[AI] Regarding Visually Challenged Person Doing PHD in Law

2010-02-22 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
This is addition to Mr. Padmanabam's info about Dr. K. Somashekar who has done 
PHD in law. I know one more person who has done PH.D. in International Law from 
JNU in 2002.
He is one of our Accessindia list members, Dr. T.V.G.N.S. Sudhakar, who is 
presently a faculty at National University of Juridical Studies, Kolkata.
While sharing this information, I would also extend my heartiest 
congradulations to Dr. Dasharath for his relentless effort of not loosing hope 
and gone on completing Ph.D. despite facing all difficulties.
With regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu


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[AI] Misuse of Scholarship for the Disabled

2010-04-18 Thread rambabu adikesavalu

Dear Friends,
The article below which had appeared in the Hindu. It draws our attention to 
some of the stark realities worth taking stock of and reflecting upon.
Dr. A.Rambabu

Source: The Hindu,
18, April, 2010

Front Page

Misuse of scholarship for differently abled: study

Karthik Madhavan

COIMBATORE: The majority of differently abled persons who receive scholarships 
do not get to enjoy the same, a study has found.

#8220;Fifty- three per cent of the 600 girls and women interviewed have 
complained that scholarship in money and kind was taken away by family members
and care takers,#8221; says the Avinashilingam University of Women, Coimbatore, 
study on #8216;Prevalence of Violence Among Disabled Girls/Women. '

Fifty per cent visually impaired, 76.7 per cent hearing impaired, 38.7 
physically challenged and 66 per cent mentally challenged have complained of the
scholarship money being used by others.

The UGC-sponsored study interviewed 150 persons each belonging to the 
aforementioned four disabilities from Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai. And each 
the cities accounted for equal number of subjects in all the special 
categories. The period of study: 2007-09.

It has also found that girls with disabilities from residential schools 
suffered more compared to their counterparts at integrated and special schools.
Likewise, differently abled girls in Coimbatore and Madurai underwent more 
physical violence compared to those in Chennai.

The same is true of psychological violence and financial exploitation as well.

On the question of sexual violence, the study, carried out by the Department of 
Special Education, has reveals that only five per cent were abused and
the abusers were mostly strangers.

The study's Principal Investigator Premavathy Vijayan, Co-Principal 
Investigator G. Victoria Naomi and Project Fellow S. Suganya say the purpose 
was to
#8220;Identify the dynamics of abuse, which includes comprehensive assessment 
of emotional, physical and sexual in the lives of women with disabilities;
develop training packages for defence; and, identify abusers/perpetrator s and 
their relationship to the victim.#8221;

There is a list of recommendations as well. It suggests the need for legal 
protection against abuse, providing information to the victim about intervention
centres and services available in the community and level of accessibility, 
providing enough shelter homes for badly treated women and sensitisation to
police personnel to register complaints from persons with disabilities.

Copyright: 1995 - 2006 The Hindu

Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly 

prohibited without the consent of The Hindu



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[AI] Regarding Disclosing Disability in CV

2010-04-25 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Sameer,
Mentioning our disability status and its nature in the CV is very important. If 
we hide our disability status while applying for any job or other things, there 
is no point in cribbing over being rejected by the concern authorities once 
they find it out. Sometimes, even the disclosure on our part could be taken as 
a strong reason for our rejection.
As Subramani has mentioned, the other details which we state about our 
abilities could impress the concerned persons.
Dr. A.Rambabu


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[AI] Campaign by Citizens Against UID

2010-05-01 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Last few days there had been a lot of discussions on the newly proposed UID and 
its usefulness on our list. Most of us believed that the inclusion of the 
aspect of disability in the UID could be very useful because of its 
multi-purpose utility.
However, I came across an article in Counter Currents, an online newsletter 
which gives a completely different picture. Its a campaign by the citizens 
against UID.
I thought that it would be nice if you could have some discussions on that 
article's point of view.
So I am pasting below the article. Please go through it and give your critical 
Dr. A.Rambabu

Please Endorse: Citizens Against UID

By Citizens Against UID

29, April, 2010

Kindly endorse the campaign against Unique Identification Number (UID), 
government of India's effort to give a number to every Indian citizen 
like they do to cattle before they are led to the slaughter house. It's 
kind of racial profiling which can be abused in a country like India 
where they use the census data to butcher people in riots ( remember 
Gujarat pogrom). It's a violation of one's privacy, human rights and a 
threat to democracy. And they are tagging it with the ongoing census. 
There is a great threat that the information collected through census 
can be passed onto the UID authority, which is headed by a corporate 
CEO. It can be easily stated that it's not the Maoists the 'greatest 
internal threat' to Indian democracy, but the UID is. Please endorse 
this statement and pass it on to your friends and relatives who value 
Indian democracy.Please endorse the statement by clicking here
We, representatives of people’ movements, mass organizations, 
institutions and concerned individuals including all the undersigned 
strongly oppose the potential tracking and profiling based 
techno-governance tools such as the Unique Identification number (UID) 
by the Government of India and the manner in which legitimate 
processes have been undermined through this.
The proposed UID project seems to be perched on an anti-people 
perspective and violates a number of basic rights guaranteed under Part 
III of the Constitution of India including Articles 14, 15, 17, 19 and 
21 viz., the Rights to equality, dignity, privacy, expression and the 
right not to be discriminated against, The project seems to be aimed at 
profiling people by pooling in biometric and retinal data pertaining to 
an individual and could be potentially discriminatory in a country 
caste identity is the most predominant socio-political marker. Further, 
it is a travesty on the dignity and privacy of individuals. At another 
level, given the fact that more than one third of our population live 
below the substantial level called “poverty line” and without literacy 
numeracy, a large section of our population would find itself unable to 
handle this number in a meaningful way and thus face the danger of 
virtually stripped of their citizenship and thereby the very legitimacy 
of their existence on the land of this country.
This project which has been launched at a budgeted cost of INR 1900 
Crores for the year 2010-2011 in a country where the Government has 
officially declared that 400 million of its citizens are living below 
poverty line is , thus an insult to the dignity of the Peoples of 
The project headed by a person of the rank of the Union Cabinet 
Minister, whose appointment was not transparent and a staff overhead of 
more than 100 is also working under the most non-transparent processes 
and we fear that the decisions are made and influenced by vested 
and corporate interests who have had a record of anti-people and 
anti-democratic activities. There is no wide public discussion on the 
feasibility or desirability of the project.
It is in this context that we have serious objections to the way the 
decadal census process is being used to pitch the UID process and no 
discussion on this has happened in any of the democratic forums 
including the Parliament, which also transgresses n the right to 
and privacy of individuals and their choice to opt out of the UID 
process. If the UID continues to be tagged with the Census process – we 
would also consider boycotting the same. It is a matter of great 
that the powers that be have deliberately kept silent on the inter 
linkage between the UID and current mode of census
In this situation it is not clear which decisions are being made by the 
private sector or b

[AI] regarding Disclosing Disability in CV

2010-05-02 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Well, it seems that our friend Sameer is yet to come out of his dilemma on this 
issue. I think Adina has raised a very important point regarding this issue.
As she has rightly pointed out that most of us have done schooling in Schools 
for the Blind So when you mention about your SSLC and Higher Secondary results 
on the CV, how can you hide your identity?
By the way, I had attended at least 11 interviews before finally getting my 
present job. All of them were open posts. I never had any problems. I am sure 
there would be more such persons on our list who would not have faced any 
problem on account of disclosing their disability!!
Today, we have enough supporting system to overcome our disability and fight 
for our rights. Gone are those days when everything came on charity basis.
Now, we are demanding for our rights and due opportunities.
Please keep away all your synicisms about this issue.
With regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu

On 2nd May 2010, Adina Gillani wrote:

Well, if you can manage employers' shocked face while seeing you, trying to 
make you feel horrible, just because they didn't know before that you are  
blind, I think is ok not to specify it. On the other hand, most of us have 
studied in schools for blind or visually impaired people, how is one 
supposed to avoid writing it? I am personally for writing it, even if the 
perspective is bit limited. If they do not want blind people amongst their 
employees', they will surely manage not to get you, with or without your 
specification in the c v. I doubt hiding it really brings much but contrary.


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Re: [AI] A shocking news

2009-09-11 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
With immense pain I am writing this message.
The news of Tharanipathi's sudden demise is very shocking.
I know him for more than 15 years as we are from the same school: St. Louis 
Institute for the Deaf and the Blind, Chennai.
He was two years junior to me.
He was a very bright student and a tallented Chess player.
He could also play guitar.
I remember quite well, he emerged as the individual Champion in sport 
activities and I happened to be the proud captain of the house which belonged 
He had just completed B.Ed. Despite working in a private concern, he 
successfully attended many competative exams.
He would have definitely got a better job opportunity.
What pains me the most is the fact that his end came through a suicide.
I know him as a very brave person and showing tremendous maturity in taking 
His mother, who also is a visually impaired person and his elder sister 
struggled a lot in bringing him up.
May his soul rest in peace and may the family members gain the strength to cope 
up from this irreplaceable loss.
With regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu,


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Re: [AI] EPW

2009-09-13 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Dr. Surya Sharma,
This is regarding your query about EPW website.
As you have rightly pointed, the site allows us to read and download articles 
from the current issue and four previous issues.
The rest are archived very well which consist of all the articles, 
Commentaries, Bookreviews, etc. since the launching of EPW, I think from 1966.
In order to read or download them, one has to take suscription. Generally, all 
the universities and leading educational institutes do have suscriptions and 
all the members of those institutes can avail the benefits within their 
However, individual suscriptions are also available and you could enquire about 
it from them directly.
Moreover, all the files in that site are of PDF format. Perhaps, you are not 
able to open the full articles because of that reason since Jaws does not 
recognise PDF immages clearly.
I generally use Kurzveil  for reading PDF files.
Dr. A.Rambabu


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Re: [AI] belkin wi-fi phone

2009-09-19 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Vikas,
Your description of the Belkin Wi-fi phone was very interesting. I just have a 
couple of queries to you:
1. Does that phone have any voice enabling mechanism like talks?
2. Has it arrived in Indian markets?
Looking forward to your response.
 Dr. A.Rambabu


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[AI] The Coolest Device of the Decade

2010-02-02 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I found this article from the Hindu very interesting and thought of sharing 
with you all. I am sorry if this has already been posted as I am coming online 
after a long time.
Have a look at the article below
The Hindu: Front Page: The coolest device of the decade
Online edition of India's National Newspaper  Friday, Jan 01, 2010

The coolest device of the decade 
Deepa Kurup

INFORMATION IS POWER: The cellphone tells this mango seller where he can  find 
the best price. 
  BANGALORE: Today, it no longer makes news to see your neighbourhood  
vegetable vendor taking orders on his mobile phone, or for that matter a 
  mason at work as he chatters away on his cellphone.  A decade ago this 
was unthinkable.
  The 10 years which have gone by have found a great leveller in 
technology,  the cellphone being the most ubiquitous of them all. Cellphones 
  over from overpriced, shoebox-sized, upper-class accessory to an  
affordable easy-to-use gadget for staying connected, getting entertained 
  and, for many, even a way of life.
  The long queues outside the PCO booth and scrambling for those elusive  
one-rupee coins is now history. The cellphone is literally in every hand. 
  As of November 2009, India, with the world’s second largest population,  
registered 506.4 million cellphone connections, (543 million, including 
  landlines), second only to China. Which means half our population has the 
 device. ! Old timers still talk about the miles of red tape and the years 
  it took to get a basic landline connection. 
  So while globally the noughties were about crowdsourcing, micro and macro 
 blogging, e-books, file sharing or the “cloud”, in India even the internet 
  is only barely there. With a staggeringly low penetration, pegged at  
around seven to eight per cent (over 80 million), the web is not a patch 
  on the omnipresent cellphone.
  The next decade 
  Sunil Abraham, Director of Bangalore-based Centre for Internet and  
Society, insists that the cellphone will also define the decade that begins 
today. And like that clever advertisement, text-to-voice and voice 
  recognition can and will be big in providing access to the unlettered,  
disabled and forgotten sections, he explains. “Data services and 
  geographic positioning services (GPS) show great promise in connecting 
the  poor to the state and the market,” he said.
With love and best wishes,
Dr. A. Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, CSSEIP,
TISS, Mumbai-88.


