Re: [Biofuel] Help Wanted

2007-02-08 Thread Tonomár András
What is your question?

- Original Message -
From: Philip Gwinnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:42 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Help Wanted

 Amongst all you smart people on the mailing list do we perchace have a
mechanical engineer who can help me with a set of helical gears to drive a
solar device I'm building? I know what it looks like but I need assistance
on the technical front.

 All replies gratefully accepted.

 Best Regards,

 Hainan Bioenergy

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[Biofuel] Obesity Health Alert

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
Extracted from:
MSG Obesity  Health Alert

I wondered if there could be an actual chemical 
causing the massive obesity epidemic, so did a 
friend of mine, John Erb. He was a research 
assistant at the University of Waterloo in 
Ontario, Canada, and spent years working for the 
government. He made an amazing discovery while 
going through scientific journals for a book he 
was writing called The Slow Poisoning of 
America. In hundreds of studies around the 
world, scientists were creating obese mice and 
rats to use in diet or diabetes test studies. No 
strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the 
scientists have to create them. They make these 
morbidly obese creatures by injecting them with 
MSG when they are first born. The MSG triples the 
amount of insulin the pancreas creates; causing 
rats (and humans?) to become obese. They even 
have a title for the fat rodents they create: MSG-Treated Rats.

I was shocked too. I went to my kitchen, checking 
the cupboards and the fridge. MSG was in 
everything! The Campbell's soups, the Hostess 
Doritos, the Lays flavoured potato chips, Betty 
Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, 
Swanson frozen prepared meals, Kraft salad 
dressings, especially the 'healthy low fat' ones. 
The items that didn't have MSG marked on the 
product label had something called ''Hydrolyzed 
Vegetable Protein'', which is just another name 
for Monosodium Glutamate. It was shocking to see 
just how many of the foods we feed our children 
everyday are filled with this stuff. They hide 
MSG under many different names in order to fool 
those who carefully read the ingredient list, so 
they don't catch on. (Other names for MSG: 
'Accent' - 'Aginomoto' - 'Natural Meet 
Tenderiser' etc.) But it didn't stop there.

When our family went out to eat, we started 
asking at the restaurants what menu items had 
MSG. Employees, even the managers, swore they 
didn't use MSG. But when we asked for the 
ingredient list which they provided, sure enough 
MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein were 
everywhere. Burger King, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Taco 
Bell, every restaurant, even the sit down ones 
like TGIF, Chilis', Applebees and Denny's use MSG 
in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be 
the WORST offender: MSG was in every chicken 
dish, salad dressing and gravy. No wonder I loved 
to eat that coating on the skin, their secret spice was MSG!

So why is MSG in so many of the foods we eat?.. 
Is it a preservative or a vitamin? Not according 
to my friend John. In the book he wrote, an 
expose of the food additive industry called 
http://www.spofamerica.comThe Slow Poisoning 
of America he said that MSG is added to food for 
the addictive effect it has on the humanbody.

Even the 
website sponsored by the food manufacturers lobby 
group supporting MSG explains that the reason 
they add it to food is to make people eat more. A 
study of the elderly showed that people eat more 
of the foods to which it is added. The Glutamate 
Association lobby group says eating more benefits 
the elderly, but what does it do to the rest of 
us? 'Betcha can't eat just one', takes on a whole 
new meaning where MSG is concerned! And we wonder 
why the nation is overweight? The MSG 
manufacturers themselves admit that it addicts 
people to their products. It makes people choose 
their product over others, and makes people eat 
more of it than they would if MSG wasn't added.

Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause 
obesity, it is an addictive substance! Since its 
introduction into the American food supply fifty 
years ago, MSG has been added in larger and 
larger doses to the pre-packaged meals, soups, 
snacks and fast foods we are tempted to eat 
everyday.The FDA has set no limits on how much of 
it can be added to food. They claim it's safe to 
eat in any amount. How can they claim it safe 
when there are hundreds of scientific studies with titles like these?:

'The monosodium glutamate (MSG) obese rat as a 
model for the study of exercise in obesity'. 
Gobatto CA, Mello MA, Souza CT, Ribeiro A.Res 
Commun Mol Pathol Pharmacol. 2002.

'Adrenalectomy abolishes the food-induced 
hypothalamic serotonin release in both normal and 
monosodium glutamate-obese rats'. Guimaraes RB, 
Telles MM, Coelho VB, Mori C, Nascimento CM, Ribeiro Brain Res Bull. 2002 Aug.

'Obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate 
treatment in spontaneously hypertensive rats: an 
animal model of multiple risk factors'. Iwase M, 
Yamamoto M, Iino K, Ichikawa K, Shinohara N, 
Yoshinari Fujishima Hypertens Res. 1998 Mar.

'Hypothalamic lesion induced by injection of 
monosodium glutamate in suckling period and 
subsequent development of obesity'. Tanaka K, 
Shimada M, Nakao K, Kusunoki Exp Neurol. 1978 Oct.

Yes, that last study was not a typo, it WAS 
written in 1978. Both the medical research 
community and food 

[Biofuel] MSG is a health menace

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
It pays to read labels but tricks are used to hide MSG's presence. Hydrolyzed 
protein, textured vegetable
protein are two ways to hide the MSG. MSG is a neurotoxin. It is commonly found 
in kimshi and I suspect
it is why Koreans have an inordinate number of strokes and stomach cancers.   
Peace, D. Mindock

With special thanks to: Wayne Erickson MSG Information Center

Extracted from: is MSG?

Current research links MSG to neurodegenerative 
diseases like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, 
Parkinson's, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

FDA records show that MSG was never actually 
tested, but it was given an automatic GRAS 
(generally regarded as safe) status as were salt and pepper in the 1950s.

Children and elderly are most vulnerable to the degenerative effects of MSG.

Here is a brief list of common effects of MSG and 
some curious statistics published by national organizations.

Heart maladies- More than 70 million Americans 
have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease 
and 43% of all deaths in the U.S. are related to 
these problems. The number of cardiovascular 
operations went up 287% from 1980-1990.

Alzheimer's disease, not an identifiable 
healthcare cost in 1980, now ranks third after 
cancer and heart disease among the most costly 
health problems in America. Four million people 
afflicted at a cost of $47,000/person/ year, is 
$188 billion/year in healthcare costs.

Headaches  Migraines- $2.2 billion/year are 
spent on drugs to treat headaches, with a 74% 
increase in these chronic conditions between 1980-1990.

Asthma, which was on the decline until the 
mid-eighties, now shows a 100% increase in the 
death rate among children and seniors. Incidence 
has increased 600% in the last 10 years. The FDA 
recognizes that uncontrollable asthma can be 
caused by MSG, but stops there, unfortunately.

Tumors- There has been an 88% increase in tumors since 1982.

Birth Defects and Reproduction Disorders - MSG is 
a known mutagen (mutates fetuses) and causes 
significant damage to intellectual development, 
growth patterns, reproduction and gonadal functions.

Neurological/Emotional Disorders - Lab studies 
show devastating effects on brain development 
including dyslexia, autism, attention deficit 
disorder, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, violent 
episodes (rage), panic attacks, seizures, 
paranoia, depression, and cerebral palsy. Humans 
are 5 times more sensitive to MSG than rats which were used in tests.

Obesity is one of the most consistent effects of 
excitotoxin exposure and is a growing problem, 
nationwide, that knows no age or sex boundaries. 
In fact, scientists feed glutamate to young 
laboratory animals as a reliable way of inducing 
obesity. MSG triggers an insulin/adrenalin/fat 
storage/food craving response. This depletes 
seratonin levels which trigger headaches, 
depression, fatigue, and leads to more food cravings.

Fibromyalgia is a growing epidemic. Fibromyalgia 
patients who eliminated MSG and aspartame during 
a study conducted by the University of Florida 
reported complete relief of symptoms (2001).

Parkinson's, ALS, MS, and Huntington's diseases, 
like Alzheimer's, are all progressive neurogenic 
diseases showing brain/nerve cell damage.

Other symptoms of MSG sensitivity include: 
swollen throat and tongue, racing heart, joint 
pain, vertigo, skin disorders, sleeping 
disorders, burning, tightness or redness on face, 
and gastrointestinal complaints.

Tests and Misinformation Dr. Adrienne Samuels 
(Ph.D. in Research) in a 1999 industry journal 
(Accountability in Research) stated that human 
tests of MSG, . were often poorly designed, 
included inaccurate data and came to misleading 
conclusions. She wrote, flawed research, 
suppression of facts and dissemination of 
inaccurate information are all tools that are 
used by special interest groups to misle ad the 
public and government agencies. Her research 
showed that all tests to date have been funded by 
or had ties to the food industry. These lobby 
groups are comprised of the largest food 
companies in America who profit from MSG use.
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Re: [Biofuel] Mass-Produced Electric Cars

2007-02-08 Thread Dawie Coetzee
Darryl:  I mention the Prius merely as an example of a vehicle much vaunted for 
environmental reasons; but in part also to draw attention to the way cars are 
becoming less like Meccano and more like jigsaw puzzles. The correlation 
between technique and sensitivity to economies of scale is not very widely 
understood. Contrary to popular belief the effect of economies of scale is not 
constant but dependent on the techniques employed. Making jigsaw-puzzle-like 
cars is much more sensitive to economies of scale than making Meccano-like 
cars. That is, making the former in small numbers results in a far greater 
unit-cost increase than making the latter in small numbers. There are all kinds 
of reasons the motor industry favours the jigsaw-puzzle approach, many of them 
somewhat ignoble.

