wire legacy ajax (jquery) widget to Wicket page

2012-10-05 Thread Simon B

I've got a relatively complex jquery filter widget (for a property listings
site) which allows users to filter properties using a number of criteria
(neigbourhood, price range, property type, bedrooms etc).

The widget works well (at least on the old site) and I want to carry on
using it on the new wicket site.

I've build the page for property filter list (ListRealtyAdverts) and its
serving up the jquery widget fine using renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) to
include the jquery js files and also using TextTemplate interpolation.

The jquery  widget initiates a $.ajax({}) call to the server, which then
returns a text/html response, 

an example of the url of the $.ajax call is: 


My question is what is the best way to plumb the above call (I can obviously
change the url) so that the text/html is returned by wicket, is there a
special kind of AjaxPageResource or something?

How do I get the url for the ajax resource? 

I'm using Wicket 1.5.8.



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Re: wire legacy ajax (jquery) widget to Wicket page

2012-10-09 Thread Simon B
Hi Martin, 

Thanks for your post, in the end I found this post on thewicketevangelist //
Jeff Schwartz who doesn't post so much any more (I think he has switched
from wicket to node js), which is a shame as his blog is really instructive: 


Anyway what I did was add the widget as a AbstractAjaxBehavior and implement
the renderHead(Component, IHeaderResonse) and onRequest() methods. 

For anyone interested the implementations where along the lines of: 
   @Override   public void renderHead(Component _component, IHeaderResponse
_response) {  super.renderHead(_component, response); 
renderHeaderJs(_response, JS_BOOTSTRAP);  ... more rendering of other js
files ...  MapString, String variables = new HashMapString,
String();  variables.put(jsCurrenciesArray, getJsCurrenciesArray()); 
... more interpolated variables ...  variables.put(callbackUrl,
getCallbackUrl().toString());  TextTemplate packageTextTemplate = new
PackageTextTemplate(MyJqueryWidgetBehavior.class, JS_INIT); 
_response.renderOnDomReadyJavaScript(packageTextTemplate.asString());   }  
private void renderHeaderJs(IHeaderResponse _response, String
_inPackageJsFile) {  if (!_response.wasRendered(_inPackageJsFile)) {
_inPackageJsFile)); _response.markRendered(_inPackageJsFile);  }  
}   @Override   public void onRequest() {  RequestCycle requestCycle =
RequestCycle.get();  Request request = requestCycle.getRequest(); 
IRequestParameters irp = request.getRequestParameters();  // construct
the filter to be run against the mw from the parameters in the ajax
request...  Filter filter = getFilterFromParameters(irp);  // run
the filter using the injected manager (  // check out
getBehaviorInstantiationListeners().add(wicketGuiceInjector); in the
Application class  realtyAdvertManager.runFilter(filter);  // create
a model from the results of the filter  ListModel realtyAdvertModel =
new ListModel(filter.getBeans());  // use the model to create a results
panel  FilterResults newResults = new FilterResults(results,
realtyAdvertModel); // replace the model in the component heirarchy 
Component oldResults = getComponent().get(results); 
oldResults.replaceWith(newResults); // write it out to the request so
that it blats over the original results panel 
ComponentRenderingRequestHandler(newResults));   }

Anyway thanks to Jeff Schwartz for his original blog post.  And thank you
Martin for taking the time to post another solution.

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Link url in ListView on ajaxed panel not resolving properly

2012-11-03 Thread Simon B
I'm using wicket 1.5.7

I've got a page that has a filter widget in it and a summary list of results
that correspond to the filter criteria.

When the page initially renders the widget and the default results show.

When the filter is changed and an apply filter button is clicked, the
results update.

The results are displayed through a ListView, one of the components added to
each ListItem is a link.

This link resolves fine for the default results but when the filter widget
is changed and the results updated, the link does not resolve.

The link is created as follows: 

When the page is first rendered the link mentioned above can be clicked and
resolves fine to the ManageRealtyAdvert page.  

