Re: [hlds_linux] Re:

2007-06-02 Thread John Sheu

Ondřej Hošek wrote:

I agree completely.

~~ Ondra

I wouldn't be so hasty.  A few of the arguments he presents are less
than soundly grounded.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] IMPORTANT NOTICE!

2007-05-28 Thread John Sheu
ics wrote:
> I didnt even read your message fully through because i just you are just
> another idiot who gave out his account information and now tries to
> whine on every single place where he can do it. Human stupidity is
> limitless and there really is no limit for it. While you say players
> that valve never asks or needs your information, they still give it out.
> Everyone can get a domain for 5$ and if he even gets 1 account fooled,
> its already a victory since CS Source costs 19,95$ on Steam. Its just
> too easy to fool people.
> Btw, people who post here are not the ones that will believe such emails.
> -ics
Nice try at rationalization.  Now give him a proper apology.

- John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread John Sheu
On Wednesday 07 March 2007 3:20 pm, Falk Husemann wrote:
> And by "you", I mean the vast mass of bitching bigheaded University
> of Texas CS players out there.  So
> nothing personal.

What makes you think I play CS anymore?  I don't.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS 1.6 in game Ads

2007-03-07 Thread John Sheu

Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of hearing people whine about thi_.  Don't
get me wrong: I am all against in-game advertisements.  I feel that they
detract from the gameplay experience and the congruity of the environment,
and are generally just a cheap trick to cash in on a popular game.

But quite equally, I am all against people who will whine and raise bloody
hell about "boycotts" and such, and promptly return to playing the damn game
in half an hour.  If you want a boycott, put your money where your mouth is
and *do it*.  Don't give me lame excuses about how "everybody plays it",
or "I'm in CAL and I can't quit", or such.  You're no more than a childish
bunch of brats until I see you stand up like real men for what you believe
in.  As of now, I can only conclude that you're just doing this because you
like attention.

And by "you", I mean the vast mass of bitching CS players out there.  So
nothing personal.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Weapon buying limit per user

2006-11-25 Thread John Sheu
On Sunday 26 November 2006 1:25 am, milchworld wrote:
> not only 4. you should be able to buy a weapon for every of your teammates.
> lets say you play 7on7, and only you made frags in the first round. you
> should be able to buy weapons for all 7 in your team...

I have no experience with server plugins, and I'm not even sure how plugins
hook into the mod.  But here's my two cents:

Keep an counter on each player, initialized to zero.  Keep a field on each
dropped weapon, indicating the player which dropped it.  Every time a player
drops a weapon, "tag" the weapon and increment the player's counter.  Every
time another player picks up a weapon, "untag" the weapon and decrement
the "dropper" player's counter.  Limit the player's counter, to, say, 8.
After 8 dropped weapons, the player cannot drop any more until another player
picks up one of them.

This should have the benefit of:
1.  Only running code on weapon drop/pickup, which is (relatively speaking)
 a "rare" event, thus not overloading the server.
2.  Allowing the player, if for some reason he wants to, drop all his weapons
and more.
3.  Allow the player to buy weapons for his teammates, unlimited.
4.  Stopping the weapon-spamming fuckers cold.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] CS:S - Net-Code FIX - open letter

2006-10-01 Thread John Sheu
On Sunday 01 October 2006 5:19 pm, Andrew Forsberg wrote:
> Another suggestion, and equally worthy of an open letter, is to ask
> Valve to hardcode the settings in so gamers and server providers can
> stop messing around with the variables completely, and simply play the
> game.
> *That* would be closer to CS 1.6's net code, and probably solve the
> problem with less dead-chicken waving from the punters.

Valve should seriously consider developing deterministic netcode.  To wit:

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Orientation

2006-07-21 Thread John Sheu
On Friday 21 July 2006 4:44 am, Henrik Semark wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> To start your CS:S:
> konsole -e (to start CS:S in new konsole not needed) ./srcds_run -pingboost
> 3 -console +ip [your_ip (only if internet-server)] -game cstrike -secure
> -port [your_port] +maxplayers XX +map [first_map] -debug -autoupdate &

That's if you're running KDE though.  If you've got shell access already, just
issue the command.  Or even better, use 'screen'.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] exe build: 12:02:12 Jun 22 2006 (2784)

2006-06-30 Thread John Sheu
On Friday 30 June 2006 4:43 am, kama wrote:
> Gah, too simple...
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> > That number is the number of days since HL1 was released. We don't really
> > use it any longer, internally we use perforce changelist numbers and
> > externally we use Steam depot versions. Still, doesn't hurt to have it

All hail the Half-Life epoch!

