RE: HTML::Template

2002-08-20 Thread Alessandro Forghieri


 On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:
  with the following starnge error (The Title is displayed but not the
  vignette.gif file)
  [Mon Aug 19 07:22:24 2002] [error] Missing right curly or 
 square bracket
  at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1, 
 at end of line
  syntax error at 
 /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1,
  at EOF
 For some reason vingette.gif is being interpreted as a Perl 
 script instead
 of an image.  

If (as I suppose) the /perl directory has PerlScript (or relatives) as
handler, that is not strange at all...
Moving vignette.gif elsewhere should make the problem disappear.


Re: AutoLoader bypass?

2002-08-20 Thread Elizabeth Mattijsen

At 06:24 PM 8/19/02 -0700, Randy J. Ray wrote:
Well, my Cuse AutoLoader would be _outside_ any of the loaded modules in
the mod_perl script after all the modules necessary for proper
execution of _your_ mod_perl environment, are loaded.
I see... you mean to have a line like this:
use AutoLoader preload = { module = [qw(suba subb)] };
be responsible for both including module (into the caller's namespace) *and* 
pre-loading the specified routines? That's different that what I had interpreted from 
your first idea. I though that the preload specification would be when the target 
module issues its call to use AutoLoader.

Actually only the preloading part.  Since by default, the preload routine would look 
at %INC, this Cuse AutoLoader should be _after_ any other Cuse commands.

,,, That's different that what I had interpreted from your first idea. I though that 
the preload specification would be when the target module issues its call to use 

No, I wouldn't want module authors to change their modules...

 From this vantage point, it does make more sense, yes. Especially since module 
authors would no be responsible for retro-fitting to their packages. I would be 
interested to see if this can be done cleanly, without making any 
harder to read than it currently is :-).

Well, that's just a matter of documentation, really...  ;-)

(OK, that might be asking a bit much...)

Not really, AutoLoader is not a really big module at all...


RE: Mod_perl Application Development

2002-08-20 Thread Alessandro Forghieri


 People often seem to get bent out of shape about putting a 
 few Location directives in httpd.conf, 

I suspect that it may be due to the intimidating length that httpd.conf has
reached in these times. I found that separating customizations in breakaway
'Include'd .conf files - and putting all my Include-s at the end of
makes maintainence much easier (and upgrading apache relatively painless
even under RPM's .rpmnew thing).

 Having Location directives [...]
 etc. without inventing your own config system.  

Warmly seconded.


Re: HTML::Template

2002-08-20 Thread Pierre Vaudrey

Le mardi 20 août 2002, à 09:32 AM, Alessandro Forghieri a écrit :


 On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Pierre Vaudrey wrote:

 with the following starnge error (The Title is displayed but not the
 vignette.gif file)
 [Mon Aug 19 07:22:24 2002] [error] Missing right curly or
 square bracket
 at /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1,
 at end of line
 syntax error at
 /Library/WebServer/Documents/perl/vignette.gif line 1,
 at EOF

 For some reason vingette.gif is being interpreted as a Perl
 script instead
 of an image.

 If (as I suppose) the /perl directory has PerlScript (or relatives) as
 handler, that is not strange at all...
 Moving vignette.gif elsewhere should make the problem disappear.

Many Thanks !! My problem is fixed .


Pierre Vaudrey

Cache::Cache issues

2002-08-20 Thread Chris


I've got a bit of an issue with Cache::Cache, and while I know it's a bit 
off topic my e-mail to the module maintianer has dissapeared into the 
nether regions of nowhere. I know that alot of people here use the module, 
especially since it was the cookbook and Perrin's articles that put me onto 
the module in the first place.

I can't seem to get the time-out on Cache objects to update, I'm not sure 
if it's a bug in Cache::Cache or a bug in my understanding of Cache:Cache's 
Cache::Object (much more likely).

I've written a small test script below that show's the issue I'm having. 
Any clue's would be helpful.

package TestExpiresAt;
use strict;
use Cache::MemoryCache;
our $Cache = Cache::MemoryCache-new({
'default_expires_in' = 10,

$Cache-set('1', 'Yes', 1800);
$Cache-set('2', 'no');

my $timeout1 = $Cache-get_object('1')-get_expires_at();
my $timeout2 = $Cache-get_object('1')-get_expires_at();

print $timeout1\n; # this should be timeout2 + 1790
print $timeout2\n; # but it's not even different

$Cache-get_object('1')-set_expires_at(10 m);
$timeout1 = $Cache-get_object('1')-get_expires_at();

print $timeout1\n; # should be different again from timeout1 above
print $timeout2\n; # and from timeout 2


