Linux Mail server + password expiry

2000-05-11 Thread Rafael Kitover

my linux server is going to handle mail for the company (with exim and
 cucipop). Most users will use outlook as their client. I was wondering

* there's a pop server that supports the expiry data for users
* that server allows the users to change their password with a dialog or
something, I have no idea about how either windows or outlook works.

The other option for me would be to set up a samba domain (does samba
 support password expiration?).

I don't really need people's passwords to expire. I just want to be able
to set up an account with a generic password and have it expire on first
use, this way I don't need to have a new person type in their password
into a terminal.

Of course, now that I'm putting my thoughts to vim, I could just make a
little CGI over https that let's people change their password, hmm...

PS: Please cc me your response, TIA!

Rafael Kitover ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
while (study $text) { do { sleep } until $test }

Description: PGP signature

Re: make-kpkg on SMP platform

1999-03-09 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Mon, Mar 08, 1999 at 05:00:32PM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I incorrect in assuming that you need to pass the "-j 2" option to
> make to fully realise the benefits of compiling on an SMP platform?  If
> so, how do I get make-kpkg to use this option?
> If this is a rtfm type thing which fm should I r?  I suspect the
> solution involves environment variables ...

/usr/srx/linux/Documentation/smp.txt (or something of the sort). Just 
change Makefile in the toplevel linux dir where it says MAKE=make to 
MAKE="make -j3" (the smp.txt says to add one to number of procs, or to try
just -j if you have alot of memory and cpu speed etc).

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: bitchx (sucks!)

1999-03-09 Thread Rafael Kitover

Check out I need not say more. The package for
epic in debian is called "epic4".

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

screen setup and vim

1999-02-11 Thread Rafael Kitover
I've just started using screen (on everything, since it's so damn cool).
And I have afew questions.

Is there a way for vim to work reliably under screen? In some values of
TERM everything looks screwy in insert mode, other times everything works
just fine, other times I have to press enter a few times or something for
screen to actually display and again when I kill it.

xterm mouse sequences simply do not work. Is this possible under screen? I
like mouse support in vim and clicking on stuff in lynx.

Can I "flatten" the windows from another screen session into the current
one? Can I make screen -R (which I have in my .zlogin) work when there are
2 screen sessions for some reason and flatten both? I guess the answer to
this is no, I should work on hacking screen sometime :)

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt with pgp support?

1999-02-05 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 12:08:01AM -0800, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
> Does mutt have a nice built in address book like pine? Does mutt do the

Mutt has aliases, which are really easy to grab based on current message,
and stuff like that.

> IMAP thing like pine? Is mutt able to lookup email addresses from an X.500

IMAP exists but is very experimental, I would imagine pine's support for
IMAP is alot better.

> I wish pine had color and that the license thing could be solved more to

You can edit in color at least, by using the alternate editor option in
pine. An editor like vim will automatically do highlights on email when it
reads the headers.

> Debian's liking. Some would like a glitzier X Windows-based display
> (though I would argue that the curses style display had a lot of utility).
> When I used mutt several years ago, I seem to remember that it was rather
> confusing to configure, whereas pine has a nice built in configuration
> utility with on-line help.

yup, still is.

> Ultimately, though, one's choice of a mail user agent is pretty
> subjective, like editors :)  Maybe you should just try mutt for a while
> and see if you like it better.

pretty much

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to adjust @INC Path of Perl

1999-02-03 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 01:56:45PM +0100, Thomas Gebhardt wrote:
> Hi,
> on my slink system perl frequently does not find its modules.
> I get error messages like this:
> Can't locate Net/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
> /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.005
>  /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux 
> /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/lib/dpkg//methods/ftp/setup line 7.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/dpkg//methods/ftp/setup line 7. 
> It seems that the missing modules are somewhere else:
> /usr/lib/perl5/Dpkg/Archive/
> /usr/lib/perl5/Net/
> How can I correct the @INC Path variable? Any hints what might
> have damaged the previous configuration?

