School girls when the bell rings!! FZANWRPENWUM

2002-03-15 Thread videoforu_43


Unbelievable Shocking photos of Britney Spears Exhibiting
Shocking Behavior while off camera. She had no idea that our
camera were watching her as she displayed what we feel is some
of the most controversial footage ever caught on tape...
But don't let us be the judge... See for yourself!
Hit the enter button below to be whisked into a world
of celebrity smut like you've never seen before!

Don't miss this shocking footage. Act now to see Britney Exposed!

Fortune 500 Companies experienced -Software Developers,DBA,CISCO Admin,QA TESTERS MANY MORE-AVAILABLE FOR CONTRACT/CONTRACT TO HIRE

2002-03-15 Thread qatesters

Gani Pola   *S0314OMNS
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Marketing Division
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East Hanover NJ 07936  
Tel: 1-888-248-3443 OR 1-888-713-7201 

Please see the complete list  of skill sets. IF you want us  to remove your 
e-mail address from our database 
please  foloow the instructions below:

Attention: Recruiting Department/Human Resources Department
Please find our software consultant's brief information  listed  are
available for contract or  contract to hire positions. We have consultants 
available with skills.
* QA Testers with  Fortrune 500 Companies experience.
- QA Center Test Pack: QA Run, QA Director and QA Track 
- Mercury Winrunner, Testdirector, Loadrunner,Windows, Unix, Oracle
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-Peoplesoft Tester
[*ccb]testing of applications such as telecommunication, Financials, 
Insurance Claims, 
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All of them will relocate and our  rates are inculding relocation. All of 
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Contract or Contract to Hire(Minimum 3 to 6 Months) which requires H-1B  visa 
transfer For detailed resumes,rates
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If you have received this message in error,we apologize for any inconvenience.
  To ensure that you do not 
receive further email from us and wish to be removed  from our list,please 
send us an

Thanks to flatterers

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Thanks whoever's imitating me as its a)flatteringb)gives me someone to 
blame for contraversial/illegal posts.andc)Its more noise(that means I can 
post more) on a long deceased list of value for anything much above 
storage.Now where did I put my brain?

A website could be set up running a lottery for the successful 
predictions of the deaths of overbearing public officials. Using 
encryption and digital cash the whole exercise would be within the law 
because the person who made the successful prediction would be anonymous 
and their reward would be untrackable.M.Mottram.the Age.

Anarchism in dark times

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Community attitudes to anarchists range from impractical utopians to
terrorist ogres who eat babies brains for breakfast.  Few if any positive
stereotypes exist within communities about anarchists and anarchist
objectives and strategies.  Working within such a milieu can sap the energy
of even the most dedicated activist.  The climate created by such negative
stereotypes, can and does wear away at the confidence we have in ourselves,
our ideas, our objectives and strategies.
In such a negative environment it9s important we don9t begin to become the
stereotypes other people have created for us and our movement.  Time and
time again, anarchists movements have taken on the characteristics that the
community has created for them, carrying out actions that reinforce those
negative stereotypes.  It9s important we don9t let other people define who
we are and what we stand for.  We are the only ones who can and should
define our ideas, goals, objectives and strategies.  Letting the State, the
corporate sector or community do this for us is a dead end one way journey
to oblivion.
At the end of the day confidence is everything, not a confidence based on
superiority, but a confidence based on knowledge, that we as individuals and
as members of a movement have something to offer those communities we live
and work in.  Anarchism is an inclusive ideology that ultimately relies on
mass participation.  It is the only ideology that honestly and genuinely
welcomes participation.  It9s strength lies in its ability to tap into the
under-utilised resources of individuals and communities.
Even in a negative environment, it9s possible to maintain our integrity in
ourselves and our ideas.  Whether we succeed or fail, will ultimately depend
on the strength of our ideas, our understanding of these ideas and our
ability to maintain confidence in these ideas irrespective of the hostile
environment we find ourselves in.

Anarchist Q+A.The nuclear family.

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Q  What role will the nuclear family play in an anarchist society?
A  Human beings are capable of an infinite variety of human relationships.
A cursory glance through the historical records combined with a journey
across current cultural and geographical boundaries, throws up a myriad
combination of possible human relationships.  Anarchist relationships are
ultimately based on choice.  Not a choice limited by necessity or curtailed
by cultural or gender issues but a choice that9s based on access to
resources and power.
What relationships occur in an anarchist society will develop over time.
Access to wealth will not determine the type of relationships which will
develop.  As everybody has access to the wealth created by community they
live in, access to resources can9t be used as a bargaining chip to determine
what type if relationships develop.  This doesn9t mean that emotional
factors don9t play a role in the type of relationships developed, what it
does mean is that emotional factors will take precedence over economic
Allowing a wide range of human relationships to exist within a community,
does not mean that problems that develop within human relationships wont
occur, they will still occur with the same monotonous regularity.  What will
happen is that individuals will have a greater range of emotional choices to
explore within an anarchist community.  Whether the nuclear family will
survive or even prosper, is a matter for conjecture.  What is important is
that structure are created which offer choice and protect the more
vulnerable members of the community.
As for human relationships are concerned. Predators will still exist in an
anarchist society.  What type of role they are able to play and the damage
they are able to cause will be minimized in an anarchist community, because
of the open nature of that community.  At the end of the day, we need to
understand that the majority of the sexual abuse that occurs in our society,
is perpetrated by people who are able to abuse the trust they enjoy and the
power they exercise, creating structures that limit the power people are
able to exercise will decrease the amount of abuse that people can get away

