Re: [9fans] a few Q's regarding cpu/auth server

2009-08-05 Thread Anthony Sorace
> "/sys/log/cron: rc (cpurc): can't open: 'sys/log/cron' is a directory"
> ... not quite sure what to make of that.

that's weird. it shouldn't be a directory, just an append-only file
like most of the others in /sys/log. not sure how it got directoried.
remove and replace.

> * Could anyone explain or tell me where I can find more information
> regarding what all is going on with the following:
>   con -l /srv/fscons
>   prompt: uname bootes bootes
>   prompt: uname sys +bootes
>   prompt: uname adm +bootes
>   prompt: fsys main
> main: create /active/cron/bootes bootes bootes d775
> main: create /active/sys/log/cron bootes bootes a664
> ... I've read con(1), and I can fathom the obvious basic premise:
> I'm creating a user and assigning it to groups. But what is '/srv/fscons',
> and what is 'fsys main' doing, and where can I find what other commands
> are available and what they do?

/srv/fscons is the conventional location for you fossil console; see
fossilcons(8) for more information, including what uname, fsys, and
create do.

> * At one point I created a new user with 'auth/changeuser' that I didn't
> need/want. What's the suggested means of removing this user?

see keyfs(4). remove the directory.

> * Similarly to the question above, how should I delete a user created
> with uname via fscons?

you may or may not realize this, but it's sometimes non-obvious: users
on the auth server are different from users on a file server, and they
don't need to be the same (depending on what you want). changeuser and
keyfs work on the auth server; anything done on fossil's console
(/srv/fscons) is on the file server. again, see fossilcons(8).

> * I hope I don't get beat up on this one (well, I hope I don't get too beat up
> on _any_ of these questions...), but it seems strange that something as
> important as a cpu/auth server would just go and boot up right into the
> hostowner... apparently this a non issue - so what am I not understanding?

philosophy. plan9, like research unix before it, recognizes that if
you have physical access to the box, all bets are off anyway. security
consists of locking your door.

if you really, really need to get around that, you have a few options.
the closest to "out of the box" is to install and run a screen locker;
a few people have written those, although i'm not entirely certain any
are current. more ambitiously, there was a 3rd edition patch to detach
the console devices from the cpu server itself, asking for login and
treating it as an attached terminal. those are assuredly out of date,
but if you really need the functionality, that's where to start.

alternately, just run something on the console that doesn't have a
"quit" function. the console doesn't have interrupt functionality.

[9fans] only marginally topical: sig.c and comp.c?

2009-08-04 Thread Anthony Sorace
This came up on #plan9: There's a set of programs, sig and comp, for
detecting similarities between files, attributed to Rob Pike. I've
found some "updated" versions, but I don't really like the updates as
described and the are no notes of what the code changes were. I'd love
to see the originals (with an eye towards porting them to Plan 9). 'd
love to see the originals. Anyone know where (if?) they can be found?

Re: [9fans] just an idea (Splashtop like)

2009-08-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 14:17, erik quanstrom wrote:

> assuming honest mtbf numbers, one would expect similar
> ures for the same io workload on the same size data set
> as mechanical disks.  since flash drives are much smaller,
> there would obviously be fewer ures per drive.  but needing
> 10x more drives, the mtbf would be worse per byte of storage
> than enterprise sata drives.  so you'd see more overall failures.

this depends on usage, obviously. i think it misses the point that
there's plenty of applications where the smaller storage (assuming a
single unit) is perfectly adequate. i swapped out the HD in my laptop
for a SD drive: the reduction in size is entirely workable, and the
other benefits make the trade a big win. there're plenty of
applications where i need relatively little raw storage: laptops, boot
media for network terminals, embedded things.

for large-scale storage, your analysis is much more appropriate. my
file server remains based on spinning magnetic disks, and i expect
that's likely to be the case for a long time.

Re: [9fans] About Plan9 on small systems

2009-07-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
inferno's got lighter requirements in some ways, but has
the same class of CPU requirements (more or less). if you
have something lighter than that in mind, you might not get
plan 9 but the ideas could still be useful. ask google about
"styx on a brick" for an example of using styx (9p by
another name) on a really small embedded device to
export underlying capabilities.

Re: [9fans] Question about Plan9 project

2009-07-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
Plan 9 is an open source project; as such, you get at least
the same baseline "guarantees" about its longevity as every
open source project enjoys: as long as someone's interested,
work can continue.

there are still Bell Labs staff who work on Plan 9, although i
don't believe they're working on it for its own sake (at least
not officially). i don't believe ALU has made any sort of
corporate commitment to the OS, that's true.

the "longevity" of any open source OS is based on the
community surrounding it; this is as true for Plan 9 as it is
for Linux and most of the BSDs (and various other things).
our community is way smaller than those, but my sense is
we're stronger in many ways than we've been for most of
the OS's life (we've got less Bell Labs involvement than we
did for the first half, but a broader range of contributors).
Plan 9 ships in at least one commercial product, which
wasn't true for most of its life (i can only think of those
2e-based video systems from earlier; anyone else?), and is
used in some really large research projects by people
outside the Labs.

i, at least, would be interested to know more about what
the specific concerns are. that is, is it about availability,
future evolution, commercial support, or something else?

Re: [9fans] down

2009-07-17 Thread Anthony Sorace
a few things:

1) note that when the web site is down, sources may still be up
(someone in IRC made this mistake). i run an automated availability
check of sources every 10 minutes and didn't see an outage.

2) Ethan, i'm not sure if you realize it or not, but your comment is
entirely unhelpful and serves only to foster animosity all around.
please stop.

3) nobody involved with running spends any time on
#plan9, so "reporting" it there is ineffective and serves only to fuel
some of the less stable elements there. afaik, the correct reporting
method is a *polite* mail to either this list (Adriano's original mail
seemed fine), 9trou...@plan9, or webmas...@plan9 (the address given at
the bottom of the page).


