Re: to flame

1998-07-06 Thread Reid Smith
>And as to arrogance, arrogance is playing at scientist in your kitchen
>lab in your spare time for six months then proposing to tell men and
>women who've dedicated their lives to the field that they don't have a
>clue what they're talking about. 


   Then you have those like me that are smart enough to realize 
that something is wrong and HAVE to play scientest in their kitchen
because the doctors use their crappy  PCR-etc. tests and tell you 
that it's all in your head. 
   My field is computers also. Before I got sick it was mechanic, body
man, carpenter, etc. etc. etc. If you write X=Y=3 you know that
both X and Y equals 3. No mistaking that is there? When you know that
antibotics make you feal better you know that there is a bacteria 
causing your problem. You go to these people with years of dedication
and tell them antibotics helps me and what do they say or do? One of
the things that one of them told me was your white count isn't high
and you don't have an infection. I asked the same doctor 3 years later, 
me with a 103 temp, hows my white count. He looked puzzled and said
it's normal.  I could go on an on about the problems that I've had
and STILL having with the doctors but I won't.
   How about this one first test for lyme disease came back negitive
and the doctor said you don't have lyme. If it wasn't for a lyme
smart doctor that knew the tests weren't worth a crap I would have
believe the first one and went home and died. The 2 or 3 test came
back so  much positive they could culture it in my  blood.
   Now you can say it's not the doctors it's their tests. Well if
they know the tests arn't worth a crap WHY do they still use them?
   Want to just how interested a doctor is in your health? Next time
you go to see one time your visit and see how long you can get him 
to stay. Bet it's 15 minutes or less. Go in there and tell him-her
that your so weak that you can't do anything, your eyes are sinsitive
to light, muscles twitch, bones and muscles hurt, and your on medicare.
He'll put you on noratriptlene and arthuritus medicine. Since you don't
have insurance that will pay for his golf clubs he won't  check for 
anything else. If he does it will be an alisa, western blot, gunderson,
or PCR test. They won't show anything.

>Arrogance. you speak about the AIDS virus. Who's on the front line 
>exposing themselves to that virus every day in order to care for the 
>sick and infirm?  You?  No, It's none other than those banes of human 
>kind, the doctor. Save your righteous indignation for something you have 
>a right to be indignant about.

   AIDS is not a virus! It is a collection of viruses and bacterias
that have multiplyed so much that it has compromized the immune system.
If you like I'll send you an artical that explains what AIDS is and
why it's still around. 

   This wasn't ment as a flame just an elightenment.

Take Care 


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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-06 Thread M. G. Devour
On  6 Jul 98 at 14:34, Dameon wrote:

> They are, for the most part, untouchable -- and they know it. And
> *this* is where any "evil" inherent in the situation ferments (in
> my opinion). Even *if* they *do* get prosecuted for some mishap,
> they just pack up and move to another state and start a practice
> there! Amazingly, *VERY* few ever actually lose their license! By
> the way: My cousin is sick of it all and is planning on leaving the
> medical field; he's currently writing a book on The Bible.

In my opinion, and this is as close to discussing politics as I'm 
willing to go here, their "untouchable" status is probably the best 
measure of the degree to which the market for medical care has been 

At least in the US, the government pays for something like 40% of
all medical spending through medicare/medicaid. By this influence,
along with the longstanding convention of medical insurance as a *job
benefit*, *very few* Americans have any direct control over the
quality of health care delivered for all the billions in spending. 

And as each year passes more laws and regulations encroach further
on any vestige of freedom in medicine. In the not so distant future
it may become totally illegal to pay for medical care directly! 

Against this sort of background, I can believe that cynicism and
callousness can infect even good men and women, just as even the 
*worst* of scoundrels are protected and nurtured within the system. 

I don't doubt your cousin sees his career choice as a mistake. It is
not the practice of medicine but the *business* of medicine that
dominates that marketplace today. I hear of many in the profession
advising their sons and daughters to *not* become doctors. 

I have thus far been spared the worst horrors of the system's
failures. I am acutely aware of, though I can scarcely begin to 
comprehend, the suffering and ill-treatment that some of our members
have experienced at their hands. 

