DIS: Agora XX: proposals 324-325

2013-06-22 Thread Fool

Here I number and repeat two new proposals:

324 (Chuck):

I propose that rule 110 be transmuted to mutable.

325 (Chuck):

I propose the following rule be created:

If at any time four or more Voters have identical non-zero scores,
the Speaker wins the game.

Voting closes in 24 hours.

Re: DIS: Agora XX: CFJ

2013-06-22 Thread Fool

On 22/06/2013 9:09 AM, Chuck Carroll wrote:

I invoke Judgement on the following statement:

The “proposals” numbered 312, 313, 318, 319, and 320 are not proposed
rule changes, and will have no effect if adopted, regardless of the
adoption of other currently existing proposals.

Reasoning: they propose to amend (currently) immutable rules. This is
not one of the types of rule changes listed in rule 105. It is true that
there are proposals to transmute those rules which precede the
respective amendment of the rule, but at the moment the “proposals” were
made the rules they claim to amend were immutable.


By rule 214 I must select myself Judge, and by rule 215 I have 24 hours.

DIS: Agora XX: my turn to CFJ (Judge: FSX)

2013-06-22 Thread Fool
I call for judgement on the validity of proposal 322. See rule 105. 322 
contains a conditional:

322 (Walker):

- If the Rule initially numbered 106 is mutable, amend Rule 210 to
read ...

This isn't like the rule formerly numbered 211 which isn't a condition 
but a way to refer to a rule.

By rule 214 I must randomly pick one of the 11 Voters... and my 11-sided 
die comes up FSX. You have 24 hours.


Re: DIS: Agora XX: Proposal

2013-06-22 Thread Fool

On 22/06/2013 10:01 AM, Chuck Carroll wrote:

I propose the following rule be created:

If at any time four or more Voters have identical non-zero scores, the
Speaker wins the game.


This has an interesting interaction with 306... you (among others) could 
make me win by announcement.

(Assuming 112 is transmuted and amended)

Re: DIS: It's impermissible

2013-06-21 Thread Fool
Voting on 306 and 307 has closed. 308 and 309 still open for 12 hours. 
Here I just number and repeat the new proposal. Voting on it closes in 
24 hours. Full report shortly.


310 (Walker):
 I propose that Rule 114 be made mutable.

DIS: Agora XX: 5th report

2013-06-21 Thread Fool

Good day Agorans,

  Since last report, proposals 305 and 306 were adopted, and 307 
failed. This adds two new mutable rules. 305 forbids bribery, and 306 
allows points to be transfered by announcement. The current ruleset is 
included at the end of this message.

The passage of 305 (Chuck) was 2:1 with Chuck and Yally FOR, Walker 
AGAINST. (omd PRESENT, but this does nothing, not even for quorum.) By 
rule 302, Chuck gets 10 points and Walker 2.

The passage of 306 (omd) was 2:0 with omd and Walker FOR. By rule 302, 
omd gets 10 points.

Proposal 307 (omd) failed 1:1 with omd FOR and Walker AGAINST.

Michael Norrish registered. The peer pressure was too much for scshunt, 
who also registered. Quorum is still 2 by rule 201. The eight Voters and 
their scores are:

The Voters and their scores are:
  omd, 54 points
  FSX, 0 points
  Walker, 42 points
  Chuck, 48 points
  ehird, 30 points
  Yally, 0 points.
  Michael, 0 points.
  scshunt, 0 points.

Then there's me, I am Speaker, I have no points.

There are 3 new proposals, quoted in separate messages. Voting on 308 
and 309 is still open for about 12 hours, and 310 for about 24 hours. 
Cast your ballots!

 Daniel Mehkeri


Rule 101 (Immutable)

 All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect,
in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the
Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game.

The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and
201-219 (mutable).

Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 102 (Immutable)

 Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted
(that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may
be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules
in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

Initial Immutable Rule 102, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 103 (Immutable)

 At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker;
no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any
time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term player in the rules
shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.

