Re: [lace] offering lace magazines

2021-04-28 Thread Sue Babbs
There is a "bobbin lace market" group on Facebook.  You could post on 
there to sell the lace magazines or give them away for the cost of 


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Re: [lace] Offering lace magazines

2021-04-28 Thread Carolyn M Salafia
im happy to participate in a raffle?

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:36 AM LacySuzette  wrote:

> I feel your pain Arlene! Downsizing is a blessing & a curse to say the
> least. IF you can possibly keep your lace magazine collection safely stored
> until the next large gathering—IOLI 2022 or Ithaca October 2021 (hope,
> hope!)—they could be gifted or raffled to a very appreciative audience. I
> would be at the front of that line! You could also offer them here on
> Arachne, but unfortunately even with media mailing, postage would be
> prohibitive. Best wishes finding a new home for your treasures! Sincerely,
> Susan Hottle, So Flo, USA
> Sent from my iPad
> -
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[lace] Offering lace magazines

2021-04-28 Thread LacySuzette
I feel your pain Arlene! Downsizing is a blessing & a curse to say the least. 
IF you can possibly keep your lace magazine collection safely stored until the 
next large gathering—IOLI 2022 or Ithaca October 2021 (hope, hope!)—they could 
be gifted or raffled to a very appreciative audience. I would be at the front 
of that line! You could also offer them here on Arachne, but unfortunately even 
with media mailing, postage would be prohibitive. Best wishes finding a new 
home for your treasures! Sincerely, Susan Hottle, So Flo, USA

Sent from my iPad

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Re: [lace] Lace magazines.

2019-10-07 Thread Malvary
Lace isn’t due just yet.  I’m in the middle of proof reading it at the moment.  
Replies needed in the next couple of days.

Malvary in Ottawa where it was a lovely day

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[lace] Lace Magazines. etc.

2018-10-31 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Sorry to hear of Marion’s passing.
Oh Dear! another lacemaker up  on that cloud now. It is getting to be too full
up there, so I hope everyone will stay down here for a lot longer!

I have received 2 Lace Magazines in the last 2 days – Wonderful!!
The first to arrive, yesterday, was the IOLI Bulletin, and today the Postie
brought me the UK Lace magazine. – so I have some good reading to do

I must put my creative juices to work, and see if I can come up with an entry
for next year’s IOLI convention. We are hoping to be able to go, - and are
tentatively planning the trip.
Yes, I know.. Last year was our Last trip – but so was the year before
that  Fingers crossed for one more visit!!!

Regards from Liz. In Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] Magazines

2017-02-16 Thread lizlace
I received the Needle ‘n’ Thread magazine of the Guild of Needlelaces this
morning. I have not had a chance to read it yet – That is a bedtime treat!!

However, I have not had the Lace Guild magazine yet – and I have not heard
of any other Aussie getting  it either, so it looks like we will have to wait
a bit longer, for the Postal service to  get them sorted and delivered!

But having been the one to ask if we could be told when the magazines start
circulating, I thought I better mention the Needlelace one!!

Regards from Liz in warm, sunny Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] Magazines & Geneology

2016-11-20 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Firstly, thanks for letting us know the IOLI Bulletin and the UK Lace
magazines are out and about.  We, down-Under have not received either of
them yet.  I watch for the post each day, but without success as yet!

As to the research into the old Bobbins - I Love it, - so keep talking,
Brian :)

I made a bonnet for  convicted "First Fleet' prisoner for the bonnet
collection that was being made by a lady in Tasmania - a bonnet for every
transported woman, and I found "My"  lady's  trial at the Old Bailey in 1786
. It was fascinating reading - she was Transported for the theft of 3
handkerchiefs. She had dropped a couple, luckily - or she would have been

The history of Lace and bobbins, and all that era is fascinating, I think,
and the more old lace I see, the more in awe of the "Old timers" I am - they
did n ot have books to tell them how to do certain techniques (and few of
them could read, anyway, - and they had only candle light, and poor
spectacles, ..Gosh! they were so clever, really.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] Lace Magazines

2016-10-14 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Yes the list has been quiet recently.  I get the digest version, and there
has been quite a gap since the last one.

