WO-Day 2019 / Finding a new home for our WOnderous animals / Modern deployment methods

2019-04-11 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
ike this, are now available at 
<http://localhost:10080/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ApplicationName.woa/> :-)

Integrating your WOApp into Nomad
For this you'll need the 2020 WO-Day-Ference access pass ;-) At least currently 
we haven't finished this part but you can follow the guide at 
<https://www.nomadproject.io/intro/getting-started/jobs.html> to get a basic 
idea how to schedule and run your applications in Nomad. All that is really 
required for WOApps, is some additional glue, to get the current hostname, 
extract the port from the consul-provided server.port java property and feed it 
into the correct WO* parameters (in addition to other required / desired 
parameters for logging and running in the proper standalone mode).

If you made it here, these notes hopefully are of some interest to you and 
maybe even helpful. Feel free to continue here on the mailing list or contact 
me for any further questions!


PS: It seems that session stickiness currently unfortunately is only supported 
through cookies, as otherwise traefik and the application would need a somewhat 
(same) deeper understanding of the URL scheme to properly generate content and 
links or traefik would have to inspect the content deeper. 

Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62
dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com <mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
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Re: Advice on whether to upgrade Eclipse / WOLips from Eclipse Mars 4.5

2019-02-11 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 11. Feb 2019, at 12:34, John Pollard  wrote:
> I installed 2018-12 but on attempting to add WOLips47 I received the 
> following error:
> Unable to read repository at 
> https://jenkins.wocommunity.org/job/WOLips47/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/temp/dist/content.xml
> <https://jenkins.wocommunity.org/job/WOLips47/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/temp/dist/content.xml>.
> sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: 
> sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find 
> valid certification path to requested target
> Menu Eclipse -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Configuration
> java.runtime.version=1.8.0_60-b27
> which I believe is up to date on my Mac
> Any pointers to working round this?

Probably this is the Java version (1.8.0_60 seems to be from autumn 2015); The 
JDK only included the required root certificates to accept Let's Encrypt 
certificates (which jenkins.wocommunity.org <http://jenkins.wocommunity.org/> 
uses) in 1.8.0_101 (mid 2016) so you either need to update the JDK/JRE 
(probably just the latest Java 8 version) you use for running eclipse or you 
need to add the required root certificates manually to the trust store of the 
installed JRE.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
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Re: WOlips Installation problem

2018-11-13 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 13. Nov 2018, at 03:31, Klaus Berkling  wrote:
>> On Nov 12, 2018, at 12:23 AM, Dennis Bliefernicht 
>> mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>> 
>> wrote:
>> the exception rather hints at an SSL problem even before trying to read the 
>> content.xml; we experienced this exact issue before when running an older 
>> JDK version, as wocommunity uses Lets Encrypt; the relevant root 
>> certificates it seems only have been added in Java 8u101 and Java 7u111 (or 
>> Java 9+) so you could either try upgrading the JDK you use for running 
>> eclipse or import the relevant certificates into your keystore manually. 
>> (See also https://letsencrypt.org/docs/certificate-compatibility/ 
>> <https://letsencrypt.org/docs/certificate-compatibility/>).
>> At least in our case a JDK update solved this issue since then.
> I updated to 1.8.0_191 but get the same error… :-( 

Just another hunch based on bad experience ;-) assuming a macOS installation: 
As Eclipse sometimes likes to hardcode the installation VM on macOS (for 
example in /Applications/Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/eclipse.ini, hit me once 
or twice during cleanup), might make sense to double-check the Menu Eclipse -> 
About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Configuration where amongst all other 
system properties the java.runtime.version property should indicate the actual 
running JDK. 

For reference: Running an OpenJDK Zulu build from Azul here, Version 
1.8.0_181-b02 on Mojave 10.14 using Eclipse Photon and can pull the WOLips 
packages from the given URL



Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
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Re: WOlips Installation problem

2018-11-12 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
> www.berkling.us <http://berkling.us/> | @kiberkli | Photography 
> <https://www.flickr.com/people/kiberkling/>
> ___
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Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
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Re: maven.wocommunity.org timeouts (2017-10-16)

2017-10-17 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Looks like it is up again, thanks whoever resolved it :-)


> On 16. Oct 2017, at 13:31, Dennis Bliefernicht 
>  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> our build server just noticed, that maven.wocommunity.org 
> <http://maven.wocommunity.org/> seems to give timeouts right now, but I'm not 
> sure who is the current caretaker of that host? Can anyone observe this as 
> well?
> Thanks in advance && Greetings
> Dennis
> --
> -
> Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
> T +49 40 357 3001 62
> dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com <mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>
> XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
> www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
> Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
> Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen
> -
> ___
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Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
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maven.wocommunity.org timeouts (2017-10-16)

2017-10-16 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

our build server just noticed, that maven.wocommunity.org 
<http://maven.wocommunity.org/> seems to give timeouts right now, but I'm not 
sure who is the current caretaker of that host? Can anyone observe this as well?

