Re: [algogeeks] Doubt in removing loop from linked list

2012-03-09 Thread Terence

@ rahul sharma:
the linked list is a combination of a list a-b-...-p-q and a cycle 
q-r-...-z-q. (z != p).
noting that the start of cycle q is the only node with 2 predecessor: p 
and z.
if 2 pointers meet at some node x, different from q, in last step they 
must have met at x', the predecessor of x.

the above logic holds for all nodes in cycle except q.

@ sanjiv yadav:
They will meet at the start of loop.
ex.  a-b-c-d-e-c-d-e...
First round:
A: a-b-c-d
B: a-c-e-d
meet at d.
Second round:
A: a-b-c
B: d-e-c
meet at c.

On 2012-3-9 18:39, sanjiv yadav wrote:
No They will not meet at the start in a case containing 5 nods and 
having loop at the third node. once check this

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:48 PM, rahul sharma wrote:

i have 2 pointers fast and if tehy meet there is a

now keep one ptr at meeting point and take other one to the
begining of listmove both at speed of one..they will meet at
start of loophow this happens???why they meet at start..plz
tell logic behind this???thnx in advance
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Sanjiv Yadav

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: How many ways n points can be connected

2012-02-09 Thread Terence
@rspr: Are you talking about dependencies in my approach? or adding new 

In my DP approach, f(n,m) only depends on f(n-1,m'), f(n-2, m') ,..., 
f(1,m') (m' = m)

Using s(n,m) denoting the number of all graphs of n vertices and m 
edges, obviously s(n,m) = C(n(n-1)/2, m)
Instead of counting connected graphs f(n,m), I count the number of the 
disconnected graphs g(n,m) = s(n,m)-f(n,m)
1. choose the n' (n'n) points in the first connected component 
(containing 1st vertex): C(n-1, n'-1)
2. count the number of ways to connect those n' vertices with m' (m'=m) 
edges:  f(n',m')
3. count the number of ways to place the rest (m-m') edges among the 
reset (n-n') vertices: s(n-n', m-m')
Total number of disconnected graphs of this type is: C(n-1, n'-1) * 
f(n',m') * s(n-n', m-m')
Sum it over all (n',m') (n'n, m'=m), we get g(n,m), then f(n,m) = 

On 2012-2-9 16:52, rspr wrote:

@Terence: The DP approach is nice.

if we have constraint likewhile choosing the first 3 edges if it
makes a triangle so we will require n edges to connect the graph the same fashion...after selecting 2 more
edgesagain we have to check that is it making more
trianglethen no. of total edges will increase by 1 and now we will
require total n+1 edges. So in such a scenario how we can compute the
sample space for every cases. so for all the all the valid m what
should be the sample space for f(n,m). if M(m1,m2,...) is all the
vaild m. Then how we can calcualte the dependency between sample space
for f(n,m1) and f(n,m2).

On Feb 9, 8:22 am,  wrote:

Here is an DP solution:

(consider only simple graph, with at most 1 line between any 2 distinct
points, and no point connect to itself)

Suppose f(n,m) is the number of ways m lines can connect n points.
Then f(n,m) = 0 when m  n-1 or m  n(n-1)/2;

For graph with n vertices and m edges (connected or disconnected), the
overall count is C(n*(n-1)/2, m).
There are 2 types:
1) connected:
The number is f(n,m) that to be computed.
2) disconnected:
Consider the connected component containing vertex 1, suppose it has n'
vertices and m' edges. Then:
a. there are C(n-1, n'-1) ways to select the points in the component
b. there f(n',m') ways to connect the n' points using m' edges
c. the rest n-n' vertices and m-m' edges can be arbitrarily placed.

In summary, f(n,m) = C(n*(n-1)/2, m) - ∑(∑C(n-1, n'-1) * f(n', m') *
C((n-n')*(n-n'-1)/2, m-m') for m' in [n'-1,m]) for n' in [1, n-1]
(C(N, K) is binomial coefficient choosing K from N)

The overall time complexity is O(m^2*n^2), and space complexity is O(mn)

On 2012-2-8 12:03, rspr wrote:

Hi All,
can there be a formulato which we can estimate how many ways (n-1)
lines can connect n points in the same way how many ways n lines can
connect n points and so onthere is one way that we store the
information in adjacency list or in adjacency matrixand will check
for the same for every event in sample there any other
way that can optimize this calculation or may it possible that we can
directly calculate it.
rspr- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

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Re: [algogeeks] How many ways n points can be connected

2012-02-08 Thread Terence

Here is an DP solution:

(consider only simple graph, with at most 1 line between any 2 distinct 
points, and no point connect to itself)

Suppose f(n,m) is the number of ways m lines can connect n points.
Then f(n,m) = 0 when m  n-1 or m  n(n-1)/2;

For graph with n vertices and m edges (connected or disconnected), the 
overall count is C(n*(n-1)/2, m).

There are 2 types:
1) connected:
The number is f(n,m) that to be computed.
2) disconnected:
Consider the connected component containing vertex 1, suppose it has n' 
vertices and m' edges. Then:

a. there are C(n-1, n'-1) ways to select the points in the component
b. there f(n',m') ways to connect the n' points using m' edges
c. the rest n-n' vertices and m-m' edges can be arbitrarily placed.

In summary, f(n,m) = C(n*(n-1)/2, m) - ∑(∑C(n-1, n'-1) * f(n', m') * 
C((n-n')*(n-n'-1)/2, m-m') for m' in [n'-1,m]) for n' in [1, n-1]

(C(N, K) is binomial coefficient choosing K from N)

The overall time complexity is O(m^2*n^2), and space complexity is O(mn)

On 2012-2-8 12:03, rspr wrote:

Hi All,

can there be a formulato which we can estimate how many ways (n-1)
lines can connect n points in the same way how many ways n lines can
connect n points and so onthere is one way that we store the
information in adjacency list or in adjacency matrixand will check
for the same for every event in sample there any other
way that can optimize this calculation or may it possible that we can
directly calculate it.


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Re: [algogeeks]

2012-01-18 Thread Terence

1. the computing of d is incorrect.
d = n-1;
while((d1)==0) d=1;

2. the accuracy of pow is far from enough. you should implement your own 
pow-modulo-n method.

3. for big n, (exceed 32bit), x=(x*x)%n can be overflow also. you may 
need to implement your own multiply method in this case.

On 2012-1-18 18:15, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@all output's to above code are just random.. some prime's. found
correctly while some are not

why i used certain primes to check ie.(2,3,31,73,61,7) coz.. its given
n wiki for about 10^15 checking with these is enough..

On 1/18/12, Sourabh  wrote:

@ALL hi everyone m trying to make prime checker based on miller-rabin
test . can some1 point out . wat's wrong with the code. thank's alot
in advance...

//prime checker based on miller-rabin test
int is_prime(int n)
 if(n==2 | n==3)
   return 1;
 if(((n-1)%6!=0  (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
   return 0;
 int s,d;
 for(s=0;1sn;++s); s--;d=(n%(1s));

 int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
 uint64_t x;

  if(x==1 | x==n-1)
  for(int r=1;rs;r++)
  {   x=(x*x)%n;
  printf(x is %llu\n,x);
  return 0;
  return 0;
 return 1;
   for(int k=1;k100;k++)
   printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k));

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Re: [algogeeks]

2012-01-18 Thread Terence



On 2012-1-18 19:39, Sourabh Singh wrote:


sry i didn't explain what s,d were they were also wrong i ws
calculating for n not n-1
earlier  n=2^s+d

nw m=n-1;  for odd n

//suggested corrections made.. still not working..
using namespace std;
int is_prime(int n)
 if(n==2 | n==3)
   return 1;
 if(((n-1)%6!=0  (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
   return 0;
 int m=n-1;
 int s,d;
 for(s=0;1sm;++s); s--;d=(m%(1s));

 int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
 uint64_t x;
  if(x==1 || x==n-1)

  for(int r=1;rs;r++)
  {   x=(x*x)%n;
  return 0;
return 0;
 return 1;
{for(int k=1;k20;k++) printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k)); getch();}

On 1/18/12, Sourabh  wrote:

@ sunny agrawal

you are right. but i have used check an also . no improvement .
i think algo is wrong in later part.. somewhere..

@ Terence

1) pow may not work for big n but , m just checking for n=1..200
just to check wether algo is right.. and it's not working even for

2) d,s are also coming fine for small values.. of n

3) for x i have used... 64bit integer.. uint64_t in it's declaration.

i just want to get algo right first then bother about big n ;-)

On 1/18/12,  wrote:

1. the computing of d is incorrect.
  d = n-1;
  while((d1)==0) d=1;

2. the accuracy of pow is far from enough. you should implement your own
pow-modulo-n method.

3. for big n, (exceed 32bit), x=(x*x)%n can be overflow also. you may
need to implement your own multiply method in this case.

On 2012-1-18 18:15, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@all output's to above code are just random.. some prime's. found
correctly while some are not

why i used certain primes to check ie.(2,3,31,73,61,7) coz.. its given
n wiki for about 10^15 checking with these is enough..

On 1/18/12, Sourabh   wrote:

@ALL hi everyone m trying to make prime checker based on miller-rabin
test . can some1 point out . wat's wrong with the code. thank's alot
in advance...

//prime checker based on miller-rabin test
int is_prime(int n)
  if(n==2 | n==3)
return 1;
  if(((n-1)%6!=0   (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
return 0;
  int s,d;
  for(s=0;1sn;++s); s--;d=(n%(1s));

  int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
  uint64_t x;

   if(x==1 | x==n-1)
   for(int r=1;rs;r++)
   {   x=(x*x)%n;
   printf(x is %llu\n,x);
   return 0;
   return 0;
  return 1;
for(int k=1;k100;k++)
printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k));

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Re: [algogeeks]

2012-01-18 Thread Terence

error in pow.
as long as n  2^31, x*x fits into int64_t, since xn.

On 2012-1-18 20:51, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@ Terence

I belive nw its giving wrong answer for n41 onwards
due to error's in pow and x*x over flow as u already stated...

i guess algo is right nw.. ;-)

thanx again..

On 1/18/12, Sourabh  wrote:

@ thanx got it.. silly mistakes ;-) . missed thought it ws + between s and

//suggested corrections made.. still not working..
using namespace std;
int is_prime(int n)
 if(n==2 | n==3)
   return 1;
 if(((n-1)%6!=0  (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
   return 0;
 int j,s,d=n-1; while((d1)==0) d=1;

 s=n/d;for(j=0;1js;j++); s=j;

 int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
 uint64_t x;
  if(x==1 || x==n-1)
  int r;
  {   x=(x*x)%n;
  return 0;
return 0;
 return 1;
{for(int k=1;k2000;k++)
 printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k));

On 1/18/12,  wrote:



On 2012-1-18 19:39, Sourabh Singh wrote:


sry i didn't explain what s,d were they were also wrong i ws
calculating for n not n-1
earlier  n=2^s+d

nw m=n-1;  for odd n

//suggested corrections made.. still not working..
using namespace std;
int is_prime(int n)
  if(n==2 | n==3)
return 1;
  if(((n-1)%6!=0   (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
return 0;
  int m=n-1;
  int s,d;
  for(s=0;1sm;++s); s--;d=(m%(1s));

  int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
  uint64_t x;
   if(x==1 || x==n-1)

   for(int r=1;rs;r++)
   {   x=(x*x)%n;
   return 0;
 return 0;
  return 1;
{for(int k=1;k20;k++) printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k)); getch();}

On 1/18/12, Sourabh   wrote:

@ sunny agrawal

you are right. but i have used check an also . no improvement .
i think algo is wrong in later part.. somewhere..

@ Terence

1) pow may not work for big n but , m just checking for n=1..200
 just to check wether algo is right.. and it's not working even for

2) d,s are also coming fine for small values.. of n

3) for x i have used... 64bit integer.. uint64_t in it's declaration.

i just want to get algo right first then bother about big n ;-)

On 1/18/12,   wrote:

1. the computing of d is incorrect.
   d = n-1;
   while((d1)==0) d=1;

2. the accuracy of pow is far from enough. you should implement your
pow-modulo-n method.

3. for big n, (exceed 32bit), x=(x*x)%n can be overflow also. you may
need to implement your own multiply method in this case.

On 2012-1-18 18:15, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@all output's to above code are just random.. some prime's. found
correctly while some are not

why i used certain primes to check ie.(2,3,31,73,61,7) coz.. its
n wiki for about 10^15 checking with these is enough..

On 1/18/12, Sourabh Singhsinghsourab...@gmail.comwrote:

@ALL hi everyone m trying to make prime checker based on
test . can some1 point out . wat's wrong with the code. thank's alot
in advance...

//prime checker based on miller-rabin test
int is_prime(int n)
   if(n==2 | n==3)
 return 1;
   if(((n-1)%6!=0(n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
 return 0;
   int s,d;
   for(s=0;1sn;++s); s--;d=(n%(1s));

   int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
   uint64_t x;

if(x==1 | x==n-1)
for(int r=1;rs;r++)
{   x=(x*x)%n;
printf(x is %llu\n,x

Re: [algogeeks]

2012-01-18 Thread Terence

It just uses the binary form of integer. (ex. 21=2^4+2^2+2^0)
start from 2^0=1, iteratively calculate g(k) = x^(2^k) = g(k-1)^2 (mod p)
and check the bits of n to see if it updates the final result of x^n (mod p)

take 3^21(mod7) as example: (initially r = 1)
kg(k)   r
0 3  1*3=3
1 2  3
2 4  3*4=5
3 2  5
4 4  5*4=6
3^21 = 6 (mod7)

another way is using b^2k = (b^2)^k*1 and b^(2k+1) = (b^2)^k*b.
to calculation y = x^n (mod p), we maintain the relation y=b^k*r, and 
reduce k.

initially y = x^n * 1, (b,k,r) = (x,n,1)
using above formula, we got  (b,2k,r) - (b^2, k, r) and (b,2k+1,r) - 
(b^2, k, r*b)

when k = 0, we got  y=b^0*r = r.

take 3^21 (mod 7):
base  rank  r
   3   21   1
   45 3
16(2)2  12(5)
   41 5
 16(2)   0   20(6)
3^21 = 6 (mod 7)

On 2012-1-19 2:54, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@all sorry .. 21 is prime :-)

  hw can above algo be well implemented to get mpow function...

On 1/18/12, Sourabh  wrote:


pow() mod is giving problem...

found an algo .. is some1 intrested to discuss...

Take  3^21 (mod 7)

3^2= 9  = 2(mod 7),
3^4= (3^2)^2 = 2^2 = 4(mod 7)
3^8= (3^4)^2 = 4^2 = 16 = 2(mod 7)
3^16  = (3^8)^2 = 2^2 = 4(mod 7)

So now we have 3^21 = 3^16 * 3^4 * 3 = 4 * 4 * 3 = 48 = 6 (mod 7).

basically.. we can split the power and take individual a^d%n for each
then multiply to get result..

but my question is what if power is prime and big...

