Re: amanda.8 manpage

2005-01-13 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Stefan G. Weichinger a écrit :
Hello, amanda-users,
enjoy the updated version of the main amanda.8-manpage at
Just a little mail to say that we should all thank Stephan and all the 
people that write *documentation* for Amanda, as this seems to be the 
most important point in this project.

A question : as for the project, is there a translation project 
of those docs ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amanda.8 manpage

2005-01-13 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Stefan G. Weichinger a écrit :
The AMANDA-docs are about 760 kB right now, still enough to work on.
My next goal is to make use of the xml-docs-tree for the
AMANDA-releases. The plain-text-files should be substituted (or
accompanied) by some other format, maybe pdf, maybe html ...
(suggestions welcome).
I guess once you have the xml files, the target formats are not a 
problem. You just have to write a converter.
I play a little with Latex, and it's working the same way.

And this switch to the xml-docs-tree would make it somewhat easier to
maintain the docs, which leads to better quality ...
So must I understand that this switch isn't done yet ?
(From your last posts, I thought this had begun ?)
So to answer your question: No translation-project yet, but I will be
happy to support you in starting one ;-)
For my company, I wrote a quite huge doc in french about the daily use 
of amanda, and the use of the small tools around, like dd, tar, dump, 
This took me a long time, but I liked it.
I already translated some man pages of mutt into french, and I think I 
could do the same for amanda.
I fact, it seems that in France Amanda isn't quite used because of the 
lack of simple documentation.
So instead of re-writing a new doc in french, it could be wiser to 
translate your xml files into french.

Could you tell me the % of files formated in xml ?
Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amanda.8 manpage

2005-01-13 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Gavin Henry a écrit :
quote who=Nicolas Ecarnot
Could you tell me the % of files formated in xml ?
All of them.
So if the cml files contain up-to-date text, the work of translation can 
Do I have to have a special access on a cvs server ?

I'll translate into french.
Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amanda.8 manpage

2005-01-13 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Stefan G. Weichinger a écrit :
I am very happy about your offer but I would prefer if you could wait
with starting that new translation until we have an official version
of the docs. There is too much going on right now in those files.
Maybe we can do that transition with the next AMANDA-release, this
would be a good point to start.
Ok. I'm not looking at the releases everyday, so may I ask you to knock 
my door when this will be the time to start the translation ?

But if you want to help, we can also need a hand when it comes to
formatting some of the XML-files.
Er... I just downloaded by cvs the work you did (Makefiles and so 
on...), and I just can't get any HTML files
(reconfigure, configure, make html...) so I'd rather let you manage this 
part :o)

And let's start a private thread to ask you some help off list.
Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Skip two tapes

2004-11-15 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Alexander Jolk a écrit :
Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
For some reason, I have to skip two tapes : the last backup was made on
tape05 and the next one has to be made on tape08

Tell amanda exactly that:
amadmin config no-reuse tape06 tape07
And when someday you want to use them again, just `reuse' them.
I tried that, but when I run
amcheck tape
with the tape08 loaded, Amanda tells me that it can't use this tape as 
there already are datas on it (can't overwrite blahblah, expecting new tape)

So ?
Nicolas Ecarnot

Skip two tapes

2004-11-08 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
I have a configuration with ten tapes that runs nicely.
For some reason, I have to skip two tapes : the last backup was made on 
tape05 and the next one has to be made on tape08
How can I do that ? What file should I hack for that ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

amrestore crash

2004-05-24 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
I'm trying to restore some files, but everything seems to crash.
I tried with three different methods :
amrecover, amrestore and by hand (dd + restore), but everything crashes.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # amrestore -p /dev/nsa0.1 /dev/amrd0s2f 
|restore -ivf -
Verify tape and initialize maps
amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20040518 label data017
amrestore:   1: skipping
amrestore:   2: skipping
amrestore:   3: skipping
amrestore:   4: skipping
amrestore:   5: skipping
amrestore:   6: skipping
amrestore:   7: skipping
amrestore:   8: restoring
Tape is not a dump tape
Error 32 (Broken pipe) offset 32768+32768, wrote 0
amrestore: pipe reader has quit in middle of file.