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[AI] updates about Firoz Ji

2010-02-04 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Yesterday, I spoke to Firozji. I thought someone among his family members would 
pick up the mobile. But for my surprise, Firozji himself received my call.
He was sounding very confident. In fact, he told me there's nothing to worry 
now. The surgery done on him was fine and he was recoverying. He is still in 
the hospital.
Let us all hope and pray for his quick recovery!
With love and best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, CSSEIP,
TISS, Mumbai-88


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[AI] SBI Netbanking for Visually Challenged

2010-02-15 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I came across this interesting details in the Help link of SBI Website.
I am pasting below the full details of that page which would be useful for all 
those who use State Bank of India's internet banking.

State Bank of India Logo



You are in help page 

Welcome to OnlineSBI Internet Banking Facility 

Following are the access key details to navigate through this site

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer use the Enter key with the following 
access keys. If you are using Mozilla FireFox use the Shift key with the 
access keys.

table with 2 columns and 10 rows
Press Alt 2 
to Login 
Press Alt 7 
to view Instructions  
Press Alt 8 
to view FAQs   
The following shortcut keys are used to access the Post Login pages 
Press Alt 3 
For Account Summary 
Press Alt 4 
to Transfer Funds 
Press Alt 5 
for changing your Password 
Press Alt 6 
to Transaction Summary page 
Press Alt 8 
to view FAQs 
Press Alt 9 
to Logout
table end

For security reasons use headphones while entering your login credentials.

If you have any queries, please call us toll free at 1800 11 22 11


With love and best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu


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[AI] strange message

2010-07-13 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Harish sir and Accessindia list friends,
I am sending you this message with utmost surprise. When I opened the mail 
titled: accessindia digest vol. 51, no. 84, instead of usual messages and 
topics, the following uncomprehensible characters appeared.
I am pasting them below for your notice;
Please let me know whether it was the same for all of you or is it a specific 

AccessIndia Digest, Vol 51, Issue 84

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:44 AM



Add sender to Contacts



main landmark

Dr. A.Rambabu


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[AI] Regarding the Article on Kaiser

2010-08-04 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
The article on Kaiser had really provoked most of our members and we had 
discussions from various dimensions. At this juncture, I thought of sharing 
some details which I got to know about Kaiser.
There was an article about Kaiser in The Hindu, in June, 2008-- no idea of the 
date of issue--soon after her 10th results had been out. That time the news was 
brought about at the initiative of the school where she studied.
She studied in Little Flower Convent for the Blind, Chennai. That article was 
much more informative.
Apart from the facts that her mother was mentally ill, and homeless, Kaiser was 
originally from somewhere in U P and she knew nothing in Tamil.
In Tamilnadu, except for the CBSE schools, Tamil is compulsory unless one opts 
for a different second language.
As I too studied from the same school, I am very sure that there is no Hindi or 
any other language .
Just imagine, the amount of struggle this person would have undergone in 
learning a new language under most difficult and traumatic conditions.
Well, she had proved that if proper opportunities are provided, nothing is 
impossible and one could overcome any obstacles in life.
My hearty congradulations to Kaiser and appreciations to The Hindu for showing 
interest in bringing out such news items.
With love and best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu


Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with 
disability bill at:

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[AI] Deevali Greetings

2007-11-07 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I wish you all a very Happy Deepavali. May the joy of
Deepavali fill in all your lives throughout the year
With love,

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[AI] amazing similarities! but shocking news!

2007-11-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Sometime ago I recieved a mail from one of my friends
who is a faculty at BHU. That mail informed me that my
friend had been abroad to attend a conference and
there he lost all his belongings and he is need of
some financial assistance. When I called his home to
confirm the message, I was surprised to find him at
home and he was not aware of all that I narrated to
Later, after a couple of days he called me and told
that similar mails have reached to all his friends
whose mail ids had been stored in his address book.
Moreover, he could not access his mail id because
someone has hacked his mail id and changed his pass
Such incidents are examples of how our emails could be
hacked and misused.
Yesterday, when I came across a similar news reported
in the New Delhi page of the Hindu, I thought of
sharing it with you all.
I am pasting that article below
Source: The Hindu

New Delhi

Official’s e-mail account hacked

Devesh K. Pandey

The officer is a Joint Secretary in the Union
Agriculture MinistryMails
 have been sent in his name to his contacts seeking
financial help 

NEW DELHI: The e-mail account of a Joint Secretary in
the Union
 Agriculture Ministry has allegedly been hacked and
mails have been sent in his
 name to his contacts seeking financial help.
According to an FIR lodged at the Parliament Street
police station, the
 senior Government official has alleged that his
e-mail account that he
 used for all official correspondence was hacked on
November 1 morning.
 He further alleged that using his mail account,
someone posing as him
 has been sending mails to his contact persons,
including top Government
 and private company functionaries, seeking financial
help claiming
 that he was in trouble somewhere abroad. 
In response to those fake mails, the complainant
started getting calls
 from his contacts enquiring about his well-being. The
complainant told
 the police that he was unable to access his mail
account any more. On
 the basis of the complaint, the Economic Offences
Wing of the Crime
 Branch lodged the FIR at the Parliament Street police
station on Tuesday
 and initiated investigations.
While the police are trying to find out the nature of
the fraud and
 identify the culprit, a senior police officer said
incidents of fake
 e-mails seeking financial help on different pretexts
are on the rise. In
 several cases it has been found that unsolicited
mails are sent as spam
 using addresses of persons known to recipients. This
is done probably
 using software that extract e-mail addresses from the
list of contacts of
 an Internet user to send the malicious mails. 
In a recent incident, a Faridabad-based non-government
 found that its e-mail account had been “hacked” by
someone. It was
 suspected to be a variant of “Nigerian Scam”, wherein
people get unsolicited mails offering handsome cuts in
a financial deal involving huge amounts of money.

Isn't it amazing similarity?? But shocking too!!!


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[AI] braille registration plates caught in delays

2007-11-11 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
the following article is a clear example of the
indifferences and suttlities shown towards visually
challenged at various sections of the society.
Source: The Hindu


Braille registration plates caught in delays

Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar

Despite the Delhi Government giving its approval

Negative impact of frequent change of Transport
CommissionersScheme for
the visually impaired fails to take off

NEW DELHI: Delhi has had as many as ten Transport
Commissioners in the
past six years and this has had a negative impact on
implementation of
various projects, particularly those which are not big
in nature and
require a committed and human approach from the
authorities. A case in
point is the installation of Braille registration
plates in
three-wheeler scooter rickshaws that has still not
been done despite the Delhi
Government giving its in-principle approval to the
The installation would have been of critical use for
the visually
impaired as it would allow them to know by the feel of
hand the registration
number of a hired auto-rickshaw and pass it on to some
friend or
acquaintance for personal security. But despite the
project not being
expensive as each plate costs barely Rs.15, it has not
taken off due to
bureaucratic red tape.
This has prompted Samarthya National Centre for
Promotion of Barrier
Free Environment for Disabled Persons, which has been
working to promote
“Mobility for All” for persons with reduced mobility
and disability, to
once again approach the Commissioner Transport, this
time D. M.
Spolia, to demand speedy implementation of the
In his letter, Samarthya founder and project director
Sanjeev Sachdeva
has stated that following the consent of Delhi
Transport Minister
Haroon Yusuf the organisation had proposed
installation of Braille plates of
auto registration number on all auto-rickshaws for the
benefit of
persons with low vision and vision impairment,
including senior citizens.
“These Braille plates will help people lead an
independent life and
make travel safer for them,” he wrote, adding that “in
this regard,
meetings and discussions were held with your
predecessors Mr. Vijay Madan and
Mr. Chandra Mohan as also with Mr. Virendra Kumar,
Mr. Sachdeva has expressed regret over
non-implementation of the scheme
and stated that he was made to understand that the
State Transport
Authority had decided to place the Braille
registration plates in the
auto-rickshaws in the groove near the entrance and to
include the same in
the permit conditions for the autos.
Referring to a letter sent to him on February 13 this
year by Assistant
Director (Operations) A. K. Srivastava, the Samarthya
founder wrote
that the letter had clearly stated that the Delhi
Government has “in
principle approved of the proposal for introduction of
the Braille
manuscript registration plates and it has been decided
that this could be made
as one of the permit conditions for the
Lamenting the delay in the matter, Mr. Sachdeva said
what needs to be
realised is that the visually impaired have to put up
with a daily
struggle while commuting and hoped that the Delhi
Government would speedily
implement this scheme and not allow change in posts to
affect its enactment.


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[AI] good news

2007-11-11 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I have got a very good news to share with you all.
I am appointed as Assistant Professor at Tata
Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
As I am expected to join the job before 7the december,
I would be leaving for Mumbai soon and likely to join
the job by the last week of November.
The significance of this posting is:
It was reserved for the visually challenged.
I hope all the other universities/leading educational
institutes would also emulate the TISS in recognising
our skills and provide us the right opportunities.
With love,

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Re: [AI] good news

2007-11-17 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for your hearty greetings.
It really gives me immense pleasure on recieving such
a loving greetings from you both on the list as well
as off the list. In fact, I did not recieve some of
the A.I Digests for some strange reasons. It seems
there had been some quiries about my qualifications
and about the subject that I would be teaching at
Although I sent personal replies to most of them,
since I missed some mails, let me provide you with
those details now.
I have completed Ph.D. in Sociology from JNU, New
I am joining the "Centre for the Study of Social
Exclusion and Inclusive Policies". Its a newly created
department at TISS.
It provides an inter-disciplinary approach. I would be
teaching subjects with sociological perspectives.

I would like to give one more important information to
The UGC has emphasised to most of the universities to
start the above-mentioned study programme.
The Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Osmania University,
Hyderabad have already begun the process of starting
such centres.