Initial Immutable Rule 103, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 104 (Immutable)

 The Speaker for the Vigintennial game shall be Daniel Méhkeri.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 105 (Immutable)

 A rule change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal,
or amendment of a mutable rule; or (2) the transmutation
of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new
rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable,
may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are
mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be
transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

Initial Immutable Rule 105, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 106 (Immutable)

 All rule changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on.
They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number
of votes and quorum is achieved.

Initial Immutable Rule 106, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 107 (Immutable)

 Any proposed rule change must be posted to the mailing list
designated by the Speaker for this purpose. If adopted, it must
guide play in the form in which it was voted on.

Initial Immutable Rule 107, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 108 (Immutable)

 No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the
completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording
explicitly states otherwise. No rule change may have retroactive

Initial Immutable Rule 108, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 109 (Immutable)

 The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change a number for
reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change
proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive
integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the
proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it
receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it.

Initial Immutable Rule 109, Jun. 30 1993

Re: DIS: XX registration

2013-06-21 Thread Fool

On 21/06/2013 1:32 AM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 9:24 PM, Michael Norrish
michael.norr...@nicta.com.au  wrote:

I register for the Agora XX game.


Now I feel like there was no reason to modify Rule 104.

I know eh! Should we be taking bets on Peter Suber showing up??

Re: DIS: It's impermissible

2013-06-21 Thread Fool

On 21/06/2013 9:38 AM, omd wrote:

On Friday, June 21, 2013, Fool wrote:

Here I just number and repeat the new proposal.

May I request that you always start a new thread for such numberings so
that it's harder for proposals to get lost in the confusion?


I will. Sorry about that folks.

DIS: Agora XX: 308 fails, 309 passes

2013-06-21 Thread Fool

Voting on these two are closed.

308 fails 3:2 (Chuck, omd, and scshunt FOR; Walker and Michael AGAINST. 
It was a transmutation.)

309 passes 3:1 (Chuck, omd, and Michael FOR; scshunt AGAINST.)
This amends rule 206:
 I propose that Rule 206 be amended to read:

 Initially, each Voter has exactly one vote on each proposal. During
 the voting period on a proposal, a player with more than 50 points
 may cast an additional vote on that proposal by making a statement
 to that effect on the mailing list; this destroys 50 of the player's

 The Speaker may not vote.

Rule 302 gives Walker 10 points and scshunt 2 points.

310 open for about 10 hours. 4 new proposals will be distributed shortly.


DIS: Agora XX: 2 CFJs

2013-06-21 Thread Fool

scshunt invokes judgement on two statements:

 I invoke judgement on whether Rule 304 had the power to repeal itself
 without that rule change being voted on. I think that all rule changes
 must be voted on and cannot occur automatically.


 I invoke judgement on whether or not Goethe's transfers succeeded.

By rule 214, I must select myself as Judge for both.

Gratuitous (omd):

 IMHO, only a moron in a hurry would interpret the wording as having
 either bug.

I am, in fact, kind of in a hurry. So I will not deliver a legal 
judgement on either now. By rule 215, I have 24 hours.


DIS: Agora XX: Proposals 306-307

2013-06-20 Thread Fool

I'll send a report out shortly. Here I'm numbering and repeating the two 
new proposals. As always you can vote by just replying to this message, 
privately if you like.

Voting on these closes in 24h.


306 (omd):

I propose that a rule be enacted as follows:

A player may transfer points to another player by posting to that
effect on the mailing list.

307 (omd):

I further propose that Rule 112 be made mutable.

DIS: Agora XX: 4th report

2013-06-20 Thread Fool

Good day Agorans,

  Since last report, proposals 301, 302, and 304 were adopted, while 
303 failed. The overall change to the ruleset is just that 211 is 
amended, now 302. The current ruleset is included at the end of this 

There are three new proposals. Voting on 305 closes in about 14 hours, 
and voting on 306 and 307 in about 24 hours.

After 307 was proposed, Yally registered. This makes six Voters, so, by 
201, quorum is 2 going forward.

The Voters and their scores are:
  omd, 44 points
  FSX, 0 points
  Walker, 40 points
  Chuck, 38 points
  ehird, 30 points
  Yally, 0 points.

