RE: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Brett Gazdzinski

> As a start, I signed up here to learn about the sport but 
> have found the 
> conversations lacking in the "beginner topics".  I have 
> specific questions...

Its been slow lately.

> What radios are recommended?  My limited experience tells me 
> that current 
> production models really lack any AM prowess.  I have heard that the 
> FT-100D can be tweaked...but I like TUBES!  500 watts of 
> CLEAN AM power 
> would float my boat!

Anything you can find.
Mostly the rigs are going for premium prices these days.
You can still find things at ham fests sometimes, but
its best to network for rigs.
There is always someone who needs to get rid of something
to make room for the next project or just space to move around.
Although you would never guess it from looking at
ebay or other commercial places, there are a lot of AM
operators who sell things for reasonable prices to other
people who are interested in using the stuff and not making money
or collecting it.

> What antennas are recommended?  Wire?  Loaded verticals?

Resonant dipole, no tuner, coax fed.
On a tube rig, a little swr is not important.
I have an 80 and a 40 meter dipole resonant
at the usual AM part of the bands.
No tuning, no power limits, less trouble.
If you want to scoot around, and open wire feed line setup
works best but can be complex to deal with.

> Is the Globe King really THAT expensive?!  Is it worth it?

They go for various prices.
They can run a fair amount of power out, so that
is why they are sought after.
They also come apart in decks for ease of service and moving.

I like the GK 400 best.

> Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

Electric radio is very good...

> While the fraternity could certainly use more members, I 
> don't know if you 
> should pick me.  My goal is to BUILD an AM transmitter of 
> about 350 to 500 
> watts with a tube modulation circuit and final.  That's later 
> though!  In 
> the mean time, what can I get or what do you recommend for a novice?

Building is a lot of fun.
Operating a good sounding home brew rig is lots of
fun also.
You can make it any way you like, like a commercial
piece of equipment, or a rough looking thing that barely

A nice pair of 811a tubes modulated by a pair of 811a,s
will do 300 watts, 1000 or more watts pep.

Good parts are hard to come by without networking
and going to a lot of fests.

It may take quite some time to gather all the parts needed
for a nice homebrew rig, but it can be done.

I even managed to build a nice tube receiver
for 160, 80 and 40 meters.
It took years of casual parts collecting though...


> Thanks for your are a class group!
> Dino...K6RIX
> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

[AMRadio] are there any out there ?

2002-08-15 Thread Anthony W. DePrato
Well  I have about given up on finding a WRL Globe Champion 350A. that is 
not in junk shape.

so one last time anyone got one for sale or trade ?
I am going to let go of a few of my backup rigs. Kenwood ts-850sat's , 
ts-870s, and maybe one of the ts-950dx's.
want to finish out my BA stations before i am too old to use them hi.. and 
need the room.
will consider trades of ba stations for the above. all gear working and 
loaded with filters.
interested in Globe  champion or king series,collins 32v series, b&w 5100 
or 6100 series  Johnson kw matchbox and a ranger just interested in 
transmitters as i have all the receivers i need except a rme 4550A series.

73 Tony
WA4JQS since 1962

Anthony W. DePrato WA4JQS
South Sandwich Island Antarctic Dxpedition Group

[AMRadio] Fw: Minute 64 adopted at the most recent ARRL Board of Directors meeting on ...

2002-08-15 Thread K0PJG
Hello Dale,

Will I am not one to shy away from standing up for AM, but read the response 
from our ARRL Pres. ;

Have they just not been specific enough on Minute 64 or is there something 
afoot Watson ?

 Tom - K0PJG

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Minute 64 adopted at the most recent ARRL Board of Directors 
meeting on ...

  "The ARRL is petitioning the FCC to regulate subbands by bandwidth. 