One could expect more vacancies to be advertised in
this regard. So, please keep tracking any such
advertisements and apply for those postings.
You could also visit the websites of those
universities that I have mentioned above.
With love and regards,


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[AI] hello everyone

2008-02-26 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Warm Regards,
I hope that this mail finds you all in best of your
health and progress in your work and studies.
If anyone of you had wondered about my whereabouts for
the past three months, I have a very long answer.
To begin with, as I had mentioned in my mail in
november, I joined Tiss Mumbai on 28th november. For
the past two months or so I didn't have any access to
net. Now, the institute has provided me internet
connectivity in my office and a new computer.
As I had not checked my mails for all these days,
there were some shocking surprises awaited me. Yah!
somewhere in the mid December, there had been a mail
from the Accessindia list asking me to renew my
membership in the mailing list. As I had failed to do
so, there was no further mail from accessindia list
till 22-02-08. As I was browsing through my old mails,
I was shocked to come across the above mentioned mail
and I understood the reason for the absense of A.I
diggests. However, I immediately reregistered and
henceforth started recieving mails from the list.
Well, I hope now I can be in touch with you all. I
could not follow the proceedings of the past two
months. Still, I do not understand that why my name
had been removed from the list.
Well, all's fine here. I am settling well here in
Tiss. Mumbai is really interesting.
Though very late, I still wish you all very happy and
a prosperous 2008.
With regards,
Phone: 09969747312


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Re: [AI] another case of denial of banking facilities

2008-03-06 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Pasha,
I think Geetha is right. It is not necessary to have
SBI account when you have your salary account with
another bank. I too have my salary account in Central
Bank of India. In fact, I went for it  because of my
previous bitter experiences with the SBI when I was in
JNU. I am sure, my JNU friends on the list woud agree
with me in this regard.
With regards,
Phone: 09969747312


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[AI] a unique weekend

2008-03-20 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
This weekend happened to be a unique one. I t could be
termed as a weekend of "Sarva Dharma Sambhavana".
Yesterday we had Id; Today is Good Friday and
tomorrow, Holi and followed by Easter.
I wish all of you a very Happy Id, Joyful Holi and
Cheerful Easter.
May the joy and festivity fill your hearts with peace
and prosperous!!
With love and best wishes,
Phone: 09969747312


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[AI] Greetings

2008-04-06 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
I wish you all a very happy Gudi Parva and Happy


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[AI] Jobs in Punjab University

2008-04-07 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hi Friends, 
This is the link to the advertisement, calling for
applications to posts of lecturers/readers, in the
Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy,
Panjab University. Pass on the info to all those you
think will be interested. 


With regards,


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[AI] greetings

2008-04-14 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
Wish you all a very:
Happy New Years Day--Tamil and Bengali,
Happy Vishu--Kerala!!
Happy Baisaki--Punjab!!
Happy Bihu--Assam!!
With love,


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[AI] On terror's anniversary, an unusual tale: when eye for an eye made two people see

2008-04-16 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Source: IndianExpress.com
On terror's anniversary, an unusual tale: when eye for
an eye made two people see
Thursday, April 10, 2008 

Anuraag Singh Posted online: Friday, March 07, 2008 at
0047 hrs 

SankatMochan blast Varanasi Railway clerk donates eyes
of son killed in 
blast-to a child and a woman 
VARANASI, AZAMGARH, MARCH 6: Tomorrow, it will be two
years since two powerful 
blasts tore through the Sankatmochan temple and the
railway station in Varanasi, 
bringing death to 18 homes. But one single act by one
of the families hit by the 
terror strikes has given new life to two homes, one in
Nizamabad in eastern UP 
and another in Jamalpur in Bihar. 

Railway inquiry-cum-reservation clerk Sushil
Upadhyaya, who’s still to come to 
terms with the death of his 20-year-old son Ritesh in
the Sankatmochan blast, 
donated his son’s eyes. That one act helped a
two-year-old girl and an elderly 
woman — both had vision in only one eye — recover full
Ritesh, an amateur photographer, had gone to the
temple on March 7, 2006 with 
professional lensman Harish Bijlani and brother Rajesh
to film a marriage being 
held there. When the blast took place, Bijlani died
instantly and Ritesh 
sustained multiple injuries in the head, stomach and
legs. He died of internal 
bleeding at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
hospital 16 days later. 
“It was an irreparable loss, a great shock. The family
had lost its most loving 
son. But we all decided we will make Ritesh live,”
Upadhyaya told The Indian 
Express. “Two days before he died, we were told by
doctors that the chances of 
my son’s survival were very remote. This made me
think. We decided, and it was a 
bold decision, to donate his eyes. It would help those
who can’t see.” 
After Ritesh died, his eyes went to the two-year-old
daughter of a national 
award-winning potter from Nizamabad (Azamgarh) and an
elderly woman from 
Jamalpur, Upadhyaya said. 
Nandini, the potter’s daughter, had lost vision in the
left eye in an accident 
when she was only a year old. “We still remember March
26, 2006. It was the day 
which ended our agony. We got a call from the BHU
hospital that day. We were 
told to come to the Varanasi hospital the next day,”
recalled Nandini’s father 
Ram Jatan Prajapati. 
The family reached Varanasi the same night. The next
day, the cornea implant was 
performed by ophthalmologists OPS Maurya and Abhishek
Chandra. “We were later 
told that Nandini was able to see with both eyes only
because of a youth who 
died in the temple blast,” Nandini’s mother Pushpa
“As far as we know, the other cornea was implanted in
the eye of an elderly 
woman from Jamalpur. It was to go to a boy from
Varanasi initially. But he he 
fell ill just before the surgery and the doctors
decided against the implant,” 
Ram Jatan said. 
“The blast plunged one family into darkness but
returned light to two families. 
We will be forever indebted to the family of the young
man who died in the 
blast,” Pushpa said. 
Ophthalmologist Abhishek Chandra said “Nandini’s left
eye in which the cornea 
was implanted has a squint which now needs correction.
We will perform 
corrective surgery on April 14.” 
Ritesh’s family believes he is still alive, seeing the
world through Nandini and 
the woman in Bihar. But the family is still waiting
for the certificate 
confirming the eye donation. Told about this, Dr
Chandra said “if such an error 
has taken place, it will be rectified. Ritesh’s family
will be handed the 


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[AI] Watch your Orkut profile, future boss may be snooping

2008-09-27 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Watch your Orkut profile, future boss may be snooping
Indian Express, Sunday, September 28, 2008
Has any candidate been rejected on the basis of his online social profile? 
Shermon says an organisation has to be very “flaky” in order to base its 
decisions on social networking sites alone. A senior HR manager with Kotak 
Mahindra Bank says, on condition on anonymity, that online checks are 
cost-effective. “We spend an average of at least Rs 5,000 for checking the 
background of a candidate. Background checking on social networking sites is 
free,” he says. 
Your blog could get you into trouble too. Ajay Trehan, CEO of screening firm 
Authbridge Research Services, says a candidate who was almost hired may now get 
dropped because of a negative comment his ex-wife left on his blog. 
 Headhunters employ filters while sourcing candidates online. “If a candidate 
joined an obscene community or has a friend who’s posing semi-nude, we would 
drop him,” says Kris Lakshmikanth, CEO, Headhunters India, a third-party 
With companies monitoring even the behaviour of current employees on networking 
sites, people should be careful about what they post online, says Lakshmikanth, 
who advises that if you must have fun online, it is better to maintain two 
profiles, one official and another with an alias just for...

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[AI] everything is fine here

2008-11-27 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for the care and concerns.
All of us here at Tiss are fine and safe. In fact, this part of the city has 
been very peaceful throughout. However, our campus' security is on high alert. 
Yesterday, all the educational institutions were closed. But today all are 
functioning normally.
Of course, you know the entire troubles happened at one full stretch of the 
city in the south Mumbai. My friends belonging that part also came to the 
campus today.
In fact, they are much more confident than us and  believe that nothing to 
worry and the life goes on. Well, this spirit in our people is definitely a 
strong signal to those who indulge in such unmindful barbaric activities.
With regards,

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[AI] new year greetings

2009-01-01 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear All,
I wish you all a very very Happy and Prosporous New Year!
May the new year be filled with cherishable memories and greater successes for 
all of us!
With love and best wishes,

Wishing all on Louis Braille Bi-centinal birthday, January 4!

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[AI] regarding the query raised by Shadab

2009-02-23 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear All,
As the subjectline suggests, I thought of responding to the query raised by Mr. 
Shadab regarding sending newspaper articles without the permission of the 
I am sorry for not reproducing the thread.
Shadab, as far that instruction which you had mentioned is applicable to those 
who would use such articles for commercial purpose. I mean that if someone 
wants to produce the same contents in their magazines or tabloits etc.
Whereas, sending those articles through email is not a violation of copyright.
As Ms. Renuka has rightly pointed out, every article of the Hindu has the 
provision to be sent to anyone through email.
Hope, this would serve the purpose!!
With regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, (CSSE&IP), TISS,


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[AI] Introduction

2007-06-26 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hello Friends,
I am A.Rambabu. Let me introduce myself to you.
I was affected by retinoblasterma(medical term for
eye-cancer), one of the rarest cases of blindness,
when I was one and half years.
I had my education from Little Flower Convent, upto
class-5 and at St. Louis Institute for Deaf and Blind,
Chennai. Later I did my graduation in sociology at
Loyola college, Chennai.
I joined Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, for
my post-graduation where I continued upto Ph.D.
I have just completed my Ph.D. and awaiting the Viva.
Still looking for a suitable job.
Presently I am at my hometown--Chennai.
I got to know about Accessindia through some friends.
In fact, they forwarded some of the AI digests,through
which I gained a lot of information. I thought joining
the list.
I am happy to join this family. I am looking forward
to a healthy interaction/discussion with all of you.
with regards,
Phone: 044-25540134, 044-42813150.


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[AI] call for vacancies

2007-07-05 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
The University of Pondichery, a central university-has
come out with call for aplicants for the post of
lecturers, readers and professors in various subjects.
The most significant ones are: History, Politics and
International Studies, English and French and a number
of Science faculties.
Those interested can visit at 'www.pondiuni.org' and
download the aplication form and other details.
Note: the last date of submision: 11-07-2007.
Best wishes,


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[AI] good news for music aspirants

2007-07-06 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear friends,
The following piece which appeared in The Hindu on 6th
july,2007 brings in new hope for music aspirants;

Good news for aspiring singers

Staff Reporter

Chennai: For aspiring singers eager to make a mark in
the playback industry here is some good news. Music
director Bharadwaj launched the Bharadwaj School
of Music here on Tuesday.

The music director, in consultation with the Tamil
Nadu Open University (TNOU), has developed a one year
diploma course in Applied Music. It will be offered
through distance education. Contact classes would be
held on Sundays . Those who have completed standard
XII are eligible . For further details, e-mail
or call 91-28151615.


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[AI] matter of concern

2007-07-08 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear friends,
Recently I came across a news about a person's mobile
phone exploded when he tried to talk without
disconnecting it from the charger.
The following article which I had extracted from the
Hindu, dated: 7th july, 2007 is a very important 
matter of concern.