I'm not about censoring or censure of anyone for expressing their 
feelings or telling their story. I do want us to find a way that is 
*respectful* of their feelings, yet does not drive away others who 
may be willing, and above all capable, of being of help to us.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Doc stuff and more

1998-07-06 Thread likowski
Doug (I have a brother by that name!) -

The test idea is a good one and I, too, will put in some money. Being on
a Welfare-type program, tho, I couldn't afford any more than $10
(sorry). But it did come to mind: What CS will be tested? Someone's
home-brewed? Some health food store brand? A name brand? As all who've
been following my story knows, I favor WaterOz. I wouldn't care if
another brand were tested because the WaterOz is literally saving my
life (and I have med records to prove it). I don't plan on ever
switching unless they go out of business ("if it ain't broke, don't fix
it"), so I think there'll be some disagreement on this issue.

Maybe it would be good to first find out from the group what the most
commonly used CS maker is (SOTA, etc) and use THAT as the base?

But I would still throw in $10 if the group decides to go for this, just
out of curiosity and for the evolution of CS knowledge.


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Re: Good Doctors & Plumbers !!

1998-07-06 Thread Douglas Haack
There are great plumbers and there are I'm sure great doctors. I have a
good personal friend who is a doctor, what we call a general
practitioner, who has a very successful practice. Sure, he makes a heap
of money, much more than I do working for myself.

He is dedicated and I find his medical skils and his attitude to his
patients beyond reproach. I use him as my own personal medico.

On the other hand he has no real interest in CS or Oxygen therapies etc
etc. He recently had to attend his father-in-law who was diagnosed with
cancer. Ironically this elderly in-law was a long time practising
chinese herbal doctor. Unable to cure himself the elder came to Sydney
to let the younger western trained medico attend him. Sydney has as much
start-of-the-art medical technology as most other large centres of the
western world.

The old herbalist has died in the meantime, we can safely assume that my
friend did everything he would normally do, and in this case more. I
don't believe he tried any alternatives, a large part of the problem was
that the older hebalist had let his condition go untreated for far too

I don't believe that this medico is in any way a bad person or inferior
being. He is a product of his training and I must admire and admit that
the training is very rigorous and one has to be interlectually very
cabable, have a near photographic memory and very dedicated to complete
one's medical course and the first years of initial hospital slavery
that young interns are subjected to both here and in the US.

Sure I can criticise him and say that he is more focussed on the dollar.
If he halved his patient load and used the saved time in seeking and
furthering his medical knowledge in the othodox and alternative area he
would be to say the least, an unusual person, probably almost a saintly

We have a local magazine here that is for the "Sceptics". A group of "so
called open-minded individuals" who need everything ablsolutely proven
to them in a scientific manner. etc etc. I per chance was given their
latest magizine. They had arranged for a small group of "patients" to
vist a range of alternative health practitioners. One modality was
Iridology, that practice of diagnosing ones state of health from the
colour patterns and flecks visible in the iris of the eyes.

One practitioner their patient visited, was one I had met and had some
knowledge about, so I took some notice of the published article.
Essentially the iridologist went thru his routine which lasted some
15/20 minutes, charged $45, taking colour photos of the eye patterns,
made a whole lot of statements that could be take a number ways.
Diagnosed problems that the patient had no symptoms or awareness of and
gererally came across in a very non precise medical or healthful manner.
The magazine of course gave him the general thumbs down and going by the
general tenor of the article the practitioner did'nt deserve much more.

Here in Sydney anybody can hang out their shingle and call themselves an
alternative health person etc etc. In fact I know two individuals who,
possibly out of boredom, did a massage course and now after some two or
three years have established themselves, one as an Iridologist and the
other as Naturopath. The iridologist whom I know well, has a pleasant
and sympthetic way about her and there she is positioning hereself as a
health expert. One can only hope they don't do any harm. And generally,
one must be, as a consumer in all things, "Be Aware" and vigilant of the
the good and bad plumbers and doctors.

I do believe that every body has the right to say and do as they so
please - as long as they do no "apparent harm". Yes, I do defend your
rights to be and to say whatever you please. Within the lawful limits.

I have become a dedicated CS consumer and thank the web for this
knowledge and will continue to take my own health power back and make my
own decisions. Always probing for the best knowledge and treatments.

When necessary I will run as fast as I can to the medical profession, if
I can benefit by their magic bullets and their quick fixes, if that's
what's needed for that particular problem.

Douglas Haack, syney Oz

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Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread Douglas Haack
Stick around and publish your alternative thoughts. Don't comply if you
feel you mustn't.

We need all your thoughts, just keep it friendly and practical.

Take care!

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1998-07-06 Thread Susan M. Yensen

How can you ?guess? at the ppm?  A solution I thought was high was low.  Is
this a special gift?

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-06 Thread Debbie McDonald
Reid Smith wrote:
 Dr. Rife found that the viruses that cause cancer come from
> the E-coli bacteria.  There are two and he called them the BX and BY
> virus. He found that when the E-coli bacteria was in the right medium
> it produced these viruses. When in one medium it produced the BX and when
> in another it produced the BY. These are the two that causes the two
> different types of cancer.
So, does he have frequencies that kill this? Forgive me, I am still very
ignorant about rife. Can you test for it? the BX and BY.  Deb 

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-06 Thread Debbie McDonald
Charles L. Church wrote:
> Hi Debbie,
> GSE, Grapefruit seed extract, also called "standardized extract of
> grapefruit", is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is effective against
> yeast and protazoans. However MANY people who take it get severe brain
> fog such as myself.
Oh, I have not listened to the excitotoxin url yet. I will tomorrow, my
computer is not set up to hear it:(. I have aspartame poisoning, I guess you
could say it ruined most of my adult life and continues , I guess. I will like
to hear this. Do you think that die off too can cause brain fog? You know some
say that coke(and others?) is putting aspartame in some products and not
labeling it as such, too small an amount or calling it flavoring I think is the
way they are getting around it. They said when Coke was called and asked point
blank, they would not answer the question.  Since I have regressed so much in
the last two months, I will see if CS will help me.  Deb 

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread M. G. Devour
Hello Paul!

Interesting and, dare I say provocative statements! I hope you won't 
get flamed (hint, hint) and we can have a reasonable discussion. God 
knows, there must be newcomers to the list who will be entertaining 
some of the same doubts and concerns. They should see the answers.

To wit..

On  5 Jul 98 at 19:51, Paul Bass wrote:

> I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am
> not now. I owe an explanation.

> (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.

*Not* if you talk to those here who have turned themselves around 
with its use. Not if you talk to those who have helped dozens of 
friends and aquaintances with it.

What *is* questionable is the details of it's manufacture and
exactly what is produced by different methods. Nor do we have a
complete understanding of how it works and what it can and cannot do
for certain. 

*Yes* there's a lot of work to be done, *but the core evidence* of
efficacy does *not* go away just because not everyone who tries it
succeeds. It definitely *is* effective where it is effective.

> (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want
> itDo you?

You won't find any evidence that CS as it is made and used today has
caused *anybody* to turn blue. The known toxic effect of
over-ingestion of silver, argyria, has only been seen in cases of
occupational exposure and high dosage silver *salts* that were
prescribed by doctors *many years ago.*

If you study the issue, you'll discover that the total amounts of 
silver being ingested by people using home-made CS and other 
preparations in the few tens of ppm range are so small that it would 
take months and years at very high dosages to accumulate to toxic 
levels *if* every microgram stayed in the body forever.

We've seen evidence that silver, as it is being used by members of
our list, is being excreted just fine, thank you! It is being found
in elevated levels in their feces. Provided it is of small enough
particle size, it just doesn't hang around.

> (3) There are better alternatives. olive leaf extract ... 
> grapefruit seed side effects!!!

As has already been pointed out, this is simpler and cheaper to make 
than those alternatives. I have no problem with discovering other 
things that are effective. My hope is that people will get better! If 
it's with silver, GfSE, olive leaf extract, or driving around in a 
convertible, I don't mind!

And, since the number one supposed side effect of silver does not 
seem to be happening, then I guess we'll look at the lesser ones, 
like intestinal flora disruption and herxheimer reactions, and see 
what we can learn about mitigating them.

>  Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this.
> That's okay..I enjoy it. 

As I said, your concerns are common and I think you've already 
responded favorably to some of the answers you've gotten.

I *don't* think the *others* here would enjoy a flame fest, however, 
and I hope you'll be as considerate as possible.

On this list we start with the assumption that CS works and is worthy 
of studying. Beyond that, healthy questioning and discussions are 
encouraged, as long as the participants are civil and courteous.

> Hope you read this far, Paul

You were concise and to the point! Be well, sir!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-06 Thread Tom Young
Dameon and listso true, so true!  I worked in a hospital for over a
year and had many occasions to enter the Doctors' lounges to service
internet computers.  I noticed that the bookshelves had more magazines about
money management and investing than on medical science...  certainly tells
us what THEIR priorities are

...Tom wrote:

> I can assure you that the thought of "helping" people comes *AFTER*
> thoughts of money and what they'll be buying and where they'll be going
> in the future.

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1998-07-06 Thread Susan M. Yensen
GsE=Grapefruit seed Extract

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Doc stuff and more

1998-07-06 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Wil, Ted and other list members,

I appreciate all your thoughtful comments and I hope I was not taken to
be holding the position that doctors are infallable. Progress and truth
are perpetually moving targets that all are hopefully striving toward.
There is much to say on this whole issue and it touches on many
disparate but related things. I will try to stay focused. 

My posting was in response to the "doctor bashing" and generally
negative view of what is called western medicine. Given the marvellous
history of western medicine this strikes me as something akin to
slapping your kid because he only got a B+ on his report card instead of
an A. Room for improvement. Absolutely. But not too shabby nonetheless.  

I have great sympathy for Damien and his problem. My family lost a dear
friend last year to CF. A delightful young man of 21 years with much
promise and we are still saddened by the thought of it. I also have a
close friend, a 40 year old woman, who was saved from the ravages of
breast cancer by the same western medicine that failed our young friend.
I would be the last to deny that we as human beings have much to learn
but we is where we is.

Since beginning to look into CS about six or eight months ago I have
come to believe that there is the POSSIBILITY that this may be a
substance of serious importance that has been overlooked. The majority
of evidence presented on this list has been anecdotal in nature. This is
not to diminish it but the fact remains that this is not the strongest
form of evidence on which to conclude the truth of a thing. Wil, you are
right that it has much value as a feedback mechanism, serving to confirm
and bolster the confidence in conlusions drawn from experiment and
controlled study. An example. A friend of mine was suffering for months
from a sinus problem resulting in headaches, runny nose, and flu-like
symptoms. I gave her some of my homebrewed CS of indeterminate
concentration which she began to take. Within a week all the symptoms
that had plagued her for months were gone. Did the CS cure her? Damned
if I know. Maybe it was an allergy and she changed her shampoo. Maybe
she dropped something from her diet. Maybe it was only coincidence and
her immune system finally just caught up to the task. These are the kind
of problems that are presented with anecdotal evidence.  Well, you might
say, look at all the positive anecdotes presented here. Again, for
drawing scientific conclusions it is no more than suggestive. Maybe
those who try CS and get no results simply walk away without ever
reporting the negative results. It seems to me that much on the list is
asserted as fact e.g. that 650 known pathogens can be killed by CS, or
that CS is both bactericidal and virucidal, or that CS functions by
disrupting the metablic pathways of bacteria, etc, is really nothing
more than opinion, speculation, or the repetition of previously espoused
myth. This sort of talk is fine and fun but does nothing to move CS
closer to having a solid base of test evidence which might intrigue
mainstream researchers enough to take the ball and run with it.

About a week or so ago Bob Wells posted an interesting message about a
friend that put him in contact with a firm that specialized in doing
"microbial challenge" tests for industry. They were supposed to be quite
capable of determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of a
particular substance. The cost for testing was given at about $400. This
strikes me as exactly the kind of basic science that we should be
pursuing. I suggested at that time that we start a small fund to cover
the cost of such testing and that I would be happy to salt it with $20
to get started.  No response :( . I reopen the challenge now and I will
up the ante. With a positive response from the list I will throw in $50
to jump start it. Don't tell me that you all wouldn't love to see the
results of such a test! I know that I would.

Best to all,


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Re: to flame

1998-07-06 Thread Douglas McMurtrie
Ah to Hell with it!. I replied to bjs flame in private but a public
attack deserves a public response.

Lots of anger there bjs, particularly for a person who hasn't been to a
doctor in 25 years. What is this, vicarious crankiness? If you want to
discuss, I'll discuss. If you want to go sarcastic, I'm perfectly able
to go there too. 

To answer your questions, such as they were. No I'm not a doctor nor
immediately related to any, although I have several friends who are

Yes I am from from this country but I've spent plenty of time in the
third world and I'm damned glad that I've got access to the medical care
here that you seem to hate so much. If you saw firsthand the misery that
exists out there you'd be a lot less quick to dismiss it.

And as to arrogance, arrogance is playing at scientist in your kitchen
lab in your spare time for six months then proposing to tell men and
women who've dedicated their lives to the field that they don't have a
clue what they're talking about. My field is computers. I've been doing
it for over 20 years. You want to come tell me you've invented a new
Super Duper Universal Program that will make any computer it runs on be
100 times faster than the hardware is designed for. Fine, but when we
have that conversation you had better know a bit from a byte to start
with or I just might be a little skeptical. Arrogance. you speak about
the AIDS virus. Who's on the front line exposing themselves to that
virus every day in order to care for the sick and infirm?  You?  No,
It's none other than those banes of human kind, the doctor. Save your
righteous indignation for something you have a right to be indignant

Best wishes,


P.S. With apologies to Mike and others, I know this isn't a productive
path. Silence from me for the immediate future.

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More Milk News

1998-07-06 Thread bjs1779
As threatned, I did another high tech test on milk.

I put two four oz. glasses out in the garage on Friday.
I put one teaspoon of CS in one of them. No signs of any
smell or curlding as of this morning(Monday). The other untreated
milk was FOUL smelling and curlded. So for the hell of it,
I put one oz of the CS treated milk in the bad stuff.
As of now, there is no smell in the bad one either. Tempreture
around 80 degrees ambient.

conclusion is that the CS is either a good antibacterial agent or
one hell of a deodorant. Anybody tested their CS yet?

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1998-07-06 Thread Susan M. Yensen
Sorry folks!

The RBC is 6-8 micrometers in diameter which is expressed as um--with a
tail on the u.

Thanks for the correction.  Would have been nice to have a conversation!

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: Doctors etc

1998-07-06 Thread bjs1779
Douglas McMurtrie wrote:
> Mike,
> Your statement about doctors was nicely done. Not having to be as
> balanced as the moderator though, I would go a step further myself. A
> large part of the problem with modern medicine is that it has been so

For Who? 

 Our expectations have been raised to the point that we
> expect perfection from them every time.

How many here expect perfection? Most everyone that has to rely
on modern medicine feels like it is sort of like rolling dice. And
of course, when it comes to the money, the dice are loaded.

  Any reasonably objective view
> of the capabilities of medicine today would have to conclude that the
> level of knowledge and efficacy is damned near miraculous.

> folks,  we wouldn't even have names and etiologies for any of the
> diseases that are spoken about on this list if not for the tireless
> efforts of doctors.

At this point, are you from this country?

 Look at what progress has been made in the general
> quality of life in the past hundred years alone. A hundred years ago a
> thing as small as a toothache could kill a person.

Today, something as small as a cavity can kill a person, especially
when the dentist passes on his Aids virus.

 There was only one
> option. Pull it. Today people in their sixties routinely have all their
> teeth in relatively healthy condition.

You seem to be evaluating teeth to health for the most part. Could
be that people just brush their teeth nowadays? That was not a standard
practice from what the old timers tell me.

 Just one tiny example out of
> thousands that could be provided as to how our greatly our lives have
> been improved by these despised doctors.

I haven't been to one in 25 years.  If I knew then what I know now, it
would of been 29 years. The last time I was really sick, it was from the
whooping cough, and I got that from the whooping cough vaccine!
My major surgery was uneventful enough though, the doctor burned
out a wart on the top of my skull with what looked like a soldering

, I respectfully suggest that the situation is completely
> reversed from that proposed. It is not that most doctors are incompetent
> scum with a few minor exceptions. It is the other way around. Most
> doctors are bright, knowlegeable, effective practicioners of medicine
> with a few minor (but harmful) exceptions

So you think they can overcome the complications of Viagra with

. The onus is on US to raise the quality of our
> experimentation and presentation if we hope to move this thing from the
> realm of folklore and make its benefits available to the public at
> large.

I suppose you could say the same thing about them. How many
STUDIES do these jokers get anyway? Coffee is bad, salt is bad,
the  list is so long that my brain automatically deletes that
information like
that. Then they do 180's on the previous studies! They haven't
got a clue what is going on. They are so EDUCATED that they think
they are IT. That is arrogance, and your explanation as to why they
shouldn't listen to ordinary people is arrogance personified.
Then when they can't do anymore for their patients with their
limited ways, they exile them to the land of Hospice. 
If you are a doctor or a relative to a doctor, obtain some high
quality CS and try it on the antibiotic resistant cases of staph before
they get butchered to smithereens.

