Re: [dev] paths configuration in v2.0.4

2006-10-20 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Allen Pulsifer schrieb:

I'm looking over the new Path's configuration and it seems to me the
implementation is awkward and does not follow the usually configuration

In v2.0.3 and prior, paths were configured via
org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Default and
org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Current.  This mechanism followed the
usual paradigm of key-value pairs, where the key would tell you what
information you were looking for, and the value would tell you the setting.
So for example, if you wanted to know (or set) the default value for the
template's path, you would look at org.openoffice.Office.Common/Path/Default
and retrieve (or set) the value of the key Template.

The Current/Default distinction in that place was misguided. That should 
really be achieved via layering.

This system had several advantages:

(a) If you want to know or set the value for a particular key, you can
access it by key name.
(b) The value for a key could be overridden by a short fragment of XML, at
any configuration layer.

Yes, getting and setting these values is much easier this way. The point 
of the change (apparently, I wasn't involved in this) is:
- (Many/all) the affected settings are multi-valued (i.e. lists of 
pathes) and were realized as string-lists.
- A string-list really is treated as a simple value by the 
configuration. Layer merging replaces the entire list rather than 
attempting to merge it. (Yes there are reasons for that.)
- Some of the pathes need to be there for builtin features to work, if 
they are taken out of the list those features break.
- Some of these 'internal' are determined at install time and so should 
be added to the lists by the layer merge.
- Among the list, at most one path is special in that it is used for 
writing user changes. Determining which one that is from its position in 
a string-list that users can change arbitrarily is very fragile.

(c) The key-value pairs could be stored in a database, in a traditional way.

The new configuration mechanism for v2.0.4, as documented in, replaces
the usually key-value pairs with the following:

The configuration settings were moved to org.openoffice.Office.Paths.
Within this tree, there is a node for each path (Template, Dictionary,
Basic, etc.).  For each path:

a. There are two key-value pairs, UserPaths and WritePaths, that work as

The separation addresses the last point above.

b. There is a third subtree, InternalPaths, that contains a set of what
could be considered keys.  These keys work completely differently.  For the
keys in the InternalPaths tree, the key is the value and the value is
completely ignored.  

There are other places in OOo where dynamically created keys have such 
significance. This is the only way to get mergeable lists of strings.

For example, for the Template path, InternalPaths
contains a key named "$(insturl)/share/template/$(vlang)".  (I've simplified
it slightly by calling this a key; its actually not even a key, it's a group
of type MultiPath that's named "$(insturl)/share/template/$(vlang)" and
forms another subtree that contains a single key "Unused" that is completely
ignored.  Thus the name of the group or subtree is what serves as the value,
and both the key within this group and its value are ignored).

That is slightly more complex than needed, because the project team 
didn't notice that the configuration supports 'extensible' groups, which 
act as sets of simple values. Or else it would have been possible to 
make groups with no members work.

This has more than a few disadvantages.  First, as far as I can see (but
please correct me if I am wrong) it is not possible to write a short
fragment of XML that overrides the value of this setting, therefore making
true layered configuration impossible.  

That is the intent - these keys are required so it shouldn't be easy to 
clobber them. OTOH adding to or deleting from that list with a fragment 
of XML is now possible (and wasn't before). There even is a feature of 
the XML format that would allow completely replacing the contents of 
that set - but the implementation of that in OOo is somewhat incomplete 
and not active (oor:op='clear').

And you could easily replace the entire 'Templates' node, if it didn't 
have an attribute (mandatory='true') that is explicitly meant to prevent 

Second, it is not possible to look
this value up or set the value by name, instead, to look the value up, or
set the value, you have to already know the value, i.e., the value is looked
up or set by value and has no independent name.

OOo does not have a raw key-value pair API for its configuration. 
Instead you can navigate the hierarchy as objects. The object for the 
config node

(yes, that is the correct and complete spelling of the key!) has a 
method getElementNames(), 

Re: [dev] configmgr patch & more data ...

2006-09-21 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Michael,

Michael Meeks schrieb:

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 12:22 +0200, Joerg Barfurth wrote:

Looks good.

I fixed your issues; thanks for the feedback, I attach the improved
patch. I also expanded the cache to some more fields that are broadly
constant, and split it into 1 cache per re-usable field. It saves some
more memory.

Yes, there are some patterns at the various levels which you can exploit 
that way.

Looks fine at a cursory glance.

I'm also looking at the Subtree set usage:

My concern here is the 16bytes per RBTree node (used in the set), at
least allocation here shows up on the profile.

Does that matter so much? I think SubTree instances should be shortlived 
(they are built while loading the data, but discarded when the data is 
flattened into the cache).

But cutting down on the allocations used (and maybe improving data 
locality) would be nice.

It seems that 90% of these sorted sets are 8 items or less, and thus (I
suspect) rather fast to search, well, at least indistinguishable from
the order of the Set. The RBTree overhead for these <= 8 sets is ~250k
(malloc), overall 500k. I'm sure we can do better.

It might be worth checking what ends up cheaper: building a sorted array 
and using binary search for lookups or going unsorted and using linear 
search.  The former might be worthwhile, because we would get the lists 
out of the binary cache presorted.

- Jörg

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Re: [dev] RestrictedPath working under Windows?

2006-07-14 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany schrieb:

I would also be interested in changing RestrictedPath from an environmental
variable to a configuration (.xcs/.xcu) setting.  Is there a specific reason
an environment variable was chosen over a configuration setting?

The idea was to have a feature which prevents users from changing the
respective setting. Nowadays, where the configuration supports locking
settings into "readonly" state, probably nothing is to say against
making this a configuration setting.

So how was that supposed to be used? I assume that would be by editing 
the soffice script to set that variable before invoking soffice.bin? 
(Otherwise a user could always overwrite an environment variable just as 
easily.) Not well suited for Windows use then, where there is no 
existing script 

How could
changing to a configuration setting be done without adversely affecting
existing users -- use the configuration value if it is set, otherwise look
to the environment variable?

The order probably doesn't matter, but something like this, yes.

The most correct would be to use a configuration value with no default, 
which means you get a NIL value (a VOID Any in UNO) when reading. Then 
you could have

  VOID -> look at environment
  Non NIL -> Use the value

If the setting is a list of pathes or URLs, the best value type would be 
string-list (Sequence< String> in UNO) . Note that an empty string-list 
is distinct from NIL.

The one thing this doesn't permit, is using an empty string-list to 
signify NO allowed folders.

HTH, Jörg

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Re: [dev] how to create your own configuration reader in (configmgrrc)

2006-07-13 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Christian,

Christian Andersson schrieb:

Hi there, I have some questions regarding the configuration system
within openoffice. (as you will se from below I'm not that good with how
OOo works internally, nor c++)

I think I partly understand that basics about what it does (reading
configuration files from different places, etc) and what can be done
using this, but I have come to a situation where I need to read the
configuration from a server using http/soap/etc instead of local files.

today I have it working so that it can read these files using  but that can only
read from file:// and not from http://

from what I understand this stuff can only be done in c++ right now, not

Not so. The backends are accessed as UNO services and can be written in 
any language suitable for writing UNO components. This includes Java and 
even Python.

The only premise is that the UNO language binding does not access the 
configuration database for its own startup configuration. IIRC that used 
to be a problem with Java in OOo 1.1.x, but shouldn't be the case any 
more in OOo 2.

so my questions will be..

how can I create my own "version" that instead of
reading from the harddrive it reads over http..

We did create a modified version of the Configuration chapter in the 
developer's guide that explains the services and interfaces involved in 
this. Unfortunately it seems to have not made it into the OOo 2.0 
version of the guide. I'll check if I can find it somewhere and get it 
up onto the website.

The short summary is: You need to create a UNO service that implements 
one of the abstract services [1] or [2].

This essentially amounts to implementing the methods of the 
XSingleLayerStratum or XMultiLayerStratum interface to return a Layer 
object whose XLayer::readData method reads and parses from your data store.

If you store your data in the 'xcu' XML format, you can use the existing service to 
implement the Layer object. All you need to do is provide an 
XInputStream to read the data.

If I manage to write my own configurationreader can this then be
installed using unopkg? or do I have to compile it within my own version

You can install such a backend using unopkg add --shared. That will not 
automatically enable its use for the standard configuration stack 
though. To activate it for that purpose, you need to add it to the 
CFG_Strata entry in $officeinstall/program/bootstrap.

Alternatively you can have your SingleLayerStratum register itself as an 
instance of service 
In that case it will be used automatically through the special 
'SystemIntegration' backend service.
Warning: this service is still declared 'unpublished' and thus is 
subject to change in a future version. (I do think that is unlikely, 
though and changes will be announced using the interface-announce 
mailing list.)

I have read the Developers manual, but I still have a hard time figuring
out how to do this, is there any other documentation for this then the

As I mentioned this should be in the dev guide, but isn't :-(


- Jörg


[1] Reference documentation for SingleLayerStratum service

[2] Reference documentation for MultiLayerStratum service

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Re: [dev] "finalized" configuration and security

2006-07-13 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Allen Pulsifer schrieb:

A node in the OOo registry can be marked "finalized", in order to prevent
its value from being changed by users.  See

Question: is finalized intended to imply a security assurance that a user
cannot actually override the value?

No. See below for more detail.

It occurs to me that a user would likely be able to override a finalized
value by editing the binary .dat files in $(user)\registry\cache\

Yes, that would in fact be possible, if tedious: you need to parse the 
binary format, find the place(s) to change, patch those values and 
whenever the cache is regenerated you have to redo this and then restart 
the office. There are simpler ways to circumvent lockdown (see below).

