Re: CS>Alkaline quick fix...

1999-07-11 Thread Charles Marcus
> Hi Cybersilversippers...
>I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody
> got a quick
> fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas
> besides lemons?
>Please...I am drooping badly
> V
>  i
>   l
> k

According to Paul Bragg, there is nothing like fresh
celery juice for heat related problems (including 'salt
depletion', as it is loaded with organic sodium).


Charles Marcus

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CS>Re: l-tryptophan

1999-07-11 Thread Jnenorth
Be very careful with l-tryptophan, I took it 10 or so years ago when I was in 
college and recall it made me feel funny--unfortunately with this lyme brain 
I can't recall how, but my Mom just reminded me we had trouble with it. I 
seem to recall it had to do with memory loss --no really, I am serious.
Susan L

In a message dated 99-07-10 09:42:04 EDT, you write:

<< >> >2) Some people might be interested to learn that
 >> >L-Tryptophan is available from the same kinds of
 >> >sources - just be sure and DON'T tell them you are
 >> >buying it for your OWN consumption. Just tell them you
 >> >have a depressed dog or cat.
 > would this be the same l-tryptophan that is created when one
 > warms up their
 > milk?
 > James Vernon, Allison
 > Allison's Apothecary
 It is pharmaceutical grade L-Tryptophan, the same stuff
 you used to buy in capsules in the health food store
 before it was unlawfully banned by the FDA.

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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-11 Thread Scharbach

Once again thanks for the info.


>One oxygen atom can make a lot of difference sometimes.  For example carbon
>monoxide and carbon dioxide -- one is vital for life and the other a deadly
>However, this doesn't explain the difference in regulation between MSM and
>DMSO.  I believe DMSO can be quite dangerous because of its ability to
>transport substances through the skin.  Some chemists working with
>insecticides got seriously poisoned when some insecticide dissolved in DMSO
>got on their hands.  If you use it, both your hands and the area you are
>applying it to must be clean and it must be uncontaminated.
>Anyway, no idea about regulations.  I am a chemist not a politician.
>CE stands for (in this case) chemical engineering, but of course CE is also
>the European equivalent of the FCC.  IUPAC is "international union of pure
>and applied chemists"

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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-11 Thread Reid Smith
>  Joint problem, I guess.  When I bend my fingers toward the palm, they stick 
>down and I have to pull them up. Ouch!  Now my thumbs are aching fiercely.  I 
>am now taking MSM, condroitin, magnesium, B6, glucosomine sulfate,and Cetyl 
>Myristoleate.  Will start calcium now too.   Thanks.   janet

   Try potassium and see what you get. Eat allot of banannas or baked potatoes.
For a quick responce blend up some banannas and warm water then soak your
in it for a while.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Reid Smith
>> is their web site.
>>Take Care 
>Unless there has been a new development in the last few months... (do you
>know something I do not, Reid?)...this is not the website for the WaterOz
>company...a distributor is using their name and product. (I don't
>understand it either...) If you want to support the company that invents
>and makes the products, call 1 800 574 1897.
>They have good catalogues and the "smart guys" are fun to talk to. 

  Note the waterozM not wateroz. That is what I was told by the person that
manufactures wateroz. (Dave?)

Take Care 

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Re: cs can it be used by bee keepers ?

1999-07-11 Thread Reid Smith
>Nancy Goldblatt wrote:
>> Recently met a person who is a bee keeper.  In talking to him , found out
>> there has been a huge destruction of bees by a mite that infests them.
>> He said he was using essential oils to combat the mite, however, would
>> prefer not to have to do this.
>> My question is, does anyone know if cs could be used to destroy the mite
>> that kills the bees?  If so would he add cs to their food or spray it on
>> bees?

>The testing on this has been completed.  Unfortunately it seems that
>honeybees require bacteria in their gut to digest honey, and feeding CS will
>cause them to starve to death.

   You used too much CS try a much lower dose.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Calcium deposits

1999-07-11 Thread Charles Marcus
> Tom Young wrote:
>> Great!... and has everyone noticed how just recently, all
>> the food manufacturers are pumping extra calcium into almost
>> everything they make, claiming it will "help your bones!"?
>> WHAT precipitated this sudden nonsense? Ignorant marketing
>> hype or deliberate intent to feed the public illness
>> industry?

>> Also, I thought I read somewhere that calcium MUST be
>> accompanied by some other substance to be absorbed properly?

> Probably magnesium.  If you take calcium without balancing it
> with magnesium it messes up your nervous system if I recall
> correctly.  I believe that was from one of Adale davis's
> books.
> Marshall

These are the best arguments AGAINST individualized
supplemantation. The best form of supplementation is a
WHOLE FOOD supplement, and the best of these, imho, are
the superfoods, and specifically, for calcium, the
dehydrated green grass juices. It is my understanding
that dehydrated wheatgrasss juice has 10 TIMEs the
calcium of a glass of milk, and on top of this,
virtually ALL of this calcium is in an assimilable
form, whereas the calcium in cows milk is 90%

The superfoods contain virtually ALL ofthe minerals,
etc, IN BALANCE, so the above problems simply AREN'T.