With regard to the Lace Guilds Publications, -  Although we don't want the
list to be filled with the "Me too" type messages, it would be nice if one
person could mention when a UK Lace, IOLI Bulletin, or other regular
publication arrives in their letter box, - so the rest of us know to look
out for it.  3 (that I know of - including Me) were about 4 months late with
the Spring Bulletin, I must say the Guilds are Excellent in replacing
missing magazines, - promptly and without any hassle, - but sometimes we
don't realize we are one missing.
PostaL services are dismal these days, so we know we may have to wait a bit
longer - for those of us in far-flung places! - but we don't want to miss
out completely.

I understand the Summer IOLI Bulletin Will come out - but not sure when, -
the Autumn/Fall edition is about due too, now.  I understand the Editor is
ill, and I hope she has a full recovery.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz

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[lace] Magazines

2016-05-11 Thread Alex Stillwell
Hi Arachnids

While on the subject of magazines – Catherine Barley, Wendy McCulloch and I
have been working with our printer to get Susanne Thompson’s ‘Introduction
to Honiton Lace’ reprinted as Print-on-demand and it is now only weeks away
from production. We have found the best way to advertise is to send copies to
magazines for review. Please may we have some suggestions for magazines with
reviews that you check out and their contacts, i.e. editors email. Looking
forward to your ideas

Blow the dust

Alex, Catherine and Wendy

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[lace] Lace magazines and memberships

2016-05-07 Thread Beth Marshall
Thanks to Joepie for reminding me about Vuelta y Cruz - combining 
Spanish practice with lace definitely rates highly with me, so wanted to 
subscribe but couldn't afford to when it first started and had forgotten 
about it; subscription for this year now taken out :-)

I'm also a Lace Guild member, can't give you a review of the April issue 
of Lace as it's been sitting unopened by my chair for a week, along with 
quite a pile of non-lace publications I'm behind on reading; too much to 
do, too little time - how I'm going to find time to read Vuelta y Cruz 
as well is a mystery :-(

I find myself agreeing with both Jane & Joepie on the individual 
membership/shared subscriptions questions - of course we should support 
our lace organisations/publications by subscribing individually and 
encouraging others to do so, but where 2 individuals can't afford the 
whole membership fee/subscription surely it's better for everyone to 
have them club together and share one copy - at least the organisation 
gets one sub that way instead of none? Similarly where one individual 
can't justify the cost of an individual sub in terms of what they'll get 
back - that's probably an issue for some of us when considering 
subscribing to an overseas guild/publication where the postage rate 
pushes up the cost and we're too far away to benefit from any guild 
activities apart from the the magazine, and most of us don't have deep 
enough pockets to support more than our local/national group out of 
And of course, passing on or lending a recent-ish back copy of a guild 
magazine to a newer lacemaker can be a good "hook" to lead into the 
suggestion they join the guild...

In a warm but windy Cheshire, UK

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[lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

2016-05-06 Thread Jane Partridge
I wasn't slating you, but if you were in the position I am, regularly visiting
The Hollies, you would possibly feel the same way when someone appears to
suggest that sharing is acceptable, even if that wasn't exactly what was
Unfortunately, a lot of people have the misconception that sharing is
acceptable, and seem to think that it is OK because they are the only one
doing it, right? - but that is not the case, and the point I was trying to get
over is that sharing increases subscription rates, decreases membership
numbers and eventually kills off the organisation in question. This is why the
Guild had to stop the group memberships - they desperately need to increase
their income if they are going to survive.
It is good that you both support the Guild, and I wasn't in any way
apportioning blame, just expressing my frustration that a lot of people think
this course of action (whether it is called "sharing" or "buying
co-operatively" it has the same potential consequence) is acceptable in the
first place.
I was under the impression from what I was told was that the reason the Circle
failed was a bit of both - lack of members and lack of members willing to
serve on their Committee.