The links in the default results look like the following: 


However when the results are updated through AJAX the links in the new
summary panel do not resolve properly and I get an exception: 

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: page

and the links look like: 


the only difference between the good urls and the bad urls is the
bookmarkable/ in the middle of the bad urls, in fact if I manually
remove the bookmarkable/ string the link resolves fine.

An extended stack trace is as follows

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong.


Simon B

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Re: Link url in ListView on ajaxed panel not resolving properly

2012-11-04 Thread Simon B
Hi Sven, 

Thanks for the reply.  

I have just tried with wicket version 1.5.8 and I get the same symtoms i.e.
bookmarkable/ string in the url of the links in the updated ajax results,
and also the same exeption:

Any other suggestions?  Let me know if you need any more information.



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Re: format value missing in ConversionException thrown by wicket-datetime's DateConverter

2012-11-04 Thread Simon B
Hi Benedikt

Should this be posted on the Forum for Wicket Core developers forum?


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Re: Link url in ListView on ajaxed panel not resolving properly

2012-11-08 Thread Simon B
Thanks Sven, 
I've added a Jira issue and attached a quickstart: 


Let me know if there is any more information that you need


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ResourceAggregator in Wicket 6.x

2013-01-02 Thread Simon B

I'm trying to aggregate my javascript files into one file and then get them
placed at the bottom of the page just before the /body tag.

I've looked at the example here: 


I've managed to copy the example so that the files are placed just before
the /body tag, but the aggregation bit still eludes me.  

I've tried


Neither seem to aggregate // merge the javascript files.

Can someone give me a piece of example code that achieves this.  

Any help much appreciated.


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Re: ResourceAggregator in Wicket 6.x

2013-01-03 Thread Simon B
Thanks Martin, 

I'll take a look at those, 


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Ajax Link not resolving Wicket 6.4

2013-01-18 Thread Simon B

I'm using wicket 6.4.0 on Jetty

I've got  mounted Bookmarkable page with various forms submitted via a
AjaxButton (actually a IndicatingAjaxButton)

When I go to the page by directly copying the url of the mounted
Bookmarkable page into the nav bar or clicking the url from an email, the
target url for the ajax requests triggered by the AjaxButton(s) does not
resolve properly.

The Wicket Ajax Debug Window goes red and an Error entry appears: 

ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.failure: Error while parsing response: Not Found

Looking at the source there are several entries like the following: 

Looking at the net panel of firebug it seems that the url simply does not
resolve with wicket: 

note the //wicket/page;jsessionid=yvcj55z9trey1omjoh9cqme7p

Once I go back to the page, thereby having established a session with the
application, things work fine, at that point the Wicket.Ajax.ajax call is as

the url resolves ok with wicket: 

note the /wicket/page rather than //wicket/page and the lack of

This happens in all browsers, I'm using Wicket 6.4.0 // 1.6.4, as far as I'm
aware it was working in wicket 1.5

Has anyone experiencied similar issues, is there a fix.  

I don't want to jump the gun, but it appears like it might be a bug.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help resolve this?



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Re: Ajax Link not resolving Wicket 6.4

2013-01-18 Thread Simon B
Hi Martin, 

Thanks for replying.

I take the url of the page for example: 


This is mounted using a MountedMapper in the Application object and resolves
to a subclass of WebPage

I copy the url, then boot up a fresh version of IE 9 from scratch and paste
the URL into the navigation bar.

Then I look at the source and see that the URLs that are being created for
the AjaxButtons (called via: Wicket.Ajax.ajax) are like I mentioned in my
original post e.g.: 

the above url which is called when I click the AjaxButton, does not resolve
with the Wicket Servlet on the Jetty Container

I guess it's got something to do with the // in the relative url.

incidentally I'm also using a one pass render stategy set up in my
Application class i.e. 

I'm not sure if that's pertinent or not.

If you'd like any more information let me know


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Re: Ajax Link not resolving Wicket 6.4

2013-01-20 Thread Simon B

I've managed to produce a quickstart  that reliably reproduces the problem
I'm having.