On 1/18/12,  wrote:

error in pow.
as long as n  2^31, x*x fits into int64_t, since xn.

On 2012-1-18 20:51, Sourabh Singh wrote:

@ Terence

I belive nw its giving wrong answer for n41 onwards
due to error's in pow and x*x over flow as u already stated...

i guess algo is right nw.. ;-)

thanx again..

On 1/18/12, Sourabh   wrote:

@ thanx got it.. silly mistakes ;-) . missed thought it ws + between s

//suggested corrections made.. still not working..
using namespace std;
int is_prime(int n)
  if(n==2 | n==3)
return 1;
  if(((n-1)%6!=0   (n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
return 0;
  int j,s,d=n-1; while((d1)==0) d=1;

  s=n/d;for(j=0;1js;j++); s=j;

  int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
  uint64_t x;
   if(x==1 || x==n-1)
   int r;
   {   x=(x*x)%n;
   return 0;
 return 0;
  return 1;
{for(int k=1;k2000;k++)
  printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k));

On 1/18/12,   wrote:



On 2012-1-18 19:39, Sourabh Singh wrote:


sry i didn't explain what s,d were they were also wrong i ws
calculating for n not n-1
earlier  n=2^s+d

nw m=n-1;  for odd n

//suggested corrections made.. still not working..
using namespace std;
int is_prime(int n)
   if(n==2 | n==3)
 return 1;
   if(((n-1)%6!=0(n+1)%6!=0) || n2)
 return 0;
   int m=n-1;
   int s,d;
   for(s=0;1sm;++s); s--;d=(m%(1s));

   int primes[6]={2,3,7,31,61,73},i,a,flag;
   uint64_t x;
if(x==1 || x==n-1)

for(int r=1;rs;r++)
{   x=(x*x)%n;
return 0;
  return 0;
   return 1;
{for(int k=1;k20;k++) printf(%d is %d\n,k,is_prime(k)); getch();}

On 1/18/12, Sourabh Singhsinghsourab...@gmail.comwrote:

@ sunny agrawal

you are right

Re: [algogeeks] Re: Return index of first mismatch bracket ( or )

2011-12-22 Thread Terence
And I think the comparing between first unmatched open/close bracket 
index is not needed.

If we found an unmatched close bracket (ie. the stack is empty when 
encounter a close bracket),
we could return current index immediately, since all open brackets 
before that position are matched and popped out.

If we could not find an unmatched close bracket, and the stack is not 

we examine the stack and return the bottom index (the left most unmatched),
or the top index (the inner most unmatch) as needed.

On 2011-12-22 13:27, Terence wrote:

Then what's your output for test case ()(()?

On 2011-12-22 12:45, atul anand wrote:

i guess there is no need of stack , we can take a variable say top;

increment top when open bracket occur ( and decrement when close 
bracket ) occurs.

keep track of first close bracket mismatch i.e when top is zero and 
current bracket is ).

if top!=0
   report min(index,top);

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 11:06 PM, shady wrote:

true, we have to look at the entire string to find the first
and its meaning depends on how you interpret it... either way stack
will solve it :)

On Dec 20, 10:32 pm, Arun Vishwanathan wrote:
 @shady: I guess first mismatch means the innermost open brace
that doesnt
 have a close brace. U cannot know that the first brace does not
have a
 closing one unless u look at the entire string.

 On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:23 AM, shady wrote:
  ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ) (  )  for this SAMM faulty index is 0,
because the
  first bracket has itself found no matching

  ( ( ( () ) ) for this first bracket is faulty as it couldn't
find a
  closing bracket, , ,
  you can keep a stack with map as element
  stack mapint, char 

  mapint, char where integer is the index of the bracket,
which is stored
  as char
  idea is similar to don's.

  On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:42 PM, atul anand mailto:atul.87fri...@gmail.comwrote:

  there are multiple mismatch or only one mis-match in the
input string.

  if the given string as below :-

  ( ( ( () ) ) - for this is missing match is for 1st , 2nd
or 3rd

  what would be the answer for this.

  On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 8:10 PM, zeroByZero mailto:shri.nit...@gmail.comwrote:

  In a given string arrary arr[] = ((()()) or any other
string return
  index for which no match is found as for this example is
index 0 and
  for ()()()(() is index 6

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Return index of first mismatch bracket ( or )

2011-12-22 Thread Terence

Then what's your output for test case ()(()?

On 2011-12-22 12:45, atul anand wrote:

i guess there is no need of stack , we can take a variable say top;

increment top when open bracket occur ( and decrement when close 
bracket ) occurs.

keep track of first close bracket mismatch i.e when top is zero and 
current bracket is ).

if top!=0
   report min(index,top);

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 11:06 PM, shady wrote:

true, we have to look at the entire string to find the first mismatch,
and its meaning depends on how you interpret it... either way stack
will solve it :)

On Dec 20, 10:32 pm, Arun Vishwanathan wrote:
 @shady: I guess first mismatch means the innermost open brace
that doesnt
 have a close brace. U cannot know that the first brace does not
have a
 closing one unless u look at the entire string.

 On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:23 AM, shady wrote:
  ( ( ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ) (  )  for this SAMM faulty index is 0,
because the
  first bracket has itself found no matching

  ( ( ( () ) ) for this first bracket is faulty as it couldn't
find a
  closing bracket, , ,
  you can keep a stack with map as element
  stack mapint, char 

  mapint, char where integer is the index of the bracket,
which is stored
  as char
  idea is similar to don's.

  On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:42 PM, atul anand mailto:atul.87fri...@gmail.comwrote:

  there are multiple mismatch or only one mis-match in the
input string.

  if the given string as below :-

  ( ( ( () ) ) - for this is missing match is for 1st , 2nd or 3rd

  what would be the answer for this.

  On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 8:10 PM, zeroByZero mailto:shri.nit...@gmail.comwrote:

  In a given string arrary arr[] = ((()()) or any other
string return
  index for which no match is found as for this example is
index 0 and
  for ()()()(() is index 6

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  People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither
does bathing
 - that's why we recommend it daily.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Building a max heap takes O(n) time irrespective of the array being sorted / unsorted.

2011-09-15 Thread Terence
The algorithm of heap-building presented in most books is O(n).

On 2011-9-16 12:52, Ankuj Gupta wrote:

is talks of more tighter bound of O(nlogn)

On Sep 15, 11:24 pm, sunny  wrote:

Read CLRS 

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:51 PM, saurabh agrawalsaurabh...@gmail.comwrote:

Building a max heap takes O(n) time irrespective of the array being sorted
/ unsorted.
Can someone prove that. I already know that Heap can be constucted in
o(n*log(n)) time.
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Sunny Aggrawal
B.Tech. V year,CSI
Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

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Re: [algogeeks] Math Puzzle

2011-09-14 Thread Terence

 = (P^3+Q^3+R^3)/PQR
 = ((P+Q+R)(P^2+Q^2+R^2-PQ-QR-PR)+3PQR)/PQR
 = 3

On 2011-9-15 13:29, rahul sharma wrote:


On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Tamanna Afroze wrote:

yah the ans is 3

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: How to use asm in spoj

2011-06-18 Thread Terence

CONT1D and D1ONE already defined
When compile with -O2, gcc 4.3.2 tries to inline short functions like 
gcd(). Thus the labels CONT1D and D1ONE get redefined.

 1) Try gcc 4.0.3.
or 2) use local labels instead. eg.
__asm__ __volatile__ ( movl %1, %%eax;
  0: cmpl $0, %%ebx;
  je 1f;
  jmp 0b;
  1: movl %%eax, %0; : =g (result) : g 
(a), g (b)


On 2011-6-18 10:02, saurabh singh wrote:

I am using standard gcc 4.3.2 and the code does not requires any flag 
to be required.I also checked the alias if gcc has been aliased to be 
used with some option,but that was not the case.My operating system is 
ubuntu.The error I get is CONT1D and D1ONE already defined.
I wonder if spoj has a modified gcc which uses the nasm assembler 
instead of the standard assembler packed with gcc?I have put the 
problem on spoj forum few days back but no one has replied since
On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 3:06 AM, DK wrote:

What compiler are you using? Version, compile options etc.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Find shortest substring that is only occurring once. in Given String

2011-06-14 Thread Terence

Traversal the suffix tree is enough.
All substrings from root to leaf (including at least 1 character of leaf 
node) occur only once.

Choose the shortest among them.

On 2011-6-15 5:28, T3rminal wrote:

How can u find the shortest substring from the tree in 0(n). Can u
please elaborate a bit ?

On Jun 14, 6:03 pm,  wrote:

I found one interesting question

Given a string s , return the shortest substring that is
only occurring once.
s=aabbabbaab gives either bab or baa
s= gives 

My Approaches

Generate All Possible SubStrings O(N^2)
puts all substrings into hashtable  keep incrementing counter for
each substring , return substring with counter 1 memory O(N)
Not efficient

Create Suffix Tree Seems to be Efficient Solution Only You Need to do
Create Tree  then we can find the
shortest substring that is only occurring once. in O(n) time

PS: let me other approaches,suggestion


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Re: [algogeeks] Please explain this problem

2011-06-11 Thread Terence

a,b,c,d,e,f do not need to be distinct.
(It is possible that a=b=c=d=e=f, see Example 1)

On 2011-6-10 12:01, saurabh singh wrote:

Problem link- ABCDEF

Can someone please explain this problem.The problem says a,b,c,d,e,f 
belongs to S.But what if size of S is smaller than 6?

I know i am missing sumthing very trivialhelp plz.
Saurabh Singh
B.Tech (Computer Science)

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Re: [algogeeks] [brain teaser] Salman age puzzle 7 june

2011-06-07 Thread Terence

84 years.
The well known Diophantus Riddle:

On 2011-6-7 16:03, Lavesh Rawat wrote:

***Salman age puzzle


***salman's youth lasted one sixth of his life. He grew a beard after 
one twelfth more. After one seventh more of his life, he married. 5 
years later, he and his wife had a son. The son lived exactly one half 
as long as his father, and salman died four years after his son.

How many years did salman live?
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Re: [algogeeks] Array problem

2011-05-20 Thread Terence

Try this case:
1000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1

On 2011-5-18 0:27, Kunal Patil wrote:

Ohh..If it is so...Sorry !!  I understood it the different way...
But if the question is as mentioned in your 2nd case then also I 
believe there is O(n) solution.

two pointers: *START* and *END*
two variables: max1 and max2
Assume arr[MAX_SIZE] to be the array containing the given elements.

*1) Initially, make START point to zeroth element and END pointing to 
last element of the array.

2) Calculate max1 as:
2a) Compare arr[**START**] and arr[**END**].
   If arr[**START**]  arr[**END**]
 max1 = **END**- **START**;
 Jump to 3rd step
2b) If arr[**START**] = arr[**END**]
**END**-- ;
 jump to step 2a and repeat this procedure 
till **END**!= **START*

*   }
3) Reset **END**so that it points to last element of the array.
4) Calculate max2 as:
4a) Compare arr[**START**] and arr[**END**].
   If arr[**START**]  arr[**END**]
 max2 = **END**- **START**;
 Jump to 5th step
4b) If arr**[START**] = arr[**END**]
**START**++ ;
 jump to step 4a and repeat this procedure 
till **START**!= **END*

*   }
5) Return max( max1, max2)*

Hope this algo is clear.
This algo makes two passes over the array. Thus it is O(2n) = O(n)..
Let me know if this algo fails for any case you can think of..
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Re: [algogeeks] Inversion Count

2011-05-13 Thread Terence

Guard value error.


R[n2] may be merged and counted, if L[1..n1-1] has 999.

On 2011-5-12 19:18, Akshata Sharma wrote:
I tried to solve this problem using merge sort logic, the algorithm is 
same as merge sort, only change is in the merge step where i am 
counting the inversion_count.
I tested some test cases and I am getting correct answer,  but I am 
getting WA on spoj. Is the code incorrect or any test case whr it fails?

using namespace std;

long inversion_count = 0;

void merge(long arr[], long p, long q, long r)
 long n1 = q-p+1;
 long n2 = r-q;
 long L[n1];
 long R[n2];

 for(long i=0;in1;i++)

 for(long i=0;in2;i++)
 long i=0;
 long j=0;
 long k=p;

 else if(L[i]R[j])

void merge_sort(long arr[], long p, long r)
  long q = (p+r)/2;

int main()
 int t;
 char a;
 long n,i;
 long arr[22];
return 0;

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Print Hello

2011-03-26 Thread Terence

@Manikanta: What compiler do you use?

$ gcc test.c
test.c:2: error: initializer element is not constant

$ g++ test.c
$ ./a.out

$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.1.1
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

g++ treats the source code as C++.

On 2011-3-18 13:34, Manikanta Babu wrote:

@Dondod is right.
It works perfectly. Because printf returns the number of characters 
printed so n will be initialized with the number of characters. You 
can try out this simple program. I checked its working perfectly.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:59 AM, .bashrc wrote:

@Don.Its illegal in c(Or in c99) to initialize a variable with
anything other than a constant.
@pacific No c structures do not support constructor(Or destructor)

On Mar 18, 9:08 am, pacific pacific wrote:
 Does  C struct have constructor ?

 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Don wrote:
  int n = printf(Hello\n);

  int main()


  On Mar 17, 8:08 am, himanshu kansal
   is there any way to print hello in c also wdout writing
anythng in

   On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 6:34 PM, kunal srivastav

n...c does not support classes

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 6:10 PM, himanshu kansal wrote:

is this possible in c also

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:57 PM, Manikanta

Thats right in C++. How about in C.

On Mar 16, 9:44 pm, kumar anurag wrote:
 @anurag good.
 On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Anurag atri

  using namespace std ;
  class a
  public :
  a() { couthello;}
  int main()

  On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 8:25 PM, himanshu kansal wrote:

  How can u print hello in a c/c++ program without
writing a
  word in main() function

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 Kumar Anurag- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: [algogeeks] RR Scheduling

2011-03-26 Thread Terence

In this problem, sum can be as large as 5*10^9.
Try breaking the whole interval into several stages (no more than 2*N), 
each with a fixed amount of tasks.
Then in each stage, the schedule is a simple loop: A B C D E A B C D E A 
B ...

Process each stage in O(1) time, then the total time complexity is O(N).

On 2011-3-21 17:32, saurabh singh wrote:
using scanf and printf and still tle,I am not pretty sure how malloc 
or new arrays can speed up execution?

