Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Judy writes:
 I apologize to everyone for posting my dog problems, this is probably
 not appropriate on this list.

No apologies necessary, Judy. Whether for people, pets, livestock or 
plants, the application of CS is on topic. Hope something works.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CSthanks everyone!

2001-12-16 Thread Craig Chamberlin


WRT nebulizing, previous posts by others have recommended the purchase
of an ultrasonic humidifier made by Vicks (Model V5100) which costs
about $42.  The output of this humidifier is more than most nebulizers,
according to posts on this list.

I just purchased one today, but haven't tried it yet.  You must remove
the charcoal filter, otherwise you will filter out the cs.

I am an ex-smoker (3 packs a day).  Trying to quit is extraordinarily
difficult for some people.  It took me fifteen years to finally quit
completely.  But start now to decrease the amount you smoke by setting
little boundaries.  Big changes are most likely to fail.  I forced
myself to stop smoking at work by telling everyone I had quit smoking
(of course I had reduced my smoking at work by quite a bit before I did
thisg and this was back when you could still smoke at work).  Then, of
course I smoked like crazy when I got home.

But gradually I kept adding small boundaries, and then I told my wife I
was quitting (she also smoked).  I had failures, but I praised myself
for how much I had accomplished when I relapsed as opposed to viewing it
as a failure.  There were many evenings I went to the local quickie mart
and bought a pack of cigarettes, smoked one and through the rest away. 
Even so, I was so much better off than when I used to smoke 3 packs a

Quitting smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done.  I had
to do it gradually, because I have such a rebellious nature; but, I
haven't smoked for at least 8 years, and cannot stand even the slightest
smell of them and I never miss smoking now.  I am not, however, a rabid
reformed smoker.  I know how hard it is.

Good luck,


Lori wrote:
 Thank you so much everyone for your advice about CS and my sinus and 
 bronchitis problems! I found it to be very interesting reading material.  I 
 look forward to learning more by being apart of this group.  Thanks again!
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSintro

2001-12-16 Thread Solar
Hello Lori,

Saturday, December 15, 2001, 10:38:07 PM, you wrote:

L Hello!

L My name is Lori.  I am new to the list and just signed up tonight.

L What brought colloidal silver to my interest is the fact that some of my 
friends have AIDS and while searching the internet for a cure, colloidal silver 
was mentioned by 2 homosexual men as being
L a life saver for them.

As stated by someone else, the Beck protocol has shown extraordinary
results. Two points on it though. 1) You MUST place the electrodes
DIRECTLY over the blood vessels. PLACEMENT IS CRITICAL! A friend of
mine was getting minimal results in treating Lyme disease, until I
stressed this point to her. She was also getting sore spots where she
placed the electrodes. After carefully placing them, the sore spots
vanished in a few days, and her results were dramatically different.
2) You MUST be VERY careful of any drugs that you consume when on the
protocol, as well as some foods! While many have hads no problems
whatsoever, I believe that their electrode placement was off a bit as
well. PLEASE research this protocol fully before utilizing it!!

L I, on the other have am healthy for the most part all except for maybe a 
sinus problem and I do smoke about 2 packs of cigerettes a day so I do also 
have chronic broncitis.

L I'm hoping to find out If I can still take colloida silver to enhance my 
health and/or as a prevention supplement?

L Looking forward to reading all your posts,

L Lori York

As others have mentioned, quitting smoking is a great idea. But,
unless they have been through it, like Terry, they have no idea what
they are saying. I, personally, used to get bronchitis all of the
time, as well as sinusitus. About every 6 to 8 weeks. And yes, I smoke
cigarettes (my only vice). But, since using colloidal silver on a
nearly daily basis, I have pretty much cleared up that problem. I have
been to the doctors office 1 time in 10 years now, and thta was
because I was travelling all of the time and away from my remedies.
Another thing that I use is Cat's Claw (uncaria tomentosa). I buy the
bulk powder, and use 1 big tablespoon to a glass teapot. The
properties of this herb are astounding, and I highly suggest it for
anyone with AIDS, cancer, etc. Due to its highly anti-inflammatory
properties, it brings rapid relief from a sinus infection or
bronchitis. It is also has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral
properties. I have drank, when sick, 3 pots of this a day, and it
brings rapid relief. I also nebulize colloidal silver as needed, and
use a drinking straw to flood my sinuses when needed.