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] exe build: 12:02:12 Jun 22 2006 (2784)

2006-06-29 Thread John Sheu
On Thursday 29 June 2006 7:42 am, Ondřej Hošek wrote:
> I'd hazard a guess that it's the build number. I'm not sure when Valve
> increments it, but I would expect them to do so whenever they introduce
> a new feature or fix a bug.

Or when they introduce a new bug or fix a feature.  :)

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Changing the Voice codec in CSS

2006-06-03 Thread John Sheu
On Sat, 2006-06-03 at 22:23 -0300, Marcelo Bezerra wrote:
> And then you would have to ask users to download and install that codec...
> Not very usefull at all.

I suspect that that is the heart of the problem.  If you want to have a
new codec DLL, you've also got to make sure that every one of your
clients has the DLL.  The fear is that it might replicate "DLL hell"
from the good ol' days of Win98.

-John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] New to the archives

2006-04-25 Thread John Sheu
Whoops, this is hlds_linux.

John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] New to the archives

2006-04-25 Thread John Sheu
Personally, I find the mailing-list archives at:

to be singularly useful.  The link for hlcoders is:

Good luck.

On Tue, 2006-04-25 at 10:32 -0400, Joseph McAllister wrote:
> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
> this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I'm having a hard time finding things in the archive.  I am looking for
> information on getting my HLDS (Linux) to appear on the internet server list
> not just by using favorites and adding IP.  I had it working this morning
> and didn't save it.  Now I'm screwed again.  Any help in how to surf around
> the archives would be helpful.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 11:32 -0500, John Sheu wrote:
> As you can see, a CPU-bound process immediately tries to eat up as much
> CPU time as it can get.  Niceness just regulates how important we rate
> this process.  And please, stop pulling phrases like "kernel scheduling"
> out without fulling understanding the context.

To pre-empt any comments: "fully understanding the context".

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
/me sighs.  Here it goes again:

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 16:56 +0100, Matt Judge wrote:
> I guess you are trying to be a pedant here.  Or I over simplified my
> explanation.  Expanding on your view point, my CPU utilisation would be
> 100% all the time, distributed between all the processes currently
> running.  Guess what? it isn't.  Go and learn about kernel scheduling.

The reason why CPU utilization isn't at 100% all all times is because
all those threads are blocking on something else and/or sleeping.

> I did try replying to the rest of your email, but it was patently clear
> that trying to explain how Unix type operating systems work would be
> clearly beyond you, so I gave up.  All the answers are in my previous
> post, please read it and be enlightened.

Empirical evidence time.  Here comes the clue train...

** Case 01: 1 CPU-bound thread, nice 0: **

( nice -n 0 yes > /dev/null ) &

 8323 root  25   0  1460  372  312 R 98.3  0.0   0:09.25 yes
 8133 root  15   0  152m  20m 6636 S  1.3  2.0   0:15.75 X

As you can see, the CPU-bound process immediately chews up all your CPU
time (98.3%).

** Case 02: 1 CPU-bound thread, nice -10: **

( nice -n -10 yes > /dev/null ) &

 8329 root  15 -10  1456  368  312 R 99.4  0.0   0:09.02 yes
 8133 root  15   0  152m  20m 6744 S  0.7  2.0   0:17.35 X

Chews up your CPU time again, this time on nice -10.  System is rather
unresponsive, owing to the CPU prioritizing this useless process above
all else.

** Case 03: 1 CPU-bound thread, nice 10: **

( nice -n 10 yes > /dev/null ) &

 8333 root  35  10  1456  368  312 R 98.7  0.0   0:05.32 yes
 8133 root  15   0  152m  20m 6744 S  1.0  2.0   0:19.44 X

Same results, but system more responsive.

** Conclusions **

As you can see, a CPU-bound process immediately tries to eat up as much
CPU time as it can get.  Niceness just regulates how important we rate
this process.  And please, stop pulling phrases like "kernel scheduling"
out without fulling understanding the context.

