Re: [9fans] fossil

2024-05-18 Thread Richard Miller
Noam Preil:
> I have a
> branch at which has fossil
> integrated.

I took the liberty of having a look at the fossil source in that repo.
It seems to be missing the fossil-time-backward patch. That's on the
current 9legacy distribution ISO (built 14 April 2023), and probably
on several previous ones as it went into the 9legacy git in April 2022.

It's a two-line patch which fixes a bug where the periodic sync process
can stop working if the system clock goes backwards. The consequences
of that are failure to update on-disk file data, and exhaustion of the
in-memory cache buffers which results in deadlock. From memory, I think
it could also make the sync process go into a 100% cpu loop which might
look like deadlock.

If you apply that patch, I hope that you will find some of the problems
you've been observing will be cleared up.

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[9fans] fossil [was: List of companies that use Plan 9.]

2024-05-17 Thread Richard Miller
Noam Preil:
> I demonstrated one
> of the problems with fossil by (attempting to) install Go, which crashes
> the file system _every single time_.

This is a useful bit of evidence that needs following up.  The go test
suite (which begins by installing and completely rebuilding go) is
running 24/7 on a cluster of Raspberry Pi machines in my front hall,
using fossil from 9legacy source.  If you look in the plan9 arm column
on you can click on any 'ok' entry (and
nearly any 'fail' entry) and you'll see a successful installation of
go on fossil ...  literally thousands of them if you follow the
sequence of 'older' pages.

If you get in touch with me off list, I'd really like to
work with you to find out what is different between my environment
and yours which leads to such different observations. My principal
reason for running the go tests has been to try to shake out more bugs
from Plan 9 and fossil. So any other replicatable data I can get is
most welcome.

> I have found multiple deadlocks over the last few years, and only
> bothered fixing one of them.

In a discussion on 9fans in April 2023, the fossil-deadlocks.diff
patch on was mentioned. Have you witnessed any more
deadlocks since you applied that one?

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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
Jacob Moody:
> I'm very glad we were able to communicate this and thank you for taking
> the time to talk about this here in this thread.

And thanks to you for pointing me to the GTX 4090 and

Both real eye openers.

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[9fans] golang dependency on python3

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
>> (OK, I know that's delusional because I've installed go. But maybe
>> not for much longer, as google seems determined to introduce python3
>> as a dependency.)

Charles Forsyth:
> wat!??


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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
> As for the proposed strawman `p9sk3`, I fail to see what advantage
> that would have over dp9ik

My point was only about the advantage of p9sk3 over p9sk1, not to
compare it with anything else. The intent was to counter the implication
that p9sk1 is terrible and completely broken, by suggesting that the
threat of brute-forcing the entire keyspace can be mitigated with a
small, local and very easy to understand variation to the ticket service
(with no change to the protocol on-the-wire).  Of course it doesn't mitigate
the problem of users negligently choosing weak passwords.  dp9ik has the
extra advantage of doing that too, by removing the opportunity for offline
dictionary attacks.

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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
>> I try to take a
>> minimum-intervention approach ...
> Forgive my saying it, Richard, but I think this is a somewhat overly
> staid view of things.

You're welcome to say it. My minimalist attitude amounts to a religion,
and therefore I don't need to justify it ☺. I know I'm at one extreme
end of the scale. None of my machines are even running 9legacy,
it's all 4th edition with enough hand-picked patches to make it useable
for me. I wouldn't dream of pushing anyone else to follow my example.
But personally, my Plan 9 network is a refuge from 21st century complexity,
where I can in theory read and understand the infrastructure from top to

(OK, I know that's delusional because I've installed go. But maybe
not for much longer, as google seems determined to introduce python3
as a dependency.)

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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
> ... the server and client keys are the
> same in p9sk1 as far as i understood. i would welcome public/private
> key system though (is that what you were thinking of when separating
> "server key" and "client key". that would add yet another set of
> features that are currently missing.

Have a look at authsrv(6) in the manual. The authenticator sends a
pair of tickets to the client, one encrypted with the client's own
key and one encrypted with the server's key. That's what allows
both the client and server to authenticate each other.
> ... it seems to me that
> concentrating on 3DES just for the sake of similarity to DES is taking
> ocam's razor slightly too far.

Yes, I think you're probably right. I was thinking in terms of minimum
lines of code to change, but other factors are also important.

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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-13 Thread Richard Miller
Jacob and Ori, thank you for filling in some more details. Without
the specifics I had been making some wrong assumptions about where
the exact threat was.

I think I now have a clearer picture:

It's not particularly p9sk1 which is vulnerable, but the protocol
for ticket request / response, which leaks enough information to
allow offline exploration of user keys. The contribution of p9sk1
is that its handshake protocol helpfully reveals a valid user name -
ie the authid - which can be used by an attacker to make a legitimate
ticket request, without any need for eavesdropping or guessing at
user names.

So, if you have an authentication service exposed to the ipv4
internet (or to the ipv6 internet with a findable address), and
your authid or a known or guessable userid has a weak enough
password to succumb to a dictionary search, it's probably right
to say that a random attacker could make a cpu connection or
mount your file service with an afternoon's work on consumer

Nobody needs to have weak passwords, though. Using the !hex attribute
instead of !password with factotum, and/or using secstore(1), makes it
easy to have a randomly generated DES key with the full 56 bits of
entropy. This makes the attacker do more work ...  but not all that
much more. I hadn't kept up with how powerful commodity GPUs have
become. (My most recent experience with High Performance Computing
involved transputer arrays and Cray T3Ds.  Nowadays I specialise in
low performance computing.) It appears that investment of a few
thousand dollars and a few days compute time (maybe less if using
cloud services) is enough for a full brute-force exploration of the
single-DES keyspace.

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Re: [9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-12 Thread Richard Miller
> sorry for ignoring your ideas about a p9sk3, but is your mentioning of
> ocam's razor implying that dp9ik is too complicated?
> is there any other reason to stick with DES instead of AES in
> particular? i'm not a cryptographer by any means, but just curious.

My comments are about p9sk1; I'm not implying anything about other
algorithms.  When working with other people's software, whether
professionally or for my own purposes, I try to take a
minimum-intervention approach: because it's respectful, because of
Occam's Razor, because of Tony Hoare's observation that software can
be either so simple that it obviously has no bugs, or so complicated
that it has no obvious bugs.

I thought of 3DES in the first instance because of this desire to be
minimally disruptive.  Support for DES is already there and tested.
3DES only needs extra keys in /mnt/keys, and because 3DES encryption
with all three keys the same becomes single DES, there's a graceful
fallback when users have access only via an older client with
unmodified p9sk1. Obviously the server ticket would always be protected
by 3DES.

This is only the first scratching of an idea, not implemented yet.

I've got nothing against AES. I'm not a cryptographer either, but I did once
have to build a javacard implementation for a proprietary smartcard which
involved a lot of crypto infrastructure, and had to pass EMV certification.
Naturally that needed AES, elliptic curves, and plenty of other esoterica
to fit in with the existing environment and specifications.

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[9fans] one weird trick to break p9sk1 ?

2024-05-12 Thread Richard Miller
I'm using a new subject [was: Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front]
in the hope of continuing discussion of the vulnerability of p9sk1 without
too many other distractions. said:
> If we agree that:
> 1) p9sk1 allows the shared secret to be brute-forced offline.
> 2) The average consumer machine is fast enough to make a large amount of 
> attempts in a short time,
>in other words triple DES is not computationally hard to brute force these 
> days.
> I don't know how you don't see how this is trivial to do.

I agree that 1) is true, but I don't think it's serious. The shared secret is
only valid for the current session, so by the time it's brute forced, it may
be too late to use. I think the bad vulnerability is that the ticket request
and response can be used offline to brute force the (more permanent) DES keys
of the client and server. Provided, of course, that the random teenager somehow
is able to listen in on the conversation between my p9sk1 clients and servers.

On the other hand, it's hard to know whether to agree or disagree with 2),
without knowing exactly what is meant by "large amount", "short time",
"computationally hard", and "trivial".

When Jacob told me at IWP9 in Waterloo that p9sk1 had been broken, not
just theoretically but in practice, I was looking forward to seeing publication
of the details. Ori's recent claim in 9fans seemed more specific:

> From:
> ...
> keep in mind that it can literally be brute forced in an
> afternoon by a teenager; even a gpu isn't needed to do
> this in a reasonable amount of time.

