Re: downloads...burst, then nothing

1999-05-17 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Lev Lvovsky wrote:
 I'm having a problem with downloads from my machine (slink).  On the 
 network I have at home, I can upload at the regular high speeds, but 
 downloading form the machine (to a Win98 machine), whether it be by ftp, or 
 by http gives me a little bit of the file, and then slows down to a total 
 crawl.  Obviously if it owrks up, I'm assuming all ofthe hardware is 
 fineis there some sort of buffer for this sort of thing that might be 
 set too low?

Make sure that the network interface on both machines are set up for half
duplex operation (unless you are using a switch).  Having one or both
interface at full duplex might cause problems like these.  Also, check if
you are getting an abnormal amount of collision on the network during
download (ifconfig eth0 on the Linux box). 

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Re: Cubic mouse cursor

1999-05-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
[x] Emailed to author   [x] Sent to mailing list

David R. Kohel wrote:
 Anyone know how to get rid of this 2x2 cm mouse cursor under X? 
 I just re-installed X ( from potato.

You REALLY need to give some more information.  At the very least, we need
to know which graphics card and which X server you are using.

Also, you might want to go to a virtual console and run

$ X :1 -probeonly  probe.log 21

This will create a file named probe.log with the startup messages from
the X server.  If there are any anomalous messages, please post them as

You night also want to check (modify
for the X server you use) to see if anyone else has reported similar

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Re: Cubic mouse cursor

1999-05-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
[x] Emailed to author   [x] Sent to mailing list

David R. Kohel wrote:
 The x probe output is below.  I'm using the SVGA server with a
 Neomagic card.  
 The cursor appears as a large square with upper left hand corner 
 at the mouse point, replacing the normal arrow symbol.  I've got 
 no other problems with the xserver.
 If anyone has seen this and has a fix I'd appreciate it.  

It is probably due to a bug in the new X server.  Try doing a search on to see if anyone else has the same problem.  As a
workaround, you can add a line saying

Option sw_cursor

to the Device section of your /etx/X11/XF86Config as a workaround.  You
should probably submit a bug report on xserver-svga (man bug) if it hasn't
been done already.  Include all the detail you included in your second
posting here.

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Re: Sound Blaster 128 Detection

1999-01-26 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Thomas MANGIN wrote:
 I am now facing another nice problem : my SB 128 isn t detected. I was
 befdore using a Crystal card which was perfecltly working but now my
 Standard Sound
 Blaster is not working.

The SoundBlaster PCI cards are not hardware compatible with the ISA based
SoundBlaster cards.  When configuring the kernel you need to include
support for the Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1370) card to support the PCI 128.

 Last time I installed a SB16, I solved the problem removing the Os is
 PNP aware in my Bios but this time this didn t changed anything ;( I
 tryed both Native
 and Legacy dma but it didn t help too !!
 I suspect the PNP or Legacy stuff like they call it to be somewhere
 guilty !! For information my kernel is the 2.1.130

I don't think this is the problem.  This PNP/legacy stuff should only
matter for ISA Pnp devices.

You may want to upgrade your kernel since you have to recompile anyway.
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Re: boot floppies -- thanks!!

1999-01-26 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Ossama Othman wrote:
 I wanted to thank Robert Woodcock and everyone who helped me (sorry, I
 don't recall their names :( ) for helping me figure out how to boot my
 Dell PowerEdge Server 6300.  I am now the proud user (not owner, I wish!
 :) of a Quad-CPU Xeon Dell system with a gig (960MB with linux lim) of
 memory running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (potato).  Now if I could just get the
 rest of my colleagues to switch to Debian. :p

Just out of curiosity, how long does it take to compile a kernel on this
sucker?  (For maximum performance, use the -j compiler option.)

 The system is _smooth_ and stable!  Thanks again for the help and for a
 great OS!