I think this is an issue of using 5.005 since modules compiled for 5.004
are not compatible with it. For this reason debian is back to using 5.004
for now (that is what perl is in potato anyway). Try downgrading, or
upgrading your perl.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: slink, vim, and syntax

1999-01-29 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 03:17:31PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> Since moving to slink, syntax hiliting has ceased working.  In addition
> to the default now being off in /etc/vimrc, it seems that the files have
> been moved to /usr/share/vim/syntax, while the program still expects 
> them in /usr/lib/vim/syntax/syntax.vim
> Am i missing somethign, or is this a bug

Make sure you installed the vim-rt package.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE 1.1pre2

1999-01-28 Thread Rafael Kitover
The kde debs are at: (latest date is latest

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: Modem Init strings

1999-01-27 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 08:16:51PM -0500, Larry Venable wrote:
> I'm having a little problem getting higher connection rates than 33,600 on my
> usrobotics/ 3 com sportster 56K. I used the AZT initialization string 
> suggested in
> Debian setup, when I originally set up my system. But I know it can't be 
> optimum;
> since windoze is faster at the same url's when timed on a stop watch. Can 
> anyone
> suggest the correct init string, or where I can find the info? Thanks in 
> advance.

I don't think init string really matters, maybe use AT&FZ instead, check
your port settings though, setserial -a /dev/modem, try using
setserial spd_hi /dev/modem and see if you get better speeds.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: new kernel release

1999-01-26 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 01:19:25PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> > 
> > I see that the 2.2.0 kernel is now officially released.
> > 
> > Does anyone know if there are any problems, or things to be wary of, in
> > compiling this kernel for Debian hamm? 
> I had a couple, though it was on the last pre that called itself 2.2.0:
> a) it was not possible to change the irq for soundblaster to the value 
> most cards use (5, and it defaults to 7?  or is it vice versa).

You can pass parameters to modules when insmod'ing them,
ie insmod sb irq=5 etc.

> b) critical:  it gave my xserver the blinkies.  This is easy to do to 
> an AT24 chipset, but the only thing that usually does it is rvplayer 
> when the rv-server goes to heavy load (beats me why, but it crashes, 
> and it can't restart without a reboot, and goes into the blinkies).  
> Under 2.2.0, it went straight to the blinkies without giving me a good 
> session first.

Try the svga server from 3.3.3 might be useful here. Grab the binary from and install it in /usr/local/bin, then point
/etc/X11/Xserver at it.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: help with bash script

1999-01-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 03:18:40PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
> Hallo,
> I am just starting to use small bash scripts on my system and I enjoy it.
> I am using the following bash script to query my postgresql database using
> "van" (surname) as search field:
> time echo "select noemnaam,van,adres1,telefoon,werktelefoon,selfoon,faks
> from lidmate,besoekpunt where lower(van) like lower('$1%') and bpnommer =
> besoekpunt.nommer order by van, noemnaam;" | psql jhspies
> I use it like this:
> telef marais
> When I want to narrow the search I use it in the following way:
> telef marais | grep -i gert
> supplying a name (gert) to look for.
> I want to modify my script so that I can do either
> telef marais 
> or
> telef marais gert
> What I do not know is how to handle the possible second argument on the
> command line.  The script must be able to use the second argument if there
> is one otherwise it should use the query as it is at the moment.

Hi Johann,

I'm no shell expert by perhaps something like this:


CONSTRAINTS="lower(van) like lower('$1%') and bpnommer = \

if [ ! -z "$2" ]
  CONSTRAINTS="$CONSTRAINTS and firstname=lower('$2%')"

ORDER="van, noemnaam"

time echo "select $ROWS from $TABLES where $CONSTRAINTS \
   order by $ORDER;" | psql $LOGNAME

Not tested of course :)

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian installation

1999-01-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 11:15:06PM -0800, rod peters wrote:
> I need some help.  I have been trying to install debian for severl weeks.  
> Today got me the most progress so far.  I had my installation almost running 
> but I think I put in a wrong video or monitor value and my system started 
> blinking every half second.  It was locked up so I rebooted.  Same thing.  
> Now, I have selected the packages for home user(graphics,sound,X yadda 
> yadda), but when I install, I get "too many errors, quitting install"  and as 
> its installing the packages that do get installed,  often it says error files 
> missing.  Do I have a bad CD?  I have been fighting with this for a long 
> time.  I thought I almost had it, then I made a mistake, and now I can't get 
> that far for nothin'.  I have even d'loaded the floppy images from the site 
> to see if they work.  Nope.  Maybe I'm not meant to run Linux.

