RE: [Biofuel] GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Greetings Concerned "Cotton" People,

There is a simple answer to eliminating pests of all kinds from cotton and
any other plant. It is called Vermiculture.

Nope: Vermiculture is the production of worms. Vermicomposting is the 
production of castings, to which you refer. Not just being picky, 
they're different - yes, vermiculture does produce castings too, but 
they're essentially a by-product, and yes, vermicomposting does also 
produce excess worms, but again they're a by-product. To achieve what 
you're claiming it has to be vermicomposting.

It's no news, by the way, nor that organic methods are highly 
productive and need no pesticides, it's quite well-covered in the 
archives, and very well-covered at Journey to Forever - we've been 
doing this for 25 years:
Vermicomposting resources

See also:

City farms

Organic gardening
Building a square foot garden
Plant spacing guides
No ground? Use containers
When to sow what
Garden pond
Gardening resources

Making compost
Composting resources
Composting indoors
Composting for small farms

Small farms
Small farm resources
Community-supported farms
Farming with trees
Farming with animals
Pigs for small farms
Poultry for small farms
Aquaculture for small farms
Composting for small farms
Controlling weeds and pests

Small farms library

Granted it is more trouble than
just spraying on a chemical

Not in the long-run.

but it doesn't hurt any living thing and it
helps the heck out of plants - they grow up to twice their normal rate and

Um... well., maybe. Have a look at the photograph of Chinese spinach 
seedlings on the vermicomposting page:

As to pests, they don't like the chemistry of the castings and
therefore they stay away. None are actually killed but that is not the goal
- as long as the pests leave your crops alone you are just fine.

I realize many will sniff in a critical manner, but no one yet has designed
a better system than this one which nature devised millions of years ago.

George Sheffield Oliver helped. See:

Friend Earthworm: Practical Application of a Lifetime Study of Habits 
of the Most Important Animal in the World by George Sheffield Oliver, 
1941. Dr Oliver was one of the first to harness the earthworm to the 
needs of the farmer and gardener -- to make highly fertile topsoil 
for optimum crop growth, and to produce a constant supply of cheap, 
high-grade, live protein to feed poultry. He devised simple yet 
elegant and effective systems to bring costs and labour down and 
productivity up to help struggling farmers to make ends meet. Oliver 
had an observant and critical eye and understood Nature's round. His 
ideas on the nature of modern food and health (or the lack of it) are 
only now being confirmed, half a century later. A delightful book. 
Full text online.

the way, in the end it is overall a cheaper than pesticide system because of
yield increases, no environmental impact therefore no safeguards necessary,
no soil erosion, and many more benefits. For the desperate and the believers
among you, see the 2 attachments.

Sorry, Ed, no attachments:

As an essential anti-virus measure the list does not accept 
attachments. All attachments are automatically removed before 
messages are distributed to the members. It is not possible to 
receive a virus from the Biofuel list.

-- List rules:

This article about a US worm-farmer is worth a read:
Ups and downs of worm growing keep Georgia farmer on his toes
Worm farming can be lucrative, says Jack Brantley of Bear Creek Worm 
Farm É but it's like any other live-animal feeding operation. It 
takes experience, skill and patience. He recommends starting small.

Best wishes


Good luck,

Ed Starr

(for Mondays & Thursdays-Main Ofc.)  |  Ed Starr  |  Star Marketing   |
949-496-0050  |  FAX  949-388-7828  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Dana
Point, CA, USA

(for Tue., Wed. & Fri-Home Ofc.)  |  Ed  Starr  |  Star Marketing  |
619-749-9647  |  FAX 619-749-9648  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
Of Keith Addison
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

The Institute of Science in Society

Science Society Sustainability

ISIS Press Release 26/01/05

GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

Rhea Gala

A fully referenced 
version of this article is posted on ISIS membersâ website. 

RE: [Biofuel] GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

2005-01-28 Thread Ed Starr

Greetings Concerned "Cotton" People,

There is a simple answer to eliminating pests of all kinds from cotton and
any other plant. It is called Vermiculture. Granted it is more trouble than
just spraying on a chemical but it doesn't hurt any living thing and it
helps the heck out of plants - they grow up to twice their normal rate and
size. As to pests, they don't like the chemistry of the castings and
therefore they stay away. None are actually killed but that is not the goal
- as long as the pests leave your crops alone you are just fine. 


I realize many will sniff in a critical manner, but no one yet has designed
a better system than this one which nature devised millions of years ago. By
the way, in the end it is overall a cheaper than pesticide system because of
yield increases, no environmental impact therefore no safeguards necessary,
no soil erosion, and many more benefits. For the desperate and the believers
among you, see the 2 attachments.

Good luck,

Ed Starr


(for Mondays & Thursdays-Main Ofc.)  |  Ed Starr  |  Star Marketing   |
949-496-0050  |  FAX  949-388-7828  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Dana
Point, CA, USA


(for Tue., Wed. & Fri-Home Ofc.)  |  Ed  Starr  |  Star Marketing  |
619-749-9647  |  FAX 619-749-9648  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-Original Message-
Of Keith Addison
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World


The Institute of Science in Society


Science Society Sustainability


ISIS Press Release 26/01/05


GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World


Rhea Gala


A fully referenced 

version of this article is posted on ISIS members' website. 

Details here


GM cotton not environmentally friendly or safe


Cotton is responsible for more than 10% of world pesticide use 

including some of the most hazardous, and 25% of all insecticide use. 

As weeds and insects become resistant, more and more pesticides are 

needed in a vicious circle that's a recipe for socio-economic, health 

and environmental disaster. About half of the GM cotton grown in the 

United States is herbicide resistant, and a comprehensive analysis by 

Dr. Charles Benbrook, a former Executive Director of the Board on 

Agriculture of the US National Academy of Science, confirmed that it 

required more herbicide than conventional varieties.


Most GM cotton crops worldwide are engineered with Bt for resistance 

to insect pests and promoted by firms like Monsanto as 

environmentally friendly, because they need less pesticide.


Monsanto's GM cotton 'Bollgard' carries the cry1Ac gene from soil 

bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, (Bt) to produce a toxin that kills 

some cotton pests including the boll weevil. However, Bollgard does 

not resist sucking pests, such as aphids, that might also damage the 

crop and will therefore require subsidiary spraying.


GM cotton not friendly to farmers


GM cottonseed prices include a 'technology fee' that can go up every 

year, and is calculated on supposed savings from reduced pesticide 

use with the Bt variety in a particular location.


All farmers growing Monsanto's Bt cotton sign a contract, called a 

Technology Use Agreement that is strictly applied. It stipulates that,


Farmers cannot save seed for replanting

Farmers are prohibited from supplying seed to anyone else Farmers 

must pay 120 times the technology fee, plus the legal fees of 

Monsanto, if they violate the contract.


The Indonesian experience: A cautionary tale


Indonesia was the first country in Southeast Asia to permit 

commercial GM farming against the warnings of scientists and 

activists on the environmental and socio-economic impacts. 

Fortunately, permission was granted only on a year-by-year basis, and 

the government reviewed the impact of the failed Bt crop.


The review was scathing. This "Gene Revolution", it said, seemed to 

be "a modern tool for cementing farmers' dependence on seeds and 

transnational agrochemical corporations appearing in developing 

countries in different guises." The evidence from Indonesia is that 

"GM crops are nothing more than a profit-motivated deployment of 

scientific power dedicated to sucking the blood of farmers."