To prevent the user from manipulating the cache, you can switch off use 
of that binary cache - of course at the cost of slower application startup.

To switch off the binary cache, you can edit 
$officeinstall/program/configmgrrc (configmgr.ini on Windows) and change 
the CFG_CacheURL entry to be empty ['CFG_CacheURL='].

Alas, that still doesn't give you a security assurance :-o


The primary means to circumvent this kind of lockdown, is this:

The file configmgrrc/configmgr.ini (see above) contains the 'bootstrap' 
configuration for the configuration service. It describes which things 
to merge, etc. This is bootstrap configuration as described in [1],[2]. 
That means the value from the rc/ini-file can be overridden on the 
command line.

Thus a user can create a private copy of the shared configuration, edit 
it freely and then use 'soffice -env:CFG_Strata=...' to start the office 
on his private copy. Instead of maintaining a full private copy, the 
user could also add a layer of his own that forces only selected 
entries. By using 'soffice -env:BaseInstallation=...' this mechanism can 
even be exploited to replace things beyond the configuration database.


General comment:

IMHO you generally can't do desktop application lockdown with strong 
security. A purposeful, skilled and malicious user can get around those 
things. Lockdown can only prevent users from doing disallowed things 
without skill and criminal energy. In most contexts it should be 
sufficient accompany lockdown with policy that threatens suitable 
consequences for circumventing the restrictions. But a security strategy 
should assume that users can do anything their system privileges allow 
within their own environment.

- Jörg


[1] UNO Micro Deployment

[2] Uno Bootstrap Specification

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Re: [dev] directories

2006-05-09 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Yoann Babel wrote:

I've been searching the net for some time now, and I can't find any 
documentation on the directeries used by OpenOffice. I mean the 
directories under ~/.openoffice.org2/user



Is there some documentation to describe de files we can found there, and 
their format, or some stuff like that ?

It probably has to be viewed on a case by case basis. In most cases the 
contents of these directories appears to be private and largely 

AFAICT the basic purposes of the directories are:

.../autocorr - Data for autocorrection/word-completion
.../autotext - User-defined autotexts
.../backup   - auto-saved backup copies
.../basic- User-defined global macros and scripts
.../config   - Various configuration data (often binary) not stored in
   the configuration database, for example color palettes,
   line and arrowhead styles, hatching patterns and more.
.../config/soffice.cfg - UI customizations (menu bars, toolbars, etc)
.../config/imagecache  - unpacked UI graphics (e.g. icons)
.../fonts- fonts or links to fonts installed using spadmin
.../gallery  - Custom gallery images and themes
.../psprint  - data used by the printing system, created by spadmin
   or cached automatically
.../registry - configuration database: user settings and cache
.../Scripts  - user defined scripts
.../store- various runtime data, e.g. for caching
.../temp - various temporary files
.../template - user-defined templates
.../uno_packages - installation area for user-installed UNO packages
   (see Tools-Package Manager menu item)
.../wordbook - user spellchecking dictionaries

Note that several of these directories have counterparts with similar 
files in /share for predefined defaults and/or all-users 

For .../registry there is documentation of both file format and 
directory layout available on <>. There may be 
similar information about the files in .../config/soffice.cfg available 
from the framework project.

To learn more about the details for one of the others, you probably need 
to ask a more target question and/or in the associate project mailing list.


- Joerg

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] Arbitrary file from within a UNO package

2006-04-28 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Manuel Odesser wrote:


Yes, that was very good help ! But, as usual, everything did not work as 
expected :'(   This code :

XInterface xViewRoot = 


throws a WrappedTargetException with the following error code : 
/org.mycomp.mypackage.Settings/URLs (and for locale fr) could not be 
created. Unable to retrieve the node from the configuration server.

The backend returned the following error:
Layer merging: No data to merge with

IIRC that means that the OOR schema is not there.

My .xsd and .xcu files are now like this :

The schema file extension should be .xcs (not .xsd). Does that fix the 


I don't think that actually is a valid schema location. Might drop this.



As Cyrille pointed out that should be xs:string.


- Joerg

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Re: [dev] Arbitrary file from within a UNO package

2006-04-26 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Manuel Odesser wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to thank everyone I had answer from ! A problem remains : I 
cannot find a practical sample to create a simple .xsd and its .xcu 
counterpart. Here are my guess, could someone tell me if I cannot access 
my values because of the xml or the java code ?

The code. But I have some comments on your XML as well. See inline 
comments for more:

myaddon.xsd :




You don't need that . You don't use any templates from that 


You also don't need the entire  part, as you don't use that 
feature in your data below.


Is that really a fundamental, never-to-be-changed, default for this 
item? Otherwise you should omit the  here.

Please note that the 'origin' substitution offered by unopkg doesn't 
work with values in a schema.


myaddon.xcu :";

If your value here is identical to the default in the schema - in case 
you didn't follow my advice above and if you don't need 'origin' 
substitution -, then you don't need this  (actually you don't need 
the xcu at all in that case).

As a side note: the type="xs:string" isn't needed here, as that is known 
from the schema.


Now to the code

the code :
   PropertyValue properties[] = new PropertyValue[1];
   PropertyValue property = new PropertyValue();
   property.Name = "nodepath";
   property.Value = "/org.mycomp.mypackage/Settings";

Should be "/org.mycomp.mypackage.Settings/URLs".

The full component name is composed as .. And 
you forgot the extra 'URLs' level you introduce in your schema.

   properties[0] = property;
   XInterface xViewRoot = 

   XPropertySet xPropertySet = 

   XPropertySet.class, xViewRoot );
   dataPath = (String)xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("dataPath");


- Joerg

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Re: [dev] warnings01: Windows "C4355 'this' : used in base member initializer list"

2006-04-10 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Mathias Bauer schrieb:

Nikolai Pretzell wrote:

I'd however like to establish a rule that classes/functions taking a
pointer to (possibly) not fully constructed classes have a comment that
explicitely allows that - assuming that everywhere else it is a bug.

Is a cast to the base class when passing "this" enough? Something like

A cast isn't really a comment. And Nikolai meant that the *recipient* of 
the argument must be commented, telling in its header documentation 
(e.g. the autodoc stuff that should be there) that this use is valid. By 
commenting callers you don't prevent maintenance changes from breaking 
the callers' assumptions.

aControllElement((Window*)this, MyRedId )

instead of the current

aControllElement(this, MyRedId )

though I consider this to be superfluous in case of VCL Windows because
*they work this way*. Why commenting something that works as designed?

Using a cast where an implicit version would do is rarely a good idea, 
but if it does add information, it should be a static cast. A C-style 
cast is the worst choice here. For example if the class of *this were 
changed to not be derived from Window any more, the C-style cast would 
silently become a reinterpret_cast and the now invalid code would still 

Additionally I don't see how using a cast here can be construed to be a 
comment that unambiguously states that the constructor of 
aControllElement allows passing a not fully constructed object?

Here I would see it from the other side: the ctor implementation of
"aControlElement" had a serious bug if it would call any virtual methods
on the "parent" pointer it gets passed in.

That is the case, if this restriction is part of the semantics of that 
constructor. I assume you mean that any VCL Window/Control class is 
required to offer this kind of semantics!? In that case there should be 
documentation somewhere (an appropriate common base class?) that states 
this, and Nikolai's suggestion is that the header for the class of 
aControllElement should reiterate that it implements that self-restriction.

- Jörg

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] warnings01: Windows "C4355 'this' : used in base member initializer list"

2006-03-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
 you encounter it. But once you have become accustomed to 
simply use the workaround design from the outset, that wears off 
although the problem still lingers.

I think we have two possible ways to solve this problem.
- Turn of the warning for every occurrence in the code.
- Switch of C4355 for Windows globally.

I'd suggest to take the warning serious and to re-look on each 
occurrence about this way:

1. Can the construction be re-worked so no self-reference is necessary?
Sometimes this is easy by clarifying a hierarchy that could be a 
directed graph but currently is a non-directed one.

If yes, do so.

2. If not, is the use of "this" safe including maintainenance in later 

If yes, see X.

3. If no, make sure there is a comment at all places, using the 
partly-initialized instance that it may be only partly initialized!

Then goto X.

X. See, if moving "this" from initialization section into c'tor body 
does any harm. (In case of dialogues, the painting takes so much time, 
that one could assume, the minor performance drawback of moving the 
initialisation into the body is negligible - but I don't know that code, 
so it's just an assumption.)

I don't know about dialogs, but in general the ability to move this into 
the c'tor body requires a redesign of the classes used. For example a 
reference meber may need to become a pointer and suddenly you have to 
check for NULL on all uses.

If yes, do so.
If no, disable the warning locally.

I find this ugly. And if we go this we we should look for a way to use a 
platform independent, readable way to disable it inline with the code 
(e.g. a SAFE_USE_OF_THIS_IN_CTOR_BEGIN macro) instead of sprinkling 
platform-specific stuff all over the code (or makefiles).

If we just generally disable the warning, we may overlook occurrences 
where the use indeed is questionable.

As mentioned before, I don't think this case is special enough to 
warrant all this overhead when equally dangerous, similar cases are left 
without warning.

There can be a coding/code review rule about self-referentiality and use 
of 'this' in a constructor context and maybe another one about one- vs. 
two-stage (de)initialization. But as the warning cannot check the entire 
rule, it may even be detrimental, because it creates a false sense of 
security (the compiler detects violations of this, so I don't need to 
check myself).