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:25 PM, sanchit mittal wrote:

use scanf n printf instead of cin n cout,
malloc array of structures after reading value of n if working in
c else use new in cpp
rest i ok
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:53 PM, ankit sambyal wrote:

I worked on this problem but cud not get a more efficient algo
than yours.
Plz get back 2 me if u find a better algo.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:24 AM, Akshata Sharma

I tried to solve this problem

I am getting TLE!! How can I improve my code??


using namespace std;

struct process
long time;
int finished;
long elapsed_time;

int main()
long n,sum=0;
struct process prss[5];
for(long i=0;in;i++)
long index=0;
 for(long k=1;k=sum;k++)




for(long i=0;in;i++)
return 0;

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Sanchit Mittal

Second Year Undergraduate
Computer Engineering
Delhi College of Engineering
ph- +919582414494

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Saurabh Singh
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Re: [algogeeks] [brain teaser ] 22march

2011-03-26 Thread Terence

4 * 4 - 7 = 9
Start both sandglasses at the same time. When the 4-minute sandglass is 
over, flip it to restart timing. Repeat this 3 times.
From the moment when the 7-minute sandglass is over, to the moment when 
the 4-minute sandglass is over for the 4th time, is an interval of 9 

On 2011-3-22 15:35, Lavesh Rawat wrote:

***Hourglass**Problem Solution*
*Having 2 sandglasses: one 7-minute and the second one 4-minute, how 
can you correctly time 9 minutes?

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Re: [algogeeks] [brain teaser ] 7march

2011-03-08 Thread Terence

I will get the gold coin or nothing.

On 2011-3-7 16:11, Lavesh Rawat wrote:

***Get Gold Coin **Problem Solution*
*Imagine there are 3 coins on the table: gold, silver, and copper. If 
you make a truthful statement, you will get one coin. If you make a 
false statement, you will get nothing.

What sentence can guarantee you getting the gold coin?

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Re: [algogeeks] Print Hello infinite..................

2011-03-08 Thread Terence

system(yes Hello);
(on Linux)

On 2011-3-7 2:09, sudheer kumar wrote:

use GOTO

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 10:49 PM, UMESH KUMAR wrote:

How to print Hello Infinite times without using
Loop and Recursion function  ?
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Thanks and Regards

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: A doubt...

2011-03-04 Thread Terence

On 2011-3-2 6:22, rgap wrote:

Hi, does anybody know when/where to use

typedef long long int64;

When 64-bit integer is needed.


const long double EPS = 1E-9;

When dealing with floating number comparison.

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Re: [algogeeks] brain teaser

2011-03-04 Thread Terence
SeeTen-Hat Variant 

On 2011-3-3 18:02, rajul jain wrote:

but in this question don't know numbers of black and red hats like 
prison and hat puzzle

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Naveen Kumar wrote:

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 3:01 PM, amit kumar wrote:

ya at least 10 can be easily freed

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 2:18 PM, Manish Pathak wrote:

I think that the last person will tell the color of next
front person of him, that means next person will sure that
his hat color will be color ,telling by back person.
thus person 19 ,17,15,13,11,9,7,5,3,1 th position will get
free,and rest amy or may not be...

if i am wrong ,tell me

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:48 PM, freecoder

You are one of 20 prisoners on death row with the
execution date set
for tomorrow.

Your king is a ruthless man who likes to toy with his
miseries. He comes to your cell today and tells you:

“I’m gonna give you prisoners a chance to go free
tomorrow. You will
all stand in a row (queue) before the executioner and
we will put a
hat on your head, either a red or a black one. Of
course you will not
be able to see the color of your own hat; you will
only be able to see
the prisoners in front of you with their hats on; you
will not be
allowed to look back or communicate together in any
way (talking,

(The prisoner in the back will be able to see the 19
prisoners in
front of him
The one in front of him will be able to see 18…)

Starting with the last person in the row, the one who
can see
everybody in front of him, he will be asked a simple
question: WHAT IS

He will be only allowed to answer “BLACK” or “RED”. If
he says
anything else you will ALL be executed immediately.

If he guesses the right color of the hat on his head
he is set free,
otherwise he is put to death. And we move on to the
one in front of
him and ask him the same question and so on…

Well, good luck tomorrow, HA HA HA HA HA HA!”

Now since you all can communicate freely during the
night, can you
find a way to guarantee the freedom of some prisoners
tomorrow? How

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Thanks and Regards,

ManishPathak **
Mo.  9015687266

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: String of Max Length Which Repeats More Then Onep

2011-02-26 Thread Terence
@Dave: I think it is to find the longest substring  which appears more 
than once in the given string.

You could use suffix tree:, and 
find the deepest branch node.
or use suffix array:, and find 
the length of common prefix of neighbouring elements, then choose the 

On 2011-2-25 1:46, Dave wrote:

@Bittu: Your statement of the problem doesn't make any sense.
Apparently, you are given a string and somehow that string is
repeated. Can you clarify it and give an example?


On Feb 24, 10:24 am,  wrote:

Given a string (assume there no spaces or punctuations), write a
program that returns the max. length of the string that has repeated
more than once.


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Re: [algogeeks] How to identify what is stored in union in c language

2011-02-22 Thread Terence

Then it should be:
struct UserData
 uType m_dataType;
 union {
  int m_intValue;
  float m_floatValue;
  char m_charValue;
} data;

On 2011-2-22 15:29, Rajiv Podar wrote:

Hi Shiva,

There is no as such way to know what type of value is stored in the 
Union (as per my knowledge)

But you can try the following code in order to keep track.

enum { INT, FLOAT, CHAR } uType;

union UserData
 uType m_dataType;
 int m_intValue;
 float m_floatValue;
 char m_charValue;
}; data

So whoever update the UserData union he should update the uType 
variable as well and while accessing the value following trick can be 

if (m_charValue.m_dataType== INT)
if (m_charValue.m_dataType== FLOAT)
if (m_charValue.m_dataType== CHAR)
printf(bad type %d in utype\n, utype);

I hope this will solve your case.

Thanks  Regards,
Rajiv Podar

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:15 PM, shiva wrote:

I have an union with following members

union data
int age;
char grade;

now after some operation which assign value to var(it can assign it
either age or grade), is there any way i can identify whether var
contain age or grade now.

Thanks for the comments..

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Re: [algogeeks] How to identify what is stored in union in c language

2011-02-22 Thread Terence

The union defines an memory region of 4 bytes (on 32-bit OS).
Access age/grade only specifies which part is retrieved / modified.
You may assign value to age, then retrieve grade, or vice versa.

On 2011-2-22 14:45, shiva wrote:

I have an union with following members

union data
int age;
char grade;

now after some operation which assign value to var(it can assign it
either age or grade), is there any way i can identify whether var
contain age or grade now.

Thanks for the comments..

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Re: [algogeeks] What is the error in the following function

2011-02-22 Thread Terence
Variable start and hex_buf point to string constant, which can not be 


char *start =;
char *hex_buf = 65003a0a;


char start[] =;
char hex_buf[] = 65003a0a;

On 2011-2-15 15:01, dinesh bansal wrote:

Hi All,

Can you please point me to the error in the following function. It 
gives segmentation fault.

int main()
char *start =;
char *hex_buf = 65003a0a;
unsigned short i, j = 0;
int new_len2 = strlen(hex_buf);
for (i = 0; ((j+1)  new_len2); i+=2,j+=2)
start[i] = hex_buf[j];
start[i+1] = hex_buf[j+1];

Dinesh Bansal
The Law of Win says, Let's not do it your way or my way; let's do it 
the best way.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: SPOJ problem code:MAJOR

2011-02-14 Thread Terence

Try scanf/printf instead of cin/cout.
For huge data set, the IO time matters.

On 2011-2-14 20:09, Akshata Sharma wrote:

link to problem:

On Feb 14, 5:03 pm, Akshata  wrote:

I am trying to submit my solution but its giving TLE. My implemetation is
O(n).. and i am not able to think a faster algo than this for the problem.
The problem is based on finding the majority element concept. Please help

My code:


using namespace std;

struct res{
string boo;
int key;


long Majoritycount(int a[], int n)
int ctr=1;
int candidate = a[0];
int mindex=0;

for(int i=0;in;i++){
if(a[i]==a[mindex]) ctr++; //match - incr counter
else ctr--; //mismatch - dec counter

if(ctr==0) {

return candidate;

int main()
struct res result[100];
int t,n,count=0;
int tt,cnt=0;

int *arr=new int[n];
for(int i=0;in;i++)
int a=Majoritycount(arr,n);

for(int i=0;in;i++)





for(int i=tt;i0;i--)


return 0;


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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Bit Manipulation

2011-01-18 Thread Terence

No. It can be applied to any positive number N.

The solution above splits the numbers by the least significant bit,
choose the group with missing number, and then drop the last bit and 

In this way the set [0,N] is partitioned (almost) evenly into 2 groups: 
{2k | k=0,1,...,N/2}  and {2k+1 | k=0,1,...(N-1)/2}

and the one with missing number is no more than N/2 numbers.

So the total number of fetch_bit operations is no more than 2N.

On 2011-1-17 15:43, juver++ wrote:

Your solution for Q1 is wrong. It can be applied only for such numbers 
N = 2^k, so number should power of 2.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: [Athena 2011]

2011-01-13 Thread Terence
No need for calculating individual magic(x), just count the number of 
ordered list L with max(L)=11.
Partition those ordered list by its gcd, and check each part, then you 
can see the trick.

On 2011-1-13 11:06, Pratik Bhadkoliya wrote:

For example,
for 1: divisor is only 1 so,
answer is magic(1) = 1 [since (1,1,1,1,1,...,1,1)  is the only list

for 2: divisors are 1 and 2
answer is [magic(1) + magic(2)] % 10^8

for 3:
answer is [magic(1) + magic(3)] % 10^8

for 4:
answer is [magic(1) + magic(2) + magic(4)] % 10^8

by ordered list means :
(1,1,1,1,1,1,2) is different from (1,1,1,1,1,,2,1)..
that is order of all integers in the list is important.

some starting values of magic function
magic(1) = 1
magic(2) = 67108862
magic(3) = 2541798719464
magic(4) = 4501057694433304
magic(5) = 1485612519757395128
magic(6) = 169091609518327614304

On Jan 12, 10:23 pm, ashish

didn't get your question dude

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Pratik Bhadkoliya

(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) is an ordered
list of positive integers
Let magic(value) denote the number of such ordered lists that exist
such that gcd(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z)=1
AND max(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z)=value
Find the divisors of 11(18 -digits) . For each of the
divisors D , compute magic(D) . Find the last 8 digits of the sum of
all the magic(D) computed .
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Re: [algogeeks] SPOJ PROBLEM-pour1

2011-01-13 Thread Terence

No BFS, only mathematics.
Get the better one out of the 2 choices.
(Maybe simulating each of the 2 choices also fits into the time limit,
given the input range in the problem page.).

On 2011-1-12 9:28, Bharath 2009503507 CSE wrote:

i tried solving this prob...

i tried using BFS...getting TLE in judge..
pl suggest some optimisation or better solution..
Thanks in advance..


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Re: [algogeeks] Google Interview Question

2010-12-28 Thread Terence

@ pacific:
Also consider the choice of flipping the node itself.
And if an internal node cannot be flipped, it is still possible to flip 
its value, only the above choice is not taken into consideration..

On 2010-12-28 13:27, pacific pacific wrote:

here is my approach :

Starting from the root node ,
if root node need to have a 1 ...
if root is an and gate :
 flips  = minflips for left child to have value 1 + minflips for 
the right child to have value 1

 flips = minimum of ( minflips for left child to have value 1 , 
minflips for right child to have value 1)

For  a leaf node , return 0 if the leaf has the value needed else 
return INFINITY.Also if at any internal node if it is not possible 
return INFINITY.

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Anand wrote:


Could please elaborate your answer. Bottom up level order
traversal helps to get the final root value but how to use it to
find minimum flips needed to Obtain the desired root value.

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Terence wrote:

Using the same level order traversal (bottom up), calculating
the minimum flips to turn each internal node to given value

On 2010-12-24 17:19, bittu wrote:

Boolean tree problem:

Each leaf node has a boolean value associated with it, 1
or 0. In
addition, each interior node has either an AND or an
OR gate
associated with it. The value of an AND gate node is
given by the
logical AND of its two children's values. The value of an
OR gate
likewise is given by the logical OR of its two children's
values. The
value of all of the leaf nodes will be given as input so
that the
value of all nodes can be calculated up the tree.
It's easy to find the actual value at the root using level
traversal and a stack(internal if used recursion).

Given V as the desired result i.e we want the value
calculated at the
root to be V(0 or 1) what is the minimum number of gates
flip i.e. AND
to OR or OR to AND be required at internal nodes to
achieve that?

Also for each internal node you have boolean associated
which tells
whether the node can be flipped or not. You are not
supposed to flip a
non flippable internal node.

Shashank Mani Narayan
BIT Mesra

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Google Interview Question

2010-12-28 Thread Terence

The description on internal nodes indicates this:

The value of an AND gate node is given by the logical AND of its TWO 
children's values.
The value of an OR gate likewise is given by the logical OR of its TWO 
children's values.

On 2010-12-28 13:35, suhash wrote:

Your approach is for a binary tree, but the problem statement does not
say anything about it.

On Dec 28, 10:27 am, pacific  wrote:

here is my approach :

Starting from the root node ,
if root node need to have a 1 ...
if root is an and gate :
  flips  = minflips for left child to have value 1 + minflips for the
right child to have value 1
  flips = minimum of ( minflips for left child to have value 1 , minflips
for right child to have value 1)

For  a leaf node , return 0 if the leaf has the value needed else return
INFINITY.Also if at any internal node if it is not possible return INFINITY.

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:06 AM,  wrote:

Could please elaborate your answer. Bottom up level order traversal helps
to get the final root value but how to use it to find minimum flips needed
to Obtain the desired root value.
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:56 AM,  wrote:

Using the same level order traversal (bottom up), calculating the minimum
flips to turn each internal node to given value (0/1).
On 2010-12-24 17:19, bittu wrote:

Boolean tree problem:
Each leaf node has a boolean value associated with it, 1 or 0. In
addition, each interior node has either an AND or an OR gate
associated with it. The value of an AND gate node is given by the
logical AND of its two children's values. The value of an OR gate
likewise is given by the logical OR of its two children's values. The
value of all of the leaf nodes will be given as input so that the
value of all nodes can be calculated up the tree.
It's easy to find the actual value at the root using level order
traversal and a stack(internal if used recursion).
Given V as the desired result i.e we want the value calculated at the
root to be V(0 or 1) what is the minimum number of gates flip i.e. AND
to OR or OR to AND be required at internal nodes to achieve that?
Also for each internal node you have boolean associated which tells
whether the node can be flipped or not. You are not supposed to flip a
non flippable internal node.
Shashank Mani Narayan
BIT Mesra

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Google Interview Question

2010-12-28 Thread Terence
Let cst[i][j] store the cost to flip node i to given gate j (0-'AND', 

Then: cst[i][j] = 0,if j==gate[i];
  cst[i][j] = 1,if j!=gate[i] and ok[i];
  cst[i][j] = INFINITY, if j!=gate[i] and !ok[i];

1. To get value 1:
1.1 flip current gate to AND, and change all children to 1
1.2 flip current gate to OR, and change any child to 1.
2. To get value 0:
1.1 flip current gate to AND, and change any child to 0
1.2 flip current gate to OR, and change all children to 0.