Classic cars, apart from the fact that they have already been made and 
therefore do not have huge organizations riding on the activity of making them, 
also tend to be more Meccano-like than current models, depending on the age and 
exact model. For instance, a first-generation BMW M3 is a lot more 
jigsaw-puzzle-like than a Frazer-Nash Chain Gang. But thousands of the former 
and only about 350 of the latter were made, even though the BMW was more 
expensive in real terms.

Cities are constantly rebuilding themselves. There is a lot homeowners can do 
to improve the predominant urban form: lobby local authorities to allow smaller 
land parcels, zero street and side setbacks, and ground-floor commercial in 
residential suburbs. Better still, lobby them to sell off bits of road reserve 
to adjacent homeowners so they can build over colonnaded sidewalks. It'll be a 
battle, though, most places: I'll be facing one soon with the house I'm 
planning to build. The first thing is to challenge people's perceptions, so 
they stop objecting to the wrong things. I've given a lot of thought to this: 
if you would like to swop ideas, e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keith: The trick is not to eliminate unnecessary motor-vehicle trips, but 
unnecessarily motor-vehicle trips. There really are very few of the former, and 
way too many of the latter; en dis waarom die Kaap nie heeltemal in die haak is 


- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, 7 February, 2007 11:08:16 PM
Subject: Biofuel Digest, Vol 22, Issue 24


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Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2007 14:48:46 -0500
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Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Mass-Produced Electric Cars
Message: 7
It's not as if we really have any mass-produced electric cars to take  
issue with at this point.  Pity that's a problem we don't have.  (The  
Prius is NOT an electric car.  It is an electric-assist gas car.)

I'm not going to argue against walking or cycling.  I spent three  
years lobbying my provincial government to legalize electric-assist  
bikes here.  Finally won that one, temporarily at least, last fall.   
So, I do know something about the issue of current legislation, and  
I'm currently beating my head against another regulatory bureaucratic  
brick wall.

If we want to talk about energy and environmental impact, let's put  
the zero-emissions (point of use), up to 80% efficient electric bike  
up against the 20% efficient (best case) meat engine that produces  
greenhouse gases (CO2), liquid and solid waste products.  Where the  
electricity comes from is a matter of personal choice.  I buy Green  
Tags so that the equivalent of the electricity I pull from the grid is  
produced from wind power.  It takes food to fuel the meat engine, and  
we have discussed food-miles here previously.

I'm all in favour of better designed communities and public transit  
services that actually serve the public.  Not something I have much  
personal experience with, I'm sorry to say.  That's from someone who  
does walk and cycle to local shops and rides the local bus system most  

It has taken North America about 60 years of conscious community  
design to get us to the point that urban sprawl is the norm, and we  
are so car dependent.  That's not going to get fixed overnight.  Just  
now, it's a bit chilly hereabouts (-23 C when I went out the door this  
morning, ignoring wind chill).  My son is still up to cycling in this  
weather, but I prefer a bit more protection from the elements any more  
under these conditions.

For many of us, working within walking distance of home simply isn't  
an option - our cities are designed to segregate places of work from  
residential areas and there is often a goodly distance in between.   
Further, transit systems often don't cater to even the majority of  
residents.  So, if I need to travel 30 km or 

[Biofuel] Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

By Al Sears, MD

New research is revealing how your environment actually changes your genetics - 
and it's putting you in the driver's seat. 
In November, the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute released the 
results of their groundbreaking study. They found that a mother's diet during 
pregnancy not only affects her child, but also her child's offspring. 
This means that the lifestyle choices a woman makes can affect several 
generations of children - a revolutionary idea that flies in the face of 
conventional wisdom. 

For more than 150 years - since the time of Darwin - scientists have believed 
that any changes to an organism cannot be passed on to the next generation. 
According to strict Darwinism, if you were to change your diet, lose weight, 
and become super-fit, your children would not benefit from your efforts. But we 
now know there is something more at play: the epigenome. The epigenome plays 
a powerful role in your health... and could make the difference between whether 
or not you inherit heart disease or diabetes or something else.

Scientists in an emerging field of research - epigenetics - have discovered 
that your genes are only 15 percent of the total genetic material you get from 
your parents. For example, your genes give you many individualizing traits like 
blue eyes or brown hair. The remaining 85 percent - the epigenome - is a 
scaffolding of proteins that surround your DNA's double-helix pattern. 
As it turns out, this scaffolding functions as an interface that interacts 
with your environment. Based on the lifestyle choices you make, the epigenome 
has the power to turn genes on or off, changing the way your body translates 
your genetic coding into the proteins that make up YOU. 

The Children's Hospital Oakland study, lead by Dr. David Martin, split 
genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups. The mice had been bred in 
a way that gave the scientists the ability to monitor a gene that determined 
both the color of their coats and their tendency to develop chronic disease. 
So, by tracking coat color, they were able to follow the effects of vitamin 
supplementation across two generations of offspring. 

The first group of mice received a standard diet. The second group received the 
same diet, with the added benefit of supplemental vitamin B12, folate, choline, 
and zinc. When the babies were born, the females from both groups were mated 
and fed identical diets with no supplements. When the offspring gave birth, Dr. 
Martin's team discovered that the original mice that had the diet with extra 
vitamins passed the benefits on to both their children and grandchildren.

Findings like these have powerful implications in both directions. It means 
that, by making healthy choices, your efforts can have a positive effect not 
only on your children but on your grandchildren as well. On the other hand, a 
diet of fast food and sodas will not only wreck your own health, it could 
predispose future generations to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and 
heart disease. 
That helps to explain why so many schoolchildren suffer from high blood 
pressure and low HDL (good cholesterol). The poor dietary choices their parents 
made are coming home to roost. 

This discovery gives us new insight into a long-standing debate between Charles 
Darwin and a guy you may never have heard of - French naturalist Jean-Baptiste 
Darwin's theory, which has been shaping the direction of modern science, can be 
summed up in a few words: Genes cannot be affected by the outside world. In 
other words, your lifestyle choices have no effect on your genetic code or how 
those genes are expressed.

But Lamarck believed that if an organism changes during its life in order to 
adapt to its environment, those changes would be passed on to its offspring - 
and Dr. Martin's study is one of several that are proving he was correct.
So, guess what? It looks like you're no longer a victim of your genetic 
programming. If, for example, if you decide to exercise vigorously to develop 
new muscle, it now appears that it's possible for you to pass on a 
predisposition to build muscle with exercise to your children... and perhaps 
even further down your line of descendants. 

Conscious decisions to improve your health will interact with your epigenome. 
In turn, the proteins in your epigenome can turn off genes that would have 
otherwise expressed themselves as disease in your descendents. 
Instead of the old model, think of your genetic code as a library. You have 
thousands of choices, but you never check out all of the books. The epigenome 
interacts with your environment and your choices to determine which books to 

Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone
Vitamins like E, C, and A send messages to your genes that normalize cell 
division. This alone can aid in preventing many forms of cancer. 
For vitamins E and C, I recommend taking 

[Biofuel] Terror of Pediatric Medicine

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock

Terror of Pediatric Medicine
IMVA Publications

Dear IMVA, 

I am very pleased to announce the free e-book The Terror of Pediatric 
Medicine (350 pages), which is the first of a series of books on medical truth 
from the newly formed publishing company inside the IMVA. Anyone who wants to 
read about the dangers of vaccines and other horrific medical practices aimed 
at the very young will find this book medically and scientifically informative 
as well as inspirational. Early on I say in the book by the time you finish 
reading this book, you will understand the title. I was on the radio tonight 
speaking in no uncertain terms about the terrorism of the Federal Drug and Food 
Administration (FDA) and the big pharmaceutical companies who are into the 
culture of poisoning people and calling that medicine. 

Helping children by poisoning them is not a viable option or even medically 
sane though the medical community thinks so. Pediatrics is in general inhumane. 
It's a group of men and woman specially trained to terrorize newborns and young 
ones and their families and to feel good about it in the process. If that is 
not the truth I would like to hear about it! Of course I would concede the many 
exceptions, the courageous ones that step out from the herd but that is almost 
impossible for an American pediatrician to do unless he or she retires. 

This is an updated version of my early work in the vaccine field, a widely 
published mini book: Cry of the Heart. The new book covers in-depth the 
vaccine controversy, pediatric dentistry, oncology as well as childhood 
psychiatry and psychology. The book format is in beautiful html and offers us 
hope and solutions for a world of medicine gone mad and is especially timely 
considering the recent information on the state legislators, backed heavily by 
the pharmaceutical companies and political groups, who are attempting and 
succeeding in making mandatory the new and unproven HPV vaccine against 
cervical cancer for all girls at age 11.

Link to the book download:

You have to send in your name and email address to access the download but I 
will make sure that you do not receive duplicates of our newsletter. 

I am off tomorrow into the interior of Brazil for two weeks to my retreat 
center that I hope to turn into a sanctuary for my friends. Also I want to open 
up options for my family's future. With massive climate changes in the offering 
I want to have two entirely different environments to choose from. I presently 
live in a modern city on the coast but want my hands in a pristine area at the 
far end of the world in the interior highlands. Drinking the water as it comes 
out of the mountain side is highly appealing to me. 

I have been getting a few letters in protest against my political writings and 
some people just do not get it. In a world of separation we have become 
terribly fragmented in our thinking when in reality everything converges and 
has an effect on every other thing. Principles of Oneness translate into the 
reality that global warming will greatly impact our health. It is already 
killing many people and will kill millions and millions more in the coming 
years. So will the insanity of the president of the United States if he starts 
yet another war. Medicine and health are not separate from politics or even 
economics as many millions will soon learn. Even the housing bubble will affect the health and 
happiness of millions. The economics of medicine as well as the financial 
fundamentals of the world, especially the United States, are on incredibly 
shaky grounds. 

