2010-07-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_re...@... wrote:

 Judy, If by reputable you mean main stream media, I have
 to disagree when it comes to investigations of very powerful
 vested interests.

No, the phrase I used was reputable news sources. That
could be the MSM in some cases; it could be various
alternative sources, including blogs and news and
commentary Web sites, in others; books in still others;
and so on.

In each category, some are more reputable than others.
You have to check out a source's reliability, cross-
checking with other sources, and make your own judgments.
Each one is will have its biases, so you need to identify
and take those into account as well. And most important
of all, you need to be aware of your *own* biases.

 But what I find heartening in this story is indeed now we
 seem to be seeing more truth in main stream outlets such
 as Bloomberg.

Bloomberg's not bad among the MSM. An MSM source I've
found to be pretty reliable is McClatchey. The NYTimes
has done some excellent investigative reporting (but
they fall down hard in other areas). Rachel Maddow of
MSNBC has done some good stuff but also some bad stuff.
CNN has long since lost its edge, so I don't pay much
attention to it. It tries so hard to be objective that
it ends up being uselessly bland.

 And I am seeing it in Fox going after the Federal
 Reserve/AIG scandal which may be the biggest fraud in
 US history.

I don't trust Fox any further than I can throw it. That
doesn't mean it doesn't occasionally get something correct,
but its right-wing bias is extreme, and all too often it
isn't careful with facts. (It has one anchor, Shep Smith,
whom I tend to trust. He's so popular and so principled
that Fox treats him with kid gloves even when he doesn't
uphold the Fox party line.)

But I wouldn't put much stock in any Fox story or
investigation unless it was backed up by many other
sources across the political spectrum.

And Christopher Story is just beyond the pale. Why you
waste any time on his site, I can't imagine.


2010-07-01 Thread Bhairitu
Your first problem was pointing to the tacky looking WorldReports 
website put together by eccentric right leaning individuals.  Would have 
been better to post the original source material which are more 
difficult to for the curmudgeons here to refute.  Even some on the left 
have tacky looking websites.  I glean info from all over the spectrum 
because there is some truth to be gleaned in all of them if not just to 
watch the bigger picture of the brewing  (or centuries ongoing) war 
between the right and the left.  When I find such items on web pages I 
know will bring hackles from the peanut gallery about the messenger 
the solution is often a click away at the top of the article which 
contains a link to the original.

I really don't think we're going to see the light at the end of the 
tunnel very soon.  The rich have trashed the economy using their 
faithful serfs the Republicans (and even enlisting some Democrats) so 
they can buy our properties for pennies on the dollar.  I solute the 
rich with my middle finger and encourage the public to do so too.  
They've had power far too long and it is time for a real revolution and 
move economic thought into the 21st century to make it a world for the 
people and not a selfish few.

brian64705 wrote:
 Judy, If by reputable you mean main stream media, I have to disagree when 
 it comes to investigations of very powerful vested interests.

 But what I find heartening in this story is indeed now we seem to be seeing 
 more truth in main stream outlets such as Bloomberg. And I am seeing it in 
 Fox going after the Federal Reserve/AIG scandal which may be the biggest 
 fraud in US history. These are really positive signs. There's a lot of gloom 
 about - especially with this Gulf disaster, and the economic recovery seems 
 to have stalled. So I look for these signs that indeed a better world is 
 emerging and we can see light at the end of the tunnel. 

 Whistle-blowers have an important role to play. They don't always get it 
 right - but they help to lead the way for further investigation to uncover 
 the truth. In this case Bloomberg is revealing what many have said for 
 decades. Mike Ruppert has been a long time whistleblower on the role banks 
 and the govt collaborate in the international drugs trade. His work began by 
 exposing undercover CIA operations to bring drugs into the US while he was an 
 LAPD officer. He is a hero in my view and his work nearly cost him his life.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
 I'm not disputing that Wachovia is evil, Brian. I'm saying 
 you should be reading reputable news sources rather than

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
 Hmm - more ad hominems!  

 In this case Christopher Story is merely reposting a story from Bloomberg 
 news with a few comments. Have a look at the video of the former Money 
 Laundering unit of Wachovia interviewed on the left here at 

 So you're saying these are right wing nut jobs?

 The videos of Chistopher Story are here:


 Yes I use snopes for more trivial matters. But certainly not for the high 
 finance allegations being discussed here.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
 Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to land in his 
 e-mail in-box.

 I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. 
 Almost invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the 
 embarrassment of sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean letting 
 the truth get in the way of the message they WANT to believe.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
 This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
 added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org
 Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?

 He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:



 If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
 much alive.

 Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
 arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
 the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
 that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
 lots more insane nonsense.

 I mean, come on.