Re: [9fans] Google finally announces their lightweight OS

2009-07-10 Thread Anthony Sorace
i don't believe so. i've made a number of false starts and would like
to return to it some day. there's some very simple interpreters out
there (including one by ken[1] for old unix systems) that might be
worth looking at if you want to work on a port and performance isn't
critical. note that i haven't found a single APL interpretation that
uses the unicode apl characters[2] - a version written with plan9
tools could have a very nice advantage there.

there has also been a lot of discussion in the past 1-2 months about
K, a successor to APL, in #plan9. you might ask there; i may have
missed a more recent development.

[1] everyone says the character set is very jarring working in APL.
for me, what's worse is the fact that in that community, "ken",
unadorned, refers to a father of the field, a luminary who's example
many seek to follow, but it's a totally different person. here, i mean
"our" ken.

[2] i think A+, the APL-with-extensions from Morgan Stanley, could as
an option, but trying it out on OS X gave poor results.

[9fans] recover cwfs

2009-06-05 Thread Anthony Sorace
i've got a cwfs based on an old fs(4). it gets used infrequently;
about a month and a haf ago it sufferend a power outage and i just
left it off, since i'd not touched it for a few weeks before that.

today i brought the thing back up, and the active fs is unhappy. on
boot, it reports it can't read /adm/users, which makes mounts fail.
running newuser complains about /adm/users but adds the user to the
table in memor, so i can mount, just to get "phase error -- cannot
happen" on any file access attempt.

accessing the dump file system works just fine. i'm entirely happy to
replace the file system with the last dump. i think "recover" from the
configuration mode is the way to do this, but i can't find a
description of it and it's been years since i had to do it. in
particular, how do i determine the superblock of the last dump?

also, this seems like the right oportunity to start using cwfs's -c.
any notes on the performance differences?

Re: [9fans] Configuring NFS

2009-06-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
for the "from anywhere" part, just use .+ as the host regexp. the
"anyone" part also doesn't really apply: the files don't affect who
can connect or read things, just what the mapping is done as (iirc,
world readable is still world readable). if you just want to not
bother with the passwd and group files and don't care about getting
nice names in, i think (but it's been a few years) you can just point
those at empty files.

Re: [9fans] Configuring NFS

2009-06-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
map between the numeric IDs reported by nfs and strings plan9 uses for uids.

Re: [9fans] Configuring NFS

2009-06-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
"none" does not (normally) give you read-only access; if something is
world-writable, none will be able to write it. but getting read-only
is pretty easy; see exportfs(4) and the files which use it in
/rc/bin/service. from emory, i'd say "exec /bin/exportfs -Rr
/lib/music" would do what you want.

i've used nfsserver to provide access to a bunch of different types of
unix hosts, but it has been a while. i just spent a few minutes right
now trying with OS X and a remote plan9 server with no joy, but i'm
not convinced i don't have a nat being disruptive.

as far as the examples in nfsserver(8) go:
"ivy" is a machine which responds to 9fs and exports a namespace
containing /etc/passwd and /etc/group; it is most likely a unix system
running u9fs or similar. /lib/ndb/nfs contains a 9fs command to mount
ivy, so you can look at the live passwd and group files. if you'd
rather not, or are unable to, get u9fs working on some authoritative
unix system, you can copy or create a representative set locally (say,
/lib/ndb/unix.passwd) and change the last two file names in the
/lib/ndb/nfs example to point to those.

"edith" and "yoshimi" are just 9p servers, most likely plan9 machines.
passing them in the -a argument to nfsserver means that nfs clients
attempting to mount the machines will have those two "shares" to pick

i believe the example becomes inconsistent here; i think edith/yoshimi
should match bootes/fornax. so if you had run the example as given
here, you'd want to run "/etc/mount -o soft,intr eduardo:ivy /n/ivy"
on your unix system. i forget whether the "share" ("ivy") needs to
match the exact string given to -a ("tcp!ivy") or if just the hostname
is okay.

Re: [9fans] acme: dirty state after 1-2, 1-3 click in a tag line

2009-05-29 Thread Anthony Sorace
2.i: the topmost tag will add the name of any external program you
run. you'll see the same thing if you run Mail or Wiki. this is often
useful with a 2-1 chord on Kill.

2.ii: it's storing the current tag, and then adding the name of the
external command (win) when it gets run. a bug, but i'm not sure how
to correct it. you might be able to get by having the dump routine
strip the names of any external commands that're running, stopping
when it finds something that isn't an external command. that'd be
imperfect, since the command name doesn't reliably match what gets
stuck in the tag (try "upasname=foo Mail"). more complete but more
invasive is have acme maintain a  mark for where in the tag the
"external command" part ends, and have the dump routine exclude text
before that mark.

it all seems more trouble than it's worth.

issue 1 seems like it ought to be more easily fixable without new mechanisms.

[9fans] cdfs(4) multi-track DVDs

2009-05-22 Thread Anthony Sorace
cdfs(4) contains a paragraph in BUGS that reads:
  Closing a just-written DVD-R track can take minutes while
  the drive burns the unused part of the track reservation
  (for the whole disc).  Thus only a single DVD-R track can be
  written on a DVD-R disc; use other media if you need more
  than one track per disc.
i know the array of media is confusing, but should i read this to imply that
DVD+R media are expected to support multi-track writes? i just did
something more or less like:
for (i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
{venti/rdarena /dev/fs/arenas arenas0.$i > /mnt/cd/wd/$i}
the results were not what i had expected: i got d000, which looked
correct, and d001 which, upon cursory examination, looked like the
concatenation of arenas 1-7. am i just SOL with multi-track DVDs?

i hate this optical format nonsense.

Re: [9fans] command output on acme

2009-05-08 Thread Anthony Sorace
the solution for you depends, i guess, on how often you're doing this
and what the workflow really is, but if a bit of manual intervention
is okay, you have a ready-made solution: run command 1, change the tag
on the resulting window, run command 2. acme just looks for an
existing window with the expected tag to stick its output in, creating
one if it doesn't exist. this also makes saving sessions really easy:
change the tag to the filename you'd like it to have, type Put,
execute. you can do that trick for 'win' windows for session saving,
too. handy.

no info on your kill problem, sorry.