It looks like that it's to do with my BookmarkableMapper sub class, so I
thought I'd try and diagnose the issue more precisely first rather than ask
others to look into it, as it may simply be a bug in my code.

Also I've not tried it with Wicket 6.5 yet.

I'll post again when I've done both of the above.



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Re: Ajax Link not resolving Wicket 6.4

2013-01-21 Thread Simon B
Hi Sven, 

I just tried 6.5 and that's fixed it!  Thank you very much.

If you still want a quickstart to have a look at the code that demonstrates
the issue in 6.4, then let me know.

As it turned out It wasn't to do with my BookmarkableMapper sub class
although the urls that the mapper handles have two segments e.g.

The issue seemed to be in the  UrlRenderer.renderRelativeUrl(Url) method in
Wicket 6.4 which seems to have been updated in 6.5

Anyway the ServletWebResponse (SWR) was creating a fullUrl and also an
encodedFullUrl when a fresh request  from a unknown User Agent happens the
two are different given that the encodedFullUrl contains the sessionId: 



As these two differ the SWR object was using the UrlRenderer to create a
Relative Url this method took a parsed Url e.g: 

and produced the relative url which (in 6.4) had a double slash in it: 

Incidentally bookmarkable url for the page that the AjaxButton was on was: 


i.e. it had two segments [venta, laprida-recoleta-286358.html] rather
than just one I'm not sure if this caused the double slash?

Anyway let me know if you'd like the quickstart that shows the issue in 6.4

Thanks very much for fixing it in 6.5, 



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Re: Eclipse or IntelliJ

2013-02-20 Thread Simon B
I use Intellij 12.0.4  its very quick, certainly much quicker than previous

The speed of code completion, find usages, code navigation its amazing.

Finally the run, debug, compile cycle is now much quicker, running a jetty
quickstart and restarting after editing code is so much quicker than in
previous versions, I think this is one of the features that they've added
since 12 with the new compiler mode: 


I no longer use jrebel as restarting compiling and then running jetty is
just as quick through intellij.


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form processing adding new inputs with an ajax onupdate

2013-05-13 Thread Simon B

I have a form with several inputs one is a DropDownChoice with an
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange) / AFCUB(onchange) Behavior
added to it.

When the user changes the DropDownChoice, depending on the value a
previously non visible field is displayed via the AFCUB(onchange)
onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget) method, which the user must then fill in.

Roughly the code is like this

This works fine on the browser the new input fields appear etc, but when the
form is then submitted manually with the inputs visible on the screen, their
models do not reflect the values selected by the user.

Is there something that I need to do in the onUpdate method of the
AFCUB(onchange) so the manually submitted Form of the Page reflects the
new visibility hierarchy that has been changed via the AFCUB(onchange) ?

Any help or clarification much appreciated


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RE: form processing adding new inputs with an ajax onupdate

2013-05-14 Thread Simon B
Hi Paul, 

Thanks for your suggestion, hadn't tried that, but I have now and it doesn't
fix my problem.

I use the idiom

rather than simply calling 

1. depending on the situation it can lead to many setVisible calls in
different parts of the page
2. it localises the visible setting to the component to which it applies
3. i don't need to pepper the code with lots of references to the component
whose visibility is to be set

Thanks anyway for your suggestion, 


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RE: form processing adding new inputs with an ajax onupdate

2013-05-14 Thread Simon B
Hi Paul, 

I was mistaken. I apologise.

Previously I hadn't completely removed the onConfigure method from the form
component  and simply called the setVisible in the onUpdate method of the
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange) / AFCUB(onchange).

So your suggestion worked! 

Thank you very much.

I would still really like to understand why the onConfigure way of setting
the visibility of the component didn't work, does anybody have any idea
about this?



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AttributeModifier with html in the attribute?

2013-06-03 Thread Simon B

I want to add html content in an attribute of an html tag.  

This is for a bootstrap tooltip. 

What is the best way to do this?  When I simply add html to the attribute
modifier e.g.

it gets converted into 

What I'd like is: 

What's the best way to achieve this?