Have you any idea ?
Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: [OT] stupid question: amanda company references?

2004-04-22 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Kristian Rink wrote:
Hi all,...
Hi all,

Your name: Nicolas Ecarnot
Your organization: ACCIM
Your location: France
Version(s) in use: 2.4.4_1
Total length of time AMANDA has been in use (including use of older 
versions): one year
Platform(s) backed up with AMANDA: OpenBSD 3.2 and 3.3, FreeBSD 5.1R, 
Linux Mandrake 7.2, AIX 4.3, windows 95,98,NT WS and server, 2000 pro 
and server, and XP Pro
Total number of hosts backed up: 9 servers + 23 clients = 32 hosts
Approximate amount of data backed up: 150 Go
Tape drive(s)/library(ies) in use: HP-Ultrium1-SCSI (LTO Powervault-110T)

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Amanda backup levels

2004-04-21 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Jeroen Heijungs wrote:

Probably very stupid questions, but can someone shed some light on very simple 
questions: what exactly are
the differences between the different levels of backup? I searched the documentation 
and arcives but so far
I have not found the exact definitions.
Level n backup is a backup where you save what has changed since the 
last level n backup. period.

As I understand:
- level 0 is full-backup
- level 1 is incremental backup, based on modification time (?)
- what are the higher levels ???
You can do L0 backups once a month, L1 backups once a week, and L2 
backups everyday.
So, everyday, you will save what you changed since the last L2 backup, 
that is to say since the day before.

I explain that though now I hate incremental backups and pray for not 
having to do with them anymore.
They may look fun (and indeed they DO are very well managed by Amanda) 
but it may turn to nightmare when you have to restore some directories 
with changes in different level backups, and one of you tape fails...

I ask now, because untill now we only had to backup FreeBSD servers acting as 
routers, gateways.
firewalls, mailrelayservers etc. None of them had real fast-changing user-data, so 
up-to-date restores were
not an high-priority issue and we never had to restore something (rock-solid os!).
But now we are moving to imap-mail and that means that there are lots of user-data 
which change very often
and have to restore more often (users delete mail-folders accidently), so I have to be 
sure that all changed
data is backed-up every run, users do not want mails missing.
In my company, we use OpenBSD as an imap server, and FreeBSD as a samba 
server, and the files are changing very fast. So we do L0 backups 
If you can afford, avoid incremental backups.

Last question:
- are there gui-frontends for the restore, that work for the helpdesk staff (they 
cannont work with the
amrestore interface) ?
No. I heard they were people working on a web frontend, but hey, when 
you restore some data, are you sure you will have a gui running ? Are 
you even sure you will have any network working ?
The command line interface is simple enough to be usable in the worst 
situation, think about that.

PS. CALLING ALL CARS : Are the guys working on the web frontend reading 
this e-mail ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Amanda backup levels

2004-04-21 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:

Today, I speak to myself :

PS. CALLING ALL CARS : Are the guys working on the web frontend reading 
this e-mail ?

Not tested...

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Amanda backup levels

2004-04-21 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Jeroen Heijungs wrote:

I asked about the differences between the levels of backup and I got (sofar)
two different answers (thanks to you both), so I still do not know for sure:
Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:

Level n backup is a backup where you save what has changed since the
last level n backup. period.

Gertjan van Oosten wrote:

A level N backup includes all files modified since the last level M
backup where M  N.  So a level 1 backup includes all files changed
since the last level 0 backup; a level 2 backup includes all files
changed since the last level 1 backup (or if there was no such backup,
it includes all files changed since the last level 0 backup), etc.
A level 0 backup includes all files, period.
Indeed, the M  N statement is correct.
You can start with a L0 backup once a year, then do one L1 backup each 
month, then do a L2 backup everyday.
Everyday, what will be saved is what changed since the start of the month.
So normally, on april 1th, the L1 backup you'll do will contain what 
changed since the start of the year.

From now, I'm less sure of what I say

On 20040402, to restore a complete system that was set up on january 1th 
and crashed today, you'll have to provide :
- L0 2004
- L1 200404
- L2 20040402

/not sure

Experts, please correct me.