Jane Partridge

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RE: [lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

2016-05-06 Thread J-D Hammett
Hi Jane and other Arachnids,

Just to add to my rather short and hurried note I wrote just now rather in
anger. Sorry about that because I did say ‘share’ when I should have said
‘buy cooperatively’ or something similar.

If I did not get together with my best friend to subscribe to these lace
magazines I would only able to afford two or three which would mean that three
or four groups/magazines would miss out as my friend is in her eighties and
could not be bothered with the hassle of keeping the subscriptions up.
However, because I organise the magazines and subs she only has to pay her
share (or portion if you prefer). So rather than slating me for ‘sharing’
magazines, one should ask about the circumstances before commenting and
certainly not apportion blame.

By the way, The Lace Guild is the only group where she has a separate
subscription which I organise for her so we always have two “Lace”

Not only that, I always recommend that my students join the Lace Guild and
several have done so.

Lastly, The Lace Circle, which I also belonged to for many years did not close
because people shared their magazine (“The Lacemaker”) but because no
members came forward to take over the running of the group (at that time I was
too busy and too far away to be of any use to them).


From: J-D Hammett
Sent: 06 May 2016 18:50
To: Jane Partridge
Subject: RE: [lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

Hi all,

Fortunately; I do not ‘share’. I buy 6 magazines with my best friend.


From: Jane Partridge
Sent: 06 May 2016 13:56
To: J-D Hammett
Subject: [lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

Unfortunately Joepie is not the only one who shares her magazines with other
people. This sharing results in loss of income to the Guilds and organisations
producing the magazines, to the extent that they have to increase their
subscription rates (as The Lace Guild are hoping to get members' approval for
at their AGM on Sunday) which has a knock on effect of discouraging renewal -
and could very well put their survival at risk. Can I make the same plea as
has been made many times before, and ask you to stop sharing your magazines
before more lace organisations have to close as the Circle did?

I was also concerned that because I can't attend the AGM and asked for a proxy
form to vote, I discovered I was the only member who has done so - too late
now for this year, but please use your vote, proxy forms are available to all
members, and can be emailed to those living overseas. Please support the
organisations behind the magazines you subscribe to.

Jane Partridge

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[lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

2016-05-06 Thread Susan Vossier
After several years of lace Express (lovely eye candy as Joepie says) last
year I changed for La Dentelle, which has very detailed instructions, but
only in French, and Vuelta y Cruz, which is a delight.  I read the Spanish
first, then read again in English for what I missed first time round, thus
drawing out the pleasure.  Haven't got round to sending off my subscription
yet this year; must do this week!

Sue in Montélimar, France

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RE: [lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

2016-05-06 Thread J-D Hammett
Hi all,

Fortunately; I do not ‘share’. I buy 6 magazines with my best friend.


From: Jane Partridge<>
Sent: 06 May 2016 13:56
To: J-D Hammett<>
Subject: [lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

Unfortunately Joepie is not the only one who shares her magazines with other
people. This sharing results in loss of income to the Guilds and organisations
producing the magazines, to the extent that they have to increase their
subscription rates (as The Lace Guild are hoping to get members' approval for
at their AGM on Sunday) which has a knock on effect of discouraging renewal -
and could very well put their survival at risk. Can I make the same plea as
has been made many times before, and ask you to stop sharing your magazines
before more lace organisations have to close as the Circle did?

I was also concerned that because I can't attend the AGM and asked for a proxy
form to vote, I discovered I was the only member who has done so - too late
now for this year, but please use your vote, proxy forms are available to all
members, and can be emailed to those living overseas. Please support the
organisations behind the magazines you subscribe to.

Jane Partridge

On 6 May 2016, at 06:43, J-D Hammett  wrote:

I know it seems a lot, but I share with my best friend who is also a lace
maker ;-)

Joepie, East Sussex, UK,

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[lace] Re: lace magazines/membership

2016-05-06 Thread Jane Partridge
Unfortunately Joepie is not the only one who shares her magazines with other 
people. This sharing results in loss of income to the Guilds and organisations 
producing the magazines, to the extent that they have to increase their 
subscription rates (as The Lace Guild are hoping to get members' approval for 
at their AGM on Sunday) which has a knock on effect of discouraging renewal - 
and could very well put their survival at risk. Can I make the same plea as has 
been made many times before, and ask you to stop sharing your magazines before 
more lace organisations have to close as the Circle did? 