I was hoping for a citation to the experimental result Ori's claim was
based on. If the "it" which can be brute forced refers to p9sk1, it
would be very interesting to learn if there are flaws in the algorithm
which will allow it to be broken without breaking DES. My assumption
was that "it" was referring simply to brute forcing DES keys with a
known-plaintext attack. In that case, a back of the envelope calculation
can help us to judge whether the "in an afternoon" claim is plausible.

In an afternoon from noon to 6pm, there are 6*60*60 seconds. To crack
a single DES key by brute force, we'd expect to have to search on average
half the 56-bit key space, performing about 2^55 DES encryptions. So how
fast would the teenager's computer have to be?

cpu% hoc

1667 billion DES encryptions per second, or less than a picosecond
per encryption. I think just enumerating the keys at that speed would
be quite a challenge for "the average consumer machine" (even with a GPU).

A bit of googling for actual results on DES brute force brings up
from March 2022, which says:
 "Our best optimizations provided 3.87 billion key searches per second for 
 ... on an RTX 3070 GPU."

So even with a GPU, the expected time to crack a random 56-bit key would be
something like:

cpu% hoc

More than three months. The same paper mentions someone else's purpose-built
machine called RIVYERA which "uses 128 Xilinx Spartan-6 LX150 FPGAs ... 
can try 691 billion Des keys in a second ... costs around 100,000 Euros".
Still not quite fast enough to break a key in an afternoon.

When Jacob says "triple DES is not computationally hard to brute force these 
I assume this is just a slip of the keyboard, since p9sk1 uses only single DES.
But if we are worried about the shaky foundations of p9sk1 being based on
single DES, Occam's Razor indicates that we should look for the minimal and 
possible extension to p9sk1 to mitigate the brute force threat. The manual 
entry for
des(2) suggests that the Plan 9 authors were already thinking along these lines:

  Single DES can be realistically broken by brute-force; its
  56-bit key is just too short.  It should not be used in new
  code, which should probably use aes(2) instead, or at least
  triple DES.

Let's postulate a p9sk3 which is identical to p9sk1 except that it encrypts the
ticket responses using 3DES instead of DES. The effective keyspace of 3DES is
considered to be 112 bits because of the theoretical meet-in-the-middle attack.
So brute forcing a 3DES key with commodity hardware (including GPU) would be
expected to take something like:

cpu% hoc

That's quadrillions of years. Not what most people would call "trivial".
And that's generously assuming the implementation of meet-in-the-middle
is zero cost. Without meet-in-the-middle, we're looking at a 168-bit
keyspace and an even more preposterous number of years.

I was looking forward to the "proof of concept". Even if we can't see
the det

Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-10 Thread Richard Miller
> From:
> ...
> keep in mind that it can literally be brute forced in an
> afternoon by a teenager; even a gpu isn't needed to do
> this in a reasonable amount of time.

[citation needed]

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Re: [9fans] 9fat: on rmiller raspberry pi image?

2024-05-01 Thread Richard Miller
The SD card has a dos partition, not a 9fat partition, so unless
your raspberry pi has a usb hard drive the 9fat: command won't work.
Instead you can use the c: command, which mounts the first dos partition
it finds onto /n/c

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Re: [9fans] disk/prep partitioning issue

2024-04-18 Thread Richard Miller
> Tried it; output:
> syntax error reading partition
> 488
> So my partition count is too much, correct?

Correct. The last line has been truncated at the end of the block
so it has no newline, which is a syntax error.

It's ok to use fdisk to create more than one plan9 partition on a disk.
They'll appear as /dev/sd*/plan9, /dev/sd*/plan9.1 etc. Then you can
use prep to put some of your arenas on each plan9 partition, to avoid
overflowing the partition tables.

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Re: [9fans] disk/prep partitioning issue

2024-04-18 Thread Richard Miller
I said:
> You might have to split it up
> into two fdisk partitions, or shorten some names.

Actually, shortening names isn't likely to help much.

If you're setting up a new venti, not expanding an
existing one, could you make the arena partitions
fewer and larger? The original idea behind limiting
arena size was so that they could be conveniently
backed up onto optical media, but I suspect nobody
does that any more.  Nowadays large arenas can be
backed up onto a big USB flash drive, or onto another
venti server.

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Re: [9fans] disk/prep partitioning issue

2024-04-18 Thread Richard Miller
> ...
> the bloom, isect7 and arenas7 partition are gone.
> ...
> What's causing that?

The partition table has to fit in one disk sector. Has yours
got bigger than 512 bytes? You might have to split it up
into two fdisk partitions, or shorten some names.

Try 'disk/prep -p /dev/sdE0/plan9 | wc -c'

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Re: [9fans] cmdline.txt for RPi 4 with QHD screen

2024-04-08 Thread Richard Miller
> We do not provide the binary files ourselves you need to acquire them from 
> the rasbian ISO.

Or look in

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Re: [9fans] Thumb compiler oddity

2023-10-02 Thread Richard Miller
> In the meantime, I turned off "registerization" for files that could
> potentially have similar code.

If you want a more targeted workaround without a performance cost,
in the example you posted you can force the compiler to reload the
register by replacing

return y;


return *(&y);

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Re: [9fans] Thumb compiler oddity

2023-09-27 Thread Richard Miller
> Is the problem with the compiler or with the C code?

It's a compiler error. The function mkvar() in reg.c is keeping track
of unique variables without taking address aliasing into account.

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Re: [9fans] Go arm builder's image

2023-09-17 Thread Richard Miller
> Last thing about your rpi image Richard, Is this the
> one used in the go arm builders? Can I asume that
> these are the only patches needed to have a working go?

Yes, and yes.

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-14 Thread Richard Miller
On Thursday, 14 September 2023, adr via 9fans <> wrote:

Hi Richard. I'm surprised by the small number of 9legacy patches you are
> using. Any reason in particular that you could share? I'm preparing a new
> installation and this is a good time to choose the starting point.
The 9pi image is intended as a close approximation to the 4th edition,
adapted for the Raspberry Pi. For practical daily use I'd recommend the
9legacy SD image instead. The site has a build script showing
how that is made, starting from the 9legacy CD image,

The actual 9pi.img.gz on contrib is a "golden"
> copy which I've been updating with individual patches since about 2012
> Do you mean other patches than the ones you shared with 9legacy?

No, they are the exact same patches. I meant that each patch has been
applied only once, so the source file modification times show when the
patch was done, not when the SD image was made.

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-02 Thread Richard Miller
> the system loads into the GUI but then hangs moments later and stops
> updating the frame buffer, or the system is hung. Any thoughts on why that
> might have occurred? Is this to do with the watchdog...?

It won't be the watchdog, because this QEMU patch prevents it
from being enabled.

<   addclock0link(wdogfeed, HZ);
>   //addclock0link(wdogfeed, 1000);

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-02 Thread Richard Miller
> The thing about 9legacy is I'm not sure what patches to pull and what is or
> isn't stable do you have any recommendations?

I've put a script in contrib/miller/build-9pi.rc which shows the complete
process of building (almost) the 9pi image from the 4th edition ISO. You
can look at that to see what 9legacy patches are applied.

The "almost" is because applying the patches each time the image is built
loses some useful metadata. The actual 9pi.img.gz on contrib is a "golden"
copy which I've been updating with individual patches since about 2012,
so the modification dates on source files can be used to see what has
changed an when.

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-01 Thread Richard Miller
> Based on the diffs you supplied, it looks like my bcm
> sources (from the latest r4 ISO) are not the same as yours. I don't use
> 9front. What is the best way to make sure my bcm (and 9) kernel trees are
> the same as your current tree?

A lot has changed in the bcm kernel since the 4th edition ISO, because
of the release of newer Raspberry Pi models.  Current source is in
contrib/miller/9/bcm - just copy those files into /sys/src/9/bcm (or use
the 9legacy ISO instead, which is kept up to date and has other useful
patches too).

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-01 Thread Richard Miller
> I'm using version 8.0.0 of QEMU. What version are you using, Mr. Miller?

I've now reinstalled QEMU from debian unstable, which gives me v8.0.4.
Using the 9pi2.qemu in my contrib, it still boots for me, without any
loop at 0x000c.

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-09-01 Thread Richard Miller
> Hmm, I've applied the patches and built the kernel. I can see the image
> loaded at 0x8001, but it is spinning at address 0x000c; is this a
> sdmmc load loop?

I think that's a trap address. On ARM we re-map the trap vectors away from
address 0 to a high segment.

> I'm using version 8.0.0 of QEMU. What version are you using, Mr. Miller?

Mine is 7.2.4 (just installed it on Debian 12).

> Also, since the SD takes seconds to load and not ms/us, how long are you
> waiting until you see something printed on the console...?

