Re: Remote Login Form - security blocking?

2008-11-12 Thread brandags

Okay, I found the solution!
I needed to set cake security to medium instead of high, so that the
session_id isn't regenerated upon every request.

That's my solution for now anyway. It works!
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Re: Remote Login Form - security blocking?

2008-11-11 Thread brandags

Update: I was able to pinpoint that the issue is in fact a session
issue. I created a smaller test case to verify this, although I still
don't know what the solution is.

When I submit the form to the server, it saves some values in the
session, but then when it redirects, the session variables are gone.
The server is secure (https), and I've tried submitting from both http
and an https and am getting the same results. It works fine on my
local machine to my local machine, or on the server to the server, but
not from one posting to the other.

What can I do?
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Re: Remote Login Form - security blocking?

2008-11-10 Thread brandags

Thanks for the reply. Here is the login function code. (see below) I
have verified that it is at least getting to this function, and the
Authentication component is finding and returning the user properly.
Yes, I am redirecting at the end of the function.

Is there some trouble then, with having sessions created after coming
from remote server?

function login()
if (!empty($this->data))
if (!empty($this->data['User']['current_url'])) // for 

$this->Authentication->userFieldName = 'username';
$data = 
['username'], $this->data['User']['password']);

// Just checking here to make sure the user's account is active.
if (!empty($data)
&& $data['Usergroup']['name'] == 'Site Admin' ||

($data['Studio']['StudioStatus']['name'] == 'Active' ||
$data['Studio']['StudioStatus']['name'] == 'Trial')

if (is_null($data['Studio']['expiration_date']) 
strtotime($data['Studio']['expiration_date']) > time())
$expired = false;
if ($data['Usergroup']['name'] == 
'Studio Admin')
// Account is expired. Let 
studio admin login just to update
billing info
$expired = true;

$this->Session->write('expired', true);
else // Don't let other users in the 
studio login
$this->flash('Sorry, this 
account is not currently active.
Please contact the studio administrator.', 'warning');


$this->Session->write('User', $data['User']);
if (isset($data['User']['studio_id']))
$data['Studio']['name'] = 'Studio 

$this->Session->write('Usergroup.child_usergroup_id', $this-
>Usergroup->field('id', 'rank < '.$this->Session-
>read('Usergroup.rank').' ORDER BY rank DESC'));


// Update last login date
$userdata['User']['id'] = $data['User']['id'];
$userdata['User']['last_login_date'] = 
date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

if ($data['Usergroup']['name'] == 'Site Admin')
// Make SSL
//if (!env("HTTPS"))
$this->redirect('https://' . 

// Default initial login page(s)


Remote Login Form - security blocking?

2008-11-08 Thread brandags


I'm trying to allow users to login to my CakePHP website from remote
servers. So, they can put a login form on their own website to login,
rather than having to go to my website. This is simply a regular html
form created that posts to the /users/remote_login action of my
website. (Yes, I'm making sure that it's posting to the correct domain
- the domain that's hosting the website and the Cake code, not the the
domain that's hosting the login form). So, it submits the POST request
to my website, logs in their session, and then redirects them to a
page on my site.

This remote login form works great if it's done from the same server
(so, locally, not remotely), but if the form is placed on a remote
server, and you try to login, permission is denied.

I'm just wondering if there's something in Cake's security component,
or something else that is prohibiting remote logins. Does it reject
post requests if they come from an IP address that's different from
what the server is sitting on? I've tried disabling the security
component and it still doesn't work, so I'm not sure what else to try.

Can anyone offer some insight into how I might resolve this?


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findAll with OR, AND, and BETWEEN

2008-01-29 Thread brandags


I'm trying to generate a query with the following condition:

WHERE Lead.user_id = $user_id
OR (Lead.time_found BETWEEN '$start_time' AND '$end_time' AND
Lead.user_id IN ('0',NULL))

Here is the condition I'm using, but it's not giving the right result.