Worker dies after mobile explodes 
  Anand Parthasarathy 
  Bangalore: The Chinese media says a worker in an
iron ore plant died after 
  the mobile phone that he was carrying in his
breast pocket, exploded, 
  shattering his ribcage and sending a fragment
into his heart. The incident 
  which occurred on June 19 has only now been
reported by the English 
  language Shanghai Daily and other local
  Xiao Jinpeng (22) years was a welder — and there
is speculation that the 
  high ambient temperature in his work spot might
have played a part in the 
  News flood net 
  Reports flooding Internet sites on Friday have
generally jumped to 
  conclude that the phone’s battery might have
exploded — hardly surprising 
  after a series of incidents last year where big
brand laptop computers 
  burst into flames spontaneously.
  Mobile phones use the same type of batteries,
carried by portable 
  computers — Lithium ion, where carbon forms one
electrode, and a metal 
  oxide, the other — however the power
requirements are much smaller.
  While major laptop makers have recalled the
defective batteries in batches 
  (most of them made to a process perfected by
Sony), they have been less 
  proactive in coming up with a safe alternative. 
  Smaller lithium ion batteries — the kind used by
the world’s 2 billion 
  cell phone owners were thought to be immune to
exploding danger — till 
  The killer phone is said to be a Motorola make,
though knowledgeable 
  sources say that in itself might not be very
significant: There is a huge 
  business in counterfeit phones as well as
batteries in booming mobile 
  phone markets such as China. The news will be of
special concern in India 
  which is seeing one of the world’s fastest
growth rates in mobile phone 
  usage: According to its annual survey of the
Indian telecom industry, 
  CyberMedia’s “Voice and Data” magazine, said on
Thursday, that cellular 
  phone usage zoomed by 73 % in 2006-07, to cross
157 million subscribers 
  and generated a 56% growth in revenues for the
providers, to generate $ 
  12.5 billion.
  There is now one phone (mobile or handset) for
every five Indians. 


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[AI] Teachers trained to spot children with defective vision

2007-07-08 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
  Wednesday, Jul 04, 2007

Teachers trained to spot children with defective
  R. Sujatha 
The younger the children the easier it is
to cure them, says doctor 

  Chennai: REEP - Refractive Errors, Education and
Prevention - is a project 
  aimed at children in Corporation schools in the
city. In the two years 
  since its launch, Rajan Eye Care Hospital in T.
Nagar has reached out to 
  about 107 schools by conducting free screening
  A total of 43,900 children below the age of 12
have been screened for eye 
  ailments and given spectacles.
  “We chose schoolchildren because it is necessary
to identify children with 
  defects in the eye. The younger the children the
easier it is to cure 
  them,” says Mohan Rajan, Medical Director of the
  “A study in 1990 showed that the incidence of
short sight (myopia) was 6.2 
  per cent and long sight (hypermetropia) was 4.6
per cent. 
  In 2005 the incidence was 7.4 per cent and 5.3
per cent. In 2015, it will 
  be 10 per cent and 8 per cent.”
  Both conditions are hereditary and can manifest
as early as at the age of 
  Some children suffer from amblyopia in which the
child could have double 
  vision. It is necessary to diagnose early as the
child could suffer from 
  ‘lazy eye’ syndrome, Dr. Mohan says. When a
child develops a squint it 
  could be because the vision in one eye is normal
while the brain does not 
  register images from the other eye. 
  “These days children go to pre-nursery at the
age of two-and-a-half. So we 
  brought down the age of screening from five to
two-and-a-half or three,” 
  he says. 
  In order to spot children with defective vision
early, the hospital has 
  trained teachers in Corporation schools to
identify children with squints 
  and check their vision using the Snellen’s chart
for schoolchildren who 
  can read and a symbols chart for the younger age
group. Children who 
  cannot identify the penultimate line in the
chart need therapy. 
  Children with lazy eye syndrome are given
occlusion therapy. The vision in 
  the good eye is blocked making the child to see
with the other eye. This 
  therapy will not work in children beyond the age
of 10. If picked up early 
  vision could be restored up to 80 per cent from
merely 30 per cent, Dr. 
  Mohan says. 
  Parents, teachers and children are counselled
and taught about refractive 
  This education is important as the higher the
myopia greater are the 
  chances of retinal detachment. 
  The hospital has tied up with several paediatric
hospitals to screen 
  preterm babies. 
  Children born before the full term of pregnancy
and weighing about 1 kg 
  could suffer from ‘retinopathy of prematurity’,
a disorder that affects 
  the retina.
  The condition causes bleeding in the eyes of the
babies and results in 
  detachment of the retina. 


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[AI] films show visually challenged in poor light

2007-07-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Friends your views on the following news report are

The Hindu: Online edition of India's National
  Monday, Jul 09, 2007
Films show visually challenged ‘in poor light’ 
  Staff Reporter 
Chennai: Speakers at the 17th annual day of the
Welfare Foundation of the 
  Blind highlighted the need for the society to
extend recognition and not 
  sympathy to visually challenged persons
  Visually challenged persons, who spoke at the
function, said a section of 
  the media, particularly Tamil films stereotyped
those visually challenged. 
  Many films depicted them in poor light, said
A.Murugan, a Tamil teacher at 
  Choolaimedu Government Higher Secondary school. 
  The speakers appealed to the media to sensitise
the society to recognise 
  visually challenged persons instead of extending
sympathy to them. 
  Treasurer of the Foundation L. Latha said the
organisation was formed to 
  serve as a bridge between the visually
challenged and people with normal 
  The annual day of the Foundation was organised
recently at Madras 
  Christian College here.


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[AI] news on the Varnasi incident

2007-08-07 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
I am pasting a news piece that appeared on the Hindu's
front page on 6th August.
Arrested for attempt to commit suicide

Varanasi: Five physically-challenged traders, who
survived a mass suicide bid allegedly instigated last
week, were on Sunday arrested after registration
of a criminal case against them on the charge of
trying to commit suicide, police said. Mohammad
Naseem, Satish Seth, Bharat Lal, Khalilur Rahman and
Wasim were arrested on being discharged from a

Thirteen physically-challenged traders had consumed a
poisonous substance here on July 31 in a mass suicide
bid to protest demolition of their roadside
shops in an anti-encroachment drive by the municipal
authorities recently, of whom five persons died during
treatment. — PTI



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[AI] excellent subliment

2007-08-16 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
The Hindu has brought out an excellent subliment
titled 'Indipendent India at 60 on august 15th with
interesting articles written by eminent personalities
from different fields.
You can find a link with the same title on the front
page of The Hindu in which you can get all those
articles. There are about 67 links in them.
Hope, this would be of use to you.
With Regards,


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[AI] please clarify me

2007-08-25 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
Whenever I get any attachment file, the following link
appears which ensures that the attached file
thoroughly scanned and safe for download.

Could you please let me know whether this antivirus
scanner could be downloaded and used as we use other
antivirus scanners such as AVG, Norton, Avast etc?
With regards,


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[AI] A Woman With a Vision

2007-09-02 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
The Hindu
Tamil Nadu 

  A woman with a vision 
  — Photo:K. Ananthan 

  “I am blind. But, I have a vision. I overcame
blindness,” is how Sabriye 
  Tenberken describes herself. With a small
computer-like assistive 
  technology in hand, she says “Blind people are
excellent problem solvers. 
  Every day from morning till night, they are
solving problems.” She talks 
  to Anasuya Menon on her visit to Coimbatore. 
  Sabriye Tenberken is the founder of “Braille
Without Borders,” an 
  organisation working for the empowerment of
people with visual impairment. 
  Brimming with enthusiasm, she readies to speak
about her upcoming project 
  at Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. “It is going to
be an institute where the 
  blind can develop their potential and utilise
their abilities for the 
  betterment of society. We need people who have a
vision and the courage 
  and passion to bring about a change in society,”
she adds. “A set of 
  highly motivated and educated people who can
think out of the box and 
  believe that everything is possible.” She has
already received about 15 
  applications from people with visual impairment
all over the world. The 
  institution aims at encouraging them to become
social entrepreneurs. “Why 
  can’t the blind get into social work?” she asks.
“Why should they be 
  institutionalised? They too can contribute to
society.” Sabriye Tenberken, 
  born and brought up in Germany, began losing her
eyesight very early and 
  turned blind by the age of 12. Despite the
discouraging attitude of 
  society, she continued her studies and was
insistent on giving something 
  back to society rather than always being a
beneficiary. Her unrelenting 
  quest to travel to other parts of the world and
do developmental work led 
  her to Tibet. She approached a couple of
organisations in Germany for 
  getting into development work, but none of them
encouraged her owing to 
  her disability. 
  In Tibet, she developed the Tibetan Braille
script, which later on became 
  the official script for the blind in Tibet and
she also started a Centre 
  for the Blind in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa. She
worked with hundreds of 
  blind children and has since been concentrating
on removing the stigma 
  related to blindness. Ms.Sabriye has also
authored two books, “My Path 
  Leads to Tibet” and “The Seventh Year - From
Tibet to India.” She now 
  plans to extend her work to India. “India is a
great place to develop 
  things and there is a lot of innovative stuff
going on here,” she says. 
  Unlike in Europe where no development is
possible, there are a lot of 
  things that can be experimented in India, she
adds. Though technology has 
  brought in help to people with visual
impairment, it should not substitute 
  “They should develop confidence in themselves
and not be dependent on 
  sighted people,” she says.


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[AI] Vidya Sagar launches websites for scribes

2007-09-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
  Tamil Nadu - Chennai 

  Vidya Sagar to launch website for scribes 
  Staff Reporter 
A databank of scribes and students will be

  “Others with neurological problems, autism and
learning disabilities too 
  need scribes”
  A Government Order to this effect will make the
process much simpler: 

  CHENNAI: There is a shortage of people to write
exams for persons with 
  disabilities, according to Vidya Sagar, a
voluntary organisation working 
  with people with neurological impairments. 
  To create a greater awareness of the need for
such people (scribes), and 
  to bring together scribes and disabled people
who need them, it is 
  launching a website — www.iscribe.co.in — on
  Many people can scribe and even want to but do
not know whom to contact or 
  how to go about it, Rohini Ramesh, co-ordinator
(resource) of Vidya Sagar, 
  said. “The website will create a databank of
scribes and students and 
  match their profiles,” she added.
  Dipti Bhatia of Vidya Sagar said all that was
required for a person to 
  become a scribe was the ability to listen, write
clearly and if necessary, 
  see what non-verbal students pointed to in
charts, she added. 
  The use of scribes by visually challenged people
is common knowledge but 
  many do not realise that others with
neurological problems, autism and 
  learning disabilities too need scribes, Ms.
Bhatia said. 
  “We have a limited circle of people we can
contact. The website will widen 
  the circle,” she said.
  The website has an introductory page explaining
the need for scribes and 
  what is required to become one. Another page is
meant for students to 
  explain what they need while another profiles
potential scribes. 
  According to Ms. Bhatia, the laws provides for
visually disabled persons 
  and those with dyslexia to have scribes to write
their exams. 
  But persons with other motor or neurological
disabilities too need them. 
  Though every person with a disorder who has
applied for a scribe has been 
  granted one, a government order to this effect
would make the process much 
  simpler, she said.