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Re: AttributeModifier with html in the attribute?

2013-06-04 Thread Simon B
Hello Bertrand, 

Thank you for your answer I'll try option 3 and create a component


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Re: Converting 1.4.7 to 6.12

2013-12-10 Thread Simon B

I think you can use getSession().getPageFactory().newPage();

Depending on your context you could use Session.get() or getSession()

Hope that helps

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 6.13.0 adds free online user guide

2014-01-16 Thread Simon B
Excellent Guide, thank you to everyone who helped with this.


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Dynamic JQuery Resource Reference for http // https context

2014-01-17 Thread Simon B

My Wicket app running (6.13.0) is run both under http://www.mydomain.com/
and https://admin.mydomain.com/

In the http domain for the JQuery javascript library i use a
UrlResourceReference that points to

for the https domain I would like to use a locally hosted version of the
JQuery library (as most modern browsers do not load external resources for
secure connections).
I would like to use a jquery file that is *not* hosted within the package
structure but in a standard javascript library directory e.g.: 


I've had a look at the internals of the DynamicJQueryResourceReference which
didn't really give me an idea of how I can mixin the UrlResourceReference.

Any suggestions help greatly appreciated...


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Re: Dynamic JQuery Resource Reference for http // https context

2014-01-17 Thread Simon B

Thank you very much for your quick reply, that works a perfectly.

In case it might help someone else, here is the code that I came up with: 

Then add an call to setJavaScriptLibrarySettings() in your overriden



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Re: Using AjaxRequestTarget with parent/child page

2014-01-28 Thread Simon B

I'm not sure I completely understand your question but, could you use the
event mechanism for this?

by passing around custom events you could make the 
have a look at the Broadcast and IEvent classes you need to send a signal
via the  Component send method:

then receive it via the onEvent method

Hope that helps or may give you a pointer to a solution

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Re: Using AjaxRequestTarget with parent/child page

2014-01-28 Thread Simon B

It occurred to me that you could use the event mechanism to inform your
parent page of the event, and then use atmosphere or Native WebSockets to
update that parent page.

Its just a suggestion I've not used the atmosphere or websockets part of

But if it allows you to asynchronously update your parent page, via a
server push then it may work. 

Sorry for the vagueness, if anyone else has experience of this then please
chip in, 


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Re: Is there an equivalent for ResourceReference in wicket 6

2014-01-29 Thread Simon B

I override the renderHead(HtmlHeaderContainer) method if its a Panel and
renderHead(IHeaderResponse) if its a WebPage : 

So in the case of a Panel,  I guess it would be something like: 

Hope that helps.

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Re: Is there an equivalent for ResourceReference in wicket 6

2014-01-29 Thread Simon B
Hello Martin, 

Thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely make that change in my project, 


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setting visibility of a component decocorated with a behavior

2014-02-17 Thread Simon B

I have a behavior that decorates the component that it is added to by
using beforeRender(Component) and afterRender(Component).

So a simplified version of my behavior would be

I wish for the visibility of the surrounding html that is written to be
driven by the visibility of the component that it wraps including when the
component that it wraps is sent to the client in an AjaxRequestTarget.

What would be the best way to do this?

Any suggestions very much appreciated.

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Re: setting visibility of a component decocorated with a behavior

2014-02-17 Thread Simon B
Hi Igor, 

Wow, that is *exactly* what I wanted, just tried it and it worked perfectly.

Thank you


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Re: setting visibility of a component decocorated with a behavior

2014-02-17 Thread Simon B

Incidentally the javadoc on that interface is awesome, thanks for taking the
time to make it so easily readable and understandable.


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testing component with assertComponentOnAjaxResponse with IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider behavior

2014-02-19 Thread Simon B

I'm trying to test for a component in an ajax response.  

The component has had a behavior added to it, this behavior implements

When I call  the WicketTester#assertComponentOnAjaxResponse(Component)
method, it doesn't find the component with the id of component.  The ajax
response tag (e.g. component id=.../)has the id of the
IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider not the component.

