Image Grid Widget

2017-10-27 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako (or anyone please),

I am looking at the cool Image Grid Widget you created years back. It was setup 
to handle and display png images.

I have upgraded it to 4D v15 and I am trying to use it to display a list of svg 

The code to read a PNG and display in a web page is:

PICTURE TO BLOB($picture;$data;".png")
BASE64 ENCODE($data)

$dataURI:="data:image/png;base64,"+Convert to text($data;"utf-8")
$dataURI:=Replace string(Replace string($dataURI;"\r";"";*);"\n";"";*)

I’ve replaced “png" references with “svg".

PICTURE TO BLOB($picture;$data;".svg")  // png
BASE64 ENCODE($data)

$dataURI:="data:image/svg;base64,"+Convert to text($data;"utf-8")  //  
$dataURI:=Replace string(Replace string($dataURI;"\r";"";*);"\n";"";*)

I have partial success in that some svg images display in the grid and others 
don’t. BUT all of them show up as small "question mark picture frames” as each 
image in the web page.

I am missing something and not quite sure what?

Thanks for your help,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Image Grid Widget

2017-10-29 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Ingo,

Thanks that helped.

Part of the images displayed and part didn’t. But there seems to b an xml error 
that I have to address.

Anyway, that got be part day there.


> try "image/svg+xml" as media type, e.g.
> $dataURI:="data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-29 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

This is kind of like the thread that ran "subforms and object focus” when 
opening the parent form.

In my case I have a parent form open already and I am tabbing from object to 
object. What I want to happen is when I tab to subform container1 I want the 
first object (or some object of choice) within it to be selected and ready for 

That parent level subform container1 is the holder of another subform 
container2 (because I need to swap subforms within here) which then contains 
the subform where I want to set the goto object.

Parent form: subform container1 -> subform container2 -> Subform (here’s where 
I want to set GOTO OBJECT)

I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the 
Subform. So then I need to trick the subform to respond to an event. But this 
doesn’t work:


The only way I can get it to select a field or variable is to click within the 
subform container object.

So… I must be missing something?


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Peter,

Yea, I can’t figure it out the correct command. It’s easy to get the focus on 
the container but then I have not been able to figure out what command to use 
to communicate with the subform .

In fact I changed the form so the only object that was table and focusable was 
the subform container1. But tabbing just selects the container.

Anyway, I will persevere as there has got to be a way.


> Probably not. I was able to do this by calling subform in On losing focus 
> and then let subform execute GOTO OBJECT. As I need to jump from subform to 
> subform, messaging need to go through parent area. I do not know if it 
> would work with subforms in subforms. 

> On Getting Focus on the Container corresponds to On Activate in the Subform. 
> On Losing Focus on the Container corresponds to On Deactivate in the Subform. 
> this is documented (Form event). 
> I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the 
> Subform. 

> Hi All,
>> This is kind of like the thread that ran "subforms and object focus” when 
>> opening the parent form.
>> In my case I have a parent form open already and I am tabbing from object to 
>> object. What I want to happen is when I tab to subform container1 I want the 
>> first object (or some object of choice) within it to be selected and ready 
>> for edit.
>> That parent level subform container1 is the holder of another subform 
>> container2 (because I need to swap subforms within here) which then contains 
>> the subform where I want to set the goto object.
>> Parent form: subform container1 -> subform container2 -> Subform (here’s 
>> where I want to set GOTO OBJECT)
>> I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the 
>> Subform. So then I need to trick the subform to respond to an event. But 
>> this doesn’t work:
>> EXECUTE METHOD IN SUBFORM($sbfm_Name;"PNL_General";*)
>> The only way I can get it to select a field or variable is to click within 
>> the subform container object.
>> So… I must be missing something?
>> Thanks,
>> John…
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,


In subform container2 I have added the command:


And in the method I have a single call:


The execute method seems to be working (I can tell in trace mode) as it is 
called when subform container2 is in focus. But the object is not selected!

In fact I can modify the value of the variable and see the change each time the 
subform container2 is in focus.

varName:= varName +"."

Vincent de Lachaux explained something similar  for someone who was replacing a 
Post Click command…

The subform container must be set "Focusable". 
Then, when the container get the focus the form event "On Activate" is 
So when the subform get this event, just do a GOTO object. 

I tried this and I can update the variables contents but GOTO object does not 
simulate a click into the variable.

Any other ideas?


> Hi Peter,
> Yea, I can’t figure it out the correct command. It’s easy to get the focus on 
> the container but then I have not been able to figure out what command to use 
> to communicate with the subform .
> In fact I changed the form so the only object that was table and focusable 
> was the subform container1. But tabbing just selects the container.
> Anyway, I will persevere as there has got to be a way.
> Thanks,
> John...
>> Probably not. I was able to do this by calling subform in On losing focus 
>> and then let subform execute GOTO OBJECT. As I need to jump from subform to 
>> subform, messaging need to go through parent area. I do not know if it 
>> would work with subforms in subforms. 
>> On Getting Focus on the Container corresponds to On Activate in the Subform. 
>> On Losing Focus on the Container corresponds to On Deactivate in the 
>> Subform. 
>> this is documented (Form event). 
>> I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the 
>> Subform. 
>> Hi All,
>>> This is kind of like the thread that ran "subforms and object focus” when 
>>> opening the parent form.
>>> In my case I have a parent form open already and I am tabbing from object 
>>> to object. What I want to happen is when I tab to subform container1 I want 
>>> the first object (or some object of choice) within it to be selected and 
>>> ready for edit.
>>> That parent level subform container1 is the holder of another subform 
>>> container2 (because I need to swap subforms within here) which then 
>>> contains the subform where I want to set the goto object.
>>> Parent form: subform container1 -> subform container2 -> Subform (here’s 
>>> where I want to set GOTO OBJECT)
>>> I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the 
>>> Subform. So then I need to trick the subform to respond to an event. But 
>>> this doesn’t work:
>>> EXECUTE METHOD IN SUBFORM($sbfm_Name;"PNL_General";*)
>>> The only way I can get it to select a field or variable is to click within 
>>> the subform container object.
>>> So… I must be missing something?
>>> Thanks,
>>> John…

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

Taking a clue from your thoughts I added an On Deactivate in the form method of 
the Subform and it seems to work.

But now I lose the tabbing out of the subform to other objects on the form. 
This fix has the effect of remaining inside the subform as thought it were the 
only object that existed on the form.

In this case maybe that will still work. But there must be an event that would 
allow me to escape from the subform?


> I might have misunderstood your question, if that is the case, please ignore.
> On Getting Focus on the Container corresponds to On Activate in the Subform.
> On Losing Focus on the Container corresponds to On Deactivate in the Subform.
> this is documented (Form event).
> I can get an On Getting Focus event on subform container2 but not into the
> Subform.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Kirk,


I have a parent form that is made up (currently) of a toolbar, an area for svg 
drawing, a tab control and a subform container which holds other subform 

Within the subform container it contains a palette subform container and within 
this contains depending upon the page, various subforms and on those subforms 
they might also contain another subform of a widget.

In this App I am creating templates that will be reused for my needs. Each 
template has hundreds of customized properties that effect the drawing of the 
svg image.

It’s quite complicated!

I had it all worked out (prior to last 4D world) using Object arrays. Then I 
found out that I will need to have a licenses for 4D Spreadsheet (or whatever 
they call it) to use them. Think 4D property editor and that’s what I created.

So now I am redoing it using panes=subform but there will be at least three 
separate palettes which house the panes. And I like this approach because then 
I can include richer UI objects like sliders and the like.

I am trying to create something like an Inspector functionally similar to what 
you will see in OmniGraffle or Curio or many other apps.

Does that make sense?


> Hi John,
> I'm curious what the situation is for having multiple embedded subforms
> beyond things like widgets for dates and such. Care to talk a little about
> what you need to do or why stacked subforms was your choice for it?
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 5:11 PM, truegold via 4D_Tech <>
> wrote:
>> Parent form: subform container1 -> subform container2 -> Subform (here’s
>> where I want to set GOTO OBJECT)
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Tab into subform containers and GOTO OBJECT

2017-11-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Kirk,

> Does sound pretty complex.


> ​Well two thoughts. First, you can use an object array in a listbox without 
> 4D WritePro or anything else - you just can't display them directly.

First I implemented my original design using List box columns working with 
object arrays. My version very much acts like the property editor in design.

Actually if you need to use them in a client-server setup you will need 
separate licenses for each user to utilize the behavior. I tried to get 4D to 
make this one feature native to 4D but they said it’s not possible.

Additionally there are limits to what I can do in a cell. So to avoid the first 
issue and expand my UI possibilities I am rewriting months of work. Thus where 
I have arrived! And still trying to understand the ins and outs of multi-level 
deep subforms.

> Second is I worked out a routine to put c-objects into an hList and allow 
> the user to edit the values if you prefer to look at it like a c-obj. I'll 
> be sharing that at my presentation in DC. ​ 

I would’ve also created a session for DC but my son’s wedding redirected my 
time and resources. I was going to show/explain my property editor and then the 
panel approach as well. But alas…

I love objects! They allow me to create organized messes - much like my desk - 
where I can get a moot done! 


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-04 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more efficient (I 

Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:

$defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 

so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This part 
works perfectly.

Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:

$tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)

Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which are in 
the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is variation). And 
I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end user can change the 
same image, in different places of the svg document, to different sizes. So I 
need to managing the image sizes dynamically.

Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:

$glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG) 

I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I need.

But it’s not!

To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):

SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02)  

To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:


The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at the 
x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look correct:

height - 14
transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
width - 14
x - 660
xlink:href - #S09
y - 660

I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.

So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I think 
I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using SVG_Use?



4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-04 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

Note: If I apply the transform immediately after I create the symbol:

$symbol:=DOM Create XML 
SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($symbol;18/$width;18/$height)

That seems to work and would be fine if all I needed were uniform sizes in the 
doc. In this example I am resizing them so they are 18 by 18 pixels. But as 
indicated previously the end user can set a size property to enlarge or shrink 
these sizes for the same symbol in different parts of the doc. So I need to 
resize and reposition where they are actually used.

