[web2py] auth_ tables problem

2010-05-04 Thread annet
I have one application (called base) in which I define all the tables
for three other applications. In the three applications I use the same
db.py file. In these db.py files I set migrate=False on all tables.

One of these applications is a CMS, in which I enabled Authorization
and Authentication. This creates the .table files for auth_event,
auth- group, auth_membership, auth_permission and auth_user in the
databases folder of the cms application, all the .table files for the
other tables are in the databases folder of the base application.

When I extend the model in the base application's db.py file, i.e.
define new tables, and set migrate=False on these tables and copy and
paste them into the db.py file of the CMS application, after saving
the db.py file, I keep getting the following error when I go to the
database administration:

ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

Am I right to conclude that I cannot make changes to the db.py file in
which Authorization and Authentication are enabled? i.e. I can only
save the db.py file once?

Did anyone face the same problem? How did you solve it? Is there a
best practice to dealing with db.py when it comes to defining and
altering tables and using web2py's authentication and authorization

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: auth_ tables problem

2010-05-05 Thread annet
Thanks for your reply,

> have you tried:
>             # defines all needed tables without migration/table files
>            auth.define_tables(migrate=False)
> where you configure auth for your app?

I didn't now I could set migrate=False on the auth_ tables, this isn't
documented anywhere, is it? I did indeed solve my problem.

Kind regards,


[web2py] confirmation dialog on delete

2010-05-05 Thread annet
The jQuery code for confirmation on delete connects the onclick event
of the checkbox with a confirmation dialog. I would like this
confirmation dialog to be triggered by the submit button.

Is it possible to re-write the code in web2py_ajax.html:

jQuery("input[type='checkbox'].delete").click(function() { if
(this.checked) if(!confirm("{{=T('Sure you want to delete this
object?')}}")) this.checked=false; });

... so that the code connects to the onclick event of the submit and
not the onclick event of the checkbox?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: auth_ tables problem

2010-05-05 Thread annet

> I don´t know if understood your problem right but looks like you are
> using sqlite.

I am using PostgreSQL 8.4.

> If that´s the case I guess it would be better and safer for you to use
> another relational database such as mysql.
> I think the problem could be you don´t have a db server.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: verify email limitations

2010-05-05 Thread annet
Maybe this post:



[web2py] email form into database table.

2010-05-05 Thread annet
In an application I have forms which on submit are mailed to my mail
box. After verification I manually insert the form data into their
respective tables, e.g. for an application form into the tables:
company, address, nfa, and contact. Since this is a rather time
consuming task I thought of inserting the form data into a form_table
and retrieving them into a four part form (one for every table), and
after verification submitting each form and on form acceptance insert
the data into the individual tables.

I wonder whether there is the right way to proceed or whether there is
a better way to execute this task.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: email form into database table.

2010-05-05 Thread annet

> You can insert them and have a flag (Field) called appreoved which
> default to false. Than you can send yourself an email with a link to a
> page so that by just clicking on the link you approve it.

I implemented this and gave it a try, just what I was looking for.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Data table

2010-05-05 Thread annet
Hi Sverre,

I am using Allan Jardine's DataTables: http://www.datatables.net/



[web2py] Multiple apps based on one model.

2010-05-07 Thread annet
I read this post in the group: 
and I am facing a similar problem.

I have one web2py installation in which I have a base application
which contains all shared files i.e .js and .css files. Within this
application I also defined all database tables, so all .table files
are in the databases folder of this application. Furthermore this
web2py installation contains an init application and b2c, b2b, crm
applications. The db.py files of these applications are copies of the
db.py of the base application with all migrates set to False. From the
post mentioned above I understand I can make a function of the base
app's db.py, name it db_stuff.py and put it in the base application's
modules file:


My first question is: how do I make a function of a db.py file, and
which parts of the db.py file should the function contain?

Then, I should write an import statement in each of the applications
db.py files:


My second question is: what code do these db.py files contain apart
from the import statement?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: question about webfactional

2010-05-07 Thread annet

The solution to your problem is described in this thread:


Basically you have to log on to webfaction via terminal/ssh and
manually create a directory in your remote web2py/applications
directory. You can then upload and install a packed web2py app via the
web interface.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Data table

2010-05-08 Thread annet
Hi Sverre,

Here's an example of how you would make the id a link:


  company id
  company name

{{for company in rows:}}




Here the link opens a details view in a new window, but that's



[web2py] _onclick to close window

2010-05-08 Thread annet
In custom_ajax.html I defined the following function:

function closeWin() {
  return false;

I a function I added a cancel button to a form:

This one works:


This one doesn't:


Does one of you know why not?

Kind regards,


[web2py] design issue

2010-05-13 Thread annet
I have multiple applications connecting to the same database, some of
them query the database for data on multiple companies others query
the database for data on one company, apart from a company table
containing the company id there is no overlap.

I know web2py can connect to multiple databases, and I wonder whether
it would be possible to have two db.py files: db1.py and db2.py, where
db1.py connects to the database containing the first type of data and
db2.py connects to the company's database. db2.py would also contain
the auth_ tables.

I hope some of you are willing to comment on this idea.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: design issue

2010-05-14 Thread annet

Thank you very much for your extensive reply, it's very helpful, at
least I now have an idea of how to approach this problem.

Kind regards,


[web2py] expire_sessions.py and cron

2010-05-16 Thread annet
To clean up sessions I ran the following command:

me:~ i$ cd /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py
me:web2py i$ cp applications/admin/cron/crontab applications/init/cron
me:web2py i$

The crontab file in the init app now reads like:

10  *   *   *   *   root 

I wonder whether this is correct and whether this a local setting or
works on the server as well.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: expire_sessions.py and cron

2010-05-18 Thread annet

At webfaction I can do:

[myser...@webxxx ~]$ crontab -l
11,31,51 * * * * /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/apache2/bin/start
/dev/null 2>&1
12,32,52 * * * * /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/apache2/bin/start
/dev/null 2>&1
46 * * * * cd ~/webapps/loganalyzer;./update_awstats.sh
[myser...@webxxx ~]$

... and I can edit this file: crontab -e

I posted a ticket:

Will running the crontab -e command and adding this line: 10
*   *   *   *   root **applications/admin/cron/
expire_sessions.py , solve my problem? What's with the 10, and the
'root ** applications' bit, are they specific to my local system, or
will they work remotely as well.