free speech zone apartheid

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

News for Anarchists  Activists:
'Democracy isn't always pretty'
2 anti-war protesters discuss cases before WVU's ACLU
Jim Bissett/The Dominion Post
John Tinker, of Missouri, (left) and Katie Sierra, of
Sissonville, talk about free speech Wednesday night at WVU
as guests of the university's ACLU chapter. Both were
suspended from their high schools for speaking out against
The Dominion Post
Katie Sierra apologized to the audience of 40 or so people
who came to WVU Wednesday night to hear her talk about civil
liberties and freedom of speech.
OK, let me start over, Sierra said to the crowd in a
lecture hall of the Business and Economics Building. I get
a little nervous in front of people. I'm sorry.
Hardly the talk of a revolutionary, but Sierra, 15, became a
reluctant one last October when she wore a T-shirt scrawled
with an anti-war message to Sissonville High School.
It was a month after the terrorist attacks on New York and
Washington, and Sierra, who had also tried to start an
anarchist club at her school, turned her shirt into a
sarcastic indictment of the U.S. assault on Afghanistan in
the hunt for suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.
The wording on her shirt: When I saw the dead and dying
Afghani children on TV, I felt a newly recovered sense of
national security. God Bless America.
Her principal, Forrest Mann, said the shirt was offensive
and inappropriate. He suspended her for two weeks.
Sierra, speaking in Morgantown as a guest of the WVU chapter
of the American Civil Liberties Union, said she was upset
and scared -- but that she tried to stand her ground.
I cried, she said, but I did tell him, 'You can't do
this.' I mean, I knew my free-speech rights.
When she came to school two weeks later, she was roughed up
in a hallway, in full view of a security camera, she said,
by four students who shouted insults and shoved her into
The students went unpunished, but Sierra sued the Kanawha
County Board of Education for suspending her in the first
John Tinker, who traveled to WVU with her, knows exactly how
she feels.
Now a computer engineer who lives in Missouri, Tinker, too,
was 15 years old when he ran afoul of the administration of
his Des Moines, Iowa, high school in 1965 as the Vietnam War
was heating up.
He wore a black arm band to school in protest, and didn't
take it off until he took his case all the way to the
country's highest court. The Supreme Court ruled in his
favor in a decision that expanded student rights.
It's all about democracy, Tinker said, and democracy
isn't always pretty. Sometimes you need to get in someone's
face, so to speak, to start a dialogue.
Tinker, softspoken like Sierra, said the Sissonville case
comes down to a student being denied the right to learn and
speak her mind -- simply because her school didn't agree
with her.
That's all she wanted to do, he said. She wanted to study
a topic and her school said no. She was assaulted, and her
school's administrators didn't do anything.
Sierra, who has lived in Panama, New Mexico, Ohio and
Kentucky as she moved around the country with her father --
who was first in the military, then a civilian employee of
the military -- withdrew from Sissonville and is now being
home schooled.
Her appearance in Morgantown came one day after she and
Tinker were banned from speaking to an ACLU group at
Huntington High School.
All I wanted to do was start a club, she said, shaking her
head. I didn't think all this was going to happen.
Andrew Schneider, executive director of the West Virginia
ACLU, who introduced the pair, said Sierra better get used
to it.
Civil liberty battles never stay won, he said.
The trio appeared at WVU just two weeks after a group of
students squared off against the university administration
over the issue of specially designated free-speech zones
that they say are consigning campus activists to outlying
areas away from the students they're trying to reach.
So what would have happened if Sierra had worn one of her
anti-war T-shirts to WVU last fall?
Well, it was such a hot issue, ACLU campus president Mary
Bess said, that she probably would have been asked to move
to the free speech zone.

American lab rats

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Recently released government documents show that the US government
experimented in bio-warfare and radiation testing using live subjects. Among
other experiments: Dr Joseph G. Hamilton of the University of California
hospital at SanFrancisco proposed a radioactive aerosol as a military
weapon. Experiments were conducted giving lethal dose exposures to
terminal patients. At least one of the terminal patients had been
misdiagnosed: he only had an ulcer. In Miami, Florida, radioactive needles
were placed in an Army private's nostrils.  At the Vanderbilt University
Medical Center 751 late-term pregnant women were given radioactive water 30
times background radiation levels at a free clinic. Twelve battlefield
radiation tests were carried out over Tennessee and Utah. The US Air Force
dropped radioactive cluster bombs dispersing as much as 15,000 curies in
open-air fall-out tests. In Virginia, aspergillus fumagatus, a potentially
lethal bacterium, was released upon mainly black workers at the Norfolk
Naval Supply Center. In a nation-wide test 235 new-born babies were injected
with radioactive iodide. In Memphis six out of every seven babies selected
were black. Mainly non-English speaking Eskimos in Alaska were given an
apple and orange each for their participation in Army tests to inject them
with radioactive iodide. At least 34 underground nuclear tests in the US
released significant levels of radiation into the atmosphere.  Retarded
children in a school in Massachusetts were given doses of radiation in their
breakfast cereal. Prisoners in Oregon and Washington agreed to have their
testicles dipped in radioactive water for $5.00 per week. The directors of
the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a magazine that has campaigned for
nuclear disarmament since 1947,  say that the danger of nuclear war is the
highest that it's been since the end of the Cold War.

