[RCSE] Re: Migrating

2008-08-27 Thread schrederman

Joined... glad we're going to have a good place to meet... Thanks Dennis


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[RCSE] Re: Gordy for President ?

2008-08-25 Thread schrederman

I personally just want a box to check for - None of the above, please
start over, none of the former candidates need reapply. How many votes
do you think that would get?

Sorry Gordy, but you wouldn't vote for me, either... :D


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[RCSE] Re: What the heck???

2008-08-25 Thread schrederman

Sooo is it Stahl/Strother on the ticket? Or has Gordy not named his
running mate yet?


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[RCSE] Re: Removing old covering, more info

2008-08-25 Thread schrederman

I used a lot of silkspan and Jap tissue on my Nordics and Wakefield
models. If I was going to recover the thing, I used 320 or 400 sandpaper
and sanded through it down to the wood. That way I didn't remove enough
wood to change things, and it went slow enough as to not mess things up.
I've done the same with Monokote on very delicate parts, like thin
rudders and stabs. Takes a while but the results are good.


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[RCSE] Re: Smoke systems for gliders & You wanna talk about dumb?

2008-08-17 Thread schrederman

Martin... about those skegs...


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2008-08-15 Thread schrederman

There's hope!


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[RCSE] Re: RES vs UNL vs DLG

2008-08-11 Thread schrederman

Lincoln sez> If you want to build gliders yourself, well then things are
still cheap,
but there are so few people who want to do that that kits are hard to

Well, I've been scratch building for a long time. It is so much easier
with CAD and laser cutting now that it's easier in my opinion than
building the kits of old... and certainly more accurate in duplicating
airfoils. Cad drawings are very fine line and plotters are much more
accurate than the old methods of producing plans.

Lincoln sez> BTW, although I've flown 2M a LOT, I think 100 inches
would have been
the better limited size.

I would be ALL FOR THAT!!! There are many models that were designed in
2-meter size that would benefit SSO much from 100" wing span... But
somehow, that isn't what happened. Just exactly how DID that happen,
anyhow? Yeah, I'm one of those "friends don't let friends" guys... I
can't help it!



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[RCSE] Re: JR blues

2008-08-08 Thread schrederman

But at the end of the day, I like my JR 9303 and wouldn't trade it for a
sack full of stylus's.

Yep... what he said...


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[RCSE] Re: Tullahom Fall Soaring Contest

2008-08-08 Thread schrederman

Don's old enough that the 338 wouldn't be too much of a

Wish I could be there.



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[RCSE] AVA vs. Bubble Dancer... Woody?

2008-08-08 Thread schrederman

The AVA, per current rules doesn't qualify as a woody. Ray Hayes wrote
the generally accepted version of the rules and any model with molded
wing parts doesn't qualify. The Bubble Dancer, on the other hand,
doesn't have molded leading edges, or other molded wing parts, so it
does qualify as a woody.

I saw reference to this question, and thought I'd clarify it for those
that were possibly wondering.


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[RCSE] Re: Anyone in ABQ?

2008-08-04 Thread schrederman

I'm in Clovis. PM me if you want to fly Sunday at MADS field.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: NATS 2008

2008-08-04 Thread schrederman

Did they ever take the hint and move 2-meter from the middle? To each
his own, but I don't fly 2-meter. If the 2-meter devotees are brave and
want to see how much real interest there is, move it to the front of the
competition... so that those not really interested will not have to
compete out of boredom. Unfortunately, there are those that view this
event as just another shot at being a national champion. Their numbers
may be significant enough to falsely keep the interest going at the
NATS. In my opinion, if we reinstated standard class, there'd be just
about as much interest for the same reason. Not going this year. but
will be NATS bound in 2009. It's my goal to compete at least once before
I croak.


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[RCSE] Re: El Paso / Alamogordo

2008-08-04 Thread schrederman

I got to fly for an hour on top of Caballo Mountain, up above Truth or
Consequences... first slope soaring experience ever... Threw my Bantam
off in almost no wind, but it's light enough that I was able to fly for
a while. I never got it more than 100' or so above me but there was just
enough lift to keep me coming back around. Then It died, and I almost
didn't get the model back... I finally had to fly around the hill to the
other side where the road comes up and land it on the road... and picked
it up on the way down. I've been up there several times, and I couldn't
believe it could be absolutely still at 7500', but it can. I've never
been up there when it wasn't blowing at least 20 knots...