Btw., are you running a 2.0 or a 2.2 kernel?  The 2.2 kernel should give a
substantial speed increase, esp. on multiprocessor system.  In case you
haven't noticed, kernel 2.2.0 was released less than 12 hours ago.
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Re: X manager installation changes /dev/mouse from psaux to ttyS0

1999-01-23 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Oliver Elphick wrote:
 BOHICA wrote:
  I tried re-symlinking /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux
  BOHICA:/dev$ rm mouse
  BOHICA:/dev$ ln -s /dev/mouse /dev/psaux
  but for some reason this causes /dev/psaux to link to /dev/ttyS0.
 You got the command back-to-front.
  So now I have: /dev/mouse = /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/psaux = /dev/ttyS0
  Can anyone help me resolve this?  I am quite out of my depth here (not
  that I was too deep to begin with).
 As superuser, do:
   ln -sf /dev/psaux /dev/mouse

It seems that the device node has been replaced by a symlink.  Your
suggestion will not help much:

  mouse - psaux - ttyS0

To fix this, do (# means do as root):

# cd /dev
# rm psaux
# ./MAKEDEV misc
# ln -sf psaux mouse

The MAKEDEV script will recreate the /dev/psaux device node for you.

   ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem


# ln -sf ttyS0 /dev/modem

will suffice.  Just remember that if you have multiple programs that need
to access the modem (e.g. pppd, mgetty, minicom, xringd) they must all
use the same device name, ie. they all use /dev/modem or they all use
/dev/ttyS0.  Otherwise, locking of the device will not work properly.

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Re: rawrite for linux

1999-01-19 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen

 Jonathan Sprague dixit:
 dd if=FILE.EXT of=/dev/fd0 (for floppy a:)
 say I want to make an image of Slackware's boot  root disks from my cdrom
 to the floppy, would it be as follows?:
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom
 mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy
You should not mount the floppy if you are going to write to the floppy
device (/dev/fd0) directly.  Besides, these floppy images do not contain
ext2 file systems.

 dd if =/dev/hdb/bare.i of=/dev/fd0
 dd if=/dev/hdb/color.gz of=/dev/fd0

You have mounted the CDROM on /cdrom, so these commands should read

dd if=/cdrom/bare.i of=/dev/fd0
dd if=/cdrom/color.gz of=/dev/fd0

Alternatively, you could use cp to do this:

cp /cdrom/bare.i /dev/fd0

 BTW, I believe obs=18k deals with disk space/capacity somehow.

This shouldn't matter as long as the floppies are low-level formatted in
advance (use superformat if they aren't).

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Re: using xfig + latex

1999-01-14 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
LOPARIC Marko wrote:

 Do you know how to export xfig figures with latex commands and insert them
 in latex files? I was unlucky with pictex, eepic and pstex_t.


 3. pstex_t: That is the format suggested in the documentation of tranfig
 package. But I was unnable to find the file psfig.tex, which is needed.

I export my figures as combined PS/LaTeX (pstex_t) and put


in the preamble of my documents. The figures are then included in my LaTeX
document with sth. like


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Re: upgrade from 14.4 to 56.6 modem - what settings to change?

1999-01-04 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Martin Waller wrote:
 I've been a lucky boy and have got a new 56.6k modem for xams to replace 
 my old 14.4.
 An old linux book I have (from kernel 1.2.13, and for slackware...) says 
 to get fast modem speeds I have to run setserial ttys1 115200 to get 
 higher modem speeds.
 The modem works OK, but I'm only getting a 28.8k connection (could be my 
 Regradless, do I need to change the 38400 bit in the connect string 
 thing to 115200? Or change some script somehwre to gurantee fastest 
 possible connection speeds?

You'll want to either

 (a) Call setserial with the spd_vhi option (in /etc/rc.boot/0setserial)
 for the port that your modem sits on.  You can then use the 38400
 speed setting in your ppp script which the kernel will interpret as
 115200 bps.


 (b) Leave /etc/rc.boot/setserial alone and use 115200 in your connect

Option (a) is a relic from the pre-kernel-2.0 days and is deprecated today
(but will still work).
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Re: Samba

1998-12-02 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Jiri Baum wrote:
 I've just installed the Samba-server (and read the man-pages).  I might be
 missing something but I can't figure out how to get a list of what Wimpdos
 calls the entire network. Can this be done without knowing any
 Hmm, can't find that! The best I can come up with is:
   smbclient -L `hostname`
 which has the info under browse list.
 Anyone have a better way of getting it?

The smb2www package gives you a nice web based overview of a smb network,
similar to the Network Neighborhood in windoze. You'll probably want to
get the version in potato (980804-3) as the version in slink is slightly
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Re: HELP slink upgrade: netscape: locale `C' not supported

1998-11-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Jeff Noxon wrote:
 Re-install xlib6g and it should work.  Now if only I could get Acrobat
 working again...