Thanks in advance && Greetings

Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: apache2.4 on CentOS - doesn't do a thing

2017-08-06 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 7. Aug 2017, at 01:32, Rainer Duffner  wrote:
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:11.220413 2017] [:error] [pid 7912] Request handling error: 
> The requested application was not found on this server.
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.232976 2017] [:error] [pid 7914] sendBuffers(): send 
> error: Connection refused
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.233009 2017] [:error] [pid 7914] error sending request
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.233281 2017] [:error] [pid 7914] Request handling error: 
> The requested application was not found on this server.
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.233646 2017] [:error] [pid 7911] sendBuffers(): send 
> error: Connection refused
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.233657 2017] [:error] [pid 7911] error sending request
> [Mon Aug 07 01:17:13.233764 2017] [:error] [pid 7911] Request handling error: 
> The requested application was not found on this server.

Another idea (don't remember if the error messages match but the symptom surely 
was the same): have you checked the SELinux permissions and/or if its enabled? 
There is a permission httpd_can_network_connect, which allows httpd to connect 
to other network ports; By default (I think) it is disabled and just lets all 
connections fail. Theoretically this shold also log somewhere in 



Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: reverse engineered DB

2016-11-01 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 31 Oct 2016, at 16:25, Theodore Petrosky  wrote:
> I am reverse engineering an Oracle DB to be able to read from it. I will not 
> write!
> I am of course afraid of this DB. it is not my product and it could be very 
> hurt if something was written to it incorrectly. 
> Would you recommend checking the “Read Only”  check box in the Advanced tab 
> in Entity Modeler for the Entities that I reverse engineer?

another (possibly additional) layer of safety could be just to ask the DBA to 
produce a separate readonly user that just doesn't have any write permissions; 
that way even if something were wrong and EOF decided to write something, the 
database will just deny any changes.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Head of Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
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Re: The WOCommunity slack channel

2016-09-06 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 06.09.2016, at 14:01, Hugi Thordarson  wrote:
> Hi all,
> just wanted to remind you that Samuel Pelletier created a slack channel for 
> the WOCommunity. It’s a lovely little place for chatting about WO. Just let 
> us know if you’d like an invite so you can join.

Count me in, if I'm invited ;-) (dennis.bliefernicht [at] xyrality.com)

Greetings & Thanks


Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
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Re: Design Ideas?

2016-06-23 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 22.06.2016, at 11:33, Calven Eggert  wrote:
> It would be great if the application could be designed so that new 
> paths/activities can be created by the user in an administration section, as 
> opposed to having the developer create new versions of the application each 
> time a new path/activity needs to be created.  Right now, I'm prepared to 
> soldier through and simply design it so that there is 1 table for each 
> activity.  I've looked at creating a generic table that has many string 
> fields and then storing the field type, etc, however, this seems like way too 
> much work (validation, etc.).  Also thought about one activity table but 75 
> fields sounds unmanageable plus the fact that there will be more activities 
> added in the next year.

This depends a lot on the underlying database of course and what your actual 
specs are. In these cases we successfully managed to use JSONB fields in 
Postgresql (in theory any string field would work). On the pro side this is 
very extensible, on the con side you need to do the validation on application 
side if required and you loose the ability to query the specialized fields. 
Especially latter can be the make-or-break argument for this; if you only fetch 
all activities for a patient for example and then want to list them or create 
and delete activities, not being able to query on the fields is a non-issue. On 
the other hand, if you need to build reports for example over all activities of 
a type or filter them by subfields, this design can quickly become a problem 
(on Postgresql / JSONB it is still queriable but that comes down to raw SQL. In 
our case where useful we do use the Boon library and adapted the EOF templates 
to automatically generate a simple wrapper between the EOF-supplied string 
representation and the more convenient Map/List.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
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Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Installation on Ubuntu won't work at Linode with Apt

2016-06-20 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 18.06.2016, at 21:05, Pascal Robert  wrote:
>> Le 18 juin 2016 à 13:11, Pascal Robert  a écrit :
>>> Le 18 juin 2016 à 12:36, Pascal Robert  a écrit :
>>>> Le 18 juin 2016 à 11:45, Pascal Robert  a écrit :
>>>> FYI, in preparation of my presentation, I’m using two VMs at Linode, and I 
>>>> just found out that using the Apt packages won’t work, because the hfsplus 
>>>> module is not present, so it won’t be able to mount the DMG for WO 
>>>> installation.  Adding the kernel module doesn’t work because it’s a Linode 
>>>> supplied kernel, and extra modules won’t load.
>>>> I will try to switch to a distribution-supplied kernel to see it if works. 
>>>> But it should, because it worked on a VM on my local Promox box.
>>> Generic kernel didn’t work too.
>> And it’s not working on AWS either. I’m in deep shit for my presentations…
> It works fine with a full installation in VMWare Fusion. I don’t think the 
> Debian/Ubuntu packages should install the WebObjects frameworks, and that 
> would fix the issue. Discussion to have at WOWODC.

