[leaf-user] Question about Linux Router Project - LRP Bering

2002-12-30 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
 --- Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribió: > De: Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
> Para: PreguntasVLAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Asunto: [VLAN] Question about Linux Router Project -
> LRP Bering
> Fecha: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 00:50:02 +0100 (CET)
>  Good Morning:
>   Ok, hi everybody. This is the first question I do
> to
> this site so let's see how it works.
>   I'm a student of Computer Science, and I'm working
> in a project using a LRP distribution "Bering 1.0". 
> I'm trying to create a VLAN using two routers
> working
> with that distribution of LRP(Linux Router Project -
> Bering not normal linux). The problem is that
> when I try to install the package Vlan.lrp, needed
> to
> be able to work with vlan in Bering I use this
> comand
> to install it:
> $lrpkg -i vlan.lrp
> It shows this (after pressing enter) message:
> "Instalation Complete".
> This package vlan.lrp it's supposed to provide the
> script "vconfig" which is used to configure the
> vlans
> So after have done this I try to configure the
> VLAN's
> with this comand:
> $vconfig add eth1 10
> and here is the problem, becouse when I try to do
> this, it shows me a message saying that maybe the
> package it's not installed or I don't have the
> module
> 8021q.o installed.
>  Which package? the vlan.lrp? but I just did it, and
> I've already installed the module 8201q.o too but I
> have the same problem.
> I'll be very pleased if you could send me an email
> with the solution for my problem.
> Thank you very much.
> ___
> Yahoo! Postales
> Felicita las Navidades con las postales más
> divertidas desde http://postales.yahoo.es
> ___
> VLAN mailing list  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.WANfear.com/mailman/listinfo/vlan
> VLAN Page: 

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[leaf-user] Bridging

2003-01-08 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
hey, can any of you tell me how I can make a bridge
between two interfaces in a computer with LRP?, I need
the two interfaces with two IP address. I'll apreciate
if any of you can give me the solution or if you know
any document to read. thanks

Yahoo! Postales
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[leaf-user] Install the vlan.lrp

2003-01-10 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
hey, an easy question:

 I'm new using the LRP, and I'm trying to install a
package called vlan.lrp. I'm following all the
instructions that I've read in the manual "Leaf Bering
instalation guide": I've copied the package in the
floppy disk and then I've edited the syslinux.cfg and
I've added the name of the package to the LRP= list.
Then I've made a backup of the package and of the
floppy disk and I've restarted the system.

   After the system was restarted I've used the comand
"lrpkg -i" to install the package. I know that with
all this the package has to be installed, becouse if I
do "lrpkg -l" it shows a list of the packages already
installed and the vlan.lrp is there.

 Then I made a backup of the floppy again and I've
restarted the system.

  But the vlan.lrp provides a script called "vconfig"
to configure vlan's and when I try to use this comand
like this:
vconfig add eth1 10
it shows me an error saying that it couldn't open the
and so the package it's not installed"
becouse there is not any directory /proc/net/vlan

 Could any of you guys tell me if I've miss something
in this procces to install this package?

 I've followed the instructions of the "Leaf Bering
instalation guide" but it seems that it doesn't work.

Thank's and I hope you'll can help me in this.

Yahoo! Postales
Felicita las Navidades con las postales más
divertidas desde http://postales.yahoo.es

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[leaf-user] bridge.lrp

2003-01-11 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hello everyone:

  I'm trying to install the package BRIDGE.LRP, I've
copied it in the floppy disk and I've edited and
modified the syslinux.cfg file. Then I've used the
lrpkg -i comand to install the package but I want to
work with it and I can't. Do any of you guys know why?
Did I do anything wrong?

 Thank's for your help.

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[leaf-user] vlan workstation configuration in linux

2003-02-15 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hy guys, let see if any of you can help me with this

  I'm trying to add a workstation to a VLAN, so I have
readed the guides and I 

  1) Did  a patch to the kernel to be able to use
  2) recompiled and installed the new kernel

 So now I should be able to add this workstation with
linux to my vlan. But the problem is that I can not
make a ping to my bridge/router.

  As it is sayd in the guide of cisco "LINUX VLAN +
Cisco Howto" that you can find in

  first you have to move everything to vlans, so you
don't set ip address to the real interfaces, but set
vlan interfaces. So to set eth0 with no ip I did :

 ifconfig eth0 up

 Then I wanted to add a vlan to this workstation so I
went to my vlan directory and with the comand vconfig

 vconfig add eth0 10

 This should create a device called vlan0010 but it
creates a device called eth0.10. So now Linux should
think that eth0.10 is just another network device, so
I can configure it like any other. What I did was

 ifconfig eth0.10 broadcast

   So if you trust the guide the configuration is over
and it should work.

  The problem is that, when I try to make a ping to
the interface conected to this workstation in the
bridge I don't receive anything.

  Do any of you know why?

 Thank's for your help guys

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[leaf-user] question about vlan in linux

2003-02-26 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi guys: 

  I'm trying to enable the vlan software in a linux
machine. There is a module called 8021q.o which I
already installed with the comand 
insmod 8021q
but the problem is when I reboot the system all the
configuration I did about vlan in the machine is gone
because it does not load the module, so I have to do
everything again.

  I used to work with the distribution Mandrake 8.1
and I know that you have to add the module you want to
be loaded when the system is rebooted in a file
/etc/modules/default... but now I am working with Red
Hat 7.3 (kernel 2.4.18) and I don't find that file in

 Do any of you know what I have to do to make that
module permanent? I thought that  uisng the command
insmod or modprob was all what I had to do. If I do a
dmesg after that I can see that the utility is working
"8021q VLAN blablabla"
but I can get the module to be loaded every time I
reboot the system

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[leaf-user] Question about bridge and vlan

2003-03-02 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Huy guys:

 I'm using a bering distribution to set up a vlan. I
am using the bering distribution in two computers
which has supposed to work as bridges. Both
computers(bridges) have three interfaces wich are
under the same bridge call "Ourense", 

Bridge Ourense eth0

Both computers are directly connected by a cable using
the eth0's interfaces, so I use the interfaces eth1
and eth2 in both bridges for the computers I want in
the vlan.

Everytthing works fine, but I have a question and I
would like to know if any of you,guys, can help me.

 The question is that everything works fine becouse
the computers which work as bridges are directly
conected by a cable, but what happend if the bridges
are located in different places like one in Europe and
the other in America??? How do you say to the bridge
that it has to conect to the other one?

 Can you use ip tables in the bridge?? Because what I
think this bridge does is let the traffic pass throw
all its interfaces and that's all. I have the
interfaces eth0 eht1 and eth2 ( which are in the
bridge) with IP address and  I connect the bridges
with the eth0's interfaces.  Then I create two vlan
one is eth1.10 and other eth2.20... but I do not use
ip tables.

 How can I set the bridges if they are not connected
directly by a cable?.

Thank you for your time guys.


