Re: NeoMutt: highlight messages with attachments

2016-06-06 Thread Eric Smith

Richard Russon wrote on Mon-06-Jun 16  5:36PM
> Hi Eric,
> Asking NeoMutt questions on the Mutt list?  You'll get me in trouble ;-)

Thanks Rich and oops, sorry I have not felt the sensitivities on
this issue.  I hope that this will not last.

> > My old `color attachment black red' does not seem to work anymore.
> I've just tried NeoMutt-2016-05-30 and Mutt-1.6.1 and both work for me.
> Which are you trying to colour, index or pager?
> This will colour emails in the index:
> (for a minimum of 1 attachment)
> color index black red "~X1"

Sure this is what I want, I did not see it documented that the
~X needed to be followed by a count.

These worked for me:
color index_flags black cyan  "~X1"
color index_flags black red  "~X2-99"
I like to have only one field highlighted, though, so
is it possible to have the %X field, viz the number of
attachments highlighted instead of the other fields?



NeoMutt: highlight messages with attachments

2016-06-06 Thread Eric Smith
How do I do this?
My old `color attachment black red'
does not seem to work anymore.


Re: header_cache for mbox

2015-07-14 Thread Eric Smith
I have the same compile flags, however I opted for the hcache backend as 
Even with GDBM, I could not implement header caching on mbox :(
In fact I thought at one time it was working with mbox as the loading was 
apparently faster than without the 
header_cache set in config. But I could not reproduce it.

So is this indeed supported for mbox?

It works for me consistantly with imap and with maildir.
Faster and the files in the header_cache dir are uopdated.
Nope on both counts with mbox.

What is the reason for this?


~ % mutt -v
Mutt 1.5.23 (2014-03-12)
Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux 3.19.0-22-generic (i686)
ncurses: ncurses 5.9.20140712 (compiled with 5.9)
libidn: 1.28 (compiled with 1.28)
hcache backend: tokyocabinet 1.4.48

Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Ubuntu 4.9.2-5ubuntu1' 
--enable-languages=c,c++,java,go,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++ --prefix=/usr 
--program-suffix=-4.9 --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id 
--libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix 
--with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.9 --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls 
--with-sysroot=/ --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug 
--enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-gnu-unique-object --disable-vtable-verify 
--enable-plugin --with-system-zlib --disable-browser-plugin 
--enable-java-awt=gtk --enable-gtk-cairo 
--with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.9-i386/jre --enable-java-home 
--with-arch-directory=i386 --with-ecj-jar=/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar 
--enable-objc-gc --enable-targets=all --enable-multiarch --disable-werror 
--with-arch-32=i686 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --enable-multilib 
--with-tune=generic --enable-checking=release --build=i686-linux-gnu 
--host=i686-linux-gnu --target=i686-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.9.2 (Ubuntu 4.9.2-5ubuntu1)

Configure options: '--prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc' 
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--with-docdir=/usr/share/doc' 
'--with-mailpath=/var/mail' '--disable-dependency-tracking' 
'--enable-compressed' '--enable-debug' '--enable-fcntl' '--enable-hcache' 
'--enable-gpgme' '--enable-imap' '--enable-smtp' '--enable-pop' '--with-curses' 
'--with-gnutls' '--with-gss' '--with-idn' '--with-mixmaster' '--with-sasl' 
'--without-gdbm' '--without-bdb' '--without-qdbm' '--build' 'i686-linux-gnu' 
'--enable-nntp' 'build_alias=i686-linux-gnu' 'CFLAGS=-g -O2 
-fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wall' 
'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 

Compilation CFLAGS: -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat 
-Werror=format-security -Wall

Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to .
To report a bug, please visit


Patrick Shanahan wrote on Mon-13-Jul 15  9:10PM
> * Heinz Diehl  [07-13-15 14:42]:
> > On 13.07.2015, Patrick Shanahan wrote: 
> > 
> > > * Eric Smith  [07-13-15 09:17]:
> > > > Has anyone implemented this or is considering to do so?
> >  
> > > Been using it for *quite* a few years now.
> > 
> > AFAIK, mutt's header cache only works for IMAP and Maildir, but not
> > for the mbox format.

header_cache for mbox

2015-07-13 Thread Eric Smith
Has anyone implemented this or is considering to do so?

Eric Smith

Length of attachment title string in Compose window

2013-10-16 Thread Eric Smith

Where do I control the length of the string for the title of the
attachment which is displayed in the Compose window?

Eric Smith

Re: highlight URL in pager

2013-08-28 Thread Eric Smith
Thanks for this Marco.

For some reason my version 1.5.21 did not expand the char class
square brackets so I had to change the regex thusly;
color body brightgreen black "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ 

Eric Smith

Marco wrote on Wed-21-Aug 13  5:12PM
> On 2013–08–21 Eric Smith wrote:
> > How do I highlight URL's in the mutt pager?
> I use the following settings (I don't remember from which blog I
> stole them)
>   # URLs
>   color body brightgreen black "(http[s]|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ 
> \"\t\r\n]*"
>   color body brightgreen black "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+";
>   mono  body bold  "(http[s]|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ 
> \"\t\r\n]*"
>   mono  body bold  "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+";
>   # email addresses
>   color body brightgreen black "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
>   mono  body bold  "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
> Marco

Re: highlight URL in pager

2013-08-28 Thread Eric Smith
Thanks Alexander.

I looked before I posted at the options for my mintty on cygwin
and could not find such a setting.

Eric Smith

Alexander Huemer wrote on Wed-21-Aug 13  5:55PM
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 04:25:17PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
> > How do I highlight URL's in the mutt pager?
> I do that with my terminal emulator, which is urxvt with the url-select 
> extension[1]. very convenient. It has an option to underline URLs and 
> underlined text can be displayed with given properties through 
> Xresources. I personally have my URLs green. Other terminal emulators 
> have similar features.
> Kind regards,
> -Alexander Huemer
> [1]

highlight URL in pager

2013-08-21 Thread Eric Smith
How do I highlight URL's in the mutt pager?