Charles Marcus

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Re: CS>dark rings around eyes

1999-07-11 Thread boberger
Lack of water!!! are you drinking 6-8 70z glasses a day not pop or coffee?


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Re: CS>Samm..water ionizer

1999-07-11 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-11 15:34:03 EDT, writes:

>  How
>  > can this work for $59 and the one's on the market are $1,000? How can we
>  > find out? How can we go into business and make a million? Inquiring minds
>  > want to know...
>  > 
>  > Ask him if he can order more...Pulleeezzz
>I would like one too.
>Ron Brennen

I plan to go this week and ask a lot of questions.  I'll keep you all in 
mind and ask about shipping and re-orders, etc.

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Re: CS>RE: HELP needed! Getting Silver stains off Formica counter tops

1999-07-11 Thread boberger

Was the CS home made of Commercial? I have not seen home made CS stain anything.
One batch of CS that I testes for someone was supposed to be 500 ppm and wa 
40 ppm with yellow food color.

If it is food color the a dilute soluton of chlorox will take it out.


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CS>Those STUBBORN stains!!

1999-07-11 Thread Liz Pavek
I was just wondering  if silver is tarnished by sulphur compounds in the 
air, wouldn't MSM react with it somehow?  Maybe try sprinking a capsule of MSM 
on you dampened stain and let it sit for a while.  It's worth an experiment.


Re: CS>MSM ...Danger?

1999-07-11 Thread Marsha Hallett

>Hi, from what I have read, extensively, MSM is organic sulfur, something
>we all need and most people are deficient in.  James Coburn, movie actor,
>cured his arthritis with it. janet

Dear Janet, He did? Why were his hands all bent up at the Oscars then??

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CS>marshall-fingers that when bent get stuck and hurt

1999-07-11 Thread Nancy Goldblatt
Marshall, You may have something called "trigger finger".  It is very
painful. I have found an herb that "cured trigger finger".  Cats Claw, one
or two capsules a day.  It is a natural anti-inflamatory.  I believe it is
good for the immune system too.

I have had problems with 4 fingers.  I tried everything before I found Cat's
Claw.  I had ultrasound, chiropractic, and tons of other stuff(herbs and

Before I found the Cats Claw I was in so much pain I agreed to surgery for
two of the fingers and they sliced into my Hands just below the finger in
the palm.  I wish I had known about Cats Claw previously so I could have
avoided the surgery.  You can purschase it at any health food store.  Nancy

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Re: CS>Unusual way to make CS

1999-07-11 Thread Tom Trauberman
  Could you supply more info about this machine?

--- Begin Message ---
Greetings Anti-flummoxers of the CS art,

 Looking over the Syncrometer (1995)in Hulda Clarks book, Cure for all
Diseases, brought to mind the Hieronymous machine (Dr. Hieronymous
1949). Reviewing both machines indicates they both use resonance of
unknown Substances and are detected by the operators senses. Many years
ago used the Symbolic Hieronymous machine with good results. Thought it
may be interesting to try a Symbolic CS Generator. Sure enough, it
worked after a few wrong tries. A VERY open mind is required for this or
it won`t work. Working on the hypothesis of the Eloptic Radiation
booster (an animus machine)(Henry Gross 1946) tried visualizing in my
mind the smallest details of atoms and electrons reacting to an electric
field and making CS. It worked, made 5ppm CS.
 Using two green plants, applied standard current made CS to one plant
and Symbolic CS Generator CS to the other plant. Both plants were
monitored for GRS changes while the CS was being applied. Both plants
responded the same way when each had the two versions of CS applied to
them. (GRS, galvanic skin resistance). Put the Symbolic CS Generator CS
on some fungus, it died. Put some on a pimple and the inflamation went
away. Hummm, very interesting. Have to try some more things. 
 The Hieronymous machine detected silver in the solution and the
Syncrometer also detected silver in the solution.
 Details for making the machines and GRS monitor are free for anyone who
wants them.
  The animus machine is also refered to as the wishing machine. It can
hurt poeple when used by persons who lack control of their emotions.
Causing hurt on a person who does not deserve it will reflect back to
the operator ten fold. I think a better name for it is *empressement*
machine. :-)

  Bless you Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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--- End Message ---

Re: CS>Samm..water ionizer

1999-07-11 Thread RON BRENNEN
Vilik Rapheles wrote:
> >
> >I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box says one
> >side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes acidic
> >water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?
> >Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here
> >first.  Thanks.
> >Samm
> >~~~
> Geez louise girlfriend, you may be onto a goldmine here if these things
> work. Boy do I want one (Looks like Susan beat me to the extra one...) How
> can this work for $59 and the one's on the market are $1,000? How can we
> find out? How can we go into business and make a million? Inquiring minds
> want to know...
> Ask him if he can order more...Pulleeezzz
  I would like one too.
  Ron Brennen

> ~^^V^^~
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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CS stains on countertop...