Not sure if this is a clue or…


> Hi All,
> I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more efficient 
> (I think).
> Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:
> $defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 
> so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This part 
> works perfectly.
> Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:
> $tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)
> Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which are 
> in the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is 
> variation). And I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end 
> user can change the same image, in different places of the svg document, to 
> different sizes. So I need to managing the image sizes dynamically.
> Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:
> $glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG)   
> I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I 
> need.
> But it’s not!
> To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):
> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02)
> To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:
> The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at the 
> x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look correct:
> height - 14
> transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
> width - 14
> x - 660
> xlink:href - #S09
> y - 660
> I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.
> So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I 
> think I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using 
> SVG_Use?
> Anyone?
> Thanks,
> John…

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-04 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

> translate offsets the x/y by the value specified. 
> the x/y you pass are not absolute coordinates (unless, of course, the x/y in 
> element are 0,0) 


I have tested setting the x/y w/h to 0 thinking that it would apply correctly 
but the svg looks like this:

> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($symbol;18/$width;18/$height)
> That seems to work and would be fine if all I needed were uniform sizes in 
> the doc. In this example I am resizing them so they are 18 by 18 pixels. But 
> as indicated previously the end user can set a size property to enlarge or 
> shrink these sizes for the same symbol in different parts of the doc. So I 
> need to resize and reposition where they are actually used.
> Not sure if this is a clue or…
> John...
>> Hi All,
>> I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more efficient 
>> (I think).
>> Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:
>> $defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 
>> so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This 
>> part works perfectly.
>> Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:
>> $tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)
>> Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which are 
>> in the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is 
>> variation). And I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end 
>> user can change the same image, in different places of the svg document, to 
>> different sizes. So I need to managing the image sizes dynamically.
>> Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:
>> $glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG)  
>> I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I 
>> need.
>> But it’s not!
>> To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):
>> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02)   
>> To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:
>> The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at 
>> the x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look 
>> correct:
>> height - 14
>> transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
>> width - 14
>> x - 660
>> xlink:href - #S09
>> y - 660
>> I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.
>> So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I 
>> think I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using 
>> SVG_Use?
>> Anyone?
>> Thanks,
>> John…

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-04 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

As an aside I am testing in a small sample and opening inn the viewer.

if I use this line:


it works great! Starts the draw exactly at the x and y.

But if I add this line:

SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;$_w/$width;$_w/$height)

Then it goes from it’s correct location and jumps to the 0,0 origin I think..

BTW, I am using 4D v16R4 if that matters.

Maybe there’s a better ay to scale? I need to to scale the images based upon 
their original size (width, height) down to what ever the end users selects. 
Usually (in pixels) 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, etc. These need to transform based 
upon the original width and height (usually close to 1000) to a small 

Is there another way? A better way?


> Hi Miyako,
>> translate offsets the x/y by the value specified. 
>> the x/y you pass are not absolute coordinates (unless, of course, the x/y in 
>> element are 0,0) 
> Agree!
> I have tested setting the x/y w/h to 0 thinking that it would apply correctly 
> but the svg looks like this:
>  x="0" xlink:href="#S09" y="0”/>
> and the image seems to be at x=0, y=0 even though the size seems to be 
> correct? Always!
> Thanks,
> John…
>> Hi All,
>> Note: If I apply the transform immediately after I create the symbol:
>> $symbol:=DOM Create XML 
>> element($defs;"image";"id";$name;"xlink:href";$image;"x";0;"y";0;"width";$width;"height";$height)
>> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($symbol;18/$width;18/$height)
>> That seems to work and would be fine if all I needed were uniform sizes in 
>> the doc. In this example I am resizing them so they are 18 by 18 pixels. But 
>> as indicated previously the end user can set a size property to enlarge or 
>> shrink these sizes for the same symbol in different parts of the doc. So I 
>> need to resize and reposition where they are actually used.
>> Not sure if this is a clue or…
>> John...
>>> Hi All,
>>> I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more efficient 
>>> (I think).
>>> Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:
>>> $defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 
>>> so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This 
>>> part works perfectly.
>>> Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:
>>> $tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)
>>> Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which 
>>> are in the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is 
>>> variation). And I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end 
>>> user can change the same image, in different places of the svg document, to 
>>> different sizes. So I need to managing the image sizes dynamically.
>>> Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:
>>> $glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG) 
>>> I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I 
>>> need.
>>> But it’s not!
>>> To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):
>>> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02)  
>>> To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:
>>> The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at 
>>> the x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look 
>>> correct:
>>> height - 14
>>> transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
>>> width - 14
>>> x - 660
>>> xlink:href - #S09
>>> y - 660
>>> I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.
>>> So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I 
>>> think I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using 
>>> SVG_Use?
>>> Anyone?
>>> Thanks,
>>> John…

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-04 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

Does the SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE  change the image size and also the the area 
size? In others words (even though the xml in the 4D SVG Viewer doesn’t show 
it) is 500 pixel width still 500 pixels after the size transform? Or is 500 * 

I'm asking because as soon as I change the scale then the x and y begins 
shifting in the picture.

When the scale is 1 things move and align pretty well.

When the scale is .90 then the image shifts to the left and top as the image 
also shrinks

When the scale is .75 (and so on) then the image shifts to the left and top as 
the image also shrinks.

Perhaps that is the problem and I have a setting that needs t be set 


> Hi,
> As an aside I am testing in a small sample and opening inn the viewer.
> if I use this line:
> it works great! Starts the draw exactly at the x and y.
> But if I add this line:
> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;$_w/$width;$_w/$height)
> Then it goes from it’s correct location and jumps to the 0,0 origin I think..
> BTW, I am using 4D v16R4 if that matters.
> Maybe there’s a better ay to scale? I need to to scale the images based upon 
> their original size (width, height) down to what ever the end users selects. 
> Usually (in pixels) 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, etc. These need to transform 
> based upon the original width and height (usually close to 1000) to a small 
> percentage.
> Is there another way? A better way?
> Thanks,
> John…
>> Hi Miyako,
>>> translate offsets the x/y by the value specified. 
>>> the x/y you pass are not absolute coordinates (unless, of course, the x/y 
>>> in element are 0,0) 
>> Agree!
>> I have tested setting the x/y w/h to 0 thinking that it would apply 
>> correctly but the svg looks like this:
>> > x="0" xlink:href="#S09" y="0”/>
>> and the image seems to be at x=0, y=0 even though the size seems to be 
>> correct? Always!
>> Thanks,
>> John…
>>> Hi All,
>>> Note: If I apply the transform immediately after I create the symbol:
>>> $symbol:=DOM Create XML 
>>> element($defs;"image";"id";$name;"xlink:href";$image;"x";0;"y";0;"width";$width;"height";$height)
>>> SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($symbol;18/$width;18/$height)
>>> That seems to work and would be fine if all I needed were uniform sizes in 
>>> the doc. In this example I am resizing them so they are 18 by 18 pixels. 
>>> But as indicated previously the end user can set a size property to enlarge 
>>> or shrink these sizes for the same symbol in different parts of the doc. So 
>>> I need to resize and reposition where they are actually used.
>>> Not sure if this is a clue or…
>>> John...
 Hi All,
 I’m in the process of changing some SVG routines to be a bit more 
 efficient (I think).
 Miyako showed me how to embed svg images as “defs”:
 $defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs”) 
 so I could reuse the graphics without reloading them several times. This 
 part works perfectly.
 Previously I would read the image from disk and resize and place:
 $tDom_Image:=SVG_New_image ($$domSvg_ptr->;$image_t;$x;$y;$w;$h)
 Worked great! no matter the size of the original svg image on disk which 
 are in the neighborhood of 1000 pixels width/height (although there is 
 variation). And I can’t set the originals to a fixed size because the end 
 user can change the same image, in different places of the svg document, 
 to different sizes. So I need to managing the image sizes dynamically.
 Anyway, now that I am accessing these “defs” images using:
 $glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$id;$inX;$inY;$size_IntrcG;$size_IntrcG)
 I have to both resize the image and make sure it stays at the x/y coords I 
 But it’s not!
 To reset the size I believe I have to use (0.02 being used for testing):
 SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE ($glyph;0.02;0.02) 
 To reposition at the x/y I believe I have to use:
 The scaling seems to scale BUT the translate is not placing the images at 
 the x/y location I need. Although, the attributes for the object look 
 height - 14
 transform - scale(0.02,0.02)
 width - 14
 x - 660
 xlink:href - #S09
 y - 660
 I am assuming (until I know better) that these values are correct.
 So I must be missing something? How do I control both the height/width (I 
 think I am) and the exact x/y placement when I am creating an image using 


Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-05 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Miyako,

> hurts your brain, doesn't it?

Ah a joke! And yes it’s never quite as simple as it seems. Change one thing and 
effects things downstream. But it does appear hat the svg is working as it’s 
designed to. I’m just not quite skilled enough yet.

> by the way,
> your SVG is not wrong,
> but the standard practice is to wrap the element in a  and add the 
> translate attribute to the group,
> as opposed to the graphic element itself.

Anyway, I have learned via many web examples that wrapping in a  is the 
suggested strategy.

A question please? following the technique you showed me to load the images as 

$defs:=SVG_Define_symbol ($domSvg_ptr->;"defs") to group all the 

$symbol:=DOM Create XML 
And then to access in later places in code:

$glyph:=SVG_Use ($domSvg_ptr->;$whichAspect;0;0;0;0) 

And here are hundred of them in this svg document.

Are you say that I need to wrap each occurrence of the SVG_Use within a group 


> From: Keisuke Miyako 
> Subject: Re: Ref: Resize SVG_Use
> Date: December 5, 2017 at 5:08:16 PM PST
> To: 4D iNug Technical <>
> this is an SVG question, not a 4D question, but the answer is "yes".
> if you change the scale in transform then it applies to the coordinates you 
> pass to translate and rotate.
> it also inherits the scaling resulting from scaling on parent elements as 
> well as the viewBox/viewPort ratio at the top level.
> hurts your brain, doesn't it?
> by the way,
> your SVG is not wrong,
> but the standard practice is to wrap the element in a  and add the 
> translate attribute to the group,
> as opposed to the graphic element itself.
> 2017/12/05 9:51、truegold via 4D_Tech 
> <<>> のメール:
> Does the SVG_SET_TRANSFORM_SCALE  change the image size and also the the area 
> size? In others words (even though the xml in the 4D SVG Viewer doesn’t show 
> it) is 500 pixel width still 500 pixels after the size transform? Or is 500 * 
> scale?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Ref: Resize SVG_Use

2017-12-06 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

I think if the image size were uniform in the document I could do that. But the 
same images can be size to different sizes in different parts of the svg doc.