After the 'Multiblock = 0' patch is applied, SD card transfers take about
2 milliseconds on my elderly thinkpad.

> Curious if I'm
> just running very slow, or if there is still something buggy going on...

The trap is a bug which I'm not seeing. Do you get any console messages first?

> Thanks for responding and adding some patches. I am trying to follow along
> to make it work, if you don't mind a bit of back and forth :-)

Maybe do the back & forth off list, unless anyone else is interested?

-- Richard

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Re: [9fans] RPi in QEMU

2023-08-31 Thread Richard Miller
> So to get this back on the track of RPI emulated in QEMU … has anyone 
> successfully used the Miller image with Q?

After a bit of experimentation, I have done so, for some value of 

A few tweaks are required first, because QEMU's emulation of Pi hardware and
firmware is not as faithful as it might be:

- binary kernel file is loaded at 0x1, not 0x8000
- the watchdog timer doesn't work (or isn't there)
- system timer behaviour is a bit peculiar
- emulation of the SDMMC in multi-block mode is spectacularly slow
  (transfers take not milliseconds but seconds)

After tweaking as shown below, a QEMU-compatible kernel can be built with
  mk CONF'='pi2 9pi2.qemu
and run with something like
  qemu-system-arm -M raspi2b -kernel 9pi2.qemu -serial stdio \
-drive file=9pi.img,if=sd,format=raw \
-append 'readparts=1 console=1 *ncpu=1 nobootprompt=local!/dev/sdM0/fossil'

For convenience I've put a kernel file on /n/sources/contrib/miller/9pi2.qemu

However ...

- the DWC usb host adapter of the Pi2/3 does not work the way Plan 9 expects
- therefore there's no functioning usb
- therefore I don't know how to attach a keyboard, mouse or network interface

If anybody wants to debug this further I'm happy to collaborate, but I'm
not sufficiently motivated to do it myself.

Diffs against files in /n/sources/contrib/miller/9/bcm, which I think are
identical to 9legacy 9/bcm sources):

> $p$CONF.qemu:DQ:  $CONF.$O $OBJ $LIB
>   $CC $CFLAGS '-DKERNDATE='`{date -n} $CONF.c
>   echo '# linking kernel for QEMU'
>   $LD -s -l -o $target -H6 -R4096 -T0x8001 $OBJ $CONF.$O $LIB

< #define   KTZERO  (KZERO+0x8000)  /* kernel text start */
> #define   KTZERO  (KZERO+0x1) /* kernel text start */

<   addclock0link(wdogfeed, HZ);
>   //addclock0link(wdogfeed, 1000);

<   Multiblock  = 1,
>   Multiblock  = 0,

<   MinPeriod   = 10,
>   MinPeriod   = 100,
<   u32int t0, t1, tstart, tend;
>   u32int t0, t1, tstart;
<   tend = tstart + 1;
<   }while(tn->clo != tend);
>   }while(tn->clo - tstart < 1);

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Re: [9fans] wctl

2023-05-09 Thread Richard Miller
> ; read -c 72 /dev/wctl

Or, if your chosen flavour of Plan 9 doesn't have the 'read -c'
option, one of these will do:

dd -if /dev/wctl -bs 72 -count 1 -quiet 1
syscall -o read 0 buf 72 [2]/dev/null

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Re: [9fans] kencc for 64 bit intel linux?

2023-02-06 Thread Richard Miller
> Is there a version of kencc somewhere that can be easily built
> and installed on Linux and used as a plain C compiler?
> I'd prefer for x86_64 but I'll take one that only compiles 32 bit.

There are also various forks on github which keep the compilers and
building utilities and throw away the rest of inferno.

But it's reasonably easy just to do a standard inferno install, stopping
at the stage where the cross-compiler has been built.

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Re: [9fans] pi4 USB '/boot/kfs' error

2023-01-08 Thread Richard Miller
I said:
> If you want to boot the pi4 completely from a USB drive, with no
> SD card present (I've never tried this), you'll need an alternative
> place for a fs(3) configuration (maybe in the built-in bootdir in
> the kernel?), or the boot code will need tweaking to get the partfs(8)
> partitions re-mounted at the right time.

I've done a bit of experimenting, and did manage to boot a pi4 with
only a usb drive and no SD card. It turns out that you can use the
first part of the mbr sector on the usb drive to store the fs(3)
configuration, ie fsconfig=/dev/sdU0.0/data in cmdline.txt -- as
long as you don't have so many partitions that the config text
overlaps the DOS partition information in the mbr (at offset 0x1be),
the pi4 bootrom code will happily boot from the usb drive. I wouldn't
suggest that PC users try this - a PC bios might be more strict about
what's in the mbr.

Booting without an SD card seems to have some rough edges. You get
irritating error messages when startup procedures include /dev/sdM0
in the list of disks to look at, and the reboot(8) command doesn't
work because the usb disk interface probably needs some soft-reset
to be done before the pi bootrom can initialise it again.  Even if
you are primarily using a usb drive, booting from SD (or netbooting?)
might still be preferable.

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Re: [9fans] pi4 USB '/boot/kfs' error

2023-01-07 Thread Richard Miller
> But many thanks for the fs(3) hint. I’m looking into it.

Apologies. To configure a usb disk using fs(3) at boot time, you need
this change to /sys/src/9/boot/local.c which hasn't gone into the
9legacy tree yet:

/sys/src/9/boot/local.c:277,286 - local.c:277,286
if(bind("#p", "/proc", MREPL) < 0)
fatal("bind #p");
bind("#S", "/dev", MAFTER);
-   bind("#k", "/dev", MAFTER);
bind("#u", "/dev", MAFTER);
bind("#æ", "/dev", MAFTER);
mountusbparts();/* make partfs partitions visible again */
+   bind("#k", "/dev", MAFTER); /* /dev/fs config might refer to usb 
disks */
if((fd = connectlocalfossil()) < 0)
fd = connectlocalkfs();

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Re: [9fans] pi4 USB '/boot/kfs' error

2023-01-07 Thread Richard Miller
> I am running the Dec 22 9legacy on a machine, and now want to create a 
> bootable USB on it.
> The USB is for a raspberry pi 4 4GB, acting as a standalone auth only.

When you say "bootable USB", do you want to boot the pi4 without an
SD card, and just a USB drive?

If you're happy to have both SD card and USB drive, you can use the
SD card to hold a DOS partition (with bootable kernel and cmdline.txt)
and a fsconfig partition (to hold a partition configuration for a
/dev/fs device (see fs(3)) which maps the USB drive. This is what I do
to set up a pi4 file server with fossil on a SSD drive. My pi4 kernel
config doesn't have partfs, fdisk and prep in the bootdir section,
and does have fs in the dev section. The cmdline.txt is
  readparts=1 nvram=#S/sdM0/nvram fsconfig=#S/sdM0/fscfg 
and the fscfg partition on the SD card looks like this (the fsdev:
first line seems to be undocumented)

part sdXX/nvram /dev/sdU0.0/data 2096640 512
part sdXX/fossil /dev/sdU0.0/data 2097152 819200
part sdXX/swap /dev/sdU0.0/data 8194097152 204800

... plus some other partitions for venti, etc

I use the fs(3) device because I haven't been able to get partfs(8)
to work at boot time. I think there may be a bug in /sys/src/9/boot
where an extra re-mount is missed out.

If you want to boot the pi4 completely from a USB drive, with no
SD card present (I've never tried this), you'll need an alternative
place for a fs(3) configuration (maybe in the built-in bootdir in
the kernel?), or the boot code will need tweaking to get the partfs(8)
partitions re-mounted at the right time.

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[9fans] ramfs bug

2022-08-15 Thread Richard Miller
Deleting an open file on ramfs(4) can have surpising results.

Here's how it's supposed to behave. When a file is removed, the
Ram struct which represents the in-memory file has its busy flag
reset, so a subsequent i/o will see that it's been deleted.

cpu% ramfs
cpu% echo this is x >/tmp/x
cpu% { sleep 10; cat } : file does not exist

However, before the i/o takes place, it's possible for another
file to be created and re-use the same Ram struct, setting
the busy flag again. The process which had the deleted file open
is now doing i/o to a different file, without any checks on its
permissions, exclusive use flag, etc.

cpu% ramfs
cpu% echo this is x >/tmp/x
cpu% { sleep 10; cat } /tmp/y
cpu% actually this is y

A simple fix is to add a reference count to the Ram struct, to
keep track of how many Fids point to it, and only allow a Ram to
be re-used if both busy==0 and ref==0. The new 9legacy patch
ramfs-refcount makes this change.