(As you can see, I prefer level 0 backups ;o)

Some more questions:
- in theory you can get an infinite level (no limit) backup ?


Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: How to examine a tape?

2004-04-21 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Mats Blomstrand wrote:

Hi All

I have been given a tape with useful data on. I dont know how the data is
put on the tape so cant figure out how to get to it. I have tried to use tar
to read directly from tape-device but it doesnt recognize anything.
Please enlight me with some tape-basics on how to investigate an unknown tape.
[Part of a doc I wrote in french, but you'll understand the commands :]

dd if=/dev/nsa0.1 of=/tmp/restored/monFichierArchive bs=32k skip=1

L'option skip=1 est utilisée ici pour éviter de lire l'entête du 
fichier d'archive, qui n'en fait pas partie, mais qui est rajoutée par 

On peut ensuite exploiter (en extraire des fichiers) le fichier 
d'archive avec les commandes tar ou restore (selon la méthode 
utilisée lors de la sauvegarde) :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] # tar tvf /tmp/restored/monFichierArchive


[EMAIL PROTECTED] # restore -tvf /tmp/restored/monFichierArchive

I know, I'd rather translate this huge doc in english...

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: SendSize CoreDmp on Aix 4.3.3

2003-12-02 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Didierjean Fabrice wrote:

I am using amanda 2.4.4p1 on a AIX 4.3.3 IBM RS6000. I have compiled it
with both, the ibm coompiler en gcc 2.95.3. The both gave me an unusable
sendsize command. This command end in a coredmp. For some obscure raison
the executable crash on the call to amroflock, dont know why (seem to be
a link error ..)
Well after 1 day, i found a solution. I recompiled all amanda with
--disable-shared option, and after that all seems to work normaly
Hope it can help others ...
It sure does !
I was hoping for months to be able to use amanda on my old AIX server 
but I had the same problem as you.
I scrached my old amanda compilation, retrieved a fresh one, compiled it 
with the --disable-shared option and after some tests, it does works 
very nice.

Thank you very much for that information.

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amanda and samba

2003-10-28 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Christian Molière wrote:
Hash: SHA1

~   I have such error messages when I try to backup a samba share on  a 
windows server. User can only read on this share. Which kind of minimum 
rights user must to have on share ?


/-- jupiter-ba //exploitsrvdc2/ArchiBackup lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [jupiter-backup://exploitsrvdc2/ArchiBackup level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote file \backup_tony\archi 
previsionnel B1 B2 sauvegarde.vsd (\backup_tony\)
? NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening remote file \backup_tony\archi 
sauvegarde B1 B2.vsd (\backup_tony\)
I also have this kind of problem on many samba clients. This comes from 
the rights assigned to the files created inside the shares. Sometimes, 
these files get some very closed rights, and even your backup user can't 
read them.

What I have done is maybe not the best, but works fine : I have created 
on every client host a local backup user (let's call him backupUser), 
and I added it in the ***LOCAL*** administrators group.
You don't need this, you could give to the backupUser all the rights on 
all the files to be backup up, but as I said, at each new creation of a 
file, you would have to check these rights again.

From a security point of view (if we can speak about security in a 
windows world...), I think this is not a big breach to create a local 
user that can read every file on the computer.

Comments are welcome.

(Sympa de voir qu'il y a aussi des francophones sur cette liste)

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Old failed backups

2003-10-16 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Lucio a écrit :
Two problems (maybe related):

1 - I've got two failed backups in the holding disk. I do not want to 
flush them on tape for a number of reasons, one being because they aren't 
useful anymore.
I'm perhaps wrong, but what I do in that case is :
$ rm -fr /somewhere/holdingDisk/Dailyset1/*
$ amcleanup Dailyset1
Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: terminology help

2003-10-16 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
As we're speaking about terminology, there are things I don't understand 
as english is not my native language :
Amongst them, I don't understand the term due. Could anyone explain me 
this word with some other simple words ?