$conditions[] = array('Lead.user_id'=>$user_id

Here is what I'm getting back:
WHERE (`Lead`.`user_id` = 3) AND (((`Lead`.`time_found` < '09:00:00')
OR (`Lead`.`user_id` IN ('0', NULL) )))

It's leaving out the first start time, and switching some of the AND's
and OR's.
What am I doing wrong?

I've also tried just using BETWEEN '$value' in my query, but it ends
up putting slashes in front of the apostrophes in the sql query which
makes it invalid (ie. BETWEEN \'2008-01-01\' AND \'2008-02-01\')

Any ideas?
Thank you!

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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-12-01 Thread brandags

Yes, it doesn't seem fair that just because I'm using a certain Model
from my app controller, that makes my plugin not work because its
AppModel extends my main app model and it can't find the one I'm
trying to use. Is there no way around this?

On Nov 17, 11:00 am, Aaron  Shafovaloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd have to agree with some folks here---it'd be great if plugins
> could "plugin" into the existing application and have access to the
> main app's models, etc.
> Perhaps plugins could be split into two types? One of the reasons
> Wordpress is so popular is itspluginsystem (which tap into the
> larger app). It'd be nice if CakePHP made it easy for us to set up our
> apps this way.

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Overriding Session Component for better setFlash()?

2006-11-17 Thread brandags

I'm using Session::setFlash() to show messages to the user, but there
are some things I don't like about it:

1) It can only show one message at a time. I'd like to be able to set
several messages and have them all displayed once the page refreshes.
2) While you can set layouts for the entire flash message, I'd rather
be able to set a flash "type", which would simply change the CSS class
for each message I set (depending on the layout). This way, I could
have a list of several messages, and some could be confirmations (with
a green checkmark) and other could be errors or warnings in red, all in
the same "flash box".

I was thinking if there was a way I could override the Session
component (particularly the setFlash() function), that would be an easy
way to handle it. Is this possible, and if so, is it the best way to do
what I want above?

Thank you,

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Re: Accessing variable in child class from app_controller's beforeFilter

2006-10-17 Thread brandags

Great! Thanks for your help. I'll continue to consider ACL. But since I
want (non-techy) end-users to be able to manage permissions for those
in their hierarchy, I don't want them to be confused with having to
grant access to particlar controllers or function names (actions), etc.

So in this system, I'm categorizing my controllers, and using some
default actions (view,index,add,edit,delete), and mapping all other
actions (the exceptions) to one of the defaults - to make it easy for
the end user, and the programmer, to manage permissions.
If ACL can do this well, I'm certainly open to it.

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Re: Accessing variable in child class from app_controller's beforeFilter

2006-10-17 Thread brandags

Absolutely. But when does Cake ever create an Animal alone? Doesn't it
always create a Dog, which is an animal?
Or in Cake terms: When do we ever have just an App?  Won't it always be
a user? Does Cake ever create an AppController by itself? Isn't it
instead creating a UserController which extends AppController?
When I'm in the AppController::beforeFilter(), having accessed the
function via /users/add, isn't the object really a User, rather than an
App, thereby giving me access to the variables in the UserController?

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Re: Accessing variable in child class from app_controller's beforeFilter

2006-10-17 Thread brandags

Alright. That makes sense.
But since the Users controller extends the App controller, if I go to a
page like:
Shouldn't that be creating a User object rather than an App object? So
that when the beforeFilter runs, it's running through the User object?
For example, if I put the beforeFilter in the userController, it
understands it. And I can call a function in the App controller which
can THEN reference variables in the User controller just fine. But it
seems that the beforeFilter runs BEFORE the User controller is created,
as if the App controller runs on its own before it's run as an
"extension" of the Users controller. Am I making sense?

When does the beforeFilter run when calling /users/add? And if I have a
beforeFilter in both my Users and App controllers, in what order are
they run?

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Accessing variable in child class from app_controller's beforeFilter

2006-10-17 Thread brandags

I'm setting a few variables in my UserController that I want to access
in my AppController (in the beforeFilter). But I'm getting this error:
Notice: Undefined property: PagesController::$accessExceptions in
C:\websites\\app\app_controller.php on line 67

I get the same error with the $this->category variable as well.

