Re: Appoggiature too fast

2024-09-12 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Le 12 sept. 2024 à 16:18, Xavier Scheuer  a écrit :
> Could be linked to
> that fixed 6489

I can't see how that commit could have changed anything to the result 
(delimited and full continuations are entirely equivalent in this context, 
except that the latter sometimes make Guile crash).

Re: \with-url relative link?

2024-08-05 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 05 août 2024 à 11:18 -0700, l t a écrit :
> Hi,
> Wondering if it is possible to have lilypond produce a working relative url
> link on a pdf, where, if I had a file in the same directory as the outputted
> PDF, I could do something like this:
> \markup  { \with-url  #"test.mid" }
> or
> \markup  { \with-url  #"./test.mid" } 
> or
> \markup  { \with-url  #"/test.mid" }
> The first one sort of works while still viewing the output within Frescobaldi
> (although the actual directory it searches was different than what I 
> expected),
> but none work in the final PDF output.

You cannot get a relative link into the PDF output. I just checked
the PDF 1.7 specification and I was surprised to find that the PDF
format supports it (I didn't check whether common PDF readers actually
understand it), but LilyPond has no support for outputting that.

On the other hand, you can do

\markup \with-url "file:///home/you/absolute/path/to/file.mid"

for an absolute path. You can automate adding the absolute path
of the directory that contains the current input file using a simple
variant of the \withRelativeDir command that was added in version 2.25.12:

\version "2.24.4"

fileURL =
#(define-scheme-function (file-name) (string?)
   (let* ((input-file (car (ly:input-file-line-char-column (*location*
  (input-dir (dirname input-file)))
 (string-append "file://" input-dir file-name-separator-string file-name)))

\markup \with-url \fileURL "mystery-principle.v" "foo"

This doesn't give a true relative URL, because it will keep pointing to the
original target even if you move the PDF file around, but might be good enough
for your use case.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Suggestions for the lilypond-user archive search

2024-07-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le samedi 27 juillet 2024 à 15:40 -0500, Christopher Heckman a écrit :
> This is a useful website to bookmark and use, but I've found over the
> years that it can be improved. My suggestions are:
> (1) Allow an option to search by thread. If X is a thread that matches
> the search, then most of the emails there (and in Re: X) will also
> match, filling up the screen.
> (2) The upper limit for a search term should probably be increased. We
> have faster computers now, and there are more emails in the archive,
> the second of which results in more hits.
> (3) If you are performing an AND search, and one of the terms has too
> many hits, it is dropped, and you get the search for just the other
> one. If there are not too many hits for the second term, the search
> engine should look through those documents for the first term.
> Example: When I search for "markup table", "table" has 1609 hits at
> the moment, and "markup" has too many. The engine should go back
> through "table" 's 1609 hits and check each one for "markup", instead
> of just providing the 1609 hits for "table".

We (list admins) are aware the list archives are horrible, but this isn't
under our control; they are administered at the level of the
mailing list server. The admins of that are also aware of the problems,
and at some point I heard they wanted to change the archive interface
software, but that was a while ago and it didn't happen yet. I think they
are quite under-resourced.

Meanwhile, you can try to see if
works better for you, or you can download the list archives in mbox format
from , then either
import them into your mail client, or even just use rg/grep on them directly.
They weigh ~1.8 GB, figured obtained (without downloading the whole thing)

curl -s \
  | rg -or '$1' 
'href="(\d+-\d+)"' \
  | xargs curl -sI \
  | rg -or '$1' 'Content-Length: (\d+)' \
  | paste -sd+ \
  | bc \
  | numfmt --to si


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Re: Off-topic: does anybody know about these accidentals?

2024-07-23 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le mardi 23 juillet 2024 à 01:05 +0200, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
> The SMuFL standard has a *very* extensive set of accidentals, see
> and the following sections; yet I couldn't find them there either.

My bad, they are in the "Other accidentals" section
with the names "accidentalQuarterTone{Sharp,Flat}4". Not
sure how I missed them.

I didn't find any info in the GitHub issues or commit history about why
these were included; I suspect it's "because they were in Unicode"…

And for the record, Werner forwarded the question to the Unicode
mailing list, thanks!

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Off-topic: does anybody know about these accidentals?

2024-07-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi folks,

A friend of mine asked the following question, which I find pretty mysterious.

In the Unicode musical symbols block, the available microtonal accidentals are 


In case you have fonts where these are as ridiculously small as on my
system, attached is a chart made with

\markuplist \override #'((padding . 2) (baseline-skip . 5))
  \fontsize #10 𝄬 "flat up" \fontsize #10 𝄭 "flat down"
  \fontsize #10 𝄮 "natural up" \fontsize #10 𝄯 "natural down"
  \fontsize #10 𝄰 "sharp up" \fontsize #10 𝄱 "sharp down"
  \fontsize #15 𝄲 "quarter tone sharp" \fontsize #15 𝄳 "quarter tone flat"

The glyphs with arrows are AFAIK standard, and available in LilyPond
as accidentals.{flat,natural,sharp}.arrow{down,up}. But what about
the "quarter tone {sharp,flat}", which look like a sharp/flat with
an added digit 4?

I've never seen these. LilyPond's Emmentaler font doesn't have them .

The SMuFL standard has a *very* extensive set of accidentals, see
and the following sections; yet I couldn't find them there either.

There is a Unicode proposal not yet accepted
to encode the more standard accidentals which are the default
in LilyPond (try { ceh' cih' } ): a sharp with only one
vertical branch, and a mirrored flat. The proposal quotes :

"The glyphs defined by Unicode at present are 𝄲(U+1D132) and
𝄳(U+1D133): we have *never* seen them in *any* score."

The original proposal to encode these in Unicode was
and gives zero details.

Does anybody have a clue where the heck these glyphs come from?
Which composers might have used them?


Description: Adobe PDF document

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Re: lilypond 2.24.0 looking for files outside local folder

2024-07-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Sorry if this was already asked.I found this strange behavior: $  ls -l 1 ambs ambs 6018 jul 19 20:52$   lilypond satb.lyGNU LilyPond 2.24.0 (running Guile 2.2)Processing `/opt/local/share/lilypond/2.24.0/ly/'Parsing...Even with something like ./, lilypond still looks into its own folder :-)
This is an old issue. See

Re: Changes in notation font in 2.25

2024-07-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le dimanche 14 juillet 2024 à 03:41 +, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> No, it is not correct.  Option `-I` is for LilyPond input files and
> not for basic resource files like the music fonts.  Please follow the
> instructions given in the NR section 'Replacing the notation font'.

Right. The alternative, undocumented solution is to *both* add the directory
with -I *and* put at the top of the file

#(ly:font-config-add-directory "/path/to/cadence/otf/") was a merge
request to improve this situation but it didn't really pan out.

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Re: Changes in notation font in 2.25

2024-07-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le samedi 13 juillet 2024 à 06:03 +, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> Note, however, that a lot of Emmentaler glyphs have been renamed since
> the original release of the cadence fonts, and these glyphs will
> certainly fail because LilyPond won't be able to find them.  In other
> words, your simple example works by chance only.

Were that many glyphs renamed? I haven't followed development in a while,
but from the times I was active, I only recall the up/down note heads
things that was changed in preparation for the SMuFL support that ultimately
didn't land. I advocated restoring compatibility with existing fonts
at the time, and that's what we did (commit

I'm also aware that figured bass now looks for some more special glyphs,
but it can always be turned off with
\set FiguredBass.figuredBassPlusStrokedAlist = #'()
(this has come up on the French forum a few times).

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Re: Changes in notation font in 2.25

2024-07-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le vendredi 12 juillet 2024 à 19:06 -0400, William Rehwinkel a écrit :
> The reason is, it appears that old notation fonts have become slightly
> broken, especially glyphs relating to numbers (time signatures, 
> multi-measure rests, figured bass). 

This is almost certainly a setup issue. Please expand on how you
installed the fonts.

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Re: extra space on pages

2024-07-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le jeudi 11 juillet 2024 à 14:30 -0700, Paul Scott a écrit :
> Some Lilypond syntax is not as clear to me as the other programming 
> languages that I have used.

