[algogeeks] Re: google question

2012-02-26 Thread Dumanshu
You are assuming is to be a binary tree, its not. Some nodes will
share a common pour.

On Feb 25, 9:24 pm, atul anand atul.87fri...@gmail.com wrote:
 i guess this would work...
 n=number of nodes
 pour=quantity poured;
 capacity = capacity of each cup

 n=pow(2,h+1) -1;

 node* fillCup(float capacity,float pour,int left,int right)
 node *root;
 int mid;
 if(left  right)
 return NULL;

 root=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
 if(pour =capacity)

 if(pour = capacity)

 return root;




 return root;


 On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Ravi Ranjan ravi.cool2...@gmail.comwrote:

  |_| |_|
  |_| |_| |_|
  |_| |_| |_| |_|
  |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|

  Each cup has capacity C and once a cup gets full, it drops half extra
  amount to left child and half extra amount to right child

  for Eg : let' first cups get 2C amount of liquid then extra amount C(2C-C)
  will be divided equally to left and right child cup of next level

  i.e. C/2 to left child and C/2 to right child

  Write a function which takes input parameter as amount of liquid poured at
  top (L) and height of particular cup (h) index of that cup (i) and it
  should return amount of liquid absorbed in that cup.



  whats exactly the qestion???

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[algogeeks] Re: Google Question--Suggest Algo

2011-11-28 Thread Dumanshu

I may not have understood your solution properly. But i think that
your solution is an implementation of brute force where you are
dealing with all cases valid in the range n/2k and 3n/2k without any
optimization with regard to DP. Am i right?

On Nov 28, 2:17 am, sourabh sourabhd2...@gmail.com wrote:
 Consider the example that you have given:
 [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0] , here n = 12 and k=3

 Now we need to partition the array into 3 contiguous sub arrays such
 that :
 a) The expected sum value is maximum
 b) and the size of each sub array should be between 2 and 6, both
 inclusive. In case, this constraint is not satisfied then its not a
 valid candidate for the solution even if the partition produces the
 max value.

       2 = ceil (n / 2k) = ceil (12/6)
       6 = floor (3n / 2k) = floor (36/6)
  As mentioned above the following equation :
 F(n,k) = MAX for all r such that ceil(n/2k) = r =  floor(3n/2k)
 { (expected value of array elems from A[n] to A[n-r+1]) + F(n-r,
 k-1) }

 For understanding how partitioning of the array is represented by the
 above equation:

 Say there is an array denoted by A[i] and it needs to be divided into
 3 contiguous parts, one of the ways to do so would be to take the
 following steps :

 Let K(partition no.) be initialized to 3.
 Let array size N be 12.

 a) If N is 0, the goto step 'f'
 b) If K == 1 then call it as partition K and goto step 'e'.
 c) Lets take X no. of elements from the end of array A of size N and
 call it partition K.
 d) Decrement K by 1 and N by X { --K; and N-=X;}
 d) Goto step 'a'
 e) Valid partition and End.
 f) Not a valid partition and End.

 Now if the above set of steps is run for all values of X such that
 2=X=6 , then it will generate all possible candidates (partitions)
 as per the given problem statement. And for all the valid
 partitions(the ones that will hit step 'e') we need to calculate the
 expected sum value.

 can be translated into,
 // I am using 1-based array indexing for better clarity
 // A[x .. y] means all elements from A[y] to A[x]..

 F(12, 3) = MAX
                           ExpVal (A[12 .. 11])  +  F(10, 2) ,
                           ExpVal (A[12 .. 10])  +  F(9, 2) ,
                           ExpVal (A[12 .. 9])    +  F(8, 2) ,   //
 this will yield the maximum sum..
                           ExpVal (A[12 .. 8])    +  F(7, 2) ,
                           ExpVal (A[12 .. 7])    +  F(6, 2)

 which is nothing but,
 F(12, 3) = MAX
                           1/2  +  F(10, 2) ,
                           2/3  +  F(9, 2) ,
                           2/4  +  F(8, 2) , // this will yield the
 maximum sum..
                           3/5  +  F(7, 2) ,
                           4/6  +  F(6, 2)

 Trace the above equation and you should get it..

 On Nov 28, 12:57 am, Ankur Garg ankurga...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Sourabh

  Could you please explain the solution in a bit detail perhaps using an
  example or so..It wud be really helpful ..Just logic not code

  On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 1:03 AM, sourabh sourabhd2...@gmail.com wrote:
   Looks like a dynamic programming problem

   Say F(n,k) denotes the maximum expected sum value for an array of n
   elements and partition k , then

   F(n,k) = MAX for all r such that ceil(n/2k) = r =  floor(3n/2k)
   { (expected value of array elems from A[n] to A[n-r+1]) + F(n-r,
   k-1) }

   Base condition:
   1) F(N, 1) = expected value for array A[n] such that  ceil(n/2k) = N
   =  floor(3n/2k)
   2) If any of the sub problems where the array size is not between
   ceil(n/2k) and  floor(3n/2k) , both inclusive, then its not a valid
   candidate for the final solution. This is can be handled by giving
   initial value to all such combination a value of -1.

   To store that the intermediate computations take an array Max[N][K],
   F(N,K) = Max[N][K]

   On Nov 28, 12:17 am, sourabh sourabhd2...@gmail.com wrote:
Because in the previous example k = 3.

On Nov 27, 10:46 pm, Piyush Grover piyush4u.iit...@gmail.com wrote:

 Optimal split: [0,0][1,1][0,0][1,1][0,1][1,0]
 Expected value of optimal split: 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 3
 why this is not the optimal split???

 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Ankur Garg ankurga...@gmail.com
  You have an array with *n* elements. The elements are either 0 or 1.
  want to *split the array into kcontiguous subarrays*. The size of
  subarray can vary between ceil(n/2k) and floor(3n/2k). You can
   assume that
  k  n. After you split the array into k subarrays. One element of
  subarray will be randomly selected.

  Devise an algorithm for maximizing the sum of the randomly selected
  elements from the k subarrays. Basically means that we will want to
  the array in such way such that the 

[algogeeks] Re: Facebook Campus Test Question

2011-11-04 Thread Dumanshu
plz post a samle input output..

On Nov 4, 10:24 am, sunny agrawal sunny816.i...@gmail.com wrote:
 What can be a better solution than a Brute Force O(N^2* No of iteration)

 Sunny Aggrawal
 B.Tech. V year,CSI
 Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee




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[algogeeks] Re: Facebook Campus Test Question

2011-11-04 Thread Dumanshu
is ur brute force O(1) for space?

On Nov 4, 10:24 am, sunny agrawal sunny816.i...@gmail.com wrote:
 What can be a better solution than a Brute Force O(N^2* No of iteration)

 Sunny Aggrawal
 B.Tech. V year,CSI
 Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee




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[algogeeks] Re: Intersection of arrays

2011-10-28 Thread Dumanshu
I think Dan's solution is the best one here. TC O(n log n) and SC O(1)
where n is the maximum no. of elements in any array
Instead of starting with K given arrays, just take the first 2.
Sort both of them - time is nlogn
Now run two pointers on each array to save the common elements as they
are and clear the rest in 1st array. Discard 2nd array now.
We have 1st array with intersection elements only.
Now continue the same thing - With 1st array and 3rd array. Sort 3rd
array. Keep common elements in 1st array and clear the rest.

Keeping common elements in 2 arrays and clearing the other elements
can be done in O(n) TC.

On Oct 25, 11:17 am, kumar raja rajkumar.cs...@gmail.com wrote:
  Find intersection of K unsorted array of N elements each. Intersection
 consists of elements that appear in all the K arrays.

 what data structure is useful here??

 Kumar Raja
 IIT Kharagpur,

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon OS question

2011-10-28 Thread Dumanshu
How are we going to write a program which if fed the data gives the

Any ideas for the algorithm?

My approach:
We have a graph here.
We have vertices with indegree 0 and outdegree 1. - call it set A
(start points) (m vertices)
We have vertices with indegree 1 and outdegree 0. - call it set B (end
points) (n vertices)
The paths from set A to set B can be run on multiple processors (m x n
paths possible).
if no. of processors = m x n then no. of steps will be maximum no. of
elements in any path.
In the above ques, m = 1 and n = 3.

if no. of processors  m x n, then run a BFS on the graph and find the
number of vertices at each level.
In the above question, the vertices at levels are 1, 1, 3 , 1.
((Max of these i.e. 3) / number of processors) + maximum no. of
elements in any path  = would be the answer.
Now this part would have a problem if m!=1;
Another problem would be how to find the maximum no. of elements in
any path possible.

On Sep 25, 9:03 am, sivaviknesh s sivavikne...@gmail.com wrote:
 A parallel program consists of 8 tasks – T1 through T8. Each task requires
 one time step to be executed on a single processor. Let X - Y denote the
 fact that task X must be executed before task Y is executed. Suppose only
 the tasks X, Y are to be executed. On any multiprocessor machine it would
 require at least 2 time steps since in the first step X could be executed,
 and Y could be executed in the next time step (since it requires X to
 complete first). Now, suppose the following dependencies exist between the
 tasks T1 – T8:

 T1 - T2

 T2 - T3

 T3 - T6

 T2 - T4

 T4 - T7

 T2 - T5

 T5 - T8

 What is the minimum number of time steps required to execute these 8 tasks
 on a 2 processor machine and a 4 processor machine?

 a)4  2

 b)5  2

 c)5  4

 d)6  2


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[algogeeks] Re: google os ques on pipelining

2011-09-26 Thread Dumanshu
for the second part where u multiplied (160+5) with 999, it should be
160*999 because it is max of (150,120,160,140,5). Correct me if i am

On Sep 26, 4:02 pm, bharatkumar bagana bagana.bharatku...@gmail.com
 for the first instruction : 150+5+120+5+160+5+140=585 ns
 for the rest of the instructions , though pipeline

 (160+5)*999=164835 ns
  we assume that there will be no extra stalls existed in our system
 -585 + 164835 =165420 ns =165.4 us...
 correct me if I'm wrong .

 On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 9:25 AM, siva viknesh sivavikne...@gmail.comwrote:

  A 4-stage pipeline has the stage delays as 150, 120, 160 and 140 ns
  (nano seconds)
  respectively. Registers that are used between the stages have a delay
  of 5 ns each. Assuming
  constant clocking rate, the total time taken to process 1000 data
  items on this pipeline will
  approximately be
  a. 120 us (micro seconds)
  b. 165 us
  c. 180 us
  d. 175 us

  ...plz give detailed explanation for the ans

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 *BharatKumar Bagana*
 Mobile +91 8056127652*

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[algogeeks] Re: convert a word into a palindrome with minimum addition of letters to it

2011-09-07 Thread Dumanshu

Instead of 0 and 1, shouldn't it be like DP[i-1][j-1]  + 0 and DP[i-1]
[j-1] + 1

On Sep 7, 1:10 am, Victor Manuel Grijalva Altamirano
kavic1.mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try with DP, a little modicated of Edit Distance algorithm

 State i=the begin of the word , j=the end of the word

 DP[i][j]=   0           if i==j
                0          if(i+1)==j   word[i]==word[j]
                1          if(i+1)==j   word[i]!=word[j]
             min(DP[i+1][j]+1,DP[i][j-1]+1)   otherwise
 If you have any question ask!!!
 Good luck!!!

 Victor Manuel Grijalva Altamirano
 Universidad Tecnologica de La Mixteca

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[algogeeks] Re: convert a string into another in minimum number of steps

2011-08-31 Thread Dumanshu
how to check if intermediate words are dictionary words or not?? Also
what would be the approach for that?

On Aug 31, 3:10 am, icy` vipe...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yea, I hope the intermediate words are dictionary words; it's  more
 fun that way.   I played such a game before, where you and a friend
 try to convert some 4-letter word into another, using legal words.



 On Aug 30, 2:25 am, kARTHIK R k4rth...@gmail.com wrote:

  So the intermediate words need not be dictionary words?

  Karthik R,
  RD Engineer,
  Tejas Networks.

  On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:50 AM, PRATEEK VERMA prateek...@gmail.comwrote:

   edit distance algorithm

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[algogeeks] Re: How to save a binary search tree space efficiently

2011-08-30 Thread Dumanshu
Level Order traversal if you are ok with the Nulls being stored.
Otherwise its pre order traversal.

On Aug 30, 12:34 pm, Vidit Sinha vidit.it...@gmail.com wrote:
 whats the final answer guys? Level order traversal??

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Don dondod...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I once came up
  with a way to save a binary tree in such a way that when it is
  rebuilt, it will be balanced. You don't get back the exact same tree
  with all the nodes in the same position, but you do get the same nodes
  in a balanced configuration.

  Start by doing an inorder traversal and storing each node sequentially
  in an array.
  Then call a recursive function called saveTree(first, last), where
  first and last are the first and last indices of the array.
  saveTree does the following if:
  write middle item of array to the file
  call saveTree on left half of array
  call saveTree on right half of array

  When you rebuild the tree adding the nodes in the order in which they
  occur in the file, the resulting tree will be balanced.


  On Aug 28, 1:29 am, rohit rajuljain...@gmail.com wrote:
   How to save a binary search tree space efficiently and built it
   again , just tell any idea.

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[algogeeks] Re: stack using bst

2011-08-26 Thread Dumanshu
So, in short you are using a BST and a FIFO linked list. Whereas, a
Stack is actually a LIFO linked list. Am i right?