John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
> If a process consumes 10% of CPU time per second, (re)nicing it will not
> make it consume more or less time, thereby making it work faster or slower.

That much is true.  However:

> Imagine a scenario of an ideal system, with nothing else running and, no
> overheads for swapping processes.  You have 1 high CPU-bound process(a)
> utilising 70% of the CPU time slices/s.  It is happy using the CPU
> without any interruptions from any other processes.  (re)nicing it will
> not make it run any faster or slower as there is no other processes to
> share the CPU time slices.  In this scenario, there is no point to
> renicing the process as there is nothing else to share the CPU time with.

Under this ideal system, with one CPU-bound process, it would monopolize
the processor, i.e. 100% utilization.  The only reason why such a single
process would _not_ use 100% CPU is if the thread were blocking on
something else, e.g. I/O requests or sleeping.

> Lets add to this ideal system another process(b).  Lets assume that if
> this process were on its own, it would utilise 20% of the CPU time slices/s.

See above.

> Now we have 2 processes which are highly likely to be wanting to use the
> CPU at the same time.  (re)nicing process(a) ensures the our main
> process always has priority to use the CPU and get to use more of it
> before the CPU passes control to the other process.  This ensures that
> process(a) runs smoother - but not faster.

Suppose that they were set to equal priority.  Then the ideal scheduler
_should_ allocate 50% CPU time to each thread.  Note right away that
this already reduces the "speed" of each process by 50%; as they only
get the CPU for half the time, they need twice the realtime to process
their tasks.  Now, suppose one is prioritized over the other and the
split is 75%-25%: the higher-priority thread, having more CPU time,
would now indeed run faster than the case in which it had only 50%

> If we were to add yet another process to this system which would, by
> itself, utilise 30% of the CPU time slices/s, then this is the only case
> where (re)nicing would make a process run faster than it would
> otherwise.  We would now have a 3 processes trying to grab more time
> slices/s than the CPU can provide and all the processes would lag
> regardless of how you reniced them.

So the overall answer is, I suppose, "it depends".  As I said, a highly
CPU-bound process will indeed benefit from renicing to a lower priority;
however, if the process is speed-limited in some way (in our specific
case: srcsds will not exceed a particular framerate), the answer may
vary.  The point of renicing is to prioritize a process in the case that
it does try to grab 100% CPU.  Translated to the case of running a game
server: if there's not much happening on a particular frame, and the
server can process that frame with time to spare (and sleep away), then
nicelevels will have a negligible impact on the process.  However, in a
frame with some heavy action (i.e. a firefight), where the server is
strapped for time, a lower nicelevel (and a higher priority) means that
the thread can effectively monopolize the CPU.  In this case, it does
run faster.

John Sheu

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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 09:04 +0100, Matt Judge wrote:
> (re)nice'ing a program therefore makes a program run smoother, not faster.

Sort of misleading.  For a highly CPU-bound process, renicing a program
will make it run faster, as it gets a better share of the CPU's valuable
time.  And in some cases (i.e. game framerate, if a game was for some
reason CPU-bound), faster in fact equals smoother.

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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
As I understand the process scheduler, it there's no real difference
between, say, nice -10 and nice -20 in most cases.  On my system, the
highest-priority threads are some kernel threads, and they're running at
-5 right now; thus it would make no difference if I reniced a process
-10 or -20, as they would pre-empt even those kernel threads either way.

Thus the trying of different levels.  Try, say, -20, -5, 0, and 5
multiple times, and wait a minute or between switches.  See if it's
actually the process of renicing that spikes it, or just the fact that
you're prioritizing that process.