Removing /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/X11/locale (empty dir) and linking it to
/usr/lib/X11/locale instead worked for me.  A small glitch in the upgrade
process, I presume.
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Re: DNS woes

1998-11-07 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Gregory Dickinson wrote:
 Here's my (somewhat strange) situation, I hope someone can help.
 I have a 2.0 box configured as a DNS for our intranet.  Said Debian box
 has 2 NIC's in it, one for the public side (internet) and one for our
 provate side (intranet.)  I was wondering (mainly) how to make the DNS
 only answer queries from the private side, not the public side also.

Just put a listen-on directive in your /etc/named.conf (assuming you are
running bind 8).  I use

listen-on {

You will of course need to modify this for your setup.  Check the
documentation in the bind-doc package for details.
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Re: OFF TOPIC: help with SMB wierdness?

1998-11-07 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
David Karlin wrote:
 Where can I find smb2www?  (I couldn't find it in 
 .../stable/main/binary-i386/packages or 

It's in slink.  The current version (980804-2) is somewhat broken wrt.
never versions of samba, but the maintainer told me that a new version
will be released shortly.
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Re: timezones

1998-10-29 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
David S. Zelinsky wrote:
 Since I dual boot with Win95, I have my hardware clock set to local time.
 I don't use Win95 much any more (read: my wife now uses Linux :), so I figure
 I might as well change over to UTC, so Linux will handle daylight/standard
 time correctly (I hope).
 How do I make that change?  I can't find any documentation on this.

You'll need to edit /etc/default/rcS.
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Re: lprng and disabling network printer

1998-10-28 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Pere Camps wrote:
   How do you disable the 'printer' port for remote connections if
 you're using lprng?

Edit /etc/lpd.perms so it has a couple of lines saying sth. like this

# reject all connections from remote machines

and make sure that you have no other `SERVICE=X' lines in that file.
Also, these lines should appear before the `DEFAULT' line.  Now you can do
a `/etc/init.d/lprng reload', and remote connections will be blocked.
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Re: **IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2

1998-10-28 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
John Goerzen wrote:
 Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 They default to /etc/mail, except for aliases.db, which should be in /etc
 (Debian Policy, 4.5).
 I know what policy says, but this is not how it works.  mailertable,
 etc. are in /etc and not /etc/mail.

You can put them wherever you want.  Just use something like this in your

FEATURE(mailertable, `hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable')

 It's a pain to manually have to run a long makemap command each time
 something is updated.  There has GOT to be a better way...

You can put a make file in /etc/mail to do the dirty work.  Then all you
need to do to update the databases is to go to /etc/mail and type make.
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Re: Notification of incoming telnet sessions..

1998-10-28 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Michael Beattie wrote:
 On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Petter Adsen wrote:
 Michael Beattie writes:
 | I want to be able to have some form of notification when a telnet
 | connection is made to my linux box, most likely in the form of playing an
 You can probably do this with tcpwrappers. See the manpages for
 hosts_access(5) and tcpd(8).
 Hmmm.. thanks... I'll look into that one too.

Actually, it should be pretty easy.  You can just use the spawn option
on the in.telnetd line in /etc/hosts.allow (see hosts_access(5) and
hosts_options(5)).  Something like this will work:

in.telnetd: ALL: spawn /usr/bin/play /your/favourite/aufile : ALLOW
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Re: Why can't I execute a script??

1998-10-24 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 If some user is capable of putting a fake `ls' in a random directory where
 you might trip on it, that user is far more likely to put it in your ~/bin
 directory!  (Same privileges are required)
 Just a thought.
 Just make the . directory the _last_ part of your path, that way it will
 search /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin and
 all the rest of your path first.

This discussion crops up on this list once a week or so.  The bottom line
is that users (root especially) should not have a . anywhere in their
path.  Lets assume that root has a . as the last element of his path.
He then goes to the home directory of a malignant user, intending to do an
ls on his dir.  Even root is not perfect, so he makes a typo and
actually types sl instead.  The malignant user has a script called sl
in his home dir:

# Do bad stuff as root...
rm -f sl
echo bash: sl: command not found 2

And root never knew what hit him...
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Re: mySQL

1998-10-24 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
D'jinnie wrote:
 I recently visited (was trying to figure out whether I
 should migrate to it). I haven't read their license - but there are a few
 links there that suggested to me that it's not very free - because they
 wanted money for it. Is it GPLed or how does it work?

