[FairfieldLife] Re: Straigtening Sal Out

2014-11-05 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

---  wrote :

It's wrong, ain't it sal, just plain wrong, for someone to hold an opinion 
contrary to your own. 

 maybe you need to circulate more.

 Now what the fuck are YOU talking about? It's like being in a parallel 
universe with you lot sometimes. What Willytex wrote is not even remotely 
related to what I said. He isn't just holding a contrary opinion he's saying 
any old rubbish that comes into his head just for the sake of wasting the time 
of anyone dumb enough to read it. It's called trolling. What pleasure he gets 
out of it is anyone's guess.  

 If he had a contrary opinion that was well reasoned I wouldn't mind hearing it 
but he hasn't. I say one thing, he says blah blah whatever go figure. It's him 
wasting his time. I don't give a damn.

"There is no democracy in physics.  We can't say that some 
second-rate guy has as much right to opinion as Fermi."”
~Luis Walter Alvarez

"Whoever is careless with truth in small matters cannot be 
trusted in important affairs."
~ Albert Einstein

By the way, I remember talking to you more than 8 years ago. 
But, I am not sure that was it's on this forum or another 


[FairfieldLife] The Buddha answers to the Deva

2014-11-05 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  The Buddha answers to the Deva

On a certain day when the Buddha dwelt at 
Jetavana, the garden of Anathapindika,
a celestial deva came to him in the shape 
of a Brahman enlightened and wearing clothing 
as white as snow.

The deva asked,

What is the sharpest sword?
What is the deadliest poison?
What is the fiercest fire?
What is the darkest night?"

The Buddha replied,

The sharpest sword is a word spoken in wrath;
the deadliest poison is covetousness;
the fiercest fire is hatred;
the darkest night is ignorance.

The deva said,

What is the greatest gain?
What is the greatest loss?
Which armour is invulnerable?
What is the best weapon?

The Buddha replied,

The greatest gain is to give to others;
the greatest loss is to greedily receive without gratitude;
an invulnerable armor is patience;
the best weapon is wisdom.

The deva said,

Who is the most dangerous thief?
What is the most precious treasure?
Who can capture the heavens and the earth?
Where is the securest treasure-trove?

The Buddha replied,

The most dangerous thief is unwholesome thought;
the most precious treasure is virtue;
the heavens and the earth may be captured by the mind's eye;
surpassing rebirth locates the securest treasure-trove.

The deva asked,

What is attraction?
What is repulsion?
What is the most horrible pain?
What is the greatest enjoyment?

The Buddha replied,

Attraction is wholeness;
repulsion is unwholesomeness;
the most tormenting pain is bad conscience;
the height of bliss is redeemed awakening.

The deva asked,

What causes ruin in the world?
What breaks off friendships?
What is the most violent fever?
Who is the best physician?"

The Buddha replied,

Ruin in the world is caused by ignorance;
friendships are broken off by envy and selfishness;
the most violent fever is hatred;
the best physician is the enlightened one;

The deva continued,

Now I have only one doubt to resolve and absolve:
What is it fire cannot burn,
nor moisture corrode,
nor wind crush down,
but is able to enlighten the whole world.

The Buddha replied,

Neither fire, nor moisture, nor wind
can destroy the blessing of good deeds,
and blessings enlighten the whole world.

Hearing these answers,

the deva was overflowing with joy.
Then clasping hands, bowed down in respect and
disappeared suddenly from the presence of the Buddha. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Straigtening Sal Out

2014-11-06 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

I think it was more than 10 years ago. I was a 30 year old 
kid.  I think it was on another forum.  My memory has become 
hazy.  Maybe salyavin might remember it.

---  wrote :

can you elaborate?

---  wrote :

By the way, I remember talking to you more than 8 years ago. 
But, I am not sure that was it's on this forum or another 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Straigtening Sal Out

2014-11-07 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 On 11/5/2014 6:40 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife] 

 Jesus Christ, what's going on here.  You responded to something I said!
 Now, I'm on the spot.
 Look, there are times, when I can't figure out why Richard insists on posting 
what appear to be complete fabrications.  


---  wrote :

 Not a totally complete exaggeration:
 "Suffice it to say that over an extended number of years I witnessed almost 
every siddhi described by Patanjali and quite a few that were not." -  Barry 

~ Uncle Tantra   137510 

 And sure, I would take exception to them, and would find them extremely 
annoying if I were on the receiving end of them, which I think I have been on 
 But there are times, many times in fact, when I find him kknkowledgeable and 
very entertaining, and it appears others do as well, including Ann, in that 
 That was the gist of my comment.
 And for the record, when the discussion turns to details of Vedic or Buddhist 
stuff, about which he banters with others here, I generally don't have a clue.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 It's wrong, ain't it sal, just plain wrong, for someone to hold an opinion 
contrary to your own. 
 maybe you need to circulate more.
 Now what the fuck are YOU talking about? It's like being in a parallel 
universe with you lot sometimes. What Willytex wrote is not even remotely 
related to what I said. He isn't just holding a contrary opinion he's saying 
any old rubbish that comes into his head just for the sake of wasting the time 
of anyone dumb enough to read it. It's called trolling. What pleasure he gets 
out of it is anyone's guess.
 If he had a contrary opinion that was well reasoned I wouldn't mind hearing it 
but he hasn't. I say one thing, he says blah blah whatever go figure. It's him 
wasting his time. I don't give a damn.


[FairfieldLife] Re: There may be a God after all... :-)

2014-11-07 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


I wonder who is this?

https://twitter.com/TheWolfieSmith https://twitter.com/TheWolfieSmith 

---  wrote :

 Here's part of it Barry.  The other day, I thought to look at people's face 
book pages, that I had never looked at before.  I saw yours and I saw Richards. 

 On yours, there was a link.  Just a one click link which then went to a bunch 
of pictures.

 And I noticed that those current pictures of you looked nothing like the 
picture you have of yourself posted on FFL, and truthfully, I felt a little 
sorry for ya, and just haven't been able to muster the usual annoyance to 
comment on the daily dumps you make on people here.

 I am sure that will change but right now, just can't do it.

 Now, go ahead into your usual faux outrage about imaginary stalking.

 This is what you show to the world, dude.

 Oh, and I guess that carried over to Michael, to some extent.

 He lives in a strange world.  The world of the past, filled with all the old 
press releases of MMY, and the TMO.

 How can you really come down on a guy who seems to live for that?

 That will probably change for me too. (-:

---  wrote :

 I just noticed that the folders I created in Yahoo Mail to store unread posts 
from the people actively stalking me -- Ann, Jim, Steve, and Richard -- were 
surprisingly empty. 


 Maybe they've actually stopped posting their crap, I thought, so I checked the 
Post Count post and it shows that Richard is still the verbal diarrhea king and 
that the others still seem to be posting as much as always. So then I scrolled 
through the list of incoming posts on the Yahoo Groups reader (Neo), and their 
stuff seems to still be appearing there, too. It's just not getting to Yahoo 
Mail. Go figure. 


 I'm just posting this to see whether Xeno (who created similar macros) or 
anyone else has noticed anomalies like this, creating a difference between what 
arrives on the FFL website and thus is visible in the Yahoo Groups reader 
(Neo), and what arrives in your email feed. 


 Whatever the cause, color me properly grateful. 


 Whether it's  God saving my macros from having to route posts from 
these four to a trash folder that I then have to empty from time to time 
unread, or some other cause, it's All Good. Praise the Lawd! 


 If it's really the work of God, I may even contribute to a Maharishi™ yagya 
just to thank the dude for his efforts, and for having the same taste in who to 
throw in the trash bin that I do.  :-)  :-)  :-)




[FairfieldLife] Re: More American Stupidity

2014-11-09 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Mike, the problem is not capitalism. It's crass consumerism 
or hyper-consumerism as some would call it.  It leads to 
voracious unsustainable consumption of resources.

In fact, this problem existed even in ancient times, a lot 
of ancient civilisations collapsed due to rampant tree 
cutting and ecological degradation. It soon became 

This is exactly the reason, the entire taxation methodology 
must be changed. Taxation should be based on consumption and 
not on income.  For instance, if you earn 20,000 $ a month 
but spend only 2,000 $ out of that. You put the rest 18,000$ 
in bank. You should be taxed only for that 2,000 $ you 

The interest rate in banks are artificially low. Some 
incentive should be given to people to save money in banks.

---  wrote :

 Capitalism is the best system for the disabled, sick and old age. Wealth is 
created abundantly by capitalism which can be taxed and provide a safety net. 
People can also provide for themselves better and the smart ones save for their 
future.. Most, if not all, union pension plans are heavily invested in 
capitalism which pays their member benefits. Ask the people of the former 
Soviet Union and China if they prefer capitalism or old Soviet central planning 
with Socialism. Governments don't generate wealth, they just take it away and 
redistribute it. Free enterprise generates wealth. Ask any rich person or 
person aspiring to be rich. With an abundance of wealth, good things can be 
done and planned for. The Soviet Union couldn't clean up they environmental 
messes they created.

 So we all end up like the Soviet Union and pre-capitalist China. Plenty of 
nothing to go around for everybody. Did you ever see or hear about the Soviet 
era enviornment? Plenty of mess to clean up but no money to do it. But then we 
will *make* them do it... for mother Russia!

 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Capitalism is like candy and the rich like spoiled kids.  They just want more 
and more candy.  Hence they get fat and cranky and want their way all the time. 
 What we need to do is take away their candy from them and let them dry out.  
Otherwise they become a complete drag on society.
 Free enterprise is not a bad idea about capitalism run amok is very dangerous. 
 Sometimes you just have to shut things down and spank the miscreants.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Good article by someone with more patience for theists than I have...

2014-11-22 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

 Excellent rap, Salyavin. Nothing I can add to this. 


 But I do have to ask about something you said: "It's just shame that atheism 
offers no afterlife in paradise to make up for the biggest draw religions have!"

It's dangerous to go to paradise because "an ever-erect 
penis" will result in permanent damage to penis. Technicaly 
and medicaly you can die of blueballs. 

Any erection that lasts for more than 3 hours is dangerous 
and allopathic doctor should be consulted.

"Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 
72 wives. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he 
will have an ever-erect penis." 
 ~ Sunan Ibn Majah, Zuhd 39 

"Each time we sleep with a Houri we find her virgin. 
Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens. The 
erection is eternal."
 ~ Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, p. 351 

Abu al-Fida (1273 – 1331 AD) was a Muslim geographer and 
historian. He relates that Prophet Muhammad suffered from a 
death erection. Ali ibn Abi alib, the fourth rightly-guided 
Caliph of Islam (and also Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin) 
washed his body after his death, and had exclaimed, 
"O prophet, thy penis is erect unto the sky!"

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ok, if it doesn't matter whether or not there's a God, then a genuinely 
interesting question is: why do people go on and on about it? What is really 
going on in all these supposedly intellectual conversations? What are people 
really attempting to accomplish by such posts and exchanges?

From: salyavin808 

I'll have a go at answering that one. It doesn't really matter what people 
believe as everyone usually just gets on with everyone else, nobody really 
judges people on what they believe - how they behave is the important thing. 

 After 9/11 Richard Dawkins thought that maybe it was time that we all sat down 
and had a good long metaphysical look at ourselves and whether we should be 
abandoning old ways of thinking if they are going to lead to fundamentalism and 
skewed morals and all the endless hideous stories we hear from round the world 
about FGM and witchcraft trials and the pathetic excuses made by successive 
popes about institutional child abuse. And that's not even mentioning the 
mental pollution of religious schools filling young brains with unproven 

 It's time for a change perhaps, the idea is that we can perhaps decide a 
rational way of ordering societies and how to educate children with the baggage 
of iron age superstitions.Maybe we, as a race, could grow out of backward 
thinking, blind faith and gullibility. Maybe we'd just be better off without 
all the mistakes of the past holding us back, surely we can do better than 
relying on so-called received knowledge from iron age gods?

 I think it's been a great debate and long may it continue, anything that makes 
people think about themselves is a good thing. Shame nothing has changed 
really, but the cards are on the table and maybe the mad fundies will start to 
question themselves if more people question them? I doubt it, they all seem to 
be getting more entrenched. The trouble I see is that you can't reason somebody 
out of something they weren't reasoned into. Dawkins thought that religion was 
like any other system of thought, that it will be replaced by a logically 
superior one if it came along. But religion is deeper than that, it's a thing 
of the heart and not of the brain. Especially if you are brought up in a faith, 
it's like the first language you learn, an intractable part of how your brain 
works and the first thing you'll turn to. It's an emotion that we try to 
justify intellectually.

 I think it's good to provide alternatives in case people discover they like 
asking questions and don't mind where the answers take them. It's just shame 
that atheism offers no afterlife in paradise to make up for the biggest draw 
religions have! That's probably what stops a lot of potential converts. Darwin 
should have thought of that. But he still wouldn't fool anyone because if you 
care about knowledge you still have to follow where the discovery of objective 
knowledge takes you. Or you stay with your beliefs like most people do. Or 
become a TM scientist and pretend that the pursuit of truth has taken you back 
to a position of god creating and running everything.

 Of course, many religions have started using the language of science to argue 
against scientific discoveries, I always read The Watchtower and am amazed at 
the ingenuity of believers trying to fool the unwary with sciencey articles 
disproving evolution. Should be laws against it, but that is a topic for 
another thread.


 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: FairfieldLife  
 Sent: Friday, November 21, 2014 5:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Good article by someone with more patience for 
theists than I have...
 One of the reasons I speak in such a derogatory way about

[FairfieldLife] Re: Good article by someone with more patience for theists than I have...

2014-11-22 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

 Re "But every so often, it's probably good to present the point of view of a 
more balanced atheist.":

 This "Cephus" is just setting up a straw man; then knocking him down and 
feeling pleased with himself. Just take a look at Richard Dawkins debating with 
the (former) Archbishop of Canterbury at Oxford University. You may or may not 
think that Dawkins has the better of Rowan Williams but Williams is clearly 
*not* stupid and doesn't employ any of the ten "statements" that Cephus 
 One issue that strikes me about the difference between Barry and myself is 
that he's American; I'm English. And what kind of difference would that be? 
Well, in the USA, religion (including fundamentalist versions) is big - indeed 
it's big business. In the UK, religion is now marginal. It conjures up images 
of well-meaning but ineffectual Anglican vicars with little input into current 
societal changes. 
To me religion is harmless - rather sweet perhaps. 

Your statement is inherently absurd. Please maintain the 
distinction between Religion and Spiritualism.

Religion is like a banana skin, spiritualism is the banana.
Dogmatic, under-developed religions can be harmful. 
Generations of women suffered from guilt complex due to 
christian genesis story.

To Barry the mention of "religion" triggers memories of some unresolved trauma 
from his childhood or adolescence. To Barry it's all about visceral emotion; to 
me it's all about sweet reason and nuanced reflection.
 Here's Dawkins/Williams in civilized debate . . .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apologies...

2014-11-29 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Raunchy, I agree that Barry is a degenerate filth and a 
rotten piece of shit.

But, he cleverly worded his statement in such a way that it 
would seem to general readers, that true blue believers 
would condone such an act (whether by maharishi or anyone 

In other words, he seems to be implying that true believers 
are perverts or fools, as they would condone such an act. I 
think this provoked Jim and Ann.

---  wrote :

 Geez, Barry.  I thought you were joking about abusing babies just to push 
buttons of imaginary cult members the same as I am pushing your buttons about 
being a pervert.  Abusing babies...wow!  That was a real knee slapper, still 
ROTFLMAO.  Pleeezze...call off the cops and I’ll never to make fun of you being 
a harmless little bunny again.

 Holy Grail - Killer Bunny http://youtu.be/XcxKIJTb3Hg   

 Holy Grail - Killer Bunny http://youtu.be/XcxKIJTb3Hg A clip from Monty 
Python's 'The Holy Grail' Also: http://www.youtub...
 View on youtu.be http://youtu.be/XcxKIJTb3Hg 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 All schools in the Dutch city of Leiden closed on Monday amid police concerns 
that an internet troll had been stalking an alleged child molester suspected of 
abusing babies. Police are investigating the accusation of child molestation 
and have responded by advising all schools to stay closed for the day. 

 Leiden Mayor Henri Lenferink told Dutch broadcaster NOS: “It could just be a 
morbid joke but we don’t want to take any risk.”

 The police have issued warrants for the arrest of both the stalker and the 
pervert. Due to crowded jail conditions, it is likely they will share a bunk in 
the slammer until they can post bail.

Dutch schools closed in Leiden over online mass shooting threats | 
 Dutch schools closed in Leiden over online mass shooting t... 
 Home Breaking News Dutch schools closed in Leiden over online mass...
 View on www.bellenews.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---  wrote :

 You have continued to see the world as your addled mind allows you to, bawee. 
You have completely missed the point. The point is, take responsibility for 
yourself, for once. Take responsibility for the fact that you are, plain and 
simple, a vile and obnoxious asshole who hides behind your imaginary (or real, 
it doesn't matter) investigative journalist who appears brain damaged if he is 
bothering to "study" what is already crystal clear here among the posters at 
FFL or else brain damaged because he has not yet caught on. His button pusher 
is a stooge and the rest of us are normal, well-adjusted humans who take 
exception to your bad manners and foul mouth. Simple. Got that mr or mr lurking 
reporter? How long does it take you to figure this out? Months, years? When are 
you going to grow up, Wright? Adults look at themselves once in a while and 
reflect on what they do and say. They take ownership of their actions. This has 
dick-all to do with MMY. You need to figure out what cultist means, that might 
help for a start. If it makes you feel any better, I'll claim ownership of 
being the Queen Cultist. There, better?


 ---  wrote :

We warned this guy years ago about posting these kind of 
messages - a double-edged sword. Anyone that has been 
posting as long as Barry (since 1994) has been posting 
should know better. Anything can be taken out of context so 
it's just much better to be friendly online and reserve 
off-color comments for buddies at the bar. This was really 
dumb of Barry - in fact, it's one of the dumbest comments 
I've ever seen on newsgroups since I started in 1999. If I 
was the moderator of this group I'd put him on probation 
with a very strong warning and demand an apology to the 
entire group and until he does I'd limit his participation. 

This was TOTALLY inappropriate for a family forum like this. 






[FairfieldLife] Re: Apologies...

2014-11-29 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Dude, you are acting exactly like danfriedman2002 here.

You make a stupid, dumbshit statement on a forum which you 
are well aware, that it has abnormal members.  Your 
statement also indirectly suggested that they would condone 
or overlook such a perversion.

You case is a little shaky. What will you do if TMO slaps a 
lawsuit on you for libeling MMY and the believers?

---  wrote :

 Nablus, I suggest that you drop this, because YOUR name, email address, and 
posting history here on the Fairfield Life group are now in the possession of 
the Dutch police. I tried to warn you earlier that this country takes a very 
hard line with people who attempt to harm others' reputations through malicious 
slander and cyberstalking, but obviously you weren't listening. You should 
listen now, because if you persist I will have no choice but to file formal 
criminal charges against you.  

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2014 1:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Apologies...
   Who knows how many have unsubscribed. Rick Archer has not yet had the balls 
to booth the "butt-fucking-babies" member.  Meanwhile we'll se what the Leiden 
Police choose to do as searching his computers for child porn is too late, he 
had all Thursday night to get rid of everything. Have the child he is "looking 
after" taken in for a medical examination perhaps.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Apologies...

2014-11-29 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


You didn't post here after the neo format?

Make sure you click the 'show message' tab below after you 
click the reply button.

---  wrote :

 Nope. Folks didn't react to Barry because they were offended as "true 
believers." They were offended as human beings repulsed by the vile image of 
child abuse he invoked.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

2015-06-08 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

  Allowing Buck to moderate is a bad idea. He dishes out the 
  same Kool-Aid.


---  wrote :

 Doug Hamilton has volunteered to moderate and to limit his moderation to 
ensuring adherence to Yahoo’s guidelines and no more. 

He will not moderate with his puritanical Buck alter-ego.

Click on the link below to see a sample of how Doug Hamilton has commonly used  
FFL over the years. This is from a few weeks ago.  Posts such as this are 
interspersed with incessant whining about how FFL is inappropriately run. 