On Aug 25, 11:37 pm, Don dondod...@gmail.com wrote:
 You will have to keep two pointers, one to the root of the tree and
 one to the head of the FIFO linked list.
 To push, insert the item into both the bst and the linked list.
 To pop, set a pointer to the first item in the linked list. Delete it
 from the bst. It will always be a leaf, so deleting should be easy.
 Follow the parent pointer up one level and set the appropriate left or
 right pointer to null. Then set the head of the linked list to the
 next item in the list. Return the pointer to the former first item.

 push(node n)
   tree.insert(n);   // O(log n)
   n-next = stack;
   stack = n;


 node pop()
   node result = stack;
   if (result-parent-left == result) result-parent-left = 0;
   else result-parent-right = 0;
   stack = result-next;
   result-next = 0;
   return result;


 I was mistaken when I said push was O(1). Later on I said O(log n)
 which is correct.


 On Aug 25, 1:25 pm, shady sinv...@gmail.com wrote:

  @don how will you keep track of the latest element inserted in a bst ?
  O(1) for pop ? similarly how to get O(1) for push ?

  Stack can be implemented with bst but the time complexity will increase.

  Anyone with different views ?

  On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Don dondod...@gmail.com wrote:
   The only way I see to be able to search in O(log n) and push/pop in
   O(1) would be to have each node contain 4 pointers: left, right, and
   parent pointers for the binary search tree and next pointer for the
   stack linked list. The stack would be a linked list using the next
   pointer, and the search tree would allow quick searching. Insertion
   and searching would be O(log n) as with any binary search tree. Pop
   would be O(1).

   If you don't need to be able to search, just use the left pointer to
   make a linked list. Push and pop are both O(1), but you don't have a
   binary search tree any more.


   On Aug 25, 12:00 pm, prasanth n nprasnt...@gmail.com wrote:
how to implement a stack(push and pop) using binary search tree??


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[algogeeks] Re: print all paths which sum up to a value.

2011-08-24 Thread Dumanshu
Any help regarding the preprocessing required for O(1) operation for
LCA??? I read the wiki's article involving eulers traversal.. but its
nt clear.

On Aug 24, 1:12 am, DK divyekap...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hmm.. Interesting question.

 *Here's a solution:*

 There are n elements in the tree and therefore n^2 paths in the tree
 (duplicate endpoints allowed and 2 endpoints correspond to exactly 1 simple
 path in the tree).
 1. For each node in the BST, store the sum of node values on the path to the
 root. Can be done using a simple DFS in O(N).
     Also perform preprocessing for the LCA function (required below).

 2. For each pair of nodes (u, v) in the BST: - O(N^2)
     Cost of path = Cost(u, root) + Cost(v, root) - Cost(LCA(u,v), root)
     If(Cost of path == value) print_path(u,v)

 The LCA is the lowest common ancestor of the given nodes 
 LCA(u,v) is an O(1) operation given O(N) preprocessing of the tree.

 Therefore, we know for sure that we can do this problem in worst case

 *Optimizations: *I'm not sure any of these yield worst case bound
 improvements but here are a few things that you can do:
 1. Get rid of symmetry: (u, v) is the same as (v, u). Choose u  v always.
 2. For a chosen u, skip all children of v if target cost  v

 Time Complexity: O(N^2)
 Space Complexity: O(N)



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[algogeeks] Re: Longest palindrome

2011-08-22 Thread Dumanshu
So, suggest some approach plz for this ques.

On Aug 22, 12:59 am, Dave dave_and_da...@juno.com wrote:
 @Sanjay: Will method 1 really work? What would it return on the string
 abraxyzarba? The longest common substring between this string and
 its reverse is abra, but how does that relate to the fact that the
 longest palindrome is any single letter of the string? What am I


 On Aug 21, 1:46 pm, anurag saxena anurag.saxen...@gmail.com wrote:

  method 1) : we can reverse the string and find the longest common
  substring occurring in reversed string and original string.

  method 2) : making a generalized suffix tree of string and reversed
  string and each node should depict whether the suffix  belongs to
  string or reversed string .. then the deepest node having both the
  marker will be longest palindrome.

  On 8/21/11, Sanjay Rajpal srn...@gmail.com wrote:

   i hvn't read about suffix trees. will u plz post a useful link ?


   On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM, MAC macatad...@gmail.com wrote:

   suffix tree will solve it .

   On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 11:46 PM, priya ramesh 
   love.for.programm...@gmail.com wrote:

   how abt goimg with brute force?? check  starting from first character if
   first 2 chars frm a palin, then chck if first 3 form a palin... continue
   until the end of string.

   Now starting from 2nd char, do the same.

   keep a var max to store the max value.

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[algogeeks] Re: another q on ds!

2011-08-21 Thread Dumanshu
first option is correct. Because we are not allowed to use any extra

On Aug 21, 6:36 pm, priya ramesh love.for.programm...@gmail.com
 A Most efficient data structure is designed to optimize the following
 operations. Pop, Push, Min. The best possible time-complexities with no
 extra space, respectively would be:

 ·  Pick one of the choices

 O(1), O(1), O(N)

 O(1), O(N), O(1)

 O(N), O(1), O(1)

 O(1), O(1), O(1)

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[algogeeks] Re: amazon q

2011-08-21 Thread Dumanshu
We can't use a heap. Balanced BST is correct because Deletion of the
smallest element Insertion of an
element if it is not already present in the set - for this we need
to search for the element and searching in heap is O(n).

On Aug 21, 6:16 pm, priya ramesh love.for.programm...@gmail.com
 A data structure is required for storing a set of integers such that each of
 the following operations can be done in (log n) time, where n is the number
 of elements in the set. Deletion of the smallest element Insertion of an
 element if it is not already present in the set Which of the following data
 structures can be used for this purpose?

 ·  Pick one of the choices

 A heap can be used but not a balanced binary search tree

 A balanced binary search tree can be used but not a heap

 Both balanced binary search tree and heap can be used

 Neither balanced binary search tree nor heap can be used

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[algogeeks] Re: Algorithm complexity

2011-08-03 Thread Dumanshu
Check interpolation which is a substitute for binary search for a
uniformly sorted array. It has complexity of this order.

On Aug 3, 7:31 pm, Ajai Sathyan ajaisath...@gmail.com wrote:
  Can you suggest a sample program which has complexity O(log log n)?

 Ajai Sathyan

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[algogeeks] Subsequence with Sum S

2011-07-30 Thread Dumanshu
Given an array of length n of integer numbers. Output 1 or 0 depending
on whether or not there exists a sub sequence in the array with sum S.
Suggest a fastest algorithm plz.

e.g. say given an array with numbers as 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Sum = 110

Output is 1 because 20+30+50 is 110.

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[algogeeks] Re: interview ques

2011-07-27 Thread Dumanshu
Use multilevel indexing

On Jul 27, 11:07 pm, himanshu kansal himanshukansal...@gmail.com
 if u hv say 20 million records and u have to create a b+ tree then you
 might be storing 20 million pointers at the leaf levelhow can u
 optimize this(using b+ tree only)???

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[algogeeks] Re: MS

2011-07-20 Thread Dumanshu
check the above solution.. urs is O(logn) mine is O(log k).

On Jul 19, 11:35 pm, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com wrote:
 well i dont think so...any better solution will be there compare mine one

 On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:00 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  heres the code

  On Jul 19, 9:35 pm, swetha rahul swetharahu...@gmail.com wrote:
           Find the kth smallest element in O(logk) given 2 sorted arrays.
   Merging the arrays is not allowed. I can do it in O(k).. How to do in

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[algogeeks] Whats the complexity?

2011-07-20 Thread Dumanshu
Given an infinite length list. u got to find index of an element k.
use this approach-
initially, take length as 2^x where x increases from 1 to ...
while (still not found)
now if arr[2^x-1]  k,
 increment x
binarysearch on length 2^(x-1) to 2^(x)

Please help me to find the complexity of this particular approach...

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[algogeeks] Axis­ Aligned Rectangles

2011-07-20 Thread Dumanshu
 takes an 
and returns 
is such 

Axis‐aligned means 
and y‐axis.

that each 
 it : 
x‐y coordinates 

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[algogeeks] Re: Whats the complexity?

2011-07-20 Thread Dumanshu
that is why m confused. how would u rate this algo? in what order?

On Jul 20, 10:44 pm, Ankur Khurana ankur.kkhur...@gmail.com wrote:
 when n is not defined , you want complexity in terms of ?

 On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  Given an infinite length list. u got to find index of an element k.
  use this approach-
  initially, take length as 2^x where x increases from 1 to ...
  while (still not found)
  now if arr[2^x-1]  k,
   increment x
  binarysearch on length 2^(x-1) to 2^(x)

  Please help me to find the complexity of this particular approach...

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 Ankur Khurana
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 Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology
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[algogeeks] Re: Whats the complexity?

2011-07-20 Thread Dumanshu
it should involve the exponential increment! somebody plz help

On Jul 20, 10:56 pm, Ankur Khurana ankur.kkhur...@gmail.com wrote:
 in my opinion , it is log(indexof(k))

 On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 11:23 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  that is why m confused. how would u rate this algo? in what order?

  On Jul 20, 10:44 pm, Ankur Khurana ankur.kkhur...@gmail.com wrote:
   when n is not defined , you want complexity in terms of ?

   On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
Given an infinite length list. u got to find index of an element k.
use this approach-
initially, take length as 2^x where x increases from 1 to ...
while (still not found)
now if arr[2^x-1]  k,
 increment x
binarysearch on length 2^(x-1) to 2^(x)

Please help me to find the complexity of this particular approach...

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   Ankur Khurana
   Computer Science
   Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology
   Delhi.- Hide quoted text -

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 Ankur Khurana
 Computer Science
 Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology
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[algogeeks] Re: Ever growing sorted linked list

2011-07-19 Thread Dumanshu
Some please give the TC for exponential + logarithmic search method
pointed out by Swathi.

On Jul 19, 11:51 am, Ankur Khurana ankur.kkhur...@gmail.com wrote:
 @sagar: you might have proposed a solution but it ever occured to you that
 (ptr-next)-next  means that you have gone through two diferent nodes. For
 saving one comparison , we are doing lot of un necessary computations which
 , IMHO is not good or feasible . Linked list are not made for searching
 purpose, for that arrays were made.

 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 12:13 PM, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.comwrote:

  check my algo...i mentioned all the possible cases   :)

  On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:31 AM, oppilas . 

   Yes we can avoid integer comparison.

  But for jumping  we will need to check whether the next node is null or
  So, depending upon the jump size, the number of comparison in worst case
  can be very large if our jump size is increasing exponentially. So, why not
  just compare with the next node instead of jumping.

  On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 10:47 AM, sunny agrawal 

  yes Alok u r right that in any case we will traverse k times if k is the
  position if the element that need to searched
  but by jumping we can save the time of avoiding unnecessary comparisions

  On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Alok Prakash 

  If i am not wrong, in a linked list to move to any number of position,
  say n, we have to traverse all intermediate nodes of the linked list.

  So, it does not matter if we are moving pointer by 2,4,8,... positions,
  we have to scan all intermediate nodes.

  Is it not a simple searching

  On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:17 AM, sumit sumitispar...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here is the idea I was thinking of:

  - start from the root: if(root-data  k) move to position 2 in the
  - in this way every time move the pointer to the position double the
  current position and compare th eelement of node with k( moving here
  is form 1 - 2 , 2-4, 4-8 ,8-16 ..)
  - suppose you found a certain node at position n whose node-data 
  k , then now u only have to search for k between index n/2 to n (i.e.
  if you found 16th element k then search for k between 8th and 16ht

  correct me if any flaws.

  On Jul 19, 3:38 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
   @Gaurav: Ever Increasing means that you don't know the length of the
   list. So you have to assume some index n, traverse the list upto that
   point and check the results. If not found increment the n to some
   higher value.
   We are basically trying to improve the complexity by taking higher
   higher jumps for n.

   On Jul 19, 2:03 am, Gaurav Popli abeygau...@gmail.com wrote:

yeah...im saying to reach position n at which k is placed we have
trverse n positions from head or not...??
and i didnt understand the use of ever increasing...please
  elaborate on it..

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com
 @Swathi: plz give the TC of ur algo (exponential plus log)

 On Jul 18, 10:14 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 The solution to this problem will be a combination of
  exponential increase
 and the binary search..

 start = 0;
 end = 0;
 index =0;
 middle = 0;
 while (1)
   if(a[start] == data)
     return start;
   if(a[end] == data)
     return end;
   if(data  end)
    start = end;
    end = pow(start,2); // here we are consider exponential for
    // no need to check any boundary conditions as the array is
     // do binary search between start index and end index
  because data is
 inbetween a[start] and a[end]


 Hope this helps...

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Gaurav Popli 

  i dont understand it..if k is at position an let supposeso
  check at that position dont you have to traverse till that
  ...is thr anything else than the head of list...??or i

  On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:55 PM, sagar pareek 
   Update on 2nd line

   2.    if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5 or 10 times) ) goto
   make linear search till NULL encounter and exit with the

   On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM, sagar pareek 

   i have one approach :-

   first compare root-data  and k
   if k is very much greater than root-data then set
  next=5or10 ur choice

   else set next 2or3  ur choice
   take two pointers ptr1 and ptr2

   now lets take k is much greater than root-data
   1. set ptr1=root //initially
   2. if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5

[algogeeks] Re: Amazon

2011-07-19 Thread Dumanshu
What is the answer to the first one?

On Jul 19, 10:07 am, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com wrote:
 1. Let's say





 till D=0

 From the above logic, figure out which algorithm is followed by 'S'

 2. How can you divide a triangle, to 5 equal triangles?

 3. There are  players for a chess tournament, having every game as a
 knock out game (a player will

 be out of the tournament if he/she loses a game), how many games need to be
 conducted to determine a
 winner of the tournament.