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association
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[Biofuel] Public hearing on DU conversion in OH KY

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
It seems that we've had incidents in the USA where large amounts of DU have 
been released.

Would you believe that 12 tons of DU were released in just incident in Ohio? It 
is in the PDF file link below. 

- - -

Draft Environmental Impact Statements

For the Construction and Operation

of Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion

Facilities at the Paducah, Kentucky and

Portsmouth, Ohio Sites

- - -


JANUARY 7, 2004

- - -
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[Biofuel] Vitamin C + Sodium Benzoate = Benzene - A Proven Carcinogen!

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
I slipped up and bought some stuff from what I thought were responsible 
But lo and behold I found sodium benzoate along with fruit juice which could 
lead to
benzene being present. The moral of the story is that no matter what you may 
think of a given company, read the label and be prepared for a shock. It seems 
the bean counters are in control of most companies these days.
Peace, D. Mindock

Vitamin C + Sodium Benzoate = Benzene - A Proven Carcinogen!
Health through Nutrition

Practical Health

This alert clearly demonstrates how chemicals in processed foods, while 
considered safe on their own can create havoc when mixed with even safe 
nutrients like Vitamin C.

Action to take: This is not a small thing, although the so-called experts will 
try to tell you that there's no harm at these benzene levels. But there is no 
safe level of benzene. And no one is talking about how it reacts with other 
carcinogens in your body, which could be a serious problem. We already know it 
reacts with healthy substances like vitamin C. 

There is a solution. Eliminate all processed foods and unnatural drinks. All 
processed foods have chemicals in them for preservation. And many of these 
preservatives can damage your health.

As usual the FDA re-opens probe into benzene contamination of soft drinks after 
the fact!

Chris Gupta

See also: FD  C Dyes  Sickness

'Ban artificial food colourings'

Violence And Nutrition
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[Biofuel] Sugar and pancreatic cancer

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
High consumption of Sugar causes pancreatic cancer, thought to be the worst 
form of cancer. Myself,
I would avoid all refined sugars including dextrose, fructose, sucrose, 
glucose, etc., just to be safe. Even potatoes,
white bread and white rice are instantly converted into glucose, so avoiding 
simple carbohydrates is a good thing to
do.   Peace, D. Mindock

Here is more evidence, as if more was needed, for a no sugar,
low carb

The high consumption of sweetened food and drink increases the risk 
of developing pancreatic cancer.

According to a new study from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, 
Sweden, the following picture emerges: Most at risk to develop 
pancreatic cancer were those men and women who consumed high 
quantities of added sugar,
 drinks, and sweetened fruit soups or stewed fruit.

The study concluded: High consumption of sugar and high-sugar foods 
may be associated with a greater risk of pancreatic cancer.

Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 84, No. 5, 1171-1176, November 2006

The researchers have now been able to show that the risk of 
developing pancreatic cancer is related to the amount of sugar in the 
diet. Most at risk were those who drank high quantities of fizzy or 
syrup based (squash) drinks. The group who said that they drank such 
products twice a day or more ran a 90% higher risk than those who 
never drank them. People who added sugar to food or drinks (e.g. 
coffee) at least five times a day ran a 70% greater risk than those 
who did not. People who ate creamed fruit (a product resembling runny 
jam) at least once a day also ran a higher risk -- they developed the 
disease 50% more often than those who never ate creamed fruit.

It is perhaps the most serious form of cancer, with very poor 
prognoses for its victims. Since it's difficult to treat and is often 
discovered too late, it's particularly important that we learn to 
prevent it, she says.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by 
Karolinska Institutet.

Extracted from: 
Daily November 8, 2006___
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[Biofuel] Who are we to hate these days?

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
On a daily basis, we hear from a variety of sources that our world is 
turned upside down, evil exists everywhere, and terrorism is a way of 
life. People seem determined to kill each other in increasingly 
violent ways, while young children are recruited to become suicide 
bombers in the name of God. Radio, television and online news outlets 
dispense an endless cascade of man's inhumanity to man, family 
members gone berserk, teenagers on killing rampages in their schools, 
and terror cells rocking Earth's consciousness everywhere from train 
stations to places of worship.

I could go on describing the ways in which we're continually 
bombarded by the media, but I'm going to stop because I'd be 
violating the central premise of this chapter. 

The point I'm making here is that we seem to live in a totally out 
of balance world where our desires for feeling peaceful are 
challenged by the myriad non peaceful energies that are considered 
newsworthy. But we do have a choice in this mater. And we can choose 
to realign ourselves energetically with our desire to live in this 
world peacefully, regardless of what's going on around us, and in 
spite of the non peaceful energy we're often subjected to.

We can begin by deciding to maintain a tranquil existence within 
ourselves even when others promote fear, anger, and hatred about this 
violent planet. After all, a massive collective effort throughout the 
history of humanity - by those in positions of authority - has taught 
individuals whom to fear, and even worse, whom to hate. If we'd been 
alive in America back in the 1750's, we'd have been told that it was 
our patriotic duty to hate the French as well as the Native 
Americans. Twenty five years later, we'd have been told that it was 
ok to stop hating the French, but that we were obliged to hate the 
British. Now fast forward 87 years, and if we lived in the South, 
we'd be told to hate those in the North, and Northerners likewise 
were required to hate Southerners, even if they were related by 
blood. (And by the way, it was no longer a requirement that we hate 
the British).

Now move ahead 34 years, and it wasn't necessary to hate the Spanish, 
plus it was acceptable once again to love those who lived in a 
different latitude in our own country. Twenty years later, it was 
fine to love the Spanish, but compulsory to hate the Germans, and in 
just a few decades the Japanese would be added to our required hate 
list. Then it became all right to stop hating the Germans and 
Japanese, but we had to hate the Communists, be they in North Korea 
or North Vietnam several years later.

In other words, there's always been a collection of people being 
added to or deleted from the hate inventory. For a long time we were 
required to hate Russians, then Iranians; we could love the Iraqis, 
but only for a short time. Then we reversed those on the hate list: 
We were obliged to hate the formerly loved Iraqis, and it was okay to 
love the Iranians that only ten years before we were told to hate. 
Then came the Taliban, and even more obscure categories such as 
terrorists whom we used to call insurgents, whoever they are now, 
became mandatory targets of our hate. On and on goes this litany of 
hate! The faces change but the message remains: we're told whom to 
hate, never for a moment recognising that the enemy we're supposed to 
hate isn't a nationality - the enemy is hatred itself! 

From Being in Balance
Wayne Dyer
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[Biofuel] More on mandatory vaccinations

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
It seems that if you're a young girl, your body is not safe from Big Pharma.  
Is this just the
tip of an incoming iceberg in Amerika? This has to be nipped in the bud! We 
need to wake up
as another right is to be stripped away, all to protect us. Our bodies will 
no longer be under
our personal dominion but belong to the state. First mandatory vaccinations, 
then chipping,
scheduled medical exams, etc. Big Pharma and the AMA have control of the 
government and
the government has control of us. What ever happened to the quaint notion that 
the government
is in place to serve us, not control us?
 D. Mindock

Virginia Legislation Updatefrom Health Freedom:

Virginia Legislative Activity in February 2007 (good and bad)

The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) is pleased to announce that 
both the Virginia House and Senate have passed Abraham's Law. This new law is 
an important advance for the rights of parents together with mature older 
children to make informed medical choices. A second law passed by the Virginia 
Legislature this week, however, takes away the right of families to make 
medical choices. This week the Virginia House and Senate became the first state 
legislature to require that school age girls to be vaccinated against the human 
papillomanavirus (HPV). With these laws the Virginia State Legislature is the 
first in the United States to approve such laws in both chambers.

The right of families to make informed medical decisions (Abraham's Law).

In the past few weeks, AAHF has been working with Virginia legislators and 
others in support of Abraham's Law (HB 2314 /SB 905) on the rights of parents 
and a mature child to make informed medical decisions. Abraham's Law is named 
for a Chincoteague, Virginia youth whose parents faced a widely publicized 
legal custody battle in the courts during the summer of 2006 just as their son 
was undergoing cancer treatment for Hodgkin's disease. After Abraham Cherrix 
and his parents declined to undergo additional high-dose cancer treatment, the 
parents became the subject of a medical neglect case initiated by Child 
Protective Services. In July 2006 Abraham told the press, I think it's my 
body. I can choose what's best for my body. If I don't have the right to do 
that, then I don't have any rights at all anyway.

This is an important bill for health freedom in the State of Virginia and could 
become the model law for other states. Abraham's Law would allow parents to 
refuse a certain medical treatment for a child and not face charges of neglect 
on four conditions: 

++ that the parents and child make the decision jointly; 

++ the child is sufficiently mature to have an opinion on his or her treatment; 

++ the family has considered other treatment options; 

++ and the parents believe in good faith that the decision is in the child's 
best interest.

Mandatory HPV vaccination for sixth grade girls

That's the good, now here's the bad news. Unfortunately, Virginia legislators 
have also passed a bills (HB 2035/SB 1230) to require all girls entering the 
sixth grade to receive a vaccine for the sexually transmitted virus that causes 
cervical cancer. The bill was passed in two versions. The House bill give 
parents the right to review information about the vaccine and file a form to 
exempt their daughters from requirement. The Senate version of the bill has no 
parental opt-out provision. 

According to the Washington Post, Merck  Co., maker of the Gardasil HPV 
vaccine, has provided an undisclosed amount of funds for lobbying efforts in at 
least 18 states where lawmakers are considering whether to require the vaccine. 
Two sponsors of the Virginia bill received sizable campaign contributions from 
Merck, according to the Virginia Public Access Project, which tracks campaign 
finances in the state. The House bill's sponsor, Del. Phillip Hamilton, 
R-Newport News, chairman of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions 
Committee, received $10,000 from the pharmaceutical company over the last 
decade. The Senate sponsor, Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax County, has received 
$4,100 from the drug maker since 1998. Last week. The new HPV vaccine announced 
in June 2006 is one of several recent advances in efforts to reduce rates of 
cervical cancer. 