In the hiring business, a common phrase is "Hire for attitude, train for 
skill".  Well, I doubt if there will be any training for skill in this 
moderator position. Based on my observations of his approach to FFL, I don't 
see that Doug has either the attitude or the capacity to 'moderate' himself or 

However, the deed is done, and I guess only time will tell. 

Fairfield Life 
 Fairfield Life 
Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth 
and liberation everywhere. Fairfield, Iowa is home to Maharishi University of 

 View on groups.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

--- mailto:rick@...> wrote 

 --- mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :
 We sat over this together in church the other day.  It will be fine. 

 It was a wedding. Ordinarily you wouldn’t find me in church. 
 Almost daily, various people urge me to moderate FFL or get someone to do it. 
With BatGap and my other responsibilities, I don’t have the time. I believe in 
very minimal moderation, at least for FFL. I think the “anything goes” nature 
of it has contributed to its success and longevity. But I think we are 
obligated to at least abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. Theoretically, frequent 
violation of those guidelines could get the group shut down. Doug Hamilton has 
volunteered to moderate and to limit his moderation to ensuring adherence to 
Yahoo’s guidelines and no more. He will not moderate with his puritanical Buck 
alter-ego. I know some will bristle at what they perceive as a restriction of 
their freedom of speech, but different types of speech are appropriate in 
different contexts, and again, in the context of a Yahoo group, we are 
obligated to abide by Yahoo’s guidelines. So I’m going to try this and see how 
it goes. If Doug abuses his authority and/or fails to moderate fairly and 
objectively, I will revoke his moderator status. 

--- mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote :
 Sad news.

Might I propose, before Doug starts banning people, that you and Rick insist on 
a few guidelines for *him* when he does this.

I'm suggesting this because I think everyone here is aware that Doug 
is...uh...not quite in touch with reality these days, and tends to see things 
that aren't really there.

So what I suggest is that if he is indeed given the power to ban someone, he 
cannot do so without reposting *the exact post* that Doug feels is in violation 
of the Yahoo Guidelines, and without explaining to the group *exactly why* he 
thinks this poster needs to be banned.

Otherwise, you know what's going to happen. Doug will just ban the people he 
doesn't like, without telling *anyone*, and they'll just fall off the radar 
because they can't post any more, either to complain or to defend themselves.

I think we all know that a tyrant has just been handed the keys to the kingdom. 
I think we also all know what he will do with them. I'm just suggesting a 
procedure that insures he can't do it in secret. 

 From: "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife] 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

 As is typically the case these days, I am completely out of the loop with 
respect to Rick's handling of FFL. Doug's posts this morning piqued my 
curiosity, and it turns out that Rick made Doug a moderator yesterday 
afternoon. I have no idea what Doug is supposed to do in terms of enforcement. 
As for me, my role will not change.

 --- mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Thanks R-V, I appreciate the perspective of your enlightened high-minded 
empathy in experience for the well-being of FFL. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Egg Rationing?

2015-06-08 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



---  wrote :

 Apparently so at least in Texas. More "end times" stuff? Is the "Bird 
 Flu" a conspiracy?
 Poor Mikey and Willy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Another billionaire who "gets it"

2015-06-09 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

There are basicaly two types of socialist policies. 
'Pro-investment socialist policies', and 'Pro-consumption 
socialist policies'.

'Pro-investment socialist policies' create a return greater 
than the money put in it. For example, improved 
infrastructure benefits everyone down to the lowest 
blue-coller worker. For instance, Gen. Colin Powel in an 
interview said he didn't spend a cent on his college 
education. It's an one time investment by the government and 
the returns that benefit the country are greater in the long 

'Pro-consumption socialist policies' are dangerous. They 
drain the treasury and bankrupt the country. You saw that in 
argentina where they simply distributed things to people, in 
the form of freebies and populist policies. The country 
became bankrupt and the military took over.

You know the routine. Socialism is the good cop, capitalism 
is the bad cop. You need both to run the show.

Both, Marx and Market got it wrong.

This is what economic commentator Gurumurthy has to say on 
this, Quote

"Both Socialists and capitalists were wrong in thinking that 
big was fitter to survive and small had no chance. It proved 
that actually it was the other way round.Whether it is the 
free market US or the Socialist market China, it is small 
businesses that produce most jobs and sustain the economy. 
Now, see how Socialist theories destroyed family farms and 
tiny businesses.

Chayanov Right, not Lenin

In Russia and and China, which nearly fully Socialised their 
economies, those at the base of the pyramid were robbed of 
their economic activities. To illustrate, farm families lost 
their lands and self-employed, their jobs. Both were given 
government jobs. In Russia, Alexander Chayanov, a sensible 
Socialist, who argued family farming was more efficient and 
economic and protested against Socialising it, was first 
incarcerated by Lenin and finally shot dead by Stalin. 

Chayanov regarded family economics as distinct and different 
from both capitalist and Socialist. Several decades after 
Chayanov's death many economic thinkers of the world now see 
how right he was and how wrong both Socialist and capitalist 
economists were. 

While Socialist Russia had collectivised 80 per cent of its 
agrarian economy, in de-socialised Russia now, Dacha 
(household) gardens account for just 3 per cent of arable 
land, but grow an astounding 50 per cent by value of the 
food eaten by Russians. Government statistics (2000)say 35 
million plus families (71 per cent of Russia's population) 
engage in Dacha gardening which provide 92 per cent of 
Russia's potato, 77 per cent of vegetables, 87 per cent of 
berries and fruits, 59 per cent of meat and 49 per cent of 
milk. This is neither Socialist nor capitalist. Just family 
economics." unquote


---  wrote :

 Billionaire Cartier Owner Sees Wealth Gap Fueling Social Unrest
 I suppose there will be some here who see this as "Marxist Claptrap". :-D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Recent published scientific theory was created by an AI

2015-06-09 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

http://www.wired.com/2009/04/newtonai/ http://www.wired.com/2009/04/newtonai/


Data scientist Michael schmidt sees the world filled with 
intricate beauty -- the flowering of a rose, the veins 
branching on a leaf, the flight of a Bumblebee.
But below the surface of nature's wonders, Michael also sees 
a treasure trove of uncharted mathematical complexity.
Schmidt: Well, I love coming out here.
Nature is beautiful.
There are equations hidden in every plant and every bee and 
the ecosystems involved in this garden.
And part of science is figuring out what causes those things 
to happen.

Freeman: Science is our effort to make sense of nature, and 
this quest has given us some very famous discoveries.
In Newton's time, he was able to figure out a very important 
rule in physics, which is the law of gravity.
It predicts how this apple falls and the forces that act 
upon this apple.
Today in science, we're interested in similar problems but 
not just about how the apple falls but the massive 
complexity that follows from this very simple dynamic to the 
world around us.
For example, when I drop this apple, the apple stirs up 
This dust could hit a flower, and a bee may be less likely 
to pollinate that flower.
And the entire ecosystem in this garden could change 
dramatically from that single event.
Freeman: Scientists understand the basic forces of nature, 
but making precise predictions about what will happen in the 
real world with its staggering complexity is overwhelming to 
the human mind.
So, one of the reasons why it's extremely difficult for 
humans to understand and figure out the equations and the 
laws of nature is literally the number of variables that are 
at play.
There could be thousands of variables that influence a 
system that we're only just beginning to tease apart.
In fact, there are so many of these equations, we'll never 
be able to finish analyzing them if we do it by hand.

Freeman: In 2006, Michael began developing intelligent 
computer software that could observe complex natural systems 
and derive meaning from what seems like chaos.
So, what I have here is a double pendulum.
If you look at it, it consists of two arms.
One arm swings along the top axis, and the second arm is 
attached to the bottom of the first arm, and it's two 
pendulums that are hooked together, one pendulum at the end 
of the other.
Now, the pendulum is a great example of complexity because 
it exhibits some of the most complex behavior that we're 
aware of, which is called chaos.
So, when you collect data from this sort of device, it looks 
almost completely random, and there doesn't appear to be any 
sort of pattern.
But because this is a physical deterministic system, a 
pattern does exist.
Freeman: Finding a pattern amidst the chaos of the double 
pendulum has stumped scientists for decades.
But then Michael had a flash of inspiration.
Why not grow new ideas the same way nature created us, using 
evolution? He called his program Eureka.
Eureka starts with a primordial soup of random equations and 
checks how closely they fit the behavior of the double 
If they don't fit, the computer kills them.
If they do, the computer moves them into the next 
generation, where they mutate and try to get an even closer 
Eventually, a winning equation emerges, one that Archimedes 
would be proud of.  Eureka!

Schmidt: And I'm running our algorithm now.
On the left pane are the lists of the equations that Eureka 
has thought up for this double pendulum.
Walking up, we can see we increase the complexity, and we're 
also increasing the agreement with the data.
And eventually, as you go up, you start to get an extremely 
close agreement with the data, and eventually you snap on to 
a truth where you get a large improvement in the accuracy.
And we can actually look in here and see exactly what pops 
For example here, you might notice we have a 9.
8, and if you remember from physics courses, that is the 
coefficient of gravity on earth.
What's very important is the difference between the two 
angles of the double pendulum.
This pops out.
Essentially, we've used this software and the data we've 
collected to model chaos, and we've teased out the solution 
directly from the data.

Freeman: Eureka has not only discovered a single equation to 
explain how a double pendulum moves.
It has found meaning in what looks like chaos -- something 
no human or machine has done before.
Schmidt: So, we could collect an entirely new data set, run 
this process again, and even though the data is completely 
different -- we could have different observations -- we can 
still identify the underlying truth, the underlying pattern, 
which is this equation.

Freeman: To Michael, the future of scientific exploration 
isn't inside our heads

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another billionaire who "gets it"

2015-06-11 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The paradox of charity, also known as the Samaritan's 
paradox was first explained by James Buchanan.


'Centralized state socialism' leads to monopoly.

'Centralized state capitalism' leads to oligopoly.

'De-centralized non-state capitalism' is the only system 
that allows true free market competition. It ensures that 
those with merit reach the top.

'De-centralized non-state socialism' works only on the level 
of local community. It fails to work across large 
geographical distances.

True socialism is not distributing wealth among people. True 
socialism is ensuring equal opportunities for all, for their 
education, progress and success.

True capitalism is ensuring those with merit reach the top.

The starting point is egalitarianism, the finishing point is 

---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

What's wrong with less concentrated wealth?  Do you believe in "special people" 
or something?

On 06/09/2015 06:32 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

There are basicaly two types of socialist policies. 
 'Pro-investment socialist policies', and 'Pro-consumption 
 socialist policies'.
 'Pro-investment socialist policies' create a return greater 
 than the money put in it. For example, improved 
 infrastructure benefits everyone down to the lowest 
 blue-coller worker. For instance, Gen. Colin Powel in an 
 interview said he didn't spend a cent on his college 
 education. It's an one time investment by the government and 
 the returns that benefit the country are greater in the long 
 'Pro-consumption socialist policies' are dangerous. They 
 drain the treasury and bankrupt the country. You saw that in 
 argentina where they simply distributed things to people, in 
 the form of freebies and populist policies. The country 
 became bankrupt and the military took over.
 You know the routine. Socialism is the good cop, capitalism 
 is the bad cop. You need both to run the show.
 Both, Marx and Market got it wrong.
 This is what economic commentator Gurumurthy has to say on 
 this, Quote
 "Both Socialists and capitalists were wrong in thinking that 
 big was fitter to survive and small had no chance. It proved 
 that actually it was the other way round.Whether it is the 
 free market US or the Socialist market China, it is small 
 businesses that produce most jobs and sustain the economy. 
 Now, see how Socialist theories destroyed family farms and 
 tiny businesses.
 Chayanov Right, not Lenin
 In Russia and and China, which nearly fully Socialised their 
 economies, those at the base of the pyramid were robbed of 
 their economic activities. To illustrate, farm families lost 
 their lands and self-employed, their jobs. Both were given 
 government jobs. In Russia! , Alexander Chayanov, a sensible 
 Socialist, who argued family farming was more efficient and 
 economic and protested against Socialising it, was first 
 incarcerated by Lenin and finally shot dead by Stalin. 
 Chayanov regarded family economics as distinct and different 
 from both capitalist and Socialist. Several decades after 
 Chayanov's death many economic thinkers of the world now see 
 how right he was and how wrong both Socialist and capitalist 
 economists were. 
 While Socialist Russia had collectivised 80 per cent of its 
 agrarian economy, in de-socialised Russia now, Dacha 
 (household) gardens account for just 3 per cent of arable 
 land, but grow an astounding 50 per cent by value of the 
 food eaten by Russians. Government statistics (2000)say 35 
 million plus families (71 per cent of Russia's population) 
 engage in Dacha gardening which provide 92 per cent of 
 Russia's potato, 77 per cent of vegetables, 87 per cent of 
 berries and fruits, 59 per cent of meat and 49 per cent of 
 milk. This is neither Socialist nor capitalist. Just family 
 economics." unquote

---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Billionaire Cartier Owner Sees Wealth Gap Fueling Social Unrest
 I suppose there will be some here who see this as "Marxist Claptrap". :-D


[FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show

2015-06-12 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

In case you missed some of the old stuff that was in your 
absence, here it is,

11. It was a medical issue. The constant presence of Jim's, Nabby's, Steve's, 
and Ann's tongues up Judy's ass was aggravating her Crohn's Disease and giving 
her constant diarrhea. The only way she could get rid of it was to get rid of 
them.  :-)

 So far, not even Ann, who probably has her tongue stuck up Judy's butt and has 
been unable to post yet today. :-)

---  wrote :

 Oh, Barry, you doofus, you screwed up AGAIN. Twice in one morning! You need 
more coffee, or stronger coffee, or more sleep, or something. All that writing 
time wasted...

 NOWHERE did I claim to "represent the feelings of all people who practice TM." 
I was quite obviously speaking of the same people referred to in the quote from 
the post I was commenting on--those who were insulted by the earlier post in 

 How could you have missed that??

 This "mistake" invalidates all the other accusations you make against me here.

 And NOWHERE did I suggest that earlier post was "admissible evidence" to 
trigger moderation in the future. I'd be the first to complain if past 
behavior, appalling as it may have been, was used in this way.

 It's simply a matter of getting the history straight, because it tends to 
become distorted at the hands of...uh...certain people here. I think that's 
what Doug had in mind when he said that what I wrote will serve as a reference 
of "a time on FFL."

 A post like the one I'm now commenting on, however, full of accusations made 
up out of whole cloth, might well be a target for moderation. But that's up to 


---  wrote :



 I want to thank you for finally breaking your silence and commenting on the 
things you will "bear in mind" when looking for posters to censor. Uh, I mean 
"moderate," of course, because we all know that censorship would be BAD. 


 But I think you're wrong about the "reference" value of the post below, so I 
will tell you why:

 1. This post does NOT represent the feelings of all people who practice TM, 
although it claims to. Many on this forum who still practice TM and feel 
positively about Maharishi went out of their way at the time to comment that 
they did *NOT* feel "insulted" by the post this person is trying say was 
offensive and insulting. 


 2. This post is an attempt by one person to assert that she has the "right" to 
speak for ALL TMers and declare them all "insulted" by the post in question. 
She has neither that right, nor that ability. As mentioned in point #1, a few 
strong TMers spoke up back during the original furor saying that they did NOT 
find the post in question overly offensive, and that they did NOT feel 
personally offended by it. Thus the person writing this "brief" below is not 
only speaking for a group she has no right to speak for, she's WRONG in 
claiming that they would all feel "insulted." She's trying to claim (in 
essence) that what *she* felt is what *everyone* who practices TM would feel. 


 3. She's even WRONG about the insulting nature of the post. While the language 
used to create the metaphor for a certain mindset is admittedly over the top 
(for effect), the mindset is very real, and has been documented many times in 
the past -- on this forum and elsewhere. Every time a person knew that 
Maharishi in real life did and said things that his PR and his dogma claimed he 
was incapable of doing -- and *ignored* what they knew about what went on in 
real life -- they were exhibiting this mindset. 

I call the mindset "Attempting to deal with cognitive dissonance by denying the 
existence of the conflicting reality that goes against what they've been told 
to believe." For example, every time one of the skin boys told someone that 
Maharishi never "entertained" women in his room after hours *when they knew 
better because they were there and let the women in*, they were exhibiting this 
mindset. We have *several* of these skin boys on record as belatedly admitting 
to have lied in this fashion. Or take the TM teachers who, if asked, would 
swear on a stack of Gitas that Maharishi was *incapable* of being dishonest or 
breaking the law because he was so "in tune with the laws of nature" that being 
dishonest would be impossible for him. Then remember that some of the TM 
teachers saying this had *themselves* been asked by Maharishi to illegally 
carry large sums of money from Europe to the US, or from Europe to India. They 
*knew* he was capable of breaking the law because he had asked them to do it 
for him, but when asked, they denied that he was even *capable* of breaking the 


 THAT is the mindset I'm speaking about, and that my metaphor was carefully 
chosen to represent. It exists. It's more prevalent than people like 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attn, emptybill do us a favor (You can solve a problem with force, or with intent and simple gestures)

2015-06-13 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Could you please click on the "> Show message history" tab 
at the bottom before writing your replies.

Is this too much to ask? emptybill or emptybull or emptybug 
or whatever you are.

I wonder if you read your own posts on the forum?

---  wrote :

 It is a cult. What the f ... is wrong with you? 
Acts like a cult. Teaches like a cult. Coheres like a cult.
You then imply ... is it really a cult? 

WTF ... Brainwashed?


[FairfieldLife] Re: An Honest Message from the Republican Party

2015-06-15 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

A corporate-funded political system leads to state 
capitalism.   A state-funded political system leads to 
non-state capitalism.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions _Index#2014 

---  wrote :

 What's that got to do with anything? The political process has been hijacked 
long ago by the monied interests. Voter fraud occurs in many races on both 
Republican and Democrats side. Depends which side is running the precincts

From: "jr_esq@...  

 Where have you been?  This country has many people below the poverty line.  
Detroit is the poorest city in the US.  Even New York City is in the top 20 
poorest cities in the country.  See the full list below:

 The 20 Poorest Cities in the United States 
 The 20 Poorest Cities in the United States 
http://housely.com/news/20-poorest-cities-united-states/21/ You might be 
surprised to see which of the nation's biggest cities are also among the 
poorest, with the most residents living well below the poverty line.

 View on housely.com http://housely.com/news/20-poorest-cities-united-states/21/
 Preview by Yahoo 



---  wrote :

 Not when it has already been bought and paid for. 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   The clip encourages people to destroy the American way of life.  Believe it 
or not, the election process is not only stated in the Constitution, but it is 
also shown in the national jyotish chart.  The election process is the 
transformation aspect of the American karma which fuels its economic success in 
the domestic and international fronts.  Without it, the country will be 
destroyed just as the Iraqi people are destroying themselves in the quest for 
tribal and religious superiority.

 The election process looks like a waste of time.  But its a necessary 
transformation not only for the US government, but for any governments that 
follow democratic principles.

---  wrote :

 Already not looking forward to the horror that awaits us on FFL as America 
enters into its Silly Season and spends literally billions of dollars on 
election horseshit instead of fixing its many problems, I thought I'd pass 
along the only honest election message I've ever seen from the Republican Party:

 The Young Turks | Facebook 

 The Young Turks | Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks/videos/10152447162239205/ Please Don't 
Vote - A Message From The Republican Party h/t Rogue Kite Productions

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



[FairfieldLife] Re: Dig deep for Asteroid Day..

2015-06-15 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

It was a localised flood caused by the receding glaciers of 
the last ice-age.  The earth wasn't destroyed at all.

Lake Agassiz was a vast glacial lake on northen canada, 
holding about one and half times the water, all the rivers 
in the world carry to the seas, in an entire year.

About 8,200 years ago the lake broke and all the water 
emptied into the atlantic in a few hours time. This caused 
Britain to become an island.


---  wrote :

 Asteroids could definitely destroy human civilizations or set it back to the 
time of the Dark Ages.  It's also nature's way of saying to start a new way of 
living.  This has happened in the recorded past of humanity, such as the time 
when the earth was destroyed by water during Noah's time. 