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 10:37 +0300, ics wrote:
> Why would anyone want to renice it below 0 to 1-19 which would make it
> run slower than  the default process priority 0?
> The fact that it puts cpu on 100% stress while its being reniced to -1 -
> -20 is a problem. Since someone would ask why i would want it to be for
> example -20
> is that not all users run only gameserver on their box.
> -ICS
> John Sheu wrote:
> >You sure it's not just a matter of just being reniced?
> >
> >i.e. nice -10 gives 100% utilization, but nice 10 does not.
> >
> >On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 10:11 +0300, ics wrote:
> >
> >
> >>To anything from default? -1, 1, -20. Always the same CPU 100% if
> >>process is being reniced.
> >>
> >>John Sheu wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>After renicing to what?
> >>>
> >>>On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 09:20 +0300, ics wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>>How hard is it to FIX the bug which causes CPU going to 100% usage after
> >>>>renicing the process? It was added in the last optional update, just
> >>>>like this last one.
> >>>>
> >>>>-ICS
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>___
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> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >___
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> >
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-21 Thread John Sheu
You sure it's not just a matter of just being reniced?

i.e. nice -10 gives 100% utilization, but nice 10 does not.

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 10:11 +0300, ics wrote:
> To anything from default? -1, 1, -20. Always the same CPU 100% if
> process is being reniced.
> John Sheu wrote:
> >After renicing to what?
> >
> >On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 09:20 +0300, ics wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>How hard is it to FIX the bug which causes CPU going to 100% usage after
> >>renicing the process? It was added in the last optional update, just
> >>like this last one.
> >>
> >>-ICS
> >>
> >>
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Renice process bug

2006-04-20 Thread John Sheu
After renicing to what?

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 09:20 +0300, ics wrote:
> Hi,
> How hard is it to FIX the bug which causes CPU going to 100% usage after
> renicing the process? It was added in the last optional update, just
> like this last one.
> -ICS
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] strange errors in CS:S console

2006-04-09 Thread john-sheu
It's exactly what it looks like: the player's velocity is outside the expected
range, so it's being clamped.  Not surprising, given that it's a jumpmap and
velocites are likely to be "severely weirded" on such maps.

FYI, to save on network bandwidth, the Z (vertical) component of player
velocities are transmitted with a smaller range and fewer bits than the other
components (which are themselves not transmitted with full precision anyhow).
I think you'll undestand why this is a good way to do it under normal gameplay

Quoting W0kk3L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> Question, does anyone recognize this in the console of SRCDS?
> ...
> DataTable warning: (class player): Out-of-range value (-2917.586914) in
> SendPropFloat 'm_vecVelocity[2]', clamping.
> DataTable warning: (class player): Out-of-range value (-2941.586914) in
> SendPropFloat 'm_vecVelocity[2]', clamping.
> DataTable warning: (class player): Out-of-range value (-2965.586914) in
> SendPropFloat 'm_vecVelocity[2]', clamping.
> DataTable warning: (class player): Out-of-range value (-2989.586914) in
> SendPropFloat 'm_vecVelocity[2]', clamping.
> ...
> I've launched a CS:S jumpmap server and this keeps occuring (for pages and
> pages). It doesn't seem to affect the players, but it's kinda annoying when
> reading the console :) Anyone know how to fix it? (most likely it has
> something to do with the jumpmaps themself, cause on our other servers the
> errors don't occure).
> -W0kk3L-
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Server wont load VAC after last Update

2006-03-21 Thread John Sheu
I, for one, welcome out new cheater overlords...

On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 21:23 +1200, Sam Collinson wrote:
> Wow, how very informative of you.
> Admin wrote:
> > After the last Steamupdate my Gameservers wont load VAC.
> > This was befor the last Update same problem pls Fixit Soon Cheater are
> > not
> > welcome in my life
> >
> >
> > ___
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> >
> >
> ___
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RE: [hlds_linux] Problems connecting to the swapbeta version

2006-02-27 Thread John Sheu
On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 11:49 -0800, Alfred Reynolds wrote:
> Tracking down how that happens and fixing it is the last task before
> making the beta public.

Then we'd better get to it!  Squash this bug, people!

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Re: [hlds_linux] srcds with multiple ip address

2005-11-08 Thread John Sheu
If I recall correctly, there's something called "ethernet bonding" that
might be useful in your case.  It's somewhere in the Linux kernel, let
me look it up...

Ah, there we go.  "Bonding driver support", under "Device Drivers" ->
"Network device support".