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[AI] Finger-Friendly Keyboard

2007-09-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
  Hai Friends, 
The following article that appeared in Hindu, on 6th
September brings in an expectation of relief.
  Tamil Nadu 

  Finger-friendly keyboard 
  Karthik Madhavan 

  It can be folded and carried around easily 

  Photo: M. Govarthan 
  Affordable too: This soft keyboard is foldable,
light and easy to carry. – 

  SATHYAMANGALAM: Are your fingers tired of
punching one key after another 
  in the computer keyboard? Having suffered, ever
wondered of an alternative 
  say, a keyboard that loves your fingers?
  Well, the solution is in sight and at hand.
Bannari Amman Institute of 
  Technology students have come up with a keyboard
using a printed circuit 
  board, a rubber sheet and fabric that is easy on
  D. Gowthami, V. Subanandhini, B. Sahithya and G.
Durga Priyanka, third 
  year students of the Department of Fashion
Technology, have covered a 
  printed circuit board with the rubber sheet and
a fabric to come up with a 
  keyboard. It has a software to go with it as
  Ms. Subanandhini says she stumbled upon the idea
while browsing through 
  the net for an idea for the Futura exhibition.
The exhibition is a 
  five-day event the Institute organises to
showcase students’ talents in 
  science and technology.
  The girls then got together and came up with the
keyboard, which weighs 
  just 240 gm, 600 gm less than the conventional
keyboard. Not only that, 
  the cost of manufacturing is also less.
  On a commercial scale we can manufacture it for
about Rs. 400, says Ms. 
  Gowthami. A normal keyboard costs around Rs.
  The keyboard can be folded, and carried around
easily. The outer fabric 
  can easily be washed as well. The girls say the
can further fine tune it 
  have a stain-resistant and wrinkle-free cloth as
  They next propose to weave cloth with conductive
silk yarns, so that the 
  keyboard is of the size of a hand kerchief.
  As one hears the girls and begins to experiment
on the keyboard, the 
  fingers inadvertently, dance around the keyboard
to type thank you, well 


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[AI] sentiment on the computer screen

2007-09-21 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Everyone,
the following article that appeared in The Hindu's
Opinion page on 19th sep. is very interesting!!
Sentiment on the computer screen: saying it with
Carnegie Mellon University, from where it
spread, celebrates 25th 
anniversary of the ‘smiley face’ today 

  For sentiments that would be difficult to convey
  Have become integral to personal exchanges

  PITTSBURGH: It was a serious contribution to the
electronic lexicon. 
  Twenty-five years ago, Carnegie Mellon
University Professor Scott E. 
  Fahlman says, he was the first to use three
keystrokes — a colon followed 
  by a hyphen and a parenthesis — as a horizontal
“smiley face” in a 
  computer message. 
  To mark the anniversary on Wednesday, Professor
Fahlman and colleagues are 
  starting a student contest for innovation in
  person-to-person communication. The Smiley
Award, sponsored by Yahoo, 
  carries a $500 cash prize. 
  Language experts say the smiley face and other
emotional icons, known as 
  emoticons, have given people a concise way in
e-mail and other electronic 
  messages of expressing sentiments that otherwise
would be difficult to 
  Professor Fahlman posted the emoticon in a
message to an online electronic 
  bulletin board at 11-44 a.m. on September 19,
1982, during a discussion 
  about the limits of online humour and how to
denote comments meant to be 
  taken lightly. 
  “I propose the following character sequence for
joke markers: :-),” he 
  wrote. “Read it sideways.” 
  The suggestion gave computer users a way to
convey humour or positive 
  feelings with a smile — or the opposite
sentiments by reversing the 
  parenthesis to form a frown. 
  Carnegie Mellon said Professor Fahlman’s smileys
spread from its campus to 
  other universities, then businesses and
eventually around the world as the 
  Internet gained popularity. 
  “I’ve never seen any hard evidence that the :-)
sequence was in use before 
  my original post, and I’ve never run into anyone
who actually claims to 
  have invented it before I did,” Professor
Fahlman wrote on the 
  university’s Web page dedicated to the smiley
face. “But it’s always 
  possible that someone else had the same idea —
it’s a simple and obvious 
  idea, after all.” 
  Variations, such as the “wink” that uses a
semicolon, emerged later. And 
  today people can hardly imagine using computer
chat programs that do not 
  translate keystrokes into colourful graphics,
said Ryan Stansifer, a 
  computer science Professor at the Florida
Institute of Technology. “Now we 
  have so much power, we don’t settle for a
colon-dash-paren,” he said. “You 
  want the smiley face, so all these chatting
softwares have to have them.” 
  “It has been fascinating to watch this
phenomenon grow from a little 
  message I tossed off in 10 minutes to something
that has spread all around 
  the world,” Professor Fahlman was quoted as
saying in a university 
  statement. “I sometimes wonder how many millions
of people have typed 
  these characters, and how many have turned their
heads to one side to view 
  a smiley, in the 25 years since this all
  Amy Weinberg, a University of Maryland linguist
and computer scientist, 
  said emoticons such as the smiley were
“definitely creeping into the way, 
  both in business and academia, people
communicate.” She added: “In terms 
  of things that language processing does, you
have to take them into 
  account. If you’re doing almost anything... and
you have a sentence that 
  says ‘I love my boss’ and then there’s a smiley
face, you better not take 
  that seriously.” 
  Emoticons reflect the likely original purpose of
language — to enable 
  people to express emotion, said Clifford Nass, a
Professor of 
  communications at Stanford University. The
emotion behind a written 
  sentence may be hard to discern because emotion
is often conveyed through 
  tone of voice, he said. 
  “What emoticons do is essentially provide a
mechanism to transmit emotion 
  when you don’t have the voice,” he said. In some
ways they give people 
  “the ability not to think as hard about the
words they’re using.” — AP 


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[AI] Can Mobile phone usage cause Cancer?

2007-09-22 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Study: No Cancer Risk in Short Term Mobile Phone Use
A large British study has found that there is no
adverse health risk in short term mobile phone usage.
Over the past few years there has been controversy
over the possible health effects of using a mobile
phone, including its possible link to cancer.

The six year study, conducted by The Mobile
Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR),
featured twenty-three studies, which all appeared in
peer reviewed journals. It found no effect on brain
function or cancer risk from short term use (less than
ten years). However, More studies need to be done to
determine the
effects of long term use.


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[AI] france offers opportunities for Indian investments

2007-09-26 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
The article which I am pasting below may be off topic.
But the interesting fact of this article is its author
Dr. Garimela Subramanyam, who is a visually
challenged. He is the Sub-Editor in The Hindu. As some
of you might be knowing, our friend, L.Subramani is a
correspondant at The Deccan Herald, don't you think
that there is a very good opportunity for us to
venture into the field of journalism?
International - India & World 

  France offers opportunities for Indian
  Garimella Subramaniam 
Value of single European market needs more
recognition: investment 

  Focus on IT, pharmaceuticals and automotive
  France’s FDI attractiveness attributed to
greater openness

  Paris: Although the world’s largest single
market of 500 million consumers 
  in the European Union should be an obvious
attraction to Indian investors 
  overseas, this reality often went unnoticed
among entrepreneurs, according 
  to Philippe Favre, president, Invest in France
Agency (IFA). 
  Talking to visiting journalists from India, he
said France, the world’s 
  fourth largest recipient of foreign direct
investment, offered ample 
  opportunities for Indian investment in the
Information and Technology, 
  pharmaceuticals and automotive sectors.
  Some 40,000 jobs were created in 2006 by foreign
companies doing business 
  in France and they account for 16 per cent of
the total number of 
  employees in the market sector, according to a
recent IFA report. Mr. 
  Favre ascribed the FDI attractiveness of his
country, a smaller economy 
  than Germany, to a tradition of greater
openness. In addition to its 63 
  million consumers, France boasts the world’s
largest number of tourists of 
  79 million.
  On the IFA’s India focus, he said the Indian
economic and business 
  establishment, on account of training and
exposure, tended towards the 
  United Kingdom’s viewpoint on Europe.
  This to a large extent explained a lack of
familiarity with the realities 
  of a highly integrated European market and
common customs tariffs and 
  anti-trust regulation in the 27 member-states.
He pointed out that this 
  lag was peculiar to India, unlike Japan and
China, where there was a more 
  nuanced appreciation of the advantages of
Europe’s investment climate.
  The expansion of the eurozone — where the common
currency the euro is 
  adopted — to 15 states (Cyprus and Malta are set
to join it from January 
  2008) would be an obvious boost to trade. Mr.
Favre also referred to the 
  Schengen area which enables travel among the
member-countries with a 
  common visa, a highly beneficial system for
non-EU citizens that allows 
  cross-border movement among firms based in
different locations.
  Labour cost 
  Asked whether the high labour cost involved in
setting up businesses in 
  advanced countries was not a deterrent to FDI
flows, Mr. Favre said the 
  sheer size of the market and infrastructure
overrode wage considerations. 
  This was borne out by the fact that the top 10
countries in terms of FDI, 
  with the exception of China, were from the
developed world. 
  Moreover, companies nurturing global ambitions
and international brands 
  could not achieve their goals without a presence
in the EU, he said.
  In a bid to raise Indian FDI inflow into France,
the IFA has identified 
  300 Indian IT and pharmaceutical firms with an
international presence as 
  potential investors and recently opened an
office in New Delhi.

With regards,
Phone: 044-25540134, 044-42813150


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[AI] India to ratify U.N. Convention on rights of disabled

2007-10-01 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
  Monday, Oct 01, 2007

International - India & World 

  India to ratify U.N. Convention on rights of
  New York: Home to an estimated 70 million
disabled people, India will 
  ratify the U.N. Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities on 
  External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee would
submit the instruments of 
  ratification for the Convention, the world body
said on Sunday. 
  The Convention, termed first human rights treaty
of the 21st Century, 
  provides the states ratifying it to enact laws
and other measures to 
  improve disability rights, and also abolish
legislation, customs and 
  practices that discriminate against persons with
  So far, 115 countries have signed the
convention, which was adopted 
  unanimously by the General Assembly on December
13, 2006 and opened for 
  signature on March 30, 2007. 
  Twenty ratifications or accessions are necessary
for the treaty to come 
  into force, and so far five countries have
ratified it — Jamaica, Hungary, 
  Panama, Croatia and Cuba. 
  The Optional Protocol to the Convention has been
signed by 64 countries. 
  The Protocol will come into force when the
Convention does, and after 10 
  ratifications or accessions. — PTI

Warm regards,


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[AI] ect:re: Indian Blind Cricket League- The First Call

2009-08-13 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear George Sir,
Its a great news indeed!!
I still cherish the fond memories of the first national cricket tournament for 
the Blind which you had organised in december 1990.
I am one of the proud participants of that tournament in which I represented 
St. Louis Institute for the Deaf and the Blind, Chennai.
It was titled as the Tata Steel Challenge tournament which was won by NIVH, 
Dehra Dun.
The Late Mr. Madhav Rao Sindia inaugurated the tournament. The most important 
highlight of the inaugural ceremony was the great Kapil Dev who was one of the 
chief guests could not make it due to some reasons. We were disappointed very 
However, soon after we reached our rooms, there was call from the organisers 
asking all of us to assemble again. Yes! this time there was a surprise 
awaiting for us.
Kapil Dev had arrived by then. He spent sometime with us.
Apart from the tournament we enjoyed every moment of our stay because of your 
wonderful organising skills.
In the finals, NIVH defeated BMA, Ahmedabad. Of course, BMA has later been 
renamed as BPA,.]
The Late Prime Minister, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was the chief guest for the finals 
and he gave away the prizes.
Anand Sharma of NIVH was the Man of the Tournament.
In fact, some of the best players of that tournament and the subsequent ones 
remained as our favourite heroes. I remember some of those names: Kamal Patel, 
Vasant Patel, Anand Sharma, Vima Narayana, Mahesh, Harikrishnan, and so on.
Well, these are some of my contemporary players. I had participated in the 
first three national championships held in New Delhi, Bangalore and Ahmedabad.
Of course, Blind Cricket has improved a lot and has brought in a number of 
laurals for our country in the last ten years.
I am sure that this new initiative you are taking would give more champions 
among us.
I wish you all the best!
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, (CSSEIP),
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai;
Phone: 09969747312. 