Yahoo! Móviles
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[leaf-user] tunneling with a bering distribution

2003-03-03 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi guys:

 Here is the situation, I have two computers running
with a bering distribution and working as bridges to
set up  a virtual lan. They are fisically connected by
a cable and they work perfectly.

 The question is that I want to know how to set them
up if the computers working as bridges, and which
connect the workstations of the vlan, were located in
different places like Europe and America. I was told
in one of this lists that I should use a tunnel and
that there is a tool called "vtun" that I could use.

 The problem is that I don't know how to set up the
computers to work as bridges and to create a tunnel
between them at the same time. They already work as
bridges but could some of you tell me how to do to
create a tunnel between them? Should I use the "vtun"
tool for the bering distribution or you think that
there is something better?

  Thank for your time, and I hope there is some of you
that can help me with this. I will really apreciate
If you do not know the answer to this but you have any
documentation about it I will apreciate it if you can
send it to me.


P.S. If this is not the correct mailing-list, sorry,
but can you remail me to the correct one, thanks

Yahoo! Móviles
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[leaf-user] Tunneling in bering

2003-03-10 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
 Hi guys:
  Here is the situation, I have two computers running
 with a bering distribution and working as bridges to
 set up  a virtual lan. They are fisically connected
 a cable and they work perfectly.
  The question is that I want to know how to set them
 up if the computers working as bridges, and which
 connect the workstations of the vlan, were located
 different places like Europe and America. I was told
 in one of this lists that I should use a tunnel and
 that there is a tool called "vtun" that I could use.
  The problem is that I don't know how to set up the
 computers to work as bridges and to create a tunnel
 between them at the same time. They already work as
 bridges but could some of you tell me how to do to
 create a tunnel between them? Should I use the
 tool for the bering distribution or you think that
 there is something better?
   Thank for your time, and I hope there is some of
 that can help me with this. I will really apreciate
 If you do not know the answer to this but you have
 documentation about it I will apreciate it if you
 send it to me.
 P.S. If this is not the correct mailing-list, sorry,
 but can you remail me to the correct one, thanks

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[leaf-user] ATM & bering

2003-03-10 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi, Let's see if somebody can help me with this. I've
a computer running with a bering distribution and I
would like to work with an ATM card too.

 Do you know if I can use ATM in bering? How? Do I
need any package or module? How can I configure it? Do
you know any guide for that?

 Thanks and I hope some of you can help me with this.

See you

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[leaf-user] ATM Bering

2003-03-15 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi guys:

I am trying to set up a project in the labs of my
university working with a Bering distribution, and I
would like to provide ATM to my project. This is the

I have to bridges running under Bering which are
connecting a VLAN. The problem is that I have the
bridges located in diferent places (cities) and I
would like to provide a ATM net to connect them. I
have worked with these netcards for ATM ForerunnerLE
155 and Forerunner LE 25 in linux (driver for linux is

I have readed the guide of Bering about ATM and it
says that you can use  xDSL, but what I want to do is
just connect the bridges under a private net ( for
example, it is going to be a cable but it sounds
better to my professor if I say so) using ATM
Do you know how can I do to mount this cards in a
system running under Bering? and if there is any
package to probide the conection of the bridges under
ATM using these cards. If there is not any package, do
you have any ideas of how to start working on this?

Thank for your help guys. Have a good St Patrick's Day.

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SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Creating a atm-tools.lrp package

2003-06-06 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi everyone:

Here I am trying to create a package for the LRP
distribution Bering, which I am using. As I have
readed at the Developer´s guide the steps I have to
follow to create my package is adding the package and
a group of files :

•   pkgname.list – List of files contained in the
package, relative to / –  these paths must be relative
to / (root).
•   pkgname.version – Version of the software package
(in the format version-release).
•   pkgname.help – Help file for the software package.
•   pkgname.exclude – List of files to never include in
the package or any other package – these files might
include spool files, temporary files, and files that
get created every time the software starts.
•   pkgname.conf – A list of configuration files used by
the package.  Each entry can contain a comment after
the filename but on the same line.  This file is used
by the configuration utilities found in LRP and LEAF

  The situation is that I have got the atm-tools
package for linux OS obtained from the
leaf.sourceforge.net website. So, to create a
atmtools.lrp package Do I have to add the files that I
saw in the Developer´s guide?, or I have to install
the package for the Linux OS and then get the binary
and script files (you know which ones?), add the
pkgname.list, .help... and create the .tar.gz file. I
am sorry for this question but I am a begginer in this

 Thank you for your help. If somebody has created this
package already I will be more than pleased if I can
get it somewhere.
(The package to use an adsl connection ppp with ATM is
not useful for me because I am trying to use real ATM
hardware )

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] problems with idt77105.o

2003-06-11 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi everyone!

  As I was told in this mailing list, I have
downloaded the module idt77105.o to install with other
module nicstar.o to get my atm nic ForeRunnerLE 25Mbps
work under bering.

 I went to

 to check the module dependences and I did not find a
dependence with idt77105.o but when I try to install
this module before I install nicstar.o I get this

insmod idt77105.o
Using idt77105.o
insmod: unresolved symbol gr_is_capable

so if later I do insmod nicstar.o it tells me that
idt7105.o doesnt work, of course.

Any ideas about what happens here? I will be more than
glad if you can tell me something that can help me


Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.net email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best
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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [leaf-user] problems with idt77105.o

2003-06-11 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
I was thinking about this, and.. maybe the problem is
because I am using bering rc3 (wihtout grsecurity )
and I would need to use rc4. If so, where can I find
the image files of Bering rc4  patched with grsecurity


 --- Jacques Nilo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escribió: > Le Mercredi 11 Juin 2003 13:30, Jose Luis
> Sebio a écrit :
> > Hi everyone!
> >
> >   As I was told in this mailing list, I have
> > downloaded the module idt77105.o to install with
> other
> > module nicstar.o to get my atm nic ForeRunnerLE
> 25Mbps
> > work under bering.
> >
> >  I went to
> >
> >
> >  to check the module dependences and I did not
> find a
> > dependence with idt77105.o but when I try to
> install
> > this module before I install nicstar.o I get this
> > error:
> >
> > insmod idt77105.o
> > Using idt77105.o
> > insmod: unresolved symbol gr_is_capable
> >
> It looks like an incompatibility problem with the
> grsecurity patch.
> The only way to check would be to recompile the
> kernel with grsecurity 
> disabled.
> Jacques
> This SF.NET email is sponsored by: eBay
> Great deals on office technology -- on eBay now!
> Click here:
> http://adfarm.mediaplex.com/ad/ck/711-11697-6916-5

> leaf-user mailing list:

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problem with bridge.o in Bering V1.1

2003-06-12 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Hi Guys:

  Let´s see if someone know what to do with this:

I am trying to enable a atm nic to use a package
called atmtools.lrp.

To get this, I am using a nicstar.o module which
depends of another module "idt77105.o".

I was trying to do this in different bering
distributions V1.2, V1.1 and v1.0-stable.