1999-07-11 Thread Pam Whitmire
I'm curious to know what kind of stain the CS left, and how it left a stain.
Does it interact with formica in some way?

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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-11 Thread RON BRENNEN wrote:
> Marshall,
>   Joint problem, I guess.  When I bend my fingers toward the palm, they stick
> down and I have to pull them up. Ouch!  Now my thumbs are aching fiercely.  I
> am now taking MSM, condroitin, magnesium, B6, glucosomine sulfate,and Cetyl
> Myristoleate.  Will start calcium now too.   Thanks.   janet

  Don't take calcium, this may be the cause of the problem.
  The body rejects calcium suppements. It prefers making it's own from  
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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Re: CS>RE: HELP needed! Getting Silver stains off Formica counter tops

1999-07-11 Thread RON BRENNEN
Vilik Rapheles wrote:
> At 01:48 PM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
> >I have spilled some CS on a Formica counter top and can't get the stains
> out.
> >I have tried peroxide and that helped slightly but the stains are still
> quite
> >evident. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Carol
> >~

  Try potassium permanganate.

> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Calcium deposits/water ionizer?

1999-07-11 Thread Alialley
In a message dated 7/10/99 11:10:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box says one 
 side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes acidic 
 water and the other makes alkaline.   >>

What could be the chemistry of this???

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1999-07-11 Thread Tim Lunsford
What causes CS to turn green after about 48 hours this has only happened
twice the rest of the time it remains clear but wonder about why only twice

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CS>Unusual way to make CS

1999-07-11 Thread Tai-Pan
Greetings Anti-flummoxers of the CS art,

 Looking over the Syncrometer (1995)in Hulda Clarks book, Cure for all
Diseases, brought to mind the Hieronymous machine (Dr. Hieronymous
1949). Reviewing both machines indicates they both use resonance of
unknown Substances and are detected by the operators senses. Many years
ago used the Symbolic Hieronymous machine with good results. Thought it
may be interesting to try a Symbolic CS Generator. Sure enough, it
worked after a few wrong tries. A VERY open mind is required for this or
it won`t work. Working on the hypothesis of the Eloptic Radiation
booster (an animus machine)(Henry Gross 1946) tried visualizing in my
mind the smallest details of atoms and electrons reacting to an electric
field and making CS. It worked, made 5ppm CS.
 Using two green plants, applied standard current made CS to one plant
and Symbolic CS Generator CS to the other plant. Both plants were
monitored for GRS changes while the CS was being applied. Both plants
responded the same way when each had the two versions of CS applied to
them. (GRS, galvanic skin resistance). Put the Symbolic CS Generator CS
on some fungus, it died. Put some on a pimple and the inflamation went
away. Hummm, very interesting. Have to try some more things. 
 The Hieronymous machine detected silver in the solution and the
Syncrometer also detected silver in the solution.
 Details for making the machines and GRS monitor are free for anyone who
wants them.
  The animus machine is also refered to as the wishing machine. It can
hurt poeple when used by persons who lack control of their emotions.
Causing hurt on a person who does not deserve it will reflect back to
the operator ten fold. I think a better name for it is *empressement*
machine. :-)

  Bless you Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: CS>MSM ...Danger?

1999-07-11 Thread JMarsh4185
Hi, from what I have read, extensively, MSM is organic sulfur, something that 
we all need and most people are deficient in.  James Coburn, movie actor, 
cured his arthritis with it. janet

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Re: CS>RE: HELP needed! Getting Silver stains off Formica counter tops

1999-07-11 Thread Vilik Rapheles
At 01:48 PM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
>I have spilled some CS on a Formica counter top and can't get the stains
>I have tried peroxide and that helped slightly but the stains are still
>evident. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Carol
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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CS>No Subject

1999-07-11 Thread Kato109
Hi Samm,
my doctor gave me a book on how ionized water was the key to health and 
longevity - don't know if it's true or not - but would be very curious to try 
one that doesn't cost $1,000 or more as most seem to. Would you also let me 
know if you get it and if it seems to work.? And then maybe get the name of 
the store or of the ionizer and I can see if I can find one in LA. 
Thanks so much.

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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-11 Thread Dennis Lipter
This alkaline water business sounds interesting. I wonder if Brooks Bradley has
any pearls of wisdom on the subject?