... to which I got the following reply:

Yes, I bee that the "root **" part is specific to your local cron

I would suggest that you try to figure out which command exactly do
you need to run through the command line, in order to clear the
sessions. If the script is directly executable via the command line,
then you should add the command that you are executing it with to your
crontab. If it is accessible via web, you could add something like
'wget http://yourdomain.com/url/of/script' to your crontab, in order
to trigger a web request to the script.

I hope this helps you help me solve the problem,


[web2py] Re: Need help with datatable

2010-05-18 Thread annet
Hi Sverre,

I have a cms application in which I use dataTables. In the view I have
something like:


... and in the corresponding function:

def update_nfa():
if not record or not record.company==auth.user.company:
return dict(form=form)

... where update_form(...) is a function that performs the actual

def update_form(table,record,next,message,deletable):
return form

I hope you get the idea.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: expire_sessions.py and cron

2010-05-19 Thread annet

Emil just tried running the following command on my account:

python2.5 /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/web2py/web2py.py  -S
admin -R applications/admin/cron/expire_sessions.py

This was successfully executed, and the output was:
web2py Enterprise Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2010
Version 1.76.5 (2010-03-11 15:19:08)
Database drivers available: SQLite3, MySQL, PostgreSQL

I verified that this actually cleaned up my sessions. It did in admin,
not in init, b2b etc. Would it be possible to copy the
expire_sessions.py to every single application's cron directory and
set this command as a cron by editing my crontab (crontab -e):

10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /home/fitwise/webapps/customweb2py/
web2py/web2py.py  -S init -R applications/init/cron/expire_sessions.py

According to Emil:

Applications do not really have crontabs. They may have some built-in
feature which makes them work similar to crontab, but it is a
completely separate system than your "real" crontab (the one you see
when you runt 'crontab -l').

By the way, the Web2py installation that I have is running behind
Apache + mod_wsgi.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: CRUD read or OneToOne

2010-05-19 Thread annet

> I want the user to click on the link and if there is already
> a project _location for a project then just display it (crud.read),
> if the project has no location associated, then it will give me
> crud.write. I know it must be simple but I cant figure it out.

I am not sure I do understand your problem correctly, but I'll give it
a try. You list projects, when the user clicks on one of the projects,
depending on the project's location being set or not you either
display the project's details or display an update form

def update_project_location():
if request.args:
if project[0].location:

I hope this helps to point you in right direction.


[web2py] Re: How to send an URL() from a view to a controller?

2010-05-19 Thread annet
> I want to implement a function to back to previous page.

Simply back to the previous page would be something like:


I am not sure but  doesn't this: from documents back to device and
from documents back to workorder contradict this: from device or
workorder view back to documents controller?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: expire_sessions.py and cron

2010-05-19 Thread annet

Thank you very much for providing me with this code, problem solved.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Drop Down alternative

2010-05-21 Thread annet

I gave this a try:

from gluon.sqlhtml import AutocompleteWidget



but that doesn't work, why not?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Authentication

2010-05-21 Thread annet
I read chapter 8 of the web2py manual and some post on authentication
to get started (again) implementing a cms.

I read about MD5 and SHA-512, and understand I have to provide a
secret key for this setting: auth.settings.hmac_key='' Does this key have a specific format, e.g. 448a98e0-00fd-46b2-
ac4f-a14d2315b189? Or can I use any key? At the moment I am working in
web2py 1.76.5 does this version already use hmac + sha-512?

Furthermore I would like to customize the auth_user table. In the
manual the proper way to define a user table is:

auth_table = db.define_table(auth.settings.table_user_name,
Field('first_name', length=128, default=''),
Field('last_name', length=128, default=''),
Field('email', length=128, default='', unique=True),
Field('password', 'password', length=256, readable=False,
Field('registration_key', length=128, default= '', writable=False,

auth_table.first_name.requires =
auth_table.last_name.requires =
auth_table.password.requires = [IS_STRONG(), CRYPT()]
auth_table.email.requires =
[IS_EMAIL(error_message=auth.messages.invalid_email), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
auth.settings.table_user = auth_table

In a workgroup post of 8 February I read this definition:

auth.settings.table_user = db.define_table('auth_user',
Field('first_name', length=512,default=''),
Field('last_name', length=512,default=''),
Field('email', length=512,default='', requires =
Field('password', 'password', readable=False, label='Password',
Field('registration_key', length=512, writable=False,
Field('reset_password_key', length=512, writable=False,
readable=False, default=''))

What is the reset_password_key for? I guess I'd better use the latter
table definition, don't I need any validators?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Drop Down alternative

2010-05-21 Thread annet

> Do you have a table db.city with a field db.city.name?

Yes I do.

> If so, because db.address.city is not a reference, it should just be
> db.address.city.widget=AutocompleteWidget(request,db.city.name)

Yes, now it works. This saves me a lot of work, implementing the
pengoworks autocomplete every time I need an autocomplete field isn't
this simple. However, the drop box displaying the options doesn't
disappear after selecting a city name or typing the full name. Could
that be fixed, it covers some other form fields.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Drop Down alternative

2010-05-21 Thread annet
I had a quick look at the slice, am I right to conclude that contrary
to the pengoworks autocomplete this one is more generic. When I use
the Pengoworks autocomplete in my model I have to define:


... in web2py_ajax.html:


... in a controller called handlers:

def cityAC():
if request.vars:
if not q:
return q
for row in rows:
return r

... and I have to repeat this for every field I need autocomplete
functionality for.

When I use the one described in the slice, I would put this in db.py:

def autocomplete_widget(f,v):
import uuid
d_id = "autocomplete-" + str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
wrapper = DIV(_id=d_id)
inp = SQLFORM.widgets.string.widget(f,v)
rows = f._db(f._table['id']>0).select(f,distinct=True)
itms = [str(t[f.name]) for t in rows]
scr = SCRIPT('var data= "%s".split("|");jQuery("#%s
input").autocomplete(data);' % \
return wrapper

... which would work both on my laptop and on the webfaction servers!?

... put this in the handlers controller:

def get_items():
itms = []
if request.vars.q and \
   request.vars.table and \
q = request.vars.q
f = request.vars.field
t = request.vars.table
fld = db[t][f]
rows = db(fld.upper().like(q.upper()
    itms = [str(t[f]) for t in rows]
return '\n'.join(itms)

... and put this in the table definition:


Is that right?