I might just decide to keep things as they were and laid an image as I need it. 
The worst case is that the same image is loaded many times and I cannot use 


> it depends on the document,
> but I would create a group in "defs" and apply the scaling and/or translation 
> factor at the "defs" level.
> you can "use" a "g" in SVG.
> 2017/12/06 10:56、truegold via 4D_Tech 
> <<>> のメール:
> Are you say that I need to wrap each occurrence of the SVG_Use within a group 
> ?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Programmatically Manage Parent Tab an Multi-Subforms

2017-12-24 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I have a parent form which has a subform container. Above the subform container 
is a tab control object (5 tabs). Clicking on a tab selects the tab an triggers 
(underlying code) a change to the underlying subform. Works great.

But I discovered I need one of the subform pages, let’s call it “Edits”, to 
change, based upon a different context, to either a different page or a 
different subform using code. The key here is that some action in the parent 
form needs to cause the subform container to display a different form.

Seems easy… But I haven’t been able to get it to work.

Parent Form (Tab control)
   -> Subform container
  -> actual subform

Logically it seems that I need to programmatically set the correct tab and tell 
the subform container to change the subform displayed. And then, of course, 
have the subform appear in the subform container.

At the point where I need things to happen I’m not in a subform so I can’t use 
the parent level. Well if I had a multi-page subform then I might need to use 
the command.

I’ve tried many variations over the last few days. So… I am sure that not 
having a clear understanding of what I am doing is contributing to my hit and 
miss approach not working.

So what’s the secret sauce to manage programmatically the subform change 
(parent level)?

Can someone point to where my understanding is off? Or other ideas?


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Programmatically Manage Parent Tab an Multi-Subforms

2017-12-26 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Spenser,

> old school is draw two subfoms. one off screen. then swap as needed. with 
> move-object. works a charm ;)

Well I’m thinking I can get this working without resorting to an "old school” 
approach. The need is s simple!

I am in 4D 16r5 and I like the simplicity and elegance of subforms.

So we’ll see if I can get it working.

Appreciate the thought though,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Programmatically Manage Parent Tab an Multi-Subforms

2017-12-26 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Kirk,

Note: This design has been in place an evolving for several years now. A 
further requirement brought the issue to light.

> The only other way I've been able to accomplish what you want to do is with
> nested EMIS calls … It works. And it's ugly.

Well I was hoping for simple and elegant and beautiful! 

> I would encourage taking a step back and look at the whole task, or set of
> tasks, you're trying to accomplish and seeing if nested subforms is really
> the best solution.

Yes I am currently in process of doing that. This is not the property editor 
subforms that I have working quite well. It’s much simpler than that. But I am 
willing to reconsider now that the design need have evolved and changed. I 
could just remove the subform container and have a single subform with multiple 
pages and see how that works. But I do like having a separate swappable subform 
to model the behavior I need.

As to the data that’s not really relevant although - as you might remember - I 
do have a similar approach with a single form method, aka, pseudo class with 
all behavior, and I use an object with embedded objects for what I need data 

> This doesn't directly solve the problem you have at the moment but you
> could use SET TIMER in the subform (according to the docs SET TIMER is
> scoped to the subform) …

I tried playing around with Set Timer and couldn’t get it working either.

I think I will take a few more days off and when I return look at it with fresh 


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Programmatically Manage Parent Tab an Multi-Subforms

2017-12-26 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Miyako

> I may be missing some critical elements of your design, but given the basic 
> construct of a tab control parent and a subform child:
> - I would remove "goto page" as the tab control's standard action and keep 
> the parent on page 1 at all times.
> - I would either use the same process variable for the tab and subform, or 
> else execute subform:=subform in the tab's object method.
> - I would use a single subform with multiple pages rather than switch 
> subforms.
> - I would centralise code to switch pages in the subform's on bound variable 
> change event.
> - I would refrain from using GOTO PAGE(*) and adhere to the data change/bound 
> variable change model as much as possible.

My instinct wants to keep the pages as separate subforms as I like how it works 
(well prior to this issue). But I am willing to reconsider moving all the pages 
into a single form and try it and see.

If I went that way then I would’t need a container to manage swapping the 
subforms as there would only be a single subform. I could have that directly 
placed upon the parent form.

I think I will take a few more days off and when I return look at it with fresh 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

How to fix Design windows closing after quiting 4D

2018-01-17 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

OSX Mac 4D 16 R4

I seems to recall this issue popped up previously but I couldn’t find it in the 

So I’m working and I have various method and form windows open in Design. Then 
I quit and restart later …

And when I get back into Design all my windows are closed.

So something is not getting set or saved or???

However, if I close the database while in Design and reopen it then the windows 
are still there.


Anyone know how to fix so that my windows remain open after I quite 4D?


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: How to fix Design windows closing after quiting 4D

2018-01-19 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

Once you use new features you really can’t go back!

Additionally, why would something as pedestrian as remembering and reopening 
windows in Design be such a chore? I don't understand it!

I’ve resorted to a method where I keep track of what forms and methods I had 



> R releases are not always patched at the exact same time as dot-releases.
> in particular they need to be tested in production for several weeks prior to 
> official release.
>> When we are getting closer to a public minor release shipment, the branch is 
>> frozen – usually for a 3- to 5-week period.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: How to fix Design windows closing after quiting 4D

2018-01-21 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Ortwin,

In R2 it worked and then in R4 it didn’t.


I can’t recall the last time I had to try and remember any key sequences. There 
was a v14 r v15 (I can’t recall) where it was an issue. But then it was quickly 
fixed. Not sure what they changed in Design but ti broke the memory!


> just in case
> - option-/alt-key pressed when accessing design closes all windows
> - in runtime I click option-/alt-key to launch the context-menu to access 
> design
> - before releasing the Goto Design-command, I get my hands off the 
> option-/alt-key
> - if I didn't, all windows are closed, if I did, I'm back to where I last 
> had been working
> Works fine, V15, V16 with and without R.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: How to fix Design windows closing after quiting 4D

2018-01-21 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi John

> Are you on Windows?  On the Mac with 16 R series windows do not reopen no 
> matter how you get to Design. Not the case on Windows where previously open 
> windows reopen as expected as long as the alt key is not down. At least that 
> is my experience. 

On Mac!

It was working in earlier versions of v16 but I can’t recall which since I 
removed what I didn’t need from the computer. After the upgrade to v16 R4 I 
fought with it for I’m sure a week or more before I got frustrated one day.

Anyway, it is what it is.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Javascript Calendar in Web Area

2018-02-08 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I am redesigning an internal invoicing tool I use which has a calendar module. 
So I thought, “hey, why not use one of those Javascript Calendar in a web area”?

I’m still in the early stages of understanding how to get data into and get 
data out of a web area. So…

Has anyone used a javascript library (I’m looking at FullCalendar 3.8.2) for 
implementing a calendar (Monthly, weekly, daily) in a web area? One where you 
can add to and modify as needed with data syncing into the 4D database?

Any recent/current examples?

Psss. I’d look at Google Mail but I want the calendar interface to work 
completely offline.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Javascript Calendar in Web Area (Tom DeMeo)

2018-02-12 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Tom,

> I would recommend that choosing a Calendar is less important than choosing a 
> web UI/datasource framework (which would include a Calendar solution) and 
> using it whenever you have a choice.

Yes that’s a broader way of thinking about it.

> Ref: I’d go shopping for a web UI toolkit and stick with it. .. Kendo UI

Ok, I’ll give it a good look.

And appreciate the reminder about the 4D commands to help get the job done.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Javascript Calendar in Web Area

2018-02-12 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Julio,

> I agree with Tom’s recommendations, try to pick a framework of your choice 
> that does include a Calendar widget. I’m also a big fan of Kendo UI. I’ve 
> been using their jQuery version but I’m now in the process of migrating to 
> their Angular version.

Thanks so for the confirmation.

I have played around with JQuery on a client’s website. But never used it or 
any of the JS frameworks within a web area. SO new territory.

Appreciate the feedback,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [SAD NEWS] legendary developer and 4D base-rock Ortwin Zillgen

2018-02-27 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

OMG! I was just working with Ortwin last week.

I’m in shock. We have lost a very talented and gifted developer.

Thanks for letting us know.


> Fellow 4D developers,
> it is with great sadness, that I have to inform you, that Ortwin Zillgen has 
> passed away end of last week.
> Suddenly, unexpectedly and far to early at the young age of 64.
> Ortwin was known to many of us for his interesting and innovative ideas for 
> interfaces, anything to do with cartography and mastery of subforms, his 
> garish striped shirts and baggy yellow jacket, but most of all, as an 
> all-around great guy to hang out with and

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Find and Replace Component for 4D Write Pro

2018-03-07 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Jeff,

Simple! Cool UI trick as well.

Works with v16R4 as well.

Thanks much,

> I had the need to add find and replace to my 4D Write Pro areas. So I created 
> a generic component. It easily shows and hides itself at the top of a Write 
> Pro area and can resize itself automatically. You can download it and a demo 
> at:
> It requires 4D v16R5. You are free to use and modify it in any way you wish. 
> See the accompanying MIT license.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)


2018-04-07 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

Might be a good time to revisit this issue I had some time back. well and 
actually I have a need for it to work once again.

Scenario: I have a parent form which has a single subform container. This 
container is set via code to a subform where I do edits of various kinds. There 
are two pages of this subform (previously had two different subforms but these 
are too similar).

When this parent form is opened I want this subform to change to either page 
one or page two based upon a condition.

My questions are:

1. Can a subform (within a subform container) have multiple pages that can be 
switched to via code?

2. If the answer is yes, then where do I tell this subform to change it’s page.

3. Since FORM GOTO PAGE seems to only work with the parent form do we have the 
equivalent of FORM GOTO SUBFORM PAGE ?

Seems like we need something like this to work.

I’ve tried many different combinations of “CALL SUBFORM CONTAINER” and/or 
“EXECUTE METHOD IN SUBFORM” but the code fires but the parent form always 
changes page.

Anyone know how to deal with this?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)


2018-04-08 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

>> you can call FORM GOTO PAGE with an asterisk option 

Ah yes, this was mentioned to me some time ago and I had completely forgotten.

Thanks, that was so simple!