Basically, "_-" is the direction indicator "_" (down) plus the character
for tenuto, "-", in the same vein as "_\p" or "_.".

> I used to use ragged-bottom but the music would often be too vertically 
> compressed than I liked.

You can adjust system-system-spacing to stretch it out a bit more.

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Re: extra space on pages

2024-07-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le jeudi 11 juillet 2024 à 23:13 +0200, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
> { c'_-\tweak padding 50 _\markup{ " " } }
> and the reason is that the first "_" should not be there.

(in fact the first "-" is not useful either)

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Re: extra space on pages

2024-07-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le jeudi 11 juillet 2024 à 14:08 -0700, Paul Scott a écrit :
> I believe I got this code from Kieren but I may have a typo in my use of it.
>    _-\tweak padding 50 _\markup{ " " }
> It produces blank space on the page below the music as desired but I get 
> a tenuto mark in the music before the space (not necessarily connected 
> to a note).
> I use this to facilitate page turns without having the lines of music 
> spread too far apart.
> I am hoping I said enough. I will produce a MWE if necessary

An MWE would be just

\version "2.24.2"

{ c'_-\tweak padding 50 _\markup{ " " } }

and the reason is that the first "_" should not be there.


PS: If the lines are too far apart, consider \paper { ragged-bottom = ##t }

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Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le jeudi 04 juillet 2024 à 15:21 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit :
> It is partly an OS problem,  but also that no common keyboard (or
> keyboard layout) contains  the complete set of Latin characters.

Not sure how far what you call the “complete set of Latin characters” extends,
but if you somehow don't like the Compose key, on a Linux desktop that uses the
keyboard database from xkeyboard-config (i.e., most desktop environments), you
can try a keyboard layout like “English (US, intl., with dead keys)”, which has
dead keys for all sorts of accents.

Anyhow, I persist in my opinion that facilitating the input of accented
characters is best done at a level different than LilyPond.


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Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le jeudi 04 juillet 2024 à 08:09 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit :
> I already use these, but they are incomplete.
> Thanks to all who replied; I obviously struck a nerve, and i10n is still 
> an issue in spite of utf8.

I beg to differ. IMHO, entering special characters is an OS-level problem;
providing tools for this isn't the job of applications (unless there are
particular reasons that an application needs some specific characters
a lot, e.g., math characters in TeX/Typst/proof assistants, but this isn't
really the case with LilyPond).


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Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le mercredi 03 juillet 2024 à 08:26 +0100, Raphael Mankin a écrit :
> Thank you. The obvious is what generally escapes one. But character
> picking is a PITA. I shall have to add a French keyboard to my layouts. 
> AZERTY :-(

Have you tried a Compose key?

At least under a GNOME Linux desktop, this is very easy to enable:
open Settings app, select the "Keyboard" tab and click "Compose key"
(under "Special Character Entry"). You can configure a key of your
keyboard to be a "Compose key" which makes it insert various special
characters when you type this key followed by one of many predefined
sequences. For example:

Compose ' e → é
Compose ` a → à
Compose " i → ï
Compose > a → â
Compose , c → ç

This is incredibly convenient to type all sorts of unusual characters
without changing your keyboard layout (for another example, I typed
the arrows above with "Compose - >").

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: French lyrics and accented characters

2024-07-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I have tried all sorts of  things, but how  do I get French accented 
> characters in lyrics and markup?

Uh… just write them directly:

\version "2.24.2"

\markup { Quelques caractères accentués }

\lyrics { É à û Ï }


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Re: syntax for \afterGrace

2024-07-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 01 juillet 2024 à 12:05 -0700, Paul Scott a écrit :
> Hi,
> This MWE works as I expect for the 1st \afterGrace but not for the 2nd 
> one. In both cases I want the 16th notes in curly brackets to be the 
> grace notes. I have tried several places to put the tied note.
> \version "2.25.17"
> \fixed c''' {
>    r2 \afterGrace f\startTrillSpan { g16( f } ees4)\stopTrillSpan r
>    \afterGrace ees2~\startTrillSpan ees1 { d16( ees) }
>    aes,1\stopTrillSpan
> }

Not sure I understand. What's wrong with this?

\version "2.25.17"

\fixed c''' {
   r2 \afterGrace f\startTrillSpan { g16( f } ees4)\stopTrillSpan r
   ees2~\startTrillSpan \afterGrace ees1 { d16( ees) }

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Re: alternate time signatures

2024-06-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I thought I had this solved before but I can't find it.  I need to set the 
> time signatures 9/8 and 3/4 side-by-side surrounded by parentheses at the 
> beginning of a score.


Re: Windows users - Call for testing

2024-06-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le vendredi 28 juin 2024 à 22:22 +, a écrit :
> Michael,
> I'm sorry, but I don't really understand what your code does, nor do
> I know what to do with it in a real score.  If you want to throw a
> score at me using it I'll be happy to run LilyPond 2.25.17 (Guile
> 3.0) and let you know the results.

I think he was just asking you to try any real score that you have.
Not somehow inserting the test code into it.

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Re: Windows users - Call for testing

2024-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

>  Hmm, but that looks like syntax errors in your file that are 
> unrelated
>  to the Guile patches.

As can be seen in the list archives, Klaus' mail client inserted spurious 
that turn parts of comments into non-comments. The correct code should be

#(define step 1)
#(define cnt -3)
#(define limit (+ cnt 0.3))
#(display (/ step 2))
#(display (- cnt (/ step 2)))
#(display (> (- cnt (/ step 2)) limit))

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Re: LSR typo: plz correct

2024-06-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I’m hoping to address someone with the necessary privileges to edit the 
> title of LSR snippet 1017: s/there/their


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: latin letter "N"

2024-06-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I'm using Lilypond on Mac and by the font Times New Roman the latin letter 
> "N" appears not right. Can anybody help with this issue?

We've seen this before and it turned out to be a bug in the Times New Roman 
font file shipped by that macOS version, see

Re: hairpin over bar line and over end of line

2024-06-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> How would I have found that in the documentation?

It's in the "expressive marks" snippets, though I admit I couldn't
have found it myself without searching the docs source code.

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Re: hairpin over bar line and over end of line

2024-06-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Probably a simple answer but how do I get a crescendo in this example to 
> continue to the next line?

\override Hairpin.after-line-breaking = ##f

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Re: Fine-tuning footer alignment

2024-06-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
\version "2.25.13"

\header {
  copyright = \markup {
\general-align #Y #DOWN \left-column {
  \line{© Cameron Horsburgh. This work is licensed under}
  \line{CC BY-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit }
  \line {}
  tagline = \markup {
\general-align #Y #DOWN \right-column {
  \line{Check out LilyPond at}
\hspace #2
\general-align #Y #DOWN \override #'(quiet-zone-size . 0) \qr-code #10.0 


\score {
  \relative c{
c'4 c c c
  \layout {

\paper {
  oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
\fill-line {
  \fromproperty #'header:copyright
  \fromproperty #'header:tagline


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Re: Two adjacent clefs

2024-06-09 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I think it's not uncommon for two clefs to appear side by side at the
> start of a piece (e.g. when a piano piece starts with both staves in
> bass clef so as to alert the pianist that the upper staff is not in
> treble clef).
> How is this done in LilyPond?


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Re: wordwrap on argument of markup function

2024-06-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> (define-markup-command (freely layout props width-param text) (number?  
> markup?)

Make that `markup-list?`. Otherwise, your command is accepting only
a single markup. In your example, \line inside the command is working
perfectly (though not actually needed), but \freely gets applied multiple


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: fontconfig not using XDG directories

2024-06-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I am running on Alpine Linux and I noticed that lilypond creates
> ~/.fontconfig/ with cache files every time I run it.
> It seems like fontconfig is supposed to follow the XDG environment
> variables
> (,
> which I have defined on my system. Other programs on my system that
> depend on fontconfig all follow them and put cache files in
> $HOME/.cache/fontconfig.
> Are there any configurations I can do to make lilypond respect the XDG
> environment variables, or to create the cache files somewhere else?

This was a bug, and has been fixed in version 2.25.5.