I was also concerned that because I can't attend the AGM and asked for a proxy 
form to vote, I discovered I was the only member who has done so - too late now 
for this year, but please use your vote, proxy forms are available to all 
members, and can be emailed to those living overseas. Please support the 
organisations behind the magazines you subscribe to.

Jane Partridge 

On 6 May 2016, at 06:43, J-D Hammett  wrote:

I know it seems a lot, but I share with my best friend who is also a lace
maker ;-)

Joepie, East Sussex, UK, 

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RE: [lace] lace magazines/membership

2016-05-05 Thread J-D Hammett
Hi fellow Arachnids,

The magazines I subscribe to are; Lace  and the Young Lacemaker (both from the
Lace Guild, UK) and Lacemaking (the magazine of the Lace Society, UK) with
articles, book reviews, patterns & news from the world of lace. The  Lace
Express  with patterns and eye candy but no articles at all. Vuelta y Cruz
which is brilliant as it helps my Spanish study as it is written in Spanish
and English. This has articles on lace, patterns as well as series of lessons
for a particular type of lace. And lastly but not least OIDFA which lacks the
frequent patterns found in the others but which has more internationally wide
ranging articles than the others. All of them have things to offer which are
useful to lace makers.

I know it seems a lot, but I share with my best friend who is also a lace
maker ;-)

Happy lace making (and lace-reading)

Joepie, East Sussex, UK, where spring has sprung at last. The temperatures are
rising nicely and we have had a couple of really nice (dry) days. HURRAY!

I have just joined OIDFA so I am looking forward to getting their
publication.  Other than that I read the IOLI Bulletin and the Piecework.
Liz, Raleigh, NC

> On May 5, 2016, at 7:08 AM, sylvie nguyen 
> What lace magazines and bulletins do people particularly enjoy reading?


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Re: [lace] lace magazines/membership

2016-05-05 Thread Lbuyred
I have just joined OIDFA so I am looking forward to getting their publication.  
Other than that I read the IOLI Bulletin and the Piecework.
Liz, Raleigh, NC

> On May 5, 2016, at 7:08 AM, sylvie nguyen  wrote:
> What lace magazines and bulletins do people particularly enjoy reading?

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Re: [lace] lace magazines/membership

2016-05-05 Thread d2oneill
Hi, Sylvie 
You might also wish to borrow past issues of OIDFA magazines from the IOLI 
library--much useful information to be found there. 

- Original Message -

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[lace] lace magazines/membership

2016-05-05 Thread sylvie nguyen
What lace magazines and bulletins do people particularly enjoy reading?
I've just sent in my membership to OIDFA, but am interested in additional

Cherry Valley, Illinois

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[lace] Lace Magazines

2014-10-14 Thread Jane Partridge
I had wondered what had happened to The Lace Guild's letters page, and 
when I asked, I had the response that there hadn't been any letters sent 
in, and those that were had been passed on to the relevant people for 

Emails tend to be answered straight away, or forwarded to the relevant 
"experts" to answer, so it might be an idea if you do chose this method 
of communication to make it clear that your intention is for it to be 
published in the magazine concerned. Even the 'silly' questions have 
their place - not everyone knows the answers and beginners are sometimes 
afraid to ask (and experienced lacemakers too embarrassed!)

Where book reviews are concerned, do check the magazine's policy. The 
Lace Guild have a team of reviewers for Lace, and the books reviewed are 
those which have been acquired for the library, so members know they can 
borrow them if they don't wish/can't afford to purchase.

