[android-beginners] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1

2009-12-10 Thread MCON Dev

Using android on eclipse can be frustating sometimes.You create a new
android project and just cant get it to build, run or clean out the errors
eclipse shows up. Most of all, you can get vague errors like the below.
Frankly its about time a bug gets logged and fixed, its adding to startup
frustation right. Someone in google should hear this.

Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
Could not *find* HelloAndroid.*apk*
Updates (from 0.9.1. to 0.9.5) dont work, vague error there too some
org.eclipse.something is not linking (google, if you are hearing, just do a
google search out there find out the issues people are facing). Uninstalls
dont work.

Did a major research :), to figure out how to fix it. Found many that
helped, found many that did not. And I am not alone there.

So this is what I did and it worked.
- Close all projects
- Restart Eclipse
- Uninstall both Android under Help-SoftwareUpdates
- Restart Eclipse
- Uncheck all under Help-SoftwareUpdates-AvailableSoftware, except the
dl-sslgoogle one, install it
- Restart Eclipse
- Create a new project now, same problem eh!! :)
- In the root directory of the project you just created, open the .classpath
file. Cahnge it to the following
*?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 classpathentry kind=src path=src/
 classpathentry kind=src path=gen/
 classpathentry kind=output path=bin/
classpathentry kind=con
- Main Menu - Project - Clean
- Project Explorer - New Project you just created - Right Click -
Properties - Android - Check Android 1.5 - Hit Apply (a lot of magic happens
in the console tab on the project)
- Project Explorer - New Project you just created - Right Click -
Properties - Java Build Path - Libraries - Verify if you see a Android 1.5
and not a android.jar.
*The only way to add a Android 1.5 is to edit the classpath file. Google,
you should fix this. It would be nice to know what Android 1.5 signifies
here, a jar, external jar, variable, class folder, external class folder or
library(usability issue, think about it, how do I add a Android 1.5 from UI,
no way now right). Also it would be nice if the create new android project
would fix this automatically.*


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[android-beginners] Debugging in to android SDK code, or some other way of determining why it crashed

2009-12-10 Thread Marc
I have a subclass of AutoCompleteTextView which displays the list of
suggestions when a touch event happens.  I get a Null Pointer
Exception which I am at a loss as to how to debug.

Thread [3 main] (Suspended (exception NullPointerException))
DataSetObservable.notifyInvalidated() line: 45
ArrayAdapter(BaseAdapter).notifyDataSetInvalidated() line: 54
ArrayAdapter$ArrayFilter.publishResults(CharSequence, Filter
$FilterResults) line: 464
Filter$ResultsHandler.handleMessage(Message) line: 263
Filter$ResultsHandler(Handler).dispatchMessage(Message) line: 99
Looper.loop() line: 123
ActivityThread.main(String[]) line: 3948
Method.invokeNative(Object, Object[], Class, Class[], Class, int,
boolean) line: not available [native method]
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 521
ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() line: 782
ZygoteInit.main(String[]) line: 540
NativeStart.main(String[]) line: not available [native method]

It seems like if I could step in to the Android SDK source code I
could see exactly what is going on and come up with a workaround.
Right now I have no idea what is actually going wrong. Any suggestions
as to how to debug this.

There is not much to my code, this is all I have done, It does not
crash when I remove the call to showDropDown():

class SuggestText extends AutoCompleteTextView {
int cnt=0;
public SuggestText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
if (this.isFocused()  
getEditableText().toString().length()==0) {
return super.onTouchEvent(event);

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[android-beginners] Wanting to start and would like a good book. Suggestions?

2009-12-10 Thread Subjective Effect

I'm very interested in learning to develop apps for Android and I've
been reading all about it and reading lots of the info here on

My background: I've got some experience using PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
mySQL (SQL and Oracle) and I've created a few sites with PHP/Apache/
mySQL as well as the old HTML/CSS stuff. I did some work with ASP/
Visual Basic about 10 years ago and although the details will be out
of date my point is I know a little programming.

I've no experience with Java or C/C++ or XML though (although XML
isn't totally alien to me - it's often mentioned in the books I used
for HTML).

What I'd like is a nice book for beginners for Android.

Has anyone any suggestions? I've look at reviews for a few books and
I'm usually a fan of O'Reilly stuff but the reviews for their Android
stuff aren't too encouraging.

Thanks for any help

Subjective Effect

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[android-beginners] Learning Android Development

2009-12-10 Thread kent
Learning Android Development

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RE: [android-beginners] How to show menu item automatically?

2009-12-10 Thread Guna


Use onpreparedOptionsMenu method for dynamic menus.




From: android-beginners+ow...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:android-beginners+ow...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sasikumar.S
Sent: 08 December 2009 16:10
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android-develop...@googlegroups.com; Blogspot Post
Subject: [android-beginners] How to show menu item automatically?



How to show menu items automatically (without clicking menu button) when the
layout is viewed?..

Thanks  Regards

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[android-beginners] Re: retreive data from servlet

2009-12-10 Thread Sam B
Hi the servlet is running on a Tomcat 6.0 server. I've retreived the
data now theres a button in my android application, when pressed i
went it to get the database data from the servlet and display in a
text view.

On Dec 7, 9:06 am, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Where is this servlet running? Sun uses the term 'servlet' to mean
 something running on a Web Application Server.

 If it really is running on the server, have you considered making your
 own ContentProvider updated by a WebViewClient object that
 communicates with the servlet?