MySQL is under an almost free license, meaning that you get the sources,
you hvae the right to make modification and redistribute these, and you
can use it for anything you wan't (including commercial use) without
having to pay any licensing fees.  The only thing you aren't allowed to
do, IIRC, is to sell MySQL or a derived product for profit.  This is why
the MySQL packages are in non-free and not in main.
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Re: HELP: Repair of tar.gz files??

1998-10-22 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Rick Younie wrote:
 If the file was corrupted by being transferred in ascii mode
 instead of binary, you can fix it.  There's a program in the
 window's world called NOCRLF that will do it.  Or if you have a
 language or a good hex editor, replace the carriage return/line
 feed pairs with a linefeed and that will fix.

No, generally you can't fix binary files downloaded in ASCII mode.  The CR
- CR/LF transformation is irreversible for binary files.  That is, there
may have been some (valid) CR/LF's in the binary file at first, which will
then be converted into CR's by the reverse transformation.

If you're lucky it might work, though.
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Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-18 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Ed Cogburn wrote:
 W. Paul Mills wrote:
 1.3-27 is faulty. -26 or -28 should work.
   Uh, I *am* running sysklogd 1.3-28 and my ppp logging is still broken. 

Make sure that you have a line in /etc/syslog.conf that reads


and make sure that you have tabs separating the fields and not just
spaces (a small syslogd quirk).
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Re: Telnet with slink

1998-10-18 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Phillip Neumann wrote:
 [telnet to localhost not working] 
 I realize that after upgrading telnet program were not avaible so i try
 to install telnet package apt installed it ok.

You need to install the telnetd package as well.
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Re: 2.1.x series with IP-Masqing

1998-10-18 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Steve Lamb wrote:
   Just a warning to anyone who is considering using the 2.1.x series since
 2.2 is rumoured (I stress that word highly) to be out soon.  If you use
 IP-Masqing it appears that the 2.1.x kernels break ipfwadm.  With a broken
 ipfwadm it isn't possible to add/remove IP-Masqing rules like normal. 
 There may have been another way, but I did this on my production machine
 (silly, I know) and just simply reverted back to my 2.0.x series kernel.

IP Masquerading with 2.1 kernels is no problem.  Just install the ipmasq
package from slink (currently 3.2.3).  If you have a standard IP
Masquerade setup (one default gw, one or more internal networks to be
masq'ed) it will set up the rules automatically.  No need to write those
pesky ipfwadm rules by hand anymore :-).  It will even re-run the setup
scripts every time you bring up/down a PPP link.  Did I mention that it is
fully configurable?

No, I didn't write it, I just use it and like it very much.  Clever stuff
and a bit of shell magic.

It supports both 2.0 kernels (ipfwadm) and 2.1 kernels (ipchains).
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Re: WARNING! Do NOT upgrade sysklogd to 1.3-29

1998-10-18 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Bob Nielsen wrote:
 The latest slink update to sysklogd 1.3-29 is SERIOUSLY broken.  I
 installed it and could no longer become root.  If you have installed it,
 you will need to boot with your rescue disk (you do have one, don't you?)
 and either disable sysklogd (chmod -x /etc/init.d/sysklogd) or install the
 hamm version.

It does indeed seem to be broken.  I don't have the problems you seem to
be having (missing ability to become root), though.  My problem is that
nothing is logged.  Syslogd seems to run just fine--the marks are written
to the syslog every 20 minutes as usual, but is seems as if other programs
can't communicate with it.

All the same, I concur with Bob: *don't* upgrade to sysklogd_1.3-29. 
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Re: PPP logging?

1998-10-17 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Michael Beattie wrote:
 For some reason, ppp is not being logged anymore on my hamm/slink box..
 anyone else having the same results? If not, how do I fix it? I believe I
 upgraded ppp yesterday, as the last logged time was 2:55pm... does not
 even have disconnect logged.

AFAICT, this is caused by a faulty sysklogd.  Upgrading to 1.3-28 should
fix the problem (it did for me).
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Re: New Install... pon not working

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Bob Eidt wrote:
 I Have installed Linux 2.0 from floppy disk to a unit without any non-
 linux partitions and have tried both using pppconfig and manually
 editing the provider files as indicated in install.txt. FTP is the only
 method to my disposal of enhancing my installation.
 It would seem the best I can do is with the configuration files I had
 after running pppconfig.
 Using pon and plog I get an OK in response to ATZ, I get a 
 CONNECT in response to the ATDT1231234. But then a string 
 of some sort of PPP negotiation talk is sent and after a while I get 
 a message it has been sent 9 times without a response and I 

You should post some more information, such as your chat script
(/etc/chatscripts/provider), your ppp config file
(/etc/ppp/peers/provider) and the exact error message logged by pppd and
chat (output from plog).  If plog doesn't produce the complete output
(only the last ten lines are shown), copy the output directly from
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Re: Format of .deb files

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
 I guess your home PC can't be acessed from work (ie having it online)
 too bad...I need to set mine up (one of these days) to let me tell it
 to conenct remotely.

xringd is your friend.