In the app_controller's beforeFilter, are the variables in the child
class not available yet? How can I access them? (If I can, this will be
a really slick way to do user-managed ACL).

class UsersController extends AppController
var $uses = array('User');

var $category = 'Users';  // The category this controller belongs to

 * Exceptions for access_rights other that view,index,add,edit,delete.
Maps the exceptions to one of the default access_rights
var $accessExceptions = array(

class AppController extends Controller {

var $beforeFilter = array('_checkAccess');
var $uses = array('UsergroupRight', 'AccessCategory');

 * Default actions (bit values)
var $defaults = array(

 * Checks to see whether a usegroup has permission to perform the
 * action on the requested controller.
function _checkAccess()
// Check for accessExceptions
$checkAction = in_array($this->action, $this->defaults) ?
$this->action : $this->accessExceptions[$this->action];

$hasAccess =
'UsergroupRight.access_rights_value & '.$checkAction.' > 0'));

echo 'hasAccess?: '.$hasAccess;

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Re: views controlling layouts

2006-08-08 Thread brandags

I also found a need for the view to set variables that can be used by
the layout. I think even things like setting the page title, or
including special CSS for that page should be done in that specific
page view and not the layout or the controller.
The method I used was this:

// mypage.thtml
variable = 'Something';?>

// layout.thtml

It's not the most elegant solution, but seems to work fine.

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Session doesn't carry across subdomain

2006-07-25 Thread brandags


I have a website where each user gets their own subdomain
They login from the main site (, but once they login, it
redirects them to their subdomain so it looks like their editing their
content on their own domain.
However, when I redirect them to it, I lose all session information I
saved during the login process (such as permission level, user_id,
etc). If I go back to the www domain, the session variables are back.

I noticed that the "host" property in the CakeSession object is
different, of course, and wonder if that may have anything to do with
it. But I'm not sure how to change it or if that would even fix the
problem. Is what I'm wanting possible or does anyone have any
suggestions? How do sessions handle variables across subdomains?


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Re: Dynamic Subdomains and Wildcard DNS

2006-07-10 Thread brandags

That makes sense.
My application will also be using the same database and folders.
I've been experimenting a little and have come up with a solution
that's working fairly well, but just needs a little tweaking. I
actually didn't need to use .htaccess at all, but used routes to route
all requests that do not have a subdomain to a controller that will
parse the url and figure out via variables stored in the database,
which controller should handle the request, and then I use
requestAction() to grab the content. I think it will work well.

In routes.php:

$subdomain = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
0,strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'.') );
if (!defined('DISPATCH_ROUTE'))
$from_url = DISPATCH_ROUTE;

Then I handle the routing in userpages_controller.php, display()

function display($subdomain, $page_name, $action='index', $id=null)
// Grab page type based on the $page_name, and match with
appropriate controller

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Re: limiting what fields can be saved

2006-07-07 Thread brandags

Would the Security component be a solution to this problem?

With it, I believe you can ensure that people can't post data to your
controller from another server - so they'd have to somehow change the
html form on your own server for it to validate. I've never used it, so
I may not be understanding what it can do, but I thought I'd throw it
out there since it seems applicable.

- Brandon

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Re: Dynamic Subdomains and Wildcard DNS

2006-07-04 Thread brandags

Thank you for sharing your method! It does seem like that would work.
Am I understanding correctly that you're creating an additional
bootstrap.php file for each domain? It seems like there should be a way
to do it dynamically so that no additional files are required. I did
this on a non-Cake site. Using mod rewrites I passed the subdomain to
the url in a variable and used that to determine which data to grab
from the database.

See (old, non-Cake

I haven't tried it in Cake, but maybe a similar thing would work? I'm
just not sure how it would interfere with routes and the existing
.htaccess contents.