I stopped on the way out of El Paso, Friday, at the R/C field and made
about 50 hand launches with my Bantam. I thermalled out twice, but
chickened out with all the mesquite and ocotillo sticking up out there.
It was too early and the thermals weren't cooking well yet. Oh well,
I'll try again next trip. Maybe I can fly with the ABQ boys some in the



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[RCSE] Re: "Spare LSF5 Wins For Sale"

2008-08-04 Thread schrederman


We all know Gordy loves himself... We just ignore him and let him go on
about himself... 'cause no one else will... Sorry Gordo, I couldn't help


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[RCSE] Re: Gordy- Logic without limits.....or I couild hae read the article in context:-)

2008-07-08 Thread schrederman

I'm having real trouble with this thread... Somehow, Gordy, and the
phrase - Logic without limits... just don't work for me... I mean,
really... It just don't!

Sorry Gordy... couldn't resist...8^)


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[RCSE] Re: Mikey and 60 Acres

2008-05-16 Thread schrederman

Take your electric and damage someone or something valuable... get to
court... find out where your cavalier attitude gets you. They call it...
negligent. If found to be negligent, sometimes, especially when you've
been warned, it's called malicious mischief... and even bankruptcy laws
won't protect you from that. If, however, you've tried to follow the
rules, insured yourself through the AMA, and followed the rules of the
field, and still wind up in court somehow... you might just come out OK.
Yeah, go have fun, but not at someone else's expense.

Someone from New Mexico... yes I'm someone.


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[RCSE] Re: Sanyo AA Eneloop Rechargeable Batteries

2008-05-16 Thread schrederman

I am using Ray-O-Vac Hybrids and have been for about 8 months. Same
technology as Eneloops. I have had NO problems. I just made a new pack
for my Yardbird, and will make a new transmitter pack soon.



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2008-05-06 Thread schrederman

Little bit more of a commute than I wanna make... enjoy yourselves...



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2008-05-01 Thread schrederman

Sick puppies... all...

Hi Gordy!



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[RCSE] Re: Tech question for the guys that know

2008-04-24 Thread schrederman


I have used 1/8 cf rod for stab axles, and had them break. This was on
my Yardbird design, 130". I went back to steel rather than try to go to
a bigger tube. My latest will use 1/4 cf tube for stab axles.



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[RCSE] I'm back in El Paso...

2008-04-24 Thread schrederman

Without a freakin' glider... You? :p


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[RCSE] Your chance to go 2.4 - Futaba 9C + FASST

2008-03-24 Thread schrederman

NIB - Futaba set number FUTK77** - Acro-Heli-Glider selectable. This one
covers all 3 flight disciplines. No servos... but it has everything
else. Last shot at this...$275.00 shipped... OBO (This set number goes
for $399.00 at Tower)

For an additional $200.00 you can have the NIB - FASST 7-channel tx
module and receiver set. This will not be sold without the Tx unless it
sells separately, first. ( This set goes for $299.00 at Tower)

$450.00 shipped for all of it...

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: 2.4 Question --- line of sight answered

2008-03-24 Thread schrederman

We use lots of 2.4 on the railroad for lots of things. It is line of
sight, which is why even a carbon canopy will give you trouble,
sometimes. For me, a professional in the telecommunications world, I
will stick to 72 Mhz and 50 Mhz for a while. I just don't get the rush
to 2.4 with all the problems I've seen. Besides, as long as 72 is legal,
there's lots of good gear for cheap... and I AM cheap. Not only that,
but the 72 Mhz band is a whole lot less crowded already... :p 



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[RCSE] Re: Talk about low passes!

2008-03-17 Thread schrederman

There is TRULY no place... like cloud base! Buzz is absolutely correct.
It's cool to be at or near redline just off the deck, pull up, and come
around for your landing... after hearing "Good finish, Tango Echo." With
the advent of GPS, you don't hear that anymore...

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: 2 radios... Really GOOD Ones

2008-03-13 Thread schrederman

No swaps, please, I need bucks for a model...