 This could be one of the important reasons for humans to explore and colonize 
the Moon and Mars.  Humans on these new worlds could help preserve the 
knowledge throughout history in case the civilizations on earth are destroyed.  
In the distant future, would it be possible for humans on Mars to return to 
Earth some day and start a new civilization?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It would be the end of the world as we know it. A relatively small lump of 
rock – a small asteroid, perhaps only a few hundred metres across – plunging to 
Earth would devastate a continent or trigger tsunamis. Civilisation would be 
set back several centuries.
 It is a real risk, say a group of astronauts and astronomers who are to 
highlight the threat facing humanity by marking 30 June as Asteroid Day. 
 The chosen date marks the anniversary of the “Tunguska event”, when a small 
asteroid or comet exploded above Siberia with the force of 1,000 atomic bombs. 
The largest impact event on Earth in recorded history, it occurred on 30 June 
 Asteroid Day tries to save life as we know it 

 Asteroid Day tries to save life as we know it 
 Scientists and astronauts launch appeal for infra-red telescope to detect 
objects that could bring catastrophe to Earth

 View on www.theguardian.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Dig deep for Asteroid Day..

2015-06-15 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]




---  wrote :

Maybe you want to join these folks:


On 06/14/2015 05:27 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

> It would be the end of the world as we know it. A relatively small lump of 
> rock – a small asteroid, perhaps only a few hundred metres across – plunging 
> to Earth would devastate a continent or trigger tsunamis. Civilisation would 
> be set back several centuries.

> It is a real risk, say a group of astronauts and astronomers who are to 
> highlight the threat facing humanity by marking 30 June as Asteroid Day.

> The chosen date marks the anniversary of the “Tunguska event”, when a small 
> asteroid or comet exploded above Siberia with the force of 1,000 atomic 
> bombs. The largest impact event on Earth in recorded history, it occurred on 
> 30 June 1908.

> Asteroid Day tries to save life as we know it

[FairfieldLife] Re: Great Beyond Dispatch #2

2015-06-23 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Too bad things ended this way for 'uncle tantra'. He is a 
high calibre intellectual, but unfortunately a horrendous 
psychopath. As Judy pointed out, he is so focussed on 
displaying his dazzling language skills that he loses 

This is what he said when I got bounced by Rick,

"So IMO during this latest kerfuffle Jedi was just being an 
annoying Internet troll by trolling religious fanatic Jews. 
Dan, on the other hand, was trying to be a dictatorial 
bastard by trying to threaten Rick for not silencing him. 
Jedi was merely willing to diss religious fanatics. Dan was 
being *such* a dictatorial bastard that he was willing to 
try to get Yahoo to censure Fairfield Life or take it down 
because people on it were saying some things he didn't like. 
*That*, I am pretty sure, is what pushed Rick to act. In his 
own sick, twisted way, Dan was trying to do exactly the same 
thing that other asshole from the past was doing when he 
posted porn to FFL and then reported it to Yahoo, again in 
an attempt to get it taken down, and again for the same 
reason -- he didn't like what some people were saying about 
things he was attached to.

Jedi was merely expressing his opinion, no matter how 
crudely or stupidly. Dan was trying to force other people to 
do what *he* wanted them to do. Given a choice, I'd rather 
live with foul-mouthed critics like Jedi than live with the 
insane people like Dan. But Rick made the "wisdom of 
Solomon" choice and got rid of BOTH of them. Win-win. 
Congratulations, Rick.

Agreed. Very Solomon-like, getting rid of both the 
12-year-old and the whiner. I don't "auto delete" jedi's 
posts, just nuke them at the first glimpse of crazy, which 
is much of the time. Dan, however, has been on my DNR list 
since he reappeared, but he *still* required maintenance, 
just to empty the folder collecting his posts. It's been 
like living alone but having to flush the toilet 100 times a 
day to get rid of someone else's shit. Good riddance.

---  wrote :

How come so many are talking about Turq? It seems he is still very much with us 
here, in spite of the cadre that wanted him removed. And note that when one 'R' 
was talked about after having been canned, he came back courtesy of Rick. And 
we still do not know the offence Turq was canned for, a total lack of 
transparency is still operational here by the head of the Fairfield 
Inquisition. What you wrote here is about equal to anything Turq ever wrote on 
this group, as far as content and tone, so his removal is all the more 
inexplicable. TurquoiseBee's alleged 'badness' really has counterparts among 
other members of this group, including those that ran to the Peak. Since I last 
cleared my email, there are practically no posts on the Peak. It seems as if 
the cowards there are returning here. An overpopulation of wussies spells ill 
for the quality of content on FFL. The problem with Turq was there were few who 
could make a reasoned argument against what he threw at you. Anything is 
possible. Turq's main gripe, if we could call it that, was that ego co-opted 
just about everything spiritual here, and so he poked repeatedly at that ego 
value masquerading as spiritual wisdom.
---Duveyoung  wrote :

 Sour grapes, Turq?  You've been here for fucking ever and now you can walk 
away as if it were nothing, eh?

Nobody gunna miss ya much.  Nobody gunna tearfully read your old posts like 
they were photos in an album.  Nobody gunna say, "You know, Turq got us all on 
the right track about that issue."  Not even Curtis will miss how you strode so 
haughtily into denial and tried to leave blood everywhere in your wake.

Nobody gunna give ya a quick fix for your addiction:  imagining emotional 
discomfort in others.  What a fucked hobby that is. Dude, I mean, really?

You added up to a negative number here.  

And now what?  More coffee, group sex, films and running from the law?  Just 
askin'.  I have always suspected you were over there because of some problems 
over here.  It just seems like such a natural conclusion given what a pissant 
sod you seem to be in real life.  What is it?  Back alimony?  Law suit liens?  
Drug charges?  One finds such a list easy to imagine.

And here's me dissin' on your ass for no reason at all, eh?  You never did jack 
shit one to anybody here and you can't imagine why all the chop-bustin' on ya?  

And I love it that you're saying you would never come back.  GAWDyou just 
made it harder for yourself to beg for forgiveness.   And you would've, but 
now, you've purposefully made it harder because you know you would have.  See 
ya in a few years then.  Time heals so much.

But watch, by getting Alex to repost your replies, etc., you'll weasel your way 
back here and pretend you just "went on vacation is all."


[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavin, MJ, Curtis 
move over to "the abyss".  Let 'the abyss' be the mirror of 

Hell, I wish someone like "gullible fool" comes back and 
takes over the moderatership from Buck.

Barry's posts were never designed to give people clarity. 
Barry's posts were designed to hurt people at the tender 
feeling level and make them look like idiots. There was a 
sadistic streak in his posts that befuddled people.

---  wrote :

 No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being 
one than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not 
have worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.

 ---  wrote :

 Too bad things ended this way for 'uncle tantra'. He is a 
high calibre intellectual, but unfortunately a horrendous 
psychopath. As Judy pointed out, he is so focussed on 
displaying his dazzling language skills that he loses 

This is what he said when I got bounced by Rick,

"So IMO during this latest kerfuffle Jedi was just being an 
annoying Internet troll by trolling religious fanatic Jews. 
Dan, on the other hand, was trying to be a dictatorial 
bastard by trying to threaten Rick for not silencing him. 
Jedi was merely willing to diss religious fanatics. Dan was 
being *such* a dictatorial bastard that he was willing to 
try to get Yahoo to censure Fairfield Life or take it down 
because people on it were saying some things he didn't like. 
*That*, I am pretty sure, is what pushed Rick to act. In his 
own sick, twisted way, Dan was trying to do exactly the same 
thing that other asshole from the past was doing when he 
posted porn to FFL and then reported it to Yahoo, again in 
an attempt to get it taken down, and again for the same 
reason -- he didn't like what some people were saying about 
things he was attached to.

Jedi was merely expressing his opinion, no matter how 
crudely or stupidly. Dan was trying to force other people to 
do what *he* wanted them to do. Given a choice, I'd rather 
live with foul-mouthed critics like Jedi than live with the 
insane people like Dan. But Rick made the "wisdom of 
Solomon" choice and got rid of BOTH of them. Win-win. 
Congratulations, Rick.

Agreed. Very Solomon-like, getting rid of both the 
12-year-old and the whiner. I don't "auto delete" jedi's 
posts, just nuke them at the first glimpse of crazy, which 
is much of the time. Dan, however, has been on my DNR list 
since he reappeared, but he *still* required maintenance, 
just to empty the folder collecting his posts. It's been 
like living alone but having to flush the toilet 100 times a 
day to get rid of someone else's shit. Good riddance.

---  wrote :

How come so many 

[FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-24 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

You know Xeno, about 14 years ago 'Uncle Tantra' was like a 
giant to me, battling the TM-mov't and other cults. As all 
three of us are basically on the same page philosophically, 
I did learn a lot from him.

But, as years of interaction showed he is not as perfect as 
I thought him to be.  I guess we all are human.  But, it's a 
fact that I learnt quite a number of valuable things from 

What I tried to explain is that his reaction when I was 
bounced, was almost brazen and callous. Some of his 
critiques about the TM-mov't a decade ago were well written 
and should be read by the people on the highest level in the 
mov't.  It seemed, he began to slowly deterioriate mentally 
as years rolled by.

Time is time, it eventually catches you, and you are 

By the way, don't you think MJ should start "the_abyss" 
group.  The peak can be the north pole. The FairfieldLife 
the equator, and 'the abyss' the south pole.


---  wrote :

 Senility just means life is getting mellower. While it is true authfriend 
would root out various kinds of errors in what people wrote, she often did not 
see the forest for the trees, and did not expound much on what she actually 
knew about the subjects she was criticising were discussing. It was all 
dissection and no integration. If you go over Turq's posts for the last 10 
years, you will find he also could provide clarity. Both Turq and authfriend 
tried made people look like idiots, and possibly some us were and still are.

---  wrote :
Hey Xeno, it's me, moi, the old jedi_spock. Rick bounced me 
along with 'Dan firedman'.

I never got yahoo to interfere in the freedom of speech 
here. It was Dan who did it. Rick didn't give me an 
opportunity to explain my POV. A few days later Rick kindly 
reinstated me. Thanks to Curtis who put in a good word to 

Looks like you too are becoming senile like Barry. It's 
these kind of errors that irritated authfriend.

Tell you what, you and me, along with Salyavin, MJ, Curtis 
move over to "the abyss".  Let 'the abyss' be the mirror of 

Hell, I wish someone like "gullible fool" comes back and 
takes over the moderatership from Buck.

Barry's posts were never designed to give people clarity. 
Barry's posts were designed to hurt people at the tender 
feeling level and make them look like idiots. There was a 
sadistic streak in his posts that befuddled people.

---  wrote :

 No, he doesn't appear to be a psychopath. If anything, I am closer to being 
one than him. His career path, and the people he lives with probably would not 
have worked out that way if he were a psychopath. Psychopaths tend to be 
ingratiating, they have an ability to make you like them. Turq does not seem to 
have that ability to create a fake, loving façade that will fool most people, 
if anything, he is the opposite, an acquired taste that many here cannot 
stomach. You were trying to get Yahoo to interfere with freedom of speech here, 
and Rick did not care for such a threat. But now of course, freedom of speech 
is curtailed, just in another direction, a bit more in the direction of 
insanty, as he gave moderation to the one here most infected with religion. 
Religious people tend not to enjoy free speech when it comes to their sacred 
cows. I think all people who believe in a religion are insane, so apparently 
you would fall into that category. But it is a limited insanity. For example, 
you might know how to make a good cup of coffee, and know precisely how to 
proceed to accomplish that and have other skills. But the human mind comes to a 
strange disconnect when it comes to religious beliefs. It is felt they must be 
protected and that somehow they are different from other beliefs. But all 
beliefs have one characteristic, they are a pretence to knowledge which one 
does not really have, and religious beliefs tend to be programmed into the mind 
at an early age where the mind is very plastic and vulnerable and gullible. It 
is a form of conditioning that results in a mechanical response to certain 
kinds of input later in life. A spiritual life is one in which those 
conditioned beliefs are unwound and are replaced by something you would never 
in a million years expect.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rick, Time to shut down FFL (Great Beyond Dispatch #2)

2015-06-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Both, Barry and Judy are no longer posting here. I also 
losing my inclination to post here.

Is it time for Rick to shut down FFL? Nothing lasts forever. 
All things must end.

If Barry were around he would have quoted Nietzsche.

"Not only the wisdom of centuries --- also their madness 
breaketh out in us. Dangerous is it to be an heir."
  ~ Nietzsche


 ---  wrote :


 I must say I'm impressed at your patience with this bullshit Xeno. But perhaps 
it's time to point out the irony in what's happening. Here we have a bunch of 
people with not much to say about anything claiming that "mean old Bawee" 
stopped them from posting because he was such a mean old meanie.

 And here they are pouring abuse on you in the same way they claim he used to 
get at them! I've said these people have no sense of awareness but isn't this 
taking it too far? I think that amoeba I posted about yesterday has a better 
grasp of what's going on than Ms "Back for More".

 Lets make a challenge out of it. If it was the Big Bad Wolf stopping 
conversations here then why haven't they started again? How come it's looking 
more like a teenage girl's facebook page every day?

 If you were being prevented from posting, start posting. Start a thread, say 
something interesting, tell us something we didn't know, give us an insight 
into something - anything.
 But stop this dumb harassment of Xeno, you're just making yourself look 
stupid, he's got more to say than the rest of us put together. 

 If you can't manage a whole thread you can share brain cells until you've 
thought of something. Better still, have a look back through the archives at 
some of Barry's pieces about creative writing. He posted some good essays on 
how to get started on the subject because, like me, he got fed up of the lack 
of participation and one line posts that add nothing that infest this place. 

 But any appreciation of Barry's writing and contributions about archaeology, 
travel or history or even TV reviews would be a way of admitting that he made 
up a huge part of what was worth reading. Can't have that eh? Got to paint him 
bad and use him to blame your lack of meaningful participation on.

 When was the last time Judy started a thread? Hell, when was the first time 
Judy started a thread!

 Make an effort, stop the hypocritical bullshit or this place will drown in 
bland your pap.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Time to come clean Doug

2015-06-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Curtis, have you spoken to Rick over the phone about this?

You took a lot of effort to bring me back into the forum. 
You certainly can bring Barry back to the forum. 

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

---  wrote :

 There is something slippery going on here. Judy, who is the first to make a 
stink about the context of a quote when it serves her own purposes has clipped 
out this paragraph of Barry's from the thread context, dishonestly making it 
look like Barry said this in a vacuum. 

The context was Buck continuing to make a case that criticizing David Lynch was 
a violation of the Yahoo guidelines. This quote was contained in a plea to Rick 
to remove an obviously highly biased moderator who was gunning to kick Barry 
off. (Which then actually happened.) Here is the more complete thread giving 
Buck's absurd accusations and Barry's response. To me it looks like a rational 
response to lunacy. I will put Buck's first so his apologists can take a crack 
at explaining how this is a reasonable position to take concerning calling 
David Lynch an idiot.

 Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou


 This has really become too sad to get involved with.

 Rick, please do something to help Doug -- like removing him from his position 
as moderator. The responsibility and the genuine impossibility of the task have 
clearly caused him to become mentally ill. 


 It was entertaining for a while when he was just embarrassing himself. But now 
he's embarrassing the whole forum.

 Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: On Gratuitous invasions of privacy

   Additionally, “Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups.”
 “..and don't invade other people's privacy.”
 The dragging of someone in to an unrelated thread as a means to slur them 
using FFL, a yahoo-group..
 Whoa, for instance DLynch as a practitioner of TM worked with Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi quite a lot on the teaching of TM quite evidently for good reasons and 
quite evidently Lynch knew well enough the scope of the 'what for and why' he 
was there. Quite evidently Turqb here is actively trying to slur and degrade 
DLynch personally by jumping in to this thread with an unqualified non sequitur 
posting publicly using [ 'exploitative' ] a Yahoo-group [FFL]. 
 Now in a choice of moderation Turqb can go back in and delete this posting of 
his post haste and protect his membership status here or will this be left to 
the FFL moderators to go in and do it? The choice is Turq's. -JaiGuruYou

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The responses below are some of the least rational, internally most 
contradictory responses that I have come across here. How the writer 
(apparently) considers these to constitute even a remotely coherent argument 
(and fails to see his responses as a complete surrender of moral principle to 
"I choose to believe and do whatever suits my desired ends") is beyond me.

 But this from Turq is fine with you, eh, JamesAlan?

 "Moderator or not, Doug is now officially back on my Troll List. I will no 
longer bother to read anything he says or reply to anything he posts. Like our 
recently departed member, he no longer exists. By acting this crazy, he has 
effectively -- and ironically -- deleted himself."



 Actually, I didn't find Steve's responses irrational, internally 
contradictory, incoherent, or a surrender of moral principle.

 But perhaps you'd be willing to go into some detail and cite examples of these 

[FairfieldLife] Re: mjackson74 can be moderator (A modest proposal)

2015-06-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

I think, mjackson74 should be made a moderator. He can be a 
good counter-balance to Buck.

Is mjackson74 willing to be a moderator?
---  wrote :

 Re this new FFL regime where members are banned after posting offensive 
messages. There's a division between those, like me, to whom an insult on a 
topical website simply makes me shrug my shoulders - like water off a duck's 
back, to mix my metaphors; and those to whom FFL is a "spiritual" site and 
members should have a certain, minimum consideration of the feelings of those 
they disagree with.

 Here's the thing: there used to be a rule that those who posted too many 
messages over a period would be banned from the site for a week or whatever. 
Now that Buck has volunteered to be the site's censor why not allow him to ban 
someone who is offensive for a week at a time (not permanently)? That way 
anyone who persistently abused others would, as persistently, be banned from 
posting to the site. Would that not be a reasonable compromise?

 One difference from the rule when posters were ostracised for too many 
messages is that that sanction was automatically triggered when the counter 
indicated someone had got too fond of the sound of his own voice. Whether 
someone is offensive is clearly a subjective judgement. Buck has taken on the 
role - isn't he a true believer? So won't he come down hardest on those who 
take a more sceptical view of TM and MMY? But setting aside that issue - Buck 
is the one who volunteered to take on the role, and I wouldn't like the job! - 
wouldn't my "modest proposal" be an acceptable solution?


 ---  wrote :


 It depends on what you mean by "offensive". 

 I found "Back for more" really offensive for spending three days slagging off 
Xeno for having the temerity to post a series of logic and reasonable arguments 
against Buck's first putsch. I could have been all nicety-nice about it but 
what's the point? If someone is so pathologically clueless they spend days 
attacking someone in exactly the sort of way that they claim drove them away 
from FFL in the first place they are going to be too self-centred to notice any 
subtle inflexions that I could impart. 

 Personally I think behaviour like that ought to be self-moderating in that if 
I was called on such rank hypocrisy I'd be too embarrassed to show my face here 
for a month. But here they are already commenting on this very post with 
another round of sneering, lying, goading and insulting. Some people are just 
too full of themselves. Go figure 




[FairfieldLife] Re: "back and forth" (Time to come clean Doug)

2015-06-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


> > ---  wrote :

> > Yes, Turqb and Serious are gone from FFL by moderation. I am only the CEO. 
> > My master is the list owner. We had quite sufficient back and forth about 
> > this before taking our additional time to go in to pull the moderation 
> > levers in the controls

> ---  wrote :

> Where does Doug say bouncing Barry was a joint decision by him and Rick? 
> Isn't that what you accused him of lying about?

 > I don't see it. "This" refers to "I am only the CEO. My master is the list 
 > owner." Entirely proper, and what Rick said as well ("If Doug abuses his 
 > authority and/or fails to moderate fairly and objectively, I will revoke his 
 > moderator status").

 > "Pull the moderation levers in the controls" refers to Rick changing the 
 > member settings for the group to allow Doug to moderate (delete posts, 
 > bounce people, approve posts before they go up, etc.).

 >  Where's the lie, Curtis?

 > Yer gettin' old, Curtis. Your technique is becoming calcified.


Judy, you are totally crazy. You know what Buck exactly 
meant by "back and forth".

Buck clearly implied that it was a joint decision by both 
him and Rick. You can't be this dense, not to have 
understood what has happened. The entire event happened by 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Uncle Tantra an enigma, a paradox (Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines)

2015-06-27 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Uncle Tantra was really a complex character. 