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] No TypeDetection.xml in Ooo 2.0?

2006-02-06 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Gautham Kasinath wrote:

I was wondering if the TypeDetection.xml is still available for the Ooo2.0?
In the documentation it is mentioned that TypeDetection.xml is present in:

tion.xml" However, there is no such tree on my installation. Any pointers? 

You are looking at very old documentation.

The old *.xml configuration existed only in OOo 1.0.x

Since OOo 1.1 there is a new system based on a different XML-based 
format marked by the .xcu extension. These xcu files are located under 
/share/registry, but the UNO package manager has support for 
adding specific settings for add-on packages.

In OOo 1.1.x the filter settings were stored in TypeDetection.xcu files, 
but in OOo 2.0 these have been replaced by several xcu files under a 
TypeDetection prefix. (AFAIK OOo 2.0 still honors 1.1-style 
TypeDetection.xcu files for compatibility, if they are installed by your 

Do I need to edit TypeDetection.xml for Import Filters too? 


The Developer's Guide (there are versions for OOo 1.1.x and OOo 2) 
should contain documentation how to create Typedetection configuration 
for your filter.

HTH, Joerg

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] How to compile OpenOffice ?

2006-01-19 Thread Joerg Barfurth

sebastian schrieb:

Build instructions:

That was the hint I needed, thank you verry much Rene.
OK. all works fine.
But I get an error at compiling this package (OOo_2.0.1rc5_src.tar.gz).


Try another version of bison. And report back which version was broken 
for you, if the above link doesn't already tell you so.

BTW: The most topical list for build issues is [EMAIL PROTECTED],org

Ciao, Joerg

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] How to remove a xcu-file from userspace

2006-01-11 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi mathias,

Mathias Bauer wrote:

Unfortunately there is no API to control the finalized attribute (and
some other similar node attributes), so you have to do this by editing
the configuration file directly.

I wouldn't call this unfortunate. Without an API you can make *sure*
that the value is not changed by a macro, Add-On or something else. IMHO
this is important to make the "finalizing" feature useable.

It is stored in a file and a macro, etc. could simply manipulate the 
relevant file and then force a reload of the configuration. It gets just 
more tedious. But that is unfortunate as it also disallows building 
administration tools upon our UNO services. Instead such tools have to 
manipulate the XML directly which is more prone to producing files our 
services can't read.

*If* we had such an API we would at least need an access control to it
(or an API that is disabled inside OOo and is only accessible if the
configuration service is used in another environment that supports some
authentication etc.).

It is the same as for the shared default values themselves. Currently we 
don't have explicit access controls for them. Instead we rely on the 
backend to limit access. E.g. for the standard file-based configuration 
backend the file system access controls apply. The result is 
automatically consistent with control (or lack thereof) of direct access 
to the files.

On file systems that support this we install shared files with access 
rights that prohibit ordinary users from manipulating them. That would 
also prevent these users from removing finalization.

Users that do have sufficient access to the backend can use the 
ConfigurationAdministrationProvider to change the default values - even 
finalized ones. But they can't remove (or add) the finalized state 
itself. To me that is an unfortunate inconsistency. unfortunate.

Ciao, Jörg

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] How to remove a xcu-file from userspace

2006-01-10 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Christoph,

Christoph Lutz wrote:


I would like to remove the xcu-file
in a programmatic way to ensure, that no user-configuration overwrites the
shared Commands.xcu. Does UNO provide an API to to remove a configuration
ressource from user-space?

The configuration API Objects in many locations support interface (and You can use these to reset 
configuration setting to their default values, which amounts to removing 
overrides from the user layer of the configuration.

Currently these interfaces don't work recursively on entire trees 
(although that would be covered by the service specification), so 
resetting data for an entire component isn't easy (you need to walk the 
hierarchy and reset locally everywhere).

But if you only want to prevent overrides of your shared Commands 
settings, there is an easier way: In the shared Commands.xcu add an 
attribute 'oor.finalized="true"' to the root of the part(s) you want to 
protect from being overridden. The range covered can be anything from a 
single , to the entire  that defines the component.

As a result these settings (and any settings done on layers preceding 
the one where you add the attribute) will be protected from being 
overridden by subsequent layers including the user layer. In the API 
these settings will appear as read-only now. If there are existing 
overrides in the user layer they will be ignored.

Unfortunately there is no API to control the finalized attribute (and 
some other similar node attributes), so you have to do this by editing 
the configuration file directly.

Ciao, Jörg

BTW: Sun has a configuration manager for StarOffice that allows doing 
this through a web-based interface.

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Re: [dev] how to change the user profile in oo 2.0 ?

2005-12-20 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Oliver Brinzing wrote:


you have to change the bootstrap.ini in the program directory before the
first start of the user. There's no way to manipulate the msi-file.

thanks, this will help me for the moment, but i still wish the the oo 1.1.5 
or a similar handling as i know from Firefox/Thunderbird, having a profiles.ini 
%APPDATA%, pointing to the user profile ... making it easier to reinstall 
for example without saving the oo userprofiles first ...

You can restore the OOo 1.1.5 handling and have a profiles.ini in 
%APPDATA% point to the user profile.

Take a look at the bootstrap.ini in OOo 1.1.5. The mechanism for this 
indirection is still there.

But OOo won't create that profile.ini or the former sversion.ini for you 
any more, so this is of limited use unless you find another way to 
automate creation of that file.

It also seems, that there is no way to use environment varibles inside the 
which will prevent me creating a multi user environment like


It supports bootstrap arguments. These arguments are retrieved from 
various sources, including environment variables. See 

The platform-independent notation used is $VARIABLE, so 
UserInstallation=file:///e:/profiles/oo20/$USERNAME should work. (BTW:I 
don't think you want to append '/user', as the office does this itself.)

That document unfortunately doesn't cover the indirection-syntax in 
mentioned above. It is

  ${::}  [for INI-style files], or
  ${:}[for reading as bootstrap argument]

I also noticed, that you *have* to use an URL, otherwise the unopkg fails ...

And so does soffice (last I tried)...

This isn't really a public interface meant for users that can't cope 
with URL syntax.

I am thinking about to open an RFE for this ...

For what?

For various reasons there is close to no chance that the URL-requirement 
can be changed. Nor should it, IMNSHO. And you can use environment 
variables even now (unless they conflict with one of the internally 
defined bootstrap variables).

HTH, Jörg

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Re: [dev] spaghetti code?

2005-11-21 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Jacqueline McNally schrieb:


I would like some feedback on the following comment.

"However, while there are plenty of proponents, the open-source movement
does have legitimate detractors. One is Michael Goulde, analyst of
software infrastructureRelevant Products/Services from BMC Software for
Forrester Research. According to him, the coding for open-source
products often provides a built-in drawback. By way of example, he
points to OpenOffice. "The actual code for the first version was
spaghetti," he said. "The code for 2.0 isn't much better. This is going
to be a bear to continue to evolve, and they should probably start from
scratch. It's no accident that in Forrester surveys OpenOffice usage
barely shows up.""


But what code is Goulde looking at to write-off 8 millions lines of code
as spaghetti?

Please can you tell me that if in your opinion the is
spaghetti, if not the whole, which parts, and why?

As others have written: if you first look at an unknown project of 
several million lines of code, the structure of which you don't know 
yet, you'll see only spaghetti.

It also is the case that the code of OOo has evolved over some 15 years, 
most of it as closed source. In this time programming techniques, 
particularly for C++, progressed a lot.

As a result, you will find areas done at different times and by 
differently skilled or trained people that exhibit code of varying quality.

There are some areas that look relatively 'spaghetti'. We know about 
them, because they are harder to change and prone to cause regressions. 
And we are incrementally cleaning them up. But generally just rewriting 
from scratch doesn't make everything better automatically, because you 
lose the accumulated bug fixes and special cases that were needed to 
make the code work in the real world.

And if you see how OOo evolved from 1.x to 2.0, you have living proof 
that our code is not all that bad and unmaintainable.

BTW, most of the spaghetti-ish code is rather old and dates back to the 
closed-source days. The code that was newly written since the code was 
released on generally uses a more modern style and is 
easier to maintain. So this proves the opposite of the point of that 

Even more telling is what happened at where much unhard to 
maintain Netscape code that had been developed as closed source was 
scrapped to be replaced by better code from the open-source developpers. 
It appears that closed-source programmers are more prone to producing 
ugly code - under the pressure of schedules set by management or simply 
because they think noone else will ever see that code so they needn't be 

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] warnings01: reftotemp

2005-10-28 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Stephan Bergmann wrote:


produces a

  Warning, reftotemp: should not initialize a non-const reference
  with a temporary.


[Some sort of personally biased rationale for switching that warning 
off:  For a start, I never quite understood the rationale behind 
forbidding passing a temporary to a function via non-const 
reference---C++ is generally a "shoot yourself in the foot if you feel 
like it" language, and the safety-measure installed by this error does 
not really fit that philosophy.  

The problem here are unintended/unforeseen implicit conversions. 
Combined with overloading this can cause code to compile in surprising, 
erroneous ways. The simple example would be:

void inc(int & val) { val++; }
void inc(long & val) { val++; }
void inc(double & val) { val++; }
void inc(std::string & val) { val.append("+1"); }

short s = 0;
unsigned int u = 0;
float f = 0;
const char * t = "0";

void inc_all()

This would compile flawlessly, but without the expected side effects.