Re: Cache::Cache issues

2002-08-20 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Chris wrote:

 my $timeout1 = $Cache-get_object('1')-get_expires_at();
 my $timeout2 = $Cache-get_object('1')-get_expires_at();



 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Re: Mod_perl Application Development

2002-08-20 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

On Sun, 18 Aug 2002, Jonathan Lonsdale wrote:

 Here's a few approaches I thought of:

In a previous life[1] I made a system that was configured like

  my $site1 = new Foo::Site(site = '');
new Foo::ImageHandler(path = '/images/', format = 'png');
new Foo::SomeOtherHandler(...);

   PerlHandler $site1-take_request

(it wasn't quite like that; the site configurations were all in Perl
modules dynamically utilizing perl_sections to configure Apache).

When running register_handler, the Foo::Site object would call some
method on the Handler object to figure out which namespace or which
requests it wanted to handle.  During take_request it would then
just dispatch the right handler.

This made it really easy to activate a subsystems when the customer
needed them.  The system also made it easy to customize the handlers
for each customer. (Just inherit the base Foo::BarHandler into
Customer::BarHandler and add the extra magic).

  - ask

[1] okay, not quite a previous life; but it is more than 4 years
ago. :-)

ask bjoern hansen, !try; do();

Make test failure when installing mod_perl 2.0 on Solaris 8 with Apache 2

2002-08-20 Thread Tom Hibbert


I am running Solaris 8 and have installed Apache 2:

bash-2.03# /usr/apache/bin/httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.0.39
Server built:   Aug 20 2002 11:26:54

I also have installed perl 5.8.0:

bash-2.03# perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.0 built for sun4-solaris

I am trying to install mod_perl 2 and I am having problems with the 'make
test' command. I have built apache as follows:

./configure --enable-layout=Solaris --enable-perl=shared --with-mpm=prefork
(as normal user)
make(as normal user)
make test (as root user)
make install  (as root user)

this seems to install fine. I have then configured mod_perl as follows:

perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=/usr/apache MP_INST_APACHE2=1 (as normal user)
make (as normal user)
make test (as root user)

And the 'make test' fails:

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

apache/cgihandler.t22 100.00%  1-2
apache/compat.t33 100.00%  1-3
apache/post.t  21  50.00%  2
apache/read.t  11 100.00%  1
apache/scanhdrs.t 29  7424 44 100.00%  1-4
api/send_fd.t  32  66.67%  2-3
api/sendfile.t 32  66.67%  2-3
directive/perlmodule.t 11 100.00%  1
directive/perlrequire.t11 100.00%  1
directive/setupenv.t   31  33.33%  2
filter/input_body.t22 100.00%  1-2
filter/lc.t11 100.00%  1
hooks/access.t 42  50.00%  2-3
hooks/trans.t  33 100.00%  1-3
modperl/getc.t 21  50.00%  2
modperl/readline.t 21  50.00%  2
modperl/sameinterp.t  29  742412   12 100.00%  1-12
modules/include.t  65  83.33%  1 3-6
protocol/echo.t  255 65280 32  66.67%  2-3
protocol/echo_filter.t   255 65280 32  66.67%  2-3
50 tests skipped.

So, as you can see not very good. After looking at the recommended log file
(t/logs/errorlog) I see the following:

bash-2.03# more t/logs/error_log
END in, pid=29543
[Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [notice] Apache/2.0.39 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.99_04-dev Perl/v5.8.0 configured -- resuming normal oper
[Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [info] Server built: Aug 20 2002 11:26:54
[Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [debug] prefork.c(1035): AcceptMutex: pthread
(default: pthread)
[Tue Aug 20 15:01:20 2002] [error] Can't locate TestHooks/init/ in
INC (INC contains: /export/home/software/apache
e2 /export/h
irective/main /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/sun4-so
laris /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr
/local/lib/perl5/site_perl) at (eval 15) line 3.

