Re: [Texascavers] new Texas laws

2009-10-02 Thread wwildchild

I think all the occupants on the Powerwagon Bus have to be strapped in.
 Unless there are 16 cavers on board ).Feel free to correct me on that.

Unless you remove the seatbelts behind the front seats. :-7 

The law is specific in that it is only an offense Provided the vehicle is 
equiped with a safety belt. 

And per Section 547.601 which outlines what equiped with a seatbelt means:  

§ 547.601. SAFETY BELTS REQUIRED.  A motor vehicle 
required by Chapter 548 to be inspected shall be equipped with front 
safety belts if safety belt anchorages were part of the 
manufacturer's original equipment on the vehicle.

There is not a requirement for a vehicle to have rear seatbelts even if there 
are anchorages provided by the manufacturer. Doesn't mean you won't get sued 
and all of that when someone exits the vehicle through a window because there 
wasn't a seatbelt, but the law itself kind of makes a loophole.  I found this 
when reserching for an art car I'm building.  



Sec. 545.413. Safety Belts; Offense.

(a) A person commits an offense if: 

(1) the person: 

(A) is at least 15 years of age; 

(B) is riding in [the front seat of] a passenger vehi­cle while the vehicle is 
being operated; 

(C) is occupying a seat that is equipped with a safety belt; and 

(D) is not secured by a safety belt; or 

(2) as the operator of a school bus equipped with a safety20belt for the 
operator's seat, the person is not se­cured by the safety belt. 

(b) A person commits an offense if the person: 

(1) operates a passenger vehicle that is equipped with safety belts; and 

(2) allows a child who is younger than 17 years of age and who is not required 
to be secured in a child pas­senger safety seat system under Section 545.412(a) 
to ride in the vehicle without requiring the child to be secured by a safety 
belt, provided the child is occupying a seat that is equipped with a safety 

(b-1) A person commits an offense if the person allows a child who is younger 
than 17 years of age and who is not required to be secured in a child passenger 
safety seat system under Section 545.412(a) to ride in a passen­ger van 
designed to transport 15 or fewer passengers, in­cluding the driver, without 
securing the child individually by a safety belt, if the child is occupying a 
seat that is equipped with a safety belt. 

(c) A passenger vehicle or a seat in a passenger vehi­cle is considered to be 
equipped with a safety belt if the vehicle is required under Section 547.601 to 
be equipped with safety belts. 

(d) An offense under Subsection (a) is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of 
not less than $25 or more than $50. An offense under Subsection (b) is a 
misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $200. 

[Texascavers] sexy things in caves

2009-05-14 Thread wwildchild

While it doesn't look like any of the sexy cavers I have seen recently, it is 
suppose to be 36,000 years old:


Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

2009-02-10 Thread wwildchild

Ah, LOGhorn cave, now I see. :7?? While on the thru-trip I believe it was 
one?of the?ASS?cavers that asked me what the difference was between a cave and 
a cavern. I didn't know but I?suspected something along the lines of the 
difference between a caver and spelunker so that is what I thought the joke was 
about. I ?looked up the definitions and determined that a Cave is a hallow or 
passage way in the earth and a Cavern is the same except especially large in 
its open cavities or something like that. Don't flame me, I'm an accountant not 
a geologist. 


-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 10:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

Loghorn Cave?

Nope, the sign says Longhorn Cavern, and the TSS has it listed as Longhorn 
Cavern, so I'm going to say cavern and you can say cave.

-Original Message-
From: Don Arburn
Cc: Texas Cavers List
Sent: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 9:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

Loghorn Cave? 

A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! 

Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

2009-02-09 Thread wwildchild

 Loghorn Cave?

Nope, the sign says Longhorn Cavern, and the TSS has it listed as Longhorn 
Cavern, so I'm going to say cavern and you can say cave.



-Original Message-
From: Don Arburn
Cc: Texas Cavers List
Sent: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 9:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Loghorn Cavern?

Loghorn Cave?


[Texascavers] Longhorn Cavern dig and thru trip 02/07/09

2009-02-09 Thread wwildchild
Below is a link to the Loghorn Cave dig project this past weekend to clear out 
one passage that had become silted up and to push a lead that is more 
accessible due to the low water.? My waterproof camera is overexposing all of 
the pics so I apologize for the quality I tweaked most of them to get rid of 
the bright glares.

You do not have to log into kodak gallery, just click on the main pic.

[Texascavers] WWBRD? [Texascavers] The alter-Epic at Honey Creek Cave

2009-02-05 Thread wwildchild

For the record, since I failed to?include one of?the?funniest moments in my 
alter-epic story of hypothermia in Honey creek, less than an hour into my 
ordeal a catch phrase popped into my head and I actually said it out loud and 
laughed pretty hard because well I didn't actually know, except that he 
probably wouldn't have gotten himself into this situation in the first 
place.?I'm actually quite surprised WWBRD? wasn't flashing on my?hallucinated 
computer screen. 

WWBRD - What would Bill Russell Do?


[Texascavers] RE: The alter-Epic at Honey Creek Cave

2009-02-05 Thread wwildchild

YIKES!!? I made a HUGE error in my original story. I credited Vivian, when it 
sounds like it was in fact Linda Palit that was my guardian angel and took 
control of me in the camper along with?Kitty Swoboda. Ellie jumped in later. 
And I think it was Kurt that was part of getting all of my camping gear (tent, 
air mattress, etc that I never had a chance to use) back into my car before I 
ever stepped foot out of the camper.? Thank you all so very much and I promise 
to come out more so I can get faces, names and knowledge built up more. In fact 
I think my son and I will be heading out to Longhorn on Saturday so if I didn't 
give you credit where credit is due, please feel free to beat Bill Steel for my 
lapses in memory. ;-)


[Texascavers] The alter-Epic at Honey Creek Cave

2009-02-04 Thread wwildchild

Puppy here.? I haven't opened my texas cavers mail folder in a long time (1,236 
unread messages) since topics tend to vary way off of caving at times but I saw 
the epic Honey Creek title and couldn't help jumping back in to tell my long 
winded epic. So delete now if you've already seen the movie.

Yes I had a bit more of an adventure than everyone else (well except for that 
lucky Ninja brown, but his adventure was fun). Diana isn't to blame and neither 
is Bill (although I won't ever let him forget he forgot me). I pushed myself 
too far by attempting HC 6 days after running a marathon. My feeble attempt to 
help Creature carry a tank back out made me realize just how far gone my body 
was and I should have stuck closer to someone. And by the way Creature is one 
of the most incredible super human cavers I have ever known. I watched her grab 
a tank and practically run when I could barely carry my pack and her Tang at a 
slow crawl. 

This is a bit long but it was my way to document for myself my experience so I 
thought i would share it as well.

I remember passing the water well and yelling a good yahoo knowing the exit 
was near. plus at this point the water is deeper and much easier to float on my 
pack and rest my body with minimal effort of just moving with my toes. then 
came the cold and fog and I thought wow I didn't know there was another air 
access point (hhmmnn wonder if bill knows about this). so I kept going enjoying 
my easy float. then the fog cleared and after a few minutes I realized I 
apparently just had never looked up from following the crowds because this part 
of the cave is quite nice. rock bottom, nice and clear and quite pretty. I 
wondered if somehow I had taken a wrong turn so I stopped, listened and heard 
bill and several others splashing and talking still coming in my direction thus 
i must be going the right way still. I went on about 10 more minutes (I didn't 
have a watch) when I came across a very low ceiling and I knew I had never been 
here before. For the first time in hours my brain actually sparked and said oh 
shit. suddenly all the pieces: fog, cold, etc clicked.I turned back but I 
wasn't panicked because I would run into everyone in 10-15 min I was sure. It 
took about 10min to make my way back to the entrance going at a fast pace only 
to find three harnesses (two extras and my own) hanging but no cable. Not a 
problem they are just in the middle of un hooking people so I put my harness 
on, shined my light up a few times and waited,?5 min later nothing. I shined my 
brightest pelican light up the shaft and yelled for a minute or two but I knew 
that was useless if no one was actually looking down. I've been through this 
exit twice before so I knew it was a mad dash from the shaft to your tent to 
get dry and warm and shove something in your mouth then pass out.? I was 
getting very cold very fast so I set a timeline of yelling for a few more 
minutes then I would focus on sheltering in place for the night. The low was 
around 35 that night and a strong wind comes straight down that shaft but I 
rationalized I couldn't risk moving 

farther back into the cave for fear someone would come back for the gear.

Then my light died and I messed around with an alternate light and switching 
out another light out of creatures bag to make sure I had plenty of backup. I 
still had two long sleeve thermal shirts and two pairs of running tights and 
dry thermal socks that I had in my dry bag for the wait at the end. Creatures 
bag I just found a skimpy pair of spandex hotpants (sorry creature, but I got 
the biggest laugh out of that at that moment since there wasn't enough material 
to keep one nugget warm) The shaft area is all standing water, but through a 
crack near the floor where I could see a shelf of rock just above water level 
in the adjoining room. I put the gear bags against the crack to block the wind 
and went to the other side and moved lots of rock to make a bed. It was 
equivalent to climbing under a standard 2'x5' coffee table. once i was situated 
out of the water I attempted to exchange my boots and neoprene socks for a pair 
of nice dry thermal socks (not easily done with an 18 ceiling) along with the 
two pairs of tights (over my harness of course). my feet were already light 
blue and my toes dark blue when I put the socks on.??I didn't want to put my 
wet boots back on so to keep them dry I dumped out my dry bag and put both feet 
in the bag in case my feet slipped off the shelf during the night into the 
water. I also had two trash bags that I poked my head out the top of that I 
could keep my arms inside and I would breath into the bag to add heat.

So there I laid occasionally pulling my face out of the bag to watch my breath 
freeze in the air. I was shivering quite profusely for what seemed like hours 
but I really don;t know. I thought of all kinds of ways to communicate with the 
top but?most involved getting on the internet to which 

Re: [Texascavers] gas mileage

2008-07-23 Thread wwildchild
Another job outsourced to foreign labor. 

PS: I love you NICO and you are a good caver so take that with all the humor 
that it was intended.

Rumor has it that Nico Escamilla has become the Texas Caver remailer moderator?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Nico Escamilla wrote:

may I suggest that we take this discussion to the OT list?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Sam Young wrote:

(Not that there's any such thing as a car that gets 40 in real life.)


OK, this is not cave related but if someone thinks that me and my Honda do not 
live in real life, I must object.? I just put a new timing belt in my 1992 
Honda Civic VX at 150K miles because I plan to drive it for a long time.? I 
only check the mileage every year or so but the last time I did it was about 46 
mpg on one tank and about 54mpg on the next.? When the car was brand new I 
drove it at 55 mph all day and got 63 mpg.


No, it is not for sale.?  Sam

-Original Message-
From: Don Cooper
To: Nico Escamilla
Cc: Sam Young; texas cavers
Sent: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 7:14 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] gas mileage

Rumor has it that Nico Escamilla has become the Texas Caver remailer moderator?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Nico Escamilla wrote:

may I suggest that we take this discussion to the OT list?

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Sam Young wrote:

(Not that there's any such thing as a car that gets 40 in real life.)


OK, this is not cave related but if someone thinks that me and my Honda do not 
live in real life, I must object.? I just put a new timing belt in my 1992 
Honda Civic VX at 150K miles because I plan to drive it for a long time.? I 
only check the mileage every year or so but the last time I did it was about 46 
mpg on one tank and about 54mpg on the next.? When the car was brand new I 
drove it at 55 mph all day and got 63 mpg.


No, it is not for sale.?  Sam

Re: [Texascavers] caving in austin

2008-01-08 Thread wwildchild


Howdy Y'all?? Nico, we need to work on you English.
I'd gladly take you to Airman's just to see you try?to get through the keyhole, 
but?my arm is still recouping from surgery so crawling is out.? Besides I know 
you have never understood (nor want to) why some of us actually like airman's. 
I still want to take you to Airman's sometime, but there are definily more 
scenic places to go caving around Austin.