 The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
 I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
 was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
 at the source instead of via Story 


2010-07-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Your first problem was pointing to the tacky looking
 WorldReports website put together by eccentric right
 leaning individuals.  Would have been better to post
 the original source material which are more difficult
 to for the curmudgeons here to refute.

For the record, I never said I had any problem with the
Bloomberg piece itself. I've seen nothing that would
lead me to even try to refute it. It was the commentary
by the guy who runs the Web site that quoted the article
that I was objecting to.

And I'd suggest claiming back in 2008 that Hank Paulson
had been assassinated qualifies the dude as a bit more
than merely eccentric. Reputable bloggers, when they
make a claim that turns out to have been false--
especially if it was *wildly* false--post a correction.
The page claiming the Paulson assassination has no such
correction; rather, it rails against those who challenge
the site's accuracy.

 Even some on the left have tacky looking websites.

I've never seen a lefty site that looked quite *that*
tacky, actually.

 When I find such items on web pages I know will bring
 hackles from the peanut gallery about the messenger 
 the solution is often a click away at the top of the
 article which contains a link to the original.

That's what *I* suggested to Brian, that he cite the
Bloomberg piece itself rather than the Story Web site.
Apparently you didn't read my posts very carefully.

(BTW, I'd have to go back to his site to check, but I'm
not sure Story *himself* gave a link to the Bloomberg


2010-07-01 Thread brian64705
Judy, but all the sources you review here are MSM. Care to extend your review 
to alternative media sites you like?   It seems the online/alternative media is 
having a huge impact on the MSM print and broadcast media. With the alternative 
media acting as a watchdog and competitor they cannot ignore. For intelligence 
matters and stories with a powerful corporate vested interested scores of 
whistleblowers have alleged the MSM witholds or slants stories to serve these 
vested interests. Take for example the following quotes by CIA Directors:

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American 
public believes is false.-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff 
meeting in 1981)

The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major 
media.--William Colby, Director of Central Intelligence

These and scores of others indicate that one needs to go beyond MSM to get a 
true understanding when powerful vested interests have a stake in a story.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  Judy, If by reputable you mean main stream media, I have
  to disagree when it comes to investigations of very powerful
  vested interests.
 No, the phrase I used was reputable news sources. That
 could be the MSM in some cases; it could be various
 alternative sources, including blogs and news and
 commentary Web sites, in others; books in still others;
 and so on.
 In each category, some are more reputable than others.
 You have to check out a source's reliability, cross-
 checking with other sources, and make your own judgments.
 Each one is will have its biases, so you need to identify
 and take those into account as well. And most important
 of all, you need to be aware of your *own* biases.
  But what I find heartening in this story is indeed now we
  seem to be seeing more truth in main stream outlets such
  as Bloomberg.
 Bloomberg's not bad among the MSM. An MSM source I've
 found to be pretty reliable is McClatchey. The NYTimes
 has done some excellent investigative reporting (but
 they fall down hard in other areas). Rachel Maddow of
 MSNBC has done some good stuff but also some bad stuff.
 CNN has long since lost its edge, so I don't pay much
 attention to it. It tries so hard to be objective that
 it ends up being uselessly bland.
  And I am seeing it in Fox going after the Federal
  Reserve/AIG scandal which may be the biggest fraud in
  US history.
 I don't trust Fox any further than I can throw it. That
 doesn't mean it doesn't occasionally get something correct,
 but its right-wing bias is extreme, and all too often it
 isn't careful with facts. (It has one anchor, Shep Smith,
 whom I tend to trust. He's so popular and so principled
 that Fox treats him with kid gloves even when he doesn't
 uphold the Fox party line.)
 But I wouldn't put much stock in any Fox story or
 investigation unless it was backed up by many other
 sources across the political spectrum.
 And Christopher Story is just beyond the pale. Why you
 waste any time on his site, I can't imagine.


2010-07-01 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 When I find such items on web pages I know will bring
 hackles from the peanut gallery about the messenger 
 the solution is often a click away at the top of the
 article which contains a link to the original.

 That's what *I* suggested to Brian, that he cite the
 Bloomberg piece itself rather than the Story Web site.
 Apparently you didn't read my posts very carefully.

So I recommended the same thing.  What of it?


2010-07-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_re...@... wrote:

 Judy, but all the sources you review here are MSM. Care to
 extend your review to alternative media sites you like?

Sure. Slate.com and Salon.com are both pretty good, but
you have to get familiar with the individual writers, who
have different slants on things. Andrew Leonard's How the
World Works column on Salon is usually superb. Both sites
have a fair number of crap articles on modern culture,
but also some good political reporting and commentary.

James Fallows of The Atlantic is a fave--very smart, very
honest, very well informed. He focuses mainly on China,
and he's a bit too much of an Obamabot to suit me, but
he'll criticize him when he thinks it's called for.

Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish blog is a terrific potpourri
of items, but again you have to get familiar with his
various biases and blind spots. He's excellent on civil
liberties and LGBT rights. He styles himself as an old-
fashioned conservative, but he's quite liberal on many
social issues.

digby on the Hullabaloo blog is often extremely insightful.

TalkLeft is a blog nominally concerned with legal issues,
but one of its two editors, known as Big Tent Democrat,
has a very sharp political perspective, and the commenters
are more knowledgeable and sane than most.

Kevin Drum's blog at Mother Jones is frequently excellent;
he's a centrist Dem.

Reality-Based Community is a group blog with varying
perspectives, primarily leftish, but with some rightward-
leaning commenters.

The American Prospect's group blog, Tapped, has very good
political and economic commentary.

John Cole of Balloon Juice is cantankerous and touchy--
he's a Republican who switched to Democrat a few years
ago--but he often has good insights.

For information and knowledgeable perspective on the Gulf
oil spill (much of it pretty technical), TheOilDrum's
Deepwater Horizon posts and the extended commeters' 
discussions are without peer.

One of the regular commenters, a very bright Gulf Shores
resident with a lot of heart known as TinFoilHatGuy, has
just started a blog called Gulf Coast Nirvana reporting
on local conditions that I plan to check in with
regularly; it looks very promising. Google hasn't picked
it up yet; here's the URL:


The right-wing perspective is probably most intelligently
represented by The National Review's Corner blog. It's
so distasteful I dip into it only rarely, but it's a good
representative sampling.

 It seems the online/alternative media is having a huge
 impact on the MSM print and broadcast media. With the
 alternative media acting as a watchdog and competitor
 they cannot ignore. For intelligence matters and stories
 with a powerful corporate vested interested scores of 
 whistleblowers have alleged the MSM witholds or slants
 stories to serve these vested interests.

Agree completely. BUT you have to evaluate the 
whistleblowers pretty carefully, because they can have
their own vested interests. I tend to steer clear of
conspiracy-theory sites; if the theories have any
substance, they'll most likely begin to surface, if not
in the MSM, at least on some of the more rational blogs.

 Take for example the following quotes by CIA Directors:
 We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the 
 American public believes is false.-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first 
 staff meeting in 1981)
 The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the 
 major media.--William Colby, Director of Central Intelligence
 These and scores of others indicate that one needs to go beyond MSM to get a 
 true understanding when powerful vested interests have a stake in a story.


2010-07-01 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 authfriend wrote:

  When I find such items on web pages I know will bring
  hackles from the peanut gallery about the messenger 
  the solution is often a click away at the top of the
  article which contains a link to the original.
  That's what *I* suggested to Brian, that he cite the
  Bloomberg piece itself rather than the Story Web site.
  Apparently you didn't read my posts very carefully.
 So I recommended the same thing.  What of it?

Come on, Bhairitu. I was the only one discussing this
with Brian. Your post to him was explaining how he should
deal with me and people like me, but almost nothing
you said actually *applied* to me.


2010-07-01 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 When I find such items on web pages I know will bring
 hackles from the peanut gallery about the messenger 
 the solution is often a click away at the top of the
 article which contains a link to the original.
 That's what *I* suggested to Brian, that he cite the
 Bloomberg piece itself rather than the Story Web site.
 Apparently you didn't read my posts very carefully.
 So I recommended the same thing.  What of it?

 Come on, Bhairitu. I was the only one discussing this
 with Brian. Your post to him was explaining how he should
 deal with me and people like me, but almost nothing
 you said actually *applied* to me.

So then why does it bother you?


2010-06-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_re...@... wrote:

 This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
 added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org

Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?

He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:



If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
much alive.

Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
lots more insane nonsense.

I mean, come on.

The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
at the source instead of via Story with his comments.


2010-06-30 Thread brian64705
The Bloomberg story is published here:


I've been reading Christopher Story for about 4 years. So yes sometimes he gets 
it wrong, but when we see the main stream starting to corroborate I pay 

 I wouldn't say crackpot - he doesn't seem so in his talks on Youtube. And the 
list of publications, subscribers, testimonials, and former clients are 
impressive. See:


2010-06-30 Thread Joe
Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to land in his e-mail 

I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. Almost 
invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the embarrassment of 
sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean letting the truth get in the 
way of the message they WANT to believe.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
  added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org
 Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?
 He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:
 If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
 much alive.
 Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
 arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
 the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
 that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
 lots more insane nonsense.
 I mean, come on.
 The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
 I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
 was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
 at the source instead of via Story with his comments.


2010-06-30 Thread brian64705
Hmm - more ad hominems!  

In this case Christopher Story is merely reposting a story from Bloomberg news 
with a few comments. Have a look at the video of the former Money Laundering 
unit of Wachovia interviewed on the left here at 

So you're saying these are right wing nut jobs?