> Hi All,
> Might be a good time to revisit this issue I had some time back. well and 
> actually I have a need for it to work once again.
> Scenario: I have a parent form which has a single subform container. This 
> container is set via code to a subform where I do edits of various kinds. 
> There are two pages of this subform (previously had two different subforms 
> but these are too similar).
> When this parent form is opened I want this subform to change to either page 
> one or page two based upon a condition.
> My questions are:
> 1. Can a subform (within a subform container) have multiple pages that can be 
> switched to via code?
> 2. If the answer is yes, then where do I tell this subform to change it’s 
> page.
> 3. Since FORM GOTO PAGE seems to only work with the parent form do we have 
> the equivalent of FORM GOTO SUBFORM PAGE ?
> Seems like we need something like this to work.
> I’ve tried many different combinations of “CALL SUBFORM CONTAINER” and/or 
> “EXECUTE METHOD IN SUBFORM” but the code fires but the parent form always 
> changes page.
> Anyone know how to deal with this?
> Appreciate,
> John...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: 4DMethod meeting Xojo/4D files updated (John Baughman)

2018-04-27 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey John,

>  11. 4DMethod meeting Xojo/4D files updated (John Baughman)

Thank you!

That was a cool demonstration of another front end WEB UI with 4D as a backend.

I didn’t know but now I do. I didn’t now that XoJo handles Mac, windows, linux, 
iOS, etc.

If anyone missed may I suggest spending an hour in review and see what John has 
presented. Not to mention the example demo db!

Really good stuff!

Very much appreciate,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Typeahead Component

2017-02-21 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Olivier,

I have on my task list adding a type ahead lookup …

This sill save time!!!

Thank you,

> I have written a component allowing easy implementation of typeahead 
> functions for variables or fields.
> The idea is to create an array with possible values ("suggestions") and to 
> place a method (the only shared method of the component) in the on after edit 
> event of the variable or field. To this method, you pass the object name of 
> the variable or field and a pointer to the array with the values.
> As soon as the user starts to type, the component displays a typeahead 
> dialog, a bit similar as the one we 4D programmers are used to work with when 
> writing code in the 4D method editor.
> The component is free and open source, currently 4D v14 based but should be 
> easily portable to newer versions.
> Download link:
> Best,
> Olivier Flury

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Saved query files (.4df) and changes from v12 to v15 - automated conversion?

2017-03-06 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Arnaud,

Funny, I just got asked about this on Friday.

I would also be interested to know the bets way to handle older (I think 
they’re all from v12) Query files.


>> Le 6 mars 2017 à 13:45, Paul Lovejoy via 4D_Tech <> a 
>> écrit :
>> Miyako's dialog works quite well but has just one drawback: it can’t open 
>> .4DF files created with v12. [...] I was hoping to find a way to do this in 
>> a batch process programmatically. Our users have hundreds of .4DF files to 
>> convert…
>> Any suggestions?
> I had some code to read 4df document that I began to adapt to v11 but gave 
> up. It could be a starter, if you don't find better. 
> -- 
> Arnaud de Montard 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Saved query files (.4df) and changes from v12 to v15 - automated conversion?

2017-03-06 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Keith,

Our users have also found the new query dialog less intuitive. They expressed 
that having to use popup buttons required extra steps. And because some 
checkboxes are now hidden in the popup they forget about it. And other more 
subtle things.

So for them it’s extra work!

And, yes, I agree some things are more intuitive but I still prefer the 
“Classic” view myself.

So I have used Miyako's dialog and the clients are happier.

Not sure why 4D had to do away completely with a common editor that has been 
used for many years. Couldn’t the have offered both?

Anyway, my thoughts.

> …
>> For a number of reasons we decided to shield our users from 4D’s new query 
>> dialog, which we find not intuitive…
> That surprises me.
> We found the v15 4D search interface really easy to understand.
> I guess we must be used to very different interfaces.
> Cheers, Keith

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Larry Sharpe

2017-03-15 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Lee,

Thanks for posting.

I last saw Larry in Portland, OR at a 4D Summit. He looked good. We had a good 
time of reminiscing.

I'm in shock!

RIP my friend,

> Larry passed away last week.. Obit here:  

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-24 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

4D v15.2 Mac/Win

I’m sure I’ve seen this recently but can’t find it (something about double 
processing width/height). I recall reading but not quite understanding it. What 
was it’s topic name? Anyway...

I am working on a project where I need to place short text strings exactly at a 
various points within a circle. Easy enough using a little trig.

Even though my centering text on a point works, for the most part, I’m not sure 
it’s exactly precise. I notice when changing the font and font size that it’s 
off by a pixel or a few. And I can see it and it doesn’t look right to me eyes.

So before I check my question:

Does anyone have routine that will reliably center an SVG text string on a 
point? Here’s what I am using.

$pic:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($tDom_Text)
SVG_CLEAR ($Dom_Ref)

PICTURE PROPERTIES($pic;$ptr_W->;$ptr_H->)

Is this the best approach? Or is there a more precise algorithm like double 
processing width/height?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-24 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

Ref: "could you not simply set text-anchor to middle?”

Do you mean:

$fontAlign_M:=Align center

If so then yes it is one of the parameters being sent into SVG_New_text command.


> Hi All,
> 4D v15.2 Mac/Win
> I’m sure I’ve seen this recently but can’t find it (something about double 
> processing width/height). I recall reading but not quite understanding it. 
> What was it’s topic name? Anyway...
> I am working on a project where I need to place short text strings exactly at 
> a various points within a circle. Easy enough using a little trig.
> Even though my centering text on a point works, for the most part, I’m not 
> sure it’s exactly precise. I notice when changing the font and font size that 
> it’s off by a pixel or a few. And I can see it and it doesn’t look right to 
> me eyes.
> So before I check my question:
> Does anyone have routine that will reliably center an SVG text string on a 
> point? Here’s what I am using.
> $Dom_Ref:=SVG_New 
> $tDom_Text:=SVG_New_text 
> ($Dom_Ref;$text_t;$ptr_W->;$ptr_H->;$fontName;$fontSize;$fontStyle;$fontAlign)
> $pic:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($tDom_Text)
> SVG_CLEAR ($Dom_Ref)
> PICTURE PROPERTIES($pic;$ptr_W->;$ptr_H->)
> Is this the best approach? Or is there a more precise algorithm like double 
> processing width/height?
> Thanks,
> John...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-25 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
HI Miyako,

Thanks for the info.

> Ref: have you considered using  instead of ?

I haven’t but I will now. 

I’ll see if there’s a difference.

Thanks for tips.


> in general, it is best to instruct the rendering engine to decide how to 
> align objects,
> rather than to compute the exact coordinates yourself.
> "text-anchor" (start, middle, end) should take care of horizontal align in 
> ,
> but vertical align is going to be difficult since 4D does not support 
> "dominant-baseline" or "alignment-baseline".
> if you decide to go down the "y" or "dy" route, well, I guess it's going to 
> be an uphill struggle.
> have you considered using  instead of ?
> you have "display-align" (before, center, after) for vertical align and 
> "text-align" (start, center, end) for horizontal align.
> p.s.
> I love how they say start/end, before/after instead of left/right (because of 
> right to left scripts)
> and decisively use middle instead of center with respect to the subject 
> (align or anchor)...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-25 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

So if I understand how to replace “text” with “TextArea”…

Here’s an existing code fragment with various height/width adjustments

$fontAlign_D:=Align center


$display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 16˚

In this example the X and Y of the point are:


SVG_String_WidthHeight_Get (display_t; ->$width;
 ->$height; $fontName; $fontSize_D; $fontStyle_D; $fontAlign_D)

`  set new Y coord based upon returned height dimensions


The XML looks like:


Notice the Y value is changed to 282. This works pretty good!


When switched from SVG_New_text to SVG_New_textArea:

$display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 22˚

In this example the X and Y of the point are:


SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)

First issue I noticed was the degree symbol (˚) {ctrl+k} is missing.  Although 
the correct string is in the xml.


First notice that the Y value remains at 276???

I thought it must be an encoding issue. So I tried different characters and 
none of them are being displayed.

Then I thought what if the width or height is not large enough to allow it to 
display? By playing with the width I could see all the characters are there. 
BUT I cannot reliably get the text centered on the point.

So then I removed the following two lines:

SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)

And the values are exactly the same. So this code has not affect therefore I 
must not be setting the attributes correctly.

Any idea as to what I am doing wrong?


> HI Miyako,
> Thanks for the info.
>> Ref: have you considered using  instead of ?
> I haven’t but I will now. 
> I’ll see if there’s a difference.
> Thanks for tips.
> John…
>> in general, it is best to instruct the rendering engine to decide how to 
>> align objects,
>> rather than to compute the exact coordinates yourself.
>> "text-anchor" (start, middle, end) should take care of horizontal align in 
>> ,
>> but vertical align is going to be difficult since 4D does not support 
>> "dominant-baseline" or "alignment-baseline".
>> if you decide to go down the "y" or "dy" route, well, I guess it's going to 
>> be an uphill struggle.
>> have you considered using  instead of ?
>> you have "display-align" (before, center, after) for vertical align and 
>> "text-align" (start, center, end) for horizontal align.
>> p.s.
>> I love how they say start/end, before/after instead of left/right (because 
>> of right to left scripts)
>> and decisively use middle instead of center with respect to the subject 
>> (align or anchor)...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-25 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Miyako,

Further info from previous post...

The more I experiment the more I think the width of the text is not correct.

If I include these lines:

SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center”)

In a text string of “19˚” the 9 shows up approx. centered.

If I exclude these two lines then.

In a text string of “19˚” the 1 shows up approx. right aligned.

So I am baffled and there’s little 4D example sir using the TextArea and 
modifying attributes. Of course I am reviewing the SVG spec and trying 
properties from there. But…

So there’s something I don’t understand I think.