Then there's me, I am Speaker, I have no points.

Upon closure of the vote for proposals 301-304, the following happened:

* Proposal 301, by Chuck, passes 3:1. Chuck, Walker, and ehird voted 
FOR; omd voted AGAINST.

* 301 amends 211.

* By 301, Chuck gets a random number of points between 1 and 10 for a 
successful proposal. By 218, I'm the one who's supposed to run the 
random number generator, so I did. It came up 6.

* By 301, omd gets 2 points for opposing a successful proposal.

* Proposal 302, by Walker, passes 3:2. FSX, Walker, and ehird voted FOR; 
omd and Chuck voted AGAINST.

* 302 amends 301.

* By 302, Walker gets 10 points for a successful proposal.

* By 302, omd and Chuck each get 2 points for opposing a successful 

* Proposal 303, by Chuck, fails 4:1. FSX, Walker, Chuck, and ehird voted 
FOR; omd voted AGAINST. By rule 110, this required unanimous consent.

* Proposal 304, by omd, passes 4:0. omd, Walker, Chuck, and ehird voted FOR.

* By 302, omd gets 10 points for a successful proposal.

* By 304, omd, Walker, Chuck, and ehird each get 30 points for 
supporting 304.

* 304 repeals itself.

 Daniel Mehkeri


Rule 101 (Immutable)

 All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect,
in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the
Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game.

The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and
201-219 (mutable).

Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 102 (Immutable)

 Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted
(that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may
be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules
in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

Initial Immutable Rule 102, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 103 (Immutable)

 At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker;
no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any
time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term player in the rules
shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.

Initial Immutable Rule 103, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 104 (Immutable)

 The Speaker for the Vigintennial game shall be Daniel Méhkeri.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 105 (Immutable)

 A rule change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal,
or amendment of a mutable rule; or (2) the transmutation
of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new
rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable,
may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are
mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be
transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

Initial Immutable Rule 105, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 106 (Immutable)

 All rule changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on.
They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number
of votes and quorum is achieved.

Initial Immutable Rule 106, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 107 (Immutable)

 Any proposed rule change must be posted to the mailing list
designated by the Speaker for this purpose. If adopted, it must
guide play in the form in which it was voted on.

Initial Immutable Rule 107, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 108 (Immutable)

 No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the
completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording
explicitly states otherwise. No rule change may have retroactive

Initial Immutable Rule 108, Jun. 30 1993

DIS: Agora XX: proposals 308 and 309

2013-06-20 Thread Fool

Voting on 305 closes in about an hour. 306 and 307 close in about 11 
hours. Here I'm just numbering and repeating the two new proposals. As 
always you can vote by just replying to this message, privately if you like.

Voting on these closes in 24h.


308 (Chuck):

I propose that Rule 110 be transmuted to mutable.

309 (Walker):

I propose that Rule 206 be amended to read:

Initially, each Voter has exactly one vote on each proposal. During
the voting period on a proposal, a player with more than 50 points
may cast an additional vote on that proposal by making a statement to
that effect on the mailing list; this destroys 50 of the player's

The Speaker may not vote.

DIS: Agora XX: Proposal 305 passes

2013-06-20 Thread Fool

Voting is closed on this. It passes 2:1 (Chuck,Yally vs Walker). This 
enacts rule 305. Chuck +10 and Walker +2 by rule 302. Full report in 
about 10 hours.

Voting on 306-309 is still open. Vote early, vote often!

305 (Chuck):

I propose that the following rule be created:

No rule may award or penalize players based on their votes on proposals
whose voting period ended before or at the same time as the time at which
the current form of said rule took effect.

DIS: Agora XX: 3rd report

2013-06-19 Thread Fool

Good day Agorans,

  Since last report there were four proposals, and two new 
registrations, Chuck and ehird. The rules have not yet been changed.

The four proposals were numbered 301-304 and voting closes in about 13 
hours. The five Voters now are omd, FSX, Walker, Chuck, and ehird. Then 
there's me, I am Speaker. None of us have any points yet.