-John Sheu

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 04:51 -0800, Erik Hollensbe wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2005, at 2:27 PM, m0gely wrote:
> > K1ll3rD wrote:
> >> I really don't think this is possible, I don't think steam will
> >> allow me to
> >> bind the process to multiple IP addresses.
> >
> > I was going to reply and say don't specify any IP at all.  The game
> > should multi-home itself just fine.  But I did a quick netstat and saw
> > that SRCDS doesn't do this, while HLDS does.  SRCDS binds to one IP.
> > Interesting.  Maybe they'll fix this.  IIRC, HLDS didn't do this
> > before
> > CS 1.3 either.
> Has anyone tried feeding it the IP, which normally expands to
> all IP-bound interfaces on the machine?
> --
> Erik Hollensbe
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Exit srcds

2005-11-01 Thread John Sheu
I think the point is that he _doesn't_ want to have to restart the
screen instance every time.  With this, all it takes is to start the
instance once.

It isn't a bash script, just a shell session.  Bash itself.

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 12:51 -0500, Chuck Gibke wrote:
> The sysadmin would still have to initiate the bash script since he can
> access the "games" user.
> I use a stop_css script on my server that looks like this:
> /usr/bin/screen -r css -X quit
> "css" is the name assigned to the screen instance. This causes the server
> program to exit gracefully but also closes the screen instance. It would
> still require admin privileges to start back up.
> ..Chuck
> Suse 9.0-64
> >>
> Yeah, but those solutions require his sysadmin to get off his lazy butt
> and grant him privileges.  (Or it could just be that the sysadmin has a
> strict security policy).  Running a bash instance inside screen takes no
> additional pain on the part of either of them.
> -John Sheu
> On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 09:13 +0100, Regime wrote:
> > Alternitively, get him to look into "sudo" and grant you permission to
> > "sudo" all or some commands as the games user. Type in "man sudo" for
> > more information.
> >
> > >> The servers are running on screens, but not under my user
> > >>account - they're running on a 'games' user. If I were to kill the
> screen, I
> > >>wouldn't be able to create a new screen under the 'games' user since I
> don't
> > >>have the privileges to do so.
> > >>
> >
> > ___
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> >
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Exit srcds

2005-11-01 Thread John Sheu
I think the point is that he _doesn't_ want to have to restart the
screen instance every time.  With this, all it takes is to start the
instance once.

It isn't a bash script, just a shell session.  Bash itself.

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 12:51 -0500, Chuck Gibke wrote:
> The sysadmin would still have to initiate the bash script since he can
> access the "games" user.
> I use a stop_css script on my server that looks like this:
> /usr/bin/screen -r css -X quit
> "css" is the name assigned to the screen instance. This causes the server
> program to exit gracefully but also closes the screen instance. It would
> still require admin privileges to start back up.
> ..Chuck
> Suse 9.0-64
> >>
> Yeah, but those solutions require his sysadmin to get off his lazy butt
> and grant him privileges.  (Or it could just be that the sysadmin has a
> strict security policy).  Running a bash instance inside screen takes no
> additional pain on the part of either of them.
> -John Sheu
> On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 09:13 +0100, Regime wrote:
> > Alternitively, get him to look into "sudo" and grant you permission to
> > "sudo" all or some commands as the games user. Type in "man sudo" for
> > more information.
> >
> > >> The servers are running on screens, but not under my user
> > >>account - they're running on a 'games' user. If I were to kill the
> screen, I
> > >>wouldn't be able to create a new screen under the 'games' user since I
> don't
> > >>have the privileges to do so.
> > >>
> >
> > ___
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> please visit:
> >
> ___
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> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Exit srcds

2005-11-01 Thread John Sheu
Yeah, but those solutions require his sysadmin to get off his lazy butt
and grant him privileges.  (Or it could just be that the sysadmin has a
strict security policy).  Running a bash instance inside screen takes no
additional pain on the part of either of them.

-John Sheu

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 09:13 +0100, Regime wrote:
> Alternitively, get him to look into "sudo" and grant you permission to
> "sudo" all or some commands as the games user. Type in "man sudo" for
> more information.
> >> The servers are running on screens, but not under my user
> >>account - they're running on a 'games' user. If I were to kill the screen, I
> >>wouldn't be able to create a new screen under the 'games' user since I don't
> >>have the privileges to do so.
> >>
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Exit srcds

2005-10-31 Thread John Sheu
What you can do, actually, is start a bash session in screen instead of
srcds itself, e.g.:

"screen bash"

instead of

"screen srcds"

That way, screen is listening for the exit of the bash session, not
srcds itself.  You should be able to connect/re-connect at will, then,
even without a srcds instance actively running.