Monsanto promised Bt cotton would return 3-4 tonnes of cotton per 

hectare while requiring less pesticide and fertilizer than Kanesia, 

the local cotton variety. The seed was given to farmers with 

pesticide, herbicide, (including Roundup) and fertilizer as part of a 

credit scheme costing sixteen times more than non- Bt cotton. In 

fact, the average yield was 1.1 tonnes per hectare and 74% of the 

area planted to Bt-cotton produced less than one tonne per hectare. 

About 522 hectares experienced total crop failure. Despi

RE: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread Ed Starr


Do you produce biodiesel? or you build plants? I am writing from Italy. Do
you know Trieste? Currently I am researching the idea of a small commercial
facility using used restaurant grease as feedstock. Have only been at it one
week, part time.


Sorry, I don't know Trieste, however my wife and I did have the pleasure of
sightseeing in Rome, Florence, Venice & Sorrento. Made me wish I was a
millionaire and could stay for years. Your country is unbelievably beautiful
as are the people.






Dr Ezio Di Bernardo


> Where do you live ?


> Met vriendelijke groet,

> Pieter Koole

> Netherlands




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[Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"

2005-01-28 Thread bob allen

Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel
Erik D. Olson
January 27, 2005

The fact that there's a rocket fuel additive called perchlorate in 
your water is bad enough. What's worse is the fact that the Bush 
administration likely manipulated the National Academy of Sciences to 
designate a lax perchlorate standard. The National Resources Defense 
Council sued the White House, Defense Department and EPA to release 
documents relating to perchlorate contamination and the NAS. What they 
found was evidence of an elaborate campaign designed to downplay the 
hazards of a dangerous chemical.

Erik D. Olsen is a senior attorney at the National Resources Defense 
Council specializing in safe drinking water issues. He is the national 
coordinator of the Campaign for Safe and Affordable Drinking Water, a 
coalition of more than 300 public interest groups dedicated to 
improved drinking water protection.
More than 20 million Americans have rocket fuel in their drinking 
water. That's right. Rocket fuel. It's also likely in your milk. And 
in your lettuce, too, because farmers out West inadvertently use 
rocket-fuel-contaminated water to irrigate their crops.

You might not think that's a good thing. Scientists at the 
Environmental Protection Agency didn't, either. Especially since a 
toxic salt in rocket fuel, called perchlorate, can harm the thyroid 
and may disrupt fetal and newborn brain development. In 2002, EPA 
proposed a safe level in drinking water of only 1 part per billion. 
That's equivalent to half a teaspoon of perchlorate in an Olympic-size 
swimming pool. The Pentagon and its contractors-who have polluted food 
and drinking water across the country-argued that 200 parts per 
billion is safe.

Earlier this month, a National Academy of Sciences panel issued a 
report finding that on a per body-weight basis, more perchlorate can 
be tolerated than the EPA had concluded-but still far less than what 
the Pentagon and its corporate pals had claimed. Why was NAS' 
conclusion higher than EPA's?

Perhaps NAS was responding to enormous pressure from the White House, 
the Defense Department, and defense contractors. According to 
government documents recently obtained by the Natural Resources 
Defense Council, they collaborated in a backroom campaign to try to 
strong-arm the academy and manipulate the report. Despite this 
campaign, the panel did conclude that low levels of perchlorate 
exposure may cause health problems, and that fetuses are at particular 

For decades, the Defense Department and its contractors have 
carelessly used millions of pounds of perchlorate, contaminating water 
and food supplies. At the same time, the Pentagon has been blocking 
EPA efforts to address perchlorate pollution, and in the last few 
years it intensified its campaign in the face of new revelations about 
perchlorate's harmful effects. In January 2002, when EPA recommended 
that 1 ppb was the safe level in drinking water, the Pentagon and its 
contractors lobbied to stop the assessment process and-with the help 
of the White House-wrested the assessment from EPA and handed it to 
NAS in 2003. Then the White House, the Pentagon and its contractors 
went to work to influence the NAS process.

NRDC sued the White House, Defense Department and EPA in March 2004 
after they ignored more than a dozen Freedom of Information Act 
requests, refusing to disclose any records documenting their campaign 
to steamroll NAS or details of the perchlorate problem. In response to 
the suit, the White House and the two agencies recently provided about 
30 boxes of documents to NRDC, but are still withholding thousands of 
other records-including virtually all the key papers documenting White 
House and Pentagon efforts to influence NAS. However, they were 
required by court order to issue a "Vaughn Index" describing each of 
the withheld documents. This index reveals an extraordinary level of 
White House and Pentagon effort to limit the scope of NAS' inquiry and 
select the panelists, as well as collaboration with DOD contractors to 
pressure the panel.

Scientists at the EPA, in state agencies, and in academia have 
concluded that very low levels of perchlorate threaten fetusus' and 
infants' health. The NAS panel's recommendation for a safe level is 
based on industry studies that fed perchlorate to a small number of 
healthy adults for a short time. Those studies tell us little about 
how perchlorate can harm fetuses or infants, or harm adults over a 
longer period of time (particularly millions of Americans with thyroid 
problems or who are iodine deficient). Studies of animals, also funded 
by the industry, showed that perchlorate may cause abnormal brain 
development in young rodents, but accepting the arguments of the 
Pentagon and industry, the academy said more studies are needed to 
prove that these same effects would occur in infants and children.

Still, in an implic

RE: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread Ed Starr

Where do you live ? Santee, California which is just 8 miles east of San


Met vriendelijke groet,

Pieter Koole






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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Think global warming's bad? Wait till you see global cooling.

Todd Swearingen

Good piece by Thom Hartmann, as usual.

This below is part of a previous discussion here in 2003, between me 
and MM, which you might find interesting:

Interestingly, as a followup, the one response I got there was that
the possibility of global cooling is not getting enough attention.
The author nearly descended into vituperation (obviously my little
post must have been super-provocative), though that was not directed
precisely against me either.

That was the view in the late 60s, and indeed much earlier, up to as 
much as a century ago I think. Since the early 1980s at least more 
and better data, better ways of crunching it, further studies, have 
increasingly indicated the opposite, now overwhelmingly so. I don't 
think global cooling has been entirely disproved, but it's heavily 

In 1982 a book appeared called The Survival of Civilization, written 
by a strange person named John D. Hamaker, which predicted global 
cooling. He paints a picture of rising CO2 levels triggering a 
sudden and catastrophic ice age. He sees it as a regular phenomenon, 
tracing it back through the last 17 ice ages, or something like 
that. The mechanism is that the topsoil runs out of minerals, 
leading to a decrease in the amount of biomass and a consequent 
release of CO2 into the atmosphere, which at first triggers warming 
and then an ice age. The ice grinds up a huge amount of surface rock 
into dust, as glaciers do but on a much vaster scale, finally 
retreating to leave a remineralised soil behind via the rock dust. 
It's quite a persuasive picture, and he does have his evidence for 
it. He reckons this time we've simply hastened the onset of the 
process with our fossil-fuel CO2 releases. He also proposes 
arresting the process by remineralising the land worldwide with rock 
dust. He even designed a handy machine to grind up rocks on the spot.