Note to 9front users: don't worry, your ramfs is a completely
different program using the 9p(2) library, which doesn't have
this flaw.

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-04 Thread Richard Miller
> I don't know any reliable server with good bandwidth serving without tls

I am able to connect to your example using
both http and https.

Something is going on with usb ethernet and tls which I don't understand.
Could it be as simple as different block sizes interacting with the usb
packet size?

I modified hget -v option to print the number of reads in each second, as
well as the original bytes-so-far and bytes-total. My internet wire speed
is about 40 megabit/sec.

Using the pi4 built-in ethernet, I see this:

 5.hget -v -o /dev/null http:$url
1 1074 513671168
154 236298 513671168
1891 4664898 513671168
1885 9351954 513671168
1952 14040462 513671168
1948 18715902 513671168
1908 23411670 513671168
2035 28095822 513671168
1992 32781426 513671168
1995 37459770 513671168
1945 42146826 513671168
term% 5.hget -v -o /dev/null https:$url
1 1670 513671168
136 1113734 513671168
571 5791366 513671168
569 10452614 513671168
571 15130246 513671168
568 19783302 513671168
570 24452742 513671168
569 29113990 513671168
573 33808006 513671168
568 38461062 513671168
542 42901126 513671168

Using a 100Mb/s usb2 ether adapter on the same pi4, I see this:

term% 5.hget -v -o /dev/null http:$url
1 1074 513671168
662 1261410 513671168
2129 5896194 513671168
2121 10525170 513671168
2259 15167214 513671168
2212 19804902 513671168
2223 24442590 513671168
2195 2911 513671168
2175 33800730 513671168
2197 38479074 513671168
2244 43164678 513671168
term% 5.hget -v -o /dev/null https:$url
1 1670 513671168
75 614022 513671168
132 1695366 513671168
2 1711750 513671168
4 1744518 513671168
128 2793094 513671168
10 2875014 513671168
24 3071622 513671168
98 3874438 513671168
4 3907206 513671168
130 4972166 513671168

Needs deeper investigation.

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-03 Thread Richard Miller
> By the way Richard, should I take the last rpi image at 9legacy as
> the more recent with your work? Are you going to abandon

9legacy should always have up to date patches for the Raspberry Pi, and
the 9legacy SD card image will usually be fresher than the 9pi.img.gz
image in contrib/miller. The only value now in the 9pi image is for
historians: I've tried to conserve the metadata so it's possible to see
when source files were most recently changed. On 9legacy, patches are
re-applied when a distribution image is made, so mtime information is
less informative.

I will also continue to maintain the Pi kernel source in contrib/miller/9/bcm,
where a more complete history can be seen:

term% srv -n sources
term% history /n/sources/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c
Aug  3 13:16:49 BST 2022 /n/sources/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c 8872 
Jul 18 13:26:35 BST 2019 
/n/sourcesdump/2022/0803/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c  [miller]
Apr  4 17:04:17 BST 2018 
/n/sourcesdump/2019/0718/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c 8837 [bootes]
Mar  4 21:18:17 GMT 2016 
/n/sourcesdump/2018/0404/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c 7878 [bootes]
Jul  2 09:00:28 BST 2015 
/n/sourcesdump/2016/0304/contrib/miller/9/bcm/etherusb.c 7838 [bootes]

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-03 Thread Richard Miller
>> See the difference? That's a little more than 19Mb/s, some 2MiB/s almost 50% 
>> slower.
> That was a typo, is almost five times slower (~80% slower). Just
> to be clear, it is really worst!

Unless your "small arm linux machine" is a raspberry pi, you are changing
too many variables to make a meaningful comparison.  Benchmarking i/o across
the internet will also introduce enough variation to suggest an experimental
sample size of more than one attempt.

An interesting set of experiments might be to run both linux and plan 9 on
the pi4, try the built-in ether adapter and the usb dongle, and try fetching
both from http:// and https:// (to see how much of the variation is due to
tls decode speed).

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-02 Thread Richard Miller
> Shouln't the usb type be documented in the ethernet section of plan9ini(8),

It should be documented somewhere, but at present it's only implemented
for the bcm kernel, and raspberry pi doesn't have a plan9.ini. (It sould be
possible to move etherusb.c to /sys/src/9/port and use it on other platforms
too. But it's a bit of an ugly hack.)

Until rpi4, the built-in ethernet adapter on the raspberry pi was via usb,
so 'ether0=type=usb' was the default and didn't need stating explicitly.
The rpi4 has proper (non-usb) ethernet, so etherusb shouldn't be needed there
except for niche situations (like a network appliance with multiple ethers?).

> and noauto in usbd(4)?

Yes it should.

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-02 Thread Richard Miller
> So bad maxpkt... etherusb check for maxpkt < 512 which is the max for
> bulk transfers in usb2 high speed. Using 1024 instead fixes the problem.

Thanks, the code was correct when written but the world has moved on!
Is your adapter transmitting packets successfully now?

> Should it chek for the speed of the usb device and set the limit accordingly?

Actually the limit on maxpkt in that context wasn't strictly necessary anyway.
Just remove the check.

diff /n/dump/2022/0802/sys/src/9/bcm/etherusb.c /sys/src/9/bcm/etherusb.c
<   if(maxpkt < 8 || maxpkt > 512)
>   if(maxpkt < 8)

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-01 Thread Richard Miller
> Other programs expect the devices mounted in
> /net. I'm binding the device inside a directory in /tmp and then
> binding this directory to /net. I would appreciate if someone shares
> the correct way of doing this.

Two ideas come to mind:

% mount -a /srv/usb /net
  (then all usb devices appear in /net as well as /dev)
% aux/stub -d /net/etherU0 && bind /dev/etherU0 /net/etherU0
  (for a single alias without extra clutter)

But I think anything expecting a device in /net can be given an explicit
alternative, eg

% ip/ipconfig ether /dev/etherU0 [...params]

Are there exceptions I'm missing?

Note that we can even boot with a fileserver connection via usb ether
by passing extra ipconfig args in cmdline.txt eg
  bootargs='tcp ether /dev/etherU0'
(same thing with plan9.ini on other platforms, without the quotes)

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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-07-31 Thread Richard Miller
What you're trying to do should work. I've just checked an ASIX usb2 ether
dongle on a pi4 as '#l1', usbd recognises it and I can mount '#l1' on /net
and configure it. I did have to add etherusb to the kernel config and rebuild
first, as you did.

The tricky part is that the real usb ether driver is /sys/src/cmd/usb/ether,
which makes the device appear in /dev because that's the default directory
where usbd mounts itself. (Use the -m flag for a different dir if you really
want to.)

The etherusb 'device' in the kernel is just a stub, which passes packets
directly between the usb endpoint to the network interface, without having
to go back and forth to the usb driver process. Just a performance shortcut;
you can use a usb ether driver without etherusb but it's slower.

When you start a usb ether driver, it tries a "bind" command with each
of the '#l' ctl files in the kernel to see if one of them works as etherusb.
If etherusb is configured in the kernel and enabled by a kernel parameter
eg ether1=type=usb, the bind will succeed and link the '#l1' device with
the usb ether driver which did the bind. You can then mount '#l1' on /net
in the usual way and configure /net/ether1.

You should see a kernel message when the etherusb and usb ether drivers
link up, with the MAC address of the dongle. For instance I see

etherusb asix: 000606e00ae7

This should happen whether usbd starts the driver automatically or you
do it by hand with usb/ether.

Do you get any interesting error messages if you try 'usb/ether -d' ?

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[9fans] LPAE patch for ARM

2022-06-04 Thread Richard Miller
There's a new patch bcm-lpae which uses the 64-bit page table format to
allow 32-bit ARM kernels to support more than 4GB of physical memory. At
present this is mainly of interest for the 8GB Raspberry Pi 4, but there's
nothing Pi-specific in the MMU code so it may have future application for
bigger ARM systems.

The LPAE page table format works on the Pi 2 and Pi 3 as well, where it
may provide a wee performance improvement from simpler page fault handling.
When building a bcm kernel, the choice of page descriptor format is determined
by putting either 'mmu' or 'mmu64' in the 'misc' section of the config file.

The patch has been applied in the current 9legacy SD card image for Raspberry Pi
on, and also in the 9pi SD card image on (though nowadays for all practical purposes
I recommend 9legacy as a better choice). If you just want to update the kernel,
source is in as usual.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] acme & sam text selection and delete deletes extra character

2022-05-11 Thread Richard Miller
Sorry, I seem to have hit Post by accident. Too bad there isn't
an Undo for that ...