Eric Smith

Re: rendering color in html emails inside mutt

2013-02-12 Thread Eric Smith

Stefan Wimmer wrote on Sat-09-Feb 13 10:57PM
> * Brendan Cully  [2013-02-09 22:38]:
> >On Saturday, 09 February 2013 at 13:27, Gary Johnson wrote:
> >>On 2013-02-09, Brendan Cully wrote:
> >>
> >>>Elinks does work fine to view attachments in color. You can't get
> >>>color when autoviewing though -- in this case, the elinks output is
> >>>recolorized by the pager using color body rules, which mangle the
> >>>underlying color.
> >>
> >>Even if allow_ansi is set?
> >
> >Yes, on my system at least, the first character of the line is colored
> >but the rest are clobbered, in autoview mode. When I switch to
> >view-attachment mode, everything looks fine. With allow_ansi unset,
> >not even the first character is colored.
> You could give '-dump-color-mode 3' a try - it works quite good but
> you'll be in trouble if you try to print those HTML-messages ... ;-)

Thank you for all your suggestions.
The closest I get is the first character displaying as red but
only with elinks -dump-color-mode 1.
If this setting is set to any of the higher values then the 
foreground and background of the *all* text is set to grey
(unreadable therefore).

I guess the first char highlighted is a good enough solution.

Eric Smith

rendering color in html emails inside mutt

2013-02-08 Thread Eric Smith

(For those deeply offended by manifestations of html in emails,
please look away now).

I mainly receive email from non-technical people. Recently,
while in the chaos ahead of a deadline I missed some
important email where answers to my questions where inserted
inline in a red color.

I have never managed to render color in html email, how is this


Eric Smith

warning if alias does not expand

2013-01-10 Thread Eric Smith
I only use fully formed email addresses or aliases when addressing
mail (and not "local" usernames).

I (too frequently) misspell my aliases.

Is there a way that mutt could warn me when the alias fails to
expand, instead of just appending the hostname to it?

Eric Smith

Re: Change the header Attach: to Attached:

2012-11-20 Thread Eric Smith
No Christian, perhpas it not clear enough.

If course they are pseudo headers.

So in my vim when composing (usually large) emails. I develop a
collection of *pseudo* headers like in the block below.
Then I copy and paste these in the text with descriptions and
comments relevant to each header.

So I want to copy and paste a grammatically more useful *pseudo*
header text. Of course mutt could be made to accept anything
unique as this pseudo header, so I asked if it is changeable
without a hack of the source.

Thats all.

Eric Smith

Christian Brabandt wrote on Tue-20-Nov 12  5:12PM
> On Tue, November 20, 2012 17:07, Eric Smith wrote:
> >
> > So when I write emails I refer to the attachments.
> >
> > I copy and paste the list of headers as a block like this;
> > Attach: Foobar.baz
> > Attach: Foobar_1.baz
> > Attach: Foobar_2.baz
> >
> > into my text and reference them in a way that it is more professional and
> > grammatical to say "Attached" rather than "Attach"
> Well, we are talking about a pseudo-header here. It is not visible in your
> mail and only used by mutt internally to detect which files need to be
> attached. Those headers won't end up in your sent mail.
> So you can consider it as a request to mutt to simply Attach those files.
> regards,
> Christian

Re: Change the header Attach: to Attached:

2012-11-20 Thread Eric Smith

So when I write emails I refer to the attachments.

I copy and paste the list of headers as a block like this;
Attach: Foobar.baz
Attach: Foobar_1.baz
Attach: Foobar_2.baz

into my text and reference them in a way that it is more professional and
grammatical to say "Attached" rather than "Attach"

Eric Smith

Christian Brabandt wrote on Tue-20-Nov 12  5:02PM
> On Tue, November 20, 2012 16:59, Eric Smith wrote:
> > Is there a non sourcecode way to change mutt's interpretation of
> > the header named Attach: to an arbitrary string (like Attached:)?
> I don't think there is. Why?
> regards,
> Christian

Change the header Attach: to Attached:

2012-11-20 Thread Eric Smith
Is there a non sourcecode way to change mutt's interpretation of
the header named Attach: to an arbitrary string (like Attached:)?

Eric Smith

coloured threads

2012-11-11 Thread Eric Smith
I am coming across more and more (non techy) html email with colouring of
threads. We, do fine with our reply prefixes (`>' and friends).

Anyone found a nice way to deliver html mail from mutt?

Never though I would ever ask such a question.

Eric Smith

Sender name in the vim statusline

2012-11-09 Thread Eric Smith
How do I get the sender's name to whom I am replying in the vim

Eric Smith

Re: pipe headers to a file on send from compose window -> solution

2012-11-08 Thread Eric Smith

This is how I did it:

set sendmail = "/home/eric/bin/"

$ cat /home/eric/bin/

cat /dev/stdin| tee >(SUBJECT=`formail -z -x Subject`;echo 
"^Subject:.*$SUBJECT">>/home/eric/serialised_subjects;echo perl -ni -e \"print 
if not /$SUBJECT/   \" /home/eric/serialised_subjects|at now +50 days | 
/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oem -oi -f

It passes my tests. Now I just need conditional define and undefine of the 
sendmail var.

This is nice to use to white list mail in spam filtering. You might want to set
a condition to only run the script when Subject: is longer than n chars.


Jeremy Kitchen wrote on Thu-08-Nov 12  7:55PM
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 10:15:45AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> > Thanks Jeremy
> > 
> > Task is to create a serialised list of Subject lines for mails posted to
> > lists. 
> > 
> > Why? So that procmail can filter any incoming list mail by using
> > `egrep -f' on this serialised Subject list and these (presumed)
> > replies to my posting may then be dropped in my main inbox.
> > 
> > I only want to extract the Subject lines mails to lists,
> > so I will have send-hook rules for mail to these known lists.
> > I would need to define this macro only for mails to these lists
> > (and then define "y" back to send-message).
> > 
> > (The script to which the headers are piped will also schedule an
> > at job to strip the Subject line from the file in n days).
> > 
> > I do something like this with postfix alwaysbcc and procmail,
> > but would prefer something more specific and efficient. Best
> > place to do it is at the time of send-message when the Subject
> > line is definitive.
> are you using SMTP or sendmail to inject your mail? You could configure
> mutt to use a different sendmail which is your custom processor which
> also injects the message into the queue (probably by calling sendmail
> directly)
> If you're using SMTP, you could switch to using sendmail with the above
> mentioned wrapper and configure an external smtp client like ssmtp or
> such.
> I may be missing something, but I poked through the docs and I'm just
> not seeing really any other way to do it.
> If you find a solution, though, please let us know, I for one am
> interested in your idea :)
> -Jeremy

Re: pipe headers to a file on send from compose window

2012-11-08 Thread Eric Smith
Thanks Jeremy

Task is to create a serialised list of Subject lines for mails posted to

Why? So that procmail can filter any incoming list mail by using
`egrep -f' on this serialised Subject list and these (presumed)
replies to my posting may then be dropped in my main inbox.