  If I use the bering distributions v1.2 and
v1.0-stable they give me erros like

  insmod idt77105.o
  using /lib/modules/idt77105.o
  insmod: unresolved symbol is gr_capable

 So I cant install the module nicstar.o

 Everything looked fine when using Bering V1.1 I could
install these modules, but know if I 
install another module, which I need "bridge.o" I have
this error (Remember in Bering v1.1)
insmod bridge.o
using /lib/modules/bridge.o
insmod: unresolved symbol net_call_rx_atomic

I have checked the modules.dep file and bridge.o has
no dependences, so now I dont
know why it is not working when the same module,
bridge.o work fine in Bering rc3 and
in Bering V1.2 and v1.0-stable

Any ideas???

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.NET email is sponsored by: eBay
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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] problems proving atmtools.lrp

2003-06-10 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi, How are you doing?

 Let´s see if you can help me out here.
I am trying to use a package called atmtools.lrp
that you can find at this address

  I am using this package because I am trying to use
an ATM NIC card
(ForeRunner ATM Adapter), but I am having some
problems that maybe you can help me with.

1) First I install the module to control the atm Nic
called "nicstar.o", which
I have downloaded from the leaf modules website. But
once I have this module installed,
sometimes it gives me error, sometimes it doesn´t. But
most of the time
is does and it gives me this error:

#insmod nicstar.o
Using /lib/modules/nicstar.o
insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_stop
insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_init

 Another thing is that the command Ifconfig doesn´t
work (It says "ifconfig: not found"). 

Another question that I have now, because ifconfig 
doesn´t work is how I can do in the /etc/interfaces to
add the lines to configure
the atm Nic automaticly.. you know we have something
for eth0, eth1.. br0... but 
what do I have to do for the atm Nic?

2) I am using the packages vlan.lrp and bridge.lrp
too. For these packages I had
to install two modules 8021q.o for vlan.lrp and
bridge.o, Do I have to install any
extra module for atmtools.lrp?

Thank you very much for all your help, I will be
waiting and checking my mail every
few minutes hehehe, see you and have a good day guys

Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.net email is sponsored by:  Etnus, makers of TotalView, The best
thread debugger on the planet. Designed with thread debugging features
you've never dreamed of, try TotalView 6 free at www.etnus.com.

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Image file too long

2003-06-15 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hey, what´s up?

  I am using a normal bering 1.2 boot disk, but now I
need to add one module and another package (nicstar.o
and atmtools.lrp) and when I try to back up any
package or the floppy I don´t have space enough
because those files are too big. Is there any way to
make  a boot disk in two floppies, or I need to
install the module and the package everytime I restart
the system.


Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.NET email is sponsored by: eBay
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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problems setting a VLAN

2003-06-19 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi, good morning:

 I am having some problems trying to set a vlan with
the Bering rc4 distribution. I going to explain what I
did it and how, to see if anyone can find the problem
or the mistake, because I think I am following the
documentation pretty good.

  First I am gonna describe the situation of the
project. I have to computers, we will call them
BridgeA and BridgeB, which I wanna run as bridges.
Each computer has 3 Ethernet NICs. To apply vlan
support to the bridgeA and bridgeB I install in each
one the package vlan.lrp (wich provides the command
vconfig) and the module 8021q.o. Them to support the
bridge funcionality I install the the bridge.lrp
package and the bridge.o module.

them in each of these computers I do this:

First I assign an IP address to each NIC

and I set them up with the command Ifconfig
Ifconfgi eth0 up
Ifconfgi eth1 up
Ifconfgi eth2 up
(To do this I had to install netutils.lrp because ifup
didn´t seem to work)

so I did the same in bridgeB


and I set them up with ifconfig again.

So now in each of the briges I create the Vlans

vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add etho 20
vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

so now I have the interfaces
eth0.10 eth0.20 eth1.10 and eth2.20
 so I set them up again with ifconfig like
ifconfig eth1.10 up

So now I only have to create the bridge

brctl addbr Orense
brctl addif Orense eth0.10
brctl addif Orense eth0.20
brctl addif Orense eth1.10
brctl addif Orense eth2.20

and I set the bridge up
Ifconfig Orense up

(as you can see I use the interfaces eth0 of each
bridge to connect them in a backbone between the two

so then conected to the eth1 of the bridgeA I have a
computer with a NIC that has an IP address and conected to the eth1 of the bridgeB I
have another NIC with

As I see it has to work, doesn´t it? but If I do a
ping from to I can see the
other side. I only can reach the machine I am conected
directly (because the IP address) but not using the
bridge and VLAN technology.

Can anyone tell me why or what I did wrong?

It works if I do the bridge with the phisical
interfaces eth0,eth1,eth2... but the porpuse of this
project is using vlan and a bridge so... I don´t know
what is wrong here.

Thank´s for your help falks, I will be checking my
mail to see if anyone has the answer to this.


Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
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leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problems setting a VLAN with vlan.lrp and bridge.lrp

2003-06-20 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Hi, good morning:

 I am having some problems trying to set a vlan with
the Bering rc4 distribution. I going to explain what I
did it and how, to see if anyone can find the problem
or the mistake, because I think I am following the
documentation pretty good.

  Here, this is a draw of what I am trying to set

  - PC1 -
 - eth0 IP
 - eth1 IP
   eth2 ---  
  - Bridge A - -- PC3 -
 - eth0 IP   eth0 IP
 - eth0 IP
   eth2 ---
  - Bridge B  PC4 -
 - eth1 IP IP
 - eth0 IP
  - PC2 -

 BridgeA and BridgeB are running under Bering rc4 V1.2
 with vlan.lrp bridge.lrp and 8021q.o  and bridge.o
 First I am gonna describe the situation of the
project. I have to computers, we will call them
BridgeA and BridgeB, which I wanna run as bridges.
Each computer has 3 Ethernet NICs. To apply vlan
support to the bridgeA and bridgeB I install in each
one the package vlan.lrp (wich provides the command
vconfig) and the module 8021q.o. Them to support the
bridge funcionality I install the the bridge.lrp
package and the bridge.o module.

them in each of these computers I do this:

First I assign an IP address to each NIC

and I set them up with the command Ifconfig
Ifconfig eth0 up
Ifconfig eth1 up
Ifconfig eth2 up
(To do this I had to install netutils.lrp because ifup
didn´t seem to work)

so I did the same in bridgeB

and I set them up with ifconfig again.

So now in each of the briges I create the Vlans

vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add eth0 20
vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

so now I have the interfaces
eth0.10 eth0.20 eth1.10 and eth2.20
 so I set them up again with ifconfig like
ifconfig eth1.10 up

So now I only have to create the bridge

brctl addbr Orense
brctl addif Orense eth0.10
brctl addif Orense eth0.20
brctl addif Orense eth1.10
brctl addif Orense eth2.20

and I set the bridge up
Ifconfig Orense up

(as you can see I use the interfaces eth0 of each
bridge to connect them in a backbone between the two

so then conected to the eth1 of the bridgeA I have a
computer with a NIC that has an IP address and conected to the eth1 of the bridgeB
have another NIC with

As I see it has to work, doesn´t it? but If I do a
ping from to I can´t see
the other side. I only can reach the machine I am
conected to (because the IP address) but not using the
bridge and VLAN technology.