I had similar issues (though I could use the kernel module in the end) in 
docker containers. If you can change the installation process, you might be 
able to work with p7zip-full, the "7z x" command seems to be able to extract 
the dmg to HFS image and the HFS image to actual files. That way you could dump 
the original content into a temp folder and run the installation from there.

Best Luck, nothing like the week before a presentation! ;-)
Dennis, walking back to Keynote now

Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Modern Deployment presentation

2016-05-22 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 20.05.2016, at 03:03, Pascal Robert  wrote:
> [...]
> Anything else you would like to see?

do you still work with JavaMonitor or do you manage instances another way 
(possibly thats already implicitly included in puppet / kickstart)? If there's 
any more magic not yet on the list, that would be very interesting to see. But 
in any case looking very forward to this.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: WOWODC 2016: call for papers!

2016-01-27 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

> On 23.11.2015, at 16:07, Pascal Robert  wrote:
> It's that time of the year! Yes, I need topics for WOWODC 2016. Having them, 
> even if it's not a complet list, before the end of the year would be great.

We're still going through the possibilities here, there are a few ideas 
floating around right now (still list-in-progress):

- repeatable, automated end-to-end testing (building on Gradle and WODocker)
- using Jersey to build RESTful applications using WO and EOF
- Integrating AspectJ for logging and monitoring
- runtime patching of classes using javassist and bytebuddy to safely patch 
issues in EOF

I'd be happy to present some of these, if there's interest and space left; the 
last two might also belong in a combined talk as they touch similar issues 
(run-time transformation of classes).

Another question in a similar direction: will there be some "small 
session"-style slots as we had with the lightning talks on WOWODC 2015 for 
shorter talks?



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Instance becomes unresponsive after 12 hours

2016-01-27 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 26.01.2016, at 14:28, Musall Maik  wrote:
> Anyway, heap sizes of up to 60 GByte are apparently not so common, at least 
> not with WebObjects. I found a helpful article [1] about very large JVM 
> heaps, including the hint to the Zing Azul JVM, which features a stopless 
> garbage collector [3], but costs $8000 per server and year. In the end, we 
> may actually be trying that if other options fail, but first I need to 
> understand more about what's in memory. I'm currently approaching that 
> question via JProfiler, especially to find out if that's all snapshot cache 
> (how would I limit that in size?) or some other homemade memory leak.

Just a shot in the dark (especially the regular timing makes this weird), but 
we have had some issues with the snapshot cache accumulating a lot of data when 
some editing contexts weren't disposed early on (and the referred objects thus 
were carried on until session timeouts may finally remove them). With the 
number of objects growing we observed (if I remember correctly) quadratic 
runtime growth when retrieving objects form the snapshot cache. As we handle a 
large amount of small objects, this escalated rather suddenly when the cache 
exceeded a certain size. In this case JProfiler should show you larger amounts 
of time spent retrieving objects from the snapshot cache in the Hotspots list. 
In our case we were able to dispose editing contexts as soon as possible, 
flushing the objects out of the cache and keeping retrieval time speedy. 
Restarting instances would in this case also keep the accumulated cruft down, 
this scenario would probably only match though, if a significant amount of 
objects come into the system shortly before or at the waiting times.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Secure storage of passwords or credit card data

2015-11-09 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

> On 08 Nov 2015, at 00:08, Mark Wardle  wrote:
> I’m using http://www.jasypt.org <http://www.jasypt.org/>
Note that jasypt seems to use a default of "1000 times MD5" on the password, 
which depending on who you ask is not considered that secure anymore (still 
better than simple hashing though of course), especially as rainbow tables and 
GPUs help A LOT in cracking MD5 hashes more easily. Depending on the needs an 
attacker might even not try to crack the hash at all but just create a password 
that matches the same hash (collision). At least for new systems I would advise 
against using that for password protection as the algorithm can be parallelized 
very efficiently (which is what scrypt/bcrypt try to avoid on purpose to avoid 
being speed-cracked on GPUs for example).



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
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Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Secure storage of passwords or credit card data

2015-11-04 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 04 Nov 2015, at 10:40, Markus Ruggiero  wrote:
> another quick question: what are you using for secure storage of passowords 
> and credit card data in a Wonder app? Is there anything in Wonder (probably 
> there is, but it is not always easy to find things), or are you using other 
> things/libs/code? Any code examples?

For passwords: don't store them :-) We employ bcrypt to hash passwords and 
verify them later-on (which has actually an implementation in Wonder present 
somewhere in er.extensions but there are some common Java implementations as 
well) and never store any cleartext passwords; today password storage should 
never use anything but schemes that are specially crafted or recommended for 
password hashing (please don't go and just sha256-hash passwords). Be aware 
though that these are computationally more intense than "normal" hash functions 
(which is actually the whole point to avoid brute-forcing or precomputation). 
This basically comes down to:

final String cryptedPassword = BCrypt.hashpw(password, 


return BCrypt.checkpw(enteredPassword, cryptedPassword);

where cryptedPassword is everything you ever store. BCRYPT_DIFFICULTY is the 
difficulty factor which determines how hard the bcrypt function will be to 
calculate; you might have to run some benchmarks based on your hardware and 
workload, but common values are around 10-12. This way automatically includes 
some random salt, which ensures that the same password never looks the same 
when hashed (this ensures that knowing one password does not automatically mean 
that you know all other accounts that are the same, see the Adobe password 

scrypt and pbkdf2 are other common alternative that many people use. But never 
ever store cleartext passwords or simple hashes of cleartext password 
(especially unsalted). And never underestimate the attractiveness of someone 
breaching your database (even if it is an "unimportant" service, many users 
will use the same password for email and more important stuff) or the fallout 
from you being the service that leaked passwords.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: New Eclipse with old Java