I only want to extract the Subject lines mails to lists,
so I will have send-hook rules for mail to these known lists.
I would need to define this macro only for mails to these lists
(and then define "y" back to send-message).

(The script to which the headers are piped will also schedule an
at job to strip the Subject line from the file in n days).

I do something like this with postfix alwaysbcc and procmail,
but would prefer something more specific and efficient. Best
place to do it is at the time of send-message when the Subject
line is definitive.

Eric Smith

Jeremy Kitchen wrote on Thu-08-Nov 12  2:53AM
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 12:37:27AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> > When piping a message from the compose menu, I receive only the
> > body of the mail and not its headers.
> > 
> > I want to capture the headers before sending the mail and am
> > using this macro.
> > 
> > macro compose ,y 
> > "/home/eric/bin/get_subject"
> > 
> > The headers are not being passed to the script get_subject.
> > What would be the solution?
> I really want to say that this is because you're only piping the
> attachment you currently have highlighted. Now, I'm not sure how to do
> what you're asking for, but I think that's what's going on underneath.
> One question though, what are you attempting to do with this? Perhaps we
> can help you find a better way to do it.
> It seems to me you're trying to capture outgoing subject lines with
> a script? (just judging by the name of your script)
> -Jeremy

pipe headers to a file on send from compose window

2012-11-07 Thread Eric Smith
When piping a message from the compose menu, I receive only the
body of the mail and not its headers.

I want to capture the headers before sending the mail and am
using this macro.

macro compose ,y "/home/eric/bin/get_subject"

The headers are not being passed to the script get_subject.
What would be the solution?

Eric Smith

Keep record of mail sent with bounce-message

2012-09-03 Thread Eric Smith
Is there a way to keep a record of mail that 
you bounce?

Eric Smith

sync-mailbox automation

2012-06-28 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to run automatically and periodically a sync-mailbox command in
mutt? This is to update the flags on the mailfolder

- Eric Smith

flag for mail that is bounced

2012-01-03 Thread Eric Smith
Has anyone figured a way to indicate if a mail has been bounced?

(I guess a macro that first sets a flag and then bounce.)

- Eric Smith

Re: fcc-save-hook for multiple recipients

2011-12-08 Thread Eric Smith
Yes Tim

But this will not match if the mail is From: foo and To: bar, baz

- Eric Smith
Tim Gray said:
> On Dec 08, 2011 at 10:39 PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> >So if it is a mail from one of three names and the other two names are
> >in ~C (To: or Cc:), then it is a match.
> >What is the smartest way to specify this logic with an
> >fcc-save-hook?
> If I understand correctly, the following should do it.  It's a hook
> that has all three recipients in the To: or CC: fields which sets
> the fcc/save folder to 'project_folder', followed by three
> individual hooks for the separate people.
> fcc-save-hook '~C foo ~C bar ~C baz' project_folder
> fcc-save-hook '~C foo' foo_folder
> fcc-save-hook '~C bar' bar_folder
> fcc-save-hook '~C baz' baz_folder
> It's in the order it is because hooks are matched in the order they
> appear in the file.  So you want your group hook to match before the
> individual ones... otherwise the 'foo' hook would match both 'foo'
> only messages and the group ones.

Re: fcc-save-hook for multiple recipients

2011-12-08 Thread Eric Smith

Tim Gray said:
> On Dec 08, 2011 at 12:08 PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> >Thanks Tim but the condition is AND not OR.
> >All three addresses need to be present in random order in the To: or
> Oops.  Just take that the |'s then.  If you just place several
> search modifiers together, a logical AND is assumed.

Thanks, but I still cannot find a pattern modifier that specifies 

So if it is a mail from one of three names and the other two names are 
in ~C (To: or Cc:), then it is a match.
What is the smartest way to specify this logic with an

If that does not make sense, then this is the real life situation.

I work independently with foo, bar and baz.
So I have a folder for each.
I also work collectively in a project with foo, bar and baz.
When all three are in the mail headers, then I want the
outgoing mails and the incoming mails to be saved to the
project folder and not to the foo, bar or baz folder.

Hope that makes sense.

Eric Smith

Re: fcc-save-hook for multiple recipients

2011-12-08 Thread Eric Smith
Thanks Tim but the condition is AND not OR.
All three addresses need to be present in random order in the To: or 
Cc: fo the rule to apply.

- Eric Smith
Tim Gray said:
> On Dec 05, 2011 at 10:23 PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> >If a sent or received mail has a certain list of email addresses in
> >the To: and Cc:, then I want to automatically save to a specific
> >folder.
> Well, you can either string together a bunch of criteria with 'ors'
> and use the ~C pattern:
> fcc-save-hook '~C name1 | ~C name2 | ~C name3' foler_name
> or you can put all the addresses in a group and just use the %C pattern:
> fcc-save-hook '%C groupname' folder_name
> The first is probably more direct.

fcc-save-hook for multiple recipients

2011-12-05 Thread Eric Smith
If a sent or received mail has a certain list of email addresses in 
the To: and Cc:, then I want to automatically save to a specific 

How would I implement this?

- Eric Smith

attach multipe files from within mutt

2011-11-04 Thread Eric Smith
I cannot find a way to attach multiple files in one go 
from within mutt. I can go to attach and then to fle browser
and there select with a tag, but I cannot get all the tagged files to 
attch to the mail message.

How would I do that?

- Eric Smith

order mailbox by flags

2011-09-11 Thread Eric Smith
I know you can filter a mailbox by flags with ~F but is it possible to 
order it by flags?

- Eric Smith

abrt mail send if failed attach

2011-07-11 Thread Eric Smith
If I add an Attach: heder with an invalid filename causing a failure 
to attach the file, is it possible to have mutt disable mail send.

This often occurs when quickly exiting the editor and pressing "y"
without noticing the failure.

- Eric Smith

Re: Is it possible form the command line to run a mutt macro

2011-04-20 Thread Eric Smith

Richard said:
> would that work?
>   mutt -e 'push "m"''

Yehee, and so it does, thanks Richard.

Is it possible form the command line to run a mutt macro

2011-04-20 Thread Eric Smith

I want mutt to startup and run imediately a macro.

Is this possible?