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Re: Vertical alignement

2024-05-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

\version "2.24.3"

\markup \fill-line {
  \column {
\override #'(padding . 10)
  \table #`(,LEFT ,LEFT) {
\line {
  \column {
"Поблискують черешеньки"
"В листі зелененькім,"
"Черешеньки ваблять очі"
"Діточкам маленьким."
\line {
  \column {
"Раді б вишню з'їсти –"
"Та високо лізти,"
"Ой раді зірвати –"
"Та годі дістати!"
\vspace #1.5
\vspace #1.5
\line {
  \column {
"Дівчаточко й хлоп'яточко"
"Під деревом скачуть,"
"Простягають рученята"
"Та мало не плачуть."
\line {
  \column {
"– Ой вишеньки-черешеньки,"
"Червонії, спілі,"
"Чого ж бо ви так високо"
"Виросли на гіллі?"


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: running lilypond

2024-05-24 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le vendredi 24 mai 2024 à 07:23 -0600, ming tsang a écrit :
> I try to run the following code as lilypond .ly
> \version "2.24.3"
> lilypond -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts

This looks like a command that you should run in a terminal, not LilyPond 

In Frescobaldi, you can add the "-dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts 
arguments in the "Additional command line options" box inside "LilyPond > 
Engrave (custom)…".

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Could someone give me a pointer for this?
> This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m almost
> certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not find it this
> time.

\version "2.24.2"



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Moving dynamics onto the staff

2024-05-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> So why would overriding the dynamic line spanner's outside-staff-priority
> change where the forte goes?  Isn't it DynamicText?  If anyone can clear this
> up for me, I would be very appreciative. 

When there are consecutive dynamics like \p \< ... \f \> ... \pp, they
need to be all vertically aligned. LilyPond achieves that by grouping
them into a same DynamicLineSpanner, so it's that object which is responsible
for the vertical placement of dynamics. In this case, there's only
one dynamic in the DynamicLineSpanner, but this still applies.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Conditional code in the midi block

2024-05-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> nostaffmidi =
> #(define-scheme-function () ()
>(if TrackPerVoice #{ \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } #}))

Ah, that proves me wrong. I didn't recall the parser was smart enough for this.

> Although, I don't understand why the contents of the scheme functions cannot 
> be placed directly into the midi block like this
> \midi {
>   #(if TrackPerVoice #{ \context { \Staff \remove "Staff_performer" } #})
>   #(if TrackPerVoice #{ \context { \Voice \consists "Staff_performer" } #})
> }

It works with $ instead of # , as explained in my other post.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Conditional code in the midi block

2024-05-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I would like to include some Staff and Voice context settings in the
> \midi block only if a flag is set to ##t and I have not been able to
> figure out how to do this.  When I try to wrap the \context blocks
> in a code block with #{…#} I get this error:
> error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting
>   \context {

Probably the easiest way is to include or exclude a whole \midi block like this:

\version "2.24.0"
\include ""

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

TrackPerVoice = ##t
\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff <<
  \new Voice = "soprano" <<
\relative c' { c'4 d e f << g1 \\ { g4 f e2 } >> }
  \new Voice = "alto" <<
\relative c' { c'4 b a g | f e d2 }
  \layout { }
  #(if TrackPerVoice
 (display "One track per Voice (may make too many voices with 
 (display "Turn this off to get sop and alto combined in one track.")
   \midi {
 \context {
   \remove "Staff_performer"
 \context {
   \consists "Staff_performer"
   #{ \midi { } #})

Alternatively, you can do it more like you were envisioning, but for technical
reasons, you have to start the Scheme code with $ , not # , and you also have
to include an extra \midi { } around the \context blocks (basically because
\context outside \layout or \midi is a different command).

\version "2.24.0"
\include ""

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
TrackPerVoice = ##t
\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff <<
  \new Voice = "soprano" <<
\relative c' { c'4 d e f << g1 \\ { g4 f e2 } >> }
  \new Voice = "alto" <<
\relative c' { c'4 b a g | f e d2 }
  \layout { }
  \midi {
$(if TrackPerVoice
   (display "One track per Voice (may make too many voices with 
   (display "Turn this off to get sop and alto combined in one track.")
 \midi {
   \context {
 \remove "Staff_performer"
   \context {
 \consists "Staff_performer"

The # vs $ issue is explained here:


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: One-page PDF cut off after a certain height?

2024-05-20 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I run into a problem when I create a (very high) single-page PDF file from a
> Lilypond score. 'After a certain time', the rest of the page is rendered in
> white.
> In my use case, I wanted to make a large system staff, and white-on-black
> music, because of readability-reasons. Specifically: Puttin this on a tablet,
> and using one page for continuous scrolling to make the music less 'jumpy'
> (even staff spacing, not constrained to page height).
> Can anyone shed a light on what goes wrong here? I've attached my files for
> reference.

You have

          \filled-box #'(-1000 . 1000) #'(-1000 . 4000) #0

in your color.ily file. That's painting a big black box for the background, but
the box just happens not to be big enough. Try adding an extra zero to the
second -1000 value.

Also, are you sure you need the big color-staff-lines function? It goes through
hoops to allow coloring each staff line in its own color, but if you just
want all staff lines in white, you can just add an
\override Score.StaffSymbol.color
with the other overrides in the \color function.

And also, LilyPond has supported CSS-style colors natively for a long time,
so this whole function:

color =
#(define-music-function (parser location color) (string?)
   (define (hexa->decimal x)
 (let ((num (string->number x 16)))
   (if (= 0 num)
(/ 255 num)
   (let* ((str (string-take
(if (string-prefix? "#" color)
(string-drop color 1)
  (r (string-take str 2))
  (g (string-drop (string-drop-right str 2) 2))
  (b (string-take-right str 2))
   (map hexa->decimal
(list r g b)))
  (lily-color (primitive-eval
   (cons rgb-color translated-color
   \override Score.BarNumber.color = #lily-color

can be simplified to just

color =
#(define-music-function (parser location lily-color) (string?)
   \override Score.BarNumber.color = #lily-color


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Re: Looking for documentation for constants

2024-05-19 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> This is a very basic question.  I have see some examples that use
> constants like "$SELECTION" or ""$CURSOR'$ANCHOR". but despite doing all the
> obvious things (searching the documentation, etc.) I've not found any relevant
> information.
> I would sincerely appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

This is a Frescobaldi thing, not a LilyPond thing. See Help > User guide >
Editing files > Snippets > Snippet editor in Frescobaldi.

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Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Le 19 mai 2024 à 02:53, Walt North  a écrit :
> David, thanks, this did indeed accomplish my goal - so I'm happy.

Well, \bookpart will work *if* you are happy with having a page break between 
the two scores.

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Le 19 mai 2024 à 01:56, David Wright  a écrit :
> Perhaps

Indeed, but there was a more technical one, with Lukas I think.

Re: vertical spacing per score

2024-05-18 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Hi.  I have a case where I want to have different vertical spacing between two
> different scores.  I can get system-system spacing to change for both scores
> using a \paper variable. But if I'm understanding the documentation correctly
> I should be able to use the same variable in a distinct layout block in each
> of the two scores.  If tried several different coding lines based on things
> I've found on google but have not found the correct coding yet.

Sorry, this isn't supported, it's a known issue
( ; there are
no comments there, but IIRC there was a more recent discussion).

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Re: manual repeat mark syntax question

2024-05-16 Thread Jean Abou Samra

>    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta ,voltaOpt))

This should be ` not ' .