When I type amadmin DailySet1 due, I get :
Due in 8 days:
Overdue 1 day: otherhost://otherwinhost/winshare
I don't understand the english meaning of due and overdue ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: terminology help

2003-10-16 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Brian Cuttler wrote:
due, payable, owed, expected

The bills are due to be payed this week.
Ok for due, I guess it means I will have to backup that host in two 
days, and that other in three days.

But for overdue ? Does this mean I **will** have to backup that host 
yesterday ? :o)

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amrecover never terminates

2003-10-10 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
It surely looks like a problem I had once, whose solution and 
explanation is in this thread :

Happy reading.

Nicolas Ecarnot

[FreeBSD] Problem with big estimates SOLVED

2003-10-07 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

Here's just a word to explain a simple thing as I spent some times with 
M. Jackson on this problem.

My backup server is a FreeBSD 5.1, and it saves around 120 windows 
clients. The smbclient runs on this same machine.

When running amdump, at the estimate stage (at the beginning), the UDP 
packet was too large for the OS that is set by default at the small size 
of ~9K.

You can just adjust it by setting :
in the /etc/sysctl.conf
and reboot.
Or you can temporaly run the command :
sysctl net.inet.udp.maxdgram=65535
as root to set it up.
My 2 cents...

Nicolas Ecarnot

[FYI] Heterogenous system restore

2003-10-07 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

My FreeBSD 5.1 backup server is running fine to backup many different OS.
Amongst the clients is a linux 2.2.17 (Mandrake 7.2).
I make the backups on this client with dump (and not tar).
But when I tried to restore the files with amrecover, it failed telling 
me Root partition not on this tape.
I had the same message when doing it by hand, with dd.

I found out that this (seem to) came from difference between the restore 
program on each host.
The restore program of freebsd can't read the dumps made by my linux 
client. Google archives seems to say that this comes the filesystems : 
ext2 on linux vs ufs on freebsd.

The solution :
- dump the image on the backup server :
  * mt rewind
  * mt fsf 42
  * dd if=$TAPE bs=32k skip=1 of=/tmp/myImage.dump
- log in on the client
- restore the files you need, via ssh (for example) :
  * ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /tmp/myImage.dump | \
(restore -xvf - ; cat  /dev/null)
- Be happy
Any comments welcome.

My 2 cents...

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: send req failed: Message too long

2003-09-24 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Nicolas Ecarnot a écrit :

I recently had this kind of problem with my amanda server. It has to 
backup around 120 samba clients :

planner: time 0.371: dgram_send_addr: sendto( 
failed: Message too long
send req failed: Message too long
I'm sorry to insist but this problem is really blocking me and I don't 
really know what to do to solve it.

I read in the faq that this may be due to an UDP packet size problem.
The suggested workaround is to shorten the names used in the directories 
to save.
Unfortunately, I'm backing up many samba clients, and their names can't 
be all changed, and I have no way to create symbolic links or that knid 
of things.

In my disklist, I have 120 lines like this : //winHost001/share nocomp-user-gnutar
* I don't know HOW I could shorten this ?

In the faq, it's also written that the ability to use 64k udp packet 
size is OS-dependent. I'm running FreeBSD 5.1.

* Perhaps there's a way to check its inetd abilities ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

send req failed: Message too long

2003-09-22 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

I recently had this kind of problem with my amanda server. It has to 
backup around 120 samba clients :

planner: time 0.371: dgram_send_addr: sendto( 
failed: Message too long
send req failed: Message too long

I read a bit of information on the yahoo archive, and found this problem 
had been worked around with the ctimeout variable. (I guess ? I'm not 
sure I understood everything).

So I increased this timeout, and this morning, all my samba clients went 
fine. Cool.

Now, as I'm still testing, I want to relaunch an amanda dump.
I just launch exactly the same config, and this time, I get this bad old 
'message too long'.

Is there a standard solution ? I don't mind if my clients waste 5 
minutes to answer, but I want to be sure my backups are done.

Should I increase the ctimeout ?