- Eric Smith

change header attach: to something shorter

2011-02-07 Thread Eric Smith
Is it possible to configure mutt to accept the header;
as an alternative to

- Eric Smith

view html in color

2011-01-26 Thread Eric Smith
People more and more send html with their respnses in a different 
color :(

Please let me have the maicap rule that can autodisplay these
html mails in color in the pager.  


- Eric Smith

Re: do not allow mutt to send email without attchement

2011-01-23 Thread Eric Smith
Ed Blackman said:
> echo "No file was attached but a search of the message text suggests 
> there should be one.  
Add a header \"X-attached: none\" to override this check if no attachment is 

For overriding,
You could instead create a macro that sets the sendmail variable back 
to default. Then  and then set the sendmail back to
point to the script.

Then a single keypress could do the trick.

Eric Smith


2011-01-03 Thread Eric Smith
I have a script that generates entries into my hooks file as follows:

fcc-save-hook "~t @swypeinc\.com | ~f @swypeinc\.com"

Now this fails when the mail is cc'ed to me and the recipient entry
appears *before* the sender's entry in the hooks file.
This of course results in the file being by default saved in the
mailbox of the recipient.

Is there a clever way to solve this problem (without having to 
complicate my script to provide two entries, a ~f at the top of the
file and a ~t at the bottom to enforce the precedence of ssender 

- Eric Smith

change order of attachments in compose mode

2010-10-25 Thread Eric Smith
Is this possible?

- Eric Smith

Re: how to chain "set editor" and edit-message in a macro -> solved

2010-08-20 Thread Eric Smith
Michael Elkins said:
> Hi Eric,
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 06:06:39PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
> >This and some other permutations don't work for me:
> >macro compose J ':set editor="vim" :edit-message'
> >
> >What is the correct way to set the editor and go back to editing in
> >one go?
> macro compose J 'set editor=vim'

Thanks Michael.
I think the  did it for me, its more than just a

After many years of exclusive vimming, I use nano for all prose
that I type, so the following is a very useful addition to my config and
re-sourcing to the defaults in .muttrc at the end is also cool. 

macro compose v 'set 
editor="~/bin/mutt_edit_vim":source ~/.muttrc'
macro compose n 'set 
editor="~/bin/mutt_edit_nano":source ~/.muttrc'



PS Kudos to vim for introducing serialised undo tree - totally cool.

how to chain "set editor" and edit-message in a macro

2010-08-19 Thread Eric Smith

This and some other permutations don't work for me:
macro compose J ':set editor="vim" :edit-message'

What is the correct way to set the editor and go back to editing in 
one go?

- Eric Smith

Fcc to 2 folders

2010-07-26 Thread Eric Smith
How do I copy all sent mail to the send-hook specified fgolder as well 
as to a universal sent folder (with mutt)?

- Eric Smith

Re: Add header automatically

2010-06-26 Thread Eric Smith
Michael Ludwig said:
> Eric Smith schrieb am 25.06.2010 um 08:11 (+0200):
> > 
> > Is it possible to configure mutt to place an extra header in the
> > edit buffer each time you go into edit mode?
> > 
> > I want the line
> > `attach:'
> Yes, it is possible: add the header with a non-empty value and it'll be
> present in the edit buffer, no need to unignore it:
> my_hdr Attach: ~/empty.txt
> set edit_headers = yes

Thanks Michael, yes that works.  But effect is to send that null file
each time that you do not actually want to attach a file, in which
case you would edit that header and remove the placeholder filename.

Guess I am just too lazy.


Add header automatically

2010-06-24 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to configure mutt to place an extra header in the
edit buffer each time you go into edit mode?

I want the line

Then it is easier to paste in filenames or if you paste nothing it is 

(When I use vim, I have a nice binding for this but not with nano -
which for some reason I am using more and more).

- Eric Smith

warning if aliases do not expand

2010-06-03 Thread Eric Smith
Often my mutt instance is not refreshed to read the latest 
mutt/aliases file so that alias expansion fails.

Is it possible to warn of this bhaviour and abort mail sending.
For example if a mail address does not have an @ sign,
then it is an alias. This rule holds for my usage behaviour.

- Eric Smith

Re: Sending an inline form

2010-05-24 Thread Eric Smith
Thanks Andreas

How do I avoid encoding issues?

The mail that sent thuis form correctly specified the following 
headers under the boundry line:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

- Eric Smith
Andreas Kneib said:
> * Eric Smith schrieb am Montag, den 24. Mai 2010:
> > How do I send an html form so that it opens as an inline form
> > for the recipient and not an html attachment?
> $ mutt -e 'set content_type="text/html"' < a.html --
> Andreas

Sending an inline form

2010-05-23 Thread Eric Smith
How do I send an html form so that it opens as an inline form 
for the recipient and not an html attachment?

- Eric Smith

autoamtically write folder changes to disk

2010-05-20 Thread Eric Smith
If I read a mail or save it the flag changes of course.

But I need to run  to write these changes to the folder 
on disk.

Is there a good way to have mutt do this automatically?

- Eric Smith

Re: auto pipe to script on viewing message with output to pager

2009-10-10 Thread Eric Smith
This macro which could be an autocommand of course,
works okay but does not send the output to pager which I want.

macro index z 

- Eric Smith
Eric Smith said:
> I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a
> mail in the pager.  The output of the script should be displayed
> in the pager.
> What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the 
> script.  Works perfectly but is too manual.
> But the automatic method should also send only the text part
> to the script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers
> although Subject: would be nice I guess.
> Thank you
> Eric Smith
>   GOOGLE TRANSLATION com numeração à linguagem [pt] *:
> 1] Eu quero executar um script de tradução automática ao ver um e-
> mail no pager.
> 2] A saída do script deve ser exibido no pager.
> 3] O que quero fazer agora é ir para o menu de penhora e, em seguida,
> tubulação para o script.
> 4] Funciona perfeitamente, mas é muito manual.
> 5] Mas o método automático também deve enviar apenas uma parte do texto
> para o script (e pager) e apenas o corpo e não os cabeçalhos embora
> Assunto: seria bom eu acho.
> 6] Obrigado Eric Smith
>  Original de novo na língua [en]: *
> 1] I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a mail in
> the pager.
> 2] The output of the script should be displayed in the pager.
> 3] What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the
> script.
> 4] Works perfectly but is too manual.
> 5] But the automatic method should also send only the text part to the
> script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers although
> Subject: would be nice I guess.
> 6] Thank you Eric Smith

auto pipe to script on viewing message with output to pager

2009-10-10 Thread Eric Smith
I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a
mail in the pager.  The output of the script should be displayed
in the pager.