[Tue Aug 20 15:01:20 2002] [error] failed to resolve handler
[Tue Aug 20 15:01:20 2002] [error] [client] Can't locate
TestHooks/init/ in INC (INC contains: /export/h
he2 /export/home/software/apache_downl

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread md

--- Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are a few ways to deal with this.  The
 simplest is to use the 
 sticky load-balancing feature that many
 load-balancers have.  Failing 
 that, you can store to a network file system like
 NFS or CIFS, or use a 
 database.  (There are also fancier options with
 things like Spread, but 
 that's getting a little ahead of the game.)  You can
 use MySQL for 
 caching, and it will probably have similar
 performance to a networked 
 file system.  Unfortunately, the Apache::Session
 code isn't all that 
 easy to use for this, since it assumes you want to
 generate IDs for the 
 objects you store rather than passing them in.  You
 could adapt the code 
 from it to suit your needs though.  The important
 thing is to leave out 
 all of the mutually exclusive locking it implements,
 since a cache is 
 all about get the latest as quick as you can and
 lost updates are not 
 a problem (last save wins is good enough for a

I haven't looked at the cache modules docs yet...would
it be possible to build cache on the separate
load-balanced machines as we go we do with
template caching? By that I mean if an item has cached
on machine one then further requests on machine one
will come from cache where if on machine two the same
item hasn't cached, it will be pulled from the db the
first time and then cached?

If this isn't possible, I'm not sure if I'll be able
to implement any caching or not (some of the site
configuration is out of my hands) and everything seems
so user specific...I'll definitely reread your posts
and go through my app for things that should be

I would be curious though that if my choice is simply
that the data is stored in the session or comes from
the database with each request, would it still be best
to essentially only store the session id in the
session and pull everything else from the db? It still
seems that something trivial like a greeting name (a
preference) could go in the session.

 The relationships to the features and pages differ
 by user, but there 
 might be general information about the features
 themselves that is 
 stored in the database and is not user-specific. 
 That could be cached 
 separately, to save some trips to the db for each

The only thing I can think of right now is a
calendar...that should probably be cached. The only
gotcha would be that the calendar would need to update
every day, at least on the current month's pages. But
this is only on a feature page, not a users created
page (that is a user can click a link on their daily
page that takes them to a feature page where they can
go through archives).

 You can cache the names too if you want to, but
 keeping them out of the 
 session means that you won't be slowed down by
 fetching that extra data 
 and de-serializing it with Storable unless the page
 you're on actually 
 needs it.  

Even though there are some preset pages, the user
can change the names and the user can also create a
cutom page with its own name. So there could be
thousands of unique page names, many (most) specific
to unique users (like Jim's Sports Page, etc.). Not
to mention that between the fact that the users' daily
pages can have any number of user selected features
per page and features themselves can have archive
depths of anywhere from 3 to 20 years, there's a lot
of info.

 It's also good to separate things that
 have to be reliable 
 (like the ID of the current user, since without that
 you have to send 
 them back to log in again) from things that don't
 need to be (you could 
 always fetch the list of pages from the db if your
 cache went down).

Very good advice. I've found that occasionally
something happens to my session where the sesssion id
is ok but some of the other data disapears (like
current page id) which really screws things up until
you log out and log back in again. This leads me to
suspect that I've answered my own question from above.
It's just whether I can cache or not.

Thanks for all your time and help.

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Re: Make test failure when installing mod_perl 2.0 on Solaris 8 withApache 2

2002-08-20 Thread Stas Bekman

Tom Hibbert wrote:
 I am running Solaris 8 and have installed Apache 2:
 bash-2.03# /usr/apache/bin/httpd -v
 Server version: Apache/2.0.39
 Server built:   Aug 20 2002 11:26:54
 I also have installed perl 5.8.0:
 bash-2.03# perl -v
 This is perl, v5.8.0 built for sun4-solaris
 I am trying to install mod_perl 2 and I am having problems with the 'make
 test' command. I have built apache as follows:
 bash-2.03# more t/logs/error_log
 END in, pid=29543
 [Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [notice] Apache/2.0.39 (Unix)
 mod_perl/1.99_04-dev Perl/v5.8.0 configured -- resuming normal oper
 [Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [info] Server built: Aug 20 2002 11:26:54
 [Tue Aug 20 15:01:19 2002] [debug] prefork.c(1035): AcceptMutex: pthread
 (default: pthread)
 [Tue Aug 20 15:01:20 2002] [error] Can't locate TestHooks/init/ in

Try this patch:

Index: t/hooks/TestHooks/
RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/t/hooks/TestHooks/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3
--- t/hooks/TestHooks/   18 May 2002 02:02:32 -  1.3
+++ t/hooks/TestHooks/   20 Aug 2002 15:31:18 -
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
  PerlInitHandler TestHooks::init::second
+PerlModule  TestHooks::init
  PerlInitHandler TestHooks::init::first
  PerlResponseHandler TestHooks::init

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Tony Bowden

On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 06:54:01PM -0700, md wrote:
 I can definitely get it all from the db, but that doesn't
 seem very efficient.

Don't worry about whether it *seems* efficient. Do it right, and then
worry about how to speed that up - if, and only if, it's too slow.

Premature optimisation is the root of all evil, and all that ..