Most of the guild libraries welcome copies of new books - budgets for 
purchase are limited, and it isn't always easy to know when a self 
published book is available, especially those published in far flung 
places :-)

In message , Elizabeth Ligeti 

Even a letter to the Editor with a pat on the back, or a grizzle about
something would be OK!!  Most Editors these days accept emails, so there
is No Excuse! :)

Jane Partridge

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[lace] Lace Magazines

2014-10-13 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Yes, we all love to receive our magazines, but remember - Editors can only
produce a good magazine if they have patterns and articles to print in them.
If no-one sends in anything, then there will be just a lot of blank pages!

So please, everyone, try to send something in occasionally to the Editor, -
a book review, a pattern, an article about what your group is doing, - even
a "Dear Dorothy" letter asking for help with some techniques, or where to
access certain threads, etc.

I try to offer one "something" to each of my Guilds each year. It does not
always happen, but I try!  Don't think "My lace isn't good enough", or along
those lines. Beginners like simple patterns, and are just as entitled to
find one in the magazine as the more complicated designs!!

Even a letter to the Editor with a pat on the back, or a grizzle about
something would be OK!!  Most Editors these days accept emails, so there
is No Excuse! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] Lace Magazines

2013-10-30 Thread pene piip

On Monday I received two magazines - the Nov./Dec. issue of Piecework
& the Fall 2013 issue of I.O.L.I. Bulletin.
Now I'm waiting for the UK Lace one to arrive.

I realized that the October 2012 issue (#148) had an article about a
Halloween quilt made with 12 lace motifs applied to the pumpkins.
Included were the patterns for an owl, a witch & a vulture.
I was looking forward to seeing the other patterns published, so I'm
wondering if there will be some more patterns in the next issue?
But do we have to wait for another 2 years for all the others?

Warm regards from
Penelope in Tartu, Estonia

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-08-19 Thread Anna Binnie

Never ever through anything out.
Firstly give or sell them to other lacemakers in your area. Many lace 
guilds or groups have a mechanism to recycling old magazines / books etc 
to newer members be it a sign at a lace day saying 'free to a good home' 
or selling them for a small cost and using the money for library books.

Secondly many OP shops will accept them and sell them on to interested 
parties. my knitting group always goes there for extra knitting needles 
and old knitting patterns.

Thirdly donate them to a local school or church group for their annual 
fair, most have a secondhand or preloved table with books and other bits 
and pieces. I once bought a huge selection of tatting patterns at a 
charity fair (these were taken from magazines and on the surface did not 
look good but the patterns were lovely).

Forthly offer to send out a list of what you have (ie we contact you 
privately) and if we want them then we can pay you the postage for your 

Finally there is ebay

Anna who has just returned from a long weekend away in Canberra.

On 30/07/13 3:23 AM, Miriam Gidron wrote:


I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
other lace makers.

I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
these magazines are just  passe.

in hot Arad, Israel

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-08-03 Thread Joy Beeson

On 7/29/13 2:23 PM, Miriam Gidron wrote:

I . . . was wondering what you are doing with 
[old lace magazines].  

If an old magazine is still interesting to those who haven't
read it, I put it into one of the magazine racks at the
emergency-room waiting room.  People waiting there
frequently didn't have time to pack something to read.

But this is a very small town and the hospital isn't very
far out of my way.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-30 Thread Carolyn Salafia
Great ideas. I  had nj

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 30, 2013, at 3:53 AM, Karen Zammit Manduca  wrote:

> Sent from my iPhone
> On 30 Jul 2013, at 08:23 AM,  wrote
>> I've been planning to donate my lace supplies/equipment to my lace group 
>> with the instruction that they can use, share, sell, etc. as needed.  I 
>> figure the members will know people who need things.  Some of it can be kept 
>> for lending newcomers, some can supplement the library or create funds for 
>> supporting the group's activities.
> These are my plans too.
> Karen (still in London but returning home to Malta tomorrow)
>> -
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> -
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> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-30 Thread Karen Zammit Manduca
Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Jul 2013, at 08:23 AM,  wrote
> I've been planning to donate my lace supplies/equipment to my lace group with 
> the instruction that they can use, share, sell, etc. as needed.  I figure the 
> members will know people who need things.  Some of it can be kept for lending 
> newcomers, some can supplement the library or create funds for supporting the 
> group's activities.