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Re: Custom colors in fret diagrams

2024-05-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Quick question on coloring dots in fret-diagrams. There is an option to use
> predefined colors from normal, CSS or X11 palettes which works perfectly well
> in the fret-diagram-verbose with the snippet below:
> >  (place-fret 3 6 3 dodgerblue2)
> For some reason I cannot get it working with custom RGB or Hex colors like
> this:
> > (place-fret 3 6 3 #FF)

You should put quotes around it:

(place-fret 3 6 3 "#FF")


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Re: italic phrase in lyrics

2024-05-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le mercredi 15 mai 2024 à 17:05 -0400, David Olson a écrit :
> Suppose the lyrics contain two contradictory propositions:
>    Ma -- the -- ma -- tics is in -- vent -- ed.
>   Ma -- the -- ma -- tics is dis -- cov -- ered.
> Is this the only way to put the second proposition in italics? 
> \markup { \italic Ma } --  
> \markup { \italic the }  -- 
> \markup { \italic ma } --  
> \markup { \italic tics } 
> \markup { \italic is }  
> \markup { \italic dis }  -- 
> \markup { \italic cov }  -- 
> \markup { \italic  ered. }

You could do it like this:

\version "2.24.2"

\lyrics {
  \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
  Ma -- the -- ma -- tics is dis -- cov -- ered.

or even like this:

\version "2.24.2"

\lyrics {
  \markupMap text \markup \italic \etc {
Ma -- the -- ma -- tics is dis -- cov -- ered.


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Re: layout problem - new issue

2024-05-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I've tried placing the new bar in 3 different places on the treble 
> staff.  In the current pdf, the first 2 are commented out and the third 
> -- which I expected to work -- is active: placement after the >>.  
> Somehow a spurious bar is inserted, but I don't know where it's coming from.

You have

  { R1 | [...] \bar "!" }

  \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext="RH" } { \chimes }

es'4\mp es'4. es'8

but the \chimes takes one measure more than the { R1 | [...] \bar "!" }.
The duration of the << >> expression is the max of the two. Basically,
<< >> waits before *all* subexpressions are exhausted before yielding
back control.

You should simply move the line es'4\mp es'4. es'8 into the { R1 ... }.


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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I've freshly installed Frescobaldi using mac port. When lauching the 

Are you sure that this is the Frescobaldi that was installed by MacPorts?
It rather sounds like the (buggy) .app distributed in the Frescobaldi
releases. I think the MacPorts-installed Frescobaldi should be launched
by executing the `frescobaldi` command in a terminal — which was apparently
successful for you.

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Re: \after positioning in voices

2024-05-07 Thread Jean Abou Samra
>   % \after 2 \< \after 8*7 \!\> \after 2 \!
>   s2 d8(c b2)

Make that

      s2 d8(\< c \after 8 \> b2) <>\!

\after doesn't work the way you indented your code suggests you
think it does. The syntax is


and gives something roughly equivalent to


So when you do

\after 8*7 \!\>

it is telling LilyPond "put \> here and \! at 8*7 after it".
The first thing to correct is to change that into

\after 8*7 \! \after 8*7 \> ...

or just

\after 8*7 \> ...

(since \> automatically ends the previous hairpin).

But you still have the problem that you're using \after
to put an articulation at 8*7 after the s2, and the
skip that delays it to 8*7 makes the length of

\after 8*7 \> s2

be 8*7, not 2.

In short, \after doesn't just "spawn something in parallel
at a given point". It needs a main music argument to put
the articulation in parallel with, and normally you don't
want that main music argument (usually a note) to be
longer than the delay of the articulation.

I feel that's not a very clear explanation, but it's the
best I could do, sorry :(

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Regarding MacOs porting, a valid alternative would be to run
> the linux version of Frescobaldi from a Docker container

Perhaps, but from the perspective of building .app bundles, that replaces
a headache (shipping Qt, PyQt, Poppler and python-poppler-qt5) with what
sounds like an even larger headache, and there's a myriad of ways it won't
integrate well with the macOS system around it (file dialogs, global menu,
and so on). If the goal is to just have something that works, the Homebrew
and MacPorts packages already work better.

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Re: Re[4]: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I'm an intermediate-level python programmer but I might be able to help with
> busy work like typing and documenting functions, with some feedback.  Anything
> to give back to a project that I use all the time!

Thanks. However, without wanting to stop you from contributing, I'll reiterate
that from my point of view, what the project needs right now is focus on macOS
distribution, and Qt 6. Other work is welcome but it will not really help
the project to get out of the current impasse.

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Re: Re[4]: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 06 mai 2024 à 14:05 +, Steph Phillips a écrit :
> Well, I'm glad you asked about feedback because I'm curious what other 
> folks who contribute to Frescobaldi might think.
> After digging around in the codebase, I'm wondering if the application 
> might benefit from a more object-oriented design. It's definitely in 
> Python, but with more of C-style approach. You've worked on it, you know 
> what I'm talking about. Was wondering what your thoughts are.

I wouldn't focus on large-scale refactorings that will only pay off on the
long term without first (1) doing smaller things to get used to the code and
(2) doing what needs to get done on the short term to be able to do releases
and keep up to date with the rest of the world.

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Re: Re[2]: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Hey all, I've been looking over the Frescobaldi codebase for the last 
> few days, and it seems to be within the realm of something I could pick 
> up maintenance for.
> There would definitely be a learning curve, so hopefully it doesn't 
> reach it's EOL too soon... But, I don't know, I feel pretty confident.
> Not really sure what more info I can contribute to the public discourse 
> at this point, but I welcome anyone else interested with the upkeep of 
> Frescobaldi to get in touch with me so we can coordinate~

I'd encourage you to start by fixing some small issues to get acquainted
with the code. Then if you want to do the Qt 6 port, work on a branch
and make it public so I (for example) can have a look (don't wait for
having finished the port before seeking feedback).


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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I’m wondering if the Frescobaldi approach is actually working out. Keep in 
> mind that originally Frescobaldi was just a project for adding support for 
> Lilypond to KATE, then it became a KDE parts solution, then it started to do 
> everything itself for more control. And this means you’ll need to maintain and
> develop many components for a niche community. Frescobaldi is essentially a 
> full text editor, solely for Lilypond. And I do not think the Lilypond 
> community is the best place for maintaining a whole text editor.
> This also means you get a weird dependency situation which is hard to 
> maintain. Frescobaldi has a lot of qt-independent functionality, including a 
> reduced Lilypond parser and transformation tools and stuff. And it has a lot 
> of 
> interface stuff. This is the part that depends on qt5, and only one component 
> depends on the poppler integration.
> So maybe instead of trying to maintain this collosus of tools it could make 
> sense to split it up into different parts:
> → An LSP server
> → A transformative toolset
> → An editor using these features
> This way no matter what might happen to Frescobaldi, much of the functionality
> would be still usable. With an LSP server any modern text editor with an LSP 
> client could benefit from understanding Lilypond syntax. And being able to a 
> toolset would make extending editors much more fun.
> And this way the maintainance effort could be split. Maybe the LSP could even 
> become part of Lilypond itself (no need to implement a new parser if you 
> already have one), keeping it always up to date (rather than the always 
> outdated approch we have with Frescobaldi).

Well, what you call the "transformative toolset" is already separated, in the
form of the python-ly package. An LSP server might be nice, but it wouldn't
really take off that much functionality from Frescobaldi. I'd have to check
how advanced the LSP protocol exactly is now, but you definitely can't do
things like the MIDI player, the fonts dialog, or the manuscript viewer through 

And of course, if we already have trouble maintaining the software as it is,
finding people to work on that kind of split is not going to be easier :(

Also, you cannot really use the LilyPond parser because it won't parse
LilyPond code without also interpreting it at the same time (e.g., music
functions can be defined dynamically). You don't want to pay the price
of parsing the full file every time a character changes, and you don't
want to lose syntax highlighting as soon as there is a syntax error.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-05-05 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> The technical stuff is way over my head, but this reads like the top-
> level description of a GSOC project (in case the mentioned friend
> doesn't take the bait)...

GSoC projects are nice for doing focused work on some specific part
of the code base. For overhauling just about everything, I'd be a lot
more skeptical, especially since there will unavoidably be fallout
to deal with afterwards in terms of bugs, and that's less nice to do
if the person who did the port isn't available after the summer to
do that part of the work.

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Re: how difficult would it be to have “auto-correct spacing” (even for just a single measure)?

2024-05-04 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> > If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see
> > that the note spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics,
> > accidentals, etc.). But clearly there’s more than enough horizontal
> > room to make those eighth notes absolutely even — in fact, that kind
> > of thing is what the majority of my post-data-entry tweak time is
> > dedicated to. [Again: When I used Finale , it took hours or
> > even days to get from “the data is all in” to looking like this
> > already looks… so I’m not complaining!]
> You are aware of ?