 It is the same for the PC´s in the VLAN ID 20 PC3 and

Can anyone tell me why or what I did wrong?

It works if I do the bridge with the phisical
interfaces eth0,eth1,eth2
Bridge Orense
eth0, eht1 eth2

but the porpuse of this
project is using vlan and a bridge so this:
Bridge Orense
eth0.10, eth0.20, eth1.10, eth2.20
It doesn´t work

I don´t know what is wrong here.

Thank´s for your help, I will be checking my
mail to see if anyone has the answer to this.



Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting http://www.inetu.net/partner/index.php

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] VLAN with vlan.lrp and bridge.lrp

2003-06-21 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi, good morning:

 I am having some problems trying to set a vlan with
the Bering rc4 distribution. I going to explain what I
did it and how, to see if anyone can find the problem
or the mistake, because I think I am following the
documentation pretty good.

  Here, this is a draw of what I am trying to set

  - PC1 -
 - eth0 IP
 - eth1 IP
   eth2 ---  
  - Bridge A - -- PC3 -
 - eth0 IP   eth0 IP
 - eth0 IP
   eth2 ---
  - Bridge B  PC4 -
 - eth1 IP IP
 - eth0 IP
  - PC2 -

 BridgeA and BridgeB are running under Bering rc4 V1.2
 with vlan.lrp bridge.lrp and 8021q.o  and bridge.o
 First I am gonna describe the situation of the
project. I have to computers, we will call them
BridgeA and BridgeB, which I wanna run as bridges.
Each computer has 3 Ethernet NICs. To apply vlan
support to the bridgeA and bridgeB I install in each
one the package vlan.lrp (wich provides the command
vconfig) and the module 8021q.o. Them to support the
bridge funcionality I install the the bridge.lrp
package and the bridge.o module.

them in each of these computers I do this:

First I assign an IP address to each NIC

and I set them up with the command Ifconfig
Ifconfig eth0 up
Ifconfig eth1 up
Ifconfig eth2 up
(To do this I had to install netutils.lrp because ifup
didn´t seem to work)

so I did the same in bridgeB

and I set them up with ifconfig again.

So now in each of the briges I create the Vlans

vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add eth0 20
vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

so now I have the interfaces
eth0.10 eth0.20 eth1.10 and eth2.20
 so I set them up again with ifconfig like
ifconfig eth1.10 up

So now I only have to create the bridge

brctl addbr Orense
brctl addif Orense eth0.10
brctl addif Orense eth0.20
brctl addif Orense eth1.10
brctl addif Orense eth2.20

and I set the bridge up
Ifconfig Orense up

(as you can see I use the interfaces eth0 of each
bridge to connect them in a backbone between the two

so then conected to the eth1 of the bridgeA I have a
computer with a NIC that has an IP address and conected to the eth1 of the bridgeB
have another NIC with

As I see it has to work, doesn´t it? but If I do a
ping from to I can´t see
the other side. I only can reach the machine I am
conected to (because the IP address) but not using the
bridge and VLAN technology.

 It is the same for the PC´s in the VLAN ID 20 PC3 and

Can anyone tell me why or what I did wrong?

It works if I do the bridge with the phisical
interfaces eth0,eth1,eth2
Bridge Orense
eth0, eht1 eth2

but the porpuse of this
project is using vlan and a bridge so this:
Bridge Orense
eth0.10, eth0.20, eth1.10, eth2.20
It doesn´t work

I don´t know what is wrong here.

Thank´s for your help, I will be checking my
mail to see if anyone has the answer to this.



Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting http://www.inetu.net/partner/index.php

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problems using vlan.lrp and bridge.lrp

2003-06-24 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi, how everybody is doing?:

 I am having some problems trying to set a vlan with
the Bering rc4 distribution. I going to explain what I
did it and how, to see if anyone can find the problem
or the mistake, because I think I am following the
documentation pretty good.

  Here, this is a draw of what I am trying to set

  - PC1 -
 - eth0 IP
 - eth1 IP
   eth2 ---  
  - Bridge A - -- PC3 -
 - eth0 IP   eth0 IP
 - eth0 IP
   eth2 ---
  - Bridge B  PC4 -
 - eth1 IP IP
 - eth0 IP
  - PC2 -

 BridgeA and BridgeB are running under Bering rc4 V1.2
 with vlan.lrp bridge.lrp and 8021q.o  and bridge.o
 First I am gonna describe the situation of the
project. I have to computers, we will call them
BridgeA and BridgeB, which I wanna run as bridges.
Each computer has 3 Ethernet NICs. To apply vlan
support to the bridgeA and bridgeB I install in each
one the package vlan.lrp (wich provides the command
vconfig) and the module 8021q.o. Them to support the
bridge funcionality I install the the bridge.lrp
package and the bridge.o module.

them in each of these computers I do this:

First I assign an IP address to each NIC

and I set them up with the command Ifconfig
Ifconfig eth0 up
Ifconfig eth1 up
Ifconfig eth2 up
(To do this I had to install netutils.lrp because ifup
didn´t seem to work)

so I did the same in bridgeB

and I set them up with ifconfig again.

So now in each of the briges I create the Vlans

vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add eth0 20
vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

so now I have the interfaces
eth0.10 eth0.20 eth1.10 and eth2.20
 so I set them up again with ifconfig like
ifconfig eth1.10 up

So now I only have to create the bridge

brctl addbr Orense
brctl addif Orense eth0.10
brctl addif Orense eth0.20
brctl addif Orense eth1.10
brctl addif Orense eth2.20

and I set the bridge up
Ifconfig Orense up

(as you can see I use the interfaces eth0 of each
bridge to connect them in a backbone between the two

so then conected to the eth1 of the bridgeA I have a
computer with a NIC that has an IP address and conected to the eth1 of the bridgeB
have another NIC with

As I see it has to work, doesn´t it? but If I do a
ping from to I can´t see
the other side. I only can reach the machine I am
conected to (because the IP address) but not using the
bridge and VLAN technology.

 It is the same for the PC´s in the VLAN ID 20 PC3 and

Can anyone tell me why or what I did wrong?

It works if I do the bridge with the phisical
interfaces eth0,eth1,eth2
Bridge Orense
eth0, eht1 eth2

but the porpuse of this
project is using vlan and a bridge so this:
Bridge Orense
eth0.10, eth0.20, eth1.10, eth2.20
It doesn´t work

I don´t know what is wrong here.

Thank´s for your help, I will be checking my
mail to see if anyone has the answer to this.


Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting http://www.inetu.net/partner/index.php

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problems Vlan+bridge

2003-06-25 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hello everyone:

  I am trying to set up a easy configuration using a
bridge with Vlan Support, but I am having a few
problems with it and I don´t know why. Let´s see if
you can help me out here.