> Hi Miyako,
> So if I understand how to replace “text” with “TextArea”…
> Here’s an existing code fragment with various height/width adjustments
> $fontAlign_D:=Align center
> $pnt_X:=$ctr_X+(($ctr_X*$radius)*Cos($Angle))
> $pnt_Y:=$ctr_Y-(($ctr_Y*$radius)*Sin($Angle))
> $display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 16˚
> In this example the X and Y of the point are:
> inX_D=577
> inY_D=276
> SVG_String_WidthHeight_Get (display_t; ->$width;
>  ->$height; $fontName; $fontSize_D; $fontStyle_D; $fontAlign_D)
> `  set new Y coord based upon returned height dimensions  
> $inY_D:=$inY_D-($height/2)
> $text_svgRef:=SVG_New_text 
> ($domSvg_ptr->;$cuspDegree+"˚";$inX_D;$inY_D;$fontName;$fontSize_D;$fontStyle_D;$fontAlign_D)
> The XML looks like:
>  font-weight="normal" stroke="#00" text-anchor="middle" 
> text-decoration="none" x="577" y="282">16˚
> Notice the Y value is changed to 282. This works pretty good!
> --
> When switched from SVG_New_text to SVG_New_textArea:
> $display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 22˚
> In this example the X and Y of the point are:
> inX_D=577
> inY_D=276
> $text_svgRef:=SVG_New_textArea 
> ($domSvg_ptr->;$display_t;$inX_D;$inY_D;$width;$height;$fontName;$fontSize_D;$fontStyle_D;$fontAlign_D)
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)
> First issue I noticed was the degree symbol (˚) {ctrl+k} is missing.  
> Although the correct string is in the xml.
>  font-size="14" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal" height="-13" 
> stroke="#00" text-align="center" text-decoration="none" width="-28" 
> x="577" y="276">16˚
> First notice that the Y value remains at 276???
> I thought it must be an encoding issue. So I tried different characters and 
> none of them are being displayed.
> Then I thought what if the width or height is not large enough to allow it to 
> display? By playing with the width I could see all the characters are there. 
> BUT I cannot reliably get the text centered on the point.
> So then I removed the following two lines:
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center”)
> And the values are exactly the same. So this code has not affect therefore I 
> must not be setting the attributes correctly.
> Any idea as to what I am doing wrong?
> Appreciate,
> John...
>> HI Miyako,
>> Thanks for the info.
>>> Ref: have you considered using  instead of ?
>> I haven’t but I will now. 
>> I’ll see if there’s a difference.
>> Thanks for tips.
>> John…
>>> in general, it is best to instruct the rendering engine to decide how to 
>>> align objects,
>>> rather than to compute the exact coordinates yourself.
>>> "text-anchor" (start, middle, end) should take care of horizontal align in 
>>> ,
>>> but vertical align is going to be difficult since 4D does not support 
>>> "dominant-baseline" or "alignment-baseline".
>>> if you decide to go down the "y" or "dy" route, well, I guess it's going to 
>>> be an uphill struggle.
>>> have you considered using  instead of ?
>>> you have "display-align" (before, center, after) for vertical align and 
>>> "text-align" (start, center, end) for horizontal align.
>>> p.s.
>>> I love how they say start/end, before/after instead of left/right (because 
>>> of right to left scripts)
>>> and decisively use middle instead of center with respect to the subject 
>>> (align or anchor)...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: SVG Text Width and Height

2017-03-28 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

4D v15.2 Mac

Here is what I discovered. The issue I am having appears to be do to incorrect 
results from the following lines of a routine:

$pic:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($tDom_Text)
SVG_CLEAR ($Dom_Ref)
PICTURE PROPERTIES($pic;$ptr_W->;$ptr_H->)

I am not getting accurate width nor height from this approach.

BUT I am getting very close numbers from:


TEXT_WidthHeight_Get - Old Miyako code I found in the NUG that I wrapped (see 
code below).

I ran test code and here’s an example of the results I am getting:

$fontAlign:=Align center

hm_W = hmFree_GetStringWidth
svg_W = SVG_String_WidthHeight_Get
ut_W = TEXT_WidthHeight_Get

Sizehm_Wsvg_W   ut_W
7   8   4   8
8   9   5   9
9   10  5   10
10  11  6   11
11  12  7   13
12  13  7   14
13  14  8   15
14  15  8   16
15  16  9   17
16  17  9   18
17  19  10  19
18  20  10  20
19  21  11  21
20  22  11  22
21  23  12  23
22  24  13  25
23  25  13  26
24  26  14  27
25  27  14  28
26  28  15  29

Notice that “hm_W" and “ut_W" are very close, at most, off by a pixel. I’m 
guessing rounding maybe.

Thought this might help others who are trying to place text at a particular 
point in a chart and are maybe not seeing what they are expecting to see.




If (Count parameters>7)

$font_style:=$4  //  normal | italic | oblique | inherit
$font_weight:=$5  //  normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 
| 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit
$font_decoration:=$6  //  none | underline | overline | line-through | blink | 


$svg:=DOM Create XML Ref("svg")
$text:=DOM Create XML 
SVG EXPORT TO PICTURE($svg;$picture_px)
PICTURE PROPERTIES($picture_px;$width_l;$height_l)


DOM SET XML ATTRIBUTE($text;"y";"0")
SVG EXPORT TO PICTURE($svg;$picture_px)
PICTURE PROPERTIES($picture_px;$width_l;$height_l)




End if 

> Hey Miyako,
> Further info from previous post...
> The more I experiment the more I think the width of the text is not correct.
> If I include these lines:
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"text-align";"center")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($text_svgRef;"display-align";"center”)
> In a text string of “19˚” the 9 shows up approx. centered.
> If I exclude these two lines then.
> In a text string of “19˚” the 1 shows up approx. right aligned.
> So I am baffled and there’s little 4D example sir using the TextArea and 
> modifying attributes. Of course I am reviewing the SVG spec and trying 
> properties from there. But…
> So there’s something I don’t understand I think.
> Appreciate,
> John...
>> Hi Miyako,
>> So if I understand how to replace “text” with “TextArea”…
>> Here’s an existing code fragment with various height/width adjustments
>> $fontAlign_D:=Align center
>> $pnt_X:=$ctr_X+(($ctr_X*$radius)*Cos($Angle))
>> $pnt_Y:=$ctr_Y-(($ctr_Y*$radius)*Sin($Angle))
>> $display_t:=$Degree+”˚”   `  example: 16˚
>> In this example the X and Y of the point are:
>> inX_D=577
>> inY_D=276
>> SVG_String_WidthHeight_Get (display_t; ->$width;
>>  ->$height; $

SVG Best approach to add Image Margin

2017-04-01 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All SVG Pro’s,

Background: I’m creating circular shaped images using SVG. Sometimes the images 
seem to get slightly cut off. Maybe because part of the stroke overlaps the 0 
point? Anyway, I decided I’d add a non-drawable margin around the image. Say 
around 4 pixels or so.

The only way I could get it to reliably work is to define both the viewbox and 
the viewport. Usually defining the viewport is enough.

So for example, if the viewport had a height and width of 600 pixels then…


SVG_SET_DIMENSIONS ($domSvg;$svg_width;$svg_height;"px”)

In order to get this to work without cutting off edges I had to set the viewbox 
as follows:


$viewbox_mode:="true"  // is same as xMinYMin


So to get this to work I had to subtract the offset from the view box x and y. 
And I had to add the offset multiplied by two to the view box width and height.

So my question is…

Is this the best way? Is this even correct?

I’m looking for the most reliable and effective approach to managing an svg 
image workspace.

Hope that makes sense?

Hope someone has had to deal with this issues!

Appreciate you all,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-20 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I know that beginning in 4D v14 we are able to create or modify methods. Prior 
to that we would use API Pack (I believe).

Anyway, I am wondering if anyone is modifying methods on the fly by inserting 
selective lines of code. What I have in mind is selectively inserting into case 

Why do I need it? Because I have have a client who needs to setup various 
medical trials and data collection. They have a system that is built upon a 
series of 4D List and list items and some routines that get generate or updated 
based upon these 4D list. Currently there are a whole slew of manual steep that 
are required and it’s quite days to mess things up. I’d like to automate most 
of the process if possible.

I can easily add 4D list and items to a 4D List. As to creating the new methods 
that seems quite easy. Not sure, just yet, about the method code insertion but 
my mind is thinking of something like…

Read method (the one I need to insert lines into) into a text array where each 
element is a single line of code or comments or just white space. The number of 
elements in the array would match the number of lines in the method.

Since I know the basic structure of the method I should be able to insert into 
the array (appropriately) the lines I need, then loop through the array and 
regenerate the method and set it back into a 4D method.

Is that possible?

Does it work in compiled databases (although this one runs live without being 



4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-20 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Charles,

> It does not work in compiled db. In uncompiled db why not rewrite method
> and replace same, no need to go though just making the adjustments

Clearly that would be obvious right? 

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. This isn’t for me it’s for an end user who makes 
these changes - albeit infrequently - and I’m looking for a way to make it 

At this time compiled is not an issue since the end user already accesses 
design to make small changes.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-20 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Kirk,

we’re in 4D v15 but could go to v16 anytime really. So that’s an option.

I had forgotten about foot runner but Iin this case the end user already has 
access to design.

From my purview it just seems like it’s an automated solution waiting to happen.

Thanks for the info,

> I just posted earlier today about a method I re-write periodically via
> code. But I don't think it's a good idea for a production db.
> For what you describe if you're prior v16 I'd try using Footrunner. If
> you're v16+ I think you can write and execute code on the fly without
> needing Footrunner. Haven't played with that yet but I have used
> Footrunner. Might be just what you want and it will work on a compiled db.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-20 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Tom,

> Sounds like you need a Rule Engine


That is something I should look into further.

Thanks for the idea,

>> I am wondering if anyone is modifying methods on the fly by inserting 
>> selective lines of code. What
>> I have in mind is selectively inserting into case statements.
>> Why do I need it? Because I have have a client who needs to setup various 
>> medical trials and
>  and list items and some
>> routines that get generate or updated based upon these 4D list. Currently 
>> there are a whole slew
>> of manual steep that are required and it's quite days to mess things up.
> Sounds like you need a Rule Engine. I presented a session on implementing a 
> Simple Rule Engine in 4D at the 2014 Summit. If you attended the Summit that 
> year, you can find the Session Notes on the thumb drive. If not, let me know 
> and I'll send you details.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-20 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi David,

First this is an App I took over and am maintaining. The client brought this to 
my attention because after working in the app since the late 80’s it’s still 
not clear and easy to remember all the steps (even with documentation) it takes 
to get things to the point of usability.

As I look at it I see several 4D list that need to be created. I see list items 
that need to be inserted into existing 4D list. I see several methods that have 
to be created (using generic routines where all that changes are the parameters 
names), and several methods that have to have code inserted into case 

So most of seems to me can be automated. Probably need a UI of some sort to add 
the name, abbreviation, and study number. (Then I can generate most things on 
the fly and view ten in the UI before it’s committed.)

All of this is for setting things up so that another routine will be run that 
reprocesses all this information crafting necessary records that are used based 
upon all these new constructs. And then, finally, the study can begin and data 

BTW, I’m intentionally trying not to explain everything as it’s a long and 
winding road…

Brittle? I suppose. But if automated less chance for error I think. Less need 
to reread and restudy somewhat unintuitive notes (yes I could rewrite them so 
they are clearer).