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[RCSE] 2 radios... Really GOOD Ones

2008-03-13 Thread schrederman


NIB 9C Super on ch2 w / everything but servos... and NIB FASST 7
channel system w / receiver... $500- shipped CONUS (cheapest I've seen
these Futaba set numbers is $399- and $249- + shipping)

NIB Futaba 9C Super set without FASST - $325 shipped CONUS (cheapest
I've seen this Futaba set number is $399- + shipping)


1-year-old JR 9303 Glider Version on ch49, w / JR 770 receiver, 2700
NiMh Tx pack... $450- shipped CONUS

I would prefer to sell the Futaba, as I am used to the JR and have
several airborne sets that work with it... but one or the other has to
go. I would prefer not to break these sets... especially the Futaba set.
If I am going to keep it, I will want the FASST system to go with it. I
will only sell the FASST ($200- shipped CONUS) separately if the Futaba
radio sells first.


Jack Womack


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[RCSE] 9C Super + FASST - NIB

2008-03-11 Thread schrederman

9C Super, on channel 2 (ham), airborne battery, switch, ch 2 PCM
receiver, no servos... NIB... $350-

FASST system for the above radio... NIB... $200- if purchased without

Channel 2 module and receiver... $100- if purchased separately from

9C Super with FASST system with Channel 2 Tx and PCM Rx... $500-

Prices include insured shipping within CONUS. I'd rather sell it all at

Jack Womack - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 505-217-8026


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[RCSE] Re: covering

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

I've read these complaints about moneycoat for years and I just don't
get it. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that it's never happened
to me. Still a Monocote fan.



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[RCSE] Re: Grand Esprit and Astro Jeff

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

Mr. Jim Ealy, mentioned above, has been around for a long time, and has
a sterling reputation. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: For Sale: JR790 Receivers

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

Don't need receivers, but got a really good laugh outa that... nice way
to kick start Sunday morning. In fact I almost had to clean coffee off
the monitor, but I barely kept myself from spitting it all over the




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[RCSE] Re: "You Think You Want to See Sailplanes, Well I Don't Think You Can Handle It!"

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

If you're REALLY a sailplane guy... it's LOW class... Just kidding, of



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[RCSE] Re: seriously offended

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

Gordo's really nice guy... Ya'll quit picking on him... Yeah, he's a bit
silly, but ain't we all? Crass, rude, tactless, too opionated? Yeah but
so is everyone else on here, except me of course... You know, he
actually makes sense, once in a while, sorta, maybe... maybe(?)

Hi Gordy



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[RCSE] Re: Dale Nutter's Futaba 2.4s

2008-03-03 Thread schrederman

I just picked up a new Futaba 9C with the FASST module. I am already
into a 9303 for a year and I really like it. One or the other will
likely be up for sale, soon. I'll be dogging Dale about programming and
so forth... as well as reading his article several times. It'll be
interesting how this turns out. i'll go through everything with an open
mind... like everyone has with my winglets...HA! :p 

See you soon, Dale...

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Harley's "swan song"

2008-02-26 Thread schrederman

Harley wrote: Consequently, I've not traveled far from home to meet or
> with the
> more prominent names in this game.


There's no one more prominent that those that help others. You've been
very unselfish in that regard, so I can't think of anyone "more
prominent" than you. My hat's off to you. I will probably never meet you
in person, and that's my loss...

Kindest regards.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Fuselage Mold Making Supplies / Advise

2008-02-26 Thread schrederman

Would laying 3/4 oz. cloth in first and allowing it to get green help? I
was just thnking if I could avoid this situation with some low pressure
device... saw where some stuff uses 300 psi... YOW!... I've seen some
things made inside a spinning mandrel where centripital force forced the
laminate against the mold, but there's a fin involved here, etc... It's
hell being a dadgum perfectionist...

So, how much should I buy? I am going to make a close copy of the
Dragonfly fuse, a Legionair pod mold, and a Condor mold. Sorry to be a



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[RCSE] Re: Fuselage Mold Making Supplies / Advise

2008-02-26 Thread schrederman

What do you use for a bladder? I saw some reference to a horse condom,
but I didn't know if someone was joking or not. The Houston Hawk
fuselages we made had lots of voids under the paint, especially along
the seam. I'd like to avoid those.