The latest Voter, ehird, also observed that he was tired, and wished us 
a nice day. He then went on to made a bold claim that his observation 
does not count as an action, though he refused to comment on whether 
wishing us a nice day counts as an action, or whether making the claim 
that something does not count as an action itself counts as an action. 
See our Opinions  Editorials section for more insights.

 Daniel Mehkeri

DIS: Agora XX: Proposals 301, 302, 304 pass. 303 fails.

2013-06-19 Thread Fool


  Voting is closed on these. Full report in about 10 hours, but the 
following happens:

301 (by Chuck) passes (FOR: Chuck,Walker,ehird; AGAINST: omd)
 - 301 amends 211.
 - Chuck +(random 1-10 6) and omd +2 by 301.
302 (by Walker) passes (FOR: FSX,Walker,ehird; AGAINST: omd,Chuck)
 - 302 amends 301.
 - Walker +10, omd +2, and Chuck +2 by 302.
303 (by Chuck, TRANSMUTATION) fails (FOR: FSX,Walker,ehird,Chuck; 

304 (by omd) passes (FOR: Walker,ehird,Chuck,omd)
 - new rule
 - omd +10 by 302. Walker,ehird,Chuck,omd +30 by 304.
 - 304 repeals itself.


DIS: Agora XX: Proposal 305

2013-06-19 Thread Fool

Hello all,

Here I'll only number and repeat the one proposal made that hasn't yet 
been numbered. You can vote by just replying to this message, privately 
if you like.

Voting on this closes in 24h.


305 (Chuck):

I propose that the following rule be created:

No rule may award or penalize players based on their votes on proposals
whose voting period ended before or at the same time as the time at which
the current form of said rule took effect.

DIS: Winning vs. stopping others from winning

2013-06-19 Thread Fool

On 19/06/2013 6:14 PM, omd wrote:

I don't care about winning, at least the way wins usually work in
Agora ...

(as opposed to wins such as paradoxes which somewhat cheapen the
whole concept)

Hey! Aren't you about to win by CFJ 3334?

But I'm glad to hear people's thoughts on this topic.

Now, usually to win it is necessary to stop others from winning. Around 
here the two things are often unrelated. Win by paradox seems like a 
perfect example, it looks like it basically does nothing, so this 
doesn't affect anyone else's chances of winning in the slightest. To 
what extent do people try to stop others from winning?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [CotC] CFJ 3337 judged FALSE by G.

2013-06-19 Thread Fool

On 19/06/2013 4:43 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I think instead of kudos, we should start awarding dope slaps.

Or maybe give the Herald a rubber chicken.

Maybe you need a sort of anti-Herald to hand out this kind of 
anti-award. I dunno, some sort of Fool perhaps.

DIS: Fwd: Agora XX: 1st report: Vigintennial Blitz game begins

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

For the benefit of anyone subscribed only to agora-discussion,
I am reposting the 1st report here.

I did originally designate agora-business for this game, but
I do now designate agora-discussion.


 Original Message 
Subject: Agora XX: 1st report: Vigintennial Blitz game begins
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:19:36 -0400
From: Fool fool1...@gmail.com
To: agora-busin...@agoranomic.org

Greetings Agorans,

  I have appointed myself to the Speakership of Agora's Vigintennial
Blitz game (AKA Agora XX). I commit to you all that I shall make
myself availble for the duties of Speaker at around 11:00 UTC every
day, from the 18th to the 29th.

This is the first report, containing the Initial Set of rules.

It is Agora's Initial Set almost verbatim. Periods are accelerated to
24 hours. The game starts right away and ends on the Vigintennial.

To further expedite things, all actions other than votes are posted
directly to the mailing list, rather than distributed by the Speaker,
since only voting was explicitly secret in the Initial Set (rule 207).
Votes are to be emailed privately to the Speaker.

I resisted the temptation to make any other changes.

The other thing this report contains (rule 218) is the list of players
and their scores: I am the only player, I am the Speaker, I have no

The Initial Set does not specify how players join. Rule 116 implies
this is unregulated. I hold that anyone can join by announcement.