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Re: [AI] English

2009-08-21 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I think that some of you have misunderstood the point that Mr. George had 
He is actually concerned about the way of presentation of the messages. Some of 
you have the habit of sending the SMS type of messages. We come across this 
problem in most of the mails nowadays. Some people think that its a stylish 
However, as Geetha and Rakesh have rightly pointed out the language standard or 
quality shall not be a major barrier for anyone to express their opinions.
I hope that everyone on the list would take the views raised with a possitive 
frame of mind and work out accordingly.
With regards,
Dr. A. Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, CSSEIP,
TISS, Mumbai.


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[AI] Happy Teachers Day

2009-09-05 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I wish all the Teacher-members on the list a very very Happy Teachers Day.
Today is the day for 'Self-introspection' for all of us belonging to a 
profession which deserves more recognition than it currently enjoys.
I am pasting a poem which was I recieved from an online networking forum named 
Teachers are one of the greatest people we come across in life. They are 
selfless givers and mentors for life. At every step, you come across teachers 
who devote their entire life to the enlightenment of students. We are indeed 
honoured to share with you a poem titled "Treasure Trove of Books" by Leela 
Jacob, an English teacher from Bhavan's Public School, Baroda.

Treasure Trove of Books

Deprived of eyesight,
Milton didn't falter.
He reached his height
With Paradise Lost,
And Paradise Regained, later.

Books galore await your pleasure,
A feast for the inner eye.
Dive for the bountiful treasure,
Savour the thrill to the full,
Till you reach as high as the Sky.

For you we have 'bookbole',
Technology at your doorstep.
Everything is easily available.
Flex your intellectual muscles,
Till you plumb your own depth. 

Team Bookbole
With regards and best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, CSSEIP,
TISS, Mumbai
Phone: 09969747312.
Office: 022-25525329.


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[AI] The Blind Shall Can See

2008-04-23 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
The Hindu
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
  Wednesday, Apr 23, 2008
Front page

The blind shall now see 
  Ian Sample and Rachel Williams 
Camera’s electronic signal gives brain a view of objects 

  Device enables patients to walk about independently
  More patients to be treated soon 

  London: Surgeons have fitted “bionic eyes” to two men in their 50s to 
  partially restore their eyesight. They are among 15 patients who have 
  given the artificial retinas as part of a three-year trial in the U.S., 
  Mexico and Europe. 
  The two men are the first in Britain to have the artificial retinas 
  fitted. These were done in three-hour surgical procedures at Moorfields 
  Eye hospital in London, it was confirmed on Monday. Both were completely 
  blind, but will now be able to walk around unaided and identify simple 
  If the trial is successful, the £15,000 (about Rs. 12 lakh) retinas could 
  be approved for general use within three years.
  The men have an inherited disease, retinitis pigmentosa, which 
  progressively destroys the eye’s light-sensitive cells, and affects tens 
  of thousands of people around the world.
  The procedure implanted a tiny metal plate studded with electrodes into 
  the retina at the back of the eye. A little video camera mounted on a 
  of glasses beams images to the electrodes, which connect via the optic 
  nerve to the brain. Patients wear a small unit at their waist to power 
  camera and process the images.
  While not reproducing natural vision, the system enables the viewing of 
  basic images on a 10 x 6 grid.
  “These people are truly blind and are dependent on a stick, a dog or 
  another person to find their way around. We want to see if we can give 
  them some level of rudimentary vision which they find useful, 
  predominantly to navigate, so they get some independence,” said Lyndon da 
  Cruz, a consultant surgeon who did the procedures last week. 
  Moorfields expects to treat three more patients soon, and a further five 
  if there are no complications. The device is designed by a U.S. company, 
  Second Sight, and is an upgrade of a protype first implanted in 2002 with 
  16 electrodes arranged in a 4 x 4 grid, enabling patients to walk about 
  independently and distinguish basic objects such a cup or plate on a 
  table. The latest version has 60 electrodes, giving much more detail.
  Doctors expect it will take the men a few months to learn to use the 
  Greg Cosendai, Second Sight’s director for Europe, said: “They should 
  receive enough information to be able to read. That doesn’t mean it 
  [definitely] will work for them, but it’s certainly a milestone, along 
  with recognising faces.” — © Guardian Newspapers Limited, 2008 


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[AI] Announcement from Tiss

2008-04-24 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
this message is for those who have appeared for the Tiss Entrance exams and 
those who are awaiting for MSW interviews.

The Announcement of Results (List of Selected Candidates), which was supposed 
to be released today has been deferred till May 15, 2008.

All candidates belonging to OBC Category must submit their caste certificate, 
status pertaining to creamy layer (in the applicable format) and the income
certificate to the Academic Section, TISS, Mumbai latest by May 10, 2008.
This is due to the fact that the Institute has to adhere to the Supreme Court's 
verdict on the OBC reservation.
Hope, this info helps.
With regards,


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[AI] Beware Net's Baddies

2008-04-27 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
The Hindu:
Sunday: April. 27, 2008
Front Page 

Beware Net’s baddies 
  Special Correspondent 
  Bangalore: The so-called social networking sites on the Internet — Orkut, 
  MySpace, YouTube, etc, — where lay users share their likes, dislikes, 
  hobbies and habits with thousands of likeminded people, many of them 
  unknown, have a downside: the Net’s baddies now seem to have made such 
  sites the focus of their attacks, using techniques like phishing, a type 
  of email fraud which aims at stealing a person’s confidential 
  even his total identity.
  The latest Internet Security Threat Report, released by security 
  management specialist Symantec, holds out a special warning for 
  India-based fans of social networking on the Net, who number between 5 
  6 million and spend anything from 15 to 75 per cent of all spare time in 
  this activity. Such sites are easy to spoof, leading trusting lay users 
  share personal information with bogus operators, the report says. In 
  effect, cyber criminals have moved subtly from targeting your computers 
  with worms and viruses, to targeting YOU.
  “Attackers look for the weakest link — and right now that is social 
  networking,” says Prabhat Singh, Symantec’s Director, Security Response 


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[AI] Taking Books to the Disabled

2008-04-27 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
The Hindu
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Sunday, Apr 27, 2008
Tamil Nadu

Taking books to the disabled 
— Photo: R. Shivaji Rao 
James R. Fruchterman. 

Students start out with ideas to benefit the deprived and the poor, but 
  often, the need for material benefits propels them away from altruistic 
  thoughts. Some, however, revisit their ideas and work on them. 
  One such person who carried forward his idea of helping the blind read is 
  James R. Fruchterman (Jim), president of Benetech Initiative, U.S. During 
  his recent visit to Chennai, R. Sujatha spoke to him about his plans for 
  Jim was fascinated with military intelligence technology as a student at 
  the California Institute of Technology. He wondered if a particular 
  technology, used to pick out an object and blow it up, could be used to 
  pick out words and enhance them. The idea remained in his head but it was 
  several years before he could act on it. After working as an electronic 
  engineer in a rocket company where the push of a button led to a rocket 
  blowing up before take off, he was back in Silicon Valley pondering over 
  his idea of helping the visually impaired. 
  His boss from the rocket company was also part of the character 
  recognition company that Jim set up with an investment of $25 million. 
  investors wanted returns and were not pleased with the idea of social 
  service efforts, such as developing reading systems for the visually 
  The seed for his project, sown in 1982, bore fruit in 1989 when he 
  Arkenstone, a non-profit organisation. It became the world’s largest 
  provider of reading systems serving 35,000 persons with disabilities in 
  countries. Ten years later, he sold the $5 billion enterprise and used it 
  to launch Benetech Initiative in 2000. 
  One December evening in 1999, when he returned from work, he found new 
  software installed in his personal computer. Upset that someone had 
  tampered with his computer, he wanted to know who had done it. His 
  14-year-old son owned up and played Jim’s favourite music using Napster 
  and Jim was hooked. “He spent a whole hour with me. That’s a miracle and 
  learnt a very cool technology,” he recalls. 
  He decided to do the same with books. “What my son did was illegal but 
  getting books to the blind is legal.” And he set up Bookshare.
  Today, Bookshare.org is the world’s largest online book library for 
  persons with disabilities. The library offers them membership at 
  subsidised rates and provides 3,000 current copyrighted books (published 
  over the last 20 years) and 4,000 public domain books, including those 
  published since 1923. All major American newspapers are also available. 
  Bookshare has fiction and non-fiction, trade books, 1,000 Spanish books, 
  700 IT books and 100 children’s books.
  Mr. Fruchterman says he wants to take the tools to people who need them 
  most. “The visually impaired in India will pay Rs.400 to sign up and read 
  books. I am meeting publishers to scan books and text books for Indian 
  readers. It is better you have a clear exemption [in copy right laws for 
  such organisations]” he points out. His company has already tied up with 
  couple of Indian publishers. 
  “Publishers have a social responsibility,” he says. “Today we are in 
  where we were in the U.S. six years ago. In a few years in India, we will 
  have 20,000 books, best sellers and educational text books.”


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[AI] MK Tata Learning Centre for Visually Challenged

2008-05-02 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Tiss, is inaugurating the MK Tata Learning Centre for Visually Challenged on 
7th May 2008 at 12 p.m.
I am pasting below a brief note prepared by our Librarian Dr. Muttayya listing 
all the details about the Centre to the M.K. Tata Trust as a jesture of 

Enabling visually challenged to access information.

The Tata Institute of Social Sciences, established in 1936, is one of the 
premier institute in the country in the field of social sciences and has been 
recognized as one of the progressive centers of learning. More than 200 faculty 
and about 600 students and research scholars are engaged in teaching and 
research activity. The institute has been viewed as the harbinger of positive 
social change and inclusive development where all are provided equal 
opportunity irrespective of status of physical disabilities, caste and gender. 
The Institute provides an inclusive environment for one all.

The Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library at TISS is a unique knowledge center, 
which offers essential, specialized information resources and personalized 
information services to its faculty and students. This library's main objective 
is developing user based resources, providing human and technologically 
moderated access to knowledge and facilitating users to identify, locate, 
evaluate and access information.