Kind regards,


[web2py] auth problem

2010-05-21 Thread annet
I enabled authentication and have the following entries in the
auth_user, auth_group and auth_membership tables:

user.iduser.first_name  ...
1 Ann
2 Jan

1   user_1
2   user_2

1  1
2  2

Now, I would like to add permissions, the problem is that
auth.add_persmission() takes the following arguments: group_id,
'name', 'object', record_id whereas I need to set permissions related
to a tables company_id field. I have tables that have the following


Now user with user_id 1 and group_id user_1(1) should get the
permission to create, update and delete all records in the tagline
table that have company_id 443. Is that possible in web2py's, or do I
have to customize one of the auth tables to make this possible?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: expire_sessions.py and cron

2010-05-21 Thread annet

> @Annet:
> Sorry, but what do you mean "emil"?

Emil works at WebFaction, where I host my application in a Shared 1
plan. Using web2py's crontab doesn't work at WebFaction, I have to use
my 'real' crontab to clean up sessions in my web2py applications.
Hence Massimo's re-write of the expire_session.py file, and this line
in my 'real' crontab:

10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /home/fitwise/webapps/
web2py/web2py.py  -S init -R applications/init/cron/

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: auth problem

2010-05-22 Thread annet

I have a table company, which contains 2000+ company's. Visitors can
search for a company and in the query result click the company name,
which directs to a details function displaying the company's address
and nfa's. Some company managers would like to add a tagline to this
details view. So, I added the tagline table to the model:


Now, when a manager registers, he should get permission to
create,update and delete a tagline for his company.  One solution
would be to customize the auth_user table and add a field company:

Field('company', db.company, default='',
notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE', writable=False, readable=False),

In this case I could define a function update_tagline:

def update_tagline():
return dict(form=form)

This works, however, in my opinion, it interferes too much with
web2py's authentication and authorization workflow. Therefore, I had
hoped there would be another solution. Like linking user and company
in the permissions table, instead of the user table.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Drop Down alternative

2010-05-22 Thread annet
I gave this a try, but what about standardization tables, where I need
the name instead of the id in the referencing table. In web2py's
autocomplete I just do:


How would I go about to get this to work in this jquery autocomplete

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Maybe Off-Topic: I am very happy thanks to web2py :)

2010-05-22 Thread annet
To give you an idea, I am reading a bachelor in computer science at
OUNL, a view years ago my friend had this idea for a web application,
and I decided to set out to develop it. For a long time I felt I had
ended up in a quest, where every one knew how to acquire secret
weapons and knew where the secret doors were, except me. Almost two
years ago I discovered my secret door: web2py.

So yes, +1 and thanks to all developers and the group and their
support to get me started with web2py, and make web development a joy
instead of an annoyance.


[web2py] Re: A mistake and crashed T3 appadmin from default/configure/models - No solution by now

2010-05-22 Thread annet

I have had these moments to. Luckily I work on a Mac, which comes with
Time Machine. Time Machine enables me to recover web2py applications

Furthermore, I save myself a lot of hassle by packing apps that are
more or less working versions of an application and saving them
outside web2py in a packedApps folder. Within web2py it did help me to
have multiple db.py files: db.py, db_00_auth.py, db_01_tables.py etc.
I also try to keep my applications small, e.g. I have a b2c, b2b, cms,
crm and demo application, instead of an init application containing a
b2c, b2b etc controller.

I have been searching for these kind of best practices myself, in
order to make developing and maintaining applications easier, up til
now it's been a matter of trial and error.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Drop Down alternative

2010-05-22 Thread annet

> Sorry, I don't understand. In get_items, request.vars.field and
> request.vars.table contain the field and table names of the requesting
> autocompleter. Is that what you mean?

Yes, thank you, now I understand.


[web2py] crud problem

2010-05-23 Thread annet
I defined the following function:

def index():
response.functionname='Basic account'
if record:
response.init_flash='Update tagline'
form=crud.update(db.tagline,record,message='Tagline updated')
response.init_flash='Insert tagline'
form=crud.create(db.tagline,message='Tagline inserted')
return dict(form=form)

When there is no tagline I get the create form and when I submit the
form the Tagline inserted flash is displayed, however, the tagline
field is empty,

1) whereas I expected it to contain the inserted tagline.

When I refresh the page I get the update form and the flash says:
Update tagline. When I update the tagline and submit the change the
Tagline updated flash displays. Which is correct.

When I check the 'check to delete' box, the alert displays, after
clicking OK and clicking submit,

2) the Tagline updated flash displays and the tagline field still
contains the tagline and the check box is still checked. When I click
submit again the tagline is being deleted and the Insert tagline flash

3) whereas I would like a flash telling the user that the tagline has
been deleted.

How do I solve these three problems?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: crud problem

2010-05-24 Thread annet

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I had to add the next
argument to the crud.update() function to get the check to delete work
properly. There's one small problem to solve, when the user logs in
the flash reads: Logged in. Whereas, I would like it to read 'Insert
tagline' or 'Update tagline'.

The function:

def index():
response.functionname='Basic account'
if record:
if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Update
message='Tagline updated'
if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Insert
message='Tagline inserted'
return dict(form=form)

The view:

{{if response.functionname:}}
{{if response.flash:}}
{{if form:}}

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: auth.login problem - redirect on error

2010-05-24 Thread annet
Hi Arnaud,

Why don't you use default/user/login and set
auth.settings.login_next=URL(a='helloworld',c='admin',f='index'), in
that case, when login fails there is no need to redirect. When you
need a custom Invalid login message just set:
auth.messages.invalid_login='your customized message'

Kind regards,


[web2py] crud question on multiple form layout

2010-05-24 Thread annet
I have the following layout:




I my database header, .1, .2 , .3 and footer are fields of type text
and in web2py_ajax.html I enabled tinyMCE on textareas.

I would like to make an administrative view in which all five divs are
links to forms in which a user can perform crud actions on the
textareas and in return see the result of their actions. The problem
is I have no idea of how to implement this in web2py. I hope someone
could point me in the right direction.

Kind regards,


[web2py] uploads problem

2010-05-27 Thread annet
In web2py I have a cms application and an init application. In the cms
application I have a function in which users can upload images for a
view which contains four images, the problem is that this view is in
the init application not in the cms application, whereas the images
end up in the uploads folder of the cms application.

Is there a way to upload the in the cms application into the uploads
folder of the init application. Furthermore I would like to let every
user have his own subfolder in the uploads folder, is that possible?
If so, how would I implement that?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: uploads problem

2010-05-27 Thread annet

> if field is the upload field you can set
> db.table.field.uploadfolder = 

This is my image table:


>From your reply I understand that in the function in which the user
can update images I could do:

def update_image():
db.image.file.uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,"uploads/%i" %
return dict(form=form)

Does the folder have to exist already or will it be made when a folder
named company_company_id doesn't exist?

