy this file to all 3 directories.
** After this step poedit still generates an error [:6: invalid
nplurals value / :6: field `Language-Team' still has initial default
value ]
** However the file is saved and data exists when re-opened
I Tried changing the core default language to gre (my only method at
the moment) but the translations from the po file do not apply
It seems that the method for the po construction used in the differs from mine. He merges all
into 1 file as I see it. And uses variable names on the cakephp files
and gives the actual text from the po files. How can I do that ??

** C **
Step 3 would be to set a way to change the language and reflect that
to the database queries as well on the correct po-file read.
This is where I get stuck. I have stored a few articles using distinct
locale values on the databases but don't know where to go to.
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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread Graham Weldon

Try something like:

if (!class_exists('ParentController')) {
 App::import('Controller', 'ParentController');
class ChildController extends ParentController {
 // Imeplement controller as normal


Graham Weldon
p. +61 407 017 293

On 27/07/2009, at 8:22 PM, Michael Gaiser wrote:

> I want to have my UserAdmin controller inherit from my User  
> controller instead of AppController. but it cannot seem to find it.  
> Is there a special way to do this in cake or can I just use and  
> include statment? Thanks.
> ~MJG
> >

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Re: Element $html->link problem

2009-07-27 Thread mike karthauser

You can also do it by adding 'escape' =>'false' in you link array

Mike Karthauser
Brightstorm limited
Tel: 07939252144

On 27 Jul 2009, at 12:27, Günther Theilen  wrote:

> Hi,
> you should add the fifth parameter to switch off escaping.
> Something like this:
> e($html->link($html->tag('b','Home'),array
> ('controller'=>'controlls','action'=>'index'), null, null, false));
> Regards
> Guenther
> DatacenterHellas wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I try to create an Html / Css based menu with CakePHP
>> What I'm doing to create the menu elements is that :
>> link($html->tag('b','Home'),array
>> ('controller'=>'controlls','action'=>'index'))); ?>
>> And what I get is that
>> Home
>> instead of
>> Home with bold
>> What can I do ? ? ?
>> Kind regards
>> Merianos Nikos
> >

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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread Yannis

Thank you very much leop!

The article you're referring to was actually one of the last ones I
read this morning.
Still cannot make it work with my app.
However it is quite informative. I am having a look right now on the
second link and
will get back here if I get more specific.


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Re: Element $html->link problem

2009-07-27 Thread Günther Theilen


you should add the fifth parameter to switch off escaping.

Something like this:
('controller'=>'controlls','action'=>'index'), null, null, false));


DatacenterHellas wrote:
> Hello all.
> I try to create an Html / Css based menu with CakePHP
> What I'm doing to create the menu elements is that :
> link($html->tag('b','Home'),array
> ('controller'=>'controlls','action'=>'index'))); ?>
> And what I get is that
> Home
> instead of
> Home with bold
> What can I do ? ? ?
> Kind regards
> Merianos Nikos
> > 

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Re: Pagination helper - showing empty pages

2009-07-27 Thread Alastair

On Jul 26, 1:36 am, brian  wrote:
> I think the condition on should be under the Region array.
> Have you tried debugging the output to see what the result array looks like?

Hi Brian,

I have done. When I debug a non-paginated recordset, I'm getting 52
records back. When I debug the paginator array, it shows a count of 74
although it only actually returning the correct amount of records.

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Re: Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread leop

Try this link: (p28n, the top to bottom
persistent internationalization tutorial.) That's what I used.

Switching languages can be awkward, depending on how and where you're
doing it. I'm looking out some examples for you - might be a little
while though as I'm working on something else.

The po error rings a bell. Are you using poedit? It was over a year
ago, but I had a similar problem and I think I had to trawl through
the file and clean it up by hand.

Have a look at for a working example. If you then
have any specific questions I can then give you some sanitized code


On 27 July, 11:42, Yannis  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have been struggling to make my small cakephp cms multilingual.
> I have been reading loads of articles on the net but nothing seems to
> work 100%
> Could someone please direct me to a "correct" study path, a book, an
> article a tutorial, a hint or a clue
> that could generate some results.
> - I have set up my database with an i18n table and I have managed to
> set the default language on the
> core.php.
> - I have also managed to switch the url to include the language
> extension at the beginning
> (although I'm still trying to make it redirect to the current page
> when changed)
> - I'm lacking a method to change languages so that the database can
> fetch the direct translations
> and also I cannot properly set up cakephp to read the po file (the po
> generates an error when saving as well although it seems to keep the
> changes)
> Anyone please help. I'm willing to buy any book that may contain the
> solution (although I think I have all 3? books
> that have been written for cakephp)
> Thanks
> Yannis
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Re: How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave
You can use that controller (Model) in app_controller.php;
var $uses = array('User', 'Curl', 'Services');  // etc ;)


In your "end" controller you can use something like

$this->User->Controller->method();// Dont know the exact snippet
... but search in google.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Michael Gaiser  wrote:

> I want to have my UserAdmin controller inherit from my User controller
> instead of AppController. but it cannot seem to find it. Is there a special
> way to do this in cake or can I just use and include statment? Thanks.
> ~MJG
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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Cakephp multilingual

2009-07-27 Thread Yannis

Hi guys,

I have been struggling to make my small cakephp cms multilingual.
I have been reading loads of articles on the net but nothing seems to
work 100%
Could someone please direct me to a "correct" study path, a book, an
article a tutorial, a hint or a clue
that could generate some results.