One of the reasons you guy were so pissed with him is 
because, he constantly brags about how fantastic his life 
is, how much he is really enjoying is life, and how dull and 
drab are the lives of other members of FFL.

A guy who is *really* enjoying his life will never brag to 
others about his fantastic life, and such a person will also 
never make fun of other peoples drab lives.

Imagine Bill Gates coming to this forum and bragging how 
rich he is and how poor we all are. You would certainly 
think something is seriously wrong here.

He was really a primadonna queen, treating this forum as his 
personal blog. It ate up too much space. I warned him about 
it on a few occasions, but it fell on deaf ears. He often 
ranted about how well he is ignoring certain other people on 
the forum. "ignore their sill asses, ignore their silly 
asses" as he would say.

Barry has amazing philosophical talent and intellectual 
talent. But as all immensely talented people have flaws, he 
too had some.

These things don't change the fact, that I learnt a lot of 
valuable things from him. I would be a churl if I denied 

I think he learnt most of his tacky-tawdry psychological 
trickery, and a number of bad habits from that charlatan 
Rama Lenz. I think it corrupted his soul, and he never 
really got out of that strangle hold.

Barry also had a bright side. An amazing sense of humor. A 
fine appreciation of music and movies. An excellent 
understanding of both science and philosophy and how the two 
fit together. Some of the conversations he had on the forum 
are very memorable.

A 100 years in the future, if a historian does research on 
the TM-movement, I am sure he would be mentioned in that.

--- Duveyoung  wrote :

 Judy said: (Goodness knows you don't have the integrity to retract it.)
Um, that's exactly the kind of trollery that the dearly departed perfected.  

 Posts at FFL are never enough to decide on someone's integrity.

Face it, Judy, you're still smacking back, instead of turning a cheek.  Are you 
really that victimized by anything anyone says here?  

If you won this argument, if everyone but Curtis backed you up, even then, I 
don't see you getting happier, but merely going on to the next issue with the 
same 'tude.  Is that a fair assumption on my part?  Or have I just trolled you? 

After all these years, with this new-life spurt here, why not give it a rest?  
You're much bigger than these tiny shit barbs.  Of course, I've made it harder 
to suck it up, because I'm not a pal, and here am I giving therapeutic advice, 
but it is what it is. 

 Heh, some of my most commonly recurring truth-concepts have been taught to me 
by my enemies.I'm talking serious fucking enemies who left still deeply red 
scars on my soulso I have to bat away thoughts about them when I dwell with 
the truths they taught.  

It just so sucks, eh?  

Heh, gotta ask, "what's the actual risk of Doug?"  Will he bounce others?   I 
don't think so.  Look at this scurvy's crew's roiling bitching at each other 
that's going on RIGHT NOW, and he's done nothing about that.  

Maybe it was a vendetta against the trolls with "any reason" being enough.  So? 
 Yeah, abusive.  So?

I just don't see this kind of fascism happening again unless someone truly 
rises to the troll heights -- which was a very high bar being set.   Doug 
chided me about swearing, but nothing since even though I still swear -- this 
shows his, um, forbearance?

Bah, I'm just happy I can post here again without really having to steel myself 
for the barbs.  Short sighted of me, but there it is. If there is a Sword of 
Damocles, it's a heavy chain holding it up.

More than you know, Bro.  If anything, all I can do is excuse myself is say, 
"I'm still giddy with all the new-found freedom here."  But, too, yes, I do 
sincerely get it that you and Turq had a robust and decent relationship here at 
FFL that often served our needs.  Sorry for your loss.  Hey, ask Turq to tell 
you where else he's posting about spiritual stuff -- maybe you guys can tag 
team there!  



[FairfieldLife] Re: Uncle Tantra an enigma, a paradox (Reaffirming The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines)

2015-06-28 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

Uncle Tantra was really a complex character. 

One of the reasons you guy were so pissed with him is 
because, he constantly brags about how fantastic his life 
is, how much he is really enjoying is life, and how dull and 
drab are the lives of other members of FFL.

A guy who is *really* enjoying his life will never brag to 
others about his fantastic life, and such a person will also 
never make fun of other peoples drab lives.

---  wrote :


 That is just a guess, it is certainly logically possible to have a fantastic 
life and to talk about how fantastic it is.

In theory yes, but in practice no. You would surely 
understand that.

Imagine Bill Gates coming to this forum and bragging how 
rich he is and how poor we all are. You would certainly 
think something is seriously wrong here.

 Maybe, but Gates could prove he was richer than just about anyone else.

And what is the point? Would it be explicit or implicit?

He was really a primadonna queen, treating this forum as his 
personal blog. It ate up too much space. I warned him about 
it on a few occasions, but it fell on deaf ears. He often 
ranted about how well he is ignoring certain other people on 
the forum. "ignore their sill asses, ignore their silly 
asses" as he would say.

Barry has amazing philosophical talent and intellectual 
talent. But as all immensely talented people have flaws, he 
too had some.

These things don't change the fact, that I learnt a lot of 
valuable things from him. I would be a churl if I denied 

I think he learnt most of his tacky-tawdry psychological 
trickery, and a number of bad habits from that charlatan 
Rama Lenz. I think it corrupted his soul, and he never 
really got out of that strangle hold.

Barry also had a bright side. An amazing sense of humor. A 
fine appreciation of music and movies. An excellent 
understanding of both science and philosophy and how the two 
fit together. Some of the conversations he had on the forum 
are very memorable.

A 100 years in the future, if a historian does research on 
the TM-movement, I am sure he would be mentioned in that.

--- Duveyoung  wrote :

 Judy said: (Goodness knows you don't have the integrity to retract it.)
Um, that's exactly the kind of trollery that the dearly departed perfected.  

 Posts at FFL are never enough to decide on someone's integrity.

Face it, Judy, you're still smacking back, instead of turning a cheek.  Are you 
really that victimized by anything anyone says here?  

If you won this argument, if everyone but Curtis backed you up, even then, I 
don't see you getting happier, but merely going on to the next issue with the 
same 'tude.  Is that a fair assumption on my part?  Or have I just trolled you? 

After all these years, with this new-life spurt here, why not give it a rest?  
You're much bigger than these tiny shit barbs.  Of course, I've made it harder 
to suck it up, because I'm not a pal, and here am I giving therapeutic advice, 
but it is what it is. 

 Heh, some of my most commonly recurring truth-concepts have been taught to me 
by my enemies.I'm talking serious fucking enemies who left still deeply red 
scars on my soulso I have to bat away thoughts about them when I dwell with 
the truths they taught.  

It just so sucks, eh?  

Heh, gotta ask, "what's the actual risk of Doug?"  Will he bounce others?   I 
don't think so.  Look at this scurvy's crew's roiling bitching at each other 
that's going on RIGHT NOW, and he's done nothing about that.  

Maybe it was a vendetta against the trolls with "any reason" being enough.  So? 
 Yeah, abusive.  So?

I just don't see this kind of fascism happening again unless someone truly 
rises to the troll heights -- which was a very high bar being set.   Doug 
chided me about swearing, but nothing since even though I still swear -- this 
shows his, um, forbearance?

Bah, I'm just happy I can post here again without really having to steel myself 
for the barbs.  Short sighted of me, but there it is. If there is a Sword of 
Damocles, it's a heavy chain holding it up.

More than you know, Bro.  If anything, all I can do is excuse myself is say, 
"I'm still giddy with all the new-found freedom here."  But, too, yes, I do 
sincerely get it that you and Turq had a robust and decent relationship here at 
FFL that often served our needs.  Sorry for your loss.  Hey, ask Turq to tell 
you where else he's posting about spiritual stuff -- maybe you guys can tag 
team there!  






[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL

2015-07-01 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 > > ---  wrote :
 > > xeno, freakin' light bulb just went off in my head. 

 > > why you don't adopt the "patented" font, with the patented (-: (-: (-:

 > > and maybe it will make you feel better.

 > > whaddya say!  (-:

---  wrote :

 He just said goodbye, what else are you expecting?

How's the weather in old Blighty?

Let's see, Barry dumped, Shemp left, authfriend left, 
Llundrub left, off_world left, KennyH left, Sal sunshine 
left, Willy dumped. Vaj left.

I think Xeno and Curtis left. Time for me to leave as well.

Mahesh Yogi taught you 'the art of living'. But, you should 
also know the 'art of leaving'. Nice knowing all, past 
posters, present posters.

I think Barry's last words on the forum is this, "Thanks to 
many people here for the great writing and the many times 
you have stood up for yourselves and done the right thing. 
Good luck working all of this out."

Same here. Ditto. 

> > > ---  wrote :






[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL

2015-07-01 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 > > ---  wrote :
 > > xeno, freakin' light bulb just went off in my head. 

 > > why you don't adopt the "patented" font, with the patented (-: (-: (-:

 > > and maybe it will make you feel better.

 > > whaddya say!  (-:

---  wrote :

 He just said goodbye, what else are you expecting?

How's the weather in old Blighty?

 Not bad today, nearly hot enough for people to stop complaining about the cold 
and start complaining about the heat.

Let's see, Barry dumped, Shemp left, authfriend left, 
Llundrub left, off_world left, KennyH left, Sal sunshine 
left, Willy dumped. Vaj left.

I think Xeno and Curtis left. Time for me to leave as well.

Mahesh Yogi taught you 'the art of living'. But, you should 
also know the 'art of leaving'. Nice knowing all, past 
posters, present posters.

 Yes, cheers Jason. It's been fun but good things come to an end

I think Barry's last words on the forum is this, "Thanks to 
many people here for the great writing and the many times 
you have stood up for yourselves and done the right thing. 
Good luck working all of this out."

Same here. Ditto. 

 I nearly quit a few weeks ago when I was writing a post and thought I'd 
illustrate my point with a quote but I couldn't remember who it was so I 
googled it and the only result I found was from myself in a post here saying, 
exactly the same thing. Word for word.

 Time to go I thought.


Wish you all the very best Sal. Couldn't resist one more 

   Signing off. Over and out.

> > > ---  wrote :






[FairfieldLife] Religion itself is a strawman

2015-01-15 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The point is, fraudulent people use fraudulent religions as 
a smokescreen, to advance their own fraudulent agenda.

The modern civilisation still hasn't reconciled itself with 
the darker side of islamic ideology. The educational system 
in these countries only makes it worse. They churn out 
mindless zombies.

---  wrote :

 Religious taboos are memes, concepts designed to protect ideas that do not 
stand up to scrutiny from being scrutinised by way of coercion and fear, an 
attempt to condition the mind, which is naturally curious, from directing its 
attention in the direction of such scrutiny. 

 'It will not do to investigate the subject of religion too closely, as it is 
apt to lead to Infidelity.' —Abraham Lincoln  

---  wrote :

 Thanks. Yes, he seems to be making the same point as I just have.  

 Re "I don't think cowardice comes into it.": well, in The Guardian's case it 
seems not - judging from the article; but in may other cases fear is for sure 
playing a part.

---  wrote :


 Je suis d'accord, though my instinct is to feel pity rather than disgust - and 
then Saudi Arabia publicly flogs a journalist for running a "liberal" website 
on the same day they condemn the killings in Paris and I'm disgusted too: 


---  wrote :

 Yep, as I was saying a few days ago when Feste was urging us to "respect" 
Muslims' religious beliefs, how exactly are we supposed to feel anything but 
disgust for a group that really believes it's permissible to order a hit on 
anyone who creates an image of a human being?

I know that the Guardian ran this story because they believe that this nut job 
cleric is out of the ordinary and a bit of a statistical outlier, but it is 
actually *standard Sunni Muslim dogma* that creating images of human beings is 
"worshipping idols" and thus punishable by death. Technically, the Charlie 
Hebdo murders would have been justified in these fanatics' eyes if they'd 
published completely reverential images of Mohammed.

 So I'm sorry, but anyone who dares to tell me that I "have to respect these 
people's religion" is as insane as they are. Anyone who believes this shit is 
either stuck in the Middle Ages or insane or both, and we have a responsibility 
to other sane human beings to point it out. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Ca... ca... can we all get along?

2015-04-06 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Bill, human civilisation has faced numerous challenges in 
the past, starting from cannibalism, slavery, exploitation, 
Nazism, Communism etc etc.

Nothing lasts for ever. It is an immutable law of nature 
that in the end, all things vanish, disappear.  Islam is the 
latest bitch on the centerstage, this too will go, 

Before the industrial revolution, Christianity was a harsh 
and brutal religion. It took a series of reforms to make it 
tolerable to the modern age. In fact, Christianity has more 
blood on it's hands than Islam.

Any religious ideology that openly declares it's superiority 
will come under intense scrutiny. If it needs to survive, 
Islam better get used to this reaming.

Ultimately in the end, it's neither Christianity or Islam 
that is the issue. It's our inability to understand these 
religions from the 21st century perspective.

---  wrote :

Oh ... no ... I'm being  empty.

---  wrote :


 The Information Age Will Be The Death Of Islam 
 The following was written by Eric Allen Bell 
 We do not vandalize. We do not engage in hate speech. We have respect for the 
law. We do not harm our fellow citizens. We are slow to anger and when we 
finally get angry, we express that anger in a civilized way. UNDER THAT BANNER, 
 Follower of Islam, I do not tolerate you. Your feigned or willful ignorance 
about Islam is no longer an excuse. I hold you personally accountable.
 I am offended by you. I cannot and will not tolerate a person who follows an 
ideology which teaches the inferiority of women, the killing and hatred of 
Jews, the execution of homosexuals, the silencing of free speech, forced 
amputations, the stoning of rape victims, genital mutilation, and the violent 
overthrow of all non-Islamic governments and civilizations.
 Islam is Nazism with a god. And I cannot and will not “coexist” with Nazis. I 
will not patronize your places of business. I will not hire you. I will not buy 
your products. I will not support politicians who support you. I will not be 
your friend. And if I am your neighbor, I will always be suspicious of you and 
cautious. I want you to feel so uncomfortable in my free country, in my 
civilized country, that you renounce your allegiance to this savage and fascist 
ideology or leave.
 ISLAM IS THE ENEMY of free speech, of human rights and of Liberty. If you 
follow Islam, you are my enemy. I encourage you now to leave Islam and take 
your place among the civilized people of this world. But if you insist on 
remaining loyal to the brutal savagery of Islam, your enemies will grow faster 
than can be contained by an Islamic lobbyist group or the media or any 
government agency. This is a zero sum game and the Civilized World will win.
 ISLAM HAS BEEN AT WAR FOR 1,400 YEARS with freedom and all that is good. But 
my head is no longer hidden in the sand. I am at war with you. All people who 
value human rights, freedom and Liberty should be at war with you. And they 
will be soon enough, because the enemy of Islam is information and we are 
spreading information faster than you can keep up with. There is no way to put 
this genie back in the bottle now. The information age will be the death of 
 Your 1,400 year reign of terror is coming to an end. And you, follower of 
Islam, are on the wrong side of history.
 It is time for all civilized people to find the moral clarity and the courage 
to GET ANGRY and to BECOME INTOLERANT. You have the ability to do this in a 
civilized way. We must not become like the savages whom we oppose — otherwise 
they win. But Islam must be stopped. When you support the followers of Islam, 
you support an ideology that promotes genocide against the unbeliever — as 
clearly outlined in the Quran.
 Tolerance is overrated. If you follow the Quran, you are the enemy of freedom 
and you are my enemy. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans

2015-04-06 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Many people of the modern age simply don't understand that 
sexuality is an issue of the 'private space', and was never 
an issue of the 'public space'.

A true centerist like me, would want a highly conservative 
'public space', and a liberal 'private space'.

I think all countries in the world should have 5 zones.

1) Restricted zone, or the Red zone.

2) Industrial zone, or the orange zone.

3) Commercial zone, or the yellow zone.

4) Residential zone, or the Blue zone.

5) Free zone, or the Green zone.

Even if you can't eradicate all the vices on the planet, you 
can atleast restrict it to the 'Free zone', so that they 
don't bother rest of the population.

Is this too hard to ask of all the Governments?

---  wrote :

 Family of Alan Turing to demand government pardon 49,000 other men 
 Family of Alan Turing to demand government pardon 49,000... 
 Campaigners to bring petition to Downing Street, demanding all men con...
 View on www.theguardian.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

Decriminalization may be what I remembered reading.

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 I don't think this is true. Homosexual acts were decriminalized, but no one 
(other than famous people like Turing) were ever granted pardons for the 
incarcerations and chemical castrations they had been subjected to. 


 If you think it through, that could never happen, because it would open the UK 
government to millions -- possible billions -- of pounds in reparation 

 Some Brit may be able to correct me on this, but none of the articles I've 
seen about this shameful era of British history suggest that anyone has even 
*apologized* to the victims of these laws, much less issued pardons to them. 



 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

I'm pretty sure, though not absolutely certain, that *pardon* was extended to 
everyone later.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Just got home from watching Imitation Game - quite a good film, Cumberbatch is 
excellent as always. I thought the pardon was a wunnerful thang. It was done as 
a "royal prerogative of mercy" which just goes to show Her Starchiness does 
have some practical use in today's UK?


 From: "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 8:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
   Re "The Imitation Game to watch with my daughter and her mom":


 It mentions at the end of the film that Alan Turing has recently been pardoned 
(a Royal Pardon, no less) for his conviction for homosexual indecent acts. 
That's just the kind of headline-grabbing, liberal hand-wringing that drives me 
nuts. My grievance is that if the argument is that being gay is no longer a 
crime so we should posthumously and retrospectively pardon those convicted 
under the old law then why single out Turing? Surely *everyone* convicted under 
the old legal framework deserves a reprieve?

 There's also the issue that we are all well aware that they did things 
differently in Olde England. To revisit the past and apply contemporary 
standards to old judgements is pointless. We wouldn't have forcibly deported 
someone to Australia for stealing a loaf of bread, but so what? There's 
something tiresomely self-congratulatory about these revisions. It's 
advertising to the world how tolerant and well-intentioned you are. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] The madness of Chopra...

2015-04-11 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

There is no such thing as 'rational consciousness'.  You are 
a 'cut and paste' moron. Read some real science and come 
back to us.

---  wrote :

 Consciousness means self-consciousness, which cannot be identified with the 
human body. Acording to Sam Harris, there is nothing in the physical sciences 
that would indicate tht consciousness has any physical properties. Thoughts and 
ideas, not being material objects, cannot be perceived; they can only be 

Animals also possess a physical body, but not rational consciousness.  

If consciousness is a property of the body, it must be perceived like other 
material properties. But nobody can see consciousness, smell it, taste it, 
touch it, or even hear it. Consciousness has no physical properties that the 
human senses can detect or adequately describe in words.

In fact, consciousness is the very constructed character of knowing - knowledge 
(vidya) that is structured in consciousness. This is the Hindu non-dual Advaita 
Vedanta view (Sri Vidya) and to the same extent, the view of Buddhist 

In order to refute these idealist views, the debater would have to refute not 
only Shankara (8th century CE) Vasabandhu and Asanga (4th century CE), but also 
I. Kant., F. Hegel, and A. Schopenhauer - not any easy task. LoL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Brian Cox "debating" Deepak Chopra would be amusing, 

Non sequitur. 

but it would be sorta like a normal intelligent person debating Willytex. 

My position, and the position of most idealistic transcendentalists, is that we 
infer, from the fact of being conscious, that consciousness itself is the 
ultimate reality - because without consciousness, we would not exist. 

After two minutes most people would feel so sorry for the retard that they 
wouldn't really be able to enjoy the takedowns. 

Non sequitur.



 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The madness of Chopra...
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Oh God, you gotta read this one about Chopra!

 A Knock Out Punch! 

 I'm surprised that Brian Cox actually gets involved with Deepak, usually when 
someone mentions woo-woo he just says "pah" and walks away.

 I think he should do a debate with Chopra, the one DC had with Dawkins was 
limited to biology - about which Deepak knows nothing - and philosophy - which 
is a dead end. Chopra had his weird physics to fall back on which Dawkins isn't 
an expert in and so couldn't deliver any sort of KO. Brian would be the man for 
the job here and would no doubt come up with some killer quotes for future 

 Victor Stenger wrote a book about quantum gods but it doesn't focus enough on 
Marshy's ideas to really give the TMer an unequivocal explanation about where 
the idea falls down, you have to adapt it yourself and it gives a bit of wiggle 
room because one could claim that it doesn't specifically say that yogic flying 
doesn't cause world peace.