At BlackStar the session was just a single hashed ID and all other info
was loaded from the database every time. We thought about caching some
info a few times, but always ran into problems with replication.  In the
end we discovered that fetching everything from the database on every
request wasn't noticeably slower than anything else we could up with,
and was a lot more flexible. Throwing more memory at the database servers
was usually quicker, cheaper and more effective than micro-optimising
our session vs caching strategy...


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian

We do see some slowdown on our langauge translation db 
calls since they are so intensive. Moving to a 'per child' 
cache for each string as it came out of the db sped page 
loads up from 4.5 seconds to .6-1.0 seconds per page which 
is significant.

Currently we are working on a 'per machine' cache so all 
children can benefit for each childs initial database read 
of the translated string, the differential between 
children is annoying in the 'per child cache' strategy.


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:33:07 +0100
  Tony Bowden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 06:54:01PM -0700, md wrote:
 I can definitely get it all from the db, but that 
 seem very efficient.

Don't worry about whether it *seems* efficient. Do it 
right, and then
worry about how to speed that up - if, and only if, it's 
too slow.

Premature optimisation is the root of all evil, and all 
that ..

At BlackStar the session was just a single hashed ID and 
all other info
was loaded from the database every time. We thought about 
caching some
info a few times, but always ran into problems with 
replication.  In the
end we discovered that fetching everything from the 
database on every
request wasn't noticeably slower than anything else we 
could up with,
and was a lot more flexible. Throwing more memory at the 
database servers
was usually quicker, cheaper and more effective than 
our session vs caching strategy...


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Currently we are working on a 'per machine' cache so all
 children can benefit for each childs initial database read
 of the translated string, the differential between
 children is annoying in the 'per child cache' strategy.

Sounds like you want (not DB_File), which is quite fast and
handles locking/concurrent access internally (when set up properly).

See the Alzabo::ObjectCache::{Store,Sync}::BerkeleyDB modules for

For Alzabo, I also have a caching system that caches data in a database,
for cross-machine caching/syncing.  I haven't really benchmarked it yet
but I imagine it could be a win in some situations.  For example, you
could set up the cache as a separate machine running MySQL and still pull
your data from another machine, possibly running a different RDBMS.


we await the New Sun

apache1.3(win32) - mod_perl 1.27 - activestate - path_info error

2002-08-20 Thread Stefan Thuering

Hi, I'm new here so tell me if I'm doing something wrong :)

I posted a report to but they said it 
seems to be a mod_perl bug.

here goes:
If you run the following perl code (on Apache 1.3.2x (win32) - mod_perl
1.27_01-dev - activstate perl build 631/633):
- once with bla/
- and then bla/
...the first foreach will have _NO_ PATH_INFO entry
...the hardcoded $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} will have it!!!
...and also the second foreach will have it!!!

The Path_info seems to be cached serverwide. Every time I use a
$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} it has contents even though it shouldn't. The 
path_info isn't initialized correctly on win32 (linux apache/mod_perl 
doesn't show this behavior).

use strict;
print content-type: text/html\n\n;
print 'htmlbody';
my $val;
foreach my $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
 $val = $ENV{$var};
 $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
 $val =~ s||\\|g;
 print ${var}=\${val}\br;
print 'br',$ENV{'PATH_INFO'},'brbr';
foreach my $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
 $val = $ENV{$var};
 $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
 $val =~ s||\\|g;
 print ${var}=\${val}\br;
print '/body/html';

what do you think?



Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian

We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based 
structure but its purely investigation at this point.

What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a 
Berkely DB cache. My gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off 
The Disk' but my gut is not always right.. Ok, rarely 
right.. ;)


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 11:49:52 -0500 (CDT)
  Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Currently we are working on a 'per machine' cache so all
 children can benefit for each childs initial database 
 of the translated string, the differential between
 children is annoying in the 'per child cache' strategy.

Sounds like you want (not DB_File), which 
is quite fast and
handles locking/concurrent access internally (when set up 

See the Alzabo::ObjectCache::{Store,Sync}::BerkeleyDB 
modules for

For Alzabo, I also have a caching system that caches data 
in a database,
for cross-machine caching/syncing.  I haven't really 
benchmarked it yet
but I imagine it could be a win in some situations.  For 
example, you
could set up the cache as a separate machine running 
MySQL and still pull
your data from another machine, possibly running a 
different RDBMS.


we await the New Sun

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

md wrote:
 I haven't looked at the cache modules docs yet...would
 it be possible to build cache on the separate
 load-balanced machines as we go we do with
 template caching?