1.  First off, we do not have a petition. 

2.  You can't work phone in the subbands now. 

3.  What we are interested in is two new modes of digital. Clover 2000 and 
Pactor 3. 

4.  Under the present rules, 300 baud RTTY is the signal width standard. Clover 
2000 and Pactor 3 are a bit wider. It is felt that by being able to accommodate 
these two new technologies, amateur radio would be in compliance with its 
charge under part 97 to "promote and enhance the art" 

5. Presently our technical team is looking at what frame work is needed to 
accomplish the new modes. 

I hope this helps and if you would pass it on so as to quell the fears of the 


Jim Haynie, W5JBP 
President, ARRL 

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[AMRadio] The Reasoning Behind a Bandwidth Subband Petition

2002-08-15 Thread Radio Station KW1I

I talked to ARRL NE Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI about the July ARRL
Board of Directors Minute 64.

Tom explained that with the advance of technology there are wide band
digital signals that can legally operate in today's CW subbands.  These CW
subbands, that were originally intended for narrow bandwidth by defining
them to be CW and data, are no longer exclusively narrow band because of
wide band digital modes.  To keep the wideband digital signals from
utilizing the whole band a better definition of wide vs narrow is required.
Tom used a simplified 20 meter subband example to illustrate,  "Maybe 14.150
mHz should be the subband divider and any emission less than a specific
bandwidth would be allowed below and emissions wider than that  allowed
above. "

The discussion leading up to ARRL BOD Minute 64 was exclusively focused on
protecting the narrow modes, CW, PK31, TTY from the wideband digital and
voice modes.  No limiting of wideband mode bandwidth was discussed.

At this point there is no straw proposal or work group,  just the decision
to eventually develop a proposal, leading to a petition to the FCC.

Since there are elements in the amateur service, and maybe in the ARRL and
FCC as well that would like to limit AM we can expect the ARRL and FCC to
receive their recommendations during this petition development process.

I think we need to stay vigilant, monitor and influence development of the
subband petition deficient, and then mount a tremendous AM community comment
effort during some future NPRM process.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Carling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] A rumor about limiting bandwidth

I'd really like to know what the hell their reasoning is behind proposing
Whether there is an infringement on AM activity or not, it just seems like
they are
after the same old saw of fixing things that aren't broken.

What EVER is the matter with these people?

AM I just missing something here? Or is there some secret sensible purpose
this idea?

On 14 Aug 2002 at 16:01, WILHITE, JIM wrote:

> Recently on another reflector I read a rumor about the ARRL proposing
> a maximum bandwidth limitation on subbands of 3.5 Kcy.  I sent the
> following message to the Executive Director of the ARRL and here is
> his answer.  I post for you consumption.  Is it time to get involved
> with the directors?
> 73   Jim
> de W5JPW
>  -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:34 PM
> Subject: Rumors
> Hi Dave:
> Another rumor has surfaced about the ARRL being supportive of limiting
> the bandwidth of signals.  The rumor is 3.5 kHz for wideband signals.
> If this is true, I want you to know how adamantly I am opposed to the
> proposal.  In a time when frequency allocations are increasing and
> band usage is much more congenial, I find it hard to believe that
> anyone would support this kind of proposal.
> The rumor is that the ARRL is prepared to sumit a notice of proposed
> rulemaking concerning this issue.  Can you please tell me if that is
> the case and is the notice being prepared?
> Tnx and 73
> Jim Wilhite
> member #  0008432524
> de W5JPW
> Well, Jim, all I can tell you is that the ARRL opposed a 3.5-kHz
> bandwidth limitation the last time it was proposed, by the FCC in 1976
> (Docket 20777), and I don't know anything that's changed in the
> meantime to alter that position.
> Probably what set this off was Minute 64 of the July 2002 Board
> Meeting which reads in its entirety: 64. On motion of Mr. Frenaye,
> seconded by Mr. Stinson, it was VOTED that at the next practical
> opportunity the ARRL shall petition the FCC to revise Part 97 to
> regulate subbands by signal bandwidth instead of by mode.
> The Board has given us no instruction as to what the petition should
> propose with regard to bandwidth. Absent instructions to the contrary,
> what we draft (nothing's been done on this as of now) will not propose
> new restrictions. But it's certainly true that in going from a
> regulatory regime based on mode of emission to one based on bandwidth
> there are bound to be consequences, intended and otherwise, that will
> have to be considered very carefully.
> 73,
> David Sumner, K1ZZ
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> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

AMRadio mailing list

RE: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Ed Sieb
Hiya Dino!