Dennis Lipter

"Susan M. Yensen" wrote:

> At 04:00 AM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
> Thanks Samm!!  I'll be around here.  Just let me know.  Pleeease look to
> see if it is tin or stainless or something that is safe VS something that
> might leach out something that isn't good  Thanks again.
> Susan
> >He had two at the store, collecting dust.  I didn't pull the one out of
> >the box, but saw the top of it.  The instructions and explanations were all
> >in Korean except for one brief overview in English.  I can ask if he will
> >ship one.  Overall, it looked like a nice double-barrelled coffee maker.  I
> >*thought* that sounded like a good price.  Admittedly, I didn't pay much
> >attention to the discussion of ionized water when it was going on a few
> weeks
> >back.  I'll be down his way this Wednesday or the next Wednesday.  I'll
> >inquire about the shipping  -- to see if it's a possibility.  :)
> >Samm
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
> Susan
> "Light is Living in God's Holy Thoughts"
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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CS>Vitamin D

1999-07-11 Thread Kato109
Hi Edith - the study did say that people were less deficient during summer 
months and in warmer climates - but they were still deficient.
Go figure.

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CS>RE: HELP needed! Getting Silver stains off Formica counter tops

1999-07-11 Thread EJFisch
I have spilled some CS on a Formica counter top and can't get the stains out. 
I have tried peroxide and that helped slightly but the stains are still quite 
evident. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Carol

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>**? Sucralose

1999-07-11 Thread Debbie McDonald
Hi all,
  Does anyone have any info on sucralose? After aspartame, I am
paranoid. Deb

   Debbie McDonald

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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-11 Thread JMarsh4185
  Joint problem, I guess.  When I bend my fingers toward the palm, they stick 
down and I have to pull them up. Ouch!  Now my thumbs are aching fiercely.  I 
am now taking MSM, condroitin, magnesium, B6, glucosomine sulfate,and Cetyl 
Myristoleate.  Will start calcium now too.   Thanks.   janet

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Michael Anthony
Doesn't wateroz have a web site?

Vilik Rapheles wrote:
> > is their web site.
> >
> >Take Care
> >Reid
> >
> Unless there has been a new development in the last few months... (do you
> know something I do not, Reid?)...this is not the website for the WaterOz
> company...a distributor is using their name and product. (I don't
> understand it either...) If you want to support the company that invents
> and makes the products, call 1 800 574 1897.
> They have good catalogues and the "smart guys" are fun to talk to.
> ~^^V^^~
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >
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CS>radioactive metal in household products

1999-07-11 Thread Debbie McDonald
> RE: LOOPHOLE: Radioactive Metal in Household Products
> >From the Common Dreams News Center . . .
> > JULY 7, 1999  3:57 PM
> > CONTACT: Public Citizen
> >
> > Legal Loophole Opens Floodgates:
> > Radioactive Metal Can Be Used in
> > Household Products
> >
> > WASHINGTON - July 7 - A recent decision in a federal lawsuit
> > will result in the continued recycling of thousands of tons of
> > radioactive metal for use in household products because of a
> > loophole in the Superfund cleanup law.
> >
> > Plaintiffs in the lawsuit sought to force the U.S. Department of
> > Energy (DOE) to conduct an environmental impact study of a
> > $250 million DOE contract awarded in 1997 to British Nuclear
> > Fuels Ltd. (BNFL) to "recycle" radioactive metals from uranium
> > enrichment plants in Tennessee. Such a study would have
> > delayed and possibly prevented the reuse of the radioactive
> > metal.
> >
> > "The BNFL contract is precedent-setting and is resulting in an
> > experimental recycling process that will allow an estimated
> > 100,000 tons of radioactive metals to be sold as scrap metal for
> > use in items ranging from frying pans to baby carriages," said
> > Wenonah Hauter, director of Public Citizen's Critical Mass
> > Energy Project.
> >
> > In a June 29 decision, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler of
> > Washington, D.C. used strong language about the danger this
> > recycling poses to the public but said she could not order the
> > DOE to write an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
> > because, under a provision of the Superfund law, citizens are
> > barred from bringing suit until the cleanup is completed.
> >
> > The judge described as "startling and worrisome" the absence
> > of opportunity for "public scrutiny or input on a matter of such
> > grave importance." She went on to say that "the lack of public
> > scrutiny is only compounded by the fact that the recycling
> > process BNFL intends to use is entirely experimental at this
> > stage."
> >
> > The judge said that "the potential for environmental harm is
> > great, especially given the unprecedented amount of hazardous
> > materials which the Defendants seek to recycle."
> >
> > The nuclear industry, in cooperation with the federal
> > government, has been attempting to "deregulate" radioactive
> > metals from weapon facilities and decommissioned nuclear
> > power plants since the 1970s. Public Citizen and other citizens’
> > organizations have successfully organized to prevent this
> > recycling prior to the recent BNFL contract.
> >
> > The lawsuit was brought by the Paper, Allied-Industrial,
> > Chemical and Energy Workers Union (PACE), the Nuclear
> > Information and Resource Service (NIRS) and other groups.
> >
> > "Public Citizen, NIRS and other organizations are engaged in a
> > campaign to educate consumers about the threat to their
> > families’ health by the recycling of unknown quantities of
> > radioactive metal and other materials with unknown levels of
> > radiation into products that reach their homes," Hauter said.
> >
> >  ###
> >   © Copyrighted 1997-1999. All rights Reserved. Common Dreams
> ** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this
> material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed
> a prior interest in receiving the included information for research
> and educational purposes. **