Hunger strike in prisons

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

 From March 12th to 18th is taking place a hunger strike in several spanish 
prisons. The prisoners are claiming: -The supression of FIES (1) regime and 
all the isolament units. -The end of penitentiary dispersal (2). -The 
release of all prisoners with incurable illness (like AIDS, Cancer, etc). 
-The release of all prsoners who have spent more than 20 years in prison 
(the maximum time according the law). This mobilization is included in a 
collective struggle inside the prisons, against the FIES units and for the 
dignity of the prisoners. This is a revolutionary struggle because it4s not 
only aimed to a mere reform, but ultimately its goal is the disappearance 
of the prisons, which involves a radical social change. It4s a 
self-organizated struggle, in which there aren4t leaders or 
representatives, neither inside the prisons nor outside, but only 
solidarity that grows between exploited people both from inside and outside 
the walls. A hunger strike is an important moment of the struggle, but the 
repression is constant, so our struggle should be also. /FOR THE 
FIES [Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimiento - Inmates Files of 
Special Monitoring] units are very hard isolament units of the spanish 
prisons in which prisoners are subjected to a total control all day. Their 
mail and phone calls are monitored, they have few opportunities to stay 
with other prisoners, their belongings are always been inspected, and 
tortures are usual. The prisoners who are included in this Files are the 
rebel ones, those who doesn4t submit to the prison authority. (2) The 
penitentiary dispersal means that prisoners are sent to prisons far away of 
their homelands and their families and friends. This means mainly an 
additional punishment for the family or near people, who have to travel a 
lot of kilometers (in some cases, hundreds or thousands) in order to stay 
some minutes with their dear people in a visit. 

Re: Anarchism in dark times(Oh were Oh were has my little Dell gone)

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

On 15 Mar 2002 at 21:42, matthew X wrote:

 Community attitudes to anarchists range from impractical utopians to
 terrorist ogres who eat babies brains for breakfast.  Few if any positive
 stereotypes exist within communities about anarchists and anarchist
 objectives and strategies.  Working within such a milieu can sap the energy
 of even the most dedicated activist.  The climate created by such negative
 stereotypes, can and does wear away at the confidence we have in ourselves,
 our ideas, our objectives and strategies.
 In such a negative environment it9s important we don9t begin to become the
 stereotypes other people have created for us and our movement.  Time and
 time again, anarchists movements have taken on the characteristics that the
 community has created for them, carrying out actions that reinforce those
 negative stereotypes.  It9s important we don9t let other people define who
 we are and what we stand for.  We are the only ones who can and should
 define our ideas, goals, objectives and strategies.  Letting the State, the
 corporate sector or community do this for us is a dead end one way journey
 to oblivion.
 At the end of the day confidence is everything, not a confidence based on
 superiority, but a confidence based on knowledge, that we as individuals and
 as members of a movement have something to offer those communities we live
 and work in.  Anarchism is an inclusive ideology that ultimately relies on
 mass participation.  It is the only ideology that honestly and genuinely
 welcomes participation.  It9s strength lies in its ability to tap into the
 under-utilised resources of individuals and communities.
 Even in a negative environment, it9s possible to maintain our integrity in
 ourselves and our ideas.  Whether we succeed or fail, will ultimately depend
 on the strength of our ideas, our understanding of these ideas and our
 ability to maintain confidence in these ideas irrespective of the hostile
 environment we find ourselves in.

[Reformatted] Brinworld, privacy: CA court says taping anything illega

2002-03-15 Thread A. Melon

Compliments of the Anonymous Reformatter...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Major Variola ret) writes:
 Privacy of Calls Affirmed
 Ruling: Court defines confidential phone conversations broadly, making
 lawsuits easier.


 SAN FRANCISCO -- The California Supreme Court strengthened privacy
 protections Thursday by making it easier to successfully sue people
 who secretly tape others' phone conversations.

 The court decided unanimously that a conversation is confidential
 under state law if a party expects he or she is not being overheard or
 recorded. Those who secretly tape others can be liable for at least
 $5,000 in damages for each recording.

 Thursday's decision, which broadly defines what is confidential, was
 a defeat for the media, in particular broadcasters who have been sued
 for airing interviews with people who did not know they were being
 recorded. Media lawyers had filed a brief in the case urging the
 court to adopt a more narrow definition that would make it harder for
 plaintiffs to argue that remarks had been confidential. The ruling
 stemmed from a Los Angeles case involving recordings a woman made of
 telephone calls between her now deceased husband and his son. The son,
 who charged his stepmother had tried to hasten his father's death,
 now stands to collect as much as $120,000 for 24 phone conversations
 recorded by his stepmother.

 California has prohibited private parties from recording telephone
 calls without consent from all participants--only if the calls
 included a confidential communication. Courts of appeal have
 disagreed over what constituted a confidential conversation.

 In their brief to the court, lawyers for media outlets including the
 three major television networks argued that a broad definition of
 confidential communication would end the use of hidden microphone and
 camera reporting in California. The ruling also could make it more
 difficult for the print media to use material from recordings provided
 by third parties.