  Here I show you the configuration

 - PC1 -
- eth0
- eth0 (No IP address) (eth0.10 for the vlan)
 - br0 -
-  eth1 (No IP address) (eth1.10 for the vlan)
- eth0
 - PC2 -

  What I am trying to get here is set a brige using

   I am using Bering rc4 with bridge support and vlan
support. First I set the interfaces in the bridge Br0
with no IP address

ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up

  then I create the Vlans, eth0 and eth1 will belong
to vlan10
  vconfig add eth0 10
  vconfig add eth1 10
 So with this if I go to /proc/net/vlan
I have the interfaces eth0.10 and eth1.10 with no IP
address as we want for the bridge right?

 I set eth0.10 and eth1.10 up with ifconfig

ifconfig eth0.10 up
ifconfig eth1.10 up

  now I create the bridge

brctl addbr br0
brctl stp br0 off

so now I add the logical interfaces eth0.10 and
eth1.10 to the bridge

brctl addif br0 eth0.10
brctl addif br0 eth1.10

now I have what I think I need to et all the
configuration to work, right?
so I set the interface br0 up
ifconfig br0 up

  As I think and as I readed in the tutorials and
guides I found in the internet, this configuration
should work. I should be able to ping from PC1 to PC2
because they are in the same vlan (PC1 and PC2 are
using windows98 because my teacher says that the hosts
that are not bridges dont have to support Vlan, so we
can work with the normal interfaces)

  The problem is that, this doesn´t work, and I don´t
now why I can not get a response for a ping to PC1
from PC2 or from PC2 to PC1.

 I tryed to do this not using vlans, with the normal
physical interfaces in the bridge eth0 and eth1,
instead eth0.10 and eth1.10, and of course it works.
But what I am trying to set here is a bridge using
vlans, them if I set eth0 in vlan 10 and eth1 in vlan
20 because the logical interfaces are not in the
bridge it works when it shouldn´t. 

  How can I get this configuration and this Idea to

CAn any of you tell  me why it doesn´t work? 

In the bridge, Do I have to use the the logical
(eth0.10 and eth1.10) or the physical interfaces (eth0
and eth1)?

Do I need PC1 and PC2 to support VLAN and get in PC1
eth0.10 with an IP addres and the same in the PC2?

Can it be because with this I am working with trunck
ports when I should work with acces ports? If so, how
can I set the bridge to work with access ports.

 I will be really pleased if you can help me here,
because I need it for my final degree project and time
is running out.

 Thank you for your time, I apreciate it.

Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting http://www.inetu.net/partner/index.php

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Problems VLAN + Bridge

2003-06-25 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hello everyone:

  I am trying to set up a easy configuration using a
bridge with Vlan Support, but I am having a few
problems with it and I don´t know why. Let´s see if
you can help me out here.

  Here I show you the configuration

 - PC1 -
- eth0
- eth0 (No IP address) (eth0.10 for the vlan)
 - br0 -
-  eth1 (No IP address) (eth1.10 for the vlan)
- eth0
 - PC2 -

  What I am trying to get here is set a brige using

   I am using Bering rc4 with bridge support and vlan
support. First I set the interfaces in the bridge Br0
with no IP address

ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up

  then I create the Vlans, eth0 and eth1 will belong
to vlan10
  vconfig add eth0 10
  vconfig add eth1 10
 So with this if I go to /proc/net/vlan
I have the interfaces eth0.10 and eth1.10 with no IP
address as we want for the bridge right?

 I set eth0.10 and eth1.10 up with ifconfig

ifconfig eth0.10 up
ifconfig eth1.10 up

  now I create the bridge

brctl addbr br0
brctl stp br0 off

so now I add the logical interfaces eth0.10 and
eth1.10 to the bridge

brctl addif br0 eth0.10
brctl addif br0 eth1.10

now I have what I think I need to et all the
configuration to work, right?
so I set the interface br0 up
ifconfig br0 up

  As I think and as I readed in the tutorials and
guides I found in the internet, this configuration
should work. I should be able to ping from PC1 to PC2
because they are in the same vlan (PC1 and PC2 are
using windows98 because my teacher says that the hosts
that are not bridges dont have to support Vlan, so we
can work with the normal interfaces)

  The problem is that, this doesn´t work, and I don´t
now why I can not get a response for a ping to PC1
from PC2 or from PC2 to PC1.

 I tryed to do this not using vlans, with the normal
physical interfaces in the bridge eth0 and eth1,
instead eth0.10 and eth1.10, and of course it works.
But what I am trying to set here is a bridge using
vlans, them if I set eth0 in vlan 10 and eth1 in vlan
20 because the logical interfaces are not in the
bridge it works when it shouldn´t. 

  How can I get this configuration and this Idea to

CAn any of you tell  me why it doesn´t work? 

In the bridge, Do I have to use the the logical
(eth0.10 and eth1.10) or the physical interfaces (eth0
and eth1)?

Do I need PC1 and PC2 to support VLAN and get in PC1
eth0.10 with an IP addres and the same in the PC2?

Can it be because with this configuration I am working
with truck ports in the bridge, when I shoud be
working with access ports? If so how can I configure
the bridge with access ports?

 I will be really pleased if you can help me here,
because I need it for my final degree project and time
is running out.

 Thank you for your time, I apreciate it.

Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: INetU
Attention Web Developers & Consultants: Become An INetU Hosting Partner.
Refer Dedicated Servers. We Manage Them. You Get 10% Monthly Commission!
INetU Dedicated Managed Hosting http://www.inetu.net/partner/index.php

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Re: [VLAN] Problems Vlan+bridge

2003-06-25 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

  But imagine that the idea is using two machines PC1
and PC2 with linux and support for VLan, would be the
configuration ok? How can I get the access port
support instead the trunk port?

  Then If the configuration is ok, If I put PC2
eth0.20 and the bridge br0 with eth1.20 and eth0.10,
It is suposed that I can not see PC1 from PC2 because
they are in diferent vlan´s,but I can.