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CS>Samm..water ionizer

1999-07-11 Thread Vilik Rapheles
>I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box says one 
>side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes acidic 
>water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  
>Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here 
>first.  Thanks.
Geez louise girlfriend, you may be onto a goldmine here if these things
work. Boy do I want one (Looks like Susan beat me to the extra one...) How
can this work for $59 and the one's on the market are $1,000? How can we
find out? How can we go into business and make a million? Inquiring minds
want to know...

Ask him if he can order more...Pulleeezzz

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CS>MSM ...Danger?

1999-07-11 Thread Vilik Rapheles


   Let me jump in to the dicussion of MSM and DMSO belatedly to say that
Dave at WaterOz believes MSM is very dangerous long-term. He took it for
about a year and says he "ended up in a wheelchair." He believes it can be
a help as a carrier (as Brooks uses it) because it is not metabolized and
goes right to the blood stream, or/and for an initial few months to clean
things out. However, because it is not metabolized, it is not broken down
into components, and it builds up. If you want to talk to Dave, call 1 800
547 2294. Don't ask me...I don't know any more about it! However, it is a
good idea to remember that this is a NEW product, and nobody knows the long
term effects.


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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/11/99 11:32:42 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Figure a liter (1000 ml is approximately a quart).  There are 4 cups in a
 quart, so 750 ml would be approximately 3 cups.  More accurately it is just
 slightly over 3 cups.
 Marshall >>

Thank you Marshall!!

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Vilik Rapheles
> is their web site.
>Take Care 

Unless there has been a new development in the last few months... (do you
know something I do not, Reid?)...this is not the website for the WaterOz
company...a distributor is using their name and product. (I don't
understand it either...) If you want to support the company that invents
and makes the products, call 1 800 574 1897.
They have good catalogues and the "smart guys" are fun to talk to. 


>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-11 Thread Susan M. Yensen
At 04:00 AM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:

Thanks Samm!!  I'll be around here.  Just let me know.  Pleeease look to
see if it is tin or stainless or something that is safe VS something that
might leach out something that isn't good  Thanks again.


>He had two at the store, collecting dust.  I didn't pull the one out of 
>the box, but saw the top of it.  The instructions and explanations were all 
>in Korean except for one brief overview in English.  I can ask if he will 
>ship one.  Overall, it looked like a nice double-barrelled coffee maker.  I 
>*thought* that sounded like a good price.  Admittedly, I didn't pay much 
>attention to the discussion of ionized water when it was going on a few
>back.  I'll be down his way this Wednesday or the next Wednesday.  I'll 
>inquire about the shipping  -- to see if it's a possibility.  :)
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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"Light is Living in God's Holy Thoughts"

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Re: cs can it be used by bee keepers ?

1999-07-11 Thread Marshall Dudley
Nancy Goldblatt wrote:

> Recently met a person who is a bee keeper.  In talking to him , found out
> there has been a huge destruction of bees by a mite that infests them.
> He said he was using essential oils to combat the mite, however, would
> prefer not to have to do this.
> My question is, does anyone know if cs could be used to destroy the mite
> that kills the bees?  If so would he add cs to their food or spray it on
> bees?

The testing on this has been completed.  Unfortunately it seems that
honeybees require bacteria in their gut to digest honey, and feeding CS will
cause them to starve to death.

Here is the report I just received on it:

Subject:  Results of Tests
   Date:   Sun, 11 Jul 1999 08:32:16 EDT
   From:  beeman

Dear Marshall,

  On July 1 1999 an experiment was begun to test your idea for use of
colloidal silver solution in the treatment of Mites in Honey Bee colonies.

July 1
 Feed healthy observation hive silver solution at agreed measurement of 1 cup

to 1 gal ( liquid measurement ). Use of healthy hive will determine possible
toxicity to the bees themselves.

3:00 am - Confined bees to hive for initial feeding, Noted healthy laying
queen, 1 solid frame of brood, 1 partial frame, 1 empty super frame. All
frames covered with bees. No disease noted, no mites noted.
12:00 pm - Prepared 1 quart of solution and began feeding.
6:00 pm - Hive has taken aprox 1/4 quart jar. Outlying cells in the upper
brood frame are being filled with solution. Conditions normal.
6:30 pm - Noted queen laying normally.
9:15 pm - Wax drawing in progress in the upper brood frame, to increase
storage area. Bees on frame in " sweating posture " creating wax.