So for internal node i:
 dp[i][0] = min(cst[i][0]+sum{dp[x][1] for each child x of i},
  cst[i][1]+max{dp[x][1] for each child x of i});
 dp[i][1] = min(cst[i][0]+max{dp[x][0] for each child x of i},
  cst[i][1]+sum{dp[x][0] for each child x of i});
   for leaf i:
 dp[i][j] = (value[i]==j ? 0 : INFINITY)

On 2010-12-28 13:32, suhash wrote:

This problem can be solved using dp in O(n), where 'n' is the number
of nodes in the tree.
Let gate[i] be a boolean denoting whether the gate at node 'i' is
'AND' or 'OR'. (0-'AND' 1-'OR')
Let dp[i][j] store the minimum no. of swaps required to get a value of
'j' (0 or 1), for the subtree rooted at 'i'.
Let ok[i] be a boolean which denotes whether a flip operation can be
performed at the i'th node or not.
Let i1,i2,i3.ik be the children of node 'i'

Now we have 2 cases:
case 1: ok[i] = 0 (means no flipping possible at node 'i')
 In this, we have many cases:
 case 1.1: gate[i]=0 (there is an AND gate at node 'i'),
and j=1
this means all children should have a value
hence dp[i][j]=dp[i1][j]+dp[i2][j]
 case 1.2: gate[i]=0 (there is an AND gate at node 'i'),
and j=0
i will discuss this case in the end.
 case 1.3: gate[i]=1 (there is an OR gate at node 'i'), and
this one too, for the end
 case 1.4: gate[i]=1 (there is an OR gate at node 'i'), and
this means all children should have a value
hence dp[i][j]=dp[i1][j]+dp[i2][j]

case 2: ok[i] = 1 (means flipping is possible at node 'i')
 We have 2 cases in this:
 case 2.1: we choose not to flip gate at node 'i'. This
reduces to the 4 cases above(case 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)
 case 2.2: we choose to flip gate 'i'. Again it is similar
to cases discussed above, except replacing 'AND' by 'OR' and vice
and dp[i][j]=1 + dp[i1][j]+dp[i2][j]

Note: 1)Boundary cases for leaf nodes.
  2)Top down is easier.
  3)If it is impossible to get a value 'j' for subtree rooted
at 'i', then dp[i][j]=INF(some large value)
  4)Answer is dp[root][required_value(o or 1)]. If this
quantity is INF, then it is impossible to achieve this.

Now, lets discuss case 1.2:
We have an 'AND' gate and we want a result of 0.
So, atleast one of the children of node 'i' should be 0.
Now create 2 arrays x,y each of size 'k'
x[1]=dp[i1][0], y[1]=dp[i1][1]
x[2]=dp[i2][0], y[2]=dp[i2][1]
x[k]=dp[ik][0], y[k]=dp[ik][1]

Now, let v=min(x[1],x[2],x[3],.x[k]), and 'h' be the index of the
minimum element(x[h] is minimum)
Then, dp[i][j]=v+sigma(f!=h)[min(x[f],y[f])]

The other cases are similar to this!
I can write a code and send if you have doubts.

On Dec 28, 9:36 am,  wrote:


Could please elaborate your answer. Bottom up level order traversal helps to
get the final root value but how to use it to find minimum flips needed to
Obtain the desired root value.

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:56 AM,  wrote:

Using the same level order traversal (bottom up), calculating the minimum
flips to turn each internal node to given value (0/1).
On 2010-12-24 17:19, bittu wrote:

Boolean tree problem:
Each leaf node has a boolean value associated with it, 1 or 0. In
addition, each interior node has either an AND or an OR gate
associated with it. The value of an AND gate node is given by the
logical AND of its two children's values. The value of an OR gate
likewise is given by the logical OR of its two children's values. The
value of all of the leaf nodes will be given as input so that the
value of all nodes can be calculated up the tree.
It's easy to find the actual value at the root using level order
traversal and a stack(internal if used recursion).
Given V as the desired result i.e we want the value calculated at the
root to be V(0 or 1) what is the minimum number of gates flip i.e. AND
to OR or OR to AND be required at internal nodes to achieve that?
Also for each internal node you have boolean associated which tells
whether the node can be flipped or not. You are not supposed to flip a
non flippable internal node.
Shashank Mani Narayan
BIT Mesra

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: convert binary matrix to zero matrix

2010-12-27 Thread Terence

when you are talking abt starting from 1 that means that array is 1
based , right ?



Up-left element: 1
Choice 3: 0 (number of 0's on the first row) + 1 (number of 1's on the 
first column) = 1
Choice 4: 3 (number of 1's on the first row) + 2 (number of 0's on the 
first column) = 5

Best choice: 3,  with 1 toggle. (toggle the first row)


Up-left element: 0
Choice 1: 1 (number of 0's on the first row) + 1 (number of 0's on the 
first column) = 2
Choice 2: 2 (number of 1's on the first row) + 2 (number of 1's on the 
first column) = 4

Best choice: 1,  with 2 toggles. (toggle the first row and first column)

In choice 1 and 2, the up-left element is counted twice, ie.
   1. number of 0's on the first row and (number of 0's on the) first 
   2. number of 1's on the first row and (number of 1's on the) first 

The idea is simple:
1) toggle the first row or not?
When 1) is decided and applied,
2) toggle columns to make first row all 0.   -- the number of 1's in the 
first row (original or inverted)
3) toggle rows to make first column 0.-- the number of 1's in 
the first column (after step 2)

On 2010-12-25 17:31, Ankur wrote:

when you are talking abt starting from 1 that means that array is 1
based , right ?

and how did you get the steps calculated. please can you explain, once
take this example, a trivial but albeit will help me explain.



if it is feasible for you to reply .

On Dec 8, 1:45 pm,  wrote:

As Amir pointed out:  convert the first row and first column to all zeros

In details:

1. choose operations on first row and first column to make up-left
   element 0.
   * There are 2 cases, 2 choices for each case:
1. If the up-left element is 0, then
  1. toggle both first row and first column, or
  2. leave both untouched.
2. If the up-left element is 1, then
  3. toggle first row,  or
  4. toggle first column
2. for each 1 on the first row, toggle the corresponding column, to
   change first row to all 0s.
3. for each 1 on the first column, toggle the corresponding row, to
   change first column to all 0s.

After above 3 steps, if there are still some 1's, no solution is possible.
Otherwise, compare the 2 choice, and choose the minimum steps.


In fact, we can directly calculate the number of steps in choice a)-d):

1. number of 0's on the first row and first column
2. number of 1's on the first row and first column
3. number of 0's on the first row + number of 1's on the first column
4. number of 1's on the first row + number of 0's on the first column

And if we denote the j'th element on i'th row as M[i,j] (start from 1),
then the problem have valid solution if and only if:
for each element M[i,j], M[1,1]+M[1,j]+M[i,1]+M[i,j] is even.

On 2010-12-7 22:59, Prims wrote:

Hello Rajan
Suppose we have the following matrix
1 1
0 0
If a toggle operation performed on first row, it will change all 1s to
0s and 0s to 1s which result in the followig matrix
0 0
0 0
It is zero matrix and the result.
Similarly if a toggle operation is performed on column, it will change
all 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s in that particular column.
Say you have a function toggle(int , Type) which does the toggle
where number is the number of row or column
Type can be of Type.Row or Type.Column.
Hope it is clear
On Dec 7, 5:33 pm, rajan goswamirajan.goswam...@gmail.comwrote:

Can you please elaborate the problem in detail...
What do you mean by toggling row and column...
1 Interchanging a row with some column ?
2 Changing 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s of that row ?
or Some thing else ?
In both options mentioned above .. no of 1s present in a matrix can not be
changed to 0s in any ways ...
Please explain the step that can be performed on given matrix.
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:55 PM, Primstopcode...@gmail.comwrote:

Could you please explain with an example in detail?
On Dec 6, 7:02 pm, Amir hossein Shahriari

actually a greedy approach for this problem exists:
just convert the first row and first column to all zeros
if after this step matrix is not a complete zero matrix then it's


to make it
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Primstopcode...@gmail.comwrote:

How do i convert a binary matrix(containing only 0s and 1s) to a
complete zero matrix? Only operations allowed are u can toggle a whole
row or a whole column. The conversion has to be done in minimum number
of steps (a step is defined as toggling a 

Re: [algogeeks] Google Interview Question

2010-12-24 Thread Terence
Using the same level order traversal (bottom up), calculating the 
minimum flips to turn each internal node to given value (0/1).

On 2010-12-24 17:19, bittu wrote:

Boolean tree problem:

Each leaf node has a boolean value associated with it, 1 or 0. In
addition, each interior node has either an AND or an OR gate
associated with it. The value of an AND gate node is given by the
logical AND of its two children's values. The value of an OR gate
likewise is given by the logical OR of its two children's values. The
value of all of the leaf nodes will be given as input so that the
value of all nodes can be calculated up the tree.
It's easy to find the actual value at the root using level order
traversal and a stack(internal if used recursion).

Given V as the desired result i.e we want the value calculated at the
root to be V(0 or 1) what is the minimum number of gates flip i.e. AND
to OR or OR to AND be required at internal nodes to achieve that?

Also for each internal node you have boolean associated which tells
whether the node can be flipped or not. You are not supposed to flip a
non flippable internal node.

Shashank Mani Narayan
BIT Mesra

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Array Ranking Problem

2010-12-24 Thread Terence

My method is using DP, as Snehal have pointed out.

Suppose S[0..n-1] and T[0..n-1] denotes the score and time for the n 
questions respectively.
C[k][s] denotes the maximum total time when choosing from the first k 
questions such that the total score do not exceed s.

Then C[0][s] = 0
 C[k][s] = max(C[k-1][s], C[k-1][s-S[k-1]]+T[k-1]), s=S[k-1]
 = C[k-1][s],   sS[k-1]
Suppose the total score/time of all problem is SS/ST and the passing 
score is PS

then the answer is (TS - C[n][SS-PS]).
The time complexity is O(n*(SS-PS)).

Actually the 0/1 knapsack problem is a NP-complete problem, and only 
have pseudo-polynomial time algorithm, or polynomial time greedy 
approximation algorithm.

Refer to

On 2010-12-24 14:00, Ankur Khurana wrote:

how will you choose that ?? without sorting . can you please mention
what method you intend to use to achieve that purpose ?

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 8:16 AM,  wrote:

It is just 0/1 knapsack problem:
Choose a subset of the questions with sum of scores not exceeding (Total
Score - Pass Score), while maximize the sum of time of the subset.
So I do not think O(nlogn) greedy algorithm will solve this problem.

On 2010-12-23 23:38, Ankur Khurana wrote:

it is just like 0/1 knapsack problem with maximum weight of knapsack
as 40. but in this case that is minimum that we have to calculate.
calculate marks/time for every element . then try finding the elements
with max value/time to fulfill the quota of marks. i dont know if this
can be done in O(n) but it can be certainly done in nlogn. any other
views ?

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Davindkthar...@googlemail.comwrote:

Thanks for reply. I am looking for O(n) for solution.


On Dec 23, 8:29 pm, snehal jainlearner@gmail.comwrote:

hint : use dp

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Davindkthar...@googlemail.comwrote:

Marks for Questions(1,6): {10,15,20,25,10,20}
Time for Each Questions(1,6) : { 2, 4,3,4, 2,4}
Passing Marks : 40 Out of 100
Find Questions with minimum time to pass the exam?
On Dec 23, 7:04 pm, juver++avpostni...@gmail.comwrote:

Please clarify the problem statement. Provide example.
  From the first view problem seems to be unclear.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Array Ranking Problem

2010-12-23 Thread Terence

It is just 0/1 knapsack problem:
Choose a subset of the questions with sum of scores not exceeding 
(Total Score - Pass Score), while maximize the sum of time of the subset.

So I do not think O(nlogn) greedy algorithm will solve this problem.

On 2010-12-23 23:38, Ankur Khurana wrote:

it is just like 0/1 knapsack problem with maximum weight of knapsack
as 40. but in this case that is minimum that we have to calculate.
calculate marks/time for every element . then try finding the elements
with max value/time to fulfill the quota of marks. i dont know if this
can be done in O(n) but it can be certainly done in nlogn. any other
views ?

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:03 PM,  wrote:

Thanks for reply. I am looking for O(n) for solution.


On Dec 23, 8:29 pm, snehal  wrote:

hint : use dp

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:30 PM,  wrote:

Marks for Questions(1,6): {10,15,20,25,10,20}
Time for Each Questions(1,6) : { 2, 4,3,4, 2,4}
Passing Marks : 40 Out of 100
Find Questions with minimum time to pass the exam?
On Dec 23, 7:04 pm,  wrote:

Please clarify the problem statement. Provide example.
 From the first view problem seems to be unclear.

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Re: [algogeeks] bits groups

2010-12-22 Thread Terence

You are right. I was supposed there were infinite 0's on the left.
For 32-bit number, the MSB should also be checked in  addition to LSB.
Change the first line to:  c=1-(N1)-((N31)1); will fix this case.

On 2010-12-22 14:44, Saurabh Koar wrote:

@Terence: I think the above fails for 0X.Correct me if I m wrong.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: spy in the city

2010-12-22 Thread Terence

I second Bhavesh.

If A knows B, then B is not a spy; else A is not a spy.
Thus we can hold an elimination races:
 for each pair A,B in a match, ask if A knows B, and eliminate as 

In total N-1 matches are needed to decide the final winner.
If there is a spy, then the spy is the winner.
Otherwise, Another 2N-2 queries are needed to check if the winner is a spy.
(or 2N-2-logN, making use of the results of previous matches)

On 2010-12-21 22:39, janak wrote:

O(N) if everybody knows everybody.
O(N^2) if there is no such condition. (i.e. Ask for each person to 

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Bhavesh Chauhan wrote:

Every question can eliminate 1 person so you can identify the spy
in N-1 questions.


On 19 December 2010 23:46, Dave wrote:

Here is an algorithm:

spy = 1
for i = 2 to N do
   if person[spy] knows person[i]
   then person[i] is not the spy.
   else if person[i] knows person[spy]
   then person[spy] is not the spy, set spy = i
   end if
end for
for i = 1 to spy-1 do
   if (person[spy] does not know person[i]) or (person[i] knows
   then there is no spy, set spy = undefined, break
   end if
end for

If there is a spy, you find him in at least 2*N - 2 questions
and at
most 4*N - 4 questions.


