Re: SM 2.1b1 Extensions

2010-11-19 Thread Stéphane Grégoire

Ed Mullen a tapoté, le 18/11/2010 21:13:
 Anyone have success installing extensions in SM 2.1b1?

 No go with:
 Web Developer
 User Agent Switcher

It works for me, see my user agent!


Don't work with Seamonkey 2.1b1

British English Dictionary 1.19 is also don't work for me!

 With the ones that don't install I've tried bumping up the maxVersion 
 number to no avail.

You can use Nightly Tester Tools.

I'm using this extensions :
Signal Spam 0.5.2
Adblock Plus 1.3.1
ChatZilla 0.9.86
Nightly Tester Tools 2.5.1
Forecastfox Weather
Dictionnaire français «Classique» 3.9.2
United States English Spellchecker 5.0.1
User Agent Switcher


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Unable To Load Address Book File abook.mab P.S.

2010-11-19 Thread Daniel

Ed Mullen wrote:

Mort wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Mort wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Mort wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Mort wrote:

Daniel wrote:

One day, the addressbook will stick in Windows

Hi Daniel,

More frustration now. When I click on the address book in the l.l.
corner, I get only Collected Address Book, and no Personal Address
When I try to import, I click on Address Book, and get 4 choices,
of which works :Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, or text(incl
whatever that is). When I type in the folder name of each of my
abook. files, none of them gets imported to anything.

Wow. It's like that old vaudeville joke about directions: You can't
there from here.

Thanks again, Daniel.


If at first you don't succeed, Mort,

1. In SeaMonkey, save an email address to your current abook.mab.
will give the file today's dat, so you can tell which one is your
abook. Tools-Export the addressbook to an .ldif file. Note its

2. Do a Windows Find File and Folder for abook.mab.

3. Change the name of your current abook (the one with today's
to something distinctive, keeping the mab trailer.

4. Move one of the other abook.mab's to the location of the original

5. Start SeaMonkey and see if you can address an email.

If this abook is not the one you want, repeat steps 4 and 5 for the
other abook's. When you find the right one, then, if you want,
Tools-Import the addressbook that you started with and that you
exported as an ldif file.

See how that goes.


Hi Daniel,

Again, many thanks. I do not have a current abook. icon in my SM. I
only a Collected Addresses file icon in my SM. Search reveals 3 abook
files on my hard drive, each with 236 KB, and each with a long run-on
text. If I could enter a new address into one of them, which I
then I would never be able to find it.

Mort are you looking at the abooks outside of SM?? If so, stop wasting
your time, they will always look like garbage. It only matters what
happens to them inside of SeaMonkey

The frustrating thing is that those 3 abook files are there
someplace on
my hard drive, but not in SM where they should be. At least I still
my Collected Addresses icon and file.

If you did a Windows Find File and Folder, looking for abook.mab, and
then set Windows up so that you can see all the sub-folders, then you
would be able to import them into SeaMonkey, to see if they are

Hi Daniel,

Again, many thanks.
1) I looked up several books, Googled, etc., and still do not know how
to see all the subfolders.

After some Googleing, try Open Windows Explorer. click on Organize -
Folder  search options
(.) show hidden files and folders
(I'm not using Windows, so cannot check these instructions, but I'm
guessing they are o.k., but might need a bit of adjustment dependent
on which version of Windows you are using.)

2) When I manage to get one of my abook.mab into where it should be it
is gone the next time I boot up.

When you find your abook files, open SeaMonkey and click on
Edit-MailNewsgroup Account Settings, then select Server Settings
for your Mail Account.

Look at Local directory (bottom of screen) for the location of your
profile. If needs be, click into that space and arrow across to the
right so you can see the full address. Write down the location.

Close this Window, close SeaMonkey. Open your Windows Explorer and
make your way to the location you noted. You may even have to go a
level or two lower to find your abook.mab file as you noted its
location in the search a couple of days ago.