The daunting task for any library is to provide learning support to the 
visually challenged persons. Libraries have been collecting the learning 
resources essentially in the print format and now a days in electronic format. 
However, these two formats cannot be used for disseminating information to the 
visually challenged persons. When the number of visually challenged students 
increased, we saw how difficult it was for them to access the rich collection 
of resources.

However, TISS firmly believes that this obstacle can be over come by developing 
a special lab where the systems with specific speech software, scanners and 
audio accessories can make these print/ digital information sources easily 
accessible to visually challenged users also. This led to the establishment of 
M K Tata Memorial Learning Center for Visually Challenged. When we approached 
the M.K. Tata Trust with the proposal, they readily agreed for this noble cause 
and immediately sanctioned Rs. 20 lakhs needed for establishing the learning 
Centre for the Visually Challenged.
The Centre is ready and has the following infrastructure:

20 Pentium Computers with multi media, Scanners for reading all print books and 
Prisma Magnification Device for students with low vision,
•Kurzweil K1000 OCR Reading Software for reading any printed material
Zoom-Ex Instant Reader for Conversion of print material into digital format for 
creating an e-Library. A 200 page book can be converted into an e-book  in less 
than 10 minutes.
•Basic D Braille Embosser for production of Books in Braille
100 mbps LAN with access to Internet having 2 mbps bandwidth Air conditioning 
and functional comfortable furniture

I Benefits of Learning Centre for Visually Challenged:

It provides for Independent Text Reading facility. Earlier, visually impaired 
students were dependent on a volunteer to read the books. Now, the software 
will take care of this aspect. If a student want any article to be printed, he 
can do so within no time using mini Braille printer. The Talking Typing Teacher 
Pro will provide tutorials with complete guidance and practice sessions for 
learning computer skills. JAWS Pro Talking software converts a normal PC into a 
talking PC to enable a blind person to operate it comfortably.

The students and faculty are very happy about this new service of the library. 
"Everyone has a universal right to read. And for this to happen, there has to 
be some supporting system to enable one to read. With this center, I can now 
take up a good book and enter the world of unlimited possibilities", says Dr. 
A.Rambabu, a visually challenged faculty member.

This centre has fulfilled one of the long standing needs of providing an 
enabling environment for all. This centre will also be useful to the visually 
challenged persons of other colleges and institutes who may not have this 
facility. We express our gratitude to M K Tata Trust for their generous 
financial support for establishing [this learning centre for visually 

As it is mentioned by our librarian, these fascilities are not restricted to 
the Tiss students/faculty members alone. It is opened for all those who would 
like to make use of the available resources.
We are working on the procedures to accomodate the scholars from all over 
Mumbai as well as other parts of the country.
For further details: please contact me anytime.
With regards,
Mobile: 09969747312.


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[AI] Aid for visually-challenged Nalgonda-based IIT topper

2008-06-08 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
The Hindu: Front Page: 
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
  Sunday, Jun 08, 2008
 Aid for visually-challenged Nalgonda-based IIT topper 
  Special Correspondent 
  Rapolu Ratan Kumar 
  HYDERABAD: The travails of an IIT topper ended 
on Saturday when the State 
  government offered to meet the entire 
expenditure for his professional 
  education and released Rs. 40,000 towards 
tuition fee, to begin with.
  Rapolu Ratan Kumar (17) is a visually-challenged 
student from Miryalaguda 
  in Nalgonda district belonging to a backward 
community. He secured the 
  first rank in IIT-JEE 2008 in the 
physically-challenged category and plans 
  to opt for IIT Mumbai.
  A cheque for Rs. 40,000 was handed over to Ratan 
by Minister for Disabled 
  Welfare N. Rajyalakshmi in the presence of his 
parents and officials, at a 
  press conference in the Secretariat on Saturday. 
The government has 
  extended assistance on learning about Ratan’s 
plight from reports in the 
  Ratan bagged 116th rank in EAMCET and scored 935 
out of 1,000 marks in 
  Intermediate and 561 out of 600 in SSC 
  Ratan said he suffered from poor vision (50 per 
cent), a disability which 
  did not allow him to read books beyond seven 
hours a day. 
  Yet, he worked for more than 10 hours a day and 
completed SSC in Telugu 
  medium. The department’s munificent gesture had 
come like a bolt from the 
  blue, he said.
  Free coaching 
  The Minister said the parental upper income 
limit for reimbursing tuition 
  fee in case of disabled students had been raised 
from Rs. 12,000 to Rs one 
  lakh per annum. She said free coaching would be 
offered to disabled 
  students appearing for Group I & II services 
and other competitive exams. 

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[AI] When grit and determination overcame adversity

2008-06-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu

 The Hindu: Tamil Nadu/Chennai News:
Online edition of India's National Newspaper Saturday, May 31, 2008
When grit and determination overcame adversity
R.K. Radhakrishnan 
In just over a year, Kaisar picked up Tamil, learnt Braille and topped the 
A decade ago, Kaisar and her mother Meenabhai were on the streets of Chennai
A volunteer realised Meenabhai was mentally ill and ensured they reached The 
Photo: S. S. Kumar 
Kaisar Jahan (right), who scored 392 marks in SSLC examination with her friend 
CHENNAI: When a smiling Kaisar Jahan, 16, held in her hands the printout of her 
SSLC examination marks at around 9-30 a.m. on Friday, it marked the 
culmination of a long struggle that began over a decade ago.
She passed the State board Class 10 examination with 392 marks and stood 
sixth in her class at the Little Flower Convent. 
Overcoming a handicap to score high marks is fairly routine at the Convent – 
the school is meant for them – but the case of Kaisar, a juvenile 
cataract patient, was vastly different. She remembers that she belongs to 
Benaras, but spent at least a year on the Chennai streets and did not 
understand any language expect Hindi when forced into school. In what now seems 
like a distant past -- more than a decade ago -- Kaisar 
and her mother Meenabhai were on the streets of Chennai, living on food 
sympathetic pedestrians gave them. "We never begged. Whatever people gave 
us, we ate," Kaisar recalls.
The life on the streets ended on September 30, 1996, when a conscientious 
citizen, Porkodi, saw them. Ms. Porkodi, then a volunteer with The Banyan, 
a home for mentally ill destitute women, realised that Meenabhai could be 
mentally ill. Though the mother-daughter duo resisted being forced into a 
vehicle, she ensured – with help from the police – that they reached The Banyan.
The initial days at Adaikalam, The Banyan’s shelter in Mogappair, was 
traumatic, recalls Kaisar. The duo refused to be separated. "After a few 
days both madams [Vandana Gopikumar and Vaishnavi Jayakumar, founder trustees] 
took me to their office and I slowly began feeling comfortable." 
Later, when The Banyan suggested that she join school, Kaisar resisted. She 
eventually gave in under pressure. She was eight and was enrolled in 
Class 2 in 1997. 
Kaisar struggled to cope and hated school. She spoke Hindi, a language not many 
in the school understood, and was deeply suspicious of people around. 
The Convent offered school education in English and Tamil, not Hindi. "Tamil 
and Maths, I just could not figure out," Kaiser recalls. "It was 
very difficult." 
Why did she stay on? Teachers and Sister Gemma, she says. Sister A. Gemma, now 
a veteran with 37 years of teaching experience, had just begun dealing 
with blind children then. She recalls that Kaisar was bright and hence, the 
school waived all fees. 
"Gemma Sister kept on telling me I should not give up. She always was there 
when I needed her," says Kaisar. 
In just over a year, Kaisar picked up Tamil, learnt Braille and topped the 
class. Till she completed Class 10, she stayed within the first three 
ranks. Meanwhile, Sister Gemma rose to head the school and routinely pointed to 
Kaisar as an example of grit and determination overcoming 
Kaisar, who partially got back her sight after a surgery at the Sankara 
Netralaya, wants to study but thinks her sight may be a problem. No way 
she is giving up though, says Vanitha, Director, Adaikalam. "I want to do 
computers…I want to do it in English," Kaisar says, looking 
to the future with hope and anticipation.
For Sr. Gemma, it was the end of a long journey. "I am happy," she says. The 
head mistress of Little Flower Convent was in her office on Friday, 
for one last time. She retired on Friday.

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[AI] News from TISS

2008-07-07 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Warm regards!
Its been quite sometime that I came on the list. This time I have come with 
some godd news from Tiss.
This we had four visually challenged students woh joined in four different 
courses. Of course, Tiss had been admitting VC students for so many years in 
the past.
But I learnt that the intake of VC students had been very encouraging from last 
year onwards. Last year, four students joined in MSW and one joined in MA in 
Development Studies.
This the following students hagve joined the courses as follows:
Mr. G.Sridhar: Social Entrepreneurship;
Mr. Rakshit Sethi: Human Resourse Management;
Ms. Rinki Chokhani: Social Work;
Mr. Parmesh Sharma: Globalisation and Labour Studies;
Well, going by the list above, you would have now noticed that these people 
have chosen courses which are non-conventional. Tiss has started MA in many 
such new areas as Disaster Management, Media and Cultural Studies, Disability 
Studies and Action, etc. Apart from these regular MA courses, we also have MA 
in Elementary Education which is a distance education system.
Having said this, now let me clarify my intention for giving you this news. 
Well, this could be taken as both information about the courses abailable at 
Tiss and also an appeal to young friends in the list who would like to aspire 
to make a mark in new fields of studies.
Please feel free to sought for any further clarifications from me either on the 
list or off the list in my personal mail id.
With love,
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor,
Centre for the Studies of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies,
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Sion-Trombay Mainroad, Deonar,
Phone: 022-25525329.
Mobile: 09969747312. 

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[AI] disabled: born in a nation which does not care

2008-08-06 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Thank you very much Rajeshji for the complete transcription of the proceedings 
of that show which was telecasted on the CNNIBN channel on 5th august.
I'm sure that those who could have missed it due to some reasons would 
definitely benefit from your effort.
Having said this, I also add upon my personal views about that show.
The question that Ms. Sagarika Ghosh put for the SMS contest, "is disability a 
burden in India?" as I feel doesn't have any relevance to the issue that was 
discussed. In fact, Dr. Ajai Kumar very rightly referred to it and pointed out 
that what the question should have been.
My curiosity is to know about the authenticity of the result of the SMS contest 
as there's no evidence of who these respondants are and whether its a fake 
information which most tv channels produce in many reality shows.
Well, the way she anchored the show and the language she used revealed her lack 
of sensitivity to an issue of this magnitude. Don't journalists have any social 
Of course, what our George Abraham sir referred to about the mindset of people 
towards disability issues and the disabled persons is concerned are absolutely 
true and we should take responsibilities to bring in change of mindset at least 
in those who are around us.
With regards,
Dr. A. Rambabu 

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[AI] want to know about Sanjay Tondon

2008-08-21 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai All,
It was nice to know about the Sanjay tondon scholarship for the Visually 
challenged for their higher studies.
I would like to know about Sanjay Tondon. Could anyone on the list give us some 
details about him?
With regards,

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[AI] greetings on the Teachers' Day

2008-09-05 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
I wish all the members on the list who are in the teaching profession--schools 
as well as college/university, a Very Happy Teachers' Day!!
I was extremely happy and surprised to find a baloon hanging at my office door 
and the moment I entered my room, I was surrounded by few students greeting
me "Happy Teachers' Day" and presented me flowers and a very nice Card.
In fact, it was my dream right from my childhood to become a teacher.
Today, I feel that my dream has come true.
As this is the first teachers' day after I became a teacher, this day would 
remain as one of the most memorable days in my life.
I am sure that all of you would have felt the same way when you recieved 
greetings from your students too!!
Well, this also reminds me of my responsibilities and my role in the 
institution in general and in the lives of my students in particular.
With warm regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu,
Mobile: 09969747312
 Office: 022-25525329. 