2015-10-20 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 20 Oct 2015, at 14:56, Kushnir Gennady  wrote:
>> Check if your WO is still setup properly and your Library/wobuild.properties 
>> are setup correctly.
> I’m afraid I don’t get that. WO frameworks are still in 
> /System/Library/Frameworks
> What is "Library/wobuild.properties" ?

Ah I misremembered the path. Its the wolips.properties in 
"$USER_HOME/Library/Application Support/WOLips" which points to the WebObjects 
installation. The WO ant task uses that file to lookup your local WO 
installation and determine if it is WO 5.2 or later (and contains the bootstrap 
JAR) or if its pre-5.2; not finding any properties equals pre-5.2 WO and 
results in a different launch script. We encountered this issue for example 
when using Jenkins to build our applications.

> After changing Ant (on Mars) settings to run with Java 1.8 the build tells me 
> that it completed successfully but actually I can't see the resulting .woa 
> installed in /Library/WebObjects/Applications.

Any specific output? Possibly trying to run the same ant task on the command 
line using an ant installation? Maybe the OS upgrade messed up the access 
permissions / ownership? (Also the new system file protection might prevent 



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: New Eclipse with old Java

2015-10-20 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 20 Oct 2015, at 12:41, Kushnir Gennady  wrote:
> It has been a while since I last updated my developer environment for WO. I 
> used to work with Eclipse Helios lately.
> But after updating my mac to El Captain I noticed some differences in launch 
> scripts generated during application build.
> After all I decided to upgrade to newer version of Eclipse. And I’m still 
> having trouble with it.

Not on the original issue but I noticed that this happens, when woproject (i.e. 
the ant/maven/gradle builder) cannot find WebObjects. It then falls back to 
assuming an older version of WO and builds a different launch script. Check if 
your WO is still setup properly and your Library/wobuild.properties are setup 
correctly. This can be especially irritating when not embedding frameworks 
and/or building with maven/gradle as the WO dependencies are all present but 
the launch script just is different.

> First I installed version 4.5 (Mars) with WOLips44. I found that it refused 
> to launch with Java 1.6, so I had to install Java 1.8 also. But I failed to 
> build my app as it said to me that Java versions below 1.7 are not supported.

Seems like this is more related to ant not working properly with Java 6 
anymore; you need to run using at least Java 7 but you should be able to target 
your builds to 1.6 (i.e. Java 6) by adding the appropriate parts to your ant 
file. https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=474386 
<https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=474386> has some more 
information and further links on the whole ant-mars-java7 issue.

> After that I installed 4.4 (Luna). But it also refused to build saying: 
> "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0".

Have you cleaned everything? This is usually a Java 6 compiler / runtime trying 
to work on classes compiled with Java 7. Probably there are some Java7-compiled 
files around.

Note that Java 6 and 7 are already (at least publicly) end of life so you 
should at least evaluate if there are any problems running on 7 or even 8.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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2015-10-05 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 01 Oct 2015, at 20:22, Gino Pacitti  wrote:
> Has anyone any thoughts on NoSQL and WO integrations and usage?

as well chiming in as "depends on what you are thinking of" :-) With the recent 
better support of JSON / JSONB in Postgres 9.4 we decided that this gives a 
nice middle-ground between relational databases and "Document-style" storage. 
In our case we created a JSONB prototype which maps between java.lang.String 
and jsonb columns (still very postgresql-specialized, needs to be cleaned up 
before it can be integrated in wonder). On the WO-side we then use the 
boon-library to parse between java.lang.String and actual NSDictionary/NSArray 
instances. As we're handling mostly small documents this works out quite fast 
and the workflow can be smoothed further by modifying the wonder templates. 
This effectively allows us to properly store NSDictionaries as entity 
properties and work with them even outside the WO context (as the serialized 
ERXMutableDictionary strings are hard to handle/debug otherwise; also they are 
not very space-efficient for small dictionaries). We haven't investigated 
advanced queries yet as that would probably require some more advanced SQL 
generation magic, but if your WO application mainly needs to handle schema-less 
documents attached to entities (and possibly doing some deeper querying outside 
of EO), this is a quick-and-easy way to enable this for your application.