It looks like the spacing is not really distorted by the lyrics here
but rather by the accidentals, so that snippet won't help much (what
it does is basically making the spacing engine forget about lyrics,
then space them itself). There might be ways to reduce the importance
of accidentals in the spacing problem, but I don't really recall this,
it's been a long time. It's interesting though that adding

  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 5

in \layout evens out the spacing a lot. Of course, for a longer score,
this will spread out the music, so it's not really a solution, but
it might be worth trying to flank that measure with \newSpacingSection
and give it a different spacing-increment.


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Re: Fw: Frescobaldi ... panic alternatives?

2024-04-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> FYI, what I like the most about Frescobaldi are:
>  * Templates and wizards
>  * Snippets
>  * Point and Click selection
>  * Syntax highlighting
> If Frescobaldi for Mac does indeed vanish, what are my alternatives for a
> Lilypond editor?

Syntax highlighting should be doable in Emacs, VS Code or such. Point and click
can be arranged with various PDF viewers (see the LilyPond Usage manual).
The other two only exist in Frescobaldi AFAIK.

> Also, how can I help? (I'm not a programmer at all...) 

Thanks, but you cannot really help in a way meaningful for the current
issues without programming knowledge.

Also, for the record, Frescobaldi needs developers, but perhaps
even more importantly, it needs maintainers, i.e., people who will
not just work on a technical problem because they were told
it's important, but also proactively and autonomously respond
to GitHub issues and support questions, update the website,
figure out what parts of the code need regular maintenance like
lists of LilyPond commands and maintain them, monitor the
frescobaldi package in major Linux distros, and so on.
Unfortunately, it can be really hard to find maintainers (even for
projects that the entire world infrastructure relies on, cf. xz…).


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Re: How to manually set MIDI channel # for a staff?

2024-04-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 29 avril 2024 à 06:31 -0500, Jason Yip a écrit :
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to manually set the midi channel # for a staff to 
> something other than the default of channel 0/1? Without having to 
> create dummy staffs with just `s256` as the voice content preceding the 
> desired staff? The staff in question usually only has one voice, so I 
> modified the midi context as shown below simply made a bunch of dummy 
> voices with only `s256` as the content so that they don't at least 
> affect the graphical output:
> ```
>   \midi {
>    \context {
>  \Staff
>  \remove "Staff_performer"
>    }
>    \context {
>  \Voice
>  \consists "Staff_performer"
>    }
>  }
> ```

You can do \set Score.midiChannelMapping = #'voice as an alternative to that.
Also \new Voice { } should work (untested) instead of \new Voice { s256 }.
I don't think there's a better way.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> yeah, I just had the package-manager in gentoo downgrade to the previous
> version of snappy, and then filed a bug with gentoo. It's a workaround for 
> now.
> As another workaround, I'm trying to get my latex editor to use lilypond-book,
> but since it's on a nonstandard path, I don't seem able to use it. How do you
> integrate lilypond-book into a LaTeX toolchain?

lilypond-book isn't called by LaTeX, it's a preprocessor that you first have
to run on a .lytex file to get a .tex file, then you compile that .tex file
with TeX.

Consider lyLuaTeX, which is an alternative that runs inside the TeX process
directly, but requires LuaTeX. You can specify the path to the LilyPond
executable with \usepackage[program=/path/to/bin/lilypond]{lyluatex}.

With both methods, you will lose point-and-click, though.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> It gets a bit more complicated now. See this bug:
> That bug is for freeBSD, but I expect it applies to other
> distros as well (it certainly applies to gentoo, as I'm
> getting the exact same error). In short, snappy (an archiver)
> was updated to version 1.2.0 a few days ago, and it contains
> symbols that aren't defined in earlier versions.

Well, new symbols shouldn't be a problem (removed symbols would be,
if other packages expect them). Based on
what apparently happened is that the snappy developers released
1.2.0 but forgot to update the library soname even though they
changed function signatures. The lookup of that symbol


which is the mangled version of

snappy::RawCompress(char const*, unsigned long, char*, unsigned long*)

fails because the new version only has a (mangled) symbol for

snappy::RawCompress(char const*, unsigned long, char*, unsigned long*, 

That's a bug in snappy, and it will affect things other than qtwebengine too…
You should probably ask the Gentoo developers to revert to the previous version
or patch it. There's probably a way to ask the Gentoo package manager
to downgrade the package, too.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-29 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Would it maybe make things a bit easier to leave the whole MacOS
> business aside and take care of the Linux-specific stuff first?

Linux is not really causing us any specific problems. Packaging is a lot
easier, thanks to Linux distributions and Flatpak.

The only wrinkle is the oddities on Wayland that are related to Qt 5.

> And what actually about Windows - out of curiosity.

Windows is… a can of worms of its own.

The Windows installers for the past few releases were built by a user
(@19joho66 on GitHub) who apparently manages to them work by moving
shared libraries around manually :-(

> I myself am a Linux user (Mint), and so far Frescobaldi is still running 
> flawlessly.
> And - another question out of curiosity: Could it be a workaround (if
> Qt5 would be officially retired and no longer be available in the repos
> of the "big" distros like Mint, Ubuntu and the like) if one used a
> distro for older computers which might stick to Qt5 much longer?

I may be wrong, but I don't really foresee distros retiring Qt 5
soon since Frescobaldi should not be the only piece of software still
requiring it (as Qt is so widely used). In any case, the Flatpak package
can still ship it.

What's more likely to happen is that changes in the desktop environments
(like Xorg → Wayland) make Qt 5 work less and less well.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> […]
> Well, the explanation wasn't that brief. Sorry that I didn't have
> time to write a shorter one, as they say.

PS: Maybe I should mention that at the time I went down the rabbit
hole of Python packaging in general because of Frescobaldi, I wrote
two articles on the LinuxFR site, which may be of interest here if
one reads French:

(Yes, these are ~8 and ~14 pages long. Yes, they're only the two
first articles in a series of four. I haven't given up on publishing
the two others, but it's not my priority at the moment.)

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> unfortunately, as I noted above, the problem seems to be that frescobaldi
> depends on a now-deprecated version of qtwebengine, and without updating
> it we'll eventually reach a point where it no longer runs. I looked into
> this because qtwebengine-5.15 failed to compile on my machine this morning,
> so I'm worried we're already approaching EOL on it. 

Note that we're talking about Qt as a whole, not just QtWebEngine which
is just a small part of it (well, for some definition of "small" since it
embeds Chromium's Web rendering engine…) that Frescobaldi only uses in a
few places (IIRC, the SVG viewer and the documentation browser).

Qt 5 *is* already EOL upstream, since May 2023.

> Jean: I have a colleague who does UI work and is "fairly" capable of dealing
> with python and Qt dependencies. Can you give me a brief (but as technical
> as it needs to be for a specialist to understand the issue) summary of where
> the sticking points are?

Frescobaldi uses the Poppler library in order to display PDF files. (It cannot
use Qt's native PDF viewer based on Chromium, because that one is not powerful
enough to support point-and-click.) Since Frescobaldi is written in Python and
Poppler is a C++ library, it needs an FFI wrapper, which is called python-
poppler-qt5 and written with a tool called sip that is developed by the
creator and maintainer of PyQt itself and also used for PyQt.

Thus there is a diamond dependency:

   Qt5 --> Poppler  (C++)
  PyQt5 -> python-poppler-qt5  (Python extension modules)

python-poppler-qt5 is a little fiddly to build: it's multiple layers
with sip generating C++ code and QMake project files, then QMake
generating a Makefile and sip finally executing make on that Makefile.

On macOS, the platform favors distributing applications as .app bundles,
which are optimized for being created by the native app development
tools (Swift+XCode). These have a peculiar structure organized into
"frameworks", with data files separated from code files, shared library
lookup paths modified and that sort of thing (the specifics I do not know
or remember). Of course, that doesn't play well with Python packages
relying on a different structure, and Qt + PyQt also needing their
file structure. In fact there are whole tools written just to deploy
PyQt in a .app bundle, see pyqtdeploy.