Re: [9fans] problems with redirection in rc

2009-05-05 Thread Anthony Sorace
//  ];/home/sykora/CALC/doing/tests/10_r/-xeon4 10_r ...

i think these are escape sequences generated by a defined 'cd'
function containing awd. do "fn cd" before you run this to undefine
the function and this should go away.

what's surprising is that this behavior changed based on *only*
changing the > to a >>. you're sure you didn't change placement as
well? i'd have expected your output file in the > case to match the
results for the last _r label from the output file in the >> case.

Re: [9fans] New to the list and looking for an old plan9 book/cd

2009-04-27 Thread Anthony Sorace
all that information is for the second edition. the third edition
involved a pretty substantial set of internal changes. things were
improved in almost every way, but one casualty was much of the
platform support in the cpu/terminal kernel. in particular, we don't
run on the NeXT boxes any more. we still have the relevant compiler,
but i'm afraid getting the kernel working there would involve some
pretty substantial kernel programming.

the fourth (current) edition is updated regularly and is available for
download from the web site. Vita Nuova sells CDs and printed manuals.

[9fans] Contrib index, snip

2009-04-23 Thread Anthony Sorace
The contrib index on the wiki [1] hadn't been updated in a long time; 
now automatically regenerating it nightly. I've made some minor changes to the
script that does the updates; the most significant is that INDEX files can now
describe files and directories arbitrarily deep in the tree, as
opposed to only in
their own level. More info on the wiki's contrib page [2].

Unrelated, about a month ago I put together "snip", [3] a little 
service for sharing snippets of code (or whatever). Details on the
snip's contrib
page [4], but basic usage is "snip /some/file" to paste a snippet
(/dev/snarf is a
useful /some/file), which will return a path to the new snippet, or "snip"
unadorned, which will list currently-available snippets.

Snip's gotten decent use in IRC. I was originally planning on 
the server side a bit, but it's not really worth it. I'll move it from
ramfs to disk on
next reboot, and that'll be that.

[3] /n/sources/contrib/anothy/bin/rc/snip

Re: [9fans] exporting a namespace

2009-04-21 Thread Anthony Sorace
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 07:17, Mathieu Lonjaret wrote:
// Running 9vx is not exactly the same as running a cpu/file server...

This is certainly true, but isn't really relevant here.

If you're looking to do ad hoc sharing, the easiest way is probably
with listen1, exportfs, and import. I just tested this in two 9vx
instances on the same machine (which already had my normal one

9vx 1:
:; 9fs wiki
:; ls /mnt/wiki | wc
235 2356413
:; aux/listen1 -tv 'tcp!*!12345' /bin/exportfs

(the -v isn't really needed there)

9vx 2:
:; ls /mnt/wiki
:; import -A tcp!localhost!12345 /mnt/wiki
:; ls /mnt/wiki | wc
235 2356413

aux/listen1 grabs a network port (tcp port 12345 on all interfaces, in
this invocation) and when a new connection comes in, runs
/bin/exportfs, which has a little protocol to negotiate what namespace
to export and then exports it. on the other host, import dials the
exportfs listener started above and mounts the /mnt/wiki exported
there on its own namespace.

that's my understanding of what you're after, anyway. if there's
something else you're looking for, just drop a note.

Re: [9fans] Adventures of a home user

2009-04-20 Thread Anthony Sorace
$home/lib/profile is run on login; you can stick arbitrary commands in
there. note rio's -i option. take a look at glenda's lib/profile and
bin/rc/riostart for examples.

running "c:" has a good chance of finding and mounting a FAT
partition; see dossrv(4). note that c: and dosmnt, like many other
things in plan9, are simple shell scripts. just cat them to see what
they're doing.

you won't find a method to log in as a different user (as a "normal"
login session) without rebooting.

fgb's a person, not a thing you install. contrib packages are
organized under the name of the package's author. running
"contrib/install fgb/abaco" installs fgb's abaco package.


Re: [9fans] Adventures of a home user

2009-04-19 Thread Anthony Sorace
Jim Habegger wrote:

// Adding a new user:

that's not a 9vx issue; either you're misreading the documentation or
it's incorrectly written (i'm not sure which bit you're reading for
that). those commands are intended to be given to the file server,
fossil, after connecting to the console posted in /srv. You'd get
exactly the same response under qemu or on real hardware.

it's worth noting, however, that 9vx is a bit different here in that,
unlike most plan9 installations, it doesn't use fossil as its root
file system (by default). instead of taking a large array of bits and
turning it into a file system itself (as fossil does, typically using
a disk partition as that array of bits, sometimes a regular file), 9vx
uses the underlying host OS file system (via the #Z kernel device).
there's no reason to "add users" in this sense because #Z doesn't
offer connection authentication and doesn't regulate user access in
the same way.

issues around swapping out the root file server are where most of
9vx's differences come from (and, in my experience, reduced stability,
but i'm not sure how widespread that is). things like replica often
misbehave, as well. it'd be worth putting together a diff guide of

Re: [9fans] NAT implementation

2009-04-15 Thread Anthony Sorace
i think it's a *great* idea, but it doesn't give you the same things
nat does and isn't useful in the same cases. but i'd love to be able
to import my plan9 /net from my OS X box.

Re: [9fans] NAT implementation

2009-04-15 Thread Anthony Sorace
the idea is interesting, but it's a compliment, not a replacement.
there's plenty of situations where installing something on all your
hosts is either impractical or undesirable; centralizing the work in
network infrastructure is often a big win. doing what you describe
hits a different set of use cases.

[9fans] GSoC status

2009-04-13 Thread Anthony Sorace
GSoC progresses well. We have a preliminary slot allocation which
should be finalized on wednesday. The list of accepted student
proposals comes out a week from today. We're having a mentors meeting
tomorrow to resolve any internal conflicts, and there's a GSoC-wide
meeting for admins to resolve any issues there. We have the happy
problem of more good applications than slots, but with our slot count
and mentor set, I think we're in a really good position to ensure that
all our students have a positive experience.

Students, ensure you've gotten any last-minute comments in. Mentors,
ensure you're up to date on the mailing list and evaluating
applications. Everyone else: stay tuned, the big news comes a week
from today.