Of course.  However, if a user is sent to a random machine each time you 
won't be able to cache anything that a user is allowed to change during 
their time on the site, because they could end up on a machine that has 
an old cached value for it.  Sticky load-balancing or a cluster-wide 
cache (which you can update when data changes) deals with this problem.

 everything seems so user specific...

That doesn't mean you can't cache it.  You can do basically the same 
thing you were doing with the session: stuff a hash of user-specific 
stuff into the cache.  The next time that user sends a request, you 
check the cache for data on that user ID (you get the user ID from the 
session) and if you don't find any you just fetch it from the db.


sub fetch_user_data {
   my $user_id = shift;
   my $user_data;
   unless ($user_data = fetch_from_cache($user_id)) {
 $user_data = fetch_from_db($user_id);
   return $user_data;

 I would be curious though that if my choice is simply
 that the data is stored in the session or comes from
 the database with each request, would it still be best
 to essentially only store the session id in the
 session and pull everything else from the db? It still
 seems that something trivial like a greeting name (a
 preference) could go in the session.

Your decision about what to put in the session is not connected to your 
decision about what to pull from the db each time.  You can cache all 
the data if you want to, and still have very little in the session.

This might sound like an academic distinction, but I think it's 
important to keep the concepts separate: a session is a place to store 
transient state information that is irrelevant as soon as the user logs 
out, and a cache is a way of speeding up access to a slow resource like 
a database, and the two things should not be confused.  You can actually 
cache the session data if you need to (with a write-through cache that 
updates the backing database as well).  A cache will typically be faster 
than session storage because it doesn't need to be very reliable and 
because you can store and retrieve individual chunks of data (user's 
name, page names) when you need them instead of storing and retrieving 
everything on every request.  Separating these concepts allows you to do 
things like migrate the session storage to a transactional database some 
day, and move your cache storage to a distributed multicast cache when 
someone comes out with a module for that.

 The only
 gotcha would be that the calendar would need to update
 every day, at least on the current month's pages.

The cache modules I mentioned have a concept of timeout so that you 
can say cache this for 12 hours and then when it expires you fetch it 
again and update the cache for another 12 hours.

 Even though there are some preset pages, the user
 can change the names and the user can also create a
 cutom page with its own name.

No problem, you can cache data that's only useful for a single user, as 
I explained above.

 to mention that between the fact that the users' daily
 pages can have any number of user selected features
 per page and features themselves can have archive
 depths of anywhere from 3 to 20 years, there's a lot
 of info.

No problem, disks are cheap.  400MB of disk space will cost you about as 
much as a movie in New York these days.

- Perrin

ANNOUNCE: mod_perl-1.99_05

2002-08-20 Thread Doug MacEachern


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/D/DO/DOUGM/mod_perl-1.99_05.tar.gz
  size: 577620 bytes
   md5: ccf3b20a1e48b42750a66c8169cd0a36

Changes since 1.99_04:

fix PerlOptions +ParseHeaders to only parse once per-request

add external redirects Registry tests [Stas Bekman]

get rid of the compat layer in ModPerl-Registry [Stas Bekman]

ModPerl::RegistryLoader is now fully operational and tested [Stas Bekman]

Registry method handlers are now working [Stas Bekman]

core Registry packages all compile the scripts into
ModPerl::RegistryROOT:: namespace and cache them in
%ModPerl::RegistryCache. Both overridable by the sub-classes. [Stas Bekman]

compat tests were split into groups by functionality, send_fd test
moved to compat.  [Stas Bekman]

added $c-get_remote_host and a compat wrapper $r-get_remote_host +
tests [Stas Bekman]

adjust the build system to support mod_perl build from the source
tree. [Stas Bekman]

ModPerl::RegistryCooker syncs with mod_perl 1.0's registry:
 - prototypes defined checks in flush_namespace 
 - set error-notes on error [Geoff Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 - preserve status in Registry scripts [Geoff Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

apr_table_t is now an opaque type, use apr_table_elts() to get the array
record [Stas Bekman]

add support for redirects with PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

backport to 2.0.35

adjust to filter register api change

added APR::ThreadMutex module



Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread md've given me plenty to work with. Great
explination. This is good pragmatic stuff to know!

Do You Yahoo!?
HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

 We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based structure but 
 its purely investigation at this point.
 What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a Berkely DB cache. My 
 gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off The Disk' but my gut is not always 
 right.. Ok, rarely right.. ;)

Most of the shared memory modules are much slower than Berkeley DB.  The 
fastest option around is IPC::MM, but data you store in that does not 
persist if you restart the server which is a problem for some. 
BerkeleyDB (the new one, not DB_File) is also very fast, and other 
options like Cache::Mmap and Cache::FileCache are much faster than 
anything based on IPC::Sharelite and the like.