Right click on your abook.mab and select to rename it, then give it a
name you will remember. Then, in Windows Explorer, locate one of the
other abook.mab files and cut it from where it is and paste it where
the now re-named abook.mab was.

Open Seamonkey, click on the Address book Icon in the bottom left of
the SeaMonkey screen and see if it displays correctly.

If not, close SeaMonkey and Cut  Paste another Addressbook into the
required location, and so on until either you find the abook you want
or you've tried them all.

Report Back.


Hi Daniel,

More frustration. Searching for Windows Explorer reveals the following
on-screen message: Windows cannot find Windows Explorer. Can you
imagine. I still cannot find the way to show hidden files and folders
nor subfolders, after following your instructions. I have a
post-graduate degree and speak 4 languages well and 2 more somewhat, but
that seems not to matter.The various abook.mab that I have are all dated
2007 and seem to be identical, all in running text form, and all
seemingly refusing to go where they should.

Is that what you're needing?

Trust Microsoft!!!

Ed, while I was waiting for that page to display, I read the link in the 
location bar and saw the bit where it says 

Re: SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-19 Thread Arne

Michael Lueck wrote:


I use the latest Firefox as my web browser, SeaMonkey for
Mail/News/Composer. On Ubuntu Linux, the official Mozilla binaries
installed via UbuntuZilla.

Since switching from Thunderbird to SeaMonkey for email, webpages that
have mailto: links do not properly open a new SeaMonkey email message
window. SeaMonkey does seem to flash / get focus, just no new window opens.

When I was using Thunderbird, mailto: links properly opened a TB email

It seems like SM don't work properly when links are clicked on from 
other applications? I have a similar experience.

I have a news feed gadget on my Vista Side panel. If SM is already 
running, clicking on a link in the feed opens the news page in a new 
tab as it should. But if SM is not running, I have to click twice on 
the feed link. On the first click SM seem to get focus without opening 
a window. On the second click SM opens with the news page open in two 

support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey Faulty Page Rendering

2010-11-19 Thread James Greenidge

I've come across several examples of this while using Google translation 
service, where SeaMonkey doesn't render right while Firefox does 
perfectly, as an example:

via Google translation the page results between SeaMonkey and Firefox 
are strikingly different in missed data and rendering:


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Road Runner Speed Test

2010-11-19 Thread Rob C.
I can't answer your question directly but try some of the 
speed tests at this website:
You can also run Flash or Java  based tests.  It may answer 
your question if you are able to get things  working there.  HTH

Rob C.

David E. Ross wrote:

My broadband service is via a Road Runner (Time Warner) cable modem.
When I go to, I am
indeed able to test my download and upload speeds.

However, while the results are displayed, I have a serious problem with
SeaMonkey's Cookie Manager.  If I go to [Tools  Cookie Manager  Manage
Stored Cookies] and view my accumulated cookies and select a cookie, it
stays selected for only 1-2 seconds.  If I scroll to the bottom of the
list of cookies, the list snaps back to the top.  This problem goes away
if I disable and then re-enable JavaScript.

In one case, I cleared the Error Console just before running a speed
test.  After running the speed test, the Error Console reported the
three following errors (plus more than 50 warnings):

Error: test_completed is not defined
Source File: javascript:test_completed(1454,363,43,8)
Line: 1

Error: a is undefined
Source File:
Line: 52

Error: a is undefined
Source File:
Line: 52

My configuration is as follows:

Windows XP Home Edition Version 5.1 (Service Pack 3)

Motorola cable modem
Netgear cable/DSL Internet router

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20101027 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

Cookies for the originating Web site only

Flash (10.1 r102) (usually blocked with FlashBlock but
unblocked for the speed test, which uses Flash)

Extensions (enabled: 8)
* Adblock Plus 1.2.2 (
* DOM Inspector 2.0.8 (
* Find Preferences 1.0
* Flashblock 1.3.17 (
* Live HTTP headers 0.16
* PrefBar 5.1.1 (
* Preserve Download Modification Timestamp 2010.09.12.18
* Show Password On Input 0.1.3
* ShowIP 0.8.19 (

Note that Road Runner's speed test uses the same Ookla engine that the
FCC's uses.  When I use the FCC site, I
don't have any problems with Cookie Manager.