I designate the agora-business mailing list for playing this game
(rule 107). If this causes annoyance to the non-players we can move.

I see no reason to let this get bogged down... we may as well begin
directly Proposals for new rules are invited.
  -- First Speaker Michael Norrish,
 June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200,
 as quoted in Agora's rule 1727.

May the best Nomician win,
 Daniel Méhkeri.

The Initial Set for this game follows. The list of deviations from
Agora's Initial Set are:

  - Rule 104: In the absence of Michael Norrish, I am the Speaker
  - Rule 107: proposals posted directly to the mailing list
  - Rule 112: the game ends at the exact moment of Agora's Vigintennial
  - Rule 203 omitted: see rule 112.
  - Rule 204: proposals posted directly to the mailing list,
  Speaker has 24 hours to assign it a number
  - Rule 205: voting period is 24 hours from its number assignment,
  however players can also vote before number assignment.
  - Rule 213: CFJs posted directly to the mailing list,
  Speaker has 24 hours to select a Judge
  - Rule 215: Judge has 24 hours to deliver a verdict,
  verdict posted directly to the mailing list
  - Rule 216: reasoning, if any, posted directly to the mailing list.


Rule 101 (Immutable)

 All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect,
in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the
Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game.

The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and
201-219 (mutable).

Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 102 (Immutable)

 Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted
(that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may
be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules
in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

Initial Immutable Rule 102, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 103 (Immutable)

 At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker;
no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any
time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term player in the rules
shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.

Initial Immutable Rule 103, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 104 (Immutable)

 The Speaker for the Vigintennial game shall be Daniel Méhkeri.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 105 (Immutable)

 A rule change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal,
or amendment of a mutable rule; or (2) the transmutation
of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new
rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable,
may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are
mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be
transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

Initial Immutable Rule 105, Jun. 30 1993

DIS: Agora XX: 2nd report

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

Good day Agorans,

  This time of day (around 11:00 UTC) will be my usual reporting time. 
There's not much to report today. There have been no proposals. The 
ruleset is unchanged, I will not repeat it.

There are three new Voters: omd, Flameshadowxeroshin, and Walker joined, 
in that order, bringing the Voter count to, well, three. Plus there's 
me, and I am Speaker. We all have zero points.

There was one CFJ, which will be replied to separately. Impressively, at 
the time it was raised, there was only one Voter, and yet there still 
managed to be disagreement.

-Dan Mehkeri

DIS: Re: BUS: Agora XX: 1st report: Vigintennial Blitz game begins

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

On 17/06/2013 9:06 PM, omd wrote:

Vigintennial Blitz CFJ: If a proposal purports to reward or penalize
voters based on the votes they cast on that proposal, or based on any
other action taken / not taken by any player prior to the end of the
voting period on that proposal, then that proposal will, if passed, be
in conflict with rule 108.

Arguments: Why would it?

I announce that, by rule 214, I am the Judge.

I deliver my judgement: FALSE
(ie. that would NOT conflict with 108).

Now agora.qoid.us doesn't work for me, but this does:


 Michael, 001:

This does not forbid Rules to be explicitly dependent on
circumstances before they are enacted, for example the vote on the
Proposal that created the Rule.

I concur with Michael. Merely depending on history, without attempting 
to re-write it, does not violate 108.

Now 001 seems to indicate the very first CFJ from 20 years ago was 
about this, and I take it that omd was aware of this when he raised this 
current CFJ. Nice!


Re: DIS: Count me in

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

On 18/06/2013 4:46 AM, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:

 From only having Watched with half an ear,

and Listened with one eye,

how does Agora XX work and which list would I have to be on to play
it? I've gathered it's a speed Agora, right?

Yup, speed Agora, this list, and I reposted the 1st report so hopefully 
that's all clear now.

I miss half the conversation of pretty much everything.

- ...
- Okay, will do.
- ...
- No, we have no mustard.
- ...
- Well, I don't know about THAT. I mean, where are we going to find a 
pair of pants that big?

Re: DIS: Agora XX: Registration

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

On 18/06/2013 7:58 AM, Chuck Carroll wrote:

I join Agora XX.