But that argument doesn't apply when calling a member of a temporary, 
because implicit conversions aren't applied to the operands of a member 
access operator. I don't think that warning is useful (in almost all cases).

So, if there are no objections, I would switch off the reftotemp warning 
globally for all unxsol platforms.


Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] new incubator : Call for Name

2005-10-26 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Laurent Godard wrote:

- (already 3 votes)


We already have a cvs module named 'extensions' in the 'util' project.

This situation (a module in one project is named like another project) 
is prone to cause confusion. Unfortunately we already have at least one 
case of this situation (module util/tools vs. project tools), but IMHO 
we should proliferate it any more.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Question about installing only a single module

2005-10-26 Thread Joerg Barfurth


G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

The setup guide needs to address the situation where a user wishes only
to install a single module, say writer. I know that the steps should be:
 1. Install core
 2. install module 

That should be sufficient. Everything else is optional - but provides 
potentially useful functionality.

but what about,

Needed to get OOo to behave as a nice desktop citizen on gnome (respect 
some system preferences, etc). So installing this is still recommended 
unless you never want to run gnome.,

Some import-/export filters for file formats used on some PDAs (e.g. 
PocketWord) - optional.,

Support for add-ons and scripts written in python - optional.,

Without this, your writer won't do spell-checking. Recommended,

Some filters for additional graphics file formats (e.g. flash & svg 
export) - optional (and probably only relevant for draw or impress). and

Needed only if you want to do qa - optional 

More filters for xml file formats (xhtml, docbook), that showcase the 
xslt capabilities - optional

Are these optional or what and, if not, which are required to get a
functioning writer?

A functioning writer should not need any of these. For a full-featured 
writer installing spellcheck, gnome-integration and pyuno is still 

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] Getting started - make troubles

2005-10-24 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Billy,

Billy Charlton schrieb:

I'm getting started with contributing code to OOo. I've followed the
guide at for setting up my development environment but have
run into a problem with make.

You should look at, if they have a mailing list to support the 
 ooo-build environment (there is a #go-ooo - or similar - channel on

The ooo-build build environement is different from the one used by the project proper, which is what people on this mailing list 
(or on for build issues) are familiar with.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Example of use of the configuration

2005-10-13 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Michele,

Michele Zarri wrote:

Thanks Andrew,

took a look at your examples, but I am not sure anymore if the configuration
service is really what I want...

I guess that what I want is similar to creating a registry entry under
windows XP. 

The configuration is the OOo equivalent of the Windows registry. Like 
the registry it is a hierarchical database. It differs from the Windows 
registry in that we require keeping track of what entries can go where 
by means of a schema. You can't simply create a value of any type 
anywhere within the hierarchy; instead you need to have a schema that 
describes your value, its data type and possibly default value (or a 
container where you can put arbitrary values).

When OOo is opened (ideally already with the quick start) a
string (i.e. the path to the file I want to open) is made available to the
macros. (How/where the macros will read it will be the subject of a
subsequent email :) )

Unless you can accomodate you data within an existing OOo configuration 
schema, you need to install a configuration schema of your own with your 
macro (you can deploy configuration schemas as part of UNO packages). 
When the schema is installed, you can have your macro read or write the 
data at any time. The data is loaded when it is first read and then kept 
in memory (unless it isn't referenced in 15 minutes, in which case it 
may get unloaded).

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Baisc UNO questions

2005-09-23 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Rahul Kulkarni wrote:

Can somebody tell me following:

1. The difference between the UNOIDL types: Type and Any.

'Type' is a meta type: each value of type Type identifies a UNO type. 
Possible values for type Type are (in an adhoc, non-official notation) 
, ,>,  or .

'Any' is a variant type. An instance of Any can hold a value of any UNO 
type or VOID (=no value). Thus an any basically consist of a Type value 
and a value of the type identified by that Type (e.g. , 
, >, ...).

2. Why we need to write the SAL_CALL before the method name? What it does?

It allows prescribing a certain calling convention on platforms that 
support multiple calling conventions for member functions. AFAIK this is 
currently #defined to nothing for all platforms except MS Windows, where 
it could be something like __cdecl or __stdcall (iirc it is __cdecl). 
This is necessary to enforce a defined binary interface on those 
platforms (which in turn is needed by the C++ bridge).

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Where does come from?

2005-09-23 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Matthias,

Matthias Benkmann wrote:

On 9/22/05, Stephan Bergmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Unfortunately, services.rdb and service descriptions in UNOIDL have
little in common:

Interesting. Could you give me a little background information on how
services.rdb is generated during the build of OOo? I was under the
(apparently mistaken) impression that it's compiled from the *.idl
files. If that's not the case, how does e.g. get into services.rdb? Which
commands/source files put it there?

Every UNO component has an entry point to register itself into a 
registry. For C++ components, this is the component_writeInfo() function 
that each UNO component must export. There is a similar mechanism (iirc 
a registration class identified in the manifest) for Java JAR components.

The services.rdb is populated by having every UNO component in OOo 
register itself into it. This doesn't happen as part of the build (in 
the strict sense).

In OOo 1.x the services.rdb is built during installation by the setup 
program. There is a setup_services.rdb that is generated during the 
build (using regcomp) that provides the UNO services that the setup 
itself uses (e.g. the service that allows registering implementations 
into an rdb ..).

In OOo 2.0 the creation of services.rdb is part of the packaging process 
(or rather the 'install' process that prepares the files for being 
packaged). All UNO componenents listed in the setup script are 
registered into services.rdb by invoking 'regcomp' for them.

So the code that registers the BasicIDE service is part of the 
implementing component itself (i.e. the basctl library). The 
registration is done by regcomp in module instsetoo_native [*] (2.0) or 
in module setup2 (1.1).

[*] The (perl) code for this is in module solenv.



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Re: [dev] Adding boolean to user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Linguistic.xcu

2005-09-12 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Søren Thing Pedersen wrote:

Eike Rathke skrev:

Why initialize first and then immediately assign another value? I'd
write that as

BOOL bAssumeEnglishNumbers = 

Hmm. What state will bAssumeEnglishNumbers take if the 
Office.Calc.Misc.NumberRecognition.AssumeEnglish boolean is not even set 
in calc.xcu?

You have specified a non-null default value in the xcs entry, so that 
will be used. Currently you have specified 'true'. For least surprise I 
suggest to use the value as schema-default that yields the old behavior 
(without your fix).

FYI: You can still set a different installation default in one of the 
share/registry/.../Calc.xcu files.

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] Adding boolean to user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Linguistic.xcu

2005-09-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Søren Thing Pedersen wrote:

I want to add a boolean - let's call it AssumeEnglishNumbers - to 

I don't think that is a good place for your setting.

The org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic component holds setting for 
linguistic services. Settings for filters or number parsers and 
formatters don't belong there.

If you really can't find a good place (maybe org.openoffice.Office.Calc 
is fits) and the setting is used across applications, you could resort 
to the (in)famous org.openoffice.Office.Common component or simply 
define your own component.

In either case, just adding an entry to an xcu file won't give you a new 
configuration setting. To introduce a new setting you must first define 
it in the associated schema 

So far I figured I need to prepare the new variable in:

You don't need to go through the existing 'config item' wrapper objects, 
If the code you are adding to already uses some configuration settings 
access helper, then it may indeed make sense to extend that mechanism to 
support your setting. But it is also possible to use the (UNO-based) 
configuration service more directly (using UNO directly or with a thin 
wrapper, like utl::OConfigurationNode from unotools).

I want to check if this variable is TRUE in 

Nit: That variable can only be 'true' or sal_True.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] OOo 2.0b2 Linux Distribution

2005-09-05 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Rob Ogilvie wrote:


I downloaded OOo 2.0 beta 2 (Linux x86 "install") last night and was 
shocked to discover it is being distributed as a tarball full of RPMs. I 
wonder who made the decision to begin distributing OOo in RPM format and 
how we can go about getting that changed to something a bit more 

What installer would be more standard than RPM? RPM was chosen because 
it is part of LSB, which is about the only applicable standard there is.

I'm assuming OOo is as binary compatible in 2.0 beta 2 as it 
was in 1.0... if this isn't the case, then distribution makers are going 
to need to start building it themselves.

The downloadable version is still highly binary compatible. But 
distribution makers have been compiling even previous versions 
themselves nevertheless (for various reasons).

If it *is* as binary compatible as it used to be, why would RPMs be 

- The old installer was not maintainable any more
- The old installer did not properly integrate with *any* packaging system
- The build system supports building packages for many packagers
- We have to make a choice what to offer for download
- RPM is the most standard packaging system available on Linux (LSB)

And why would you tarball up a bunch of RPMs for distribution?

There are multiple packages to preserve (most of) the modularity of 
installation that was present with the old installer and to make it 
possible to do selective updates.

But people usually want to download a single file. Having to download 
the packages individually is error prone.

 There are a lot of folks out there who don't run RPM-based 
distributions, such as myself.  :-)

Even if your distribution is not RPM-based, you can probably install 
RPM. You can also convert RPMs using tools such as alien or rpm2cpio.

A setup guide with installation instructions for most distros is 
available somewhere on the site and will probably be included with the 
final release.

Ciao Joerg

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[dev] Error-handling concept [Was: [dev] assertions, again. Sigh.]

2005-09-02 Thread Joerg Barfurth
*) Without any message or context information; sample code
 if (somethingwentwrong)
  throw IOException();

We sooner or later should solve this.


Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] compiler warnings: STLport; doubunder; OSL_VERIFY

2005-09-02 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Eike Rathke wrote:

Hi Stephan,

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 10:04:47 +0200, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

Sorry for the (may be stupid) question, but why not just change 
OSL_VERIFY to emit nothing, in case OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0? I would expect 
that only weird code would relay on the evaluation in case of a zero 
debug level. And these case can probably easily be changed to something 
with "assert" (or ensure).

No, the code I saw was of the form

 OSL_VERIFY(close(f) >= 0);

Well, to me that _is_ weird code. The programmer tried to save
a variable and an assignment of the return value to the variable, but
trades that in for not detecting an unsuccessfull close() in an
OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 build, and not reacting on it. That's not only bad
style, that's ugly, and maybe even wrong code.

If the file that is being closed was written to, this is almost 
certainly a bug.

If the file was opened read-only, then ignoring the result of close() is 
generally OK. In that case the programmer may have added this assertion 
to catch cases where the close fails due to an invalid file descriptor 
(e.g. a double close), which would indicate a logic error, or simply to 
document their (erroneous) assumption that close() can't fail after 
reading a file. So for a read-only file this might be acceptable, but as 
it is of very limited utility even in that case, the assertion should 
better be dropped.

Leaving statements of debug macros in a product version most times leads
to unnecessary code being executed, instead nasty uses such as above
should be detected and eliminated and then OSL_VERIFY() set to empty for

As stated elsewhere: It is the one and only purpose of OSL_VERIFY to 
provide a construct that allows asserting on a expression that must be 
evaluated every time, including in the product version. All uses of that 
macro should contain expressions with a side effect.

Your proposal is to make OSL_VERIFY identical to OSL_ASSERT (in which 
case it should be dropped completely). The nastyness in the above 
example is not that code with side effects is embedded in a debug macro 
(that is as intended). The nastiness is that an assertion is used in 
place of proper handling of runtime errors. But that is not specific to 
OSL_VERIFY. There are loads of places in the office where error return 
codes or caught exceptions are 'reported' by an OSL_ASSERT or OSL_ENSURE 
- and then ignored.

BTW: In my experience the usual debug macros have the potential for much 
more serious errors, when code with side effects is used in an 
assertion. In that case they may cause necessary code to not be executed 
in product versions or they may change the entire flow of control, 
leading to hard to debug problems.

Btw, since when would a close() return a value > 0 ?!?

Apparently this is inverting the common logic of checking

  if (close(f) < 0) handle_error();

But I agree that it looks unusual and ==0 should be used to check success.

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] compiler warnings: STLport; doubunder; OSL_VERIFY

2005-08-31 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Kay,

Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Just some (selected :-) examples:

147 OSL_VERIFY( _rValue >>= m_sReferenceValue );
148 calcValueExchangeType();
149 break;
152 OSL_ENSURE( m_bSupportSecondRefValue, 
"OReferenceValueComponent::setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast: not  this 
supported!" );

153 OSL_VERIFY( _rValue >>= m_sNoCheckReferenceValue );
154 break;
157 OSL_VERIFY( _rValue >>= m_nDefaultChecked );
158 resetNoBroadcast();
159 break;

Whether this use of OSL_VERIFY is correct or not depends on the context.

IIRC we have some helper classes that provide XPropertySet semantics 
using the template method pattern. That is, the helper class provides 
the external entry points and calls back (using virtual functions) to 
the derived class for some primitive operations.

If that class implements the follwing (simplified) protocol to set 
property values

  1. check (and possibly convert) value types using PropertySetInfo data
  2. validate values (and call veto listeners)
  3. really update data with the (now guaranteed correct) values
  4. notify change listeners

and the code above is ín the virtual 'callback' called during step 3, 
then this code is entitled to assume that the value passed in is of the 
correct type for the property being set. Probably that function is even 
required to assume that (i.e. its interface does not provide for 
signaling an 'invalid value' error).

If that is the case, then using OSL_VERIFY here is legitimate. If that 
assertion triggers it indicates a severe breakdown of invariants, which 
could be caused by a new bug in the helper class or by a mismatch of 
PropertySetInfo metadata and actual data type.

In either case this should trigger an assertion while testing and not 
just 'recover' from the error - which might actually cover it up.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] compiler warnings: STLport; doubunder; OSL_VERIFY

2005-08-31 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Joerg Barfurth wrote:

It is the very purpose of OSL_VERIFY to evaluate the expression 
regardless of debug level. For expressions without side effect 
OSL_ASSERT/OSL_ENSURE should be used instead.

It is used to avoid cluttering the code with extraneous temporary 
variables and control structures for assertions about values that are 
not used otherwise.

Return values signaling the success or failure of a function call are 
typically ideal candidates to be promoted further, up the call stack. 

I agree. If they signal runtime conditions that prevent normal 
operations, they can be converted to exceptions, otherwise they should 
be dealt with or propagated as approriate. (I think in most cases where 
errors are propagated repeatedly up the call stack an exception would be 
better, though).

Assertions are not intended to be used for runtime conditions. They 
document and cast in executable code invariant assumptions or conditions 
that must hold every time the code is executed[*].

There are cases where it is valid to ignore the return value of a 
function - whether it is a success/failure code or some other data - 
because the expected value is known in advance and is (or should be) 
independent of runtime conditions.

For example you don't have to check whether a 'sqrt' function fails, if 
you have made sure that the argument you pass is a positive number. Or 
you don't have to check that inserting something into a map succeeds, if 
you know that you have a unique key for the new entry.

[*] There may be other uses for debugging macros, but for assertions 
that is the defined meaning. But the following reasoning also holds for 
other legitimate uses of assertion macros.

Only in very very rare situations this has to be "asserted".

I don't think these situations are that rare. And they are definitely 
distinct from the cases where error propagation is in order. An 
assertion that triggers is always a bug. That is not true for an 
arbitrary runtime failure in some module.

So, such an OSL_VERFIY, which only logs something in case of 
OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0, really _displaces_ error detection and handling!!

OSL_VERIFY shouldn't log, but assert (i.e. check) a condition. It is 
true that our code has places where proper error handling is displaced 
by (abuse of) assertions. It is also true that this is Evil(TM).

But I don't think this abuse should be used against the vaild uses of 
assertions. They are a powerful helper during development and 
maintenance. 'Always-on' assertions could also be used to diagnose bugs 
that occur on customer sites.

OSL_VERIFY is just a convenience syntax for OSL_ASSERT and I don't agree 
that it is abused more often or more prone to abuse than OSL_ASSERT. So 
I don't see a reason to discard OSL_VERIFY, without also discarding 

Unless you think that all assertions should be replaced by fully 
propagated runtime checks, I see no argument to get rid of OSL_VERIFY.

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] compiler warnings: STLport; doubunder; OSL_VERIFY

2005-08-31 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Stephan Bergmann wrote:


On unxsoli4 and unxsols4 PRODUCT builds, OSL_VERIFY(a == b) causes a 
spurious warning "The result of a comparison is unused" (because the 
argument of OSL_VERIFY is always executed, even for OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 
0).  Instead of disabling the corresponding unxsoli4 and unxsols4 
warning, I would vote to change code



  if (!e) {

I disagree. Cluttering the code with extraneous control structures 
and/or temporary variables for debug output makes the code less readable 
and is easier to get wrong during maintenance.

I also hope that eventually, when our assertion macros are overhauled, 
we make use of the capabilities of the preprocessor to include the 
failed condition in the assertion output (like most implementations of C 
assert() do). When we do that, using a meaningful condition in the 
argument to the diagnostic macro instead of 'false' will produce more 
meaningful diagnostic output. (For existing instances of 
OSL_ASSERT(false), you won't get worse than the current "null" message 

BTW: IMHO if there are many instances of OSL_ASSERT(false), that 
indicates to me that we need a OSL_ASSERT_ALWAYS() or OSL_ERROR().

(and thus work around the warning) on the ground that OSL_VERIFY is 
dangerous and confusing---unlike the other OSL diagnose functions, it 
*does* evaluate its argument for OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0.  In the interest 
of the "least surprise" principle, we IMO should deprecate OSL_VERIFY 
and replace all its occurrences as described above.

Why is it confusing, if a macro that has the very purpose of always 
evaluating the expression it contains (and asserts about) does its job.

AFAIK that is the one differentiator to OSL_ASSERT/ENSURE.

If people use it for expressions without side effects that is an 
education problem.

If there is a range of different diagnostic macros available I'd expect 
them to have different semantics. And before using one of them a 
developer should know what it does.

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] compiler warnings: STLport; doubunder; OSL_VERIFY

2005-08-31 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Kay,

Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Sorry for the (may be stupid) question, but why not just change 
OSL_VERIFY to emit nothing, in case OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0? I would expect 
that only weird code would relay on the evaluation in case of a zero 
debug level. And these case can probably easily be changed to something 
with "assert" (or ensure).

It is the very purpose of OSL_VERIFY to evaluate the expression 
regardless of debug level. For expressions without side effect 
OSL_ASSERT/OSL_ENSURE should be used instead.

It is used to avoid cluttering the code with extraneous temporary 
variables and control structures for assertions about values that are 
not used otherwise.

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] OSL_VERIFY and other diagnostics

2005-08-31 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Philipp,

Philipp Lohmann - Sun Germany wrote:

I definately think that
  OSL_VERIFY( callSomeFooWhichSignalsSuccess( bar ) );
is the better (non-weird) alternative here.