 Jerry K. Staub, a lawyer who represented the son in Thursday's case,
 said disputes over secret taping also arise frequently in the course
 of litigation, when one side tapes another's damaging admissions
 without the party's knowledge and consent.

 I think that is going to stop now, and that is a good thing, Staub

 If the court had ruled more narrowly, no conversation would be
 considered confidential unless one of the parties at the time had
 declared it to be so, Staub said.

 The state high court ruled in a dispute between J. Michael Flanagan
 and his stepmother, Honorine T. Flanagan in Flanagan v. Flanagan,

New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread Tim May

Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
Cypherpunks filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:

-- 29 messages from Choate, the usual forwarded Slashdot, kuroshin, CNN, 
Register articles

(doesn't even count about 6-8 messages he sent earlier yesterday...I'm 
only counting since I was last on the Net!)

-- 22 messages from MattX/proffr/whackamole

(ditto, he sent some earlier messages as well)

So, it looks like in the race to swamp the list with junk, Choate is a 
hair ahead of the other pinhead.

I know Choate is a strange character, but what does he think is being 
accomplished by sending 25-35 forwarded items to the list in a single 

--Tim May
Aren't cats Libertarian? They just want to be left alone.
I think our dog is a Democrat, as he is always looking for a handout  
--Unknown Usenet Poster

[Reformatted] Blair said he'd put more pigs on the street: Well they'r

2002-03-15 Thread Nomen Nescio

Please take a moment and properly format your postings.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous) writes:

 [Mr. Blair] said he'd put more police on the street. Well the only
 place he has this done so far is right here in Westminster.

 Ian Duncan Smith - Far-Right token alternative to 'compassionate

 Britain's Police Force took to the streets yesterday, protesting new
 reforms to their working conditions and the plan to give 'community
 wardens' the power of arrest.

 The Police Federation (the blue union) are also going to petition the
 European Court of Human Rights to give them back the right to strike
 they lost when they signed under the phrase 'I agree not to strike' on
 their job applications.

 Someone has already pointed out that anyone who doesn't have the right
 to strike is a slave; but if they're not happy with their working
 conditions they can serve notice at any time. As the job finder
 adverts say, _anyone_ is free to Fire their boss! at any time, and
 _attempt_ to hire a better one. Strikes and work-to-rule's are merely
 one step short of this.

 If you don't want to be held to a no-strike contract, DON'T SIGN ONE!
 If that means you will not be permitted to work in certain critical
 industries, so be it.

 Someone will probably flame me to say, They can't _all_ afford to
 quit, what about their children?, or, We have to have a police
 force, so EVERYBODY can't refuse to join, so it can't be _totally_
 voluntary. Thus we must make no strike contracts illegal for some
 industries, or they'll have no say in their employment.

 But as far as I've heard, no-one's passed any Directive 10-289* or
 Rush Act**.

 When they do, get back to me. I'll be waiting right here.


 * Atlas Shrugged:

 During a national emergency, the government passes a new law requiring
 workers not to quit or strike on pain of imprisonment (amongst other
 things). The government will now organize movement between jobs.

 ** Babylon 5: Episode 1.12, By Any Means Necessary:

 All critical employees of space stations must sign no-strike-no-quit
 contracts for fixed terms of months; with the option of military force
 to be used against them if they refuse to work. After cutbacks cost
 the lives of dockworkers in an accident, they succumb to 'blue flu'
 (organised sick-out). An Earth Government Representative declares this
 to be an illegal strike and invokes the Rush Act.

 The Act is rumoured to be named for Rush Limbaugh.

 PS. You can probably tell I'm not a big fan of union power. Why have
 two bosses when I can have one? Still, I'd never be stupid enough to
 sign a no strike contract.

 PPS. Along with not wanting to increase the number of people who can
 legally kidnap me and detain me against my will, there are two other
 points I'd like to make in the cops favour:

 1) Yesterday's protest had the highest police presense in London for
 years, and was the cheapest to clean up after. Starbucks ought to
 write the Police Federation a thank you note.

 and B) Police Officers won't stand for the kind of shit governments
 like to pull on other types of protester, like 'traffic detours',
 closure of public transport, stop and search that takes 6 hours or
 until the protest is over etc.

 Oh and any idiot dumb enough to produce a brick from under his jacket
 will find himself crowd surfing towards the nearest police van...

 PPPCPPS. Do I use more references than the Unabomber or what?

Netscape, DoJ, Linux, now Al Qaeda

2002-03-15 Thread Major Variola (ret)

U.S. intelligence officials said Islamic terrorists have
picked economic-warfare targets inside the United States.
This includes intelligence that al Qaeda terrorists plan to
attack Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Wash.
The data were among information found during military
operations inside Afghanistan.
Microsoft's sprawling campus is located west of Seattle
and includes 47 buildings with a combined 5.3 million square
feet of office space. The company's revenue last year was
$25.3 billion.
This would clearly be economic warfare by al Qaeda
terrorists, said one official familiar with reports of the threats.

Hmm, Stallman in a turban?  It could work...

Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky news articles

2002-03-15 Thread Tim May

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 09:20  AM, Nomen Nescio wrote:

 Please take a moment and properly format your postings.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous) writes:

 [Mr. Blair] said he'd put more police on the street. Well the only
 place he has this done so far is right here in Westminster. of reformatted article snipped...