 So bring on the debate. Maybe Lawson could organise it on Reddit?

Superstition | Uncertainty Blog 
 Superstition | Uncertainty Blog 
http://uncertaintyblog.com/category/superstition/ Posts about Superstition 
written by theuncertaintyblog

 View on uncertaintyblog.com http://uncertaintyblog.com/category/superstition/
 Preview by Yahoo


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 1:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The madness of Chopra...
 I’ve never done anything to Deepak Chopra. At least, not in this lifetime. 
Perhaps I’ve mocked his surrealistically bizarre anti-science pronouncements 
among my friends a few times, or a few thousand times. How could I not when he 
tweeted that his personal meditation caused an earthquake 
http://mashable.com/2010/04/04/deepak-chopra-earthquake/ or claimed that the 
moon doesn’t exist http://www.skepticblog.org/2010/03/23/does-the-moon-exist/ 
unless someone sees it? Chopra is so on the fringe, it’s actually fun to read 
him usually—picture me with tears in my eyes, emitting cackles like Mozart’s 
braying laugh in Amadeus. But when he goes after evolution, it starts to feel 
personal—and less amusing. 
 Chopra believes there is some “consciousness” that flows through the 
universe—an energy field created by all living things, surrounding us and 
penetrating us, binding the galaxy together…no, wait, that’s the Force I’m 
thinking of. Chopra’s notion of consciousness has more in common with that of 
the charlatan book The Secret, which says if you just think really hard you can 
change reality. (A lot of children engage in this magical thinking, but as they 
mature they outgrow it—apparently with some exceptions.)
 So perhaps this universal consciousness helped Chopra sense my negative

Re: [FairfieldLife] The madness of Chopra...

2015-04-12 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Sorry to throw a spanner in here Sue. There might be 
differences between 'local biological-consciousness' and 
'non-local quantum-consciousness'.

Biological consciousness is definitely a process.  We still 
don't know what exactly is quantum consciousness if it 

---  wrote :

 If you read on thru to the last /14 of the uncertainty blog about Deepak, 
there is a summary of a debate between a scientist, Sean Carroll, and Eben 
Alexander, MD (best selling author who claims he went to heaven in a NDE).  
Here is what jumped out at me: that Carroll said life is a process like fire, 
not a substance like wood. An obvious and simple distinction.  But I think he 
nails the fundamental "mistake" in thinking.  What a shift in thinking for me, 
especially if I substitute the big C for life.  I have always mentally imagined 
Consciousness as a "thing," even if incredibly refined, subtle, fluid, and all 
pervasive.  I have to apply this new thought to old ideas.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The amazing interconnectedness of all things

2015-04-30 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

A functionality, or organ used for one purpose, is diverted 
for another purpose is called 'teleological shift'.

For instance, the floating bladder in primitive fish became 
lungs in land animals.  Evolution is full of teleological 

Even sex which is basicaly used for procreation in most 
animals, is also used as a bonding mechanism in some 
animals.  Oxytocin, whose original functions is to stimulate 
contractions of the uterus during labour, to stimulate the 
ejection of milk during lactation, also became a bonding 

---   wrote :

 Researchers have discovered that a protein which controls anxiety in humans 
has the same molecular ancestor as one which causes insects to moult when they 
outgrow their skins. Studies on sea urchins provided the missing link because 
they have a protein with elements common to those in both humans and insects 
and reveal a common ancestry hundreds of millions of years ago.


 Proteins that control anxiety in humans and cause insects to shed their skins 
have common origin http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150421205546.htm

 Proteins that control anxiety in humans and cause insect... 
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150421205546.htm Researchers have 
discovered that a protein which controls anxiety in humans has the same 
molecular ancestor as one which causes insects to molt when the...

 View on www.sciencedaily.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: This is what Muslims do and then claim "Isamophobia".

2015-04-30 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Muslims are encouraged by their clerics to cheat, lie and 
harm, the people of other religions and other communities.

Muslim women encourage their muslim men, to rape the women 
of other religions and other communities.

Any form of supremacist ideology, simply does not fit into a 
modern egalitarian democracy.

---  wrote :

 Why the World Ignores the Islamist Armenian Genocide
 by Ben Shapiro http://www.breitbart.com/author/ben-shapiro/24 Apr 2015

 Friday marked the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and President 
Obama, despite his prior promises to recognize the Armenian Genocide, failed to 
do so for the seventh straight year.

 The same week 
 the Turkish government announced that Obama would join the Turkish government, 
led by Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in opening the Turkish-American 
Culture and Civilization Center in Maryland. Mevlut Cavusoglu, visiting 
Washington in advance of the commemoration of the Genocide, said, “During a 
phone call, President Erdogan asked President Obama to accompany him in opening 
the center together and President Obama accepted his offer in principle.” 
Cavusoglu then talked about the dangers of Islamophobia.
 This is a remarkable slap in the face to Armenians, marking the centennial of 
the Genocide by radical Muslims against Christians. That is the untold story of 
the Genocide, a story conveniently ignored by the media and forgotten by world 
governments similarly ignoring atrocities by Muslims against Christians the 
world over.

 To understand the Armenian Genocide, one must first understand the history of 
Turkey, which for centuries was a Christian country; its capital, now named 
Istanbul by Muslims, was originally named Constantinople after Emperor 
Constantine and was the most powerful Christian city in on the planet for 
several centuries. In 1453, the city was conquered by Muslims and became 
Istanbul and the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Armenia remained Christian, 
however. As the Ottoman Empire crumbled, despite the fact that other 
territories gained their independence, Armenia did not.

 In 1876, Sultan Abdul Hamid II took over dictatorship of the Empire. By 1878, 
he had signed away Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro; the Balkans were 
essentially freed of the Ottomans; he lost Egypt and Sudan to the British. By 
the 1890s, Armenians began demanding reforms. In response, the Sultan gave free 
reign to Kurdish groups to begin targeting Armenians, and when Armenians 
responded, the Sultan unleashed the Muslim military against the Armenians. Some 
300,000 Armenians were killed.

 In 1908, under pressure from reformers known as the Young Turks, the Sultan 
gave up power. But the movement for liberalism lasted only a few years before 
three Islamist leaders of the Young Turks seized power for themselves, then 
joined World War I on the side of the Germans. The Three Pashas, as they became 
known, decided to reconstitute the Empire, freeing it of Christian influence. 
In precursors to the Genocide, as the Young Turks took power, Islamists began 
massacring Christian Armenians. At the time, The New York Times 
http://www.nytimes.com/ref/timestopics/topics_armeniangenocide.html reported 
that the Turks had endorsed a “policy of extermination directed against the 
Christians of Asia Minor.”

 Once World War I broke out, the government began openly targeting Armenian 
Christians under the pretense that they would side with the Russian Christians 
to the north. As the Times states:

 The Young Turks, who called themselves the Committee of Unity and Progress, 
launched a set of measures against the Armenians, including a law authorizing 
the military and government to deport anyone they “sensed” was a security 
threat. A later law allowed the confiscation of abandoned Armenian property. 
Armenians were ordered to turn in any weapons that they owned to the 
authorities. Those in the army were disarmed and transferred into labor 
battalions where they were either killed or worked to death.

 Those policies of disarmament then led to wholescale slaughter, as Turkish 
troops drove Armenians into the desert to starve – over one million of them, by 
reports. Children were thrown into rivers to drown; in Trabzond, the US consul, 
Ascar Heizer, reported:

 Nearly 3,000 children were installed in empty houses, of which there were 
many…This plan did not suit Nail Bey, and in about ten days he advertised that 
any Mahommedan, who wanted to take girls or boys, could apply to these homes 
and a great many children were taken. He himself chose ten of the best-looking 
girls and kept them in a house for his own pleasure, and the amusement of his 
friends. Many of the children were loaded into boats and taken out to sea and 
thrown overboard. I myself saw where 16 were washed ashore.

 Villages were burned with residents still inside.

[FairfieldLife] Re: COW

2015-05-02 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Recent research suggests that we are geneticaly hardwired to 
follow the herd. It might have aided our survival long ago.


 ---  wrote :

Why would we need to increase the post count? I can't keep up with it as it is. 
And why in hell would anyone want to form a religion around Barry? My vote is 
to bury all religions, by raising the level of intelligence of human beings. 
Darwinian evolution is too slow. Let's genetically engineer our successors.

 ---  wrote :
 Barry: This meeting of the COW, (Church of Wright) will now come to order.
 Do we have old business. Xeno, do you have a report of how to increase posting 

 Xeno: Yes sir. We're trying visiting some of your old haunts on the Rama 
sites, letting the folks there know that you're now posting here, and open for 
new subscribers.
 Barry: Good, good. That's what I like to hear. I want you to stay on it, and 
go also through the Alt.med achives and see if there are some candidates we 
should approach.
 Xeno: Aye, aye sir.
 Barry: MJ, what's been done to trademark the phrase, “Marshy, Old Goat”?
 MJ: Working on it sir. There is an expense involved.
 Barry: Damn the Expense! I want that phrase trademarked, and the sooner the 
better. Offer some free copies of Roadtrip if you have to, but I want it 
 MJ: Yes sir.
 Barry: Salyavin, my pet, give us our scientific report.
 Sal: Sir, we are working hard on finding a replacement for nabluss108. I know 
there has been a void since he has departed and it has upset your highness.
 Barry: Well double down on that! I'm getting annoyed that we haven't found a 
suitable replacement. I'll expect a list of candidates by next meeting.
 Salyavin. HUA!, Heard, understood, acknowledged, sir.
 Barry: Now, moving on to new business. I am sure you are all aware that this 
last week has seen the re-emergence of one Judy Stein, aka the Author's Friend. 
I want to commend you all for coming to my defense when I was brutally attacked 
by this visitor, who threatened to upset our peaceable kingdom.
 Barry: (sniffle, sniffle) I knew I could count on you guys. Now remember, only 
6 hours and 55 minutes until I release this weeks rant. Get your positive 
comments lined up. DISMIED!



[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-02 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 --- wrote :

 No, I'm not converting to Judaism.  I just reacted to the words written by 
Bhairitu based on the issues raised by Carde recently and the cosmological 
models that have been discussed here for the past week or so. 

 But it is interesting to know what the current Jewish rabbis are thinking 
about the Jewish role in the Middle East conflict.  For both the Jews and 
Arabs, they blame their mutual animosity on the failure of Jews to perform 
their duties as the "Chosen People" in the Bible.
---  wrote :

 The fact that any race thinks they are the chosen ones fills me with dread. 
Someone should point out that it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever 
you like. Believing that god gave you all the land west of the river Jordan 
doesn't - or shouldn't - make it so. A bit less arrogance on that front might 
have worked wonders in 1948.
---  wrote :

 A strong case can be made that it is the very existence of this "Chosen 
People" myth that has caused the ongoing persecution of Jews over the 
centuries. Historically, the same sort of persecution hounds *any* religious 
group who consider themselves "special" and "better" than others around them 
who don't follow their religion. 

---  wrote :

Another miserable twist of fate was that the Jews are the only one of the three 
main western religions that can lend money with interest. So they were the 
go-to guys for a loan and obviously it doesn't pay to be soft if you are a 
money lender, hence all the "Jews are tight with money" stereotypes. In any 
alternate reality it could have been the others with that particular cross to 

This notion that, "we are chosen and special" existed in all 
cultures, tribes and societies all over the world.  
According to a yogi, this feeling arose out of a "primitive, 
insular ignorance."

Now that the earth is no longer the center of the universe, 
most societies have gotten over that idea. Only the Zionists 
and Jihadists continue to hold that view.

Integration is not possible unless this fraudulent 
world-view is dispelled.

They too are apes that came down from the trees in the 
african savannah.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-02 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 --- wrote :

 No, I'm not converting to Judaism.  I just reacted to the words written by 
Bhairitu based on the issues raised by Carde recently and the cosmological 
models that have been discussed here for the past week or so. 

 But it is interesting to know what the current Jewish rabbis are thinking 
about the Jewish role in the Middle East conflict.  For both the Jews and 
Arabs, they blame their mutual animosity on the failure of Jews to perform 
their duties as the "Chosen People" in the Bible.
---  wrote :

 The fact that any race thinks they are the chosen ones fills me with dread. 
Someone should point out that it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever 
you like. Believing that god gave you all the land west of the river Jordan 
doesn't - or shouldn't - make it so. A bit less arrogance on that front might 
have worked wonders in 1948.
---  wrote :

 A strong case can be made that it is the very existence of this "Chosen 
People" myth that has caused the ongoing persecution of Jews over the 
centuries. Historically, the same sort of persecution hounds *any* religious 
group who consider themselves "special" and "better" than others around them 
who don't follow their religion. 

---  wrote :

Another miserable twist of fate was that the Jews are the only one of the three 
main western religions that can lend money with interest. So they were the 
go-to guys for a loan and obviously it doesn't pay to be soft if you are a 
money lender, hence all the "Jews are tight with money" stereotypes. In any 
alternate reality it could have been the others with that particular cross to 

This notion that, "we are chosen and special" existed in all 
cultures, tribes and societies all over the world.  
According to a yogi, this feeling arose out of a "primitive, 
insular ignorance."

Now that the earth is no longer the center of the universe, 
most societies have gotten over that idea. Only the Zionists 
and Jihadists continue to hold that view.

Integration is not possible unless this fraudulent 
world-view is dispelled.

They too are apes that came down from the trees in the 
african savannah.


[FairfieldLife] Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-02 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

This is a little difficult to explain, but I'll try.

When you perform an action, the karmic rebound is certain. 
However, when, where and how that rebound will occur cannot 
be predicted as existence itself does not know about it. 
There is an element of randomness here that is difficult to 
comprehend and is unexplainable.

If you study evolution carefully, you will notice that 
evolution itself is partially deterministic and partially 
random. There is a broad set of laws and yet randomness 
plays a part.

---  wrote :
That is of course Share, a logical contradiction; hence, false. A statement 
like this acts as a metaphor for a certain way of understanding how the 
universe runs, provided you can penetrate the metaphor for its real 
significance. What has determinism? What has free will? Since they are 
diametrically opposed in function, what could this mean, if it means anything 
at all? Since the statement is literally untrue, why does it feel right to you? 
Is that feeling correct, or is it based on some hidden assumption which allows 
you accept a falsehood.

 ---  wrote :

 ...I heard Maharishi say: 100% determinism and 100% free will. That feels 
right to me.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-03 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Xeno, let's use a little logic here. If you existed before 
you were born, you will continue to exist after you die.
If you didn't exist before you were born, you will not exist 
after you die.

The law of karma or balance is a very subtle law, compared 
to other gross laws of physics. That's why it's not apparent 
to most people.

You lifting a pen could be action, and you putting it down 
could be reaction. The point is, time lag for these actions 
can differ.

Coming to your point, if there is no such thing as 
reincarnation, existence would be totally meaningless, 
nature unfair, and God if it exists a lunatic.

The determinism of the classical universe and the randomness 
of the quantum universe, complement and balance each other. 
As you pointed out, randomness itself is statistically 
constrained. Which means there was no intention behind the 
big bang itself.

---  wrote :

Share & Jason

Share, I do believe you never consider anything as a statement of logic. 
Settling for the sense of it on resonance, which is really a subtle sense of 
feeling allows one to bypass figuring out what it might mean. If beyond thought 
and feeling, that puts it beyond understanding. I myself do not think much 
about this any more, but it comes up time to time. A contradiction (con = 
against, & diction = speech) is a statement that says x is so and x is not so 
at the same time, which is nonsense.

Jason's response shows more analysis. Determinism is the doctrine that all 
events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to 
the will. While free will is the power of acting without the constraint of 
necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. This sets 
individuality against the universe. The universe can be regarded as having 
either natural laws which mindlessly govern activity in a mechanical fashion, 
or as having an intentional stance, having a mind which determines action 
through will, such as gods are supposed to have. Individual will is an 
intentional stance that opposes universal laws or the activity of the gods. One 
can question whether the universe as a whole has will in the intentional stance 
sense, because proving gods (1 or more) exist seems out of the question. That 
nature's activity seems rather overpowering in a deterministic sense is pretty 
obvious, but why that is is not.

Quantum mechanics shows us a certain proportion of indeterminacy on a 
microscopic scale. This is not apparent on the macroscopic scale, but it seems 
to mean things will never repeat themselves in quite the same way but the 
variations on the macroscopic scale will be subtle to say the least. The 
chance, or randomness of particle interaction is not will because there seems 
to be no intention behind it, it just happens. It is also constrained 
statistically so it cannot be said to be free either.

Recent experiments with the human brain seem to show our sense of will is 
illusory, that the brain comes to make certain kinds of decisions in a 
mechanical way, and the results of this 'decision' comes into awareness after 
the fact, often seconds, as much as seven seconds after the fact. That means 
consciousness is passive, and does nothing, since it does not know what is 
happening until after the deed is done. This could hardly be said to be the 
activity of will. If anything, it is a demonstration of the effect of universal 
determinism, unless we conclude that micro quantum events introduce an element 
of chance. But has we note, chance is not a constrained by the concept of will, 
it bypasses will altogether, but is statistically constrained, which in a sense 
means its effect is at least partially determined, it is not free in the sense 
of unconstrained, its functioning is not at its own discretion. Chance has no 

So we are left with mechanical determined universal action without an 
intentional stance behind it, both for the universe and for us, but we have the 
idea in our heads, that we have an intentional stance, even if it is not really 
there. And then there is that throw of the quantum dice, which prevents us from 
ever figuring out exactly what is happening when we look deeply into the matter.

As for the concept of karmic rebound, not sure how that works or if it exists. 
If something happens, then something else happens because things are 
interconnected. I just lifted a pen off my desk, and then put it back down on 
the desk. What is the karmic rebound here? I have no idea what that would mean 
in this situation.

Suppose a universe in which each person lives, and dies, and is not immortal 
and vanishes forever at death (kind of like ours). Suppose this person commits 
a murder in this universe, and is never caught, never even suspected, and this 
person subsequently lives a happy life filled with joy until he/she dies. What 
is the karmic rebound in this situation? 

---  wrote : 
This is a little difficult to explain, but I'll try.

When you pe

[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-03 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Xeno, let's use a little logic here. If you existed before 
you were born, you will continue to exist after you die.
If you didn't exist before you were born, you will not exist 
after you die.

The law of karma or balance is a very subtle law, compared 
to other gross laws of physics. That's why it's not apparent 
to most people.

You lifting a pen could be action, and you putting it down 
could be reaction. The point is, time lag for these actions 
can differ.

Coming to your point, if there is no such thing as 
reincarnation, existence would be totally meaningless, 
nature unfair, and God if it exists a lunatic.

The determinism of the classical universe and the randomness 
of the quantum universe, complement and balance each other. 
As you pointed out, randomness itself is statistically 
constrained. Which means there was no intention behind the 
big bang itself.

---  wrote :

Share & Jason

Share, I do believe you never consider anything as a statement of logic. 
Settling for the sense of it on resonance, which is really a subtle sense of 
feeling allows one to bypass figuring out what it might mean. If beyond thought 
and feeling, that puts it beyond understanding. I myself do not think much 
about this any more, but it comes up time to time. A contradiction (con = 
against, & diction = speech) is a statement that says x is so and x is not so 
at the same time, which is nonsense.

Jason's response shows more analysis. Determinism is the doctrine that all 
events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to 
the will. While free will is the power of acting without the constraint of 
necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. This sets 
individuality against the universe. The universe can be regarded as having 
either natural laws which mindlessly govern activity in a mechanical fashion, 
or as having an intentional stance, having a mind which determines action 
through will, such as gods are supposed to have. Individual will is an 
intentional stance that opposes universal laws or the activity of the gods. One 
can question whether the universe as a whole has will in the intentional stance 
sense, because proving gods (1 or more) exist seems out of the question. That 
nature's activity seems rather overpowering in a deterministic sense is pretty 
obvious, but why that is is not.

Quantum mechanics shows us a certain proportion of indeterminacy on a 
microscopic scale. This is not apparent on the macroscopic scale, but it seems 
to mean things will never repeat themselves in quite the same way but the 
variations on the macroscopic scale will be subtle to say the least. The 
chance, or randomness of particle interaction is not will because there seems 
to be no intention behind it, it just happens. It is also constrained 
statistically so it cannot be said to be free either.