I have charts and numbers in my TPC presentation, which I will be 
putting up soon.

- Perrin

Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian

Thanks, you just saved us a ton of time.

Off to change course ;)


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 13:12:29 -0400
  Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We are investigating using IPC rather then a file based 
structure but 
its purely investigation at this point.

What are the speed diffs between an IPC cache and a 
Berkely DB cache. My 
gut instinct always screams 'Stay Off The Disk' but my 
gut is not always 
right.. Ok, rarely right.. ;)

Most of the shared memory modules are much slower than 
Berkeley DB.  The fastest option around is IPC::MM, but 
data you store in that does not persist if you restart 
the server which is a problem for some. BerkeleyDB (the 
new one, not DB_File) is also very fast, and other 
options like Cache::Mmap and Cache::FileCache are much 
faster than anything based on IPC::Sharelite and the 

I have charts and numbers in my TPC presentation, which I 
will be putting up soon.

- Perrin

Module dependency testing question

2002-08-20 Thread Matthew Pressly

If module A depends on module B (uses methods or subroutines from module 
B), is there a good way to test that module A loads module B (i.e. has a 
use statement)?  I frequently run into the following scenario:

1. Write one or more new modules plus a handler that uses them.
2. One or more of those modules is dependent on other existing modules.
3. One of those modules is missing a use statement for one of the 
existing modules that it makes method/sub calls to.
4. The handler works in the development environment because some other 
handler loaded that module previously in response to a previous http 
request. (The brunt of the handler code is require-ed on demand currently).
5. Promote code from development server to production server.
6. Restart apache on production server.
7. Handler fails on production server in response to an access that 
exercises the section of code where the missing use was needed 
(i.e.subroutine or method call to module that wasn't loaded).

Matthew Pressly

Re: Module dependency testing question

2002-08-20 Thread Geoffrey Young

Matthew Pressly wrote:

 If module A depends on module B (uses methods or subroutines from module 
 B), is there a good way to test that module A loads module B (i.e. has a 
 use statement)?  I frequently run into the following scenario:
 1. Write one or more new modules plus a handler that uses them.
 2. One or more of those modules is dependent on other existing modules.
 3. One of those modules is missing a use statement for one of the 
 existing modules that it makes method/sub calls to.
 4. The handler works in the development environment because some other 
 handler loaded that module previously in response to a previous http 
 request. (The brunt of the handler code is require-ed on demand 
 5. Promote code from development server to production server.
 6. Restart apache on production server.
 7. Handler fails on production server in response to an access that 
 exercises the section of code where the missing use was needed 
 (i.e.subroutine or method call to module that wasn't loaded).

there are a few things I could suggest (others may have more ideas)

   - use Apache::Test to write a test suite for your modules. 
Apache::Test is very easy to use and very convenient.  I don't do any 
more module development without it.

   - always preload your modules with via PerlModule/  if 
you're missing a use() somewhere the module probably won't load and 
the server won't start.  it's a good idea anyway, for performance reasons.

   - $ perl -cw



Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread jjore

Just to jump in here - as I understand it you can split a hash across 
multiple threads if you preload it before apache forks. So load it in your and get it in memory prior to forking. It'll be part of the 
shared memory since you aren't writing to it. Or at least that's how I 
understand the theory to work anyway.


08/20/2002 10:54 AM

Subject:Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

We do see some slowdown on our langauge translation db 
calls since they are so intensive. Moving to a 'per child' 
cache for each string as it came out of the db sped page 
loads up from 4.5 seconds to .6-1.0 seconds per page which 
is significant.

Currently we are working on a 'per machine' cache so all 
children can benefit for each childs initial database read 
of the translated string, the differential between 
children is annoying in the 'per child cache' strategy.


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:33:07 +0100
  Tony Bowden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 06:54:01PM -0700, md wrote:
 I can definitely get it all from the db, but that 
 seem very efficient.

Don't worry about whether it *seems* efficient. Do it 
right, and then
worry about how to speed that up - if, and only if, it's 
too slow.

Premature optimisation is the root of all evil, and all 
that ..

At BlackStar the session was just a single hashed ID and 
all other info
was loaded from the database every time. We thought about 
caching some
info a few times, but always ran into problems with 
replication.  In the
end we discovered that fetching everything from the 
database on every
request wasn't noticeably slower than anything else we 
could up with,
and was a lot more flexible. Throwing more memory at the 
database servers
was usually quicker, cheaper and more effective than 
our session vs caching strategy...