The American Association for Health Freedom believes a mandatory HPV 
vaccination requirement for girls represents a setback for health freedom. 

To contact Virginia Legislators go to and click on 
House of Delegates or Senate. To call the House of Delegates: (804) 698-1500 or 
the Virginia Senate: (804) 698-7410.

Jim Fussell

Campaign Manager

Health Freedom Foundation and American Association for Health Freedom

4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210

Arlington, VA 22207


Fax: 703.294.6380

P.S. Don't forget to JOIN, DONATE, TAKE ACTION, and 

[Biofuel] Bayer defends genetic contamination as Act of God

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
Maybe Bayer should just stick with what it knows best, its aspirin.  Peace, D. 

Bayer defends genetic contamination as Act of God
 06 February 2007

Yes folks it seems that according to Bayer, God hasn't been
dealing with the big issues lately. Instead of answering
millions of prayers, stopping wars or ending famines, God
has left all the important things to gather dust in the
heavenly inbox whilst ensuring Bayer's unapproved variety of
genetically engineered (GE) rice goes forth and multiplies
around the world instead. 

According to documents submitted to the court by Bayer, last
year's massive contamination of US rice with an unapproved,
experimental variety of rice called LL601 was due to 'acts
of God' or the rice farmers themselves. 

Pushing the blame onto the rice farmers is no surprise as
the farmers are the ones suing Bayer for millions of dollars
of lost income. The price of US rice plummeted last year,
immediately following the discovery of the GE contamination
in rice exported to Europe and Japan, where consumer
resistance to Bayer's less-than-divine intervention in
their food is strong. 

The LL601 rice was originally grown as an experimental field
trial all the way back in 1999-2001. The trial ended with no
approval for growing the strain commercially. 

That should have been the end of LL601 for good. But five
years later, testing of US rice imports across Europe and
Japan showed the experimental LL601 very much alive and

Bayer is aggressively pursuing commercial approvals for its
GE rice globally, including in Europe and Brazil, yet
refuses to accept responsibility for the major financial
damage its unauthorized GE rice has caused in the US and

Indeed, Bayer is blaming hardworking farmers or 'acts of
God' for these problems when all signs point to Bayer being
at fault, said Adam Levitt, a partner in the law firm of
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman  Herz - one of the law firms
leading the prosecution of these cases against Bayer. 

Shifting the blame isn't new for big business trying to
avoid responsibility for their mistakes. But God as
scapegoat? That's probably a new low in the GE industry's
pursuit of the almighty dollar. 

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[Biofuel] No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine

2007-02-08 Thread D. Mindock
No Law To Mandate Dangerous, Untested HPV Vaccine 
Media hoax fools parents into thinking Merck shots are mandatory, big pharma 
laughs as obscene profits roll in 

Prison Planet | February 6, 2007 
Paul Joseph Watson  Alex Jones 

A media hoax has fooled parents in Texas and other areas of the country that 
the HPV vaccine, which experts have slammed as untested and has already been 
linked to dangerous side-effects, is now the law and young girls must take it. 
Merck Pharmaceuticals are set to capitalize on this fraud by making obscene 
profits from a crony deal with Governor Rick Perry, while children are put at 

Perry issued an executive order Friday requiring girls to be vaccinated against 
the sexually transmitted HPV, or human pappilomavirus. Doctors, scientists and 
experts were not consulted before the sweeping mandate was put in place. 
Several Texas lawmakers, including Sen. Jane Nelson, have petitioned for a 
reversal of the decision but the Legislature has no authority to repeal Perry's 
executive order. 

  Printer Friendly Version 
According to the Associated Press , Perry has close ties to Merck, having 
received money from them for his re-election campaign . 

He also has ties to Women in Government, a Merck-funded advocacy group made up 
of female state legislators around the country. His current chief of staff's 
mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state 
director for the group, reports the AP. 

Perry's former chief of staff Mike Toomey is on the Merck payroll as a 

Almost immediately following Perry's announcement, newspapers and TV stations 
began to report that it was the law that parents had to have their child 
vaccinated. This reflects a national and international hoax that is repeatedly 
being perpetrated shortly before school terms begin each year. 

There is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that 
says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any 
executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there is no situation 
where you can go to prison for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. 
constitution and the law of the land. 

As in the case of all other vaccines, Perry's executive order merely states 
that the vaccine is recommended, yet the mass media drumbeat constantly 
conditions people to believe that if they don't take their shots they will be 
kicked out of school, arrested and thrown in jail. This trick will continue to 
hoodwink Americans into taking all manner of dangerous and untested vaccines, 
the number of which rises every year, until they realize that there is no law 
that forces them to take any vaccine . 

This issue is of vital importance not just to Texans but to everyone across the 
country, because all fifty states have been the target of Merck 
Pharmaceutical's biggest lobbying effort ever to get this vaccine mandated 
throughout the nation, by paying off Governors and other officials to curry 
favor. Merck were unable to sell the benefits of the vaccine to make enough 
profit out of it, so instead they turned to state legislature to force eleven 
year old girls (and in other states children as young as eight) who aren't even 
sexually active to take the shot. 

A lot of states have rejected Merck's advances outright but Texas could provoke 
a chain reaction that would influence other areas to submit to big pharma's 

What is actually in the vaccine? Live genetically engineered cancer virus. As 
the vaccine spreads in use, reports of horrible side effects are already 
starting to proliferate. 

Negative side effects of Gardasil, a new Merck vaccine to prevent the sexually 
transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, are being reported in the 
District of Columbia and 20 states, including Virginia. The reactions range 
from loss of consciousness to seizures, reports the Washington Times . 

Young girls are experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of 
vision and some girls have lost consciousness during what appear to be 
seizures, said Vicky Debold, health policy analyst for the National Vaccine 
Information Center, a nonprofit watchdog organization that was created in the 
early 1980s to prevent vaccine injuries. 

The report quotes physicians who debunk the claim that the HPV vaccine even 
prevents cervical cancer, as is claimed by Merck and the FDA. 

There is no proof Gardasil will stop cervical cancer, said Clayton Young, an 
obstetrician/gynecologist in Texas, They haven't been studying it long enough 
to make that claim. 

  CLIP: Alex welcomes the President of the Texas Eagle Forum, Cathy Adams, 
to discuss Perry's executive order and the HPV vaccine.  
Merck makes 360 dollars per shot, equaling billions of dollars in fat profits 
from bullying or paying off legislatures to mandate the vaccine. 


[Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread Keith Addison
Sigh... (once again) The Greenest Vehicles of 2007 The Meanest Vehicles for the Environment in 2007

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[Biofuel] Warm Lessons from the North - Toronto Star - 2007.02.08

2007-02-08 Thread darryl

Tristan Pearce
Ruth DeSantis

Inuit in the Canadian Arctic have long warned that the climate is changing.

In Nunavut an Inuit hunter clings onto broken ice, desperately  
fighting not to slip into the frigid waters, his heart pumps furiously  
as he scrambles, boots slipping on the wet ice, gravity pushing him  
closer to the open water, to reach safety.

His snow machine, the only means of transportation he has during the  
long winter months, sinks quickly but he somehow manages to stay dry  
and seek refuge on stable ice; others have not been so lucky.

His story, like others before him, fails to make the news. It is a  
story that has become all too common across the Canadian Arctic and  
has been too easily forgotten.

Last Friday, scientists from around the world gathered in Paris to  
release the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  
report. This is the fourth IPCC report since 1990 and convincingly  
reaffirms that climate change is caused by the human burning of fossil  

In the wake of the IPCC report ? and the daily reality of living with  
a changing climate ? Canadian voters are making the environment a top  
priority. We in southern Canada are finally accepting what Inuit in  
the North have been trying to tell us for the past two decades: The  
climate is changing!

Despite early warnings from the Arctic, we ? individuals, households,  
communities, businesses and governments ? have taken, at best, limited  
action to address climate change. As a result, we have committed the  
Earth to some degree of future warming despite even the most  
aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

While Ottawa scrambles to assemble a federal climate change plan  
muddled in partisan politics, Inuit in Canada are moving ahead and are  
already leading climate change adaptation planning for the Arctic.

The Nunavut government recognizes that climate change poses major  
economic, environmental and social challenges to the people of Nunavut  
and is committed to working with communities to develop adaptation  
plans that will address the impacts of climate change on social,  
environmental, economic and health sectors.

Workshops have been held in communities across the North documenting  
local experiences coping with climate change. The challenge now is to  
incorporate climate change adaptation into community planning and  
decision making.

The following is a list of key aspects of adaptation planning that  
have been learned in the North and have application for climate change  
adaptation planning in southern communities:

Community engagement in adaptation planning is essential. The effects  
of climate change are highly localized and will be conditioned by  
local factors including economy, geography, resource-dependence and  

Local and scientific knowledge can contribute to adaptation planning.

Climate change will be experienced together with other stresses  
already present in a community. It is therefore essential to consider  
multiple drivers of cumulative change in adaptation planning.

Adaptation planning should, when possible, be linked with existing  
policy processes and/or evolve within existing institutions.

Adaptations to climate change will not necessarily be in response to  
climate change alone but may be in response to stresses already  
present in the community.

These elements of climate change adaptation planning are already being  
recognized in the Arctic, where Inuit leaders in Nunavut have taken  
the initiative to prepare their communities to deal with future  
climate change.

It is time for southern Canada to stop pondering what to do about  
climate change, take ownership of the problem, and address it.

This involves implementing international agreements that work to  
reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and working with communities  
across Canada on climate change adaptation planning.

As Canada formulates its approach to dealing with climate change, we  
can learn from adaptation experiences already underway in the Arctic.

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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[Biofuel] Blackspot Shoes

2007-02-08 Thread darryl
Does anyone have direct personal experience with Blackspot shoes?

I became aware of them for the first time this week as something real.

It seems like a good idea, and I'm contemplating getting a pair.  I  
just thought I would see if anyone here has tried them, and if so,  
what they think.

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Mass-Produced Electric Cars

2007-02-08 Thread Kurt Nolte
No, no compost anymore, sadly. We had a decent bin going at our last 
house six years ago, but we never had the time or need to get one 
started here.

Maybe that's a project for this year.

Who is off to work for 13 hours, ferrying people about between cities 
and later keeping drunks off the road.

Keith Addison wrote:
 Dawie Coetzee wrote:
 The bulk of one's effort should be oriented to developing a living
 environment in which driving is unnecessary, and walking supported by
 public transport is the obvious way to get from A to B. Given that,
 the entirely subsidiary project of designing cars and fuels concerns
 not so much cleaner cars and cleaner fuels, but types of vehicle and
 fuel best suited to manufacture for a very-low-demand scenario.
 I love it when people promote public transportation like this.

 Of course, I may be biased, being a driver for a no-fare public
 transportation service, but still... I'll take all the advertisement I
 can get!



 A man for our times - you'll go straight to heaven Kurt.

 Um, you don't also happen to make compost, do you? You get to go to 
 heaven for that too. If you do I suppose you'll just have to go to 
 heaven twice.



 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] All Terrain Cabin

2007-02-08 Thread darryl
Thought this might be of interest. (go to page 11)

The cabin has a composting toilet.  There are two large holding tanks
for water.  The filtration system consists of UV light to kill
bacteria and microfilters to pull out sediment.  There are plans to
add an awning to catch rainwater for the tanks.  Energy and heat for
the exhibit are provided by a biodiesel generator and by large
photovoltaic panels which are also used to recharge batteries.

It can house a family of four in 480 square feet.  For travel, it
compresses into 1/3 that footprint (6 ft x 20 ft - ISO shipping  
container dimensions).

Clearly designed for fair-weather use, but some interesting ideas I think.
Deployable emergency housing?  No need for grid, compact, portable,
can be moved like a shipping container, set up quickly.

Put a container garden on the fold out deck and plant something that  
produces food quickly (radish, leaf lettuce, sprouts, spinach) if  
climate is favourable.  Perhaps supply coldframes or mini-greenhouses  
if not.


Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

- End forwarded message -

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Pre-Emptive Strike Against Chirac

2007-02-08 Thread Keith Addison
Pre-Emptive Strike Against Chirac

Wednesday, 07 February 2007
Frenzy in France Over Iranian Threat

By Diana Johnstone

For a long time, there has been an unwritten law that only Jews (at 
risk of being called self-hating) may criticize Zionism. But things 
have gone too far. This aggressive paranoia of Israel is not just a 
Jewish question, it is dragging the whole world into disaster.
02/07/06 Counterpunch --- - Four years ago, French President 
Jacques Chirac saw the Iraq disaster looming and openly warned 
against it. It was by far the best thing he ever did in his political 
life, and he is not to be allowed to do it again.

Today another, potentially even greater disaster is looming as Israel 
and the United States ostentatiously prepare to bomb Iran on the 
pretext of preventing a second holocaust. But this time around 
there is a curious absence of the public opposition and mass protest 
demonstrations that preceded the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

It is as though the enormity of events and the comforts of daily life 
have caused the Western world to give up thinking about grave matters 
and to take refuge in officially inspected and approved platitudes. 
Debate is replaced by an alarm system that sends up cries of scandal 
at any deviation from the accepted discourse.

In France, where people pay a lot of attention to words, the 
denunciation of verbal heresy even goes so far as enacting laws 
punishing politically incorrect speech.

But the more commonplace type of censorship was illustrated this week 
by an essentially trivial incident. During a presidential press 
briefing at the Elysée palace devoted to the Paris conference on 
climate change, a New York Times journalist changed the subject to 
ask the French President about the Iranian nuclear threat. Chirac 
began with the standard official International Community line, 
namely that Tehran's refusal to give up its uranium enrichment 
program was very dangerous. But then, Chirac (thinking, he 
explained later, that he was speaking off the record) gave in to the 
temptation to speak honestly. For Iran to have a nuclear weapon was 
not really so dangerous, he said. To make his point, he asked 
rhetorically what good it would do Iran to have a nuclear bomb, or 
even two. Where would it fire that bomb? At Israel? It wouldn't have 
traveled 200 meters through the atmosphere before Tehran would be 

The real danger was nuclear proliferation, he added.

Chirac even went so far as to suggest that Iran had a motive for its 
nuclear research, including its fear of being challenged or 
threatened by the international community. And the international 
community, who is that? It's the United States.

The alarm bells went off. The scandal of Chirac's politically 
incorrect remarks was the top front page news story in both U.S. and 
French newspapers.

In themselves, Chirac's remarks hardly merited such a fuss. But the 
reaction was significant.

First of all, it showed that the French President, a lame duck in the 
midst of an election campaign to replace him, is too isolated to be 
able to oppose war against Iran as he opposed war against Iraq. The 
media are there to shoot him down before he gets off the ground, 
first of all the newspapers that continue to enjoy the label 
leftist, left-leaning or center-left -- mainly Libération and 
Le Monde -- but which in reality have become the guardians of 
Atlanticist orthodoxy (devotion to a European unity closely tied to 
the United States). Chirac's own political party was snatched away 
from him by his ambitious enemy Nicolas Sarkozy, who has publicly 
criticized Chirac's departure from the American fold over the war 
against Iraq. Sarkozy's demonstrations of devotion to Washington and 
Tel Aviv have won him the enthusiastic support of the organized 
Jewish community, increasingly inspired by the U.S. pro-Israel lobby.

Deeply distrustful of Gaullism, the French Jewish community has 
traditionally been close to the Socialists. It was indeed a Socialist 
government whose secret cooperation with Israel's nuclear program was 
discovered, and terminated, by de Gaulle when he took office in 1958. 
But Ségolene Royal was not the Socialist Party candidate favored by 
major Jewish organizations (they preferred the very pro-Israel 
Dominique Strauss-Kahn) and will have a hard time competing with 
Sarkozy for their favors on the Middle East issue, even though she 
has declared that Iran has no right not only to a nuclear bomb, but 
even to civilian nuclear power plants.

The Socialists can find nothing better to do than to crow over 
Chirac's blunder. The French left in general has never seen the 
point of supporting Chirac's action in keeping France out of the Iraq 
quagmire. From the viewpoint of the sectarian left (and the French 
left, in its countless splinters, is incurably sectarian), what 
matters is not to do the right thing but to do whatever one does for 

Re: [Biofuel] From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil

2007-02-08 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Frank

Hi Keith,

Very interesting and comprehensive.  But, I wonder where the 
Israeli-Lebanese-Hezbollah dots fit in in Behan's plot?

Here maybe, in the blind-spot:
[biofuel] Oil and Israel
27 May 2004

By the time we finished discussing it half the contributors had 
called the other half Jew-hating Nazis and we only barely survived a 
hacker attack on the list by Mossad or someone like them (no kidding, 
we traced it).

Which rather proved the point - being that that's what happens to you 
if you say true but unkind things about Israel. Hence the widespread 

This was the, um, culminating post (I'm told it's worth a read):
Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Keith

Anyway, now the whole smear-and-fear pro-Zionist apparatus is falling 
apart, it seems, one hopes, in a rising tide of protest, largely led 
by Jews. Following Bob Dreyfuss's piece and the other rumblings 
mentioned in the thread, Mearsheimer and Walt published The Israel 
Lobby last March 
generating more and bigger ripples, and Jimmy Carter's book 
Palestine: Peace not Apartheid  is making real waves, in spite of a 
storm of the usual attacks, and it might even have done the job bar 
the shouting (LOTS of shouting). Maybe even in time to stop the US 
and Israel nuking Iran. Where there's life there's hope.

Well, you did ask...

Anybody know if there are any cool green boots for kicking holes in 
blind-spots? Real leather only please, vegetarian leather's for 



On 2/5/07, Keith Addison 

From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil

By Richard W. Behan, AlterNet. Posted February 5, 2007.

An in-depth look at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the events
leading up to them, and the players who made them possible.

In the Caspian Basin and beneath the deserts of Iraq, as many as 783
billion barrels of oil are waiting to be pumped. Anyone controlling
that much oil stands a good chance of breaking OPEC#39;s stranglehold
overnight, and any nation seeking to dominate the world would have to
go after it.

The long-held suspicions about George Bush#39;s wars are well-placed.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were not prompted by the terrorist
attacks in New York and Washington. They were not waged to spread
democracy in the Middle East or enhance security at home. They were
conceived and planned in secret long before September 11, 2001 and
they were undertaken to control petroleum resources.

The global war on terror began as a fraud and a smokescreen and
remains so today, a product of the Bush Administration#39;s deliberate
and successful distortion of public perception. The fragmented
accounts in the mainstream media reflect this warping of reality, but
another more accurate version of recent history is available in
contemporary books and the vast information pool of the Internet.
When told start to finish, the story becomes clear, the dots easier
to connect.

Both appalling and masterful, the lies that led us into war and keep
us there today show the people of the Bush Administration to be
devious, dangerous and far from stupid.

The following is an in-depth look at the oil wars, the events leading
up to them, and the players who made them possible.


The Project for a New American Century, a D.C.-based political think
tank funded by archconservative philanthropies and founded in 1997,
is the source of the Bush Administration#39;s imperialistic urge for the
U.S. to dominate the world. Our nation should seek to achieve a
...benevolent global hegemony, according to William Kristol, PNAC#39;s
chairman. The group advocates the novel and startling concept of
pre-emptive war as a means of doing so.

On January 26, 1998, the PNAC, sent a letter to President William
Clinton urging the military overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. The
dictator, the letter alleged, was a destabilizing force in the Middle
East, and posed a mortal threat to ...the safety of American troops
in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate
Arab states, and a significant portion of the world#39;s oil supply...
The subjugation of Iraq would be the first application of
pre-emptive war.

The unprovoked, full-scale invasion and occupation of another
country, however, would be an unequivocal example of the use of
armed force by a state against the sovereignty, territorial
integrity, or political independence of another state. That is the
formal United Nations definition of military aggression, and a nation
can choose to launch it only in self-defense. Otherwise it is an
international crime.

President Clinton did not honor the PNAC#39;s request.

But sixteen members of the Project for a New 

[Biofuel] Chirac's nuclear talk fallout

2007-02-08 Thread Keith Addison
Chirac's nuclear talk fallout

Wednesday, 07 February 2007
By Gwynne Dyer  

Maybe Chirac's gaffe was not as accidental as it seemed. Maybe he 
wanted people to re-examine all the lies and half-truths we are told 
about Iran as Washington seems to be gearing up for another attack.
02/07/06 New Zealand Herald -- -- For over two years all the big 
Western powers have insisted Iran's nuclear power programme is 
secretly intended to produce nuclear weapons. And the minute it gets 
them, it will launch them at Israel.

But last Thursday France's President Jacques Chirac said something 
very different. He said Iran would never use them first.

I would say that what is dangerous about this situation is not the 
fact of [Iran] having a nuclear bomb, Chirac said in reply to a 
journalist's question, during an interview originally meant to be 
about climate change.

[Iran] having one [bomb], or perhaps a second bomb a little later, 
well, that's not very dangerous.

Shock! Horror! Chirac is bucking the party line, which is that Iran 
is run by a bunch of fanatical crazies who would immediately use 
their new nuclear weapons against Israel.

Didn't Iran's own president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, say Iran would wipe 
Israel from the map? (No, he didn't, actually, but a little creative 
licence in the translation of his speech from the Farsi can make it 
sound like he did.)

 Where will [Iran] drop it, this bomb? Chirac asked scornfully. On 
Israel? [The missile] would not have gone 200m into the air before 
Tehran would be razed to the ground.

He spoke as if deterrence would work even against Iran. As if the 
country were run by sane human beings who don't want their children 
to be burned, crushed and vaporized by Israeli and American nuclear 
weapons. He's not supposed to talk like that in public.

Chirac gave us a moment of honesty, said Alireza Nourizadeh, chief 
researcher at the London-based Centre for Arab-Iranian Studies. His 
comment was basically what I believe to be the position of Britain, 
the United States and much of the West. That is if Israel is 
attacked, there will be no hesitation in bringing retaliation and 
destruction to Iran.

And that, Chirac concluded, meant Iran would not use its nuclear 
weapons to attack Israel, should it ever acquire them.

In Chirac's view, the danger is not that Iran would be irresponsible 
with its nuclear weapons, but that they would lead to a general 
proliferation of such weapons in the Middle East.

Why wouldn't Saudi Arabia do it? he asked. Why wouldn't it help 
Egypt to do it as well? That is the real danger.

But he's not supposed to say that either. Those are the West's 
allies, the very countries the United States is trying to mobilise as 
the leaders of an anti-Iranian alliance of Sunni Arab countries.

Chirac was simply stating the truth as he (and many others) see it, 
but his comments completely undermined the joint Western position, so 
the following day he was forced to retract them.

He still didn't say that he was wrong, however. Just that he had 
thought he was off the record when discussing Iran.

France is clearly worried by the drumbeat of anti-Iranian propaganda 
in Washington, which sounds alarmingly similar to the campaign of 
misinformation waged by the Bush Administration before it attacked 

Last month Chirac was forced to cancel a visit to Tehran by the 
French foreign minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy, because his allies 
did not trust France to stick to the party line. They were doubtless 
right in their suspicions - but France is right, too.

France is right to argue that Iranian nuclear weapons, if they 
existed, would be primarily defensive and would not be used to attack 
Israel, because nuclear deterrence still works and Iranians do not 
want their country to commit suicide.

It is also right to worry that an Iranian bomb would create pressures 
for further proliferation, as Arab countries that have lived under 
the threat of Israeli nuclear weapons for 40 years decide that living 
under the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons as well, with no means of 
deterrence or retaliation, is simply intolerable.

France is utterly hypocritical in worrying about Middle Eastern 
countries owning nuclear weapons when it has had them for almost half 
a century, but that is equally true for all the other great powers.

And it is jumping to conclusions when it assumes Iran's stated (and 
quite legal) desire to enrich uranium for nuclear power generation 
conceals a drive to get a nuclear weapon as soon as possible.

The truth may be that Iran is seeking only a threshold nuclear 
weapons capacity - a level of technological expertise from which it 
could, in an emergency, develop nuclear weapons in only six months or 
so. Such a position is entirely legal, and some 40 countries 
currently occupy it.

The truth may also be that the nuclear-armed neighbour Iran really 
worries about is not Israel but Pakistan, 

Re: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread Zeke Yewdall

H.  No diesels on the clean car list, but a few on the dirty car list.
Everyone is so concerned with local pollution, but never thinks about CO2
effects, which are going to persist for alot longer than the local brown
clouds over cities.

On 2/8/07, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sigh... (once again) The Greenest Vehicles of 2007 The Meanest Vehicles for the Environment in 2007

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bayer defends genetic contamination as Act of God

2007-02-08 Thread DHAJOGLO
Of course, if this were Monsanto, they would be suing anyone growing that 
strain of leaked rice as a violation of their patents!

Maybe Bayer should just stick  with what it knows best, its aspirin.  Peace, D. 
Bayer defends genetic  contamination as Act of God 
 06 February  2007
Yes folks it seems that  according to Bayer, God hasn't been
dealing with the big issues lately.  Instead of answering
millions of prayers, stopping wars or ending famines,  God
has left all the important things to gather dust in the
heavenly inbox  whilst ensuring Bayer's unapproved variety of
genetically engineered (GE)  rice goes forth and multiplies
around the world instead. 

According to  documents submitted to the court by Bayer, last
year's massive contamination  of US rice with an unapproved,
experimental variety of rice called LL601 was  due to 'acts
of God' or the rice farmers themselves. 

Pushing the  blame onto the rice farmers is no surprise as
the farmers are the ones suing  Bayer for millions of dollars
of lost income. The price of US rice plummeted  last year,
immediately following the discovery of the GE contamination
in  rice exported to Europe and Japan, where consumer
resistance to Bayer's  less-than-divine intervention in
their food is strong. 

The LL601 rice  was originally grown as an experimental field
trial all the way back in  1999-2001. The trial ended with no
approval for growing the strain  commercially. 

That should have been the end of LL601 for good. But  five
years later, testing of US rice imports across Europe and
Japan  showed the experimental LL601 very much alive and

Bayer is aggressively pursuing commercial approvals for its
GE rice  globally, including in Europe and Brazil, yet
refuses to accept  responsibility for the major financial
damage its unauthorized GE rice has  caused in the US and

Indeed, Bayer is blaming  hardworking farmers or 'acts of
God' for these problems when all signs point  to Bayer being
at fault, said Adam Levitt, a partner in the law firm  of
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman  Herz - one of the law  firms
leading the prosecution of these cases against Bayer. 

Shifting  the blame isn't new for big business trying to
avoid responsibility for their  mistakes. But God as
scapegoat? That's probably a new low in the GE  industry's
pursuit of the almighty dollar.  


On Thursday, February 08, 2007  7:28 AM, D. Mindock wrote:

Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 07:28:07 -0600
From: D. Mindock
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: [Biofuel] Bayer defends genetic contamination as Act of God

Maybe Bayer should just stick with what it knows best, its aspirin.  Peace, D. 

Bayer defends genetic contamination as Act of God
 06 February 2007

Yes folks it seems that according to Bayer, God hasn't been
dealing with the big issues lately. Instead of answering
millions of prayers, stopping wars or ending famines, God
has left all the important things to gather dust in the
heavenly inbox whilst ensuring Bayer's unapproved variety of
genetically engineered (GE) rice goes forth and multiplies
around the world instead. 

According to documents submitted to the court by Bayer, last
year's massive contamination of US rice with an unapproved,
experimental variety of rice called LL601 was due to 'acts
of God' or the rice farmers themselves. 

Pushing the blame onto the rice farmers is no surprise as
the farmers are the ones suing Bayer for millions of dollars
of lost income. The price of US rice plummeted last year,
immediately following the discovery of the GE contamination
in rice exported to Europe and Japan, where consumer
resistance to Bayer's less-than-divine intervention in
their food is strong. 

The LL601 rice was originally grown as an experimental field
trial all the way back in 1999-2001. The trial ended with no
approval for growing the strain commercially. 

That should have been the end of LL601 for good. But five
years later, testing of US rice imports across Europe and
Japan showed the experimental LL601 very much alive and

Bayer is aggressively pursuing commercial approvals for its
GE rice globally, including in Europe and Brazil, yet
refuses to accept responsibility for the major financial
damage its unauthorized GE rice has caused in the US and

Indeed, Bayer is blaming hardworking farmers or 'acts of
God' for these problems when all signs point to Bayer being
at fault, said Adam Levitt, a partner in the law firm of
Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman  Herz - one of the law firms
leading the prosecution of these cases against Bayer. 