The teapots claim to hold 8, 6-ounce cups. I use distilled water when
making it. The brand of Cat's Claw I use is from the Frontier Co-Op.
The have a website that you can order from. Actually, I get mine from
a local Co-Op ( a true, non-pofit outfit that has been around since
1970) and end up paying half of what Frontier charges its own members!
Unfortunately, our Co-Op does not have a web presence at this time.
Oh, the Cat's Claw is the powdered form, and not the cut and sifted

As for colloidal silver, I drink 16 ounces some days, 4 ounces other
days, and none at all sometimes too. No real method to my madness.
When sick, I would drink a gallon a day at times. But, I haven't been
sick in a very long time.

Best regards,

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Re: CSthanks everyone!

2001-12-16 Thread John A. Stanley
In article,
Craig Chamberlin wrote:
Quitting smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done.  I had
to do it gradually, because I have such a rebellious nature; but, I
haven't smoked for at least 8 years, and cannot stand even the slightest
smell of them and I never miss smoking now.  I am not, however, a rabid
reformed smoker.  I know how hard it is.

I was unable to quit when I was smoking a pack a day of Marlboro reds,
but on the advice of a friend I switched to an additive-free brand
(American Spirit, etc.) for a few weeks and then quit cold turkey. I was
miserable for a day and a half, and then it became bearable. I've been
smoke-free for 5.5 years.

John A. Stanley

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CSole bob-making the colloidal silver

2001-12-16 Thread FLYINGIRONDOG
How can one order this,  is the colloedal silver easy to make?  and is this 
the best one to buy,  I am not a chemist, need something simple but good.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSole bob-making the colloidal silver

2001-12-16 Thread Theodore Corbett
Hi J.C.
  I just recently purchased the Ole Bob and am
totally satisfied with it. It's a no brainer to
operate, works from either AC or DC, current limited
with auto shut off. Plus with the built in stirrer you
can't get much better. Get the canning jar model, I
use helmans mayonaise jars, 16 and 32 Oz and it fits
perfectly. Go to for more info and
to purchase. T. Corbett
--- wrote:
 How can one order this,  is the colloedal silver
 easy to make?  and is this 
 the best one to buy,  I am not a chemist, need
 something simple but good.
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Do You Yahoo!?
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McAfee - AVERT

2001-12-16 Thread tbass
CS Gang,
Here is a good hoax virus site URL.

Check here first before opening, or reacting to, a reported virus.
Check with search engine for more virus/hoax sites.
Just plug in. virus+hoax+sites ...(include the plus signs)...and  will bring up dozens of good sites to check.
Be well.
Tom Bassett

McAfee - AVERT.url
Description: Binary data

Re: CSargyria

2001-12-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett

 Argyria following the use of dietary supplements containing colloidal
silver protein.

 Cutis 2000 Nov;66(5):373-4

   This study has doubtless been discussed here on this list. Would someone
mind summarizing the
 study and the conclusions the users of CS have drawn for themselves? Does
anyone know the type of
 silver product used by the patient in this article?

   Thanks --

   Hilary (using CS for Lyme)

Dear Hilary, CSP is NOT Colloidal Silver, adn real CS doesn`t cause argyria.
Been using it for 6 years now, and I`m still as pink as a piggy. No smurfs

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Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread Black
Hopefully you make your own CS.   Definately use it orally  topically on
Dozer.  Give him 3-4 ccs. orally 2 x daily.  I recommend that you not let
vet give him antibiotics except in life or death situation.
You will see an improvement  in staph  fungus in a few days after applying
CS to the areas at least twice a day.  CS will also build up his immune
system and should eventually undo the damage done by the antibiotics.