My suggestion is don't run xf86config for now (when the various packages
as you to). First install everything in dselect (you might have to hit
install a few times). And make sure you have enough disk space, df -k to
check. Once you get stuff installed, you can play with XF86Setup or
xf86config scripts. Remember that if X behaves weirdly you can kill it
with ctrl+alt+backspace. Best of luck!

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: libc 6 or 5

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 03:25:15PM -0800, Daryl Williams wrote:
> folks,
> i have to confess - i am somewhat confused over this issue.
> the reason it's come up right now is netscape, i get inconsistent
> results using either version

netscape has been packaged thanks to doogie, just install
"communicator-smotif-45" and everything that depends on. (probably from

> is there a definitive method for finding out which libc i am using?
> i am running debian hamm with a 2.0.34 kernel.

hamm is a libc6 distribution

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: Printing with 2.2pre kernels?

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 03:02:44PM -0400, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
> I still get this when I switch to lp1 in printcap and restart lpd.
>  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Operation not supported by device', attempt
> 2, sleeping 20 at 15:00:54
> Any other ideas?

I had a similar problem, make sure you selected all the modules for
parallel ports in the kernel config (like pc-style hardware).

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: emergency disk/mounting files

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 12:12:16AM -0600, KTB wrote:
> I need to change an X config file I screwed up so I can get into Linux.
> I'm using my boot disk to get to root, so I can bypass X, so I can edit
> the file.  This is the message and prompt I get when booting from the
> floppy:
> VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) read only.
> sh: /usr/bin/check -sendfile: No such file or directory
> /#
> I then use the command umount like so:
> /# umount /
> I then tried mounting like so:
> /# mount /dev/hdb2 / -rw
>  and got this:
> mount: you must specify the filesystem type
> So I tried:
> /# mount  ext2 /dev/hdb2 / -rw


mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb2 / -o rw

if that doesn't work, maybe:

mount -n -t ext2 /dev/hdb2 / -o rw

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 05:47:49PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
> thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:
> apt-get update
> apt-get dist-upgrade

Make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is set to get files from "slink" or
"frozen" to do this.

> Is this at all dangerous?

By definition, installing unreleased software is dangerous. But alot less
dangerous than "potato" (unstable) :)

> What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?

apt handles these things very gracefully, and will pick up where it left
off last time.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automatic ftping in a script - how?

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 05:44:15PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to write a script in which some files are automatically ftped to
> another machine (a username and password needs to be entered).  Is there
> a nice utility which will enable me to do this?

check out the ncftpput utility

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: diald help!

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 06:52:37AM +, tony mollica wrote:
> Hi.  I have a working diald setup on a Debian2.0
> box but there are a couple of messages in the log
> that I can't seem to find a solution to.  The items
> are logged when the link comes down.  These are
> the lines with my comments added:
> : Closing down idle link;no problem here
> : Terminating on signal 2   ;can't find a reference
> ;for this.

This is fine, it means that diald considers your link to be idle
(according to /etc/diald/standard.filter) and wants to close it, so sends a
SIGINT to pppd, the second line is from that.

> : Connection terminated ;no problem here either
> : Failed;what failed?
> : disconnect script failed  ;can't seem to get any 
> ;disconnect script to work.
> ;Any suggestions?

You don't need a disconnect script since your modem most likely support
hardware resets. If it does not, just make a script that looks like this:

echo "+++" > /dev/modem
echo "ath" > /dev/modem
echo "atz" > /dev/modem

only if simply not having a disconnect line in diald.options does not

> : Exit. ;OK.
> : Delaying 10 seconds before clear to dial.
>I changed a parameter to make it 10 seconds between
>redials, but why does diald end it's session with 
>this line, which makes you wait 10 seconds before 
>dialing a new connection?