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[RCSE] Fuselage Mold Making Supplies / Advise

2008-02-23 Thread schrederman

Where do I get this stuff... anyplace in Albuquerque, Amarillo, Lubbock,
or El Paso? Primarily looking for mold wax, tooling gel, parting agent,
such as PVA or better if you have a recommendation. Also should I use
polyester to make the mold, or epoxy? I'll be using epoxy (MGS) for the
fuselages. How many layers of what weight cloth for the mold? Do you use
a frame to keep it from twisting / warping? Do you use some kind of
bladder inside? I built one once, for a Legionair. It turned out OK, but
sure could've been better.

Thanks in advance...



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[RCSE] Re: Meanwhile, in another forum

2008-02-21 Thread schrederman


If I was going to be the recipient of that model... I be agrinnin'


I'm at SWC... where'n th' heck are you guys?


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[RCSE] EGAD!!! Gordy's out for my blood!!!

2008-02-21 Thread schrederman

All I can say is the man was ON his game today... and I wasn't... I saw
him make 2 nice flights in pretty miserable conditions... Good job



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[RCSE] Re: "So What Are You Flying at SWC?"

2008-02-07 Thread schrederman

Onyx JW with that ol' bad Dragonfly lurking... Since I just destroyed my
Yardbird, I'll be flying my 100" Bantam in RES, if  can't get my Hawk
going by then...



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[RCSE] Terminal Eagle... Legionair Question

2008-02-04 Thread schrederman

I had tried to answer an email question about Legionairs. It came back
so Terminal Eagle... here's your reply...

Hi Tim,

Legionairs fly very well, for a model of their time. They were ahead of
their time. The last 140 I built was the red-white-and blue one on Ray's
site. I built the main spars like a Houston Hawk, and used a steel tube
joiner. It was a bit heavy but it flew very well, and launched at least
as well as the bagged models. Legionair setup is a bit tricky. The
bottom of the wing has to be parallel to the stab for the decalage to be
set correctly, and it's not a wing that likes a sharp leading edge. The
radius shown is not quite round enough. I used a full 1/4 square for the
leading edge so I could make a slightly larger radius. It will be a dog
with the decalage set wrong, or the CG too far forward. The CG shown on
the plans is OK, but it will fly better with it further back. I trimmed
mine by setting the decalage, setting the elevator to 0, and moved the
CG back until it got pretty squirriley. I then added a touch of down
trim and usually flew it right there.
One word of caution, keep the empennage as light as possible. The nose
moment is short, and it requires a lot of lead with a heavy tail. Ray
added some harder wood for the tail pedestal. I would use some light
balsa instead. I'm going to start on my last one just after the SWC
contest. It will be a 132 with 2" added to the tail moment. I have a
100" to repair... From what I see, Ray's kits are of better quality than
the originals.

Best of luck with it. I will always have a Legoinair... :D 

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Sailplane contest in phoenix

2008-02-04 Thread schrederman


I'm going... and flying a moldie... EGAD!



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[RCSE] Re: Mid South - Atlanta flying field

2008-01-23 Thread schrederman

Wow... 14 hours in the pickup... wow... maybe...



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[RCSE] Re: For Sale - Pod/Boom

2008-01-18 Thread schrederman

Sold - pendig payment...



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[RCSE] For Sale - Pod/Boom

2008-01-15 Thread schrederman

Skybench pod and boom for sale. I decided to use a different fuselage.
$95.00 shipped in conus.



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[RCSE] Re: Flew 100 times today

2008-01-14 Thread schrederman


Sorry I didn't get there. I was on a conference call with problems at
work all morning. Oddly they seem to like to run the railroad 24 X 7.
I'll see you guys this week if things work out. I'm going to be in Belen
and ABQ until Thursday. If the weather cooperates, I'll come and fly
with the guys at the balloon park on Wednesday.



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[RCSE] Soaring in El Paso and Alamogordo?

2008-01-14 Thread schrederman

These places are on my territory. I am hoping to start taking a glider
and my hi start with me when I go... and maybe stop in a few places
while I'm on my way. I spend some time in El Paso about once a month. It
would be nice to get to know some folks along the road. :D 



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[RCSE] Re: Flew 100 times today

2008-01-14 Thread schrederman

WOW!!! Thought I'd be sore tomorrow... wrong... I'm sore today!