Road Runner (of course) insists that my setup is causing the problem.
Contrary to Road Runner's replies to my messages, I DO INDEED GET A
some reason, they keep indicating that I cannot do a speed test at their
site when I keep telling them that the speed test runs to completion and
gives reasonable results.  (This is quite common for technical support
services that operate entirely from prepared scripts.)

My question is whether anyone can determine accurately where the problem
lies: in Road Runner's Web page or in SeaMonkey.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-19 Thread Michael Lueck


The solution was to update the switches Gnome was launching SeaMonkey with as 
it processed the mailto: link.

The correct switches are as follows:
seamonkey -compose %s

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/18/10 10:46 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

I've sometimes had that experience with -- I think they have
some js thingie that doesn't work right out of the box.

But if you were able to get it started, that's useful info -- I can't.
Can you tell me more about your configuration?

Is this a pirated video?  There was a blurred box in the upper-left
corner as if some logo was being hidden.

I think so, but I don't know the precise rules of that game -- it's from
KBS, posted by fans of the show so other fans can see episodes they
missed. If I wait around until Monday, I can tape it off the air anyway,
so no biggie.

My configuration:

Windows XP Home Edition Version 5.1 (Service Pack 3)

800x600 screen

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20101027 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

Cookies for the originating Web site only

Flash (10.1 r102) (but usually blocked with FlashBlock; in
this case, I selected the FlashBlock icon to display the Flash presentation)

Extensions (enabled: 8)
* Adblock Plus 1.2.2 (
* DOM Inspector 2.0.8 (
* Find Preferences 1.0
* Flashblock 1.3.17 (
* Live HTTP headers 0.16
* PrefBar 5.1.1 (
* Preserve Download Modification Timestamp 2010.09.12.18
* Show Password On Input 0.1.3
* ShowIP 0.8.19 (


I poked around the tudou website, and I don't seem to be able to play 
any of their vids anymore. I checked my firewall log, nothing relevant 
there, and also looked at my AdBlock rules, and tudou is not mentioned 
there. I'm rejecting their cookies, but temporarily accepting them 
didn't help. SeaMonkey is set to clear all cookies on shutdown (accept 
only session cookies), so nothing persists from session to session.

I'm using SM 2.0.10 on WinXP Pro SP3, with the following extensions:

Adblock Plus 1.3.1
Chatzilla 0.9.86
DOM Inspector 2.0.8
JavaScript Debugger

I also have (among others) the following relevant plugins:

Shockwave Flash
File name: NPSWF32.dll
Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102

Shockwave for Director
File name: np32dsw.dll
Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5

Anyone have any ideas?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Unable To Load Address Book File abook.mab P.S.

2010-11-19 Thread Ed Mullen

Mort wrote:

More frustration. Searching for Windows Explorer reveals the following
on-screen message: Windows cannot find Windows Explorer. Can you

The Windows Explorer program file is explorer.exe.  To run it:

Click Start button
Hover over Programs
Go up to and click on Accessories
Click Windows Explorer

I still cannot find the way to show hidden files and folders
nor subfolders, after following your instructions.

Scroll to the bottom and read the Note.  There is a link in that 
paragraph to the Microsoft article I cited in my other post.

Ed Mullen
Everyone has a right to be stupid. Some just abuse the privilege.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey Add-on needed

2010-11-19 Thread hawker

On 11/17/2010 10:31 PM, Jamey Fletcher wrote:

hawker wrote:

Use Image Zoom. Works great (less filling).
Mouse over and use scroll wheel to zoom

One *MIGHT* note that not all people, especially some on laptops, have
the luxury of your silly scroll wheel. Heck, you can't even really
guarantee your users have two mouse buttons - or even that they have a
mouse. I've had a few times when I was kind of desperately searching the
web for how the  to get a mouse working. Fortunately, I come from a
by-gone era when using the keyboard to do work was considered
reasonable. These days, I'm wondering why they bother shipping them to
most people, as most people's typing speed would be much improved if
they just had an on-screen keyboard to click on with their mouse.