And even if they are not properly formatted posts, if they are just more 
fucking news articles, PLEASE DON'T WASTE BANDWIDTH by politely 
reformatting them and sending them again!

--Tim May

To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, 
my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists.  --John Ashcroft, 
U.S. Attorney General

Chicago Tribune: U.S. using new law on secret evidence

2002-03-15 Thread Bill Scannell

Your Patriot Act at work...


Employing a controversial strategy, the U.S. Justice Department says it
plans to use secret evidence to justify the financial sanctions it imposed
on a Chicago-area Muslim charity as part of its effort to choke off
terrorist funding after Sept. 11.

777 --- 777  777 --- 777
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky news articles

2002-03-15 Thread Eric Murray

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 09:39:20AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
 On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 09:20  AM, Nomen Nescio wrote:
  Please take a moment and properly format your postings.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous) writes:
  [Mr. Blair] said he'd put more police on the street. Well the only
  place he has this done so far is right here in Westminster. of reformatted article snipped...
 And even if they are not properly formatted posts, if they are just more 
 fucking news articles, PLEASE DON'T WASTE BANDWIDTH by politely 
 reformatting them and sending them again!

I gather that the hope is that the original posters will get a clue
and start making their posts readable.

Until then, here is a procmail rule to nuke reformatted posts:

*  (^Subject: \[Reformatted\].*)


[Reformatted] End of the IRS?? -- Bartlett dodges DoJ bullet

2002-03-15 Thread Secret Squirrel

Here's another, Timmy.


 [Clearly Roscoe came under such DoJ pressure that he was forced to
 look for an out. So now, with no hearings the topic once again drops
 from public view. Want to bet Bartlett somehow receives no information
 requests on this topic and the IRS is free to continue with business
 as usual and no questions answered?]

 Bartlett Cancels February 27-28, 2002 Tax Policy Forum

 Dismayed by Operation Wait to File until the Trial

 Washington, DC Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett (R-6-MD) today canceled
 a tax policy forum scheduled for February 27 and 28, 2002. I am quite
 dismayed by Operation Wait to File until the Trial, said Bartlett.
 Bartlett communicated his decision in a letter to Robert L. Schulz,
 Chairman of the Board of We The People Foundation for Constitutional
 Education, Inc. who had requested the forum. A copy of the letter is

 The information that you are currently disseminating concerning the
 February 27  28 forum is misleading, Bartlett wrote in the letter to

 I will not be a party to advocating the non-payment of federal income
 taxes, said Bartlett.

 In the letter, Bartlett noted that your [Bob Schulz] rhetoric has made
 it impossible for the forum to take place because the Internal Revenue
 Service and Department of Justice will not participate.

 Congressman Bartlett said that he remains committed to ensuring
 the right of Bob Schulz and other citizens to exercise their
 constitutional rights under the First Amendment to get answers to
 their questions about federal tax policy from the government.

 Bartlett offered as the alternative, to forward Schulz questions to
 both the Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service for responses
 and to subsequently post both the questions and responses on his
 congressional website.


 January 17, 2002

 Mr. Robert L. Schulz We The People Foundation for Constitutional
 Education, Inc. 2458 Ridge Road Queensbury, New York 12804

 Sent Via Fax: 518-656-9724

 Dear Bob:

 I am quite dismayed by the tone of your rhetoric on your web page--
 Wait to File Until the Trial.

 When I first met you in July of 2001, you seemed to want answers
 to questions regarding the legitimacy of the 16th Amendment to
 the Constitution. As a congressman who believes and follows the
 Constitution, you found a willing ear. In the numerous meetings that
 followed, I never advocated the non-payment of income taxes. You were
 quick to agree and assured me that you never took this position as

 The information that you are currently disseminating concerning the
 February 27  28 forum is misleading. While I remain committed to
 making every effort so that you can exercise your constitutional right
 to get answers to your questions, your rhetoric has made it impossible
 for the forum to take place because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
 and the Department of Justice (DOJ) will not participate.

 This is the alternative. I do not believe that IRS and DOJ will refuse
 to answer my questions. Please send the questions that you and your
 team developed to my Washington, D.C. office. I will refer them to
 the appropriate individuals at the IRS and the DOJ to respond. Since
 I know that there are thousands of people across this nation who want
 answers to similar questions, I will post both the questions and
 answers on my congressional web site.

 In any future statements regarding my support please be sure that it
 is clear that I am supporting your constitutional rights and not that
 I am advocating not filing and not paying taxes.


 ROSCOE G. BARTLETT Member of Congress

Slashdot | Laptop Anti-Theft Devices

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

The Register - Back Orifice for Unix flaw emerges from obscurity

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate - Amnesty accuses U.S. of violating rights of detainees - March 15, 2002

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

New Scientist - BT Hyperlink patent claim hists legal obstacle

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky newsarticles

2002-03-15 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Tim May wrote:

 And even if they are not properly formatted posts, if they are just more
 fucking news articles, PLEASE DON'T WASTE BANDWIDTH by politely
 reformatting them and sending them again!

Right. Please subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (you could set
preferences to no email delivery), and send relevant stuff there. Keep
this list free of clutter.