Just remember that if you have a dynamic IP you need a way to locate your
machine on the Internet.  You can either set up a script to post the IP to
a web site or mail you the IP, or you can use a dynamic DNS service such
as the one at  Check out the mlddc package for a client for
the latter.
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Re: netscape4.x cannot read debian-user list archives

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Jan Krupa wrote:
 I have installed netscape4.5b2 under debian2.0.
  When I try to read debian-user mailing list archives 
 (e.g. from September, august) first
 time it's O.K. but next times on the same month archives
 netscape just hangs I have to kill it (the archives are very big).
  When I try to read much smaller archives (e.g. debian-changes,
 September) it's all right.
 I had the same behavior using netscape4.x, but netscape3.x
 reads the archives well. 
 Does anybody have any idea  what causes such behavior of netscape ?
  May be I have configured netscape wrong. 
  My be I some hint what change in preferences?

I think this is a cache related bug, as turning off the (disk) cache in
Netscape will prevent this from happening (at least for me).

One workaround is to turn off the disk cache (size = 0) and use a caching
proxy server (such as squid) instead.  This will of course use a fair
amount of RAM.

Another workaround is to follow links from the main article index using
the middle mouse button.  This will tell Netscape to open the link in a
new window so that you never have to reload the index from cache in the
first window.

Oh well, I really ought to file a bug report with Netscape :-)

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Re: I can't compile anymore

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
 E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 linux/errno.h is in libc6-dev.  You also should not try to compile 2.0
 Ok, reinstalled libc6-dev, I get these messages further on in the compilation:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make bzImage  make modules  make 
 egcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/scratch/usr/src/linux/include -Wall
is this *really* where your kernel sources are installed?  It seems like
egcc is picking up the headers that come with libc6-dev instead of the
headers that come with the kernel source. Did you remember to run `make
dep; make clean' before running `make bzimage'?

Besides, you should take a look at the kernel-package package which can
automate the entire kernel build process and produce a nice .deb package
which can be installed with dpkg.  Works like a charm.

 -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strength-reduce
 -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586  -c
 -o init/main.o init/main.c
 /usr/include/asm/string.h: In function `__constant_memcpy':
 In file included from /usr/include/linux/string.h:39,
  from /usr/include/asm/termios.h:58,
  from /usr/include/linux/termios.h:5,
  from /usr/include/linux/tty.h:20,
  from /usr/include/linux/sched.h:26,
  from init/main.c:17:
 /usr/include/asm/string.h:443: warning: control reaches end of non-void

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Re: help w/ kerneld loading of modules

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Shaleh wrote:
 Yes I did compile it w/ module support.  I want to make it work, or find out
 why it does not work.  No hacks please (-:

Module support and module auto loading (kerneld support) are two different
settings that must both be set to Y in the kernel config for kerneld to

Assuming that kerneld support is compiled into your kernel, the next thing
to check is that kerneld is actually running.  Try running

$ ps ax | grep '[k]erneld'

and you should get an output like this

  181  ?  S0:01 /sbin/kerneld

If kerneld is not running, something strange is going on.  In that case
you should try starting it by hand (as root) and report back to the list
with the results.

If all of this seems in order, check /var/log/daemon.log to see if
modprobe is complaining about modules that it cannot locate.  Perhaps you
just have to add an alias to /etc/conf.modules (hamm version of modutils)
or /etc/modutils/aliases (slink version of modutils).

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Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
me wrote:
 and exits. fdisk /dev/hda1 won't give me a partition table because it's a
 dos disk. 

Yes, you use fdisk on the whole-disk devices such as /dev/hda and /dev/hdb
while you put file systems on the partition devices such as /dev/hda1 and

 thanks, yes, this works, and i can run cfdisk fine. cfdisk works fine. I
 didn't change anything, but i tried to write the partition table, and
 here's the error cfdisk gives:
 Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Reboot to update table.
 This was what it gave me originally when this whole mess started. 