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Gradle and Eclipse

2015-08-13 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Oh dear, down the NSBundle rabbit hole ;-)

> On 13 Aug 2015, at 15:41, Yoann Canal  wrote:
> On 12/08/15 09:12, Dennis Bliefernicht wrote:
>> HI,
>>> - download woproject.jar only once instead of once per framework
>>> - remove reference to nexus.xyrality.net <http://nexus.xyrality.net/>
>>> - remove postgres dependencies
>>> - allow setting webobjectsVersion / wonderVersion before applying the 
>>> plugin since automatically added frameworks will use the default versions 
>>> otherwise
>> Feel absolutely free to submit pull requests, preferable separate ones for 
>> this :-) Generally we're not that happy either yet with the default 
>> dependency mechanism; while "fine" for most projects sometimes you want to 
>> switch out some dependency which is not that easy to do afterwards in Gradle.
> Will do :)
> Our only trouble with dependencies has been with WOUnit that get outdated 
> dependencies so our fork contains
> testCompile(group: 'com.wounit', name: 'wounit', version: '1.2.1') {
> transitive = false
> }
> and we manually add the required dependencies afterward.

If transitive dependencies are the issue, you should always be able to override 
them with newer versions, even if transitive = false has not been specified. 
Another pitfall though with WO/Wonder is the possibility of some libraries 
being completely included into other libraries (e.g. JavaXML contains a copy of 
log4j, XML parsers, commons-logging, ...). This can really trip you up add a 
newer version of the library and get weird MethodNotFoundException because some 
new class mixes up with some old class.

> That's the scenario we tried. We use eclipse 4.5 (I think Antoine tried on 
> 4.4), gradle 2.4 and our fork of the gradle-plugin.
> The projects were imported using the "import existing project" menu, not the 
> gradle import.
> .project file contains org.objectstyle.wolips.incrementalbuilder and 
> org.objectstyle.wolips.incrementalframeworknature :(

Too bad, that would have been an easy one :-) Could you try importing it as 
proper Gradle project using the Eclipse Gradle Plugin? We had success with 
<https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/gradle-ide-pack> (only need the IDE 
pack). Then Import -> Gradle -> Gradle Project -> Select root project folder -> 
Build Model -> Select projects -> Import.

> Linking to the JavaWebObjects library instead of the .jar gives another 
> exception but I'm not sure this can help:
> [...]
> [2015-8-13 14:59:24 CEST]  NSBundle is unable to find 
> "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle.  Ignoring optional 
> configuration file.
> [2015-8-13 14:59:24 CEST]  Cannot use rapid turnaround.  Please start 
> Xcode and open the project for this application.
> [2015-8-13 14:59:24 CEST]  : Warning - Unable to find 
> project at path /Users/ycanal/ - Ignoring project.
> [2015-8-13 14:59:24 CEST]  java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: 
> String index out of range: 18
> at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1951)
> at 
> com.webobjects._ideservices._WOAntProject.antProjectAtPath(_WOAntProject.java:62)
> at 
> com.webobjects._ideservices._WOProject.ideProjectAtPath(_WOProject.java:106)

Looks like it did not properly recognize the project as Eclipse project, which 
is why it tries to use the Ant loader. Is the project being built properly by 
eclipse in build/YourApp.woa? 

> [2015-8-13 14:59:24 CEST]  A fatal exception occurred: ERXExtensions 
> have not been initialized. Debugging information can be enabled by adding the 
> JVM argument: '-Der.extensions.appserver.projectBundleLoading=DEBUG'. Please 
> report the classpath and the rest of the bundles to the Wonder mailing list: 
> Remaining frameworks: [JavaFoundation, ERModernLook, ERCoreBusinessLogic, 
> ERTaggable, JavaJDBCAdaptor, ERRest, JavaXML, WOLips, ERCoolComponents, 
> ERPrototypes, ExcelGenerator, JavaWOExtensions, JavaDTWGeneration, 
> ERAttachment, JavaEOControl, Ajax, MySQLPlugIn, JavaEOAccess, GoogleChart, 
> JavaDirectToWeb, ERCoreBusinessLogicDTW, ERJavaMail, ERExcelLook, 
> JavaEOProject, JavaMemoryAdaptor, ERModernDefaultSkin, ERDirectToWeb, 
> ERQuartzScheduler, ERExtensions, WOOgnl, ERModernDirectToWeb]
> Classpath: [...]

Actually how does the classpath look like? Especially: is ERExtensions from 
wonder still in front of other WO libraries?


Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com &

Re: Gradle and Eclipse

2015-08-12 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> - download woproject.jar only once instead of once per framework
> - remove reference to nexus.xyrality.net <http://nexus.xyrality.net/>
> - remove postgres dependencies
> - allow setting webobjectsVersion / wonderVersion before applying the plugin 
> since automatically added frameworks will use the default versions otherwise

Feel absolutely free to submit pull requests, preferable separate ones for this 
:-) Generally we're not that happy either yet with the default dependency 
mechanism; while "fine" for most projects sometimes you want to switch out some 
dependency which is not that easy to do afterwards in Gradle.

