Re: [T(A)ILS-dev] BHDC11 - De-anonymizing Live CDs through Physical Memory Analysis

2011-01-13 Thread bertagaz

This thread on or-talk made me discover a way that might be interesting to
implement to actually wipe encrypted disks key material.

When you luksClose a disk/volume, it's key material is forgotten by the
kernel, but still in memory (if I understood how it works). But it seems
that in the kernel the code to wipe a key material is already there, and
used by cryptsetup with the luksSuspend command (used whe suspending a

I'm no kexec expert, what I understood was loading a kernel this way
overwrite the previous kernel ram space, but I'm actually not sure (well,
I doubt) that a remainig unused key material would be overwritten. That
would require some tests I guess, or explanation of the kexec process
which I'm not sure to understand completely.

Still, if the kexec method don't help in wiping key material, I suppose
writing a very simple wrapper to cryptsetup that use luksSuspend then
luskClose when cryptsetup is called to luksClose an encrypted disk might
be an excellent way to wipe remaining key materials.

Any opinions?


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 12:37:51PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 (Now Cc'ing tails-dev mailing list.)
 coderman wrote (12 Jan 2011 12:06:05 GMT) :
  however, more than just wipe at shutdown is useful.
 Ack. On second thought, it appears to me the current T(A)ILS wipe
 memory on shutdown implementation does not necessarily protect
 against the attacks that the mentioned talk will probably highlight.
 It is likely that some other similar implementations in Live systems
 are affected as well.
 In short: we wipe *free* memory only, in order to keep the system in
 working state and let the shutdown sequence finish its work afterwards
 (i.e. actually halt or reboot the system). On the other hand, data
 saved in the {union,au}fs ramdisk branch is not free memory and might
 thus be recovered. A security announce about this is being worked on
 (explaining this problem and the possible consequences to
 non-technical users is, well, tricky).
  explicit ordered zeroisation is handy. (starting with keys and key
  schedules, working cipher state, then on to user data, before
  completing a full pass or three. this takes a smart kexec or other
  ham fisted - still worth the effort.)
 The kexec idea seems brilliant to me: this is the best way I can think
 of to run the memory wipe process inside an environment where almost
 all of the memory is considered as being free.
 I have thus started implementing this idea in T(A)ILS. Thanks to
 Debian's initramfs-tools and kexec-tools, drafting an early prototype
 was quite easy. Stay tuned, more to come soon.
  in any case, this begs the question of best practice in solid state
  remanence avoidance. it would make a good FAQ entry, perhaps...
 T(A)ILS specification and security design document (draft almost ready
 to be published to a wild, unsuspecting world) intends to propose a
 set of best practices in this field.
   | GnuPG key @
   | OTR fingerprint @
   | Do not be trapped by the need to achieve anything.
   | This way, you achieve everything.
 tails-dev mailing list
tails-dev mailing list

Re: [T(A)ILS-dev] BHDC11 - De-anonymizing Live CDs through Physical Memory Analysis

2011-01-14 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:26:13AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
  Still, if the kexec method don't help in wiping key material, I
  suppose writing a very simple wrapper to cryptsetup that use
  luksSuspend then luskClose when cryptsetup is called to luksClose an
  encrypted disk might be an excellent way to wipe remaining key
 As I explained above, kexec itself does not wipe the key material. It
 is merely a tool that provides us a fresh runtime environment, inside
 which we can wipe all free memory without the system getting stuck,
 i.e. we can still properly halt/shutdown the system afterwards,
 without relying on really black magic tricks and calculations that
 cache stuff and kill smem before it erases tools needed to shutdown
 the system.
 The work I am doing aims at booting (using kexec) a kernel+ramdisk
 1. wipes memory (i.e. all memory but the one that is used by the new
 2. halts/reboots the system, accordingly to what the user asked for.

This is surely a big enhancement over our previous implementation, nice
you're working on it.

 Having cryptsetup wipe the key material itself on luksClose would
 nevertheless be welcome: not only defense in depth seems really useful
 in our usecase, but doing this would ensure the key material for
 closed encrypted devices is not available anymore, even in case the
 shutdown-time memory erasure cannot happen for whatever reason.

On that subject, I realized this morning that I was wrong, actually
cryptsetup DO wipe keys on luksClose and some other operations. It has
implemented it in lib/volumekey.c (crypt_free() function), which I hadn't
really reviewed yet. Sorry for my mistake, but happy being safe :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [T(A)ILS-dev] doc: warnings

2011-04-15 Thread bertagaz

Did a review and corrected some tiny typos or formulations, but so far looks 
you did a great job!


On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 05:28:37PM +0200, sajolida wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 In the process of rewriting Tails' documentation I worked yesterday on
 the warning page.
 The idea is to have a page that new users would read before downloading
 Tails in order to understand what Tails doesn't protect them against. I
 started working on the basis of the list we established (see my mail
 from 17/02/11 10:19).
 So I'm asking for your review.
 I pushed my work on the dedicated branch of the repo call 'doc-rework'.
 The page is wiki/src/doc/warning.mdwn.

 tails-dev mailing list

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [T(A)ILS-dev] Linux kernel shipped in upcoming 0.7.x

2011-04-18 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:39:18AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Input data:
   - a great number of Tails 0.7 users are affected by Debian bug
 #618665 (
   - this bug is fixed in an updated kernel that is available in the
 squeeze-proposed-updates repository, but not in the main Squeeze
 repository yet
   - the DHCP software shipped in Tails 0.7 is affected by a remote
 arbitrary code execution flaw (DSA-2216)
 = I think we should prepare and publish a 0.7.1 release that would
 fix these bugs, presumably using the updated kernel from s-p-u.
 On the other hand, as stated in our design document, we generally want
 to ship the latest kernel available in Debian backports for better
 hardware support; we can expect 2.6.38 to reach backports pretty soon:
 So I'm not sure what we should do.
 What do you think? Shall we wait for 2.6.38 to be available in
 backports and ship it in 0.7.1? Does it seem robust and tested enough
 for our needs?

This is a tough question! I'd be in favor to update asap, as this pointer bug
seems to happen a lot, and the DSA is quite serious. 

However, the kernel choice sure isn't easy. Seems like the last 2.6.38
upstream stable (.4) happened 4 days ago, and this kernel is included in
stable since a month or so into Debian unstable. There's no bug report on
it in the Debian Bug Tracker. 

I think it might be a bit soon to ship this kernel into tails yet. Sounds
like it'd need some more testing, but maybe I'm wrong. Do others here run
this kernel since some times?

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Anonymous Blogging with WordPress and Tor

2011-07-04 Thread bertagaz

Nice email, I did some corrections though.


On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 09:38:57AM +0200, sajolida wrote:
 Here is the draft of the email I'm planning to send to the author of
 this guide. I'd like to have a quick review from you before sending it.
   × × ×
 This week I found out about your document called « Anonymous Blogging
 with WordPress and Tor » and read it carefully and with interest.
 I'm part of the team developing Tails, a live CD or live USB that aims
 at preserving your privacy and anonymity; first, by redirecting all
 outgoing traffic to Tor, and second, by taking special to leave no trace
 on the computer you're using unless you ask it explicitly, see:
 Tails is now listed by The Tor Project as it's recommended live
 distribution, see:
 I would like to suggest you trying out Tails and possibly adapting some
 part of your guide to using it. I believe it would make parts of it
 easier to document and also improve the overall solution that you're
 proposing. I'll tell you why.
 Trusting your OS
 A central vision of Tails is that it is crucial to trust, as a whole,
 the operating system that you are using if you're planning to do any
 sensitive task on a computer, like protecting your anonymity or working
 on sensitive documents.
 For example, on page 8, I agree with you when you advocate the use of
 Firefox over Internet Explorer but following the same assumption you
 should not advocate the use of Tor from Windows. The operating system is
 the central piece of software managing all your applications, having
 direct access to your files, your disks, your network interfaces, etc.
 If you can't trust your OS, any security measure that you try to build
 on top of it is bound to be flawed.
 The assumption of Tails regarding this is that you'd better trust open
 source software, in our case Debian GNU/Linux on which Tails is based
 and which is quite well know to be reactive on security issues than
 proprietary software like Windows, quite well know for just the opposite.
 Plus, since Tails is a live distribution, the OS is restarted in its
 original state at every use so that viruses, buggy software or misuse
 can't affect the system on the long run, especially if run from a
 read-only support like a CD.
 This is how we try to provide an improved level of trust on the OS and
 then build security measures at the application level on top of that.
 Regarding your document, that would resolve the issue you're mentioning
 on page 1 and provide you an OS easier to trust against keyloggers and
 About secure deletion
 When writing documentation about security measures it's both hard to
 know where to stop and at the same time be sure you wrote enough.
 For example, on page 20 you advise to use securely delete posts after
 publishing them. This means that you include in the thread model of the
 people reading your document that the computer they use could be seize
 and investigate by forensics in search of traces from those documents.

For example, on page 20, you advise to securely delete files used for
the post after publishing it. (or something like that)

could be seized and investigated by forensics experts

 Tails could help you addressing better this thread by:
 - ensuring that every document written during a Tails session won't
 leave any trace on the computer since it's a live distribution running
 from RAM and that it takes special care to not leave any trace on the
 local storage of the computer unless asked explicitly,
 - being shipped already with tools for secure deletion — then actually
 documenting how to use them would be shorter and easier.
 For example, when you're saying on page 21 « Write your blog post
 offline. Not only is this a good way to keep from losing a post if your
 browser crashes or your net connection goes down, it means you can
 compose your posts somewhere more private than a cybercafe. », if using
 normal operating systems, you are very likely to leave traces of the
 document on both your machine and the public one.
 Plus, it would be a good idea to suggest the users safe ways to carry
 their drafts from one machine to another, for example:

to suggest to users

 1. Using an encrypted USB stick. That would be something else to
 document well since actually securely delete a single file on a USB is
 much more problematic that on a hard drive, see :
 Tails provide tools to fully encrypt USB sticks.
 2. Saving the drafts in the disposable mailbox. That might be a better
 solution if it is encrypted using FireGPG. Tails also comes with FireGPG
 Furthermore, it is good to advertise the securely deletion of files but
 then to be coherent you should also advertise the secure 

Re: [Tails-dev] tails-greeter conversion to dh_python2

2011-07-19 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 01:10:21AM +0700, † wrote:
 18.07.2011 04:04, intrigeri пишет:
  I've pushed a branch called dh_python2 into your tails-greeter Git
  repository. This branch converts the packaging to dh_python2; it also
  has a few other commits with tiny packaging improvements.
 Merge was successful but after that installation to my test system fails with
 following error:
 tails-greeter depends on python (= 2.6.6-7~); however:
   Version of python on system is 2.6.6-3+squeeze6

 Is this some glitch in my build env or it's intended behavior and I should 
 python in test env?

Seems that in squeeze the actual python package is 2.6.6-8, so I guess
yes, you should update your build env. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] [gsoc] tails-greeter progress report

2011-08-05 Thread bertagaz
Hi again,

Also I just notices intrigeri asked you a late question about your last
week report on the tails-dev mailing list without any answer. Please see
his last mail to you and tails-dev from August 04 about using a shell
script. Did you answer to this question privately?