Not sure, maybe because it thinks disconnect failed?

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: Setting up diald.

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 10:22:22PM -0500, Chris Hoover wrote:
> I'm having to reset up my system after a hard drive crash, and am having
> a hard time getting diald setup.  I've tried to set it up using the
> provides scripts and examples, but they don't seem to be working.  I
> remember when I first set it up, I was directed to a good page on the
> web where someone detailed how they set it up.  Does anyone know where
> that page or one like it might be?

Well, I just used the faq in /usr/doc, and trial and error... something as
simple as having an option that says "Would you like to use diald?" in
pppconfig would have been nice, of course, but anyway :) I've attached my
/etc/diald/diald.options in the hope that they may be helpful (your setup
may vary, and of course it needs to be edited).

Rafael Kitover
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo
accounting-log /var/log/diald.log
mode ppp
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
device /dev/ttyS2
speed 57600
mtu 1006
mru 1006
window 4024
pppd-options noauth asyncmap 0 lcp-echo-interval 30 lcp-echo-failure 4 noipx
connect-timeout 90
dial-fail-limit 2
died-retry-count 0
include /etc/diald/standard.filter

Description: PGP signature

Re: dualboot linux and NT?

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 05:38:06PM +, Daryl Williams wrote:
> folks,
> i have a system running linux debian hamm with kernel 2.0.34.
> this system has 2 IDE drives. linux is installed on the 1st disk
> and boot using lilo. i have windows NT on the second disk which
> is set as a slave IDE disk. when i try to boot windows NT from
> lilo i get the an error message from the system that says is cant
> find NTLDR. i am assuming this error message is comming from
> the NT boot loader.
> i have read the howtos on dual booting but none of them address
> this kind of setup with 2 disks. it looks like i might have to edit the
> boot.ini file on NT, but that could result in an unbootable system
> so i am trying to get some feedback before proceeding that down
> road.

Do you have any space on the master disk to make a tiny FAT partition? If
so, just put some sort of dos on it and look at the Linux+NT+win95 howto
(or something like that), set boot=/win95/bootsect.lnx in /etc/lilo.conf
(as someone who's name I forgot on the list previously mentioned, neat trick).

If you don't have any space but a swap partition, you might just convert
the swap partition and setup a swap file instead.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: Help! X screw up

1999-01-19 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 07:55:05PM -0600, KTB wrote:
> I haven't been in windows for a while and under the circumstances, wish
> I wasn't.  I was trying to make my virtual screen larger and was messing
> around with FX86Config files.  One was in /etc and the other I can't
> remember /lib or something.  Anyway I couldn't get anything to change so
> I started putting "#"s over the lines dealing with the virtual display
> and changed some of the larger sizes.  My system is set up so that I
> automatically go to X to sign in.  When I boot Linux everything goes as
> normal until I reach the point where X tries to load.  Then the text on
> the screen starts to blink. Is there anyway I can abort X and just get a
> regular console or am I hosed and have to reinstall?
> Thanks,
> Kent

If/when X freezes, try ctrl+alt+backspace, and ctrl+alt+f2 to switch to
another VC. If none of that works, you can always boot with your install
disks, select the "mount primary partition" option and
chmod -x /target/etc/init.d/xdm or whatever.

Rafael Kitover

Description: PGP signature

Re: GhostScript and Magicfilter

1998-12-30 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 02:59:13PM -0700, John Greer wrote:
> I was installing GS and magicfilter last night (Hamm, krnl 2.0.34) so 
> that I can print from Netscape etc.  I renamed my old printcap and 
> ran magicfilterconfig.  The result being that I can print text and but 
> still not postscript.  Is there a howto somewhere that I can read??  
> The printer I am using is a Panasonic 1124 (dot  matrix) I used the 
> epsonlq-filter in magicfilter.  I also would like to not have it print the 
> header page.  Thanks!  