>>> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  Couldn't load properties file: 
>>> /Users/ycanal/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/ycanal
>>> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  Unable to initialize WOProperties for 
>>> reason: Cannot find JavaWebObjects framework ! 
>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to locate the "JavaWebObjects" 
>>> bundle
>>> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  A fatal exception occurred: 
>>> : Cannot be initialized.
>>> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  
>>> com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException 
>>> [java.lang.IllegalStateException] Unable to locate the "JavaWebObjects" 
>>> bundle:: Cannot be initialized.
>>>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.(WOApplication.java:918)
>>> er.extensions.appserver.ajax.ERXAjaxApplication.(ERXAjaxApplication.java:30)
>>> er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication.(ERXApplication.java:1097)
>>> fr.sophiacom.corason.foundation.appserver.COCoreApplication.(COCoreApplication.java:22)
>>>at fr.sophiacom.app.NRApplication.(NRApplication.java:19)
>>>at fr.sophiacom.app.Application.(Application.java:30)
>>>at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
>>>at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:422)
>>>at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442)
>>>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.main(WOApplication.java:547)
>>>at er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication.main(ERXApplication.java:866)
>>>at fr.sophiacom.app.Application.main(Application.java:25)
>>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to locate the 
>>> "JavaWebObjects" bundle
>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOResourceManager.__getJavaWebObjectsResourceAsStream(WOResourceManager.java:131)
>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProperties.initUserDefaultsKeys(WOProperties.java:317)
>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication._initWOApp(WOApplication.java:5743)
>>>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.(WOApplication.java:779)
>>>... 13 more
>>> Do you have any idea how to fix that ?
>>> Right now we are still keeping our old .project / build.xml /.classpath but 
>>> we would like to avoid maintaining 2 configurations.
>> How did you import the project exactly? Did you keep the old .project and 
>> .classpath around for that or did you do a fresh import using the gradle 
>> plugin? There could be some issue with the classpath, if the old files are 
>> around, best would be to have gradle generate new ones. Have a look at the 
>> project properties -> Build path, there should be no more references to WO 
>> libraries but only to JARs in yourhomefolder/.gradle/ (see attachment), even 
>> for all the frameworks. 
> We tried to use gradle + eclipse in a new workspace after a "gradle 
> cleanEclipse eclipse" so the generated .classpath only reference .jar as in 
> your screenshot.
> It may be a missing (runtime)dependency but the exception is not really 
> helpful :(

Does that scenario give you the exact same stack trace? Which Eclipse version 
and Gradle plugin did you use? I investigated the new Buildship plugin but that 
one still has some issues that prevent this in a WO context, mainly it doesn't 
allow the gradle.build to add custom project natures. As the WOLips plugin for 
now is unaware of Buildship, the WO build nature never gets added to the 
project and thus some specific WO builders do not run at all. Check your 
generated .project if it includes the build command for 
org.objectstyle.wolips.incrementalbuilder and a project na

Re: Gradle and Eclipse

2015-08-10 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 10 Aug 2015, at 16:25, Yoann Canal  wrote:
> Hi all,
> After the WOWODC and Dennis' talk, we started to migrate our build system to 
> use gradle.
> The build works well on our staging servers. We had to modify the 
> gradle-wonder-plugin to fit our needs
> and might issue a pull request if someone is interested.

Always welcome :-) Out of curiosity: what kind of changes?

> However, we can't run the eclipse projects as generated with gradle:
> projects are correctly imported and built, tests run fine but running the 
> project itself inside eclipse with WOLips results in:
> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  Couldn't load properties file: 
> /Users/ycanal/WebObjects.properties at path: /Users/ycanal
> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  Unable to initialize WOProperties for 
> reason: Cannot find JavaWebObjects framework ! 
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to locate the "JavaWebObjects" bundle
> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  A fatal exception occurred: : 
> Cannot be initialized.
> [2015-8-10 16:14:34 CEST]  com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException 
> [java.lang.IllegalStateException] Unable to locate the "JavaWebObjects" 
> bundle:: Cannot be initialized.
>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.(WOApplication.java:918)
> er.extensions.appserver.ajax.ERXAjaxApplication.(ERXAjaxApplication.java:30)
>at er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication.(ERXApplication.java:1097)
> fr.sophiacom.corason.foundation.appserver.COCoreApplication.(COCoreApplication.java:22)
>at fr.sophiacom.app.NRApplication.(NRApplication.java:19)
>at fr.sophiacom.app.Application.(Application.java:30)
>at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
>at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:422)
>at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442)
>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.main(WOApplication.java:547)
>at er.extensions.appserver.ERXApplication.main(ERXApplication.java:866)
>at fr.sophiacom.app.Application.main(Application.java:25)
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to locate the 
> "JavaWebObjects" bundle
> com.webobjects.appserver.WOResourceManager.__getJavaWebObjectsResourceAsStream(WOResourceManager.java:131)
> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProperties.initUserDefaultsKeys(WOProperties.java:317)
> com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication._initWOApp(WOApplication.java:5743)
>at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.(WOApplication.java:779)
>... 13 more
> Do you have any idea how to fix that ?
> Right now we are still keeping our old .project / build.xml /.classpath but 
> we would like to avoid maintaining 2 configurations.