I read the book at the time (a convert friend sent it to me). It's a 
cranky book but there's quite a lot of sense in it, particularly 
about soil mineralisation, but I didn't accept the main conclusion 
that a rapid transition to a new ice-age was imminent: "The broad 
truth is that without radical and immediate reform (particularly in 
this nation [the US]), civilization will be wrecked by 1990 and 
extinct by 1995." Well, maybe he just got the timing wrong. Or was 
he right and we just didn't notice? :-)

He was ignored by the science community (which probably means he's 
either a misguided nut or a great prophet). And now it's become a 
bit of a cult book on the Internet, bad timing notwithstanding.

You can find it online (pdf) here, FWIW:
or here:

So we'll fry or we'll freeze, or something. But certainly something. 
And it definitely makes sense to cut the fossil fuels, but fast.

I wondered whether it wasn't Hamaker who inspired that silly movie, I 
forget it's name:

And also Andrew Marshall's perhaps equally silly Pentagon report (or 
maybe the movie did that):
Weathering the Crisis - World Bank, Pentagon: global warming red alert
Pentagon Goes Crazy for Massive Climate Change

Andrew Marshall - SourceWatch

... along with acolytes Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz 
and many others, including the odious Thomas P.M. Barnett:
[Biofuel] Oil politics trumps everything.

Best wishes


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[Biofuel] Global poverty targeted as 100,000 gather in Brazil

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian |

Global poverty targeted as 100,000 gather in Brazil

Activists join presidents as annual World Social Forum gets under way 
in Porto Alegre

John Vidal in Porto Alegre
Wednesday January 26, 2005
The Guardian

Elvis, Betu and Renatu live in a rubbish dump. Every day the 
teenagers take out their wire pushcarts, collect the waste of the 
southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre and bring it back to the 
illegal slum of Chocolatado to sort and then sell on.

It's a grim place, made of reclaimed tarpaulins, waste timber, old 
plastic and metal. None of the shacks have running water or toilets, 
and most of them are deep in litter.

This, then, is the ideal backdrop for the launch today of the World 
Social Forum, which meets annually to discuss issues affecting 
developing countries.

Begun five years ago specifically to counter the annual meeting of 
world business and political leaders in Davos, Switzerland, it has 
unexpectedly become a global political and social phenomenon.

More than 100,000 activists will be in Porto Alegre this year. They 
will be joined by two presidents, several Nobel peace and literature 
prizewinners, the world's leading international non-government 
groups, healthworkers, MPs, educators, unions, students, the 
landless, indigenous peoples, intellectuals, environmentalists and 
dissident economists.

"It's not perfect, but it is the most tangible global rejection of 
the neo-liberal globalisation policies of the US and G8 countries," 
said Ricardo Jimenez, a Uruguyan doctor.

"But it needs to be seen in context. More than 1 billion people in 
developing countries live in slums; 800 million go hungry every day; 
27 million adults are slaves; 245 million children have to work. The 
poor are everywhere still getting poorer, the cities are 
disintegrating and bankrupt. It is a response to a global scandal."

In other years there has been a video linkup between Davos and Porto 
Alegre, but this year the two worlds will stand further apart than 
ever, with no formal contact beyond accusations and petitions sent 
from Brazil.

"Developing countries now owe $1.6 trillion [£860bn]. In 2004 they 
transferred $300bn to rich countries," said Eric Toussaint, chair of 
the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt. "Yet we can say 
that the people of the third world are creditors. They have already 
paid their debts many times over."

The highlights of the forum will be the flying visit of the populist 
Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and President Hugo 
Ch‡vez of Venezuela. Both will address 30,000 people in Porto 
Alegre's main stadium, but the reception given to the two most 
charismatic South American leaders could be very different.

Mr Da Silva is still popular but there is growing impatience at the 
slow speed of the radical reforms expected.

According to many at the forum, Mr Ch‡vez is increasingly the person 
to whom the continent looks for significant change. Significantly, Mr 
Da Silva will fly on to Davos for talks with world leaders after his 
Porto Alegre appearance, while Mr Chavez is expected to spend time in 
an encampment of the Brazilian landless.

But people are still upbeat. "Analysts are talking of a new South 
America. There is a sense that this is the only con tinent now 
challenging the US," said Martin Fernandes, a Brazilian doctor.

"There are now leftist presidents in Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina, 
as well as in Uruguay and Ecuador ... We have a sense that change is 

The forum has been criticised in the past for not including 
marginalised peoples. But this year it has invited some of the 
poorest in the world, including dalits (untouchables) from Nepal, 
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, former slave communities 
from Brazil, and more than 100 tribes of Brazilian Indians.

It may also be the last forum for several years in Porto Alegre. 
"There has been a very strong proposal that, instead of one single 
event, the forum next year will take place simultaneously in six 
cities on six continents, with smaller events in many towns," said an 
international committee member, Mukul Sharma.

"It would signal that the WSF is expanding and becoming a global 
force. It is also highly probable that in 2007 it will go to Africa 
for the first time."

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[Biofuel] Free trade leaves world food in grip of global giants

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian |

Free trade leaves world food in grip of global giants

John Vidal in Porto Alegre
Thursday January 27, 2005
The Guardian

Global food companies are aggravating poverty in developing countries 
by dominating markets, buying up seed firms and forcing down prices 
for staple goods including tea, coffee, milk, bananas and wheat, 
according to a report to be launched today.

As 50,000 people marched through Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, to 
mark the opening of the annual World Social Forum on developing 
country issues, the report from ActionAid was set to highlight how 
power in the world food industry has become concentrated in a few 

The report will say that 30 companies now account for a third of the 
world's processed food; five companies control 75% of the 
international grain trade; and six companies manage 75% of the global 
pesticide market.

It finds that two companies dominate sales of half the world's 
bananas, three trade 85% of the world's tea, and one, Wal-mart, now 
controls 40% of Mexico's retail food sector. It also found that 
Monsanto controls 91% of the global GM seed market.

Household names including NestlŽ, Monsanto, Unilever, Tesco, 
Wal-mart, Bayer and Cargill are all said to have expanded hugely in 
size, power and influence in the past decade directly because of the 
trade liberalisation policies being advanced by the US, Britain and 
other G8 countries whose leaders are meeting this week in Davos.

"A wave of mergers and business alliances has concentrated market 
power in very few hands," the report says.

It accuses the companies of shutting local companies out of the 
market, driving down prices, setting international and domestic trade 
rules to suit themselves, imposing tough standards that poor farmers 
cannot meet, and charging consumers more.

The report says the 85% of all the recent fines imposed on global 
cartels were paid by agrifood companies, with three of them forced to 
pay out $500m (£266m) to settle price-fixing lawsuits.

"It is a dangerous situation when so few companies control so many 
lives," said John Samuel of ActionAid yesterday.

The ActionAid report argues that many food behemoths are wealthier 
than the countries in which they do their business. NestlŽ, it says, 
recorded profits greater than Ghana's GDP in 2002, Unilever profits 
were a third larger than the national income of Mozambique and 
Wal-mart profits are bigger than the economies of both countries 

The companies are also said to be taking advantage of the collapse in 
farm prices. Prices for coffee, cocoa, rice, palm oil and sugar have 
fallen by more than 50% in the past 20 years.

The report feeds into growing calls at Porto Alegre for the 
regulation of multinational food companies. A coalition of the 
largest international environmental, trade and human rights groups, 
including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Amnesty, Via Campesina 
and Focus on the Global South, yesterday said they would be working 
together to press for corporate accountability.

Retailers such as Tesco, Ahold, Carrefour and Metro are buying 
increasing volumes of fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products in 
developing countries, but their exacting food safety and 
environmental standards are driving small farmers out of business, 
says ActionAid.