Welcome to the wonderful and meliflous world of Amateur AM!

Let me take a poke at answering some of your questions, though I'm sure
there are other AM OPs who will add their comments too.

> What radios are recommended?  My limited experience tells me that current
> production models really lack any AM prowess.

It seems that Yaesu products appear the most amenable to AM operation,
either through simple proper adjustments or ease of modification.  The two
most popular Yaesu transceivers are the FT-101 series and the FT-102.  A
good set of mods for the FT101 series is at

For further information on the FT-101 refer the The Yaesu FT-101 HF
Transceiver Home Page by NW2M.

FT-102 Mods info:

An alternative, and highly recommended is to find an older "boatanchor" AM
transmitter, such as a Heath Apache, or  DX-100. These run 100W out, but are
fully self-contained plate modulated rigs that lend themselves well to mods
and upgrades.   Or find a smaller Johnson Ranger, at 50W out, it is still
plate modulated, and the basis of a fine exciter for that big rig.

> ...but I like TUBES!  500 watts of CLEAN AM power
> would float my boat!

You're in luck! There are several  home-brew "projects" on the web, catering
to 300-500W AM rigs:
This is the famous "Tesla 300" 813 rig.  300-500W depending on plate voltage
and available iron.

Wanna go state-of-the-art solid state?   Build a fully solid state 300-500W
AM transmitter!
Class E AM Transmitter Descriptions, Circuits, Etc.

There are two excellent  websites dedicated to Amataeur AM:
The "AM Window":
and W2INR's  "AMFone"

The AM Window site also has a well attended, high traffic  BBS forum, at:
where you can post your questions, queries and concerns. All "the best"
AM'ers hang out there! :-)

> What antennas are recommended?  Wire?  Loaded verticals?

Most AM'ers use wire antennas for the lower bands.  Loaded verticals suffer
from too many problems - feeding and loading, radiation angles, etc.  A
simple balanced-fed dipole will jo the job to start you off.

> Is the Globe King really THAT expensive?!  Is it worth it?

You mean the one made in Paris Texas?  Heh heh heh.  The consensus is that
you could build a better one for a lot less. 'Nuf said.

> Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

Sort of.
Electric Radio, 14643 County Road G,  Cortez, CO 81321-9575
Phone/FAX (970) 564-9185

The Electric Radio Index - a searchable index of ER articles and photos is
available online or a downloadable version for DOS/Windows , Macintosh and
Linux/UNIX users.
Get the details at:

The AM Press/Exchange - The AM Press Exchange is the oldest AM publication
and is devoted entirely to AM. It has been published since the late 1970's
and has generally been more technical in its content than ER. Unfortunately,
it has been published sporadically over the last several years. Now, back
issues are available on the Web.

My recommendation is to spend some time on both the AM Window,  and
AMFone, and check the forum at  .

Good luck, and welcome to the world of Amateur AM

Ed, VA3ES  (a/k/a Piss-weak Ed)

P. O. Box 8377, Ottawa Terminal, Ottawa, Ontario,  K1G 3H8
613-738-8924  (H)
AMI #529  Canadian Division Director.
Member - Radio Club of America,  QCWA,  AWA
Net Manager - Canadian Boat Anchor Net (3745 Kcs)

Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread rbethman

For the modified one I'd like to get $250.  I paid $200 for it before I
got it going "right".