Well, did you reboot?  There's a very good reason fdisk emits that
message.  If you don't reboot before making any file system modifications
(mkfs there is a good chance that you hose the wrong part of the
disk, since the kernel's idea of the partition layout is then different
from the actual layout.

Btw.: does anyone know why the re-read fails?  AFAIR, this used to work
fine on my SlackWare system some eons ago, but invariably fails on my
Debian system--seemingly independant of the kernel version used.

 e2fsck on my ext2 drives (/dev/hda3 et al) works fine. e2fsck on /dev/hda1
 of course doesn't work, because it's a non-ext2 partition. e2fsck on
 /dev/hda returns Couldn't find ext2 superblock, trying backup blocks...
 e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/hda.
 what's this superblock thing? I'm not up on the technical details of

The ext2fs uses the so-called superblock for storing important data about
the file system, such as size, volume label, and reserved blocks
percentage.  The ext2fs superblock is identified by a magic number which
ensures that other file systems don't get misidentified as ext2 file
systems.  Since the superblock is absolutely essential for the ext2 file
system, it is duplicated a number of times throughout the file system;
that is what the trying backup blocks... above refers to.

Since you are trying to e2fsck a FAT file system, e2fsck doesn't find a
valid ext2 superblock and aborts.

 fsck.msdos on /dev/hda returns:
 Currently, only 2 FATs are supported, not 243.

This won't work, since there is no file system on /dev/hda.

 fsck.msdos on /dev/hda1 returns:
 Currently, only 2 FATs are supported, not 81.
 Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?

It seems that the file system on /dev/hda1 is hosed :-(
 As for the Win95 system... 
 you will probablky need to re-install
 yep, i figured so. but right now I can't even get a Win95 boot floppy to
 recognize my C drive (aka /dev/hda1). sigh
 Could fips help me with that problem?

Try removing the broken FAT partition with Linux fdisk.  Then boot with
the win95 boot floppy and run DOS fdisk to recreate the FAT
partition--make sure that you have a copy of fdisk.exe on the boot floppy!
It is also a good idea to have a Linux boot floppy handy, just in case...

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Re: Help! FAT magic number corrupted!

1998-10-16 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
me wrote:
 On 16 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
 scsi: 0 hosts. 
 scsi: detected total.[this is usual when it's working.]
 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 hda5 hda6
 [MS-DOS FS Ren 12, FAT 0, check=n, conv=b, uid=0, gid=0, umask=022, bmap]
 [me=0x52, cs=0, #f=81, fs=0, fl=48384, ds=52400, de=55699, data=55972,
 se=28213, ts=68224, ls=9471, rc=0, fc=4294967295]
 Transaction block size= 512
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

Something is definately wrong here.  The kernel tries to use /dev/hda1 as
the root partition, which clearly won't work as it holds a FAT file

Do you use LILO to boot the kernel?  In that case it is not set up
correctly.  Try holding down SHIFT when the system boots--this should
produce a boot: prompt at which you can enter the label of the Linux
boot image you are using (press TAB to see the list of available images
to boot).  Enter at the prompt: label_of_image root=/dev/hda3 (without
the quotes).  This should tell the kernel where to find the root
partition.  Assuming the system boots up correctly, edit /etc/lilo.conf to
reflect your setup (root=/dev/hda3, boot=/dev/hda), and re-run lilo. Now
your system should boot up normally the next time.
  Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?
 It seems that the file system on /dev/hda1 is hosed :-(
 though i note that 81 appears in the output above (#f=81). wonder if
 there's a way to fix this at a low level. no, scratch that, it's probably
 a Bad Idea.
  yep, i figured so. but right now I can't even get a Win95 boot floppy to
  recognize my C drive (aka /dev/hda1). sigh
  Could fips help me with that problem?
 Try removing the broken FAT partition with Linux fdisk.  Then boot with
 the win95 boot floppy and run DOS fdisk to recreate the FAT
 partition--make sure that you have a copy of fdisk.exe on the boot floppy!
 It is also a good idea to have a Linux boot floppy handy, just in case...
 sounds drastic. how likely is it that i'll lose the data on /dev/hda1?
 (did i mention that during an ftp process, my backup got corrupted, and
 /dev/hda1 (used to?) contain my only other copy of those files? sigh)
 Talk about learning the hard way. I really need to corrupt that partition
 as little as possible. 

Tough luck.  At this point all bets are off.  Try posting the output of
fdisk -l /dev/hda.  Perhaps something obvious will show up.