> User A uploads and image into pathA. If user B wants to
> download the image posted by user A, web2py will search for it in
> pathB.

This won't be a problem, since user A cannot download user B's images
and vice versa.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: uploads problem

2010-05-28 Thread annet
The update_image(): function resides here:


where cms is the application.

Whereas I would like the image to be uploaded to this folder:


where init is the application

How do I have to adjust this line of code to get it to work.

db.image.file.uploadfolder=os.path.join(request.folder,"uploads/%i" %

To append the company_id to company_ what is the best way: "uploads/
company_%i" % auth.user.company_id or "uploads/%i" % "company_" +

I realize I could also upload the images to the .../cms/uploads/
company_xxx folder and then change the downloads function in the .../
init/homepage/ controller to download the images from the cms/uploads/
company_xxx folder, is this a better way to proceed?

Kind regards,


[web2py] resize window after redirect.

2010-05-29 Thread annet
I have the following code in a view:


The javascript clublocatordetails function (in web2py_ajax.html)
resizes the window. I extended the details function:

def details():

if not club:
elif club[0].status=='2':

return dict(...)

When a club has status 2 there is a redirect to a different function,
since this function's view is larger I would like to resize the
browser window. The problem is I don't know how to code this and where
the code should go, I hope one of you knows how to solve this problem.

Kind regards,


[web2py] combining requirements

2010-05-30 Thread annet
I have a custom auth table which contains a field 'account'. Once a
user is logged in, would it be possible to decorate a function the
following way:

def update_xxx():


In the web2py manual I read that it is possible combine requirements.
If the above decorator works, would it be possible to combine a
requirement the following way:

@auth.requires(auth.user.account=='3' or auth.user.account=='2')
def update_xxx():


Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: combining requirements

2010-05-30 Thread annet

> Yes but

Great, this makes it possible to code my cms more generic.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: combining requirements

2010-05-30 Thread annet
In default.py I adjusted the def user() function:

def user():

return dict(form=form)

Now, when an unauthorized user tries to access a function decorated as
described above, there is a redirection to this function:

However, due to rewriting the user function, this results in the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/restricted.py",
line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/applications/cms/
controllers/default.py", line 73, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/globals.py",
line 96, in 
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/applications/cms/
controllers/default.py", line 30, in user
IndexError: string index out of range

is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Kind regards,


[web2py] empty field crud.update(db.table)

2010-05-30 Thread annet
I am using the Pengoworks auto complete plugin.

In my model file I have:


In web2py_ajax.html:


In a handlers controller:

def cityAC():
if request.vars:
if not q:
return q
for row in rows:
return r

The auto complete works in empty forms, however, when I use
crud.update(db.address,...) the city field is empty, whereas the
database record contains a value for city.

I guess I have to adjust the cityAC() function, but I don't know

Kind regards,


[web2py] cancel button in update and create work differently

2010-05-31 Thread annet
I have a function to update opening hours:

def update_openinghours():
if not openinghours or request.vars.x:
if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Insert
opening hour'
message='Opening hour inserted'
if not request.args:
if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Opening
hours in database'
if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Update
opening hour'
message='Opening hour updated'
return dict(openinghours=openinghours,form=form)

In the create_form and update_form functions I add a cancel button to
the form which redirects to the current page:

def create_form(table,next,message):
return form

def update_form(table,record,next,message,deletable):
return form

In the view I have a link "insert record":


and the days are links:


The problem is everything works accept for the cancel button in the
create_form, which results in an invalid function error when clicked.
This I don't understand, while the url's of the cancel buttons in both
the create_form and the update_form read the same, the cancel button
in the update_form works, the form above the table containing the
opening hours disappears and just the table is displayed.

I hope one of you knows why this happens and how I can fix this

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: uploads problem

2010-06-01 Thread annet
In the cms application uploads folder I made this directory:

In the function that contains the upload field I set:

company_%i" %auth.user.bedrijf_id)

When I expose the function and upload an image it ends up in the ../
upload/company_443 directory. Which is the intended behaviour.

In the init application's view in which I want to display the uploaded
images, I set the image's src attribute to:

{{=IMG(_src=URL(r=request,a='cms',c='default',f='download/company_' +
str(club[0].id), args=image_1[0].image))}}

When I expose the related function the scr attribute reads like:

return response.download(request,db)

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: crud question on multiple form layout [closed]

2010-06-01 Thread annet
After a lot of trial and error I figured out how to implement this, so
subject closed.

On May 24, 6:45 pm, annet  wrote:
> I have the following layout:
>   .header.
>         .1.
>         .2.
>         .3.
>   .footer.
> I my database header, .1, .2 , .3 and footer are fields of type text
> and in web2py_ajax.html I enabled tinyMCE on textareas.
> I would like to make an administrative view in which all five divs are
> links to forms in which a user can perform crud actions on the
> textareas and in return see the result of their actions. The problem
> is I have no idea of how to implement this in web2py. I hope someone
> could point me in the right direction.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

[web2py] Re: crud problem [closed]

2010-06-01 Thread annet
> You can try replace
> if not response.init_flash: response.init_flash='Insert tagline'
> with
> response.init_flash='Insert tagline'

That solved the problem, thanks.


[web2py] Re: cancel button in update and create work differently [closed]

2010-06-01 Thread annet
Setting the cancel button to:


at least gives the user a way to cancel the function, not the way I
wanted it, but it's better than getting an error.


[web2py] Re: cancel button in update and create work differently [closed]

2010-06-01 Thread annet
Yes, you're right, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for providing me
with a better solution.

Kind regards,


[web2py] placeholder instead of image preview

2010-06-01 Thread annet
I have the following function:


The problem is that crud.update shows a placeholder for the image
instead of a preview of the image.

Safari's inspect element shows the following src attribute:


Why isn't the image being displayed?

Kind regards,


Mac OS X 10.5.8
Python 2.5
Web2py 1.76.5

[web2py] Re: Frivolous request for login/logout

2010-06-03 Thread annet
It's probably not the most elegant of solutions, but in db.py I simply

if auth.is_logged_in():
auth.messages.logged_in='Logged in successfully, welcome ' +
auth.user.first_name + ' ' + auth.user.last_name
auth.messages.logged_out='Logged out successfully, until next time
' +  auth.user.first_name + ' ' + auth.user.last_name

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Frivolous request for login/logout

2010-06-03 Thread annet

> This's not working !! you need to set the message before actually logged in !!