Well, hog tie me to a TTY and set my wizard bit, look who's here!


DIS: Agora XX proposals 301-304

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

Hello all,

A report in about 11h. Here I'll only number and repeat the proposals 
made so far, so that you can vote by just replying to this message. You 
can vote privately, as omd reminds you.

Voting on these four closes in 24h.


301 (Chuck):
 I propose that Rule 211 be amended to read:

 “Voters who voted against proposals which are adopted receive 2 points
 apiece. Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive a random
 number of points in the range 1-10 inclusive.”

302 (Walker):

 I propose that the Rule initially numbered 211 be amended by replacing
 a random number of points in the range 1-10 inclusive with 10 points.

303 (Chuck):
 I propose that Rule 110 be transmuted to mutable.

304 (omd):
 I propose that a rule be enacted to read:

 Upon the enactment of this rule, each player who voted for it shall
 receive 30 points, and each player who voted against shall lose the 10
 points they gained for voting against; then this rule is immediately

DIS: RETRY Agora XX proposals 301-304

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

Retrying with a reply-to header so that you'll reply to me by default.

 Original Message 
Subject: Agora XX proposals 301-304
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:28:19 -0400
From: Fool fool1...@gmail.com
To: agora-discussion@agoranomic.org

Hello all,

A report in about 11h. Here I'll only number and repeat the proposals
made so far, so that you can vote by just replying to this message. You
can vote privately, as omd reminds you.

Voting on these four closes in 24h.


301 (Chuck):

I propose that Rule 211 be amended to read:

“Voters who voted against proposals which are adopted receive 2 points
apiece. Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive a random
number of points in the range 1-10 inclusive.”

302 (Walker):

I propose that the Rule initially numbered 211 be amended by replacing
a random number of points in the range 1-10 inclusive with 10 points.

303 (Chuck):

I propose that Rule 110 be transmuted to mutable.

304 (omd):

I propose that a rule be enacted to read:

Upon the enactment of this rule, each player who voted for it shall
receive 30 points, and each player who voted against shall lose the 10
points they gained for voting against; then this rule is immediately

DIS: Proposal 7476

2013-06-18 Thread Fool

Proposal 7476 (AI=2, PF=Y0, Ordinary, Disinterested) by scshunt

Amend Rule 879 to read Quorum on an Agoran Decision is the greater
of one-third the number of active players and 5.

The rule used to be eligible voters with a positive voting limit on 
that decision rather than active players, might that not matter?

Also, what if there are fewer than 5 eligible voters? The rule used to 
have a clause about that.

ALL ABOARD Re: DIS: On Agora's Vigintennial

2013-06-17 Thread Fool

1. An accelerated game of Nomic, starting from Agora's initial
ruleset (possibly slightly modified if necessary), but made so that
timelimits are extremely short. The game would have an immutable rule
ending it within a week if it hadn't already, the winner being the
player with the most points. Hopefully we would start this game one
week before the vigintennial, with the winner being crowned on July

Well, my own experience with PBM suggests that anything faster than 24 
hour cycles will really make continuous participation difficult for most 
people. Unless, that is, you go all the way to a live game, held in a 
single sitting (several hours from beginning to end, on IRC or 

Now, I myself, having been recently handed a mildly humiliating defeat 
in another PBM game, and having had yet another one put on hold for a 
bit, find that I can commit a regular timeslot every day until the end 
of the month, as would behoove, say, the Speaker of a 24h game.

So, given that time is ticking and that nobody is jumping on this, I'm 
going to proceed in the spirit of the quote in R1727: I'm starting a 24h 
game on agora-business imminently.

Once the game is over, if it pleases Agora, the Herald can award the 
winner a Patent Title or whatever is felt appropriate. Or, if there was 
not sufficient interest, or the game was in some other way unworthy of 
Agora's recognition, then it can simply be ignored (and if our presence 
on agora-business annoys the non-players, we can move).

All aboard!