Slashdot | ICANN Board Spurns Democratic Elections

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

DNA-Based Computer Solves Truly Huge Logic Problem

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

Re: Fuck the rest have a fit.

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

29 itall started when he ate my brain.
Fisting what a sexy time we will have

On 15 Mar 2002 at 23:40, matthew X wrote:
 When: Saturday, March 16th 2002
 Time: 8pm
 Where: Long Beach Community Infoshop.
 684 Redondo Ave. Long Beach CA
 phone: 562-434-1649
 Cost: $4
 False Alliance
 Yukon HO
 Scott Keltic Knot  Yukon HO (hip hop)
 Over the Counterintelligence
 Speaking of fisting,dont forget to support Seymore Butts.Buy a copy of 
 Tampa Tushy fest 1.

RE: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread Trei, Peter

 Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
 getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
 Cypherpunks filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:
 -- 29 messages from Choate, the usual forwarded Slashdot, kuroshin, CNN, 
 Register articles
 (doesn't even count about 6-8 messages he sent earlier yesterday...I'm 
 only counting since I was last on the Net!)
 -- 22 messages from MattX/proffr/whackamole
 (ditto, he sent some earlier messages as well)
 So, it looks like in the race to swamp the list with junk, Choate is a 
 hair ahead of the other pinhead.
 I know Choate is a strange character, but what does he think is being 
 accomplished by sending 25-35 forwarded items to the list in a single 
Jim's actually improved quite a bit - at least he no longer includes the
entire HTML page as an attachment. At this point, two things would be

1. To hold his enthusiasm in check long enough to gather up a whole
day's references, and bundle them into one message.

2. Give a single sentence description as to why each link is worth
the trouble.

mattd has actually improved slightly as well - some of his messages
are actually on-topic, and reference other's postings appropriately.
It's been a full week since he's called for my violent death. However, he
is still using the list as a private archiving service. 


 --Tim May

Re: CDR: RE: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread measl

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 mattd has actually improved slightly as well - some of his messages
 are actually on-topic, and reference other's postings appropriately.
 It's been a full week since he's called for my violent death. 

An entire *week*?  Naw.  Not possible...  

If not you, then _who_???

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: In Aus

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

On 16 Mar 2002 at 0:48, matthew X wrote:

 Microsoft's Coziness with U.S. Justice Department
 I was accused of sheer paranoia last fall when I suggested that the U.S. 
 Justice Department's malodorous antitrust deal with Microsoft had the smell 
 of something more sinister -- that the company and government had agreed to 
 collaborate on law enforcement matters. (Here's Google's cached version of 
 that column.)
 Please note this Reuters story, in which Steve Ballmer explains how 
 Microsoft is working closely with the Justice Department to fight 
 cyber-crime -- but that any such dealings are, of course, confidential. No 
 Now remember that Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself (CNN) from 
 the Enron investigation because his Missouri Senate campaign (he lost the 
 election to a dead man) got thousands in contributions from the corrupt 
 energy-trading company. Ashcroft got thousands from Microsoft but didn't 
 recuse himself (Sacramento Bee) in the antitrust case.
 Keep this in mind, too: One of the provisions in this deal allows the 

In Aus we live all our lives upside down,this makes blood rush to my 
head,if I lived in the US would I be normal,or would I be just as 
fucked up as 29 a day Choates?

 government to order Microsoft not to disclose APIs and other technology, if 
 the government decides such disclosure would be damaging. I've asked both 
 the company and the department what this means, and I can't begin to 
 comprehend Microsoft's doubletalk. The Justice Department basically refused 
 to discuss it at all.
 Kinda makes you wonder what the Windows Update will put on your PC one of 
 these days...

Jim Darling

2002-03-15 Thread jill jill

Jim my darling
   I know you think we women are stupid,but we can and
do read,so you can now stop your silly posting to the
list,it makes you look such a fool.
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Slashdot | Fair Software Installation

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

Slashdot | Computers Summarize the News

2002-03-15 Thread James Choate

RE: Slashdot | Computers Summarize the News

2002-03-15 Thread Anonymous

James Choate wrote:

Wow, computers summarize the news so Choate doesn't have to!

Did you think of this yourself?

Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky newsarticles

2002-03-15 Thread Nomen Nescio

Of course we all know who is posting these reformatted articles.
Only one person on the list has been in the habit of doing so, until
he got flamed so badly for it that he quit.  Suddenly at that time they
started appearing anonymously.

Clearly we have no one else to thank for it but the peace-nik,
Karsten M. Self.

Rumor has it that the unemployed wizard of wordwrapping is now the
lead programmer on a project to re-implement PGP using standard crypto
libraries.  If the earnest cluelessness he manifested on this list is any
sign, we can safely predict that this project is going exactly nowhere.

Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread j eric townsend

At 09:29 -0800 2002/03/15, Tim May wrote:
Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
Cypherpunks filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:

Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about 
how much they send that you don't want to read?

J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky newsarticles

2002-03-15 Thread Len Sassaman

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Nomen Nescio wrote:

 Rumor has it that the unemployed wizard of wordwrapping is now the
 lead programmer on a project to re-implement PGP using standard crypto
 libraries.  If the earnest cluelessness he manifested on this list is any
 sign, we can safely predict that this project is going exactly nowhere.