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Re: Dynamic Subdomains and Wildcard DNS

2006-07-03 Thread brandags

Okay, never mind. It looks like although view.php copied over, the
filesize was 0, so obviously it couldn't read what it needed to. FTP
upload problem, I guess.

Although, I still haven't figured out dynamic subdomains. I guess I'll
address that more when I get to it.

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Dynamic Subdomains and Wildcard DNS

2006-07-03 Thread brandags


I'm trying to create a site where users can have their own subdomain,
which will be created dynamically:

So I had my web host enable wildcard DNS in Apache, but for some
reason, Cake is acting as if it can't find all the files it needs. I've
re-uploaded all the files several times, and I haven't changed anything
in the .htaccess file.  It works fine on my dev machine before

The error I'm getting is:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: view in
[path]/public_html/cake/libs/controller/controller.php on line 546

Has anyone successfully dealt with this problem before? Or do you have
any suggestions that might help? I'm kind of at a loss here. Maybe I
need to mess with routes?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: including an element in the depending on which view I'm in

2006-06-29 Thread brandags

I don't know if this is the best solution, but I created a variable
called "addHead", which I create in my view (or maybe I created it in
my app controller...? can't remember..), then use it in the layout.
Like so:

addHead .= 'This will go in the head section';?>


addHead)) echo $this->addHead;?>

If anyone has a better way, let it be heard!

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Possible AJAX Bug in

2006-06-29 Thread brandags

I just upgraded from version to, and found that
one of my ajax links stopped working. When I switched it back to the
old version, it worked again. It may be rare that this scenario occurs,
but I thought I'd point it out to see if it's just something I'm doing

In this site, the user can browse through photos and add them to their
shopping cart via ajax. When they click "Add to Cart", it refreshes the
cart div via ajax to show all the photos in the cart and re-calculate
the totals. This link still works fine. Using $ajax->link().

However, I am also using Lightbox 2.0, so that they can view a larger
version of the image. Lightbox lets you specify text to go under the
image in the title="" attribute of the link. If you use html in it, it
must be escaped with htmlspecialchars().

So I created an ajax link inside of the title attribute so they could
add the photo to their cart while looking at the enlarged lightbox
version. It worked fine in and added it to the cart in the
background (although since it darkens the screen, it's hard to see -
I'm still trying to figure out how to make it update the link text via
ajax as well as the cart so they know it's been updated.).
But when I upgraded to (to test the ajax feature that
updates multiple divs through one link), the link didn't work. It
didn't give me an error, but the cart just didn't update, even when I
used the exact same code in the view.  Not sure why, but if anyone has
any comments, I'd love to hear them.

If you'd like to take a look at the site, it's still in development,
but you can see it at: (using


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Re: This is a design issue.

2006-06-29 Thread brandags

Or you could do something as simple as:
1) When they login, use:
$this->Session->write('loggedIn', true);

2) Then your checkSession() function would be:
function checkSession()
 if ($this->Session->read('loggedIn') == true)
 return true;
 return false;

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Re: Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-14 Thread brandags

Okay. Maybe it would be good to state that they're the same (in the
manual) so people don't get confused or think their might be a
different convention for a component or helper. Just a thought.

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Re: Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-14 Thread brandags

I think it would be helpful to update the naming conventions page
( to show the conventions for
components, behaviors, helpers, and elements as well.

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Re: Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-14 Thread brandags

Hey - what do you know? That did it!  Maybe I should make it backward
compatible and use the & when assigning the controller?
Thanks for your help. It's working fine now.

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Re: Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-14 Thread brandags

@RoSoft - so you're saying I should make all the filenames lowercase?
Does that mean I need to use lowercase class names as well?

class myformComponent extends Object

You bring up a good point. I'm running PHP5 on my Windows machine, but
I need to tweak an .htaccess parameter to get PHP5 working on Linux. It
must still be running under PHP4. I'll make the change and see what it

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Re: Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-14 Thread brandags

Thank you for your comments.  I changed the filenames on the helper and
controller to Myform.php (with capital M), but I'm still getting the
same error.
I've posted the code and filenames exactly as I have it (correct case).
Is there anything else that might be wrong?