On Dec 19, 8:01 am, snehal jain wrote:
 There is a city of N people. The government learnt that some
 unfriendly nation planted a spy there. A spy possesses unique
 characteristics: he knows everybody in the city, but nobody
knows him.

 You are a counteragent sent by the government to catch the
spy. You
 may ask the people in the city only one question: Do you
know the
 person X? You may ask as many people as you wish, and one
person may
 be asked as many times as you wish. All the people,
including the spy,
 always answer honestly.

 How many questions you need to find out who is the spy?

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Re: [algogeeks] bits groups

2010-12-21 Thread Terence

zero_group(N) {
  c=1-(N1);   // For even N, zero groups is one more than 1 groups.
  while(N) {
d = (N(-N));  // Get the least significiant bit.
N = N+d;  // Clear the last 1-group bits
c++;   // inc counter.
  return c;

For more bit manipulations, refer to

On 2010-12-21 12:26, AEKME wrote:

How do you count the number of zero group bits in a number? group bits
is any consecutive zero or one bits, for example, 2 is represented
as 010 has two zero bits groups the least
significant bit and the group starts after one.

Also, I am in a bad need for algorithms on bits manipulation if any
one has a reference, please share

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Re: [algogeeks] Answer This

2010-12-17 Thread Terence

I think nobody dies on the first 19 days and everyone dies on the 20th day.
(I have no difference with other green-eyes. Why I have to suicide 
ealier? : )

Given: a) there was at least one green-eyed among them,
we could get the following conclusions:
1) If there is exactly 1 green-eye,  he committed suicide on the first day.
2) If there is exactly 2 green-eye,  they all committed suicide on the 
second day.

n) If there is exactly N green-eye,  they all committed suicide on the 
N'th day.

1) is obvious. (No one else he saw is green-eye)
For n), each of the N green-eyed persons saw (N-1) green-eye persons.
If there were only (N-1) green-eyed persons, they had committed suicide 
on the (N-1) th day, according to the previous conclusion.
So no suicides on the first (N-1) days means there were more green-eyed 
persons, ie. he is one of them.
Each of the N green-eyed persons realized this on the N'th day, and 
commited suicide.

On 2010-12-17 15:34, Iqbal Nouyed wrote:

I think Aditya is correct,

1) it never says nobody dies on the first 19 days, just says by the 
20th day all the green eyed commit suicide.
2) God said that, He also assured them that there was at least one 
green-eyed among them.


On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Krishna Narasimhan wrote:


1) Nobody dies on the first 19 days everyone dies on the 20th day.
2) Even if it wasnt the case, why should he die just because
nobody else did? Is there any condition on THERE SHOULD BE ATLEAST

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Aditya Agrawal wrote:

20 green eys ppl ..
At the end of first day person realize no body dies so he is
the one with green eye's so he commit sucide ...
Similarly on second  day .. hence forth 20 people commit
suicide in 20 days ..

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 11:05 AM, punnu wrote:

In an ancient village, there were some green-eyed and
persons. One fine day,
God instructed them, the day on which you come to know
that you are a
you should commit suicide ... He also assured them that
there was at
least one green-eyed
among them. Well, all the villagers were very intelligent
and strict
followers of
God. But, no one knew color of his own eyes! They didn't
have mirrors.
couldn't even communicate with each other. All that they
could do is
to see color
of other's eyes. It happened that on 20th day, all the
people committed
suicide. So, how many green-eyed were there ?

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I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none -
Macbeth, twelfh night!
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: What would be the output of the following program..?

2010-12-15 Thread Terence

Just the opposite.
All the operands are evaluated from left to right, and the right most 
operand is returned as the value of whole comma expression.

But remember the operator precedence. Comma is lower than assignment.
So c=--a, b++ - c is equivalent to c=--a; b++ -c;
While  c=(--a, b++ -c) is equivalent to --a; c=(b++-c).

int main()
  int a=1,b=2,c=3;

  c=--a,b++ - c;

  printf(%d %d %d,a,b,c);
  return 0;

Output: 0 3 0

int main()
  int a=1,b=2,c=3;

  c=(--a,b++ - c);

  printf(%d %d %d,a,b,c);
  return 0;

Output: 0 3 -1

On 2010-12-14 22:12, KK wrote:

ya all the exprn is evaluated and left expr is assigned ..

On Dec 13, 9:21 pm, siva  wrote:

int main()
  int a=1,b=2,c=3;

  c=--a,b++ - c;

  printf(%d %d %d,a,b,c);
  return 0;


the above code is perfectly valid and prints 0 3 0 ...

but how comma is evaluated and the value assigned to variable 'c' is the
expression evaluated on the RHS of commais there any such rules in C ??

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Re: [algogeeks] linkd list

2010-12-15 Thread Terence

Here is an O(N^2) algorithm:
1. Sort both A and B. (O(NlogN) or O(N^2), either will work)
2. For each element C[k] in C, find if there is such (i,j) pair that 
A[i] + B[j] = -C[k]:

Start with i = 0 and j = N-1, and loop through the following:
a. if A[i] + B[j]  -C[k], then j = j-1;
b. if A[i] + B[j]  -C[k], then i = i+1;
c. if A[i] + B[j] = -C[k], then combination A[i]+B[j]+C[k]=0 is found.
If i or j goes beyond the valid range in case a or b, then no such 

The table A[i] + B[j] (i, j=0,1,...,N-1) actually forms an (implicit) 
Young Tableau.


On 2010-12-14 21:33, divya wrote:

Given three lists: A, B and C of length n each. Write a function which
returns true if any 3 three numbers (1 from each list), sum up to
zero. Else return false, if there is no such combination.

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Re: [algogeeks] just confirming my answer

2010-12-12 Thread Terence

I think the answer is (2^m)^(2^n) (or  2^(m*2^n))
For m=1, the answer is 2^2^n.

We can express the function using a truth table with 2^n entries, one 
entry for each possible input set.

And each entry has (n+m) fields, represent the n inputs and m outputs.
The m*2^n output fields can be filled freely.

So there are 2^(m*2^n)  different truth tables.

On 2010-12-10 18:59, ankit sablok wrote:

Q) an n-input m-output boolean function is defined as follows


find the number of n X 1 functions meaning n inputs and 1 output
and n X m funcrtions meaning n inputs and m outputs

my answer

at any time we can reduce the problems as follows

in the domain we will always be havibg n input variables and the co-
domain can be thought of as having 2 values {True and False}
condisering this i get the number of n X 1 functions as
2^n. Please do suggest me the alternative if i am wrong. thanx in

and the nswer reamins the sam for me in case of finding the number of
n X m functions.

Please help me out if i m wrong in solving this thanx in advance

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Re: [algogeeks] Valid Array

2010-12-12 Thread Terence

No. You made the same mistake as I.
Try this case: {1, 2, 2, 5, 5}.
Actually, this case defeats the solution of Manmeet's, yours, and mine.
(same min/max, same sum, same xor result)

I think the key point is that the N variable cannot be determined by 1 
or 2 equation constraint.

On 2010-12-10 9:44, ADITYA KUMAR wrote:

yeah, it can be done using count sort logic
but that will take O(n) extra space

which can be avoided by using XOR.

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:34 AM, jai gupta wrote:

In first traverse find the min and the max values.
if (max-min)  not equals (N-1)
return false
In next traverse map each in a hashtable of size N where
index=key-min. Now in case of collision return false
return true
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Aditya Kumar
B-tech 3rd year
Computer Science  Engg.
MNNIT, Allahabad.
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: convert binary matrix to zero matrix

2010-12-08 Thread Terence

As Amir pointed out:

convert the first row and first column to all zeros

In details:

  1. choose operations on first row and first column to make up-left
 element 0.
 * There are 2 cases, 2 choices for each case:
  1. If the up-left element is 0, then
1. toggle both first row and first column, or
2. leave both untouched.
  2. If the up-left element is 1, then
3. toggle first row,  or
4. toggle first column
  2. for each 1 on the first row, toggle the corresponding column, to
 change first row to all 0s.
  3. for each 1 on the first column, toggle the corresponding row, to
 change first column to all 0s.

After above 3 steps, if there are still some 1's, no solution is possible.
Otherwise, compare the 2 choice, and choose the minimum steps.


In fact, we can directly calculate the number of steps in choice a)-d):

  1. number of 0's on the first row and first column
  2. number of 1's on the first row and first column
  3. number of 0's on the first row + number of 1's on the first column
  4. number of 1's on the first row + number of 0's on the first column

And if we denote the j'th element on i'th row as M[i,j] (start from 1), 
then the problem have valid solution if and only if:

for each element M[i,j], M[1,1]+M[1,j]+M[i,1]+M[i,j] is even.

On 2010-12-7 22:59, Prims wrote:

Hello Rajan

Suppose we have the following matrix

1 1
0 0

If a toggle operation performed on first row, it will change all 1s to
0s and 0s to 1s which result in the followig matrix

0 0
0 0

It is zero matrix and the result.

Similarly if a toggle operation is performed on column, it will change
all 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s in that particular column.

Say you have a function toggle(int , Type) which does the toggle

where number is the number of row or column
Type can be of Type.Row or Type.Column.

Hope it is clear

On Dec 7, 5:33 pm, rajan  wrote:


Can you please elaborate the problem in detail...

What do you mean by toggling row and column...

1 Interchanging a row with some column ?
2 Changing 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s of that row ?
or Some thing else ?

In both options mentioned above .. no of 1s present in a matrix can not be
changed to 0s in any ways ...
Please explain the step that can be performed on given matrix.


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:55 PM,  wrote:

Could you please explain with an example in detail?
On Dec 6, 7:02 pm, Amir hossein Shahriari  wrote:

actually a greedy approach for this problem exists:
just convert the first row and first column to all zeros
if after this step matrix is not a complete zero matrix then it's


to make it
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 9:10 AM,  wrote:

How do i convert a binary matrix(containing only 0s and 1s) to a
complete zero matrix? Only operations allowed are u can toggle a whole
row or a whole column. The conversion has to be done in minimum number
of steps (a step is defined as toggling a whole row or whole column
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Brain Teaser

2010-11-12 Thread Terence

Good point. Here is one step further:

3. Consider the center 4 numbers(regardless of order): {1,8,a,b}, 
containing 2 even and 2 odd.
   and {a,b} can be chosen from {3,4,5,6}. Then there is only one case: 

The rest is trivial.

On 2010-11-12 13:26, Amod wrote:

Let me try to formalize it

1. Divide even and odd in halfs
  Since any pair of consecutive number consists of an even and an odd
number hence these two cannot be in the same half.

2 Place 1 and 8 on the separation line between even and odd.
  Since 1 and 8 have affinity for one number only hence solution is

Comments and inputs are welcome

On Nov 12, 8:18 am,  wrote:

Gr8, guys :)

If any body can formalize the solution, then it would be great

On Nov 12, 12:17 am, Shiv Shankar Prajapati  wrote:

Several solutions are possible for it
518 2
736 4
Here we can swap the position of 5-7, 1-3 etc.
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:48 PM, jagannath prasad das

4 8 3 7
2 6 1 5
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:57 PM, sunny agrawalsunny816.i...@gmail.comwrote:

4 5 are  diagonally adjacent .
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Rohit

1 5 2 6
- - - - - -
3 7 4 8
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Abhilasha jain  wrote:

solution is
5 1 6 2
_ _ _ _
7 3 8 4
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 1:26 PM,  wrote:

We have a rectangle
It is divided in eight parts by three vertical and one horizontal line
so that there are 8 chambers.
Now we have numbers from 1-8 to be filled in these chambers.
Rule : No two consecutive numbers must be present either side to side
or diagonal
Invalid situation example
Given 5 at position 2 then 4 cannot occur at any of the give position.
4 5 4
_ _ _ _
4 4 4
_ _ _ _
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Rohit Singhal
B.Tech. Part-IV,
Department Of Electronics Engineering,
Centre of Advanced Studies,
Institute Of Technology, BHU
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Sunny Aggrawal
B-Tech IV year,CSI
Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee
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With Regards,
Shiv Shankar,

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Re: [algogeeks] Learn

2010-11-12 Thread Terence

(((x  0x)1) | ((x  0x)1))
5 bit operations in total.

On 2010-11-12 16:12, sudhir mishra wrote:

Write a program to swap odd and even bits in an unsigned integer with 
as few instructions as possible (e.g., bit 0 and bit 1 are swapped, 
bit 2 and bit 3 are swapped, etc).



/*Sudhir Mishra*/

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: modified divide and conquer

2010-11-08 Thread Terence

No. It is possible.

This problem focuses on comparisons of each element.
The overall time complexity of merge operation can be as high as O(nlogn),
while the normal merge operation has time complexity O(n).

But the normal merge operation does not meet the requirement, since in 
the worst case, (the largest number in one sequence is smaller than the 
smallest of the other),  one element can be included in n comparisons at 

On 2010-11-8 17:00, Gönenç Ercan wrote:

does not seem possible, there is a proof that shows that comparison
based algorithm can have at best O(nlogn) worst case running time. You
can check this proof from algorithms CLRS book.

Using this proof, by master's theorem if the merge operation can be
implemented in O(lgn) using merge sort with this merge operation, the
complexity would be O(logn) contradicting with O(nlogn).

So I think its not possible to design such merge algorithm.

On Nov 8, 4:58 am,  wrote:

Suppose we'd like to implement a sorting variant where every element
is compared only a small number of times.
  a) devise a divide and conquer algorithm to merge 2 sorted arrays of
length n , which guarantees that every element is included in at most
O(log n ) comparisons.
  b) using this modified merge , prove that Merge-Sort will include
element in at most O( (log n)^2) comparisons.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Frequent values spoj

2010-10-22 Thread Terence

On 2010-10-21 18:59, ANUJ KUMAR wrote:

please give me its output file also so that i can check mine

On 10/21/10, ANUJ  wrote:


On 10/21/10,  wrote:

Please have a look at this page:
It contains input data for the problem.