Why is that? I welcome a user who logs in so setting
auth.messages.logged_in works. When does auth.user provide you with
values for first_name and last_name in your solution? Before logging

> your solution just set the message after user is actually logged in so
> it's useless


> moreover, setting the logout message will not work, unless the index
> page itself has no flash message set or else the flash message in
> index age will override yours

In my case (with login_next and logout_url set) both the login message
and the logout message works, so who are you to tell me that it
doesn't work. As I said:

> It's probably not the most elegant of solutions, but in db.py I simply
> set:

Kind regards,


[web2py] call javascript function from within controller

2010-06-04 Thread annet
I have the following code in a view:



The javascript clublocatordetails function (in web2py_ajax.html)
re sizes the window. I extended the details function:

def details():

if not club:
elif club[0].status=='2':

return dict(...)

When a club has status 2 there is a redirect to a different function,
since this function's view is larger I would like to resize the
browser window.

Would it be possible to define a second javascript function that re-
sizes the window to the desired height and width and call that
function in the redirect somehow?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: html5 test

2010-06-07 Thread annet
Safari 4.0.5 : 115 0ut of 160

Failing on: Geolocation, Forms and User interaction.


[web2py] form[0] insert

2010-06-07 Thread annet
I am using this:


to insert headers between rows. The header is being inserted in the
first column of the form. I would like to insert an explanatory text
into the second column of a particular row, is that possible using
this syntax, if so, what is the correct syntax.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: tables name in result

2010-06-07 Thread annet
In your table definitions (in db.py) you could set a label on the

db.person.id.label='Person's ID'
db.person.name.label='Person's Name'

Kind regards,


[web2py] disable label

2010-06-07 Thread annet
I have a form:


in which I don't want some of the labels to show, I tried:


but that doesn't work, is there a way to disable labels on fields?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: form[0] insert

2010-06-07 Thread annet

Indeed it was easier to use form.element(...), thanks for providing me
with this solution.


On Jun 7, 8:13 pm, mdipierro  wrote:
> form[0] #table
> form[0][21] # 22nd row
> form[0][21][1] #  second column of above row
> form[0][21][1].insert(0,H4('Text'))
> but it should be easier to do
> form.element('input[name=xxx]').parent.insert(0,H4('Text'))
> where 'xxx' is the name of the field variable.
> On Jun 7, 4:24 am, annet  wrote:
> > I am using this:
> > form[0].insert(21,TR(H4('Text')))
> > to insert headers between rows. The header is being inserted in the
> > first column of the form. I would like to insert an explanatory text
> > into the second column of a particular row, is that possible using
> > this syntax, if so, what is the correct syntax.
> > Kind regards,
> > Annet.

[web2py] tos download

2010-06-08 Thread annet
In a view I have a link which should enable users to download the
terms of service:

{{=A('terms of service',_href=URL(r=request,c='static',f='cms/files/

This opens the tos in the browser window, whereas I would like them to
be downloaded into the downloads folder on the users computer. Is that
possible from within web2py?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: tos download

2010-06-08 Thread annet

I used:

> {{=A('terms of service',_href=URL(r=request,c='static',f='cms/files/
> tos_fitwise.pdf',vars=dict(attachment=True)))}}

and it works, so problem solved thanks.


[web2py] Re: disable label

2010-06-08 Thread annet
Thanks for providing me with this solution, problem solved.

I have another problem with this form. In the first column some of the
field names are split up, like:

Sub-dossiernumber *

Is there a way to solve this?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: disable label [closed]

2010-06-10 Thread annet

label {
white-space: nowrap;

solved the problem, thanks for providing me with this solution.


[web2py] Re: tos download [closed]

2010-06-10 Thread annet

At the moment this is the only static file I serve, so web2py does all
the work.


[web2py] Multiple domains one web2py installation.

2010-06-13 Thread annet
I posted the following question at WebFaction:

One of my customers asked me whether it would be possible to have his
domain centralfit.nl reference a page within my web2py app. Is this
simply a matter of adding the domain centralfit.nl to the Control
Panel, and creating a website that references this single page, by
entering a website name 'centralfit', selecting the subdomain www.centralfit.nl
which corresponds to the website record and adding a site app where
'customweb2py' is the app and /init/homepage/index/443 is the URL in
which 'init' is the application, 'homepage' is the controller, 'index'
is the function and '443' is the argument. Or isn't it this simple?

There reply reads as follows:

If you do what you described, you would end up with your
"customweb2py" app available through 
no page will be displayed at http://www.centralfit.nl though.

You will definitely need a second application if you want 
to show different pages than http://www.fitwise.nl

I wonder whether this is a limitation of WebFaction or a limitation in
general. I built an application that, based on a company_id, exposes a
fully functional web application. If the customers domain cannot
reference this application, this idea is useless.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Multiple domains one web2py installation.

2010-06-13 Thread annet
I posted the following question at WebFaction:

One of my customers asked me whether it would be possible to have his
domain centralfit.nl reference a page within my web2py app. Is this
simply a matter of adding the domain centralfit.nl to the Control
Panel, and creating a website that references this single page, by
entering a website name 'centralfit', selecting the subdomain www.centralfit.nl
which corresponds to the website record and adding a site app where
'customweb2py' is the app and /init/homepage/index/443 is the URL in
which 'init' is the application, 'homepage' is the controller, 'index'
is the function and '443' is the argument. Or isn't it this simple?

There reply reads as follows:

If you do what you described, you would end up with your
"customweb2py" app available through 
no page will be displayed at http://www.centralfit.nl though.

You will definitely need a second application if you want 
to show different pages than http://www.fitwise.nl

I wonder whether this is a limitation of WebFaction or a limitation in
general. I built an application that, based on a company_id, exposes a
fully functional web application. If the customers domain cannot
reference this application, this idea is useless.

Is there a way to solve this problem?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Multiple domains one web2py installation.

2010-06-13 Thread annet
To add to the confusion:

On my follow up question:

So, I would need an installation of web2py for every customer who
would like to have his domain reference a function within my
application? And this also holds true, if I'd install an application
for that customer within web2py?