For example the Component has an id of agentOptions and the
IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider then uses that to create the Markup Id of

// in the ajax response the id is that of the IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider 

not of the actual component who's existence I wish to test for / assert 

Is there some specific way I'm supposed to test for the existence of
Components with IAjaxRegionMarkupIdProvider behaviors that have been added
to them, or is this simply something that I should live with.  I imagine
this is a very marginal corner case.

Any suggestions very welcome

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ajax child component and enclosures visibility doesn't seem to work properly

2014-02-21 Thread Simon B

I'm using wicket 6.13.  

I've got an ajax link that I want to toggle the visibility of two
components, each component is nested with an html div with a
wicket:enclosure attribute.

In my WebPage when the AjaxLink is clicked I add the components to the
AjaxRequestTarget but not the div wicket:enclosure elements. 

WebPage code: 

Looking at this post I understand that I shouldn't need to add the element
that has the wicket:enclosure attribute.

Simplified visibility control of Enclosures in Ajax requests -

Does any one have any suggestions as to why this isn't working?

Any help greatly appreciated

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Re: ajax child component and enclosures visibility doesn't seem to work properly

2014-02-21 Thread Simon B
Hi Igor, 

Thanks for the reply.  

I'm a bit confused, the markup that I'm using (and that I posted originally)
does have inline enclosure attributes: 

I understand that by inline enclosure you mean an html tag with a 
wicket:enclosure=... attribute like: 

div wicket:enclosure=aChildId

Is that correct, or am I misunderstanding?

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mounting // mapping subdomain HomePage

2014-03-10 Thread Simon B

I want one instance of Wicket to handle different subdomains, so for

Map to GeneralHomePage.class

and http://foo.mydomain.com/
Maps to FooHomePage.class

and http://bar.mydomain.com/
Maps to BarHomePage.class

sorry for the unoriginal naming.  

If anyone could suggest the best way to do this I'd be very grateful.


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Re: mounting // mapping subdomain HomePage

2014-03-11 Thread Simon B
Thanks Martin for your quick reply.

I took your advice and came up with the following implementation which seems
to work well on my development box.  

But as it is the root mapper I'd appreciate it if you or someone could just
look over it to make sure its robust.

I instantiate it in the MyApplication#init() method with the following: 

If anyone can see an issue with this implementation please let me know.



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testing subdomain page

2014-03-12 Thread Simon B
Following on from my previous question: 


I now want to test the page using the following:

The web app is set up to redirect if it sees that a request has been made
from a subdomain or domain that is *not*


Because of this redirect  the above test fails.

When I look at the host of the url in the request during the test, with a
call to:

it returns localhost.

How can I set the host for urls // requests in WicketTester to



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Re: testing subdomain page

2014-03-12 Thread Simon B
Hi Martin, 

Thanks for your reply, I've tried that and it works fine.

I was hoping for a way that would fit more simply into my existing tests.

Incidentally what is the best way for me to include code snippets, I use the
nabble web interface, but I note that in your reply you didn't get any of
the code that included in raw tags.



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wantsOnSelectionChangedNotifications - RadioGroup / Radio vs DropDownChoice

2014-05-19 Thread Simon B

I'm using Wicket 6.14.0

I've got a form with many components including one which is a RadioGroup
(with several Radio) and one which is a DropDownChoice, 

Both the RadioGroup // Radios and the DropDownChoice have been marked to get
selection changed notifications with the
RadioGroup#wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() and the
DropDownChoice#wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() both returning true.

My problem is that the DropDownChoice although it refreshes the *page does
not* actually receive a notification via the onSelectionChanged(T) method
whereas the RadioGroup *does* via the onSelectChanged(Object).