What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the 
script.  Works perfectly but is too manual.
But the automatic method should also send only the text part
to the script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers
although Subject: would be nice I guess.

Thank you

Eric Smith
  GOOGLE TRANSLATION com numeração à linguagem [pt] *:
1] Eu quero executar um script de tradução automática ao ver um e-
mail no pager.

2] A saída do script deve ser exibido no pager.

3] O que quero fazer agora é ir para o menu de penhora e, em seguida,
tubulação para o script.

4] Funciona perfeitamente, mas é muito manual.

5] Mas o método automático também deve enviar apenas uma parte do texto
para o script (e pager) e apenas o corpo e não os cabeçalhos embora
Assunto: seria bom eu acho.

6] Obrigado Eric Smith

 Original de novo na língua [en]: *
1] I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a mail in
the pager.
2] The output of the script should be displayed in the pager.
3] What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the
4] Works perfectly but is too manual.
5] But the automatic method should also send only the text part to the
script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers although
Subject: would be nice I guess.
6] Thank you Eric Smith

save in folder of all recipients including CC

2009-07-30 Thread Eric Smith
Is there a patch for mutt to save mails in the folders
of all To: recipients and all Cc: recipients as
specified in the save-hook command?

- Eric Smith

select most recent mail after limit command

2009-06-17 Thread Eric Smith
When I open a new mailbox, the most recent mail is automatically
selected.  However, when I perform a limit command, the filtered
list is displayed but the selected mail is the oldest.

How do I have the most recent mail selected after a limit command?

Thank you.

- Eric Smith

run mail command with recipient of selected email

2009-05-28 Thread Eric Smith
Is there (or should there be) a mutt command where user could run
the mail command - for a *new* mail message - with the recipient
taken automatically from the message selected in the index?

(mutt Would select the recipient as the sender or recipient based on
the alternates variable).

Am I the only one that is constantly looking up mail addresses
from previous emails to or from a certain contact?

Of course I use my aliases file a lot as well.

- Eric Smith

fork process on reply

2008-11-21 Thread Eric Smith
When I press reply, I want to fork a new instance of mutt with
that new instance then executions the editor with the replied to
message and headers in place.

I would do this into another screen window ideally but others
might want to launch an xterm for this purpose.

The advantage is to have the initial instance of mutt intact
together with mailbox, filters and sorting method.


- Eric Smith

alarm when attaching xml files

2008-08-18 Thread Eric Smith
I sent hundreds of pdf files for every xml file.
Hoever, because of the way I generate the pdf files, I often
mistakenly attach the xml source.

Is there a way to configure (without source changes) mutt 
so that it will issue a warning or to even refuse to attach xml files?

- Eric Smith

Re: sidebar patch - performance

2008-04-06 Thread Eric Smith
>> I use the sidebar patch myself and the only performance problem I see
>> with my mutt is that loading mailboxes with quite a few messages takes
>> some time. I don't know, however, if this is related to the side bar
>> patch.

Same here.

sidebar patch - performance

2008-04-05 Thread Eric Smith
My pleasure in having the sidebar patch transform the mutt user
experience has just been destroyed by observing the poor
performance of for example scrolling up and down the index.

There seems to be some buffer overload with delayed response
compared to an unpatched mutt which is much more responsive.

Am I alone in experiencing this?

It also seems strange to me that the sidebar feature is not
seen as a high priority by the general mutt community.

- Eric Smith

Re: Removing Reply-To: from header list

2008-01-17 Thread Eric Smith
How do I get that to work silently.

My efforts with variations of:
> set editor="vim -c ':silent! /^Reply-To:$/d' -c '/^$/+1'"

all failed.

Eric Smith
Tel Amsterdam: +31 20 8080088

Original Message Christian Ebert on Thu-17-Jan 08  5:09PM
> * Eric Smith on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 11:07:13 +0100
> > Headers above this line are:
> > 
> > From: Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: mutt-users 
> > Cc:
> > Bcc:
> > Subject: Removing Reply-To: from header list 
> > Reply-To:
> > 
> > How do I prevent the Reply-To: from appearing?
> > 
> > I have the following set
> > set editor="vim -c '/^$/+1'"
> Not from within Mutt, otherwise it's a Vim question ;)
> Untested:
> set editor="vim -c '/^Reply-To:$/d' -c '/^$/+1'"
> c
> -- 
> Python Mutt utilities <>

Removing Reply-To: from header list

2008-01-17 Thread Eric Smith
Headers above this line are:

From: Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: mutt-users 
Subject: Removing Reply-To: from header list 

How do I prevent the Reply-To: from appearing?

I have the following set
set editor="vim -c '/^$/+1'"

- Eric Smith

Re: apply filter conditions to new folder from command line - SOLVED

2007-12-02 Thread Eric Smith
Eric Smith said:
> I am getting an error, too many arguments to push when I try:
> $ mutt -f l/mutt-users -e 'push limit ~d >4w'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] $ mutt -f l/mutt-users  -e 'push " ~r>2w

apply filter conditions to new folder from command line

2007-12-01 Thread Eric Smith
I am getting an error, too many arguments to push when I try:

$ mutt -f l/mutt-users -e 'push limit ~d >4w'

- Eric Smith

Re: change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
> What do you mean by "filter condition"? If not ... do you mean 
> you want to filter what folders you're allowed to type in?

yes, limit  as in which messages to display.
So i want to change to folder =foo and see only >2w From: bar

Re: change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
Yes but that is not the same as setting an arbitrary filter.
I want to go change-folder and then when defining the new folder
at the same time impose a filter condition for the task at

PS. After years of using mutt, I stupidly only discovered
yesterday the usefulness of compound filter conditions.

- Eric Smith
Rocco Rutte said:
> Hi,
> * Eric Smith wrote:
> >Is this possible?
> Yes, see folder-hook in the manual, combined with "limit".
> Rocco

change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new folder

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
Is this possible?

- Eric Smith

Re: global case insensitivity on hooks

2007-11-14 Thread Eric Smith

To my understanding, 
this makes every address listed in the recipients_list lowercase
but does not solve the problem that in the email header, the
address might have unpredictable case.

So I want the recipe to match any case in the header.

Also, I should have added that my hook is compound viz:
send-hook "~t `cat ~/recipients_trustfood` ~C ([EMAIL PROTECTED]|.*\>cl)"  'set 
signature="cat signature_chile ...