 Thanks again

 --- Leonard Ye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > in
short, your teacher is wrong.
> Here is the longer answer.  The vlan support in
> Linux is similar to
> "trunk port" concept in switch configuration.  That
> is, an VLAN
> interface in Linux will only pick up and process
> packets that has
> already been VLAN-tagged.
> As in your case, windows machine will only generate
> normal ethernet
> packet, and it can only be picked up by non-vlan
> ethernet interface,
> thus, your bridging between eth0 and eth1 will work
> while bridging
> between eth0.10 and eth1.10 won't.
> I don't quite understand why you want to do bridging
> between VLANs while
> the source and destination machine can only
> generate/accept non-vlan
> traffic.  Maybe you just want to try out this
> particular VLAN+bridge
> combination.
> Regards,
> Leonard Ye
> On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 20:31, Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
> wrote:
> > Hello everyone:
> > 
> >   I am trying to set up a easy configuration using
> a
> > bridge with Vlan Support, but I am having a few
> > problems with it and I don´t know why. Let´s see
> if
> > you can help me out here.
> > 
> >   Here I show you the configuration
> > 
> > 
> >  ---
> >  - PC1 -
> >  ---
> > - eth0
> > -
> > -
> > -
> > - eth0 (No IP address) (eth0.10 for the vlan)
> >  ---
> >  - br0 -
> >  ---
> > -  eth1 (No IP address) (eth1.10 for the vlan)
> > -
> > -
> > - eth0
> >  ---
> >  - PC2 -
> >  ---
> > 
> >   
> >   What I am trying to get here is set a brige
> using
> > vlans. 
> > 
> >I am using Bering rc4 with bridge support and
> vlan
> > support. First I set the interfaces in the bridge
> Br0
> > with no IP address
> > 
> > ifconfig eth0 up
> > ifconfig eth1 up
> > 
> >   then I create the Vlans, eth0 and eth1 will
> belong
> > to vlan10
> >   vconfig add eth0 10
> >   vconfig add eth1 10
> >   
> >  So with this if I go to /proc/net/vlan
> > I have the interfaces eth0.10 and eth1.10 with no
> IP
> > address as we want for the bridge right?
> > 
> >  I set eth0.10 and eth1.10 up with ifconfig
> > 
> > ifconfig eth0.10 up
> > ifconfig eth1.10 up
> > 
> >  
> >   now I create the bridge
> > 
> > brctl addbr br0
> > brctl stp br0 off
> > 
> > so now I add the logical interfaces eth0.10 and
> > eth1.10 to the bridge
> > 
> > brctl addif br0 eth0.10
> > brctl addif br0 eth1.10
> > 
> > now I have what I think I need to et all the
> > configuration to work, right?
> > so I set the interface br0 up
> > ifconfig br0 up
> > 
> >   As I think and as I readed in the tutorials and
> > guides I found in the internet, this configuration
> > should work. I should be able to ping from PC1 to
> PC2
> > because they are in the same vlan (PC1 and PC2 are
> > using windows98 because my teacher says that the
> hosts
> > that are not bridges dont have to support Vlan, so
> we
> > can work with the normal interfaces)
> > 
> >   The problem is that, this doesn´t work, and I
> don´t
> > now why I can not get a response for a ping to PC1
> > from PC2 or from PC2 to PC1.
> > 
> >  I tryed to do this not using vlans, with the
> normal
> > physical interfaces in the bridge eth0 and eth1,
> > instead eth0.10 and eth1.10, and of course it
> works.
> > But what I am trying to set here is a bridge using
> > vlans, them if I set eth0 in vlan 10 and eth1 in
> vlan
> > 20 because the logical interfaces are not in the
> > bridge it works when it shouldn´t. 
> > 
> >   How can I get this configuration and this Idea
> to
> > work?
> > 
> > CAn any of you tell  me why it doesn´t work? 
> > 
> > In the bridge, Do I have to use the the logical
> > (eth0.10 and eth1.10) or the physical interfaces
> (eth0
> > and eth1)?
> > 
> > Do I need PC1 and PC2 to support 

[leaf-user] V port access and V port trunk

2003-06-25 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi everyone,

  I am trying to set a vlan configuration, and reading
the guides or tutorials about Vlan I came up with some
questions that maybe you can answer me.

  What I am trying  to do with my configuration is
creating two machines PC1 and PC3 in a VLAN ID 10 and
PC2 and PC4 in VLANM ID 20.

  I use two machines as bridges and the graph is like

  - -
  -PC1- -PC2-
  - -
- -
- eth0.10 eth0.20 -
-  -
- -
-  - -
   - -
eth1.10- - eth2.20
- br0-   
   - eth0.10
   - eth0.20
   - eth0.10
   - eth0.20
- br1-
 eth1.10 -   - eth2.20
 -   -
 -   -
  eth0.10  eth0.20
  -   -  
  -PC3-   -PC4-
  -   -

 I know I know, this configuration is quite easy and
useless, but this project is to better understanding
the use and the way of working of vlans. Here is my
question now. I can get this to work but to do this I
PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 must have vlan support (they are
linux machines) and of course the bridges too (they
are leaf lrp machines).

  I think this ( the need of vlan support in PCx) is
because I am using V trunk port, so I need all the
machines in the configuration to support vlan. But
with this everytime I need to change something I have
to change it in the bridges and the workstations.

 I read somewhere that there is another use that we
can use, the V access port where the PC´s 1,2,3 and 4
could be windows machines wich doesn´t need vlan

  Do you know if I can do this configuration keeping
the configuration of the bridges but using machines as
PC 1,2,3 and 4 with no vlan support.

 Here is the configuration of the bridges that I did,
maybe I have to change something to get this.

ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up
ifconfig eth2 up

vconfig add eth0 10
vconfig add eth0 20
vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

ifconfig eth0.10 up
ifconfig eth0.20 up
ifconfig eth1.10 up
ifconfig eth2.20 up

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif eth0
brctl addif eth1
brctl addif eth2

ifconfig br0 up

and with this it works, but as I told you before, I am
interesting in getting this to work with V access port
instead V trunk port.

  Please, any ideas email me as soon as you can, I
will apreciate it, c ya

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[leaf-user] Vlan Acces link (vlan.lrp + bridge.lrp

2003-06-29 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hi everyone,

 I am trying to set a vlan but using vlan-unaware
machines ( PC1, PC2,PC3 and PC4 as you can see in the

 Here the bridge is the one to do the tagging of the
frames and untag them to send them to the correct
machine (Because the vlan-unaware machines dont tag
their frames, as I have readed in some tutorials about
vlans). I am using the packages vlan.lrp and
bridge.lrp to configure the bridges as it follows:

  - -
  -PC1- -PC2-
  - -
- -
- eth0eth0-
-  -
- -
-  - -
   - -
eth1.10- - eth2.20
- br0-   
   - eth0
   - eth0
- br1-
 eth1.10 -   - eth2.20
 -   -
 -   -
  eth0 eth0
  -   -  
  -PC3-   -PC4-
  -   -
So following this picture, PC2 would see PC4 and PC1
would see PC3 and the bridges would be in charge of
tagging and untagging the frames, the vlan-unaware
machines would not have to know about the tagging,
right, I think this is the Idea of the vlan access

   So to get this, I have configured the bridges this

 first I have created the vlans

vconfig add eth1 10
vconfig add eth2 20

then I set them up

ifconfig eth1.10 up
ifconfig eth2.20 up

so then I have configured the bridge

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0
brctl addif br0 eth1.10
brctl addif br0 eth2.20

and set it up

ifconfig br0 up

  As far as I know about vlans and bridging PC2 would
have to be able to comunicate with PC4 and PC1 with
PC3, but they don´t.