July 2 1999
11:00 am - Hive remains healthy. Aprox 1/2 quart of the solution has now been

taken in. Activity normal , Workers looking for a way out to forage. Will
confine them for 24 more hours, by then almost all food within hive will be
solution since there was only a little honey stored to begin with.
10:17 pm - Bottom of hive found to be clogged with dead bees. Have no choice
but to return them outside and open hive, will obtain bees for disection.
10:30 pm - Beginning disection by standard method used in Nosema detection.
10:50 pm - Disection is proving very difficult, results are the same with
euthanized bees recovered from hive as with bead bees. The abdomen of the bee

is greatly swollen, attempts to remove the gut in the usual manner is
By slightly tearing the outer carapace it is possible to remove the gut.

Examination reveals the rectum to be greatly distended and filling most of
the abdomen ( almost like bees confined for a long period in the winter ) The

contents of the rectum are dark grey to black, ( 1 out of 30 contained a
yellowish color feces ). Vent. appears normal ; light grey to brown and not
Outwardly the bees appear normal, death does not appear to be caused by " old

age ".

July 3 1999
8:15 am - What remains this morning of 3 solid frames of bees appears to be
600 - 800 bees covering the brood as best as possible.
Removed aprox 1 level pint of dead bees from interior bottom of hive,
remaining adult workers on exterior of hive, move very little and 10 were
actually observed to fall off onto the ground. They do not attempt flight.
Total uptake of solution : 1/2 quart , suspected leakage of 1/4 ounce
Removed solution jar at this time.

July 4 1999
No further massive deaths.

July 5 1999
Will leave the hive to itself until the 11th. A week should be long enough to

see if it will begin to recover.

July 11 1999
7:00 am
Found ground in front of hive covered with dead bees. Inspection of hive
revealed all brood rearing to have stopped.
All honey stores are gone and many bees are found dead " head in " the cells
as can be found in starvation cases in winter. All brood that was being fed a

week ago is gone. The queen is alive and the bees appear to be surviving on
buckwheat nectar from the field nearby. Only 1 frame of bees remain. No
attempt on the queens part to lay( probably due to lack of stores).


Although the initial idea of using the silver solution seemed sound, the
Honey Bee is after all an insect and the solution has had the same effect on
them as was hoped for in the mite,  Starvation.
The bees simply gorged themselves to death, no matter how much they ate they
still starved.

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Marshall Dudley
Figure a liter (1000 ml is approximately a quart).  There are 4 cups in a
quart, so 750 ml would be approximately 3 cups.  More accurately it is just
slightly over 3 cups.

Marshall wrote:

> In a message dated 7/11/99 1:12:11 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Hi,
>  Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
>  times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
>  Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
>  Candida Albicans, thank the maker!
>   >>
> Simon,
> So as not to have to use my brain or a book,  how much is 750mla cup or
> what
> edith
> --
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Re: CS>[CS] DMSO as transport mech

1999-07-11 Thread Marshall Dudley

Bill Schramm wrote:

> One oxygen atom can make a lot of difference sometimes.  For example carbon
> monoxide and carbon dioxide -- one is vital for life and the other a deadly
> poison.
> However, this doesn't explain the difference in regulation between MSM and
> DMSO.  I believe DMSO can be quite dangerous because of its ability to
> transport substances through the skin.  Some chemists working with
> insecticides got seriously poisoned when some insecticide dissolved in DMSO
> got on their hands.  If you use it, both your hands and the area you are
> applying it to must be clean and it must be uncontaminated.
> Anyway, no idea about regulations.  I am a chemist not a politician.
> CE stands for (in this case) chemical engineering, but of course CE is also
> the European equivalent of the FCC.  IUPAC is "international union of pure
> and applied chemists"

I understand DMSO being used as a carrier to carry compounds that dissolve in
it.  But I see that people here are using it with CS.  Since CS does not
dissolve in DMSO,  I don't see how it could act as a transport agent.  Can it
transport colloids as well?  Since you are a chemist I thought maybe you would



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Re: CS>Alkaline quick fix...

1999-07-11 Thread Jim
SALT, the original mineral supplement.

I haven't seen anyone post how much additional salt was being ingested.  Lots of
salt in the summer is a must.  The same doctor that tells you not to eat silver
tells you not to eat salt.  Don't worry about taking in too much if you are in a
hot environment.  Put the salt shaker back on the table.

Jim wrote:

> In a message dated 99-07-10 22:59:41 EDT, you write:
> > I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody got a quick
> >  fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas besides
> lemons?
> >
> >
> > Please...I am drooping badly...
>   I am the same way this summer and I'm getting discouraged.  I've been
> overcome by heat twice already, with only above average exertion outdoors.  :(
> Samm
> --
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Re: CS>Calcium deposits

1999-07-11 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> In a message dated 7/9/99 10:29:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Probably magnesium.  If you take calcium without balancing it with
> magnesium
>  it messes up your nervous system if I recall correctly.  I believe that was
>  from one of Adale davis's books. >>
> This lady's been gone for a long time.