- Eric Smith
Michael Elkins said:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 11:21:52AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> > For example, I have the following hook,
> > send-hook "~t `cat ~/recipients_list` "  'set signature=...
> > 
> > And I want the matching of everything in the recipients_list file
> > to be case insensitive without having to specify each address in
> > the file with a regex.
> Save this script as ~/bin/
>  #!/usr/bin/env python
>  for s in open('recipient_list'):
>  print 'send-hook ~t "' + s.lower() + '" set signature...'
> In your ~/.muttrc:
>  source '~/bin/|'
> (copied to
> me

global case insensitivity on hooks

2007-11-14 Thread Eric Smith
For example, I have the following hook,
send-hook "~t `cat ~/recipients_list` "  'set signature=...

And I want the matching of everything in the recipients_list file
to be case insensitive without having to specify each address in
the file with a regex.


- Eric Smith

execute command on all attachments

2007-11-08 Thread Eric smith
How do I from within mutt apply a command (like scp) to all the attachment in
the current message?

- Eric Smith

send-hook read recipients list form a file

2007-08-11 Thread Eric Smith
Is this possible as I have a long list and multiple send-hooks?

Eric Smith

Automatically convert spaces to underscores when saving attachment

2007-07-06 Thread Eric Smith
How would I achieve this?

Eric Smith

disable exit

2007-06-06 Thread Eric Smith
How do I disable exit in mutt?  So no matter what macros or
keypresses, mutt does not exit.

Eric Smith

fcc-save-hook and ignoring cc:

2007-04-24 Thread Eric Smith
I prefer to use a combined fcc and save hook. These are
automatically generated whenever I create a new contact.

However, with the Fcc: part, when it sees a Cc address,
this over-rules the To: address so the mail is saved in the
folder matching the rule of the Cc: address. *Not* at all
what I want.

Using the ~t regex breaks the save-hook part as it always saves
the mails I send in my own folder and not the recipients.

What is the solution?



Re: attach multiple files from command line

2007-03-21 Thread Eric Smith
You could get funky with zsh viz.

files=( _chile_2007_*{626..631}*jpg _chile_2007_*{643,766,769}*JPG 
some_textfile_if_you_like.txt ); 
mutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] {-a,$^files} -s "Fotos attached" 

Which is the zsh way to make an array and then interpolate the -a

Original Message Christoph Berg on Tue-20-Mar 07  1:33PM
> Re: Hein Zelle 2007-03-20 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > which gets cumbersome with 20+ files.  There's a good alternative
> > (attaching files from within mutt), but I was wondering if anyone has
> > solved this before.  Any clever shell scripts to add the -a option for
> > each of the filenames?
> for f in *.png ; do a="$a -a $f" ; done
> mutt $a
> or:
> mutt `ls *.png | xargs -n1 echo -a`
> Christoph
> -- 

show names of attachments in index

2007-03-19 Thread Eric Smith
Is there a patch for this, that will show n number of
attachments, each in a line below the main index line.



delay sending mail

2007-01-29 Thread Eric Smith
How do I tel mutt not to send immediately but to mail the message
now +120 min or whatever?



Viewing attachments with detached process while remianing in attachments menu

2007-01-17 Thread Eric Smith
Like in other mail clients I just want to press on the selected
attachment and view it and then go down to the next and view it.
So I may open any number of the attachments at one time.

To detach I am using a mailcap recipe of:
image/jpg; sh -c "exec display %s > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

When I concatenate in .muttrc or on the mutt colon command line
as followS:

view-attach exit

The viewing does not work properly, (xview no-op and display
gives an X windows fiule listing option).

When I just go view-attach the viewing works fine but I get
plonked into the Pager and have to exit from there.

How do i fix this?  Is it too much to ask that this
works out of the box?  Ot am I missing some things?

Even nicer would be an open-all-attachment macro.



feature request - save_domain

2002-10-01 Thread Eric Smith

.. like save_name but mutt resolves `bar' from

Some suggested hacks for this but IMHO, this is sufficicently
useful (especially for those who deal with many companies /
organisations) to be native functionality.

Eric Smith [hoping]

Re: fast conversion of html mail to text - unhtml

2002-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

bill luecke said:
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 03:36:49PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
> I have the following line in my .mailcap
> text/html; unhtml ; copiousoutput

good answer - apt-get install unhtml on debian

But it is still almost a second delay.
I think i will try and kill this problem with procmail.

Eric Smith

fast conversion of html mail to text

2002-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

I am getting a bit irritated by the second or two I need to wait
for `lynx -dump' or similiar to work when viewing the _many_ html
mails that happen upon my inbox - what are mutters doing to strip
the tags faster?

Eric Smith

Fcc default to domain name

2002-07-14 Thread Eric Smith

How would I set the default Fcc to the domain name of the
recipient, omitting the tld part (.com or whatever).
This would also be useful as a default save-hook.

Eric Smith

Re: save-message to scp

2002-06-24 Thread Eric Smith

According to Rocco Rutte on Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:31:43AM +0200:
> Hi,
> * Eric Smith [02-06-24 11:22:58 +0200] wrote:
>  > How do I create a macro that will instead of saving a file scp it
>  > to another machine?
> How about saving it to a local file and scp that one?

Yes that is fine, but I do not know how to reference this
filename in a macro -
I do not want to do anything interactively - just execute the
macro, then the file must be copied to the remote machine.

Is there some documentation on writing macros?

Eric Smith

save-message to scp

2002-06-24 Thread Eric Smith

How do I create a macro that will instead of saving a file scp it
to another machine?

Eric Smith

Re: quoting within quotes within quotes within quotes...

2002-06-23 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 07:58:28PM +0200:
> * Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-06-23 15:36]:
> > How do I quote within a quote more than once?
> > 
> > A specific example is that I want my default setting for $editor
> > to be: set editor=" vim -c '/^$/+1'  -c 'se tw=65' "
>   set editor="vim -u setupfile"
good idea (but still wondering how one would nest commands
with only `'' amd `"' as quote chars - a problem not unique to
mutt I know.
>   macro pager G
>   ":set editor=vi\n
>:set editor=editor_default\n"
> or use a default hook:
>   send-hook .  'set editor="..."'

I thought of this but, considered that in the macro, say there
were the functions  , then  would
prompt for recipients and the default hook would be fired
over-ruling my static set editor=vi.