I received this reply:

You would need a separate application for each separate domain name
that you want to display a different page on, unless the same web2py
application can serve different pages, based on the domain name that
is used - and I am not aware of such a feature. You might want to
check with the web2py developers whether it is possible to serve
different pages based on the domain name that is used in the HTTP

The separate application can be a full fledged web2py installation, or
a redirect to the main URL (e.g.to 
, or an iframe page used to mask to actual URL, or a simple HTML copy
of the page(s) your web2py installation generates, or anything that
displays the content you want to see actually.

I guess the feature mentioned is routes.py?

The second part of the reply doesn't ring a bell at all, I hope one of
you can tell me what is being explained here.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Multiple domains one web2py installation.

2010-06-13 Thread annet
Hi Vasile,

> please take a look if that is what you 
> needhttp://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/fac136d7e1...

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll give it a try and
let you know if it works.

> - webfaction application is a different thing than a web2py application

I know, I installed web2py using their custom install script and named
the application customweb2py. The web2py applications are located in

Do you know whether there is a limit to the number of applications you
can have within web2py and routes.py.

According to webfaction's support people you cannot install only one
web2py application in an account, when I install a second web2py
called secondweb2py, how do customweb2py and secondweb2py know about
each others existence?

Kind regards,


[web2py] error auth_user already exists

2010-06-14 Thread annet
I altered something in the db.py file, the file contains the following
custom auth_user table:

auth.settings.table_user = db.define_table('auth_user',

auth.define_tables(fake_migrate=True)  # creates all
needed tables

When I save the file and open the database administration I get the
following ticket.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/restricted.py",
line 173, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/applications/cms/
models/db_01.py", line 16, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
1275, in define_table
t._create(migrate=migrate, fake_migrate=fake_migrate)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
1694, in _create
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/web2py/gluon/sql.py", line
958, in 
self._execute = lambda *a, **b: self._cursor.execute(*a, **b)
ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

I thought setting fake_migrate=True would prevent me from having this

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: error auth_user already exists

2010-06-14 Thread annet
Hi Jonhy,

Thanks for your reply. I am using PostgreSQL, and the auth_ tables
contain data, so I cannot simply drop them, empty the databases folder
and redefine them. I hope there is a solution which allows me to keep
the tables in the PostgreSQL database.

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: where are the auth table model?

2010-06-15 Thread annet
Hi Johny,

I am facing the same problem, since there seems to be no proper
solution I use the following workaround:

I move everything that has to do with auth to its own db_01 file and
define all my tables in a separate db_00.py file. Now every time a
table definition changes, and I save db_00.py auth doesn't complain
about the already existing tables.

Now when I move the app containing auth to the deployment environment
I delete the auth_ tables from both the app and PostgreSQL in the
development environment. Once on the server, I open and save db_01.py,
which creates the auth_ tables on the server.

Every time I upgrade the app on the server I remove the auth_ .table
and sql.log from the databases folder, pack all, upload and install
the app on the server, and put the auth_ .table and sql.log files back
into the databases folder.

I know this is awkward, but I tried everything else, setting
fake_migrate=False etc. but none of this solved the problem, whereas
this procedure works for me.

I posted a similar question on 6th January, to which Massimo posted
the following reply:

""Tables have to be redefined (at the web2py level) every time you
need them. Therefore you must call auth.define_tables() or, as far as
web2py is concerned, they do not exist. When you define them at the
web2py level, if migrate=False, web2py assumes thay also exist in the
DB, if migrate=True it does not assumes that and looks into the .table

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: where are the auth table model?

2010-06-15 Thread annet
Hi Richard,

> I don't know whether the problems you're having might stem from not
> following this structure.

I am pretty sure I got the structure right, Massimo helped me sort
that out.

auth.settings.table_user = db.define_table('auth_user',



When I moved my PostgreSQL database from development to production, I
did not have authentication and authorization enabled. After
developing a CSM app on the database, I had to run auth.define_tables
in the production environment to add the auth_ tables to the
production database. This could only be done with an empty databases
folder in the CMS app. Now every time I update/upgrade the cms
application I empty the databases folder, to prevent the .table files
from being overwritten.

The auth_... already exists problem also occurred when I extended my
database with a new table, to prevent this from happening I put all my
table definition in a separate db_xx.py file.

I am very much aware that these are layman solutions, and I am very
much looking forward to the day I come up with am more professional

Kind regards,


[web2py] Open menu item in new window.

2010-06-26 Thread annet
In a view I have the following link which opens in a new window:


In a menu I have a menu item which references the same function:


To keep their behaviour consistent I would like to open the menu item
in a new window also, is that possible?

Kind regards,


[web2py] html e-mail newsletter

2010-03-06 Thread annet
>From this article I learned how to code an html e-mail newsletter:


Now I would like to send this newsletter from within a Web2py CRM
application. I searched the group for how to instructions but I didn't
find anything useful. I tried the link in this post:


but that resulted in an unable to connect warning. I tried the link to
the wiki from Web2py's homepage but that resulted in an internal

I hope one of you could provide me with detailed instructions of how
to send an html e-mail newsletter from a Web2py application.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-12 Thread annet
I am trying to work out a working version of this: Using the Template
System to Generate Emails,  page 146 -147 of the web2py.

1. The database table in db.py:

2. The mail settings in db.py:
from gluon.tools import *

Where I would like to send every comapny in a message , stored in a
view file "html_mail.html":

3. The function in default.py
def send_mail():
for nfa in nfas:
context = dict(nfa=nfa)
message = response.render('html_mail.html', context)
mail.send(to=['.'], subject='None', message=message)

My questions are: what goes here: to= [''] the mail address to
which I would like to send the mail is in nfas.adres and how does this
function end, I mean what goes at the ...

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-14 Thread annet
Hi Denes,

This send_mail function works:

def send_mail():
for nfa in nfas:
mail.send(to=[recipient],subject='Controleer uw adresgegevens
in Fitwise',message=message)
return True

I do have a question though: why recipient=nfa.adres and not

Furthermore, I don't think this function is very robust. It returns
True on success, but that's all. What happens when the send function
returns a False? Shouldn't I keep track of the Trues and Falses the
send function returns for every mail sent?

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-18 Thread annet
Hi Denes,

> because you have for nfa in nfas: so each nfa is a record
> (from the group of records or 'Rows' object called nfas)

This is what caused my confusion, in my cms app I had the following
lines of code:


I thought that was similar to:

for nfa in nfas:

I do see the difference now, thanks.