- Original Message -
From: "russ dworakowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

> Bob, please,  give a ballpark figure of  what  you  think  is a reasonable
> offer?  Russ.
> >Reply-To:
> >To: AM Radio 
> >Subject: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)
> >Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 17:30:01 -0400
> >
> >I have two Heathkit Apaches I'd like to sell.  One has had the
> >audio modifications done to it, plus feedback added.  The other is not
> >modified, but the final fan motor is bad.
> >
> >Will drive some distance to meet, won't try to ship.  There is too much
> >mass
> >on the back side of the chassis.
> >
> >Reasonable offers?  Trades?
> >
> >Bob - N0DGN  Craf-T-Bob  (Because I love Hallicrafters!)
> >R-390A EAC '67, R-390A Collins '52, BC-610I, BC-939B,
> >and BC-614E
> >
> >___
> >AMRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> _
> MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread WILHITE, JIM
Hi Dino:

Let me also welcome you to the AM group.  I would bet there is someone in your 
area who could help with your search for an AM rig.  You might start by 
listening to the California Early Bird Net Saturdays at 8 AM on 3870.  Also 
there is the West Coast AM Net Wednesday at 9 PM, Pacific on or about 3870 with 
Ken, K6CJA the NCS.  Ken is a fine fellow and will give you any direction you 
request.  If you have an SSB rig that will transmit AM, join in and ask if 
there is anyone in you area that can help you.

 I have a Globe King 500 A and like it very much but most of the time I use 
either a DX 100 or a B&W 5100B.  Both are 100 watt out class transmitters and 
coupled with a good antenna will do a fine job for you.  The key is the 
antenna, I have used both verticals and wire antennas.  If you choose a wire 
antenna just be sure to get it high enough, if a vertical be sure to install a 
very good ground plane.   

You did not mention your experience level, but I derive great joy of finding a 
transmitter and receiver that needs attention.  If all the parts are there, you 
can repair them and have a class station.  You will find a wealth of 
information here to guide you through your decisions.  Another group that is 
more than willing to help can be found here:   Just join the group and ask any 
question you want in either place.

A magazine that you might want to consider is Electric Radio.  If you will 
email Barry Wiseman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] he will be happy to tell you the 
subscription rates and help you get the magazine coming.  As already mentioned 
AMI is a good organization to join and I, too, don't have the page, but the 
Google search will get you to their home page.

Again Welcome and look forward to seeing more posts and hearing you on the air 

73  Jim
de W5JPW

Hello o' Great Ones!

My name is Dino and I live in Southern CA.  I have always wanted to get  
into AM radio after hearing the stories about all you famous (infamous?)  
operators out here.  I have listened on air and to a few sound bites off  
the Internet.

As a start, I signed up here to learn about the sport but have found the  
conversations lacking in the "beginner topics".  I have specific questions...

What radios are recommended?  My limited experience tells me that current  
production models really lack any AM prowess.  I have heard that the  
FT-100D can be tweaked...but I like TUBES!  500 watts of CLEAN AM power  
would float my boat!

What antennas are recommended?  Wire?  Loaded verticals?

Is the Globe King really THAT expensive?!  Is it worth it?

Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

While the fraternity could certainly use more members, I don't know if you  
should pick me.  My goal is to BUILD an AM transmitter of about 350 to 500  
watts with a tube modulation circuit and final.  That's later though!  In  
the mean time, what can I get or what do you recommend for a novice?

Thanks for your are a class group!


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RE: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Freeberg, Scott (STP)
Oops, I almost forgot to mention one of my other favorite radio's, the Johnson 
Ranger I and Ranger II.  Those are also wonderful transmitters for a beginner 
and beyond.  I own a Ranger I and Ranger II and just love using them!  73, 
Scott WA9WFA

RE: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Freeberg, Scott (STP)
Hi Dino,

Operating AM is certainly half the fun but just using the classic tube radio is 
easily the other half of the fun.   For someone starting out, there are alot of 
good AM transmitters.  Don't go qrp, you need a bit of power for AM on 75.  10 
meters is another matter.

Boy, if I were starting out again, I'd recommend to myself to go for a Johnson 
Valiant or Johnson Viking II right out of the shoot.  They're both great rigs 
for a beginner, pretty straightforward to work on if needed, very reliable, 
reasonably priced, and has some decent power for AM and cw.  Get one thats 
working and in decent shape for your first radio.  Don't buy a junker or wreck 
to save $$ unless you are experienced in repair of tube radios and willing to 
wait out the restoration.   Once you have a nice transmitter on the air then 
consider branching out and doing restorations.   