Now throw python-poppler-qt5 into the mix, which needs to be loaded by
Python and find its linked Poppler and Qt and PyQt, and you should start
to understand the problem.

Basically, it's the Apple flavor of "things will work well but only
if you do it my way with the non-cross-platform tools from my walled
garden" in its full glory.

Add that macOS displays scary warnings to users if the app bundle
hasn't been signed with a certificate that costs real money.
Details are on

Also add that the tool Frescobaldi has used so far to create app
bundles, py2app, relies heavily on setuptools, which prevents
Frescobaldi from moving to a more modern and less complicated
build backend like hatchling.

Apart from these packaging issues, there's also an issue with
the global menu (the one at the top of the screen on macOS, it
doesn't appear on other platforms) which isn't really up-to-date
and has been a source of crashes.

There are also miscellaneous bugs that only reproduce on macOS
(they have the macOS label on GitHub) and it's not always easy
to understand why.

Well, the explanation wasn't that brief. Sorry that I didn't have
time to write a shorter one, as they say.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I own a bunch of Macs. In fact, right here in my studio I have two late-2014
> Mac Minis with fresh Monterey installs which are completely unused. I also
> have a *really* excellent [fibre] internet connection — it usually hovers near
> 900Mbps up and down (though right now it’s only at 200Mbps for some reason?!)
> — and I’m happy to put a machine on a DMZ for external access.
> Is there anything, non-programming-wise, I can do to help the cause?

Currently, I don't have the time or honestly the stamina to work on
Frescobaldi again, but if anyone does tackle macOS issues then I'm
sure that they would much appreciate access to these machines.

Perhaps one thing you can do right now is subscribe to notifications on
the Frescobaldi repository on GitHub ("Watch" button on the top right of when you're logged in)
so you get informed of any activity.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Just had a quick look. It seems to me we need to create a python-poppler-qt6,
> port qpageview to Qt6 and of course frescobaldi itself. I would hope that
> qpageview and frescobaldi both basically mean moving from PyQt5 to PyQt6 which
> I expect to be mostly busy work. The poppler bindings seem to require
> understanding of what poppler does though.
> All of the above is based on a brief look and thus not a reliable assessment.

Honestly, I have zero idea how hard porting to Qt 6 actually is. I think we
won't know until someone tries and finds out what exactly Frescobaldi uses that
is modified or removed in Qt 6 compared to Qt 5 as well as poppler-qt6 compared
to poppler-qt5.

> In any case, I do rely on Frescobaldi and am willing to help keep it alive.

If you want to attempt the port, of course feel free.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> If there is busy work that needs to be done on the project, I can do that, but
> I also don't own a Mac.

Thanks, but unfortunately the kind of work needed is deeply technical, not busy

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Is Frescobaldi the most common tool on Linux, or what do the majority of
> Lilypond users use?

Frescobaldi is the most common LilyPond editor, on all OSes.

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Re: Frescobaldi?

2024-04-28 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Doing some system updates today, I see that frescobaldi is the only program
> that requires PyQtWebEngine:5, which in turn requires qtwebengine:5. Looking
> at the frescobaldi page, I see a somewhat concerning note that the project is
> on the verge of being unmaintained, due to this dependency on a deprecated
> version of qtwebengine. 
> Is there any further information on this? I don't see any other IDE that works
> as well as frescobaldi for editing lilypond files, and I'm a bit worried that
> there hasn't been an update to the program in over a year. Any news would be
> appreciated.

You've basically nailed the problem. I was the last person to work on making
Frescobaldi actually work on macOS, and I gave up by lack of time (NB: I don't
own a macOS machine, which of course makes all testing very
difficult). Currently, there is close to no activity on the project.

I doubt Linux distributions are going to remove Qt 5 really soon, and the
Flatpak package can always provide it, but like every toolkit that's end-of-
life, it's only going to be a source of trouble going forward. For example,
Frescobaldi has some problems on Wayland (which is increasingly becoming the
default on the Linux desktop, for good reason) that are caused by Qt 5 bugs
fixed in Qt 6. I don't recall that anybody even attempted the Qt 6 migration.

Yes, if the current state continues, Frescobaldi will ultimately die a natural
death. Sorry that I cannot exactly bring an optimistic message here.


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Re: Delayed turns etc

2024-04-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> That works for the last line of the whole score. The line I want to be
> "ragged" is the last line of a page. with more music on the next page.

There is no way to make just one system ragged except the last one in the score.
I'm afraid you need a second \score block if you want to do this.

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Re: score with dynamic beats

2024-04-12 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I note that in one solution one uses \remove and in the other \omit to 
> achieve the same thing.
> Is there any prospect of  moving to a situation where only one operator 
> is used to achieve a result, possibly by having a preferred and 
> deprecated options first? This is a general point, not just  restricted 
> to this one case.

No, because they do completely different things in general, even though in
this case they happen to be more or less equivalent.

For example, try

\version "2.24.2"

\layout {
  \context {
%\remove Note_heads_engraver
% vs.
\omit NoteHead

{ c'8 8 8 8 }


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Re: Installing 2.24.1

2024-04-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Is there any reason for expecting me to install an unwanted program, in 
> order to get a program I do want? Or are you trying to force everybody 
> to use Frescobaldi? Why?

The default installation tutorial use Frescobaldi because it's a
newcomer-friendly IDE. That doesn't mean we're trying to "force"
people to use Frescobaldi. You may use the command line, or Emacs,
or VS Code, or whatever way of running an executable.

> Well, it doesn't appear to work ...
> Bear in mind I'm running Windows, so I don't want to run lilypond from
> the command line. I double-click a .ly file, it runs lilypond, and my
> pdf appears (or at least it does, running the old version).

That particular workflow however is not supported out of the box anymore,
since the distributed artifacts are no longer .exe installers.

It might be possible to recreate it, but I don't know if Windows will let
you associate a file extension with an arbitrary program or if it only
supports associating with a GUI app.

In any case, you would need to write a script to redirect the log
to a separate file (since the -dgui option has disappeared as well,
commit 602c391915).

> What I did was open a command shell as administrator, and extracted
> lilypond into Program Files. I then opened a .ly file and - nothing
> happened!

Well, merely extracting a ZIP archive somewhere will just... create files
on your computer, that's all. It doesn't change file associations.

> Or rather, nothing useful happened. A popup window opened, and
> disappeared. No log files, no output, no nothing.
> Okay. Tried to run it the un-windows way of using the command line.
> Complete pain in the ass, I'm afraid. And at least I can see the error
> messages ...
> D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>"c:\Program
> Files\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond.exe"
> GNU LilyPond 2.24.3 (running Guile 2.2)
> Processing `'
> Parsing...
> error: cannot find file: `voiceTromboneB.ily'
> (search path: `c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ly;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ps;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/scm;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/otf/;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/svg/;')
> \include
>   "voiceTromboneB.ily"
> error: unknown escaped string: `\voiceTromboneB'
>  \voiceTromboneB
> error: string outside of text script or \lyricmode
>  \voiceTromboneB
> Note: compilation failed and \version outdated, did you
> update input syntax with convert-ly?
> Interpreting music...[8]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Converting to `partTromboneB.pdf'...
> fatal error: failed files: ""
> D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>
> So it looks like it's searching the program directory for my include
> files, and not the current directory where they actually are! Note that
> running the older lilypond correctly compiles the file.

Is voiceTromboneB.ily really in the *current* directory? Namely
D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso\ (and not, e.g.,
D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\)?

Note that the search path ends in a ';' which means that there is actually
an empty entry at the end, which should search the current directory (in other
words, LilyPond is not searching only its internal directories, it's searching
both these and the current directory, and that's perfectly normal).

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Re: computer compatible

2024-04-11 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Is Lilypond compatible with iMac sonoma 14.2?

Yes. As written on , current
versions of LilyPond are compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina
and higher.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Many thanks for the clarification that this approach will not work and
> alternative suggestions.
> I presume that /image will only include PNGs in a SVG output and not EPS (the
> documentation reads a little unclearly on this as the section on backends is
> elided with comments on coloured backgrounds)?

In fact, PNG in \image works in all output formats/backends
(it is only if you want transparency that it has limitations,
but the default is to add a white background, so there is no
limitation in the default settings).