A spokeswoman for the Food and Drink Federation, which represents 
British food businesses, yesterday recognised that the industry's 
success "is closely linked to those at the beginning of the food 
supply chain".

But she added: "Britain, the world's fourth largest food importing 
country, invests heavily and provides an enormous market for 
developing world farmers."

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[Biofuel] Changing the Climate-Change Climate

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Bill McKibben
Wednesday 10:40 AM

Imagine if the heart association suddenly said cholesterol above 100 
will kill you. Bill McKibben, who's in Middlebury, Vt., for a major 
climate change strategy session, says that is exactly what just 
happened in the climate change world. With the crisis point so much 
closer and the Bush administration so in denial, it's time for a 
radical new approach to dealing with climate change. Will it come 
from Vermont? Stay tuned.
Bill McKibben sends dispatches from a conference on winning the 
climate-change fight | Grist Magazine | Dispatches | 25 Jan 2005

Changing the Climate-Change Climate

Bill McKibben sends dispatches from a conference on winning the 
climate-change fight

	Bill McKibben is the author of The End of Nature and a member 
of Grist's board of directors. His latest book is Enough: Staying 
Human in an Engineered Age.

Day One | Day Two | Day Three

Tuesday, 25 Jan 2005

A crisp, cold, blue-sky New England day, fresh snow on the ground, 
and everything right with the world.

Except that last night, as I was preparing to attend a three-day 
conference on climate change here in Middlebury, Vt., yet another 
disturbing report on global warming drifted across the net. This one 
comes from the International Climate Change Taskforce, co-chaired by 
Stephen Byers, a Tony Blair confidant from the U.K., and Olympia 
Snowe, the Republican senator from Maine. In one sense, it's nothing 
new: yet another document from moderate world leaders calling for 
urgent action and imploring the U.S. to join with the rest of the 
developed world to get something done. File it with similar reports 
from the National Academy of Sciences, the Nobel laureates, all the 
rest. This one's designed, apparently, to function as Blair's talking 
points for the coming year, during which he will serve as head of 
both the G8 and the E.U., and has promised to make climate change a 
top priority.

In another sense, though, the report is actually quite startling. It 
posits a new number as the climate crisis point: 400 parts per 
million atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. That 
concentration, the report says, has a better-than-even chance of 
eventually producing temperature increases of 2 degrees centigrade -- 
enough to trigger widespread drought, crop failure, and rising sea 
levels. That 400 ppm number is very low; previously, most crisis 
scenarios focused on 550 ppm, which would represent a doubling of 
pre-Industrial Revolution carbon concentrations. It's as if the 
American Medical Association suddenly announced that you needed your 
cholesterol down below 100 or your heart was going to go. This is 
especially bad news given that the earth's CO2 levels are already 
north of 375 ppm and increasing by two parts annually. Clearly we are 
heading straight past the 400 level. Recognizing that, the report's 
authors call on us to limit the amount of time the planet spends 
above the 400 mark, and to get back below it well before century's 
end. Which essentially means: change everything, right away.

None of which will be easy (an understatement underscored by another 
report that came in overnight, this one showing that China's economy 
grew 9.5 percent last year, its fastest increase in eight years). But 
it does provide a stirring background for the "What Works?" 
conference that kicked off today at Middlebury College, a semi-closed 
session designed to figure out why the United States has lagged 
behind the rest of the planet when it comes to global warming, and 
how we might catch up.

It's a conversation that clearly needs to happen. Since climate 
change emerged as an issue in the late 1980s, the U.S. environmental 
movement has floundered in its efforts to make progress. No 
legislation of any consequence has come close to passing the House or 
Senate; none of the three presidents in that period have really put 
their muscle behind any action; and the current administration has 
about as much interest in the issue as that of, say, Warren Harding. 
In short, pretty much a total rout, especially in contrast to Western 
Europe and Japan, where the progress, while modest and halting, has 
been real.

Conference co-organizers Jon Isham, a Middlebury economist, and 
Sissel Waage, a former Natural Step analyst, have assembled an 
interesting cast of characters, concentrating less on the big 
environmental groups and their funders than on trenchant critics and 
people with local success stories to tell.

Tomorrow morning, Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus will host 
one of the first face-to-face discussions of their ubiquitously 
emailed paper "The Death of Environmentalism." Billy Parish, head of 
the Climate Campaign will present plans for a large-scale program of 
civil disobedience. Blue Vinyl producers Judith Helfand and Daniel 
Gold will show rushes from their in-progress film Meltin

[Biofuel] GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Science Society Sustainability

ISIS Press Release 26/01/05

GM Cotton Fiascos Around the World

Rhea Gala

A fully referenced 
version of this article is posted on ISIS membersâ website. 
Details here

GM cotton not environmentally friendly or safe

Cotton is responsible for more than 10% of world pesticide use 
including some of the most hazardous, and 25% of all insecticide use. 
As weeds and insects become resistant, more and more pesticides are 
needed in a vicious circle that's a recipe for socio-economic, health 
and environmental disaster. About half of the GM cotton grown in the 
United States is herbicide resistant, and a comprehensive analysis by 
Dr. Charles Benbrook, a former Executive Director of the Board on 
Agriculture of the US National Academy of Science, confirmed that it 
required more herbicide than conventional varieties.

Most GM cotton crops worldwide are engineered with Bt for resistance 
to insect pests and promoted by firms like Monsanto as 
environmentally friendly, because they need less pesticide.

Monsanto's GM cotton 'Bollgard' carries the cry1Ac gene from soil 
bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, (Bt) to produce a toxin that kills 
some cotton pests including the boll weevil. However, Bollgard does 
not resist sucking pests, such as aphids, that might also damage the 
crop and will therefore require subsidiary spraying.

GM cotton not friendly to farmers

GM cottonseed prices include a 'technology fee' that can go up every 
year, and is calculated on supposed savings from reduced pesticide 
use with the Bt variety in a particular location.

All farmers growing Monsanto's Bt cotton sign a contract, called a 
Technology Use Agreement that is strictly applied. It stipulates that,

Farmers cannot save seed for replanting
Farmers are prohibited from supplying seed to anyone else Farmers 
must pay 120 times the technology fee, plus the legal fees of 
Monsanto, if they violate the contract.

The Indonesian experience: A cautionary tale

Indonesia was the first country in Southeast Asia to permit 
commercial GM farming against the warnings of scientists and 
activists on the environmental and socio-economic impacts. 
Fortunately, permission was granted only on a year-by-year basis, and 
the government reviewed the impact of the failed Bt crop.

The review was scathing. This "Gene Revolution", it said, seemed to 
be "a modern tool for cementing farmers' dependence on seeds and 
transnational agrochemical corporations appearing in developing 
countries in different guises." The evidence from Indonesia is that 
"GM crops are nothing more than a profit-motivated deployment of 
scientific power dedicated to sucking the blood of farmers."

Monsanto promised Bt cotton would return 3-4 tonnes of cotton per 
hectare while requiring less pesticide and fertilizer than Kanesia, 
the local cotton variety. The seed was given to farmers with 
pesticide, herbicide, (including Roundup) and fertilizer as part of a 
credit scheme costing sixteen times more than non- Bt cotton. In 
fact, the average yield was 1.1 tonnes per hectare and 74% of the 
area planted to Bt-cotton produced less than one tonne per hectare. 
About 522 hectares experienced total crop failure. Despite that, the 
government extended approval for Bt cotton for another year; and the 
results were no better.

