Re: (313) what ever happened to Daniel Lui/Chair Recordings?

2008-02-05 Thread vergel
Dan is still around popping in and out of the local music scene  
here in Toronto. He performed live a couple of months ago at an event  
with some sweet music, not sure if any of it had been released before,  
but he's still at it.

Last I talked to him, he's getting his studio back together after  
having moved. But he's like most of us, settled down and not as  
focused on pushing out new music.

He still comes out to the check out artists at events around the city...


Re: (313) Global Wierding

2007-09-05 Thread vergel

Forget the Pope!!!

Imagine the Ultimate Power Richie and Tony Robbins would have if they  
worked together and threw an event... or even better... started a  
Tour. They could help ppl achieve their peak performance AND save the  
planet. Actually... now that I think of it... that would be really  

I can already see the flyer for it:

--==-- Decks and Carbon Effects --==--

DJ turn Motivational  Environmental Speaker Richie Hawtin  performing live.

~ between mixes Richie challenges you with his world saving  
environmental plans

~ take the carbon footprint mash-up challenge
~ join the solution, face the dj, and learn about climate change

{performances by}
Tony Robbins - Personal Power
Al Gore - Environmental Change

- North American Performances
Opera  Dr. Phil - back to back

- European Performances

(313) brief Theo Parrish interview

2007-08-03 Thread vergel

I had a chance to catch Theo here in Toronto... he played a great set  
and closed the room somewhere around 6am.  As he was packing up I took  
the time to ask him if he'd let me interview him. The results are as  
follows on my blog.

I was a little star struck and it was late at nite... but he brought  
up some great points that made me smile. Thought some ppl on here  
might get a kick out of the ensuing video fun.


(313) more interviews from DEMF.

2007-07-03 Thread vergel
I posted the remaining 2 interviews from time in DEMF online.  Thought  
you guys might appreciate them.  Over the course of the day I not only  
interviewed Aaron Carl but also dj Di'jital  and Anthony shake  
Shakir...  It was a manic day of promoting my zine  
(http://www.Assembler.TV)  and then trying to meet up with these guys  
for a quick interview.

So if you've got a sec. and want to check em out: - dj Di'jital on Oldschool tracks and samplers - Camera Chaos with Anthony Shakir and  
Claude Young

And if you know of any promoters in Toronto, tell them to book  
Shake... he asked me to pass that along.


Re: (313) short video interview with Aaron Carl

2007-06-14 Thread vergel

Thanks...  just trying to capture and share what we love to the larger world.

Glad you like the song.. It was a happy accident from attempting to  
record one of the episodes. lots of playing in the studio without  
really having a plan.

Quoting kent williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Good work Vergel, all around. I watched a bunch of the episodes.

I especially like the Sprockets-esque intro music!

(313) short video interview with Aaron Carl

2007-06-13 Thread vergel
While at DEMF this year I had the opportunity to pull Aaron Carl away  
from his kiosk and have a brief interview with him.  I'm always  
curious to know what songs inspire artists I appreciate, partly  
because I'll go looking for that track, and partly because I think  
alot of ppl out there might want to know as well. I also like to know  
what sort of gear or production they might want to share as an idea to  
look into...

I asked Aaron both these questions and was more then impressed with  
his response. Thought it might be interesting to some of us on the list.

Give it a view if you're curious:

I wanted to also thank Aaron for being fun and jumping in and letting  
me interview him without much prompting or planning.  Not sure if he's  
on the list, but I know a couple of ppl who talk to him regularly  
are...  I don't have his direct contact so if you could, please pass  
the info along.


(313) going to DEMF? find me cause I have a free zine to share

2007-05-24 Thread vergel
For those who don't know, I do a podcast and write a magazine called  
Assembler Techno Fanzine.

I recently recorded an episode about going to DEMF:

I also did an audio interview with Mike Huckaby:

If you're going to be at DEMF let me know.. I would love to share the  
zine. If you've got stuff to share, definitely find me and let me know  
about it. I'm always looking for information and stuff to share with  
my podcast audience, either in the blog or via the podcast.

See you in Detroit if you visit the Submerge store, I'll be  
leaving zines there as well.

(313) ..everybody has a story... now on iTunes

2007-03-01 Thread vergel
When I started this I had no idea where it would go. In fact all I  
wanted to do was have an excuse to regularly work in the studio and  
share the results with people who might find it interesting. Now here  
we are 1 year later and the best songs from the show are now together  
on an album. It couldn't happen without this whole experiment called  

Between the positive emails from people who've checkout the show, the  
un-ending nites in the studio, support from friends both IRL and on  
the internet, inspirations and conversations with my girlfriend Ann  

It gives me great pleasure to share the results. my first album.
..everybody has a story...