Other excellant transmitters include the Collins 32V series, Johnson Viking II 
with 122 vfo, Heathkit DX-100.  There are an awful lot of good transmitters out 
there.  I'd start out simple with a good solid rig, and then you can go radio 
nuts like the rest of us and acquire all sorts of transmitters :^)

You mention the Globe King series.  The Globe King is a great transmitter and 
many people are incredibly happy to own one.  It commands a premium price for 
one in good shape and functional.  If you happen across one in decent shape 
that works, go for it if you have the money.  Its a classic.  There are other 
monster transmitters out there that we love including the BC610, Collins KW-1, 
Johnson Viking Desk Kilowatt, and a bunch of others.  

Good luck.
73,  Scott WA9WFA

Re: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Brian Carling
On 15 Aug 2002 at 12:07, Dino Darling wrote:

> Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

Dino, there are several publications.

I recommend ELECTRIC RADIO as one of the  best, in my opinion!

I love it!

Re: [AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread W4AWM
Hi Dino, 

There are a great number of nice rigs which are great for anyone interested 
in AM. They can be had relatively cheap, especially  at hamfests, 
ocassionally here on the reflector and on that infamous auction site.  Among 
them are the Viking Ranger, Viking II, Heath Apache, and Elmac AF-67 to 
mention a few. All lend themselves to rather easy modifications if you're so 
inclined and are excellent units. Most use easy to get and still relatively 
cheap tubes which is another thing to consider.

As far as antennas are concerned, anything with a good match will work well. 
Since the AM windows are small, cutting an antenna to the exact frequency is 
a simple matter.

The Globe King can be an expensive item, depending on the seller, condition, 
modifications, etc.  Unless someone has already restore it, many  of them are 
unfortunately in bad shape and will take a lot of work to get them perking to 
spec again.  Unless you are an experienced tech, my advise would be to save 
your  money on a rust bucket and either spring for a working restored King of 
get something smaller and les expensive to  start out.

There is an organization called AM International where you can glean a lot of 
info and links.  I don't have the URL in this computer but you can do a 
Google search and find them.

Good luck and welcome to REAL radio.


John,  W4AWM

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[AMRadio] AM Radio for the beginner...

2002-08-15 Thread Dino Darling

Hello o' Great Ones!

My name is Dino and I live in Southern CA.  I have always wanted to get 
into AM radio after hearing the stories about all you famous (infamous?) 
operators out here.  I have listened on air and to a few sound bites off 
the Internet.

As a start, I signed up here to learn about the sport but have found the 
conversations lacking in the "beginner topics".  I have specific questions...

What radios are recommended?  My limited experience tells me that current 
production models really lack any AM prowess.  I have heard that the 
FT-100D can be tweaked...but I like TUBES!  500 watts of CLEAN AM power 
would float my boat!

What antennas are recommended?  Wire?  Loaded verticals?

Is the Globe King really THAT expensive?!  Is it worth it?

Is there a publication dedicated to AM radio?

While the fraternity could certainly use more members, I don't know if you 
should pick me.  My goal is to BUILD an AM transmitter of about 350 to 500 
watts with a tube modulation circuit and final.  That's later though!  In 
the mean time, what can I get or what do you recommend for a novice?

Thanks for your are a class group!


Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread russ dworakowski
Bob, please,  give a ballpark figure of  what  you  think  is a reasonable 
offer?  Russ.

To: AM Radio 
Subject: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 17:30:01 -0400

I have two Heathkit Apaches I'd like to sell.  One has had the W3SCC/W3YGC
audio modifications done to it, plus feedback added.  The other is not
modified, but the final fan motor is bad.

Will drive some distance to meet, won't try to ship.  There is too much 

on the back side of the chassis.

Reasonable offers?  Trades?

Bob - N0DGN  Craf-T-Bob  (Because I love Hallicrafters!)
R-390A EAC '67, R-390A Collins '52, BC-610I, BC-939B,
and BC-614E

AMRadio mailing list

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Re: [AMRadio] Fw: A rumor about ARRL

2002-08-15 Thread Bill Smith
What are the objectives that lead to this motion?