In 2001 farmers signed contracts, but in 2002 the seed price rose and 
the cotton price slumped. Farmers had no choice but to shoulder the 
debt and sell at the company's rate; as a result, 76% of farmers who 
joined the credit scheme couldn't repay their debt and many burned 
their cotton in protest against the government and the company (see 
"Broken promises", SiS 22 ).

In 2003, Monsanto halted operations saying that the Indonesian 
Government's decision to authorize Bt cotton production on a 
year-by-year basis had been a big obstacle to business investment. PT 
Monagro Kimia, a Monsanto subsidiary, was under investigation by the 
US Department of Justice and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication 
Commission on suspicion that a payment of US$ 50 000 was made to 
Indonesian officials in 2002.

In January 2005, Monsanto was found guilty of authorising the bribe 
and fined $1.5m (see "GM 
cotton: corruption, hype, half-truths and lies", this series).

Bt cotton in India: Lessons not learned

Bt cotton entered commercial production in India in 2002 without 
comprehensive assessment for detrimental effects, and despite fierce 
protests by farmers and public interest organizations. Only six of 
India's 29 states in the south and the west of the country have had 
permission to plant Monsanto's Bt cotton. Four strains of Bt seed 
were available with at least one Indian variant of the licensed 
Monsanto vari

[Biofuel] ISP Bid to Stop US "Rubber-Stamping" Transgene Contamination

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Science Society Sustainability

ISIS Press Release 27/01/05

ISP Bid to Stop US "Rubber-Stamping" Transgene Contamination

ISP submitted strong objections to US's proposed change in policy 
that would allow companies to contaminate the food supply with 
unauthorized test crops. Mae-Wan Ho, 
Sam Burcher and Rhea Gala

Sources for this article 
are posted on ISIS members website. 
Details here

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a proposal on 24 
November 2004 that would allow experimental GM crops grown on "test" 
sites to legally enter the food chain. The proposal was open for 
comment until 24 January 2005.

It came in response to a 2002 Bush administration initiative in the 
wake of widespread contamination in 2000 of US food supplies and 
exports with unauthorized Starlink GM corn, which continued to be 
detected in the US grain supply and in food shipments to Bolivia, 
Japan and South Korea as recently as autumn 2003.

FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford described the proposed policy as "a 
high priority for the Administration and the industry, to enhance 
public confidence, avoid product recalls, and provide an 
international model" for similar policies around the world.

Licence to spread contamination

Bill Freese, research analyst with Friends of the Earth (US) said, 
"FDA's new proposal has nothing to do with food safety, it's designed 
to provide biotech companies with legal cover for contaminating the 
food supply with experimental biotech traits. Such contamination has 
happened in the past and has cost biotech companies more than 
$1billion." Aside from Starlink, another experimental GM corn 
containing a pharmaceutical sprouted in a field of soya one year 
after the trial crop had been harvested. ProdiGene, the company 
responsible, paid out millions of dollars in damages and a $250 000 
fine, although the product never reached the food chain.

The US biotechnology and grain industries are already calling on the 
US government to "vigorously promote global adoption" of this policy.

It is already virtually impossible to test for the presence of 
experimental GM food crops in foods imported from or processed in the 
US, because over two- thirds of US field trials of experimental GM 
crops involve one or more genes classified as confidential, which 
therefore cannot be identified and detected. Adrian Bebb of Friends 
of the Earth Europe added: "This will leave consumers worldwide 
exposed to new risks from genetically modified foods."

Experiments that are known to the public include crops with radically 
altered nutritional content for use as animal feed, or anti-fungal 
compounds that resemble food allergens. Others include crops 
engineered to be resistant to chemical herbicides, produce their own 
insecticides or have sterile pollen or seeds. The FDA is also 
considering a similar proposal to allow residues from experimental 
pharmaceutical crops to enter the food chain. (See Ban Plant-based 
Transgenic Pharmaceuticals 

Juan Lopez from Friends of the Earth International said: "The Bush 
Administration, with the active support of the biotechnology 
industry, is about to force their untested genetically modified 
experiments into the world's food supply. This proposal should be 
ringing alarm bells in every consumer, every food company and every 
food agency of the planet."

In line with the same policy proposal, Prof. Joe Cummins at the 
University of Western Ontario points out, "USDA [US Department of 
Agriculture], which regulates organic certification, has proclaimed 
that organic food crops polluted with modified genes from wind-borne 
pollen released from neighbouring farms will still be certified as 
organic food." (See "GM sugar 
beet gone sour", this series).

ISP calls for FDA proposal to be withdrawn

The Independent Science Panel (ISP) 
(), submitted a strongly worded 
letter to urge Commissioner Crawford to withdraw the proposals, and 
expressed particular concern over the FDA's apparent intention that 
the proposals contained in its guidance to industry will provide "an 
international model to address the presence of low-level 
bioengineered plant material in non- bioengineered crop fields".

As the ISP pointed out, the proposed policy sets out loose "food 
safety evaluation" guidelines under which a company may voluntarily 
consult with the FDA to have new proteins from experimental GM crops 
intended for food use deemed "acceptable" as a food contaminant. The 
early "food safety evaluation" suggested in the guidelines consists 
largely of paperwork. The proposed scientific evaluation is highly 
inadequate, as it fa

[Biofuel] PR Posing as Science in Crop Biotechnology

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Science Society Sustainability

ISIS Press Release 25/01/05

PR Posing as Science in Crop Biotechnology

Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 
expose the corruption of traditional standards in science reporting 
of GM crops

The emergence of genetically modified (GM) foods and crops has 
profoundly impacted scientific reporting not only in the popular 
media but also in peer- reviewed scientific journals. Public 
relations (pr) statements, once confined to the promotion of 
commercial products, now frequent the pages of scientific journals.

Science was built on the foundations of full and truthful reporting 
of observations and findings; not anymore. If anything, scientific 
reports that expose the propaganda of corporations, government and 
academic promoters of GM crops are either rejected for publication 
outright, or gratuitously attacked when they appear in print; and the 
scientist(s) involved mercilessly prosecuted and victimized, as in 
the case of Dr. Arpad Pusztai and his co-workers in the UK, who lost 
their jobs in 1998 or soon after; and Prof. Ignacio Chapela, 
researcher from the University of Berkeley, California, currently 
fighting to regain his tenure 

In contrast, GM proponents are given free license to make pr 
statements posing as science.

No Bt resistance?

In the January issue of Nature Biotechnology, Sarah Bates and 
coworkers observe that transgenic plants expressing insecticidal 
proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were first 
commercialized in 1996 "amid concern from some scientists, regulators 
and environmentalists that the widespread use of Bt crops would 
inevitably lead to resistance and the loss of a 'public good,' 
specifically, the susceptibility of insect pests to Bt proteins." 
But, they continue with apparent self- satisfaction, "Eight years 
later, Bt corn and cotton have been grown on a cumulative area >80 
million ha worldwide. Despite dire predictions to the contrary, 
resistance to a Bt crop has yet to be documented, suggesting that 
resistance management strategies have been effective thus far."

The resistance management strategies include planting non-GM acreage 
as refuge to slow down the evolution of resistant insect pests and 
the use of high toxin dosage along with pyramiding more than one 
toxin genes in a crop.