The videos of Chistopher Story are here:


Yes I use snopes for more trivial matters. But certainly not for the high 
finance allegations being discussed here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

 Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to land in his e-mail 
 I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. Almost 
 invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the embarrassment of 
 sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean letting the truth get in 
 the way of the message they WANT to believe.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
   This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
   added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org
  Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?
  He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:
  If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
  much alive.
  Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
  arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
  the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
  that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
  lots more insane nonsense.
  I mean, come on.
  The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
  I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
  was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
  at the source instead of via Story with his comments.


2010-06-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

 Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to
 land in his e-mail in-box.

Yeah, I'm afraid you're right.

I am rather fond of the image of George W. Bush waking
up to find a horse's head in his bed a la The Godfather,
though (cruelty to horses aside). If it didn't happen,
it should have, just for the poetry of it.

 I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. Almost 
 invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the embarrassment of 
 sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean letting the truth get in 
 the way of the message they WANT to believe.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
   This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
   added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org
  Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?
  He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:
  If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
  much alive.
  Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
  arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
  the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
  that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
  lots more insane nonsense.
  I mean, come on.
  The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
  I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
  was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
  at the source instead of via Story with his comments.


2010-06-30 Thread authfriend
I'm not disputing that Wachovia is evil, Brian. I'm saying 
you should be reading reputable news sources rather than

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_re...@... wrote:

 Hmm - more ad hominems!  
 In this case Christopher Story is merely reposting a story from Bloomberg 
 news with a few comments. Have a look at the video of the former Money 
 Laundering unit of Wachovia interviewed on the left here at 
 So you're saying these are right wing nut jobs?
 The videos of Chistopher Story are here:
 Yes I use snopes for more trivial matters. But certainly not for the high 
 finance allegations being discussed here.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
  Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to land in his 
  e-mail in-box.
  I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. 
  Almost invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the 
  embarrassment of sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean letting 
  the truth get in the way of the message they WANT to believe.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org
   Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?
   He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:
   If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
   much alive.
   Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
   arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
   the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
   that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
   lots more insane nonsense.
   I mean, come on.
   The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
   I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
   was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
   at the source instead of via Story with his comments.


2010-06-30 Thread brian64705
Judy, If by reputable you mean main stream media, I have to disagree when it 
comes to investigations of very powerful vested interests.

But what I find heartening in this story is indeed now we seem to be seeing 
more truth in main stream outlets such as Bloomberg. And I am seeing it in Fox 
going after the Federal Reserve/AIG scandal which may be the biggest fraud in 
US history. These are really positive signs. There's a lot of gloom about - 
especially with this Gulf disaster, and the economic recovery seems to have 
stalled. So I look for these signs that indeed a better world is emerging and 
we can see light at the end of the tunnel. 

Whistle-blowers have an important role to play. They don't always get it right 
- but they help to lead the way for further investigation to uncover the truth. 
In this case Bloomberg is revealing what many have said for decades. Mike 
Ruppert has been a long time whistleblower on the role banks and the govt 
collaborate in the international drugs trade. His work began by exposing 
undercover CIA operations to bring drugs into the US while he was an LAPD 
officer. He is a hero in my view and his work nearly cost him his life.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 I'm not disputing that Wachovia is evil, Brian. I'm saying 
 you should be reading reputable news sources rather than
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:
  Hmm - more ad hominems!  
  In this case Christopher Story is merely reposting a story from Bloomberg 
  news with a few comments. Have a look at the video of the former Money 
  Laundering unit of Wachovia interviewed on the left here at 
  So you're saying these are right wing nut jobs?
  The videos of Chistopher Story are here:
  Yes I use snopes for more trivial matters. But certainly not for the high 
  finance allegations being discussed here.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
   Judy, clearly this guy Brian believes whatever happens to land in his 
   e-mail in-box.
   I get crap like this almost every day from my right wing nut friends. 
   Almost invariably a simple check of snopes.com would save them the 
   embarrassment of sending this garbage out. But no, that would mean 
   letting the truth get in the way of the message they WANT to believe.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brian64705 no_reply@ wrote:

 This is interesting. A report from Bloomberg with comments
 added from Christopher Story of WorldReports.org

Brian, you do know Christopher Story is a crackpot, right?

He just makes stuff up. Look at this page:



If you know who Henry Paulson is, you know he's still very
much alive.

Story also reports on that page that George H.W. Bush was
arrested and held for three days, that George W. Bush found
the severed head of one of his prized horses in his bed, and
that GWB was blackmailed by his father and Bill Clinton. And
lots more insane nonsense.

I mean, come on.

The Bloomberg article is one thing; if it actually exists--
I wouldn't put it past Story to write it himself and say it
was from Bloomberg--you're a lot better off just reading it
at the source instead of via Story with his comments.