I just got a crazy idea.  Check if you have a file named /boot/boot.0301.
If that is the case there may still be hope.

Keep us posted.
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Re: LaTeX book

1998-10-15 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
M.C. Vernon wrote:
   Can anyone recommend a good one of these, please? Mainly for
 scientific writing...

I can personally recommend

Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly: A Guide to LaTeX 2e, Addison-Wesley.

It gives a thorough introduction to LaTeX and includes chapters on more
advanced topics as well. I have found it far superior to the Lamport book
(LaTeX, A Document Preparation System), which I also own. For advanced
graphics, The LaTeX Graphics Companion is supposed to be the bible, but
I don't know much about this one (these books are rather expensive).
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Re: Debian's recommendation for the size of the swap.

1998-10-15 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
 On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 11:34:16PM +0300, shaul wrote:
 (1) Linux accept up to 128MB for a single swap partition (2) There is
 (was) a rule of thumb to have a swap size as twice as the RAM the
 machine has (3) Having more RAM reduces the needs for swap.
 ya konw, i'm a little confused. people say more RAM reduce the needs for
 swap while swap is recommended for double size of RAM ? yeah, newbia i
 am :-P

That swap must be = 2*RAM is a common misconception in the Linux world.
On BSD's this is a good rule of thumb, due to a different VM[1] subsystem
design but on Linux only the RAM+swap figure matters.

The only general rule for swap size is that you should have enough.  That
means that RAM+swap should be large enough to run the programs you are
likely to run at any given time.

Note, however, that you should always have *some* swap, even if all your
programs will fit in RAM, to allow the kernel to swap out unused pages and
make room for more buffers.  Similarly, you should always have some unused
VM to allow for extraordinary memory requirements and to make room for
buffers.  Did I mention that buffers are a good thing? :-)

It is, of course, better to have too much swap space than too little.
Horrible things will happen if you run out of VM: processes will be
randomly killed off, the system may crash, etc.
 i'm currently use 12M swap with 64M RAM, is it too few ? i feel ugly
 when open *guash*, and xemacs and netscape opened very slowly. i only
 have 2G hd, and 750M among it is spared for win98 'cause i need its
 support for chinese stuff.

I would probably add some some swap space, but as I outlined above, this
is a very individual thing.  My box has 64MB RAM + 96MB swap and it seems
quite happy with that configuration.  However, I probably use more VM than
most people...

[1]  VM = Virtual Memory
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Re: slink package upgrades fail

1998-10-15 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 I also get similar messages for tetex-base and tetex-bin and can neither
 install nor remove these packages.
 Yes, I have problems like this as well... :(
 tetex-bin included as an example. Shall I file a bug? and how do I fix
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# dpkg -i
 Selecting previously deselected package tetex-bin.
 (Reading database ... 42207 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace tetex-bin 0.9.981008-1 (using
 .../tex/tetex-bin_0.9.981008-1.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement tetex-bin ...
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: warning - old post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 dpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: error processing
  subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 rm: /usr/lib/texmf/web2c: is a directory
 dpkg: error while cleaning up:
  subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
 Errors were encountered while processing:

I had similar problems when I upgraded some TeTeX packages today.  I then
took a look in the bug reporting system to see if a bug report had been
filed, and sure enough, one possible solution is to run this snippet of
code (taken from the postinst script for tetex-bin):

if [ ! -L /usr/lib/texmf/web2c ]
  mv /usr/lib/texmf/web2c/* /var/lib/texmf/web2c
  rmdir /usr/lib/texmf/web2c
  ln -s /var/lib/texmf/web2c /usr/lib/texmf/

This ensures that /usr/lib/texmf/web2c is a link to /var/lib/texmf/web2c,
as it is supposed to be.  After I'd done this, the packages installed
without a problem.