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[RCSE] Odd days in winter

2008-01-13 Thread schrederman

Well, I got to fly yesterday. Winds were NE when I got there, but turned
SW soon after I got the high start set out. High of 51 but the winds
were about 5 so not bad at all. Today's almost as good, with the high
forecast for 50 and the winds out of the NE at 5 - 10, so I'm heading
back out. Thermals were outstanding, yesterday, with several 10+ minute
flights... one with my Bantam from a hand launch. :D 

Landing practice today...



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[RCSE] Re: What Am I building building this winter

2008-01-13 Thread schrederman

Rebuilding a Houston Hawk... Building a Legionair 132 and a Grand



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[RCSE] Re: Contest Format - COMPETITION - Nagel delete

2008-01-13 Thread schrederman

I'm not sure where this level playing field stuff came from. If you go
back and read the original suggestions, it ain't there... neither
suggested nor implied. If you continue to read through some of the
assenine responses, you'll find it.

I don't mind being flamed for my ideas, but PLEASE don't put words in
my mouth... or add ideas to mine and then kick me in the gut for them.

I'm as much a competitor as anyone. The playing field is level when we
get there. Same launch systems, same tasks, same rules. The guys the
practice will win, and the guys that don't, won't.

Bring it on...



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[RCSE] Re: Contests format.

2008-01-13 Thread schrederman

Yep, lots of experts on RCSE...8^)... God help you if you like to share


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[RCSE] Re: Contest Format

2008-01-13 Thread schrederman

I like it. I've seen a variation of this flown, at Dallas with the HLGs
on the mini starts and the 100" models on regular high starts. No real
luck involved because the flight groups launch into the same air.

Nice work Tim.



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[RCSE] Re: "Maybe the Best 'Airframe' I Have Ever Seen on the Beach...EVER, Puerto V Today"

2008-01-10 Thread schrederman

GGGEE... I musta hit pretty close to home to have Gordo post that
much of a philosophical rant.

It's like this... when you start out with "I don't know where you've
been" etc. online, it can't help coming off as an insulting bunch of
crap, as others pointed out to you. You should remember that if you
kick someone in the crotch, they may kick back. But you're right. The
limiting of line length and winch power is pretty silly... almost as
silly as people saying a tactless travelling salesmani "soaring's

See you at SWC?



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[RCSE] Re: Brain Fart Challenge

2008-01-08 Thread schrederman

That's a doen deal



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[RCSE] Re: Brain Fart Challenge

2008-01-08 Thread schrederman

Thanks, Don, but...

The only time I've flown against Gordy in competition, I beat him...
skegless... flying a Dragonfly Strong against his Supra... I have
nothing left to prove. I appreciate your trying to be a peacemaker,
but, there's no peace to make. I had my say, and Gordy had his. We're
both entitled to voice our opinions. The next time I see him I will be
most happy to shake his hand. I would hope I could disagree with
anyone, and still remain friends.

I'm already entitled to a "I Beat Gordy" pin, anyway.


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[RCSE] Re: Challenge...

2008-01-08 Thread schrederman


Well, if there were more than 2 glider guys within 2 hours of me, I'd
put on a couple a year. I've been CD at more than my share of contests,
beginning in 1975. Clovis MADS club may well host a glider contest this
year. It's going to be a stretch, and I'm going to have to count on
folks coming from out of town since there are only 2 of us in Clovis.
The winch (1) will benefit from all the talk and thoughts of this and
other posts.


I'm not sure where you've been in the USA Soaring world, but I will
assure you that the winches I launched on 33 years ago are indeed
eclipsed by many of the winches in use today. The look is the same, FLS
motors, etc., but they pull a heck of a lot harder and faster.

Read the challenge... Who am I challenging? The status quo and the
ongoing escalation... Do you think I'm so dumb as to not know the
challenge is greater from a lower altitude? Are the guys that practice
and take this seriously going to win? Of course they are. This has
nothing to do with some pie-in-the-sky crap about letting beginners
win. As I said... put some challenge back into it. Airframes have
advanced along with launching systems so that making your time isn't
really too tough, anymore... especially if the lines are really out
there. I put my winch out in Houston once at 300 meters. I could have
flown to Galveston and back on that much altitude. Please read what's
written, and don't read anything else into it. It's not there. By the
way... the challenge says standardize, not weaken... if that means 6V
winds with real balls, so be it.