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Agora XX: 1st report: Vigintennial Blitz game begins

2013-06-17 Thread Fool

On 17/06/2013 8:21 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Foolfool1...@gmail.com  wrote:

I designate the agora-business mailing list for playing this game
(rule 107). If this causes annoyance to the non-players we can move.

Please. Anywhere but a public forum.


Meaning you'd actually prefer it on agora-discussion? It seems to me the 
discussion forum is busier, but I defer to you guys.

Or if you meant not on agoranomic.org at all, I'll GTFO :)


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Agora XX: 1st report: Vigintennial Blitz game begins

2013-06-17 Thread Fool

On 17/06/2013 8:29 PM, Sean Hunt wrote:

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Foolfool1...@gmail.com  wrote:

Meaning you'd actually prefer it on agora-discussion? It seems to me the
discussion forum is busier, but I defer to you guys.

Or if you meant not on agoranomic.org at all, I'll GTFO :)


I'd rather a DF than a PF because if you choose a PF, that means that
for a few weeks every action will need to be prefixed with which nomic
it's referring to.


But a non-Agora forum would be better (or perhaps change a backup
list to a DF).


Well, as I understand the registrar can flip a list to DF without 
objection which as I understand requires several days. The game would 
be half way done by then, no? How about agora-discussion immediately, 
move off if there are more objectors.


DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-14 Thread Fool

Kerim Aydin, Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:58:26 -0700 :

For that matter, is the card paradox still compelling? I had a look at the
current ruleset and I'd guess that nowadays the card paradox would be
resolved by R1030 (In a conflict between rules...) or R2240 (In a
conflict between clauses of the same rule...)


In terms of compelling, I think that just depends on the mood of
the current body of players.

Well, really I meant, would it still force action from a body of 
players, even if they were inclined NOT to care about these things. Like 
it did 8 years ago.

 paradoxes and allowing platonic states of indeterminate or infinite


(time-travelly paradoxy sci-fi smeg --Red Dwarf)

And now my head hurts, serves me right.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-13 Thread Fool

Kerim Aydin, Wed, 12 Jun 2013 07:37:53 -0700 :

Some history:

From 2002 (when I started) to 2005 no one thought about paradoxes at all in
this sense.  Paradoxical CFJ statements were simply DISMISSED as meaningless.
I think the aforementioned lawyer had a hand in creating this system (before
my time).  R2358 didn't exist.

In 2005, we were playing cards.  As a defense card, one card had retroactive
application (it could cancel any recent play).  It was used to cancel out the
play that led to it being obtained to play.  It was done because it could be,
and hadn't been done, and because the original Nomic rules said that creating
a paradox ended the game.  We didn't know what to do: until a proposal papered
over the problem, I (the recordkeepor for cards) tracked to separates states
of the game (where the card had been played and where it hadn't).  Someone
suggested we just had to start Agora II.

Players thought it was cool enough (in that particular instance, where it was
a really clear retroactive application) to add it as a win condition.  That led
to lots lots more purely verbal attempts to win this way (e.g. CFJing on
this statement is false etc.) and the rule was constantly tweaked.


The current case isn't really the same sort of win attempt, IMO.  I think
it's just re-discovering (or re-interpreting according to current Agoran
rules and play) the original legal conundrum that led Suber to invent Nomic.

Probably worth doing that once in an Agoran generation or so!

That's pretty neat to get a historical perspective like that, thanks, 
G., for posting this.

 If R2358 were repealed it would probably cut back on such things

Well, yeah, based on what you're saying, it seems it took years for a 
paradox to come up that actually bothered anyone.

For that matter, is the card paradox still compelling? I had a look at 
the current ruleset and I'd guess that nowadays the card paradox would 
be resolved by R1030 (In a conflict between rules...) or R2240 (In a 
conflict between clauses of the same rule...)

 but not eliminate the possibility of logical paradoxes cropping up
 (impossible to do that in a self-referential algorithmic system).