Well then you can right mouse button and use the zoom feature there as 
well.  Of course if your not willing to use a mouse button (and they are 
on all lap tops these days) then I recommend firing up that old Osborne 
CP/M system and get your wordstar off.

Me, yep I'm mostly on a lap top but I use a wireless mouse with it.

support-seamonkey mailing list


2010-11-19 Thread actress

Due to some premises i have HIDDEN the Videos in an IMAGE.CLICK on
the IMAGE below the SEARCH BOX
Due to some premises i have HIDDEN the Videos in an IMAGE.CLICK on
the IMAGE below the SEARCH BOX
support-seamonkey mailing list


2010-11-19 Thread actress
Due to some premises i have HIDDEN the Videos in an IMAGE.CLICK on
the IMAGE below the SEARCH BOX
Due to some premises i have HIDDEN the Videos in an IMAGE.CLICK on
the IMAGE below the SEARCH BOX
support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey trunk (2.1) Mac nightlies now Intel 32bit+64bit (PPC dropped)

2010-11-19 Thread Robert Kaiser

Hi everyone,

As the Mozilla 2.0 platform has dropped support for Mac PPC as a primary 
platform some time ago, and problems have been coming along with builds 
on that platform, we have now made SeaMonkey 2.1 follow the other 
Mozilla-based applications in this.

Nightlies from now on do not support the PPC architecture any more, but 
instead support 64bit Intel on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in addition 
to 32bit Intel on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and higher.

Updates should automatically take users to the new builds if they are on 
an Intel Mac, we have stopped issuing updates for PPC some time ago 
already when we discovered that builds were broken.

You also can get nightlies from if you want to start 
testing them.

The SeaMonkey team would be happy about reports of how well those new 
builds work, esp. regarding updates and running in 64bit mode.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list


2010-11-19 Thread Jim Gordon
Why do I frequently have to click on the back button *twice* on 
Seamonkey to return to the previous page???

Thanks, Jim Gordon
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:


I poked around the tudou website, and I don't seem to be able to play
any of their vids anymore. I checked my firewall log, nothing relevant
there, and also looked at my AdBlock rules, and tudou is not mentioned
there. I'm rejecting their cookies, but temporarily accepting them
didn't help. SeaMonkey is set to clear all cookies on shutdown (accept
only session cookies), so nothing persists from session to session.

I'm using SM 2.0.10 on WinXP Pro SP3, with the following extensions:

Adblock Plus 1.3.1
Chatzilla 0.9.86
DOM Inspector 2.0.8
JavaScript Debugger

I also have (among others) the following relevant plugins:

Shockwave Flash
File name: NPSWF32.dll
Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102

Shockwave for Director
File name: np32dsw.dll
Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5

Anyone have any ideas?

Followup: It seems to matter which URL I use to play the videos.

If I use one like in my original post, which has always worked in the past:
I have trouble; nothing happens.

However, if I convert that URL to this format:
everything works fine.

Go figure...

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:


I poked around the tudou website, and I don't seem to be able to play
any of their vids anymore. I checked my firewall log, nothing relevant
there, and also looked at my AdBlock rules, and tudou is not mentioned
there. I'm rejecting their cookies, but temporarily accepting them
didn't help. SeaMonkey is set to clear all cookies on shutdown (accept
only session cookies), so nothing persists from session to session.

I'm using SM 2.0.10 on WinXP Pro SP3, with the following extensions:

Adblock Plus 1.3.1
Chatzilla 0.9.86
DOM Inspector 2.0.8
JavaScript Debugger

I also have (among others) the following relevant plugins:

Shockwave Flash
File name: NPSWF32.dll
Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102

Shockwave for Director
File name: np32dsw.dll
Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5

Anyone have any ideas?