73 de Bill, AB6MT

- Original Message -
To: "AMRadio" 
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 7:24 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Fw: A rumor about ARRL

I took the time to send a message to one of the directors mentioned in
K1ZZ's message and here is his reply.  I don't want to alarm people but now
is the time to influence the direction of this proposal.  I am hopeful the
directors will listen to us.  I think it gives a little insight into why the
subject has arisen.  Best we be on our toes.

73  Jim
de W5JPW

- Original Message -
From: Tom Frenaye
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:32 PM
Cc: Walt Stinson
Subject: Re: A rumor about ARRL

At 06:30 PM 8/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Although I am not in your district, I wish to express my feelings that this
can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on its proposal.

I agree!!   Quite a number of things have to be worked out before we go
forward to the FCC.   Any action won't be for many months (at least)!

>The rumor has stated that the maximum bandwidth be limited to 3.5 KHz.  If
this rumor is true, I want you to know I am deeply opposed and will file
comments with the FCC as will many other members of the ARRL who are
involved with AM operation.
>Can you substantiate this rumor please?

Nope, can't substantiate it...  Setting specific limits on maximum bandwidth
was not discussed at the Board meeting as far as I recall.   Just a rumor,
something the Internet and some users like to start!

But, now that the issue has been raised, are there limits to the bandwidth
of different emission types that ought to be in our goals?   The FCC often
speaks to "good engineering practice" and I believe they would not like to
hear a 5 khz wide SSB or RTTY signal, for example.

-- Tom

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AMRadio mailing list

[AMRadio] West Coast AM Reflector

2002-08-15 Thread Craig K6QI

Good Morning!

A week or two ago, a few of the Southern California fellows and I were 
hatching an idea about an email reflector that would be available for West 
Coast Am'rs. I remember Bill AB6MT's reflector didn't get much traffic, but 
was pretty handy to have around.

I have an open email port that would be available for this. The server and 
software for this lives in my garage, so it wouldn't be a part of 
(which does a great job) or anybody else's system.

If you think this would be something useful to us, let me know via return 
email. I already administer two other reflectors here at home, so this 
would not cause any aggravation on this end.


Craig K6QI


RE: [AMRadio] Fw: A rumor about ARRL

2002-08-15 Thread George Pritchard
If the bandwidth limit of 3.5 KHz is to be implemented (unlikely I
believe)... how unfair it would be in contrast to the broadcash stations
that obliterate our hambands with super high power double sidebands with
10KHz bandwith playing music! For this reason and others, I think that this
proposal (if real) is rediculous, not to mention that FM, TV and other wide
band modes at the higher frequencies may be affected. If the FCC were real
about this, maybe they would have previously implemented single sideband AM
in the broadcast band so they could squeeze in twice as many AM atations,
and phase out double sideband receivers in the general public. In fact...
they could do and would have to do this in advance of changeing the
transmitters, the same way the High definition TV format is getting it's
foothold on us. If that commercial $$ power isn't enough to push bandwidth
limitations, why would anyone care about ham radio? Besides, one could make
a good case for using simple transmitters for emergencies that just happen
to have double sideband emmissions, in light of the homeland security
issues. Just some thoughts...
George AB2KC

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 10:25 AM
To: AMRadio
Subject: [AMRadio] Fw: A rumor about ARRL

I took the time to send a message to one of the directors mentioned in
K1ZZ's message and here is his reply.  I don't want to alarm people but now
is the time to influence the direction of this proposal.  I am hopeful the
directors will listen to us.  I think it gives a little insight into why the
subject has arisen.  Best we be on our toes.

73  Jim
de W5JPW

- Original Message -
From: Tom Frenaye
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:32 PM
Cc: Walt Stinson
Subject: Re: A rumor about ARRL

At 06:30 PM 8/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Although I am not in your district, I wish to express my feelings that this
can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on its proposal.

I agree!!   Quite a number of things have to be worked out before we go
forward to the FCC.   Any action won't be for many months (at least)!