Recent experiments with the human brain seem to show our sense of will is 
illusory, that the brain comes to make certain kinds of decisions in a 
mechanical way, and the results of this 'decision' comes into awareness after 
the fact, often seconds, as much as seven seconds after the fact. That means 
consciousness is passive, and does nothing, since it does not know what is 
happening until after the deed is done. This could hardly be said to be the 
activity of will. If anything, it is a demonstration of the effect of universal 
determinism, unless we conclude that micro quantum events introduce an element 
of chance. But has we note, chance is not a constrained by the concept of will, 
it bypasses will altogether, but is statistically constrained, which in a sense 
means its effect is at least partially determined, it is not free in the sense 
of unconstrained, its functioning is not at its own discretion. Chance has no 

So we are left with mechanical determined universal action without an 
intentional stance behind it, both for the universe and for us, but we have the 
idea in our heads, that we have an intentional stance, even if it is not really 
there. And then there is that throw of the quantum dice, which prevents us from 
ever figuring out exactly what is happening when we look deeply into the matter.

As for the concept of karmic rebound, not sure how that works or if it exists. 
If something happens, then something else happens because things are 
interconnected. I just lifted a pen off my desk, and then put it back down on 
the desk. What is the karmic rebound here? I have no idea what that would mean 
in this situation.

Suppose a universe in which each person lives, and dies, and is not immortal 
and vanishes forever at death (kind of like ours). Suppose this person commits 
a murder in this universe, and is never caught, never even suspected, and this 
person subsequently lives a happy life filled with joy until he/she dies. What 
is the karmic rebound in this situation? 

---  wrote : 
This is a little difficult to explain, but I'll try.

When you p

[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-03 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Stop this bullshit willytex.  No referendum was held in that 
territory. God is not a real estate dealer.  The UN stole 
that land from indigenous people. They called other 
communities dogs for centuries.

"But after hearing of Him, a woman whose little daughter had 
an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at His feet.
Now the woman was a Gentile, of the Syrophoenician race. And 
she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter." 
(Mark 7:25-26).

"And He was saying to her, "Let the children be satisfied 
first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and 
throw it to the dogs." (Mark 7:27).

The Jews called the Gentiles "dogs" in the same way we would 
call someone a "bitch" (Matthew 7:6; Philippians 3:2; 
Revelation 22:15).  It was a term of contempt.

---  wrote :

 According to what I've read, so-called "non-Zionist" Jews are pleased that 
Israel exists from a practical standpoint--as a haven for oppressed Jews and as 
a land imbued with holiness well-suited for Torah study. But they don't 
generally assign religious significance to the formation of the modern state, 
and often decry aspects of its secular culture. 

Zionism is used in the strict sense of the Jews should have a homeland, 
preferably Israel (Israel is where "Zion" is, hence Zionism). Criticizing 
today's Israeli government regarding policies is not the same as anti-Zionism.

--  wrote :


 There are still Jews who consider themselves as the "Chosen People" here in 
the USA.  They may or may not be Zioneists.  Nonetheless, they follow several 
hundred laws relating to food, behavior and worship.  They still frown upon 
intermarriage with outsiders or goyim.  I've posted the videos of Rabbis Kraft 
and Mizrachi and you should watch them for verification.

 And they don't definitely consider themselves descendants of apes from Africa.

 --- wrote :

 No, I'm not converting to Judaism.  I just reacted to the words written by 
Bhairitu based on the issues raised by Carde recently and the cosmological 
models that have been discussed here for the past week or so. 

 But it is interesting to know what the current Jewish rabbis are thinking 
about the Jewish role in the Middle East conflict.  For both the Jews and 
Arabs, they blame their mutual animosity on the failure of Jews to perform 
their duties as the "Chosen People" in the Bible.
---  wrote :

 The fact that any race thinks they are the chosen ones fills me with dread. 
Someone should point out that it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever 
you like. Believing that god gave you all the land west of the river Jordan 
doesn't - or shouldn't - make it so. A bit less arrogance on that front might 
have worked wonders in 1948.
---  wrote :

 A strong case can be made that it is the very existence of this "Chosen 
People" myth that has caused the ongoing persecution of Jews over the 
centuries. Historically, the same sort of persecution hounds *any* religious 
group who consider themselves "special" and "better" than others around them 
who don't follow their religion. 

---  wrote :

Another miserable twist of fate was that the Jews are the only one of the three 
main western religions that can lend money with interest. So they were the 
go-to guys for a loan and obviously it doesn't pay to be soft if you are a 
money lender, hence all the "Jews are tight with money" stereotypes. In any 
alternate reality it could have been the others with that particular cross to 

---  wrote :

This notion that, "we are chosen and special" existed in all 
cultures, tribes and societies all over the world.  
According to a yogi, this feeling arose out of a "primitive, 
insular ignorance."

Now that the earth is no longer the center of the universe, 
most societies have gotten over that idea. Only the Zionists 
and Jihadists continue to hold that view.

Integration is not possible unless this fraudulent 
world-view is dispelled.

They too are apes that came down from the trees in the 
african savannah.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-04 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---  wrote :

 This is not necessarily so. Comments in your text.

I'd like to riff on this.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Xeno, let's use a little logic here. If you existed before 
you were born, you will continue to exist after you die.
If you didn't exist before you were born, you will not exist 
after you die.

There are multiple possibilities here:

1. You could exist before you were born, be born and live, then die and not 

That's what happens when, what eastern phil call enlightenment happens.

2. You could exist before you were born, be born and live, then die and 

That's reincarnation, crux of the eastern phil.

3. You could exist before you were born, be stillborn dead, and then exist.
4. You could exist before you were born, be stillborn dead, and then not 
5. You could not exist before you were born, be born and live, and then die 
and not exist.

If there is no such thing as individual jiva, a bundle of subtle 
vasanas, yes.

6. You could not exist before you were born, be born and live, and then die 
and exist

Yes, but you still would have to cease at some point. That which has a 
beginning must have an end.

7. You could not exist before you were born, be stillborn and dead, and 
then exist.
8. You could not exist before you were born, be stillborn and dead, and 
then not exist. (This last one is a real bummer, but of course you would never 

An infinite regress and infinite progress of incarnations is 
not possible. All things have a beginning and an end. The 
reverse of this is your point no. 5.

In both the scenarios, there is no hope of enlightenment. In 
the first scenario you are in eternal bondage. In the second 
scenario, your condition though hopeless, is comparatively 
more merciful.

What is not so clear is how these various scenarios could work out to be true. 
Simply saying there is a law of karma and that it is 'subtler' than the laws of 
physics. is just a way of avoiding describing how the whole thing works, and 
whether there is any evidence that could support the idea. The laws of physics 
describe things that are far beyond the ability of the human nervous system to 
perceive or feel or even experience, but they are not necessarily beyond the 
ability of machines to detect, which allows us to experience those things by 
proxy as a mental construct, but never directly.

Karma is the theory of cause and effect, action and 
reaction. In other words it's balance. Yes, no direct proof, 
but the fact that you exist and have all these experiences 
should make you ponder.

First of all, what does one mean when we use the word 'you'. Is it the same 
'you' before birth, at birth and in life, and after death, or what? The 
experience of, or perhaps, the knowledge of, being as an undefined 
attribute-less substratum of all existence that remains before, during, and 
after bodies are  born and perish might be considered one's existence, but it 
then excludes the life of the body with its mental panorama and personality 
(what we normally consider a person) as being what the 'you' really are. That 
personality is not what is maintained throughout birth and death in this case. 

In this case 'you' is your self or being.

On the other hand if what people normally consider a person is is somehow 
maintained through the mill of birth and death, the 'you' that we usually mean 
when we talk to someone, how does that happen? How is the essence of that 
personality stored in between births, and where is it stored, and how is it 
reconstituted? This all seems extraordinarily vague to me; people tell me it 
does, and leave it at that, which means they do not know otherwise they could 
explain it.

My view of birth and death is this: All things that exist have being. Being is 
an abstract principle that all things, individually and collectively (that is, 
the universe as a whole) have. Being is equivalent of having existence, no 
matter what kind or how. It is totally obvious, anything that exists has being. 
It is a definition. When the human mind and senses experience an aspect of this 
being and loses sight as it were, of the connectivity of existence, the 
totality of all the separate beings together, it experiences this aspect of 
being as a separate object or thing, and thus the being, which appears to have 
the property of consciousness under certain circumstances (such as when an 
aspect of being is a nervous system complex enough to have senses and a decent 
CPU, is 'born' as that object, not because something is happening, but because 
the perception and knowledge of timeless eternity is lost in that perception. 
If the totality of being is not lost in perception and knowledge, then nothing 
is born or dies. So the reality or non reality of birth and death is really 
just a matter of how narrow or wide perception and knowledge is. The 
enlightened being sees continuit

[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-04 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

By the logical extension of your own argument, the entire 
north america should be handed over to the Red Indians. They 
were the original inhabitants of the Americas.

Many ethnic groups all over the world don't have a seperate 
country of their own. That is not necessary either. The 
Ashkanaz jews were central asian converts and they never 
lived in Israel. They are the ones who migrated to europe.

Besides, there was never any need to partition the 
territory. A special arrangement could have been made for 
those sephardim jews who wanted to settle down there, 
without disturbing the indigenous people who were already 

---  wrote :

 You need to read some history books. The people of Judea were there long 
before the Arabs invaded the land and tried to kill all the Jews. Do you have 
any historical evidence that proves the Arabs were in Judea before it was 
called Judea? I think not. 

Judea and Samaria is the West Bank! They don't call it the 'Land of Judea' for 
nothing! Human settlement in Judea stretches back to the Stone Age. The 
Israelites lived in Jericho, back in 1025 B.C. It's a fact of history that this 
land was invaded by the Arabs in 636 A.D.

"The prevailing opinion today is that the Israelites, who eventually evolved 
into the modern Jews and Samaritans, are an outgrowth of the indigenous 
Canaanites who had resided in the area since the 8th millennium BCE."

Israelites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Israelites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites The Israelites (/ˈɪzriəˌlaɪts, 
-reɪ-/)[1] were a Semitic people of the Ancient Near East, who inhabited part 
of Canaan during the tribal and monarchic periods (15th...

 View on en.wikipedia.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites
 Preview by Yahoo 



---  wrote :
 Stop this bullshit willytex.  No referendum was held in that 
territory. God is not a real estate dealer.  The UN stole 
that land from indigenous people. They called other 
communities dogs for centuries.

"But after hearing of Him, a woman whose little daughter had 
an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at His feet.
Now the woman was a Gentile, of the Syrophoenician race. And 
she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter." 
(Mark 7:25-26).

"And He was saying to her, "Let the children be satisfied 
first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and 
throw it to the dogs." (Mark 7:27).

The Jews called the Gentiles "dogs" in the same way we would 
call someone a "bitch" (Matthew 7:6; Philippians 3:2; 
Revelation 22:15).  It was a term of contempt.

---  wrote :

 According to what I've read, so-called "non-Zionist" Jews are pleased that 
Israel exists from a practical standpoint--as a haven for oppressed Jews and as 
a land imbued with holiness well-suited for Torah study. But they don't 
generally assign religious significance to the formation of the modern state, 
and often decry aspects of its secular culture. 

Zionism is used in the strict sense of the Jews should have a homeland, 
preferably Israel (Israel is where "Zion" is, hence Zionism). Criticizing 
today's Israeli government regarding policies is not the same as anti-Zionism.

--  wrote :


 There are still Jews who consider themselves as the "Chosen People" here in 
the USA.  They may or may not be Zioneists.  Nonetheless, they follow several 
hundred laws relating to food, behavior and worship.  They still frown upon 
intermarriage with outsiders or goyim.  I've posted the videos of Rabbis Kraft 
and Mizrachi and you should watch them for verification.

 And they don't definitely consider themselves descendants of apes from Africa.

 --- wrote :

 No, I'm not converting to Judaism.  I just reacted to the words written by 
Bhairitu based on the issues raised by Carde recently and the cosmological 
models that have been discussed here for the past week or so. 

 But it is interesting to know what the current Jewish rabbis are thinking 
about the Jewish role in the Middle East conflict.  For both the Jews and 
Arabs, they blame their mutual animosity on the failure of Jews to perform 
their duties as the "Chosen People" in the Bible.
---  wrote :

 The fact that any race thinks they are the chosen ones fills me with dread. 
Someone should point out that it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever 
you like. Believing that god gave you all the land west of the river Jordan 
doesn't - or shouldn't - make it so. A bit less arrogance on that front might 
have worked wonders in 1948.
---  wrote :

 A strong case can be made that it is the very existence of this "Chosen 
People" myth that has caused the ongoing persecution of Jews over the 
centuries. Historically, the same sort of persecution hounds *any* religious 
group who consider themselves "special" and "better" than others around them 
who don't follow t

[FairfieldLife] Re: Machinelike or Random?

2015-02-04 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 According to you, all the quantum physicists are lazy?

I suppose assuming about spirits and soul, is hard 
scientific work?  You sure are a hard ass.

---  wrote :

  just say We don't know but the event is analyzable . . . 
then go home and have dinner with the SO.  Instead of 
calling it 'random' - which is just woo for science folks 
who are afraid the conversation might degrade into talking 
about spirits or the soul.But then, I'm a hard ass  :  )

Claiming some event is random just means the event is too 
complicated and we don't understand it yet.  So there is no 
calling a thing random, that is only being lazy.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Netanyahu Invites Jewish Exodus Out of Europe

2015-02-22 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


The purpose of religion is to refine man, and prevent him 
from acting from his primitive animal nature.

Islam, on the other hand seems to have achieved the 
opposite. Islam has unleashed the savage animal passions in 

Islam is basicaly a pseudo-spiritual, quasi-political 
ideology. It's attempt to describe reality is crude and 
childish. It is as much error ridden as christianity.

Jihadi supremacy is as dangerous as Nazism. It's something 
that we have to deal with.  Islam openly encourages it's 
followers to kill other religionists and other communities.

---  wrote :

 All this tells us is how useless religion is and why it should be relegated to 
museums.  There might well be peace in the world if you could erase religion 
and greed from the minds of humans.
 On 02/16/2015 01:46 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 The short answer is that bombs are falling in Syria and Iraq by the hands of 
an American coalition of countries from Europe and neighboring Arab countries.  
However, if you connect the dots, most Arabs will see the dots leading to 

 And IS is hell-bent on continuing the fight to the surrounding countries in 
the hope of creating a caliphate, which undoubtedly will punish the Jews for 
being in their land if they're successful in their quest.

IMO, the best scenario is that all of the nations of the world would ban the 
existence of IS, al_Qaeda and other rebels of the same ilk,  in their own 
countries and the rest of the world.  But it may take years to subdue them.  
---  mailto:richard@... wrote :

The Arabs came over from Sheba and forced the Jews to leave their ancestral 
home. So, if karma plays a part in the dispute, the Arabs should probably go 
back to where they came from, Arabia. 
 They don't call the land "Judah" for nothing. 
 If we are going to re-draw the lines in the sand so everyone can have "their" 
land, why not let the Tibetan's have their land too? After all, it's the 
Tibetans that live in Tibet and speak Tibetan - they don't call it China Land 
and speak Mandarin.
 But in fact, the so-called "Palestinians" are Jordanians in the West Bank and 
Egyptians in Gaza. So, I wonder why they aren't citizens of Jordan or Egypt? Go 

  ---  mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
A few years ago, Jimmy Carter tried to get the world's attention about the 
Palestinian rights to their land.  But nobody is doing anything about it.  This 
probably contributes to the Arabs' hatred for the Jews. 

 But both sides already know they can't get along with each other.  There is 
probably a karmic explanation for it.  It appears to be ingrained in their DNA 
too.  The ebb and flow of their relationship perhaps show how the Chosen People 
are favored or punished for their actions by the Unified Field.

IMO, we are watching the continuing saga of the people in the Old Testament.  
They've been doing this drama for all of recorded time.  And many Christians 
are involved in this by believing that Armageddon will soon arrive.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote :
 ---   mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 He may be reading the times and afraid of further persecutions similar to what 
happened during WWII.
 Yes, they can persecute the Palestinians instead. Apparently another 2000 
Palestinian homes are being destroyed on the West Bank this week to make way 
for Jewish settlers. They'll steal the whole place before they are done and the 
world will sit back wringing its hands, too scared of being called anti-semitic 
to dare criticise Israel as it finishes the job of ethnic cleansing it started 
in 1948.

 Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks

 Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copen... Israeli Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday urged European Jews to move to Israel after a 
Jewish man was killed in an attack outside Copenh...

 View on news.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Corruption - a problem for johnny foreigner

2015-02-22 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

The causes of corruption in the bureaucratic system is 
different from that of the political system.

In the political system, it's simple. Parties needs funds to 
function. If the state doesn't fund them, the vested 
interests step in to fund them.

In the bureaucratic system it's different. Time-bound 
delivery of 'goods and services' is one of the fundamental 
principles of capitalism. The buyer has a time limit beyond 
which he is not interested. 

Government agencies due to certain monopolies don't operate 
under this principle. Special legislation is needed to force 
these agencies to work under this principle.

Stupid americans don't understand that economic system and 
political system, function under different set of rules. 
80% percent of europe have socialised their political 
system. Scandinavians started doing this way back in the 

---  wrote :

 What you are saying specifically about the Philippines may well be so. (And if 
so, it indeed sounds like a Herculean task to overcome the problems.) 

 But consider southern Europe - Italy and Greece are joint #69 on the 
corruption list! 

 In Greece, poverty, lack of education, and lack of a common language are not 
 The average material standard of living was quite high during the debt-fuelled 
 Greece has twice as many teachers per pupil than the UK! 
 But corruption and tax fiddling are endemic across all classes.

 It's a cultural thing and it's not going to go away in our lifetimes.


---  wrote :

 Most of the third world countries are corrupt due to poverty, lack of 
education, and lack of a common language.  Their leaders are only after the 
benefit for themselves and their own clan.  It takes a while for the truly 
democratic process to take hold. 

 For example, the Philippines is now a fairly well educated country but the 
government is corrupt.  IMO, it's due to a lack of common language and cultural 
ties.  Specifically, the country has about 80 languages and the people still 
identify themselves to their own clan or people who belong to the same island 
or language group. 

 As such, the people who work in government has no allegiance or sense of 
integrity to the central government.  Hence, they try to cheat the government 
in one way or another through graft and corruption.

 The people are well aware of the problem.  But it's a herculean task to clean 
up a government that's inefficient and the national culture itself..

 IMO, the problem also shows in the national chart which is based on the time 
of its independence from the USA.  An exalted Rahu is placed in the 9th house 
representing the government and religion.  In jyotish, Rahu is a demon and is 
very unpredictable.

---  wrote :

 CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2014 have published a map and table showing the 
rankings of the world's nations revealing how corrupt they are.


 Now here's a thing - in the Top 20 places (least corrupt) no less than 9 are 
ex-British colonies (let's include the UK). 

 5 are our (the UK's) northern European neighbours in Scandinavia.

 Another 5 are our close western European neighbours Switzerland, Belgium, 
Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany.

 And only 1 is from far, far away - Japan.

 I wonder why that should be the case . . ?






[FairfieldLife] Re: Oh great! GMO apples approved for growing in the US

2015-02-22 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Lack of diversity can kill us. Any form of monoculture is 
dangerous. Nature uses diversity as an insurance to ensure 
that species survive capricious environmental changes and 

Scientists say that the Irish potato famine was caused by 

http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/agriculture _02 

---  wrote :

 Even hybrid seed producers use a tactic of creating seeds that do not perform 
well if the seeds from the crop are used, protecting their investment. The 
problem with poorer countries with GMO crops is just this — sharing seeds, or 
using seeds harvested from GMO crops. However GMO seeds from GMO crops are used 
under license. Monsanto says they have sued 147 farmers out of 325,000 
customers in the United States for patent infringement. I personally think GMO 
crops could have potential dangers, but the TMO doesn't want them because they 
want to sell their mumbo-jumbo farming techniques, which so far do not seem to 
have any kind of scientific track record for improved yield or food quality or 
cost benefits over conventional organic farming techniques.