Impossible to do that? I dunno. Of course, the entire ruleset can be 
replaced. If no rule is permanent, then you can't eliminate any 
possibility. And if any rule did become permanent, then you could say 
it's not Nomic anymore. But aside from that, I'd bet that you could 
eliminate paradoxes.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-13 Thread Fool

omd, Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:35:23 -0700 :
 Precedence between rules (though not clauses) was largely the same in
 2005 as it is now; the wording of the card paradox is that card shall
 be deemed to have not been played, which is not really a rule
 conflict, though it could arguably be interpreted as one.

I guess you mean that card shall be deemed to have not been played or 
other retroactive cancellation need not be considered a conflict with 
the rule enabling the action being cancelled?

What I really meant was something more along the lines that if two rules 
or clauses jointly are inconsistent (while each without the other is 
consistent) then they are in conflict. One would just overrule the 
other. And if they are not jointly inconsistent, what's the problem exactly?

I guess this is wrong? I checked the ruleset to see if conflict had a 
definition, it isn't there.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-12 Thread Fool

Is this (and a bunch of other CFJs on the topic of paradoxes) all about rule
2358? Why not just change that?

Although Rule 2358 mostly depends on the traditional interpretation of
paradoxes as causing fundamental logical indeterminacy, and might have
to be changed if this CFJ finds otherwise, paradoxes don't depend on
Rule 2358.

In the spirit of absurd literalism I point out that my question asked 
about certain CFJs and not directly about paradoxes :)

Paradoxes don't arise spontaneously, nor do they CFJ themselves. 
Conversely, the most recent CFJ doesn't refer to any alleged paradox in 
the ruleset or associated gamestate. These all involve player actions, 
and presumably players have reasons.


DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-11 Thread Fool

Lawyers and logicians also have different concepts of solving a

Just wondering, is anyone here a lawyer? I mean, by profession, not in 
any allegorical sense.

(anyone except Ienpw III, who didn't see me.)

-Dan Mehkeri

DIS: Re: BUS: May as well try to settle this, I think

2013-06-11 Thread Fool
Is this (and a bunch of other CFJs on the topic of paradoxes) all about 
rule 2358? Why not just change that?


DIS: Re: Star Chamber

2013-05-27 Thread Fool

E can also send scrambled codebooks to one or more participants. This would
be detected by the victims after the fact, but they could not prove it.

This was indeed a serious problem with the original version, which I
should have realized immediately, but the version up for vote has
fixed it, as the initiator now publishes a hash for each voter which e
can opt to verify immediately.

Oh, I see, yes you're right. In fact I hadn't even noticed it was 
already up for vote.


DIS: Re: Star Chamber

2013-05-26 Thread Fool

Ah, trying to use crypto to do simultaneous moves.

Simultaneous votes on some things can be way more interesting, for 
instance in prisoner's dilemma type situations. Otherwise the 
advantage goes to whoever's checking the mailing list closest to the


Now, am I mistaken that the initiator is also a participant? If so it 
seems you've effectively made em a biased manager. Nothing prevents em 
and eir allies from watching the turn while it's in progress, and it 
would not be detected.

E can also send scrambled codebooks to one or more participants. This 
would be detected by the victims after the fact, but they could not 
prove it.

A non-crypto alternative is to use a delayed mail service like 
timecave.com. But best, I think, is just to use a neutral manager.


Re: BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Ambassador-at-Large] News from Foreign Nations

2013-05-19 Thread Fool

On 15 May 2013 15:14, Jonathan Rouillardjonathan.rouill...@gmail.com

 However, marking it as abandoned doesn't feel right - the players
 didn't abandon the game, it just ended properly.

So, ended properly was a possibility not hitherto contemplated by Agora?

Another possibility probably not contemplated by that rule is 
constitutional isolation. I don't know if neutral really fits. for 
example, the new game of Diplonomic I am forming at 

It has most of the same players from Omnomnomic, but there is no ruleset 

And yes, all that was really just an excuse for me to post the link to 
the game. We still have space for a player or two. I figure a couple of 
you might be bored with this happy community nomic stuff and might want 
to try something where players lie, backstab, and pass rules without 
regard for fair play. See the link for details, email me if interested.

-Daniel Mehkeri

DIS: Don't mind me.

2013-04-28 Thread Fool

I'm not a player. I'm just spying on you hatless evildoers.

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