Uh, no. That would be the project I'm working on with Karsten *Braaten*
and a number of cypherpunks.

I don't think Karsten Self is a programmer.


Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread Tim May

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 02:43  PM, j eric townsend wrote:

 At 09:29 -0800 2002/03/15, Tim May wrote:
 Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
 getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
 Cypherpunks filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:

 Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
 your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
 don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about how 
 much they send that you don't want to read?

 -- J. Eric Townsend --

 Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if 

No, I wasn't.

But on the issue of filtering first, this is of course what I have been 
doing for years.

But noting that one poster has spammed the list with more than 25 
articles in a span of about 24 hours and another has spammed the list 
with only a slightly lesser amount, accounting for two thirds of the 
total list traffic during that period, is worth commenting on.

As for my whining, you need to get some sense of reality.

--Tim May, Occupied America
They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759.

Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread Tim May

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 08:14  PM, John Young wrote:

 J. Eric wrote:

 Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into
 your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you
 don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about
 how much they send that you don't want to read?

 This appears sound at first and second glance, and is often
 recommended. Moderation is similarly considered to be
 constructive way to weed out what is not wanted. And gates
 and fences of the mind and language and behavior. Some
 folks recommend mail bombing offenders, stoning them with
 onlist opprobrium and ridicule, reporting them to whatever
 authority is willing to chop the tongues, toes and fingers of
 miscreants, and then there's the pleasurable notions of
 assassinating, butt fucking, well, pipe lay our lady but the
 vulgarine is mighty addictive, so back to what reasonable
 people do to the unreasonable: call them idiots, throw in
 the SHU, revoke their license to ape their betters,

rest of drug-addled gibberish elided

Hey, with all of the folks offering reformatted repostings of rehashed 
repeats of old news here, can't anybody offer to translate this 
architect/nutcase guy's posts from his internal crackpipe lingo into 
something resembling English?

--Tim May

Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky news articles

2002-03-15 Thread Jim Choate

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Eric Murray wrote:

 Until then, here is a procmail rule to nuke reformatted posts:
 *  (^Subject: \[Reformatted\].*)

May I place this on the SSZ CDR homepage?


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread John Young

J. Eric wrote:

Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about 
how much they send that you don't want to read?

This appears sound at first and second glance, and is often
recommended. Moderation is similarly considered to be
constructive way to weed out what is not wanted. And gates
and fences of the mind and language and behavior. Some
folks recommend mail bombing offenders, stoning them with
onlist opprobrium and ridicule, reporting them to whatever
authority is willing to chop the tongues, toes and fingers of
miscreants, and then there's the pleasurable notions of 
assassinating, butt fucking, well, pipe lay our lady but the 
vulgarine is mighty addictive, so back to what reasonable 
people do to the unreasonable: call them idiots, throw in
the SHU, revoke their license to ape their betters,
plot to rasp their human rights, then get down and dirty 
to rip their constitutional rights to shreds, and when push 
comes to shove, the uppities aiming payback, hazard your 
own rights by blowing the shit out of foreign and domestic 
enemies, so goddam frustrating is it to shut the whiners up 
who won't keep to their pre-ordained position under the 
puke spigot, fer chrissakes, well-mannered english-speakers 
are hard to come by, chinga tu madre, companero?

CMS'02: Call for papers (fwd)

2002-03-15 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:35:06 +0100 (CET)
Subject: CMS'02: Call for papers

  CMS 2002 :  Deadline for submission of papers has been extended to 
  March 17, 2002



   The sixth IFIP 
Communications and Multimedia Security Conference 
 (CMS 2002)

Joint working conference IFIP TC6 and TC11

 September 26-27, 2002
   Portoroz, Slovenia


   Submission of full papers: March 17, 2002
   Notification of acceptance:April 25, 2002
   Camera-ready papers:   May 24, 2002


CMS 2002 is the sixth working conference on Communications and Multimedia 
Security since 1995. State-of-the-art issues as well as practical experiences 
and new trends in the areas will be the topics of interest again, as proven 
by preceding conferences.  

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to 

   * Applied cryptography 
   * Biometry 
   * Combined multimedia security 
   * Communications systems security 
   * Cryptography - steganography
   * Digital signatures
   * Digital watermarking
   * Internet, intranet and extranet security 
   * Legal, social and ethical aspects of communication systems security 
   * Mobile communications security 
   * Multimedia systems security 
   * New generation networks (NGN) security
   * Possible attacks on multimedia systems 
   * Secure electronic commerce

The conference is jointly organised by SETCCE, Institut Jozef Stefan and 


Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically. 
Please email your submission in postcscript or PDF format to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Authors unable to submit electronically are invited to send a cover letter and 
5 (five) copies of an anonymous paper to the General Chair at the postal 
address below. Submissions must be received by the General Chair on or before 
March 17, 2002. The cover letter should contain the paper's title and 
the names and affiliations of the authors, and should identify the contact 
author including e-mail and postal addresses. 

Authors are asked to submit original papers only. Papers that have previously 
been published and papers that are currently being considered for publication 
by another journal or conference are not eligible. All submitted papers will 
be refereed by members of the International Program Committee for correctness, 
originality, relevance to the conference, and quality of presentation.  

All submissions must be in English. The paper must be anonymous, with no author 
names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. It should begin 
with a title, a short abstract, and a list of key words, and its introduction 
should summarise the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for 
a non-specialist reader. The paper should be at most 5000 words long. A full
page figure is 500 words.