As to the skeg piece... Why not take that crutch away. Make the landing
tape 40' long instead of 25', and still measure from center just like
now. If you're really interested in what "hard on airframes" I believe
that sudden stop is probably harder on them than about anything.

Go ahead and let this escalate, and see where the attendance goes.
Strange that I don't remember you from those days when the winches got
totally out of hand and the kits (and lots of the builders) went
away... and the attendance fell way off to not very many.

Those that don't know history are bound to repeat it.



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[RCSE] Re: Brain Fart or Challenge?

2008-01-08 Thread schrederman

Gordy, can you read? Pretty tactless on your part. I'd be willing to bet
you a paycheck that the lines at TNT were'nt much more than 600'...
that's what I suggested... 600'. There's some wisdom in what I propose
if you think about it, which was the goal of the challenge... to make
some people think.

I have been around this world of soaring since the Windfree was king. I
know that there are too many Gordys out there to ever get anything
changed and made more challenging. It gets easier all the time with the
better sailplanes and higher launches and the landing aids. I wonder
what you would have been like as a modeller when we had to build it to
fly it. I don't find it challenging to launch to 8-900' with a nearly
aerodynamically perfect 140" model to make 10 minutes. I just want the
rest of the US soaring group to think and maybe someone will come up
with something better, more challenging, and more fun. Apparently
what's happening IS shortening the lines already. Our numbers are
falling off. Some of us are concerned about that.

Now, who's really got farts in his brains? Pretty tactless on your



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[RCSE] Re: Challenge...

2008-01-08 Thread schrederman

Walter, I can outland you without a skeg :p ... so what's your point?

Jack :D


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[RCSE] Challenge...

2008-01-03 Thread schrederman

Well I posted this under Best wishes for 2008... but not too many looked
at it... So here goes :eek: 

For this year, I'd like to issue a challenge to the soaring community.
For 30 years, we've been launching as high as possible, trying to stay
aloft for 10 minutes, and coming down on a spot, carrying a skeg that
many times arrests on the line rather than the ground. That gets old...
in fact it got old a long time ago...  

My challenge is to standardize the American TD winch, including line
strength, and to do away with landing skegs. I also think the
turnaround should be no more than 600' from the launch point. Let's put
some challenge back into this. Flame suit ON!  

Jack (Darth) Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Best 2 meter for NATS

2007-12-28 Thread schrederman

If I get to go to the Nats... I'll volunteer to  help those 2 days...



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[RCSE] RE: re:contest launch equipment vs large models

2007-12-21 Thread schrederman

Someone, might have been DP, brought up some good points about launching
into thermals, gusts, etc. A flyer might be doing his best to pulse up
and save the line and break it anyhow... I like the 180# to 200# line
suggestions, but most of all, I like the limited winch power
suggestions. Of all the suggestions made, It's the only thing that
really makes sense to me. I may change my mind after SWC where the
winches will be toned down by resistors... it will be interesting.



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[RCSE] Re: Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-21 Thread schrederman


That will be interesting. See you in Phoenix.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Icon 2

2007-12-21 Thread schrederman

Back when we were using 6-V batteries, and 80# line, there were 140" and
150" models, and they outlaunched everyone. I see no need to limit the
unlimited class... only the launch power. In this scenerio, I see no
other sloution that allows everyone to launch from club equipment and
keep the contest running. I think Smokin' Joe has made the most sense.
Learn to launch without breaking the line/equipment, or don't bitch
when you have to fly it out. Expecting officials to have 300# line is
like going to Mexico City and expecting everyone to speak English.

Perhaps if a broken line were to equal 0 for the round, we'd learn to
work within the limits of the equipment really fast.