On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 05:25:22PM +0200, wrote:
 I'm trying to catch up on this GSOC work, so I might be lacking some
 informations to correctly understand everything. Don't hesitate to correct
 me if I make any mistake.
 I've tested your previous 0.0.5 release as well as this week's one in a
 fresh VM, and read your previous exchanges with intrigeri.
 On Fri, Aug 05, 2011 at 02:15:52AM +0800, † wrote:
  Current progress:
  obtain list of kb layouts and variants available (via python-xklavier) 
  - DONE.
  populate layout widget with kb variants - DONE.
  merge feature/better_root_access_control branch - DONE.
 Confirm the above three DONE items. Well done!
  apply correct layout after it's been chosen (both to present and 
  greeter widgets and to actual session) - postponed.
  verify that layout switching works after login - postponed
  version tag and update - DONE.
 As I understood, you were also supposed to upload a Debian package to your
 tails repo, which I can't find.
  tails-greeter is run under gdm's account but altering gdm PostLogon 
  files (to set
  env variables) or locale compilation via localedef require root privileges.
 Seems like intrigeri already proposed a workaround to this last week,
 please read again his answer to your report last week.
  xklavier set and check layout without errors but it doesn't affect 
  greeter nor
  following session.
  better_root_access_control feature requires env. variable to be set 
  which is not
  possible yet.
  Near-future plans:
  wait for answer from gdm and xklavier devs to figure out workarounds 
  for current
 Do you have pointers to this conversation? I might be interested to follow
 it, and eventually help you with it.
  replace 2 widgets with 1 panel with same functionality
  test the result with tails
 Sounds to me that the next step to this dev would be to implement a way to
 pass env variables too.
  Additional notes:
  right now there are 2 screens which user moves through by pressing 
  button. That's rather ugly and is planned to be replaced with one of the 
  1) single screen with requests for both at the same time
  2) 2 screens with language and layout requests on first one and admin 
  request on second one
  Which do you think is better and why?
  Please feel free to discuss it on irc this Saturday during regular 
  meeting time
  or whenever you'll see max-gsoc
 I think intrigeri already made that clear when you started with 2 screens
 that at the end we wanted to have only one screen with all options on it.
 We don't want to bother too much our users with multiple screens.
 Another question: reading your commits, you removed the babel module
 importation. Do you plan to put it back, or are you just getting rid of
 it? In the latter case, you should also consider removing it from the
 install dependencies of the Debian package in debian/control.
 See you tomorrow morning.
 tails-dev mailing list
tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] [gsoc] tails-greeter progress report

2011-08-05 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 12:24:36AM +0800, † wrote:
 05.08.2011 23:53, пишет:
  Also I just notices intrigeri asked you a late question about your last
  week report on the tails-dev mailing list without any answer. Please see
  his last mail to you and tails-dev from August 04 about using a shell
  script. Did you answer to this question privately?
 He departed to vacation before that.
 In short - yes, rewriting sh to python is doable but the code which supposed 
 to be
 rewritten is (or, to be more precise - will be) obsolete after some 
 workaround to
 pass env. vars will be implemented anyway.

Fair enough. We'll see if such a workaround exists though.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] [gsoc] tails-greeter progress report

2011-08-05 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 12:38:24AM +0800, † wrote:
 05.08.2011 23:25, пишет:
  As I understood, you were also supposed to upload a Debian package to your
  tails repo, which I can't find.
 Sorry, forgot to push it.
 Should be available now.

Seems not really, can't find any new commit with the new Debian package.

  Seems like intrigeri already proposed a workaround to this last week,
  please read again his answer to your report last week.
 Just to get potential readers up-to-date: the idea is following tails-greeter 
 some instructions (env. variables, locale generation parameters smth else) to 
 place writable for it's user (Debian-gdm) for example. Upon logon some 
 script parse this file and execute them (as amnesia user or as root).
 That'll be next thing I'll try to implement and that's actually what I'd like 
 to discuss:

So that maybe should be added to your schedule for next week, it was my
suggestion in my last email.

 - how good\safe is this approach?

Using such tricks to have something executed by root might sure bring the
question, and that's nice it pops up in your head. But well, we're talking
about mostly predefined choices, and run once during the system boot time.
I'm not sure to see what an attacker could do to take advantage of this
and s/he is able to do this, s/he can do a lot more.

 - are there better alternatives?

I'm out of idea for the moment, but will sleep on this.

 Note that at least some of the instructions from this file got to be executed 
 root privileges. Just to clarify: by  executed I don't mean sh - 
 it might
 be $ARG1 supplied to sudo ls $ARG1.
  Do you have pointers to this conversation? I might be interested to follow
  it, and eventually help you with it.

Thanks. Looks like for the moment they don't really have answers to your
issue, we'll see in the next days, but I suspect you won't have much

  replace 2 widgets with 1 panel with same functionality
  test the result with tails
  Sounds to me that the next step to this dev would be to implement a way to
  pass env variables too.
 Not really sure what you mean. If you're talking about task priorities than - 
 that's true. The tasks are orthogonal though.

I meant: add to the next week plan the work on implementing a way to pass
env variables to the session.

I'm not sure to get why this two tasks are orthogonal, I rather feel that
the env thing is not that much related to how the widget/panel are
organized and can be developed independently from the other one. But
maybe I'm wrong and missing the big picture, and would be glad to have
your input in this case.

It seems that there is not much time left before the end of your GSOC, and
this is a critical piece of the project I'd like to see getting forward.
I'm not asking for this task to be completely done at the end of next
week, but given the time spent on the GSOC your commits seems to reveal,
I'd prefer to see some work going on in this area, and the plan you posted
initially might have some room left to add it.

But sure the panel reorganisation is also important. :)

  Another question: reading your commits, you removed the babel module
  importation. Do you plan to put it back, or are you just getting rid of
  it? In the latter case, you should also consider removing it from the
  install dependencies of the Debian package in debian/control.
 That was just part of pylint warnings cleanup.
 I didn't notice that it's completely gone now :)


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] ***SPAM*** Re: ***SPAM*** [gsoc] tails-greeter update

2011-08-08 Thread bertagaz
Hi Max,

Nice to see new commits! Comments below:

On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 05:29:14PM +0800, † wrote:
 And another update - a bit quicker than I've expected :)
 Layout selection is now working for both greeter and gnome session.
 However it's been tested mostly with English and Русский, so if you'd like to 
 YOUR favorite keyboard layout properly supported than please test it and get 
 with the feedback.

 The layout indicator question is still under investigation.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Testing it I have several issues :

 * When choosing the French language, the locale form get updated
   correctly, and I can choose between fr_BE, fr_FR, etc. Still the
   keyboard layout selection form only show the be and us layouts. I
   guess it is what your last sentence is related to.

 * Choosing the be keyboard layout doesn't actually change the keyboard
   layout in the greeter itself. It is applied in the GNOME session

I have attached the greeter logs. I'll give it a closer look too.

Nice to see the greeter going forward. :)

gnome-session[1599]: atk-bridge-WARNING: AT_SPI_REGISTRY was not started at 
session startup.
gnome-session[1599]: atk-bridge-WARNING: IOR not set.
gnome-session[1599]: atk-bridge-WARNING: Could not locate registry
** (unknown:1609): DEBUG: Client registered with session manager: 
Window manager warning: Failed to read saved session file 
 Failed to open file 
 No such file or directory

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1638): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot 
register existing type `_PolkitError'

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1638): GLib-CRITICAL **: 
g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed
[WARNING] get_pixmap: No pixmap file 'default' in ./pixmaps/lang
[DEBUG] module: 234 languages found: helper returned 0
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for hr locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ti locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for si locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ja locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for hy locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ko locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for uz locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for pa locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for el locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for be locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for da locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ts locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ht locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for kl locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for shs locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for fil locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for am locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ta locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for tig locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ar locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for wa locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for th locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for pap locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for hsb locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for tg locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for yi locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for tk locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for oc locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for ky locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for pt locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for zu locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for lg locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for kw locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for crh locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for sd locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for te locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for bg locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for gez locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for id locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for az locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for an locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get texts for af locale
[ERROR] get_texts: Failed to get 

Re: [Tails-dev] ***SPAM*** Re: ***SPAM*** group change on login

2011-08-15 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 01:32:36AM +0800, † wrote:
 15.08.2011 20:09, intrigeri пишет:
  The easiest workaround I can see would be to add a line in
  /etc/sudoers for the amnesia user,
 Just tried adding antry into /etc/sudoers.d from PostLogin: it doesn't affect 

From you commits, it seems you didn't set /etc/sudoers.d/tails.conf
permissions to 0440 as /etc/sudoers as to be to work, so might be why.

You also might want to comment out the last line of /etc/sudoers :
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
or just echo a similar line so that the file gets included.

This is all explained in /etc/sudoers.d/README on Debian systems.

  The suggested workaround should be completed by having the
  PostLogin/Default script create a file named
  /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/52-tails.conf, with following
  content, iff. a admin password was provided:
 Also tried on my squeeze test machine but not sure how to test it.
 Is there a way to restart polkit?

/etc/init.d/policykit restart, but I'm not sure of the side effects it
could bring.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] meeting time

2011-08-22 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:45:51AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 † wrote (21 Aug 2011 18:24:37 GMT) :
  In a mean time, I've tried to add PostSession script which resets
  the password to default (this workaround was suggested before) but
  the problem is the there's already dummy script in squeeze for that.
  So installation (via install directive in debian/rules) fails.
  I've tried to add divert into .postinst/.prerm but it still fails -
  it looks like 'rules' script is executed earlier than .postinst -
  where should I add divert directives to make it work?
 The diversions mechanism should not be used for conffiles (ref:
 dpkg-divert(8)); /etc/gdm3/PostSession/Default is a conffile (ref:
 dpkg -s gdm3).
 Anyway, gdm3(8) reads:
   When the session has completed, gdm attempts to run
   /etc/gdm3/PostSession/display, or /etc/gdm3/PostSession/Default.
 Have you experimented with /etc/gdm3/PostSession/display ?
 (I wonder if it's litteraly display or rather a value of $DISPLAY,
 such as :0 in Tails. If the former does not work, the latter should
 be tried.)

Examples I've seen on the web tends to say display should be written in
the later form (:0).

tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-18 Thread bertagaz

Been a long time I haven't pop up around. Hope everyone is fine here. I'm
slowly recovering from my burn out and try to catch up on the todo items I
left over. Still it doesn't prevent me to procrastinate. :)

Lately I have played with cucumber for another project and thought it
would be fun to write Tails' tests with it. So I've looked a bit more at
the sikuli developement status and noticed there as a ruby gem to use it.

It has been pretty easy then to plug cucumber + libvirt + sikuli so that
it is possible to write tests and have them run against a VM display.

It requires to use jruby, as sikuli is java. But there might be other ways
to implement it.

I've pushed my POC in a new branch `feature/automated_tests/cucumber` and
documented it a bit on the wiki :

It shouldn't be very hard to had some more functionalities, like sniffing
the libvirt network traffic to add cucumber steps like Then the network
traffic should flow only though Tor.

I've heard that some of you are commited to work on the automatic builds
and tests part of the project soon, and I've seen that it was also
mentioned in this year GSOC (congrats Julien btw). So might be usefull at
some point.

Take care

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-19 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 01:53:38AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 This does look awesome!

Thanks I agree ;)

  It requires to use jruby, as sikuli is java. But there might be
  other ways to implement it.
 Just curious: is this requirement brought in by the sikuli gem?

Totally, because sikuli is java. I didn't choose this dep by taste ;) If
one day sikuli can be used with another language, I'm totally ready to

  You also need a Jruby = 1.6 environnement, which sadly isn't
  possible using debian packages yet
 Any hint / idea / pointer why?

See bug #636554, the maintainer seems to say back in september 2011 that
he is willing to upload jruby 1.6 *after* the testing migration. Not
sure what he means by that, probably after wheeze is released. Adding a
word on this bug is prolly a good idea, so if you want to you're welcome.

 Also, it's not clear to me what guest or host means in there:
   - on the VM guest or host who does the tests
   - everything happens on the host or guest where the build happen
 Could you please clarify this kind of sentences?

 I guess this means the system, that may be either a bare-metal one,
 or itself some kind of VM (with nested virtualization enabled), right?

Exactly, and that's why that was not easy to word correctly. I'll fix

 Also, I'm unsure about where the build happen. Do you mean where
 the tests are run from, or anything else?

Yep, builds and tests are supposed to be started in the same system.

  It is also possible to add and remove different types of storages,
  and thus test persistence or filesystem modifications.
 Have you by chance found a way to *emulate* a USB 2.0 device in
 software? (qemu-kvm from current Debian testing/sid supports USB 2.0
 passthrough, but this is quite different as far as automated tests
 are concerned.)

Not really investigated in this area yet sorry. Apart from the
pass-through method I haven't seen anything else.

  but anyway you need this gems to be installed
 Do you want to {add references to,file} the corresponsding RFP bugs,
 or shall I?

As you wish. As long as jruby is  1.6 in Debian at least the sikuli gem
won't be packageable anyway. Might help to get a jruby upgrade.

  setup a basic VM
 Providing a guest XML skeleton would be perfect :)

Yeah, that's one of the questions brought by this tool. Might be usefull
if it contains a basic domain definition for sure. For consistency of
devices name for example.

To test different feature, there will be need for diffferent VMs
configurations, for example some with more memory for the memory wiping
on shutdown feature. There are mainly  two different ways to achieve this:

* programatically by using libvirt ruby bindings and use the functions to
attach/remove devices, modify the basic VM configuration, etc, which is
the current roughly implemented way.