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-19 Thread annet
In my application all functions related to sending mail from it work.
The main function reads like:

def send_mail():
for nfa in nfas:
mail.send(to=[recipient],subject='Controleer uw adresgegevens
in Fitwise',message=message)
return True

The send_mail.html view reads like (I removed the irrelevant parts):

   Template - Single Column

  body {
 background-color: #ee;


  {{if not request.function=='browser_version':}}
  Having trouble viewing this email?
{{=A('View it in your browser',







I based this code on this article: 
and the templates referred to. I had hoped the view would display
without trouble, but it doesn't. In all mail clients and web based
apps, it displays as plain text, so the html is not rendered. I have
been trying to find out why for two days now, and hope one of you can
come to my rescue.

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-20 Thread annet
Denes and Alexandre,

Your replies were very helpful and helped me understand and solve the
problem, thanks.


> Use the following class lined out in the wiki, works like a charm.

I will, in one of the next iterations. At the moment I am not yet
proficient enough in Python to completely understand the class
outlined in the wiki, and consequently unable to use it properly.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-20 Thread annet
I have another question:

In case the user would like to view the html mail in his browser, I
have got the following line of code:

{{if not request.function=='browser_version':}}
   Having trouble viewing this email? View
it in your browser

I would like to use the same view, however, that view contains the
variable nfa.bedrijf, which, in case of the mail, is available from
the context. The link to the browser_version function contains
args=[nfa.bedrijf], so nfa.bedrijf is available as request.args[0] in
the browser_version function, but I don't now to pass it on to the
view in a suitable way.

I could do:

def browser_version():
return dict(nfa=nfa)

..., but that would unnecessarily query the database. Is there another
way to solve this problem?

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Mailing list.

2010-03-20 Thread annet
In my application I have a table npa which contains non-physical
addresses, i.e. telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses etc.
that are displayed on business cards. This table has a field company
which references a table company. Initially I inserted addresses into
these tables which I got from the Chamber of Commerce. Now I would
like to send a first e-mail to these companies, based on the e-mail
addresses in the npa table. In this first mail the recipient gets the
opportunity to register himself as contact person for a company. The
table contact_person contains a field e-mail_address, which I would
like to use for future promotional e-mails, instead of the e-mail
address in the npa table. However, if the recipient doesn't register
as a contact person, I have to be able to use the e-mail address from
the npa table.

Furthermore, I need a table which keeps track of the unsubscribe

Did one of you face a similar problem? How did you solve it?

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Using the Template System to Generate Emails

2010-03-21 Thread annet
In the send_mail.html view I have a link which reads like:

Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser

When I send the mail and open it this link reads like:

Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser

Does one of you know why the href isn't being rendered?

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: Mailing list.

2010-03-21 Thread annet

> Hope this helps a little.

Yes, actually it helped me a lot.

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Drop boxes in 1.76.5

2010-03-21 Thread annet
Today, I upgraded my web2py installation to version 1.76.5. In this
web2py version the drop boxes display an empty key value pair first,
and then the key value pairs from the tables I based them on. What
causes this change in behaviour? How do I correct it?

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] href not being rendered

2010-03-23 Thread annet
In a send_mail.html view I have a link which reads like:

Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser

When I send the mail and open it this link reads like:

Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser

Does one of you know why the href isn't being rendered?

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Cleanup sessions

2010-03-27 Thread annet
I have just moved my application from the development environment to a
production environment. I read the web2py manual and some posts in the
group on the subject of cleaning up sessions, but I am not sure which
is the best way to proceed. I am running version 1.76.5 of web2py.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Web2py mounted to sub-url

2010-04-01 Thread annet
When I use the custom install script at WebFaction to install web2py
the docs point me to the following caveat:

Web2py won't work properly if it is mounted to a sub-URL like
http://domain.com/web2py/. it must be mounted to the domain root.

What exactly does this mean?

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] args problem in 1.76.5

2010-04-04 Thread annet
After upgrading to web2py version 1.76.5 one of the functions I
defined no longer works.

I defined a table newsmonth:


... which I use to display archived news items per month. Number is
the number of the month e.g April 4. Month is a string, for April it
reads like: April 2010. Publish defaults to false and is set to true
on the 1st of the next month.

In the view I have a list with links:

March 2010
february 2010
january 2010

When the visitor clicks March 2010, the news table is queried:

def archive():
if request.args:
if not news:
response.flash='Select an archived month'
response.flash='Select an archived month'
return dict(months=months,news=news,month=month)

month is set to request.args[1], i.e March 2010, and returned to the


Nieuws {{=month.replace('_',' ')}}



{{for item in news:}}





  Archived months:

  {{for month in months:}}




When I expose the archive function, the view displays well. The URL
reads like:

However, when I click one of the archived months links I get an
invalid request error.

The link in the view reads like: March 2010

... the URL in the browser reads like:

Since the function works without args, I suppose the error has
something to do with the args, the porblem is I can't figure out what.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] args problem in 1.76.5

2010-04-04 Thread annet
After upgrading to web2py version 1.76.5 one of the functions I
defined no longer works.

I defined a table newsmonth:



... which I use to display archived news items per month. Number is
the number of the month e.g April 4. Month is a string, for April it
reads like: April 2010. Publish defaults to false and is set to true
on the 1st of the next month.

In the view I have a list with links:

March 2010
february 2010
january 2010

When the visitor clicks March 2010, the news table is queried:

def archive():

if request.args:
if not news:
response.flash='Select an archived month'
response.flash='Select an archived month'
return dict(months=months,news=news,month=month)

month is set to request.args[1], i.e March 2010, and returned to the


Nieuws {{=month.replace('_',' ')}}



{{for item in news:}}






  Archived months:

  {{for month in months:}}





When I expose the archive function, the view displays well. The URL
reads like:

However, when I click one of the archived months links I get an
invalid request error.

The link in the view reads like: March 2010

... the URL in the browser reads like:

Since the function works without args, I suppose the error has
something to do with the args, the porblem is I can't figure out what.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: args problem in 1.76.5

2010-04-04 Thread annet
In the view, when I replace:




The function works.
When I replace the underscore with a space:

  {{=A(month.maand,_href=URL(r=request,args=[3,'maart 2010']))}}

The space is being replaced with %20 and the function no longer works.
Hopes this helps you help me solve the problem.


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: args problem in 1.76.5

2010-04-04 Thread annet
In the view, when I replace:




The function works.
When I replace the underscore with a space:

  {{=A(month.month,_href=URL(r=request,args=[3,'maart 2010']))}}

The space is being replaced with %20 and the function no longer works.
Hopes this helps you help me solve the problem.