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[RCSE] RE: Icon 2: Lines in a Twist

2007-12-21 Thread schrederman

If you come to my contest, you'll be launching on 180# line and if you
break it, you'll fly it. Just because you have no skill, just brute
strength, is not my problem, either. So who says we have to cater to
your HIGHER line strength needs. There is something in the rule book
about the CD settting the rules of a particular contest. If I have
everyone showing up with ICON 8s or whatever, 300# line is what I need
to provide. My suggestion of 180# line doesn't actually cater to
anyone. It's still too heavy for lots of models. It's actually strong
enough to launch your Icon or my Onyx JW. The real world is that not
everyone wants the latest carbon gobbler to fall out of the tree... so
DUUUHHH!!! yourself. Wake up ... it ain't all about you.


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[RCSE] Re: Icon 2

2007-12-21 Thread schrederman

We've been saying it for years, and not enforcing it. If a guy breaks
the line and isn't made to fly it out, he hasn't learned anything. I
like Mike's solution. Limit the motor power to below line strength.
Launch mentality and techniques would change, but the competitons would
run smoother because of less line/equipment failure.

Unfortunately, as in full-scale, it comes down to money for most guys.
They have other interests and really don't want to plunk down $2500-
for model and radio to be competitive. Wake up, guys. If this keeps
escalating, attendance will continue to fall at contests because the
guy flying a $600- model will finally quit coming, and you'll be flying
by yourself.

Last year's Standard-Class Nationals at Hobbs NM had 20 competitors. 20
years ago they had over 80. Sports Class is the only growing class
because you run what you brung. Plenty of room at this year's TNT, I
noticed. I've never been to SWC but I'm going this year. Probably going
to the NATS if I can work it in to my schedule. Is attendance falling at
contests at all levels? I'm afraid so. Will we ever get a clue?



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[RCSE] Re: "It ain't about the Nats, or 2m, but it is interesting reading...HKM's High End"

2007-12-13 Thread schrederman

I'm on the list for a new High End... and  don't impress that easily.
Ask Gordy. I ain't impressed with him at all... Just kidding of course.
Stay away from that goat cheese, Gordy!



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[RCSE] Re: 2008 Nats Dates/Schedule (R/C Soaring & R/C Electric)

2007-12-13 Thread schrederman

Odd to me that there are 2 days of 2-meter and only 1 day of RES. I
would think RES would have more contestants. Just thinking out loud,
since I'm thinking of going.



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[RCSE] Re: 2008 Nats Schedule

2007-12-13 Thread schrederman

Did Gordy MOON somebody?


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[RCSE] Re: DLGs = Bang for the Buck, NO WAY; Benchmarks- Get Real.

2007-12-04 Thread schrederman


First Houston Hawk cost $130.00... retired at 250 flight hours in 1221
flights. Second Hawk was $112.00... 10 hours and sold for a larger sum
than I'll disclose. Third Hawk was $120.00... add $55.00 for a newly
aquired fuselage, $26.00 for Monokote, and $8.00 for a new 7075T6
joiner... being rebuilt after 267.5 flight hours and 1331 flights...
All at a profit of over, well... if I told you that, you'd know how
much I made selling the second one...

Bang for the buck? Got 'er beat!

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Supra or Onyx JW??

2007-11-30 Thread schrederman

Just so you'll know... I have flown the JW 6 times and it now has 59
minutes of flight time on it. :D  Benchmark? I'll let you guys puke in
each other's dry pockets over that one. I will say this... For me, I
will probably compare other models with this one for some time to come,
and I haven't gotten the CG or settings right yet... I will give it my
precise leading edge polish and a few other little details and here we

But then, even the JW is, in my mind, being compared to the original
Houston Hawk...

Yep, braggin' just a bit... :p  kinda like a proud papa. You can have
your benchmarks, I have mine. :D 



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[RCSE] Re: [Fwd: Lone Star Models burned out]

2007-11-27 Thread schrederman

I bought a bunch of 1/16 X 4 X 48 and some 1/20 in the same large
dimensions there a couple of weeks ago. I always got good wood there...
hope they come back.



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[RCSE] Re: Supra or Onyx JW??

2007-11-27 Thread schrederman

Or perhaps it's because I've flown both and could see no real
difference... except one comes with all the radio stuff for the same
price as the other airframe. I'm spending the difference on a winch...

And besides, I'm on the list for "something better".

Hi Gordy...



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[RCSE] Re: Supra or Onyx JW??

2007-11-18 Thread schrederman

I went with the Onyx Jw because I thought it performed about like a
Supra and was less expensive... We'll see...