I've found the Printing-HOWTO invaluable for all things printer related.

Rafael Kitover

Re: C libraries?

1998-12-29 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 02:20:17PM -0500, Craig P. McDaniel wrote:
> I'll give it away before my questions do - I'm a Linux newbie (Woohoo!). I
> always try to find my answers in documentation first, but I'm still
> stumped on this one.
> I have installed the .deb packages for libc5, libc6, and I think glibc2
> (not at home right now). Does this mean I can run all three types of
> binaries? Which library will be used when I compile an app from source?

libc6 is the same as glibc2. Debian has libc6 libraries and some other
stuff end with a "g" on the end of the packagename to specify that it's a
libc6 package. There are also things in the oldlibs/ section for old libc5
programs, so if you have those you can run libc5 apps.

When you compile things, the binary will be libc6, unless you get the
-altdev package, and follow the procedure to make a libc5 binary

Rafael Kitover

Re: "idled" the thing that wouldn't die

1998-12-28 Thread Rafael Kitover
As the other reply said, daemons are in /etc/init.d. You can do stuff
/etc/init.d/daemon (stop|start|restart|reload) or whatever it supports. If
a package failed to remove its functionality when you removed it, please
file a bug. Install the bug package (apt-get install bug) and see the man
page for it, makes things alot simpler.

On Sat, Dec 26, 1998 at 07:46:27PM -0500, Tom wrote:
> I decided to try the idled package which disconnects users after being
> idle for a specified period of time.  When I first discovered that it
> does not recognize someone in X as using the machine I tried to
> uninstall it using dselect.  After rebooting I was still being kicked or
> the system after 60 minutes.  I went back to dselect and purged the
> application. rebooted.  No change.  Next I decide to reinstall, but  to
> modify the config file. I tried to change the default idle time before
> log out to 300 minutes from 60.  I also added my user name to the exempt
> list.  Rebooted. This all had no effect.  
> My current idea is to remark out the line which loads this thing at boot
> up.  I am not sure how to do that, or even which file I need to edit. 
> Any help is appreiciated.  Thanks
> By the way, is it really necessary to reboot to turn of a daemon? 

Rafael Kitover

Re: X questions

1998-12-28 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Mon, Dec 28, 1998 at 11:18:41AM +0100, Marcus Geiger wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know, with which X-toolkits some of the traditional X applications 
> are implemented: ghostview, offix-files. (isn't it the athena widget set ???).

Easy :)

ldd `which ghostview`

will show you what dynamic libraries the application uses. Xaw/Xt is the
athena widgets. Xm is lesstif, etc. When in doubt go to the packages
search page on and put the library name in "contents" to
find the relative package.

Rafael Kitover

Re: Partial Install Problem Solved, now another

1998-12-24 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 08:00:44PM -0600, Nils Lorvick wrote:
> I did happen to get past the partition problem of my install on my laptop
> by initiating the virtual console and then doing a manual delete of each
> partition, and then doing a cfdisk from dinstal. Now my next problem is,
> that it says I have a bad base14-5 disk. Now I've done 2 diskettes and 
> downloaded the same thing from the website (latest version)
> and debian says it's a bad disk, it does all the other 4 fine. Is there a
> bad compile of base 5? Can someone actually answer this question?

Actually it means you have a bad disk, try another one!

Rafael Kitover

Re: Problems with Pine (set term?)

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 04:00:06PM +, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> When I try and start Pine and get an error
> Terminal type 'linux' us unknown

Try TERM=vt100 pine, if that works you can alias pine="TERM=vt100 pine".

> Does anyone know what this error message is telling me and how can I fix
> it.  The reason I am using Pine is because I wish to have a command-line
> mail reader that will connect to the same Inbox and folder directory
> that Netscape is using so that I can use them interchangably.  I have
> not found out how to do this  with MH or Mutt and I know I can do it

For mutt, see:

Fetchmail also supports a "keep" and "keepall" option, see the man page
for it.