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] acme & sam text selection and delete deletes extra character

2022-05-11 Thread Richard Miller

Hi there-
   Please pardon the dumb question if this has been covered before.  I did some 
brief searches of the archive and couldn't find it...

   I'm running plan9port on macOS.  I noticed that in acme, (and also sam) if I 
select part of a string and p delete, the selection gets deleted and also one 
additional character in front of the selection.  For example, if I type 
"/path/to/file" and double-click file, file gets highlighted, and if I press 
delete, "/file" gets deleted leaving me with "path/to".  This seems 
counter-intuitive as I expected only what I had highlighted to be deleted.

   There is a GitHub issue (#424) 
filed for this as well.

   Just curious, is this by design, or is this a bug?  I'm inclined to think 
it's by design as it occurs within sam as well.

   As always, thanks!!


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[9fans] bluetooth

2022-03-19 Thread Richard Miller
> Bluetooth (and BLE) support woould be *very* nice to have.

I have a native bluetooth host implementation for Plan 9, not ported
from anything (it's written from scratch based on published bt specs.)
I don't regard it as sufficiently debugged for a release ... it's
missing some important error handling (mandatory retries to recover from
poor reception) and it just plain doesn't work for some of the dongles
I've tried. I don't know whether it's compatible with BLE (which didn't
exist at the time I wrote it). Contact me off list if you'd like a copy.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-23 Thread Richard Miller
> !rc (and the rest of the boot) is one of the first things implemented 
> uniquely by 9front.

I think there's a little bit of confusion about different stages of booting.

The 9boot program loads the kernel. The original Plan 9 9boot is driven
by configuration variables in a plan9.ini file. Cinap's rewritten 9boot
adds the capability of interactively changing configuration variables from
the console before loading the kernel. That's really useful, especially
when experimenting with new kernels or new hardware. But 9boot does not
contain a shell or a built-in file system, so it doesn't allow you to
type !rc and get an interactive shell.

Once the kernel is loaded, the first thing it does is to execute the
command /boot/boot from a small root filesystem which is built into the
kernel. The main job of /boot/boot is to attach to the real root filesystem
(on a local device or from a network server) and execute /$cputype/init to
start the system. Historically the usual case is for /boot/boot to
be a specialised program built from C source in /sys/src/9/boot. But it
has always been possible to configure a kernel with a shell script as
/boot/boot - see for example /sys/lib/sysconfig/ppc/boot for the PowerPC,
or /sys/src/9/bcm/bootwifi.rc for a Raspberry Pi accessing its root file
server via wifi.

So, using a shell script as /boot/boot is not unique to 9front. But
with 9front, it has become the default. This means there's always a
shell inside the kernel, along with a few commands, ready to use
interactively when !rc is invoked - after the kernel is loaded, but
before the final root filesystem is attached.

The kernel on the 9legacy install CD doesn't have a shell script as
/boot/boot with the ability to invoke !rc. Perhaps it should. But that
wouldn't have helped in this case. Yakku was stuck at the 'Boot from'
prompt within /9boot, unable to find a kernel to boot.

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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-21 Thread Richard Miller
Hello Yakku -

I couldn't reply to the email you sent me off-list.
The returned error was "User unknown in virtual mailbox table"

-- Richard

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-21 Thread Richard Miller
> Sorry that doesn't seem to work either. I've tried sdB0, sdB1,
> sdC0, sdC1, sdD0, sdD1, sdE0, sdE1 . . . but the issue persists.

That appears to be a dead end.

To answer your earlier question, you could use dd (or pump(1)) to
copy the usb image to your hard drive, if you're happy to sacrifice
all the existing partitions on the hard drive. Or, for more control over
the final configuration, you could create an empty fossil partition on the
hard drive and copy the usb filesystem contents to it, using mkfs | mkext
or replica/pull.

Alternatively, I have an experimental 4e/9legacy installer which runs from
a usb flash drive instead of a cdrom. It's been used successfully on an
X230 and an X60s. If you get in touch with me off-list, I can give you a
copy and some instructions.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-21 Thread Richard Miller
> I've tried to boot via CD again (mind it's from a USB CD drive 
> in case that makes any difference)

Yes, that makes a difference. It may appear as sdB0 or sdB1.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-21 Thread Richard Miller
> I've also tried to boot it from a CD, but I always get stuck at the 'Boot 
> from:' prompt

Try sdC0!cdboot!9pcflop.gz
And local!/boot/bzroot for the root filesystem prompt.

If your hard drive is configured in AHCI mode by the BIOS, it
should be seen as sdE0. If it's in ATA compatibility mode, it
should be sdC0 and the CD might be seen as sdD0.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] tinyemu - riscv emulator

2021-11-11 Thread Richard Miller
> In the meantime I have some low-level programming work with your compiler
> and tinyemu running on a Raspberry Pi 2B.

That's good to know. My original motivation for developing the
riscv toolchain was to use in "bare metal" programming of riscv
soft cores implemented on FPGA.

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Re: [9fans] tinyemu - riscv emulator

2021-11-09 Thread Richard Miller
> It can't find *9tecpu.bin*.
> I presume that it's the Plan9 kernel.
> Any suggestions as to what steps to take in order to generate it?

Up to now the procedure for getting the 9k riscv kernel source
is to ask its author (Geoff Collyer) for a copy.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] tinyemu - riscv emulator

2021-11-09 Thread Richard Miller
> Self-inflicted confusion :  I'm running 9vx and forgot that I was mk'ing an
> emulator to run within an emulator.

Part of the confusion was my fault: I should maybe have removed the
Makefile (and other linux-only components) instead of leaving them
in as reference material.

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Re: [9fans] tinyemu - riscv emulator

2021-11-08 Thread Richard Miller
> The make command failed with dependency on slirp module.

I don't think plan 9 has a 'make' command. If you just run 'mk'
on plan 9 in the tinyemu directory, it uses the mkfile there
and there's no slirp dependency.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] tinyemu - riscv emulator

2021-11-08 Thread Richard Miller
> I had difficulty in getting tinyEmu from contrib/miller/tinyemu.tar
> working.

Can you be a bit more specific about your difficulty? How far did you
get, what exactly didn't work?

To use networking, your Plan 9 kernel needs bridge(3) configured in.
In tinyemu.tar there's an example bridge.rc script that shows how to
set up a tunnel to bridge the tinyemu simulated network onto the real

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (now SOLVED, we hope)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> $ uname -a
> Linux dell 5.4.0-89-generic #100-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 24 14:50:10 UTC
> 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

That's impressively up to date. I'll see if I can do likewise.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> Go built successfully after enabling the v9fs mmap caching on mount!

OK, that's good news. What linux kernel are you running?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
>> 1. Some of the fpga tools are closed-source so I can't check with
>> confidence that they will never try to use mmap.
> Um, nm(1) on the binary to see what it calls?

If you were distributing closed-source proprietary tools, would you leave
the symbol tables intact to assist reverse engineering?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> But is it not possible that the FPGA tools don't
> have the same issues with mmap that e.g. Go does?

1. Some of the fpga tools are closed-source so I can't check with
confidence that they will never try to use mmap.

2. The go compiler is open-source so it was a simple matter to make
an experimental variant on linux which uses read/write instead of
mmap (as it does on plan 9). I still get the bus error code=0x2
when running this over v9fs. Hence the remaining v9fs problem is
not mmap related.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> What, precisely, is your use case?

As I said, the go cross-compile was just an example task to
test the viability of v9fs. I don't *need* to cross-compile
on linux: the 9pi image, for example, comes with native
go binaries which I can use for bootstrapping.

The real use case is to have some linux-only tools -- fpga
circuit compilation toolchains for example -- keeping their
data on the plan 9 server, with the benefit of fossil snapshots
and much more space than is available on a little thinkpad SSD.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> Skip, did you specify -o cache=mmap when mounting diod service
> for the go build experiment?

I tried it myself using local diod and cache=mmap. I get a similar
SIGBUS on instruction fetch again. Conclusion: as Bakul says, now
I'm debugging linux. Not going there, thanks.

Going further off-topic for 9fans, sorry:

I thought it would be clever to update the linux client to a newer
kernel (4.19 was the latest I could find for debian 9). That
didn't go well: booting the new kernel fails with the message
  Failed to find cpu0 device node

Does anyone know if it's feasible to do an out-of-tree build
of v9fs kernel modules (9p, 9pnet?) from current source [where
is it?] and use them with my old 4.9 kernel?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-27 Thread Richard Miller
> I think the question is why mmap works over 9p from linux up to a point but
> then fails in some context: what's the difference?