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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-19 Thread Dumanshu
@Surender: sorry, i had missed a case. We need a 3 way comparison.
heres the correct version

btree* max_tree(btree *root)
if(root == NULL)
return root;
btree * current = root;
while(current-right != NULL)
current = current-right;
return current;

btree * min_tree(btree *root)
if(root == NULL)
return root;
btree * current = root;
while(current-left != NULL)
current = current-left;
return current;

void binarytreetobst(btree *root)
//base-case tree is empty
if(root == NULL)
else if(root-left == NULL  root-right == NULL) //base-case
of size 1
btree* max = max_tree(root-left);
if(max  max-data  root-data)
int temp = root-data;
root-data = max-data;
max-data = temp;
btree* min = min_tree(root-right);
if(min  min-data   root-data)
int temp = root-data;
root-data = min-data;
min-data = temp;
max = max_tree(root-left);
if(max  max-data  root-data)
 int temp = root-data;
 root-data = max-data;
 max-data = temp;

On Jul 19, 8:38 am, surender sanke surend...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Damanshu for
       /   \
      2     3
     /  \
    4   5
   /  \
 6    7

 im ending up at some non BST


 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:06 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  @Gaurav: The best solution would be to manipulate the given BTree in
  place and get the BST. We don't need a separate tree but convert the
  existing one using the same space occupied by nodes of BT already in

  On Jul 19, 2:06 am, Gaurav Popli gpgaurav.n...@gmail.com wrote:
   cant we just dotraverse using recursion and instead of printing it
   just pass to function which is making BST??
   and is this right as someone above said first sort it and then make
   dont we want that root of both Tree to be same or something like

   On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:17 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
@Balaji: for third question, were u asked to write the code?

On Jul 18, 10:04 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:
wats the mistake..

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[algogeeks] Re: MS

2011-07-19 Thread Dumanshu
heres the code

On Jul 19, 9:35 pm, swetha rahul swetharahu...@gmail.com wrote:
         Find the kth smallest element in O(logk) given 2 sorted arrays.
 Merging the arrays is not allowed. I can do it in O(k).. How to do in

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[algogeeks] Tournament Tree

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
Given billions of unsorted numbers and we need to find first 1 million
numbers if all the numbers were sorted in non-descending order.
approach is to split up the numbers to multiple machines and sort
Then make a tournament tree in such a way that each machine feeds the
lowest number it has, to the tree. After all the machines have fed
their lowest number, the tree outputs the minimum number which goes to
the output. This number say came from  i th machine. Now the next
number to the tree is fed by this ith machine only.
Repeat the above process for getting the 1st million numbers.

Now someone plz explain how to code this?

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[algogeeks] Re: Find the missing number - Again given 4 billion integers

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu

sry for not being so clear with the problem statement.

The list of numbers may have repetitions. Lots of numbers can be
missing from the list, you just need to output any one.


On Jul 18, 5:28 pm, ankit sambyal ankitsamb...@gmail.com wrote:
 The question says : find the integer that is not there in the list.
 So it seems that there is only one missing integer. Also the list
 contains 2^32 integers and if we take all possible integers, assuming
 an integer takes 4 bytes, we get 2^32 integers. So, if 1 integer is
 missing in the list, it means that at least 1 no. is repeating in the
 list. So, the xor method fails in this case.

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[algogeeks] Re: Missing Number in an array

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
Quadratic equation solver: just solve it the way we do on paper, take
coefficients as input and apply formula x = (-b+sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/
anything wrong with this?

And for the given problem, it says atleast once and not exactly
once. So, Ankit's solution of bit vector is the best one.

On Jul 18, 5:48 pm, ankit sambyal ankitsamb...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Ashish : Cud u plz highlight how to write code to solve a quadratic equation 

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[algogeeks] Long string and the first non-repeating character

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
You are given a long string and you have to print the first non
repeating character.
Solve it keeping SC and TC in mind. That is present both solutions,
one with high SC and low TC and viceversa.

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[algogeeks] Re: MD5

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
here it is -http://rosettacode.org/wiki/MD5
It has the C implementation if u need in C.

On Jul 18, 6:09 pm, Anuj kumar anonymize...@gmail.com wrote:
 some body can give me code of MD5 
 PLZ its Urgent ..

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[algogeeks] Ever growing sorted linked list

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
You have a sorted linked list of integers of some length you don't
know and it keeps on increasing. You are given a number k. Print the
position of the number k.
Basically, you have to search for number k in the ever growing sorted
list and print its position.

Please write the complexity of whatever solution you propose.

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
Lets say DLL is sorted. We have to convert the DLL so basically its
the manipulation of pointers.

Can we do it recursively?
//n is the total number of nodes in the list.
// next corresponds to right and prev corresponds to left pointer.

Node * BuildBalBST(Node *head, int n)
return NULL; //no node
if(n==1) // single node
head-next = NULL;
head-prev = NULL;
return head;

Node *temp1,*temp2,*temp3 = head;
int i;
temp3= temp3-next;

temp1 = BuildBalBST(head,n/2);
temp2 = BuildBalBST(temp3-next,n/2 - (n+1)%2);
temp3-next = temp2;
temp3-prev = temp1;
return temp3;

In case, DLL is not sorted, sort it then using any algo and call

Did i miss any case??

On Jul 18, 5:57 pm, radha krishnan radhakrishnance...@gmail.com
 Really MS asking garbage collection questions ? :P
 2) if the DLL is not sorted then it takes O(n lgn ) to build the BST
 but the code looks so bloated if we write the code

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:

  Convert a binary tree to binary search tree inplace..
  Convert a DLL to a binary search tree that is balanced.
  Implement a C++ garbage collector efficiently

  With Regards,

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
1. //BT to BST - function used is to swap values

Node* bubbleData(Node *root)
return NULL;
  if(root-data root-right-data)
  root-right = bubbleData(root-right);
  if(root-data  root-left-data)
  root-left = bubbleData(root-left);
 return bubbleData(root);

any case missing??

3. Do we have to give an algorithm for garbage collection like Mark
sweep algo or Do we have to write a code? if code, plz tell how to

On Jul 18, 4:59 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:
    1. Convert a binary tree to binary search tree inplace..
    2. Convert a DLL to a binary search tree that is balanced.
    3. Implement a C++ garbage collector efficiently

 With Regards,

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[algogeeks] Re: Long string and the first non-repeating character

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
heres my solution with TC O(n) and SC O(26)
input string str
int arr[26] = {0};
traverse the string, character by character and increment the
corresponding counter.
i.e. arr[str[i]]++;

Now traverse the string again and print out the first character
encountered whose arr[str[i]] == 1;

On Jul 18, 9:20 pm, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Very good solution :-  but space complexity = O(26)

 take integer array arr[0-25] and initialise it with 0 by taking it static
 logic is that we have only 26 characters so if i want to map character 'a'
 with 0th position of arr[] then it can be done as atoi('a')-97.
 so whenever we encounter any character say str[i] (where str is array of
 given string) then it can be incremented as arr[atoi(str[i])-97]++
 so traverse the whole str[] and increment the corresponding values .
 At the end those characters which never encounter have values 0 in arr ,
 which encounter only once have values 1 and more than once have values1.
 at the end traverse the whole arr[] and find out the corresponding character
 as itoa(arr[i]+97) :) :)

 But we have to do extra work to find the first character which repeats only

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 8:09 PM, hary rathor harry.rat...@gmail.com wrote:
  can we use bit vector ?
  because  by  do it we need just 32 bits of one extra variable .

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
Sry, I made a mistake in my code for problem 1 to convert BT to BST
Ignore it ... its wrong

 any case missing??

 3. Do we have to give an algorithm for garbage collection like Mark
 sweep algo or Do we have to write a code? if code, plz tell how to

 On Jul 18, 4:59 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:

     1. Convert a binary tree to binary search tree inplace..
     2. Convert a DLL to a binary search tree that is balanced.
     3. Implement a C++ garbage collector efficiently

  With Regards,
      Balaji.S- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
got the code for BT to BST from a site..

btree* max_tree(btree *root)
if(root == NULL)
return root;
btree * current = root;
while(current-right != NULL)
current = current-right;
return current;
btree * min_tree(btree *root)
if(root == NULL)
return root;
btree * current = root;
while(current-left != NULL)
current = current-left;
return current;
void binarytreetobst(btree *root)
//base-case tree is empty
if(root == NULL)
else if(root-left == NULL  root-right == NULL) //base-case tree
of size 1

btree* max = max_tree(root-left);
if(max  max-data  root-data)
int temp = root-data;
root-data = max-data;
max-data = temp;

btree* min = min_tree(root-right);
if(min  min-data   root-data)
int temp = root-data;
root-data = min-data;
min-data = temp;

On Jul 18, 7:24 pm, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 1. //BT to BST - function used is to swap values

 Node* bubbleData(Node *root)
 return NULL;
       if(root-data root-right-data)
       root-right = bubbleData(root-right);}

       if(root-data  root-left-data)
       root-left = bubbleData(root-left);}

  return bubbleData(root);


 any case missing??

 3. Do we have to give an algorithm for garbage collection like Mark
 sweep algo or Do we have to write a code? if code, plz tell how to

 On Jul 18, 4:59 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:

     1. Convert a binary tree to binary search tree inplace..
     2. Convert a DLL to a binary search tree that is balanced.
     3. Implement a C++ garbage collector efficiently

  With Regards,
      Balaji.S- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: Ever growing sorted linked list

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Swathi: plz give the TC of ur algo (exponential plus log)

On Jul 18, 10:14 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 The solution to this problem will be a combination of exponential increase
 and the binary search..

 start = 0;
 end = 0;
 index =0;
 middle = 0;
 while (1)
   if(a[start] == data)
     return start;
   if(a[end] == data)
     return end;
   if(data  end)
    start = end;
    end = pow(start,2); // here we are consider exponential for faster
    // no need to check any boundary conditions as the array is infinite
     // do binary search between start index and end index because data is
 inbetween a[start] and a[end]


 Hope this helps...

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Gaurav Popli gpgaurav.n...@gmail.comwrote:

  i dont understand it..if k is at position an let supposeso to
  check at that position dont you have to traverse till that position
  ...is thr anything else than the head of list...??or i understood

  On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:55 PM, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com
   Update on 2nd line

   2.    if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5 or 10 times) ) goto 3.
   make linear search till NULL encounter and exit with the solution

   On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com

   i have one approach :-

   first compare root-data  and k
   if k is very much greater than root-data then set next=5or10 ur choice

   else set next 2or3  ur choice
   take two pointers ptr1 and ptr2

   now lets take k is much greater than root-data
   1. set ptr1=root //initially
   2. if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5 or 10 times) ) else make linear
   search till NULL encounter
   3. if ptr2-data==k return its position
   4. else if (ptr2-datak) set ptr1=ptr2 goto 2
   5. else traverse the ptr1 upto ptr2, if found return its position else
   return fail

   if anyone has more efficient solution then pls tell  :)
   On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

   You have a sorted linked list of integers of some length you don't
   know and it keeps on increasing. You are given a number k. Print the
   position of the number k.
   Basically, you have to search for number k in the ever growing sorted
   list and print its position.

   Please write the complexity of whatever solution you propose.

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Surender: it works. check it again using a sample case.

i am first generating inplace BST for left and right subtrees.
Now on this BSt i call the max node or min node function.
Yes you are right, after the swap with root it will cause
inconsistencies again.
that is why the who recursion process is repeated after a swap.
i.e. after u swap a node of left tree using min with the root, you
call the binarytreetoBST(root-left) again from top to down.

heres the way it works for each side of the tree left and right.
first it creates bst for left and right, calls min and max, swaps
value with root if required.
Now root has the final value, no more changes required.
now we call bttoBST(root-left) again if swap took place with left or
bttoBST(root-right) if swap took place with right.
So, whole process repeats two times.
The second time we get the final fixed values for nodes.

On Jul 18, 11:12 pm, surender sanke surend...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Dumanshu it also doesn't works, as min node doesn't satisfies bst
 conditions, u swap it but it again creates inconsistencies with its left

 void binarytreetobst(btree *root)
        if(root == NULL)  return;
        else if(root-left == NULL  root-right == NULL) //base-case tree
 of size 1

                btree* max = max_tree(root-left);
                if(max  max-data  root-data)
                btree* min = min_tree(root-right);
                if(min  min-data   root-data)


 other solutions
 if O(n) space is allowed.
 fill array elements with tree elements - sort array -  create BST

 create a new BST from scratch while deleting from BT and inserting node into


 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  got the code for BT to BST from a site..

  btree* max_tree(btree *root)
         if(root == NULL)
                 return root;
         btree * current = root;
         while(current-right != NULL)
                 current = current-right;
         return current;
  btree * min_tree(btree *root)
         if(root == NULL)
                 return root;
         btree * current = root;
         while(current-left != NULL)
                 current = current-left;
         return current;
  void binarytreetobst(btree *root)
  //base-case tree is empty
         if(root == NULL)
         else if(root-left == NULL  root-right == NULL) //base-case tree
  of size 1

                 btree* max = max_tree(root-left);
                 if(max  max-data  root-data)
                         int temp = root-data;
                         root-data = max-data;
                         max-data = temp;

                 btree* min = min_tree(root-right);
                 if(min  min-data   root-data)
                         int temp = root-data;
                         root-data = min-data;
                         min-data = temp;

  On Jul 18, 7:24 pm, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
   1. //BT to BST - function used is to swap values

   Node* bubbleData(Node *root)
   return NULL;
         if(root-data root-right-data)
         root-right = bubbleData(root-right);}

         if(root-data  root-left-data)
         root-left = bubbleData(root-left);}

    return bubbleData(root);


   any case missing??