In reality, however, the main reason that insect resistance has not 
been detected in the United States - not mentioned in the article - 
is that the US Environment Protection Agency has allowed the GM crop 
and refuge to be sprayed with chemical insecticides (see "No Bt 
resistance?" ISIS Report, 
). Spraying with chemical 
insecticides protects the crops from pest damage in the refuge, and 
also kills off any insects resistant to the GM crops.

The authors also failed to mention other factors that might affect 
the evolution of resistance - the use of synthetic toxin genes that 
differ in amino acid sequence from the natural toxin in commercial GM 
crops, and the variation in toxin production among different GM crops 
- although these factors are probably not as significant as spraying 
chemical insecticides in the refuge. Nevertheless, they could lead to 
underestimating the evolution of resistance by failing to detect 
resistant insects. Tests for insect resistance are frequently carried 
out using the toxin proteins isolated from bacteria and not the 
actual toxin produced in the GM crop.

In Canada, chemical insecticides have not been allowed in the refuge 
of Bt crops until the upcoming growing season, but there does not 
appear to have been any effort to screen for resistance in that 

That paper is just the latest in a string of misleading reports that 
have been deliberately selective and incomplete in order to serve pr 

PR by misrepresentation, permissive substitution and surrogate testing

Advocates have persistently maintained that GM crops are a simple 
extension of plant breeding and selection carried on for thousands of 
years. That fiction ignores the basic fact that GM crops are produced 
in the laboratory by illegitimate recombination ö a process whereby 
pieces of foreign DNA break the host genome to insert themselves at 
unpredictable places - while traditional plant breeding and selection 
depending largely on homologous (legitimate) recombination during 

What is seldom stated is that GM crops are produced using synthetic 
approximations of natural bacterial genes, whether it is in 
conferring resistance to herbicides or to insect pests.

The synthetic approximations of natural genes are used because the 
bacterial genes function poorly in plants, which use different codes 
for the same amino acids. Hence, synthetic genes could be 60% 
homologous with the bacterial genes in DNA seq

Re: [Biofuel] List Quiet?

2005-01-28 Thread Ken Provost

on 1/27/05 11:33 PM, Keith Addison at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Are you having withdrawal symptoms? Do we need to institute a crash
> program to get you more Biofuel messages before you break out in
> carbuncles? LOL!

I think so!  Anyway, I used to get a steady flow of messages
throughout the day -- now there's a big glut in the morning
(MY morning, of course) and a boring dry spell in the aft.

Ah well, I'll get used to it :-)-K

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Michael Redler

No problem Todd.
I gotcha, loud and clear. Even if Ken was 100% correct, I would have worded it 
a little differently and certainly would not have made presumptions as to what 
you don't know. That's just an invitation to a contest in which I prefer not to 
enter. Since you seem ready to accept such an invitation, I just want to say 
that I'm sorry about the misunderstanding and let's move on.
These kinds of exchanges can consume an awful lot of time and I think we all 
have bigger fish to fry.

Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When two people say the same thing, one of them cannot be right and the 
other wrong. While that may be the reality of politics, that's not reality.

Please see my reply to Ken's post.

As well, Ken made more than one statement of absolutism. When you state that 
he "is right," you lend to a perception that all of his statements are 
correct. Note was made of at least two points of error in two of his 

While his qualifications are correct, as are yours, his declarations of 
wrongness are in error.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Redler" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return,Warns 
Leading Climate Expert

> Ken is right.
> The statement
> "'colder than normal' means that someone else has a 'hotter than normal'."
> could only be true if the same amount of energy reaches the Earth's 
> surface every day. Changes in the ozone layer changes the amount of energy 
> reaching the Earths surface.
> The greenhouse effect addresses the Earth's ability to absorb or filter 
> certain wave lengths of light.
> When you're in front of a large, open flame, you feel the heat radiated 
> from the fire. Hold a pane of glass in front of your face and you will 
> notice that it doesn't feel as hot. That's how I visualize the ozone layer 
> at work.
> FYI: This isn't an original idea. Someone thought of this comparison long 
> before me.
> Mike
> Ken Riznyk wrote:
> --- Appal Energy wrote:
>> Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
>> much heat per minute,
>> hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
>> that someone else has a
>> "hotter than normal."
> You statement shows that you do not understand the
> greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
> amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
> greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
> global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
> or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
> sun's radiation.
> __
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2005-01-28 Thread DHAJOGLO

This was
>before my lifetime [58].We believe in global warming and colorado is looking 
>good to us in summers.

Man, more texans in colorado... curse the good weather there.  Just jokes.  If 
you're going, live on the west side (much prettier and more water).


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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Appal Energy

When two people say the same thing, one of them cannot be right and the 
other wrong. While that may be the reality of politics, that's not reality.

Please see my reply to Ken's post.

As well, Ken made more than one statement of absolutism. When you state that 
he "is right," you lend to a perception that all of his statements are 
correct. Note was made of at least two points of error in two of his 

While his qualifications are correct, as are yours, his declarations of 
wrongness are in error.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Redler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return,Warns 
Leading Climate Expert

Ken is right.

The statement

"'colder than normal' means that someone else has a 'hotter than normal'."

could only be true if the same amount of energy reaches the Earth's 
surface every day. Changes in the ozone layer changes the amount of energy 
reaching the Earths surface.

The greenhouse effect addresses the Earth's ability to absorb or filter 
certain wave lengths of light.

When you're in front of a large, open flame, you feel the heat radiated 
from the fire. Hold a pane of glass in front of your face and you will 
notice that it doesn't feel as hot. That's how I visualize the ozone layer 
at work.

FYI: This isn't an original idea. Someone thought of this comparison long 
before me.


Ken Riznyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Appal Energy wrote:

Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
much heat per minute,
hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
that someone else has a
"hotter than normal."

You statement shows that you do not understand the
greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
sun's radiation.

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Michael Redler

I think I stepped in something here. I don't agree 100% with Kens explanation. 
But, he does address how heat energy absorbed by the Earth can vary due to 
green house gasses.
I'm stepping away from this one if it turns confrontational. It's not worth the 
time and ENERGY and I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding.

Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How can you proclaim "NOT TRUE" and then come back two sentences later and 
say to be true exactly what you declared to be "NOT TRUE?"

If you went back to the post, my statements only relay that just because 
someone says that they're freezing their tuckas off more than they ever have 
before at one geographic location doesn't mean that the world isn't warming. 
It also implies that the human tuckas is not much of an indicator of actual 
temperature. Nor is the barometer that rests on the shoulders of the person 
who relies on their tuckas as an absolute indicator.

Just because I don't choose to lay out a step-by-step, "Ned and the Primer" 
explanation of the total picture - both causes and effects - everytime a 
denialist raises his head doesn't mean that there is any lack of 
understanding of the mechanisms, contributors and consequences.

I take it you didn't go to the web addy that was provided in the post?
It made note of how one of the consequences of global warming could all too 
likely be global cooling.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Ken Riznyk" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return,Warns 
Leading Climate Expert

> --- Appal Energy wrote:
>> Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
>> much heat per minute,
>> hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
>> that someone else has a
>> "hotter than normal."
> You statement shows that you do not understand the
> greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
> amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
> greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
> global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
> or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
> sun's radiation.

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Michael Redler

Ken is right.
The statement 
"'colder than normal' means that someone else has a 'hotter than normal'."
could only be true if the same amount of energy reaches the Earth's surface 
every day. Changes in the ozone layer changes the amount of energy reaching the 
Earths surface.
The greenhouse effect addresses the Earth's ability to absorb or filter certain 
wave lengths of light.
When you're in front of a large, open flame, you feel the heat radiated from 
the fire. Hold a pane of glass in front of your face and you will notice that 
it doesn't feel as hot. That's how I visualize the ozone layer at work.
FYI: This isn't an original idea. Someone thought of this comparison long 
before me.

Ken Riznyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Appal Energy wrote:

> Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
> much heat per minute, 
> hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
> that someone else has a 
> "hotter than normal." 

You statement shows that you do not understand the
greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
sun's radiation. 

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Appal Energy

How can you proclaim "NOT TRUE" and then come back two sentences later and 
say to be true exactly what  you declared to be "NOT TRUE?"

If you went back to the post,  my statements only relay that just because 
someone says that they're freezing their tuckas off more than they ever have 
before at one geographic location doesn't mean that the world isn't warming. 
It also implies that the human tuckas is not much of an indicator of actual 
temperature. Nor is the barometer that rests on the shoulders of the person 
who relies on their tuckas as an absolute indicator.

Just because I don't choose to lay out a step-by-step, "Ned and the Primer" 
explanation of the total picture - both causes and effects - everytime a 
denialist raises his head doesn't mean that there is any lack of 
understanding of the mechanisms, contributors and consequences.

I take it you didn't go to the web addy that was provided in the post?
It made note of how one of the consequences of global warming could all too 
likely be global cooling.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Ken Riznyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return,Warns 
Leading Climate Expert

--- Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
much heat per minute,
hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
that someone else has a
"hotter than normal."

You statement shows that you do not understand the
greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
sun's radiation.

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Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: "Vincent zadworny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "biomailinglist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:26 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

hi everyone,

i am just starting out on this crazy journey into alternate feuls.

Congratulations on getting started on a rewarding future.

i have been practiceing my titration and making small 1 liter batches in a 
blender from fresh canola oil bought from the corner store. it all seems 
to be going great. after settling over night the liquids seperate into two 
layers no shadow or middle layer. i left one batch sitting for about 2 
weeks and the diesel became transparent.

Question #1 - do i still have to wash this transparent diesel???

Yes, there remains amounts of methanol and catalyst in the fuel that needs 
to be washed out.

titrated some WVO and did a test batch of it too. the first time my math 
was off and i used to little lye, realized my mistake and made up a 
second. this time it seemed to work but doesn't pass the 150ml quality 
test on the JTF site. it didn't seperate in the alloted time but after 
settling over night it did.

But did it seperate into two clearly distinctive layers ? Usually 30 minutes 
will do it.

Question #2 - i and working in a cold wearhouse. could that be the 

For a small test batch I don't know, however for larger batches I have found 
it a factor not to be dismissed. Processing temperature at 55C and settling 
overnight should allow about 49C  or there abouts still at the draining of 
the glycerine layer after settling.
The batches I made in warm weather worked this wat and were a charm. Those I 
did after the weather turned cooler weren't so cooperative as the water I 
used to wash was the same but had cooled off as had the temps inside the 
reactor. The only factors that changed were the temperatures, everything 
else was identical, which is what led me to believe that the colder temps 
factored in a problem. Problem that I am in the process of removing from the 
equasion by insulating the pump house where the reactor is stored and 
bringing in a small ceramic heater to keep the ambient temps at livable 
summer temps (22C). This won't worl for late December through early March 
but it will for the late fall and early Spring allowing me to produce up to 
those times and have enough stored to carry me through until I can get at it 
I am also presently expanding my system to allow for double capacity a la 
JtF 90 liter type set up with a secondary settling tank.
Care to have a snoop ?

Stick with it, you will get there, and through the ups and downs you will 
learn the necessary lessons to help you troubleshoot any problems that come 
up, and then be able to pass on the knowledge you have gained that could be 
of help to someone else.


any help would be welcomed

Vincent Zadworny

Vancouver, Canada

Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals
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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

2005-01-28 Thread Ken Riznyk

--- Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Considering the fact that the sun only radiates so
> much heat per minute, 
> hour, day or year, your "colder than normal" means
> that someone else has a 
> "hotter than normal." 

You statement shows that you do not understand the
greenhouse effect. The sun may radiate about the same
amount of heat but the earth also radiates heat, the
greenhouse gases trap some of that radiation - hence
global warming. Global cooling could result from dust
or moisture in the atmosphere dissipating some of the
sun's radiation.   

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel equipment

2005-01-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: "Selen GŸrbŸz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 7:20 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Biodiesel equipment


I am a new member of this group. I am a PhD student and in my institute we 
are going to start a project on biodiesel production, from waste frying 
oil and seed oil through transesterification method, for this reason we 
are looking for an equipment. Could anyone help me about it. Thank you 
very much for your concern. I remain.

Actually the "best" equipment is the one you make yourself. You customize it 
to your needs in view of automation, simplicity, volume ect. There are 
several processor examples on the JtF site that you can draw ideas from.
That said, however, it has been mentioned here more than a few times to stay 
away from the pre-fabricated poly-cone type processors as they are not what 
they claim to be, are exopessive without justification and do not produce a 
product that is near the quality you can do your self.
Besides, in the environment you are in building yor own reactor/wash tank 
system could be viewed as part of the learning curve, and would help you 
also better understand what is happening during the transesterification 
process and it's subsequent road to completion as top rated usable fuel.
Study the material on the JtF site carefully and don't try to skip any steps 
and you will get there. Use the highest quality equipment you can IE: 
scales, measuring containers,chemicals (NaOH or KOH) and work in an 
atmosphere that promotes safety and sufficient warmth not to interfere with 
the reaction.


Best Regards,
Selen Gurbuz

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Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"

2005-01-28 Thread Jonathan Schearer

Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel
Erik D. Olson
January 27, 2005

The fact that there's a rocket fuel additive called perchlorate in your 
water is bad enough. What's worse is the fact that the Bush administration 
likely manipulated the National Academy of Sciences to designate a lax 
perchlorate standard. The National Resources Defense Council sued the White 
House, Defense Department and EPA to release documents relating to 
perchlorate contamination and the NAS. What they found was evidence of an 
elaborate campaign designed to downplay the hazards of a dangerous 

How would perchlorate be removed from drinking water?  Simple or complex 
process?  Inexpensive or expensive?

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[Biofuel] Biodiesel equipment

2005-01-28 Thread Gürbüz

I am a new member of this group. I am a PhD student and in my institute we are 
going to start a project on biodiesel production, from waste frying oil and 
seed oil through transesterification method, for this reason we are looking for 
an equipment. Could anyone help me about it. Thank you very much for your 
concern. I remain.
Best Regards,
Selen Gurbuz

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Re: [Biofuel] paper chromatography

2005-01-28 Thread aleksander . kac


I have a student who is studying biodiesel as his chemistry project. We 
located a method of thin Layer Chromatography for the quality analysis but 

he also wants to try paper chromatography. We ahve tried some solvents but 

they only work for the glycerides layer. Does anyone have a method that 
works for paper chromatography.

To analyze what? MG, DG and TG content? I don't think paper chrom' will 
because the stains will smear too much on paper. PC is more adapt for ion
detection, sodium, phosphate ... at least what I did in high school.

Cheers, Aleks

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[Biofuel] paper chromatography

2005-01-28 Thread Elizabeth Palmer

I have a student who is studying biodiesel as his chemistry project. We have 
located a method of thin Layer Chromatography for the quality analysis but 
he also wants to try paper chromatography. We ahve tried some solvents but 
they only work for the glycerides layer. Does anyone have a method that 
works for paper chromatography.