Anyway, my main concern was with dynamic method creation and inserting lines of 
code into existing methods. If it can be done then it’s something I might 
pursue - if the client thinks it might be worth it.

Otherwise I’ll trudge through the notes and create the structure manually.

Kind of a proof in concept is what I’m after.

Thanks for your thoughts,

> A method is just a block of text. The magic in the method comes from 4D's
> interpreter. I modify methods via code and also do lots of code generation
> for my standard housekeeping sort of code. You can get and set the text
> however you like.
> With that said, I don't see why you would do it in this case. It sounds
> like you've got some user configurable data that you need to do lookups on
> or otherwise manipulate. (Or are they a sort of decision-tree or driving a
> logic cascade?) Right now you're keeping it in a 4D list and are proposing
> to bake it into code. I think that the problem is that you're using lists
> for data that should be in the data file. Before baking the data into code,
> try and answer the question "how would I do this using the data file?" The
> data file is a great place to keep user-specific config data and such. If
> not there, then in a disk file. Putting the data into the data file makes
> is easier to see, reuse, validate, etc.
> Speaking of validation, it sounds like the setup is a bit brittle and easy
> to mess up. Another solid argument for the data file. You need a UI for the
> configuration entry which creates the configuration data. Then you can have
> a *different* piece of code that interprets and validates the configuration
> data. That's one of the absolute core features of high-quality software.
> I'm not really visualizing what your system is, does, or how it
> apologies if I'm totally off the mark.
>> Does it work in compiled databases (although this one runs live without
> being compiled)?
> No. Not in compiled mode. If you need that, FootRunner has long been the go
> but these days I guess that 4DCODE gets the nod. I haven't used either
> enough to comment more on them.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-21 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Nigel,

First I know the issue of using 4D List as a short cut for using a real lookup 
of records in a table, aka choice list, for example. I have a client who has an 
app (I have inherited this one as well) where there are hundreds of these and 
they are having the kinds of problems you mentioned.  I am slowly replacing 
them with table based choice list lookups.

But after reading your thoughts I realize that in this case I am not really 
doing anything dynamically EXCEPT when things need to be setup for a new study. 
And in this case without rewriting the application it must be handled the way I 
have described. So keep in mind that I have not been tasked to rewrite the App 
but only help them make this aspect of it easier.

SO the dynamic is really a one time thing. What I am really trying do is 
automate it and reduce the chances for error and not have to go through obscure 
notes to figure it out.

There are several NEW 4D lists that must be created each time they create a new 
study. Then these list need to referenced and part of the mechanism is by 
adding the names of these list to another meta list. That’s where the insert 
list items comes in.

Then there are two new methods created each time that use these NEW list. An 
the list names and number are the only thing that changes inside of this 
wrapper method that calls another method with these list names as parameters.

Outside of header and some variable declarations there is a single line of code 
which is the method and parameter list. Not much to validate here.

As to writing code inside another method that’s trickier. I might just open the 
methods and present the code lines for them to copy them in.

It’s not as bad as you think (or else I am a bit delusional! Sometimes it’s 
hard to tell. ) and on the surface it seems quite easy.

I’ll be explaining it to the client today and see what they think. If they say 
go for it then I’ll give it a try and see if I can get most of it automated.

I hope that explains it better. Always hard to explain when you’re trying not 
to be verbose.


> 4D lists can suck if they are being edited..I remember having trouble with a 
> system a while back where users complained that some drop downs did not have 
> something in that should have been there..testing showed that we had code 
> nicely adding to the 4D list that was being used in the drop down..lots of 
> head scratching..probably a blame fest..then we worked out what was going 
> to..the list we being written to by other clients overwriting the list. and 
> the user had a list different to what they expected.
> In General I avoid using a 4D list for anything dynamic…a table with  
> something like…
> OWNER(User)<-create one ‘system’ owned list for each list name and where no 
> user specific version use the system version…(Duplicate records or combine 
> system owned with private owned)
> ..(and a record ID)
> Would be probably be a better way to handle a dynamic list and easier to then 
> relate something like study steps ..step items…step item options..etc
> In my humble you should never need to have code edit itself for this kind of 
> purpose. The code should support and be supported by the data and switches in 
> the data should define the route through the code…that will always be more 
> robust and easier to write than code that writes code. 
> Code that writes code is hard to validate:)..i know this ..lets say in your 
> code you have a line $_t_InsertStatement:=“IF(<>MyBadlyNamedVariable)” 1stly 
> you have to be sure that variable exists. and then if someone decides 
> somewhere to change the name of the variable it wont automatically change in 
> your hardcoded insert line and somewhere you will be getting calls about an 
> error..even worse is when 4D changes the name of the a function call or the 
> parameters.
> Just my tuppence worth.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-22 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Nigel,

I’m not sure if it would be easier to use foot runner. I do know that the 
strategy I worked through works pretty well. Here’s the almost final result 
(needs to be tested further)...

The send user has a UI and supplies two pieces of data: a study name (actually 
an abbreviation or acronym) and a position in a string (1-80 positions) where 
the position will have a single character code. These become part of the names 
of the list, list items, and methods.

With those two pieces of data I am able to auto-generate several new 4D lists, 
insert into existing 4D list, create two new methods with code formatted 
correctly, and…

I couldn’t figure out how to get the Method Set Code command working so I used 
Rob’s API Create Method to create the new 4D methods. Works great!!!

I could not get API Set Method to work. In fact it always crashes in 4D v15r2 
(Mac). So, at this time, I’ll have to 

I opted for just auto-generating the code fragments (new case dispatches with a 
couple lines of code) and displaying them in three text variables. Each text 
variable corresponds to the method that needs to be updated. I also auto open 
the three methods so they don’t have to search for them. BTW, the user 
currently has access to design and makes minor tweaks from time to time. This 
won’t work in compiled but they’ve never run in compiled in over 25 years.

Then, for each text var, they can select all and copy the code fragment and 
place it into the proper routine. All they need to do is go to the bottom of 
the case dispatch and add these lines there. About as simple as it gets - and 
yes they could still mess up.

If I could get Rob’s API Set Method to not crash (or understand how 4D’s Method 
commands work) I might be able to fully automate it. But until...

Anyway what used to be a nightmare of steps and rereading of the cryptic docs 
(and fraught with error) has been reduced to a minute or two exercise.

Exactly what I was after.

Finally, creating an new study is an infrequent exercise. So they might not 
revisit this for another year or more. But when they do it’s now a simple thing.


> Its always an issue when you probably wish it was a different way but it has 
> been written and now you have to deal with budget for a proper 
> will for it either!.
> I would certainly consider though using Footrunner for code you you write(I 
> don’t use footrunner as i have my own solution internal to my code)..i assume 
> you can automatically create the footrunner document and that probably easier 
> to ‘patch’ sections of code and sub-calls into than putting into 4D 
> itself..and you could be running a compiled solution then.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-23 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Nigel,

OK, thanks. I’ll see if I can figure it out.


> You should not really have much trouble with 4D SET METHOD..I Use it all the 
> time(in development not in a live enviroment) 
> METHOD SET CODE($_t_methodName;$_t_MethodText) 
> just need to make sure method is not open in the design enviroment or you 
> will get an error 

>> I couldn’t figure out how to get the Method Set Code command working so I 
>> used Rob’s API Create Method to create the new 4D methods. Works great!!!
>> I could not get API Set Method to work. In fact it always crashes in 4D 
>> v15r2 (Mac). So, at this time, I’ll have to 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Object visualize / browse

2017-04-24 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Rolf,

4d web area and javascript! 

That’s simple and and elegant! 

Very cool!


> This is one possible solution we us a lot in our own applications:
> Kind Regards
> Rolf

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Method Creation & Content Changing

2017-04-25 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

So after a little reading of the docs and starting at the very first example 
(which initially seemed incomplete) and baby stepping with simple tests...

I was able to auto create and update methods on the fly using "Method Get 
Code/Method Set Code”

So I have been able to move from a completely manual with and end user 
tinkering in and updating methods to completely automated and taking about a 

Very cool!


> I couldn’t figure out how to get the Method Set Code command working so I 
> used Rob’s API Create Method to create the new 4D methods. Works great!!!
> I could not get API Set Method to work. In fact it always crashes in 4D v15r2 
> (Mac). So, at this time, I’ll have to 

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

4D World Tour - Denver

2017-05-03 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I just returned form the 4D World Tour in Denver. I am very happy I went.

I learned quite a bit about where 4D is “theoretically” going and where 4D is 
“currently" at.

All the 4D presenters were excellent - even the new guy! And you know who you 

Add did a great job of taking sophisticated concepts like “messaging”, list 
boxes, audio, video, etc., and making it even comprehensible to me.

JPR was well “JPR”. It’s like having access to a perspective into the minds of 
the inner 4D coding circle PLUS JPR’s quick witted budgets of wisdom.

Colorful and funny as always and chock full of wisdom about “workers” and and 
when to use “preemptive”. I won;t say I completely understand all of this just 
yet but the example should help me to get my mind around them.

If you go for no other reason then understanding workers and preemptive - then 

You will see why “workers” are the way forward and why “pre-emptive” might not 
be important is very specific cases. Same thing goes for managing the “cache” 
versus allowing 4D to handle it.

I’m teasing because if you’ve thought about going then I’d highly recommend it. 
You get a bunch of really comprehensive examples, great lunches, great company 
(4D tech guys included ), chat with “old” 4D friends, some new blood, 
get to hobnob with Jim Sobczak (well worth the price of admission), a group 
picture and you’ll come away completely information “drunk”. You’ll need a day 
or so to decompress.

And of course they’ll tell you about when the next 4D Summit will be.

It was a great value for the money! And I would do it all over again.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Fwd: 4D World Tour - Denver

2017-05-03 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Oh, and Add did a great job expelling and demonstrating how to use subforms. 
You really need to wrap your head around them as they provide such flexibility. 
As I move forward I will try and use subforms every change I get.