Yes, but her books are still around.


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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/11/99 1:12:11 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Hi,
 Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
 times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
 Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
 Candida Albicans, thank the maker!


So as not to have to use my brain or a book,  how much is 750mla cup or 

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Re: CS>Calcium deposits/water ionizer?

1999-07-11 Thread Ivan Anderson

> I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box
says one
> side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes
> water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to
> Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd
ask here
> first.  Thanks.
> Samm

Assuming you haven't left a zero of the price, I would have to say
that there must be something seriously wrong with that machine, and
you should stay well clear of it, just give me the address so that I
might avoid it as well ;-)

Seriously now, that sounds like a real bargain, as these machines can
cost up to $1500.00. Alkaline water is very good to drink, and the
acid water is good to wash fruit and veges in etc.  has some good information about alkaline
water in the science and health notes, also discusses water ionisers.

Regards - Ivan

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Reid Smith

>The WaterOz people claim their water-soluable (not collodial) copper is
>very effective in treating larger parasites. (You may remember Brooks' post
>saying silver was not that effective in killing larger parasites in dogs.)
>According to them, the parasites use every oriface to beat a hasty retreat.
>(Could get pretty yucky...) Also, because the copper is water-soluable, is
>is excreted if unneeded and does not build up. They did not mention
>candida, but why not ask and let us all know? Their number is 1 800
>574-1897. Don't talk to the front line...ask for Dave or his assistant. is their web site.

Take Care 

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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-11 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-11 02:29:23 EDT, you write:

> Hey,
>  That sounds like a great price!!  I have followed different threads about
>  this subject and it seems it is quite a good thing to do.  Someone recently
>  explained the principle of just how it worked and that was very
>  interesting.  However, I think I looked in on a site and the price was
>  exorbitant, and I believe that this product was made in China.  So, let me
>  know what you find out.  I don't have many resources up here.  Wonder if
>  they ship these out?  Have you actually seen one to see the quality and
>  such as that.
>  I'm interested for one.  Thanks for the info!
>  Susan

Hi Susan,

He had two at the store, collecting dust.  I didn't pull the one out of 
the box, but saw the top of it.  The instructions and explanations were all 
in Korean except for one brief overview in English.  I can ask if he will 
ship one.  Overall, it looked like a nice double-barrelled coffee maker.  I 
*thought* that sounded like a good price.  Admittedly, I didn't pay much 
attention to the discussion of ionized water when it was going on a few weeks 
back.  I'll be down his way this Wednesday or the next Wednesday.  I'll 
inquire about the shipping  -- to see if it's a possibility.  :)

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Susan M. Yensen
At 07:02 AM 7/11/99 +0100, you wrote:
Thanks for the info, will be looking forward to September and yet another
gleem of hope!!

>Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
>times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
>Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
>Candida Albicans, thank the maker!
>To be fair, CS did shift the Candida in my mouth, It was the Candida in my
>gut that proved to be the bitch to get to.
>I'm told the Zinc (RemeDay) & Copper solution will be available via free
>phone & Internet mid-September in the US.
>There will also be a web site, I will of course let you all know as soon as
>it's up & running.
>I'm taking the Zinc to halt the HIV virus.
>The Colloidal Silver I'm taking has stopped all opportunistic infections.
>Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer
>- Original Message -
>> Simon the Silver Surfer mentioned the copper colloid.  I believe he said
>> took two drops.
>> Taylor
>> << << But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
>>   form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
>>   completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
>>   this one, specific use that I was inquiring.>>
>> << I thought it was zinc the guy mentioned fo candida.
>>  edith>>
>>   >>
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"Light is Living in God's Holy Thoughts"

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Re: CS>Alkaline water Device

1999-07-11 Thread Susan M. Yensen
At 02:08 AM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
That sounds like a great price!!  I have followed different threads about
this subject and it seems it is quite a good thing to do.  Someone recently
explained the principle of just how it worked and that was very
interesting.  However, I think I looked in on a site and the price was
exorbitant, and I believe that this product was made in China.  So, let me
know what you find out.  I don't have many resources up here.  Wonder if
they ship these out?  Have you actually seen one to see the quality and
such as that.