On 21 окт, 00:39, ANUJ  wrote:

i am getting wa for
here is my code i have used segment trees it would be great if someone
could give me a test case for which my code gives wa.
Thanks in advance.

 using namespace std;
 int max(int a,int b)
 if(ab)return a;
 return b;
 int min(int a,int b)
 if(ab)return a;
 return b;
 templateclass T
 class SegmentTree
  int **A,size;
  SegmentTree(int N)
   int x = (int)(ceil(log(N)/log(2)));
   size = 2*(int)pow(2,x);
   A = new int*[size];
   for(int x=0;xsize;x++)
   A[x]=new int[4];
   for(int x=0;xsize;x++)
   for(int y=0;y4;y++)
  void initialize(int node, int start,
  int end,

   if (start==end)
  {A[node][0] =
   int mid = (start+end)/2;
   if (A[2*node][3]=
  {A[node][0] = A[2 * node][0];A[node][1] = A[2 *
node][2];A[node][2] = A[2 * node+1][2];A[node][3]=A[2*node][3];}
{A[node][0] = A[2 * node][0];A[node][1] = A[2 *
node][2];A[node][2] = A[2 * node+1][2];A[node][3]=A[2*node+1][3];}
 // void pr()
 // {
 // for(int x=1;xsize;x++) coutx=xA[x][0]
 // }
  int query(int node,int i, int j)
//  coutnode=node i=i j=j\n;

  if (iA[node][2] || jA[node][0])
 {return -1;}

  else if (A[node][1]==-1j=A[node][2]i=A[node][0])
{ int id1=-1,id2=-1;
  id1 = query(2*node,i,min(j,A[node][1]));
  id2 = query(2*node+1,max(i,A[node][1]+1),j);
  if (id1==-1)
 return id2;
  if (id2==-1)
 return id1;

  if (id1=id2)
 return id1;
  return id2;

 int main()
   int i,j,N;
 int A[16];
 int M;
 for (i=0;iN;i++)
int ini=A[0],now,count=1,ip=0;
for(int x=1;xN;x++)

int sz=v1.size();
   SegmentTreeint  s(sz);

 for(int x=0;xM;x++)

 int tmp;

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: plz explain output

2010-10-11 Thread Terence

Here is the modified code. Maybe we can find something new.

int main()
  union {
struct {
  int x;
  float t;
double u;
  } a;
  return 0;

Input: 3

Input: 32

On 2010-10-11 2:06, Asquare wrote:

As far as I have understood.. Its basically that
once you give the input to t as float, that value is displayed for all
the printf functions except one
because of the %f modifier.. the %f modifier cannot accept x (int) as
a successful argument so it takes the
latest float value..
but in case of
this printf has %d as modifier so the output is 30.

say t entered is 43.5
so OUTPUT: (as per gcc compiler)


correct me if im wrong..

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Re: [algogeeks] double tower of hanoi

2010-10-08 Thread Terence

On 2010-10-8 15:14, snehal jain wrote:

A Double Tower of Hanoi contains 2n disks of n different sizes, two of
each size. As usual, we’re required to move only one disk at a time,
without putting a larger one over a smaller one.
a. How many moves does it take to transfer a double tower from one
peg to another, if disks of equal size are indistinguishable from each

Denote the minimum moves as f(n).
Like the classical Tower of Hanoi:
1) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 1 -- f(n-1) moves
2) move the last 2 disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2  -- 2 moves
3) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg1 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
f(n) = 2f(n-1) + 2,  f(1) = 2
So f(n) = 2^(n+1) - 2

b. What if we are required to reproduce the original top-to-bottom
order of all the equal-size disks in the final arrangement?

Denote the minimum moves as g(n).
It can be proved that, in case a, only the last 2 disks are swapped. The 
order of all other disks are preserved.
So we only need to modify the process to restore the order of the last 2 

1) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
2) move the second last disk from Peg 0 to Peg 1  -- 1 move
3) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg 2 to Peg 1 -- f(n-1) moves
4) move the last disk from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- 1 move
5) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 1 to Peg 0 -- f(n-1) moves
6) move the second last disk from Peg 1 to Peg 2  -- 1 move
7) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
g(n) = 4f(n-1)+3
= 2^(n+2)-5

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Re: [algogeeks] double tower of hanoi

2010-10-08 Thread Terence


Great solution. But I need some clarification on my solution to the second.

My solution to the second is based on the solution to the first.

As I stated, in the solution to the first, only the last 2 disks are 
swapped, while the order of all other disks are preserved.
So moving the same pile of disks twice will preserve the original order 
of all disks.

In step 1) 3) 5) 7) of my solution to the second,  the process of a) is 
performed for the first (2n-2) disks. (No need to preserve order)
After step 1)-3) and 5)-7), the order of the first (2n-2) disks is 
preserved. So order of all disks is preserved after 1)-7).

Denote the number of moves as f(n) in case a), and g(n) in case b).
We have:
f(n) = 2^(n+1) - 2 and
g(n) = 4f(n-1)+3.
So  g(n) = 4*2^n-5

On 2010-10-9 1:56, ravindra patel wrote:


Solution for first one is trivial. Just double the number of moves of 
typical ToH as each pair requires now 2 moves.

In second one the approach is correct but the calculation is wrong.
F(n) = 4f(n-1) + 3 = 3(4^n -1)/(4-1) = 4^n-1 = 2^2n -1.

This can however be optimized as you can reduce the number of recursions.

1- Move (2n-2, From source, to dest) [f(n-1)]
2- Move the last 2 disks from source to temp (2 moves and order reversed)
3- Move (2n-2, From dest, to source) [f(n-1)]
4- Move the last 2 disks from temp to dest (2 moves and original order 

5- Move(2n-2, From source, to dest) [f(n-1)]

so f(n) = 3f(n-1) + 4, f(1) = 4
f(n) = 4(3^n -1)/(3-1) = 2(3^n -1)

For larger n(2) this is more efficient.

- Ravindra

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Terence wrote:

On 2010-10-8 15:14, snehal jain wrote:

A Double Tower of Hanoi contains 2n disks of n different
sizes, two of
each size. As usual, we’re required to move only one disk at a
without putting a larger one over a smaller one.
a. How many moves does it take to transfer a double tower from one
peg to another, if disks of equal size are indistinguishable
from each

Denote the minimum moves as f(n).
Like the classical Tower of Hanoi:
1) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 1 -- f(n-1) moves
2) move the last 2 disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2  -- 2 moves
3) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg1 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
f(n) = 2f(n-1) + 2,  f(1) = 2
So f(n) = 2^(n+1) - 2

b. What if we are required to reproduce the original top-to-bottom
order of all the equal-size disks in the final arrangement?

Denote the minimum moves as g(n).
It can be proved that, in case a, only the last 2 disks are
swapped. The order of all other disks are preserved.
So we only need to modify the process to restore the order of the
last 2 disks.
1) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
2) move the second last disk from Peg 0 to Peg 1  -- 1 move
3) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg 2 to Peg 1 -- f(n-1) moves
4) move the last disk from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- 1 move
5) move the first (2n-2) disks from Peg 1 to Peg 0 -- f(n-1) moves
6) move the second last disk from Peg 1 to Peg 2  -- 1 move
7) move the (2n-2) disks from Peg 0 to Peg 2 -- f(n-1) moves
g(n) = 4f(n-1)+3
   = 2^(n+2)-5

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Re: [algogeeks] Bitwise operator - Adobe

2010-09-25 Thread Terence

 If +,-,*,/ is completely forbidden, I think at least one loop is needed.
Here is my solution:

int next8mult (int n)
   n = (n  ~7);// clear the least 3 bit to make 
multiple of 8

   int r = 8;
   while(r) {  // add 8 to n
  int r1 = (nr)  1; // get carry bit
  n ^= r;  // perform bit addition
  r = r1;  // continue with carry.
  return n;

On 2010-9-25 19:56, Krunal Modi wrote:

Q: Write an algorithm to compute the next multiple of 8 for a given
positive integer using bitwise operators.

(a) For the number 12, the next multiple of 8 is 16.
(b) For the number 16, the next multiple of 8 is 24.
I have written a code using bitwise operators...but, I am not happy
with the solutionIs there any ONE LINE solution ?
Here, is my code.
Approach: shift left till LSB is 0 (say n number of times) then, OR
with 1, finally shift right (same number of times).


int main(){
 int count,m,n,ans,t;

 printf(Enter any number :);

 m=8; //multiple of 8 !!
 t = m;
 ans = ans1;
 ans = ans|1;
 ans = anscount;


 return 0;

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Amazon Question make confused !!!!!!!

2010-09-16 Thread Terence
 It is true that there are infinitely many solutions (or zero 
solutions) (x, y, z) in any case.

But what we are interested here is S=x+y+z.

Apply y = S-x-z, you get:
S/Vp+x(1/Vd-1/Vp)+z/(1/Vu-1/Vp) = T1
S/Vp+x(1/Vu-1/Vp)+z/(1/Vd-1/Vp) = T2
Adding the two, you get
2S/Vp + (x+z)(1/Vd+1/Vu-2/Vp) = T1+T2
When  1/Vd+1/Vu-2/Vp = 0,
   S = Vp(T1+T2)/2, no matter what x and z are.

In this condition, All the solution (S,x,z) forms a line: (the 
intersection line of above 2 planes)

x-z = (T2-T1) / (2(1/Vu-1/Vp))
S = Vp(T1+T2)/2.
which is parallel to x-z plane.

On 2010-9-16 6:32, Gene wrote:

No.  Two linear equations in three unknowns will always yield many
solutions (or zero solutions).  These are essentially plane
equations.  Two planes intersect in a line (unless they are
parallel).  You might get a de facto unique solution for some values
of Vu, Vd, Vu, T1, T2 from the constraints x,y,z= 0.  It would have
to lie on an axis.

For example, you can aways pick z and find x and y.  Using your

  x/Vd + y/Vp + z/Vu = T1
  x/Vu + y/Vp + z/Vd = T2

Subtract to get:

x(1/Vd - 1/Vu) + z(1/Vu - 1/Vd) = T1 - T2


x = [ (T1 - T2) - z(1/Vu - 1/Vd) ] / (1/Vd - 1/Vu)

So now you can pick any z and get x.  Once you have both of these,
plug them in here:

y = Vp (T1 - x/Vd - z/Vu)

As long as x,y,z= 0, you are in business.

On Sep 14, 10:51 pm,  wrote:

You could also get a unique solution if the car has speed of 72 63 56
in downhill, plain and uphill respectively.

I think the speed Vd, Vp, Vu was chosen so that 2Vp = Vd + Vu.
But for unique solution, it ought to be 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu.

Under this condition, we can get the unique S=x+y+z:
 x/Vd + y/Vp + z/Vu = T1
 x/Vu + y/Vp + z/Vd = T2
We get (1/Vu+1/Vd)(x+z)+2/Vp*y = T1+T2
Apply 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu, then 2/Vp(x+y+z)=T1+T2
S=x+y+z = Vp(T1+T2)/2

On 2010-9-15 9:31, Gene wrote:

This isn't right.  Dropping both y terms is the same as setting y to
zero.  The answer you get is correct, but there are many others as has
been said.
You could get a unique solution if the route were constrained to be
monotonic (level and up or else level and down).
On Sep 14, 4:28 pm, Minotaurausanike...@gmail.comwrote:

Actually the solution is unique. The middle part with the Ys is the
same and therefore can be omitted out. Now you are left with
2 equations and 2 unknowns.
I used time in minutes and I have x = 1.28, z = 0.30476 units (y can
be found out).
I guess the trick was 1. to write the equations that Yan did
and 2. to recognize that the plain part is the same and hence can be
On Sep 14, 3:31 am, Yan Wangwangyanadam1...@gmail.comwrote:

actually, there are many solutions, just pick up one from them...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Abhilasha jain

how can u solve 3 variables using 2 equations?
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Yan Wangwangyanadam1...@gmail.comwrote:

x/72 + y/64 + z/56 = 4

x/56 + y/64 + z/72 = 4+2/3
find a solution to this ...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:31 AM, bittushashank7andr...@gmail.comwrote:

Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers
A car has speed of 72 64 56 in downhill, plain and uphill
respectively . A guy travels in the car from Pt. A to pt. B in 4 Hrs
and pt. B to pt. A in 4 Hrs and 40 min. what is the distance between A
and B?
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Amazon Question make confused !!!!!!!

2010-09-15 Thread Terence

You could also get a unique solution if the car has speed of 72 63 56
in downhill, plain and uphill respectively.

I think the speed Vd, Vp, Vu was chosen so that 2Vp = Vd + Vu.
But for unique solution, it ought to be 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu.

Under this condition, we can get the unique S=x+y+z:
   x/Vd + y/Vp + z/Vu = T1
   x/Vu + y/Vp + z/Vd = T2
We get (1/Vu+1/Vd)(x+z)+2/Vp*y = T1+T2
Apply 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu, then 2/Vp(x+y+z)=T1+T2
S=x+y+z = Vp(T1+T2)/2

On 2010-9-15 9:31, Gene wrote:

This isn't right.  Dropping both y terms is the same as setting y to
zero.  The answer you get is correct, but there are many others as has
been said.

You could get a unique solution if the route were constrained to be
monotonic (level and up or else level and down).

On Sep 14, 4:28 pm,  wrote:

Actually the solution is unique. The middle part with the Ys is the
same and therefore can be omitted out. Now you are left with
2 equations and 2 unknowns.

I used time in minutes and I have x = 1.28, z = 0.30476 units (y can
be found out).

I guess the trick was 1. to write the equations that Yan did
and 2. to recognize that the plain part is the same and hence can be

On Sep 14, 3:31 am, Yan  wrote:

actually, there are many solutions, just pick up one from them...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Abhilasha jain  wrote:

how can u solve 3 variables using 2 equations?
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Yan  wrote:

x/72 + y/64 + z/56 = 4

x/56 + y/64 + z/72 = 4+2/3
find a solution to this ...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:31 AM,  wrote:

Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers
A car has speed of 72 64 56 in downhill, plain and uphill
respectively . A guy travels in the car from Pt. A to pt. B in 4 Hrs
and pt. B to pt. A in 4 Hrs and 40 min. what is the distance between A
and B?
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Amazon Question make confused !!!!!!!

2010-09-15 Thread Terence

So if u travel 5 km uphill and then 5 km on plain and then 5 km on 
downhill then time taken

by you will be equal to 15 km on the plain road

This is not the truth.
5/72 + 5/64 + 5/56  - 15/64  = 5/72+5/56-10/64 = 10/63-10/64  0
(that is solely due avg of speed of downhill and uphill is = speed on 
plain road)

This only leads to:
if u travel 5 hrs uphill and then 5 hrs on plain and then 5 hrs on 
downhill then distance traveled

by you will be equal to travel 15 hrs on the plain road.

On 2010-9-15 15:07, rahul patil wrote:

the solution seems to be simple.
Just try to imagine what is happening

You have a road with downhill and uphill.
So if u travel 5 km uphill and then 5 km on plain and then 5 km on 
downhill then time taken
by you will be equal to 15 km on the plain road(that is solely due avg 
of speed of downhill and uphill is = speed on plain road)

so the from A to B we reach 40 min earlier due to there more downhill 

while from A to B it is uphill.

So let us take x km as the road distance which is not plain.

t1 = time to travel x on downhill = x/72
t2 = time to travel x on uphill = x/56

but as given 40min =  2/3 hr = x/56 - x/72

so, x= 168.

so it will take 3 hrs to climb while travelling from B to A and plain 
road distance = 5/3 * 64 = 106.67 km

dist = 168 + 106.67
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Terence wrote:

You could also get a unique solution if the car has speed of 72 63 56

in downhill, plain and uphill respectively.

I think the speed Vd, Vp, Vu was chosen so that 2Vp = Vd + Vu.
But for unique solution, it ought to be 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu.