   3. Do we have to give an algorithm for garbage collection like Mark
   sweep algo or Do we have to write a code? if code, plz tell how to

   On Jul 18, 4:59 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:

   1. Convert a binary tree to binary search tree inplace..
   2. Convert a DLL to a binary search tree that is balanced.
   3. Implement a C++ garbage collector efficiently

With Regards,
    Balaji.S- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Balaji: for third question, were u asked to write the code?

On Jul 18, 10:04 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:
 wats the mistake..

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[algogeeks] Re: is it possible to detect the first repeating number in a 2-D array (n X n) in O(n) time ?

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
You have to use parallel computing to find the first repeating number
in O(n) time if theres nothing special about the 2-D array
Use n +1 processes, n processes to scan each row and 1 process to scan
the rows last and next rows first element to check for repetition.
Each process uses hash table to find the first non repeating number.
When we have the results from all the processes, do O(n) scanning, and
output the result for minimum row which wud be the first repetition.

On Jul 18, 10:42 pm, snehi jain snehijai...@gmail.com wrote:
 this question was asked in an interview.


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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Gaurav: The best solution would be to manipulate the given BTree in
place and get the BST. We don't need a separate tree but convert the
existing one using the same space occupied by nodes of BT already in

On Jul 19, 2:06 am, Gaurav Popli gpgaurav.n...@gmail.com wrote:
 cant we just dotraverse using recursion and instead of printing it
 just pass to function which is making BST??
 and is this right as someone above said first sort it and then make BST...
 dont we want that root of both Tree to be same or something like that...??

 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:17 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  @Balaji: for third question, were u asked to write the code?

  On Jul 18, 10:04 pm, Balaji S balaji.ceg...@gmail.com wrote:
  wats the mistake..

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[algogeeks] Re: Ever growing sorted linked list

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Gaurav: Ever Increasing means that you don't know the length of the
list. So you have to assume some index n, traverse the list upto that
point and check the results. If not found increment the n to some
higher value.
We are basically trying to improve the complexity by taking higher and
higher jumps for n.

On Jul 19, 2:03 am, Gaurav Popli abeygau...@gmail.com wrote:
 yeah...im saying to reach position n at which k is placed we have to
 trverse n positions from head or not...??
 and i didnt understand the use of ever increasing...please elaborate on it..

 On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  @Swathi: plz give the TC of ur algo (exponential plus log)

  On Jul 18, 10:14 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
  The solution to this problem will be a combination of exponential increase
  and the binary search..

  start = 0;
  end = 0;
  index =0;
  middle = 0;
  while (1)
    if(a[start] == data)
      return start;
    if(a[end] == data)
      return end;
    if(data  end)
     start = end;
     end = pow(start,2); // here we are consider exponential for faster
     // no need to check any boundary conditions as the array is infinite
      // do binary search between start index and end index because data is
  inbetween a[start] and a[end]


  Hope this helps...

  On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Gaurav Popli 

   i dont understand it..if k is at position an let supposeso to
   check at that position dont you have to traverse till that position
   ...is thr anything else than the head of list...??or i understood

   On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 9:55 PM, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com
Update on 2nd line

2.    if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5 or 10 times) ) goto 3.
make linear search till NULL encounter and exit with the solution

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com

i have one approach :-

first compare root-data  and k
if k is very much greater than root-data then set next=5or10 ur 

else set next 2or3  ur choice
take two pointers ptr1 and ptr2

now lets take k is much greater than root-data
1. set ptr1=root //initially
2. if( ptr2=ptr1-next-next...(5 or 10 times) ) else make linear
search till NULL encounter
3. if ptr2-data==k return its position
4. else if (ptr2-datak) set ptr1=ptr2 goto 2
5. else traverse the ptr1 upto ptr2, if found return its position else
return fail

if anyone has more efficient solution then pls tell  :)
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:53 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

You have a sorted linked list of integers of some length you don't
know and it keeps on increasing. You are given a number k. Print the
position of the number k.
Basically, you have to search for number k in the ever growing sorted
list and print its position.

Please write the complexity of whatever solution you propose.

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[algogeeks] Re: Tournament Tree

2011-07-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Ankit: this particular problem can be solved with min heap
implementation for tournament tree concept.
But i want to code the actual tournament tree, where we can also find
out the winner over all and all other contestants that lost to the
how to code that?


On Jul 19, 12:45 am, ankit sambyal ankitsamb...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Dumanshu : Implement the tournament tree as a Min Heap. Its prety
 straight forward to do that. If you have any doubt, plz ask ??

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[algogeeks] Median of billion numbers - Map Reduce

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
Given billions of integers in a file. Memory Constraints exist so need
to parallelize. One solution can be to split the file over a 100
machines and each machine calculates median of their part using
quickselect and sends the result to host machine. Now the host
calculates median of these medians and asks the sub machines to
discard all the numbers less than this final median. So, map reduce!

Now i want to do something like this -

Each sub machine has billion/100 integers. It chooses an integer k
randomly and divides its integers into two parts, one is less than k
and other set is more than k (like quickselect algo). This machine
returns to the host basically 3 things, one is k, second and third is
number of elements in both sets.
After having all that data from submachines, the host does some
calculation and asks each machine to discard either the less than set
or more than set. then whole thing is repeated with lesser number of

Any ideas about how the host machine would do that and on what basis?

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[algogeeks] Re: Microsoft Interview Qn

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
plz give some example..sry but  what do you mean by child sibling

On Jul 16, 3:46 pm, Reynald reynaldsus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given a Parent -Child binary tree ,build the child -sibling version of
 Minimize the space requirements wherever possible.

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[algogeeks] Re: MS question

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
Well, for the third case, you can elaborate on the implementation. We
need to compare the first half with the later half. So, in case of
even no. of characters it splits perfectly and in case of odd number
of characters, just ignore the middle character.

On Jul 17, 8:28 pm, swetha rahul swetharahu...@gmail.com wrote:
 is this ans sufficient..? any other possible test cases for palindrome ?

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Nishant mittal.nishan...@gmail.com wrote:
  1.If string is NULL then it should return 1 i.e. string is palindrome
  2.If there is only one character in string then it is palindrome
  3.If reverse of given string is same as string

  On Jul 17, 8:18 pm, swetha rahul swetharahu...@gmail.com wrote:
   ya got it..thanks...

   how abt test cases for program to check whether a given string is
   or not..?

   On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:35 PM, ankit sambyal ankitsamb...@gmail.com

1. If u entered nothing and just pressed search, it should display
2. If u just entered a space and just pressed search, it should display
3.Verify the results are really related to give word or not
4.Check if proper Result is displayed for key word.
5. Check for the Order of the Result set, whether most relevant
results are displayed first.

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[algogeeks] Re: Median of billion numbers - Map Reduce

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
it will work. But i want to avoid case of computing the median by sub
machines. So as to improve upon the complexity, i want the sub
machines to just take a random number k and split their data into two
sets  and  and then pass the information to host machine which after
having all the outputs of sub machines tells them to discard  or 
data on basis of something. I want this something.

On Jul 17, 8:51 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote:
 WOULDN'T MEDIAN OF MEDIANS WORK? mappers and reducers using hadoop
 Best Regards
 Ashish Goel
 Think positive and find fuel in failure

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  Given billions of integers in a file. Memory Constraints exist so need
  to parallelize. One solution can be to split the file over a 100
  machines and each machine calculates median of their part using
  quickselect and sends the result to host machine. Now the host
  calculates median of these medians and asks the sub machines to
  discard all the numbers less than this final median. So, map reduce!

  Now i want to do something like this -

  Each sub machine has billion/100 integers. It chooses an integer k
  randomly and divides its integers into two parts, one is less than k
  and other set is more than k (like quickselect algo). This machine
  returns to the host basically 3 things, one is k, second and third is
  number of elements in both sets.
  After having all that data from submachines, the host does some
  calculation and asks each machine to discard either the less than set
  or more than set. then whole thing is repeated with lesser number of

  Any ideas about how the host machine would do that and on what basis?

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[algogeeks] In-memory dictionary

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
I want to have an in-memory dictionary. One word can have multiple

1. If you want to go with hash tables then do Suggest some good
choices for hash functions.
2. Also, how can you modify this dictionary so that it can be used to
solve a crossword puzzle?

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[algogeeks] Re: Microsoft Interview Qn

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
@Ashish: if i got ur algo correct, contrary to all the above examples,
u r forming a linked list of level order traversal of the tree. m i

On Jul 17, 8:49 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote:

 Best Regards
 Ashish Goel
 Think positive and find fuel in failure

 On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Reynald reynaldsus...@gmail.com wrote:
  Given a Parent -Child binary tree ,build the child -sibling version of
  Minimize the space requirements wherever possible.

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[algogeeks] Re: In-memory dictionary

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
@Sagar: for 1 i need implementation of hash function please.
for 2, any other suggestion? other than trie? because they are memory

On Jul 18, 1:18 am, sagar pareek sagarpar...@gmail.com wrote:
 1. you can use hash function with link list.
 2. u can use trie with link list.

 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 1:43 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  I want to have an in-memory dictionary. One word can have multiple

  1. If you want to go with hash tables then do Suggest some good
  choices for hash functions.
  2. Also, how can you modify this dictionary so that it can be used to
  solve a crossword puzzle?

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
are u sure that this code works??? because last time i checked it

On Jul 18, 1:22 am, hary rathor harry.rat...@gmail.com wrote:
 int dividend,divisor,remainder;
 int division(int p,int q){
 int quotient=1;
 /*if divisor and diviend are equal then quotient=1*/
 return 1;}

 /*if dividend is smaller than divisor then remainder=dividend*/
 return 0;}

 /*shift left till divisor  dividend*/

 /*shift right for one time so that divisor become smaller than dividend*/
 /*again call division recurcively*/
 return quotient;


 int * demo()
 int i;
 long long long long long int multi=1;



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[algogeeks] Re: Median of billion numbers - Map Reduce

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
@Ashish: Ok, got it. The way which i wanted has higher complexity than
the median of medians algo. So, median of medians would be the best
strategy. Thanks.

On Jul 17, 8:51 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote:
 WOULDN'T MEDIAN OF MEDIANS WORK? mappers and reducers using hadoop
 Best Regards
 Ashish Goel
 Think positive and find fuel in failure

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  Given billions of integers in a file. Memory Constraints exist so need
  to parallelize. One solution can be to split the file over a 100
  machines and each machine calculates median of their part using
  quickselect and sends the result to host machine. Now the host
  calculates median of these medians and asks the sub machines to
  discard all the numbers less than this final median. So, map reduce!

  Now i want to do something like this -

  Each sub machine has billion/100 integers. It chooses an integer k
  randomly and divides its integers into two parts, one is less than k
  and other set is more than k (like quickselect algo). This machine
  returns to the host basically 3 things, one is k, second and third is
  number of elements in both sets.
  After having all that data from submachines, the host does some
  calculation and asks each machine to discard either the less than set
  or more than set. then whole thing is repeated with lesser number of

  Any ideas about how the host machine would do that and on what basis?

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[algogeeks] Find the missing number - Again given 4 billion integers

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
given 4 billion integers i.e 2^32 integers. find the integer that is
not there in the list.
Memory constraints - 2^16 bytes can be used at max.
Does the presence of -ve numbers affect the solution??

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[algogeeks] Re: MICROSOFT

2011-07-17 Thread Dumanshu
@Hary: thanks, ur code works. Could someone tell me the complexity of
the above mentioned code???
heres the working version of the same http://ideone.com/fDTfj
Its increasing exponentially.. so can we say log_2(n)???

On Jul 18, 1:57 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 are u sure that this code works??? because last time i checked it

 On Jul 18, 1:22 am, hary rathor harry.rat...@gmail.com wrote:


  int dividend,divisor,remainder;
  int division(int p,int q){
  int quotient=1;
  /*if divisor and diviend are equal then quotient=1*/
  return 1;}

  /*if dividend is smaller than divisor then remainder=dividend*/
  return 0;}

  /*shift left till divisor  dividend*/

  /*shift right for one time so that divisor become smaller than dividend*/
  /*again call division recurcively*/
  return quotient;


  int * demo()
  int i;
  long long long long long int multi=1;



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[algogeeks] Re: Google interview question

2011-07-16 Thread Dumanshu
how about using voters algorithm? TC O(n) and SC O(1)

On Jul 16, 6:28 am, Anand Shastri anand.shastr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given a file containing 4,300,000,000  integers, how
 can you *find **one* that *appears* at *least **twice*

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[algogeeks] Re: amazon

2011-07-15 Thread Dumanshu
heres another approach.

For given n sets, all permutations have a { in the beginning and } in
the end. So, we need to permute the middle string with (n-1) sets. I
have generated all the permutations of n sets i.e. say n ==3 then
generate all permutations of (n-1==2 sets) {}{} string. Now before
printing each permutation, run a check on it. This check will run
through the middle permutation with sum initialized to 0 and then
sum-- for every } encountered and sum++ for every { encountered for
left to right traversal.

heres the code: output complies with catalan numbers.

i have a doubt regarding the complexity or lets say the efficiency.
Any comments?

On Jul 14, 9:10 am, shilpa gupta shilpagupta...@gmail.com wrote:
 1. Write the code for this

 input: 1
 input: 2
 input: 3

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[algogeeks] Re: GOOGLE Q

2011-07-10 Thread Dumanshu
how about this?
take pointer p1 set to end of array A and pointer p2 set to end of
array B.

while(you get n values)
print A(p1),B(p2)
now if(  A(p1-1)+B(p2)A(p1)+B(p2-1)  ) then print A(p1-1),B(p2)
followed by print A(p1),B(p2-1)
decrement p2 and p1 both

m i missing something?
On Jul 9, 4:24 am, Piyush Sinha ecstasy.piy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given two sorted positive integer arrays A(n) and B(n). We define a
 set S = {(a,b) | a in
 A and b in B}. Obviously there are n^2 elements in S. The value of such
 a pair is defined as Val(a,b) = a + b. Now we want to get the n pairs
 from S with largest values. The tricky part is that we need an O(n)

 *Piyush Sinha*
 *IIIT, Allahabad*

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[algogeeks] Re: String burn,measure time puzle

2011-07-09 Thread Dumanshu

light the first string at both ends and in the middle. So it will burn
completely in 15 min as the fire is advancing in 4 ways irrespective
of the burn rate.
when the first string is completely burnt, light the second string at
both ends to get another 30 min. So, overall 45 min.