> Hi All,
> I just returned form the 4D World Tour in Denver. I am very happy I went.
> I learned quite a bit about where 4D is “theoretically” going and where 4D is 
> “currently" at.
> All the 4D presenters were excellent - even the new guy! And you know who you 
> are.
> Add did a great job of taking sophisticated concepts like “messaging”, list 
> boxes, audio, video, etc., and making it even comprehensible to me.
> JPR was well “JPR”. It’s like having access to a perspective into the minds 
> of the inner 4D coding circle PLUS JPR’s quick witted budgets of wisdom.
> Colorful and funny as always and chock full of wisdom about “workers” and and 
> when to use “preemptive”. I won;t say I completely understand all of this 
> just yet but the example should help me to get my mind around them.
> If you go for no other reason then understanding workers and preemptive - 
> then go!
> You will see why “workers” are the way forward and why “pre-emptive” might 
> not be important is very specific cases. Same thing goes for managing the 
> “cache” versus allowing 4D to handle it.
> I’m teasing because if you’ve thought about going then I’d highly recommend 
> it. You get a bunch of really comprehensive examples, great lunches, great 
> company (4D tech guys included ), chat with “old” 4D friends, some new 
> blood, get to hobnob with Jim Sobczak (well worth the price of admission), a 
> group picture and you’ll come away completely information “drunk”. You’ll 
> need a day or so to decompress.
> And of course they’ll tell you about when the next 4D Summit will be.
> It was a great value for the money! And I would do it all over again.
> John...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Dates and Conditional popup bugs in Query editor

2017-05-05 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi all,

4D v15.2 & 4D 15.4 (Mac)

It looks like 4D’s Query EDITOR (the one most of my users hate) has some 
issues. I’d like to confirm if others are seeing them.

Here’s what broke for us:

1. The app has a convention of default dates being set as “03/03/0300”. It goes 
back to late 80”s and needing a non-null value that was obvious to them. 
Anyway… This appears to be changed to “03/03/300” which I guess still works 
fine for them.

This has always worked for them up through 4D v12… I upgrade them to 4D v15 and 
this has been an issue. I believe it will allow us to us to type the date value 
in and even query on it. But when we save a query and then reload it the date 
is changed to “00/00/00”. So somewhere in the saving or in the loading 4D 
transform it into a bad date format.

Of course we could try and remember whenever we use a query to change this 
default value but that’s what saving a report is for. Create it, get it 
working, save it and then forget about how it works and just use it.

2. It looks like 4D will correctly save a query with the popup set to “AND or 
“OR” values. But if you then reload and change them and re-save them it looks 
like 4D either ignores them or doesn’t update them. Is anyone else seeing this 

If the new query editor worked perfectly it would still be disliked by most 
users. But with these bugs it’s almost intolerable.

But before I go through reporting them as bugs I want to make sure I’m not 
issuing anything.

BTW, it looks like Miyako’s version works correctly. Might just go with his 
Query component.

Thanks for your help,
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: 4D Write Pro Interface component

2017-05-08 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

I’d take a look at this 4DBlog “ Create your own interface for 4D Write Pro”. 
There is an example database you can download. My assumption (unproven as I am 
looking for the same insight)  and found this v16 HDI example.

And I’m sure then it might make sense of how to use the component.

Hope that helps,

> Can someone point me to instructions on how to use the 4D Write Pro Interface 
> component.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: 4D Write Pro Interface component

2017-05-08 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech

> My assumption (unproven as I am looking for the same insight)…

Sorry I’m not sure if this example uses the component or not.

But I did find...

Yes, just create a subform container and then in the Subform properties select 
“WP_Palette” as the detail form.

Then the rest I leave to your discovery.


> Hi,
> I’d take a look at this 4DBlog “ Create your own interface for 4D Write Pro”. 
> There is an example database you can download. My assumption (unproven as I 
> am looking for the same insight) and found this v16 HDI example.
> And I’m sure then it might make sense of how to use the component.
> Hope that helps,
> John…
>> Can someone point me to instructions on how to use the 4D Write Pro 
>> Interface component.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-09 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

4D v12 Windows clients

I have read all the threads in the Nug concerning this and can’t seem to find a 

I have been trying to figure out how to disable the close button on Splash 
screen windows v12. Not the main Application window (that works).

If I use the command “gui_DisableCloseBox(windowHandle)” from Win32API it does 
disable the close button of the application window but not the splash screen.

I need the Splash screen to also have a disable close button.

Why would I want to do that? because the client WANTS the splash screen and 
keeps it maximized.

Is there any straight-forward way using Win32API?


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: 4D Write Pro Interface component

2017-05-09 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey John,

> When I open my database with the component in the component folder, I cannot 
> see any of the component methods or forms

I don’t think you will as they are like a widget. I haven;t explored enough yet 
(I plan to next week) to see how it sets things. But since it’s set up as a 
widget then the general widget docs hopefully will help?

> As you suggested Icreated a subform, but WP_Pallette is not listed under 
> Detail Forms. I tried using the component as received as well as built.

If so then yea, it’s not being seen, or it would show up as a form that can be 
included as a subform.

>   In the LRP under “Defining a 4D Write Pro area” it mentions talks about 
> the widget. There is a picture of the widget in use and above the document is 
> a ruler. Anyone know how to get that ruler to show?

Look in the 4DBlog and search for ruler. There is a blog about that.


>   At this point I am not sure what the component brings to the table. 
> Opening the component I see that it is using the 4D Write Pro Widget that is 
> available i the library without the component.
>   When I open my database with the component in the component folder, I 
> cannot see any of the component methods or forms. As you suggested Icreated a 
> subform, but WP_Pallette is not listed under Detail Forms. I tried using the 
> component as received as well as built.
>   None of the links suggested thus far discuss the component. They all 
> talk about creating your own user interface or the widget, but not about the 
> component. I must not have the component installed properly. 
>   The widget appears to do nearly everything I would have expected from 
> the component. Can’t see what more the component could do or does.
>   In the LRP under “Defining a 4D Write Pro area” it mentions talks about 
> the widget. There is a picture of the widget in use and above the document is 
> a ruler. Anyone know how to get that ruler to show?
> John

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-13 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Doug,

Thank you! I’ll give it a test.

I’ve had mixed result so far with only being able to disable the close box of 
the parent window (main app window).


> Just snarfed this from a legacy application and watched the code execute.
> $Error_Code:=gui_SetWndRect
> ($Window_Handle;0;0;<>WND_vWindow_Width;<>WND_vWindow_Height)
> $Error_Code:=gui_SetWindowLong ($Window_Handle;WS_THICKFRAME |
> $Error_Code:=gui_DisableCloseBox ($Window_Handle)
> Line 1 sets the window size
> Line 2 disables the minimize
> Line 3 disables the close box
> --
> Douglas von Roeder
> 949-336-2902

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-16 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I’m asking this because I have time scheduled tomorrow to try this approach. 
But I though I’d explained and see what others have experienced using similar 

So if I want to protect the db from a user getting into “design mode” - given 
we have rolled our own password security - can I simply do the following:

Add a 4D Group in the password editor. Is there not a checkbox to disallow a 
user into design? So if I set things up this way and then…

After the user logins to our custom PW login system immediately identify them 
as a member of this group will that work? Will that keep them from getting 


> 4D v12 Windows clients
> I have read all the threads in the Nug concerning this and can’t seem to find 
> a solution.
> I have been trying to figure out how to disable the close button on Splash 
> screen windows v12. Not the main Application window (that works).
> If I use the command “gui_DisableCloseBox(windowHandle)” from Win32API it 
> does disable the close button of the application window but not the splash 
> screen.
> I need the Splash screen to also have a disable close button.
> Why would I want to do that? because the client WANTS the splash screen and 
> keeps it maximized.
> Is there any straight-forward way using Win32API?
> Thanks,
> John…
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-16 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the info.

I need to make sure that if they log in as admin then this restriction is not 
there. I have tried for years to dissuade the “power” user from going into 
“design mode” but she uses it for quick edits (as unreliable as it has 
seemingly become). Anyway...

So I need to make sure only users that are part of the “keep out” group are 
kept out.

Will this approach work?


> Hi John,
> Have you looked at "Setting a Default User" in the Design Reference?
> If you want to allow:
> 1) Users to never see the 4D Password Dialog; and
> 2) Users to only see your password system; and
> 3) 4D password system to keep users out of design environment
> then take a look at "Setting a Default User" at:
> To setup a default user and limit access to the Design Environment, you would:
> 1) create a group for design access (for example, "design_access".)
> 2) Create a default user with **NO** password or group assigned (for example, 
> "default_user".)
> 3) Assign the users "designer" and "administrator" to the "design_access" 
> group.
> In Database Settings -> Security, do the following:
> 1) Specify the group for design access from popup of group names.
> 2) Specify the default user name from popup of user names.
> 3) Uncheck "users can change password".
> When usersr enters the database, they automatically enter as the default 
> user. No 4D Password Dialog appears. 
> You then present your custom password login dialog.
> Beware in this scheme you will not be able to get into the Design Environment 
> again, unless the 4D Password System dialog appears to allow you to enter as 
> designer.
> When opening a database, you can force the 4D Password Dialog to appear by 
> holding down the shift key.
> Best regards,
> Jeremy French
>> On May 16, 2017, at 4:28 PM, truegold via 4D_Tech <> 
>> wrote:
>> So if I want to protect the db from a user getting into “design mode” - 
>> given we have rolled our own password security - can I simply do the 
>> following:
>> Add a 4D Group in the password editor. Is there not a checkbox to disallow a 
>> user into design? So if I set things up this way and then…
>> After the user logins to our custom PW login system immediately identify 
>> them as a member of this group will that work? Will that keep them from 
>> getting access?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-17 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Robert,

I think you meant me not Jeremy.

This database - and how this admin user has managed things - goes back to 1993 
or so. The user has been able to get into “user mode”, now called “design 
mode”, reliably up until 4D 2012.

Rather than having code for everything minor change this user still prefers a 
quick and dirty sprint into “design mode”. Dangerous? Yep! explained? Yep! User 
wants to change? Nope!

That’s what I meant. But the only person who is supposed to be able to get into 
“design mode” is admin.

Hopefully that explains my ordeal.


> Jeremy:
> 'Quick Edits' of what?
> My databases are all compiled. The Designer can do anything, including 
> exiting the splash screen, and then to user mode. Anyone else can have 
> certain privileges  (or most all), but they can not exit the splash 
> screen.
> Easy to do.
>> On May 16, 2017, at 2:32 PM, truegold via 4D_Tech <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> Thanks for the info.
>> I need to make sure that if they log in as admin then this restriction is 
>> not there. I have tried for years to dissuade the “power” user from going 
>> into “design mode” but she uses it for quick edits (as unreliable as it has 
>> seemingly become). Anyway...
>> So I need to make sure only users that are part of the “keep out” group are 
>> kept out.
>> Will this approach work?
>> Appreciate,
>> John...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-17 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Alan,

Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

I did realize that part of my problem - and why I need a 4D group to prevent 
access - is that some of the code is still run inside the 4D application 
process which is what also controls the splash screen. So it’s possible, even 
after hiding it, to still get into “design mode”.