> For context I am using SVG output because my display target is a custom IOS
> app that uses skia as a backend. SKIA can be used to display SVGs easily
> within the context that I am working. SKIA does have a pdf backend but it
> isn’t exposed directly by the framework I’m using.
> The reason to use EPS is that I want to bring in vector graphics made in
> Inkscape using a graphics tablet. It is a little frustrating that I can’t get
> these vector graphics into Lilypond SVG output, as they are basically SVG in
> the first place, but from what I understand so far that isn’t possible.

Yes, unfortunately the SVG backend isn't as well-developed as the
other backends and in particular doesn't support including SVG
(which it could easily do). The Cairo backend also supports outputting
SVG, but doesn't support including SVG either.

> Therefore, if I understand correctly my current options would be:
> - render to pdf and work on a system to render pdfs within the framework I’m
> using (this is probably possible, but involves lots of unknowns)
> - rasterise the images and display as PNG, thus include the rasterised version
> in the SVG (not optimal in terms of file size or speed of render, but
> possible)
> - work on a system to convert SVG paths to Lilypond/Scheme paths in order to
> be able to draw in a vector within Lilypond to any backend.

That sounds right. Alternatively, you might be able to add a tag
with a specific id using the output-attributes property, then post-process
the file to replace the tag with that id with your custom content or
something like that.

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Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> It would be possible to convert EPS to SVG with pstoedit or via PDF and 
> Inkscape. Both would avoid rastering vectors into a pixel image.

True, but LilyPond so far doesn't support including SVG images either.
(It does support \markup \path in SVG though.)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> An alternative, if you can use raster graphics, would be a PNG file added
> with the \image command.

P.S. \image is new in 2.25
(and I remember now that I wrote down what does and doesn't
support EPS in the 2.25 documentation, in the description of \image)

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Re: \epsfile and SVG output

2024-04-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I am trying to include an epsfile as a top-level markup (it is not in
> a score) and then output as SVG.

You can't (this should indeed be mentioned in the documentation). EPS files
are included by basically inlining them into the PS code that LilyPond 
which is then converted to PDF. In the SVG backend, LilyPond generates SVG
code directly and skips \epsfile markups. The Cairo backend is yet another
beast but it doesn't support outputting \epsfile other than in PS/EPS output.

An alternative, if you can use raster graphics, would be a PNG file added
with the \image command.


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Re: doesn't always work as expected

2024-04-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le mardi 09 avril 2024 à 23:55 +0200, Maurits Lamers via LilyPond user 
discussion a écrit :
> Hey all,
> I encountered a situation where the PianoPedalBracket setting to-barline 
> doesn't always do what you'd expect. Given the following code, the pedal 
> bracket is not extended to the end of the bar:
> %%%
> \version "2.24.0"
> \score {
>    \new Staff {
>  \clef bass
>  \time 6/8
>  \relative c' {
>    c8 b a g e c |
>    \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
>    \override = ##t
>    \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32\sustainOn b' } |
>    \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32 b'\sustainOff  } |
>    c8 e f g a
>  }
>    }
> }

Correct syntax is

\version "2.24.0"
\score {
   \new Staff {
 \clef bass
 \time 6/8
 \relative c' {
   c8 b a g e c |
   \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
   \override = ##t
   \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32\sustainOn b' } |
   \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32 b' } |
   c8\sustainOff e f g a

The \sustainOff command is placed on the note where you *release*
the pedal. And because LilyPond uses post-fix syntax, it comes just
*after* that note.


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Re: Minimize flats or sharps in transposed key signature?

2024-04-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> I'm using \transpose pretty heavily, and I'm running into an issue I don't
> quite know how to solve. I'm aware of the \naturalizeMusic hack described
> in the LilyPond documentation. I'm looking for something similar, but for
> key signatures.

This was discussed in the past, for example I posted a solution here:

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Re: nested beaming

2024-04-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 08 avril 2024 à 09:22 -0700, Paul Scott a écrit :
> Many years ago I could nest square brackets in Lilypond. How can I write 
> this now incorrect code:
> a16[[ 16 16] 16[ 16 16]]  i.e. two groups of 3 beamed 16th notes joined 
> by a single beam.
> I have looked at NR 1,2,4

A little bit manual, but you can do

\version "2.24.2"

  \time 6/8
  a'16 16 \set stemRightBeamCount = 1 16 \set stemLeftBeamCount = 1 16 16 16

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Re: Get name of music object

2024-04-02 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I know how to get the properties from a music object - but how about the name?
> I cannot figure out how to get the name from a music object.

(ly:music-property the-object 'name)


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: nested \set ?

2024-03-25 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> My Lilypond knowledge is small but have you tried the "\unset" command ??

\unset will simply remove the value. Werner is looking for
something that resets the previous value.

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Re: nested \set ?

2024-03-25 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 25 mars 2024 à 07:31 +, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> LilyPond provides `\temporary` and `\revert` to set a grob property
> temporarily, and afterwards the value of the grob property is the same
> as before.
> Is there a similar possiblity for `\set` (or something usable in
> Scheme)?  I guess not, but I couldn't find this documented
> somewhere...

No, this doesn't exist OOTB. It could be implemented with a
Scheme engraver, but that would probably be overkill, unless
for some reason it's really important for what you're trying
to do?

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Re: \enablePolymeter not working

2024-03-17 Thread Jean Abou Samra

That's the LilyPond 2.23 documentation.

> I am using lilypond 2.22.1

Now you should understand the problem :)

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Re: Time measurement

2024-03-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Hi Jean,
> As always… remarkable.
> One question: How hard would it be to have this output more precise
> timings (e.g., 1/4 or 1/10th or 1/100th of a second, or SMPTE timecode
> in minutes:seconds:frames)? I could imagine this being *very* useful
> for film/video/media composers.

To get 2-digit precision on the number of seconds, you can simply replace

(format #f "~as" (round rest))


(format #f "~,2fs" rest)

in the format-time function.

For seconds:frames at 24 frames/second, replace format-time with

   (define (format-time seconds)
 (let* ((minutes (euclidean-quotient seconds 60))
(rest (euclidean-remainder seconds 60))
(seconds (euclidean-quotient rest 1))
(rest (euclidean-remainder rest 1)))
   (string-append (if (zero? minutes) "" (format #f "~a:" minutes))
  (format #f "~a:~a" seconds (round (* rest 24))


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Time measurement

2024-03-14 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> “This sounds like a job for… Custom Engraver!!”  :)

\version "2.24.2"

#(define (Custom_engraver!! context)
   (define (format-time seconds)
 (let ((minutes (euclidean-quotient seconds 60))
   (rest (euclidean-remainder seconds 60)))
   (string-append (if (zero? minutes) "" (format #f "~am" minutes))
  (format #f "~as" (round rest)
   (let ((wholes-per-minute 15)
 (last-time ZERO-MOMENT)
 (total-time 0)
 (marks '()))
  ((process-music engraver)
   (let* ((new-time (ly:context-current-moment context))
  (time-delta (ly:moment-main (ly:moment-sub new-time last-time)))
(and=> (ly:context-property context 'tempoWholesPerMinute #f)
 (set! total-time
   (+ total-time (* 60 (/ time-delta wholes-per-minute
 (set! last-time new-time)
 (when new-wholes-per-minute
   (set! wholes-per-minute new-wholes-per-minute
   ((text-mark-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
(set! marks (cons grob marks
  ((process-acknowledged engraver)
   (for-each (lambda (grob)
   (when (assq-ref (ly:grob-property grob 'details) 'time-mark)
 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text (format-time 
   (set! marks '())

\layout {
  \context {
\consists #Custom_engraver!!

timeMark = \tweak details.time-mark ##t \tweak color "red" \textEndMark 

  \tempo 4 = 120
  c'4 8. 16 2
  \tempo 4 = 180
  c'2 2
  \repeat unfold 180 c'4

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Re: Question regarding ChordNames

2024-03-13 Thread Jean Abou Samra
>  Mahalo, X. I am using the naturalizeMusic function and will look into 
> extending that.  Maybe that has some nuggets to mine.