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Naming Conventions and Case Sensitivity (Linux & Windows)

2006-06-13 Thread brandags

I've written a form component and helper
( that work
fine in Windows, but when I upload them to Linux, I get an error.  A
variable that is being set in the component does not seem to be
available in the view, when on Linux. But it works fine in Windows. I
assume this is because of some case-sensitivity issue since Linux is
case-sensitive. Maybe I'm making a mistake with naming conventions or
using the wrong case somewhere.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong in my declarations?

class MyformComponent extends Object
function startup( &$controller )
$validations = array() ;
foreach( $controller->modelNames as $model )
$validations += $controller->$model->validate ;

$this->controller = $controller;
$this->controller->set( 'formData', array(
'validations' => $validations,
'data' => $this->controller->data )

class PhotographersController extends AppController
var $name = 'Photographers'; // for PHP4
var $helpers = array('Html', 'form', 'Myform','Javascript', 'Error');
var $components = array('Myform');

class MyformHelper extends FormHelper


The view is where the error is - I only showed the line with the
problem.  Here is the error message:

Notice: Undefined variable: formData in
/.../app/views/photographers/add.thtml on line 12

I have debugged it enough to know that the component's startup()
function is running and that $formData is getting set in the component
(a pr() inside the startup function shows the $formData variable full
of data), but somehow the variable $formData doesn't seem to be getting
to the view in Linux.  Any ideas what would be causing this?


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Re: Where do I put custom validators?

2006-06-13 Thread brandags

Thanks! That works great.

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Where do I put custom validators?

2006-06-13 Thread brandags

In cake/libs/validators.php there are four regular expressions for
validators. I would love to add to this list, but know I'm not supposed
to touch anything in the cake folder.
How do I add more global validator regular expressions to my app?


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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

Wow, that is awesome. Thank you.

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

Wait - but don't I still need to send the validation rules, etc. to the
view? Can you change what parameters are sent to the startup() function?

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

Oh, that's very nice!  I was wondering if there was something like
that. Thanks for letting me know.

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Re: Uploaded Form Helper: FormationHelper

2006-06-12 Thread brandags

I've also been working on a similar form helper. I just uploaded it at:

It extends Cake's Form helper and also takes the validation from the
model (using the advanced validation method - multiple rules per field)
so you don't have to retype the validation messages or which fields are
required, in your view.

It's still a work in progress and requires a few other components (the
advanced validator, and error helper), but maybe we can learn from each
other and get a really good form helper out there.

I'm all for as little typing as possible!

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Re: Shopping Cart in CakePHP

2006-06-11 Thread brandags

Hmm... So can you store a component in the session?

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Shopping Cart in CakePHP

2006-06-10 Thread brandags

I'm trying to make a simple shopping cart - just basically a way to
store product id's in the session, and maybe a function that calls a
view to display the cart.

Should I be doing this as a regular controller, or should I make a
component for it? Either way, how can I make the cart (as well as the
displayCart() function, etc.) persist in the session?  What is the best
way to do this?

Thank you,

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Re: Components

2006-05-16 Thread brandags

In your component, try this:
findAll  (

'Paper.modified DESC',
pr($data); // This is where it will spit out the
contents of the data. If you don't see anything, then you may have
nothing in your database.

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Re: Automatically generating 's?

2006-05-16 Thread brandags

Or you could just use  and float them next to each other, each with
a width of 33% so there are always three in a row, but that makes it
easier to expand or change later if you want to.

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Re: Components

2006-05-16 Thread brandags

You can use variables in your view, just like you did, but my guess is
that $data is probably not an array. If you use a variable in a
foreach() loop that is not an array, that is the error you get.
Try doing:
in your controller to see what's inside.
You may also want to enclose your foreach in if statements like this:

 No recent papers found.

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Can you use beforeFilter on Helpers?