I've looked at the code and noticed that when Wicket (6.14 in my case)
writes out the onChange javascript the radio and the dropdown differ

Here is the html code for both:

Notably the radio sets a specific form element name id28_hf_0 to the value
and the Dropdown sets the same form element name: 
So the first one (of the radio group) works ok and finds the right
ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler and calls its onSelectionChanged() methodThe
second one (from the dropdown) does not find any
The code from DropDownChoice that creates the onchange attribute value is: 
// we do not want relative URL here, because it will be used by//
Form#dispatchEventCharSequence url = urlFor(new
this, new PageParameters()),
IOnChangeListener.INTERFACE));Form? form =
findParent(Form.class);if (form != null){   tag.put(onchange,
form.getJsForInterfaceUrl(url.toString()));}else{   tag.put(onchange,
window.location.href=' + url +(url.toString().indexOf('?')  
-1 ?  :
?) + getInputName() + =' + 
The code from Radio
// url that points to this components IOnChangeListener methodCharSequence
url = group.urlFor(IOnChangeListener.INTERFACE, new
PageParameters());Form? form = group.findParent(Form.class);if (form !=
null){  tag.put(onclick, form.getJsForInterfaceUrl(url));}else{   // 
NOTE: do
not encode the url as that would give invalid JavaScript
window.location.href=' + url +(url.toString().indexOf('?')  
-1 ?  :
?) + group.getInputName() +   =' + 
The page on which the form is on is not mapped its is just redirected to
from another mapped page, I think this may be the problem and I should
explicitly map the page with the form so that both urlFor calls return a
defined page.

I just tried that mapping the page to my-advert-form-page.html and it now
works fine.

So back to my original question, is this a bug in wicket, or am I just using
the framework incorrectly.



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Re: Conditional input types

2014-05-19 Thread Simon B
There's a bit in the Wicket Cookbook by  Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg !) about
this I think its in Chapter 9 Creating Dynamic Forms: 


The book itself is a bit dated (I think it was written around 2011) but I
think the patterns and code samples are still very pertinent

Hope that helps, 



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Re: Conditional input types

2014-05-19 Thread Simon B
Its also available in many other formats, including PDF (which is what I
bought, I've printed several chapters out):


Considering the quality of the book and the amount of activity of Igor (and
others) donate to this forum, it would be well worth your time buying it.



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Re: wantsOnSelectionChangedNotifications - RadioGroup / Radio vs DropDownChoice

2014-05-19 Thread Simon B
I've just added an issue to JIRA with a quickstart attachment: 



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Re: Conditional input types

2014-05-20 Thread Simon B
Hi David, 

Your post reminded me of this quote from a (completely unrelated) post on
Stack Overflow: 

Note that it is generally better to describe the goal, rather than the
strategy. 'Store changed file in Jar' is a strategy, whereas 'Save
preferences between runs' might be the goal


You seem to have your mind set on the strategy which doesn't really sit well
with Wicket.  I can understand your frustration as if you had direct access
to the html as you might with a jsp then you could you achieve your goal
very quickly.

As I understand your post, Wicket doesn't work in the way that would allow
you to achieve your goal with the strategy that you've chosen.

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Re: Conditional input types

2014-05-20 Thread Simon B
Ernesto, Martin, 

Just to clarify a bit. 

I didn't say that you couldn't do it with wicket.  

Simply that david.latan's strategy - 

 I couldn't manage to use AttributeModifier in order to assign a CheckBox
 to the input.

Wouldn't work with Wicket as it treats TextFields and CheckBoxes as
different FormComponents,  not as an html element with can change its
behaviour completely by modifying one attribute.

That's what I meant when I said: 

As I understand your post, Wicket doesn't work in the way that would allow
you to achieve your goal with the strategy that you've chosen.

As far as using fragments of factories within wicket I'm sure both work and
have their merits in different contexts.

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using Tomcat instead of Jetty in quickstart archetype

2014-05-22 Thread Simon B

I'm currently using Jetty as the servlet container to do development for my
Wicket web app and I use the Start class and Jetty Maven plugin that comes
with the wicket Quickstart.  I then start Jetty through running
Start#main(String[]) in my IDE (Intellij IDEA 12).

For some reason my sessionid s get reset when browsing to the login page on
localhost in Firefox, and I wanted to try using Tomcat to see if that
behaves differently.

I wondered if anyone has managed to swap Tomcat for Maven and if so how its
done, specifically, what would be the equivalent Start class and plugin xml
for the maven pom.xml.

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javascript reference header item with async attribute

2014-06-09 Thread Simon B

I'm using Wicket 6.15

What is the best way to set the async attribute when rendering a javascript
header item.

I would like to change :


or even

I see that there is a flag for setting the defer attribute but could not
find anything for async.

Any suggestions?


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Re: javascript reference header item with async attribute

2014-06-09 Thread Simon B
Hello Andrea, 

Thank you for replying.  In the end I subclassed
JavaScriptUrlReferenceHeaderItem creating my own
AsyncJavaScriptUrlReferenceHeaderItem class

and overrode the 

 public void render(Response response); 

method, take as a reference the implemenation from
JavaScriptUtils.writeJavaScriptUrl and JavaScriptUrlHeaderItem and simply
adding a async attribute in one of the response.write method calls: 

Seems a bit of a brutish way just to add an async attribute. 

Is this something that could // should be added to a future release of
wicket, does anyone have any opinion about it?


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Re: WicketTester and AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior

2015-01-14 Thread Simon B
This came up a while ago, I just wanted to say that I've been having the same

And solved it in the same way, by recreating the form and changing the

Like the original poster said I'm not sure why doing that makes it work, but
it does.


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Determine Last Item in a ListView

2015-02-19 Thread Simon B

First of all thank you for creating Wicket its awesome, now that I'm a bit
more familiar with it, I'm continually delighted by it.

Secondly could someone tell me what the best way of determining whether an
item passed to the method:

 protected void populateItem(ListItem? item); 

is the last item?



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Re: Determine Last Item in a ListView

2015-02-19 Thread Simon B
Hi Tobias, 

Thanks for your answer.

I've decided to use the ListView#getViewSize method

so my check is as follows: 

if ((item.getIndex() + 1) == getViewSize()) {
   // do last item stuff here
   item.add(new AttributeModifier(class,



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Re: Antibot Form Submission Composite Behavior

2015-08-12 Thread Simon B
Hi Martin, 

Thanks for your suggestion, the thing about the bot that was accessing my
site was that it it didn't give any user agent information which leads me to
think that it was malicious.

I've put together the following behaviour (included at the end of this) and
will use that for the time being to see whether its fit for purposes in real


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Antibot Form Submission Composite Behavior

2015-08-10 Thread Simon B

I want to add a behavior to a Form object that helps stop bots successfully
submitting the form.

In order to do this I've come up with the following idea.

Get a timestamp of when the web page loads
Get a timestamp of when the form first receives user focus
Get a timestamp of when the submit button is clicked

With that information so long as there is a reasonable time difference
between the three timestamps then allow the form to be submitted, if not
then add a form error .

I'm a bit unsure about how to go about implementing this, but was thinking
about creating an AntibotBehaviour that I could add to a a form, the
AntibotBehavior would wrap other AjaxEventBehaviors pinging the
AntibotBehavior for each event (page load, form focus, form submission).

Does anyone have an example of a behavior that I look at to base my
implementation on.

Alternatively does anyone have an Antibot behavior that they could show me?


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Re: categorizing checks in a checkgroup

2015-07-13 Thread Simon B
Hi Martin,

Thank you for the hint, you're completely right it would be much better as a 
span or wicket:container although it did work as a wicket:enclosure.

I've changed it and it works fine, 

Thanks once again, 


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Re: categorizing checks in a checkgroup

2015-07-13 Thread Simon B

In the end I managed to do this.

I found following presentation on how to do a bean editor: 


And using that and a few other things I done in the past came up with the

the html was: 

and then the
implementation was roughly: 

I hope that helps someone else in the future, 



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categorizing checks in a checkgroup

2015-07-12 Thread Simon B
I have a bean / entity which models a real estate advert.