`\naturalizeMusic` is not going to work well on `\chordmode` music (it will 
destroy the interval in chords, leading to wrong chord names), but you can use 
code like this instead:

\version "2.24.2"

enharmonization = { c cis d ees e f fis g gis a bes b }

converter = #(make-semitone->pitch (music-pitches enharmonization))

\layout {
  \set ChordNames.chordRootNamer =
#(lambda (pitch lowercase)
   (note-name->markup (converter (ly:pitch-semitones pitch)) lowercase))

bflat = \chordmode { cis dis e fis gis a bis cis bes }

\transpose cis' a {
  \new ChordNames { \bflat  }



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Re: Omit TupletNumber problem

2024-03-12 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I cannot figure out how to revert or reverse "\omit TupletNumber".

\undo \omit TupletNumber


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Re: Control breaks in staff that I get from a variable?

2024-03-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le dimanche 10 mars 2024 à 18:33 +, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> Can you provide some additional sentence or sentences for the
> documentation so that we have something to start with?

See also

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Re: search and replace on all included files on compile

2024-03-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra

\version "2.24.2"

\paper {
'(("1↑" . "1")))

{ c'^\markup "1↑" }


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: installation

2024-03-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le vendredi 01 mars 2024 à 16:21 -0800, a écrit :
> Went to \users\Mark\lilypond 2.24.3\gs

The program you should add is ...\lilypond(.exe), not ...\gs.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: slur into a repeat volta 2 section

2024-02-24 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Just replace `4\repeatTie` with `4`?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Music generated by function confuses relative pitch

2024-02-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Hi Morten,

Le jeudi 22 février 2024 à 23:00 +0100, Morten Lemvigh a écrit :
> \version "2.24.1"
> double =
> #(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?)
>    (let ((notes (ly:music-property music 'elements)))
>      (make-music 'SequentialMusic
>                  'elements
>                  (list
>                   (make-music 'SequentialMusic
>                               'elements notes)
>                   (make-music 'SequentialMusic
>                               'elements notes)
> \relative c' {
>   \double {e4 e}
> }

Several things are wrong here.

First, although you are unwrapping `music`, you are not copying the individual
elements of `notes`. They end up duplicated in the output. This should never
happen, because music objects are mutable. \relative is in fact a good example
of this, but perhaps a simpler one is \scaleDurations: try

\scaleDurations 1/2 \double { e'1 1 }

and you will see that the whole notes are scaled by 1/4 instead of 1/2. The 
is that calling [note1] and [note2] the two note objects, you end up with

  [note1] [note2] [note1] [note2]

and when \scaleDurations goes through the music and scales it, since [note1]
and [note2] both appear twice, they get scaled twice.

That's the reason you should always copy music with ly:music-deep-copy
or an equivalent if you need it to appear in several places.

In your example

\relative c' {
  \double {e4 e}

what happens is the following: \relative changes the first e4 into an absolute
e'4, to match the octave of c' . Then the second e is changed to e'4 as well,
to have the same octave as the first. Then the third e is processed, but it's
actually the same object as the first e4, which was mutated into e'4, so this
tells \relative to go an octave higher, and that e'4 is mutated a second time
into an e''4. And finally, the fourth e is processed, it's the same as the 
e which was turned into e', which goes an octave up, so it becomes e'''.
And that's why the end result is e''4 e''' e''4 e'''.

So this is already a better version:

double =
#(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?)
   (make-music 'SequentialMusic
   'elements (list (ly:music-deep-copy music)
   (ly:music-deep-copy music

or more simply put:

double =
#(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?)
   #{ $music $music #})

but in fact this is still not correct because \relative is a somewhat
special beast. The problem is that

\relative c' {
  \double {e'4 e}

now unfolds to

\relative c' {
  { e'4 e e'4 e }

where the third e'4 goes an octave up compared to the second, but you
don't want that, you want it to be the same as the first e'4. For that
case, there is a special macro called make-relative. It's used like this:

\version "2.24.1"

double =
#(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
   (make-relative (music) music
 #{ $music $music #}))


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Position coordinates fail

2024-02-22 Thread Jean Abou Samra

> Do you know how I can solve this problem? Consider that I have no error 
> messages.

We'll need an example where it fails. Preferably 
[tiny](, but your full score (if you 
can share it) would work too.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: 5th anniversary conference? :)

2024-02-15 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I was just waxing nostalgic about that fabulous Salzburg conference in 2020,
> and noted that in Jan 2025 — just under a year from now! — it will have been
> five years since we got together, talked music/notation, and raised [more
> than] a few pints together.
> Any chance for a repeat? :)

Would be great. Count me as "will try to come if it gets organized".


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Control breaks in staff that I get from a variable?

2024-02-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> As some of us know, this does not work:
> <<
>   \staffIGot
>   { s1*5 \break }
> >>
> It introduces an extra staff. Not wanted.

The classic fix is

  \new Devnull { s1*5 \break }


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Re: Texinfo documentation.

2024-02-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> I have recently upgraded from 2.22.2 to 2.24.3. However, as I only use
> LTS distributions of ubuntu, I had to download the tar.gz package. No
> problem. But how may I obtain the documentation in texinfo format for
> use with emacs? In fact, looking through the archive, it does not
> appear that there is any documentation at all!

Documentation is in a separate tarball, since most people don't want
to download it.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Score overruns page. Bug or something I did?

2024-02-06 Thread Jean Abou Samra
It's not a bug —  by default, LilyPond forbids line breaks on a bar line when 
there are notes straddling on that bar line. You can change this with

\layout {
  \context {
\remove Forbid_line_break_engraver



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Duration shortcut not working for rests

2024-02-03 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> Am I misunderstanding something, or is this a bug? Since the "r4" at the 
> start of the second measure is fully qualified, I was expecting the "4"s that 
> follow it to be quarter rests as well, but I'm seeing "c"s in the rendered 
> output.
> ```
> \version "2.25.6"  
> {  
>     c'4 r r r  
>     % The middle 4s are "c"s instead of rests  
>   | r4 4 4 b  
> }
> ```

It's on purpose (even though I tend to agree that it is a bit quirky). One 
reason is to simplify the writing of percussion lines, where the same drum name 
is often repeated over and over, mixed with rests.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: How to

2024-02-01 Thread Jean Abou Samra

#(define (should-not-print-arranger layout props)  
   (equal? "" (chain-assoc-get 'header:arranger props)))

For one thing, `'header:arranger` just gives a 
[symbol](, it 
doesn't look up the arranger. A symbol is never equal to a string. For another, 
`eq?` is the wrong test; it checks [object 
 but you could have two empty strings which are equal but not the same object 
(unlike symbols). The links should provide more information.



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: PDF Bookmarks

2024-01-30 Thread Jean Abou Samra
There is a known bug when combining `\tocItem` and `\bookpart`. See [issue 
#6355]( I've just posted a 
workaround on the issue.

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Re: Numérotation des versets

2024-01-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Try the code here?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Numérotation des versets

2024-01-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

This is the English-speaking list. You probably meant to send this to the 
French forum, .

Re: zero-duration s to hold marks

2024-01-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra
> That strikes me as being a programmer's response, and I speak as a
> programmer for over 50 years. Using <> works, but it is unintuitive. If 
> s0 is more intuitive then that should be considered for future inclusion.

s1*0 works and is more or less equivalent to <> .

> The second is for putting a mark, eg a coda, at the very end of a measure,
> over the barline (not over the last note, or the first note of the next 
> measure).

For that, see \repeat segno, or if your use case doesn't fit the possibilities
of \repeat segno, use \codaMark.

For arbitrary markup use \textMark or \textEndMark.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Question about \include options

2024-01-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra
Le lundi 08 janvier 2024 à 12:04 -1000, John Helly a écrit :

> My default search engine is Google but I've also tried DuckDuckGo and Bing
> with similar, but different, results.  So, this problem falls into a use-case
> that I usually call 'the completeness and consistency of a search'.  

Is there an analogue of Gödel's theorem for search engines?


> IMHO, one 'simple' way around this would be to have a complete index somewhere
> in the Documentation tree.


Ok, these specific terms are missing but it goes a long way already.

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  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >