Re: [osg-users] memory leak false positives on Windows

2009-02-12 Thread Matthew Fuesz
Tanguy, Robert, et al:

Some good points have been raised by both sides. Singletons should be used 
carefully, but are still useful in certain circumstances.

For the most part, it is a design decision - that is, it must be determined at 
the highest design level whether it makes sense to allow multiple instances of 
something to exist within a single process. Yes, only having one of some object 
may "limit" certain features, but the point is what the original design calls 
for - programs and libraries are not uber-omni-functional; they are designed 
for a specific purpose. It is best to maintain genericism, but only within the 
original purpose.

Let's look at any registry-type object. Does it make sense within a design to 
have multiple registries? Well, this depends on the design.

Is this registry intended to be a sort of "index" for objects or functions 
loaded at runtime? If this is the case, a singleton registry makes the most 
sense. It exists as a single object for any process, indexing all 
functions/object types/whatever with only the appropriate register and accessor 
functionality built-in. Certain forms of factory design may make good use of 
such a structure.

But what if you want multiple index-type factories? Consider what little there 
is to be gained from having more than one of these objects - the ability to 
reference different objects/functions/etc by using the exact same identifier 
(key/index/whatever). But is it a good thing to even allow such ambiguity? That 
would mean that there were two items that registered using the same exact 
identifier, and both were accessible from the same calling application. Unless 
you have a very specific requirement to allow for non-unique identifiers, it 
would generally be seen as "bad" to have several distinct items referred to 
with the exact same identifier, only separated by the specific instance of an 
accessor/registry object. Sort of like having a global and a local variable 
with the exact same name, even though they denote entirely different things. 
Yes, you can do it, but why would you choose to it?

Now, on the other hand, some type of "global" state-manager class may seem like 
a good candidate for singleton usage as well. However, this would only be true 
in the rare case where there absolutely cannot be more than one handled 
"state". For example, a OGL context manager could seem to operate in a 
singleton capacity if you think in terms of a single window with a single 
context per application - and such thinking could be reasonable some years ago. 
But nowadays, we routinely open multiple windows with multiple contexts. Thus, 
a singleton is a poor choice here.

Basically, IMO, singletons are suited to objects used only as interfaces to 
some other set of objects or functionality. For example, an API class for a 
DLL, as the only exposed interface containing accessor functions. Of course, if 
it only contains functions, then they could just be placed into a namespace 
without a class (and hence no singleton), but if resource reference counting or 
something similar was desired to track usage of the DLL API, then a singleton 
would make sense. Simiarlly, an "auto-register" factory class which loads some 
sort of plugin objects at runtime would make a lot of sense as a singleton. 
These are classes which contain minimal internal functionality, serving 
primarily to interface some indexed data.

Oh, and to the question of how to "reset" the library; if you are using OSG in 
a runtime-loaded DLL, you could force a reload by freeing and loading the 
library fresh. (I don't have experience with dynamic linking in non-Windows 
environments, but there may be analogous procedures available in other 
systems.) Really, when you think about it, truly returning to the same "clean 
slate" you started when a library was first loaded is generally a complicated 
matter; if you really do need the original state, the best way to guarantee it 
is to completely reload the library itself. Yes, OSG could be equipped with the 
capability to fully clean up and reset itself, but that's a rather extreme task 
for a seldom-used case - if you absolutely have to have the library back in its 
original state (I'm not even sure the exact reason why you need everything 
fully reset), you should reload it.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] svn/trunk ready to make OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch, please do last build test of snv/trunk :-)

2009-02-05 Thread Matthew Fuesz

Skylark wrote:
> Where:
> HeaderStart:
> #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
> #pragma warning(push)
> #pragma warning(disable: a b c d e f g)
> #endif
> HeaderEnd:
> #if defined(_MSC_VER) %% defined(OSG_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNINGS)
> #pragma warning(pop)
> #endif

You can actually roll the pragamas all up into two macros - one to "begin" 
(push+disable) and one to "end".

e.g., in a common header, (osg/Export or whatever), include the following block:

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define SUPPRESS_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(push)) __pragma (warning(disable : 
a b c d))
#define POP_WARNINGS __pragma (warning(pop))

Now, obviously, you could also define these macros to selectively suppress 
warnings in other compilers by including proper conditional switches for each 
in the above block.

I myself do this often, and have a common "macros" header, which gets included 
pretty much everywhere, for this purpose (it also defines macros for 
declaration specifiers and other compiler- or OS-specific code features).

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Eliminating VS warnings in external projects

2009-01-30 Thread Matthew Fuesz
Since I want to run at /W4 without warnings, I just push all OSG include 
directives back to /W2.

That is, when including any OSG headers, I surround the #include calls with 
#pragma warning ( push, 2 ) and #pragma warning ( pop )

I have to do similar things with other third-party libraries I must leverage in 
some of my projects.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] osg/Export disabling MSVC "deprecated" warning

2009-01-26 Thread Matthew Fuesz
J-S & Robert - with regard to C4251:

As J-S has noted, C4251 is often generated for STL usage; in particular, C4251 
is often errorneously generated for STL usage in *private* members or 
functions. STL usage in *public* members or functions in a DLL-exported class 
is problematic (as would be protected usage if the class is derived from 
outside of the DLL), but internal private usage of non-exportable elements such 
as STL is a non-issue. This production of DLL export warnings for 
inacessible/private members is a known VS quirk.

The best approach to working with C4251 is to selectively disable it around 
class declarations which produce such false warnings. In some cases, C4251 may 
expose an actual problem in a DLL interface, and thus it should not be globally 
supressed, in general.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Changing the value of a uniform during at scene graph traversal

2009-01-22 Thread Matthew Fuesz

J-S wrote:
> I (and probably Robert too) thought you wanted to change the value of a 
> Uniform in mid-traversal...

While it is true that one cannot affect the values of uniforms during a 
rendering pass in the default OSG implementation, there is nothing preventing 
one from changing the values of uniforms while rendering out any single 
geometry object in general. It's just that in OSG, one would require a custom 
drawImplementation (and explicitly bind/apply the uniform as well as set it).

Now, you can't change a uniform during a single OpenGL "traversal", of course 
(i.e., between glBegin() and glEnd()), but there is nothing stopping you from 
changing a uniform at any other time. If a single "object" is broken into 
several glBegin()/glEnd() sections for a given rendering pass, it is perfectly 
acceptable to change the value of a uniform in between each individual section.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2009-01-08 Thread Matthew Fuesz

Robert Osfield wrote:
> Following your logic we should also do:
> if (bool_variable==true)
> {
> }
> Rather than:
> if (bool_variable)
> {
> }

Actually, no. No ambiguity of intent is present. Only when there arises a case 
where both assignment or comparison operators are logical possibilities can 
there be ambiguity as to the original intent of the statement.

As to the more general discussion, it is very apparent that we will never agree 
on anything in this matter, as we have *drastically* different views of what 
constitutes the most "readable" code.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2009-01-08 Thread Matthew Fuesz

Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi Sukender,
> Code readability is key to spotting algorithm
> errors, so any slip in readability is something to take very seriously
> which is why the  !=0 is not what I would deem a good programming
> practice.

But I find that the '!= 0' produces far more readable code, when the convention 
is consistently adhered to.

It is completely unambigous what is meant by a "if ( (a=b) != 0 )" statement; 
the intention was obviously to conditionally check the results of an 
assignment. Without the explicit conditional, it may become ambiguous as to 
whether the intention was to check on the assignment, or if it was a typo and 
supposed to be just a conditional.

And if you would find a statement "if ( (a==b) != 0 )", then you could catch 
the comparison instead of assignment; likewise, if ( a=b ) was found, it would 
indicate assignment instead of comparison. This holds, of course, only if 
consistency is mainted and the "standard" of using "!=" after the assignment is 
adhered to.

As I said earlier, I prefer this way (explicit comparison) anyway - the fact 
that it saves me the warning is an added benefit beyond the readability issue.

Of course, what is - IMO - the _absolutely_ most readable is to split the 
statement in two - i.e., "a = b; if ( a ) {}"

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew Fuesz

Skylark (J-S) wrote:
> I'm fine with suppressing C4706 as it's true that it's a warning that 
> only tells you that you *might* be doing something unsafe... Whether 
> it's actually safe or not is totally context-dependent.

Blanket-supression of C4706 isn't really a good thing, since as you pointed 
out, it can actually point out an error (usually a typo by the developer). 
C4706 will not be generated if it is made explicitly clear what the intent of 
the conditional is.

i.e., instead of checking "if ( a = fxn() )", check "if ( (a = fxn()) != 0 )". 
This is covered in the MSDN page on C4706.

I actually prefer the latter syntax (which doesn't generate C4706) anyway, 
since it eliminates any possible confusion as to the intended operations.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2009-01-05 Thread Matthew Fuesz

/W4 is generally sufficient. I run all of my projects at warning level 4, and 
effectively treat warnings as errors for my purposes. I don't enable /WX on the 
off chance that I get some crazy warning that I can't suppress and isn't 
meaningful in my application. I know of several such warnings for the linker 
(which are VERY annoying, and generally only deal with debug info), though I 
haven't actually come across any in the compiler.

I suppose some of the warnings that are suppressed by default could be 
individually turned on if they were deemed beneficial, but this would require 
sorting through the list of default-off warnings and deciding whether we want 
each one on or off.

My standard Win32 compile options, as relating to warnings, are the following:

So, set at warning level 4 with all of the crazy warnings about MS replacement 
of standard-C/C++ functions supressed.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2009-01-05 Thread Matthew Fuesz
/Wall combined with any other /Wn option is redundant.

/Wall enables *ALL* warnings, including those automatically supressed by VS 
under any other circumstances. /W1 through /W4 set the warning level; /Wall 
goes far beyond /W4 by enabling normally disabled warnings. 

I'm not sure if /Wall ignores #pragma warning supression as well, as I have 
never used it in any real situation. If it does ignore the #pragmas, then you 
would be getting even *more* warnings, on top of all of those that would 
otherwise be supressed by VS internally.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2008-12-29 Thread Matthew Fuesz
Just did some checking on OSG VS settings, and there are some differences in 
the primary warning-supressing preprocessor options - once again, I'm not 
running the current version or latest dev build, so this may have changed.

In OSG 2.6.0, the following are defined:


Whereas all of my VS Win32 projects are built with the following:


The SCL version (instead of the CRT version) has been known to not supress 
warnings for all C-standard functions, so this could be a contributing factor 
if the preprocessor defintions have not been changed since 2.6.0.

BTW, all of my work is done in VS2005 (VC8).

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Warning level

2008-12-29 Thread Matthew Fuesz
/W4 on windows is far from useless, and can often point out some pretty big 
mistakes that the VS compiler just happens to find a way to take care of for 
you (outside of the C/C++ standard).

I haven't built a newer version of OSG - my projects here are still relegated 
to running 2.6.0 for the time being - so I don't know what kinds of warnings 
are being generated currently. What are some of the dominant warning numbers 
that are appearing?

I know C4251 can pop up a lot with DLL-based projects using STL, and is one of 
the most annoying warnings, generally best attacked with a limited-scope (and 
here, VS-conditional) pragma.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] 3D Animation questions

2008-12-23 Thread Matthew Fuesz
osgATK (now osgAnimation, I believe) provides an animation-based nodekit. It 
should be a good starting point for looking into animation in OSG.

Your first question seems somewhat contradictory. "Vertex animation" has 
traditionally referred to an older, obsolete style of animation based on saving 
the positions of all vertices, and manually manipulating each vertex to create 
the animation. "Skinned animation", on the other hand, refers to a more modern 
animation method, based on weighted vertex maps (skins) tied to a set of 
skeletal animation "bones". Only the bones are manipulated (and their data 
saved) in order to create (and describe) the animation.

Are you currently looking for a method of skinned animation in OSG?

Once again, I believe that osgAnimation provides the necessary tools to 
accomplish this. It may also provide the ability to determine the current frame 
or other animation state.

I have no need for animation in my current use of OSG, so I can't offer any 
further help. Hopefully one of the osgATK/osgAnimation users (or developers) 
will be along shortly to provide more complete information on this subject.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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Re: [osg-users] Forum with Mailing list connection (Christmas Gift ; ) )

2008-12-23 Thread Matthew Fuesz
With regard to categorization (subforums):

It could be possible to automatically manage this from the forum side. That is, 
any threads created in the forum could be tagged with an appropriate flag 
designating the originating categorical subforum when they are transcribed into 
mailing list messages. (This could just be in the subject line, or maybe 
elsewhere in the header.)

Anything started in the forum could then be kept within categorical divisions, 
while everything originating from the mailing list would just wind up in 
"General" (unless the users were so inclined as to add the appropriate tag(s) 
to their mails).

Just a thought.

Matthew W Fuesz
Software Engineer Asc
Lockheed Martin STS

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