Followup: It seems to matter which URL I use to play the videos.

If I use one like in my original post, which has always worked in the past:
I have trouble; nothing happens.

However, if I convert that URL to this format:

That one does not work for me.  I get an orange and black screen.

everything works fine.

Go figure...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Hartmut Figge
Paul B. Gallagher:

After disabling flashblock...

If I use one like in my original post, which has always worked in the past:
I have trouble; nothing happens. (82 KB)

and after pressing the play button: (92 KB)

However, if I convert that URL to this format:
everything works fine. (142 KB)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0b4pre) Gecko/20100807
Mnenhy/0.8.4pre1 SeaMonkey/2.1a3pre

Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.1b1 Extensions

2010-11-19 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 19/11/10 10:44, Stéphane Grégoire wrote:


Ed Mullen a tapoté, le 18/11/2010 21:13:

Anyone have success installing extensions in SM 2.1b1?

No go with:

Web Developer
User Agent Switcher

It works for me, see my user agent!


Don't work with Seamonkey 2.1b1

British English Dictionary 1.19 is also don't work for me!

With the ones that don't install I've tried bumping up the maxVersion
number to no avail.

You can use Nightly Tester Tools.

I'm using this extensions :
Signal Spam 0.5.2
Adblock Plus 1.3.1
ChatZilla 0.9.86
Nightly Tester Tools 2.5.1
Forecastfox Weather
Dictionnaire français «Classique» 3.9.2
United States English Spellchecker 5.0.1
User Agent Switcher

There have been quite severe changes in the extensions subsystem for 
Gecko 2 (Firefox 4 - SeaMonkey 2.1 - etc.), so it's understandable that 
many extensions haven't yet followed suit.

In general, if an extension supports Firefox and SeaMonkey, and if it 
supports Firefox 4.0b8pre or higher, it will probably run correctly in 
the latest SeaMonkey trunk nightlies, though if it doesn't boast support 
for Sm 2.1b2pre you may have to either bump the maxVersion or set 
extensions.checkCompatibility.2.1b to true in about:config (this 
preference doesn't exist by default). Beware that if you set this pref 
it is *your* responsibility to disable misbehaving extensions: SeaMonkey 
will still check the version compatibility and mention any mismatches in 
the addons manager, but it won't anymore auto-disable extensions which 
say they are incompatible. Alternatively, you could install the Add-on 
Compatibility Reporter extension, which allows you to report which 
extensions worked in spite of a compatibility mismatch, and which ones 
didn't in spite of a match.

Best regards,

#32: You call your answering service and they've never heard of
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.10 Mac - crashing...and crashing...and crashing...

2010-11-19 Thread Paul Bergsagel

Rufus wrote:

Started a couple nights ago...repeated crashes trying to use SM Mail.
Then tonight repeated crashes on launch. All reported.

Reinstalled far, so better. So far...


A couple of days ago I had a similar situation. OS X was unstable. 
SeaMonkey and EyeTV would randomly crash requiring a reboot, which only 
solves the instability of the system for a short while.

You might want to run OnyX. After running OnyX OS X has been very 
stable. (I read an article ZDNET, MacWorld or another site but cannot 
remember which recommended running OnyX every three months with all 
options checked but clear browser history and cookies.)

OnyX saved my iMac BTW I am running OS X 10.6.5 on a 24 iMac (late 
2006) 2.16 GHz.

Download OnyX from apple's site

What is OnyX:
A multifunction utility for Mac OS X which allows you to verify the 
Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of 
system maintenance, to configure some hidden parameters of the Finder, 
Dock, QuickTime, Safari, iTunes, Login window, Spotlight and many 
Apple’s applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of 
files and folders that may become cumbersome and more.

Download it and run it with all options checked, except Browser cookies 
amd Browser history. It works miracles, but can not cure all problems.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Jim


I tried it out, and the first link works just fine for me.  Starts up 
immediately after you press the go arrow.  Maybe they were having problems?