Skip, did you specify -o cache=mmap when mounting diod service
for the go build experiment?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-26 Thread Richard Miller
> there is a 9P2000.L variant that seems to
> kitchen-sink all Linux fs calls into 9P. There's a file server
> ( that implements it. It would be
> interesting to know if your case fails using it.

Sorry, I've cloned & built diod but I can't quite see how to
deploy it for my use case, which is to mount fs from Plan 9
file server onto linux client. The server is 4th edition and
thus 9P2000 not 9P2000.L.

Here's the incantation I've been using to mount atom's fs
using v9fs:

$ factotum -n
$ srv -a atom
$ sudo mount -t 9p -o 
trans=unix.uname=miller,dfltuid=1000,dfltgid=1000,cache=mmap `namespace`/atom 

What would be the equivalent using diod?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-26 Thread Richard Miller
> if you just want to make forward
> progress in the short term, perhaps consider using the local Linux
> filesystem and exporting that to plan9 using a user-space 9p server?

Sure, that's what I did years ago to bring up go-plan9 without an
existing native go-plan9 to bootstrap from. The cross-compilation
is just an example task to see how practical it is to use v9fs
to get work done. I'd like to keep as much stuff as possible on
the plan 9 server (with fossil/venti backup) and not use local
linux file system for anything valuable.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-26 Thread Richard Miller
> Can anyone suggest other mount options I should tweak?

I have tried cache=fscache and cache=loose. In both cases I see startling
cases of incoherency: ie reading file X returns contents of file Y (neither
of which has been modified for months).

Maybe my linux kernel is too old? (4.9.0-5-amd64)

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-26 Thread Richard Miller
> what you did was compile pprof (not shown...) great!, and then when you ran
> it,
> it failed... on the same machine?? but surely a cross plan 9, cross
> compiler/lnker/env
> is for getting plan 9 binaries going...
> or is your prompt modified??

I'll annotate the error message a bit for clarification:

> Building packages and commands for host, linux/amd64.

The failure occurred while building all of go for linux, on linux.

> # cmd/vendor/

This output line reports which package was being built when the failure 

> unexpected fault address 0x607c60
> fatal error: fault
> [signal SIGBUS: bus error code=0x2 addr=0x607c60 pc=0x607c60]

There was a memory fault related to address 0x607c60 which is the same
as the program counter, suggesting the fault was a failure to fetch
the instruction at that address.

> goroutine 1 [running]:
> runtime.throw({0xce1702, 0xc8d870})
> /sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/panic.go:1198 +0x71 fp=0xc8d828
> sp=0xc8d7f8 pc=0x435331
> runtime.sigpanic()
> /sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:732 +0x125
> fp=0xc8d878 sp=0xc8d828 pc=0x44b325
> cmd/compile/internal/typecheck.(*iexporter).pushDecl(0xc6e9c0,
> 0xca2120)
> /sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/iexport.go:403
> ...
> cmd/compile/internal/gc.Main(0xd16458)
> /sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/main.go:307 +0x105b
> fp=0xc8df20 sp=0xc8dc98 pc=0xc0495b
> main.main()
> /sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/main.go:55 +0xdd fp=0xc8df80

The go runtime traceback suggests that the running binary is the go compiler,
which is being executed from the v9fs file system on the Plan 9 server.
The pc value 0x607c60 is within the text segment of the program, so I'm
guessing there was some problem fetching the page, which the linux kernel
reports as a "bus error" (a generic term for "something went wrong related
to memory").

There's plenty of disk space on the server.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (not quite SOLVED)

2021-10-25 Thread Richard Miller
> adding 'cache=mmap' to the mount options
> makes it work beautifully!

Not quite beautifully, it turns out. The build proceeds a lot further,
but ends with a memory fault as reported below.

Can anyone suggest other mount options I should tweak?

$ GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=386 GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=/usr/lib/go 
GOROOT_FINAL=/sys/lib/go1.17 ./make.bash
Building Go cmd/dist using /usr/lib/go. (go1.7.4 linux/amd64)
Building Go toolchain1 using /usr/lib/go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for host, linux/amd64.
# cmd/vendor/
unexpected fault address 0x607c60
fatal error: fault
[signal SIGBUS: bus error code=0x2 addr=0x607c60 pc=0x607c60]

goroutine 1 [running]:
runtime.throw({0xce1702, 0xc8d870})
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/panic.go:1198 +0x71 fp=0xc8d828 
sp=0xc8d7f8 pc=0x435331
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:732 +0x125 fp=0xc8d878 
sp=0xc8d828 pc=0x44b325
cmd/compile/internal/typecheck.(*iexporter).pushDecl(0xc6e9c0, 0xca2120)
fp=0xc8d880 sp=0xc8d878 pc=0x607c60
+0x254 fp=0xc8da58 sp=0xc8d880 pc=0x606f34
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/export.go:39 +0x1d5 
fp=0xc8dba0 sp=0xc8da58 pc=0xc02d55
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/obj.go:106 +0x28 
fp=0xc8dbc0 sp=0xc8dba0 pc=0xc05748
cmd/compile/internal/gc.dumpobj1({0x7fffdfeb7fde, 0x23}, 0x3)
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/obj.go:62 +0x178 
fp=0xc8dc70 sp=0xc8dbc0 pc=0xc051d8
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/obj.go:43 +0x36 
fp=0xc8dc98 sp=0xc8dc70 pc=0xc04ff6
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/main.go:307 +0x105b 
fp=0xc8df20 sp=0xc8dc98 pc=0xc0495b
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/cmd/compile/main.go:55 +0xdd fp=0xc8df80 
sp=0xc8df20 pc=0xc26d9d
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/proc.go:255 +0x227 fp=0xc8dfe0 
sp=0xc8df80 pc=0x437a07
/sys/lib/go1.17/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1581 +0x1 fp=0xc8dfe8 
sp=0xc8dfe0 pc=0x466f81
go tool dist: FAILED: /mnt/sys/lib/go1.17/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/go_bootstrap 
install -gcflags=all= -ldflags=all= std cmd: exit status 2

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] v9fs vs mmap (SOLVED)

2021-10-24 Thread Richard Miller
> Should this be expected to work? Or is mmap not supported over v9fs?

OK, found the answer: adding 'cache=mmap' to the mount options
makes it work beautifully! I suppose there's a good reason this
isn't the default ... (?)

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] v9fs vs mmap

2021-10-24 Thread Richard Miller
I'm trying to cross-compile go for plan9-386 using go-linux-amd64
(on a linux laptop) with the source tree mounted from a plan 9 server
via v9fs (mount -t 9p).

All goes well up to a point, then this happens:

/mnt/sys/lib/go1.17/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: mapping output file failed: 
invalid argument

It appears the go linker is now using mmap on its output file,
so it can write to different object code sections at multiple

Should this be expected to work? Or is mmap not supported over v9fs?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Codebase navigation and using tags files in acme

2021-08-18 Thread Richard Miller
> If you really need to work with extremely 
> complex codebases you likely won't find success using plan9 at all.

When I need to scrabble around in the go source tree, I usually have
something like this in a window (it could go in an acme guide file)

grep -n 'func XXX' `{du -a | awk '/\.go$/ {print $2}'} .

which I edit and execute as needed.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] How to setup wifi on raspberry pi 4

2021-08-11 Thread Richard Miller
> Of course I haven't done this yet, but is there any information on how to
> write drivers in Plan 9?  

Reading the source code of existing drivers is a good way to learn.

> And the second question: if there is a second
> raspberry already connected to the Internet, how can you distribute the
> Internet for the current raspberry from it?

'man 3 ip' should give you what you need to know, /sys/doc/net/net.pdf
will help to understand how it all works.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] How to setup wifi on raspberry pi 4

2021-08-11 Thread Richard Miller
> if there is a usb wifi adapter, how can
> it be run in plan 9?

By writing a driver to go in /sys/src/cmd/usb/ether ☺

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] How to setup wifi on raspberry pi 4

2021-08-10 Thread Richard Miller
> I have Raspberry Pi 4B (1 Gb RAM) and how to run wifi (and setup wifi) on
> it ?

Assuming you're running with root fs on SD card, and
no ethernet connected.

Assume your wifi ssid is MYSSID and uses wpa2 authentication,
and your wifi passwd is MYPASSWORD.

In cmdline.txt on the DOS partition, make sure the command line
contains ether1=type=4330 and doesn't contain ipconfig=.