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Re: Slow ifconfig

1998-10-14 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 at 06:27:30PM +, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
 Somehow my ifconfig has become extremely slow.  I'm not sure exactly when
 this happened, but it probably happened while upgrading to slink the other
 To give an example:
 $ time /sbin/ifconfig /dev/null
 sys 0m1.590s
 This used to take far less than a second...
 Unless one of you has a solution, I will post a bug report.
 I checked kerneld tries load modules or reread conf file many times
 executing modprobe and command from config like this:
   path[*]=/lib/modules/`uname -r`
 On my station invocation of ifconfig execute about 160 processes:
  22:06:59 3:2'[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig /dev/null;ps tp3
  15329  p3 S0:00 /bin/bash
  22506  p3 R0:00 ps tp3
  22:09:58 3:2'[EMAIL PROTECTED] ifconfig /dev/null;ps tp3
  15329  p3 S0:00 /bin/bash
  22672  p3 R0:00 ps tp3
 22672-22506 = 166 
 Bug should be posted against modutils:
 $ time ifconfig
 real0m4.923s  :(
 sys 0m0.000s
 $ killall kerneld  
 $ time ifconfig
 real0m0.034s  :)
 sys 0m0.000s

You're absolutely right, the problem is with modutils.  My kmod executes,
among others, the following command while running ifconfig:

/sbin/modprobe -s -k net-pf-3

The execution of this command is very slow:

# time /sbin/modprobe -s -k net-pf-3

sys 0m0.620s

A full strace of this modprobe command (strace -f) comes in at about 13300
lines, so it is obviously doing a lot of (unnecessary) work.  I will try
to investigate further.
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Re: Slow ifconfig

1998-10-14 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
 On: 13 Oct 1998 18:27:30 GMT Rene Hojbjerg Larsen writes:
 Somehow my ifconfig has become extremely slow.  I'm not sure exactly
 when this happened, but it probably happened while upgrading to
 slink the other day.
 To give an example:
 $ time /sbin/ifconfig /dev/null
 sys 0m1.590s
 This used to take far less than a second...
 Already reported as bug #27776.  As workaround reinstall modutils
 version 2.1.121-4.

OK, thanks. For others having the same problem, you can (for the time
being) find the older version of modutils at

(Sorry about the long line)
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Slow ifconfig

1998-10-13 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Somehow my ifconfig has become extremely slow.  I'm not sure exactly when
this happened, but it probably happened while upgrading to slink the other

To give an example:

$ time /sbin/ifconfig /dev/null

sys 0m1.590s

This used to take far less than a second...

If I strace the ifconfig process, it pauses around these lines:

socket(PF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, [PF_UNSPEC]) = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, [PF_UNSPEC]) = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, [PF_UNSPEC]) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
socket(PF_AX25, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)  = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_AX25, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)  = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_AX25, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)  = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
socket(PF_APPLETALK, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_APPLETALK, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) = -1 ENOSYS (Function not
socket(PF_APPLETALK, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
brk(0)  = 0x804fe0c

Specifically, it pauses for about two seconds before (in?) the third
socket call for each protocol (IPX, AX25, APPLETALK).  My kernel is
compiled without support for any of these, and I have aliasesed them to
off in /etc/conf.modules.  This happens with both kernels 2.0.36pre14
and 2.1.125.  The version of netbase installed is 3.11-1.

Unless one of you has a solution, I will post a bug report.

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Printing with gimp 1.0.1

1998-10-08 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
I installed gimp 1.0.1 from slink and can't make it print directly to
the printer (through lpr).  In the Print dialog, I can only choose to
print to a file--no printers are accessible.  I suppose I need to tell
gimp which printer(s) I have but I can't find anything in the docs.

I have noticed, however, that the print filter created an (almost) empty
file called printrc in my .gimp directory but, again, I can't seem to find
any useful docs on this.

Hope you can help me out.
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Re: xdm replacement?

1998-10-08 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Person, Rod wrote:
 Anyway, is there a replacement for xdm. I know about kdm but I want to
 use windowmaker so I don't want to take up all the space with kdebase
 and libs and support...
   Can I use kdm without all that or is there something else I can
 use instead of xdm?

Perhaps you should take a look at wdm, which is an xdm replacement with a
NeXT-alike look and feel.  This should go perfectly with Window Maker.  I
haven't tried it out myself yet, though.  You can find the Debian package
in slink (and perhaps in hamm?).
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Re: completely strange system time....

1998-10-08 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Bruno Boettcher wrote:
 i recently installed a debian system, and since then have a completely strange
 system time: my clock reports: 
 09:13:43 yoda:~$ date
 Thu Oct  8 09:14:23 MST 1998
 and a correctly working host:
 16:17:21 erm6:~$ date
 Thu Oct  8 16:17:29 CEST 1998
 that's a bit strange how do i get it corrected? theoretically i thought
 that the xntpd should take car of this, or am i wrong?

Your time zone is wrong.  Run tzconfig (as root) on the misbehaveing host
to specify the correct time zone.
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