>The rumor has stated that the maximum bandwidth be limited to 3.5 KHz.  If
this rumor is true, I want you to know I am deeply opposed and will file
comments with the FCC as will many other members of the ARRL who are
involved with AM operation.
>Can you substantiate this rumor please?

Nope, can't substantiate it...  Setting specific limits on maximum bandwidth
was not discussed at the Board meeting as far as I recall.   Just a rumor,
something the Internet and some users like to start!

But, now that the issue has been raised, are there limits to the bandwidth
of different emission types that ought to be in our goals?   The FCC often
speaks to "good engineering practice" and I believe they would not like to
hear a 5 khz wide SSB or RTTY signal, for example.

-- Tom

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[AMRadio] Fw: A rumor about ARRL

2002-08-15 Thread WILHITE, JIM
I took the time to send a message to one of the directors mentioned in K1ZZ's 
message and here is his reply.  I don't want to alarm people but now is the 
time to influence the direction of this proposal.  I am hopeful the directors 
will listen to us.  I think it gives a little insight into why the subject has 
arisen.  Best we be on our toes.

73  Jim
de W5JPW

- Original Message -
From: Tom Frenaye
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:32 PM
Cc: Walt Stinson
Subject: Re: A rumor about ARRL

At 06:30 PM 8/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Although I am not in your district, I wish to express my feelings that this 
>can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on its proposal.   

I agree!!   Quite a number of things have to be worked out before we go forward 
to the FCC.   Any action won't be for many months (at least)!

>The rumor has stated that the maximum bandwidth be limited to 3.5 KHz.  If 
>this rumor is true, I want you to know I am deeply opposed and will file 
>comments with the FCC as will many other members of the ARRL who are involved 
>with AM operation.
>Can you substantiate this rumor please?

Nope, can't substantiate it...  Setting specific limits on maximum bandwidth 
was not discussed at the Board meeting as far as I recall.   Just a rumor, 
something the Internet and some users like to start!

But, now that the issue has been raised, are there limits to the bandwidth of 
different emission types that ought to be in our goals?   The FCC often speaks 
to "good engineering practice" and I believe they would not like to hear a 5 
khz wide SSB or RTTY signal, for example.

-- Tom

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Re: [AMRadio] A rumor about limiting bandwidth

2002-08-15 Thread Brian Carling
I'd really like to know what the hell their reasoning is behind proposing this! 
Whether there is an infringement on AM activity or not, it just seems like they 
after the same old saw of fixing things that aren't broken.

What EVER is the matter with these people?

AM I just missing something here? Or is there some secret sensible purpose for 
this idea?

On 14 Aug 2002 at 16:01, WILHITE, JIM wrote:

> Recently on another reflector I read a rumor about the ARRL proposing
> a maximum bandwidth limitation on subbands of 3.5 Kcy.  I sent the
> following message to the Executive Director of the ARRL and here is
> his answer.  I post for you consumption.  Is it time to get involved
> with the directors?
> 73   Jim
> de W5JPW
>  -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:34 PM
> Subject: Rumors
> Hi Dave:
> Another rumor has surfaced about the ARRL being supportive of limiting
> the bandwidth of signals.  The rumor is 3.5 kHz for wideband signals. 
> If this is true, I want you to know how adamantly I am opposed to the
> proposal.  In a time when frequency allocations are increasing and
> band usage is much more congenial, I find it hard to believe that
> anyone would support this kind of proposal.
> The rumor is that the ARRL is prepared to sumit a notice of proposed
> rulemaking concerning this issue.  Can you please tell me if that is
> the case and is the notice being prepared?   
> Tnx and 73
> Jim Wilhite
> member #  0008432524
> de W5JPW
> Well, Jim, all I can tell you is that the ARRL opposed a 3.5-kHz
> bandwidth limitation the last time it was proposed, by the FCC in 1976
> (Docket 20777), and I don't know anything that's changed in the
> meantime to alter that position.
> Probably what set this off was Minute 64 of the July 2002 Board
> Meeting which reads in its entirety: 64. On motion of Mr. Frenaye,
> seconded by Mr. Stinson, it was VOTED that at the next practical
> opportunity the ARRL shall petition the FCC to revise Part 97 to
> regulate subbands by signal bandwidth instead of by mode.
> The Board has given us no instruction as to what the petition should
> propose with regard to bandwidth. Absent instructions to the contrary,
> what we draft (nothing's been done on this as of now) will not propose
> new restrictions. But it's certainly true that in going from a
> regulatory regime based on mode of emission to one based on bandwidth
> there are bound to be consequences, intended and otherwise, that will
> have to be considered very carefully.
> 73,
> David Sumner, K1ZZ
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> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] FS: SX-115