On Jul 9, 5:11 am, oppilas . jatka.oppimi...@gmail.com wrote:
 You have 2 pieces of string of different, unspecified length, and some
 matches. Each piece of string takes exactly an hour to burn, but the burn
 rate is not constant. . The strings have different burn rates, and of course
 you don't know the rates anyway.

 Using only the matches and the strings, measure 45 minutes.

 I have thought a lot but unable to find a solution for this problem. Can
 someone please try it.

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[algogeeks] Re: String burn,measure time puzle

2011-07-09 Thread Dumanshu
The above posted solution is independent of the burning rate. I am not
counting the minutes using the half burnt string. Instead, the fire is
running and when the whole string is burnt, I am using the time.

Say u light up a string from both ends, then irrespective of burn rate
it should give 30 min. Because we have the choice to lit the string
from either end and it burns completely in 1 hour.

On Jul 9, 10:09 pm, oppilas . jatka.oppimi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, these solution are valid. But for them the burning rate of each string
 must be constant.
 Each piece of string takes exactly an hour to burn, but the burn rate is not
 Can't we have a string which take 45 minutes to burn till half length.
 0-L/2. And 15 min from L/2 to L.

 On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

  light the first string at both ends and in the middle. So it will burn
  completely in 15 min as the fire is advancing in 4 ways irrespective
  of the burn rate.
  when the first string is completely burnt, light the second string at
  both ends to get another 30 min. So, overall 45 min.

  On Jul 9, 5:11 am, oppilas . jatka.oppimi...@gmail.com wrote:
   You have 2 pieces of string of different, unspecified length, and some
   matches. Each piece of string takes exactly an hour to burn, but the burn
   rate is not constant. . The strings have different burn rates, and of
   you don't know the rates anyway.

   Using only the matches and the strings, measure 45 minutes.

   I have thought a lot but unable to find a solution for this problem. Can
   someone please try it.

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[algogeeks] Re: String burn,measure time puzle

2011-07-09 Thread Dumanshu
the string burns in an hour if lit from one end and string burns in 30
min if lit from both ends.
This fact is based on - light up the string from either end it burns
in 60 min.

now heres the solution:
Light up the first string from both ends and the second string from
one end at the same time.
When the first string burns up completely, light up the already
burning second string from the other end.
When the second string burns up, we have 45 min irrespective of the
burn rate.

Even if you assume some different values of burn rate to make the
overall burn rate variable, you would get 45 min only.

On Jul 9, 5:11 am, oppilas . jatka.oppimi...@gmail.com wrote:
 You have 2 pieces of string of different, unspecified length, and some
 matches. Each piece of string takes exactly an hour to burn, but the burn
 rate is not constant. . The strings have different burn rates, and of course
 you don't know the rates anyway.

 Using only the matches and the strings, measure 45 minutes.

 I have thought a lot but unable to find a solution for this problem. Can
 someone please try it.

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[algogeeks] Amazon Online question

2011-07-08 Thread Dumanshu
There are K pegs. Each peg can hold discs in decreasing order of
radius when looked from bottom to top of the peg. There are N discs
who have radius 1 to N; Given the initial configuration of the pegs
and the final configuration of the pegs, output the moves required to
transform from the initial to final configuration. You are required to
do the transformations in minimal number of moves.
 A move consists of picking the topmost disc of any one of the pegs
and placing it on top of anyother peg.
 At anypoint of time, the decreasing radius property of all the pegs
must be maintained.

 1= N=8
 3= K=5

Time Limit: 60 seconds.

Input Format:
 N K
 2nd line contains N integers, each in the range 1 to K, the i-th
integer denotes, the peg to which disc of radius i is present in the
initial configuration.
 3rd line denotes the final configuration in a format similar to the
initial configuration.

Output Format:
 The first line contains M - The minimal number of moves required to
complete the transformation.
 The following M lines describe a move, by a peg number to pick from
and a peg number to place on.
 If there are more than one solutions, it's sufficient to output any
one of them. You can assume, there is always a solution with less than
7 moves and the initial confirguration will not be same as the final

Sample Input #00:

2 3
 1 1
 2 2
 Sample Output #00:

 1 3
 1 2
 3 2

Sample Input #01:
 6 4
 4 2 4 3 1 1
 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Sample Output #01:
 3 1
 4 3
 4 1
 2 1
 3 1

code would also suffice.

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[algogeeks] find the integer

2011-07-08 Thread Dumanshu
given an array of intergers. find the any integer that occurs only
once. Others might occur any no. of times.

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[algogeeks] Re: find the integer

2011-07-08 Thread Dumanshu
no constraints but try to give the optimized solution  and plz no

On Jul 8, 7:02 pm, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 given an array of intergers. find the any integer that occurs only
 once. Others might occur any no. of times.

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon

2011-07-07 Thread Dumanshu
how about this?
given n milestones

1.find max number from the array and delete it.
2.now find any (x,y) both from the array such that x+y == max.
3. put min(x,y) in the front of output array, delete y from array and
 if(sizeof(output array)==(n-2))
   put x also in front of output array and exit.
   goto 1 with max=x.

complexity is screwed up. :(
any counter case?

On Jul 7, 1:23 pm, Akshata Sharma akshatasharm...@gmail.com wrote:
 There is a straight roads with 'n' number of milestones. You are given an
 array with the distance between all the pairs of milestones in some random
 order. Find the position of milestones.
 Consider a road with 4 milestones(a,b,c,d) :
 a --- 3Km ---b--- 5Km ---c--- 2Km ---d
 Distance between a and b = 3
 Distance between a and c = 8
 Distance between a and d = 10
 Distance between b and c = 5
 Distance between b and d = 7
 Distance between c and d = 2
 All the above values are given in a random order say 7, 10, 5, 2, 8, 3.
 The output must be 3,5,2 or 2,5,3

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon

2011-07-07 Thread Dumanshu
Initially we can sort the array in O(nlogn) and then given a max
value, find a pair (x,y) in O(n). here n is also of quadratic order if
taken in terms of no. of milestones.

On Jul 7, 5:52 pm, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 how about this?
 given n milestones

 1.find max number from the array and delete it.
 2.now find any (x,y) both from the array such that x+y == max.
 3. put min(x,y) in the front of output array, delete y from array and
  if(sizeof(output array)==(n-2))
        put x also in front of output array and exit.
        goto 1 with max=x.

 complexity is screwed up. :(
 any counter case?

 On Jul 7, 1:23 pm, Akshata Sharma akshatasharm...@gmail.com wrote:

  There is a straight roads with 'n' number of milestones. You are given an
  array with the distance between all the pairs of milestones in some random
  order. Find the position of milestones.
  Consider a road with 4 milestones(a,b,c,d) :
  a --- 3Km ---b--- 5Km ---c--- 2Km ---d
  Distance between a and b = 3
  Distance between a and c = 8
  Distance between a and d = 10
  Distance between b and c = 5
  Distance between b and d = 7
  Distance between c and d = 2
  All the above values are given in a random order say 7, 10, 5, 2, 8, 3.
  The output must be 3,5,2 or 2,5,3- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Improve upon O(m^2)

2011-07-07 Thread Dumanshu
given two sorted arrays a[m]  b[2*m], each contains m elements only.
need to merge those two arrays into second array b[2*m].
anything better than O(m^2)

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[algogeeks] Re: Merging Sorted Arrays

2011-07-07 Thread Dumanshu
@Radha: could u plz elaborate on getting the first n elements???

On Jul 8, 12:55 am, radha krishnan radhakrishnance...@gmail.com
 ok ! i got a O(n lgn) finally
 i don know exact complexity
 Let N = size of first array
 Find the first N smallest elements using one pointer in each array
 now swap the list of elements  from index 0 to second-pointer in
 second array to first array
 with first_poiner+1 to N in first Array
 I think this is O(n)

 On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Piyush Sinha ecstasy.piy...@gmail.com 
  @radha...i have an algo but its complexity is O(n^2)...check the
  following and see if there is any bug as I havent tested for all
  cases...also suggestions are welcomed:)

       int a[]= {1,3,77,78,88};
       int b[]= {2,5,79,80,81,99};
       int i=sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) - 1;
       int j=sizeof(b)/sizeof(b[0]) - 1;
       int temp,k,m;
                    temp = a[i];
                    while(b[j]a[k-1]) k--;
                         a[i] = a[i-1];
                    a[i] = b[j];
                    b[j] = temp;
                    i = m;
             printf(%d ,a[k]);
             printf(%d ,b[k]);

  On 7/8/11, radha krishnan radhakrishnance...@gmail.com wrote:
  :Given two sorted arrays a[]={1,3,77,78,90} and b[]={2,5,79,81}. Merge
  these two arrays, no extra spaces are allowed. Output has to be
  a[]={1,2,3,5,77} and b[]={78,79,81,90}.

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  *Piyush Sinha*
  *IIIT, Allahabad*

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[algogeeks] Re: Some adobe interview questions.

2011-07-05 Thread Dumanshu
ans1. use counting sort for character array (0 to 255) then check for
the second string if same or not.

ans2. send 1 and 2, 1 comes back, send 10 and 5, 2 comes back, send 2
and 1

ans3. As vikas said, sum of digits should b 8. In that case the number
must have a zero digit because 1st digit the no. of zeroes can't be
zero then. right? print all the combinations. need help on this.

ans4. a function with string, first index, last index as arguments and
return true or false. increment first index and decrement last index
for recursive call.

ans5. I have no idea. may b we can take help of shunting algorithm.
but there ought to be an easier way to do this. Do we have to WAP a
general one for these expressions???

ans6. allocate same number of bytes for the reversed string. now
traverse the original string from the back.
as soon as u encounter a space say at position x or you come to 0
index, call thecurrent = function (x+1,current) or current =
this function copies the original string from position x+1 to
(while(space or null)) in reversed string at position current and
returns current + no. of characters copied.

ans8. somebody plz explain this. do we have to find the values for
a,b,c,d,e,f so that we can get return change for 100,50,25,10,5?
10, 5,5,20,25,50... how to get change for 5 then?

ans9. lets say we have to allocate 100*200 i.e. rows 100 and columns
int **a = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*100);
a[0] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*100*200);
   a[i] = (a[i-1]+200);

ans10. use hashtables, first traversal get true for all values
present. then second traversal, check if (X- arr[i]) is present in
hashtable, if yes print.

ans11. i think ans to this one is 1 byte. because some information is
stored.. may be. m nt sure :P

ans12. typedef struct node * NODE;

NODE sortlist(NODE head,int n)
if(n==1) return head;
if(!n) return null;
NODE temp =head;
for(int i=0;in\2;i++)temp=temp-next;
return merge(sortlist(head,n/2),sortlist(temp,n/2 + (n%2)););

NODE merge(NODE t1,NODE t2)
NODE head=NULL,temp=NULL;
int set =0;

while(t1  t2)
if(t1-data  t2-data)
if(!set){head=t1;temp = head;set=1;t1=t1-next;}
temp-next = t1;
if(!set){head=t2;temp = head;set=1;t2=t2-next;}
temp-next = t2;

temp-next = t1;
t1 = t1-next;
temp-next = t2;
t2 = t2-next;
temp-next = NULL;

return head;

did i miss any case?

On Jul 5, 11:24 am, vikas mehta...@gmail.com wrote:
 These all were asked cumulatively in five interviews, one after another.

 Q1 given 2 string A ,B. write a code to find all character of A exists in B
 or not?

 Q2. A puzzle athttp://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/56756.html

 Q3. Find a 8-digit number, where the first figure defines the count of zeros
 in this number, the second figure the count of numeral 1 in this number and
 so on

 Q4. write a recursive function to find a given string is palindrome or not?

 Q5.   write a code to generate the parse tree like compilers do internally
 for any given expression
 e.g. a+(b+c*(e/f)+d)*g

 Q6. 3 reverse the string word by word e.g. My name is pradeep .. o/p shd
 be  pradeep is name
 My ...intwer expecting a 1 traversal algo

 Q7. C++ (What are virtual functions) what happened if I do  
 Base *d = new Derived(); and  Derived *d = new Base();  
 is it error(in which statement) or not if yes what type of error?

 Q8.  you have 6 coins of Indian denomination (a+b+c+d+e+f=115 paisa) ...if
 user ask for a
 change of 100,50,25,10,5 paisa then you r not able to give find the value of
 lets if user ask for a change of 25 paisa then you r not able to return
 (10+10+5) or (20+5)

 Q9.  allocate 2D array dynamically with min no. of malloc calls.

 Q10. given unsorted array and a no. X ,find 2 no. whose sum is
 Xa[i]+a[j]=X ...do it in  O(n)

 Q11. class A {}; A obj ; what is sizeof(obj)explain ANS

 Q12. Write a code of Merge sort on Linked list.

 Lets discuss them

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[algogeeks] Re: Some adobe interview questions.

2011-07-05 Thread Dumanshu
@Azhar: could u plz explain the q8. problem.