Performance issue

2002-08-20 Thread Pierre Laplante

Does any body has performance data regarding

mod_perl 2.0 vs mod_perl 1.0?

What is the stability of mod_perl 2.0? Any body using it in production?


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread siberian

I havent had much luck with that but we will look at it 
again and see what we can get from it. We want to avoid 
preloading all data per child direct from the database but 
I wouldnt mind doing it on startup for the root process 
and then copying it to each child.


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:39:45 -0500
Just to jump in here - as I understand it you can split a 
hash across 
multiple threads if you preload it before apache forks. 
So load it in your and get it in memory prior to forking. It'll 
be part of the 
shared memory since you aren't writing to it. Or at least 
that's how I 
understand the theory to work anyway.


08/20/2002 10:54 AM

 To: Tony Bowden [EMAIL PROTECTED], md 
 cc: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Subject:Re: Apache::Session - What goes 
in session?

We do see some slowdown on our langauge translation db 
calls since they are so intensive. Moving to a 'per 
cache for each string as it came out of the db sped page 
loads up from 4.5 seconds to .6-1.0 seconds per page 
is significant.

Currently we are working on a 'per machine' cache so all 
children can benefit for each childs initial database 
of the translated string, the differential between 
children is annoying in the 'per child cache' strategy.


On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:33:07 +0100
   Tony Bowden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 06:54:01PM -0700, md wrote:
 I can definitely get it all from the db, but that 
 seem very efficient.

Don't worry about whether it *seems* efficient. Do it 
right, and then
worry about how to speed that up - if, and only if, it's 
too slow.

Premature optimisation is the root of all evil, and all 
that ..

At BlackStar the session was just a single hashed ID and 
all other info
was loaded from the database every time. We thought about 
caching some
info a few times, but always ran into problems with 
replication.  In the
end we discovered that fetching everything from the 
database on every
request wasn't noticeably slower than anything else we 
could up with,
and was a lot more flexible. Throwing more memory at the 
database servers
was usually quicker, cheaper and more effective than 
our session vs caching strategy...


Re: Apache::Session - What goes in session?

2002-08-20 Thread Ian Struble

Not in the MS house that I am living in right now :^(

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Ian Struble wrote:
  And just to throw one more wrench into the works.  You could load up only
  the most popular data at startup and let the rest of the data get loaded
  on a cache miss.  
  That is one technique that we have used for some customer session
  servers.  It allowed each server to start up in well under a minute
  instead of in 15-30 minutes while pegging the DB.  The 15-30 minutes was
  when we were dealing with ~5mil total entries and I would hate to see it
  now that the size of the table has doubled.  Now we just need to do some
  batch processing to determine what subset gets loaded at startup.
 You could also just dump the whole thing into a Berkeley DB file every 
 now and then.
 - Perrin

RE: process priorities and performance

2002-08-20 Thread Jim Helm

Sorry for the late reply - been away for a bit.

Everything I've read as an SA (for Solaris at least - though I would
expect the other *nices to be similar) was to never set a user space
(non O/S) process to less than -15.  Other than that, it's another of
those YMMV, measure before and after, and if it helps great.  Trying to
second guess process schedulers is a tricky business though, and you
really need to intimately know how your system behaves before trying it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Stas Bekman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 9:55 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Alexey Zvyagin
 Subject: process priorities and performance
 Alexey Zvyagin has suggested a use of Unix process priorities 
 to improve 
 the performance of the web services during the peak hours:
 Alex writes:
 The Unix priorities help to improve perfomance :
 The MySQL server has a -20 Unix priority:
 /usr/bin/nice -n -20 /usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql
 The backend apache server has the -10 priority:
 /usr/bin/nice -n -10 /usr/local/apache_new/bin/apachectl 
 start  /dev/null
 The frontend apache server has the -5 priority
 /usr/bin/nice -n -5 /usr/local/accel/bin/apachectl start  /dev/null
 The CPU priorities help to handle an increased traffic on the 
 Has any of you experimented with this technique and found it 
 useful? If 
 you do we could add the tip to the guide's performance 
 chapter. But we 
 need some meat to have a useful section.
 Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/lib