2006-04-28 Thread brandags

I'm creating a form helper that generates your html with all validation
from the model in place (This keeps the validation rules out of your
view 100%). I'm using it kind of like this:

init(@$validations, @$data); ?>

Property Information

But it would really simplify the writing of this class if I could use a
beforeFilter on the helper, so that before each of those field
functions is called (ie. text(), hidden(), select(), etc.), an
initialization function would be called to set the validation rules,
field parameters, etc., for the field so I don't have to do again in
every function.

Is this possible or should I be doing this a different way?
Also, if anyone is interested in this idea of quick & simple form
creation, let me know and I'll put it on the wiki or something so
others can take a stab at it too.


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Re: Simple HABTM Question

2006-04-25 Thread brandags

Ha! What do you know - that was it!  Thank you!

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Re: Simple HABTM Question

2006-04-25 Thread brandags

Sorry for the double post there.
I also tried querying by the service_name rather than the id, and that
seemed to work better.
I also changed the loop a little bit (because of how I'm grabbing the
data in my view). This seems to work great. (Although, as you
mentioned, it's not sorted)

$result = $this->Contractor->Service->find("service_name = 'Web
if ($result['Contractor'])
foreach ($result['Contractor'] as $r)
$data[]['Contractor'] = $r;
$this->set('data', $data);
$this->set('data', Array());

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Re: Simple HABTM Question

2006-04-25 Thread brandags

I get a very strange result when I do that. I did have to singularize
the Model names as well:
$result = $this->Contractor->Service->findByID($service_id);

SQL Error in model Service: 1054: Unknown column 'Service.i_d' in
'where clause'

The query that's run is this:
SELECT `Service`.`id`, `Service`.`service_name`
FROM `services` AS `Service`
WHERE (`Service`.`i_d` = 2) LIMIT 1

Why is the 'id' split up like 'i_d'?

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Simple HABTM Question

2006-04-25 Thread brandags

I have two tables:



Then a table to join them together in a many-to-many relationship:

In other words, a contractor can be associated with many services, and
a service can be associated with multiple contractors.

All I want is a list of all the contractors for a particular service.
In regular SQL, the query would look like this:

SELECT c.* FROM contractors c
JOIN contractors_services cs ON cs.contractor_id =
WHERE cs.service_id = 2;
/* Where 2 is the service_id you're looking for */

So, how do I get this to work using the Cake method?
I have tried:
$data = $this->Contractor->findAll('contractors_services.service_id =

But it doesn't like that. Look at the query it wrote, it didn't
actually join the services table at all.

Here is my code:
class Contractor extends AppModel
var $name = 'Contractor';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = 'Service';

class Service extends AppModel
var $name = 'Service'; // required for php4
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = 'Contractor';

class ContractorsController extends AppController
var $name   = 'Contractors'; // for php4
var $helpers= array('Html', 'Javascript');

function index($service_id='')
// What do I need to put here to return all the
contractors linked to $service_id?
$data = $this->Contractor->findAll(); //'service_id = 

$this->set('data', $data);

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong or what more I need to do to be
able to get this simple query to work?
Thank you,

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Re: Multi user login

2006-04-15 Thread brandags

I just wrote my own using sessions.
Create a users table with username and password.
When they submit the form to the Users::login function, check to see if
the username and password match, and if so, log them in:
$this->Session->write('loggedIn', true);
$this->Session->write('user_id', $user_id);

Then redirect them to wherever you want them to go.
When you're ready to log them out, just reverse the process
$this->Session->write('loggedOut', false);
$this->Session->write('user_id', false);

Or something like that.

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$this->params['data'] vs. $this->data

2006-04-08 Thread brandags

What is the difference between $this->params['data'] and $this->data in
the controller. They look like they contain the same thing. Is one
deprecated? Just wondering which I should be using.


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Re: How do I create a variable in the view to use in the layout?

2006-04-06 Thread brandags

Thank you. That's what I was wanting to do.  Strange that you have to
use $this-> and set it from the controller. But it seems to be working
fine now. That will simplify things a ton with this submenu stuff.