How did you import the project exactly? Did you keep the old .project and 
.classpath around for that or did you do a fresh import using the gradle 
plugin? There could be some issue with the classpath, if the old files are 
around, best would be to have gradle generate new ones. Have a look at the 
project properties -> Build path, there should be no more references to WO 
libraries but only to JARs in yourhomefolder/.gradle/ (see attachment), even 
for all the frameworks. 



Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
T +49 40 357 3001 62

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
www.xyrality.com <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Using WO with modern dependency management

2015-05-04 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

> On 02 May 2015, at 02:52, Ângelo Andrade Cirino  wrote:
> Gradle has been mentioned a couple of times in the list. Would Gradle be a 
> definitive approach to modernize the whole build process?

It's definitely a possibility and exactly what we did at Xyrality (after going 
through a lot of pain trying to migrate to maven). We did a talk about that at 
WOWODC 2015, if you have access to that; otherwise check out 
<https://github.com/Xyrality/gradle-wonder-plugin> which is a basic plugin 
implementation for WOnder development. You need to clone that repo and run 
"gradle build publishToMavenLocal" in there to install it to your local 
installation for now. After that you should be able to use it for your 
projects. A basic example, we did, was to convert the Moves project from the 
wonder/Examples/misc repository. Basically you just need to add the 
build.gradle with these contents and run "gradle woapplication":

> buildscript {
>   repositories {
>   mavenLocal()
>   mavenCentral()
>   }
>   dependencies {
>   classpath 'com.xyrality.gradle:gradle-wonder-plugin:1.0.0'
>   }
> }
> version = '1.2.3'
> apply plugin: 'woapplication'
> wonder {
>   wonderVersion = '6.1.2'
>   webobjectsVersion = '5.4.3'
>   applicationClass = 'er.movies.Application'
>   deploymentServers = ['localhost']
>   deploymentSSHUser = 'wouser'
>   deploymentPath = '/home/wouser/apps'
>   deploymentSSHPort = 
>   deploymentMonitorBounceTasks = ['localhost':'Movies']
>   deploymentSSHIgnoreHostKey = true
> }
> dependencies {
>   compile group: 'wonder.core', name: 'WOOgnl', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'com.webobjects', name: 'JavaXML', version: 
> wonder.webobjectsVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.misc', name: 'ERChronic', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.ajax', name: 'Ajax', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERTaggable', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERAttachment', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.businesslogic', name: 'ERMoviesLogic', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.eof', name: 'ERRest', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
>   compile group: 'wonder.plugins', name: 'H2PlugIn', version: 
> wonder.wonderVersion
> }

Feel free to have a look at the plugin and file issues and pull requests, if 
something doesn't work out :-) It also features test support and some basic 
deployment via SSH and JavaMonitor.

We have been using this for about a year now successfully in building and 
continuous integration. The Gradle STS plugin for eclipse plays nice with 
WOLips as far as we can tell; you can import the converted project directly as 
a Gradle project. Multi-build should work as well (currently working on a 
15-subproject build).

If something breaks, go ahead and ask some more :-)

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
Mail: dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com <mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>
Tel: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 62
Fax: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 99
Web: http://www.xyrality.com/ <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: WOWODC 2015 talk about the state of Wonder

2015-04-29 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
son is that now that Wonder releases 
> are versioned, it is easy for those who are more risk-adverse to work on 
> versions that have proven stable.
Exactly, just as you cannot just throw in a Cayenne 4.0 in your old 
Cayenne-based project, we all have to be diligent when updating any dependency 
library. This does not have to be a difficult process, just review the 
changelog and if there's something applying to your application, test it; 
wonder is really no exception here. If you depend on some single patch, its 
still an option to use a private fork and cherry-pick the patches you require 
(we did this for some patches as well and just merged the next wonder release 
into our private branch again when it was released and tested.

Sooo, lets poke some old issues and pull requests and see, if we can clean up 
the existing ones and successfully work on new ones :-)


XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
Mail: dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com <mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>
Tel: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 62
Fax: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 99
Web: http://www.xyrality.com/ <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: Expired GPG-Key for Debian or Ubuntu deployment installation

2015-04-23 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

> On 13 Feb 2015, at 17:27, CHRISTOPH WICK | i4innovation GmbH, Bonn 
>  wrote:
> there is this wonderful description on "Installing a deployment environment 
> on Debian or Ubuntu" on 
> https://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Installing+a+deployment+environment+on+Debian+or+Ubuntu
> First, it tells you to import the GPG-Key with
>> $ wget -qO- http://packages.wocommunity.org/ubuntu/signature.gpg | sudo 
>> apt-key add -
> Unfortunately the key you get has expired on January, 13. 2015.
> Can someone with appropriate access rights (Bastian?) create a new GPG key?

Pinging this one once more, looks like the key is still expired. Of course one 
can work around that issue but it tends to resort to unclean solutions, 
especially when managing packets automatically; would be great if someone were 
in the capacity to refresh this.