2002-08-20 Thread dougm

dougm   2002/08/20 09:49:12

  bump version
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.37  +2 -0  modperl-2.0/Changes
  Index: Changes
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/Changes,v
  retrieving revision 1.36
  retrieving revision 1.37
  diff -u -r1.36 -r1.37
  --- Changes   20 Aug 2002 16:45:00 -  1.36
  +++ Changes   20 Aug 2002 16:49:11 -  1.37
   -8,6 +8,8 
   =over 3
  +=item 1.99_06-dev
   =item 1.99_05 - August 20, 2002
   fix PerlOptions +ParseHeaders to only parse once per-request
  1.6   +1 -1  modperl-2.0/lib/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  ---   21 Jun 2002 22:35:49 -  1.5
  +++   20 Aug 2002 16:49:12 -  1.6
   -4,7 +4,7 
   use strict;
   BEGIN {
  -our $VERSION = 1.9905;
  +our $VERSION = 1.9906;

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO apr_perlio.c

2002-08-20 Thread stas

stas2002/08/20 21:44:14

  Modified:xs/APR/PerlIO apr_perlio.c
  improve errors handling
  add extended debugging trace
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.21  +34 -11modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO/apr_perlio.c
  Index: apr_perlio.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO/apr_perlio.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -r1.20 -r1.21
  --- apr_perlio.c  5 Jul 2002 05:05:36 -   1.20
  +++ apr_perlio.c  21 Aug 2002 04:44:14 -  1.21
   -268,13 +268,20 
   const char *new_path = NULL;
  +apr_os_file_t os_file;
   if (!PL_dirty) {
   /* if this is called during perl_destruct we are in trouble */
   apr_file_name_get(new_path, st-file);
  -Perl_warn(aTHX_ PerlIOAPR_close obj=0x%lx, file=0x%lx, name=%s\n,
  -  (unsigned long)f, (unsigned long)st-file,
  +rc = apr_os_file_get(os_file, st-file); 
  +if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) {
  +Perl_croak(aTHX_ filedes retrieval failed!);
  +Perl_warn(aTHX_ PerlIOAPR_close obj=0x%lx, file=0x%lx, fd=%d, name=%s\n,
  +  (unsigned long)f, (unsigned long)st-file, os_file,
 new_path ? new_path : (UNKNOWN));
   -415,9 +422,11 
   char *mode;
   const char *layers = :APR;
  +PerlIOAPR *st;
   PerlIO *f = PerlIO_allocate(aTHX);
   if (!f) {
  -return NULL;
  +Perl_croak(aTHX_ Failed to allocate PerlIO struct);
   switch (type) {
   -430,19 +439,33 
   PerlIO_apply_layers(aTHX_ f, mode, layers);
  +if (!f) {
  +Perl_croak(aTHX_ Failed to apply the ':APR' layer);
  -if (f) {
  -PerlIOAPR *st = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOAPR);
  +st = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOAPR);
  -/* XXX: should we dup first? the timeout could close the fh! */
  -st-pool = pool;
  -st-file = file;
  -PerlIOBase(f)-flags |= PERLIO_F_OPEN;
  +apr_status_t rc;
  +apr_os_file_t os_file;
  -return f;
  +/* convert to the OS representation of file */
  +rc = apr_os_file_get(os_file, file); 
  +if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) {
  +croak(filedes retrieval failed!);
  +Perl_warn(aTHX_ converting to PerlIO fd %d, mode '%s'\n,
  +  os_file, mode);
  +st-pool = pool;
  +st-file = file;
  +PerlIOBase(f)-flags |= PERLIO_F_OPEN;
  -return NULL;
  +return f;
   static SV *apr_perlio_PerlIO_to_glob(pTHX_ PerlIO *pio, apr_perlio_hook_e type)

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO apr_perlio.c

2002-08-20 Thread stas

stas2002/08/20 21:46:44

  Modified:xs/APR/PerlIO apr_perlio.c
  - IoIFP(io) *must* be always set on the valid io sv, otherwise it'll be
  never closed and fh and memory leaked. as i saw from doio.c, the solution
  is to simply copy IoOFP.
  - add IoTYPE_WRONLY and IoTYPE_RDONLY flags to protect from wrong use
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.22  +5 -1  modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO/apr_perlio.c
  Index: apr_perlio.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/xs/APR/PerlIO/apr_perlio.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.21
  retrieving revision 1.22
  diff -u -r1.21 -r1.22
  --- apr_perlio.c  21 Aug 2002 04:44:14 -  1.21
  +++ apr_perlio.c  21 Aug 2002 04:46:44 -  1.22
   -478,11 +478,15 
   switch (type) {
  -IoOFP(GvIOp(gv)) = pio;
  +  /* if IoIFP() is not assigned to it'll be never closed, see
  +   * Perl_io_close() */
  +IoIFP(GvIOp(gv)) = IoOFP(GvIOp(gv)) = pio;
   IoFLAGS(GvIOp(gv)) |= IOf_FLUSH;
   IoIFP(GvIOp(gv)) = pio;