That case is weird, because you choose to ignore the return value. In 
that you create a possibly not easy to find error. Ignoring return 
values is just bad code. Now there certainly are case in which the 
return value can be ignored safely, but then an OSL_VERIFY wouldn't be 
necessary either. 

If the return value can be ignored safely, that may be because you 
really don't care, or because you fulfilled the preconditions to get a 
well-known return value (e.g. success) every time.

In this latter case it is good practice to document this for maintenance 
programmers by using an assertion. An assertion is better than a mere 
comment here, because it will tell you when the assumption fails at 
runtime (due to incorrect reasoning or maintenance changes).

The concise notation to do that without cluttering the code with 
temporary variables for results you don't really use or extraneous 
control structures is OSL_VERIFY.

Actually i think we should remove OSL_VERIFY for good.

I disagree.

Of course if there are cases like simple OSL_VERIFY(a==b), that 
indicates that developers need to be better educated about our debug 
macros and their meaning (and yes, consolidating the macro zoo should 
help here).

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] Issue 7311 - Removing hyperlinks is *inconvenient*

2005-07-26 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Florian,

Florian Gaab wrote:

this night I voted for issue 7311. That's fine, but I am not sure if this will 
change the situation until the final release of OOo 2.0 is rolled out. As I 
don't believe in passive democracy at all, I ask you if it is possible to 
contribute active help -- and how.

This issue will not be fixed in OOo 2.0. We are wy beyond UI freeze 
and fixing that task requires a UI change.

My experiences: some years of hobby programming. No big deals, yet. Mostly Basic (VB, 
VBA) and scripting languages (PHP, JavaScript, ...) and a little C#, C and C++. I am not 
sure if I am the "tough guy" you need for this job :) but I am interested an 
willing to learn. So is anybody out there -- able to introduce me in the miraculous world 
of a huge project, notably OpenOffice?

See <> for some 
initial resources. You need to sign the JCA first before you can 
contribute code.

For a UI change you need to start not with code, but with a 
specification (see Be sure to contact the 
current owner of the issue, if you really want to work on it.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Automating Makefile creation

2005-07-15 Thread Joerg Barfurth


xutuan Zhang wrote:

In your email When you said:

4a. Client applications
  C++: rename your application with leading "_", copy unoapploader 
binary in the same directory and rename it to your original

application name

If I have an add-in, e.g., and, do you
mean I should rename them to and _MyAddin.rdb?

No. As Juergen said, this concerns client applications, i.e. program 
binaries that use UNO rather than UNO components. I believe the reason 
for this is that the process environemnt needs to be set up correctly 
for UNO to work. The unoapploader does this and then executes the 
renamed program (and it knows the name from its own name).

What do you mean by "unoapploader binary"? Should I copy it over and
rename it to, say, "MyAddin"? 


4b. UNO components
  zip all necessary files into a zip file with the extension
create a manifest.xml with the appropriate entries

For details of UNO packages see the Developers Guide or ask me again.

Do I need "manifest.xml" if my addin is written in C++?

My package has the following structure now:
(and it works under Windows XP/OOo 1.1.4/SDK 1.1.0 and latest snapshot

AFAIK manifest.xml is new with OOo 2.0 and wasn't needed for OOo 1.1.x.

Packages without manifest xml should still work for backwards 
compatibility, but using the manifest.xml provides better control what 
gets installed how.

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Can 2.0 use response files?

2005-07-07 Thread Joerg Barfurth


G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

Please excuse the cross postiing. I am not certain which team can

Now my question. Since installing 1.1.x with response files is and was
an option, the use of native installers with 2.0 appears to preclude
this option/ Is it still available? If not then what option(s) is
available to duplicate this functionality?

General answer, see:

More detail about Windows/MSI:

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] re: protocol handler is not being called

2005-06-30 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi James,

James Black wrote:

I have System.out.println statements at the beginning of the methods,
and am running swriter.exe from within the windows command shell, but
none of my print statements are showing up.

Try printing to a file instead of System.out. If there still is no 
output, your code really isn't being called. Otherwise you may have run 
into the following snag:

On windows, GUI applications don't have their standard output connected 
to the command shell, so afaict you won't see anything from 
System.out.println even if your code is executed.

If you have access to a from-source build of, there is a 
remedy: The build produces a binary '', which acts as a 
wrapper for gui application to connect their stdio to the console. To 
use it, copy it to \program\ If you now 
invoke \program\soffice, the system will invoke, which will in turn invoke soffice.exe with stdio connected 
to the command shell. (swriter is only a wrapper that invokes soffice)

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] compiling from source

2005-06-28 Thread Joerg Barfurth


cgb spender wrote:


is there any documentation online that tells you how you can just
compile the writer program from source on a windows machine?  Thank
you very much for your time.

I don't think there is, because there is not much point to it.

If you want to do this regardless, you need to set things up as for 
compiling the entire office (see <> for 
instructions for your platform). Then, after bootstrapping and sourcing 
your environment script, instead of issuing 'dmake' in the top-level 
directory (SRC_ROOT), you do:

  SRC_ROOT> cd sw
  sw>build --all

Alas, that won't help you very much, because the writer application 
needs more components than built by this command to run. Moreover, to 
build installation packages you need to build the entire office anyhow. 
And we don't support building and packaging only a single application, 
because you don't save much: Most of our code is shared between all 
applications. The applications themselves are only components that are 
loaded into the general office process.

When installing you can choose to install only selected application. But 
if you do this and install only the Writer application, you'll see that 
you don't save much over a full install.

HTH, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Re: remove .xcu files [using configimport?]

2005-06-27 Thread Joerg Barfurth


Aditya Pandey wrote:

Joerg Barfurth> writes:

You don't need configimport to install a schema (xcs) or xcu file. 
unopkg installs them in a private location.

unopkg installs them in my addin folder. for example:

But to install them into config backend, I need to use configimport command.

unopkg should do that automatically.

Configimport can't possibly do that.

For xcu files unopkg internally uses the same services as configimport 
does. But xcs files are simply copied.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] remove .xcu files [using configimport?]

2005-06-23 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Aditya Pandey wrote:


I have been able to use configimport command for creating/installing a schema
I have created for my addin to OpenOffice.

You don't need configimport to install a schema (xcs) or xcu file. 
unopkg installs them in a private location.

When I try to uninstall the addin, the .xcs (schema) file is removed by unopkg
utility, but the data file (.xcu) file and cache file (.dat) files are still 

unopkg can remove only the installed files from the private location 
managed by unopkg.

The files under $(userdata)/user/registry are created by the office when 
the configuration data you installed is accessed (cache/*.dat) or when 
configuration settings are modified by (or for) the user (*.xcu under 

unopkg doesn't know about these files and if you install your package as 
shared package (using the --shared option to unopkg), then there could 
be an instance of them for every user - potentially an unlimited number.

Because of this these files can't be uninstalled. But they should do no 
harm (other than consume disk space). You can't access the data through 
OOo configuration intrefaces. And when the package is installed again, 
the user will find their personal settings from last time.

I tried configimport options to remove these files, but could not do it? Am I
missing something?

Configimport can't possibly do that.

The only possibility would be writing a configcleanup program that 
removes xcu and dat files for which there is no corresponding 
schema.Then every user would have to run that program.

But that program hasn't even been written yet. You can file an RFE, but 
it won't get a high priority atm.

Ciao, Joerg

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Re: [dev] Neu hier

2005-06-01 Thread Joerg Barfurth

Hi Dietmar,

Your posting(s) were sent to the list. This is a 
English-language programmers' list.

I suppose you intended to send this to

Beachte das 'de.' in [EMAIL PROTECTED] Deine Mail(s) sind auf gelandet.

Ciao, Jörg

HillerD wrote:


nachdem ich mich endlich durch den Info-Dschungel gekämpft habe, bin ich nun
hier angekommen.


Ach so, issue tracker kennt mich als "hillerd", das wird wohl auch bei sein, denke ich mir jedenfalls.

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Re: [dev] Open Office Development

2005-05-23 Thread Joerg Barfurth


BTW: You should subscribe to mailing lists you post to. Many replies go 
only to the lists.

Michael Kramer wrote:

Hi -
I could be interested in contributing to Open Office.
Is there a way that I could see the code base first so that I can know
what sort of an operation I am getting into?
Couldn't find any links for downloading source code on the web site.

You should find all the links you need starting from and

You can get source via anonymous cvs or download source tarballs for 
various releases. You can even view source for each of our projects 
online in your browser.

At there also is a LXR browser to explore the 

Ciao, Jörg

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Re: [dev] 1.9.100 script transfer

2005-05-17 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Mathias,
Mathias Bauer wrote:
 - additionally I assume that the migration not
only "ignores" 1.9.95 but overwrites it with the content from 1.1.x.
IIRC the milestone number is encoded into the name of the .openoffice* 
directory (not sure about Beta here), so each milestone starts with a 
clean or freshly migrated user data directory.

Ciao, Jörg
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Re: [dev] Restricting portions of config to admins only?

2005-05-09 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Brian,
Brian Raymond wrote:
On 4/5/05 8:38 AM, "Joerg Barfurth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You can restrict access to individual settings by providing a
configuration data (.xcu) file and using the protection attributes
(oor:finalized and oor:mandatory) in that file to mark individual
settings or entire subtrees as protected from further (e.g. user)
If you deploy your component with its configuration data as a shared UNO
package, this data is imported into the basic OOo installation structure
and should generally end up in a file that is not user-writable.
You can't currently manipulate the access control attributes via the
API. Manipulating protected data via the administrative API should leave
the protection in place.