On Jul 5, 12:13 pm, Azhar Hussain azhar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Q8 is a DP problem, here is the solution

 #include stdio.h

 #define MAX 125
 #define VAL 6
 int Min[MAX];
 int N[VAL] = {5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100};

 int main(void)
     int i, j;

     for (i = 1; i  MAX; i++)
         Min[i] = 100;

     for (i = 5; i  MAX; i += 5)
         for (j = 0; j  VAL; j++)
             if ((N[j] = i)  ((Min[i-N[j]] + 1)  Min[i]))
                 Min[i] = Min[i-N[j]] + 1;

     fprintf(stderr, \n***\n);
     for (i = 0; i  MAX; i += 5)
         fprintf(stderr, %d = %d\n, i, Min[i]);
     return 0;


 0 = 0
 5 = 1
 10 = 1
 15 = 2
 20 = 1
 25 = 1
 30 = 2
 35 = 2
 40 = 2
 45 = 2
 50 = 1
 55 = 2
 60 = 2
 65 = 3
 70 = 2
 75 = 2
 80 = 3
 85 = 3
 90 = 3
 95 = 3
 100 = 1
 105 = 2
 110 = 2
 115 = 3
 120 = 2

 more information can be found 


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[algogeeks] Re: Some adobe interview questions.

2011-07-05 Thread Dumanshu
@Saurabh: u can improve upon ur solution.

char * outstr;
int c =0;
void getreversedwords(string str)
index = str.length()-1;
//outstr is the answer
stack st;
if(st.top() == ' ') //top is a space

void printstack()
int set =1;
char ch;
if(st.top()==' ')
ch = st.pop();
set =0;
outstr[c++] = st.pop();
outstr[c++] = ch;

On Jul 5, 4:10 pm, saurabh singh saurab...@gmail.com wrote:
 well for question 6 I think calculating size of string will count as one
 Correct me if I am wrong?
 My approach:
 traverse storing each char in a string.when space encountered push the
 string in stack
 I am not sure how my solution is but it doesnt appears gud ryt now.

 On Tue, Jul 5, 2011  4:34 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  ans1. use counting sort for character array (0 to 255) then check for
  the second string if same or not.

  ans2. send 1 and 2, 1 comes back, send 10 and 5, 2 comes back, send 2
  and 1

  ans3. As vikas said, sum of digits should b 8. In that case the number
  must have a zero digit because 1st digit the no. of zeroes can't be
  zero then. right? print all the combinations. need help on this.

  ans4. a function with string, first index, last index as arguments and
  return true or false. increment first index and decrement last index
  for recursive call.

  ans5. I have no idea. may b we can take help of shunting algorithm.
  but there ought to be an easier way to do this. Do we have to WAP a
  general one for these expressions???

  ans6. allocate same number of bytes for the reversed string. now
  traverse the original string from the back.
  as soon as u encounter a space say at position x or you come to 0
  index, call the    current = function (x+1,current) or current =
  this function copies the original string from position x+1 to
  (while(space or null)) in reversed string at position current and
  returns current + no. of characters copied.

  ans8. somebody plz explain this. do we have to find the values for
  a,b,c,d,e,f so that we can get return change for 100,50,25,10,5?
  10, 5,5,20,25,50... how to get change for 5 then?

  ans9. lets say we have to allocate 100*200 i.e. rows 100 and columns
         int **a = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*100);
         a[0] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*100*200);
    a[i] = (a[i-1]+200);

  ans10. use hashtables, first traversal get true for all values
  present. then second traversal, check if (X- arr[i]) is present in
  hashtable, if yes print.

  ans11. i think ans to this one is 1 byte. because some information is
  stored.. may be. m nt sure :P

  ans12. typedef struct node * NODE;

  NODE sortlist(NODE head,int n)
  if(n==1) return head;
  if(!n) return null;
  NODE temp =head;
  for(int i=0;in\2;i++)temp=temp-next;
  return merge(sortlist(head,n/2),sortlist(temp,n/2 + (n%2)););

  NODE merge(NODE t1,NODE t2)
  NODE head=NULL,temp=NULL;
  int set =0;

  while(t1  t2)
  if(t1-data  t2-data)
  if(!set){head=t1;temp = head;set=1;t1=t1-next;}
  temp-next = t1;
  if(!set){head=t2;temp = head;set=1;t2=t2-next;}
  temp-next = t2;

  temp-next = t1;
  t1 = t1-next;
  temp-next = t2;
  t2 = t2-next;
  temp-next = NULL;

  return head;

  did i miss any case?

  On Jul 5, 11:24 am, vikas mehta...@gmail.com wrote:
   These all were asked cumulatively in five interviews, one after another.

   Q1 given 2 string A ,B. write a code to find all character of A exists in
   or not?

   Q2. A puzzle athttp://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/56756.html

   Q3. Find a 8-digit number, where the first figure defines the count of
   in this number, the second figure the count of numeral 1 in this number
   so on

   Q4. write a recursive function to find a given string is palindrome or

   Q5.   write a code to generate the parse tree like compilers do
   for any given expression
   e.g. a+(b+c*(e/f)+d)*g

   Q6. 3 reverse the string word by word e.g. My name is pradeep .. o/p
   be  pradeep is name
   My ...intwer expecting a 1 traversal algo

   Q7. C++ (What are virtual functions) what happened if I do
   Base *d = new Derived(); and  Derived *d = new Base();
   is it error(in which statement) or not if yes what type of error?

   Q8.  you have 6 coins of Indian denomination (a+b+c+d+e+f=115 paisa)
   user ask for a
   change of 100,50,25,10,5 paisa then you r not able to give find the value
   lets if user ask for a change of 25 paisa then you r not able to return
   (10+10+5) or (20+5)

   Q9.  allocate 2D array dynamically with min no. of malloc calls.

   Q10. given unsorted array and a no. X ,find 2 no. whose

[algogeeks] Re: Interview Question

2011-07-02 Thread Dumanshu
xor all the elements of both arrays ==0
sum of 1st array == sum of 2nd array
no. of elements in 1st == no. of elements in 2nd
if the above conditions are met, they have the same set.
m i missin sth?
On Jul 3, 1:23 am, mittal mohitm.1...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given two arrays of numbers, find if each of the two arrays have the same
 set of ntegers ? Suggest an algo which can run faster than NlogN without
 extra space?

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - Longest palindrome in a string in O(n)

2011-07-01 Thread Dumanshu
@hary: nhin, its some constant multiple of n. O(constant*n)
for a string of length n, 2*n-1 positions are there.
every time i calculate the next center using prev center value
if the value at prev center is a large one then this next center value
skips that many positions to compensate..
if the value at prev center is small then next center won't skip
positions it may be just the next one.
so overall, it gives linear complexity.

On Jul 1, 12:35 pm, hary rathor harry.rat...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Dumanshu; worst case O(n3) hai iska

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[algogeeks] Re: Longest substring 0's 1's

2011-07-01 Thread Dumanshu
@sunny: if a[i]==0 then 0,i is the solution
suppose a[i]==a[j] ==0 now 0,i and 0,j is the solution. is i,j also
the solution??

On Jul 1, 4:08 pm, sunny agrawal sunny816.i...@gmail.com wrote:
 String = 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1.
 1. make the  array = 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1
 2. after second operation
 array = 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
 index = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 a[1] = 0 - [0,1] is a solution
 a[0] = a[2] = a[4] so (0,4],(0,2],(2,4] are also solutions
 a[3] = a[5] (3,5] is also a solution.

 This Solution is O(n) in Both TC and SC
 I have read this Question at many places but never seen a solution with O(n)
 TC and O(1) space
 where did you find these constraints ??

 On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Anantha Krishnan 

 ananthakrishnan@gmail.com wrote:

  Can you plz explain for input 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1.

  Also I want solution in O(n) TC and O(1) SC.

  Anantha Krishnan

  On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 4:13 PM, sunny agrawal 

  Take an array of size of the length of the string.
  fill the array positions with one where string contains 1, and -1 where it
  is 0

  Now for each i (1,n-1) perform the following operation
  a[i] = a[i-1] + a[i]
  now a[i] will contains sum of values from a[0] to a[i] in original array.

  Now only thing remains to find is two indexes in this array such that a[i]
  = a[j]
  where ever this condition is met ( i,j ] is a solution

  or if for some i a[i] = 0 in this case [0,i] will be a solution

  this can be done using hashing
  hash the values in the array of size 2*n+1. as range of values is -n to n
  and keep track of max interval.

  On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Anantha Krishnan 
  ananthakrishnan@gmail.com wrote:

  Given a string containing 0's and 1's. One would need to find the longest
  sub-string such that the count of 0's is equal to the count of 1's in the
  largest sub string.

  Anantha Krishnan

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  Sunny Aggrawal
  B-Tech IV year,CSI
  Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

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 Sunny Aggrawal
 B-Tech IV year,CSI
 Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: conditional compilation

2011-07-01 Thread Dumanshu

preprocessor is a program which is called by the compiler before the
actual compilation.
see, for the preprocessor directive #if there is a condition that it
should be followed by a constant because it is evaluated before
compiling the program.
Now these constants can be constant say 1,8, etc or it should be
define using another preprocessor directive #define.

In ur program, #if i==0, the preprocessor first sees if i here is
defined using #define because its not a constant. Since u haven't, it
takes the by default value for constant i as 0. This i is not ur int
i, but it is seen as a #define stuff.
see this program for example

#define p 1
int main()
#if i==1

int i=1;

#if j==0

#if k==5

#if p==1

return 0;

it prints: 1234 and srikant.

the statement int i=1 has no role in preprocessing.
I have not defined j or k which is used by #if so it will take it as
value 0 and checks for the condition which evaluates to true and false
whereas i have defined constant p as 1 using #define, so this
condition will evaluate to true printing srikant.

In case u want to see the output just after preprocessor runs i.e.
before compilation use gcc -E filename.
Hope this clears ur doubt.


On Jul 2, 12:08 am, himanshu kansal himanshukansal...@gmail.com
 If i do #if i==0 thn it vl cmpl it..means its tkng it as 0..bt why...

 On 7/1/11, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

  i think it will take a garbage value for i because these are
  preprocessor directives.

  On Jun 30, 4:46 pm, himanshu kansal himanshukansal...@gmail.com
  1 more thngif its possible to eval. variable expression lyk abv...
  int i=2;
  #if i==2
  printf(bye);     //prints byei think it shld print hi...

  even this code prints bye.

  int i=3;
  #if i==2

  On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 5:13 PM, himanshu kansal 

  himanshukansal...@gmail.com wrote:
   somewhere i read dt conditional compilation such as #if and #elif etc
   cn only use constant expressions and previously defined macrosthey
   cant use variables cz preprocessng is done b4 compilation...
   bt whn i try it on gcc and vc both r compiling it with variables abs.
   fyneven disabling extensions dint work
   i.e int i;
   #if i+1
   printf(hi);     vl print hi...no error occurs

   thn i read it on net dt it cn eval. varables also
   nw m confused who is ryt...
   whtr it cn eval var also or nt...
   nd if it cn thn hws it possible dt preprocessor knows d val. of var.
   b4 compiling d prog...


  Himanshu Kansal
    Msc Comp. sc.
  (University of Delhi)

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 Sent from my mobile device

 Himanshu Kansal
   Msc Comp. sc.
 (University of Delhi)

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[algogeeks] Re: conditional compilation

2011-07-01 Thread Dumanshu
In ur second code change int i=2 and run it. It would still print bye.
check the result of preprocessor using -E flag.

On Jun 30, 4:46 pm, himanshu kansal himanshukansal...@gmail.com
 1 more thngif its possible to eval. variable expression lyk abv...
 int i=2;
 #if i==2
 printf(bye);     //prints byei think it shld print hi...

 even this code prints bye.

 int i=3;
 #if i==2

 On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 5:13 PM, himanshu kansal 

 himanshukansal...@gmail.com wrote:
  somewhere i read dt conditional compilation such as #if and #elif etc
  cn only use constant expressions and previously defined macrosthey
  cant use variables cz preprocessng is done b4 compilation...
  bt whn i try it on gcc and vc both r compiling it with variables abs.
  fyneven disabling extensions dint work
  i.e int i;
  #if i+1
  printf(hi);     vl print hi...no error occurs

  thn i read it on net dt it cn eval. varables also
  nw m confused who is ryt...
  whtr it cn eval var also or nt...
  nd if it cn thn hws it possible dt preprocessor knows d val. of var.
  b4 compiling d prog...


 Himanshu Kansal
   Msc Comp. sc.
 (University of Delhi)

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[algogeeks] Re: Google Interview

2011-06-30 Thread Dumanshu
@Jitendra: where r u using  k in the first call?

On Jun 30, 8:56 am, Jitendra singh jsinghrath...@gmail.com wrote:
       return a[mida];


 On 6/25/11, Anantha Krishnan ananthakrishnan@gmail.com wrote:

  Idea is like this since both the arrays may not be of same length lets
  divide (k-1) smallest elements proportionally in both the arrays:

  let i point the array A by
  i=m/(m+n) * (k-1) [since we have to divide k-1 elements among two]
  j=(k-1) - i

  then try to insert A[i] between B[j-1] and B[j] if three are not in asc
  order try to insert B[j] between A[i-1] and A[i]
  If any one of the above satisfies we found kth smallest element else,

  check which one is smallest among A[i] and B[j] its logical that if A[i] is
  smallest then we can A[0] to A[i] for the next iteration and
  k becomes k-i-1 also m becomes m-i-1 i.e now we have only m-i-1+n elements
  out of which we have to find k-i-1th smallest thus the iteration goes
  on until we
  find our kth smallest element.