Shifting the blame isn't new for big business trying to
avoid responsibility for their 

Re: [Biofuel] Chicken Little Strikes Again! CO2 is rising!C02 isrising!A scientific Rebutal

2007-02-08 Thread Zeke Yewdall

This may seem high, but then when I think about that forest around my
parents' property in eastern Washington, every piece of land surrounding us
has been logged at least once in the last 25 years -- many in the last 10
years.   From the satellite photo of the area (about 2 meter resolution) you
can clearly see our property lines by where there are and are not tall
trees.  Yes, there are still 50 foot trees left all over the rest of it, but
the 100 foot trees are mostly gone.

Maybe in the Dakota's trees have increased alot, but how big are those
trees?   I grew up in the Northwest, and can't say that I've seen many trees
in Colorado that really seem to count as trees compared to what I'm used
to.  If it's not 2 foot diameter and 80 foot high.know, I'm a tree
snob, but from a carbon sequestration standpoint, the very large trees in
the temperate and tropical rainforests, as well as the temperate broadleaf
and boreal coniferous band, probably do alot more than the more arid forest
that occupies alot of the rest of the world.  And those ones are the ones
that I think have been destroyed or degraded more.


 ... At the same time, 85% of the world's forests (which are natural
 carbon sinks) have been destroyed or degraded. ...

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread robert and benita rabello
Zeke Yewdall wrote:

 H.  No diesels on the clean car list, but a few on the dirty car 
 list.   Everyone is so concerned with local pollution, but never 
 thinks about CO2 effects, which are going to persist for a lot longer 
 than the local brown clouds over cities.

My hybrid Camry made the list of green cars, but I can't help but 
wonder about all that embodied energy every time I drive it.  How can 
this be green and sustainable?  Despite advances in composite 
materials, the Camry is still made out of steel.  It got shipped here 
from Japan.  Yes, the fuel mileage is pretty impressive around town, but 
here where we climb long, steep hills its fuel economy can be far less 

I was talking to a young girl at the video store the other night.  
(Ok, maybe she wasn't that young, but at my age more and more people are 
beginning to look like children!)  She told me that the only thing she 
doesn't like about living here is that there's nothing to do.  This 
underscores a problem that pervades more than just the need for driving 
to and from work.  Our neighborhood was designed to insulate families 
from one another.  The dearth of public spaces, the lack of commercial 
development and recreational activities compel everyone to get into the 
car and drive somewhere else.

GM and Ford are now advertising full sized gasoline powered trucks 
that get better fuel economy than my 4 cylinder Ranger.  Should I junk 
my truck and buy a full sized one because the newer models get better 
mileage?  I don't think so.

We bought the Camry because we HAD to get a new car.  However, I'd 
like to live in a world where it's possible to get around without 
starting up a 1.5 ton machine to move my 80 kilo body around . . .

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread Zeke Yewdall

On 2/8/07, robert and benita rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Our neighborhood was designed to insulate families

from one another.  The dearth of public spaces, the lack of commercial
development and recreational activities compel everyone to get into the
car and drive somewhere else.

Don't you understand how the economy works?  If people in a community all
walk to a public space and talk amongst each other and play and actually
become a community, they aren't inside their miserable little houses
watching TV and seeing ads for stuff that they can then drive to the mall
and buy.  Buying stuff and pharmaceuticals to try to make yourself not feel
as depressed about your meaningless life can't be sustained if you have too
much human socialization and start feeling better adjusted just from being
around people you like hanging out with.

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Re: [Biofuel] All Terrain Cabin

2007-02-08 Thread John Mullan
I seen an episode of Discovery Channel - Daily Planet that showed a similar
concept for emergency medical deployment.  I folded out in about 90 seconds
as an operating room.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 12:53 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] All Terrain Cabin

Thought this might be of interest. (go to page

The cabin has a composting toilet.  There are two large holding tanks
for water.  The filtration system consists of UV light to kill
bacteria and microfilters to pull out sediment.  There are plans to
add an awning to catch rainwater for the tanks.  Energy and heat for
the exhibit are provided by a biodiesel generator and by large
photovoltaic panels which are also used to recharge batteries.

It can house a family of four in 480 square feet.  For travel, it
compresses into 1/3 that footprint (6 ft x 20 ft - ISO shipping  
container dimensions).

Clearly designed for fair-weather use, but some interesting ideas I think.
Deployable emergency housing?  No need for grid, compact, portable,
can be moved like a shipping container, set up quickly.

Put a container garden on the fold out deck and plant something that  
produces food quickly (radish, leaf lettuce, sprouts, spinach) if  
climate is favourable.  Perhaps supply coldframes or mini-greenhouses  
if not.


Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

- End forwarded message -

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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Re: [Biofuel] Chicken Little Strikes Again! CO2 is rising!C02isrising!A scientific Rebutal

2007-02-08 Thread JAMES PHELPS

I still think the number is high based on the ability to sequester CO2.  You 
can not put numbers on something that does not have a fairly close finite 
definition.  Well, you can but so can everyone else.  Now if we say The 
available plant life that impacts the global sequestration of CO2 has been 
estimated to have fallen by X% (high)-Y% (low) (based on such and such figures) 
is one thing.  To throw around numbers tied to some ambiguous definition will 
not help the cause.  The biggest point that came from Al Gores movie is peer 
reviewed data that is convincing people that were not convinced before.

I do agree, you have seen a large degradation of forest, and while our trees 
are mostly a 50/50 mix of cottonwood and evergreen, they probably make up for 
the degradation to some extent.  The fact remains as you have mentioned that we 
have seen some loss, but I would like to find the numbers from peer reviewed 
data.  However, as Joe mentioned earlier algae is probably more responsible for 
sequestration, has the ability to bloom fast and sequester more faster (damn 
the consequences) than trees.  Also algae dies and is sequestered by the ocean 
instead of, returning the carbon, next season as the leaves and needles compost.

This whole argument, shades the real threat.  What I wish people would see is 
the cycles involved and what man is doing to accelerate or de-accelerate them.

Wishing you great times in the great outdoors,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Zeke Yewdallmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 1:59 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Chicken Little Strikes Again! CO2 is 
rising!C02isrising!A scientific Rebutal

  This may seem high, but then when I think about that forest around my 
parents' property in eastern Washington, every piece of land surrounding us has 
been logged at least once in the last 25 years -- many in the last 10 years.   
From the satellite photo of the area (about 2 meter resolution) you can clearly 
see our property lines by where there are and are not tall trees.  Yes, there 
are still 50 foot trees left all over the rest of it, but the 100 foot trees 
are mostly gone. 

  Maybe in the Dakota's trees have increased alot, but how big are those trees? 
  I grew up in the Northwest, and can't say that I've seen many trees in 
Colorado that really seem to count as trees compared to what I'm used to.  If 
it's not 2 foot diameter and 80 foot high.know, I'm a tree snob, but 
from a carbon sequestration standpoint, the very large trees in the temperate 
and tropical rainforests, as well as the temperate broadleaf and boreal 
coniferous band, probably do alot more than the more arid forest that occupies 
alot of the rest of the world.  And those ones are the ones that I think have 
been destroyed or degraded more. 


 ... At the same time, 85% of the world's forests (which are natural 
 carbon sinks) have been destroyed or degraded. ...

  Biofuel mailing list

  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

  Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

2007-02-08 Thread Bob Molloy - 12k -
 Cached - Similar pages

Greetings and a few queries: 
a) is the author Al Sears MD related to, or a beneficiary of,  the 
Sears-Roebuck trust which gained most of its income from catalogue selling, 
including the promotion of vitamin tablets as a health food?
b) why does his name not appear on the Children's Hospital Oakland Research 
Institute homepage, url given above (if you find it difficult to open, cut and 
paste onto the Google search box and click again from here)?
c) why does the Institute make no reference to this research on its research 
page which lists each researcher by name and also gives the amount of money 
awarded for the research?
d) can you give an url for the source of your post?
Thanks  regards,

  - Original Message - 
  From: D. Mindock 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:38 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

  Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

  By Al Sears, MD

  New research is revealing how your environment actually changes your genetics 
- and it's putting you in the driver's seat. 
  In November, the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute released the 
results of their groundbreaking study. They found that a mother's diet during 
pregnancy not only affects her child, but also her child's offspring. 
  This means that the lifestyle choices a woman makes can affect several 
generations of children - a revolutionary idea that flies in the face of 
conventional wisdom. 

  For more than 150 years - since the time of Darwin - scientists have believed 
that any changes to an organism cannot be passed on to the next generation. 
According to strict Darwinism, if you were to change your diet, lose weight, 
and become super-fit, your children would not benefit from your efforts. But we 
now know there is something more at play: the epigenome. The epigenome plays 
a powerful role in your health... and could make the difference between whether 
or not you inherit heart disease or diabetes or something else.

  Scientists in an emerging field of research - epigenetics - have discovered 
that your genes are only 15 percent of the total genetic material you get from 
your parents. For example, your genes give you many individualizing traits like 
blue eyes or brown hair. The remaining 85 percent - the epigenome - is a 
scaffolding of proteins that surround your DNA's double-helix pattern. 
  As it turns out, this scaffolding functions as an interface that interacts 
with your environment. Based on the lifestyle choices you make, the epigenome 
has the power to turn genes on or off, changing the way your body translates 
your genetic coding into the proteins that make up YOU. 

  The Children's Hospital Oakland study, lead by Dr. David Martin, split 
genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups. The mice had been bred in 
a way that gave the scientists the ability to monitor a gene that determined 
both the color of their coats and their tendency to develop chronic disease. 
So, by tracking coat color, they were able to follow the effects of vitamin 
supplementation across two generations of offspring. 

  The first group of mice received a standard diet. The second group received 
the same diet, with the added benefit of supplemental vitamin B12, folate, 
choline, and zinc. When the babies were born, the females from both groups were 
mated and fed identical diets with no supplements. When the offspring gave 
birth, Dr. Martin's team discovered that the original mice that had the diet 
with extra vitamins passed the benefits on to both their children and 

  Findings like these have powerful implications in both directions. It means 
that, by making healthy choices, your efforts can have a positive effect not 
only on your children but on your grandchildren as well. On the other hand, a 
diet of fast food and sodas will not only wreck your own health, it could 
predispose future generations to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and 
heart disease. 
  That helps to explain why so many schoolchildren suffer from high blood 
pressure and low HDL (good cholesterol). The poor dietary choices their parents 
made are coming home to roost. 

  This discovery gives us new insight into a long-standing debate between 
Charles Darwin and a guy you may never have heard of - French naturalist 
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. 
  Darwin's theory, which has been shaping the direction of modern science, can 
be summed up in a few words: Genes cannot be affected by the outside world. In 
other words, your lifestyle choices have no effect on your genetic code or how 
those genes are expressed.

  But Lamarck believed that if an organism changes during its life in order to 
adapt to its environment, those changes would be passed on to its offspring - 
and Dr. Martin's study is one of several that are proving he was correct.

Re: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread robert and benita rabello

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

Don't you understand how the economy works?  If people in a community 
all walk to a public space and talk amongst each other and play and 
actually become a community, they aren't inside their miserable little 
houses watching TV and seeing ads for stuff that they can then drive 
to the mall and buy.  Buying stuff and pharmaceuticals to try to make 
yourself not feel as depressed about your meaningless life can't be 
sustained if you have too much human socialization and start feeling 
better adjusted just from being around people you like hanging out with.

   Oh, silly me!!!

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

2007-02-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price has some interesting photos 
of a Downs syndrome child. We are told it is genetic but you should see photos 
a year later with supplements.
  Price and Frances Pottenger's book Pottenger's Cats should be required 
reading for anyone wishing to have a family.

Bob Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - 12k -
   Cached - Similar pages
  Greetings and a few queries: 
  a) is the author Al Sears MD related to, or a beneficiary of,  the 
Sears-Roebuck trust which gained most of its income from catalogue selling, 
including the promotion of vitamin tablets as a health food?
  b) why does his name not appear on the Children's Hospital Oakland Research 
Institute homepage, url given above (if you find it difficult to open, cut and 
paste onto the Google search box and click again from here)?
  c) why does the Institute make no reference to this research on its research 
page which lists each researcher by name and also gives the amount of money 
awarded for the research?
  d) can you give an url for the source of your post?
  Thanks  regards,
- Original Message - 
  From: D. Mindock 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:38 PM
  Subject: [Biofuel] Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

  Your Genetic Code Is Not Carved in Stone

By Al Sears, MD

New research is revealing how your environment actually changes your genetics - 
and it's putting you in the driver's seat. 
In November, the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute released the 
results of their groundbreaking study. They found that a mother's diet during 
pregnancy not only affects her child, but also her child's offspring. 
This means that the lifestyle choices a woman makes can affect several 
generations of children - a revolutionary idea that flies in the face of 
conventional wisdom. 

For more than 150 years - since the time of Darwin - scientists have believed 
that any changes to an organism cannot be passed on to the next generation. 
According to strict Darwinism, if you were to change your diet, lose weight, 
and become super-fit, your children would not benefit from your efforts. But we 
now know there is something more at play: the epigenome. The epigenome plays 
a powerful role in your health... and could make the difference between whether 
or not you inherit heart disease or diabetes or something else.

Scientists in an emerging field of research - epigenetics - have discovered 
that your genes are only 15 percent of the total genetic material you get from 
your parents. For example, your genes give you many individualizing traits like 
blue eyes or brown hair. The remaining 85 percent - the epigenome - is a 
scaffolding of proteins that surround your DNA's double-helix pattern. 
As it turns out, this scaffolding functions as an interface that interacts 
with your environment. Based on the lifestyle choices you make, the epigenome 
has the power to turn genes on or off, changing the way your body translates 
your genetic coding into the proteins that make up YOU. 

The Children's Hospital Oakland study, lead by Dr. David Martin, split 
genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups. The mice had been bred in 
a way that gave the scientists the ability to monitor a gene that determined 
both the color of their coats and their tendency to develop chronic disease. 
So, by tracking coat color, they were able to follow the effects of vitamin 
supplementation across two generations of offspring. 

The first group of mice received a standard diet. The second group received the 
same diet, with the added benefit of supplemental vitamin B12, folate, choline, 
and zinc. When the babies were born, the females from both groups were mated 
and fed identical diets with no supplements. When the offspring gave birth, Dr. 
Martin's team discovered that the original mice that had the diet with extra 
vitamins passed the benefits on to both their children and grandchildren.

Findings like these have powerful implications in both directions. It means 
that, by making healthy choices, your efforts can have a positive effect not 
only on your children but on your grandchildren as well. On the other hand, a 
diet of fast food and sodas will not only wreck your own health, it could 
predispose future generations to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and 
heart disease. 
That helps to explain why so many schoolchildren suffer from high blood 
pressure and low HDL (good cholesterol). The poor dietary choices their parents 
made are coming home to roost. 

This discovery gives us new insight into a long-standing debate between Charles 
Darwin and a guy you may never have heard of - French naturalist Jean-Baptiste 
Darwin's theory, which has been shaping the direction of modern science, can be 
summed up in a few words: Genes cannot be affected 

[Biofuel] photovoltaic energy payback period

2007-02-08 Thread Kirk McLoren

  excellent discussion of energy payback period for photovoltaics. Saw this url 
posted on 12volt power.

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Re: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year

2007-02-08 Thread Dawie Coetzee
I wonder how the incorporation of the effect of sensitivity to economies of 
scale, if it could be quantified, would influence that score? I think the 
Bentley and the Lambo would score a bit better?

Personally I find no advantage in the greenest 12 over the meanest. Being 
actually legal for sale, they all entrench corporate power, encourage mass 
production, exascerbate the false social division between producer and 
consumer, and tend to reduce us to a passive, uncritical circus-audience by 
resisting our technological engagement and participation.

I'll not have any one of them on my property (but then I'll have no car 
designed after 1975...)


From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 00:12:20 +0900
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii ; format=flowed
Subject: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year
Message: 1
Sigh... (once again) The Greenest Vehicles of 2007 The Meanest Vehicles for the Environment in 2007

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Re: [Biofuel] Blackspot Shoes

2007-02-08 Thread Dawie Coetzee
The website was initially appealing, but then I thought, isn't global 
anti-brand a contradiction in terms? I wonder if they'd send me a set of 
blueprints, so I can make my own shoes?

I've been developing a modular boot for a few years now. The first prototype 
pair is falling apart after about 4000km and many repairs, and it's time for an 
improved version. I'd thought that if I ever put them in production they would 
be published rather than manufactured, that is, precise technical information 
made available to allow local craft-shoemakers to make them. By then I would 
have got about 10 000km of walking out of the project, and I'd be quite willing 
to provide the information for free.


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Re: [Biofuel] Mass-Produced Electric Cars

2007-02-08 Thread Terry Dyck
Hi Dawie,

I agree with you 100% that people should walk more, how ever, there are 
times when people have to drive long distances on their job, etc., or they 
have to deliver goods for a long distance.  Because we need to diversify on 
types of energies for transportation we need many different sources of 
energy in order to slow down Global Warming.  If every one chose bio-diesel 
we could run out of land some day especially if we also chose large 
vehicles.  If we choose cars about the size of a Smart Car for most people 
and some of them are electric and some of them are Bio-diesel and some of 
them are Hydrogen, etc. we have a better chance of changing the world by not 
creating other problems down the road.

Terry Dyck

From: Dawie Coetzee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Mass-Produced Electric Cars
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 05:53:56 + (GMT)

The problem with today's cars is exactly that they are mass-produced. 
Mass-producing electric cars isn't going to solve that.

The problem with most electrics is that the job they do best of all is the 
job we should be doing with our feet.

The entire debate around the ecology of transport is that the matter of 
scale is always left out. Arguments rage about so many of molecule x versus 
so many of molecule y, without ever considering that patterns of use will 
radically influence the overall volume of molecules we're talking about. 
The first issue should be to address vehicle use patterns. This requires a 
holistic approach, and a sound appreciation of the purposes of most vehicle 
trips, and how that relates to the structure of cities.

The bulk of one's effort should be oriented to developing a living 
environment in which driving is unnecessary, and walking supported by 
public transport is the obvious way to get from A to B. Given that, the 
entirely subsidiary project of designing cars and fuels concerns not so 
much cleaner cars and cleaner fuels, but types of vehicle and fuel best 
suited to manufacture for a very-low-demand scenario.

The beauty of ethanol and biodiesel is predominantly that it is perfectly 
suited to such a scenario. If motor vehicles are rare, we aren't going to 
run them on a fuel that requires drilling very expensive holes in another 
country. We would need a fuel that can be made in small quantities as an 
agricultural by-product.

The same applies to manufacture of vehicles. In the light of the above, the 
Toyota Prius is an ecological disaster compared with Keith's Landies, or 
other classics, or something Lotus-7-ish, or a traditional hot rod, or a 
proper motorbike made out of bent tubing. Note how typical current 
legislation militates against this approach.


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