-Original Message-
From: Nico Escamilla
To: Texas Cavers;
Sent: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 11:26 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] caving in austin

Howdy y'all

I'm gonna be in Austin the last weekend of this month cause a good friend from 
Utah is coming,
I was wondering if someone in the area could show us a cave or two in or around 
ATX (beginner caves, for she's never caved before) 
please contact me off list

thanks in advance


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Re: [Texascavers] OT - future of automobiles

2007-12-11 Thread wwildchild
Same here Don always?flown in?but never landed.? But I prefer the Cadillac feel 
and exquisit sound of the Super Constellation with its first class seats?(no 
wood floor seating?packed like a sardine)?and its four supercharged turbo 
3200hp engines that pretty much suck you out the side of the plane through one 
of the two opposing side doors directly behind the wing.? Sadly for the added 
luxury, the fuel consumption is about 1,800gal/hr.


-Original Message-
From: Don Cooper
To: Fritz Holt
Cc: George Nincehelser;; 
Bill Walden; Stefan Creaser; 
David Locklear
Sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 3:14 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - future of automobiles

I've flown in several DC-3s, but have never landed in one - I jumped out of 
them every time.
They were cheap flights - no movie, no refreshments and no seats!? Everyone 
always had to sit on a plywood floor dotted with cargo anchors. 
Upon exit - looking 'upward' past your toes as you dive headfirst to earth is a 
NEAT way to see the shrinking underside of a flying DC-3.

I think they are the coolest sounding airplane in the world.? If I hear one 
I'll go outside just to watch it fly over. 

(At maximum climb, the average fuel consumption of a DC3 is about 120 gallons 
per hour.)


On Dec 11, 2007 9:43 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

Strictly an opinion but as the DC3 is obsolete, 3% ain't bad. My first 
commercial flight was on a DC3 from Bryan/College Station to Houston while 
attending Allen Academy in about 1950. My aunt, now living in Houston, was the 
stewardess on this flight. The cadets referred to the military school as 
Sing-Sing on the Brazos. And yes, I was an incorrigible young man. Other than 
the obvious, I'm guessing that the 3% is due to the plane being slow, expensive 
to maintain and possibly not too fuel efficient.



From: George Nincehelser [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:12 AM
Cc: Bill Walden; Fritz Holt; Stefan Creaser; David Locklear

Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - future of automobiles

Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - future of automobiles


From the figures I've seen, there are only around 3% of them still in 
(limited) service.


And some of those are around 70 years old!? Do they even let commerical pilots 
that old fly?




On 12/10/07, Don Cooper wrote: 

DC3's are not pressurized.? Thus, they don't have the stress factor of being 
inflated and deflated like a balloon every time they fly.? That is one reason 
so many are still around today. 

On Dec 10, 2007 5:08 PM, Bill Walden wrote: 

Gee, how many DC3's are still flying! The DeLorian was stainless steel.
There was a version of the Jaguar XK150 that was aluminum. I recall that
my college roommate's older brother had one. The body was cast aluminum! 
I believe those aluminum bodied Jags to be rare.


George Nincehelser wrote:
 A big drawback of aluminum is its metal fatigue characteristics. ?You
 pretty much have to expect that it's eventually going to fail, but you 
 really don't know when.

 What I find really disturbing is that aluminum is used for airplanes.
 The only reason they aren't falling out of the air more often is they
 put a time limit on how long you can use the parts. 

 Just another reason I don't like to fly.


 On 12/10/07, *Fritz Holt* wrote:

 ? ? I wonder why Ford or GM hasn't started making car bodies and more 
 ? ? other
 ? ? parts from aluminum. I would believe that we (U S residents and
 ? ? visitors) throw away more aluminum cans than the rest of the world
 ? ? combined.
 ? ? For whatever reason, I have heard that some large aluminum corporation 
 ? ? ceased their recycling operations in the recent past. Could producing
 ? ? new aluminum really be more cost efficient than recycling? The only
 ? ? automobile body made of aluminum that I can recall was a limited 
 ? ? run of
 ? ? DeLorians which are now collectibles demanding big prices. I
 ? ? assume that
 ? ? Mr. DeLorian's personal problems led to the demise of the company.
 ? ? These
 ? ? cars were hailed as really high tech automobiles. I would like to hear
 ? ? from an informed source as to why no aluminum auto bodies with the
 ? ? manufacturer's quest for better gas mileage which would be aided 
 ? ? greatly
 ? ? by weight reduction. For an interesting read, Google Delorian and the
 ? ? auto and its founder, John Z. DeLorian pops up.
 ? ? Fritz

 ? ? -Original Message- 
 ? ? From: Stefan Creaser [
 ? ? mailto:]
 ? ? Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 1:10 PM 
 ? ? To: David 

Re: [Texascavers] RE: Honey Creek/Airmen's

2007-12-05 Thread wwildchild

I'm 6'2 and I kind of like the One-Legged Man.? But you don't have to do that 
anymore - we made a bypass years ago.? Or did that collapse?


Mark Minton

Bypass is still there. I'm too short to make it through one legged man without 
a lot of trouble especially dealing with a pack.

-Original Message-
From: Minton, Mark
Sent: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 10:56 am
Subject: [Texascavers] RE: Honey Creek/Airmen's

?? Gregg said:


Airmen's is right here in Austin.? It supposedly has going leads.? But no one 
seems willing to go back that far to survey.? So maybe it is harder than 
diving Honey Creek.


? I've worked on the leads at the back of Airmen's and also on some at 
points along the way.? As far as I know there?are no open leads.? Everything 
involves digging.? There is good air in places, but it is a hell of a long way 
to go just to dig, which is why few people have bothered.? The potential is 
great, though, and the cave no doubt goes a long way past it's currently 
known?end.? Talk to William Russell about where the leads are.? I'm sure he'd 
be glad to tell you.? :-)


I took a marathon runner to the back once.? It took him all trip to determine 
which was harder, running 28 miles in one shot or going to the back of 
Airmen's.? He decided the marathon was harder.


? Bill Steele once brought a triathlete to Honey Creek on a pretty hard 
trip.? The poor guy had never been caving before, and he never knew what hit 
him.? We would play with him, getting ahead and then waiting.? When he showed 
up huffing and puffing Bill would say, Well, ready to go?? He later said he 
thought he was in shape, but he wasn't so sure after that trip.? I don't think 
he ever went caving again, at least not in Honey Creek, so I guess he thought 
caving was harder.? ;-)? (Seriously though, what's harder is a matter of what 
you're used to.? I'd probably die off in a triathlon.)


Tall people hate the one-legged man, too, though I've seen two different 6' 
4'' cavers do it.