- Original Message -
From: David  Judy Dufresne
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

 Hi Julie,
Dozer is 11 months old. He is on a raw diet with numerous supplements
 boost his immune system. I got him at 6 months of age, he had all his
 vaccines except rabies at that time. I took him for his first vet visit
 next day, he had a staph skin infection on his neck, the vet put him on
 antibiotics and gave him a rabies vaccine. Ever since he has continued to
 have patches of hair loss with red dry skin on his neck and upper chest
 few small spots on his front leg. It does not itch him at all. My vet has
 given him antibiotics 2 or 3 times for this and antifungal shampoo and
 spray. He sent a hair sample to a lab for fungal analysis which was
 negative, he scraped for mites and that was negative. He finally said
 dogs can have skin problems which they outgrow. Dozer has never had fleas
 and is an indoor dog. He also has very bad yeast problems in all his
 wrinkles and his ears. I have learned a lot since this all started about
 vaccines and wish I had known all this before. I have had a few people
 suggest vaccinosis and homeopathic treatment. I feel like I have tried
 everything I can think of and just don't know where to go from here. I
 apologize to everyone for posting my dog problems, this is probably not
 appropriate on this list.
Judy in NY

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Re: CSargyria

2001-12-16 Thread boberger
Hi Hilary,

Evidently you are new to the list as evidenced by the fact that you missed the 
key word used in the article
and that was silver protein. Stay away from any CS labeled more that 20 or 30 
ppm as they probably have a
silver compound in them, and that is where the problem lies.

Electro colloid as poeple on this list make will not cause argyria!! You would 
drown in it first.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-16 Thread FHLew

Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many
spirits choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

 Rife's research showed that inside the cell,
microscopically, there are 16 internested deeper levels
of reality,structured and organised.. The microscopic visualization of any
one level is by energetic focussing with a particular frequency of light.
Each cell is patterned  and functions  dynamically to the internested depths
of virtual reality, that is, it also functions hyperspatially where Mind and
Thoughts  are involved in these  living virtual strata .
Externally, the human system manifests 7 layers of etheric sheath  enclosing
the body : 3 of which are near the body surface and are visible [Photonic]
and the outer 4 layers are
invisible [Gravitonic]. This etheric or auric web is intangible
but has been scientifically and clairvoyantly proven.The biological system
stores electromagnetic energies but the storing of malefic oscillatory
energies produce cracks [mild]
and holes [severe] in the auric web which is a receiver, a transmitter and
a resonator. Pathological oscillations do not resonate with the Vital Force
in the body  by  generating  morbid Thought-Forms  which are the etheric
parasites and cockcroaches causing ill-health. At the photonic plane, Mother
Theresa was sickly because of retention of enviromental noxious oscillations
and she succumbed but virtually, at the gravitonic plane, she is her saintly

.Dr. Bernard Jensen said:

THE BODY IS THE MIND'S SHADOW. The body follows the mind like a shadow,
always coming along, always turning where we turn, stopping
when we stop. That's why I always say good health starts with the mind.

Mother Theresa left her people in Calcutta,
India, in good spiritual health, after an eventful earthly sojourn.

 I asked how dividing a whole into parts, then eating all of them
could be less healthy than eating it without dividing. 

Your dividing the whole into parts is more than mere
addition,multiplication,division, and subtraction of the
combinations of the atoms and molecules and is breaking
into the chain of the universe.It is not a question of
finding new elements,but of being able  to use energy and matter  by letting
Nature do the  atom splitting  for us.
You divide matter by severing the molecular links, thereby causing
disresonance along the chain that holds the cycle
of the universe together and only to have these joined to
non-resonating links elsewhere, resulting in change in wave-lengths or
frequencies. The fragmented  parts of the whole with altered oscillation
will lose their healing properties.
The parts are observed to be optically inactive under Polarised Light with
the loss of vitality.

  Simply  put, the ingenious biochemist may imitate an
egg by creating one using scientific technology by putting
parts together. But he or she cannot hatch it. This is the
subtle difference. The human body is a cohesive materialization of
vibrational states of  Sound, Light
and matter. These are infoldings of electromagnetism. This cohesive force
pervades the universe and is the life force that confers the healing quality
in wholesome food.

  With regards

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: CSMy Arthritis...Still

 FHLew wrote:

  Marshall Dudley  wrote:
  You can't have a healthy mind in a sick body. Nutrition is
  not the entire solution, but it must be part of the entire solution. To
  healthy minds, we must have healthy bodies. To have healthy bodies,we
  make the

 While I agree with most of what you write, I think that concept is rather
 simplistic.  Mind is only one part of the equation.  For example I feel
 Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many
 choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