I'm interested for one.  Thanks for the info!
>> Drinking Alkaline water to remove acid wastes (including uric acid)
>>  will dissolve some of the calcium phosphate deposits and allow the
>>  ionic calcium to be reabsorbed into the bones, potassium bicarbonate
>>  will also do this work.
>I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box says one 
>side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes acidic 
>water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  
>Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here 
>first.  Thanks.
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Re: CS>replace electrolytes

1999-07-11 Thread Susan M. Yensen
At 01:35 AM 7/11/99 EDT, you wrote:
The only thing I can add to this is that I take Alacer's Emer-gen-C.  It
comes in foil packets, it has 1gm of C and most of the mineral
electrolytes.  I take 2 packages at a time and I credit that with my
surviving OK right now.  I am beginning to know how important minerals are
thanks to the discussion here.  I forget sometimes to take mine and I think
I do much better when I regularly take them.

If you drink a lot of water and don't replace electrolytes you could feel
pretty bad I think.
>> I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody got a quick
>>  fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas besides 
>> Please...I am drooping badly...
>  I am the same way this summer and I'm getting discouraged.  I've been 
>overcome by heat twice already, with only above average exertion outdoors.
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"Light is Living in God's Holy Thoughts"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Silver Surfer
Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
Candida Albicans, thank the maker!

To be fair, CS did shift the Candida in my mouth, It was the Candida in my
gut that proved to be the bitch to get to.

I'm told the Zinc (RemeDay) & Copper solution will be available via free
phone & Internet mid-September in the US.
There will also be a web site, I will of course let you all know as soon as
it's up & running.

I'm taking the Zinc to halt the HIV virus.
The Colloidal Silver I'm taking has stopped all opportunistic infections.

Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer

- Original Message -

> Simon the Silver Surfer mentioned the copper colloid.  I believe he said
> took two drops.
> Taylor
> << << But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
>   form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
>   completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
>   this one, specific use that I was inquiring.>>
> << I thought it was zinc the guy mentioned fo candida.
>  edith>>
>   >>

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Re: CS>Calcium deposits/water ionizer?

1999-07-11 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-10 06:32:20 EDT, you write:

> Drinking Alkaline water to remove acid wastes (including uric acid)
>  will dissolve some of the calcium phosphate deposits and allow the
>  ionic calcium to be reabsorbed into the bones, potassium bicarbonate
>  will also do this work.

I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box says one 
side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes acidic 
water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  
Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here 
first.  Thanks.

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Re: CS>Alkaline quick fix...

1999-07-11 Thread Sammark4
In a message dated 99-07-10 22:59:41 EDT, you write:

> I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody got a quick
>  fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas besides 
> Please...I am drooping badly...

  I am the same way this summer and I'm getting discouraged.  I've been 
overcome by heat twice already, with only above average exertion outdoors.  :(

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Skylake
Simon the Silver Surfer mentioned the copper colloid.  I believe he said he 
took two drops.

<< << But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
  form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
  completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
  this one, specific use that I was inquiring.>>
<< I thought it was zinc the guy mentioned fo candida.

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Re: CS>Copper

1999-07-11 Thread Skylake

If you decide to be a guinea pig with this, please let me know what happens!  

Best wishes,

<< But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
 form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
 completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
 this one, specific use that I was inquiring.
 Charles Marcus >>

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Input, even second opinions, always helps...

1999-07-11 Thread Skylake
Good morning, Ivan,

Thanks for this information.  I think what I am going to do is to create a 
set up, then describe it in detail and get feedback, then run it.  And it 
(finally) occurred to me that I could simply make several small ones to make 
up for the need for CS in quantity. 

Hey, you lucky duck, living in New Zealand!  What I've read about it makes it 
sound like an ideal spot.  Are you in a city or in the country?  

Best wishes,

 Keep the wires a quarter to half an inch off the bottom, keep the
 wires as far apart as possible keeping an inch or so between them and
 the side of the container. This will limit the build up of trees or
 sludge on the negative electrode (cathode). More wetted electrode area
 means more current flow and therefore less generation time, at the
 expense of quicker current rise and less controll.
 If you have the equipment, monitor voltage and current, and using the
 formula: resistance = voltage (in volts) divided by current (in amps,
 1mA = 0.001A) stop one run when the resistance equals about 20,000
 ohms after stirring. If you are using water equivalent to mine then
 this should equate to 10 to 15 ppm.
 I should imagine with a non current limited system your cs will be
 yellow at this point, perhaps quite deep yellow. >>

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Re: CS>Question for Taylor

1999-07-11 Thread Skylake
Hi Sheila

<< Are you taking CS for your candida infection, and if so, having any 
 Sheila >>

Never in the quantity that it would take to work on candida.  Only for colds 
and that sort of thing.   I'm in the process now of figuring out how I'm 
going to manufacture it.  One big CS maker, or several little ones


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Re: CS>Alkaline quick fix...

1999-07-11 Thread Jason Ringas
Vilik Rapheles wrote:
> Hi Cybersilversippers...
>I need help...FAST. This heat is knocking me out. Anybody got a quick
> fix? I think getting more alkaline fast would help. Any ideas besides lemons?
>Please...I am drooping badly

Drink celery juice.



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