 I also think lack of diversity will be a big problem. This happened even 
before GMO technology, or even hybridising crops because we select what we like 
to eat and want to grow it without a lot of trouble.


---  wrote :

 Thing is companies do this genetic modification because they are desperate for 
making money.  And if they don't do it then someone else will and then their 
stockholders will be in an uproar.  The real beast is capitalism.

---  wrote :


 Exactly. I think the thing that worries me most about GMO's is that the world 
food supply ends up in the hands of bio-tech companies. Farmers in the third 
world have already been sued for sharing last years seeds among themselves 
rather than buying new ones from the manufacturer, along with the pesticides 
they are designed to work with.

 Keeping food strains strong via interbreeding by sharing seeds will be a thing 
of the past in our brave new monoculture world.
 On 02/16/2015 11:33 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius@... 
mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   They modified the plant to stop producing an enzyme that makes the apple to 
turn brown. Just think, if we could do that to people, we could stop 
discrimination based on skin colour. I would not worry though, humans are 
exceptionally creative in finding things for disliking other people. There are 
many ways to produce 'new' organisms. With genetic engineering one can mimic 
things like cross breeding, or (and this is where the real potential for danger 
comes in) mimic natural mutation, or inserting genes from other species, or 
creating entirely synthetic genes. I think a glow in the dark 'spiritual' gene 
that activates when a person believes a spiritual philosophy with too great a 
percentage of gullibility would help identify people one might want to avoid, 
as the conversation with such would tend to be repetitive without progress. Not 
of much use here though.
From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 5:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Oh great! GMO apples approved for growing in the US
   Just what you've been waiting for: an apple that doesn't turn brown. 
 GMO labeling needs to be federally mandated.




[FairfieldLife] Stamp Scrip can save Greece?

2015-02-23 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 Hey Bhairitu, this article says 'stamp scrip' would have 
sorted out the great depression of the 30's in three weeks 

Monbiot says two ideas are proposed for Greece. One is 
restrict the credit giving capacity of banks. The other is 
'stamp scrip' which did wonders in Austria.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Suffer little children..

2015-03-08 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


Both, 'crass religionism' and 'crass commercialism' harm 
people, hurt children, reduce women to second class 

In fact, 'crass religionism' is as dangerous as 'crass 

It's a fact that parents teach a lot of shit to children. 
But then, so do the government to people.  Systemic defects 
in the political structure need to be corrected.

Perhaps, the constitution itself needs to modified to be in 
tune with 'scientific realism' and rationalism.


---  wrote :

 The depressing part is that this scenario -- endangering the life of a child 
because of one's beliefs -- is what we've been talking about re the 
"anti-vaxers," only worse. In this case, the parents endangered only their own 
children. Opponents of vaccination endanger whole populations.  

---  wrote :

Yes indeed, evolution will go backwards again, make no mistake. 

 The saddest bit of the article for me was that "Followers of Christ" cemetery 
where 35% of the graves were those of newborn children. In the 21st century. 

---  wrote :
 Depressing little article about religious "privilege", but fascinating that 
this carries on so far into the 21st century in the world's richest, smartest 


Faith-Healer Parents Who Let Their Child Die Should Go to Jail 
 Faith-Healer Parents Who Let Their Child Die Should Go to ... 
 And yet, most U.S. states have exemptions for parents who withhold m...
 View on www.newrepublic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yet more cult insanity..

2015-03-08 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro also did that. We know 
 very little about the Aztec and Incan civilisations because 
 all the artifacts were melted down into gold bar.  They 
 were deemed as works of the devil.

The library of Alexandria was destroyed by Amr, by the order 
of the Caliph Omar.  It is considered as one of the biggest 
acts of vandalism in history. It's reported to contained 8 
million books and scrolls.   It was earlier destroyed by the 
order of Emperor Theodosius I in 391.

The university of Nalanda was destroyed in 1200 AC by 
Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turkish invader. He demolished the 
university and over 9 million books and manuscripts were 
burnt down. All the buddhist monks residing in the 
university were slaughtered.

Islam is a vicious, licentious, treacherous, murderous 
religious ideology. Any religion that proclaims "kill all 
jews, kill all christians", is an insane ideology.

---  wrote :

 Re "Something especially depressing about this desecration of the ancient 

 My feelings also. I tremble to think of the reaction here in the UK if some 
crackpot Islamists started destroying precious British cultural survivals - say 
by blowing up Stonehenge or a medieval church.

---  wrote :


 Yeah, I know they've brutally killed thousands of innocent people and are 
medieval in their treatment of women, but there's something especially 
depressing about this desecration of the ancient world. These maniacs destroy 
our knowledge of our own civilisation's past and where we came from. 

 Beautiful beyond price these artefacts will never be seen again, they are gone 
from the world and all so a bunch of crazed zombies can feel they are 
conforming best to their own religious programming. 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Suffer little children..

2015-03-09 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


> ---  wrote :

 > > ---  wrote :
 > > Both, 'crass religionism' and 'crass commercialism' harm 
> > people, hurt children, reduce women to second class 
> > citizens.

> Non sequitur.

> > In fact, 'crass religionism' is as dangerous as 'crass 
> > commercialism'

> Non sequitur.

> > It's a fact that parents teach a lot of shit to children. 
> > But then, so do the government to people.  Systemic defects 
> > in the political structure need to be corrected.

> > Perhaps, the constitution itself needs to modified to be in 
> > tune with 'scientific realism' and rationalism.

> ---  wrote :

> Nobody wants to be told what to do by the federal government, least of all 
> how they should raise their own children. It's just not the American way. The 
> rules and laws that would regulate self-medication should be made by the 
> state (the people) and not dictated by the federal government. It's not 
> complicated.

> Freedom of choice is based on the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Listen to me carefully, you silly willy nilly, willytex 
punditster or serious_richard or whatever you are.

Religion has a moral code.  The nation-state Republic has a 
moral-code.  If there is a clash between the two, the 'moral 
code' of the Republic should take precedence over other 
'moral codes'.

A distinction should be made between 'religious faith' and 
'religious practices'.  The State gives guarantee only for 
one's religious faith.

If any 'religious practice' goes against public order, 
public health, public morality, then that religious practice 
should be curbed and eradicated.

Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism underwent some 
reformation process. But its not complete. Change is the 
nature of the universe.


---  wrote :

 The depressing part is that this scenario -- endangering the life of a child 
because of one's beliefs -- is what we've been talking about re the 
"anti-vaxers," only worse. In this case, the parents endangered only their own 
children. Opponents of vaccination endanger whole populations.  

---  wrote :

Yes indeed, evolution will go backwards again, make no mistake. 

 The saddest bit of the article for me was that "Followers of Christ" cemetery 
where 35% of the graves were those of newborn children. In the 21st century. 

---  wrote :
 Depressing little article about religious "privilege", but fascinating that 
this carries on so far into the 21st century in the world's richest, smartest 


Faith-Healer Parents Who Let Their Child Die Should Go to Jail 
 Faith-Healer Parents Who Let Their Child Die Should Go to ... 
 And yet, most U.S. states have exemptions for parents who withhold m...

 View on www.newrepublic.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Can Atheists be Allied with Believers?

2015-03-23 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Atheists have a much better understanding of the importance 
of 'family values' and 'community values' than any 
religionists on this planet.

We as proto-humans, lived in small groups for 2 million 
years, and we as humans still lived in small groups as 
hunter gatherers for 800,000 years. We lived as small 
agricultural communities for 14,000 years.

The average size of a hunter gatherer band was 40-50 people. 
The average size of an agricultural community was 200 to 300 

Humans are basicaly pair-bonding species because it enables 
the offspring to survive better. Humans are not evolved to 
have sexual relationships with strangers, that is total 
strangers. Some social bonding is required.

People indulging in high risk life-style, are infected with 
Toxoplasma gondii. Race-car drivers, sky-divers, Libertines, 
sucide bombers, Jihadists, religious fanatics, etc.

That includes faux-atheists like Barry. Don't listen to him.

I repeat, atheists have a much clearer understanding of the 
importance of family values and community values. You see a 
wide range of cooperation in the animal kingdom itself.

---  wrote :

 This author thinks so.  He thinks atheism is another form of tribalism.  What 
do you think?

Atheists’ self-defeating superiority: Why joining forces with religion is best 
for non-believers 
 Atheists’ self-defeating superiority: Why joining forces w... 
 Prominent atheists like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins judge people of f...
 View on www.salon.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-24 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

No, it's not just about money. It's about our survival as a 
species. It's also about competition, the Russians and the 
Chinese are not going to stay static.

To calculate the folding structure of a single protein would 
take one billion years, for all the super-computers on earth 
combined, right now.  A quantum computer would do that in a 
few minutes time.

Communism has no moral compass either. It breeds sloth, 
incompetency, inefficiency, kills merit, encourages 
mediocrity,  sloppiness etc etc.  I am sure you wouldn't 
like to live in those old commie countries.

It is inevitable that we eventualy go off this planet. It's 
the only way that we can survive as a specie. Many cosmic 
disasters have hit earth and will continue to do so. We 
merging with AI is the next step in evolution.

---  wrote :

 Blame capitalism.  It's all about the money.  All the tech companies care 
about is making money because if they don't then their stock will fall and the 
stockholders will complain.  So there is no moral compass asking what is the 
long term effects of the project they are working on.  We could probably just 
stop or slow where we are with technology and be fine for the next several 
hundred years.
 On 03/24/2015 11:04 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   He agrees with Hawking and others that AI is not good for humans.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Another X-ian nut from Texas running for Pres?

2015-03-24 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

You mean like this? Buddhist economics.


Once the State starts funding political parties, better 
quality politicians will start coming into the system.

Another problem is, fraudulent religions with their insane 
philosophies, shaping political policies is bound to be 

There is a difference between a state that recognizes all 
religions, and a state that recognizes no religion.  The 
state should not recognize any religion.

---  wrote :

 Uh Turq, Iceland's entire population is less than the county I live in.  So it 
wasn't hard for them to do what they did with the banksters.  In fact in this 
county our commissioners gave themselves a 30% raise and it was met with public 
ire and they had to rescind it and give themselves just a 7% one instead.  And 
they better not be on the ballot next time either.
 I frequently argue that if you want change in the US you need to start from 
the bottom up.  Start by changing your local government.  A lot of cities like 
this one and the neighboring Vallejo are run by a few opportunistic creeps.  
Vallejo had to declare bankruptcy but the town is primarily owned by three old 
families who of course are conservative and stodgy as rocks.  All they care 
about is their pocketbook and nobody else's.  This town is run by a group of 
real estate agents so you can understand their agenda which we have to often 
fight.  We did manage to get one new council member who isn't a real estate 
agent this last election.
 Once the public controls their local city then the county is next then the 
state and then maybe if this is done across the country the federal government 
can be revised.
 But there is a lot of work to be done.  For one thing we need to get rid of 
"too big to fail" businesses.  Not just banks but the telecoms too. And we need 
to eliminate the disease called billionairitis.  That's far easier to cure than 
cancer.  Just relieve them of their huge wealth tumor.  They can't handle that 
much wealth.  Only allow estates of a few million dollars and companies of 
limited size.  And while we're at it we can really streamline what government 
we need and start by throwing out a lot of dated laws that never get repealed 
as new ones are made.

 On 03/23/2015 09:09 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Nice post. 
 I'd comment, but I'm so disgusted at what passes for politics in the land of 
my birth these days that I dare not for fear of offending someone. Instead, 
here's my *positive* suggestion for how to "fix" America and make it whole 
 First, trash the Constitution and the current electoral system and go out and 
hire some fuckin' professionals instead of all these amateurs. Go to Iceland -- 
a country that managed to create leaders who actually stood up to the Banksters 
and the 1% and made their country economically sound again -- and hire these 
people who've actually DONE THAT as consultants, for a four-year contract. Pay 
them handsomely -- nay, extravagantly, so there is no fear of them trying to 
supplement their income through graft -- and just let them do their thing. 
 Throw out the current Executive branch and Legislative branches of U.S. 
government, and allow these seasoned professionals to actually RUN THINGS for a 
four-year period. They get to do whatever they think is necessary to fix the 
economic and social ills of America. 
 At the end of four years, offer the American people a choice of whether they'd 
prefer to go back to the old system, or continue on with professionals running 

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:anartaxius@...[FairfieldLife] 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Another X-ian nut from Texas running for Pres?
 My objection to Cruz is he is a scientific ignoramus, more so than most 
politicians, which tend as a group to fall into this category. Also he is 
presenting a view of the intent of the founding fathers of the United States 
that is not in line with history. They were largely Episcopalians in name only, 
following deistic ideas for the most part; Jefferson, in particular, was 
sometimes called an atheist by his contemporaries.

'Whenever the Supreme Court makes a decision that in any way restricts the 
intrusion of religion into the affairs of government, a flood of editorials, 
articles, and letters protesting the ruling is sure to appear in the 
newspapers. Many protesters decry these decisions on the grounds that they 
conflict with the wishes and intents of the "founding fathers".'

'Such a view of American history is completely contrary to known facts. The 
primary leaders of the so-called founding fathers of our nation were not 
Bible-believing Christians; they were deists. Deism was a philosophical belief 
that was widely accepted by the colonial intelligen

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and 
'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth. 
Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of 
ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the 
equal sharing of misery"  ~ Winston Churchill 

"Under communism, there is no incentive to supply people 
with anything they need or want, including safety."
 ~ George Reisman, (Capitalism : A Treatise on Economics 

"The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of 
mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists 
get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack 
any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas, 
and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider 
the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism 
is a mindset that regards the individual -- and his rights 
-- as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist 
believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen 
when socialists acquire power."
~ L. Neil Smith,  "Cambodian Road Trip", 15 March 2009)

"Communism has sometimes succeeded as a scavenger, but never 
as a leader. It has never come to power in a country that 
was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both."
~ John F. Kennedy, (Speech at NATO Headquarters, Naples 
Italy, 2 July 1963)

"Socialism...must have a dictatorship, it will not work 
without it."
~ Mao Zedong, (Dikötter,  The Tragedy of Liberation: A 
History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945–57)

"I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism, 
Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism -- both untrue 
and harmful."
~ Bertrand Russell, (My Religious Reminiscences, 1957) 

"Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. 
Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of 
poverty and hatred."
~ Bertrand Russell, (Portraits From Memory And Other Essays 

"Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their 
essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich 
man and his fine home says, 'No man should have so much.' 
The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should 
have as much.' "
– Phelps Adams

"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't 
need it, and hell where they already have it."

~ Ronald Reagan

"How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads 
Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's 
someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
~ Ronald Reagan

"Communism is like Prohibition, it's a good idea but it 
won't work"
– Will Rogers

"For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people 
in the West, it is still a living lion."
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff."
– Frank Zappa

"Any man who is not a communist at the age of twenty is a 
fool. Any man who is still a communist at the age of thirty 
is an even bigger fool."
~ George Bernard Shaw

---  wrote :

 Well I guess then you don't know the tech industry which I've worked with for 
years and continue to work with.  Yes it is about money.  Do you own stocks?  
 On 03/24/2015 12:26 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 No, it's not just about money. It's about our survival as a 
 species. It's also about competition, the Russians and the 
 Chinese are not going to stay static.
 To calculate the folding structure of a single protein would 
 take one billion years, for all the super-computers on earth 
 combined, right now.  A quantum computer would do that in a 
 few minutes time.
 Communism has no moral compass either. It breeds sloth, 
 incompetency, inefficiency, kills merit, encourages 
 mediocrity,  sloppiness etc etc.  I am sure you wouldn't 
 like to live in those old commie countries.
 It is inevitable that we eventualy go off this planet. It's 
 the only way that we can survive as a specie. Many cosmic 
 disasters have hit earth and will continue to do so. We 
 merging with AI is the next step in evolution.

 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Blame capitalism.  It's all about the money.  All the tech companies care 
about is making money because if they don't then their stock will fall and the 
stockholders will complain.  So there is no moral compass asking what is the 
long term effects of the project they are working on.  We could probably just 
stop or slow where we are with technology and be fine for the next several 
hundred years.
 On 03/24/2015 11:04 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   He agrees with Hawking and others that AI is not good for humans.
 Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad for People' 
 Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad... 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Ravi probably implictly claimed that he was "enlightened" 
(even though most people on this planet have no clue what it 

Rick acted in good faith. Perhaps he is much wiser man now.

Should Ravi's interview still stand?  Why did Rick dump it 
out? If some muck comes out on other interviewees, will Rick 
dump their interviews as well?

Rick should be aware that the TMO dumped out material, when 
it become uncomfortable for them.

---  wrote :

 A typical distortion. 

 Never takes long.

 Take away Barry's distortions, what have you got?

 A few clever links now and then.

 But the distortions?

 That's his own "clever" way to draw you into a meaningless discussion.

---  wrote :
As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too. 

 I agree, and not just because he is obsessed with stalking me, and has been 
for 20 years. Rick made Ravi Chivukula's obvious mental illnesses WORSE by 
giving him a forum on which to act them out. He is doing the same thing to 

---  wrote :

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a "high" for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

---  wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as "Cult Slayer".

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, "Reaction Vampire" 

 From: "'Rick Archer' rick@..." 
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

---  wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-26 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

'State Communism' was tried and it failed miserably for a 
number of reasons.

It was too simplistic and childish.  No balance between the 
individual and the collective.  First of all, a distinction 
should be made between 'essential goods' and 'non-essential 

Secondly, the success of cooperative entities like Mondragon 
cooperative in Spain and Amul cooperative in india proves 
that 'non-state socialism' is as effective as 'non-state 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul


The fact that these 'cooperative entities' are able to 
compete with 'corporate entities', and exist with them side 
by side, even do business with each other, proves that there 
is space for both approaches.

Non-state socialism can exist along with non-state 

---  wrote :

 "Communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried."  "What some 
people think are communist countries are family businesses.  North Korea as an 

 On 03/25/2015 04:45 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and 
 'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth. 
 Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.
 "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of 
 ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the 
 equal sharing of misery"  ~ Winston Churchill 
 "Under communism, there is no incentive to supply people 
 with anything they need or want, including safety."
  ~ George Reisman, (Capitalism : A Treatise on Economics 
 "The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of 
 mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists 
 get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack 
 any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas, 
 and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider 
 the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism 
 is a mindset that regards the individual -- and his rights 
 -- as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist 
 believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen 
 when socialists acquire power."
 ~ L. Neil Smith,  "Cambodian Road Trip", 15 March 2009)
 "Communism has sometimes succeeded as a scavenger, but never 
 as a leader. It has never come to power in a country that 
 was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both."
 ~ John F. Kennedy, (Speech at NATO Headquarters, Naples 
 Italy, 2 July 1963)
 "Socialism...must have a dictatorship, it will not work 
 without it."
 ~ Mao Zedong, (Dikötter,  The Tragedy of Liberation: A 
 History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945–57)
 "I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism, 
 Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism -- both untrue 
 and harmful."
 ~ Bertrand Russell, (My Religious Reminiscences, 1957) 
 "Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. 
 Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of 
 poverty and hatred."
 ~ Bertrand Russell, (Portraits From Memory And Other Essays 
 "Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their 
 essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich 
 man and his fine home says, 'No man should have so much.' 
 The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should 
 have as much.' "
 – Phelps Adams
 "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't 
 need it, and hell where they already have it."
 ~ Ronald Reagan
 "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads 
 Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's 
 someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
 ~ Ronald Reagan
 "Communism is like Prohibition, it's a good idea but it 
 won't work"
 – Will Rogers
 "For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people 
 in the West, it is still a living lion."
 – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
 "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff."
 – Frank Zappa
 "Any man who is not a communist at the age of twenty is a 
 fool. Any man who is still a communist at the age of thirty 
 is an even bigger fool."
 ~ George Bernard Shaw
 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Well I guess then you don't know the tech industry which I've worked with for 
years and continue to work with.  Yes it is about money.  Do you own stocks?  
 On 03/24/2015 12:26 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 No, it's not just about money. It's about our survival as a 
 species. It's also about competition, the Russians and the 
 Chinese are not going to stay static.
 To calculate the folding structure of a single protein would 
 take one billion years, for all the super-computers on earth 
 combined, right now.  A quantum computer would do

[FairfieldLife] Re: Living Communally: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-26 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Buck, you will getter a good understanding from this link 


In a cooperative entity, you have only one vote no matter 
how many shares you own. This is one essential difference 
form corporate entity.  Their goal is minimal profits. 
Though, there are some cooperative entities that are 
non-profit and yet do business.