? I'm 6'2 and I kind of like the One-Legged Man.? But you don't have to do 
that anymore - we made a bypass years ago.? Or did that collapse?


Mark Minton

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Re: [Texascavers] Breakthrough in Texas Longest Cave

2007-12-03 Thread wwildchild

James Brown, It's about time you made it through that little hole. Bravo, your 
my new hero! I guess this means you'll want to go back with more gear (like 
boots). :)

I'm thinking maybe Will and the dozen cavers that went to the boneyard should 
have gone first with all the gear at sunrise and left all the gear at the 
boneyard for the upstream team to pickup and carry on to the end.?

Congrats?to all that made it, it's one trip that I can honestly say that I 
wanted to make?again, but I enjoyed my shoulder surgery Wednesday much more 
than I would have enjoyed the tank haul and I would still say that even if I 
hadn't had push button morphine available to me.

BILL STEELE, Your the man. You keep puting these trips together, scraping up 
bodies to haul from where ever you can, trying to push that cave further and 
now you have more footage to add to your map and it's only because you made it 
happen.? Good Job Bill. I look forward to seeing the new revised T-shirt.


-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 7:10 am
Subject: [Texascavers] Breakthrough in Texas Longest Cave

Texas cavers,

The upstream HS sump of Honey Creek Cave was cracked over the weekend.  Ace 
diver James Brown, now living in the Dallas area, did a cave dive of about 
feet, exploring and laying 165 feet of new line beyond what John Schwayan 
explored and laid in 1989 and 1990.  James emerged in air-filled steam passage 
beyond.  He tied off his dive line and looked closely, but he did not have 
to wear so he could climb up out of the water.  The air was good and he said he 
saw surface crayfish.

It was a monumental effort, with Brown and a 15 person support team to carry 
dive gear.  The reason for so many people in the support team is the extreme 
challenge of reaching the HS sump, which requires six hours of travel through 
the cave using the shaft entrance to this 20 mile-long cave.  Of the 16 cavers 
who headed to the sump, 11 made it there and all carried part of the load for 
some distance.  There were eight loads, broken up into two tanks, four large 
Pelican cases, fins, beoyancy compensator, wetsuit and two masks.  

Those reaching the sump were:

Jon ArendtASS   
Branndon Bargo   Austin 
James Brown  D/FW Grotto
Bobby DeVos  D/FW Grotto
Tom Florer  Bexar Grotto
Mark Gee   D/FW Grotto
Ted Lee   San Antonio
Vivan Loftin  UTG   
Bill Steele D/FW Grotto 
Diana Tomchick  D/FW Grotto 
Drew Whitmore   ASS 

Those in support who carried gear some of the way:

Pete Chomack  D/FW Grotto
Chris Cole   Maverick Grotto
Daniel Dase  Maverick Grotto
Edwin Lehr  D/FW Grotto
George Paul Richmann  GHG

We entered the cave at 11:00 Saturday morning, reaching the sump at 
approximately 5:00 p.m.  Breaking down the gear and Brown dressing out took 
about two hours.  His dive lasted two hours.  Undressing and repacking took 
about an hour.  We headed out at 10:00 p.m.  James Brown was the first pulled 
the shaft entrance at 2:00 a.m.  The last three to exit the cave were Bobby 
DeVos, Bill Steele, and Diana Tomchick, who emerged at 4:00 a.m. after 17 hours 

Will Harris, of the D/FW Grotto, led a dozen cavers to the Boneyard passage, 
entering the shaft entrance after the dive team left.  

Kurt Menking (Bexar Grotto) and his son Justin were in huge support by 
the ranch and entrance gates, bringing the ranch's tractor to the entrance, and 
supervising the cutting of Mexican juniper on the ranch Sunday morning.  Kurt 
and Justin did the Grand Finale loop in the cave on Saturday, through the very 
low airspace which connects back to the main stream, in the surprisingly swift 
time of an hour and a half from the shaft entrance back to the same.

A very special thanks goes out to Don Broussard and Don Morley, who volunteered 
to do tractor duty.  Broussard slept Saturday night on the concrete pad at the 
base of the shaft tower in order to be awakened when the first cavers arrived 
be pulled up.  That began at 2:00 a.m., and Broussard and Morley were then busy 
for the next four hours.

I have been heralding the trip to the upstream HS sump of Honey Creek as the 
toughest caving trip in the state of Texas.  I meant with a share of the dive 
gear, that is.  Vivian Loftin isn't so sure.  Having done it, she thinks maybe 
trip to the back of Airman's Cave is tougher.  I'll have to do that again soon 
to see if I agree.

Bill Steele
Irving, Texas

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[Texascavers] Re:[Texascavers] OT license plates

2007-11-28 Thread wwildchild
www.publicdata.comis what i have used before. there is a fee. puppy =:-)

-Original Message-
From: Nico Escamilla
Sent: November 28, 2007 9:43:00 PM GMT
To: Texas Cavers List
Subject: [Texascavers] OT license plates

Is there a way in TX to find out who the owner of a trailer is if I have the
license plate number?
I thought of asking a cop but maybe they dont give out that kind of info, I
might be wrong.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [Texascavers] Hand Made Vertical Cave Near Houston

2007-11-13 Thread wwildchild

I've been through some of?the drainage tunnels (The main ones are about 8-10' 
dia brick/stone) under downtown in recent years, and I just want to say that 
there is no way anyone could talk me into?ever doing a restoration project down 
there. :)? 100+ lb chunks of broken manhole covers everywhere to say the least.?


-Original Message-
From: Louise Power
To: Don Cooper; Cavers, Texas
Sent: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:45 am
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Hand Made Vertical Cave Near Houston

Certain members of the then Rice Speleological Society (myself 
included)?frequently explored the caves of Houston--unless, of course, it was 
raining. We never did get caught. And there was even talk about doing a parody 
Caves of Houston publication (that was in the good ol' days when Jon Everage 
was still doing some of the cave publications). We thought we'd just get a copy 
of the Houston?storm sewer system, mark where the more spectacular speleothems 
were and submit it. Never did it. Now, I'm sorta sorry.

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:56:08 -0600
Subject: [Texascavers] Hand Made Vertical Cave Near Houston

Lacking any caves near his house near Houston, my brother has apparently 
outdone that fact and chooses to go underground anyway.
Actually, the 17 foot deep hole is to be the anchorage for a giant pole he's 
putting up in his back yard for a 50Kw wind turbine. 


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Re: [Texascavers] kayving?

2007-11-07 Thread wwildchild


Ok, in addition to numerous other stupid accomplishments, I have placed 3rd in 
what is billed as the hardest kayak race in the world and I have done? (twice) 
what Bill S says is the hardest cave in Texas, but let me just say that anyone 
that wants to do 40'+ drops into a 6' pool? in a kayak is f*king NUTS!! 



-Original Message-
From: Nico Escamilla
To: Texas Cavers List
Sent: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 9:17 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] kayving?

Check out this website about a few kayakers wanting to do a thru trip
on their kayaks
in a cave in Chiapas. At least one of them is a caver, Jerry Fant


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Re: [Texascavers] (A pox on Both their houses) RE: Off-Topic Satellite Radio

2007-10-18 Thread wwildchild
I have XM, I can't compare it to Sirius since I have never tried it. But let me 
say this, I love it. I can drive from Houston to Monterrey MX listening to the 
same channel without hearing one commercial or losing the signal. (Fungus and 
Squizz, both punk stations are my favorites) an Important factor is that 
XM?brodcasts every major league baseball game, but I think Sirius has all NBA. 
You can program?traffic ?weather for large cities, sports and stock tickers 
for the teams and stock you like. and mine has a continuous recorded loop so I 
can pause, or listen to any song played inthe last 30 minutes again.

I have a skyfi2 which is a portable just larger?than a?pack of cards that snaps 
into a docking station on my home stereo (external antena?is on?my roof) and a 
small docking station in my?car, and a stereo with a dock station?on my desk at 
work.?So I have one subscription but I can use my radio at home, car and 
work.?However, at work I am just lucky that my office has a window to the 
South.?I think I prefer the latest Roady model for size though.

I do not know how much farther South of Monterrey XM works but I have heard 
rumor of some of my sailing friends getting it all the way in Veracruz. XM 
however says (for legal reasons) that it is only good in the US.? 

Also if you pay more than $77 for a year subscription (and with $0 
actuivation)?your paying too much.?There are many promo codes out there for 
$77/yr some are specific to GM cars but the telephone operators do not know if 
your radio is actually in a GM car. And if you get an operator that says that 
promo code expired just call back and try a different operator. Just insist on 
the $77 deal and you will get it. 3 years running for me. And most of the promo 
codes are from 2003 but if you demand it they will let you use it. 

here is one promo code for Scion,XMSCION03$77_for_1_year

And the skyfi2 has?several options for easy instal in?you car.?cassette adapter 
(yep my truck still has a cassette tape player, a direct?input jack?(if you car 
has an Ipod?input jack), or you can set the reciever to a blank FM channell and 
you can broadcast it to your radio.??


PS: You can buy new in box recievers for both systems on ebay for about 1/2 off 

-Original Message-
From: Ted Samsel
Sent: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 7:06 am
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] (A pox on Both their houses) RE: Off-Topic Satellite 

RE XM  Sirius

Not only did they drop polka planet, all the country they have on is pretty boy 
hat-act crapola..

No Hank (Williams/Thompson/Snow) and no Merle or George or Tammy or Skeeter.

There ain't no justice!!



If I had my life to live over, I wouldn't have time

?? Roger Miller
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Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news ( Vista )

2007-10-08 Thread wwildchild

If you have your windows update set to automatic (and depending on the settings 
you choose) you already have all of the updated patches, if not then just 
manually start windows update. It's simple, automatic, and almost fool-proof.  
A remember the days when MS bug fixes were over a year apart and we rushed 
out to BUY the latest version of DOS with the latest fix. 

“Pessimists have already begun to worry about what is going to replace 
automation”  (UK)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a 
pretty and well preserved body,but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used 
up,totally burned out, and loudly proclaiming, 
WOW  What a ride! (UK)

-Original Message-
From: David Locklear
Sent: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 2:28 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] OT - computer news ( Vista )

Please delete if you have no interest in Vista updates.

This past week, Microsoft has released 4 new major patches for Vista.
or to see the whole recent list:
This should show all the updates in date order.
Some bloggers have reported minor problems with these new patches

oes anyone know if you purchase Windows XP in the store, if it
ontains all the latest patches; or will you still need to install all of
he updates after purchasing it.I am just curious.
The article below is from over a month ago, but indicates that Microsoft
ill NOT be shipping Vista Service Pack 1 for the holiday season.
In my opinion, if they want to sell more Vista machines during the holiday
eason, then they should put something on the package to show that
he Vista bugs are not present in that machine. They could call it
P 1/2 or something; or at least claim that 1/2 the bugs are no longer
resent.  From what I can tell, the driver support from the vendors
s still a problem. And older laptops with less than 2 Gb of RAM
eem to be too slow for Vista.
I am glad I haven't bought it yet.  If Windows releases a new XP, and
t plays the card games ( Freecell ) like Vista, then I will just stick with
David Locklear
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Re: [Texascavers] OT - homebrewing query

2007-09-18 Thread wwildchild
Wow, I like how Sandi works.? She is gathering people that do homebrew to bring 
homebrew to her location. That is such a novel idea, that I am going to say 
that I love Chili so I am going to gather all of you who would like to make? 
some chili to come to my camp (with your chili) so we can discuss and taste the 
different chilis, or better yet we can meet at Sandi's camp and try the beer 
and chili together.?:)

Actually Sandi I'll let you?know that with only 4 weeks until TCR there is 
enough time to brew your own, but I prefer to age mine a bit more than that.? 
I'll send you some links off-list so you can get a basic brewing kit if you 
want. If you lived in HOuston I would say come on over on Saturday and see how 
it's done, but perhaps someone in your area is brewing that can invite you 

I can not think of a single caving adventure that I did not partake in a beer 
during that day (liquid carbohydrates)?so I think beer is cave related, plus 
your trying to gather like minded individuals at TCR so this seems?very?cave 
related. But, I'll do the rest off list.