   To have healthy bodies,we must make the
  right food and lifestyle choices. It's that simple. If you can see the
  for a healthier lifestyle and balanced food regimen in your life, you
  the next step. You have to find out what you need to do. Wisdom is
  feet on knowledge. Knowledge comes from sitting at
  the feet of wisdom.
I have great respect for this world- renowned teacher of
  nutritional sciences - Dr. Bernard Jensen. He taught me that removing
  few millimeters of the skin covering of the potato will lead to a  great
  loss of organic Potassium which is so essential for a healthy heart;

 That is one reason I eat the whole potato whenever I can.

  that pouring away the supernatant whey in yogurt will lose  the organic
  Sodium which maintains and preserves youth
  and the egg-yolk if eaten raw or half-boiled but not fried,
  will not raise the cholesterol level,because it is 

Re: CSNeed help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne
I want to thank everyone for all their help and suggestions in treating my
Dozer with cs. I am very grateful and hopefully this will be the answer to
my prayers. Again, thank you.
   Judy in NY

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSole bob-making the colloidal silver

2001-12-16 Thread Leo Keaveney

Hi all,
Ole Bob, definitely one of the best web sites I have visited for a 
long time. You are a fine example of a fearless friend, thank you for 
setting a pace that only the brave would dare to follow.



Theodore Corbett wrote:

Hi J.C.
  I just recently purchased the Ole Bob and am
totally satisfied with it. It's a no brainer to
operate, works from either AC or DC, current limited
with auto shut off. Plus with the built in stirrer you
can't get much better. Get the canning jar model, I
use helmans mayonaise jars, 16 and 32 Oz and it fits
perfectly. Go to for more info and
to purchase. T. Corbett
--- wrote:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Need help in dosing my dog

2001-12-16 Thread David Judy Dufresne

CS will also build up his immune
system and should eventually undo the damage done by the antibiotics.
  This is the first I have read about cs being an immune system booster. What 
great info. Thank you,

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-16 Thread Judith Thamm
Sufficient to burn the skin off!  It was supposed to burn the proud flesh
off - but only sting for about 15 minutes...  So it had to be a good
strength.  The son I had then is the one that has just produced my latest
grand daughter... so it happened a few years ago - 33 I think..

 One has to look at the strengths.  Just like H2O2, 3% is harmless, but 35%
 burn your skin off.  What concentration did the doctor use.  I wonder what
 concentration is used in the eyes.


 Judith Thamm wrote:

  You know, in 1968 when my older son was born, the dr couldn't wait so he
  sliced me through so the birth canal was wider and the baby came more
  quickly.  Where I was stitched up, I developed proudflesh.  When I went
  to the dr he put silver nitrate on it.  For 24 hours that stuff burned -
  didn't sleep at all until the pain stopped - I couldn't sit down and
  lying down was little help.  It was a nightmare - and they are going to
  that in a baby's eyes!!!  How horrifying!
  - Original Message -
  From: Marshall Dudley
  Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:34 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'
   It appears that silver nitrate is being used again on babies:,9474,167862_80951,00.html
   From what I recall silver nitrate was discontinued in the 70's due to
   pharmacutical companies pressing for the use of patented antibiotics
   would earn them more money.
   Sometime (I believe in the late 80's in Knoxville), a hospital was
   a baby went blind because the antibiotic was not broad enough spectrum
   something it was exposed to in the birth canal.  At the trial they
   evidence that silver notrate would have killed it and that the only
   stopped using silver nitrate was to increase profits by using a
   antibiotic. I remember thinking at the time it serves them right, even
  though I
   knew nothing of CS at the time.
   I did not realize they had started using it again until a little while
   I was researching the history.  Since they now offer both, my
suspicion is
   they are doing this to cover themselves against another law suit, but
   parents that the silver nitrate will burn the eyes to get them to
   other as much as possible.
   Ode Coyote wrote:
 My chemistry is also pretty limited. I think you have me mixed up
someone elses postings.
 From what I gather, silver nitrate is dangerous because very small
contain a lot of silver ...and... silver nitrates are corrosive to
tissues and leave black stains.
 Even still, until fairly recently, it was used in virtually all new
babies eyes to prevent infections.
Reid Harvey wrote:


 Also, back to my limited chemistry, I would like to know why it
 one would have to isolate one element in a simple compound as the
 culprit in a health problem.  For example with silver nitrate why
 the problem have to be either the silver or the nitrate.  I think
 problem is probably the compound.  Another example:  it's been
 here that gold chloride is highly toxic, yet gold metal is
 and chlorine is a lot less toxic.