> with Pine if I can get Pine up and running.  I should mention that I
> downloaded the binary file so that I have none of the profile files 
> created yet.

Pine is not DFSG-free, but there is a source package in "experimental" I
belive, you could try that for better debian integration.

Rafael Kitover

Re: Sound, HELP!

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Thu, Dec 24, 1998 at 12:24:44AM -0400, Jeff Browning wrote:
> Howdy all,
> I have been trying to get sound working on my Debian box all week. I've 
> compiled a new Kernel with all the features and settings. But when I 
> looked in /dev I couldn't  find "audio." Yes I have added /dev/audio 

try cd /dev;./MAKEDEV audio

also check the "dmesg" command to make sure the sound stuff really does

Rafael Kitover

Re: machine seems to pause for a few seconds

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 10:58:35AM -0500, Geoffrey Deasey wrote:
> What else do I have to change to move to the 2.1.12x kernels ?

Most likely nothing, the binutils etc should be up to date in 2.0, but
check the README just in case. Also, use kernel-package to do the
compiles, saves some effort.

Rafael Kitover

Re: Moving partition

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 08:49:46AM +0100, root wrote:
> I already have different partitions for / , /var , /home , /usr.
> In fact, my problem is : How do I move files from an old parttion to a new 
> one while
> ensure all links (and things like that) are kept ?

Symbolic links are just names of files. If the path of the destination
stays the same (/usr is still /usr, even though the mount table is
different) you shouldn't have problems just using cp. But I haven't done
this before in truth.

> What is the command to format (initialise ?) a partition ?


auto mounts are in /etc/fstab

Rafael Kitover

Re: Picture display in netscape

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
I'm just guessing here, but maybe kde grabbed all your colors? Try having
a maximized netscape session with the -install flag (note that other stuff
when netscape is in focus will look very wrong).

On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 08:25:22AM -0700, John Greer wrote:
> I have a Debian 2.0 system with KDE 1.0 installed my video card 
> uses the clgd5428 chipset so I am stuck with running the system in 
> 8-bit color mode for the time being.  The question i have is that it 
> seems that when I am using Netscape (4.5b2) for web browsing the 
> images that it displays do not look correct.  The images seem to be 
> very pixilated yet if I look at the same site using kfm the images look 
> fine.  I have tried open just an image in Netscape and it also does 
> not look right.  I only have 16M of memory in this machine (486-
> 100) at the present but am increasing that this weekend.  Does  
> anyone have a clue as to a way to make Netscape work 
> properly  TIA

Rafael Kitover

Re: sending mail : how does it work ???

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Wed, Dec 23, 1998 at 06:13:09PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know : How my mail are sent 
> On my system, I have sendmail and fetchmail installed. procmail package is 
> installed but
> I am not sure that it run (I can't see procmail when I do a ps -a). 
> If I am offline and I send mail, they are save in /var/save/mqueue. 
> What soft have to send them when I am on-line ? (procmail ?) How does it know 
> if it can send 
> the messages ? Can I lost the message if I disconnect while this mysterious 
> software is
> sending the messages ?

Generally, just using the command "runq" will send out your mail. You
might want to configure it in /etc/ppp/ip.up so that your mail is sent when
you bring up your connection.

Rafael Kitover

Re: ftpd

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
Rick Knebel wrote:
> I then upgraded to slink and everytime I try to ftp into my home machine from 
> work i get connection refused.
I wrote:
> Hrm, try apt-get install ftp;apt-get install ftpd.