It's been a few weeks but I wanted to catch up on this again.

Can you expand on what you are referring to when you state protected
attributes can be modified via the "administrative API"? 
Using the service "" 
you can use the OOo API to write to configuration layers other than the 
user-specific one. You need to provide an 'entity', which is a token 
that identifies the layer to write to. For file-based data this is a 
file URL to the base directory of a layer.

Even this interface currently does not support changing (or even 
quering) the protection status of items on that layer. But as protection 
has an effect only on subsequent layers, you can change values even for 
settings which are marked as protected or are part of a subtree marked 
as protected in the current layer (but not on prior ones). Thus, if you 
set up an initial layer file that marks a subtree as protected, you can 
subsequently use the API to manipulate values in that file while 
preserving the protected state.

Note: If you deployed your xcu file using the UNO package manager, then 
writing to that layer does not work well. Firstly the deployed files are 
'owned' by the package manager and there are package manager operations 
which regenerate the effective files from the unmodified packages, thus 
losing your changes, and secondly you need to find out the correct file 
URL in the first place, which in OOo 2.0 includes a random directory 
name created by unopkg.

I'm adding the
configuration data via an .xcu file now so I'm going to experiment with the
finalized/mandatory settings. I need to provide an "administrative UI" to
allow edits by admins however I'm not clear on how I can separate the two.
Using this AdministrationProvider API has some advantages in that it 
manipulates the data with correct semantics, but may be difficult to set 
up so that it works correctly. This interface is/was used in OOo 1.x to 
change default values during setup, but isn't well-tested in OOo 2.0 or 
for other purposes.

Ciao, Jörg
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Re: [dev] Trimming down OpenOffice distribution

2005-05-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Zorb Live wrote:
I'm using OpenOffice in a Java-based program on Linux via the API to
convert .ppt files to raster images.  It's working great, and is
tremendously useful--hats off!
Now that it's working, I'd like to somewhat reduce the size of the
OpenOffice distribution that I'm shipping--for the above task, can I
get rid of the dependency on X11, and also drop unneeded modules and
files within OpenOffice?  How would I go about doing this?
You can't get rid of the dependency on X11. The OOo core code is still 
tied to the UI code very much, so you can't run one without the other.

The recommended solution is to use a virtual X server, like Xvfb, and 
run with the -headless flag.

Are you using OOo 1.x? In that case you can experiment with the 'custom 
installation' options to figure out a trimmed down configuration. You 
may try to install only the Impress application and deselect other 
packages you don't need. Unfortunately there is no simple way to create 
a reduced installer package you can ship. You either have to build OOo 
yourself and then do some hacking of 'scp'-Files (or setup description 
languge) or you can try to manually identify files to remove and 
otherwise manipulate the full installation set, which is a rather 
tedious task. In either case you could ask on the list for more help.

Things get better in OOo 2.0: There the installer is split into several 
rpms and you can easily select those you need. You could try, if 
installing all the 'core' packages plus the impress package does the job 
for you.

I didn't see anything relevant in the documentation on this, but I've
been known to be blind in the past.
Did you check if the installation project 
 has relevant documentation?

Ciao, Joerg
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Re: [dev] error on head

2005-04-29 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Ken,
Ken Foskey wrote:
Has anyone seen this error and have anything to fix it?
... languages ENUS ... 

ERROR: ERROR: Missing files
in function: remove_Files_Without_Sourcedirectory
Fri Apr 29 09:18:55 2005 (00:03 min.)
dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'openoffice_ENUS'
'---* *---'
Looks like wrong configuration. What was your configure line? Are you 
accidentally using a configure from 1.1.x?

Ciao, Joerg
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Re: [dev] More than one interface inside a .idl file

2005-04-29 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Ary Junior wrote:
Hi, im trying to registry two interfaces inside the same .idl file... 
This isn't relevant. What is relevant is that you have two 
implementation classes in your jar file. BTW: You should register 
services or implementations, not interfaces.

these interfaces are implemented with Java to be used as add-in 
functions with Calc... My problem is with the manifest file inside the 
.jar... How can i define my two class (one for each interface)? 
If i define the manifest likes this:

RegistrationClassName: root.mymodule.NewInterface
RegistrationClassName: root.mymodule.MyInterface
I don't know the details of Java-UNO registration, but afaik there can 
be only one 'RegistrationClass' in a jar. That class is called upon to 
register the services this jar implements. It can easily register more 
than one implementation and it need not be identical to any one of the 
implementation classes. Reusing the implementation class to also serve 
as registration class really makes sense only if it is the only service 
implementation in that jar.

For the full story, see 

Only the methods of the last interface appear in the insert function 
wizard of Calc...

Maybe you should submit a bug (that the system should throw an exception 
when it finds multiple RegistrationClass entries :-o )

Ciao, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Want to use Configuration management

2005-04-11 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Sunil,
Sunil Todi wrote:
I am trying to use "configuration management" facility for my application
and components.
The 15th chapter of OpenOffice Development Guide mentions details about it.
It mentioned that the 'Configuration Management' is not available currently
with the functionality to specify my own schema.
You have an outdated version of the Developer's Guide. In the current 
version this statement is removed.

I understand that the existing schema available to be used (OpenOffice) is
static. Is there any facility where it could be possible to add properties
during the runtime (dynamic schema?) and also can I add my own schema?
Section 15.5 in the version of the Developer's Guide that applies to 1.1.x describes this. The online version of this chapter 
is at 
You'll also need the Registry (OOR) file format 
documentation from 

HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Issue Confirmation

2005-04-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Daniel Carrera wrote:
You filed the issue under the component "Testproduct". No one will see it there. 
This is a fictitious component to let people experiment with IZ without bothering 
the developers. For this reason, this component is always ignored.

Please file the issue again using a different component.
Try component 'gsl' for this bug.
You could change the component in the issue, but unfortunately the owner 
won't be changed to the correct (default) issue owner of the new 
component when you do this.

Ciao, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Problem in accessing HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess service

2005-04-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Sunil,
Sunil Todi wrote:
  I am trying to find the implementations of HierarchyDataReadWriteAccess
and HierarchyDataReadAccess services. I tried  services.rdb but couldn't
locate them there. Do I need to download them separately and register??
Online documentation for these services can be found at
Hava a look at services HierarchyDataSource and DefaultHierarchyDataSource.
BTW: Services are abstract concepts, not concrete classes. Thus there 
isn't necessarily *the* implementations of these services. For any given 
service there may be any number of implementations. I am sure there are 
some services defined in OOo IDL for which there are zero 
implementations - but if there is an implementation of 
DefaultHierarchyDataSource this probably isn't a case of that.

HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Restricting portions of config to admins only?

2005-04-05 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Brian,
Brian Raymond wrote:
I wanted to see if anyone had any input on this. I've seen some good data on
how to make a custom schema for configuration data for my component but no
way to restrict access to it.
There is no way to do this in the schema.
I'm implementing some custom configuration properties for my component that
should only be changed by administrators. At the file level this could be
enforced if the configuration was managed as separate files outside of OOo
but if I extend the standard configuration through the API and store my own
settings I haven't seen anything on how I could restrict access.
Does anyone know how I can restrict access within the API or if a file on
disk could be isolated and protected at the file system level?
You can restrict access to individual settings by providing a 
configuration data (.xcu) file and using the protection attributes 
(oor:finalized and oor:mandatory) in that file to mark individual 
settings or entire subtrees as protected from further (e.g. user) 

If you deploy your component with its configuration data as a shared UNO 
package, this data is imported into the basic OOo installation structure 
and should generally end up in a file that is not user-writable.

You can't currently manipulate the access control attributes via the 
API. Manipulating protected data via the administrative API should leave 
the protection in place.

HTH, Joerg
Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] Where are solver trees for OOo 2.0beta?

2005-03-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Fabulous, this fixed my problem. Thank you so much! I spent *days*
trying to figure this out. Where can I find out more about the new
process for building 2.0? The online documentation I'm working from
seems outdated. Should one always go into scp2, remove the old stuff,
build and deliver, after reconfiguring???
scp2 defines what needs to be in the installation package, so, yes, you 
should definitely rebuild it when you change configuration.

Of course the cleanest solution is to do a complete rebuild after 
reconfiguring (iow: do a top-level 'dmake clean' before reconfiguring or 
rebuilding). You can get rebuilds to be very fast by using ccache.

Thanks again!
p.s. I had already tried your idea of specifying --with-openldap, but I
didn't have the prerequisites for that, so I left it out of the final
For SuSE this should work, if you install the openldap-devel package. If 
it then still doesn't work, file an issue.

Ciao, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Re: Re: Failure for build of langpack

2005-03-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Shkumbin Saneja wrote:
Done: cd scp2; rm -r $INPATH; build; deliver ;
but, still the same (error) result.
This should have rebuilt all of scp2 and (amongst others) delivered a 
setup_osl.ins file to the solver.

You mean that gid_Dir_User_Autotext_Language one? Can you look into the 
setup_osl.ins file that was delivered from scp2 and show us the entry 
you have for gid_Dir_User_Autotext_Language (and if it has a line 
defining the "HostName(sq)=..."?

...If you built without your languge configured first, ...

Do you mean for: ./configure --with-lang="sq" ?
or some other configuration for my language ?
Yes. IIRC this error occured, if you first
 ./configure --with-lang=
(or simply ./configure without any --with-lang) and then later
 ./configure --with-lang="sq"
without cleaning (at least) the scp2 output directory.
HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Where are solver trees for OOo 2.0beta?