Or is there a way to ask the estimates in a sequential way, in order to 
avoid too long messages for inetd ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Help with amrecover, cannot connect- connection refused

2003-08-27 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 à 04:55:33PM -0400, John Grover wrote:
 Amanda list:
 I'm doing my first test of amrecover (amdump ran fine) and I get an
 error amrecover: cannot connect to tape server name here : connection
 refused. I tried amrecover as root with all the command line options
 set except tape device.

I just had the same problem yesterday.
I solved it by :
- running amrecover as root
- adding this line root
to /home/operator/.amandahosts


Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Can't backup AIX4.3 client : missing results

2003-08-14 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Selon Jon LaBadie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I've looked into the client /tmp/amanda/*.log and there seem to be
 nothing anormal in the log files
  but there is a core file (is it a core dump ? Is there an error ?)
 Don't know if it works on AIX, but on Solaris and HP-UX the file
 tells you what command dumped the core file.  And of course the

Sorry but core doesn't tells me anything useful.
But as this core file is created inside the /tmp/amanda directory, and the
timestamp is during the amdump, I think that yes, it comes from an amanda crash.

Ok, so let's find what is troubling :
- on the client, what executable are runned and in what order ?
I guess amandad is a program that runs many things (answer to estimates,
dumping, checks... ?)
- if the estimates fail to be sent, the amandad program won't be called in a
amdump session to dump anything. The only calls made will be check, and
estimates, I guess ?

- In what log files could I find more information ?
- Can I make the core file speak ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Not again !!!

2003-08-14 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 à 02:23:30PM -0500, Rebecca Pakish Crum wrote:
 those who are bothered to be unprepared. Get a spam with
 it, move on. Or maybe those complaining would like to contribute and
 maintain a spam/virus server for the list. This is the 4th or 5th time
 this year this subject has gone on for far too long. Amanda is free, the
 knowledge everyone gains and contributes her is free, if the price is to
 be 'bothered' with extra emails, then pay for some other backup utility
 and you won't be bothered again.

Excuse me but I don't really understand where is the *need* of accepting 
attachements in a mailing list read by amanda sysadmins, people that use
to deal with **TEXT** config files all day long ?

There is **absolutly** no need to accept the attachements.
If anyone would ever need a binary or a picture of my dog, I would post
an URL. So simple !

That would avoid :
- the viruses
- the too many automatic answers coming from antivirus software
- the network load
- the long and repeating threads

Nicolas Ecarnot

Multiple parallel smbclients backups

2003-08-14 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

Though I'm still working on the AIX client problem, I've also set up my 
120 windows clients and began some tests (here, we're on holidays, 
except for the BOFHs like me).

I've added all the needed config in the disklist and amandapass files 
and it's working.

But I'm surprised to see that this backups aren't made in parallel : 
Though I've specified inparalell = 4, the samba backups are made in a queue.
I imagine this comes from the fact that in disklist, every samba-related 
line begins with the same hostname (that is the hostname of the backup 

Aren't there a way to paralellized those samba backups ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Can't backup AIX4.3 client : missing results

2003-08-14 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Jon LaBadie a écrit :

Another approach to identifying it is the debugger that comes
with your compiler.  For example, I've used gcc and gdb tells me:
  $ gdb -c core
  GNU gdb 5.0
  Core was generated by `timidity -s 65000 ...
  Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation Fault.
  #0  0x805ed09 in ?? ()
  (gdb) quit
I compiled it under AIX4.3 and I have no gdb on this system.
So I try to copy this core file into another system with gdb, but off 
course, this does not work as it's on another system.

To simplify things I'd suggest changing the disklist on the amanda
server so that only one DLE on the AIX client is uncommented.  You
will have many fewer debug files to contend with.
I already did that.
To debug : the simpler, the better.
Also, the debug files list the commands they start, arguments included.
You could run each by hand and see if you note a core dump.
*THAT* is what I wanted you to say ;o)
How do I run commands by hand ?
When speaking about commands, do you mean the kind of command described 
in the document /usr/local/share/doc/amanda/INTERNALS ?

If so, it great, I will be able to see more closely what's wrong.