Eric Smith

quoting within quotes

2002-06-23 Thread Eric Smith

How do I quote within a quote more than once?

A specific example is that I want my default setting for $editor
to be: set editor=" vim -c '/^$/+1'  -c 'se tw=65' "
Now I want to define the following macro:
macro pager G ":set editor=vi\n"
But after executing the  function it should set 
$editor back to the default.

Eric Smith

read *and* unread

2002-06-14 Thread Eric Smith

I have been trawling the archives and lots of discussion on this
function but no answer on how to collapse regardless of whether
mail is read or unread.

How do I force collapse all?


Eric Smith

Re: concatenating and in a macto

2002-06-14 Thread Eric Smith

I asked this question a long time ago but today, did this
macro index M "eric\nsubject\n"

That works just like I want - *no* need to have to press `y' in the
compose screen to send your mail (which is great for many

But is there a way to do this _without_ having to specify a
"dummy" name and subject at the prompts?


According to Eric Smith on Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 11:11:24PM +0100:
> Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
> often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.
> So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
> the answer, I just tried this:
> macro w index ""
> and this works when you have a pending message as I did
> cause the  answers the prompt to resume the postponed
> message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
> automatically on closing the editor.
> But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
> then the  ends up as a suggested subject.
> Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?
> -- 
> Eric Smith

Eric Smith

sending mail non-interactively with -H

2002-04-22 Thread Eric Smith

I want to send (say from a script), the same way i may send like this:
mutt whoever -ssubject

including signature when mailing from the command line

2002-04-18 Thread Eric Smith

Could someone suggest why this dont include the signature in the email:
[eric@cherry ~] 1 $ mutt eric@localhost -s'test signature when mailing from command 

Re: adding an attribution-like line for Cc's

2002-01-15 Thread Eric Smith

According to Charles Cazabon on Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 09:35:44AM -0600:
> Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:39:14PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> > > Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
> > > that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
> > > Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:
> > > 
> > > This is a copy of an email sent to 
> > > 
> > > Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.
> > 
> > It seems to me that a much better long-term solution would be to
> > politely explain to these recipients when they make this error, the
> > meaning of the To and Cc fields.  This would also save them from making
> > the same mistake with mail from others besides yourself.
It dont seem that way to me.
Email is a commercial tool, not just a techie medium.  People do not
(want to) squint at headers, even things obvious to you and
I, like To: or Cc:
If a bit of programming can make things _more_ obvious, the my
view is that it is a good thing.

> It's also impossible to do what the original poster wants; as soon as the
> message differs between recipients, it's no longer a cc/bcc; it's a different
> message, and has to be injected separately.

So "inject" it a second time - why all this ideology?  Sendmail
is light enough to be run a few times if needs be.

Eric Smith

adding an attribution-like line for Cc's

2002-01-15 Thread Eric Smith

Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:

This is a copy of an email sent to 

Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.

A related issue I am having in connection with my hack to have a
copy of _all_ mails that I send interactively with mutt in a
single folder.  I have this folder-hook:
folder-hook . my_hdr X-outgoing: save
But when I reply to an email (or forward, or bounce), then I do
not get this header inserted as I want.

Eric Smith

Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

According to David T-G on Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 07:52:37AM -0500:

> % When you (I anyway) edit the outgoing, you have two extra -
> % annoying - headers to stare at.
> Well, you can always
>   ignore
> those away :-)
yeah I use ignore and unignore but this is only for the pager -
I was referring to when editing (for me in vim with edit_hdrs set).
.. let me peep a few lines up in vim ... ah here ...

From: Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Mutt Users' List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented
In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, Dec 18
, 2001 at 07:52:37AM -0500
X-outgoing: save


> I agree, but the interesting part would be how to define it.  Currently
> fcc-hooks are matched from top to bottom, with the last taking precedence.

typical case of coders making it easy for themselves and hard on
users - but when you are given so much for free and contribute so little
it is hard to criticise :)

anyway, when I send mail 
To: jack,john

or even

To: jack
Cc: john

I usually am sending the mail primarily to jack but it goes into
john's folder - hey!

Regarding your othe sentiments, I agree we have a _long_ way to
go to make email really useful and practical - I agree re
database functionality, filesystems are and will go that way,
text already is with XML and mail will follow.

Eric Smith

Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

> I must apologize for spacing out there; I apparently didn't pay any
> attention to the Subject: line and failed to note that you wanted to save
> two copies of the outgoing email.
Don't worry I figured ...
> % 
> % For those wishing to implement this -
> % I did it this way
> % 
> % .muttrc:
> % my_hdr Bcc: .outgoing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> % my_hdr X-outgoing: save # see header to this email ;)
> % 
> % .procmailrc:
> % :0 c
> % * ^X-outgoing: save
> % .outgoing
> % 
> % saves copy of all mail sent _with mutt_ to the.outgoing
> % folder.  Better (for me), than procmail matching on any From
> % header.
> That seems pretty elegant, actually; not a bad idea.  FWIW, this has come
> up on the list a few times before and the closest we got (with existing
> functionality) was to wrap sendmail and save the copy there in order to
> trap the bcc: headers in both (or as many as you want!) copies.

Yeah I brought up a previous thread re Fcc-ing to all recipients
of a mail -another thing on my wishlist and very important in

I do not touch and am in no mood to start really.

Yeah the solution that is put together above works but
its wasteful:
You have to send the mail (with Bcc) and fire sendmail and
procmail or whatever.
When you (I anyway) edit the outgoing, you have two extra -
annoying - headers to stare at.

- much better to do all this type of functionality without
firing anything but your current mutt instance which just has
to write to your local folders.
I really believe that this type of functionality could
easily - I aint a C programmer :( - be implemented
in mutt itself

BTW, people can drop the 'c' in the ':0 c' above
(I had it in there cause I was testing from myself to myself.

> Maybe I should just be quiet now :-)

Not at all.


Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

According to Rob 'Feztaa' Park on Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 05:29:52PM -0700:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 12:28:42AM +0100, Eric Smith (dis)graced my inbox with:
> > so that I may look in one place to check all the outgoing mail
> > regardless of where is is fcc'ed?
> > 
> > a simple (mutt) solution?
> my_hdr Bcc: Your Name Here <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those wishing to implement this -
I did it this way

my_hdr Bcc: .outgoing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
my_hdr X-outgoing: save # see header to this email ;)

:0 c
* ^X-outgoing: save

saves copy of all mail sent _with mutt_ to the.outgoing
folder.  Better (for me), than procmail matching on any From

Eric Smith

save all outgoing messages to Fcc _and_ =sent

2001-12-17 Thread Eric Smith

so that I may look in one place to check all the outgoing mail
regardless of where is is fcc'ed?

a simple (mutt) solution?