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Re: Doctor bashing

1998-07-06 Thread likowski
In my very first response to this subject I used the term "scum",
including *most* doctors into that catagory. That was wrong. Douglas
McMurtrie, Mike D and others have made good points to the contrary in
their defense. 98% of all doctors are not "scum", but I think the
percentage of those in the medical field that are driven by ego and
selfish interests (monetary) are fair higher than just a few: Probably
more in the 50-75% range. If that weren't so, you'd be seeing a lot more
of them working for a lot less money and/or even going on "missions" to
other countries to work with devastated people who have literally
nothing. But instead you see them charging $100 (or more) for a
15-minute office visit and driving very nice cars and living in very
nice homes and taking very nice vacations (and many only "work" 4 or 5
hours a day, too); hardly suffering for their "cause" to "help"
humanity, in my opinion. Not to drag this thing out any longer because
it's getting really boring, but having been in the hospital more times
than I care to remember since the age of 4, and being up at all hours
while there, and getting to know MANY doctors and interns alike, and
listening to their conversations (sometimes without them realizing it),
I can assure you that the thought of "helping" people comes *AFTER*
thoughts of money and what they'll be buying and where they'll be going
in the future. Sorry to step on any toes here, but this is pure and
honest observation; I have *nothing* to gain by making such statements.
In fact, in a sense, I'm "biting the hand that feeds me" because I could
have another lung collapse and be under their complete control tomorrow!
But the truth is the truth. My own cousin is a surgeon who's been
"varifying" this truth for the past 10 years to me with *many* stories
of operations that don't need to be done and wrong drugs that are
routinely given and other negligences that are swept under the rug
continually. I personally TWICE IN THE PAST YEAR have had to prove
to/remind my doctor of the drug mistakes he was making with me(!), but
he wasn't paid any less for doing a bad job! They are, for the most
part, untouchable -- and they know it. And *this* is where any "evil"
inherent in the situation ferments (in my opinion). Even *if* they *do*
get prosecuted for some mishap, they just pack up and move to another
state and start a practice there! Amazingly, *VERY* few ever actually
lose their license! By the way: My cousin is sick of it all and is
planning on leaving the medical field; he's currently writing a book on
The Bible.

See ya!


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Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread Paul Bass
You have an excellent point. The things I mentioned as alternatives must be
purchased. I agree.
-Original Message-
From: John and Valerie Surgeon 
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

>At 07:51 PM 7/5/98 -, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>> I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now.
>I owe an explanation.
>> (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
>> (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo
>> (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit
>seed side effects!!!
>> Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's
>okay..I enjoy it.
>> Hope you read this far,
>>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Silver.htm"
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread Paul Bass

-Original Message-
From: It's not me 
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

And your purpose for telling us all this is what?
To attempt to share information.

  Trolling for a fight or trying to sell us some Olive Leaf or Grapefruit 
Seed Extract?

  Your post is a bit like going to mass and standing up in the middle of 
the service and yelling Catholicism sucks.
My post is more like someone discussing silver on a silver list..imagine 

-Original Message-
From: W P BASS 
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 7:02 PM
Subject: Silver?..Are you sure?

Hi all,
 I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not 
now. I owe an explanation. 
 (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
 (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want 
itDo you?
 (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit 
seed side effects!!!
 Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. 
That's okay..I enjoy it.
 Hope you read this far,

Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread Paul Bass
You have a point. We don't have the ability to make GSE and olive trees
won't grow everywhere.
-Original Message-
From: John and Valerie Surgeon 
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

>At 07:51 PM 7/5/98 -, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>> I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now.
>I owe an explanation.
>> (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
>> (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo
>> (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit
>seed side effects!!!
>> Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's
>okay..I enjoy it.
>> Hope you read this far,
>>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Silver.htm"
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

TDS - 1 - My results

1998-07-06 Thread clogic
For those who are comparing TDS notes, here are my results:

Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA
Room temp: 81 F
Tap water: 121 ppm
Filtered water: 131 ppm (after 1 min of running water)
Sprinkler well water: 184 ppm
Office tap water (Miami): 175 ppm
5 gallon Zepherhills (sp?): 152 ppm
Distilled water (Clear Springs, Steam distillation): 1 ppm
CS: 8 ppm (old batch, will update after I can recreate same ppm after multiple 


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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Peter/MS

1998-07-06 Thread Susan M. Yensen
Peter, dear,

Been thinking about things.  Seems that all the systems have to be
"tweaked" to perform better.  Not just the symptoms but the cause.

Look at  Follow the directions there and see
if you wawnt to persue this or if you fit into the category to be also
dealing with this.  Happens to people who are stressed--body and otherwise.
Makes perfect sense and hopefully there would be a doc to help you with
this.  Once I brought the body temp up thje pain diminished.  I'm in the
middle of doing this so I don't know the ultimate answer.   "Resetting the
thyroid in people with low temps and normal thyroid tests.

Just a thought to pass on to you.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Provocative thoughts

1998-07-06 Thread bjs1779
Charles L. Church wrote:

> Secondly, I've been meaning to suggest to the list another WILD
> possibility... please forgive me if I seem rustic, but could the removal
> of silver and gold coin from circulation be a major contributing factor
> the onset of so many modern diseases? Mankind have used these for money,
> (and for very good reason), from creation till now, and now all these
> wierd diseases? 
> Charles

I have noticed that decaying bacteria SEEM to be inhibited by the
mere proximity of silver. So, if you had silver bed springs, you
otta be in pretty good shape. Maybe the people who invented
SILVERWARE aren't so dumb.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Doctors etc

1998-07-06 Thread Douglas McMurtrie

Your statement about doctors was nicely done. Not having to be as
balanced as the moderator though, I would go a step further myself. A
large part of the problem with modern medicine is that it has been so
SUCCESSFUL. Our expectations have been raised to the point that we
expect perfection from them every time.  Any reasonably objective view
of the capabilities of medicine today would have to conclude that the
level of knowledge and efficacy is damned near miraculous. Remember
folks,  we wouldn't even have names and etiologies for any of the
diseases that are spoken about on this list if not for the tireless
efforts of doctors. Look at what progress has been made in the general
quality of life in the past hundred years alone. A hundred years ago a
thing as small as a toothache could kill a person. There was only one
option. Pull it. Today people in their sixties routinely have all their
teeth in relatively healthy condition. Just one tiny example out of
thousands that could be provided as to how our greatly our lives have
been improved by these despised doctors. Having said that, I do agree
however, (as my father used to tell me) we should always be aware that
50% of the doctors finished in the bottom half of their class :). I
could also easily juxtapose the progress of so called allopathic
medicine with some of the New Age "medicine" that is regularly promoted
here but that would only be inflammatory so I resist the temptation. In
any case, I respectfully suggest that the situation is completely
reversed from that proposed. It is not that most doctors are incompetent
scum with a few minor exceptions. It is the other way around. Most
doctors are bright, knowlegeable, effective practicioners of medicine
with a few minor (but harmful) exceptions. Remember also that we are
mucking about in their world from a certain point of view. If an M.D.
seems arrogant about some of these matters we shouldn't forget that this
is an individual who has been highly trained and educated about these
very same matters and lives and works in that environment 365 days a
year. Why should he believe a bunch of "scientifically uneducated"
people that provide only anecdotal evidence ( the weakest type of
evidence ).  The onus is on US to raise the quality of our
experimentation and presentation if we hope to move this thing from the
realm of folklore and make its benefits available to the public at

I'll stop now before descending into a full blown rant and apologize
in advance if I've offended.

Kindest regards to all.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread It's not me

And your purpose for telling us all this is what?  Trolling for a fight or 
trying to sell us some Olive Leaf or Grapefruit Seed Extract?  Your post is a 
bit like going to mass and standing up in the middle of the service and yelling 
Catholicism sucks.
-Original Message-
From: W P BASS 
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 7:02 PM
Subject: Silver?..Are you sure?

Hi all,
 I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now. 
I owe an explanation. 
 (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
 (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo 
 (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit seed side effects!!!
 Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's 
okay..I enjoy it.
 Hope you read this far,

Re: Silver?..Are you sure?

1998-07-06 Thread John and Valerie Surgeon
At 07:51 PM 7/5/98 -, you wrote:
>Hi all,
> I have been here for a while. I was all for silver a first. I am not now.
I owe an explanation. 
> (1) Silver is questionable in it's effectiveness.
> (2)Silver may have after effects...(turning blue)...I don't want itDo
> (3) There are better alternatives.olive leaf extract...grapefruit
seed side effects!!!
> Thats it! My two cents worth. I suspect I will be flamed for this. That's
okay..I enjoy it.
> Hope you read this far,
>Attachment Converted: "c:\eudora\attach\Silver.htm"


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