You have a good point here, although gold chloride is not a good
since chlorine is deadly toxic.A good example would be hydrogen
HCN, which is deadly toxic, yet hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen alone
totally harmless.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSole bob-making the colloidal silver

2001-12-16 Thread FLYINGIRONDOG
T Corbett
Which generator did you get ?  the site shows two , one for $75.00 and the 
other for $125.00 only difference is the constant stirring.   

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS more on bacteria

2001-12-16 Thread FHLew

 Extract from:Nature November 29, 2001;414:555-558

 The organisms are obviously quite good at staying alive since they
withstand invading germs, bacteria-killing antibiotics and various
environmental shifts such as
dietary changes. This study suggests that an occasional change of wardrobe
is one way they do it.

One posting from another Complementary Health List

When Hahnemann talks about the syphilitic and gonorrheal miasms
, he talks about the taint... In today's
world where we have antibiotics to kill off at least these two bacteria, is
the taint still resident ? 

 My answer is yes.  The growth and development of an organism is an
intimate part of the organism 's genetic heritage. The latter's expression
is the result of successful evolution of the community of which the organism
is a part. The loss of that ability to adequately adjust to the morbid
fluctuations within the backdrop of the solar system and planet
earth,results in unbalancing of the various genetic expressions. An illness
followed by homeostatic recovery is a normal body reaction without any
entrapment of pathological energies. When the unbalance is prolonged,the
retention of the trapped morbid energies progresses deeper.
Its etiology,thus,has become deep-rooted and the resulting malady is the

  Louis Pasteur,the French chemist,discovered germs during his
experimentation on fermentation. His discovery was initially rejected but
was later enthusiastically accepted when the one germ - one disease model
was fashioned to order with its immense potential for commercial
exploitation. In 1914, Dr Rosenow, Associate of the Mayo Foundation,
the most eminent bacteriologist then, shattered the foundation of the serum
and drug industries  with the results of painstaking experimentation. The
Rosenow experiments,verifing the conclusions of Becham,Rife and
Naessens,showed that there exist no specific bacteria. The extant microbes
or endobionts [Mucor racemosus Fresen and Aspergillus niger van Tiegham] are
phasic microbes,which are always present and cannot be
removed from the living cell. They are the genotypic and phenotypic variants
with marked capacity to change their properties to ensure
survival in an unpreditable environment. Microbial variation
occurs selectively,modifying the microscopic,colonial,nutritional,
biochemical,antigenic,pathogenic and drug sensitivity attibutes of the
organism,when there is an alteration in the condition,nutrition and
temperature of the enviroment. Little is known of the morphogentic
manifestations in the microbial world till lately when the phenomenon
of microbial resistance to orthodox treatment is observed in mainstream

 Pasteur, in his death-bed, made the heretical statement:

The bacteria are nothing, the terrain is everything. 

  The following phases are easily seen in living blood  under darkfield

   Primitive phases [colloidal ] live in high alkaline
   Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
   Viral Forms live in a strong acid pH


Another from the same List posted:

 Jakob Henle in his  Pathological Examinations
[1840] recognised,that the term miasm would lose the essence of his meaning
if it wasn't brought into contact with the knowledge about parasitic

My reply:
   Professor Dr Gunther Enderlein demonstrated
that all microbes go through the same stages of their development in the

  Colloid [ primitive phase ]  Bacterial [ middle phase ] 
   Fungus [end phase ]

 Dr. Royal Rife showed the transformation into the toxic  viral
phase. This phenomenon could not be seen under the ordinary light
microscope.  Rife's microscopic research revealed the classic 16 internested
living virtual phases intracellularly. Each phase,  when energetically
focussed with a specific spectral frequency microscopically, shows  a
dynamically patterened and
structured world of virtual reality.


  The moderator of the same list posted:

   All antibiotics do,usually, is to drive the  ' taint '
or symptoms deeper into the body --- they may disappear
for a while---but they always come back. 

 The  'disappearance' of a particular germ from the culture does
not mean that the germ is dead; it only became invisible due to its
transformationin to an invisible  form. That means,that the host organism is
now in a cancerous state.

   -  Dr. Karl Horst


 The endobionts are indestructible. and are demonstrated in
the cyclic phases intracellularly.

   It is saddening to realise that truth is often dictated by consensus of
opinions rather than by scientific