On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 20:19 -0500, Alex W wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I should elaborate on how the server is set up. I'm not the owner of the
> server, but he has given me permission to maintain it, so he set up an SSH
> account for me. The servers are running on screens, but not under my user
> account - they're running on a 'games' user. If I were to kill the screen, I
> wouldn't be able to create a new screen under the 'games' user since I don't
> have the privileges to do so.
> I just wanted to know of a more 'graceful' exit command to quit out of the
> srcds program; instead of using 'ctrl + c' or killing the screen altogether.
> I guess it doesn't matter. Would be useful for the future, though.
> On 10/30/05, James D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If the server is shut down what is the point of having a screen running?
> >
> > Kill the server, kill the screen. Restart them both together.
> >
> > Alex W wrote:
> >
> > >--
> > >[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > >I want to completely exit out of the srcds program. I have the server
> > >running in a screen, but I don't want to kill the screen. 'exit' and
> > 'quit'
> > >shutdown the server, but then restart it. Does anybody know the console
> > >command to completely exit out of the srcds program?
> > >
> > >Additionally, does anybody have a list of all the console commands that I
> > >could use?
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >--
> > >
> > >___
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> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
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> > please visit:
> >
> >
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] Exit srcds

2005-10-30 Thread John Sheu
Console commands to what, linux?

ls /usr/bin

Read it and weep.

-John Sheu

On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 17:02 -0500, Alex W wrote:
> Additionally, does anybody have a list of all the console commands that I
> could use?
> Thanks.
> --
> ___
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Re: [hlds_linux] VAC Banning

2005-10-25 Thread John Sheu
I think that in the end, the best bet will be social pressure.  Vis: pay
$RAP_ARTIST some $LARGE sum of money and have them wrap about how "hax
is not cool, foo'" and the problem should resolve itself.

We should start taking up a collection now.

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Re: [hlds_linux] how to leave hlds running after closeing ssh

2005-07-30 Thread John Sheu
On Saturday 30 July 2005 10:53 pm, e-Plutonia wrote:
> Wait, which shell are you running ? Which OS ?
bash, on linux.  Not that it matters anyways; running a process in the
background still makes it a child process of your ssh login shell.  You need
screen to detach itself from that process tree.

-John Sheu
            think                                poem
   that              never               as                a
I       shall    see        a     lovely      as     binary   tree
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Re: [hlds_linux] how to leave hlds running after closeing ssh

2005-07-30 Thread John Sheu
On Saturday 30 July 2005 09:49 pm, e-Plutonia wrote:
> ./hlds_run -game cstrike -ip -port &
> the & at the end of the startup command puts the process into background.
Yes, but the process will still terminate when you log out.

You're looking for "screen".

-John Sheu
            think                                poem
   that              never               as                a
I       shall    see        a     lovely      as     binary   tree
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Re: [hlds_linux] bug: capturing srcds console output not possible

2005-07-24 Thread John Sheu
On Sunday 24 July 2005 11:06 am, aprand wrote:
> Sooo off topic, but you have an extra "as" in your lil tree sig there
> heh
I had to add an extra word somewhere to get it to come out to 15 words exactly
(so I could have my binary tree of depth 4).  It's all good :)
            think                                poem
   that              never               as                a
I       shall    see        a     lovely      as     binary   tree
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Re: [hlds_linux] bug: capturing srcds console output not possible

2005-07-23 Thread John Sheu
> I'm desperately trying to capture output with my perl script. hlds
> works fine, however I think srcds doesn't like redirecting the stdout
> pipes. On debian stable (3.1) and suse linux 9.1 i just cant pipe
> srcds output.
Make sure you're piping not just stdout, but stderr as well.
            think                                poem
   that              never               as                a
I       shall    see        a     lovely      as     binary   tree
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Re: [hlds_linux] Re: Request a higher minimum value for cl_cmdrate.

2005-07-14 Thread John Sheu
> Dan look over this
> Then give a rethink of some of what you said
He's mostly correct.  Do know though that certain "important" entities (such
as player entities) _are_ PVS-culled.
            think                                poem
   that              never               as                a
I       shall    see        a     lovely      as     binary   tree
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