Sorry, I was writing that from work and didn't check. Both ftp and in.ftpd
are still in netstd:

% dpkg -S /usr/bin/ftp;dpkg -S /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
netstd: /usr/bin/ftp
netstd: /usr/sbin/in.ftpd

If you are getting a connection refused, maybe you don't have in.ftp
enabled in /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.conf (depending on if you use
inetd or xinetd respectively). Search for the line with the word "in.ftpd"
and make sure it doesn't have a # in front of it, if it does remove it and

/etc/init.d/netbase reload

(as root)

Hope that helps.

references: man services, man inetd.conf

Rafael Kitover

Re: killing off the *)&@ NT bootloader

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
I use the NT bootloader to boot between NT/dos|95/linux, the
Linux+NT+Win95 or whatever it was called HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini was
very helpful, basically I have an entry for c:\bootsect.lnx in my
c:\boot.ini. And updated it with a new kernel or whatever. So basically
after a new kernel I do:

dd if=/dev/sda5 of=/win95/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

where /dev/sda5 is my linux partition and /win95 is my win95 (primary dos
or whatever the hell) partition.

Also, the howto says you have to copy the bootsect file to a floppy and
reboot or whatever, but using something like the above this step is not

On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 08:13:01PM -0500, Sean Johnson wrote:
> An easier solution is to open Disk Administrator 
> {Start-Programs-Administrative
> Tools-Disk Administrator} and mark the Linux partition as active.
> Sean
> Jeff Katcher wrote:
> > "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." wrote:
> > >
> > > yikes, that thing is stubborn.  I've supposedly installed lilo half a
> > > dozen times, and the thing still comes up asking which NT configuration
> > > to use . . .
> > >
> > > It needs to be able to boot NT at least for a little while . . .
> > >
> > Okay, i'm flyin by the seat of my pants here, but you should be able to
> > add an entry to the NT C:\BOOT.INI file that will point to your linux in
> > some way (isn't there a howto on this somewhere??)  try the linux
> > howto's maybe there is a Linux+NT HOWTO.
> >
> > Jeff
> >

Rafael Kitover

Re: xterm-debian

1998-12-23 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 06:45:42PM -0600, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> On the other hand, I have 
> export TERM=xterm
> and still end up with xterm-debian when i telnet & ssh to digital unix.
> rick

See for 
workarounds/solutions/rationale etc.

Rafael Kitover

Re: ftpd

1998-12-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 05:51:25PM -0500, Rick Knebel wrote:
> Hi,
> In my continuing struggle to get to know the debian distro i ran into another 
> problem.
> I installed ham and anonymous ftp worked just fine.
> I then upgraded to slink and everytime I try to ftp into my home machine from 
> work i get connection refused.
> I can telnet and pop into it without problems.
> Any ideas.

Hrm, try apt-get install ftp;apt-get install ftpd.

Rafael Kitover

Re: Netscape 4.5 glibc dies!

1998-12-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 12:32:01PM +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
> But I have a 10Mbit ethernet connection for pete's sake! And it
> happens quite often (though usually only when connecting to
> transatlantic sites (that would be America for me)). Also, after I've
> killed it, when I run 'top', there is two or three 'Netscape'
> processes that eat ~45% CPU each! Please tell me what problems 4.5
> fixed from 4.0x, cause I'm thinking hard of switching back!

Sometimes netscape will make processes called "(dns helper)", and when these
hang, netscape hangs. Looking them up under ps and killing them makes
netscape unfreeze.

Rafael Kitover

Re: Moving partition

1998-12-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 09:16:37AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have no more space left on my /dev/hda2 partition which is mounted on /
> I have a swap partition /dev/hda3
> I can create a bigger partition (say /dev/hdb7) to temporary move my root 
> directory. I also can 
> create a new swap partition (/dev/hdb5)

You could also make a new partition and mount it as /home, or /usr, or some 

Rafael Kitover

Re: Need some apps.

1998-12-22 Thread Rafael Kitover
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 07:27:59AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am in the process of trying to ditch window$ for Linux.  There are
> some apps I need for school, however, and I was wondering if you all
> could help me figure out what they are.  I need PSpice, Matlab (I assume
> Octave is as close as it gets), LogicWorks, and Maple V.  The PSpice has
> to be graphic.  If there isn't one, then I need a command-line PSpice
> and a graphic package to draw the schematics.  Thanks for the help.

I'm not sure about the others, but maple V supports linux, see:

and also matlab:

(you kinda have to use the search thing to find anything useful there)

Rafael Kitover

Re: Is `.deb' still better than `.rpm'?