Not only is this album a collection of music that I whole heartedly  
believe in. It's an opportunity to share the music in an honest  
format. I've never asked for donations for what I do on the podcast, I  
do it because I love music. But if as a listener, or a reader, if you  
appreciate the music, the Lx7 podcast, and the website; you can now  
purchase these songs digitally online from most major music retailers,  
or follow these link and purchase the album or songs directly.

Talking about the future of music, and the end of record labels as we  
know it; this is what I believe the future of the music industry is  
going to be. You've listened to the podcasts and learn the stories  
behind them, now you can own the songs.

(313) new net release: Vergel Evans - Lx7 Promo

2007-02-02 Thread vergel
I've compiled 7 tracks I've made over the years into a free release  
for download.  It's mimimal techno / techhouse. Early reviews have  
tried to class it as lounge techno.   But if you ask me, it's all  
straight up Detroit, but on the more chilled out side.

You can download the zip directly:

or visit the release:

1. E k G
2. Outta Control
3. De Sade
4. One By Morning
5. Punishment
6. Metal Stabbs (circa.1997)
7. Thematic Waves

Most of the songs were composed and recorded using a Yamaha QY-700 as  
the sequencer in loop pattern mode... with some basic editing in  
Nuendo.   I've always been a fan of 'on the fly' music composition  
rather then sequencing on a computer. It makes for sometimes a more  
basic stripped down track, but I find the groove in doing it that way  
feels more natural rather then tricky and gimmicky.  Not everyone is a  
fan of working that way, but I find it perfect for the genre and how I  
like to work.

Give it a listen, they're all in 192bit mp3 format.

Re: (313) Studio Version of my Detroit NYE LivePA

2007-01-10 Thread vergel
When I performed it live I did alot more live keyboard playing ontop  
of it all.. and because there was an audience it was much more dynamic  
in regards to the EQ'ing and pattern playing... I'm happy with how  
this turned out,... but live it was a very exciting and really wild  
piece of work to explore  :)

Quoting Detroit Techno Militia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks for posting this mix Vergel.  We had to leave just before you
set on NYE because Tom was booked to play at 2.  I'm really looking
forward to hearing what I missed!

Downloading now. :)

Detroit Techno Militia

(313) Studio Version of my Detroit NYE LivePA

2007-01-09 Thread vergel
I performed a LivePA in Detroit for new years at Forans Irish Pub...  
If you've ever been to DEMF and needed to escape the heat/rain/people  
usually it's the first bar that's open along the street

Response to my performance at the show was really positive so when I  
got back after new years I tried to recapture it and recorded a  
version of it. I posted it online and wanted to share it with my  
fellow 313'rs who might enjoy it as a nice distraction.  (especially  
in reference to teh What happened to rhythms)

Give it a listen from this URL:

I built the PA using an MPC4000 and a Nord Modular... for a mixer I  
used the Stanton SA-5 mixer.. which was/is all I have for a small  
mixer.  You ran read more about on or check out the  
podcast where I show how I used the MPC to perform it.

Re: (313) radio interview about the early toronto rave scene

2006-10-26 Thread vergel
I agree... alot of those early tunes were rave'y because they were  
knockoffs from the industrial that was being produced at that time...  
KMFDM and Thrill Kill Kult were big with my goth friends. and a couple  
of them got into the whole rave scene strictly on that alone...

I don't know if there's the same sorta crossover sounds or genre that  
brings ppl into techno from other more mainstream music.  It seems  
pretty polarized. Either it's techno or its nothing...


Interesting that Berns said that he didn't like house music because it
sounded too much like disco.  He came from a rock background so he got into
rave music because of it's industrial sounds.  I find that quite common
and I think it's a divide between house/techno and rave (trance, happy
hardcore, etc.) that continues to exist.


Re: (313) radio interview about the early toronto rave scene

2006-10-26 Thread vergel
Part of why I had Don on the show, is just that... to remember why it  
was worth doing in the first place. When I started the Lx7 podcast I  
thought it would be fun to share tracks... but some of my  
listeners/viewers asked me if I would do a history of Techno show or  
anything like that.

Which got me thinking that maybe some people don't know where all this  
started. But instead of telling the same story that every one knows  
about kraftwork and Juan etc I thought that having people come on  
and talk about the music that got them (personally) into techno would  
be more interesting. Cause in a way, no matter what we listen to  
now,... the random and amazing tracks that got us into it are much  
more interesting then a textbook history lesson.