But how do we do that ? Can we call amandad with arguments ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Can't backup AIX4.3 client : missing results

2003-08-12 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

After having set up many differents clients (linux, openbsd, windows, freebsd), I'm 
trying to set up an
AIX 4.3 box.

In my disklist, I put that line :

estrella /dev/hd3 always-full

But amdump sends me that in a mail :

estrella   /dev/hd3 lev 0 FAILED [missing result for /dev/hd3 in estrella response]

I've looked into the client /tmp/amanda/*.log and there seem to be nothing anormal in 
the log files
but there is a core file (is it a core dump ? Is there an error ?)

On the server, the amdump.1 log file just tell that :

planner: time 0.020: setting up estimates for estrella:/dev/hd3
estrella:/dev/hd3 overdue 12273 days for level 0
setup_estimate: estrella:/dev/hd3: command 0, options:
last_level -1 next_level0 -12273 level_days 0
getting estimates 0 (0) -1 (-1) -1 (-1)
planner: time 0.021: setting up estimates took 0.001 secs

driver: pid 3644 executable /usr/local/libexec/amanda/driver version 2.4.4
driver: send-cmd time 0.021 to taper: START-TAPER 20030809
driver: started dumper0 pid 3646
driver: started dumper1 pid 3647
driver: started dumper2 pid 3648
driver: started dumper3 pid 3649
taper: pid 3645 executable taper version 2.4.4
taper: page size is 4096
taper: buffer size is 32768
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 3648 executable dumper2 version 2.4.4, using port 794
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 3647 executable dumper1 version 2.4.4, using port 793
taper: buffer[00] at 0x30048000
taper: buffer[01] at 0x3005
taper: buffer[02] at 0x30058000
taper: buffer[03] at 0x3006
taper: buffer[04] at 0x30068000
taper: buffer[05] at 0x3007
taper: buffer[06] at 0x30078000
taper: buffer[07] at 0x3008
taper: buffer[08] at 0x30088000
taper: buffer[09] at 0x3009
taper: buffer[10] at 0x30098000
taper: buffer[11] at 0x300a
taper: buffer[12] at 0x300a8000
taper: buffer[13] at 0x300b
taper: buffer[14] at 0x300b8000
taper: buffer[15] at 0x300c
taper: buffer[16] at 0x300c8000
taper: buffer[17] at 0x300d
taper: buffer[18] at 0x300d8000
taper: buffer[19] at 0x300e
taper: buffer structures at 0x300e8000 for 240 bytes
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 3646 executable dumper0 version 2.4.4, using port 792
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 3649 executable dumper3 version 2.4.4, using port 795
error result for host estrella disk /dev/hd3: missing estimate
planner: time 1.495: getting estimates took 1.473 secs
0: estrella   /dev/hd3

I don't really know in what other log file to look in, and don't really know where 
does this problem comes from ?

Any idea ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Problems - mostly selfcheck timed out

2003-08-07 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Selon Craig White [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 WARNING: localhost: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
 Client check: 1 host checked in 30.001 seconds, 1 problem found

Don't use localhost, it's bad (C)(TM)(R)
Don't ask why, read the archives.

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: Contribution?

2003-07-30 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 à 01:35:44PM -0500, Bruntel, Mitchell L, SOLCM wrote:
 I have a contribution to make.
 I've taken most of the help files, man files, and everything I can think of , and 
 put it into a WORD document, with an Table of Content (Am working on a 
 index/concordance file for it too!).

If you don't see any problem, I would be happy to receive it, convert it into HTML, 
PDF and OpenOffice so that anyone can read it.

 it's about 110 pages, and has been extremely helpful in trying to get myself up and 

136k is ok for me :o) so if you want, you could send it to me.

 Who should I send it to?  It' about 136K, so I won't post it to list.
 What I'd ideally like is to have the document available on the web page, so that 
 newbies (like myself) can get more information than is currently available from 
 the faq-o-matic!

Good idea. As an amanda (almost-)beginner, I'm right inside reading tons of docs, and 
I have a clear view of all the doc files.