Re: [9fans] extensions of "interest"

2009-04-11 Thread Anthony Sorace
> right on schedule!
>  (may 31 2001)
>   (may 7 2005)

okay, that timing's just freaky.

[9fans] setting 9vx's sysname

2009-04-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
is there any particular reason 9vx doesn't set sysname to the host's
sysname if it can? is the current behavior depended upon anywhere?

also, on my system, $terminal is set to "vx32 9vx" at boot, but i
can't find that declaration. what'm i missing?

Re: [9fans] extensions of "interest"

2009-04-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
from the man pages^W^Wpdf:

// None.

we should be so lucky.

[9fans] GSoC: 3 days left for student applications

2009-03-30 Thread Anthony Sorace
There's just over 3 days left for student applications. We've got a
few very nice applications in so far, but would love to see plenty
more. If you're considering submitting an application, I'd encourage
you to do so. If you're unsure about some aspect, come hang out in
#plan9-gsoc on and we can help you refine your idea
and application.

We've also got a lot of folks on the list connected to various
universities. If you know any talented students with an interest in
Plan 9 or related technologies, encourage them to apply! There's
plenty of things on the Ideas page ( that
haven't been addressed yet, and I'm sure there are students out there
with great ideas we haven't thought of yet.

Student applications must be in by April 3, 19:00 UTC. Decisions on
those applications are made by April 15.


Re: [9fans] GSOC: Drawterm for the iPhone

2009-03-30 Thread Anthony Sorace
to ron's latest point:
seeing it on the G1 would be great, too. but we have a student with an
iPhone who's said he'd like to do it, and at least a handful of people
here have said they'd like to see it, and have the device. if the same
conditions get met for the G1, i see no reason we wouldn't entertain
applications from students for that port, too (although it seems
likely we'd end up picking one or the other).

on the unrelated 9p-on-darwin idea:
no, there's no theoretical reason it couldn't be done. getting a
Darwin kernel module would also be of broader use than the iPhone,
obviously. i'd be pretty worried about that being a summer project
unless the student already had intimate knowledge of the Darwin
filesystem hooks.

Re: [9fans] GSOC: Drawterm for the iPhone

2009-03-25 Thread Anthony Sorace
i think the drawterm port would be interesting, but how to deal with
the mismatch between the touch and 3-button-mouse interfaces seems
like a big issue. i don't yet have an iPhone or iPod Touch, but for
me, drawterm would push me over for the later.

for André (or anyone with similar interests), i'd second eric's
suggestion of considering the Omero client using native widgets. you
could do this with either ("real") OS X or the iPhone, which makes it
a bit more accessible. i'm not sure anything other than the inferno
interface exists today, and it'd be a neat proof-of-concept, and a
useful project using some of the existing skills you're talking about.

Re: [9fans] gsoc linuxemu project help

2009-03-25 Thread Anthony Sorace
it seems like a reasonable start to me, at least, but i don't know as
much as i could about the internals of linuxemu (i haven't really
looked inside since russ's initial version). the current maintainer is
frequently found in #plan9 on; i'd encourage you to
pop in there and see if you can catch him to ask.

Re: [9fans] GSoC 2009: Plan 9 is in!

2009-03-20 Thread Anthony Sorace
There's a GSoC-specific google group for tossing ideas around in, and
later for student discussion and ongoing work. You're encouraged to
propose project ideas and whatnot there. join plan9-gsoc. If you
decide you want to mentor, specifically, contact me directly.

[9fans] twitter

2009-03-19 Thread Anthony Sorace
I've started using Twitter. There, I said it.

I actually signed up for twitter to follow a few 9fans, which seems
sort of weirdly ironic to me. Now with a bunch of GSoC related news
flying around on it, I've actually started using it (lightly), much to
my surprise (and occasional dismay). Going to the web site to poll for
updates is irritating, but there's enough other tools out there that
finding something that presents a more reasonable usage actually isn't
too hard. I wanted something on Plan 9 that worked simply.

Testing has been cursory only, but
/n/sources/contrib/anothy/rc/bin/tweet seems to work. Usage is pretty
much as you'd expect, "tweet some message here" or "fortune | tweet"
will do pretty much what you expect. It's a pretty dead simple wrapper
around hget. I even got to give up on authentication, since hget will
ask factotum.

Side note: as I said, this uses hget. I first tried doing it with
webfs, but had problems with the user:p...@domain syntax. Is anyone
using that with webfs?

Anthony (sigh: @anothy)

Re: [9fans] I can not remember if I sent this or not: MIPS-64 (sort of) notebook

2009-03-19 Thread Anthony Sorace
i was looking at this a week or two ago, trying to find an ARM or MIPS
laptop to play with. my first question was whether the "missing" parts
of the MIPS instruction set are things that our compilers currently
generate; SoC (oh, and my day job) ramped up before i could find the
list of missing instructions. any idea?

getting quotes or delivery in the US seemed tricky, too.

[9fans] GSoC 2009: Plan 9 is in!

2009-03-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
Short version: we made the cut. Join the plan9-gsoc Google group
(and/or come hang out in #plan9-gsoc on Freenode) if you want more

Longer version: Google has accepted just over 1/3 of applying
organizations: 150 of 395. The program admin says the application
quality was the best she's seen so far, and many projects that've
worked with them before got rejected. I think this speaks well of our
ability to address some of Google's bigger concerns from 2008 (largely
based on our 2007 participation), and generally of progress we've made
over the last two years towards making things a bit more friendly for

Thanks to everyone who's contributed ideas for students or agreed to
mentor so far. Thanks to the community generally, and the folks at
Bell Labs, of course. Thanks in particular to Noah and Uriel for
helping with the application and understanding our previous issues,
and to Uriel for the work that's gone into, which helped a
lot in practical terms.

The next tasks are ensuring our info is tidy for the pending rush of
students, getting mentors to stick their names on particular projects,
and agreeing on the set of projects we want to do (we're asking for
far fewer this year; quality of quantity). Once things are fully
underway, I'll be making regular reports here on progress of the GSoC
participation generally, and you'll be hearing project-specific things
from students and mentors. Most of the ongoing discussion specific to
GSoC will be taking place in the plan9-gsoc Google group, or on
#plan9-gsoc on freenode.