  Consider 2 arrays

  A={5,7,9,20}; length of A: m=4
  B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6

  let K be 4

  i=4/10*3=1;  A[1]=7;
  j=3-1=2;      B[2]=21;

  B[1]=12 A[1]=7  B[2]=21 [not in asc order]
  A[0]=5  B[2]=21 A[1]=7   [not in asc order]

  so now,
  k=k-i-1  =4-1-1=2

  A={9,20}; length of A: m=2
  B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6

  i=2/8*1=0;  A[0]=9;
  j=1-0=1;     B[1]=12;

  (acutally A[-1] is just for understanding)
  B[0]=10      A[0]=9  B[1]=12 [not in asc order]
  A[-1]=-INF  B[1]=12 A[0]=9   [not in asc order]

  A={20}; length of A: m=1
  B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6

  i=1/7*0=0;  A[0]=20;
  j=0-0=0;     B[0]=10;

  (acutally A[-1] and B[-1] are just for understanding)
  B[-1]=-INF  A[0]=20  B[0]=10 [not in asc order]
  A[-1]=-INF  B[0]=10 A[0]=20  [in asc order]

  We got the Kth(4th) smallest element which is 10.

  Thanks  Regards,
  Anantha Krishnan

  On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:20 PM, Akshata Sharma

  can you explain the logic please?
  On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Anantha Krishnan 
  ananthakrishnan@gmail.com wrote:

  Check thishttp://ideone.com/C8fQC

  http://ideone.com/C8fQCThanks  Regards,
  Anantha Krishnan

  On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:18 PM, Decipher ankurseth...@gmail.comwrote:

  Can anybody please explain how to solve this question with logarithmic
  time complexity ?

  Write the code/algorithm to find the k-th Smallest Element in the
  Union of Two Sorted Arrays .

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - Longest palindrome in a string in O(n)

2011-06-30 Thread Dumanshu
heres the code: http://ideone.com/aiG1m
using the algo from 

On Jun 21, 11:31 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does any one know how to return the Longest palindrome in a string in
 From googling i found that we can use suffix trees but there is no code. I
 am looking for logic and also for running code.


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[algogeeks] Re: Google Interview

2011-06-30 Thread Dumanshu
check this code http://ideone.com/rX130
compares k/2 values of each array taking care of extremes.

On Jun 24, 9:48 pm, Decipher ankurseth...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can anybody please explain how to solve this question with logarithmic
 time complexity ?

 Write the code/algorithm to find the k-th Smallest Element in the
 Union of Two Sorted Arrays .

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[algogeeks] Re: conditional compilation

2011-06-30 Thread Dumanshu
i think it will take a garbage value for i because these are
preprocessor directives.

On Jun 30, 4:46 pm, himanshu kansal himanshukansal...@gmail.com
 1 more thngif its possible to eval. variable expression lyk abv...
 int i=2;
 #if i==2
 printf(bye);     //prints byei think it shld print hi...

 even this code prints bye.

 int i=3;
 #if i==2

 On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 5:13 PM, himanshu kansal 

 himanshukansal...@gmail.com wrote:
  somewhere i read dt conditional compilation such as #if and #elif etc
  cn only use constant expressions and previously defined macrosthey
  cant use variables cz preprocessng is done b4 compilation...
  bt whn i try it on gcc and vc both r compiling it with variables abs.
  fyneven disabling extensions dint work
  i.e int i;
  #if i+1
  printf(hi);     vl print hi...no error occurs

  thn i read it on net dt it cn eval. varables also
  nw m confused who is ryt...
  whtr it cn eval var also or nt...
  nd if it cn thn hws it possible dt preprocessor knows d val. of var.
  b4 compiling d prog...


 Himanshu Kansal
   Msc Comp. sc.
 (University of Delhi)

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - max substring

2011-06-29 Thread Dumanshu
I have used suffix arrays. Its easier to implement than trees.
code here- http://ideone.com/kX8MV
In case u find a test case givin wrong output plz do tell.

On Jun 29, 9:54 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a code that
 returns the max. length of the string that has repeated more than once.


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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - max substring

2011-06-29 Thread Dumanshu
for the input doomdoomdoom
output is 4 or 8?

On Jun 30, 2:04 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have used suffix arrays. Its easier to implement than trees.
 code here-http://ideone.com/kX8MV
 In case u find a test case givin wrong output plz do tell.

 On Jun 29, 9:54 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a code that
  returns the max. length of the string that has repeated more than once.


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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - max substring

2011-06-29 Thread Dumanshu
if the output for the input doomdoomdoom is 8 then refer to
else if the output is 4 then refer to http://ideone.com/3tAKN
the second one is having a higher complexity.
ny suggestions?

On Jun 29, 9:54 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a code that
 returns the max. length of the string that has repeated more than once.


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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon - max substring

2011-06-29 Thread Dumanshu
O(n^2) and O(n^3) respectively.

On Jun 30, 3:47 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 if the output for the input doomdoomdoom is 8 then refer 
 else if the output is 4 then refer tohttp://ideone.com/3tAKN
 the second one is having a higher complexity.
 ny suggestions?

 On Jun 29, 9:54 pm, Swathi chukka.swa...@gmail.com wrote:

  Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a code that
  returns the max. length of the string that has repeated more than once.


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[algogeeks] Re: NEED ALGO IN TIME 0.00

2011-06-27 Thread Dumanshu
don't u think for the counting sort part, if u use 11 int array as it
is without copying values in the main array, it would run faster? And
later on, get the sum from the two 11 int arrays like I did. Although
m using a single buffer so m getting 0.01. -http://ideone.com/lsK8n
So, by using a buffer of 512, u might b able to get a time of 0.0.
What do u think?

On Jun 27, 2:05 am, rizwan hudda rizwanhu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am able to get this accepted with 0.00 Secondshttp://ideone.com/Eg2wZ
 But, I am using 512 KB Buffer. Not sure how I do get 0.00 with a
 smaller buffer size say 8KB

 On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 7:54 AM, Wladimir Tavares wladimir...@gmail.com 
  sometimes using global static variables may be better to use dynamic
  variables on the stack!


  Wladimir Araujo Tavares
  Federal University of Ceará

  On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 7:32 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

  finally got it in 0.01 sec using all the optimizations i am aware of
  including what Wladimir had suggested.
  Now wat to do for 0.00???
  heres my code-

  please suggest if any further optimizations possible.

  On Jun 26, 2:21 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
   Ok, it seems like bucket sort is the best way to do it.  I got 0.06
   and to go further weneedto use char buffer like the one Wladimir
   But still i have a doubt that would it be possible to reduce 0.06 to
   0.00 using that buffer?

   I don't think there can be any possible improvement in logic.
   wat do u think?

   On Jun 26, 12:25 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

see i got 0.07 sec as the time after using counting sort.. because the
hotness scale is 0-10 so i used an array of 11 ints to count the no.
of occurrences. But i m nt able to further reduce this.
ny suggestions?

theres a comment on the problem:
On an interesting side note: the maximising principle underlying this
problem generalises to almost-everywhere finite functions on sigma-
finite measure spaces by a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, see
Theorem II.2.2 in C. Bennett, R. Sharpley, Interpolation of
ny use???

On Jun 25, 3:08 pm, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:

 somebody answer how to reduce time
 *- - - - -



 On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:27 AM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com
  sorry my time is 0.2 and i use simple int array and sort function

  *- - - - -



  On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:04 AM, sunny agrawal

  i am not sure about this
  but when i solved this problem using simple scanf, printf and
  function of algorithm library, my time was 0.08 so might be
  reading the
  values in character buffer and then parsing then in ints may help

  how did you implemented ?
  did you implemented your own sort funtion ?
  which input/output methods you used ?

  On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:23 PM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com


  i summit this question and my time is 0.02 as i used sorting and
  multiply corresponding index value and sum them to get ans.

  but best time is 0.00 and 1.6M in C.
  can anyone tell me what is the bestalgoto solve this problem
  in 0.00
  i.e. bestalgo


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  Sunny Aggrawal
  B-Tech IV year,CSI
  Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

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[algogeeks] Re: NEED ALGO IN TIME 0.00

2011-06-26 Thread Dumanshu
@Dan: see, that is not the point. We are just looking for a better
solution not just an algorithm which fetches us 0.00 time given the
SPOJ conditions. Actually we are not worried about the compiler stuff
because its all relative. Some other person on this SPOJ platform has
submitted the code which runs in 0.00 sec so we want to think of the
optimizations he might have employed which made his code to run

Another plus point is- the difference in the time might be covered by
exploiting the SPOJ platform but in the meanwhile, we get to think, we
might get a new approach to the problem or may be an inprovement in
the algorithm being deployed. Thats the whole point. Its just
relative. Someone has used some optimizations and got a better time so
we are looking for it.

People do write their functions to multiply, take modulus etc We skip
the printf scanf calls instead switch to fread etc just to achieve the
speedup. The purpose is not just to solve the problem but to solve it
efficiently. Say we are just sorting an array, the way we do it, the
memory we use etc. it all matters and SPOJ helps to measure the same
relatively. The problem given might be trivial but the competition
among thousands of coders trying to achieve the best time for the same
builds the spirit and helps to explore new techniques, new algorithms.
It all comes with an urge to make our code run faster.

Regarding the 1.6M, I don't really kno what it means but if one is
interested, you can look for it on the forums etc and you'll have your
answer. Some addicted user must be knowing this stuff actually. At the
end, its all about the competition after you discover the logic to
solve the problem.
When you don't have the urge to improve upon it, you won't discover
something new, something efficient.

These are my views. I am not an addicted SPOJ user. I might be
mistaken but this is what i feel.


On Jun 26, 11:59 pm, Dan dant...@aol.com wrote:
 I found the problem statement on the web page link to be a bit
 weak.   Nothing in the problem statement says that you must do
 anything other than read in two lines of integers and multiply them in
 pairs and sum the results  ( ie.  Dot Product ).

 People seem to think that you should sort the data first  ( an
 assumption that is NOT in the problem statement ).   Does that mean
 that you get the problem wrong if you don't sort the data first?

 Also...  it looks as if you have to write the code in one of the
 listed languages.  Is that true?
 You then submit your text code and it is compiled somewhere else?
 What compiler(s) is/are used and with what settings?  This can affect
 both speed and memory (by large amounts).
 Also...  exactly what does  1.6M  for  memory mean?

 For the moment,  let's assume that you ARE supposed to sort the data
 Then...  at best,  all this test really does is check to see if you
 can read and sort data quickly.  Multiplying pairs of numbers is
 trivial and I doubt many individuals are writing much code to speed up
 this simple Dot Product calculation.   So...  unless you write your
 own integer sorting algorithm that you are very proud of,  what's the
 point of this test (other than it might be worthwhile as a homework
 assignment to new coders).

 Have I missed something?

 Dan   :-)

 On Jun 24, 9:53 am, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:


  i summit this question and my time is 0.02 as i used sorting and then
  multiply corresponding index value and sum them to get ans.

  but best time is 0.00 and 1.6M in C.
  can anyone tell me what is the best algo to solve this problem in 0.00 i.e.
  best algo


  - - - - -
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[algogeeks] Re: puzzle

2011-06-26 Thread Dumanshu
These type of solutions require to think in binary.

First of all leave the last one because if we don't find a poisoned
bottle in first 5 then it means the last one is poisoned.
So 5 can be expressed using 3 bits.
these 3 bits will correspond to mice... 1 indicates the mice drinks
and 0 indicates it doesn't from the mentioned bottle.

1 - 001
2- 010
3- 011

the number on right is the bottle number for remaining five bottles.
The binary number on right tells us which mouse drinks from which
e.g. bottle no. 5 is taken by mice 1 and mice 3 whereas bottle no.3 is
consumed by mice 2 and mice 3.
Now after 14hrs, the mice which die will tell us which bottle was
poisoned. Because the combination is unique.


On Jun 26, 11:10 pm, amit the cool amitthecoo...@gmail.com wrote:
 There are 6 beer bottle nd one is poisoned. we have mice who will die
 within 14 hrs after drinkin poisned beer. In 24 hrs we have to find
 poisoned beer bottle. How many no of mice we require to find out
 poisoned bottle.

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[algogeeks] Re: NEED ALGO IN TIME 0.00

2011-06-25 Thread Dumanshu
see i got 0.07 sec as the time after using counting sort.. because the
hotness scale is 0-10 so i used an array of 11 ints to count the no.
of occurrences. But i m nt able to further reduce this.
ny suggestions?

theres a comment on the problem:
On an interesting side note: the maximising principle underlying this
problem generalises to almost-everywhere finite functions on sigma-
finite measure spaces by a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, see
Theorem II.2.2 in C. Bennett, R. Sharpley, Interpolation of
ny use???

On Jun 25, 3:08 pm, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:
 somebody answer how to reduce time
 *- - - - -



 On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:27 AM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:
  sorry my time is 0.2 and i use simple int array and sort function of

  *- - - - -



  On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:04 AM, sunny agrawal 

  i am not sure about this
  but when i solved this problem using simple scanf, printf and sort
  function of algorithm library, my time was 0.08 so might be reading the
  values in character buffer and then parsing then in ints may help

  how did you implemented ?
  did you implemented your own sort funtion ?
  which input/output methods you used ?

  On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:23 PM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:


  i summit this question and my time is 0.02 as i used sorting and then
  multiply corresponding index value and sum them to get ans.

  but best time is 0.00 and 1.6M in C.
  can anyone tell me what is the best algo to solve this problem in 0.00
  i.e. best algo


  - - - - -

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  For more options, visit this group at

  Sunny Aggrawal
  B-Tech IV year,CSI
  Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  Algorithm Geeks group.
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[algogeeks] Re: NEED ALGO IN TIME 0.00

2011-06-25 Thread Dumanshu
Ok, it seems like bucket sort is the best way to do it.  I got 0.06
and to go further we need to use char buffer like the one Wladimir
But still i have a doubt that would it be possible to reduce 0.06 to
0.00 using that buffer?