Liz Palmer
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Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread Jan Warnqvist

Hello Pieter.
I live in Sweden, but as I mentioned, I can consider moving overseas.
Please address me further on to this address:
With best regards
Jan Warnqvist

+ 46 554 201 89
+46 70 499 38 45
- Original Message - 
From: "Pieter Koole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

> Where do you live ?
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Pieter Koole
> Netherlands
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
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Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you produce biodiesel? or you build plants? I am writing from Italy. Do you 
know Trieste?


Dr Ezio Di Bernardo

> Where do you live ?
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Pieter Koole
> Netherlands

> ___
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> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Re: [Biofuel] List Quiet?

2005-01-28 Thread Keith Addison

Is there something wrong with MY server,
YOUR server, or American Politics?

The first two are probably okay, dunno about the third... :-)

list seems THIN since the New Year...

908 messages in 27 days, that's 34 messages a day, more than it was 
when we were still at Yahoo, about 10 times more than any of the 
other groups, but a bit less than average since we moved to Martin's 
site, which has been about 40 a day, and up to 60 a day.

Are you having withdrawal symptoms? Do we need to institute a crash 
program to get you more Biofuel messages before you break out in 
carbuncles? LOL!




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2005-01-28 Thread MALONEKR

It has NOT got down to zero since december '90 in west texas.Zero and below 
was an annual event here [usually several times] until then.15 degrees is our 
lowest temperature now days.January 1,1985 a blizzard  came into texas;we were 
living in odessa where we observed an unofficial 22 below with our nasty wind 
out here putting it down way below zero.My dad remembered long spells of below 
zero when he and other locals would pull their tires off and race on lakes 
and rivers on their steel wheels [we have very few rivers or lakes].This was 
before my lifetime [58].We believe in global warming and colorado is looking 
good to us in summers.
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Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread Pieter Koole

Where do you live ?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Pieter Koole

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[Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"

2005-01-28 Thread Appal Energy

Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel
Erik D. Olson
January 27, 2005

The fact that there's a rocket fuel additive called perchlorate in your 
water is bad enough. What's worse is the fact that the Bush administration 
likely manipulated the National Academy of Sciences to designate a lax 
perchlorate standard. The National Resources Defense Council sued the White 
House, Defense Department and EPA to release documents relating to 
perchlorate contamination and the NAS. What they found was evidence of an 
elaborate campaign designed to downplay the hazards of a dangerous chemical.

Erik D. Olsen is a senior attorney at the National Resources Defense Council 
specializing in safe drinking water issues. He is the national coordinator 
of the Campaign for Safe and Affordable Drinking Water, a coalition of more 
than 300 public interest groups dedicated to improved drinking water 
More than 20 million Americans have rocket fuel in their drinking water. 
That's right. Rocket fuel. It's also likely in your milk. And in your 
lettuce, too, because farmers out West inadvertently use 
rocket-fuel-contaminated water to irrigate their crops.

You might not think that's a good thing. Scientists at the Environmental 
Protection Agency didn't, either. Especially since a toxic salt in rocket 
fuel, called perchlorate, can harm the thyroid and may disrupt fetal and 
newborn brain development. In 2002, EPA proposed a safe level in drinking 
water of only 1 part per billion. That's equivalent to half a teaspoon of 
perchlorate in an Olympic-size swimming pool. The Pentagon and its 
contractors-who have polluted food and drinking water across the 
country-argued that 200 parts per billion is safe.

Earlier this month, a National Academy of Sciences panel issued a report 
finding that on a per body-weight basis, more perchlorate can be tolerated 
than the EPA had concluded-but still far less than what the Pentagon and its 
corporate pals had claimed. Why was NAS' conclusion higher than EPA's?

Perhaps NAS was responding to enormous pressure from the White House, the 
Defense Department, and defense contractors. According to government 
documents recently obtained by the Natural Resources Defense Council, they 
collaborated in a backroom campaign to try to strong-arm the academy and 
manipulate the report. Despite this campaign, the panel did conclude that 
low levels of perchlorate exposure may cause health problems, and that 
fetuses are at particular risk.

For decades, the Defense Department and its contractors have carelessly used 
millions of pounds of perchlorate, contaminating water and food supplies. At 
the same time, the Pentagon has been blocking EPA efforts to address 
perchlorate pollution, and in the last few years it intensified its campaign 
in the face of new revelations about perchlorate's harmful effects. In 
January 2002, when EPA recommended that 1 ppb was the safe level in drinking 
water, the Pentagon and its contractors lobbied to stop the assessment 
process and-with the help of the White House-wrested the assessment from EPA 
and handed it to NAS in 2003. Then the White House, the Pentagon and its 
contractors went to work to influence the NAS process.

NRDC sued the White House, Defense Department and EPA in March 2004 after 
they ignored more than a dozen Freedom of Information Act requests, refusing 
to disclose any records documenting their campaign to steamroll NAS or 
details of the perchlorate problem. In response to the suit, the White House 
and the two agencies recently provided about 30 boxes of documents to NRDC, 
but are still withholding thousands of other records-including virtually all 
the key papers documenting White House and Pentagon efforts to influence 
NAS. However, they were required by court order to issue a "Vaughn Index" 
describing each of the withheld documents. This index reveals an 
extraordinary level of White House and Pentagon effort to limit the scope of 
NAS' inquiry and select the panelists, as well as collaboration with DOD 
contractors to pressure the panel.

Scientists at the EPA, in state agencies, and in academia have concluded 
that very low levels of perchlorate threaten fetusus' and infants' health. 
The NAS panel's recommendation for a safe level is based on industry studies 
that fed perchlorate to a small number of healthy adults for a short time. 
Those studies tell us little about how perchlorate can harm fetuses or 
infants, or harm adults over a longer period of time (particularly millions 
of Americans with thyroid problems or who are iodine deficient). Studies of 
animals, also funded by the industry, showed that perchlorate may cause 
abnormal brain development in young rodents, but accepting the arguments of 
the Pentagon and industry, the academy said more studies are needed to prove 
that these same effects would occur in infants and children.

Still, in an implicit nod to the possible effects of perchlorate on babies, 
the NAS panel

Re: [Biofuel] Help about biodiesel??

2005-01-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear UL - What part of Ireland are you planning your
study...the whole of Ireland or around Dublin?  I had
a chance to visit Dublin. We met the Mayor and City
Manager of Dublin for our International MBA course.
The City Manager discussed the traffic issues and the
new tunnel that will extend underground to the high
tech industrial park near Dublin.  We stayed near the
central park and later visited Apple Computer, and the
Guiness plant.  I studied the petroleum
sector...Statoil, BP, Texaco, Totalfina Chevron, etc.

You find much help on the Journey to Forever Website
by doing search words in the JTF search engine.

--- "ULStudent:Mark.O'Neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am researching a project on biodiesel in Ireland.
> What I am looking at is
> identifing what needs to be done (fiscal
> incentives,grants, research 
> support, financial support etc..) to develop the
> market for biodiesel in 
> Ireland, with particular reference to rapeseed,
> using the experience of
> other countries to make my case. If anyone could be
> of any help at all I
> would really appreciate it. 
> ___
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[Biofuel] List Quiet?

2005-01-28 Thread Ken Provost

Is there something wrong with MY server,
YOUR server, or American Politics? The
list seems THIN since the New Year...


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