I like beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a 
pretty and well preserved body,but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used 
up,totally burned out, and loudly proclaiming, 
WOW  What a ride! (UK)

-Original Message-
From: Sandi Calhoun
Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:52 am
Subject: [Texascavers] OT - homebrewing query

Ok, so this is not really caving related, but since many cavers like beer and I
would like to brew some beer, and potentially bring some of my homemade brew to
TCR, this somewhat-in-a-roundabout-fashion pertains to cavers.

I have never brewed anything drinkable before, but since I work with yeast and
other microbes on a pretty regular basis, I think it's high time the little
buggers started doing something nice for me for a change (well, other than that
whole furthering my research thing). It has come to my attention that some of
you out there may have dabbled in homebrewing and might be interested in
helping me out/sharing knowledge/equipment/whatever.  If this be true, please
reply to me off-list and maybe I can organize some sort of homebrew related
gathering so we can all pool our collective resources and/or passion for
drinking the byproduct of yeast metabolism.


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Re: [Texascavers] More from a Florida caver on the storm, plus photo link

2007-07-27 Thread wwildchild
I do recall one message from John Locklear saying he would be sleeping under a 
tarp.??I hope he didn't seek?refuge in a porta-john.?? The possibilities of 
irony would be endless. 

Humor aside, I truly hope?John and everyone else?is ok and dry.??I image those 
that were stuck in the storm were really wishing they had gone caving. 


Life is a sexually transmitted disease, we are all terminal. The difference is 
living till that moment or simply waiting for that moment. 

-Original Message-
From: Fritz Holt
Sent: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:50 pm
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] More from a Florida caver on the storm, plus photo 

I hope that no one was in the portajohn? at the time of the fire and caught 
with their pants down.


From: [] 
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:22 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] More from a Florida caver on the storm, plus photo link


The red cross brought dry blankets last night to folks, etc. Today is the last 
day of convention anyway. I know I am leaving after the banquet tonight, my 
stuff is all packed up, and i just went to the laundry mat with about 50 other 
cavers to get stuff dry. 

Here are some photos someone took of the campground after the storm.


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Re: [Texascavers] a border crossing ordeal

2007-06-27 Thread wwildchild

So, due to events beyond my control I had to buy 2 expensive plane?
tickets for my?
family to fly to Monterrey. ( that was not in my budget ).?

due to events beyond my control, David I think those pshyco analysts call 
that denial, or perhaps it's something about not taking responsibility for 
one's own actions.??YOU have had 4 years to return your previous vehicle 
permit which you agreed to do when you applied for and recieved your previous 
vehicle permit.? The money part sucks, but many people on this list have 
emphasized the importance of returning that permit.?At least you found out 
about the old permit while here in Houston instead of?at the border.?


-Original Message-
From: David Locklear
Sent: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:17 am
Subject: [Texascavers] a border crossing ordeal

I found myself in a situation were I unexpectedly needed to get a?
car permit to go to Mexico.?
After learning all the red-tape at the Mexican Consulate's office in Houston,?
I was about to get a new permit, when the clerk pulled up my history on?
the computer and found an un-returned permit from 4 years ago.?
( so they are at least networked with one of the crossing's down there )?
The car is not driveable, so if I ever want to drive in Mexico again,?
I will have?
to spend about 2 grand and then drive it down there.?
( I wonder if I can just take them the windshield )?
There was a loophole. They said I could bring my mom in with some kind?
of affidavit testifying that she has seen the car for the past 4 years?
in the US.?
( Why just my mom - why not my dad or wife ? ) Anyways I am not?
going to do that.?
So, due to events beyond my control I had to buy 2 expensive plane?
tickets for my?
family to fly to Monterrey. ( that was not in my budget ).?
For the past year or so, I have been following the passport story. I did not?
feel any sympathy for the procrastonator's who waited till the last minute to?
order a passport, partly because I have a passport. But in the rush of the?
events, I failed to realize that my 2 year old would need a passport. ( she?
has been to Mexico 3 or 4 times with no problems. )?
But I had a sigh of relief, because I remembered the State Dept. post-poned the?
The current rule, says you have to show proof that you have applied for a?
passport even for toddlers. ( and that is also what the airlines?
and the post office?
told us )?
So we rushed to apply for the passport. Try doing this with kids.?
It is chaotic.?
( I missed a 1/2 a day at work ) and that cost $ 82, that was not in?
my budget.?
But that is not the worst of it.?
IT TAKES 2 WEEKS to get PROOF from the State 'Department that you have?
applied for a passport.?
All we have is a cashier's receipt, which they claim is not valid proof.?
They also confiscated her birth certificate, so now we have to go get another?
And the expensive plane tickets are non-refundable.?
I have a feeling their trip is going to suck, and they are going to come home?
on the bus, if they even manage to get there.?
David Locklear?
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Re: [Texascavers] take this mpg Dave L

2007-06-18 Thread wwildchild

The beers that I like (I said beers not bears) are between 15-30 grams of 
carbohydrates thus 1 or two beers is about the same as a packet of Goo.  Liquid 
carbohydrates man, it's the energy drink of the future, today! Go to almost any 
marathon and you will find runners drinking beer around mile 24 (seriously).  
Ahhh the great american economy where gasoline,while expensive, is cheaper than 
buying water or beer from your local quickie mart.  Rest assured that if the 
day comes when grains are used for fuel and there are not enough grains left 
over to make beer, there will be a revolt.  A revolt of catostrophic 


Yes I am a sinner, but  I pray to St. Arnold of Metz for redemtion, 12 ounces 
at a time. 

The TGIF funny from last week on

From my brother Carl .

A 2006 study found that the average  American walks about 900
miles a year.

Another study found that Americans  drink an average of 22
gallons of beer a year.

That  means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles per

Not Bad.

My question is do cavers get better or worse mileage?


