Re: [mythtv-users] ScreenPlay 5000 Modelines?

2006-01-06 Thread Blastzone
Check out this link:

I posted a thread on this about a month back, and am currently using the following modelines:
ModeLine ATSC-720-59.94p 74.176 1280 1320 1376 1650 720 722 728 750ModeLine ATSC-720-60p 74.25 1280 1320 1376 1650 720 722 728 750
On 1/5/06, Adam Propeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone have some modelines that will work for the Infocus ScreenPlay
5000? I've gotten it to work with FedoraCore 4 in the past, but when
playing video, I saw what appears to be motion blur, so I'm assuming
that the modeline I was using was incorrect. I'd like to be able to do
720p at least with xorg. Thanks!

___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-12-28 Thread Blastzone
I ended up blowing away that system and switching to the FC4 build, as FC4 just came out as I was having that problem).I did not have any issues with FC4, AND there were options that were not available to me when I used Gentoo.
I would assume that the build of MythTV installed by gentoo is not the same as the one installed by apt / yum via Jerod's guide. At least, it was not as of Aug 05. On 12/28/05, 
Jeff Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 8/23/05, Blastzone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok, next step was to build the proprietary ATI driver and see if thathelped.Nope.So I'm running the fglrx driver instead of the radeon driver in X, butno joy, still segfaulting.I did manage to figure out the security lockdown in gentoo's X
(go into the /usr/X11R6/bin/startx script and pull the --nolisten tcp flag)and get some GDB output.What I got was all the same log messages(see above) but also this line after the segfault:#0 0xb65b6dbc in nanosleep() from /lib/
I hope that helps - it's frustrating being so close, and so far.Is there at least a hack that I can use in the interim to point watchrecordings to mplayer instead of the internal player?trying to find
shows by not easy.If it helps any, I am having the EXACT same problem with my setup (gentoo, brand new install, Radeon Mobility 7500. myth worked fine with the normal ati drivers, crashes with a segfault with the radeon DRI OpenGL drivers. I have the nvidia use flag turned off. is myth hardcoded to use nvidia for some reason? Logically, it should not be trying to open /dev/nvidia0 at ALL if I have nvidia turned off.
- Jeff

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Re: [mythtv-users] Pundit-R HDTV

2005-12-02 Thread Blastzone
I'm bumping this thread, since it got a little sidetracked. I'll
also ask this, in the hopes that someone already has an answer...

It certainly looks like I'm not going to get very far with the ATI
video in the Pundit-r. And I don't have the room to tack in
another PCI card, without removing a capture card.

So, since my output is 720p native resolution *anyway*, what's the
preferred method to transcode a recorded 1080i stream to a 720p stream
(or less)? Perhaps that would allow me to at least kinda watch TV.

thanks!On 11/30/05, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Nov 29, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Blastzone wrote: Playing an HD stream (1080i) through myth shows: processor at 100%(split between Mythfrontend and X) pink bar covering right side of screen (I know this was discussed
 earlier, but I haven't looked for it yet)The pink bar is an ATI xvideo issue. You might try to work around itwith the binary ATI drivers instead. 720p video won't have a problem,just any xvideo playback larger than 1280x720 (from memory) doesn't
scale right so you see pink. audio skips, and stutters video running at horrible framerate 5-10 fps I haven't been able to look at 720p streams yet, at least, not that i know of.
 My question is, are there others out there successfully using a pundit-r to watch HD streams, and if so, what should I be looking at fixing?I've got the other version of the pundit running a 
2.8GHz Northwood.I quickly came the conclusion via testing various 1080i and 720pclips with both the onboard SIS and a ATI PCI adapter that HDTVplayback on the pundit wasn't going to be great without going down
the Nvidia + XVMC road. After considering XVMC and looking at thevideo deinterlace quality and pundit box itself I've decided to avoidHDTV for now and plan for it when I can build the 'killer box.
--Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]AIM: BlueCame1___mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Pundit-R HDTV

2005-11-29 Thread Blastzone
right now i'm loading the cx88-dvb module manually.

I had some problems with the PVR-250 in the system not being handled
correctly by the ivtv drivers, it would show 'unknown tuner'.
Mucking around with the aliases in modprobe.conf proved fruitless, but
I could get it to run by manually loading the ivtv eeprom and tuner
modules manually, and identifying the tuner type. So I have a
shell script that does that for me on startup.

I tacked on the cx88-dvb module into this script, and dmesg shows the
HD3000 as loading correctly. Tuning with azap was successful, and
i could (sorta) watch streams with mplayer. (There are known
issues with mplayer, see the pchdtv boards for more info).

I added the PCHDTV card as a DVB device in mythtv-setup, and it is
available as another tuner. I didn't have any luck trying to
assign it as an HD-3000 device (for whatever reason). Note that
setting it up as DVB will only tune ATSC digital channels. I also
had it working as a V4l device to tune NTSC, but never got the audio to

Once the device is set up as DVB, you can do a channel scan and it will
locate the streams available. I had to do alot of tweaking there,
as it gave many of the channels the same channel #. I have not
yet bothered to set up a zap2it configuration to populate those
channels with listings, mainly because most of them are crappy home
shopping channels, or the Music Choice 'digital radio' stations.

For what it's worth, since adding the DVB card, mythfrontend has been
unstable, occasionally segfaulting with viewing recorded NTSC
broadcasts, and is very likely to segfault with playing with
ATSC. But I haven't done any troubleshooting on that, and since
it's my primary TV, I can live with a minor inconvenience as opposed to
possibly breaking everything.

detailed and stream-of-thought notes can be found at my myth page:
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HD3000 recording problem in Mythtv- signalStrengthATSC_v4l2(), error: Invalid argument

2005-11-29 Thread Blastzone
Brad - 
If you say 'yes' to the question at the start about clearing your
capture cards, then you'll lose everything you have set up so far.

So, step 1 - back up your mysql table! (if you haven't done this
already). I haven't read back in the log, but back up your

step 2 - Using mythtv-setup, go to menu option 2 - capture cards.
Is your HD3000 listed as a DVB device, v4l device, or hd3000
device? I didn't have any luck with hd3000, and v4l will give you
NTSC. Try removing it (highlight and press d) and re-adding as a
DVB card. You may need to stop mythbackend. By default,
mythbackend will lock DVB cards open.

once you've done that, you should be able to go into the channel editor  do a scan.On 11/29/05, Brad Fuller 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Mercury Morris wrote: As I re-read this thread, there is something missing:
 Brad, you say you created a HD3000 card in mythtv-setup and assigned it to bcast.I asked about that before, but didn't see any answer.Oh.. I merely meant that I created a a Video Source called terrestrial
using the Channel Freq Table of; us-bcast. So, here's a question:Did you complete a successful scan of available channels during mythtv-setup?It's greyed out. Is it grayed out because I chose no at the beginning
of mythtv. I just didn't want it to change anything since I didn't wantwhat I had corrupted. Would it? And another question:Did you choose to define the HD3000 card as a DVB card (part of Input Connections)?
There is no DVB setting in Input Connections. My Input Connectionsassigns the Capture Device (card) and Input to the Video Source (whichis terrestrial as cited above)
 Under Channel Editor (part of mythtv-setup) you can scan for channels, actually you must scan for them or else MythTV won't work.hmmm... I guess I have to say YES to the question:Would you like to clear all program data and channel settings...
at the beginning. Shessh.. I don't want to mess up what is alread there.Will it? So, I apologize for the questions, but I just wanted to be sure that the setup steps have all been completed.Otherwise, we aren't all on
 the same page trying to figure out what's going wrong. -- MM___mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HELP: No TV after hw install of HD3000 (w/ PVR250 and FC4)

2005-11-29 Thread Blastzone
I had problems with livetv not working as well, which is why i pulled the HD3000 initially.

If you look at the capture card setup in mythtv-setup, myth is going to
grab whatever is listed first when you choose to watch liveTV.
So, if this screen (mythtv-setup, option 2) says 'DVB' then
'PVR-250', it's going to grab the DVB card first, and time out.

After doing little more than deleting and rebuilding the cards in mythtv-setup, I *finally* got it to list the PVR first.

And all was well.

hope that helps.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth 1280x720 modeline on screenplay 5000 [SOLVED]

2005-11-18 Thread Blastzone
I tossed in the 2 ATSC-720 modelines from the link, and it
came up first time. Luckily, the 2ndary monitor I'm using, a
Viewsonic E771, will do 1280x720 as well (though the desktop appears a
bit smashed), so I don't have to change resolutions when I don't want
to use the projector.

The only problem I had was locating the setting in KDE that determines
the desktop size, and getting rid of that infernal virtual desktop
(great @ work, bad on myth). Now, I just need to get the KVM
switch hooked up so I don't have to swap monitor cables, and tell myth
that it's running in a widescreen mode, and the ladies will be all

Thanks to all for the help! I'll be pushing out a short review of
the infocus screenplay 5000 onto my website. First blush is that
it looks great, is reasonably quiet (once it's started up, on boot the
fan is pretty loud). Feeding it DVD video, played through Xine
looks fantastic, the colors have great depth, even when projected onto
a sheet. Regular TV through myth isn't as spectacular, but my
cable co. doesn't provide good signals. Blacks are deep, and I'm
anxious to receive my pull-down screen and really see what it can do.

'mythtv on a pundit-r' or 'the pundit-r doesn't like SATA and PATA, and Asus won't help you'
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Myth 1280x720 modeline on screenplay 5000

2005-11-17 Thread Blastzone
I've been running MythTV for about 4 months now, and I'm pretty much
sold. Most of my friends are too. I picked up an InFocus
ScreenPlay 5000 last night, which runs at a native rez of
1280x720. I've also got a regular 17 CRT monitor, for when I
don't feel like watching TV on a 6-foot-wide screen. I'm driving
both through the standard VESA output, but *could* get a DVI cable if
necessary (for about $40).
My myth system is running on a Pundit-R w/ ATI 9100IGP chipset on FC4.

So, my question is:
I need to set up a modeline to drive output at 1280x720. Has
anyone set this up yet, and either has one, or can point me in a
direction where I can learn more about this?
2. Since the monitor  the projector have different ratios, I
don't expect the CRT to take to a 1280x720 too well. Is there a
tool that I can use to easily change resolutions (preferrably with a

Thank you!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (WAS) KnoppMyth (NOW) Sata problems

2005-10-21 Thread Blastzone
For what it's worth, I had a hell of a time with SATA  PATA drives
in my ASUS Pundit-R. (250GB Maxtor midline SATA  NEC DVD-RW
or ASUS DVD-RW drives)

DMA acceleration would not work on either PATA DVD drive, some FC3
kernels would segfault on startup, Knoppix or Gentoo LiveCDs would not
boot, and other problems.

I dropped to a 160GB Seagate PATA drive, and aside from it filling up
rather quickly, all the problems went away. That won't solve your
problems, but 2 trips to ASUS RMA and 4 months didn't fix mine either...

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Pundit-R Myth notes

2005-08-29 Thread Blastzone
After almost 5 months of work, I finally have a running MythTV
system! I'm looking forward to having real recording, show
archives, and all of those fun things you can do with Myth. It's
been a pretty big project, and I ran into quite a few roadblocks along
the way. I've put many of my notes online, in the hopes that they
might help others with their systems. They're pretty
stream-of-thought, but there are nuggets of info in there, I'm sure.

If you're looking at putting together a system based on an ASUS
pundit-r, I recommend looking through at least the first part of my
notes. The motherboard on those systems does not like SATA Hard
Drives  PATA DVD drives.

I also ran into issues with segfaulting internal players, hauppauge
tuners that wouldn't initialize, HD-3000 cards and no OTA HD
broadcasts. You can find my comments at:

Thanks again to all online who helped!
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Pundit-R Myth notes

2005-08-29 Thread Blastzone
I'm expecting good HD playback, once I get to that point, but since
there's no HD source around here, I'm not working on that too
hard. It will probably work the system pretty hard, but it's a
dedicated box.

As for fitting the cards in the case, yes, you can, provided you're
patient and don't mind bending some metal. The PVR-250 was
actually harder, it's about 2mil taller than the HD3000. I also
had problems with the solder points on the PVR touching the HD tuner
(or the other way 'round), which dictated which card went in which slot.

Finally, I did end up having to bend out the little metal tab on the
chassis that clips to the card carrier, as it would not fit with the
PVR. A minor adjustment that makes the final finish a little
less-than-perfect, but it's hidden behind the case. I also had to
file out space for the coax connectors, as they were touching the
chassis, and due to the length of the barrel on the HD card, I couldn't
get a good antenna connection. The PVR has a huge barrel, and
that's not a problem.
On 8/29/05, Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just saw you haven't gotten the HD card working yet.Zak wrote: Thanks for the info!So, you were able to fit the HD-3000 in the Pundit-R case OK?Also, is HD playback pretty smooth with the intel
 2.53GHz p4 Northwood?I'm about to give up on the xbox, but if I go to dedicated PCs I want to do HD. Thanks! Blastzone wrote: After almost 5 months of work, I finally have a running MythTV
 system!I'm looking forward to having real recording, show archives, and all of those fun things you can do with Myth.It's been a pretty big project, and I ran into quite a few roadblocks along the way.
 I've put many of my notes online, in the hopes that they might help others with their systems.They're pretty stream-of-thought, but there are nuggets of info in there, I'm sure.
 If you're looking at putting together a system based on an ASUS pundit-r, I recommend looking through at least the first part of my notes.The motherboard on those systems does not like SATA Hard
 Drives  PATA DVD drives. I also ran into issues with segfaulting internal players, hauppauge tuners that wouldn't initialize, HD-3000 cards and no OTA HD broadcasts.You can find my comments at:
 Thanks again to all online who helped!  ___
 mythtv-users mailing list
 ___ mythtv-users mailing list mailing
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] noob remote question

2005-08-23 Thread Blastzone
If you're seeing buttons using irw, i'd check your .lircrc files  (
/home/myth_user/.lircrc   /home/myth_user/.mythtv/lircrc ) 
ensure they have the correct permissions AND are coded correctly for
your remote (using the commands in the lircd file).

or, better yet, copy the .lircrc files from your root folder and
change the owner / group / permissions..  that way you're working with
known good.

On 8/22/05, Todd Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what's a noob remote?
 This mailbox protected from junk email by MailFrontier Desktop
 from MailFrontier, Inc.
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael T. Dean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 6:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] noob remote question
  Robert D. Mathews wrote:
  I have slogged through many how-to's and with wilsons guide and have
  gotten myself a working mythtv setup. happage 150, fedora core3 etc. I
  know i may  be missing something in the doc's, but everything works
  with the exception of the remote. this too will work so long as i am
  logged in as root. Is there some way to get the frontend to start as
  root while logged in as user? will i always have to be logged in as
  root to get this to function?
  Are you using LIRC 0.7.1pre1+?
  mythtv-users mailing list
  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
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Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-23 Thread Blastzone
Ok, next step was to build the proprietary ATI driver and see if that
helped.  Nope.
So I'm running the fglrx driver instead of the radeon driver in X, but
no joy, still segfaulting.

I did manage to figure out the security lockdown in gentoo's X
(go into the /usr/X11R6/bin/startx script and pull the --nolisten tcp flag)

and get some GDB output.  What I got was all the same log messages
(see above) but also this line after the segfault:

#0 0xb65b6dbc in nanosleep  () from /lib/

I hope that helps - it's frustrating being so close, and so far.

Is there at least a hack that I can use in the interim to point watch
recordings to mplayer instead of the internal player?  trying to find
shows by 1066_MMDDhhmm_etc.  is not easy.

On 8/21/05, Blastzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 unmerged myth
 Manually removed all myth-related files
 Removed the database
 ran revdep-rebuild
 re-emerged myth
 same problem.
 I'll continue to work on a real GDB output tomorrow evening, but if
 anyone has some ideas as to what is causing the segfault, I'd really
 appreciate it.
  I've had the same problem a while ago.
  My solution was unmerging the myth-ebuilds, manually removing every file
  with *myth* in it's name from the harddisk (certainly not the files in
  /usr/portage ... ), then did a revdep-rebuild to be sure the system is ok
  and afterwards remerged the myth ebuilds.
  I guess my problem was a left over from a previous install from source code.
  Maybe this helps
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von Blastzone
  Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. August 2005 02:17
  An: Discussion about mythtv
  Betreff: Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting
  I'm not real worried about the modprobing..  that's easily fixed with
  a script.  I re-emerged with the -opengl  and -nvidia flags in the USE
  line, but still no joy.
  Here's the output from mythfrontend -v all:  (fyi - floyd is the machine
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.780 New DB connection, total: 1
  Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.785 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.789 mythfrontend version:
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.790 Enabled verbose msgs :all
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.854 max_width: 1024 max_height: 768
  2005-08-20 20:00:56.921 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
  2005-08-20 20:00:57.249 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
  2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media
  2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD VCD Media Handler as a media
  2005-08-20 20:00:57.391 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.492 New DB connection, total: 2
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.509 Connecting to backend server:
  (try 1 of 5)
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.510 write-12 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 Using protocol version 15
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 write-12 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.531 write-12 29  GET_NEXT_FREE_RECORDER[]:[]-1:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.539 20  ANN Playback floyd 1
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.540 write-14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 Using protocol version 15
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 write-14 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.555 write-14 44  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.563 write-15 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.570 write-16 22  ANN RingBuffer floyd 1:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.577 write-14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SPAWN_LIVETV:
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.649 write-14 37  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.660 Output filters for this channel are: ''
  2005-08-20 20:01:02.661 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 write-15 66  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.668 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.675 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.676 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.930 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.931 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.937 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.943 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
  2005-08-20 20:01:03.945 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
  2005-08-20 20:01:04.237 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
  2005-08-20 20:01:04.238 write-15 73

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-21 Thread Blastzone

unmerged myth
Manually removed all myth-related files
Removed the database
ran revdep-rebuild
re-emerged myth

same problem.

I'll continue to work on a real GDB output tomorrow evening, but if
anyone has some ideas as to what is causing the segfault, I'd really
appreciate it.

 I've had the same problem a while ago.
 My solution was unmerging the myth-ebuilds, manually removing every file
 with *myth* in it's name from the harddisk (certainly not the files in
 /usr/portage ... ), then did a revdep-rebuild to be sure the system is ok
 and afterwards remerged the myth ebuilds.
 I guess my problem was a left over from a previous install from source code.
 Maybe this helps
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von Blastzone
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. August 2005 02:17
 An: Discussion about mythtv
 Betreff: Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting
 I'm not real worried about the modprobing..  that's easily fixed with
 a script.  I re-emerged with the -opengl  and -nvidia flags in the USE
 line, but still no joy.
 Here's the output from mythfrontend -v all:  (fyi - floyd is the machine
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.780 New DB connection, total: 1
 Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.785 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.789 mythfrontend version:
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.790 Enabled verbose msgs :all
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.854 max_width: 1024 max_height: 768
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.921 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.249 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD VCD Media Handler as a media
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.391 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.492 New DB connection, total: 2
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.509 Connecting to backend server:
 (try 1 of 5)
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.510 write-12 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 Using protocol version 15
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 write-12 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.531 write-12 29  GET_NEXT_FREE_RECORDER[]:[]-1:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.539 20  ANN Playback floyd 1
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.540 write-14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 Using protocol version 15
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 write-14 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.555 write-14 44  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.563 write-15 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.570 write-16 22  ANN RingBuffer floyd 1:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.577 write-14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SPAWN_LIVETV:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.649 write-14 37  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.660 Output filters for this channel are: ''
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.661 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 write-15 66  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.668 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.675 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.676 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.930 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.931 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.937 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.943 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.945 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.237 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.238 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.245 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.251 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.252 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.259 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.340 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.342 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.517 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000,
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD: Opening Stream #0: codec id 2
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.519 Using libmpeg2 for video decoding
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520

[mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-20 Thread Blastzone
I've been working on a MythTV box for a few months now, and it's been
one trouble after another.

Word of caution:  Pundit-R's don't seem to like SATA HDD and PATA DVD
drives together.

I've put in a Hauppauge PVR-250 and a 160GB PATA drive along with the
DVD-RW drive.

The system is running Gentoo 2005.1
So far, so good, I can watch DVDs through mplayer

I installed the Hauppauge card, and had problems getting it to tune. 
Seems that the tuner module does not load with the correct tuner
parameter.  On boot I have to manually unload that module with an
rmmod, and reload it with a modprobe tuner type=39.  Then the card
will tune to NSTC cable (using mplayer  ptune-ui to test)

Started up Myth for the first time.  Backend runs OK, frontend starts
OK.  Try to choose Live TV, and the screen goes black for about 5 sec,
then returns to X (using evilWM) with a segmentation fault error. 
No other information is provided.

I've rebuilt Myth from source, and build using the --debug option, but
I can't seem to get mythfrontend to start from a virtual console and
display on the local X.  it tells me no X server is available (yes, X
is running, and the DISPLAY variable is set).  Running mythfrontend in
gdb locally ends up locking the display when it segfaults.  Ctl-C, etc
does not get me back to the console to view the GDB output (only
solution is killing the X server).

So, I turned on verbose logging.  Just before it segfaults, the
logfile shows myth looking for /dev/nvidia0   Which doesn't exist on
my pundit's ATI board.

Following this recent thread:  has not
proved helpful as the instructions to disable XvMC (settings - next
- next, etc). don't jive with myth 0.18.1

The .configure output when building myth shows no XvMC and no OpenGL
support, so, wtf?

Bottom line:  Why is myth looking for /dev/nvidia0 when it shouldn't
be?, how do I stop that?, and why will there be no broadcast HDTV in
my area until fall 2006?

Thanks for anyone's help.  I can't imagine that pundit-R + pvr250 +
gentoo is a strange combination, so odds are SOMEONE has fought with
this before.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-20 Thread Blastzone
No joy.  Still the same problem.
running mythfrontend with the -v all flag returns a log file ending
with nVidiaVideoSync: Could not open device /dev/nvidia0; no such
file or directory

On 8/20/05, David Ellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Put -nvidia in your USE Flags in /etc/make.conf and emerge mythtv again.
 This will remove the NVidia support and presumably allow you to start.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blastzone
 Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:38 AM
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV
 I've been working on a MythTV box for a few months now, and it's been
 one trouble after another.
 Word of caution:  Pundit-R's don't seem to like SATA HDD and PATA DVD
 drives together.
 I've put in a Hauppauge PVR-250 and a 160GB PATA drive along with the
 DVD-RW drive.
 The system is running Gentoo 2005.1
 So far, so good, I can watch DVDs through mplayer
 I installed the Hauppauge card, and had problems getting it to tune.
 Seems that the tuner module does not load with the correct tuner
 parameter.  On boot I have to manually unload that module with an
 rmmod, and reload it with a modprobe tuner type=39.  Then the card
 will tune to NSTC cable (using mplayer  ptune-ui to test)
 Started up Myth for the first time.  Backend runs OK, frontend starts
 OK.  Try to choose Live TV, and the screen goes black for about 5 sec,
 then returns to X (using evilWM) with a segmentation fault error.
 No other information is provided.
 I've rebuilt Myth from source, and build using the --debug option, but
 I can't seem to get mythfrontend to start from a virtual console and
 display on the local X.  it tells me no X server is available (yes, X
 is running, and the DISPLAY variable is set).  Running mythfrontend in
 gdb locally ends up locking the display when it segfaults.  Ctl-C, etc
 does not get me back to the console to view the GDB output (only
 solution is killing the X server).
 So, I turned on verbose logging.  Just before it segfaults, the
 logfile shows myth looking for /dev/nvidia0   Which doesn't exist on
 my pundit's ATI board.
 Following this recent thread:  has not
 proved helpful as the instructions to disable XvMC (settings - next
 - next, etc). don't jive with myth 0.18.1
 The .configure output when building myth shows no XvMC and no OpenGL
 support, so, wtf?
 Bottom line:  Why is myth looking for /dev/nvidia0 when it shouldn't
 be?, how do I stop that?, and why will there be no broadcast HDTV in
 my area until fall 2006?
 Thanks for anyone's help.  I can't imagine that pundit-R + pvr250 +
 gentoo is a strange combination, so odds are SOMEONE has fought with
 this before.
 mythtv-users mailing list
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-20 Thread Blastzone
I'm not real worried about the modprobing..  that's easily fixed with
a script.  I re-emerged with the -opengl  and -nvidia flags in the USE
line, but still no joy.

Here's the output from mythfrontend -v all:  (fyi - floyd is the machine name)
2005-08-20 20:00:56.780 New DB connection, total: 1
Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
2005-08-20 20:00:56.785 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
2005-08-20 20:00:56.789 mythfrontend version:
2005-08-20 20:00:56.790 Enabled verbose msgs :all
2005-08-20 20:00:56.854 max_width: 1024 max_height: 768
2005-08-20 20:00:56.921 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
2005-08-20 20:00:57.249 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media handler
2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD VCD Media Handler as a media handler
2005-08-20 20:00:57.391 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media handler
2005-08-20 20:01:02.492 New DB connection, total: 2
2005-08-20 20:01:02.509 Connecting to backend server:
(try 1 of 5)
2005-08-20 20:01:02.510 write-12 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 Using protocol version 15
2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 write-12 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.531 write-12 29  GET_NEXT_FREE_RECORDER[]:[]-1:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.539 20  ANN Playback floyd 1
2005-08-20 20:01:02.540 write-14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 Using protocol version 15
2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 write-14 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.555 write-14 44  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:02.563 write-15 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.570 write-16 22  ANN RingBuffer floyd 1:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.577 write-14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SPAWN_LIVETV:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.649 write-14 37  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]GET_PROGRAM_INFO:
2005-08-20 20:01:02.660 Output filters for this channel are: ''
2005-08-20 20:01:02.661 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 write-15 66  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.668 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.675 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:03.676 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.930 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:03.931 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.937 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:03.943 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:03.945 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.237 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:04.238 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.245 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.251 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:04.252 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.259 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.340 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:04.342 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.517 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD
2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD: Opening Stream #0: codec id 2
2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.519 Using libmpeg2 for video decoding
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Detect Scan,
29.97, 480) -Interlaced Scan
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height: 480
 fps: 29.97
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 2
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Opening Stream #1: codec id 86016
2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 86016
2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 Stream #1 (audio track #0) is an audio stream
with 2 channels.
2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 Auto-selecting audio track #1 (stream #1).
2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 It has 2 channels and we needed at least 1
2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 Initializing audio parms from audio track #0.
2005-08-20 20:01:04.739 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
2005-08-20 20:01:04.740 Estimated bitrate = 6384
2005-08-20 20:01:04.740 write-14 39  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.741 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.746 Filling position map from 0 to 41
2005-08-20 20:01:04.746 write-14 51  QUERY_RECORDER
2005-08-20 20:01:04.756 Position map 

Re: [mythtv-users] Problems running Myth - segfault starting liveTV

2005-08-20 Thread Blastzone
As I continue playing with the system, it appears that it records OK,
but will segfault in the same way when playing a prerecorded show.

I can do a cat from /dev/video0 to a temp file, load that into the
video library and watch it.
I can import an mpg from the internet and watch it through the video library
I told myth to record directly into the video library and can watch it
through there.

So, I know the card is good.  What is different between watching 'live
tv' / 'prerecorded tv' and the mpgs?

On 8/20/05, Blastzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not real worried about the modprobing..  that's easily fixed with
 a script.  I re-emerged with the -opengl  and -nvidia flags in the USE
 line, but still no joy.
 Here's the output from mythfrontend -v all:  (fyi - floyd is the machine name)
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.780 New DB connection, total: 1
 Total desktop width=1024, height=768, numscreens=1
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.785 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.789 mythfrontend version:
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.790 Enabled verbose msgs :all
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.854 max_width: 1024 max_height: 768
 2005-08-20 20:00:56.921 Switching to square mode (G.A.N.T.)
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.249 Registering Internal as a media playback plugin.
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD DVD Media Handler as a media 
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.260 Registering MythDVD VCD Media Handler as a media 
 2005-08-20 20:00:57.391 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media handler
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.492 New DB connection, total: 2
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.509 Connecting to backend server:
 (try 1 of 5)
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.510 write-12 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 Using protocol version 15
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.517 write-12 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.531 write-12 29  GET_NEXT_FREE_RECORDER[]:[]-1:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.539 20  ANN Playback floyd 1
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.540 write-14 21  MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 15:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 Using protocol version 15
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.550 write-14 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.555 write-14 44  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.563 write-15 20  ANN Playback floyd 0:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.570 write-16 22  ANN RingBuffer floyd 1:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.577 write-14 33  QUERY_RECORDER 1[]:[]SPAWN_LIVETV:
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.649 write-14 37  QUERY_RECORDER 
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.660 Output filters for this channel are: ''
 2005-08-20 20:01:02.661 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.661 write-15 66  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.668 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.675 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.676 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.930 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.931 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.937 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.943 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:03.945 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.237 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.238 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.245 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.251 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.252 write-15 73  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.259 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.340 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.342 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.517 Read(): reqd=128000, rcvd=128000, rept=128000, error=0
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 AVFD: Opening Stream #0: codec id 2
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.518 write-15 53  QUERY_RECORDER
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.519 Using libmpeg2 for video decoding
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 detectInterlace(Detect Scan, Detect Scan,
 29.97, 480) -Interlaced Scan
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 Interlaced: Interlaced Scan  video_height: 480
  fps: 29.97
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 2
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Opening Stream #1: codec id 86016
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.520 AVFD: Looking for decoder for 86016
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 Stream #1 (audio track #0) is an audio stream
 with 2 channels.
 2005-08-20 20:01:04.523 Auto

[mythtv-users] (slightly OT) Asus Pundit-R Service Problems

2005-05-31 Thread Blastzone
If you're thinking of buying an ASUS (esp. Pundit-R), this is for you:

I've been lurking on this list since I finally got the scratch
together to start my Myth project.
Asus Pundit-R, P4 2.5GHz, 512MB, 250GB SATA Maxtor, 2 PCHDtv 3000's 
a NEC DVD burner.

I started putting the system together and ran into the normal case
issues with trying to get the HD cards to fit (who designs these
systems, anyway?), but I liked the Pundit's form factor.  Once I got
FC3 installed and running, I tried to play a DVD through myth, only to
find it choppy.  Playing DVD's through xine outside of Myth was

I dual-booted the system and went into Windows (a sacrilege, I know,
but it was useful).  DVD's still choppy.  I traced the issue down to
what I believe is a DMA controller problem.  The issue exists with
multiple different DVD or CD ROM drives.  The issue exists with or
without the HDD installed.  Live CD's such as Knoppix or Knoppmyth
(2.4 and 2.6 kernels) will not boot without the nodma flag.  (they
hang right after the enabling DMA message)  Windows 2000 also shows no
DMA on the CD / DVD drive, even if I force it to use a specific UDMA
or MWDMA mode.

Based on the issue existing with multiple HW / OS combinations, and
with the most recent BIOS image, this sounds like a pretty clear-cut
motherboard issue.  I called ASUS and they agreed.  I shipped the
system to them for warranty service (at my cost).  18 days later, it
just arrived with a note no problem found.  I have yet to build the
system back up and plug the DVD drive into it, but if they have done
no work, I do not expect the system to run correctly.

I now face the prospect of calling ASUS again, trying to get a new
RMA, and being without the system for nearly another month while they
(hopefully) replace it.  Due to their service hours, I cannot speak to
a technician until at least 12p EST.

I am very frustrated with the support ASUS has given to date, finding
them unresponsive, and the technicians to be curt and unhelpful.  This
will likely be the ONLY ASUS product that I will ever purchase, and I
recommend others looking at their product to seriously consider other
manufacturers.  To be fair, I obtained a 2nd Pundit case for a friend
at the same time, and he has built it identically to mine, and
reported no issues with that system, so it appears I got a bad board. 
I would still expect quick, professional support from any company that
I deal with, and I have yet to see that from ASUS.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me backchannel.
mythtv-users mailing list