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: The old GnuTar vs. Dump topic

2003-07-24 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 11:15:24PM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
 Hi, amanda-users,

Hi Stefan,

 is there a brief comparison between using dump or tar with amanda

Nicolas Ecarnot
Please don't Cc to this list's users. Only reply to the list.

Re: The old GnuTar vs. Dump topic

2003-07-24 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Selon Paul Bijnens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Please note that these tests were done in 1991.
 That's an eternity in the life of a development cycle in software.
 But, yes, it gives an idea of what you should take into account.

That's right.
The backup issues interest me enough today to make me do all those tests
again, today, on two or three different OS, when I'll have some time.

This would be nice to do that work in a team, and not alone.

Nicolas Ecarnot

restore works but hangs...

2003-07-24 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

This is maybe a small problem you may had so you might help :
When I use restore on a host with the file on this host, there is no problem.

Now, when I use restore across the lan, it still works but never stops :

ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'amrestore -p /dev/nsa0.1 myClient /var '|restore -tvf -

This command gives me a nice listing, as in the local case, but hangs at the end. It 
never returns to shell.
If I try to use that command to actually restore files, it also works, but again 
without ending.
A ctrl-c is my only way out.

In the man amrecover, I can read :
-p Pipe  output.   [...]
Note: restore may report short read errors when reading from a
pipe.  Most versions of restore support a blocking factor option
to  let you set the read block size, and you should set it to 2.
See the example below.

Ok, I don't know what a 'blocking factor' is.
Under FreeBSD or OpenBSD, the only option I have for restore is the -b (for 
blocksize), and I can't use 2 for that. I tried with 32k, but no change.

I guess I have to try the same operation under linux to see what's happening.

Nicolas Ecarnot

How could amflush NOT flush ? :o)

2003-07-23 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

My Amanda setup keeps improving tests after tests and I still have so many questions.
Today is : How could I do to make automatic flushes (autoflush) but without deleting 
the holding disk directories ?

What I'd like to have is this situation :
- cron launches amdump
- the autoflush option is set, so as to write datas on the holding disk AND to tape
- but to keep the last holding disk directory
- Another cron would remove the (n-1) last hoslding disk directory

That way, I could restore the previous-day files directly from the holding disk files, 
without having to go search my tapes. 

I first thought about a script that would launch amdump without the option autoflush, 
then copy the last created directory, then launch amflush.
But that copy is way too large for my not-so-small 120Go holding disk.

Have you any idea ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: How could amflush NOT flush ? :o) [OFF TOPIC]

2003-07-23 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
Selon Paul Bijnens [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
  I first thought about a script that would launch amdump without the
  option autoflush, then copy the last created directory, then launch
  amflush. But that copy is way too large for my not-so-small 120Go
  holding disk.
 Instead of a copy, make hard links to the original files.

I'm confuse to see that I never took the time to read the hard link related
part of the 'man ln'. So, though I often use symlinks, I've never used hard
So I read the doc, and made some tests : This a just great and simple.
According to what I understand, any file in a unix filesystem is accessed
via its inode number, and not its name. That's why one can use as many names
we want for the same inode.

The doc (under FreeBSD 5.1) also says that the hard links can't be used for
directories, but only for files. I tested it, and indeed, I'm stuck.

A little search on google explained me that the filesystem limits that
because every file needs to now who is its father (directory), and has to
have only one father. This seems related to some inability to detect the
recursivity in some cases (... foggy, ain't it ? :o)

Well, so I'm stuck here with my problem... too bad...

Too bad because your idea whas simple, so great !

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: How could amflush NOT flush ? :o)

2003-07-23 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 10:36:42AM -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:

   # make LinkDir if needed
   [ -d ${LinkDir} ] || mkdir ${LinkDir}
   # should do error processing, but I'm lazy
   # link to dump file
   ln ${Dfile} ${LinkFile}

No hard links to directory under FreeBSD... sorry
(Even with the preliminary mkdir)

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: How could amflush NOT flush ? :o) [OFF TOPIC]