1996-11-12 Thread Rafael Kitover
Excerpts from mail: 12-Nov-96 Is `.deb' still better than.. by Kevin K.
> Just curious: Are there still advantages to the Debian package
> management system over the RPM system?

If I understand this correctly, RedHat put it's RPM software under a non-GPL 
copyright, and source is unavailable. The .deb software is completely GPL,
one more reason why Debian is the official GNU FSF Linux :)

Speaking of the FSF, is any work being done on making a Debian GNU Hurd
distribution? Is it expected in the future?

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Re: dselect problem

1996-11-09 Thread Rafael Kitover
Excerpts from mail: 9-Nov-96 Re: dselect problem by Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Rafael Torres  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   I'm working with Debian 1.1 and since last week, when I want to
> >install a .deb packages via ftp, I receive the following message:
> >
> >Processing status file...
> >Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install
> > line 75,
> > chunk 6898
> >
> >   Please, What can I do to solve this problem???
> This is happening to me too on this machine.  I'm using the FTP method
> in dselect to track rex, non-free, and contrib.

This happens to me too, I'm getting everything from unstable. I doesn't
cause any problems though.

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Re: ethernet card

1996-11-01 Thread Rafael Kitover
Excerpts from mail: 25-Oct-96 Re: ethernet card by Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I looked at the driver code and verified that it is doing programmed I/O.
> So, while it is perhaps not significant for some systems, the thing is
> using the CPU to wait for ISA bus transfers, and the CPU is stuck at
> priority and not running your program while this is happening. No
doubt it goe
> s
> by too fast to notice. You'd probably have to run a benchmark to tell the
> difference.
> Bruce

I'm just wondering, my SMC EtherEZ has a memory mapped mode, would this
be better? Does Linux support it?


Re: Samba and LyX

1996-10-26 Thread Rafael Kitover
Excerpts from mail: 24-Oct-96 Samba and LyX by Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 1.  I use NT as a network here(choke).  So I need the Samba routiens
> running.  Although on Slackware I had some other problems with it
> (probably the version levels I was using), On this one I cannot see long
> filenames.  I am using the smbmount command like I am supose to and I
> compiled the smb support into the kernal.  I figure that it is something
> simple but I do not know.  

When configuring the kernel, choose the option that allows you to use
experimental drivers. Then you will see the samba long filenames driver,
I haven't tried it yet, my new compiled gernel gives me a gpf :) Also of
note, this is in the 2.0.6 source which can be gotten as a debian
package, there more recent kernels probably have better versions of the
long file names driver if this one doesn't work...

Until now I didn't even know about smbmount though I looked at
NET-2-HOWTO and such... can anyone tell me how do I get a list of
services or whatever that I could mount with it?

Also, anyone get Appletalk working?



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>From miss
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Date:   Fri, 25 Oct 96 17:02:07 GMT
 (from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg) (Brian Skreeg))
 (at Thu, 24 Oct 96 18:02:33 GMT)
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Skreeg Brian Skreeg)
Subject: Daft newbie help. Boot stuff.
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Hi Brian,

>   Hi clever peeps.
>   I'm quite new to debian and linux in general but have been doing
> exectionally well for a first timer. Even managed to get X installed and
> recompile and install a kernel with sound support. :) Clever eh?
>   Anyway, the problem I'm having just now is a simple one. Where do I
> put commands that I want executed at startup? For example. I need to set my
> hostname for my ppp dial-up stuff. Having a text file in /etc called
> HOSTNAME containing my hostname isn't good enough. I need to run the
> command "hostname" like so. What file to I place this in
> so it is run everytime the machine boots? I've read several documents and
> book but they all seem to point to a mythical rc.local file that doesn't
> exist in the Debian setup. Debian seems to do it's whole rc.d thing a lot
> differently from other distributions. 
>   Also how do I set certain EnvVars at startup?
> TIA,
> Ozzy,
>__ _ _
>   /  \ \ \ 
>  / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
>  \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
> \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

   __ _ _
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian SkreegIRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
\__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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