Under this condition, we can get the unique S=x+y+z:
  x/Vd + y/Vp + z/Vu = T1
  x/Vu + y/Vp + z/Vd = T2
We get (1/Vu+1/Vd)(x+z)+2/Vp*y = T1+T2
Apply 2/Vp = 1/Vd + 1/Vu, then 2/Vp(x+y+z)=T1+T2
S=x+y+z = Vp(T1+T2)/2

On 2010-9-15 9:31, Gene wrote:

This isn't right.  Dropping both y terms is the same as
setting y to
zero.  The answer you get is correct, but there are many
others as has
been said.

You could get a unique solution if the route were constrained
to be
monotonic (level and up or else level and down).

On Sep 14, 4:28 pm,  wrote:

Actually the solution is unique. The middle part with the
Ys is the
same and therefore can be omitted out. Now you are left with
2 equations and 2 unknowns.

I used time in minutes and I have x = 1.28, z = 0.30476
units (y can
be found out).

I guess the trick was 1. to write the equations that Yan did
and 2. to recognize that the plain part is the same and
hence can be

On Sep 14, 3:31 am, Yan  wrote:

actually, there are many solutions, just pick up one
from them...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:23 AM, Abhilasha jain  wrote:

how can u solve 3 variables using 2 equations?
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Yan  wrote:

x/72 + y/64 + z/56 = 4

x/56 + y/64 + z/72 = 4+2/3
find a solution to this ...
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:31 AM,  wrote:

Amazon Interview Question for Software
Engineer / Developers
A car has speed of 72 64 56 in downhill,
plain and uphill
respectively . A guy travels in the car
from Pt. A to pt. B in 4 Hrs
and pt. B to pt. A in 4 Hrs and 40 min.
what is the distance between A
and B?
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Amazon Question

2010-09-15 Thread Terence
 The following algorithm traversals both lists twice to find the 
intersection point, without modification to the original nodes.

The only assumptions:
1) Head pointer of two list: La, Lb
2) .next point to the next node.
3) .next of the tail node is NULL

  // Find the length difference of two lists
  for (pA = La, pB = Lb; pA != NULL  pB != NULL; pA = pA-next, pB = 

  // Discard the beginning of the longer list, to get equal length as 
the shorter one.

  if(pA != NULL) {
for(pC = pA, pA = La; pC != NULL; pA = pA-next, pC = pC-next);
pB = Lb;
  } else if(pB != NULL) {
for(pC = pB, pB = Lb; pC != NULL; pB = pB-next, pC = pC-next);
pA = La;

  // Traversal both list, until we get a common node, return this node.
  // If no such intersection, NULL is returned. (pA,pB will get NULL at 
the same time)

  for( ; pA != pB; pA = pA-next, pB = pB-next);
  return pA;

On 2010-9-15 15:50, sharad kumar wrote:

you dont have the structure of the node
typedef  struct member node
int data;
struct member * next;

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:57 PM, soundar wrote:

From first linked list set flag value in each traversal of
node..then start from second linked list suppose if flag value is
already set that is the intersection point

correct me if i am wrong

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yezhu malai vaasa venkataramana Govinda Govinda
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Re: [algogeeks] Yahoo!!!! Puzzle

2010-09-14 Thread Terence

 No coding at all.
1) Take out another A pill from the bottle;
2) Split each of the 4 pills into two equal halves, and take one half of 
echo pill.

3) Collect the other half of the 4 pills for next time.

On 2010-9-14 17:22, bittu wrote:

You are on a strict medical regimen that requires you to take two
types of pills each day. You must take exactly one A pill and exactly
one B pill at the same time. The pills are very expensive, and you
don't want to waste any. So you open the bottle of A pills, and tap
one out into your hand. Then you open the bottle of B pills and do the
same thing -- but you make a mistake, and two B pills come out into
your hand with the A pill. But the pills are all exactly identical.
There is no way to tell A pills apart from B pills. How can you
satisfy your regimen and take exactly one of each pill at the same
time, without wasting any pills?

Write  Algorithm to Solve dis Problem in O(1)

Shashank Mani Narayan  Don't Be Evil U Can Earn While U learn
Computer Science  Engineering
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Re: [algogeeks] Re: ternary numbers

2010-09-01 Thread Terence

 Or directly get the last digits from (-1, 0, 1)
100 = 33 * 3 + 1
 33  = 11 * 3 + 0
 11  =   4 * 3 + (-1)
   4  =   1 * 3 + 1
   1  =   0 * 3 + 1
Collect those digits together, we get 11X01_3

On 2010-8-31 23:40, Dave wrote:

352/9 = 39-1/9
= 27 + 9 + 3 + 1/9
= 1*3^3 + 1*3^2 + 1*3^1 + 0*3^0 + 0*3^(-1) + 1*3^(-2)
= 1110.01_3

Another example, where -1 comes into play:
Using ordinary ternary {0,1,2} representation:
100 = 1*3^4 + 0*3^3 + 2*3^2 + 0*3^1 + 1*3^0
= 10201_3{0,1,2}

Now transform into the {0,1,-1} representation by replacing 2 with -1
and adding 1 to the place digit to the left, propagating a carry if
necessary. I.e., if as you add 1 to the digit to the left it becomes
2, then you repeat the transformation on that digit as well. I'll
write 1 bar as X.

= 11X01_3{0,1,-1}


On Aug 30, 6:46 pm, Raj  wrote:

In ternary number representation, numbers are represented as 0,1,-1.
(Here -1 is represented as 1 bar.) How is 352/9 represented in ternary
number representation?

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Re: [algogeeks] Could anyone explain how this code works?????????!!!!

2010-09-01 Thread Terence

 Simple run-length encoding of a ascii picture.

On 2010-9-1 3:49, Albert wrote:

int a,b,c;
int count = 1;
for (b=c=10;a=- FIGURE?, UMKC,XYZHello Folks,\
TFy!QJu ROo TNn(ROo)SLq SLq ULo+\
T|S~Pn SPm SOn TNn ULo0ULo#ULo-W\
Hq!WFs XDt! [b+++21]; )
This is the encoding of the picture, each charactor ch  64  (from the 
32nd byte, ie. the second row)

represent the length of a sequence of '!' or ' '. (len = ch - 64)

for(; a--  64 ; )
putchar ( ++c=='Z' ? c = c/ 9:33^b1);
print a sequence of '!' (if b is even) or ' '(if b is odd) with length 
(a-64), beginning with sequence of ' ' (b=11),

and alternatively output sequence of '!' and sequence of ' '.

c controls the line wrap by increase from 10 to 90, then rewind to 10 
and output a linefeed,

so exactly 80 bytes on each line.

return 0;

It just contains two for loop but i cant understand the how it is

help me please.

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Re: [algogeeks] Will miracle ever print ?

2010-08-31 Thread Terence

Can this be explained in context of numbers which are out of integer 
range ?

This can be explained by integer storage in computer and overflow due to 
limited range.

Remember that in computer negative integer is stored as the two's 
complement, ie.  -x = (~x)+1.

Apply this to 0x8000, we get: -0x8000 = 0x7fff+1 = 

Note in the last addition, overlap occurs (from 2^31-1 to -2^32)

On 2010-8-31 7:45, Raj N wrote:
Can this be explained in context of numbers which are out of integer 
range ?

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Yan Wang wrote:

It's miracle can you explain?

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Terence wrote:
  Try this:

 int main()
  int data = (int)0x8000; // Initialize data during run time
  if ( data == -data  data!=0)
printf (Miracle!!);

 On 2010-8-28 1:45, Raj N wrote:

 int data; // Initialize data during run time
 if ( data == -data  data!=0)
 printf (Miracle!!);

 Will miracle ever print ?

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Re: [algogeeks] ternary numbers

2010-08-31 Thread Terence

 First convert 352.

352 = 117 * 3 + 1
   = (39 * 3 + 0) * 3 + 1
   = ((13 * 3 + 0) * 3 + 0) * 3 + 1
   = (((4 * 3 + 1) * 3 + 0) * 3 + 0) * 3 + 1
   = 1*3+1) * 3 + 1) * 3 + 0) * 3 + 0) * 3 + 1

So 352 = 111001.

Noting 9 = 3^2, thus 352 / 9 = 1110.01

On 2010-8-31 7:46, Raj N wrote:

In ternary number representation, numbers are represented as 0,1,-1.
(Here -1 is represented as 1 bar.) How is 352/9 represented in ternary
number representation?

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Converting a decimal number to base -2

2010-08-30 Thread Terence

 No need to handle -1 specially.


-2 |-1| 1
   | 1|

Binary : 11

On 2010-8-30 20:37, ANKIT AGGARWAL wrote:

divide each number by -2 until you get -1, or 1 (Remembering that
remainder is always +ve)

-2 | 2  | 0
 | -1 |

Interpret -1 as 11

so binary is  110

-2 | 3 | 1

Binary  : 111

-2 | 4| 0
 |-2| 0
 | 1|
Binary : 110

-2 | 5| 1
 |-2| 0
 | 1|

Binary : 101

-2 | 6 | 0
 |-3 | 1
 | 2 | 0
(Interpret -1 as 11)
Binary: 11010

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Re: [algogeeks] National Instruments: linked list subtraction

2010-08-26 Thread Terence

On 2010-8-25 20:25, Terence wrote:

1. Calculate the length of both list (A, B).
2. Find the position in the longer list corresponding to the head of 
shorter list, and copy the previous digits to output list C.
   (Or for simplicity, appending 0 to the shorter list so as to get 
the same length as the longer one)

3. Add the two lists into list C without performing carry.
4. Perform carries. For each digit x in sum C, and the previous digit px.
a) if x  9, no change to x and px;
b) if x  9, x = x - 10, px = px + 1;
c) if x ==9, continue to next digit until you come to a digit x' 
not equal to 9 (or the end of list)
if x'  9, x' = x' - 10, px = px + 1, and change all 
the 9's in between to 0.

   else,  keep all those digits untouched.

step 3 and 4 can be merged into one pass.

Some clarifications to step 4:
1) Pointer update:
   Initially x point to the head of list C, and px point to a virtual 
node with value 0.
   (If carry to this node is performed, a node of value 1 is added to 
the head of C)

   After step 4.a, 4.b, both px and x pointed to the next node.
   After step 4.c, px advanced to x' and x pointed to the next of x'.

2) Correctness.
   The operation of step 4 (with above update procedure) ensures px  9 
before possible carry.

   0. Initially, px = 0
   1. After 4.a, px = x  9
   2. After 4.b, px = x - 10, while x is sum of 2 digits, so x = 18 = 
px = 8
   3. After 4.c, if x' is not the tail of list, then x' != 9. px = 
x'(x'9) or px = x'-10(x'9)

  after update. Similar to above 2 cases, px  9.

So after the pass of step 4, we've got the final result.

The key point behind the steps is taking groups of (99..9x) as a whole.

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Re: [algogeeks] National Instruments: linked list subtraction

2010-08-26 Thread Terence
 Sorry for the mistake of addition vs subtraction. See my previous post 
for some clarifications on the addition procedure.

The procedure of subtraction is similar.

To calculate C=A-B:
1. Compare A and B, (first compare length. If length is equal, compare 
the digits from first to last).
   If A = B, then output C = 0. (A list of single node 0, or an empty 
list, depending on the format needed).

   If A  B, then record the sign of C as minus, and swap A and B.
2. Find the position in A corresponding to the head of B, and copy the 
previous digits of A to output list C.

   (Or for simplicity, appending 0 to B so as to get the same length as A)
3. Subtract B from A without carry, get intermediate list C.
4. Perform carries on C. For each digit x in sum C, and the previous 
digit px.(For the first digit x, px = 0)
a) if x  0, no change to x and px, both px and x advanced to next 
b) if x  0, x = x + 10, px = px - 1, both px and x advanced to 
next node.
c) if x = 0, continue to next digit until you come to a digit x' 
not equal to 0 (or the end of list)
if x'  0, x' = x' + 10, px = px - 1, and change all 
the 0's in between to 9.

else,  keep all those digits untouched.
Advance px to x' and x to the next of x'.
5. Remove the initial 0s until C begins with non-zero digits.

On 2010-8-25 23:45, Raj N wrote:
@Terence: It is subtraction of 2 lists and not addition. N for your 
logic of addition for x9 you add px+1 and after that if it becomes  
9 how do you know the previous of it as you've moved the previous 

Can someone comment on my logic ?

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Raj N wrote:

They've mentioned that they're large lists. What if it is a 15
digit number? Its not efficient then.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Sathaiah Dontula wrote:


How about doing like below ?

Convert A to base 10 number, numA
Convert B to base 10 number, numB,
Then take the difference  numC = abs(numA - numB),
Then convert numC to linked list with the digits

any comments ?, overflow condition is the problem here.

Thanks  regards,
Sathaiah Dontula

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Raj N wrote:

Input : Two large singly linked lists representing numbers
with most
significant digit as head and least significant as last node.
Output: Difference between the numbers as a third linked
list with
Most significant digit as the head.
A = 5-4-2-0-0-9-0-0
B = 1-9-9
C = 5-4-2-0-0-7-0-1
Required complexity :
Reversing linked list is NOT allowed

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Re: [algogeeks] National Instruments: linked list subtraction

2010-08-25 Thread Terence

1. Calculate the length of both list (A, B).
2. Find the position in the longer list corresponding to the head of 
shorter list, and copy the previous digits to output list C.
   (Or for simplicity, appending 0 to the shorter list so as to get the 
same length as the longer one)

3. Add the two lists into list C without performing carry.
4. Perform carries. For each digit x in sum C, and the previous digit px.
a) if x  9, no change to x and px;
b) if x  9, x = x - 10, px = px + 1;
c) if x ==9, continue to next digit until you come to a digit x' 
not equal to 9 (or the end of list)
if x'  9, x' = x' - 10, px = px + 1, and change all 
the 9's in between to 0.

   else,  keep all those digits untouched.

step 3 and 4 can be merged into one pass.

On 2010-8-25 17:54, Raj N wrote:

Input : Two large singly linked lists representing numbers with most
significant digit as head and least significant as last node.
Output: Difference between the numbers as a third linked list with
Most significant digit as the head.
A = 5-4-2-0-0-9-0-0
B = 1-9-9
C = 5-4-2-0-0-7-0-1
Required complexity :
Reversing linked list is NOT allowed

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: sorting range of numbers in O(n)

2010-08-03 Thread Terence
 I think count sort is not acceptable (see Ankur's post for 
explanation), while radix sort fits the requirement.

Take the array as an array of 2-digit base n numbers.
First sort by the least significant digit (x%n), then the most 
significant digit (x//n), both using the stable counting sort. The 
overall time complexity is O(n).

