I made a logserver too, and looking for a solution for merging my
configurations and the standard log4j configuration for the logserver.
So I'd like to modify the log4j config schema or dtd too. What did you
find out about it?
Mattias Andersson wrote:
I'm usin
Thanks, I've solved the problem. It seems that both the SocketAppender
and the XmlAppender needs to turn on the LocationInfo in their config
files to send and catch the LocationInfo...
Scott Deboy wrote:
Add a consoleappender to the socketserver config which prints line, method,
etc. v
Well, I've checked my Log config on the clients and found:
So, the SocketAppender sets the Locationinfo for Logging event before
serializing. But until serializing the varibles become null because they
are transparent...
May I misunderstood something?
Well, I've checked my Log config on the clients and found:
So, the SocketAppender sets the LocationInfo for Logging event before
serializing. But until serializing the varibles become null because they
are transparent...
May I misunderstood something?
, it can catch all applications log, which
has log4j.jar in it's WEB-INF/lib
James Stauffer wrote:
On 8/17/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, I've tried, but I have some "bugs"...
I deployed two applications, both with th
n't think it will work to have log4j.jar under
webapps/app/WEB-INF/lib and expect those locations of log4j.properties
to be used.
You have 2 choices that I know will work:
1. Only have log4j.properties and log4j.jar under tomcat/shared or
2. Only have log4j.properties and log4j.jar u
s Stauffer wrote:
You could easily make a cron job/sceduled task to check the modified
date of the log.
On 8/16/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a possibility for listerning to an application's 'lifesign'? I
mean: send an email or other messag
a possible solution for not lossing messages in case of LAN being down
be to use an other appender (FileAppender) in such cases. Either you check
if there is network connection and continue as usually, if there is, or use
a FileAppender in case of a problem, either you subclass the needed
Our servers have small storage, so I don't want to use FileAppender.
What can I do if the LAN is down and my appender wants to send an email
or send a Socket message? The buffer will be deleted if the server will
reboot, and additionally I don't know what is the physical limit for
Is there a possibility for listerning to an application's 'lifesign'? I
mean: send an email or other message, if there is no log from that
application in the recent 10 minutes?
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4j.properties and log4j.jar under webapps//WEB-INF
For #2 you might be able to put log4j.properties and log4j.jar
someplace that tomcat can see them but not the apps (server?).
On 8/15/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No log4j.xml, and only the two log4j.properties:
- one in
Takacs Bence wrote:
> Try running with -Dlog4j.debug. That should give you more info about
> the problem.
Where should I put this switch? Maybe when I run Catalina?
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st thing I ask them.
Quoting James Stauffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Try running with -Dlog4j.debug. That should give you more info about
the problem.
On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James Stauffer wrote:
Is there a log4j.jar under shared or common?
> Try running with -Dlog4j.debug. That should give you more info about
> the problem.
Where should I put this switch?
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James Stauffer wrote:
Is there a log4j.jar under shared or common?
On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I _only_ moved log4j.properties from shared/classes to two different
webapps/app/WEB-INF/classes directory. In other words I deleted the
original file and ma
James Stauffer wrote:
Did you move log4j.properties also? You will need to do that too.
On 8/14/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
James Stauffer wrote:
> I meant different config files. If you move the lib/log4j.jar and
> classes/log4j.properties from the shar
I'm using log4j, but tomcat seems to use the sun java logger. Are there
any way to catch its logs, or make it use log4j instead?
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registry server-registry.xml at classpath resource
and recently tomcat has crashed twice...
Takacs Bence wrote:
James Stauffer wrote:
I meant different config files. If you move the lib/log4j.jar and
classes/log4j.properties from the shared classpath (i.e.
Why everybody use xml file instead of properties file? It's twice as
much typing as the properties file...
Does it have any additional function? Or is there a kind of editor which
makes it easier to use?
James Stauffer wrote:
I meant different config files. If you move the lib/log4j.jar and
classes/log4j.properties from the shared classpath (i.e.
tomcat/common) to each webapp (i.e. webapps/app/WEB-INF) then each app
will use a separate config file.
I deleted the common /tomcat/shared/cl
here is no common config file in the
tomcat/shared/classes how can I tell different projects to use a common
How can I "tell them"?
You said, that I can use
James Stauffer wrote:
I don't understand your question. How what? How to use separate c
According to the documentation you need to make your own MyLevel class
and extends the original Level. But I haven't done it yet, and don't
know if it's enough or not and how much additional work you need.
Madduri, Murthy wrote:
OK, but technically how?
from config file? can the config file make a reference to an other
config file? what is the syntax of this command?
James Stauffer wrote:
On 8/11/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want all projects to use the sa
-Original Message-
From: Takacs Bence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 8:53 AM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Chainsaw
Could somebody suggest me a way to try Chainsaw? (appender, appender
config, and chainsaw config)
I've tried the zeroconf
uffer wrote:
I meant different config files. If you move the lib/log4j.jar and
classes/log4j.properties from the shared classpath (i.e.
tomcat/common) to each webapp (i.e. webapps/app/WEB-INF) then each app
will use a separate config file.
On 8/11/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Could somebody suggest me a way to try Chainsaw? (appender, appender
config, and chainsaw config)
I've tried the zeroconf thing on the website, and didn't worked. Could
it be the problem, that I runned both my application and Chainsaw in the
't. It isn't
really weird. If you don't want that to happen then you can use
separate configs per project. If you want all projects to use the
same config then you are grouping them together logically.
(Note the spelling of "project".)
On 8/11/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL
r and activation.jar.
You don't want to have 2 copies of the same jar in the classpath twice.
On 8/11/06, Takacs Bence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've found a solution on the net:
Deleted all tomcat projects includes the mail.jar, and copied the
mail.jar and activation.jar to the /t
I use the following lines in the log4j.properties file:
log4j.logger.hu.watt22.wde22.cc=DEBUG, zeroconf
And use Java Web Start Chainsaw with the SocketReceiver on Port 445.
Is it enough? What else do I need?
I've tried to use chainsaw with zeroconf. I put the jars into the
projects Build Path, and attached the zeroconf appender to the project.
It throw the following exception:
Aug 11, 2006 12:15:50 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Nativ
vealed. My questions:
- Why does a package , which doesn't need to send a mail throws an
- Why is it problem if I have different projects with mail.jar, and
activation.jar? And how can I use them regularly (without exceptions)?
Any ideas?
I've been using log4j for a couple of weeks with tapestry framework, on
tomcat. [We've been using tapestry and tomcat for a year] It was working
properly, until I attached the SMTPAppender to a tapestry projekt.
An other projekt throws the following exception:
32 matches
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