Thanks again.

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Re: How do I create a variable in the view to use in the layout?

2006-04-06 Thread brandags

@AD7six: Thanks for the good info. I'll see if I can get a
component/element control working submenus. Are you thinking something
like: pass in a controller/action combination, and get back the
appropriate submenu?

@Samuel: Does that mean that if I wanted a special title for my static
pages, I'd need to create an action for them in the pages controller?
Or hard code the title into the display() function of the pages
controller?  Is just seems that titles other static display variables
would be best if they could be set in the view for each page. What does
that have to do with "logic"? Am I the only one that thinks this way?

@Armando: Really? How did you get it to work? I wonder if they removed
that functionality from the newer versions.

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Re: acl.php doesnt seem to work

2006-04-06 Thread brandags

There are bugs in the latest release of acl.php
Check out this post:

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Re: How do I create a variable in the view to use in the layout?

2006-04-06 Thread brandags

Wow, that's too bad. It would seem better if the view were rendered
before the layout, and any variables set could apply to it.  How do you
set things like a page  and keywords, etc., for specific pages?
Do you have to set them in the controller? That doesn't seem right.

And how would that work with static pages (in the /pages/) folder - how
could I set the submenu variable in the controller for each of those
pages when they don't each have their own action in the pages

I could create a controller for each main menu item, and create actions
for each static page under that menu, but then I'd also need to create
a model and a database table, which I don't really need.

There's got to be a better way to do this seemingly common thing.

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How do I create a variable in the view to use in the layout?

2006-04-05 Thread brandags

I'm trying to get a site working with submenu navigation - when you
click a main menu link, the submenus on the side change.
Some of the pages are static (in /pages/) folder and some use

I have tried assigning a variable in the view to tell it which submenu
I wanted to use for this page, hoping I could it in the layout, but the
layout didn't recognize it.

In view.thtml

In layout.thtml
The submenu is: 
(Here I would actually check if the submenu == "buymenu" or another
menu, and display the appropriate submenu items)

But it says that $submenu doesn't exist in the layout.
Do I have to set these variables in the controller? If so, how would I
assign the variable for the static /pages/?

Does anyone know of a better way to do submenus than this?

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Re: Should I use Smarty?

2006-04-04 Thread brandags

Good comments.

I still haven't figured out in Smarty how to use the {include file=""}
function, since templates are separated into separate "view" folders
and aren't in a single "templates" folder like non-cake apps. Instead
of include, should I be using use helpers here? What is the syntax for
including another tpl file in Smarty?

So, other potential disadvantages I see to Smarty are things like
passing arrays (since you have to create arrays separately from the
function that calls them), using Cake's AJAX functions since they use
curly braces a lot - escaping those in Smarty is just extra typing -
{ldelim} {rdelim} or {literal}, and possible integration issues with
scaffolding or other Cake code (would I have to rewrite a lot of it in
Smarty?).  Does anyone else find these to be a pain, or is it worth it
for the benefits?

If I were using Cake, I probably would use the short tag syntax:

since I just couldn't stand typing:

and I'll never put my site on a server with short tags disabled.

Any other thoughts?

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Should I use Smarty?

2006-04-03 Thread brandags

I'm trying to debate whether or not to use Smarty in my cake app.
I've used it a lot before and am familiar with the syntax. I like how
it makes my code look cleaner, saves lots of typing, and that you can
write custom functions and modifiers, etc. It also does caching.

But now that Cake's templating system also does caching, and since I
could use regular PHP functions in my views (as well as my own that I
could write), I wonder what the trade-off is.

Taking into considering things like displaying and formatting
variables, looping over arrays, speed, caching, integration with AJAX
(are the {} delimeters going to be annoying in Smarty?), and using
helpers, etc., what are the advantages and disadvantages of both

Installation isn't an issue for me - I've already got Smarty working
great with my cake app. I'm just wondering which is going to be better
over the long haul.

Any comments here?


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