These are my plans too.

Karen (still in London but returning home to Malta tomorrow)
> -
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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-30 Thread robinlace
 Barbara Engle  wrote: 
-At half past 85, I am still teaching a bit and, being in good health, not 
ready to clear out,  but one day my kids will want to know what to do with all 
the goodies.  We need regional clearing houses...any one have any ideas??? 

I've been planning to donate my lace supplies/equipment to my lace group with 
the instruction that they can use, share, sell, etc. as needed.  I figure the 
members will know people who need things.  Some of it can be kept for lending 
newcomers, some can supplement the library or create funds for supporting the 
group's activities.

Robin P.
Los Angeles, California, USA

Parvum leve mentes capiunt
(Little things amuse little minds)

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Carolyn Salafia
Dear Karen

If local options do not present, I have a colleague in Bristol who could 
collect, if a centralized resource could be developed in New York?

Best regards


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Karen Zammit Manduca  wrote:

> That is always such a HUGE dilemma for me Miriam, but I would always try to 
> see if anyone wants or needs something before I throw it away.
> Karen (currently in London)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 29 Jul 2013, at 06:23 PM, Miriam Gidron  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
>> doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
>> other lace makers.
>> I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
>> many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
>> these magazines are just  passe.
>> Miriam
>> in hot Arad, Israel
>> -
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>> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
>> Photo site:
> -
> To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
> Photo site:

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Carolyn Salafia
I'd love to volunteer. My mom the librarian who retired at age 80 schooled me 
well !

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2013, at 3:43 PM, Barbara Engle  wrote:

> I just sent an email by mistakewas not ready
> As I was saying.
> Miriam and Karenoh my, this IS a problem! Both for books and 
> publications!  
> I started lacing in1970 and the amount of materials I have accumulated is 
> mind boggling.   
> At half past 85, I am still teaching a bit and, being in good health, not 
> ready to clear out,  but one day my kids will want to know what to do with 
> all the goodies.  We need regional clearing houses...any one have any 
> ideas??? This last thought has started my wheels spinning, albeit slowly.  I 
> will keep, also?
> Lacy smiles, Barbara Engle
> Rockwall, TX...right across  the lake from Dallas
> On Jul 29, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Barbara Engle  wrote:
>> On Jul 29, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Karen Zammit Manduca  
>> wrote:
>>> That is always such a HUGE dilemma for me Miriam, but I would always try to 
>>> see if anyone wants or needs something before I throw it away.
>>> Karen (currently in London)
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 29 Jul 2013, at 06:23 PM, Miriam Gidron  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
>>>> doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
>>>> other lace makers.
>>>> I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
>>>> many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
>>>> these magazines are just  passe.
>>>> Miriam
>>>> in hot Arad, Israel
>>>> -
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> -
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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Barbara Engle
 I just sent an email by mistakewas not ready

As I was saying.

Miriam and Karenoh my, this IS a problem! Both for books and 
I started lacing in1970 and the amount of materials I have accumulated is mind 
At half past 85, I am still teaching a bit and, being in good health, not ready 
to clear out,  but one day my kids will want to know what to do with all the 
goodies.  We need regional clearing houses...any one have any ideas??? This 
last thought has started my wheels spinning, albeit slowly.  I will keep, also?