BTW, my wife is Korean, and she uses (think it's a 
French hosted site.)


Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Followup: It seems to matter which URL I use to play the videos.

If I use one like in my original post, which has always worked in the past:
I have trouble; nothing happens.

However, if I convert that URL to this format:
everything works fine.

Go figure...

support-seamonkey mailing list

strange seamonkey crashing problem

2010-11-19 Thread Jim
SM 2.0.10, Windows XP w/SP3, Pentium 4 with 1.5 gigs RAM.  Last night I 
was using the SM Browser and it crashed.  After that, I could not start 
up the browser.  The Select a Profile screen came up, but, as soon as 
I moused over the screen, it would crash.  I tried starting u[ the 
browser with options from the command line, and a page would load just 
fine, until I moused over any place in the page, and it would crashe. 
Same with SM mail.

I couldn't reboot because I was running a distribute computing app in 
the background, and didn't want to lose 4 hours of work.  This morning, 
I came down and SM started up just fine.

Comments on this?  Does SM set some error flag some place?  Seemed like 
something was in memory that SM didn't like.  I'm also running Norton 
Internet Security, and it likes doing stuff during the wee hours of the 
night, so maybe it took up whatever was in memory that was bugging SM?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.10 Mac - crashing...and crashing...and crashing...

2010-11-19 Thread Rufus

Paul Bergsagel wrote:

Rufus wrote:

Started a couple nights ago...repeated crashes trying to use SM Mail.
Then tonight repeated crashes on launch. All reported.

Reinstalled far, so better. So far...


A couple of days ago I had a similar situation. OS X was unstable.
SeaMonkey and EyeTV would randomly crash requiring a reboot, which only
solves the instability of the system for a short while.

You might want to run OnyX. After running OnyX OS X has been very
stable. (I read an article ZDNET, MacWorld or another site but cannot
remember which recommended running OnyX every three months with all
options checked but clear browser history and cookies.)

OnyX saved my iMac BTW I am running OS X 10.6.5 on a 24 iMac (late
2006) 2.16 GHz.

Download OnyX from apple's site

What is OnyX:
A multifunction utility for Mac OS X which allows you to verify the
Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of
system maintenance, to configure some hidden parameters of the Finder,
Dock, QuickTime, Safari, iTunes, Login window, Spotlight and many
Apple’s applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of
files and folders that may become cumbersome and more.

Download it and run it with all options checked, except Browser cookies
amd Browser history. It works miracles, but can not cure all problems.

I already have Onyx - and a few other apps like it; MainMenu as primary 
- installed and run the OS X cleanup scrips nightly at shutdown.

The only app I was having a problem with was Seamonkey, and over a 
couple of nights/restarts/cache cleans.

I'm running 10.6.5 on both a 24 iMac and 15 MacBook Pro - only the 
'Book had a problem.  So far...I reinstalled SM and haven't spent a lot 
of time using that machine since, but I'll be watching it as I do.  The 
crash-crash-crashes did stop after the re-install.  So far...

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Hartmut Figge wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher:

After disabling flashblock...

If I use one like in my original post, which has always worked in the past:
I have trouble; nothing happens. (82 KB)

and after pressing the play button: (92 KB)

However, if I convert that URL to this format:
everything works fine. (142 KB)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0b4pre) Gecko/20100807
Mnenhy/0.8.4pre1 SeaMonkey/2.1a3pre

Shockwave Flash 10.1 r102

Yes, this is all what you're supposed to see, and you have the same 
Flash version as I do. The first screenshot is the placeholder image 
they randomly pick from the middle of the clip; the second is the 
beginning of the introductory jingle, and the third is a little later in 
the jingle.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Jim wrote:


I tried it out, and the first link works just fine for me. Starts up
immediately after you press the go arrow. Maybe they were having problems?

Apparently not, if others can view the vids. I still can't, so it must 
be at my end, or else some compatibility issue.