An advert can have different features checked (e.g. west facing, east
facing, north facing, sauna, gym, swimming pool, needs
renovating, repossession, access by stairsetc) which are represented as
java enums

SetFeature Advert.getFeatures()

These features are categorized so for example:
- orientation has the following features -  west facing, east facing,
north facing
- other considerations - needs renovating , repossession, finance
- luxury features - sauna, swimming pool, gym

each category is also represented as a java enum from which you can get the
Feature objects for that category
SetFeature Category.getFeatures();

I'm trying to work out how to put this into a form within a checkgroup in
Wicket 6.20 so the page would display something like 

X west facing X east facing X north facing

Luxury Features
X sauna X swimming pool X gym X theatre
X library X whirlpool

Other Considerations
X needs renovating X repossession X finance options

It would be nice if the checks could be tabular so that if there were say
more than 4 options in a category it would put the next check on the next
row / line.

Can someone give me a pointer on how I might go about implementing this.


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Re: OnDomReady Ajax.

2015-09-20 Thread Simon B
Hi Sven, 

Thanks for replying.

I'll give your  suggestion ago and see how I get on.

Thanks for the help


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OnDomReady Ajax.

2015-09-19 Thread Simon B

I'm using Wicket 6.19

Somehow the following is being added at the bottom of the "domready" block
in the inline javascript of my page: 


Just before the: 


I'm trying to work out which piece of code is adding it, as from what I can
tell I'm not adding any "load" ajax behaviors to any components in the page.

Can someone suggest a way that I can track this down.


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AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel place cursor on click location

2016-03-19 Thread Simon B

First of all thank you to everyone for such a great framework!

My question is that when I use the AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel and click on
the displayed text the subsequent text in the textarea form element is *all*
selected, this makes it difficult to then find the place that I wanted to

Has anyone found a way to place the cursor at the location which was clicked
on in the original text and scroll the textarea to that location.

This would increase the utility of the AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel massively,

Any replies very appreciated

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Re: AjaxEditableMultiLineLabel place cursor on click location

2016-03-19 Thread Simon B
Thanks for the quick reply, I'll have a go with that!


On 17 March 2016 at 14:39, Martin Grigorov-4 [via Apache Wicket]
> Hi,
> This requirement sounds quite sophisticated!
> Initially AEMLL is rendered in view mode - as a Label, i.e. a .
> When you click on this  then an Ajax call is made and the Label is
> replaced with TextArea.
> It would be challenging to set the cursor at the desired position.
> Maybe it will be much simpler to use something like Summernote air mode
> [1][2].
> It uses  and all this "Just Works".
> 1. http://wb-mgrigorov.rhcloud.com/summernote
> 2. http://summernote.org/examples/#air-mode

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IAjaxIndicatorAware AjaxBehavior for csv download

2017-11-30 Thread Simon B

First thanks very much for Wicket I'm still enjoying using it even after
several years.

I'm trying to show a "Please Wait" message while my server gets all the
information for a csv file download.

The dowload (AjaxDownloadBehavior) works fine and is implemented as an
AbstractAjaxBehavior using this posting as a template: 


The csv file download is initalized from an AjaxSubmitLink which I've made
IAjaxIndicatorAware to show the "Please Wait" message.

The problem is that the Indicator only shows for the duration of the
AjaxSubmitLink to return, the AjaxDownloadBehavior is run asynchronously and
completes several seconds after the AjaxSubmitLink has returned and the
indicator disappeared.

How can I work the Indicator to show while the AjaxDownloadBehavior is still
running and disappear when the users browse brings up the "Save File" dialog

Any help much appreciated.

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quickstart instructions cause - archetypeCatalog 'http://wicket.apache.org' is not supported anymore

2018-09-21 Thread Simon B
Hi I'm trying to get a new Wicket project going using the latest version with

I get the following error when running the recommended command: 

$] mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=https://wicket.apache.org -e

archetypeCatalog 'http://wicket.apache.org' is not supported anymore

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Re: quickstart instructions cause - archetypeCatalog 'http://wicket.apache.org' is not supported anymore

2018-09-24 Thread Simon B
Great, thank you!

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