Lacy smiles, Barbara Engle
Rockwall, TX...right across  the lake from Dallas

On Jul 29, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Barbara Engle  wrote:

> On Jul 29, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Karen Zammit Manduca  
> wrote:
>> That is always such a HUGE dilemma for me Miriam, but I would always try to 
>> see if anyone wants or needs something before I throw it away.
>> Karen (currently in London)
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 29 Jul 2013, at 06:23 PM, Miriam Gidron  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
>>> doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
>>> other lace makers.
>>> I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
>>> many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
>>> these magazines are just  passe.
>>> Miriam
>>> in hot Arad, Israel
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
>>> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
>>> Photo site:
>> -
>> To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
>> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Barbara Engle
On Jul 29, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Karen Zammit Manduca  wrote:

> That is always such a HUGE dilemma for me Miriam, but I would always try to 
> see if anyone wants or needs something before I throw it away.
> Karen (currently in London)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 29 Jul 2013, at 06:23 PM, Miriam Gidron  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
>> doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
>> other lace makers.
>> I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
>> many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
>> these magazines are just  passe.
>> Miriam
>> in hot Arad, Israel
>> -
>> To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
>> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
>> Photo site:
> -
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> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
> Photo site:

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Re: [lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Karen Zammit Manduca
That is always such a HUGE dilemma for me Miriam, but I would always try to see 
if anyone wants or needs something before I throw it away.
Karen (currently in London)

Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Jul 2013, at 06:23 PM, Miriam Gidron  wrote:

> Hi,
> I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
> doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
> other lace makers.
> I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
> many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
> these magazines are just  passe.
> Miriam
> in hot Arad, Israel
> -
> To unsubscribe send email to containing the line:
> unsubscribe lace For help, write to
> Photo site:

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[lace] Old lace magazines

2013-07-29 Thread Miriam Gidron

I was going over some old lace magazines and was wondering what you are
doing with them. Do they end up in the recycling bin or do you give them to
other lace makers.

I have so many magazines and I want to down size a bit. To tell the truth
many are already "old fashioned". There are so many new ideas around that
these magazines are just  passe.

in hot Arad, Israel

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Re: [lace] New lace magazines

2011-12-24 Thread J D Hammett

Hello Arachnids,

Yes, I have received my magazines as well and am delighted with them. Full 
of useful articles, patterns and chat; it also contains a series of lessons 
in Hinojosa (Witch stitch ) lace -one lesson in each magazine. I have also 
subscribed to the second year and am looking forward to the offerings to 

A wonderful achievement to produce such a nice magazine. Well done Antje!

Joepie, East Sussex, UK

-Original Message- 
From: Daphne Martin

Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:30 PM
To: Arachne
Subject: [lace] New lace magazines

Hello Everyone
  I`d just like to say about the new Lace magazines Vueltay Cruz
Twist and Cross.
I received my magazines today and I have to say I`m definately not
disappointed. There are three lovely glossy magazines with patterns and
instructions for beginners, plus lovely patterns for us more  mature
lacemakers as well.
A big thankyou goes to Antje for telling us about and making the magazines
available to us all.
Has anyone else subscribed yet?? They are worth the money I promise you.

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[lace] New lace magazines

2011-12-23 Thread Daphne Martin
Hello Everyone
   I`d just like to say about the new Lace magazines Vueltay Cruz
Twist and Cross.
I received my magazines today and I have to say I`m definately not
disappointed. There are three lovely glossy magazines with patterns and
instructions for beginners, plus lovely patterns for us more  mature
lacemakers as well.
A big thankyou goes to Antje for telling us about and making the magazines
available to us all.
Has anyone else subscribed yet?? They are worth the money I promise you.

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Re: [lace] Lace magazines

2010-02-02 Thread bev walker
Hello Liz and everyone,

Liz, this is a generous goal!
I am sure more people have something they can share, too, with their lace
magazine(s) of choice.
I like the idea of buying a book to review!

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:

> ...I try to do one  contribution to each magazine each year.  If everyone
> did one thing, there
> would be heaps of copy.  A book review, an article, photo, pattern, -
> something.  I am sure more people have something they can share.  I am in 5
> Guilds (do I have an addiction?) so I need to get my thinking cap on to get
> something for each one.  Maybe I better buy some more books, and do some
> reviews!!  (what an excuse!!! :))  )
Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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[lace] Lace magazines

2010-02-02 Thread Elizabeth Ligeti
Yesterday I received my "Needle 'n' Thread" magazine - from the Guild of
Needlelaces, and today the postie has just delivered the UK Lace magazine, -
so I have a continuing feast of lace!!!