Anthony Sorace

Re: [9fans] THnX status?

2009-03-16 Thread Anthony Sorace
Tiny Core Linux looks interesting. Played around a bit in a VM tonight
and will be trying it on the ThinkPad tomorrow. I'm curious about your
setup. I assume you're using 9vx directly for graphics, no more
drawterm? You run within X?

My attempt tomorrow is going to be giving a GB or two to Linux and the
rest to fossil, trying to integrate the localfs and native ethernet
patches to 9vx, and booting off that. The combination does look like a
very nice starting point.

[9fans] THnX status?

2009-03-16 Thread Anthony Sorace
I recently got a relatively modern ThinkPad. I figured it might be a
good chance to play with something new, and THnX has always looked
interesting. I have Ron's stuff from August or so; is that still the
latest? Is there a better way to run Plan 9 in lguest, with as minimal
a Linux underneath as practical? The README is specific to running off
a USB stick; is there another set of instructions somewhere for
running off the HD?

[9fans] GSoC 2009 application in

2009-03-13 Thread Anthony Sorace
Our application for Google Summer of Code 2009 has been submitted.
Over the next week, Google will be selecting about 150 projects from
the 395 that applied, and will announce the list on March 18th.

Re: [9fans] new toy - gmap

2009-03-13 Thread Anthony Sorace
did you stick your key in /lib/gmapkey? does /lib/sky/here have a
sensible value?

Re: [9fans] venti conf

2009-03-10 Thread Anthony Sorace
// //But I have no idea if you can run fossil in p9p.

// I think you can't.

not currently, but it'd be nice. i'd like to be able to serve a
fossil fs from my laptop to 9vx instances. maybe a rainy weekend project.

Re: [9fans] vac flattens trees?

2009-03-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
that seems a little awkward. erik's suggestion is what i
think i'd really like. rog's would be okay, although still
somewhatawkward, were i on plan 9; since i'm not, i think
i have russ's option. so with -x, say i had a tree:


and i wanted /dog, /cat, and /fish/clown. would three
includes be sufficent there, or do i need it include /fish and
then exclude /fish/guppie, to get the heirarchy?

i do wish more tools used proto. the format is so nice.

Re: [9fans] MMIXWare Plan 9

2009-03-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
i'm not sure whether the MMIX stuff was a fresh effort or an extension
of the MIX code, but it might be worth noting that someone (Charles, i
think) ported MIX years ago. perhaps a useful starting point.

On 2009-03-09, Paweł Lasek  wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 14:35, xiantingmanbu  wrote:
>> How to port MMIXWare into Plan 9?  Has anyone done it?
>  Porting wouldn't be hard. I don't remember the code right now (will
> look into it when I get home) but probably the only thing you would
> have to change would be mmap() to segattach(), or even simple
> malloc()-style allocation. Knuth is rather old fashioned, so it might
> actually work out of the box with APE, and with little changes with
> native libs.
> --
> Paweł Lasek
> On
> " But the systems seem so darned complicated. I see the wife
> unit here sitting around with winXP and it seems very complicated."

[9fans] vac flattens trees?

2009-03-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
given a list of files like "/fish /dog /snake/asp /snake/python", the
results of a vac (as interpreted by vacfs) seem to be "/fish /dog /asp
/python". is this intentional? it seems unexpected, and makes doing
selective backups using vac a bit awkward.

this is vac on p9p and vacfs on plan9, if that matters.

Re: [9fans] Google Summer of code 2009

2009-03-06 Thread Anthony Sorace
uriel, remain calm. he said the discussion was among the people who
ran last year's application. that's fine: they can have whatever
conversations they like, wherever they like. if they've decided their
time is better spent elsewhere, that's their decision.

on the specific actions suggest, too, i'm all for them. it sounds like
they're thinking about some very directed actions that could get good
results. and those sorts of actions also, in my estimation, match with
the sorts of "community" considerations Google uses for evaluation.
there's certainly no conflict there.

for myself, i still think a GSoC application is worth the time, and I
still intend to do one.

[9fans] GSoC 2009

2009-03-04 Thread Anthony Sorace
So, the web site's up, program is announced, and so on.

Was anyone planning on doing a Plan 9 application? I'm willing to
help, if anyone was planning on it, or lead, if not. In the later
case, I'd appreciate help (any of advice, materials, or labor) from
people who were involved in our last two applications.


Re: [9fans] 8c, 8l, and empty files

2009-03-03 Thread Anthony Sorace
i could see this going either way, but from my perspective the linker
did what you told it. it didn't see anything it couldn't recognize,
and didn't find any symbols it wasn't able to resolve. it's a weird
case, certainly, but it doesn't strike me as wrong.

if i were inclined to submit a patch, it'd be to add a note to the
BUGS section of the man page.

Re: [9fans] command repetition in sam/acme

2009-03-03 Thread Anthony Sorace
i agree complaining about the formats is pointless. and hey, at least
it's text. last plain text format with slightly awkward lines i had to
play with, they went and changed the next version to be ASN.1.

but i don't think the suggestions here for how to make it play well
with Acme are all that bad. personally, i'd go rog's route of writing
a little program to pop out the address, as having things jump around
when changing tabs for newlines and back would be kind jarring. Acme's
not ideally suited to the task at hand, but it's not an awful fit,
either, and has many other nice benefits that likely make up for the
disconnect (or would for me, anyway).

and, as they say, if you want vim you know where to find it.

oh, wait, maybe you don't:
:; contrib/list stefanha/vim
stefanha/vim: Vim: enhanced vi editor
never used it myself, but it exists. i find vi(1) more fun, myself.


Re: [9fans] Acme huge bar

2009-02-27 Thread Anthony Sorace
do you do that by executing Font in each window?

IIRC, acme tries to move the tag bar a line at a time, but does so
using the sizes of your tag bar font (-f). you'll see this behavior
occurs because the different heights on the fonts mean you can't
satisfy both of them with whole-row-only moves. acme won't ever
display part of a line of text.

doesn't address whether the gap should be black or not, but that's why
it exists.