 Is it maybe because the kernel doesn´t support vlan
access link, and PC1,PC2,PC3 and PC4 must be
vlan-aware machines to tag the frames? (as it is
possible in CISCO machines)

 If this bridge configuration to get a vlan access
link is wrong, as I think it is because it doesn´t
work, what do I have to change to get a vlan access
link in my bridges so  PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 could be
vlan-unaware machines and don´t worry about tagging?

 Thank you for your help, I will be checking my mail
to see if any of you can help me out with this.

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[leaf-user] atmtools.lrp working

2003-07-06 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
 A few weeks ago, I asked you about how to do a
package, atmtools.lrp, and you told me that you had it
but you were not sure about if it worked or not. I
tried it, doing LANE and it seems to work pretty good.
If you want I cant tell you the configuration of my
experiment, so later you can put it in latest/packages
in your website.

  I am gonna try it now with CLIP, and I will tell you
how it goes.

  Also I would like to know, if you don´t mind, how
you created the package, so I can put it in my
documentation and learn how to do it the next time by
my own. Do you have to compile all the demonds, and
the programs in Debian 2.1. I will be pleased if
you can tell me how you did create the package.

 Thank you very much for your help



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[leaf-user] Documentation about atmtools.lrp

2003-07-08 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Hi everyone,
 My name is Luis and I am studying C.S. at my
University in Spain. I am getting interest for this
proyect, but sometimes I feel that I don´t know enough
to understand the process of some projects you talk
here about.

  I did a job about Vlan using LEAF Bering rc 4 and it
was pretty interesting for me, and it helped me a lot
to know and understand more about networking.

  Now I used the package atmtools.lrp that Jacques
Nilo told me that I could use to try my project and
that I could find at

  I used it with LANE and CLIP and it seems to work
pretty good, congratulations. But now I would like to
do more than trying and I would like to help to this
project creating my own packages and investigating by
my own to provide you with my help (as far as I could
do, of course I realize that people here knows a lot
more than me).

  I have readed the Bering Devlopment Guide, but
things are not pretty clear for me, so maybe any of
you could have the time to explain me, carefully, how
for instance, the package atmtools.lrp was created and

 I know that I need the Debian 2.1 OS and that I need
to compilate everything and create a list file for the
lrpkg command and tar it. But in practice it doesn´t
work to tell you the truth. 

 As I have
 readed at the Developer´s guide the steps I have to
 follow to create my package is adding the package and
 a group of files :

 • pkgname.list – List of files contained in the
 package, relative to / –  these paths must be
 to / (root).
 • pkgname.version – Version of the software
 (in the format version-release).
 • pkgname.help – Help file for the software
 • pkgname.exclude – List of files to never
include in
 the package or any other package – these files might
 include spool files, temporary files, and files that
 get created every time the software starts.
 • pkgname.conf – A list of configuration files
used by
 the package.  Each entry can contain a comment after
 the filename but on the same line.  This file is used
 by the configuration utilities found in LRP and LEAF

I know that I have to take the atm-tools for linux and
get the lrp package... but can any of you explain me
the process in steps, or if any of you has the
documentation about how it was made,pass it to me?.

 I will be really pleased, well, me and my teacher
too.. because he wants to know more about this project
now that I have started to read about it.

Thank you very much.

The package provides:

debian:/tmp/test# tar xzvf ../atmtools.lrp

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[leaf-user] Problems with my NIC

2003-10-04 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hey how is everyone doing?

  Let´s see if you can help me out here. I used to
work with LRP a few months ago, but now I wanna do it
again to install a firewall. The problem is that now I
have bought two NICs SureCom EP-320X-S to do the Two
interface option of the manual, but the my boot disk
doesn´t see any of the two NIC´s I have tried to
install more modules, you know 3c509 but I don´t
find the module I need for them.

  Did any of you work with these NICs before? If so I
can I know what the exact module I need for them?

Of course if you think that I am forgetting something
obvious, please tell me what!!! I know this is a easy
step but it is taking me too much time.


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[leaf-user] problems with tulip.o

2003-10-04 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
hey how are you doing guys?

 Here I send you another question about my NIC SureCom
EP-320X-S. I think that I have to install the module
tulip.o with dependences of pci-scan.o. So I install
pci-scan.o with no problem but when I try to install
the tulip.o I get a error message:

$insmod tulip
using /lib/modules/tulip.o
insmod : init_module: tulip: Operation not supported
by the system

Any idea of what I am doing wrong? Thanks guys

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[leaf-user] Problem starting Shorewall Firewall

2003-10-07 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hey how is everybody doing?

 Let see if you can spot me here with my problem. I
use to work with Bering 1.2 for VLAN issues but now I
want to configure an old machine as a firewall using
the software shorewall which is include in Berig 1.2.

  I have downloaded the quick start guide for a simple
configuration, a local net conected to the firewall
(eth1) by a hub (local PCs and the firewall by eth1
are conected to the same hub) and the firewall
conected to the router (eth0) of course eth1 has thh
net IP address of the local net and eh0 has the same
net IP address of the router. Also I have configurated
all the machines within the local net with their
gateway set with the  IP address of the local interfce
of the firewall (eth1) as it is said in the quickstart
guide of shorewall for two interfaces.

  I have the following policies:

 local net ACCEPT
 net   all DROP
 all   all REJCET

The in the rules I have some rules like

local  fw   tcp 53
local  net  tcp 4662
local  net  udp 4662
netlocal udp 4662
local  fw   tcp 80
fw net  tcp 80
local  net  tcp 25 (SMTP)
netlocal tcp 110 (POP)

and two or three more, I don´t know if the rules are
like that exactly now.

  The problem is that, from any computer of the local
net I can ping the private interface of the router
(which is conected to the fw) and from the firewall I
can ping either the router or any local PC. But when I
try to open my web broser in any of my local PCs it
doesn´t work.

  So here is my question, with Bering 1.2 and it´s
shorewall, do I have to start the firewall with any
command? or does it get set up automaticly by it self
after the sistem is booted? if so, how can I get it

Did I do anything wrong in my configuration of the
firewall or in the desing of the net?

Thanks for yor time falks

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[leaf-user] problems with Shorwall

2003-10-08 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hey how is everybody doing?

 Let see if you can spot me here with my problem. I
use to work with Bering 1.2 for VLAN issues but now I
want to configure an old machine as a firewall using
the software shorewall which is include in Berig 1.2.

  I have downloaded the quick start guide for a simple
configuration, a local net conected to the firewall
(eth1) by a hub (local PCs and the firewall by eth1
are conected to the same hub) and the firewall
conected to the router (eth0) of course eth1 has the
net IP address of the local net and eh0 has the same
net IP address of the router. Also I have configurated
all the machines within the local net with their
gateway set with the  IP address of the local
interafce of the firewall (eth1) as it is said in the
quickstart guide of shorewall for two interfaces.