So if I get the group access figured out so that only admin has access to 
“design mode” in a compiled database then they can keep their splash screen 

I appreciate the code though and will test it.


>> From my code in v13
> Called on Startup method
> DisableWinAppCloseBox (0)  //disable mdi window close box
> DisableWinAppCloseBox (1)  //disable flash screen close box
> The following is trim down version for clarity
> If (<>Platform=3)  //if it is window
> If ($1=0)
> $winRef:=gui_GetWindow ("")  //this is for MDI window
> Else 
> $flashRef:=Frontmost window
> $winRef:=gui_GetWindowFrom4DWin ($flashRef)
> End if 
> If ($winRef>0)
> If ($1=1)  //for flash screen
> $prefered:=<>ScreenWidth  //this is MDI width
> SET WINDOW RECT(0;<>MenuHeight*2;$prefered;<>MDIHeight;$flashRef)  //this 
> must be done before disable close box
> $error:=gui_SetWindowLong ($winRef;WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | 
> End if 
> $error:=gui_DisableCloseBox ($winRef)
> Else 
>  //not concerned in this message
> End if 
> Else 
>  //not concerned in this message
> End if 
> Alan Chan

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-17 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Floyd,

> It is the opposite. The checkbox under Database Settings/Security allows you 
> to set a 4D group that HAS access to design mode.
> We create the group “Development” as the Designer, so the Administrator 
> doesn’t have access to edit.

Ok …

So I already have a group created “Admin" that is set to “Design Access” in 
Database Settings->Security. It looks like it includes Designer and 

I have group named “Default Group”.

I originally set this up because we wanted to limit who used up 4D Write 
licenses. Not currently being used however.

So after they do their custom login can’t I...

just assign the admin user that logs in to the “Admin” group and everyone else 
to the "Default Group”?

Seems like that should work.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-18 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Tim,

Thanks but I am aware of these … trying to make sure I understand before I 
spend time on it.

I do have a group named “Admin” and that group has been assigned in database 

In this case their wouldn’t be a 4D password dialog as there is a custom login.

So I need to assigning users to a 4D group programmatically after the custom 

That’s what I am trying to think through.


> Maybe these will help?
> -Tim

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-19 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi Tim,

Ok, will experiment and see how ti works out.

I will then need to suppress and 4D dialog and handle it programmatically.

Thanks for the help,

> Hi John,
> I just ran some quick tests and I think the most likely scenario here is that 
> you still need to assign a password to Designer (which is required to enable 
> the 4D password system).
> Enabling the 4D Password System is a requirement for many features in 4D that 
> pertain to the users and groups, this includes managing plugin access, 
> preventing users from cancelling the backup while it is running, and also the 
> "Default User".
> The "Default User" setting will be ignored if the 4D Password System is not 
> enabled; meaning that anyone who opens the application will be automatically 
> logged in as Designer.
> -Tim

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Fwd: Disable close button on Splash screen windows v12

2017-05-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

Wanted to confirm that by simply setting a password to Designer and creating 
another default user group that did not have access to Design wound up fixing 
rings quite elegantly.

That’s the first part in my scenario.

The second part was to continue using our custom login and then after the login 
screen have some code that sets a user to one of these groups depending upon 
permissions set in a user record.

Easy and reliable!

Now if the close box is clicked on the splash screen an alert opens and let’s 
you know you don;t have access and asks if you want to quite. Nicely provides a 
choice if you clicked by accident.

Anyway, thank you to all who shared ideas.

And Tim I’m glad you were following this thread as I could have wasted a lot 
more time trying to come up with a solution.

Appreciate all,

>> Hi John,
>> I just ran some quick tests and I think the most likely scenario here is 
>> that you still need to assign a password to Designer (which is required to 
>> enable the 4D password system).
>> Enabling the 4D Password System is a requirement for many features in 4D 
>> that pertain to the users and groups, this includes managing plugin access, 
>> preventing users from cancelling the backup while it is running, and also 
>> the "Default User".
>> The "Default User" setting will be ignored if the 4D Password System is not 
>> enabled; meaning that anyone who opens the application will be automatically 
>> logged in as Designer.
>> -Tim

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Favorite tricks and keystrokes: Please take one and leave one

2017-05-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Tom,

Cool idea!

I keep windows open (way too many…) all the time so I can remember things I 
am/was working on - for various reasons.

So now I’ll create a method where I store recent windows. Then I can close them 
without worry of forgetting of spending time drilling down into where they 
were. In fact adds an ability to even add some comments.

Anyway thanks for sharing.


> I use a method called WindowList which puts a list of all the Design 
> Environment windows open onto the clipboard. I paste this into a method 
> called _Work to keep "project" parts readily available. So, when I need to 
> work on something else for a while, all the other project windows can be 
> closed and opened back up later.
> Basically:
> ARRAY TEXT($aWinName;Size of array($aWinRef))
> For ($Ndx;1;Size of array($aWinRef))
>  $aWinName{$Ndx}:=Get window title($aWinRef{$Ndx})
> End for
> plus a big Case statement for windows I don't want to keep, like the 
> Explorer, etc. And, of course I put a comment character at the beginning of 
> each line.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Dynamic Tabs using hierarchical list

2017-07-01 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi all,

I have a need for a dynamically created tab. I need it to be generated from 
within a subform that will add a tab for each object created.

In this case it’s simple (I don’t think I need images). Think of an address 
book with A,B,C,D...

I can do that BUT what I can’t recall how to do was use a hierarchical list as 
a tab interface.

And I cannot find any 4D examples or HDi or Tech Tips or Tech Notes or in the 
NUG showing the how to.

I recall it was easy?

I could create it SVG but I think the HList approach would work.

Can someone either point me to a 4D example database OR send me the steps I 
would need to do it?

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Dynamic Tabs using hierarchical list

2017-07-01 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

I finally found an example from back in 2001!

Too simple:

Create the tab control on your form I made the var type string.

In On Load form event:


//  Build hierarchical list
Tab_Control:=New list
APPEND TO LIST(Tab_Control;"c1";1)
APPEND TO LIST(Tab_Control;"c1";1)
… as many as you need.

In my case I need to add/delete based upon the number of objects the user 


In On Clicked form event (or other event):

$itemCnt:=Count list items(Tab_Control)

I want to add them at the end of the list:

APPEND TO LIST(Tab_Circles;"c"+String($itemCnt+1);$itemCnt+1)

Note: You can always add them before/after an item based upon:

$pos:=Selected list items(Tab_Control)
INSERT IN LIST(Tab_Control;...

Anyway if need to delete…


4D handles the redraw automatically.

Now I might get fancier but this is what I needed for part of a subform UI.

Maybe someone else will need it in the future.


> Hi all,
> I have a need for a dynamically created tab. I need it to be generated from 
> within a subform that will add a tab for each object created.
> In this case it’s simple (I don’t think I need images). Think of an address 
> book with A,B,C,D...
> I can do that BUT what I can’t recall how to do was use a hierarchical list 
> as a tab interface.
> And I cannot find any 4D examples or HDi or Tech Tips or Tech Notes or in the 
> NUG showing the how to.
> I recall it was easy?
> I could create it SVG but I think the HList approach would work.
> Can someone either point me to a 4D example database OR send me the steps I 
> would need to do it?
> Appreciate,
> John...

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
** - Publish/Subscribe Component for 4D, David Adams

2017-08-30 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

If you were not able to see it the presentation today - you really 
go to!!!

David Adams did a wonderful job explaining how he implemented 
Publish/Subscribe. Just what the doctor ode red in my case as I was about to 
implement something similar in a database I am working on. Although now I will 
approach it differently then I did way back in StructurePulse days.

Anyway, David explains Call Form/Call Worker in a way that it finally clicked 
for me. And did I say he posted the source code with an easy to understand demo.

I could parrot what he said but then I’d spoil the fun you’ll have of watching 
the video posted.

So David well done!!!

And Brent thanks again for spearheading these meetings. I’m sure all who have 
attended (past and present) feel the same way. We salute you!!!

Hey David I would love to get a copy of those various diagram slides you 
showed. It really made things so clear.

Full of appreciation,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: - Publish/Subscribe Component for 4D, David Adams

2017-08-31 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey David,

Ref: "I'm sceptical that slides are worth much without a presentation but, 
well, here you go! “

True except for some of the slides were used in your presentation and they 
layout on clear diagram form some of thew points you made. Especially the one 
where you renamed the command to make it clear how they were really functioning!

So some of them will be quite useful for building our mental frameworks of 

So thank you again!

Ref: "Oh, and the most important point about Publish/Subscribe can't be said 
too often:The think knows about itself.”

Yes!!! I built StructurePulse with that concept in mind and a Publish/Subscribe 
technique. It was written using objectTools. IN fact everything was an object 
and I only used the database for persistence.

I just started reviewing my code (although in 4D 2004) and saw your 
presentation. So I will start with this polished approach and if I need to 
change pr extend I will do so. I recall that my original one had the objects 
subscribe to specific services and then the routing object would only send 
messages to objects looking for them.

But inn this caae it sends the message to any object that subscribes and if the 
object is interested it dos whatever it needs to do. If not it ignores it. So I 
think I’ll start with your approach this time and see how that works first. I 
think it will be more than enough.

Anyway, thank you again David!

Much Appreciated,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: - Publish/Subscribe Component for 4D, David Adams

2017-08-31 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hey Brent,

You’re welcome!

I would be very interested in "the worker watcher code soon with a little demo 
video”! especially with a little video explanation.

Please let me know when it’s available.


> Thanks John!  It is good to hear that people are getting some valuable input
> and discussion from these meetings :)
> I have posted Davids slides on 4DMethod.  Thanks for making them available,
> David!
> Ill also share the worker watcher code soon with a little demo video if
> people are interested.  I find that it helps give some insight as to how
> busy my workers are.
> Best,
> Brent
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: - Publish/Subscribe Component for 4D, David Adams

2017-09-01 Thread truegold via 4D_Tech
Hi David,

Thanks for the additional thoughts.

> If I catch what you're thinking about correctly, you sound inclined to make
> the message broker smarter. That's a solid plan, if the extra complexity
> can pay for itself. 

NO! I plan to keep it as smart as you have made it and see how that works. I 
not interested in optimizing for speed unless it’s demonstrably slower - which 
it doesn’t appear to be.

Simple is better now!

Appreciate, as always,

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)