Re: [9fans] spreding the word

2009-02-23 Thread Anthony Sorace
correction: i think nonet was out of the official distribution by 2e.
still neat.

Re: [9fans] (no subject)

2009-02-23 Thread Anthony Sorace
fgb has ported 4th; it's in his contrib dir, both as a tar file and a
contrib package. i thought i remembered seeing another, but it's not
on the contrib index page.

Re: [9fans] spreding the word

2009-02-23 Thread Anthony Sorace
erik wrote:
// i can't think of any advantages of 2e over 4e.  perhaps others disagree.

not "advantages", no, but there are bits and pieces that were
interesting ideas, even if they didn't pan out, that are overlooked.

the whole streams idea is really educational. nonet was neat. having
datakit code in there made the network transparency feel a bit more
real (different world, i know).

i often wish GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick were as easy to use as the fb tools.

oh, and since there's some people on this list at a company that makes
a map program: 2e's 'roads' was great. being able to specify a
particular road or roads and have only those displayed was super
useful. i'd love to see that in a certain map-like program.

still, you'd give up a lot to go back in time. better to identify any
bits worth the effort and bring them forward.

[9fans] rc for loop exiting from emu on Plan 9

2009-02-19 Thread Anthony Sorace
Trying to help diagnose a race condition in emu, I did this:

for (i in `{seq 1 100}) {echo BEGIN RUN $i ; emu sh -c
/usr/a/bin/sh/emuerr; echo END RUN $i ; echo}

where emuerr is a sh.dis script that raises an exception. on OS X,
using p9p's rc, i get a bunch of stanzas that look like:

OOPS: fail:some error

except for the run number. running exactly the same command with the
same script on Plan 9, rc gives up after the "OOPS" line. same
behavior on native plan9 and 9vx. i'd expect the behavior seen on OS
X. it's not the exception, either; i get the same behavior if i
replace the entire rc for clause with {emu sh -c date}.

what is rc confused about?

Re: [9fans] create user with password

2009-02-17 Thread Anthony Sorace
the model around users and passwords can be one of the most confusing
things for someone coming from other systems. the very short,
oversimplified version is that plan9 doesn't really carae about such
things if all you're doing is local access; you'll need a real
user/passwd when you start trying to access remote resources.

when you boot a plan9 kernel, it has a cocept of "hostowner"
(sometimes refered to as 'eve'). conventially, for terminals right
after installation, this is "glenda", but it can be almost anything
you like. nino, glenda, adm, or iamnotreallyauser should all work.
hostowner wil be set to that, and hostowner will own all the kernel
resources and all the initial processes (except, perhaps, a few
started as "none"). if you'd like to reboot your box as 'adm' or
'glenda' and scribble all over important system files, nothing will
stop you.

as soon as you try to access some remote resource, however, you're
going to be asked to present credentials demonstrating you are who you
say you are. an "auth server" will get involved, and then the process
with the auth/* files will be necessary.

you're entirely able to set this up on your local terminal to get a
sense of how it all fits together (read the man pages and wiki entries
on setting up an auth server), but keep in mind the local
permisiveness remains. this can be disconcerting to somone used to the
illusion of security provided by a local password. if your data is
that important, you ought to be encrypting it if there's some chance
an untrusted party will physically get their hands on it. once someone
has their hands on your disk, all bets are off.

Re: [9fans] Android / G1

2009-02-16 Thread Anthony Sorace
in the US, CDMA operators (notably Verizon) typically do restrict
unblessed devices (where, in many cases, those include supported
devices simply not sold by them). this is improving, but remains

the situation for GSM operators is somewhat better. the GSMA
regulations (the industry association every notable global operator is
a member of) provide at least some protections for users to ensure
device portability.

the GSMA allows north american operators more latitude than most, and
the GSMA-NA is permitted to, essentially, override many portions of
the regulations. i'm not sure if they've done so on this point.
certainly from the point of view of a user in north america, the GSM
operators are perceived as open whereas the CDMA operators are (up
until about a year ago, when this started to soften) perceived as very

Re: [9fans] 'cd' into non-existent directory?

2009-02-13 Thread Anthony Sorace
9fs, for example.

i can do '9fs arbitrary-machine', and not have to worry about whether
/n/arbitrary-machine has been created ahead of time or now. that's the
most common use. without it, you'd have to create mount points in
advance of knowing what sets of things you'd want to mount.

it has downsides, like your "phantom cd", which is why it's only used
where it makes sense.

Re: [9fans] why sources and the plan 9 web server have been up and down lately

2009-02-12 Thread Anthony Sorace
and thank god for that.

Re: [9fans] 9vx and native networking

2009-02-11 Thread Anthony Sorace
Devon got this working for him about a month and a half ago; see this message:
I've still not made it work for me (on OS X), but i think the issues
are actually in changes outside the ethernet stuff. I haven't had much
time to dig in.

Re: [9fans] Web interface to '/n/sources/contrib' gone??

2009-02-10 Thread Anthony Sorace
i've updated the mirrors page; right now, it's only got right
now. i've also removed the explicit mention of specific mirrors from
the "sources repository" page, where i think you were seeing what you
were seeing. i've changed it to reference the mirrors page.

i only saw on the contrib index page; i've removed that. that
page is automatically generated, although that hasn't run in a while.
i'm reworking that script a bit; the new version will refer to the
wiki page on mirrors. i expect to be running that more regularly by
the end of the week.

Re: [9fans] Plan9's Price?

2009-02-09 Thread Anthony Sorace
Plan 9 can be downloaded free of charge from:

If you're after nice printed manuals and a pressed CD, see:
The listed price is £38, €45.42, or $75.00.

You used to be able to get just the CD or just the books, but I didn't
see such an option now.

[9fans] Handling of other Dir.mode bits

2009-02-06 Thread Anthony Sorace
Dir.mode has several bits that don't seem to be defined. Should the
protocol be read that optimally conforming clients and servers should
pass through the bits, or set them to 0? Aside from the obvious risk
of future collisions, is there anything that makes using these bits

No, this isn't for DMEVIL.