2005-03-07 Thread Joerg Barfurth
I'm having a horrible time trying to build either SRC680_m80 or
SRC680_m82 from source acquired via CVS. I'm building on a machine
running SuSE Linux 9.2 Professional, and have downloaded and built EPM
(and applied the patch to EPM), and have all the prerequisites (except
that the mozab stuff seems to require, which I do NOT
have; however, I've rebuilt with --disable-mozilla). 
In the most recent milestones (from m83 iirc) it should be possible to 
build the mozilla pieces yourself as part of the build process, if you 
provide a mozila source tarball. That should eliminate the dependency, which comes from the fact that the prebuilt 
moz libs are built using gcc 3.4.

I have tracked down
and fixed some build errors, but in the end I am still not getting
instsetoo_native to build correctly, and I end up with no built RPMs.
The current errors are due to the fact that the following files cannot
be found: pluginapp.bin,, and (this is
the problem, I assume). 

Sort of. My guess is that you didn't do a full rebuild after 
reconfiguring with --disable-mozilla. Try rebuilding scp2 to fix this 
particular problem (cd $SRC_ROOT; scp2; rm -r $INPATH; build; deliver).

BTW: You can get back, if you configure --with-openldap.
What I would REALLY like to do is get a solver tree for some milestone
version of 2.0beta, and just check out vcl from CVS and build it against
the solver. However, I have searched all over, and cannot find solvers
for 2.0beta, only for 1.1.4. All the mirrors I checked just seem to have
the install tar files containing the RPMs. How can I get a solver tree,
like in the old 1.1.x days?
AFAICT solver trees aren't published currently, because demand was too 
low - and some of those few downloads even were by people who did not 
know what our 'solver' actually is. Possibly this is reconsidered, if 
enough people complain.

HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Re: Failure for build of langpack

2005-03-04 Thread Joerg Barfurth
As the issue says there is a problem with dependencies in scp2. If you 
built without your languge configured first, you should do a clean 
rebuild in scp2 with your language now:
 cd scp2; rm -r $INPATH; build; deliver

HTH, Joerg
OOo Shqip wrote:
Again build for Albanian language did not have success   :-(.
As this is the 'new' language for,
we faced some problems which described in issue:
Is there required any scripts or patch to be run for new languages ,or 
how to prepare environment for other languages than en-us??

ERROR: HostName not defined for gid_Dir_User_Autotext_Language for 
specified language.
in function: checking_directories_with_corrupt_hostname

This time in Linux (680m82, gcc 3.3.3).
Log attached!

Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] HEAD: xsl problem failing build

2005-02-09 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Ken,
Ken Foskey wrote:
compilation error: file ../readme2.xsl line 5 element stylesheet
xsl:version is missing: document may not be a stylesheet
This error is not caused by any change on HEAD.
XSL stylesheets indeed must have a version attribute, currently with 
value "1.0". The readme.xsl doesn't. So this is a bug. But it is not a 
new bug. It affects only people building a non-standard configuration 
(xsltproc is used only for --without-java builds). Apparently it even 
depends on the xsltproc version installed on your system.

Please go ahead and file an issue. But I can't see why such a bug needs 
to be announced as 'HEAD breakage' on the general dev list.

BTW: The readme.xsl file has other flaws. For example there is an 
incorrect value for the method attribute in ), which is not 
fixed in the xsl proper, but instead is corrected only for xsltproc with 
a questionable sed substitution in the makefile.

Ciao, Joerg
Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] Finding source files of a task id

2005-02-08 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Samphan Raruenrom wrote:
I usually find someone says in an issue, e.g. issue 41671 - "fixed in 
cws i18n16".
I understand that the patch will be in the branch cws_src680_i18n16 with
the task id #i41671# in the commit message. But how can I find which
file(s) the patch change. How can I extract the patch so I can apply
to my source tree?

You can't do that easily. The EIS information Mathias mentioned is there 
only when the CWS is already merged to the main trunk. And this 
information, derived from the commit messages does not always tell the 
entire truth. Moreover the child workspace system is designed to 
encourage putting multiple fixes in one area in the code together into 
one child workspace. That means that changes for one bug often don't 
apply cleanly to the trunk version of the file, as they were applied to 
a file that already had other fixes.

Summarizing this, it is usually better to merge an entire child 
workspace rather than isolated bug fixes. Child workspaces can be merged 
easily usign cvs: As you reckognized the CWS version is on branch 
cws__ (e.g. cws_src680_i18n16). The trunk version from 
which this is branched is tagged as CWS___ANCHOR (e.g. 
CWS_SRC680_I18N16_ANCHOR). Thus you can easily use cvs update to join 
the changes from the CWS (cvs update -j -j). 
Attention: Use the anchor tag instead of joining the entire branch, 
because a so-called 'resync' may be used to merge changes from the trunk 
to the cws branch.

BTW: A cws typically only contains only selected modules. Only files in 
those modules are tagged. You can use EIS to find out the list of 
modules for a given cws.

HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] HostName not defined for gid_Dir_User_Autotext_Language for specified language

2005-02-07 Thread Joerg Barfurth
James Lee wrote:
I'm trying to build SRC680_m76 on Solaris in three languages,
"configure ... --with-lang=en,de,fr ...".
You should omit the 'en' or use 'en-US' (or 'en-GB', if you wish) 
instead. A plain 'en' language is currently not supported. The 
default/fallback language 'en-US' is built always.

It builds up to the point of creation of the distribution data in
instsetoo_native.  It builds the en_US (is that all we get for en?)
You get en-US automatically. I suppose it is 'en' that fails.
but fails to produce the next 2 languages, the final part of the log is:
... languages en_de_fr ...
... cleaning the output tree ...
ERROR: HostName not defined for gid_Dir_User_Autotext_Language for
specified language.
in function: checking_directories_with_corrupt_hostname
Saved logfile:
Please look into this logfile. It ought to contain more details on what 
exactly failed.

Thu Feb  3 10:11:22 2005 (00:03 min.)
dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'openoffice_en,de,fr'
'---* *---'

What does this message mean and how do I cure the problem?
It means that it tries to find out the name of a certain directory for 
an unsupported language. More detail - in particular the information for 
what languge the failure occurred - should be in the saved logfile.

My guess is that 'en' is the culprit. Try configuring without it.
If you got all the way to instsetoo_native successfully, it should 
suffice to

  cd instsetoo_native
to retry the packing.
HTH, Joerg
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Re: [dev] Error in m73, building: moduldl2.obj

2005-01-25 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Please submit an issue (if there isn't one already).
This is another instance of the longstanding gcc parser bug (which is 
only fixed in gcc 3.4). To fix this, change line 824 of source file 
basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx from
 ::rtl::OUString aTitle( ::rtl::OUString( IDEResId( RID_STR_BASIC ) ) );
 ::rtl::OUString aTitle = ::rtl::OUString( IDEResId( RID_STR_BASIC ) );

HTH, Joerg
Shqip OOo wrote:
In SRC680-m73, after ~10 hrs of build, have hit the following error:
(Suse 9.1, gcc 3.3.3)
Making: ../../
g++ -Wuninitialized -fmessage-length=0 -c -I.  -I. -I../inc -I../../inc 
-I../../unx/inc -I../.
./ -I. -I/usr/src/m73/solver/680/ 
-I/usr/src/m73/solver/68 0/ 
-I/usr/src/m73/solenv/u  nxlngi4/inc 
-I/usr/src/m73/solenv/inc -I/usr/src/m73/res 
-I/usr/src/m73/solver/680/ o/inc/stl 
-I/usr/src/m73/solenv/inc/Xp31 -I/usr/lib/java/include 
-I/usr/lib/java/include/native_threads/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I. 
-I../../res -I. -  O1   -pipe 
-mcpu=pentiumpro -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -include preinclude.h 
-fexceptions -fno-enf  orce-eh-specs   -fpic 
-DMULTITHREAD  -o ../../ /usr/src/m73/basctl/ 
/usr/src/m73/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx: In member function 
`void LibPage::InsertLib(  )':
/usr/src/m73/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx:824: error: variable 
declaration is not allow  ed here
/usr/src/m73/basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx:838: error: no matching 
function for call to 
(&)(), rtl::OUString&  )'
error:   candidates are: virtual void 
  rtl::OUString&, const rtl::OUString&)
/usr/src/m73/solver/680/ At global 
warning: inline function `Sbx  InfoRef& 
SbxInfoRef::operator=(SbxInfo*)' used but never defined
warning: inline function `Sbx  ArrayRef& 
SbxArrayRef::operator=(SbxArray*)' used but never defined
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../../'
'---* *---'
dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'do_it_exceptions'
'---* *---'

ERROR: Error 65280 occurred while making 
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'build_all'
'---* *---'

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Joerg Barfurth  Sun Microsystems - Desktop - Hamburg
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Re: [dev] FontOOo disabled but ...

2005-01-17 Thread Joerg Barfurth
Hi Rene,
Rene Engelhard schrieb:
perharps have a look at
especially : patch to applyy to scp to create Menu item for DicOOo 

I'm not sure that patch will help you so much. After all the FontOOo 
menu item already exists and even is built only conditionally (as it is 
not in StarOffice). All you need to do is to change the condition. But 
at least the patch can point you to the location of the menu item.

FYI: This applies only to OOo 1.1.x. The way install-time or conditional 
configuration changes are handled has changed completely in OOo 2.0. You 
can contact me, if you want to forward port this.

Ciao, Joerg
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