  I have the following policies:

 local net ACCEPT
 net   all DROP
 all   all REJCET

Them in the rules I have 
RULE   Source DEST  ProtoDEST
ACCEPT fw net   tcp  53
ACCEPT fw net   udp  53
# For ssh conection
ACCEPT locfwtcp  22

ACCEPT locfwicmp  8
ACCEPT netfwicmp  8 
ACCEPT fw loc   icmp  8
ACCEPT fw net   icmp  8

ACCEPT locfwtcp   80
ACCEPT locfwudp   53

ACCEPT locfwtcp   4662
ACCEPT netfwtcp   4662
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   4662
ACCEPT fw loc   tcp   4662

ACCEPT netfwudp   4672
ACCEPT locfwudp   4672
ACCEPT fw net   udp   4672
ACCEPT fw loc   udp   4672

#SMTP mail
ACCEPT locfwtcp   25
ACCEPT netfwtcp   25
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   25
ACCEPT fw loctcp  25

#POP mail
ACCEPT locfwtcp   110
ACCEPT netfwtcp   110
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   110
ACCEPT fw loctcp  110

and in the Masq option of the Shorwall menu I have

#Interface  SubnetAddress
 eth0   eth1

Where is teh ip address of eth0

   Because I am not giving any service I dont use the
NAT protocol, so my question is that from any computer
of the local
net I can ping the private interface of the router
(which is conected to the fw) and from the firewall I
can ping either the router or any local PC. But when I
try to open my web broser in any of my local PCs it
doesn´t work.

  So here is my question, with Bering 1.2 and it´s
shorewall, do I have to start the firewall with any
command? or does it get set up automaticly by it self
after the sistem is booted? if so, how can I get it

Did I do anything wrong in my configuration of the
firewall or in the desing of the net?

Thanks for yor time falks


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[leaf-user] DNS with Bering in a small LAN

2003-10-09 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Hey how is everybody doing?

 Let see if you can spot me here with my problem. I
use to work with Bering 1.2 for VLAN issues but now I
want to configure an old machine as a firewall using
the software shorewall which is include in Berig 1.2.

  I have downloaded the quick start guide for a simple
configuration, a local net conected to the firewall
(eth1) by a hub (local PCs and the firewall by eth1
are conected to the same hub) and the firewall
conected to a cisco router machine provided by my
cable operator (eth0) of course eth1 has the
subnet address of the local net and eh0 has the same
subnet  address of the router. Also I have
all the machines within the local net with their
gateway set to the IP address of the local
interafce of the firewall (eth1).

  I have the following policies:

 local net ACCEPT
 net   all DROP
 all   all REJCET

Them in the rules I have 
RULE   Source DEST  ProtoDEST
ACCEPT fw net   tcp  53
ACCEPT fw net   udp  53
# For ssh conection
ACCEPT locfwtcp  22

ACCEPT locfwicmp  8
ACCEPT netfwicmp  8 
ACCEPT fw loc   icmp  8
ACCEPT fw net   icmp  8

ACCEPT locfwtcp   80
ACCEPT locfwudp   53

ACCEPT locfwtcp   4662
ACCEPT netfwtcp   4662
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   4662
ACCEPT fw loc   tcp   4662

ACCEPT netfwudp   4672
ACCEPT locfwudp   4672
ACCEPT fw net   udp   4672
ACCEPT fw loc   udp   4672

#SMTP mail
ACCEPT locfwtcp   25
ACCEPT netfwtcp   25
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   25
ACCEPT fw loc   tcp   25

#POP mail
ACCEPT locfwtcp   110
ACCEPT netfwtcp   110
ACCEPT fw net   tcp   110
ACCEPT fw loc   tcp   110

and in the Masq option of the Shorwall menu I have

#Interface  SubnetAddress
 eth0   eth1

Where is teh ip address of eth0

the file host.allow has


where is the subnet address of the
internal net conected to eth1 so that any PC from that
net can access to the services of the firewall, and
reach the internet, am I wrong?.

I have, at this point two questions:

1º) I don´t have any DNS configured in my local net
(neither at the firewall (LEAF Router), dnscache
etc...). In the PCs of the local net I have the
addresses of the DNS servers that my cable operator
gave me. SO now I don´t know if I have to configure a
DNS server in my firewall (Leaf Router) or what, and
If so how???. As I have understood in the Quickstart
guide for two interfaces, The resolv.conf will be
written as soon as you conect to your ISP

2) so now here comes the problem. From any computer
of the local net I can ping the internal IP address of
the cisco router(which is conected to the fw) and from
the firewall(LEAF router) I can ping either the
internal address of the cisco router or any local PC. 

The question here is that I can´t ping the external IP
address of the cisco router or do a traceroute and
when I try to open my web broser in any of my local
PCs it doesn´t work. It says that it can open the
website, and the same for the mailing tool Outlook

3)  with Bering 1.2 and its shorewall, do I have to
start the firewall with any
command? or does it get set up automaticly by it self
after the sistem is booted? if so, how can I get it

Did I do anything wrong in my configuration of the
firewall or in the desing of the net?

Thanks for yor time falks



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[leaf-user] Program for downloads doesn´t work with Shorewall Why??

2003-10-11 Thread Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio
Good morning everyone.

 Let´s see if you can help me to find out what´s the
problem in the configuration of my local net.

 Let´s start from the begining. I have a cable
operator which provides me intertet service, this
cable operator gave me a cisco router which I can not
manage but the cable operator gave me the IP address
of the internal interface of the router(
to manage my local net setting the default gatway of
all my local PC´s to that IP address. Because I am
using a program to download information for my
business I asked the cable operator to open all the
ports for the IP address to one of my local PC´s
( and they did it. 

  But now that I have important things in my local net
I decided to install a firewall (hardware) between the
cisco router and my local net. I use an old machine
running bering and Shorewall. Te configuration of my
net now is as follows:
CiscoFirewall-Local Net 192.168.30.X

   Because I want all my local PC´s to use that
program of downloads I gave the addres which has all
the ports opened in the cisco router to the external
IP of the firewall(Leaf router). So I have changed the
subnet ip address of my local net.

  Following the configuration I wrote up and the rules
I put on the firewall, Internet works fine, but the
program of downloads gives me an error

"your port 4662 is unreachable" (message from the
server). So it works much slower that before

But I don´t know why, because in the rules I have
opened this port

ACCPET   local  fwtcp 4662
ACCEPT   fw local tcp 4662
ACCEPT   netfwtcp 4662
ACCEPT   fw net   tcp 4662

I have the masquerade configuration correct, because
it works for other programs, the policy file is

loc net ACCPET
net all DROP
all all reject

the file resolv.conf is

 I don´t know if you see the point of the situation,
First I asked my cable operator to open all the ports
for the machine and the program worked
fine, but now with the firewall it doesn´t. Why?
that´s what I try to find out. If the cisco router has
all the ports opened for the ip (external
ip address of the firewall) and in the firewall I
allow all the trafic for that port, why do I get that
message? Having the configuration as I have explained
the program would have to work fine, and all my local
pc´s should be able to use it don´t they? Please any
help would be really apreciated.

Thanks for your time

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