Re: [9fans] [plan9mod] Query regarding venti scores

2009-02-06 Thread Anthony Sorace
the score is the hash of the data in the block. the same block on two
servers will have the same score (important for replication).
different blocks have the same odds of having this same score (that
is, astronomically low) regardless of whether they're on one or
multiple servers.

that doesn't directly address their suitability as UUIDs. it seems
like an odd choice to me (certainly it's an expensive way of
generating them), although i guess it depends what your application

Re: [9fans] Sources Gone?

2009-02-03 Thread Anthony Sorace
erik wrote:
> i'm not sure i understand.  either you have the key (score)
> and you can decrypt the whole cyphertext (read the file tree
> below), or you don't.  assuming of course that scores are too
> hard to guess.  so the solution is: don't give out the root score.

my read on the utility of rog's proposal is that you could then
pre-exchange the crypto key via secure channel (real live handoff or
whatnot) and then send root scores around freely over things like
email. unauthorized parties reading your email then don't get your
venti data.

the scheme has the advantage of being minimally intrusive, but it does
seem to be like putting the fix in the wrong place. i'd rather see an
authenticated connection mechanism, which would likely require more
changes (how do you store accounts and credentials? how do you feed
them to things like a fossil at boot?), but would have the same
benefits and more (i'd like to provide some clients read-only access,
for example).

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
you, um... never mind. what can i say?

Re: [9fans] Pegasus 2.6 is released

2009-02-02 Thread Anthony Sorace
erik wrote:

> it's interesting to compare this with the sleezy not-paths
> that e.g. gnome programs can take, like uris.  great as long
> as long as you don't care to use anything but gnome tools.

i had that debate with a kde-loving linux admin. i had been explaining
why plan 9 was interesting or significant, and he countered with the
kde example. i was marginally impressed by the number of protocols
they handled, but when i asked how you'd use it with cat and friends,
he said "no, just use kate".

i reeled, stuttered, tried to get out something that sounded like
"layering violation", and ran away. it wasn't even a cost/benefit
argument; there wasn't any recognition of the costs.

Re: [9fans] Small program "PlanKey" (paraphrase of DOSKey)

2009-01-29 Thread Anthony Sorace
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:49 AM,   wrote:

> How about turning acme to universal UI, in the style of old Oberon?

Acme very deeply believes that everything's just text. It would be
substantial effort to get it to be any more universal than that. I'm
aware of at least two independent efforts by very smart people who
stalled at about the same place.

>From a UI design perspective, it's not clear what it ought to look
like. More strongly, I'm not really convinced there *is* a good way
for a UI like that to work. You'd have all the problems the X11 tiled
window managers have, and if you don't separately provide for either
"floating" windows (as some of them do) or horribly throw tiles
around, things like viewing large postscript documents is going to be
hella disruptive.

I love acme, but I think rio's the right starting place for GUI
things. Maybe just move the menu into a pre-populated tag, similar to

Re: [9fans] Small program "PlanKey" (paraphrase of DOSKey)

2009-01-27 Thread Anthony Sorace
Roman  wrote:
//   2. Has something like that ever made it into rio propper?
//   Or was the feature deemed to obscure to bother?

years ago, someone put "Look" in the rio button two menu. the
objection (at least the one i was told) was that it made the menu too
long, which i think was true. some time later (perhaps punctuated by
the change in rio's resize behavior? or the 8½ → rio transition?) i
found the patch and updated it. that was also years (7-ish) ago, and
my code is gone.

anyway, the point is it's been done, wasn't too hard, and could be
done again. every once in a while i think about doing it again, but
it's too low on the priority list.

personally, i agree it makes the button 2 menu too long. i'd remove
cut, paste, and probably snarf, since i almost always do them by
chording anyway.

Re: [9fans] cheap, low-resolution terminal

2009-01-27 Thread Anthony Sorace
i'd say "short read reading ", apparently.

[9fans] sources' venti gone again?

2009-01-26 Thread Anthony Sorace
:; pwd
:; cat README
cat: error reading README: venti i/o error or wrong score, block

Re: [9fans] plan9port openbsd 4.4

2009-01-26 Thread Anthony Sorace
if you want to work on it some, this message talks about getting
inferno working on OpenBSD using the rthreads library (the pending
replacement for the userland threads russ talked about):

you could likely follow a similar path for p9p if you're so inclined.

inferno has since gained an explicit OpenBSD port (for those
directions, remove "-old" from the above URL), but i'm not sure
whether that involves working around the userland thread model or
explicitly relying on rthreads.

[9fans] sick cpu server; 9load hates my SATA controller

2009-01-23 Thread Anthony Sorace
About a month ago, the motherboard in my CPU server went bad (visibly
bulging capacitors!). I finally got the replacement part on RMA from
the manufacturer and tried getting things going again yesterday. No
joy, and the problems are strange. The symptoms differ depending on
whether I have drives on sdE[0,1,3] (as was the case before) or

When I have drives on sdE[0,1,3], 9load starts, and proceeds normally
until half-way through probing my SATA drives. The lines are:

sb600: sata-II with 4 ports
sdiahci: drive 0 in state ready after 0 resets
sdiahci: drive 1 in state ready after 0 resets
sdiahci: drive 2 in state missing after 0 resets
sdiahci: drive 3 in state ready after 0 resets
sdE3: i/o error 50 @0
sdE3: i/o error 50 @1

but (as best I can tell) after "state missing" line all I/O becomes
dog slow. Characters print at what looks like maybe 300 baud, newlines
take a few seconds to redraw the screen. Despite the extreme slowness
of printing, it prints the 9load menu I had set up and responds to the
menu entry and loads the kernel. It prints the "cpu0:" and "apm" lines
as expected (but, again, very slowly), and then "sdE3" i/o error 50
@0" three times. It then finds the kernel, I get the expected
".886899." and so on, with the .'s printing very slowly (less than
1/sec, suggesting that there's a more general I/O problem, not just
printing). Once the kernel has finished loading, it prints "entry:
0xf0100020" and becomes totally unresponsive (no ^t^tp, random typing
produces no characters).

I've disabled what peripherals I can in BIOS, different BIOS settings
for the SATA mode (although I'm sure it was running AHCI before), and
tried with different kernels in my boot menu; no substantial change
(loading a gzip'd kernel seems to print the "..." faster per dot, but
hangs after the "=>").

I've tried booting of an ISO downloaded about two weeks ago, and get
similar results: things seem okay until it probes the SATA controller,
when it reports "sb600: sata-II with 4 ports" and then hangs (although
this does respond to ^p).

Note that the part is indeed a 4-port sb600 and there are indeed three
disks attached (although the BIOS and 9load disagree on whether the
second or third are missing).

If I have drives on sdE[0,1,2], the case for the CD is the same, but
the on-disk kernel gets through asking where root is from, and then
yields "panic: fault: 0x11c" as it probes the drives. All the on-disk
kernels perform the same way.

[9fans] anyone tried fossil on p9p?

2009-01-22 Thread Anthony Sorace
Has anyone gotten fossil (with or without venti) working on p9p, or
tried and failed?

I've been playing around with a variety of 9vx configurations and want
to try booting it off a p9p-hosted fossil (on the same physical box).
That's the next project.

Re: [9fans] vmware fusion - plan9 snarf issue

2008-12-28 Thread Anthony Sorace
to be clear, this behavior is while running the old plan 9 vmware
tool, right? without that, i'd expect the snarf buffer to work
properly within the guest environment, but you won't have any way to
get things out.

Re: [9fans] Changelogs & Patches?

2008-12-25 Thread Anthony Sorace
depends what you mean by "extra". if that means "outside 9vx", then
yes; if it means "besides what 9vx uses by default", no.

yesterday(1) relies on having dump-style snapshots. 9vx, as shipped,
gets its root file system from #Z, which doesn't have snapshots.

erik offered some suggestions for hosting various bits of things
outside 9vx and connecting to that in order to get the dumps. those
options are valid, but you can just as well host the entire thing
within 9vx. it's not the default configuration, but i believe
instructions are out there (9fans or the wiki).

using fossil for your root, instead of #Z, will obviously cost you the
benefits of #Z - namely, the pass-through transparency. if your
primary interest is for replica/*, though, you might consider the
direction i've been headed: root from fossil, but import $home or /usr
from #Z.

[9fans] OT: phonet?

2008-12-25 Thread Anthony Sorace
Mostly off-topic, but the newly released linux 2.6.28 talks about the
"Nokia phonet protocol". Google "helpfully" returns all sorts of
things with "phone" in it as a match to "phonet", making it a bit hard
to find more detailed protocol documentation. Anyone have a pointer to
anything more definitive than the phonet.txt in the linux kernel tree?

Re: [9fans] Getting qlock errors when trying to install

2008-12-20 Thread Anthony Sorace
this is what i've got in the motherboard i'm trying to get running in
my unwell cpu server. using your 9pccd.gz (just trying to get root
from *anywhere*, so i can see the disks), i get two of these:

panic: ilockdepth 1, last lock 0x0 at 0x0, sched called from 0xf0108802

right after i say root from tcp.

Re: [9fans] 9pfuse and O_APPEND

2008-12-19 Thread Anthony Sorace
> client by definition knows more than the server.

i assume you mean "knows less"? the server knows where EOF is and
which files to enforce append-only on. your #1 seems to only exist
because the client doesn't have that info.

Re: [9fans] Motherboard recommendations?

2008-12-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
i've look through the changes and am not clear on how the sb700 will
be handled. it sounded like you were saying all the sb[67]xx chips are
handled the same, but the did is different (439D). it it just a matter
of adding it to the big switch(p->vid) statement?

Re: [9fans] How can I boot plan9 on my Compaq AlphaServer DS10L?

2008-12-18 Thread Anthony Sorace
> i think that would be great, too but i can't think of any
> arm platforms that are competitive.  any suggestions?

it depends in large part what "competitive" means, of course. most of
the ARM stuff i'm aware of is handheld or embedded, where intel
architectures have a really hard time being "competitive" in terms of
heat and space.

handheld devices are a bit tricky because they have more churn in
parts between models, but there's plenty of interesting ones to pick
from. i like nokia's line, and would love to see a port of Plan 9 (or
Inferno) to the 770 or N800 (there's an even newer one, but i forget
the model off hand and don't own one of those).

Re: [9fans] Motherboard recommendations?

2008-12-17 Thread Anthony Sorace
does "sb600 or greater" really mean just by number? sb700 and sb750
seem common, but i'd assumed (probably foolishly) that 6xx was
different (enough) from 7xx.

Re: [9fans] Motherboard recommendations?

2008-12-17 Thread Anthony Sorace
perhaps more particularly, anyone know of or working on support for
the RealTek RTL8111/8168B ethernet controller? I've found two boards
with match except for having an 8111 controller, which we don't list
as supported. i have no idea how close realtek's parts are to each

[9fans] Motherboard recommendations?

2008-12-17 Thread Anthony Sorace
The motherboard in my main server went belly-up yesterday. No POST, no
nothing. Well, the fans spin. Joy.

That particular motherboard isn't carried anywhere any more, despite
being a whopping one year old. I'm looking for a replacement, but
having a hard time finding one with both a supported SATA controller
and supported gigabit ethernet with an AMD CPU and DDR2 RAM (so I
don't have to replace that, too).

Anyone have any recommendations? Bonus points for one that I can get
shipped overnight.

[9fans] 9vx.OSX bug: resize on second display causes window to go wrong

2008-07-03 Thread Anthony Sorace
I have a 10.5 MacBook with an external display attached. When I start
9vx, things look normal. I can resize the window on the main display.
If I move it to the second display and resize, the window goes from
"good" to "bad":

Resizing the window back to the original geometry makes the window "good" again.

Note that this is "just" a display issue. Things within 9vx continue
to run just fine, and can update the display (although that becomes
unreliable, especially in the portion of rio windows to the left of
where they should be). Dragging my mouse over where the rio window
border should be causes the cursor to turn into the "resize" cursor,
and resizing works fine, dragging the still-slanted window around.

This happens independent of what's running within 9vx: I see the same
thing even with no rio.

<    1   2   3   4