Eric Smith

Re: displaying name of attachment in title bar

2001-12-07 Thread Eric Smith

According to David T-G on Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 07:31:30AM -0500:
> Eric --
> ...and then Eric Smith said...
> % Well I am not sure what you call that information bar above the
> % pager.  But would it not be useful if the names of the
> % attachments of the current email were listed there - 
> % or is there another view in mutt that may achieve this.
> You could hit 'v' to view attachments and see the entire list of them.  I
> don't know of a way to access the name(s) of any attachment(s), though.
Too fiddly and slow - with many attachment I want to scan them on the index
> % 
> % You feel silly when there are things that mass mua's do, that
> % must cannot?
> No; I figure MUAs weren't supposed to do those things ;-)
Well email was not originally meant to be used for commerce,
nor was the entire internet for that matter.
Thre are no rules (in my book) just convenience and getting
things done quicker, easier, better.
(Geek executives arise :) )
> % 
> % Or must I put the attachment names into the Subject: myself with
> % procmail/formail?
> That's one way to do it, as long as you don't mind trashing your subject
> line.  If I were to try this I'd probably create an X-Attachment-List:
> header that I could view in the pager instead.

Nah, thought of that but as I said I want it in the index line
- I wont trash the Subject line just concat to it - I can also
  put the original Subject line into an X-Subject-orig FWIW
> % 

PS. interesting quote character ;)

Eric Smith

displaying name of attachment in title bar

2001-12-06 Thread Eric Smith

Well I am not sure what you call that information bar above the
pager.  But would it not be useful if the names of the
attachments of the current email were listed there - 
or is there another view in mutt that may achieve this.

You feel silly when there are things that mass mua's do, that
must cannot?

Or must I put the attachment names into the Subject: myself with

Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 11:46:29AM +0100:
> * Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011201 09:09]:
> > Changing and navigating folders is one of
> > the most fundamental functions of a MUA...
> or so it should be, one would think.
> then again, managing messages could
> be regarded as a database problem -
> and thus it's not an mua prob at all.
anything could be regarded as anything
but I believe my comment corresponds
to current reality.

> > so something that makes this more convenient
> > by obviating a silly keypress each time can IMO,
> > hardly be regarded as adding a kitchen sink.
> patch your own version?  insert a
> '+' into the prompt by default?
or write my own mua (or os, or )
I want to work way above that level.
apt-get install mutt - with unstable keeps me on the latest
version and I get on with my life (maybe that sounds selfish).
(dont check the version of this mutt - its not on my deb

> > The reading and attaching problem, may be fixed
> > if with the set editor command you could cd to
> > another dir before launching your editor.
>  set editor="cd /dir; edit %s"
> ok, so you can oput this into a script
> and then use "set editor=script"..
yeah that works but dont change convenience of being
in my ~ dir for:
attaching in the compose screen
writing out a file from an attachment or body
> and what about this:
>   save-hook . +
that dont help change-folder
and when I just tried it now it did not work :(

I still think that an option to have all folder
related operations work by default on your mail $folder
is practical and generally useful

But thanks anyway for some extra hackery ammunition to
reduce the inconvenience.  Mutt istill does suck less as
the author says.

Eric Smith Benelux
Phone: +31 70 313 0240
Mobile:+31 6 551 76300

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 09:16:29AM +0100:
execute 2yyGp
> > Nothing I have seen convinces me that this is not a sufficiently
> > useful configurable option to make it standard.
> well, how about this then:
>   $ cd ~/Mail; mutt
> now you can save your mails *without*
> any '+' or '+' - just type in the name!
> why ad any code to mutt for
> this simply startup method?

As I mentioned in my original mail, this has become a pain
for me - a real pain - I want to be always in my ~ dir.
Default save from mutt must be in ~ and when I want to
read something into a mail edit session or add an attachment, 
9+ times out of 10 the file is in my ~ dir.
So I  had enough and changed this function:

u() {
  if [ $1 ]
mutt $@
cd #/data/Mail
cd -

Changing and navigating folders is one of the most fundamental
functions of a MUA so something that makes this more convenient
by obviating a silly keypress each time can IMO, hardly be
regarded as adding a kitchen sink.

(The reading and attaching problem, may be fixed if with the set
editor command you could cd to another dir before launching your

Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 06:56:11PM +0100:
> * Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 14:14]:
> > > At first it sounds good, but what happens if I want to change
> > > to an IMAP folder? Prepending "=" obviously doesn't work.
> > Then just have a .muttrc option like
> > Set enable_default_folder="yes"
> > for those that do not care about imap
> and how about another* option
> for those who prefer the '+'?
I never figured the difference between the '+' and the '='
in this context.
> really - what next?
> ":set kitchen-sink=on"?
Funny, when I saw who was in the ^From: line, I knew there would
be a comment like this - I was right ;)

> folks, get real - use a macro!
> :macro index c "+"
see my original email to see why this is unsuitable (for me).

Nothing I have seen convinces me that this is not a sufficiently
useful configurable option  to make it standard.

 - well I tried ...

Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Eric Smith

According to René Clerc on Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 03:00:10PM +0100:
> * Eric Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [30-11-2001 13:47]:
> | I believe that mutt should automatically prepend the value of
> | the set-folder variable to whatever the user enters as the 
> | destination folder when issuing the change-folder command
> | (bound by default to 'c').
> | 

> At first it sounds good, but what happens if I want to change to an
> IMAP folder? Prepending "=" obviously doesn't work.

Then just have a .muttrc option like
Set enable_default_folder="yes"
for those that do not care about imap

Eric Smith

default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Eric Smith

I believe that mutt should automatically prepend the value of
the set-folder variable to whatever the user enters as the 
destination folder when issuing the change-folder command
(bound by default to 'c').

To get round this I have lived with mutt being executed from
my mail folder dir - but this workaround is no longer convenient for me.
Also you could map
macro index c =
But then you lose the (partially useful) functionality of the 
last active folder being offered by mutt as the default.

Is there something wrong with this proposal?
Eric Smith

concatenating and in a macto

2001-11-26 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index ""

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the  answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the  ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

concatenating and in a macto

2001-11-24 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index ""

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the  answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the  ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

concatenating and in a macto

2001-11-23 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index ""

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the  answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the  ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

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