Thanks in advance && Greetings

XYRALITY GmbH • Friedensallee 290 • 22763 Hamburg
Dennis Bliefernicht • Backend Development
Mail: dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com <mailto:dennis.blieferni...@xyrality.com>
Tel: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 62
Fax: +49 (0) 40 35 73 001 - 99
Web: http://www.xyrality.com/ <http://www.xyrality.com/>
Registergericht: Hamburg HRB 115332
Geschäftsführer: Sven Ossenbrüggen

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Re: maven.wocommunity.org is down

2015-02-19 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

poking this once more, unfortunately it still/again is not available anymore, 
hopefully no big issue :-)


> On 28 Jan 2015, at 08:58, Andre Palubitzki  wrote:
> Hi Henrique,
> the server is once again not responding!
> Greetings
> Andre
>> Am 27.01.2015 um 18:11 schrieb Henrique Prange :
>> Hi Dennis,
>> The repository is back up. Thanks for reporting the problem.
>> Cheers,
>> Henrique
>>> On 27/01/2015, at 13:36, Dennis Bliefernicht 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> looks like it is down again, pinging here, hopefully someone can fix it :-)
>>> Greetings
>>> Dennis
>>> ___
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>> ___
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Re: maven.wocommunity.org is down

2015-01-27 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

looks like it is down again, pinging here, hopefully someone can fix it :-)

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Re: WOResponse 200 OK

2014-09-19 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

I think you shouldn’t need to add the HTTP header on your own, WO already does 
that for you.

On 19.09.2014, at 09:12, Pierre Gilquin  wrote:
> The answer is
> HTTP/1.1 200 Apple
> instead of OK !
> Can that be the problem and how can I change that ?

In theory a correct implementation of the standard shouldn’t mind 

> The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt to 
> understand and satisfy the request. These codes are fully defined in section 
> 10. The Reason-Phrase is intended to give a short textual description of the 
> Status-Code. The Status-Code is intended for use by automata and the 
> Reason-Phrase is intended for the human user. The client is not required to 
> examine or display the Reason- Phrase.
and further down

> The individual values of the numeric status codes defined for HTTP/1.1, and 
> an example set of corresponding Reason-Phrase's, are presented below. The 
> reason phrases listed here are only recommendations -- they MAY be replaced 
> by local equivalents without affecting the protocol.

So clients should never care about the textual response part and you should be 
good, just the status code (which should be valid for Google Wallet as well). 
Of course in practice there are (as with most web protocols these days) 
implementations, that do not fully adhere to the standards…

Maybe your issue arises, because you also add the string “HTTP/1.0 200 OK” to 
the actual response content body?

Dennis ___
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Re: maven.wocommunity.org is down

2014-09-11 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht
Hi everyone,

unfortunately the maven.wocommunity.org has gone down (Service unavailable), at 
least since yesterday we could observe this issue.

Greetings && Thanks for providing the repo / fixing this in advance :-)
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Re: Eclipse 4.4 and WOLips

2014-09-08 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

On 04.09.2014, at 21:20, Theodore Petrosky  wrote:

> Is anyone having any problems with Eclipse 4 and detached console windows?
> when I detach a console (to put on a second display) I get two consoles. It 
> is just annoying, and I thought I would ask if I am the only person with this 
> problem.

I don’t know, if this is related to WOLips or Luna (never observed this on 
Kepler), but after having the console moved around once (and even reattaching 
it to its original place), I’m stuck with two consoles as well; just not as bad 
as long as it is docked :-) Survives restarts as well, so probably stored 
somewhere in the settings/properties.

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Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips

2014-08-07 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

On 06.08.2014, at 16:53, Theodore Petrosky  wrote:

> I don’t understand why I had to install JRebel and JProfiler for the build to 
> succeed.

WOLips includes some additions for those, that want to be compiled against the 
corresponding eclipse integrations, thus they need to be installed somewhere. 
An alternative for your personal build can be to remove the corresponding 
entries for the JProfiler and JRebel integrations from the wolips/build.xml 
(each is referenced twice via , in which case those 
plugins simply will not be built at all.


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Re: Eclipse 4.4 support for WOLips

2014-08-01 Thread Dennis Bliefernicht

On 01.08.2014, at 07:22, Konrad Kubacki  wrote:

> Currently, it's DIY (or better: build it yourself, from repository mentioned 
> in first mail).

As a side-note: the repository/branch mentioned in the first post doesn’t seem 
to contain the latest changes concerning velocity, wizards and templates. I 
needed to fetch the actual pull request repository state to get the latest 

git clone https://github.com/wocommunity/wolips.git wolips-4_4
cd wolips-4_4
git fetch origin pull/109/head:eclipse_4_4
git checkout eclipse_4_4

I’ve been running that build (without the now-existing velocity patch, because 
I have no m2e installed currently) for several days now and have not yet 
encountered a single WOLips-related issue in Luna (Eclipse 4.4, even with 
Gradle-based projects); although I should mention I don’t work with components 
very often. Thus far I’d say that this is a really great effort and a good step 
forward for WOLips.

Dennis Bliefernicht
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