I have only openend the envelope so far, - and looked at the front cover - a
beaut fan, and read the lovely poem on the back cover.  I get to read the rest
of the magazine tonight - more sweet, lacey dreams!!!

What Would we do without these beaut magazines arriving every now and

Hmmm! I must work on a contribution for this year.  I try to do one
contribution to each magazine each year.  If everyone did one thing, there
would be heaps of copy.  A book review, an article, photo, pattern, -
something.  I am sure more people have something they can share.  I am in 5
Guilds (do I have an addiction?) so I need to get my thinking cap on to get
something for each one.  Maybe I better buy some more books, and do some
reviews!!  (what an excuse!!! :))  )

Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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[lace] My Lace magazines need a new home :

2007-11-01 Thread Ann McClean

Free to a good home:

Lace Guild, Lace Society & Lacemaking Circle journals & binders - think all
from around issue 1 to about 4-5 years ago

About 8-10 binders in all.

Available to UK only and whoever takes them will have to collect due to

I am moving house in about 4 weeks and having to downsize dramatically :)

Regards,  Ann
"The surest sign that there is intelligent life in the Universe
is that they have NOT tried to contact us"
- Calvin & Hobbes 

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[lace] Lace Magazines

2006-03-04 Thread Pene Piip

Dear fellow Arachneans,

Today is Saturday & after being empty all week, our letter box had 2 items 
just for me! One was the OIDFA Bulletin & the other "Australian Lace".

The OIDFA Bulletin has lots of interesting articles. One story is of how 
the Canadian "Quilt of Belonging" came to be.  Margot Walker has written an 
excellent article & there are photos of 4 blocks for the countries of 
Belgium, Brazil, Malta & Paraguay, that feature a piece of lace. For those 
that missed the mention of this on Arachne last year, the web-site is: 
 where you can view & read all about the 
individual blocks.

Other stories are about an Ethnological Museum in Prague, a small lace 
collection in the Civic Museum of History & Art in Trieste, Italy, 
lacemaking in Crete & also in Croatia, & a Bucks pattern for a round mat 
edging from UK lacemaker Bee Barford.

My copy of "Australian Lace" was a little creased, but has the patterns 
from the previous issue reprinted due to printer problems. There are some 
lovely bookmarks & edgings by Olwyn Scott & Robin Hueppauff. Kath Shadbolt, 
who I met last August, has shown how a coloring book illustration & simple 
tape lace, can be used to produce a Beaked Coralfish. And there is a 
pattern for a tatted bag named Anastasia.

Lots of lovely reading to get me through the next few weeks, while I wait 
for the snow to start melting.


Penelope Piip
City of Tartu, Estonia 

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Re: [lace] lace magazines

2004-02-19 Thread Barb ETx
Helen, I have thought  about this for yearseven suggested ages ago.  I
received no comment.
I simply cannot stagger reading them...they are screaming to be read!!
  - Original Message -
  From: Helene Gannac
  Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:24 AM
  Subject: [lace] lace magazines

  Ruth, I hope my copy is waiting for me to get back from work!!

  I receive several lace magazines, "Lace", "Lacemaker's circle", "La
  Dentelle" and of course "Australian Lace journal". There is one really,
  really bad thing about themthey tend to all arrive together!!!then I
  have to wait another 3 months for the next lot! :-) I wish they could get
  together and stagger the month they publish

  Helene, the FreM

  >I've got it!  I've got it!!I've got it!!!I've got my copy of
  >Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

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[lace] lace magazines

2004-02-18 Thread Helene Gannac
Ruth, I hope my copy is waiting for me to get back from work!!

I receive several lace magazines, "Lace", "Lacemaker's circle", "La
Dentelle" and of course "Australian Lace journal". There is one really,
really bad thing about themthey tend to all arrive together!!!then I
have to wait another 3 months for the next lot! :-) I wish they could get
together and stagger the month they publish

Helene, the FreM

>I've got it!  I've got it!!I've got it!!!I've got my copy of
>Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

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