* enable the tests to be shipped with a full domain definition, that would
be automatically loaded rather than a default one.

Between the two, tests could be shipped only with xml domain snippet
corresponding to the configuration changes to be done on the domain.

The second one would be the easiest, and might have the advantage to be a
totally stop and throw away this domain solution, so would help not to
modify too much the domain definition and keep consistency upon tests. But
there might be drawbacks too in this implementation.

  Set the DISPLAY env to something relevant
 What do you mean? Some unused X display?

Yes, on this unused display (so typically  :7), a Xvfb virtual X server
will be attached, and virt-viewer will be told to display the domain
display in full screen there. This is the trick to have sikuli detecting
the display (thgrough the $DISPLAY env variable) and using it for the
tests without having to play to much with vnc. :)

Thanks for the feedbacks.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-19 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 01:59:14AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:

 Tiny remark: I think we could drop the last features component of
 features/cucumber/features/, so that
 Makes sense?
 Do you want to do it, or shall I do it?

Yeah, I thought about that too after pushing. It requires to slightly
modify the logic that search for the iso in the vm_helper.rm though. I'll
do it.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-19 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 01:39:17PM +0200, wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 01:53:38AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
  Have you by chance found a way to *emulate* a USB 2.0 device in
  software? (qemu-kvm from current Debian testing/sid supports USB 2.0
  passthrough, but this is quite different as far as automated tests
  are concerned.)
 Not really investigated in this area yet sorry. Apart from the
 pass-through method I haven't seen anything else.

Actually I just found after a quick
search. I haven't yet really understood all of this project, but it seems
it has the feature to emulate USB at the kernel level without any
hardware. At least if you look at [1], it says:

17  * This exposes a device side USB gadget API, driven by requests to a
18  * Linux-USB host controller driver.  USB traffic is simulated; there's
19  * no need for USB hardware.  Use this with two other drivers:
20  *
21  *  - Gadget driver, responding to requests (slave);
22  *  - Host-side device driver, as already familiar in Linux.
23  *
24  * Having this all in one kernel can help some stages of development,
25  * bypassing some hardware (and driver) issues.  UML could help too.
26  */

It requires USB_DUMMY_HCD to be configured in the kernel config, which
isn't in Debian kernel AFAIK.

Maybe I misunderstood the features, but might deserve some more digging


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-20 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 01:02:30AM +0200, intrigeri wrote: wrote (19 Jun 2012 11:39:17 GMT) :
  Also, I'm unsure about where the build happen. Do you mean where
  the tests are run from, or anything else?
  Yep, builds and tests are supposed to be started in the same system.
 (In the setup we had in mind for the upcoming autobuild/autotest
 server, the builds and tests would be started from different systems,
 due to incompatibility between the VirtualBox and KVM kernel modules.)

Probably because I didn't know or forgot this part of the specs. :)
You mean we can't build Tails inside a kvm domain because then virtualbox
has trouble installing? I admit I haven't tested.

But well, basically all that this cucumber tests need are an iso file, and
its path can be configured by the ISO env variable as stated in the

So I guess we can answer to your first question as where the tests are
run from and update the documentation. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] automated tests

2012-06-24 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 08:55:00AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
- file a whishlist bug, if needed, so that the Debian kernel gets
  these modules enabled?

Nice work! So we have a reliable tested solution for this part of the
tests AND in the future it will be usable in Debian. :)

On my side, I've added the ability to handle domain and network xml definitions
to the code. It uses the default ones actually pushed in the repo, and remove
them from the libvirt conf after the tests. It can be configured through
environment variables to use other xml files.

I've also added a basic sniffer. It's working, but tcpdump's habits to
output stats when stoped kinda mess with the cucumber output. So if
someone knows a tool that is more quiet, I'll be happy to replace tcpdump.
Otherwise, it shouldn't be too hard to code a basic sniffer for our use.
Now in the step_definitions, it is possible to start one or several
sniffers, and use `@sniffer1.packets` to post-process the network traffic.

I began to think about how to filter the network traffic depending on
being inside or outside of Tor's network. I see 3 ways to get a list of
Tor's network ips to test against:

- Simple and dumb: collect every node ip from the dir authorities
- Run a Tor on the testing system, and parse its cached consensus file.
- Have an access to the system under test Tor instance to get the
  entry_guards informations.

First is easy (I made such a tool monthes ago, but we could also ask to
Mr. Filliol ;)) but gets you 4000+ ips to filter against.
Second sounds like another easy solution and maybe the best for now.
Third would mean having to modify the system under test configuration,
which isn't really desirable.

Do any of you see another way?

I already did some work on the doc on its wiki page, but I still have to
reword it to follow this new features.


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Fwd: Re: [tor-assistants] only serves experimental builds

2012-06-28 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 12:31:50PM +0200, anonym wrote:
 27/06/12 23:12, intrigeri:
  anonym wrote (27 Jun 2012 19:35:06 GMT) :
  Therefore I'd like to stick with the (still stable) 0.2.2.x series,
  but I'm unsure what our best option for that is. What comes to mind
  is yet another config/chroot-local_includes, although that will
  bloat our git repo quite significantly (the tor package is 1.2M, and
  tor-geoipdb is 1.4M).
  Given testing currently has,
  one could push it to squeeze-backports and install from there.
 Or, even simpler, temporarily add the testing repo, pin tor from there.

I don't think that would work unfortunately, Tor in testing has a
dependency on libssl  1.0, and it's only 0.9 in Squeeze. That's why a
backport is needed.

  weasel wants me to ask him again about it tomorrow.
  Ping me on IRC if it looks like I forgot.
 Ask about what? Backporting?

Yeah must be something like that.

  Else, I don't care that much bloating our Git repo,
  since we are supposed to split it and get an APT repository soon.
 Sure, but my above solution avoids that and is just as easy.

An intermediate solution would be to backport Tor from testing ourselves
and add it to our git.

Or use the actual Tor that is in squeeze-backport, which is

tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] roadmap and broken windows

2012-08-17 Thread bertagaz

As a reminder, here's the decisions we took when discussing about the
roadmap and how we'll solve the broken windows.

 * We'll organize sprints to work specifically on broken windows. It will
   likely be impossible in 2012 though, and hardly depends on fundings.
   But there are good chances to see this happening in 2013.

 * During our monthly meeting, we'll organize Broken Window Fixing weeks,
   on quick and easy ones. During this week, people will dedicate
   their Tails time to work on those bugs rather than on new features.
   Likely this week will be the one following the monthly meeting.

 * We'll organize our team to do shifts on the forum and support tasks
   so that some of us will have free time to work on those broken window

Someone will setup a bot to automatically remind us of the next upcoming
meeting date.

I think that's mostly what we decided. Please amend if I forgot or
misunderstood something.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] roadmap and broken windows

2012-08-19 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:22:51PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Robert Ransom wrote (17 Aug 2012 15:53:46 GMT) :
  re :  See and
  .  You probably won't be able to fix this bug.
 Thanks a lot for the information.
 Fellow Tails developers, I'm afraid this a broken window will last
 a bit more than we would like. Given this additional piece of
 information, I don't think it should block the Tails 1.0 release.


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Fwd: live-config_3.0.4-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

2012-08-25 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 05:03:50PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
  live-config (3.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Using /etc/live/config/* instead of /etc/live/config.d/*.conf and
  /live/image/live/config/* instead of
  /live/image/live/config.d/*.conf for consistency reasons.
* Removing leftover from live-debconfig in postrm.
* Recreating /etc/live/config in postinst.
* Removing /etc/live/config if empty on purge in postrm.
 Given we install live-config from sid,
 I think next builds (including 0.13~rc2) will get that one,
 and then we're affected by the config directory name change.
 Do we want to keep the current version tested in rc1 (live-config
 3.0.3-1) or get the new one and adapt?
 I'm strongly tempted by the former.

Given the current state of our work for the 0.13 release, I'm also tempted
to say we should delay this for the next point release too. We're supposed
to have freezed after all.

bert, slowly getting into wearing its neatpicker hat :)
tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review feature/assymetric_gpgApplet [sic!]

2012-08-25 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 09:21:22AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 anonym wrote (22 Aug 2012 08:53:02 GMT) :
  All is merged into experimental.
 Unfortunately, I forgot to merge it at pre-freeze time, and
 unfortunately nobody noticed it in time since the todo/qa tag was not
 set after the last development round, so that will be stuff for the
 0.14 merge window. I updated the ticket to reflect the current state
 of things. Sorry about that :(
 (To clarify: when, after I've reviewed a branch, I'm asking for more
 development to be done before merging, then I'm setting the ticket
 back to todo/code state, and I consider it's the responsibility of the
 branch/ticket holder to change it back to todo/qa once they consider
 the issues raised by the reviewer were fixed. If we agree on that,
 perhaps it's material for our upcoming how changes go into Tails
 improved process doc.)

Sounds like a good process, agree to add this in the documentation.

tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Upcoming release schedule plan

2012-08-25 Thread bertagaz

Following our discussions on the timeline for the next release, here is
the plan we ended up with and I committed to send on this list :

  - Theoritically: ESR (August 28th) + 1 week = September 4th
  - August 23: release 0.13~rc1, do the test suite together
  - Week 35
- Mon 27th: ESR is out
update of the GnuPG docs
  - Week 36
- Tue  4th: release 0.13~rc2, testing phase
- Thu  6th: monthly meeting
  - Week 37
- Tue 11th: release 0.13 (final)

Hope I didn't forget anything. If anyone on this list is willing to participate
to the release tests, help on this is more than appreciated. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please test 0.13-rc1

2012-08-27 Thread bertagaz

Done the memory wiping on shutdown test, seems to work in the expected

I've added the liveusb-installer breaks emergency shutdown bug to the known
issue page. Please remember to update this page while testing.

So far, here are the remaining release tests for this RC :

# Monkeysphere

* Monkeysphere validation agent key search/receive: torified? uses
  configured keyserver?

# Persistence

* Activate persistence on a Tails USB install with all presets
* Reboot, enable persistence. Verify via `mount` that each preset has
  a mount that seem correct (e.g. Pidgin preset =
  `/home/amnesia/.purple` has something mounted on it).
* Try read-write mode. Make sure that persistent files are writeable,
  and that changes do survive reboot.
* Try read-only mode. Make sure that persistent files are writeable,
  but that no changes survive reboot.
* Test adding a few custom directories.
* Turn off some persistence presets, reboot, and make sure they are
  not activated.

I'll make a pause today, but will be able to do some other tests tomorrow.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review bugfix/fix_background_readahead

2012-09-01 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:15:41AM +, Ague Mill wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:51:04AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
  As you know, I tend to think the problem fixed by this patch is not
  worth the risks involved at this stage of the release process, but my
  extra-carefulness does not extend to vetoing if there is a general
  agreement with applying this patch before rc2.
   +  start-stop-daemon \
   + --start --background --pid /var/run/ 
   --startas /bin/sh -- \
   + -c $BG_FILES | xargs cat /dev/null 21)
  I assume you wanted to write --pidfile, as --pid does not exist in my
  copy of start-stop-daemon. Beware before s/pid/pidfile/, though:
  given --pidfile presence/absence changes quite drastically the
  behavior of start-stop-daemon, if the proposed patch works, then this
  option is probably not needed, is it?
 Actually, this works due to GNU getopt magic:
 $ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile /tmp/ \
   --startas /bin/sh -- -c 'date  /tmp/test'
 $ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --pid /tmp/ \
   --startas /bin/sh -- -c 'date  /tmp/test'
 $ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --pi /tmp/ \
   --startas /bin/sh -- -c 'date  /tmp/test'
 This fails:
 $ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background --p /tmp/ \
   --startas /bin/sh -- -c 'date  /tmp/test' 
 /sbin/start-stop-daemon: option '--p' is ambiguous
 Getting rid of `--pidfile` also fails:
 $ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --background \
   --startas /bin/sh -- -c 'date  /tmp/test'
 /sbin/start-stop-daemon: need at least one of --exec, --pidfile,
 --user or --name
 What this made me realize, though, is that `--pidfile` is useless
 without `--make-pidfile` in this context.
 So I have updated the branch to fully spell `--pidfile` and to also
 create that pid file. The broken sed invocation was also fixed, and as
 added bonus, the foreground progress bar now goes to 100%.
 I still would like to see this reach 0.13~rc2.

Given we're supposed to be freezed, I'm not sure this is a good idea,
unless there is has been tested a lot before being merged, and there is a
strong commitment to test this in the 0.13~rc2. Is the goodness of this
patch worth the effort or risk to include this so lately in the release

Also I haven't found a corresponding ticket in the wiki, appart from the
old todo/improve_boot_time_on_cd, which is marked as done.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Disabling 'PC speaker'?

2012-09-01 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:23:54PM +0200, wrote:
 On 24/08/12 11:19, Ague Mill wrote:
  I would like to blacklist the 'pcspkr' module. It is responsible for
  making the old-style 'PC speaker' work. On some computers, having the
  module loaded means loud beep at bootup, shutdown and when using the
  The idea is already to start Tails with a muted soundcard. Does anyone
  see a reason not to kill the 'PC speaker' as well?
  Implementation is straightforward, it's a new file in
  /etc/modprobe.d/no-pcspkr.conf with:
  blacklist pcspkr
  (I'll push that change after 0.13 is released if no one cares.)
 We're not shipping the `beep` package so that's fine with me ;)

Can't see a reason not to include this change actually, so I'm fine with

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review bugfix/fix_background_readahead

2012-09-01 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Sep 01, 2012 at 11:02:22AM +, Ague Mill wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 01, 2012 at 12:35:27PM +0200, wrote:
  Also I haven't found a corresponding ticket in the wiki, appart from the
  old todo/improve_boot_time_on_cd, which is marked as done.
 What should be written in there?

Like you described in your previous mail I guess, something like Since
0.12, a regression was introduced in the readahead mechanism that
makes the bloot slower because it pauses (rephrase this lame words as you
want). I don't know, I'm not the one who worked on this.

Sorry if you feel I'm behaving like an asshole, but I'm just doing my job
of nitpicker like we decided, and try to push the process we decided about
how we document our changes in tickets. At least you'll have the joy to
tagging it pending if no one opposes to its inclusion in RC2. :)


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Iceweasel backports experiments

2012-09-20 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 01:26:23PM -0400, Robert Ransom wrote:
 On 9/20/12, wrote:
  Then by curiosity, I tried to see if Torbrowser's patches apply in
  Iceweasel source tree, starting from the current squeeze-backports
  version. And it appears they are.
  I've imported all of them but four that I felt weren't necessary:
   * 0007-Make-Tor-Browser-exit-when-not-launched-from-Vidalia.patch
 Do not omit this patch.

But in Tails, the browser isn't started by vidalia. Is there another
reason I don't get?
   * 0012-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch
   * 0014-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch
   * 0019-Adapt-Steven-Michaud-s-Mac-crashfix-patch.patch (related to OSX)
 This patch appears to be required on all OSes.

Ah, the header was quite specific about OSX, will investigate this,

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review feature/use_ferm

2012-09-24 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:27:59PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
  Reviews welcome, candidate for the next major release.
 I'm not too happy with the initial commit (f00effb), because it
 removes the check for the needed tool existence and leaves the exit
 code checking to the implicit.
 I suggest:
   * re-adding something like:
 [ -x /usr/sbin/ferm ]  || exit 2
   * clarifying with a comment that the ferm command invocation should
 remain the last one in this script.
 About ferm.conf, the Emacs mode line sets shell-script, but given the
 syntax, apparently conf-space-mode or perl-mode do a quite better job,
 so I suggest:
   # -*- mode: conf[space] -*-
 Other than that, static reviews passes as far as I'm concerned,
 and I'll test and merge this later today or tomorrow.

Oops, I was doing the test and merged the branch in devel as the firewall
configuration doesn't seem to have changed with this feature. Then I saw
your email... Too late, already pushed it :/

Feel free to revert the merge, or do another merge if/when intrigeri
suggestions are implemented.
 Nice job, anonym and ague!


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review bugfix/fix_background_readahead

2012-09-26 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 07:43:22PM +0200, wrote:
  Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 11:28:28 +0200
  Tested, works, merged into devel. Well done!
 I can't find it on devel. Did I miss something ou did you forget to

Damn you nitpicker! :)

My fault, I did a simple merge and forgot the --no-ff option :/

How can I solve this?

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review bugfix/fix_background_readahead

2012-09-27 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 09:26:51AM +0200, intrigeri wrote: wrote (26 Sep 2012 18:28:06 GMT) :
  My fault, I did a simple merge and forgot the --no-ff option :/
  How can I solve this?
 We won't rewrite history for such a tiny detail, so you cannot solve
 what already happened.

That's what I thought, asked just in case I missed a trick.
 However, you may solve it for future cases by writing a how to review
 and merge a branch checklist, that would contain often forgotten bits
 such as check that the design doc was updated, check that user doc
 was written and reviewed, use --no-ff, once merged, tag the ticket
 pending, etc.

Good idea. I think now I've made the mistake, it will already solve that
part. But a documentation page would still be precious, so let's do that.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review feature/separate_Tor_streams

2012-09-30 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:24:04AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Ague Mill wrote (26 Sep 2012 12:08:08 GMT) :
  htpdate lists a --proxy option. I may assume that when I don't
  specify this option, it will not use a proxy at all. But, the
  current code will still use a proxy if HTTPS_PROXY or ALL_PROXY are
  set. I think this is confusing.
 Fair enough, nice catch.
 Here's what I did, then:
 -[ 'proxy|p:s', what to pass to curl's --socks5-hostname ],
 +[ 'proxy|p:s', what to pass to curl's --socks5-hostname (if unset, 
 environment variables may affect curl's behavior -- see curl(1) for details) 
   Uh... and actually, those changes might require to add some more
   tests to the checklist. What do you think?
  I'll think of it later today or tomorrow.
 Done (19b552f) -- yeah, that's the bare minimum. I'm not sure if, and
 how, we would want to deeper dive into checking that Tor itself works
 as advertised.
 If the current state of this branch looks good enough, I suggest you
 build an ISO from devel + feature/separate_Tor_streams, and run
 these tests before merging.

Done the tests, works as expected, merged (with --no-ff this time) in
devel, and pushed.

I haven't updated the ticket, there was no qa tag in there, and I was not
really sure about the chenges that have to be done.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review and merge feature/persistent_NM_connections [was: tails-persistence-setup releases vs. Tails 0.14]

2012-10-04 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 05:33:18PM +, Ague Mill wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 03, 2012 at 11:21:05PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
  intrigeri wrote (03 Oct 2012 17:30:10 GMT) :
   anonym wrote (03 Oct 2012 14:34:59 GMT) :
   So, with the current state of things it still looks like a bug to
   me, although with nice side-effects. Making it into a proper feature
   (i.e. patching nm-applet) is definitely desirable, but not something
   I'm willing to take on for the 0.14 release.
   I'm now convinced. Let's document this as a known issue, and create
   a ticket to remember we need to make up our mind some day on this
   topic (possibly after Wheezy is released).
  I've tested the branch and I'll be happy to merge it once we have made
  a decision on the autoconnect thing (deadline for anonym's proposal:
  Friday at noon CEST).
 Don't wait for me, I am convinced as well.

Same here :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review merge bugfix/udisks-do-not-make-Tails-USB-unbootable

2013-03-28 Thread bertagaz

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 07:26:14PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Ticket: todo/palimpsest:_do_not_make_Tails_USB_unbootable
 (updated and tagged todo/qa locally, can't push right now as the
 live website is locked / being rebuilt).
 Merged into experimental, candidate for 0.17.2 and 0.18
 = please review  merge into stable and devel.

 All this was implemented in
 bugfix/udisks-do-not-make-Tails-USB-unbootable. It works for me:
   * I still can install Tails on USB, boot from USB, setup
 persistence, reboot, delete persistent volume, reboot. One can
 check with sgdisk that the bootable flag is still here.
   * I now can install Tails on USB, boot from USB, create a partition
 with GNOME Disk Utility, reboot.
 Note that even with the parted bugfix in place, only the bootable flag
 is preserved, not the 3 non-critical other ones we set, but I consider
 they're merely bonus, so I'm ignoring this for now (and actually,
 I doubt we can ever do better without patching parted, which does not
 seem worth it, so I'm not even filing a ticket about it).
 Most of the changes are in the APT repository, t-p-s Git repo and
 liveusb-creator repo, so reviewers should inspect these in addition to
 the minor commit in our main Git repo.

Tested, works as explained, so :

 - Cherry-picked commit f1ccd742 back from experimental, as it wasn't in
   the bugfix/udisks-do-not-make-Tails-USB-unbootable branch.
 - Merged into stable and devel, in git and the apt repo
 - Updated the ticket to pending.

Hope I didn't miss something.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review merge bugfix/udisks-do-not-make-Tails-USB-unbootable

2013-03-28 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 06:22:07PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 hi, wrote (28 Mar 2013 13:58:38 GMT) :
   - Updated the ticket to pending.
 I can't see this. Perhaps you forgot to push your master branch?

Right, forgot to push this one. Now fixed.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Tails Jenkins setup: present and future

2013-04-12 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 04:10:08PM +, Abel Luck wrote:
 As someone whose grappling with Jenkins and Android emulators, the idea
 of getting it working with a complicated vagrant setup is scary.

We don't really use vagrant for the jenkins build. We do explain to people
who wants to build Tails to use our vagrant scripts though, as in

In jenkins, we use a kvm guest as build slave. As a lot of bricks can
change the build result, it's better to use the same tools as much as
possible everywhere.

So we just adapted the script we provide for our vagrant build so that it
also works for our jenkins builds.

 Props all around!


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Tails Jenkins setup: present and future

2013-04-13 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 01:28:27AM +, adrelanos wrote:
 Sounds great.
  Tails core developers can now push stable, testing, devel and
  experimental branches to `'.
  Whenever they do this, an ISO image is built on builder.lizard.
  The product of this build is kept there for a while.
 While I am not a core developer but I could imagine to contribute some
 patches. Building requires setting a build environment, takes a lot
 space and a long time.
 Could I push my branch somewhere and you initiate the build?

That is something being think about, but at the moment we're in a very
early deployment state. Learning the tools. Before allowing something like
that we have to first close some more items of the roadmap :

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review merge feature/install_gnome-accessibility-themes

2013-04-26 Thread bertagaz

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:15:36AM +0200, wrote:
 As suggested on the forum [1], I created a branch to install
 Ticket: /todo/install_gnome-accessibility-themes
 Branch: feature/install_gnome-accessibility-themes
 Candidate for Tails 0.18.

Tested, simple and efficient, so merged into devel.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please reviewmerge feature/obfs3

2013-04-26 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:05:00PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 the feature/obfs3 branch adapts the ClientTransportPlugin line added
 to torrc when needed to support the obfs3 bridges, that the new
 obfsproxy 0.2.x (automatically picked up by the latest Tails ISO image
 builds) supports.
 Please reviewmerge.
 ticket: todo/obfs3
 branch: feature/obfs3
 candidate for Tails 0.18

Tested and happy with it so merged in devel.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 0.20.1

2013-08-24 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 03:32:38PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Core developers: please volunteer for the test day, or make it clear
 that you can't make it ASAP, thanks!

Count me in for the 09/18 release tests!

tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins

2013-09-02 Thread bertagaz

Branch: feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins
Ticket: #6248 (

64f39f1 Use more unique iso name when building from jenkins.

This commit introduces more unique iso name when building in jenkins so
that we will be able to keep several isos per day in our CI environment.

Details are in the ticket.

I've extensively tested it, by building fake 0.19 iso (modifying
debian/changelog and /etc/amnesia/version's date) and playing with the
$JENKINS_URL env variable.

This branch is based on stable and should be merged in every branches
currently build in our jenkins setup: experimental, testing and devel.
The devel branch should probably get merged again into feature/wheezy too
so that it gets the benefit of this patch.


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins

2013-09-03 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 08:03:48PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Hi, wrote (02 Sep 2013 10:59:48 GMT) :
  Branch: feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins
  Ticket: #6248 (
  64f39f1 Use more unique iso name when building from jenkins.
  This commit introduces more unique iso name when building in jenkins so
  that we will be able to keep several isos per day in our CI environment.
 Yeah :)

All remarks have been corrected in a commit pushed in the same branch.
Didn't want to debate :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins

2013-09-06 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 09:02:19PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 (seems like I haven't sent this email yet, oh.) wrote (03 Sep 2013 19:04:38 GMT) :
  All remarks have been corrected in a commit pushed in the same branch.
 I've tentatively merged this into my local stable, devel, experimental
  feature/wheezy, then pushed *to lizard*, and as a result the ISO
 images are named just as usual. Please test *live* on Jenkins (e.g.
 by pushing an experimental branch there) for the next iteration :)
 Perhaps we need to export JENKINS_URL somewhere, so that auto/build
 knows about it?

Exactly, in the build process, the `build-tails` script sudo call drops most
of the environment variables.

Fix has been commited in the dedicated branch and merged into the
experimental one (on both lizard's and origin's repo).

Build on jenkins resulted in a correct iso naming:

Local build also named correctly the resulting iso.

Ready to be merged into the remaining branches for a final review round.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/More_uniq_built_iso_name_in_jenkins

2013-09-06 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 08:30:45PM +0200, intrigeri wrote: wrote (06 Sep 2013 16:15:41 GMT) :
  Ready to be merged into the remaining branches for a final review round.
 I was going to merge into the other branches and push to lizard, but
 I'll let you turn the (obviously temporary) message of commit 500710
 into something meaningful first :)

Jeez, i didn't thought this commit msg was so important that it required
to rewrite the whole history. It's done though, but means that the
experimental and feature branches histories are heavily rewritten. Please
hard reset on $ORIGIN. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 0.20.1

2013-09-09 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 01:27:42PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Needless to say, with Tor 0.2.4 in and an updated Linux kernel, it
 would be most welcome if everyone who can gives it a try and makes
 sure their usecases still work as good as before.

I've missed the review'n'merge window even if I wanted to, I'll build and
begin to test this RC ASAP, hopefully. :)

 anonym, will you be able to run the automated test suite?

I'm not confident enough on my own setup here to step up on that task, but
hope to be able to fire it up for the next releases, now that the Jenkins
front is closed to a milestone.

But I'm also still tackling up with other needed stuffs (like emails),

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/linux-3.10.11

2013-09-16 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 07:07:06PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 = please review feature/linux-3.10.1, and merge it into devel.

Reviewed, tested successfully, so merged into devel.

tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/Sign_jenkins_builds_artifacts

2013-09-28 Thread bertagaz

The feature/Sign_jenkins_builds_artifacts branch add the ability to our
build-tails script to automatically sign the build result when run in a
jenkins environment.

It has been merged into the experimental branch of lizard's Tails repo,
and tested on The result can be checked on

Ticket : #6267 - Add checksum signing ability to the Tails build script
Commit : 31be69f

Please merge this branch in experimental, devel, stable, testing and
feature/wheezy if happy with it.

This change goes together with two changes in our puppet modules:

A new one has been created to deploy the gnupg keyring in our autobuilder
VM on lizard, and has been reviewed already by intrigeri.

Another change in our puppet setup is related to our rotation script,
which needed to be aware that it needs to take care of two new files
(*.iso.shasum and *.iso.shasum.asc). This last change can be checked in
our main puppet git repo for lizard

Ticket : #6268 - Adapt the Jenkins artifacts rotation script
Commit : fdecb95 and 6eef9d6

If happy with them, the reviewer can also push the new signing key on the
keyserver. It has already been signed by our main signing key.
If not, I can take care of that.



tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/Sign_jenkins_builds_artifacts

2013-09-29 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 01:36:28PM +0200, intrigeri wrote: wrote (28 Sep 2013 09:22:16 GMT) :
  Please merge this branch in experimental, devel, stable, testing and
  feature/wheezy if happy with it.
 I'd be happy too, but the branch is based on devel, so I can't merge
 it into stable. Please rebase on stable, and reassign the ticket
 to me.

Oooch, you're right. I've just force updated the branch for it to be
based on the stable one. Thanks for the reminder.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/same-startpage-custom-url-as-tbb

2013-10-15 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 12:39:37PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 this branch makes Tails use the same custom Startpage search URL as
 the TBB. This disables the new broken family filter, that e.g.
 is being assholish about LGBT stuff.
 See for details.
 I've tested this for English and all languages we provide a localized
 Startpage engine for, and it now does return results that would be
 hidden otherwise.
 No ticket, candidate for 0.21.

Tested and reviewed, now merged in devel.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/Debian-proposed-updates

2013-10-15 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 02:31:10PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 the next point release for Squeeze (6.0.8) is scheduled for Saturday
 October 19th. We'll have built 0.21~rc1 already at this point, so if
 we want it to have a set of packages as close as possible to the final
 ISO's, then we need to enable squeeze-proposed-updates before building
 our RC.
 So, please review'n'merge feature/Debian-proposed-updates before we
 freeze 0.21. I'll revert it on October 20th, once the packages have
 migrated to the regular Debian oldstable repositories.

Reviewed, tested (read buildlogs, start it and look at the apt conf as
well as the system behavior) and merged into devel.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge test/fix-detection-of-used-display

2013-10-15 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:41:35AM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 the test suite never starts on my new test suite VM since it's looking
 for a file that never appears. Fixed in branch
 test/fix-detection-of-used-display. Please review and merge
 into devel.

Tested, updated and merged into devel.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge (again) security/vidalia_in_its_own_user

2013-10-21 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 03:03:42PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 Branch: security/vidalia_in_its_own_user (no APT stuff)
 No ticket.
 Please review and merge into testing (and devel) in time for
 0.21 final.

Tested, merged and pushed into devel and testing.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/linux-3.10.11

2013-10-21 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 02:29:51PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 intrigeri wrote (20 Oct 2013 11:45:54 GMT) :
  Actually, please merge feature/linux-3.10.11 into testing only, and
  please merge feature/linux-3.11-1 into devel (it his
  feature/linux-3.10.11 in, plus the revert, plus the switch to 3.11-1
  that unbreaks the devel build).
 Hmm, actually not, feature/linux-3.11-1 can't be built yet. So, back
 to my original request: please merge feature/linux-3.10.11 into devel
  testing. Sorry for the noise.

Then after booting and shutting down a test iso, I merged and pushed it in
devel and testing.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/world-readable-persistence-state-file

2013-10-22 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 02:19:13PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 * branch: bugfix/world-readable-persistence-state-file, both in the
   tails-greeter and main Git repositories (+ APT)
 * ticket:
 This branch fixes #6374, that was discovered while testing 0.21~rc1
 today. Please review'n'merge in time for the final 0.21.
 Tested by live patching a 0.21~rc1, and also in a build
 from experimental.

Tested in a VM upgrading a 0.20.1 usb with an iso of this branch, I get
the error message that t-p-s can't delete the persistent partition when it
is activated.

Merged and pushed.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/perl5lib

2013-11-15 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 04:40:48PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 I'll try to avoid pushing a huge review'n'merge request about
 incremental updates at the last minute before the 0.22 freeze, so here
 we go for a first batch.

That's very kind of yours, and I must say that I'm impressed by the
transition work you've slightly done!

 feature/perl5lib extracts some code from t-p-s into a new package
 called tails-perl5lib, that provides Perl libraries that other
 Tails-specific code may want to use. This refactoring was needed to
 make tails-iuk (incremental updates software) share code with t-p-s.
 Candidate for 0.22, no ticket.
   * t-p-s feature/extract-code-to-perllib
   * Tails feature/perl5lib
   * an APT suite to merge
 Note that the t-p-s branch also contains Andres fixes for the
 persistent volume deletion warning (#5888), and it also supersedes my
 review'n'merge request for bugfix/persistence-cleanups. This is on
 purpose, so that we'll save a review'n'merge pass or two.

I've build this branch, and installed a Tails usb stick from this Iso,
created a persitent partition and ensured it worked. Then I deleted it.

I'm not sure I understood all perl's arcanes in there, but still

 1) tests didn't show regressions from what I saw
 2) changes seem consistent from what I get

In the end I merged it in the three mentioned repos.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Testing feature/ff24 [Was: Release schedule for Tails 0.22]

2013-11-15 Thread bertagaz

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 10:16:48AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Kill Your TV wrote (14 Nov 2013 21:26:22 GMT) :
  As reported in IRC, I tested using KVM [...]

Testing this branch on commit 0f5eab28. It seems that the unsafe browser
now works. I can use it to navigate on the web. It also refuses to work
when I configure it to use polipo, like it is supposed to do.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review whisperback:a4dfd008

2013-11-25 Thread bertagaz

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:51:10PM +, Alan wrote:
 Please review the following commit in whisperback master (yes, I know
 it's bad to work on master...)
 commit a4dfd008a9b11c9f6d41d4e25de891c21af6d235
 Author: Tails developers
 Date:   Tue Oct 29 14:15:05 2013 +
 More generic IP and MAC sanitizing regexp
 This fixes #6391
 diff --git a/whisperBack/ b/whisperBack/
 index 1a62a45..2adc504 100644
 --- a/whisperBack/
 +++ b/whisperBack/
 @@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ def sanitize_hardware_info(log_string):
  # IPs
 -log_string = re.sub(r'\([\d]{1,3}\.){3}[\d]{1,3}\',
 +log_string = re.sub(r'([\d]{1,3}\.){3}[\d]{1,3}',
  r'[IP REMOVED]',
  # MAC addresses
 -log_string = re.sub(r'\([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5,}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}\',
 +log_string = re.sub(r'([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5,}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}',
  return log_string

That sound relevant to me, so I guess we're good to go with this change.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 0.22

2013-11-25 Thread bertagaz

Given Alan is in a review'n'merge hell of a mood, I'm committing to the

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 12:49:35PM +, Alan wrote:
  intrigeri wrote (24 Sep 2013 17:51:54 GMT) :
* feature/incremental-upgrades: I should have a beta ready to be
  reviewed'n'merged by Friday night. Yeah, last minute. Given it is
  self-contained, disabled by default, and does not impact the rest
  of Tails, I'll feel free to merge it so that it lands into the RC.
  Someone will still need to review it at some point, though.
  Any taker?

I should be available at that time, and will do so to review this

 And I have something to add (cf upcoming email): commit a4dfd008 in
 whisperback master (yes I should have done a topic branch).


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/incremental-upgrades

2013-11-28 Thread bertagaz

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 06:26:51PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 I believe the incremental upgrades stuff is now in good shape for
 beta testing.
 The thing is, it's a bit complicated to actually test this *before*
 this branch is part of a release (candidate). I think the best course
 of action is:
   1. Someone does the code review, makes sure the changes are
  self-contained enough not to break anything else, and merges into
  devel in time for the 0.22 freeze. No testing at this stage.
  (It's late, just as planned and announced previously.
  bertagaz volunteered to review'n'merge it already.)

I did, and prepared this cold winter-like night to read your code.
Expect a merge tonight or tomorrow in the morning if everything goes well.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/incremental-upgrades

2013-11-29 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 06:26:51PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
   1. Someone does the code review, makes sure the changes are
  self-contained enough not to break anything else, and merges into
  devel in time for the 0.22 freeze. No testing at this stage.
  (It's late, just as planned and announced previously.
  bertagaz volunteered to review'n'merge it already.)

Ok, didn't see any problems in there so I merged it, in git and APT. Updated
the tickets too. I hope my lame perl understanding didn't miss something
in iuk's code, but maybe this review wasn't needed.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Scripts for importing Transifex translations, please review

2013-11-30 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 04:08:35PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Hi, wrote (29 Nov 2013 14:14:46 GMT) :
  Please review and merge:
   - repo winterfairy/tails, branch import-translations (based on
 Merged and pushed some refactoring commits on top. bertagaz should be
 reviewing my own changes soonish. Works fine, thanks!

That sounds good to me, so I think I won't merge it anywhere, since it's
already done. :)

Thanks winterfairy for your quality contributions!

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Tor Browser branding in Tails?

2013-12-02 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Dec 02, 2013 at 09:50:15AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 anonym wrote (01 Dec 2013 23:51:06 GMT) :
  I'm worried that this may fail several scenarios (and even complete
  features) in the automated test suite. Does the new branding also change
  the icon in the window title? Please see
  features/images/IceweaselRunning.png -- does that part of the new
  Iceweasel/Tor browser still look the same? (Sorry, I don't have time (or
  the bandwidth) to check this myself right now.)
 The window titlebar icon doesn't change so I hope it does not break
 the test suite. bertagaz will be running it today, so we'll soon know.

It doesn't. The unsafe browser feature/image does though.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/back-to-linux-3.10 [Was: Fix sdmem on Intel graphic hardware, please review]

2013-12-05 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Dec 02, 2013 at 02:43:21PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 intrigeri wrote (01 Dec 2013 19:19:51 GMT) :

Done. Didn't see issues when building and starting it. Plus it had lot of
tests lately. So merged into testing and devel, both in git and APT.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/monkeysign

2013-12-09 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 08:39:58PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 please review'n'merge feature/monkeysign into devel (candidate for
 Ticket: #6338

Merged even if this might need a bit of documentationi though, as
monkeysign errors out with a backtrace if one don't use the --no-mail
option, as there is no /usr/sbin/sendmail in Tails. But the signature is
added to the key still.

When using the --no-mail option, it outputs quite a lengthy mail, with
mime headers and all, but that isn't really possible to use it in
claws-mail, as you can't edit the email source. Best is probably to just
paste the pgp public key bloc part of it into a new mail.

It's an enhancement, as it automates the key retrieval and signing
process, but might need some more to be really usable by monkeys.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/unsafe-browser-vs.-FF24

2013-12-11 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 03:15:32PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 bugfix/unsafe-browser-vs.-FF24 fixes #6479 (Unsafe Browser cannot
 connect to the Internet) for me. Please review'n'merge into testing
 and devel. Depending on how we reschedule 0.22 or not, this will go
 into 0.22 or 0.22.1.
 bertagaz volunteered to take care of it.


tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/torbutton-

2013-12-12 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 03:13:45PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 feature/torbutton- brings the latest Torbutton in. It fixes
 a bug in the New Identity feature, that we lack, but I expect we'll
 need an even newer version anyway for 0.22.1 or something, so let's
 merge incrementally and detect issues ASAP.
 Please review'n'merge into devel (not testing, IMHO it's not worth
 it). bertagaz volunteered to take care of it.

Merged into APT, but git refused to merge it in devel, already up-to-date
it says, surprisingly. :)

Shall I merge into testing and experimental too, now that the release has
been done?

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/tor-0.2.4-is-stable [Was: Build broken, stay tuned (or try bugfix/tor-0.2.4-is-stable)]

2013-12-15 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:50:06PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 intrigeri wrote (13 Dec 2013 13:38:02 GMT) :
  all our branches currently fail to build since deb.tpo's
  tor-0.2.4.x-squeeze APT source was deprecated, as Tor 0.2.4.x was
  declared stable.
 = please review bugfix/tor-0.2.4-is-stable and merge it into stable
 and devel. No ticket.

This has been merged together with the bugfix/use-our-own-sqlite which
contained it.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/use-our-own-sqlite

2013-12-15 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 04:31:17PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Mike Homey has made his last Iceweasel package use some in-tree
 libraries instead of the system one, and hence has removed some of
 these libraries from mozilla.d.n's squeeze-backports repository.
 Too bad we need these libraries at ISO build time. So, I've imported
 the .deb's we need (sqlite, nss, nspr) into our own APT repository.
 This will be useless once we base our own Iceweasel on the last
 official one that was out today (WIP), but this fixes the Tails ISO
 build for the time being.
 Please review'n'merge bugfix/use-our-own-sqlite (sic) into stable,
 devel and experimental. I've not done a full build yet, but at least
 it goes further than the stage at which it used to fail.

You were right, with this branch the build works again. Merged in Git and

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/monkeysign

2013-12-17 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:06:53AM +, wrote:
 I push a minor documentation fix with commit f0762cd. Shall I merge it

That seems minor and relevant, I guess you can. :)

  even if this might need a bit of documentationi though, as
  monkeysign errors out with a backtrace if one don't use the --no-mail
  option, as there is no /usr/sbin/sendmail in Tails. But the signature is
  added to the key still.
  When using the --no-mail option, it outputs quite a lengthy mail, with
  mime headers and all, but that isn't really possible to use it in
  claws-mail, as you can't edit the email source. Best is probably to just
  paste the pgp public key bloc part of it into a new mail.
  Doesn't piping it to Mutt work?
  monkeysign currently being command-line only, I was thinking more of
  Mutt users than Claws Mail's ones when I thought we wanted this in
  Tails. Hopefully this will change at some point.

I've tried that, but couldn't find a way to have it working. That was a
short session though, I might have missed something.

 Note that monkeysign also includes and graphical tool for fingerprint
 scanning: monkeyscan; with QR codes and all :)

Which doesn't work in Tails, as we don't ship the recommends of monkeysign
(python-qrencode, python-gtk2, python-zbar, python-zbarpygtk). Not sure if
it is that usefull in Tails' usecase though (like, not running on a mobile

  Regarding the need for documentation, well, I don't think this would
  be a good use of our time. I expect that the kind of public that's
  addressed by a command-line only piece of software will know what to
  do with its output and manpage. Writing monkeysign documentation for
  newbies seems very hard a task to me, and I doubt more than a handful
  of people would benefit from it. If someone wants to make monkeysign
  better suited for other kinds of users, IMHO they should instead write
  a GUI for it, or (even better) integrate it into Seahorse,
  or something.
 Agreed. I admit it is sometimes a bit blurry but our position was to
 only document on our website things that were specific to Tails (see the
 Pidgin and OTR documentation for example). So writing a tutorial on
 using monkeysign is out of scope. I admin that some pieces of software
 are documented beyond this requirement already (for example KeepassX)
 but it is also much more advertised and a key feature than monkeysign
 ever will be.
 I tried to improve a bit on this by improving the visibility of the list
 of included software from the documentation index. That's commit e8a33f6
 in master.

Agreed. That sounds relevant regarding our actual documentation. Having
given it a bit of tries, I believe monkeysign at the moment is only for
power users, they should be able to get it by themselves. If we want it to
be usable for everyone, I think we'd have to work a bit with upstream so
that it integrates a bit better.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Last steps toward enabling incremental upgrades by default [Was: Please test incremental upgrades (from 0.22~rc1 to 0.22~rc2)]

2013-12-17 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 06:13:41PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 I've just released Tails-IUK 0.13, that fixes all coding tasks left
 for phase three. I'm giving it a manual testing session as we speak.
 Please use this version (or later) for any further testing,
 documentation work and comments.
 If you want to test the incremental upgrader itself, install Tails
 0.22~rc2, set an admin password, retrieve the latest tails-iuk package
 from our APT repo (,
 or preferably by adding our feature-incremental-upgrades-integration
 suite to your APT sources), install it and run:
$ tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper
 Given sajolida agreed and nobody objected, I'm now targetting to ship
 Tails 0.22.1 with incremental upgrades enabled by default (that's the
 stuff in feature/incremental-upgrades-integration), and I've flagged
 the remaining phase three tickets accordingly:

Congrats, I'm excited to see this coming in the wild!

 Next steps:
  * bertagaz reviews feature/incremental-upgrades-integration (but does
not merge it yet) and hopefully ACK's it; ETA?

I'll try to do that tomorrow if I have remaining time after the other
review'n'merge I have planned to do, but that sounds unlikely, so if not I
should be able to do that before the end of the week. I wanted to test
this incremental upgrade feature since a while anyway.

 while, in parallel:
  1. sajolida writes doc (based on the
 feature/incremental-upgrades-integration branch!) and proposes
 various phrasing changes to the UI
  2. I update the code accordingly.
 And then, we merge feature/incremental-upgrades-integration, I'll tag
 a 0.22.1~beta1 or something, and I'll prepare a test IUK so that
 anyone can try the latest stuff in realistic settings.
 And hopefully the Transifex situation improves soon enough...
 Sounds good, did I miss anything?

You have a far better idea of the situation than me, so I'd say you're
probably right. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/monkeysign

2013-12-17 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 08:27:57PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Hi, wrote (17 Dec 2013 11:44:11 GMT) :
   Doesn't piping it to Mutt work?
   monkeysign currently being command-line only, I was thinking more of
   Mutt users than Claws Mail's ones when I thought we wanted this in
   Tails. Hopefully this will change at some point.
  I've tried that, but couldn't find a way to have it working. That was a
  short session though, I might have missed something.
 Ah crap, so I've really had you merge something that is *far* from
 being usable out-of-the-box. Still, I think it makes sense to ship it,
 at least for a while, for the reasons I've given previously.

Yep, that's why I merged it.

 I've just reported this problem upstream.

Being the one that raised the issue. I could have done that myself after
our discussion. Credits, etc...

  Note that monkeysign also includes and graphical tool for fingerprint
  scanning: monkeyscan; with QR codes and all :)
  Which doesn't work in Tails, as we don't ship the recommends of monkeysign
  (python-qrencode, python-gtk2, python-zbar, python-zbarpygtk).
 My intent was to ship these packages in Tails, and it was a mistake
 from my part to act as if we installed Recommends by default: before
 I uploaded these packages to Debian backport, I've verified that each
 of these packages as available in Squeeze. I'll submit a branch that
 installs all that stuff, as it was part of what convinced me it was
 worth shipping monkeysign at all.

Ok, I'll stay tuned, but might not be able to test this fancy feature
*that* extensively (meaning I'll probably just check that the UI starts).

  Not sure if it is that usefull in Tails' usecase though (like, not
  running on a mobile platform).
 Most laptops have a camera these days. Making fingerprint verification
 easier is (part of) what makes monkeysign potentially more relevant
 than caff.

Yeah, sorry I have hard time thinking about people showing themselves
their laptop that way, but why not.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/monkeysign

2013-12-18 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:26:32AM +0100, intrigeri wrote: wrote (17 Dec 2013 22:29:20 GMT) :
  I've just reported this problem upstream.
  Being the one that raised the issue. I could have done that myself after
  our discussion. Credits, etc...
 I felt it was my responsibility to follow-up on the problems that go
 with a branch I've submitted. I'm sorry.

Ah, my bad, didn't think about it that way, and it makes sense. Nevermind

 This confirms that we really need to get you a spare laptop for
 testing :p

Hmm, well, make it two then, as my computer actually don't have a camera.
:) I'll think about it, and if I don't find a way to test it, I'll ask for
someone else to take over.


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Re: [Tails-dev] Last steps toward enabling incremental upgrades by default [

2013-12-18 Thread bertagaz
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 08:36:29PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Hi, wrote (17 Dec 2013 18:10:18 GMT) :
  Congrats, I'm excited to see this coming in the wild!
 ... and I'm scared to discover the remaining bugs we've missed :]
  Next steps:
   * bertagaz reviews feature/incremental-upgrades-integration (but does
 not merge it yet) and hopefully ACK's it; ETA?
  I'll try to do that tomorrow if I have remaining time after the other
  review'n'merge I have planned to do, but that sounds unlikely, so if not I
  should be able to do that before the end of the week. I wanted to test
  this incremental upgrade feature since a while anyway.
 IMHO this review (without merge) is higher-priority than the other
 ones you have on your plate (namely: #6477 and #6496).

Ok, then I did test it the way you proposed, and it works great. So I've
marked the ticket QA-Pass, and assigned it to sajolida.

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[Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge test/rjb-migration

2013-12-24 Thread bertagaz

Now that a more recent libvirt containing patches to support the removable
flag for USB devices has been uploaded to Wheezy-backports, I've updated
the test/rjb-migration feature branch so that installation now is easy for
anyone running Wheezy.

Test process of this branch should be to start from a fresh Wheezy
installation (on bare metal or in a VM), and install all the necessary
packages, following, and then run
the test suite. Failures that might appear should be related to outdated
scenarios or steps rather than libvirt or rjb problems.

If happy with it, please merge it into devel and experimental.

Tickets to take care of should be #6399 and #6314.

Congrats goes to anonym, who did great work for this migration. I just
tested it works and updated the documentation.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge test/rjb-migration

2013-12-26 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 08:36:57PM +0100, intrigeri wrote: wrote (24 Dec 2013 11:39:27 GMT) :
  and then run the test suite.
 I get the same error you had a week ago or so:
   Call to virDomainCreateWithFlags failed: unsupported
   configuration: ich9-usb-ehci1 not supported in this QEMU binary
 How did you fix this? If I'm the second one to hit it, perhaps this
 should be documented?

To be honest, it did get fixed almost by itself.

I just played a bit manually with virsh to create the VM while trying to
understand the issue, and at some point it did worked. As I didn't changed
anything really, in the host configuration nor in the VM one, I assumed I
did something wrong at first and there were in fact no issue at all. I
also did a search on Debian's BTS and qemu/libvirt sources to find reports
or changes that might be related, but found nothing.

Did you restart the computer/VM where you installed the test suite after
having done so? I remember I did, that might be why I had it to work.

If you get this issue too, sure it needs to be documented. But we have to
understand it first. :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge test/rjb-migration

2013-12-27 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 01:16:05AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 intrigeri wrote (26 Dec 2013 18:17:21 GMT) :
  I don't want to merge this branch with so many failing tests, as one
  expected failure (e.g. due to a missing image update) may very well
  hide other issues that might be caused by the migration to RJB.
  So, I've started fixing every test case I could. Doing this in the
  test/rjb-migration branch too, even if it doesn't 100% belong here,
  because IMO this goes with merging this branch.
  In the state where I've brought test/rjb-migration today, all tests
  now pass but:
* the USB -related tests. Reported as #6537. I'm going to try and
  fix those now.
 I believe I've done what #6537 was about, but this feature still fails
 for me a bit later (#6539). I'll try re-running it entirely, but well,
 seeing the installer stuck at various stages of the process is no
 news, and that's why we have never removed these steps from the manual
 test suite yet. So IMO this is not a blocker.
* the Windows should appear like those in Microsoft Windows XP
  scenario: in 0.22, the browser's title bar displays the Iceweasel
  icon, instead of the IE one, so it looks like the Windows
  camouflage script misses an update for FF24. Reported as #6536,
  will try to fix in time for 0.22.1 as it's a regression.
 I'm testing a fix for this. Once I'm done with validating this part of
 the test suite, I'll ask bertagaz to review all the commits I've added
 on top of what he submitted, and to merge the branch.
 Stay tuned, we're getting close :)
 /me is very happy to be able to run this test suite in good
 conditions, finally!

I am too, and find it is running quicker than when using Jruby.

I intended to start to fix the outdated scenarios in another branch, as
when I asked for the merge, the rjb test suite was running as good (or
bad, depends how we see) as the previous Jruby implementation, failing at
the same places. So I thought there were no regressions, and the branch
was ok for a merge.

But you spend time doing it (and having fun hacking it seems), and it's
great. I'll reserve some time to test it when you'll send your

Just one word to sum up my feelings: hurray! :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Release schedule for Tails 0.22.1

2013-12-29 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 04:27:03PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 here's an update on the 0.22.1 release process. See the bottom part,
 that expects answers from core developers.
 intrigeri wrote (08 Dec 2013 17:19:51 GMT) :
  I'm prepared to make exceptions to our usual stable merge rules for
  some edge cases:
* upgrading Linux to 3.12, to fix security issues in 3.10; this is
  blocked by #6460 (memory wipe broken with 3.11+); this is high
  priority IMHO. Any taker?
 I've made some progress (more failed attempts to fix it), and the
 ticket has more ideas to be tried. It would be really great if someone
 took it over from here.

I understand that, but can't promise much myself on it at the moment.
My plate is already quite filled, but if I find some spare time, I'll have a
look, even if I feel like it's a quite over my capacities.

* enabling incremental upgrades by default, if testing is successful
  enough, and if fixing most important problems is possible with
  minor changes
 Looks like this will happen: I expect we can merge
 feature/incremental-upgrades-integration very early in January :)


  Core developers: ASAP, please volunteer for the test days, or make it
  clear that you can't make it, so we can reschedule slightly
  if needed.

I'm good and should be available for the planned test days.

 Also, the freeze is coming soon, quite a few bugfix branches are
 pending for review'n'merge, and there are more to come soon (Torbutton
 and Iceweasel prefs updates).
 bertagaz said he would take care of these ones today:
   * #6496 (Drop sqlite3, nss and nspr backports from our APT repository)
   * #6477 (getTorbuttonUserAgent differs from browser user-agent)

I'll finish these tonight, already spend my afternoon testing your
test/rjb-migration branch enhancement.

 ... but those other ones need a reviewer:
   * #6478 (Keyboard shortcuts use QWERTY mapping instead of AZERTY on
 French keyboard)
   * #6536 (Windows camouflage script does not set the browser icon to
 IE's one anymore)

If there is no takers, I should be available to review them before the
merge, but I have to admit I'd be glad not to do so: I feel like spending
my time reviewing those times :)

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge test/rjb-migration

2013-12-29 Thread bertagaz
On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 07:36:15PM +0100, intrigeri wrote: wrote (27 Dec 2013 09:36:32 GMT) :
  Just one word to sum up my feelings: hurray! :)
 The test suite is now entirely green for me, with the two known
 exceptions that are documented (git grep XXX -- features).
 Please review my changes and merge it into devel if it looks good!
 Tickets that will go away: #6314, #6399.

Done, merged into devel, haven't seen the test suite in such a good shape
since a long time, congrats!

 The parent ticket (#5731) is still blocked by #6400, as nobody
 commited to either upstream our stuff into the ruby-sikuli Gem, or to
 maintain our own adapter on the long term. I'm unsure what conclusion
 we should draw of it. Admitedly, the new setup is way less scary than
 the previous one, and our adapter is 85 lines long, but still, I'm
 concerned we might happily be replacing it with another kind of
 technical debt.
 Shall we just forget about it and close #6400 as rejected?

I've had a quick look at a way to implement that upstream. Using the
RUBY_ENGINE variable, it seems easy to have the gem selecting the right
handler depending on which interpreter is used.

Still there are some subtilities in our code that I'm not sure to
understand, this is quite low level, and I'm not sure to be able to handle
this upstreaming myself alone.

 In particular, I'd like to hear what anonym thinks of it.

Me too. :)

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Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/torbrowser-24.2.0esr-1+tails1

2013-12-29 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 01:42:34PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 this is a follow-up, with a better fix, to the quick fix introduced by
 The details are on the ticket:
 When merging this branch, please drop the packages listed on the
 ticket from our APT repo. Then, we can 1. drop the corresponding
 temporary APT pinning rules since they won't be needed anymore; 2.
 take care of #6497 (I'm on it).
 Assigned to bertagaz for review, candidate for 0.22.1.

Done, branch merged in devel (git and APT repo), packages removed from the
APT repo, in the devel suite.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge bugfix/6536-IE-icon-in-Windows-camouflage-mode

2013-12-29 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 12:55:39AM +0100, intrigeri wrote: wrote (29 Dec 2013 23:37:53 GMT) :
  Candidate for 0.22.1 = please merge into stable and devel.
  While testing other branches, I tested this one too, so I merged it too.
 Cool! It seems you forgot to merge into stable.

Oh right, will do so.

  Nice catch!
 Our automated test suite catched it! :)  No idea why this was not
 detected when it was run for 0.22, but oh well, I guess some earlier
 step was broken, and we did not do the rest of the tests manually for
 some reason.

Yeah, I think I did the tests manually in the end, but didn't notice that
the icon wasn't the right one.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/torbrowser-24.2.0esr-1+tails1

2013-12-29 Thread bertagaz
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 12:53:30AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 Hi, wrote (29 Dec 2013 23:34:43 GMT) :
  Assigned to bertagaz for review, candidate for 0.22.1.
  Done, branch merged in devel (git and APT repo), packages removed from the
  APT repo, in the devel suite.
 That's a candidate for 0.22.1, so please merge into stable too (and do
 the APT thing too). If you prefer, I can do it.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/torbutton- (#6566)

2014-01-05 Thread bertagaz
On Sat, Jan 04, 2014 at 01:46:23PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 the usual Torbutton upgrade before we freeze, brings only one code
 change (clean up the temporary NoScript permissions on New Identity)
 that does not affect us (we don't provide the New Identity feature),
 so that's just for the sake of easing bug reporting upstream etc.
 It passes the automated test suite (torified_browsing, unsafe_browser
 Candidate for 0.22.1 = please merge into stable and devel.
 No commits, only an APT merge to do. Assigned to bertagaz, but if e.g.
 Alan wants to do it, I'm sure bertagaz won't mind.

Done, merged in APT into devel and stable. Merged in git into devel, but
wasn't able to do so in stable, as the branch don't contain any changes.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/dont_autostart_iceweasel + test/dont_autostart_iceweasel

2014-01-09 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 11:52:20AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 intrigeri wrote (09 Jan 2014 10:26:11 GMT) :
  I patched it so it needs another review before merging. Sorry...
  I'll take care of it. Updated the ticket.
 Done and merged.
 Now, what about the test/dont_autostart_iceweasel branch?

I'm on it now.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please review'n'merge feature/dont_autostart_iceweasel + test/dont_autostart_iceweasel

2014-01-10 Thread bertagaz
On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 05:53:49PM +0100, wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 09, 2014 at 11:52:20AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
  intrigeri wrote (09 Jan 2014 10:26:11 GMT) :
   I patched it so it needs another review before merging. Sorry...
   I'll take care of it. Updated the ticket.
  Done and merged.
  Now, what about the test/dont_autostart_iceweasel branch?
 I'm on it now.

Finished, works like a chaem. Merged.

tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge:1.3] bugfix/8082-remove-PulseAudio-warning

2014-10-14 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:58:38PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
 please merge bugfix/8082-remove-PulseAudio-warning into devel, for
 Tails 1.3.

Merged, congrats.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: build_Tails_ISO_experimental #1457

2014-12-23 Thread bertagaz

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 06:29:31PM +, Alan wrote:
 These are the result of review and merges that built fine on my machine.
 I don't understand where is the problem...

Network troubles as I read it :

  Translation-en 404  Not Found Fetched 24.5 MB in 40min 47s (10.0
  kB/s) W: Failed to fetch
  404  Not Found
  W: Failed to fetch
  404  Not Found
  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or
  old ones used instead. P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
  Command exited with non-zero status 100
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[Tails-dev] Lizard services outage

2015-01-01 Thread bertagaz

To prepare Lizard to host its new shiny hardware, it needs to get its
kernel upgraded to the Wheezy-backports one to support such new bones.

But the upgrade seems to raise troubles in the virtual network
firewalling, so expect outages of Lizard's services today while I'm trying
to debug it and get it back on the net.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-01-26 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 08:14:55PM +0100, bertagaz wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 08:07:46PM +, sajolida wrote:
   0. We might also want a mechanism for devs to pro-actively state they 
   want to
   keep their branches being build even if the last commit was older than the
   last release. IIRC
  If I understand correctly, adding a dummy commit would bring back my
  branch in the set of branches that are automatically built. So maybe we
  don't need a dedicated mechanism handle those rare cases.
 That's the idea, having a timestamp file that would be use for this dummy
 commit. But it comes for free, sure. :)

I had Alan having a look at the blueprint too, she fixed some issues in
the scenario and added one for the future.

The blueprint has been updated with some proposalsi for each question. If
you want to consider them, or propose another one, please have a look.

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Re: [Tails-dev] AdBlock Plus in Tails' Tor Browser

2015-01-26 Thread bertagaz

This answer might pop up late now that #8665 is in Ready for QA state,
still it might bring new questions. Sorry for that.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:49:10AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 mercedes508 wrote (22 Jan 2015 17:54:53 GMT) :
  And I'm wondering how important the fingerrint issue is, considering
  how easy it is to change it (e.g. by enlarging the browser window),
 I'm more concerned about behavioral differences (compared to the Tor
 Browser) that we ship by default (XXX: we haven't summed up what they
 were recently, by the way), than about bits of fingerprinting
 information that every Tor Browser user, be it upstream or within
 Tails, can individually choose to leak.
 I'm tempted to propose that on this topic, just like for resizing the
  * we provide safer defaults;
  * we let users manually opt-in if they want to block ads and diverge
from the Tor Browser anonymity set.

 (Of course the current behaviour for resizing the window is not a good
 implementation of opting-in to diverge, as the security consequences
 of this action are completely non-obvious to the user. There are
 tickets in the right place about asking for a confirmation in this
 case, I think.)
 [And I'm starting to wonder if this wouldn't be better to put that
 in the upcoming Tor Browser's security slider. At first glance:

Then if we go for safer defaults, I agree Ad Block+ would be more close to
NoScript in term in UX and fingerprinting.

We could integrate Ad Block+ the same way: installed but disabled by

That sure would be something to discuss further with the TorBrowser

We could help them to upstream our Ad Block+ rules update process.

Shall we engage a discussion about this? That's

 block ads, not JS  block neither ads nor JS  block JS, not ads
 but once you block JS, your fingerprint is so much different anyway
 that blocking ads on top don't make a big difference, so possibly this
 would be better, although awkward and then perhaps confusing for
 block ads, not JS  block neither ads nor JS  block JS and ads
 Food for thought.]

I'm not even sure we need to decouple both, but why not. It might be hard
to fit in the TorLauncher slider though if we want to push this forward.

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Re: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge:1.3] feature/7999-Vietnamese-input

2015-02-04 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 11:07:31AM +0100, intrigeri wrote:

 this branch adds support for Vietnamese input via the IBus
 Unikey engine. Please review'n'merge into devel for 1.3.

I'm not much comfortable with the workaround of Debian bug #714932, I
think the patch lying in this bug report would deserve a NMU, but that's
out of this branch and review, so I merged it into devel after testing it.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Sandboxing Tor Browser: strategy for tracking upstream AppArmor profile

2015-02-04 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Feb 04, 2015 at 12:10:31PM +0100, anonym wrote:
 On 04/02/15 11:36, intrigeri wrote:
  Good enough? Shall we try that and see? I've implemented #3 already,
  and can do #1 and #2 for Tails 1.3.1.
 I'm convinced and have nothing more to add than well done!. :)

I do too. That sounds more bullet-proof than the first iteration.

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Re: [Tails-dev] [review'n'merge:1.3] bugfix/quote-wrappers-arguments (#8830, #8603)

2015-02-05 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Feb 02, 2015 at 12:27:37PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 sajolida discovered a bug in the way some of our torifying wrappers
 handle passed-through arguments. This branch fixes that bug, and adds
 automated tests for some of it.
 Note that one of these wrappers (connect-socks) affects e.g.
 Git cloning over SSH, which should be tested when reviewing #8680 too,
 so I've assigned this new merge request to bertagaz (who took #8680
 a week ago) for review. bertagaz, if that's not OK with you, please
 de-assign yourself.

Tested by hand, wget and git works fine, so merged into devel. Congrats to
have found and fixed this.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-01-19 Thread bertagaz

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 08:07:46PM +, sajolida wrote:
  0. We might also want a mechanism for devs to pro-actively state they want 
  keep their branches being build even if the last commit was older than the
  last release. IIRC
 If I understand correctly, adding a dummy commit would bring back my
 branch in the set of branches that are automatically built. So maybe we
 don't need a dedicated mechanism handle those rare cases.

That's the idea, having a timestamp file that would be use for this dummy
commit. But it comes for free, sure. :)

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-01-18 Thread bertagaz

Some thoughts and questions, raised in parts from past IRL discussions.
Consider it like a ping for this thread. :)

On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 08:07:13PM +0100, Jurre van Bergen wrote:
 For the first iteration, which is automatically build of interesting
 branches, we need to specify:
  * Which branches we want to build?

We might want to use several algorithms / tricks to select the branches to
be build automatically.

One of this algo could be:

0. Build all {feature,bugfix} branch that are not merged in
stable, devel and testing, and had new commits since the last release.

I have a script that does this roughly and it says that currently, that
means 11 branches. [1]

That would make sense, but might require to have some stats about how much
it has meant for the past releases. I'm not sure how to do that though.

0. We might also want a mechanism for devs to pro-actively state they want to
keep their branches being build even if the last commit was older than the
last release. IIRC

0. Do we think we might also need or want a mechanism to blacklist a branch,
or we should just assume that our algos will only select the right ones
and not hit any corner cases?

Thoughts, answers, ideas?


[1] bugfix/8680-git-without-polipo

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Re: [Tails-dev] review and merge feature/7752-keyringer

2015-02-10 Thread bertagaz
On Sun, Feb 01, 2015 at 11:49:40AM +, sajolida wrote:
 Emma Peel:
  sajolida wrote:
  Branch: feature/7752-keyringer into devel
  Milestone: 1.3
  At the end of the documentation it says:
  Make sure to update your *dotfiles* each time you use the
  **init**, **teardown**, **destroy**, or **preferences** command
  of *keyringer*.
  But I don't really understand from this phrase what is it I have to do
  to update. Do I have to run the previous command? If so, I would change
  it for 
  Make sure you do this to update your *dotfiles*
  each time you use the **init**, **teardown**, **destroy**, or
  **preferences** command of *keyringer*.
  (but English is not my language, maybe there is a nicer version)
 Thanks for the review! Does 726c821 solves your issue?

Merged in devel. Congrats!

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-02-19 Thread bertagaz

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:32:59PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 bertagaz wrote (16 Feb 2015 14:32:57 GMT) :
  On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:49:02PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
  That's a logical awesome idea I'm ashamed not to have had sooner.
  Still, it seems that it comes too late, after some searching it appears
  that our Jenkins don't keep much stats.
 As discussed on IRC, we have about 10 days of logs on the filesystem
 currently, so you can still retrieve recent stats about it.
 The earlier, the better, as we're frozen and the more we wait, the
 less the numbers will be meaningful.

I've just pushed a new page in the blueprint section, that contains the
number of branches merged per release (as your script told us), and the
number of builds per day that happened since 2015-02-10.

  The Global build stats Jenkins plugin [1] seems interesting to display the
  stats once more logs are kept. Shall I install it?
 Let's give it a try, yes.

I'll do that soon then.

* Scenario 3 : RM says I need to know when a branch FTBFS, but
  I see no notification mechanism planned, so... how is the RM
  supposed to know. Also, whenever stalled topic branches start
  failing, this can imply an avalanche of daily email to the RM, who
  will of course start ignoring all email from Jenkins and then
  we've lost. I'm particularly worried about this topic since anonym
  (our RM most of the time) didn't comment on this proposal yet, and
  has already expressed concerns about this kind of issues.
  I think anonym did comment on this proposal, he did a review of this
  blueprint already.
 OK. Let's keep in mind that he may not have thought of this potential
 problem yet.
 Now, I wonder if we could solve this quite simply by having the RM be
 notified for *base* branch build failure only. The RM doesn't care
 about topic branches that haven't been submitted for merging
 yet, right?

I like this idea, simple and effective. :)

So for the base branches, the RM would be the contact point for daily and
on push build failure notifications. And for topic branches, that would be
the last commiter.

  One thing that this question also raise is the fact that the RM is not
  always the same person, so I'm wondering how to have jenkins notifying the
  right email depending on who is the RM for the next release. First thing
  that come in top of my mind is... a schleuder address. :)
 Indeed, that's the kind of aliases the RMs can trivially update
 themselves, without asking the infra team to do anything.

Great, I'll add that to the specs and will open the corresponding tickets.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-02-19 Thread bertagaz

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 04:39:22PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 bertagaz wrote (16 Feb 2015 12:03:12 GMT) :
  Ack, sounds reasonable. However from what I've seen, it sometimes means a
  lot of branches so I wonder if we scaled our infra enough for that, as we
  didn't include this branches in our maths since the beginning of the
 This seems like a serious bug in this discussion process. May you
 please then provide example numbers that match what the proposed
 algorithm would output, so that we can reason about it?

I've added to the statistic page the doc branches that have been merged.
Part of them were not in the output of the script because they often get
merged in master. It seems to add 4 to 6 branches per release, but their
development and integration flaw is a bit different.

So in the end, I'm not sure they'll add a lot more load, but we have to
count them in our maths.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-02-16 Thread bertagaz
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:29:45PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
 bertagaz wrote (18 Jan 2015 16:39:28 GMT) :
  0. Do we think we might also need or want a mechanism to blacklist a branch,
  or we should just assume that our algos will only select the right ones
  and not hit any corner cases?
 I think this is a good question, that deserves more thought.
 Unfortunately I've not found any discussion about it on the blueprint
 nor on the list, not even an example use case for such a blacklist, so
 right now — sorry to be harsh — it looks like a technical idea that's
 looking for a problem it might help solving.

It's just that, something that did pop up in my head while writing the
blueprint, but I didn't find much corresponding branches while watching
the unmerged ones during the 1.3 release cycle.

 So, what would be the use cases? I can think of a few potential ones:
 1. A branch that satisfies the criteria for automatic builds, but
starts failing continuously, e.g. because its developer is on
vacation for 2 weeks.
= as far as I understood, only that branch's developer is nagged
by failure notifications, so... who cares if it fails to build for
2 weeks?
 2. Branches that modify only the doc or website
= indeed, at first glance it seems a bit sad to spend CPU cycles
on building and potentially testing such branches. OTOH, these
branches, like any other, must not break the build, otherwise
they're not fit for merging, so it makes sense to build an ISO
(yes, an ISO, not only the website: we have quite a few things in
the ISO build process that somewhat depend on the website, run `git
grep usr/share/doc/tails/website -- config' if unconvinced).
And they must not break functionality either, so IMO it makes sense
to run the automated test suite on it too (again, we have quite
a few runtime functionality that depends on the bundled static

Ack, sounds reasonable. However from what I've seen, it sometimes means a
lot of branches so I wonder if we scaled our infra enough for that, as we
didn't include this branches in our maths since the beginning of the

 bertagaz, any other use case you were thinking of?

Not really at the moment.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Automated builds specification

2015-02-16 Thread bertagaz

Thx for the extensive review!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:49:02PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
  We're already drafted some scenario's on:
 I have a few concerns, though:
   * Scenario 2 : developer doesn't make it clear if branch T is
 build *after being locally merged into branch B*, or not.
 Given that's what we're really interested in, and given
 Scenario 1 : reviewer is clearer (answer is: yes), I guess the
 answer is yes here too, but this should be clarified.

IIRC that was something Alan had troubles with, as not being the way she
usually work on a feature branch, which I think was more close to Work
work work on the branch, and then when the feature is ready, merge the base
branch in it. So she usually do not merge the base branch very often.

But I agree this is not the best way to go, so if Alan doesn't come up with
a block on this, I agree to add the clarification.

   * I see no statistics about how many ISOs we are *currently*
 building each day. So it's not clear to me if our current setup
 can support building N more branches, once a day each. It would be
 useful to have this number (e.g. raw number per day during the 1.3
 release cycle, and daily average). Of course we can fix that later
 (either by throwing more hardware at it, or by tweaking the branch
 selection algorithm a bit, or by decreasing the build frequency
 a bit for some branches based on some criteria), but if we can
 know *right now* that the designed plan cannot possibly work, then
 I would find it a bit sad to invest time into it.

That's a logical awesome idea I'm ashamed not to have had sooner.
Still, it seems that it comes too late, after some searching it appears
that our Jenkins don't keep much stats. I'll extend the jjb setting that
remove build logs after 1 day.

The Global build stats Jenkins plugin [1] seems interesting to display the
stats once more logs are kept. Shall I install it?

   * Scenario 3 : RM says I need to know when a branch FTBFS, but
 I see no notification mechanism planned, so... how is the RM
 supposed to know. Also, whenever stalled topic branches start
 failing, this can imply an avalanche of daily email to the RM, who
 will of course start ignoring all email from Jenkins and then
 we've lost. I'm particularly worried about this topic since anonym
 (our RM most of the time) didn't comment on this proposal yet, and
 has already expressed concerns about this kind of issues.

I think anonym did comment on this proposal, he did a review of this
blueprint already.

But I agree the RM notification part is not very clear.

We could make it so that the RM is emailed when a daily build job fails,
the build failed on git push one being sent to the commit author anyway,
according to our scenarios. Of course the commit author would also be
notified for the daily ones too.
If that's still too much from the RM point of view, we could have the RM
notified only the first time a daily job fails.

That seems to make sense to me: the RM gets a notification in the mailbox
once a day for failed jobs, and then he/she either fix it, or ask someone
to work on that. To have a developer claiming to Jenkins he/she is now
responsible of that branch (and thus is getting the next notifications),
he/she would just have to do a dumb commit on the branch.

One thing that this question also raise is the fact that the RM is not
always the same person, so I'm wondering how to have jenkins notifying the
right email depending on who is the RM for the next release. First thing
that come in top of my mind is... a schleuder address. :)

 I assume these concerns (except the 2nd one probably) are not blocking
 wrt. starting to implement stuff, so: Go!


 To end with, I find two things confusing in the rest of the document:
   * Scenario numbering is reset in the Future ideas section, so one
 cannot simply refer to scenario 2 unambiguously, without making
 it clear if they're speaking of scenario 2 in the Scenarios
 section, or of scenario 2 in the Future ideas section;
 I suggest you avoid assigning duplicated scenario identifiers.


   * The tag T notation (undefined) is somewhat conflicting with the
 branch T one that's defined earlier.



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