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] Re: args problem in 1.76.5

2010-04-05 Thread annet

The problem is that web2py did replace spaces with underscores, but in
version 1.76.x it no longer does. The function described above worked,
until I upgraded to version 1.76.5.

That's why I have this line of code in my view:

Nieuws {{=month.replace('_',' ')}}

to have the month display like without the underscore: April 2009
instead of April_2009

Kind regards,


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"web2py-users" group.
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[web2py] ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

2010-04-12 Thread annet
I have one application (called base) in which I define all the tables
for three other applications. In the three applications I use the same
db.py file. In these db.py files I set migrate=False on all tables.

One of these applications is a CMS, in which I enabled Authorization
and Authentication. This creates the .table files for auth_event,
auth- group, auth_membership, auth_permission and auth_user in the
databases folder of the cms application, all the .table files for the
tables are in the databases folder of the base application.

Today I defined four more tables in the base application's db.py file,
and copied and paste them to the db.py files of the other
applications, and set migrate=False on these tables. After saving the
db.py file of the CMS application I got the following error when I go
to the database administration:

ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

Does this mean I cannot make changes to the db.py file in which
Authorization and Authentication are enabled? i.e. I can only save the
db.py file once.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

2010-04-12 Thread annet
Could it have anything to do with defining a custom auth_user tabel?

Field('bedrijf', db.bedrijf, default='',
notnull=True,ondelete='CASCADE', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('first_name', length=128, default='', notnull=True),
Field('last_name', length=128, default='', notnull=True),
Field('email', length=128, default='', notnull=True),
Field('site', type='boolean', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('username', length=128, default='', notnull=True,
Field('password', type='password', length=256, readable=False,
default='', notnull=True),
Field('created_on',type='datetime', writable=False,
Field('modified_on',type='datetime', writable=False,
Field('most_recent_login',type='datetime', writable=False,
Field('registration_key', length=128, writable=False,
readable=False, default=''))

db.auth_user.bedrijf.requires=[IS_IN_DB(db, db.bedrijf.id, '%
db.auth_user.bedrijf.label='Bedrijf * '
overschreidt 128 tekens'), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
db.auth_user.first_name.label='Voornaam * '
overschreidt 128 tekens'), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
db.auth_user.last_name.label='Achternaam * '
overschreidt 128 tekens'), IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
db.auth_user.email.label='E-mail * '
overschreidt 128 tekens'), IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,
db.auth_user.username.label='Gebruikersnaam * '
db.auth_user.password.requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), CRYPT()]
db.auth_user.password.label='Wachtwoord * '

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Unable to install application

2010-04-12 Thread annet
I installed web2py 1.76.5 at webfaction using their latest custom
installer script. I am able to login to the admin application,
however, when I Upload and Install a packed application I get the
error: unable to install application "init".

I hope one of you can help me solve this problem.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: ProgrammingError: relation "auth_user" already exists

2010-04-12 Thread annet

Yes, that would solve the problem, but I do have data in the auth_xxx
tables. I had hoped there would be a more robust solution. Isn't it
possible to define the auth_event, auth- group, auth_membership,
auth_permission and auth_user in db.py just like I define all the
other tables, and after the tables have been created set their
migrates to migrate=False. I mean to not use auth.define_tables() to
create the tables. In that case the auth_xxx tables are created once,
and longer touched when I edit the db.py file.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Unable to install application

2010-04-12 Thread annet

Thank you very much for your extensive reply to my post. I apologize
for not replying earlier (bedtime ;-) )

The script you reference above is indeed the one I used to install
web2py: http://wiki.webfaction.com/wiki/Web2py-LatestSource

I first tried to install web2py manually based on these instructions:
http://forum.webfaction.com/viewtopic.php?id=2373 I did get web2py
installed this way in December, however, in March I didn't. At
WebFaction they advised me to use their installer script to install
web2py, and emphasized that I should not start/stop web2py myself.

I'll get in touch with them, and reference the links you posted. I'll
let you know when the problem is solved.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: Unable to install application

2010-04-13 Thread annet

Thank you very much for your extensive reply to my post. I apologize
for not replying earlier (bedtime ;-) )

The script you reference above is not the one I used to install
web2py. I read my log and found out that WebFaction no longer provides
the scrip I used:


I first tried to install web2py manually based on these instructions:
http://forum.webfaction.com/viewtopic.php?id=2373 I did get web2py
installed this way in December, however, in March I didn't. At
WebFaction they advised me to use their installer script to install
web2py, and emphasized that I should not start/stop web2py myself.

I'll get in touch with them, and reference our findings. I'll let you
know when the problem is solved.

Kind regards,


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[web2py] _href and src url not rendered

2010-04-17 Thread annet
In the view of a html mail function I have got the following A-helper
and img tag:

Having trouble viewing this email? {{=A('View it in your browser',

When I expose the function both locally and on the server the _href
and src attributes aren't rendered, i.e. when I open the mail in a
mail client or for example roundcube web mail the attributes just
aren't there:

Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your browser

Does one of you know why, and how to solve this problem?

Kind regards,


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[web2py] Re: _href and src url not rendered

2010-04-17 Thread annet
Maybe the following information is of help to help me solve the
problem. The mail function reads like:

def send_mail():

for item in mailinglist:
boolean=mail.send(to=[recipient],subject='Bedrijfsgegevens ' +
item.bedrijf.bedrijfsnaam + ' in Fitwise',message=[None,message])
if boolean:
return True

And the view:


Template - Single Column




Having trouble viewing this email? {{=A('View
it in your browser',







Fitwise is een informatie en
communicatie tool op internet waarmee u uw klanten en potentiële
klanten moeiteloos bereikt en waarmee zij
u moeiteloos kunnen vinden via onze
   {{=A('club locator',
   Als ondernemer wilt u natuurlijk dat uw
bedrijfsgegevens in ons systeem up-to-date zijn. Controleer daarom
   {{=A('uw bedrijfsgegevens in Fitwise',

Zijn uw bedrijfsgegevens in ons systeem
niet up-to-date of wilt u uzelf als contactpersoon aanmelden. Vul dan
_target="_blank")}} in.
   Zijn uw bedrijfsgegevens in ons systeem up-
to-date? Laat het ons weten via het

vriendelijke groet




Not interested anymore? {{=A('Unsubscribe',






When I change the mail function to read like:

def not_send_mail():

return dict(item=item)

And in the view replace item with item[0]. Then, when I expose the
not_send_mail function the view is rendered correctly:

"Having trouble viewing this email?"

Kind regards,


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