BTW, my wife is Korean, and she uses (think it's a
French hosted site.)

I started at; some of their links are from, others are at (a French site), some are at YouTube, 
some are at, some are at, a few are even at MySpace. 
They don't actually host anything, they just embed content from other sites.

I know the Koreans call them drama (드라마), but a better term in 
English is soap (opera). The Mexicans call them telenovelas.

Strangely enough, when I go to, I just get a 
white screen, and the source code justifies that. Same without the www.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

'Report Broken Web Site' Not Available in SM 2.1b2pre

2010-11-19 Thread Arnie Goetchius
According to the latest download of Seamonkey 2.1b2pre there is a 
process to report broken web sites as described in the following paragraph:

SeaMonkey comes with a new tool for reporting broken web sites 
(available through the Custom Install option). From the 'Help' menu, 
select 'Report Broken Web Site' and provide as much information as you 
can about the issue that you are encountering.

I did a custom install but did not see anywhere that I could load that 
option. When I click on the Help menu, I don't see 'Report Broken Web 
Site'. Is this in the future? Sounds like a terrific idea.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.1b1 Extensions

2010-11-19 Thread Ed Mullen

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On 19/11/10 10:44, Stéphane Grégoire wrote:


Ed Mullen a tapoté, le 18/11/2010 21:13:

Anyone have success installing extensions in SM 2.1b1?

No go with:

Web Developer
User Agent Switcher

It works for me, see my user agent!


Don't work with Seamonkey 2.1b1

British English Dictionary 1.19 is also don't work for me!

With the ones that don't install I've tried bumping up the maxVersion
number to no avail.

You can use Nightly Tester Tools.

I'm using this extensions :
Signal Spam 0.5.2
Adblock Plus 1.3.1
ChatZilla 0.9.86
Nightly Tester Tools 2.5.1
Forecastfox Weather
Dictionnaire français «Classique» 3.9.2
United States English Spellchecker 5.0.1
User Agent Switcher

There have been quite severe changes in the extensions subsystem for
Gecko 2 (Firefox 4 - SeaMonkey 2.1 - etc.), so it's understandable that
many extensions haven't yet followed suit.

In general, if an extension supports Firefox and SeaMonkey, and if it
supports Firefox 4.0b8pre or higher, it will probably run correctly in
the latest SeaMonkey trunk nightlies, though if it doesn't boast support
for Sm 2.1b2pre you may have to either bump the maxVersion or set
extensions.checkCompatibility.2.1b to true in about:config (this
preference doesn't exist by default). Beware that if you set this pref
it is *your* responsibility to disable misbehaving extensions: SeaMonkey
will still check the version compatibility and mention any mismatches in
the addons manager, but it won't anymore auto-disable extensions which
say they are incompatible. Alternatively, you could install the Add-on
Compatibility Reporter extension, which allows you to report which
extensions worked in spite of a compatibility mismatch, and which ones
didn't in spite of a match.

Good info, Tony, thanks.  I may try that pref or I may just wait until 
2.1 matures some more.

So far 2.1 Beta 1 seems pretty stable.  Haven't had any glitches yet but 
I'm only a few days into it.

Ed Mullen
How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hands ...
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Can't play tudou vids (WAS: Me or them?)

2010-11-19 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Strangely enough, when I go to, I just get a
white screen, and the source code justifies that. Same without the www.

Found it -- at http://www.dramacrazy.NET. Thanks for the tip.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.10 Mac - crashing...and crashing...and crashing...

2010-11-19 Thread Chris Ilias

On 10-11-18 11:54 PM, Rufus wrote:

Started a couple nights ago...repeated crashes trying to use SM Mail.
Then tonight repeated crashes on launch. All reported.

Reinstalled far, so better. So far...

Open SeaMonkey, go to the address about:crashes (without the quotes) 
and tell us your latest crash IDs. We can then look at the data specific 
to your crash and have a better idea of what is causing the problem.

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