Conference proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. 
Therefore authors are encouraged to use for their submissions the Kluwer IFIP
templates for LaTeX or Word. Style templates are available at or
Copies of the proceedings will be available at the conference.  

To submit a paper, or for further details, please contact: 
  Prof. Borka Jerman-Blazic
  Institut Jozef Stefan
  Jamova 39
  SI-1000 Ljubljana



The conference will take place in Portoroz, the beautiful Mediterranean 
seaside resort in Slovenia (


   * Organizing Chair: Alenka Pahor Zvanut, SETCCE
   Address: Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


   * General Chair: Borka Jerman-Blazic, Institut Jozef Stefan, Slovenia
   * Program Co-Chair: Tomaz Klobucar, Institut Jozef Stefan, Slovenia

   * Augusto Casaca, INESC, chairman IFIP TC6, Portugal
   * David Chadwick, University of Salford, UK 
   * Bart de Decker, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 
   * Yves Deswarte, LAAS CNRS, France
   * Dieter Gollmann, Microsoft Research, UK
   * Ruediger Grimm, TU Ilmenau, Germany
   * Patrick Horster, Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria
   * Steve Kent, BBN, USA
   * Klaus Keus, BSI, Germany

Slashdot | 25 More States Oppose MSFT Antitrust Dismissal

2002-03-15 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Why have Life Insurance prices dropped up to 70% recently?

2002-03-15 Thread Paul Catchings


Are You Paying Too Much for Life Insurance? 

likely the answer is YES! 

Here's why. FACT... Fierce, take no prisoner, Insurance Industry 
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They will continue to take your money at the price they are already charging 
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their new buyers ONLY.

HERE! and request a FREE online quote. Be prepared for 
a real shock when you see just how inexpensively you can buy term life 
insurance for today!



We strongly oppose the use of SPAM email and do not want to send our mailings 
  to anyone who does not wish to receive them. This is not SPAM. If you do 
  not wish to receive further mailings, please go to our 
  removal page. You may then rest-assured that you will never receive 
  another email from us again.


Re: Let's knock off the Reformatted repostings of junky news articles

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Better still Choate or should I call you Annova stop posting junky 
news articals get a girl, get a guy, get a life, stop posting your stupid 
And give me back my brain.

On 15 Mar 2002 at 19:08, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Eric Murray wrote:
  Until then, here is a procmail rule to nuke reformatted posts:
  *  (^Subject: \[Reformatted\].*)
 May I place this on the SSZ CDR homepage?
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

Top News at Netscape - Air Canada bans Salman Rushdie

2002-03-15 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


choate the wanabe (annova)

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Now we can have a computer instead of dumb ass Choate what will 
they think of next,maybe a mental case from AUS.thats me.

On 15 Mar 2002 at 22:51, Anonymous wrote:

 James Choate wrote:
 Wow, computers summarize the news so Choate doesn't have to!
 Did you think of this yourself?

Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

No you drop me a line you may be the bastarded who killed my wife 
and kids.

On 15 Mar 2002 at 14:43, j eric townsend wrote:

 At 09:29 -0800 2002/03/15, Tim May wrote:
 Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
 getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
 Cypherpunks filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:
 Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
 your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
 don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about 
 how much they send that you don't want to read?
 J. Eric Townsend --
 Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: Top News at Netscape - Air Canada bans Salman Rushdie

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

Choates Who gives a fuck. GET A LIFE you stupid bastard

On 15 Mar 2002 at 20:28, Jim Choate wrote:
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 05:28 PM 3/15/02 -0800, Tim May wrote:
rest of drug-addled gibberish elided

Hey, with all of the folks offering reformatted repostings of
repeats of old news here, can't anybody offer to translate this
architect/nutcase guy's posts from his internal crackpipe lingo into
something resembling English?

--Tim May

Write your own damn translator if you can't hack the prose.

WTF, Tim, is it that time of the month again?

Take a stress pill, Dave --HAL

Re: American lab rats

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

 Quoting matthew X ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Me or my cheap imitation?

:  Recently released government documents show that the US government What 
are the sources, matt? Regards, Steve -- Just fake it. 

An entertainment journalist must protect his sources so I will not answer 
that question.Even if charged with hate crimes against the USA.My flatterer 
might fake something up for you.Any more (expletive deleted) questions?

And the intellectuals still argue [about] whether Amerika is a fascist 
country.. George Jackson, Blood in My Eye.
Watts aniversary today...1966 - US: Teens riot. Arrest of a black high 
school student
for throwing bricks  stones at passing cars touches off a
wave of looting  burning in Watts, California.
Beloved  Respected Comrade Leader Governor Hughes said
after his morning inspection tour (of the 1965 Watts LA riots)
he had found the holiday atmosphere among the looters most
These rioters don't have any leaders.

assasination politics works with barter too (or, doesn't work)

2002-03-15 Thread matthew X

 The US will now offer to build a road, dig a well, or give away a flock 
of sheep to Afghan communities that rat on Bin Laden. 

Some actually in Govt. would like to offer encrypted e-dinars for Saddam 
but it might boomerang.

A million mojo-dollars and 15 feet of pure white snow
for the head of george walker bush,payment on delivery.