On 2010-8-2 17:34, Avik Mitra wrote:

You can use count sort or radix sort. Both are of O(n) as running time
You can refer to the book by Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H.
Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Bitwise Ternary operator

2010-07-26 Thread Terence

On 2010-7-26 1:46, Tech Id wrote:

int cond (int x, int y, int z) {
 return (x==0)*z + (x!=0)*y;

 int cond (int x, int y, int z) {
 return (!x) * z + (!!x)*y;
if comparing (==/!=) is not permitted.

On Jul 21, 10:29 pm,  wrote:

Ternary operator- x? y : z
Implement it in a function: int cond(int x, int y, int z); using only
~, !, ^,, +, |,,  no if statements, or loops or anything else,
just those operators, and the function should correctly return y or z
based on the value of x. You may use constants, but only 8 bit
constants. You can cast all you want. You're not supposed to use extra
variables, but in the end, it won't really matter, using vars just
makes things cleaner.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: SPOJ:RRSCHED

2010-06-21 Thread Terence
Don't try to simulate the scheduler on every second. The total execution 
time can reach 5 * 10^9 sec.
Play with small examples, get  the task list in execution order,  and 
find the cyclic property of the list.

You can solve this problem in O(N) time complexity.

On 2010-6-20 18:15, Shravan wrote:

Theres a link to the code on the third post.

On Jun 20, 3:07 pm, Rohit  wrote:

Rohit Saraf
Second Year Undergraduate,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Bombay

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 3:22 PM,  wrote:

Did you see the code which I have posted.
On Jun 20, 2:31 pm, Rohit  wrote:

You must be doing some useless iterations . Otherwise, TLE is too strange
for this prob.

Rohit Saraf
Second Year Undergraduate,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Bombay

On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 9:15 AM,  wrote:

Even I have implemented it using arrays, but I am getting a TLE.
Here's the code
On Jun 19, 8:15 am,  wrote:

It can be done using simple array data structure why do we need




Here is how I did. Let me know if I understood correctly.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:15 AM,


I am trying to solve the problemhttp://

. And a naive approach doesn't seem to work .What sort of data
structure do I need.

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Re: [algogeeks] level order traversal

2010-06-12 Thread Terence


  stack_push(vstack, v);
  stack_push(tstack, v.right);
  v = v.left;

  while(! is_empty(vstack))
  while(! is_empty(tstack))

On 2010-6-9 16:56, sharad wrote:

can any one tell me how to code for vertical level traversal of a
binary tree?

2  3
  /   \/  \
 45  67


4   2156   37


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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Puzzle:

2010-06-11 Thread Terence

No need to enumerate all possible states.
In the final state (2,8,5), each jug is neither full nor empty, while 
every valid operation has to fill or empty one jug.
So it is not possible to get this state from any other state by one 
valid operation. (As others said, the state before the final one does 
not exist)

On 2010-6-10 0:35, Dave wrote:

Assuming that the only moves you can make are to pour the contents of
one jug into another until either the source is empty or the
destination is full, the following are the only positions possible:

  0: initial position   (15,0,0)
  1: starting from  0, pour 10 from jug 1 to jug 2, getting (5,10,0)
  2: starting from  0, pour  6 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (9,0,6)
  3: starting from  1, pour  5 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (0,10,5)
  4: starting from  1, pour  6 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (5,4,6)
  5: starting from  2, pour  9 from jug 1 to jug 2, getting (0,9,6)
  6: starting from  2, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (9,6,0)
  7: starting from  3, pour 10 from jug 2 to jug 1, getting (10,0,5)
  8: starting from  4, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 1, getting (11,4,0)
  9: starting from  5, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 1, getting (6,9,0)
10: starting from  6, pour  6 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (3,6,6)
11: starting from  7, pour  5 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (10,5,0)
12: starting from  8, pour  4 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (11,0,4)
13: starting from  9, pour  6 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (6,3,6)
14: starting from 10, pour  4 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (3,10,2)
15: starting from 11, pour  6 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (4,5,6)
16: starting from 12, pour 10 from jug 1 to jug 2, getting (1,10,4)
17: starting from 13, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 1, getting (12,3,0)
18: starting from 14, pour 10 from jug 2 to jug 1, getting (13,0,2)
19: starting from 15, pour  5 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (4,10,1)
20: starting from 16, pour  2 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (1,8,6)
21: starting from 17, pour  3 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (12,0,3)
22: starting from 18, pour  2 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (13,2,0)
23: starting from 19, pour 10 from jug 2 to jug 1, getting (14,0,1)
24: starting from 20, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 1, getting (7,8,0)
25: starting from 21, pour 10 from jug 1 to jug 2, getting (2,10,3)
26: starting from 22, pour  6 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (7,2,6)
27: starting from 23, pour  1 from jug 3 to jug 2, getting (14,1,0)
28: starting from 25, pour  3 from jug 2 to jug 3, getting (2,7,6)
29: starting from 27, pour  6 from jug 1 to jug 3, getting (8,1,6)
30: starting from 28, pour  6 from jug 3 to jug 1, getting (8,7,0)

Since {2,8,5) doesn't appear on the list, the puzzle has no solution.


On Jun 7, 3:32 am,  wrote:

: Three containers are of 15,10 and 6 ltrs capacity. Initially its in
configuration (15,0,0). Make it to configuration (2,8,5)

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: infix

2010-06-11 Thread Terence

On 2010-6-11 13:39, BALARUKESH wrote:

The increment and decrement method wont work correctly for all
It works. In this example, the first ')' lead to -1 which indicate the 
expression is not well formed.

This is not a well formed parenthesis... But satisfies the algorithm.
The better way is to use a stack... When u find a ' ( ' push it into
the stack and when u find a ' )' pop off the top element. Finally the
stack should be empty. If [stack has one or more ' ( ' ] or [the stack
is empty and exp is not empty] then it is not a well formed
The later condition [the stack is empty and exp is not empty] does not 
necessary lead to ill formed parenthesis. Ex: (a+b)*(c+d).
To solve this, you can 1) add an additional pair of parenthesis around 
the whole expression
or 2) change the condition to [the stack is empty and ')' is the next 
element of the expression]

Actually, the increment and decrement method is maintaining the stack 
size, checking 1) no stack underflow, and 2) stack is empty at the end. 
So the two method is equivalent.

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Re: [algogeeks] Removing extra parentheses in an infix string

2010-06-03 Thread Terence
You can restore the infix expression from the postfix expression 
calculated, only add parenthesis when necessary in each step.

On 2010-6-3 15:35, divya jain wrote:

1.calculte the postfix of given expression. remove a particular parenthesis from expression and check if the 
postfix of this expression is equal to the postfix of original 
expression. if yes then the parenthesis we have removed were extra. if 
no then the parenthesis were not exta.
3 now remove other parenthesis as step 2 and repeat till u have done 
this for all parenthesis

On 1 June 2010 20:12, Raj N wrote:

How to remove extra parentheses in an infix string. For example if it
is A+(B*C) parentheses for * is not required as it has higher
precedence. Can someone suggest a good routine for this?

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Re: [algogeeks] Valid permutation of the brackets

2010-06-03 Thread Terence

Discard illegal prefix as soon as possible, and only proceed with legal one.
* For some position, if the number of '(' and ')' are equal, then do not 
try ')' on that position.
* If the number of '(' reaches n, fill the rest positions with ')' to 
get a valid permutation.

On 2010-6-3 16:15, Jitendra Kushwaha wrote:

The question is that you have to print all the valid permutations of
the given number of brackets
for example for input 3 we have the output

1 ((()))
2 (()())
3 (())()
4 ()(())
5 ()()()

total five valid permutation

this can be solved in O( 2^(2n) ) where n is number of brackets .
Algo will be like this
1. Try '(' and ')' in every position and print the correct
permutation.Neglect all other permutation

As catalon number is far less then exponential growth ,can anybody
suggest some better algorithm


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Re: [algogeeks] Find the number with maximum frequency in an array. Better than O(nlogn + n) time complexity

2010-06-01 Thread Terence
This is a different problem, where the requested number with maximum 
frequency is not necessary majority.

On 2010-6-1 13:19, harit agarwal wrote:

see this .vote majority algorithm..

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Re: [algogeeks] Why is inorder traversal necessary to reconstruct a binary tree?

2010-04-09 Thread Terence

The simplest case is:
   /   and  \
both with preorder(and level-order) AB and postorder BA

On 2010-4-9 1:23, Himanshu Aggarwal wrote:
For a binary tree , if we are given an inorder traversal and a 
preorder/postorder/level-order traversal, we can always reconstruct 
back the binary tree. This technique can be used to save and restore 
the binary tree efficiently.

I have read that it is necessary to have an inorder traversal to 
reconstruct the tree. i.e. if we are given a preorder and a postorder 
traversal, the binary tree can not be reconstructed.

Can someone help me in understanding why this is so? i.e. why is 
inorder traversal a mandatory requirement. Why can not we reconstruct 
the tree with a given preorder and a postorder

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and replies.

~Himanshu Aggarwal
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Re: [algogeeks] Divide and Conquer problem

2010-04-08 Thread Terence

Suppose  n=2^k, a(0), a(1), ..., a(n-1) are the n teams
1. If there are 1 team,  then no matches, 0 days needed;
If there are 2 teams, arrange 1 match for them, 1day needed.
2. Split the n teams into 2 groups of equal size, ie. 
a(0),a(1),...,a(n/2-1) and a(n/2),a(n/2+1),...,a(n-1).
3. Construct the timetable for each group. Merge the 2 timetables to 
form the timetable of first (n/2-1) days.

4. Arrange inter-group matches for the next n/2 days. One of the choices is:
for the next i'th day, let team a(k) plays with a(n/2+(k+i)%(n/2)), 

The final timetable covers exactly (n-1) days.

On 2010-4-7 14:50,   难躂  换 wrote:

Can any one help me with this problem

Its a divide and conquer problem where, there are n teams and each
team plays each opponent only once. And each team plays exactly once
every day. If n is the power of 2, I need to construct a timetable
allowing the tournament to finish in n-1 days...

Any help would be appreciated.. thanks


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Re: [algogeeks] Interview question.Provide the solution as per the constraints.

2010-03-08 Thread Terence

What is the storage structure of your BST?
If each node contains pointers to its left child, right child and 
parent, then we can traverse through the tree without recursive or stack.

   p = root;
   last = root-parent = NULL;
  while(p) {
if (last == p-parent) {  // enter
  if(p-left) {
   last = p; p = p-left;
  } else if(p-right) {
   last = p; p = p-right;
  } else {
   last = p; p = p-parent;
} else if (last == p-left) {
   if(p-right) {
   last = p; p = p-right;
  } else if(p-right) {
   last = p; p = p-parent;
} else {
   last = p; p = p-parent;

Combine this with Rahul Singh's algorithm lead to a solution with O(n) 
time and O(1) memory

On 2010-3-8 15:11, Nikhil Agarwal wrote:
@all: you cannot traverse through the tree recursively because it has 
been mentioned that no extra memory (in recursive calls or stack ) is 

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 8:42 AM, gaurav gupta wrote:

Median of BST means : median of Sorted array of elements? is it?

Convert BST into Hight Balance Search Tree then root node will be
your median.

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 2:42 AM, Nik_nitdgp wrote:

Given a BST (Binary search Tree) how will you find median in that?
-No extra memory.
Algorithm should be efficient in terms of complexity.
Write a solid secure code for it.

No extra memory--u cannot use stacks to avoid recursion.
No static,global--u cannot use recursion and keep track of the
elements visited so far in inorder.

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Thanks  Regards
Nikhil Agarwal
Junior Undergraduate
Computer Science  Engineering,
National Institute Of Technology, Durgapur,India

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: missing integers in an unsorted array

2010-02-04 Thread Terence

No. This works for all cases. Xor is commutative.

On 2010-2-5 13:37, srinivas chintagunta wrote:

I think this works if elements are sorted . Is it correct?

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:07 PM, sachin wrote:

A way to solve this problem would be using xor(exclusive OR)
xor all the elements from 1 to n.Call it A
xor all the elements of the array into a variable B
Now missing element = A xor B
It works this way
xor-ing an element with itself gives 0(p xor p=0)
xor-ing an element with 0 gives the element itself(p xor 0=p)
xor-ing an element with 1 gives the complement of element(p xor

Now suppose you are given 4 elements and you have to find the missing
5th element
A=1 xor 2 xor 3 xor 4 xor 5;
B=ar[1] xor ar[2] xor ar[3] xor ar[4];

let array be {2,5,3,1}
thus, B=1 xor 2 xor 3 xor 5;

Now A xor B = (1 xor 1) xor (2 xor 2) xor (3 xor 3)  xor (5 xor 5) xor
4 = 0 xor 0 xor 0 xor 0 xor 4 = 4(the missing element).


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Srinivas Chintagunta,
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Re: [algogeeks] Merge two BST in O(n) time with O(1)

2010-01-29 Thread Terence

On 2010-1-28 21:03, Nirmal wrote:
Given two binary search trees, how to merge them in O(n) time and O(1) 

It can be done using O(n) space as below,

1. covert BST #1 into linked list or sorted array
2. covert BST #2 into linked list or sorted array
3. merge them...

but how to do this in place?

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1) and 2) is not necessary.
Inorder traversal both BST simultaneously,
and merge the visited nodes into new BST,
just like ordinary sorted array merge.

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[algogeeks] Re: multiply by 2 and subtract by 1

2009-08-26 Thread Terence

The problem can break down to simple case A:
A. convert a row of size c elements to all zero using only operations a, b

which can further break down to substep B:
B. for any two different value x, y in a row, use only operations a, b 
to convert to same value.

Suppose x = y, perform operation a on x until 2*x  y.
if x == y, no more operation is needed;
if x  y, perform operation b on current row 2*x-y times, now (x, 
y)-(x', y'), x'=y-x, y'=2y-2x;
then perform operation a on x', now both value turns the same.

Note that we focus on values instead of elements in the row, when we 
perform operation on a value,
we perform the same operation on all elements in the row having such value.

Now repeatly apply substep B on a row of size c elements, convert the 
least 2 different values to same value,
until all values are the same. Then apply operation b until all values 
are zero. This way we can achieve A.

For general case of r*c, just eliminate the rows one by one.

ankur aggarwal 写道:
 I've always wanted to feel the excitement in these interviews. I got a 
 chance, and I liked it.

 Here is the question:

 You are given a matrix: r rows, c cols. r x c matrix.

 Now they all have positive integers. Assume that the computer has no 
 overflow, it can store all possible integer values.

 Now there are only two operations you can perform on the matrix:

 a. Multiply one whole column (of size r elements) by 2 aij = aij * 2
 b. Decrement a whole row (of size c elements) by 1. aij = aij - 1

 Now you are required to find out if it's possible with these 
 operations to convert this matrix into the O matrix. (one with all 
 zeroes in it.)

 If so, how do you solve it? Or when do you decide to terminate?

 give the algo..
 not the code.


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