I don't think there can be any possible improvement in logic.
wat do u think?

On Jun 26, 12:25 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 see i got 0.07 sec as the time after using counting sort.. because the
 hotness scale is 0-10 so i used an array of 11 ints to count the no.
 of occurrences. But i m nt able to further reduce this.
 ny suggestions?

 theres a comment on the problem:
 On an interesting side note: the maximising principle underlying this
 problem generalises to almost-everywhere finite functions on sigma-
 finite measure spaces by a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, see
 Theorem II.2.2 in C. Bennett, R. Sharpley, Interpolation of
 ny use???

 On Jun 25, 3:08 pm, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:

  somebody answer how to reduce time
  *- - - - -



  On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:27 AM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:
   sorry my time is 0.2 and i use simple int array and sort function of

   *- - - - -



   On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:04 AM, sunny agrawal 

   i am not sure about this
   but when i solved this problem using simple scanf, printf and sort
   function of algorithm library, my time was 0.08 so might be reading the
   values in character buffer and then parsing then in ints may help

   how did you implemented ?
   did you implemented your own sort funtion ?
   which input/output methods you used ?

   On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:23 PM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:


   i summit this question and my time is 0.02 as i used sorting and then
   multiply corresponding index value and sum them to get ans.

   but best time is 0.00 and 1.6M in C.
   can anyone tell me what is the best algo to solve this problem in 0.00
   i.e. best algo


   - - - - -

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
   Algorithm Geeks group.
   To post to this group, send email to algogeeks@googlegroups.com.
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

   Sunny Aggrawal
   B-Tech IV year,CSI
   Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Algorithm Geeks group.
   To post to this group, send email to algogeeks@googlegroups.com.
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[algogeeks] Re: NEED ALGO IN TIME 0.00

2011-06-25 Thread Dumanshu
finally got it in 0.01 sec using all the optimizations i am aware of
including what Wladimir had suggested.
Now wat to do for 0.00???
heres my code-

please suggest if any further optimizations possible.

On Jun 26, 2:21 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, it seems like bucket sort is the best way to do it.  I got 0.06
 and to go further we need to use char buffer like the one Wladimir
 But still i have a doubt that would it be possible to reduce 0.06 to
 0.00 using that buffer?

 I don't think there can be any possible improvement in logic.
 wat do u think?

 On Jun 26, 12:25 am, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:

  see i got 0.07 sec as the time after using counting sort.. because the
  hotness scale is 0-10 so i used an array of 11 ints to count the no.
  of occurrences. But i m nt able to further reduce this.
  ny suggestions?

  theres a comment on the problem:
  On an interesting side note: the maximising principle underlying this
  problem generalises to almost-everywhere finite functions on sigma-
  finite measure spaces by a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, see
  Theorem II.2.2 in C. Bennett, R. Sharpley, Interpolation of
  ny use???

  On Jun 25, 3:08 pm, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:

   somebody answer how to reduce time
   *- - - - -



   On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:27 AM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com wrote:
sorry my time is 0.2 and i use simple int array and sort function of

*- - - - -



On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 12:04 AM, sunny agrawal 

i am not sure about this
but when i solved this problem using simple scanf, printf and sort
function of algorithm library, my time was 0.08 so might be reading the
values in character buffer and then parsing then in ints may help

how did you implemented ?
did you implemented your own sort funtion ?
which input/output methods you used ?

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:23 PM, prathimzn prathi...@gmail.com 


i summit this question and my time is 0.02 as i used sorting and then
multiply corresponding index value and sum them to get ans.

but best time is 0.00 and 1.6M in C.
can anyone tell me what is the best algo to solve this problem in 0.00
i.e. best algo


- - - - -

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For more options, visit this group at

Sunny Aggrawal
B-Tech IV year,CSI
Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

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[algogeeks] Re: Google Question

2011-06-22 Thread Dumanshu
@Piyush: could u plz post the link to the same?

On Jun 22, 2:15 pm, Piyush Sinha ecstasy.piy...@gmail.com wrote:
 This question has been discussed over here once...It was concluded
 that this can be solved in O(n) if we know there is a fixed range up
 to which the elements keep on increasing and decreasing..for example
 in an array of 12 elements, we know 3 elements keep on increasing
 monotonically, then 3 elements keep on decreasing monotonically and so

 On 6/22/11, chirag ahuja sparkle.chi...@gmail.com wrote:

  Given an array of size n wherein elements keep on increasing
  monotonically upto a certain location after which they keep on
  decreasing monotonically, then again keep on increasing, then
  decreasing again and so on. Sort the array in O(n) and O(1).

  I didn't understand the question, any array of n elements will be like
  this except when first there is a decrese from index 0 to a higher
  index. Any ideas about how to solve it in given constraints??

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 *Piyush Sinha*
 *IIIT, Allahabad*
 *https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10655377926*- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: finding vlaue of nCr

2011-06-21 Thread Dumanshu
Dynamic programming using memoization is the best one i think.

On Jun 21, 3:17 am, PRAMENDRA RATHi rathi prathi...@gmail.com wrote:
 what is the shortest algo to find the value of nCr if both


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[algogeeks] Re: finding vlaue of nCr

2011-06-21 Thread Dumanshu
@Sunny: the value can still overflow because
Using the while loop u r dividing the res value whenever possible. so
the while checks if the current j divides res or not. What if current
res value is not divisible by that particular j ... it will multiply
by i for next res value and it will keep doing this until u get a res
value divisible by that specific current j. So in the meantime, when
the res value is increasing just because j doesn't divide it, it can

On Jun 21, 4:12 pm, sunny agrawal sunny816.i...@gmail.com wrote:
 i am doing the same thing without using array

    long long int res = 1;
    int j = 2;
    for(int i = n-k+1; i = n; i++){
        res *= (long long int)i;
        while(j = k  res%j == 0){

 On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 4:25 PM, kartik sachan kartik.sac...@gmail.com

  @ sunny  i am not getting ur apporach
  but i am thinking like this..
  taking an array from and intilize it to n to n-r

  int k=0;
  for(int i=n;i=n-r;i--)

  for(int y=n-r;y1;y--)

  for example we take 7c3

  so first array is intilize to {7,6,5,4}
  then we check divisibilty by {3,2}
  so 6 is divisible by 3 so put 6/3 back in array 2
  so finally 7*2*5*2;

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 Sunny Aggrawal
 B-Tech IV year,CSI
 Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: google interview c testing

2011-06-18 Thread Dumanshu
new and delete are functions available in C++ and not in C. m i right?

On Jun 17, 2:34 pm, rohit rajuljain...@gmail.com wrote:
 how to free memory allocated to an array with new function?

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[algogeeks] Re: How to use asm in spoj

2011-06-18 Thread Dumanshu
Yes SPOJ uses the nasm assembler.

On Jun 18, 7:02 am, saurabh singh saurab...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am using standard gcc 4.3.2 and the code does not requires any flag to be
 required.I also checked the alias if gcc has been aliased to be used with
 some option,but that was not the case.My operating system is ubuntu.The
 error I get is CONT1D and D1ONE already defined.
 I wonder if spoj has a modified gcc which uses the nasm assembler instead of
 the standard assembler packed with gcc?I have put the problem on spoj forum
 few days back but no one has replied since

 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 3:06 AM, DK divyekap...@gmail.com wrote:
  What compiler are you using? Version, compile options etc.


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 Saurabh Singh
 B.Tech (Computer Science)
 MNNIT ALLAHABAD- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: Mutex

2011-06-18 Thread Dumanshu
@DK: So u mean to say that Mutex and binary semaphores provide
completely same functionality. Right?
Say u have a resource R and u can provide access to this particular
only one at a time (lets say multiple threads are there).
Now we can use mutex. One by one the threads will lock it and will use
the resource and then unlock it for other threads.
We can use binary semaphore. One thread will signal it, value will be
0 and use the resource. Later, it will signal it to value 1 so now
other thread can do the same thing.

So here we dont have any difference between mutex and binary
semaphore. We can use either.

Now plz give me some examples where mutex is preferred over binary
semaphore and vice-versa.


On Jun 18, 1:58 am, DK divyekap...@gmail.com wrote:
 @Dumanshu/@Ankit: Of course mutexes can be made to work between processes
 (it's an implementation detail). But the *concept* of a mutex is Owner +
 (Lock  Key) pair. By adding the concept of Owner to a lock, we can ensure
 that only the person who locked the lock can open it. This *guarantees*
 mutual exclusion (which is unlike a semaphore). A semaphore is a signalling
 mechanism between threads/processes that simply indicates an event that has
 occured asynchronously to the process/thread's flow of control (for
 processes/threads other than the event generating process of-course). It is
 often used to indicate that cooperative progress may be possible on
 resources under contention or synchronization between states may be
 required. Any cooperating process/thread can modify the value of a semaphore
 which is not true of a mutex.

 Note: Mutex and Semaphore are essentially concepts. Their implementations
 can vary in different systems and have different implementation constraints
 but the theory is clear. The two are different and serve different purposes
 though they may share implementation details.



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[algogeeks] Re: Finding the min gap in 3 arrays

2011-06-18 Thread Dumanshu
@Ashish: In ur example you have found a min distance for a and c. Now
to proceed because we have to find out min distance for two out of
three arrays with the third array in between i.e. u need to find
occurrence of a c b or a b c or b a c or ... in the merged array. Now
quite possible these occurences might not be continuous so how are u
going to proceed?

Your order of m+n+p is fine for merging but to find the occurrence of
a,b,c it would go like O((size of merged array)^3).  so 3 for loops.
for(i=0;isizeofmergedlist;i++) //for each element
now say a[i] belongs to array a
keep goin until u find occurrence of some (other array other than a)
lets say we have b now
keep going until u find some occurrence of c
now min_dist = max mod(a[i]-a[j],a[i]-a[k],a[k]-a[j]);

So for every element we are updating the min_dist. Is this what you
are trying to do here? sorry i dont get your algo.

On Jun 18, 12:06 am, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote:
 say the arrays are

 a 6,7,9
 b 3,4,5
 c 1,2,8

 the merged array would be


 1c,2c cant be compared as they are from same array..next is 3a this implies
 3-2 =1 is min distance

 P.S: you can merge these in O(m+n+p) [merge from bottom as they are already

 Best Regards
 Ashish Goel
 Think positive and find fuel in failure

 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
  @Ashish: could u plz explain ur algo in detail. walk over the merged
  list to get adjacent min distance and different tags this would be of
  the order O(m*n) say we merge A1 A2 of size m and n respectively.
  Also, now how do u go ahead with the 3rd array? didn't get ur

  Harshal's solution looks fine. ny bugs?

  On Jun 17, 9:13 pm, Ashish Goel ashg...@gmail.com wrote:
   merge two and if required third  array keeping array tag with the
   walk over the merged list and see adjacent distance which is minimum with
   the condition that the tage of the adjacent elements are different

   Best Regards
   Ashish Goel
   Think positive and find fuel in failure

   On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Dumanshu duman...@gmail.com wrote:
U have got 3 sorted arrays A1 A2 and A3 having m n and p elements
respectively. A gap of 3 arrays is defined to be max distance between
3 nos if they are put on a no line say u pick three 2 12 and 7 then
the gap is 10. Now u have to find an efficient way of chosing 3 nos
from these 3 seperate arrays (A1, A2, A3) such that their gap is
minimum. Of course if a num say 2 occurs in all 3 then gap is 0!!!

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[algogeeks] Re: How to use asm in spoj

2011-06-18 Thread Dumanshu
It does matter. suppose u write the c code and the compiler generates
assembly level code later u get machine code which runs. here in this
process many optimizations can be employed which are not done by gcc.
So including asm code in ur c code can actually make ur code to run
very fast provided u use the optimizations :)

On Jun 18, 2:53 pm, ADITYA KUMAR aditya...@gmail.com wrote:
 whether u write your code in assembly or c or even in Machine code it will
 take the same time..
 because after-all ,on system ...your executable runs not ur code
 and which is not in c not in assembly but in machine code

 On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:11 AM, saurabh singh saurab...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have been thinking if I can use asm in c programs to enhance my time...
  So to give it a try i triedhttp://www.spoj.pl/problems/STREETR/
  with the following code:
  int gcd( int a, int b ) {
      int result ;

      __asm__ __volatile__ ( movl %1, %%eax;
                            movl %2, %%ebx;
                            CONT1D: cmpl $0, %%ebx;
                            je D1ONE;
                            xorl %%edx, %%edx;
                            idivl %%ebx;
                            movl %%ebx, %%eax;
                            movl %%edx, %%ebx;
                            jmp CONT1D;
                            D1ONE: movl %%eax, %0; : =g (result) : g
  (a), g (b)

      return result ;

  int main()
     int n,i,min,ans=0;
     int arr[n],ard[n];

  return 0;


  Its according to the i386 arch. it ran fine on my computer but giving
  complilation error in SPOJ judge.
  I am yet a novice with asm's so dont know if I made sense at all.But please
  do help with this,

  Saurabh Singh
  B.Tech (Computer Science)

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 Aditya Kumar
 B-tech 3rd year
 Computer Science  Engg.
 MNNIT, Allahabad.- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Finding the min gap in 3 arrays

2011-06-17 Thread Dumanshu
U have got 3 sorted arrays A1 A2 and A3 having m n and p elements
respectively. A gap of 3 arrays is defined to be max distance between
3 nos if they are put on a no line say u pick three 2 12 and 7 then
the gap is 10. Now u have to find an efficient way of chosing 3 nos
from these 3 seperate arrays (A1, A2, A3) such that their gap is
minimum. Of course if a num say 2 occurs in all 3 then gap is 0!!!

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