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Re: [Texascavers] RE: The Hardest Caving Trip in Texas

2007-05-23 Thread wwildchild
I no longer think of going to the sump as being a hard and incredibly difficult 
trip but that opinion is restricted to simply having a pack of typical caving 
gear.  But when you add to the typical gear of water/food/lights and add 
Hauling a 35+ lb scuba tank in your pack, or 25+lb large pelican case that 
doesn't fit in a backpack then it makes life downright miserable (at least for 
me).  And I need to find a backpack that won't rip apart at the seams.

my only regret was that I lost a nice submersible camera in the thigh high mud 
area after it broke off my pack.  It would be interesting to see if it is ever 
seen again. I know within about 100' of where it should be, but I'm not quite 
willing to haul another tank past that area just to look and I was just too 
tired on the way out to care. :7


It's not power I seek, just the ability to witness the quantum entanglement of 
electrons in all states at the same time along with witnessing the effects of: 
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news

2007-05-04 Thread wwildchild
Wow, and to think that my Commodore Vic 20 with 5k of RAM actually ran an 
operating system at all.  Since your talking bogomips, it would be in the 
neighborhood of .004
And to make the cave/computer relationship, I havn't been able to open lately. :7
It's not power I seek, just the ability to witness the quantum entanglement of 
electrons in all states at the same time along with witnessing the effects of 
one number: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 3 May 2007 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news

Well, as much as I'd like to say the 'bloatation' of Windows is a microsoft 
problem - 
I've noticed enhanced feature performance hindrance every bit as much (or even 
more) in the X-Windows, shareware realm of Gnome (graphic environment for RH 
(and other) Linux(es)).  
The '2000 release' of RH 7 Linux runs (almost) decently fast on a 233Mhz 
Pentium I MMX.
I don't mean way way up there in bogomips, but it doesn't lag.
But - running Fedora 6 on a 500Mhz Celeron machine was downright 'painful'. 
(More than a scant 128M of memory, MIGHT have helped, though)
[Painful also in that it showed me I wasn't all that in configuring Samba.]
XP, being less promiscuous than Win98 has made communicating with my Linux 
droids impossible in their role as file servers.  Easy still, to FTP or 
Telnet, but that SMB thing... argh!! 

I guess somewhere there's a perfectly 'well put adage' about how operating 
system overhead always increases to the degree that cutting edge hardware will 
suffer only slightly.

As an ancient Chinese philosopher, (or somebody in the Firesign Theater), (or 
both), once said, ...dig a big enough hole and everybody will want to jump 
Or some other wise guy -
 Any foot - sufficiently large, will have a shoe made that will fit it. (But 
only the horse led to water will, if the shoe fits, wear it)


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Re: [Texascavers] Cave BASE jumping

2007-04-05 Thread wwildchild
I don't drink red bull, but yea if you have juju I'll take it and say thankya.  
As long as that pit is 800 foot minimum lets go! Think of it as an adventure. 
You'll either remember it or not. I will give you the guaranteed to learn on 
your first jump course or your money back. I personally prefer something 
higher, but base rigs do not have a reserve so if you mess up on the first try 
your not going to remember it, kind of like rigging your ascender the wrong way 
on 50'+ drop, your not going to remember it (hopefully).  Perhaps they should 
change BASE to BE_SAP to include Pits instead of lumping them into Earth. Now 
of course the dumb f*cks that have jumped from a plane into a pit before 
opening, now they are just plain loco I tell you.  
Destined to be Feyo Y loco, since I already have the Feyo part down tight.
-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Cave BASE jumping

thats the kind of stuff people do when they mix redbull with some other juju..

neat video

On 4/5/07, wrote:

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CaveTex: Bustamante/GPS waypoints

2007-03-26 Thread wwildchild
I am traveling to La Gruta del Palmito in Bustamante Labor day weekend, which 
will be my first trip accross the border via vehicle, not to mention my lack of 
spanish speaking skills.  I found info from the past bustamante restoration 
projects as to procedure for crossing the border etc, but I was curious if 
anyone had some Garmin GPS waypoints and tracts getting to the area.
I was just looking for one more thing to make my trip easier in a foreign land. 
So if you have waypoints of tracts you could send me off list I would greatly 
appreciate it.

CaveTex: Car title question at border going to bustamonte

2007-03-26 Thread wwildchild
I'm traveling to  La Gruta del Palmito near Bustamante on Saturday for my first 
trip ever driving accross the border and I just found a problem with my title 
and I wanted to see if anyone has experience with this.  
I have an Original Title in my name as owner, there is one lien holder and the 
lien holder realeased the lien in 2002 by signing the release of lien and 
dating it on the face of the title where it says release of lien. There isn't 
space or requirement for a notary so it's just the banks signature and date in 
the release of lien area.
I do not have time to get a new title form the state of texas without the 
leineholder on it, nor to get anything notorized from the bank (which I don't 
think even exists anymore) before Saturday. 
I planned on traveling through the Columbia crossing.  Is it likely I can 
actually make it through or am I wasting my time trying? 
-Original Message-
From: Edward Sevcik
Sent: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:02:06 -0500
Subject: CaveTex: Labor Day Deep and Punkin Trip - need ride from Austin

Though Geary kindly listed the names of people who are going, I don't know 
where many of you live so I am asking if anyone can provide me a ride from (and 
back to) Austin.  I am pretty flexible on leaving time. I live on West 6th St 
near Mopac.  Anyone who wants someone to help pay for fuel, contact me off the 


At 09:42 PM 8/30/2005, you wrote:


This coming weekend is the Labor Day weekend and is an excellent opportunity to 
visit the newest acquisition of the Texas Cave Management Association ? The 
Deep and Punkin Nature Preserve. We are having a work trip/trip leader training 
trip starting on Friday, September 2 through Monday, September 5. We have had a 
number of folks sign up for the weekend but still have openings. If you?re 
interesting in seeing the property as well as Deep Cave, this would be an ideal 
weekend. You may also visit Punkin Cave for the bat flight but entrance to the 
cave will likely be restricted until sometime in November after the bats have 

We will be performing work around the property as well as arranging caving 
trips. Main requirements this weekend is to have fun, work a little, and enjoy 
the weekend. You?re welcome to stay one or more nights. Also, the property is 
close to Devils River State National Area, Del Rio, and Seminole Canyon, and 
Lake Amistad National Recreation Area. 

We will conduct trip leader training trips as well site seeing trips into Deep 
Cave. If there is interest, we can also lead some photography trips into the 

We will do some general work on the property including cutting of brush, 
hauling stuff and some painting. If you have room for tools, we can us loppers, 
shovels, 5-gallon plastic buckets to haul rock, garden rakes, chain saws and 
bow saws, etc. 

Please bring all of the food and water that you think you will need for the 
weekend. There is a small stove and refrigerator at the site but you may want 
to bring a portable stove as 20+ people trying to cook on one stove top may be 
a bit much. Also, please bring chairs, tents, and sleeping pads. We will try 
and cook some more Dutch Oven desserts around the fire in the evenings.  For 
everyone coming up.  Also, there is a grill but you may need to bring charcoal. 
Please do not bring any wood to the site. The NRCS representative recommended 
against bringing any wood or plants onto the site to minimize the spread of 
fire ants and oak wilt.

Bunk space.  I am asking that two or three bunk spaces be reserved on the 
bottom bunks for foks that either need breathing machines or joint pains.  Let 
me know if you have any special needs and we'll try to make accomidations.  If 
you're driving, remember to watch the speed limit on 377.

Dogs and children are welcome as long as they are well behaved.

We have a nice group of folks going this weekend and I think everyone will have 
a great time.

If you have any questions about this weekend, please feel free to contact me at 
home at 210-479-2151 or work at 210-222-2204. 

If you reply to this email, make sure that you leave Deep and Punkin in the 
heading or you may get spam blocked.

Let me know if you need directions.  Also, don't forget your cave gear.  I'll 
be arriving some time before 9 pm.  If you are there early, make yourself at 

Thanks and hope you can make it. 

Geary Schindel


Some folks that were interested in car pooling asked that I list the names of 
folks coming this weekend.

Mark Alman

Son Alman

Graham Schindel

Aspen Schindel

Sue Schindel

Geary Schindel

Logan McNatt

Susan Chelf

Falicia Vereland

Erin Vereland

Rick Corbel

Erin Corbel

Bob Cowell?

Carl Ponobcheck?

Michelle Bryant

Paul Bryant

Steve Bryant

Walter Feister

Cindy Ditullio

Steve DiTullio

Don Auburn

Jennie Auburn

Eric Holman

Malissa Holman

Brian Holman

Evan Holman


CaveTex: A noobies first adventure to Bustamante

2007-03-26 Thread wwildchild
Several people on cave-tex helped me so I wanted to post a trip report on my 
adventure to Bustamante Mex this past weekend.  My name is Roy Lewis (my 
friends call me Puppy) I live near Galveston and I am new to caving, just a few 
trips through most of the Texas show caves (as a tourist), and a few small wild 
caves in NM along with a few trips in Airman?s as far as Sherwood forest along 
with my oldest son Ian (13).  I have only had the chance to go to one Houston 
Grotto meeting due to my schedule but I will definitely be making more room in 
the future. The adventure getting to the cave is half the story so if you want 
to get to the cave skip down about a page, or just delete now if it?s all old 
news to ya.
I wanted to go to Grutas de Palmito in Bustamante Mex after seeing info on a 
project that TSA did on Presidents day.  I met another caver that lived in San 
Leon MX on the forum and I decided Labor day weekend I would 
make my first drive ever across the border.  I gathered quite a bit of info 
from the TSA site on the presidents day project regarding vehicle and tourist 
permits etc, and a few cavers helped me out with waypoints to get me from the 
border to Bustamonte along with numerous tips (Which were VERY helpful!! ) The 
way point I loved the most was labeled as BEER. :)
So how hard could Mexico possibly be knowing only a few words in Spanish? Since 
I was meeting someone in Bustamonte, I thought no problemo.  After a little 
confusion at the Columbian crossing by entering the wrong building I was 
finally directed to the correct building that I had already passed.  In tow 
were my kids Ian and Bryce (9,13) and my wife Gaylynn.  Bryce was quite 
startled when the customs officer smiled and gave him tikle to his ribs and 
tossed his hair about. His first exposure to a new culture, a.  We got our 
tourista cards and then the vehicle permit without any hassle, but I was 
surprised none of the Mexican agents were bi-lingual, oh well we figured it all 
out with hand gestures. So I smiled said gracias, adios and went on our way. 
About 3 miles later we met the Mexican Military.  An officer looked into my 
wife?s window to look into the back seat giving Gaylynn a good view down the 
barrel of an M-16.  And I had to show my vehicle permit papers. Then off we go. 
We discovered that road work involving big holes in the road are not blocked 
off with barricades but rather just indicated with a small pile of rocks.  Once 
past Anuhac we saw a huge cemetery that we cruised through and were totally 
amazed as to the size and detail of the marble surrounding the graves. 
Moving on, past lampuzo? we got hungry so we stopped at a roadside stand with 
one table, and a grill full of chicken, and goat.  So (in sign language again 
and my knowledge of polo and carne (the carne got a laugh)) I managed to order 
2 plates with a half a chicken on each and a side of goat ribs I think along 
with a stack of tortillas and two big cups of really good beans.  We shreaded 
the meat, wrapped it up in the tortillas and ate our first mex meal. A few 
sodas and a refill on the beans and we made it out of there for about 80 pesos 
($8).  On to Bustamonte.
Driving into the mountains was gorgeous for someone like me that has lived in 
Houston too long.  Upon arriving at the Agua de canyon I just handed the guy a 
100 peso bill unknowing of how much he had asked for and he brought me back 10, 
as it turns out, entry was 30 pesos per person So I guess the 9 year old was 
We set up 1 tent down near the end past the last spring, not quite knowing if 
we could camp there or if we wanted to due to noise and then went swimming.  We 
ran into two Americans that now live in Monterey and it was nice to talk 
English and ask some questions.  They suggested we move to a quieter place 
which we did later down to what we believe was campground #3, we were the only 
campers, we had great shade, next to the spring and a restroom. And butterflies 
everywhere!!  And all this for just $3 a person I liked this. 
That night we ate at Hotel Ancira and my friend from San Leon was suppose to 
find me but he never did.  The owners son knew English so ordering dinner was 
easy and the food was good.  The next morning Nico still had not found us and 
apperantly had looked near the spring at the end. So I was expecting to have to 
hike up to the cave. :(  So I shedde the jeans and switched to shorts and 
repacked the backpacks for more water which was tough since the helmets take up 
so much space. 
Upon arriving at the parking lot beneath the trail Nico shows up with an Austin 
caver and geologist named Gordon, which also has a 4x4 truck . (big smiles 
here).   We loaded into Gordon?s truck and headed to the cave after paying 20 
pesos per person to get through the gate.  The 2.5 miles up to the cave would 
be pretty tough if not impossible with my 2 wheel drive f-150, so the fact we 