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[AI] regarding translation of Satya Meva Jayate

2012-06-10 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
This is in reference to the discussion on the availability of the translation 
of Satya Meva Jayate in other languages,
It is being broadcasted in Tamil at the same time by Star Vijay TV. So, those 
who could understand/follow Tamil can watch Star Vijay.
With regards,
Dr. A.Rambabu

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[AI] Regarding Braille Convertion of books

2011-12-21 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Friends,
This is in reference to the query posted by Vinod Benjamin regarding some 
contacts of those convert books into Braille in Tamil Nadu. Here, I am pasting 
the contact details of Worth Trust, an organisation that functions in Chennai. 
They charge very reasonable price for scanning and editing the books and any 
other print materials and get you Braille print outs. They give Braille print 
outs for bothe Tamil and English.

Rcmct Worth Trust,
Rehabilitation Centre,
Girm Annex UE,
Jawaharlal Nehru Road, K.K. Nagar,
Near Ashok Pillar,
Phone: 044-24740204, 23713410;
Contact Person: Mr. N. Venkatraman: 09442592313.
Email: venkatra...@worthtrust.org.in;
Website: www.worthtrust.org.in.
Hope, this helps!
With best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu

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[AI] Fw: [jnuvision] Job for the Post of Assistant Professor in Department Of Social Work, Delhi School Of Social Work, University Of Delhi

2011-09-08 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
Its nice to get in touch with you all after a long break.
Please go through the message below and I hope that it would serve someone on 
the list.
With love and best wishes,
Dr. A.RambabuSearch for old postings at:

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[AI] Regarding TISS Admission

2011-10-09 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Accessindia Members,
I am coming on the list after a very long time. As you would have recieved the 
news of my treatment through our friend Rajesh Asudani, I did not participate 
in the discussions on our list for quite sometime.
Well, I take this opportunity to thank all those who had sent me messages of 
good wishes for my quick recovery and those who had been constantly enquiring 
about my progress.
I thought sharing with you a couple of things and hence writing now.
Firstly, most of you had asked about the nature of my sickness and the 
Well, I was suffering from a diseas called Meningioma in my Right Front 
Temporal Region which in other words, called the Cranial region--to be precise, 
the region between my right eye and right ear internally. I was diagnosed with 
this problem in 2004 and underwent a major Neuro surgery on 7th June, 2004. I 
was in the midst of my PhD programme then and I could not take up the follow up 
treatment at that point of time. However, in 2007 it was diagnosed that the 
same thing has recurred again and it was a very tiny growth and immediate 
surgery was not advisable. So, I was preparing myself for the treatment which 
would give me a complete cure.
In the meanwhile, I got the job as Assistant Professor at Tata Institute of 
Social Sciences, Mumbai by November 2007 and I was doing well in my career.
Last November, I decided to go for the treatment because by then, I have made 
all the required arrangements in terms of financial support, physical fitness 
to face the treatment and most importantly, certain insured means in case of 
any probable consequences.
I underwent the Craniotomy--the name of the Neuro surgery on 11-11-2010. This 
time the doctors insisted that I should follow it up with a Radiation Therapy 
in order to avoid its further recurrence. Luckily, the tumor was benign until 
now. However, my Neurologist and the Radiologist did not rule out the 
possibility of a malignant growth next time and hence, the RT became mandatory. 
I consulted three Radiologists in Chennai before taking the final decision. 
Here, I would like to inform you that I was very clear that whatever decision 
is made regarding my treatment, it should be made by me and I was very firm in 
my decisions.
Well, the RT was given in 30 doses and started on 27th December, 2010 and got 
over on 7th February, 2011.
Friends, I was able to bear the severe pain of Surgery; but the RT which was 
not a painful process had a heavy toll on my stamina and my face. I can't 
explain the experience in words. However, my morale and spirit never decline at 
any point of time.
Well, I rejoined my work on 17th February, and since then, I am doing well. 
This Semester I had three papers to teach and I am guiding two M.A. students 
for writing their Research Projects.
By the way, I am writing all my experiences mainly because a number of our 
listers wanted the nature of my problem.
By the way, coming to the subject line:
Our institute has called for the applications for the Masters Programme for the 
year 2012-2014. This time TISS is asking the applicants to apply online.
I am listing the M.A. programmes available  in TISS:
School of Social Work: MA in Social Work, MA in Disability Studies and Action;
School of Social Sciences:
Development Studies,
Women Studies, Counselling,
School of Management and Labour Studies:
Human Resources Management,
Social Entrepreneurship,
Globalisation and Labour Studies
Apart from these, you can apply for MA programmes in Media and Cultural 
Studies, Disaster Management, Health Administration, Hospital Administration 
Well, please go to the website at www.tiss.edu where you would find a link for 
MA programme 2012-2014 and read the instructions carefully. You can download 
the instruction brochure and the model question papers also.
You should scan all the required certificates and upload them while filling in 
the application online.
It would be advisable if you could take a print out of the details that you had 
filled in and keep a copy for your reference.
If you need any further details regarding this, please contact me at:
rambabu_...@yahoo.com.with love and best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu

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Re: [AI] Regarding TISS Admission

2011-10-12 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Hai Ramesh,
What was your query regarding TISS Admission on Accessindia List? There was 
nothing in the Message box.
Best Wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu

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[AI] A Reader for the Visually Impaired

2011-12-01 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I came across this very interesting information in the recent CBR Newsletter 
which I am pasting below. Could anyone throw some light on it?

A reader for the visually impaired

The Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO), Chandigarh, has 
designed a reading machine for the visually impaired that will help them read 
books, letters, magazines and other documents that are not in Braille without 
the help of a third person.


With best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu

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[AI] TISS Conducts CET in Braille

2012-11-08 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Accessindians,
I am coming online after a long time. But this time I am coming out with some 
interesting piece of info with regard to the CET--Common Entrance Test to be 
conducted by our institute--Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
As you all would be aware that TISS conducts a All India level CET to select 
its new students every year.
This year we are conducting the CET through online. The CET is scheduled on 13 
January, 2013.
Please go through the TISS website at www.tiss.edu and look at the details of 
the Admision Process for the M.A. Programmes for the Academic year 2013-15.
You are expected to fill in the Application form online. Please follow the 
steps carefully and choose your options and fill up the form Its a very easy 
procedure and each stage provides you very clear guidance for filling the form. 
Once you are done with the form you are expected to download the details and 
take print out of the same.
The last date for submission of the form is 17 November 2012.

TISS would conduct an Orientation Programme for students from the marginalised 
sections of the society by the second week of December.

Now, here's the most interesting part of the whole procedure.
As I had mentioned that TISS is conducting the CET online, there is a choice 
for written mode and the candidates have to specify that in the Application 
As for the Candidates with Visual Impairment is concerned, we are providing the 
Question Paper in Braille and the candidates have to ask their writers to just 
tick the right option.
At the same time, we also acknowledge the fact that every one may not be 
comfortable with Braille as there are persons with VI who would not have the 
opportunity to learn Braille. Hence, we are allowing them to take the Writer's 
In order to identify the candidates who need Braille Question Sheets, our 
Administrative Staff would contact the VI candidates personally over their 
contact numbers and find out their need and make the arrangements accordingly.
So please make use of this opportunity and do well in the CET.
The selected candidates would have to appear for Group Discussion and Personal 
Interview in the 3rd week of March.
For any further query you may feel free to contact me on my email off the group 
and call me at 09444310134. As I am in Chennai now I am using this number until 
19 November.

With best wishes,

Dr. A.Rambabu,
Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive 
Member, Special Standing Committee,
Social Protection Office,
TISS, Mumbai

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[AI] Fw: Victory: Railway Safety

2013-04-12 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I am forwarding you this message with immense joy and sense of pride.
In fact, one of the Petitioners Mr. Atul Jaiswal was our student in TISS(M.A. 
in Disability Studies and Action 2009-2011 batch).
I am proud that I have been teaching  the course titled 'Human Rights, Social 
Policy and Law' (along with Prof. Vidya Rao) to the students of DSA since 2009.
What Atul has done in this case is something that makes our course meaningful.
With best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu
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Re: [AI] Victory: Railway Safety

2013-04-12 Thread rambabu adikesavalu
Dear Friends,
I am sorry for sending you this message second time. I am surprised that in my 
earlier mail the message that I was forwarding was totally missing.
I know that our list does not accept any attachments; but it was a FWD message 
and not an attachment.
Any way, I have copied the full text of the earlier mail and pasted below:
Dear Friends,
I am forwarding you this message with immense joy and sense of pride.
In fact,?one of the Petitioners Mr. Atul Jaiswal was?our student in TISS(M.A. 
in Disability Studies and Action 2009-2011 batch).
I am proud that I have been teaching ?the course titled 'Human Rights, Social 
Policy and Law' (along with Prof. Vidya Rao) to the students of DSA since 2009.
What Atul has done in this case is something that makes?our course meaningful.
With best wishes,
Dr. A.Rambabu

Victory: Railway Safety
Friday, April 12, 2013 9:58 AM
From: "Tamseel Hussain" 
To: rambabu_...@yahoo.com
Create the change you want to see around you.
Dear Rambabu,
Four months ago, Atul and Amol started a petition on
Change.org asking the General Manager, Central Railways to build a foot-over 
bridge at Vanghani station (near Mumbai) to
help 350 visually impaired residents cross the railway tracks safely.
After mobilising thousands of people, hundreds of phone calls
and multiple meetings with the Central Railways, they won!
6273 people like you signed their petition, putting pressure
on the Central Railway authorities. The bridge will now help thousands of 
people to safely cross the Railway tracks -
reducing accidents and deaths in the area.
Here's how they won:
1) Amol and Atul delivered more than 6000 signatures to the GM
of Central Railways. They, along with the visually impaired community members 
of Vanghani, also screened a film they had
made on the issue.
2) Hundreds of petition signers like you called Central
Railways and put pressure on them to build the foot-over bridge.
3) On 18th March 2013, the Chief Engineer and Assistant GM
convened a meeting and took a decision to build the foot-over
bridge at Vanghani in May 2013.
With great enthusiasm, Atul and Amol along with Video
Volunteers will keep a close eye on the construction of this bridge and will 
keep you posted here.
Together, 6273 people forced Central Railways to build a foot-over bridge in 
Vanghani, and created the change they
wanted to see.
You too can start your own petition and create positive change
in India.
Thanks for being awesome,
Tamseel and the Change.org team
PS: Start your own petition on Change.org by clicking here.
This email was sent by Change.org to rambabu_...@yahoo.com
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