---  wrote :

Thanks, really interesting thoughtful posts.

These are secular cooperatives you mention? Where people live together 
Shared-goods other than just the business? Housing? Meals? Health 
Insurance/care? The aged? Non-spiritual? 
What keeps them together other than their business model?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

'State Communism' was tried and it failed miserably for a 
number of reasons.

It was too simplistic and childish.  No balance between the 
individual and the collective.  First of all, a distinction 
should be made between 'essential goods' and 'non-essential 

Secondly, the success of cooperative entities like Mondragon 
cooperative in Spain and Amul cooperative in india proves 
that 'non-state socialism' is as effective as 'non-state 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul


The fact that these 'cooperative entities' are able to 
compete with 'corporate entities', and exist with them side 
by side, even do business with each other, proves that there 
is space for both approaches.

Non-state socialism can exist along with non-state 

---  wrote :

 "Communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried."  "What some 
people think are communist countries are family businesses.  North Korea as an 

 On 03/25/2015 04:45 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and 
 'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth. 
 Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.
 "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of 
 ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the 
 equal sharing of misery"  ~ Winston Churchill 
 "Under communism, there is no incentive to supply people 
 with anything they need or want, including safety."
  ~ George Reisman, (Capitalism : A Treatise on Economics 
 "The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of 
 mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists 
 get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack 
 any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas, 
 and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider 
 the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism 
 is a mindset that regards the individual -- and his rights 
 -- as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist 
 believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen 
 when socialists acquire power."
 ~ L. Neil Smith,  "Cambodian Road Trip", 15 March 2009)
 "Communism has sometimes succeeded as a scavenger, but never 
 as a leader. It has never come to power in a country that 
 was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both."
 ~ John F. Kennedy, (Speech at NATO Headquarters, Naples 
 Italy, 2 July 1963)
 "Socialism...must have a dictatorship, it will not work 
 without it."
 ~ Mao Zedong, (Dikötter,  The Tragedy of Liberation: A 
 History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945–57)
 "I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism, 
 Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism -- both untrue 
 and harmful."
 ~ Bertrand Russell, (My Religious Reminiscences, 1957) 
 "Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. 
 Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of 
 poverty and hatred."
 ~ Bertrand Russell, (Portraits From Memory And Other Essays 
 "Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their 
 essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich 
 man and his fine home says, 'No man should have so much.' 
 The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should 
 have as much.' "
 – Phelps Adams
 "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't 
 need it, and hell where they already have it."
 ~ Ronald Reagan
 "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads 
 Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's 
 someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
 ~ Ronald Reagan
 "Communism is like Prohibition, it's a good idea but it 
 won't work"
 – Will Rogers
 "For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people 
 in the West, it is still a living lion."
 – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
 "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff."
 – Frank Zappa
 "Any man who is not a commun

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-27 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 On 03/26/2015 03:07 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   'State Communism' was tried and it failed miserably for a 
 number of reasons.

---  wrote :

 Where?  Kerala has a "communist" government and yet it was the cleanest and 
most organized of the places I visited in India.  And private business was even 

More than 2 million people from kerala work in the 
middle-east, and they send remittances home. That keeps 
kerala going right now.

Besides, it was the cooperative entities that facilitated 
housing development, finance and agriculture.  Private 
business have lot of difficulties in Kerala. Many   
entrepreneurs moved out citing difficult environment.
These 'communists' are every bit corrupt as any other party.

 It was too simplistic and childish.  No balance between the 
 individual and the collective.  First of all, a distinction 
 should be made between 'essential goods' and 'non-essential 

---  wrote :

 That outlook is simplistic and childish.  And apparently the viewpoint of an 
"armchair capitalist." ;-) 
 I asked if you owned any stocks and instead I got a bunch of quotes, mostly PR 
from people who concerned about their public image.  If you don't trade in 
stocks how can you really experience what capitalism is about?  Maybe you 
should read Marx as capitalists say if you want to understand capitalism you 
need to read his works.
 I was involved in taking a private company public.  There's the old saw 
"private companies work for dollars and public companies work for quarters."  
Nothing could be more true.  As a private company we were focused on making 
products people wanted to buy.  Once public we were focused on meeting the 
expectations of Wall Street.  Even as a public company we should have kept the 
focus on good products rather than release dates but try to convince investment 
bankers of that.
 There's a six part BBC documentary on the Spanish Civil War on YouTube.   When 
the monarchy rescinded their rule the country was thrown open to the public 
deciding what form of government they wanted.  The most popular was anarchy.  
No body owns anything and scripts are used for trade.  The rich property owners 
didn't want that so they were trying to overthrow it and succeeded in the 
horrific fascist government of Franco.   Is that what you want?  The US is 
headed that way.
There is nothing to prevent the local community from using 
scrip stamps for trade.

 Secondly, the success of cooperative entities like Mondragon 
 cooperative in Spain and Amul cooperative in india proves 
 that 'non-state socialism' is as effective as 'non-state 

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul
 The fact that these 'cooperative entities' are able to 
 compete with 'corporate entities', and exist with them side 
 by side, even do business with each other, proves that there 
 is space for both approaches.
 Non-state socialism can exist along with non-state 

---  wrote :

 We have employee run companies here in the SF Bay Area.  Rainbow Bread is one 
of them.  They also make a good product.  Coops were very popular in the 1960s 
and 1970s.  My sister was the comptroller for one of the Bay Area ones.  
Seattle has a grocery co-op I was a member of.  It was a good place to get 
natural and organic food.  Beat the hell out of "Whole Foods".
 Thing is laissez-faire capitalism has run amok, created too much inequality 
and as such I think could be a pendulum swing the other direction to extreme 
socialism which is not a good solution either.  But none the less the 
punishment for those who abused the privilege of a capitalist economy.

Once you sort out the political funding issue, you can start 
dealing with this issue. Parties need funds to function and 
it's better if the State gives them. The idea of business 
capital funding parties, goes against the spirit of 

Corporate entities don't vote. They should not be allowed to 
donate more than 5% of their profits to parties.

---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 "Communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried."  "What some 
people think are communist countries are family businesses.  North Korea as an 
 On 03/25/2015 04:45 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and 
 'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth. 
 Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.
 "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of 
 ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the 
 equal sharing of misery"  ~ Winston Churchill 
 "Under communism, there is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-27 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Actually, this is an old issue. Remember Standard Oil which 
was broken into 6 companies.  Artifically big banks can be 
broken into manageable units.

Kerala at one stage had become so moribund, even rice had to 
be imported from neighboring provinces. Only after the 
unruly unions were reined in, things began to get better 

Indians in US send no shit home. Remitances from the 
middle-east give kerala a financial flexibility.

I think I told you a hundred times that the political 
funding issue needs to be sorted out first.  First things 

It was the East India company that wrecked india from 1757 
to 1857. The british govt took over in 1857, but it was too 

---  wrote :

 You so don't understand.  I'm not advocating socialism just condemning 
lassiez-faire capitalism or "capitalists gone wild!" Surely you don't think 
that "too big to fail" banks are a good thing, do you?  Or have you been 
brainwashed by some business school bullshit, perhaps MUM economics?
 And what did you think of Kerala when you were there? :-D 
 BTW, lots of Indians works all over the world and send money back home.  India 
was under foreign domination for centuries and when they got the country back 
the fascists took over.  They're still trying to sort that out.  The country is 
too big and needs to be more state thus regionally focused.  It's still run by 

 On 03/27/2015 12:08 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Hide message history

 On 03/26/2015 03:07 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   'State Communism' was tried and it failed miserably for a 
 number of reasons.

 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Where?  Kerala has a "communist" government and yet it was the cleanest and 
most organized of the places I visited in India.  And private business was even 
 More than 2 million people from kerala work in the 
 middle-east, and they send remittances home. That keeps 
 kerala going right now.
 Besides, it was the cooperative entities that facilitated 
 housing development, finance and agriculture.  Private 
 business have lot of difficulties in Kerala. Many   
 entrepreneurs moved out citing difficult environment.
 These 'communists' are every bit corrupt as any other party.
 It was too simplistic and childish.  No balance between the 
 individual and the collective.  First of all, a distinction 
 should be made between 'essential goods' and 'non-essential 

 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 That outlook is simplistic and childish.  And apparently the viewpoint of an 
"armchair capitalist." ;-) 
 I asked if you owned any stocks and instead I got a bunch of quotes, mostly PR 
from people who concerned about their public image.  If you don't trade in 
stocks how can you really experience what capitalism is about?  Maybe you 
should read Marx as capitalists say if you want to understand capitalism you 
need to read his works.
 I was involved in taking a private company public.  There's the old saw 
"private companies work for dollars and public companies work for quarters."  
Nothing could be more true.  As a private company we were focused on making 
products people wanted to buy.  Once public we were focused on meeting the 
expectations of Wall Street.  Even as a public company we should have kept the 
focus on good products rather than release dates but try to convince investment 
bankers of that.
 There's a six part BBC documentary on the Spanish Civil War on YouTube.   When 
the monarchy rescinded their rule the country was thrown open to the public 
deciding what form of government they wanted.  The most popular was anarchy.  
No body owns anything and scripts are used for trade.  The rich property owners 
didn't want that so they were trying to overthrow it and succeeded in the 
horrific fascist government of Franco.   Is that what you want?  The US is 
headed that way.
 There is nothing to prevent the local community from using 
 scrip stamps for trade.
 Secondly, the success of cooperative entities like Mondragon 
 cooperative in Spain and Amul cooperative in india proves 
 that 'non-state socialism' is as effective as 'non-state 

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul
 The fact that these 'cooperative entities' are able to 
 compete with 'corporate entities', and exist with them side 
 by side, even do business with each other, proves that there 
 is space for both approaches.
 Non-state socialism can exist along with non-state 

 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 We have employee run companies here in the SF Bay Area.  Rainbow Bread is one 
of them.  They als

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-28 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Bhairitu, you are plain nuts. To solve a problem, one has to 
look at the root of the problem.  For some peculiar reason, 
you are refusing to address this.

You keep putting the blame on capitalism, when the real 
villain is consumerism. You can easily defeat consumerism 
with a simple progressive consumption tax regime.

This idea deserves to be sold.  All radical ideas need some 
selling the beginning because mind has a tendency to become 
dogmatic.  I wonder why you reject this idea?  The peoples 
party in Norway get 90% of its income from the government.

A lot of indians try to invest in US itself.  The Chinese on 
the other hand, dutifuly send money home.

I was in kerala in 1998. It became really bad in the early 
2000's. Kerala was known for 'general public strikes' called 
"bandhs". Even in the 80's it was difficult for private 
businesses.  Old timers tell me that things were very 
different in the 1950's and 60's.  It was far more 

 On 03/27/2015 01:43 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Actually, this is an old issue. Remember Standard Oil which 
 was broken into 6 companies.  Artifically big banks can be 
 broken into manageable units.

---  wrote : 

Mergers and acquisitions are a craze in the business community.  When our 
company went public we were "encouraged" to buy some smaller companies.  Big 
mistake as we were having problems managing our company as it was.  Then there 
was the "blues" of the people who worked in the smaller company who didn't want 
the owner to sell out and liked working there as it was.
 IBM tends to spin off successful units as they did with Lexmark and Lenovo.  
That probably was because of an anti-trust suit against them years ago.
 When you merge a company duplicate positions in the acquired company get laid 
off.  So it creates more unemployment.
 The big banks are out of control and malicious.  Try arguing with their case 
workers as I did for a mistake they made.
 Kerala at one stage had become so moribund, even rice had to 
 be imported from neighboring provinces. Only after the 
 unruly unions were reined in, things began to get better 

---  wrote : 

When was this?  I was there in 1996. 

 Indians in US send no shit home. Remitances from the 
 middle-east give kerala a financial flexibility.

---  wrote :

 Really?  I know Indians that send money home.
 I think I told you a hundred times that the political 
 funding issue needs to be sorted out first.  First things 

---  wrote :

 You can tell me all you want but I won't buy what you're selling. :-D 

 It was the East India company that wrecked india from 1757 
 to 1857. The british govt took over in 1857, but it was too 

---  wrote :

 East India Company was a British company.  The same one our founding fathers 
rebelled against.


 ---  mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 You so don't understand.  I'm not advocating socialism just condemning 
lassiez-faire capitalism or "capitalists gone wild!" Surely you don't think 
that "too big to fail" banks are a good thing, do you?  Or have you been 
brainwashed by some business school bullshit, perhaps MUM economics?

 And what did you think of Kerala when you were there? :-D 
 BTW, lots of Indians works all over the world and send money back home.  India 
was under foreign domination for centuries and when they got the country back 
the fascists took over.  They're still trying to sort that out.  The country is 
too big and needs to be more state thus regionally focused.  It's still run by 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tim Cook Wants to Give Fortune Away

2015-03-28 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 From: "jr_esq@..." 
 One wonders why some rich people are doing this.  Are they in tremendous 
pressure from the IRS and others from keeping their wealth?  Does his wife and 
children agree with this decision?

---  wrote :


 Just when I think it really isn't possible for JR to get any less intelligent, 
he surprises me. Not only is he incapable of  imagining a rich person deciding 
to share his wealth with others, he doesn't even know that the CEO of Apple is 


This could explain how Winthrop and Albert worked on the 
non-weapon part, of an exclusively weapons project in which, 
one of them was denied security clearance.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-28 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Semitic religions, that is Judeo-christian-muslim worldview 
is basicaly literalist.  Most of what is written there are 
interperted literaly.

Eastern religions, that is Hindu-Buddhist philosophy is more 
metaphorical, allegorical, symbolic and figurative.

This leads to confusion and misunderstanding, when both 
groups read each other's literature.

Could it be JohnR is a literalist?

---  wrote :

Religious scriptures can contain some mention of facts, but usually they seem 
to be on the order of say the mention of the Kennedy assassination in the 
Illuminatus! triology of Shea & Wilson, where there is quite a lot of mention 
of historical people in an otherwise unbelievable story. There is more 
historical information available for Pontius Pilate than for Jesus. JR's view 
of the world does not seem to rest much on factual data, and seems to lack an 
underpinning of basic logic. Religious scriptures and apologetics basically 
just want to convince you of something, and there is nothing I see wrong in 
that, but buyer beware. Our societies tend not to give us the tools to think 
critically. The Netherlands has been a place where free thinking has had a 
better hold than in most, but I am ignorant of how well that is holding up 
---  wrote :

 I am aware of the problems with establishing the historical existence of many 
religious figures, Xeno, but that isn't what I was getting at with JR. I have 
noticed in him a tendency that I doubt he is aware of -- or, if he is, he 
probably sees nothing wrong with. 


 When claiming to believe in the existence of Krishna or similar figures from 
religious myth here in the past, he has cited as proof "scriptures" such as the 
Gita. Bzzt. Thanks for playing, but no win. Religious scriptures are NOT 
factual, no matter how many people believe they are. Scholars often don't even 
know the *century* many of them were written in, much less who wrote them. Best 
to consider them creative fiction written with the intent to inspire IMO.

 The only *other* mechanism by which JR can claim to have "done research" on 
the question of whether someone like Krishna existed in real life or not is 
"seeing" -- meaning some kind of subjective realization or vision or intuition. 
While I admit that such things exist -- subjectively -- I do NOT admit that any 
of these "seeings" have anything to do with fact. If they did, more people who 
claim to be able to see the future would be millionaires.  :-)

 I was just hoping to see JR try to actually posit and then defend some 
mechanism by which he thinks "proof" could be offered of Krishna's existence. 
If he actually tried, it might wake him up to the fact that the only reason he 
*does* believe in such silliness is that someone he holds as an "authority" 
said so. In other words, his only "proof" is the word "Maharishisez."

 Now, as for Schroedinger's cat, I for one have no problem with someone being 
both alive and dead at the same time. Just look at Keith Richards -- the guy 
has looked like death on a stick since the 1960s, yet he still manages to tour 
and play some pretty good guitar. If that's not an example of Schroedinger's 
paradox, I don't know what is.  :-)


 As for the answer to "What's in the big pink box, man?" that is as much of a 
koan as it was when posed in the movie "Buckaroo Banzai." Me, I kinda doubt 
it's enlightenment.  :-)



[FairfieldLife] Re: Living Communally: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-28 Thread jason_gre...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

You have a point. My point is it's good to have a healthy 
eco-system, of the economic system.  A system that has 
diversity of approaches will be more stable in the long run.

I have often noticed that any organisation or country, it's 
success often depends on the vision of the top-man, ie the 
leader.  Could it be a law of nature?

The key word here is transparency. It eliminates 
mismanagement, brings in professionalism.

---  wrote :

Hy-Vee Foods, "Employee Owned" is another good life-cycle example of this 
potential within cooperative living if not actively looked out for by a level 
of transparency and civil society. Employee-owned with a few people at the top 
management cutting hours and benefits of their working not-quite full-time 
employees to pay profits for the salaries of boards and managers on top. As one 
full-time employee there observed after work hours were cut to less than full 
time, " 'Employee Owned' by five people at the top.."  

Thanks, co-ops sound very ideal towards a sharing. Though sounds further in 
time a lot like any organizations where things starts off with a membership 
with one-person-one-vote then you get an administrative board elected. And it 
becomes an oligarchy of sorts.

Seems co-ops often just go the route of corporations anyway. ..Good for a few 
people at the top once it gets going. Sort of like the Standing Committee over 
communist China.  Putin's Oligarchy.  Or, the TM movement now.


 Thanks, co-ops sound very ideal towards a sharing. Though sounds further in 
time a lot like any organizations where things starts off with a membership 
with one-person-one-vote then you get an administrative board elected. And it 
becomes an oligarchy of sorts. 

 Like what happened with the New Pioneer Food Coop in Iowa City. Now a few 
high-paid administrator/store-managers working at the board level over the 
membership, high priced food, and a lot of lowly-paid working-poor employees to 
pay for the administrator managers. 

 Same thing for this Heartland 'Cooperative' that just built this massive 
multi-million dollar facility for the simple business of unloading and 
re-loading grain on to a monopoly-owned rail-line here with slim chance of 
pay-back. Small group of manager-class running it. Pretty evidently a project 
that an administrative-team put together for itself aside from the membership 
understanding the economics of it so far as pay-back. The membership proly 
would have been better off with that capital returned in dividend. But of 
course there is no job in that for the manager-class. 

 Seems co-ops often just go the route of corporations anyway. ..Good for a few 
people at the top once it gets going. Sort of like the Standing Committee over 
communist China.  Putin's Oligarchy.  Or, the TM movement now.

 -Buck, a meditator member in a meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa

---  wrote :

 Buck, you will getter a good understanding from this link 


In a cooperative entity, you have only one vote no matter 
how many shares you own. This is one essential difference 
form corporate entity.  Their goal is minimal profits. 
Though, there are some cooperative entities that are 
non-profit and yet do business.

---  wrote :

Thanks, really interesting thoughtful posts.

These are secular cooperatives you mention? Where people live together 
Shared-goods other than just the business? Housing? Meals? Health 
Insurance/care? The aged? Non-spiritual? 
What keeps them together other than their business model?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

'State Communism' was tried and it failed miserably for a 
number of reasons.

It was too simplistic and childish.  No balance between the 
individual and the collective.  First of all, a distinction 
should be made between 'essential goods' and 'non-essential 

Secondly, the success of cooperative entities like Mondragon 
cooperative in Spain and Amul cooperative in india proves 
that 'non-state socialism' is as effective as 'non-state 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amul


The fact that these 'cooperative entities' are able to 
compete with 'corporate entities', and exist with them side 
by side, even do business with each other, proves that there 
is space for both approaches.

Non-state socialism can exist along with non-state 

---  wrote :

 "Communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried."  "What some 
people think are communist countries are family businesses.  North Korea as an 

 On 03/25/2015 04:45 AM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote: