Re: [Announce] mutt-1.3.24i is out (BETA).

2001-11-30 Thread dirk . ruediger

Hi all!

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> I've just released the next mutt beta, version 1.3.24i.
> Some of the more interesting changes against mutt-1.3.23i:

Just a question: are you also announcing to mutt-annunce?
I've subscribed it, but never read any announcments...

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

tel;fax:+49-(0)381-44 60 88
tel;work:+49-(0)381-40 24 154
org:ZGDV Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung e.V.;CAD & Teleservices
adr:;;Joachim-Jungius-Straße 11;D-18059 Rostock;;;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Dirk Ruediger

Re: Signatures

2001-11-27 Thread dirk . ruediger

Hi all!

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:

> Just another quetion:
> Is there a possibility to tell mutt to coose the signature randomly
> out of a directory? 
I'm using sigrot (e.g.
it let's you define a signature file (that means a file where all
signatures are listed, seperated by empty lines), you can define a
prefix (some lines that are inserted before the signature), you can
insert new signatures via command line (no need to edit the sig archive
by hand). It generates the ~/.signature for you.
I'm calling it once a day (via cron), but you could also call it jus
before mutt (alias!?) r as an function inside mutt...

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
I sometimes think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his
 Oscar Wilde

tel;fax:+49-(0)381-44 60 88
tel;work:+49-(0)381-40 24 154
org:ZGDV Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung e.V.;CAD & Teleservices
adr:;;Joachim-Jungius-Straße 11;D-18059 Rostock;;;Germany
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Dirk Ruediger

Hooks for mailing lists

2001-02-15 Thread Dirk Ruediger


I'm subscribed to some mailing lists, they (the mbox files ;-) reside in

I defined in ~/.muttrc:

unsubscribe *
subscribe `cd $HOME/Mail/Lists/ ; echo *`

unlists *
lists `cd $HOME/Mail/Lists/ ; echo *`

They are expanded to:

lists=cygwin debian-announce debian-bsd debian-changes docbook docbook-apps evolution 
gmx gnome-announce gnucash gnu-screen mutt-users openoffice-announce perl-xml procmail 
tex-announce vim wm-user xml-rpc zope-announce

subscribe=cygwin debian-announce debian-bsd debian-changes docbook docbook-apps 
evolution gmx gnome-announce gnucash gnu-screen mutt-users openoffice-announce 
perl-xml procmail tex-announce vim wm-user xml-rpc zope-announce

and it works, e.g. when list-replying (Shift-L with my mappings).

Then I defined some hooks to tune mutt's handling of "my" mailing list:

send-hook ~l "set locale=C attribution='Hi all!\n\nOn %{%a, %d %b %Y}, %n wrote:\n'"
send-hook ~l my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fcc-save-hook ~l =Lists/%B

They define my (alternate) personality, an attribution and the save

But none of them (the hooks) work!
The fcc-save-hook ist "=mutt-users", but I wanted "=Lists/mutt-users"...
and the other both hooks also aren't processed.

This is important only when replying to mailing lists, all the mail I
receive is processed by procmail and delivered to the right place.

Any suggestion?

Ciao for now, Dirk

P.S.: What is ~l expanded to?
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.

Re: mutt does not recognize xterm size

2001-02-15 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Frank,

> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 12:09:26PM +0100, Dirk Ruediger wrote:
> > > I have a problem during startup of mutt on a fast hardware.
> > > Starting mutt with
> > >  xterm -geometry 220x80+70+100 -vb -T "mutt Mail" -j -e mutt
> > > produces a large xterm, but mutt only uses 1/3 of the lines. 
> > > <...>
> > 
> > I use a script Xmutt and the "essential" line is:
> > 
> > xterm -T "Mail for ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}" -geometry 85x47+100+10 -e mutt $*
> > 
> Thanks for the script and the suggestion, but that does not work. 
> My approch worked on a PIII @ 500 MHz without any problem. Now I have
> a 1200 MHz Thunderbird and it looks like beeing "too fast"

What I forgot to say: the geometry 220x80 means an xterm with 220
char-lines. Is that what you wanted (don't know your screen size and
resolution ;-)?

Maybe try another terminal emulator (rxvt or eterm), but I suppose your
new box doesn't get real load by using eterm...

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.

Re: mutt does not recognize xterm size

2001-02-15 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Frank,

> I have a problem during startup of mutt on a fast hardware.
> Starting mutt with
>  xterm -geometry 220x80+70+100 -vb -T "mutt Mail" -j -e mutt
> produces a large xterm, but mutt only uses 1/3 of the lines. 
> <...>

I use a script Xmutt and the "essential" line is:

xterm -T "Mail for ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}" -geometry 85x47+100+10 -e mutt $*

It work's well for me.
I'll append the script and an rc-file (nothing great, just shell

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.



[ -r ~/.xmuttrc ] && source ~/.xmuttrc

xterm \
  -fn $MUTTFONT \
  -bg $MUTTBG \
  -fg $MUTTFG \
  -geometry $MUTTGEOMETRY -e mutt $*
) 2> ~/.Xmutt.log

MUTTTITLE="Postfach von ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}"

Re: rtf viewing

2001-02-07 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Jim,

> How to veiw attachments of type .rtf in mutt?. I could modify the
> mut.octet.filter to do this but i am not sure what can view this
> sort of attachments.
What OS are you using?

You can take rtf2text or rtf2html, they come with an perl module
"RTF-Parser" (AFAIK). Look at CPAN.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
"I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see of it the more it
looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel.  I don't find anything
technically interesting there.  In my opinion, MS is a lot better at making
money than it is at making good operating systems."  -- Linus Torvalds

Re: pdf2text

2001-02-05 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Jim,

> When used:
> ShowPDF()
> {
> pdf2ps "$1" | ps2ascii
> }
> in mutt.octet.filter file, i get the error:
> Usage: pdf2ps [-dPSBinaryOK] [-dPSLevel] [-dPSNoProSet] inputpdf

If the prohgram needs an outputfile but you want to filte the output,
then use "-" as outputfile, it means "stdout".

  pdf2ps "$1" - | ps2ascii

Untested in this case, but should work...

> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
I _don't_ want it! ;-)

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Ninety percent of the time things turn out worse than you thought they would.
The other ten percent of the time you had no right to expect that much.

Re: How to show attatchments

2001-01-31 Thread Dirk Ruediger


> * Åsmund Skjæveland [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] on [31-01-01] wrote:
> > What I'd like to do is to have this shown like a normal mail, so that mutt
> > has lynx parse the mail automatically instead of having to view the
> > HTML attachment separately.
> text/html;  w3m -T text/html %s; copiousoutput
Just for completelyness: insert this into your .mailcap

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

Re: Default mailbox display?

2001-01-19 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Heinrich,

> > > One thing that I think would help not only me, but tons of others is
> > > something like this:
> > > 
> > > mailbox 1   3 new messages
> > > mailbox 2  12 new messages
> > > mailbox 3   8 new messages
> how about this ? 
> Mail/mutt-users  [Msgs:413   New:18   1.1M]
> Mail/sf/vuln-dev [Msgs:141478K]
> Mail/nymip   [Msgs:54 368K]
> now wouldn't that be nice ?

This implies that mutt scans all folders with new mail (at least with
mbox style folders)to determine the new-mail-count. This could be a huge
performance loss at start up.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

Re: automatically move old mail?

2001-01-08 Thread Dirk Ruediger


> I was wondering if it is possible to automatically move "old" mail
> (say, older than a month) from my inbox to a different folder
> (inbox.old for example).  Pine does this, and I think it's usefull to
> prevent my HD filling up with old mail (and not having to delete every
> mail myself).

I have someting like this for removing old mail from some lists:

folder-hook =from$ 'push D~r>1d\n'  # 2 days

When I adopt it to your problem, the hook could be as follows:

folder-hook "!" 'push T~r>1m\n;s=inbox.old\n'

This hook is applied on Inbox (aka "!") and it tags (T) all messages
older the one month (~r>1m) and saves all tagged messages (;s) to
another folder (=inbox.old). All saved messages will be marked as
deleted in your Inbox (and will be deleted on request or when leaving
this folder).
I haven't tested it, but I hope it works for you.

But if you want to save disk space, then it's only useful if you store
your mails to an compressed folder ore on another filesystem...

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
"A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake
without ketchup and mustard."  -- John Krueger

Re: Default Mailbox problem

2000-12-28 Thread Dirk Ruediger


On Thu, Dec 28, 2000, Frank Naumann wrote:

> Hallo Peter,
> try procmail. You will have to create a file ~/.procmailrc with the
> following content:
> # ~/.procmailrc
> PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
> Greetings,
> Frank
> On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 11:50:46AM -0200, Peter Dobrev wrote:
> > When Mutt starts it automaticly open /var/spool/mail/peterdob. I've
> > set the mbox variable to "~/mail/Inbox". I want Mutt to open
> > ~/mail/Inbox by default and store the new messages there (to move
> > them from /var/spool/mail/peterdob).

You forgot to mention, that you have to create a file ~/.forward
with the contents (yust this one line):

Your MTA (sendmail etc.) reads this file and (in this case) pipes the
mail through procmail.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Going to church does not make a person religious, nor does going to school
make a person educated, any more than going to a garage makes a person a car.

Re: View .doc & .xls

2000-11-07 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

On Tue, 07 Nov 2000, Jan Houtsma wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 12:13:23AM +0100, Martin Schweizer wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > How can I see the above files with mutt(1.0.1i) on a FreeBSD-Box (4.0) without
> > StarOffice?
> If you don't mind using X-programs, but like me only dont want to start 
> this beast StartOffice you can try AbiWord for .doc files and
> (under gnome) gnumeric for xls files. Works great for me.
For me too (despite of missing table support in Abiword).

> For text only i use wvHtml for .doc files. I don't have anything for xls 
> that can display on text only terminals.


Office filters:

Word processors:

Converters in general:

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.

Re: Mailcap entries

2000-11-05 Thread Dirk Ruediger


On Thu, 02 Nov 2000, Jason Helfman wrote:

> I want some mailcap entries to pull for
> xls
> doc
> csv
> pdf
> what would be some appropriate entries for this? I want to use
> staroffice and acroread, or xpdf

I use in ~/.mailcap:

application/msword;/opt/soffice/program/soffice %s
application/excel;/opt/soffice/program/soffice %s
application/;run-mailcap application/excel:%s
application/powerpoint;/opt/soffice/program/soffice %s
application/;run-mailcap application/powerpoint:%s
application/rtf;/opt/soffice/program/soffice %s
application/pdf; /usr/bin/xpdf '%s'; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""

and in ~/.mime.types:

type=application/pdfdesc="Portable Document Format"  exts="pdf"
type=application/excel  exts="xls"
type=application/msword exts="doc"
type=application/powerpoint exts="ppt"

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.

Re: mailing a stream as a file

2000-11-05 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

On Sat, 04 Nov 2000, Eric Smith wrote:

> This "works"
> zip - *txt|mutt -s'send a zip file of all txt docs' eric -a -
> on 'V' in mutt received mail gives:
> ->   I 1  [text/plain, quoted,
> iso-8859-1, 96K]
>  A 2 - [text/plain, 7bit,
> us-ascii, 0K]
> With the top one being a legal zip file - only problem is that you
> have to name the file when saving it, cause it is nameless.  Also the
> encoding says test/plain but when you save the attachemnt, you get a
> legal zip file.
> Is there a way to force a file name? this will also help mutt to state
> the encoding correctly.

On bash and ksh (maybe also other shells) you could use process
substitution <(cmd)

# mutt -s'send a zip file of all txt docs' eric -a <( zip - *txt) /dev/null
   cmd-subst  ^
The result is:
 1[text/plain, 7bit, 0K] 
 2 63 [applica/octet-stre, base64, 0.1K]

But it has some limitations:
  - mutt doesn't care about the stream's file type, it's
  - the filename is not defined (63 on my box, but maybe it varies
depending on OS)

You should create an temp file (e.g. /tmp/ and append it.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.

Re: Attachements

2000-09-28 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Emmanuel Anne wrote:

> I had a look at the docs, but could not find a way to handle bad
> attachements ie : jpeg images attached as "application/octet-stream"
> insted of "image/jpeg".
> Does someone know a way to view them directly instead of first saving
> them on the disk ???
Beside the script "mutt.octet.filter" I wrote a wrapper for this kind of
(M$) garbage ;-)
I defined it in my ~/.mailcap and it redefines the mime-type according
to the file extension and hand it over to mime-utils again. It could be
much more generic by reading ~/.mime.types and using this as a decision
base or you might rewrite it in a scripting lang with some mime-libs
(perl, python), but that was beyond the scope of my needs...
# handle-octstream

# Defaults

while getopts spe param
  case $param in
s) ACTION=see;;
p) ACTION=print;;
e) ACTION=edit;;
*) ACTION=see;;

F=${1:?"No Filename given! Finished."}
case $F in
  *.xls,*.XLS) TYPE=$XL;;
  *.doc,*.DOC) TYPE=$WORD;;
  *.txt,*.TXT) TYPE=$WORD;;


The mailcap-entry is as follows:

application/octet-stream; ~/bin/handle-octstream -s '%s';print=~/bin/handle-octstream 
-p '%s';edit=~/bin/handle-octstream -e '%s'

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
When a trainstation is were a train stops what is a workstation?

Re: read only spool??

2000-07-05 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

> > So, what's a "mutt_dotlock"? 
> It's a program (part of the Mutt package) that implements NFS-safe file
> locking.  To ensure that different programs do not write to the same
> mailbox at once (thus corrupting it), mutt_dotlock creates a lock file
> in the same directory (that's why the directory has to belong to the
> group `mail', be group-writable, and mutt_dotlock has to be sgid mail).
> Check its permissions with
> $ ls -l `which mutt_dotlock`
I user mutt on a nfs-mounted dir. But unfortunatly the systen crashed
during a mutt session (mutt was innocent ;-) and now I can't write to
this dir, mutt always says, that this folder is write-only. I can't find
a lock file. Maybe, the remote box (Solaris) locks it and I can't
convine it to stop locking (I also made `mutt_dotlock -u' on every
folder, without success.
(Now I have a maildir on a local filesys and a soft link to the usual
dir ~/Mail).

What happened and what is to be done to fix it?


Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

Re: problems with quotes in "send-hook lines" within .muttrc

2000-06-19 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all,

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Ronny Haryanto wrote:

> On 18-Jun-2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In my .muttrc, I've put a line in the way to set my editor:
> > set editor="vi -c 'set wrap' -c 'set textwidth=0' -c 'set linebreak'"
> I personally separate my vimrc for general editing and for mail
> editing. Hence in mutt I put:
> set editor = "vi -u ~/.vimrc-mutt"
> And in ~/.vimrc-mutt I put:
>   source ~/.vimrc
>   set textwidth=70
>   set ts=8 sw=8 sts=0
>   "del sig
>   au BufRead * normal :g/^> -- $/,/^$/-1d

It's even easier to source ~/.vimrc-mutt:
include this line in your ~/.vimrc

au BufRead /tmp/mutt*  source $HOME/.vimrc-mutt

and change your entry in ~/.muttrc to

set editor="vim +/^$/ %s"

("+/^$/" brings your cursor to the first line after the mail header--
that's only usefull, if you have "set edit_headers" in ~/.muttrc)

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

Customizing one send-hook for all mailing lists

2000-06-19 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

I want to define an implicite send-hook for all mailing lists I am
subscribed to and define a special attribution, use special signatures
and something like that.

Is it possible to process the entries of "subscribe" or "lists" to use
it for send-hook, e.g.:

  send-hook ($subsribe) 'set attribution="Hi all!,\n"'

TIA, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany

Re: Different signature/tag line each day/email.

2000-06-14 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi all!

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Nigel Tamplin wrote:

> I have noticed that many people have a humorous tag line at the end of
> their emails.
> I have also read in the mutt docs that you can pipe the output of a
> command into your signature.
> I want to combine these, so that when I compose an email it picks a
> tag line from a collection of tag lines and sets that as the
> signature.
> Are there any tools/ scripts written that do this?
I use sigrot. It has an archive (aka an flat file) with signatures, each
separated by an EMPTY line. You can also define a prefix (and mayby a sufffix)
which are prepended and appended to the signature. Thats written into your

I use to change my sig daily via cron.

And at last mutt also supports different signatures ... for instance to differ
business and privat mail.

Good luck.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with the right
person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose
and in the right way -- that is not easy.
-- Aristotle

Re: Mail delivery and GZIP patch

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Nils!

> The problem isnt mutt, since mutt handles the .gz folders perfectly .. the problem 
>is my mail delivery .. how do I tell procmail to add the mail in .gz format to the 
>other mails ?

use in ~/.procmailrc as a recipe:

|gzip -c >> mailboxfolder.gz

This appends the mail to a gzipped mailbox. But backup your mailbox before
And remeber: It's not appreciated!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Re: mutt & glibc2.1

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Alexander!

> I've just upgraded my Debian 2.1 to glibc2.1 from glibc2.0 and after this 
> mutt worked pretty good, but when I rebuilt in to be linked with more modern
> libc version mutt began to segfault. All I could get from gdb was:
Why did you rebuilt it? Update Debian to 2.2 and you get mutt 1.2i.
I also recompiled mutt w/ Debian 2.2 (to get some additional features) and it
worked well.

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Re: help!

2000-06-13 Thread Dirk Ruediger

Hi Gustavo!

> I have just began with mutt, and i am very exciting about it!
> Now, i have just a single problem: How to auto move messages from my maildir to a 
>specific file (~/.Mail/).
> Let me explain: i subcribe to some mailing list, so i would like to all messages 
>that has the header Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be auto moved to the file 

If you want define the folder tthey have to go to when saveing them, define a
save-hook (or a save-fcc-hook):

fcc-save-hook ^[EMAIL PROTECTED]$ +openbsd

But if you want to filter your mail after receiving (and before reading), you
should define a folder-hook (assuming you are in Inbox):

folder-hook =Inbox$ 'push T~f [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n'

This tags your mail and you can store it somewhere. The latter task can be
better done with fetchmail/procmail!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
One man tells a falsehood, a hundred repeat it as true.

Re: Mutt/Procmail/Fetchmail question

2000-06-06 Thread Dirk Ruediger


> > However, when I start mutt I get an error telling me that
> > /var/spool/mail/tjg is not a mailbox.
> <...>
> Specifically, when fetchmail hands off to procmail, fetchmail is
> expecting to hand off to an MTA (like sendmail, postfix, qmail) and
> procmail is expecting to receive something from an MTA.  So the
> envelope stuff isn't getting put in anywhere.

That's right. Fetchmail hands the mail over to the MTA (sendmail,...), that
looks in $HOME/.forward and pipes the mail trough procmail (assuming yuo have
"|procmail" written in your $HOME/.forward). Procmail processes these mails (it
appends the msg to the appropriate folder.

It seems as if your folder is corrupted. If you have mbox-folders, then you can
check and repair it with vi. Open the file and look if every msg starts with
"From " (w a space behind). Maybe you should make a copy of your folder and
delete the first msg (until the next line starting with "From " after an empty

Good luck!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Eli and Bessie went to sleep.
In the middle of the night, Bessie nudged Eli.
"Please be so kindly and close the window.  It's cold outside!"
Half asleep, Eli murmured,
"Nu ... so if I'll close the window, will it be warm outside?"

Re: Backing up mail, cronjob

2000-06-06 Thread Dirk Ruediger


> I want to backup my mail at the beginning of every month with a cronjob,
> <...>
> * 0 1 1-12 * mv /home/deklown/Msgs/backup-inbox
> /home/deklown/Msgs/backup-`date +Y-%m` |gzip
> I am not sure what to do after this
> maybe ...|gzip -9 $1

Just take this (all written in ONE line):

* 0 1 1-12 * cd /home/deklown/Msgs ; gzip -c9 backup-inbox > backup-`date +Y-%m`
 && cat /dev/null > backup-inbox

But take care, you don't habe a second chance!
Another problem seems to be your time spec. It reads like EVERY minute in the
first hour of the first day in every month. 
You should better write it "27 3 1 * *" to run it at 3:27am (randomly selected)
on the first day of month.
Alternatively you can choose "@monthly" to run your script at 0:00 on the fist
of month (see manpage crontab(5))

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Eli and Bessie went to sleep.
In the middle of the night, Bessie nudged Eli.
"Please be so kindly and close the window.  It's cold outside!"
Half asleep, Eli murmured,
"Nu ... so if I'll close the window, will it be warm outside?"

[Q] Compiled ports of mutt avialable?

1999-01-28 Thread Dirk Ruediger


At work I am sentenced to work with win95, but I miss all the helpfull,
non-animated ;) tools, which I like from my linux box. One of them is
a feature rich, intelligent mailer ...
So I'm looking for port of mutt for WinNT/95. (We also have AIX machines, but
w/o compiler (I thought AIX is a Unix...) and so I'd also like to download the
AIX binaries. If anyone could point me to an ftp site?

Thanks in advance.

Ciao for now, Dirk

Dirk Ruediger, Magdeburg, Germany

"I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see of it the more it
looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel.  I don't find anything
technically interesting there.  In my opinion, MS is a lot better at making
money than it is at making good operating systems."  -- Linus Torvalds