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[RCSE] Re: Soarcraft Magnum 12

2007-11-18 Thread schrederman

Sorry I got my teet in a wringer about the above. I should have known it
was a joke... my bad...

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Soarcraft Magnum 12

2007-11-11 Thread schrederman

Well, I could thermal mine out from a wingspan high, and won my first
contests with it. I did a few things, like strengthening the inner
wings and lightening the outers by tapering spar stock, etc. In spite
of it's long span, mine would turn well, and 8 oz. of lead on the CG
would take care of the Texas winds. I could thermal it as well or
better than most models I had owned up to that time. I have always been
an aft CG guy, so maybe some others had it nose heavy, but I can't speak
for them. My only problem was that the inboard rib sets didn't match,
and I stacked them and matched them prior to building.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Soarcraft Magnum 12

2007-11-11 Thread schrederman

Actually, I have a grip. Perhaps in the right hands it flew well. Mine



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[RCSE] Re: Dragonfly Strong

2007-11-11 Thread schrederman

Well, everytime I get a  wild hair to sell this model, it surprises me
again. I flew it today in very light lift in Albuquerque, and it
performed very well, out thermalling some of the moldies. I did crack
one stab half a bit today, but will have it repaired and recovered
before bed time. I am SERIOUSLY thinking about building another set of
MH-32 wings and new stabs for this fuselage. I was thinking of bagging
them but I've decided to keep it a woodie with carbon spars... hold on
to your shorts... The AutoCad is fired up!

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Soarcraft Magnum 12

2007-11-10 Thread schrederman

I had 2 of them back in the '70s. They did indeed fly well and were a
nice build, something that's lost on most "modellers" these days.

Why would you ask such an assenine question?


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[RCSE] Re: Soarcraft Magnum 12

2007-11-08 Thread schrederman

Me too...

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Source for fiberglass fuselage

2006-11-06 Thread schrederman

Anyone know of a good source of fiberglass fuselages? My buildin' finger
is itchin'

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Final Glide - NTSB Report on Mark Navarre

2006-10-29 Thread schrederman

Mark was a good pilot... both R/C and full scale. I met him a couple of
times and we exchanged emails a couple of times. We had very similar
interests, both being glider pilots and R/C pilots. He is sorely

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Blah Blah Blah

2006-10-21 Thread schrederman

Aren't Gordy's eyes brown... reportedly because he's full of something
or another... but I heard something other than BBQ.

Someone finally got him to fly RES and he seems to like it!

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Would You Believe a Jet Hit a Sailplane and Everyone Lived?

2006-09-12 Thread schrederman

The glider was an ASG29, and the jet pilot, flying at approximately 300
knots, would have been hard pressed to see the sailplane in time to
avoid. See and avoid being the operative words, I'm quite sure that the
jet pilot would have given the right of way had the glider been seen.
Makes me pucker a bit, and use the unicom frequency to announce my
presence, altitude, and location when near airports... especially when
landing. A white glider against a blue/white sky from 2 miles is almost
impossible to see. How fast do you cover 2 miles at 300 knots? Believe
me, it happens fast.

Jack Womack
PIK-20B N77MA  (TE)


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[RCSE] Re: Items for sale

2006-05-30 Thread schrederman


I'd very much like to have the Aquila. How do I contact you?

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Relaxer and Winglets

2005-12-20 Thread schrederman

Winglets have been beaten to death several times. The problem was that
not enough research was done before pronouncing them dead. Properly
done, they do add performance at low speeds without seriously affecting
the higher speed glide ratio. If winglets weren't beneficial, they would
not be appearing on EVERY new competition full-scale sailplane. I have
done some models with winglets and I think they worked well, especially
in low-speed circling flight. The Houston Hawk has winglets and it's
absolutely amazing how tight it will turn without falling out. I had a
153" RES ship with winglets that I made VERY carefully and they worked
very well, again especially at low speeds. They were not detrimental to
the higher speed glides. I thermalled it out in hand-launch level stuff
on a regular basis, before I launched it with the transmitter set on
the wrong model... drat... Still have the wings, and will one day build
another fuselage.

Jack Womack


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[RCSE] Re: Houston, TX

2005-11-11 Thread schrederman


Comin' to see us?

Jack Womack


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