Then it goes like this:

term% cat /net/ipselftab 6b 6u  01 6b  01 6b  
term% bind -a '#l1' /net
term% aux/wpa -2p -s MYSSID /net/ether1

!Adding key: essid=MYSSID proto=wpapsk
password: MYPASSWORD
term% ip/ipconfig ether /net/ether1
term% cat /net/ipselftab 01 6b 6b 6u   01 6u   01 6b  02 6b  01 6b  
term% ndb/dns -r
term% ip/ping
sending 32 64 byte messages 1000 ms apart to icmp!!1
1: rtt 119714 µs, avg rtt 119714 µs, ttl = 117
2: rtt 15776 µs, avg rtt 67745 µs, ttl = 117
3: rtt 12913 µs, avg rtt 49467 µs, ttl = 117

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] full fossil follies

2021-06-26 Thread Richard Miller
> FWIW in 9front you can jump into rc while booting and fix this sort of
> issue.

Sure, having an in-kernel file system with rc and some tools for
file system exploration and repair is another alternative to having
them on a spare partition or usb drive or whatever. One could even
imagine a community 9p server in the cloud providing a FSRaaS
(file system recovery as a service).

What I was suggesting is that it would be simpler if we could just
run things like ls, du, and rm from a completely full fossil, without
having to reboot or switch into a special environment. It may be as
simple as not trying to update file access times if the partition is full.

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] full fossil follies

2021-06-25 Thread Richard Miller
> it just becomes difficult
> to do anything when no fossil blocks can be allocated

Thinking a bit further about this: intuitively one might expect to be
able to reboot using a local file system which is completely full, and
use du and ls to find big files and rm to delete them, without the need
to allocate new blocks. Something in the way fossil works, makes this
impossible at present. I wonder how much work it would be to investigate
and fix?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] p9f mention of 9front

2021-06-25 Thread Richard Miller
> However if fossil fills up - because more has been written to it than
> it can hold or because snapshots have been turned on without a venti
> attached, it will crash badly and can (I believe) lose user data.

No, it won't lose data (except in the sense that incoming mail, for
example, can't be stored anywhere while the disk is full).  You can't
usually boot from a completely full fossil, but if you have a fallback
boot method (from a CD or USB drive, from a network, or a spare recovery
fossil partition) you can then start a fossil on the full partition, and
run snapclean and/or delete some files, and all will be well. Even if
fossil data was damaged, you could recover with flfmt from venti if you
had archiving turned on.

Also, nowadays it doesn't actually "crash" ... it just becomes difficult
to do anything when no fossil blocks can be allocated. If the fossil on
a networked server is full, you may not be able to log into it because
that would require some fossil blocks. But you can still recover from
a client terminal, by importing its /srv/fossil and using that to issue
a snapclean command, or a remove command to delete something.

> As I have understood it (others may correct me) the difference between
> cpu and terminal kernels is only the value one global variable (cpuserver)
> in the kernel, and the list of drivers compiled in - traditionally there
> was no graphics support in cpu kernels for example.

I have a version of the 4e kernel which functions as either cpu or terminal
depending on the setting of environment variable 'service' in plan9.ini or
cmdline.txt. It requires only a handful of lines to be added in
/sys/src/9/boot/boot.c to make that work. Nowadays kernel RAM is plentiful
enough that there's no real reason to configure different sets of devices
between terminal and cpu.

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] plan9 and touch screens

2021-06-24 Thread Richard Miller
> Either that or you would need to replace rio with something more 
> touchscreen-friendly, in the process losing much of what makes the Plan 
> 9 environment as unique as it is from a user interface perspective.
> Most "modern" phones also lack a suitable keyboard to provide reasonable 
> interaction with the command line (and it can be difficult to type 
> efficiently on something that small anyway).

Inferno can work quite comfortably with a touchscreen and a virtual
"bitsy" keyboard. It's a different user interface from rio, but not
horribly worse. Likely Plan 9 could be adapted to do the same.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-19 Thread Richard Miller
> Some modern disks use the "UASP" protocol in preference to the
>> traditional bulk-only mass storage protocol supported by the Plan
>> 9 usbdisk driver...
> Richards that patch makes other devices to not work, have you tested
> it after compiling all usb and kernel?

No, it was an experiment on one particular drive, tested with
usb/disk started by hand. I didn't think the patch was ready to be
submitted anywhere, and you've confirmed that was right.

Thanks for the extra tweak.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-11 Thread Richard Miller
I said:
> But despite the message you won't see it in /dev/sdU9.0 when starting usb/disk

I remember now: just do 'usb/disk -m /dev' to get the sdUX.Y mounted where you 

adr said:
>now the sd disk appears in /dev, but I can't set up the
>plan9 partitions:
> ...
>Thanks anyway.

If you're used to 9front, you'll be having all sorts of little surprises.
It may be easy to jump to the conclusion "9front can do X, plan 9 can't",
but sometimes the situation is "9front does it this way, plan 9 does it that 

This usb/disk doesn't have its own partition manager, because there's an
independent one which does the job: see partfs(8) for how to use it.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-11 Thread Richard Miller
> No luck!, although the end points appear now after manually executing
> usb/disk.
> ...
> disk: logical block size 512, # blocks 7814037167
> usb/disk: fsadd sdU9.0

Once you've reached that point, it looks like the driver is handling the disk 
But despite the message you won't see it in /dev/sdU9.0 when starting usb/disk
manually, because the usb device namespace appears someplace else ... I can't
recall where just now. (9front does this in a different and better way.)

What I would do is update /$objtype/bin/usb/usbd from the patched source and
rebuild the kernel with that.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-11 Thread Richard Miller
> I can connect to github too, and some other places. But if you surf the web
> you'll end up with this error. Just a few If you want to do a test:

Thanks, I did a test:

term% hget
tlsClient: could not negotiate acceptable security parameters

What most of these sites have in common is that they allow only ECDHE key 
for tls1.2, which I think is not currently implemented in either 4e or 9legacy.

Any volunteers?

The last example is a weird one:

term% hget
tlsClient: devtls expected ver=303, saw (len=2) type=15 ver=0 ''

I'll let somebody else try to diagnose that!

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-11 Thread Richard Miller
> Below is a patch ...

Something in the 9fans pathway has expanded the tabs in my patch into
8 spaces. Irritating. If you want to apply the patch, it will probably
be necessary to turn them back into tabs.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Miller's 9pi image (rpi4) problems

2021-06-11 Thread Richard Miller
To be pedantic, the troubles you describe are not strictly "9pi image problems",
you will likely find that 4e Plan 9 on any architecture will behave the same.

The usb subsystem is known to be pretty rudimentary, and indeed with respect
to power management /sys/src/cmd/usb/usbd/usbd.c:/^portattach is headed by
this comment:
 * BUG: does not consider max. power avail.

Having said that, "It is impossible to use any usb disk" is possibly an
overstatement. Some disks will work, some won't. That's not necessarily
a power management problem. Steve Simon might want to comment here on
his experience with usb3 sata adapters. Some modern disks use the "UASP"
protocol in preference to the traditional bulk-only mass storage protocol
supported by the Plan 9 usbdisk driver. Even if the disk also supports
bulk-only, the existing driver won't try to pick an alternate configuration
to force the disk to fall back to that protocol. Below is a patch (tested on
only one drive, as far as I know) which will make it do that.

As for your reported problem with webfs:
> webfs: tlsClient: fd out of range or not open
what exactly did you do which raised this error? I don't usually use webfs, but
I've just tried it and made a successful tls connection to github with abaco.

--- /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/usb/lib/parse.cFri Jan  8 18:00:43 2010
+++ ./parse.c   Tue Mar 23 16:19:20 2021
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
if(c->iface[ifid] == nil)
c->iface[ifid] = emallocz(sizeof(Iface), 1);
+   else{
+   /* hack to avoid unsupported uasp disk interface */
+   if(dip->bInterfaceClass == Clstorage && dip->bInterfaceProtocol 
!= 0x50)
+   return 0;
+   }
ip = c->iface[ifid];
class = dip->bInterfaceClass;
subclass = dip->bInterfaceSubClass;
@@ -164,6 +169,7 @@
Ep  *ep;
+   int ok;
assert(d != nil && c != nil);
tot = 0;
@@ -174,6 +180,7 @@
if(d->ddesc[nd] == nil)
+   ok = 1;
while(n > 2 && b[0] != 0 && b[0] <= n){
len = b[0];
@@ -189,7 +196,7 @@
ddprint(2, "%s\tparsedesc: %r", argv0);
case Diface:
-   if(parseiface(d, c, b, n, &ip, &altc) < 0){
+   if((ok = parseiface(d, c, b, n, &ip, &altc)) < 0){
ddprint(2, "%s\tparsedesc: %r\n", argv0);
return -1;
@@ -199,6 +206,8 @@
werrstr("unexpected endpoint descriptor");
+   if(!ok)
+   break;
if(parseendpt(d, c, ip, altc, b, n, &ep) < 0){
ddprint(2, "%s\tparsedesc: %r\n", argv0);
return -1;

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi400 Ethernet

2021-05-28 Thread Richard Miller
> The really odd part is I just moved the SD card over
> from a pi3 that was booting fine with dhcp.