2003-07-23 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 04:41:12PM +0200, Paul Bijnens wrote:
 You have two configs; Config1 reserve 100 and a bogus
 tapedev /no/such/tape and holdingdisk set to
 The other, Config2, tapedev /dev/nst0 (or whatever is the
 real tapedev) and holdingdisk /bigdisk/amandahold/Config2.
 The disklist is shared (use a hard link :-) ).
 We make the dumps with Config1, and they stay in the holdingdisk
 because your tapedev is bogus.
 Then we populate the other holdingdisk with links to this one,
 using cpio --link as program to create the symlinks:

(damned, I'm looking the english translation of the french 
expression faire la fine bouche !)
I'm absolutely confuse to appear as asking too much,
but I sure would prefer not to touch my amanda configuration, so the Kurt's solution
seems nice (apart the ressources considerations).

But I really can't admit there is no way to tell to amflush not to remove the holding 
files !

Should I ask the dev mailing list if the patch exist ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: How could amflush NOT flush ? :o) [OFF TOPIC]

2003-07-23 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 03:54:40PM +0100, Niall O Broin wrote:
 A little thinking here would help

I sure need advices :o)

- in your script which runs amanda, all you 
 have to do is hardlink every file in the last holding directory to a 
 similarly named file in another directory and you're done. But I'm not sure 
 what that gets you TBH, apart from a set of files. Because amanda has now 
 flushed those files, she won't look in the holding disk when asked to 

So true ! I did not think about that.
I didn't think about that because I was thinking about this system just for me, the 
console sysadmin in his cave, that dd and untar like breathing.
Indeed, for the other 'normal' sysadmins, this will be easier to use the amrecover 
mecanisms and the usual way.

Anyway, if I manage to do that, this daily copy will be very useful.

Two options there :
 1) Recover from those backups manually

I already did some tests. This does work.

 2) Also before the daily run, copy (not link) the index files (and possibly 
 some more stuff) elsewhere. After the daily run, rename this other directory 
 to the name of the just flushed holding directory.Then, if you need to 
 recover from the holding disk, you just put the (1 amanda run old) set of 
 files back in place, and amrecover, working from the old files, happily 
 retrieves from the holding disk.

Though this seems complex, it is not.
But this still implies a *copy*
(... Also before the daily run, copy (not link) the index files (and possibly... )
and then some more space on my holding disk...

Well, for every one, thank you for your advices. For this problem, I stop here on this 
I may look at the code, and perhaps ask the coders.
This is not a vital feature, though useful, so let's not spend too many time on it.

If I have enough room, I'll do a dumb copy and this will be simple.
If not, I won't do anything else than walk to the tapes building... :o)

Thanks to everyone, have a nice day.

Nicolas Ecarnot

amstatus : amflush error message

2003-07-18 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot

I'm just beginning to discover amanda, and yes, the setup and the tests are long and 
Well, I have almost one month to do them, and I hope I will be able to get some help 

Ok, what I'd like to do now is that :
- each day, a full backup
- I have a tape for every working day, from monday to thursday
- for now, let's keep it simple and do that.

Ok, so here's what I've set up, amongst other things :

dumpcycle 0
runspercycle 0
tapecycle 5 tapes
autoflush yes

I've labeled two tapes.
I've run amdump on two of them, and now, when I launch
amstatus DailySet1
I get this message :
/var/log/amanda/DailySet1/amflush: No such file or directory at /usr/local/sbin/
amstatus line 107.

In my directory /var/log/amanda/DailySet1/ I have two amflush.1 and .2 but no amflush.

What does this mean ?
I can I correct this ?

Thank you.

Nicolas Ecarnot

Re: amstatus : amflush error message

2003-07-18 Thread Nicolas Ecarnot
On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 à 11:25:07AM -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:
  What does this mean ?
  I can I correct this ?
 Everyone would get the same message.  It is one of those messages that
 gives the exact detail, but not the meaning.  What is it telling you is
 that there is neither an amdump nor an amflush in progress.

Ok, excellent, I did not understand that. This was so simple.
To answer to Mitch, yes I did all those tests and they all went right. Thank you for 
your answer anyway.

For the runspercycle parameter, I don't really see the difference between 0 and 1, 
according to the doc... ?

Nicolas Ecarnot