- I have set up my database with an i18n table and I have managed to
set the default language on the
- I have also managed to switch the url to include the language
extension at the beginning
(although I'm still trying to make it redirect to the current page
when changed)
- I'm lacking a method to change languages so that the database can
fetch the direct translations
and also I cannot properly set up cakephp to read the po file (the po
generates an error when saving as well although it seems to keep the

Anyone please help. I'm willing to buy any book that may contain the
solution (although I think I have all 3? books
that have been written for cakephp)

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Re: bread crumbs problem

2009-07-27 Thread leop

No ideas on this? I'm beginning to wonder if it's a bug.


On 17 July, 14:21, leo  wrote:
> Some time ago I use the bread crumb functionality of HtmlHelper
> without a great deal of difficulty.
> Now, a year or so on, I'm at it again. This time I'm developing in a
> full release (previously it was RC2 or RC3) and it doesn't seem to
> work. I don't have access to my previous code for reference.
> The symptoms are that when I addCrumb, the $html->_crumbs array
> appears to be created anew. The crumbs array seems to be going out of
> scope.
> The following code fragment from an_element.ctp:
> debug($html->_crumbs);
>         $html->addCrumb($this->name,$this->params['url']['url']);
> debug($html->_crumbs);
> yields this output:
> Array
> (
> )
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>             [0] => Proposals
>             [1] => proposals/view/5
>             [2] =>
>         )
> )
> I'm a bit confused here and would appreciate any pointers to what I'm
> failing to do.
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Element $html->link problem

2009-07-27 Thread DatacenterHellas

Hello all.

I try to create an Html / Css based menu with CakePHP

What I'm doing to create the menu elements is that :

('controller'=>'controlls','action'=>'index'))); ?>

And what I get is that


instead of

Home with bold

What can I do ? ? ?

Kind regards
Merianos Nikos
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How to inheirt form other controllers?

2009-07-27 Thread Michael Gaiser
I want to have my UserAdmin controller inherit from my User controller
instead of AppController. but it cannot seem to find it. Is there a special
way to do this in cake or can I just use and include statment? Thanks.


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Re: Searching non existent related models

2009-07-27 Thread Jaydeep Dave

$this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
 'OR' => array (
 ' IS' => 'NULL',
 ' IS' => ' NULL'

$this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
 'OR' => array (
 ' IS' => null,
 ' IS' => null

$this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
 'OR' => array (
 '' => null,
 '' => null

Jaydeep Dave

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 12:33 PM, byqsri  wrote:

> It doesnt work.
> The resulted query is :
> `User`.`name` = 'IS NULL'
> On 27 Lug, 04:30, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> > Probably something like this:
> >
> > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
> > 'OR' => array (
> > '' => 'IS NULL',
> > '' => 'IS NULL'
> > )
> > );
> >
> > On Jul 24, 2:32 am, iFeghali  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hello All,
> >
> > > Say I have a User hasMany Recipes. Now I want to search for all users
> > > with an empty name OR users that doesn't have any recipe. How do I
> > > turn that piece of code in what I want:
> >
> > > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array('' => 'IS NULL');
> > > $this->set('users', $this->paginate());
> >
> > > Can I do that in a single query condition ?
> >
> > > Thank you.- Nascondi testo citato
> >
> > - Mostra testo citato -
> >


Jaydeep Dave
Mobile: +919898456445

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Re: Searching non existent related models

2009-07-27 Thread byqsri

The solution is:
''  => NULL

On 27 Lug, 09:03, byqsri  wrote:
> It doesnt work.
> The resulted query is :
> `User`.`name` = 'IS NULL'
> On 27 Lug, 04:30, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> > Probably something like this:
> > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
> >     'OR' => array (
> >         '' => 'IS NULL',
> >         '' => 'IS NULL'
> >     )
> > );
> > On Jul 24, 2:32 am, iFeghali  wrote:
> > > Hello All,
> > > Say I have a User hasMany Recipes. Now I want to search for all users
> > > with an empty name OR users that doesn't have any recipe. How do I
> > > turn that piece of code in what I want:
> > > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array('' => 'IS NULL');
> > > $this->set('users', $this->paginate());
> > > Can I do that in a single query condition ?
> > > Thank you.- Nascondi testo citato
> > - Mostra testo citato -- Nascondi testo citato
> - Mostra testo citato -
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Re: Searching non existent related models

2009-07-27 Thread byqsri

It doesnt work.
The resulted query is :
`User`.`name` = 'IS NULL'

On 27 Lug, 04:30, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> Probably something like this:
> $this->paginate['conditions'] = array(
>     'OR' => array (
>         '' => 'IS NULL',
>         '' => 'IS NULL'
>     )
> );
> On Jul 24, 2:32 am, iFeghali  wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > Say I have a User hasMany Recipes. Now I want to search for all users
> > with an empty name OR users that doesn't have any recipe. How do I
> > turn that piece of code in what I want:
> > $this->paginate['conditions'] = array('' => 'IS NULL');
> > $this->set('users', $this->paginate());
> > Can I do that in a single query condition ?
> > Thank you.- Nascondi testo citato
> - Mostra testo citato -
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