2002-08-15 Thread WA9NQW
In a message dated 8/15/2002 6:46:32 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< I have a "nice, but not mint" SX-115 for sale.
 Electrically it works great, physically it's
 fine, with some minor flaws IMNSHO
 $750 picked up in Lincoln, Nebraska... >>

Hi Dan,

What ya gonna buy with the cash? :-)

Not much hamming here, getting ready to pour some concrete in my barn. back 
to the BAs when it starts snowing.


[AMRadio] FS: SX-115

2002-08-15 Thread Daniel Wright


I have a "nice, but not mint" SX-115 for sale.
Electrically it works great, physically it's
fine, with some minor flaws IMNSHO

$750 picked up in Lincoln, Nebraska...

thanks es

73 de Dan -- WØDJW ..

Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread Gregory Carter
Hi Bob !
That's wild !
I was born and raised in Rome !!  Moved to Atl to go to
GA Tech in 1971 and have been in NW Ga area ever since.   Just now building
a house on 18 acres between
Rockmart and Yorkville.

Well I tell you what.if you don't get any takers and still
have 'em on your next visit to this area, bring 'em along, hi !

Check out my web page for pics of the vintage shack here:

73 for now !
Greg  KX4R
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

> Greg,
> I am located in Manassas, VA.  It is about 35 miles West of
> DC.
> Be careful how you start "twisting" my arm.  I have relatives in the
> Atlanta, Acworth, & Rome areas of GA!!
> I also have two Mohawks - non modified, and at least one of each
> original manuals.
> Offers and ideas?
> Bob - N0DGN
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gregory Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 20:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)
> > Where are you located Bob ??
> >
> > 73, Greg  KX4R
> > NW Georgia
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > To: "AM Radio" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:30 PM
> > Subject: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)
> >
> >
> > > I have two Heathkit Apaches I'd like to sell.  One has had the
> > > audio modifications done to it, plus feedback added.  The other is not
> > > modified, but the final fan motor is bad.
> > >
> > > Will drive some distance to meet, won't try to ship.  There is too
> > mass
> > > on the back side of the chassis.
> > >
> > > Reasonable offers?  Trades?
> > >
> > > Bob - N0DGN  Craf-T-Bob  (Because I love Hallicrafters!)
> > > R-390A EAC '67, R-390A Collins '52, BC-610I, BC-939B,
> > > and BC-614E
> > >
> > > ___
> > > AMRadio mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > AMRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread W4AWM
Thanks Bob.  I will think about it, but frankly it is a bit rich for my blood 
at this moment.



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Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread rbethman

The modified one is actually in VERY good shape.  I got it and its
matching Mohawk from an estate sale.  I'm the second owner.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 21:37 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

> Hi Bob,
> What kind of shape are the Apaches in, especially the modified one? Do you
> have any idea of a price you would accept for either.
> You can email back or call any time, 703-978-6200, I never hit the sack b4
> midnight, usually later!  I am over here in Beautiful Downtown Burke.
> 73,
> John,  W4AWM
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> ___
> AMRadio mailing list

Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

2002-08-15 Thread rbethman

The modified one I'd be asking $250.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 21:37 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Heathkit Apache(s)

> Hi Bob,
> What kind of shape are the Apaches in, especially the modified one? Do you
> have any idea of a price you would accept for either.
> You can email back or call any time, 703-978-6200, I never hit the sack b4
> midnight, usually later!  I am over here in Beautiful Downtown Burke.
> 73,
> John,  W4AWM
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