So that has been the rational behind the interview shows I've been  
doing on the podcast.

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 17:18:02 +0100
Subject: FW: (313) radio interview about the early toronto rave scene
To: 313@Hyperreal.Org

I think this is a valid comment and I'm not arguing with it.  But to  
give a comment / reason for it - with me it's probably because at  
the time I'm looking back to I heard music that made me go wow this  
music is amazing, it's like nothing I've heard before, forget  
everything else this is the FUTURE!!!  And I was totally dedicated  
to this amazing new music.  Unfortunately nothing
startling has happened since (and I don't mean there hasn't been any  
good music since, there has been tons and there still is, just  
nothing that makes me think there's a revolution going on like I did  
then) so I end up being all nostalgic for 18 years ago even while  
thinking I'm into futuristic music!

(313) radio interview about the early toronto rave scene

2006-10-25 Thread vergel

I don't know if you guys would be interested in hearing a couple of
stories from one of Toronto rave personalities, but I had Don Berns
(Dr. Trance) in the studio for an interview.  We talked about some of
the early raves in toronto (around 1991) and what got us into this
whole rave culture.

while trance and rave are dirty words on the 313 list. the stories are
interesting...  Don was a alternative rock radio personality in the
90's and before and 'discovered' electronic music. I started going to
raves after getting into the acid house scene. It was pretty wild to
spend some time and review some of the reasons we both got into it.


I've been sharing it around with some of the locals here in Toronto
and everyone has nothing but positive things to say about those early
days. So I thought I'd share it out.


(313) digital label distro (IODA vs. The Orchard)

2006-10-17 Thread Vergel Evans

Hi guys,

I mostly lurk on here but I've got a label question that I'm hoping  
someone could help me with. So before you guys suggest the obvious  
Get a lawyer which is definitely on the agenda. I was hoping to find  
out some experiences or pitfalls that other ppl have had in getting  
their music online through an aggregator.

Both companies have put out some press (read as hype) about what  
they do and their success. But I haven't seen many techno labels use  

Anyone use either IODA or The Orchard? Feel like sharing what swayed  
you one way or another? or have any useful pointers that are 20/20 now  
that you've gone through it?

Let me know here.. or direct...

(313) Lx7 podcast: #18 Sailing Vinyl Dreams On MP3 Waves

2006-09-22 Thread vergel

Did another video podcast that I thought some of the ppl on the list might
get a kick out of.  I recently picked up a copy of Serato and thought it
would be fun to try mixing some of my own tracks... lets just say it's
been way more fun then I expected.

Either way, give the video a peek if you're curious.

enjoy - Something in the Square (blog  A/V podcast)

(313) Lx7 Techno Podcast - Show #016

2006-08-25 Thread Vergel Evans

Press Release: Episode #016 - Making Music and Future Projects

Episode #016 is a return to the original show format with Vergel  
talking about tunes he's crafted in the studio, and ideas he's been  
thinking related to techno.

Show notes:
30 days without internet can't stop this podcast from going live! Two  
new tunes to demo from the studio, talk on my simple amazement of  
following an idea. The tracks, Summer (LetsRunAway), and a Gravity  
Sessions traxx - Venus. Plus a couple of microphone confessional  
moments related to making music and the podcast. Talk, and my  
invitation, in creating a new DJ mix of indie techno. There's techno  
music, techno stories, and techno ideas inside this episode.



Classed as a Storytelling podcast, the show - Something in this  
Square is a bi-weekly podcast covering techno music, studio  
technique, and some of the stories behind the music.  In the 8 months  
of it's existence, techno artists such has Himiadri Ghosh , Arthur  
Oskan, and Trevor Wilkes have graced the studio for impromptu  
interviews covering everything from their favorite tunes, to just  
messing around and saying hi.

The video / audio / PDF-fanzine podcast has hit its stride in as new  
media oasis from an artist -- dj -- entertainer -- journalist/show  

Feed available via:

or iTunes via:


(313) techno podcasts?

2006-08-01 Thread vergel

I have a techno podcast that i do every other week. It's been growing
pretty well. But was wondering if anyone else on the 313 could suggest
other regularly posted podcasts that are techno related. I'm not talking
about mix shows where ppl play dj mixes etc. but rather shows with ppl
talking tech. etc..

Mostly I was hoping to find some shows to trade links with and promo'bits
etc but with my limited searches on google and all the podcast
listings it's hard to find the good ones...

If you need an example here's a recnt one I did:

I've definitely watched the museum of techno podcasts, but haven't found
anything else.  I'm looking for a network of like minded shows to list and
suggest in an upcoming project.

suggestions anyone?