Does the MAC address in the dhcp request look right?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Raspberry Pi400 Ethernet

2021-05-28 Thread Richard Miller
I have no personal experience of the pi400 but I believe the ethernet
hardware is identical to the pi4. Could it be a configuration problem?
Can you run snoopy or equivalent on the network segment and see if the
dhcp requests are being transmitted? And check the dhcp server log to
see if there's a reason for non-response? Also you can try using
ipconfig to set a specific ip address and gateway without using
dhcp, to see if it's a dhcp problem or a more fundamental ethernet problem.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-21 Thread Richard Miller
> Is there a list of known to fail tests?

All tests should pass, but you may need to set a longer timeout than the
default if your virtual environment is slow.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-21 Thread Richard Miller
> go tool dist: Failed: exit status: 'go 6839: 1'
> all.rc 165: go 6566: 1
> ===to here==
> It took about half a day to accomplish!

Some things that can make go tools and test suite quicker:
- use ramfs for /tmp
- use a local file server, with local disk or aoe on a fast connection
- make sure you have lots of RAM, or swap to a local disk

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] amd64 bootstrap file fo go1.16.3

2021-04-21 Thread Richard Miller
> srv net!!9fs: mount failed: fossil authCheck: auth protocol not finished
> I have no account on

srv -n sources /n/sources

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] p9f email address

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Miller
> is there an email address to contact p9f directly? goes to everyone on the board.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Miller
>> I declare that the old bcm kernel found in the p9f code is OK
>> to be redistributed under the MIT license.
> Is the new one in your contrib directory OK to be redistributed under
> the MIT license too?

That's what it says on the index webpage, and I know no reason to
believe otherwise.  I'm happy to confirm my permission for the bits
which I wrote.  I can't personally make a blanket declaration for the
whole collection because some files are from other contributors, but
it's my belief that all of it is covered by the MIT license -- as I
told you two days ago when you asked me the same question by e-mail.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Miller
> Richard Miller being in this very thread, you could presumably get him
> to say "I declare that the old bcm kernel found in the p9f code is OK
> to be redistributed under the MIT license" and be done with it.

I declare that the old bcm kernel found in the p9f code is OK
to be redistributed under the MIT license.

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Miller
> The code under discussion
> in Richard Miller's contributed bcm kernel.

The web page says
"Distributed under the MIT License" with a link to the p9f text.
Is that not explicit enough?

That's the whole bcm kernel (a superset of what appears in an earlier
state in the archive tarballs).

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation

2021-03-31 Thread Richard Miller
> I'm talking about things like the bcm kernel contributed by Richard Miller in 
> the 4e-latest tarball, they weren't written at Bell Labs but were contributed 
> back to Plan 9.

I would have thought any third party code in the /sys/src tree is considered
to be a "Contribution" as defined in the original Lucent license, and is
therefore covered by the new license without the need of a new agreement.

As regards the bcm kernel specifically, note that files in what's called
"4e-latest" are about 7 years out of date, and the currently maintained
source is in contrib/miller/9/bcm. That too is a "Contribution" and covered
by the new license. I hope this can be merged in to the ongoing p9f repository
if/when one is set up.

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] Can compile Plan9 C compiler for windows10?

2021-03-28 Thread Richard Miller
> I want to use Plan9 compiler (8c) on my windows 10 system.

Not possible except by running Plan 9 on a virtual machine.

You can, however, use the inferno version of 8c on some windows platforms.
I don't know if windows 10 is one of them.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] How to use USB in Plan9?

2021-03-28 Thread Richard Miller
> I'm new to plan9 and don't know

Yes, all of us have been at that stage originally.

The way to progress is by reading ... man pages, contents of /sys/doc, and
if you really want to understand things well, the source code.

lookman is a useful command to suggest which man pages might be relevant.
You could try 'lookman usb'.

9fans: 9fans
Delivery options:

Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Miller
>  1. Dual booting is not possible
>  2. UEFI introduced vulnerabilities ...

Don't these two things cancel each other out? Can we not use
the same vulnerabilities to induce the firmware to boot our
own choice of operating system? It wouldn't be the first time
Plan 9 was installed using ... shall we say unofficial methods?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-26 Thread Richard Miller
> I want it as a dual booted os on my system

The standard CD works best to install Plan 9 as the first or only
operating system on a machine. Do you have an empty hard disk? Or
an empty primary partition? If installing on a partition of a shared
disk, it's safest to use your existing operating system to change
the partition type to "Plan 9" (0x39) before installing. Otherwise,
if the disk has partitions which are not aligned to cylinder boundaries,
the Plan 9 partition editor may damage them.

In any case, you will of course need to make a complete backup of
anything valuable and be sure you can restore it again, before starting
to install any extra dual boot OS.

I have an experimental Plan 9 installer which runs directly from a
USB flash drive, for use with machines without an optical drive.
So far it has only been tried on thinkpads, so I can't guarantee it
will work on your machine. You can fetch it from
Expand the bz2, and copy the result as a binary image to an empty
usb stick starting at sector zero. You should end up with the usb
stick reformatted as a single 1GB FAT partition, containing an install
kernel 9pcflop and a terminal kernel 9pcf.

Mount this and copy the expanded CD image onto the FAT partition
as plan9.iso - this should give you a bootable installer. Follow
the installation instructions on, with these choices in
   Distribution disk [no default]: /dev/sdXX/dos
   Location of archives [browse]: /

To boot the installed system, you can use the installer usb stick to boot
the terminal kernel.  You can either interrupt the boot sequence by hitting
a key as soon as you see the list of config assignments on the screen, and
type new configs before entering "boot" to continue booting; or you can edit
plan9.ini on another system to make the new boot configs permanent.  Adding
"wait" at the end of the plan9.ini will cause it to pause so you don't have
to be quick hitting a key.

Boot config assignemts to run the installed system instead of the installer:

Use "glenda" as the username until you've set up your own account.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Miller
> don't I need to burn it?

You need a CD with exactly the contents of plan9.iso beginning at sector zero.
How you make that depends on what operating system you're using. (I only know
how to do it on Plan 9, which won't help you much.)

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Miller
> I want to install Plan9. Can you please tell me the right way to do that.

The traditional way is from the CD image.  If you expand plan9.iso.bz2
with the bunzip2 utility to produce plan9.iso, and make a CD of that
expanded image, you should have a bootable installer.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-25 Thread Richard Miller
> I downloaded the USB Disk image from there 

I think that's not an installer image.  It's a self-contained Plan 9 system
(CPU kernel and fossil filesystem) which you can run from a USB flash drive
without having to "install" anything ...  provided, that is, you have
compatible hardware.  What are you trying to boot it on?

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] No signal on some monitors with Raspberry Pi 400

2021-03-10 Thread Richard Miller
> That is, if I plug into a ~10 year old Vizio television
> everything works fine at a reasonable resolution (1280x1024?  I haven't yet 
> figured
> out which utility to use to query display properties)

Here's a simple way:

term% echo `{dd -if /dev/screen -bs 64 -count 1}

> , but if I plug it into a Dell
> S2817Q the monitor says "No signal detected."

That's a 4k monitor, I think. The native resolution is probably too big
to fit in the virtual area allowed for the kernel frame buffer. (Lack of
foresight - monitors were smaller when 9pi was first done.)

I'll see about fixing that soon. Meanwhile, you should be able to use
hdmi_group and hdmi_mode settings in config.txt to request a lower resolution.
Or add something like "vgasize=1600x1200x16" to the command line in cmdline.txt 
either method should work.

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Re: [9fans] Olimex: these guys are keen electronic engineers.

2021-02-24 Thread Richard Miller
> You could recommend the Plan 9 RISC-V assembler, C compiler and linker

Looking at their posting again, what they want is a resident monitor
running on the RISC-V SoC itself that can do assembly/disassembly.
So an offline toolchain will not do the job for them.

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