 On Dec 5, 9:28 am, Sam B bassmansa...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Hi guys, ive got a servlet that is retreiving data from sql server.
  Can anyone give me help on how to get that data into an android
  application? Ive looked for examples but they all seem to be for
  sending data to the servlet. Thanks

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[android-beginners] Re: XML stream corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Peter Lundgren
I also tried now, to get a little fewer steps in the process, to pass
the stream directly to the xml DOM document builder. This should
certainly handle the encoding for me, but unfortunately, I get no

On 7 Dec, 10:19, Peter Lundgren peter.d.lundg...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am writing a client on Android for a corporate twitter system. I
 have written the http-request/response handling in Java on windows
 first, and migrated the source to my Android project once I saw it
 work. No changes seemed to have to be done to the source, it compiled

 However, since our users are swedish we have a heavy use of umlauts in
 the twitter messages, and the messages received in the xml from the
 server becomes corrupted at the first umlaut. At first I thought it
 was something with the TextView widget, but it turned out I can hard
 code a swedish sentence and it is printed correctly in the TextView.
 None of this is problem in Java SE on windows, but the strings seems
 to be corrupted when read from the httpClient in Android.

 I collect the xml text this way:

 public myResponse handleResponse( HttpResponse response ) throws
 ClientProtocolException, IOException
                 HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                 BufferedReader reader = null;
                 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                 String inputLine = null;
                 YammerResponse messageResponse = null;

                 if (entity != null)
                         reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader
 ( entity.getContent(), UTF-8 ));

                     while( (inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null )
                         buffer.append( inputLine );

                     messageResponse = new ResponseParser().parseString
 ( buffer.toString());

                 System.out.println( Response parsed! );

                 return messageResponse;

 I would appreciate some help here!


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[android-beginners] Re: [android-developers] Tasks Running in Android

2009-12-10 Thread satishbabumsc
Try with  ps -A 

Satish bellapu

Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

-Original Message-
From: Sasikumar.S sasikumar.it1...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 16:42:53 
To: android-beginners@googlegroups.com; android-chen...@googlegroups.com; 
android-develop...@googlegroups.com; Blogspot 
Subject: [android-developers] Tasks Running in Android


How to find, what are the tasks running in android emulator?...

Thanks  Regards

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[android-beginners] Problems with Accelerometer - random values

2009-12-10 Thread Enrique López Mañas
Hello all,

I'm using a HTC Magic in order to develop an application which makes
use of the accelerometer. Following the indications from tutorials and
the docs, this is a snapshot of the code I'm using:

/* Next code register the ACCELEROMETER SENSOR*/
  SensorManager mSensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService

  ListSensor listSensors = mSensorManager.getSensorList
  Sensor acelerometerSensor = listSensors.get(0);
  mSensorManager.registerListener(this, acelerometerSensor,

/*OnSensorChanged Method, here I receive the wrong values*/
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
synchronized (this) {
  switch(event.sensor.getType()) {
   for (int i=0 ; i3 ; i++) {
  mAccelerometerValues[i] =
 if ( mAccelerometerValues[0]  = 1)
  //selectAndChange() send some HTTP
Petitions and updates the screen
 selectAndChange(0, null,,3);
 else if ( mAccelerometerValues[0]  = -1)




I'm nevermind getting values that don't match with the accelerometer.
With the phone standing over my table, with no movement, I get values


And sometimes the expected value:

I guess my SensorManager is kind of mixing all the other sensors, but
I do not guess where the problem could be. I have been checking other
codes, and in all of them the estructure is aproximately the same.

Any clues of what could I try?

Thank you

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[android-beginners] Launching App from a browser

2009-12-10 Thread Raj

I am desperately trying to launch android app from a browser via a
link in a page.
I tried all the options using Intent Filters but none of them seemed
to work.

Please point to an example


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[android-beginners] How to you keep your program running as a process?

2009-12-10 Thread j0hns0n
Hello!  I have a program successfully running to relate AudioManager
and SensorManager.  By safe life-cycle practice:

protected void onResume()

protected void onStop()

Just to keep it clean.

My question is that I'm interested in moving this program out of the
active part of the priority and keep it running in the background
until the user gets back to the program to switch it off.

I'm still very new to all the life-cycle things so I'm just studying
away.  I still haven't found what I need to find yet.

Bonus (if it can be addressed): It will be really cool if I can leave
an icon at the top bar to show it is running.  :)

Thanks in advance.

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[android-beginners] Re: XML stream corruption

2009-12-10 Thread Peter Lundgren
Hi, I found what's wrong. The Dalvik VM doesn't handle unicode in xml
very well. Here's a bug report 

As I understand the last message in the bug tracker, they have
assigned it to be fixed to the next version of Android.


On 7 Dec, 10:19, Peter Lundgren peter.d.lundg...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am writing a client on Android for a corporate twitter system. I
 have written the http-request/response handling in Java on windows
 first, and migrated the source to my Android project once I saw it
 work. No changes seemed to have to be done to the source, it compiled

 However, since our users are swedish we have a heavy use of umlauts in
 the twitter messages, and the messages received in the xml from the
 server becomes corrupted at the first umlaut. At first I thought it
 was something with the TextView widget, but it turned out I can hard
 code a swedish sentence and it is printed correctly in the TextView.
 None of this is problem in Java SE on windows, but the strings seems
 to be corrupted when read from the httpClient in Android.

 I collect the xml text this way:

 public myResponse handleResponse( HttpResponse response ) throws
 ClientProtocolException, IOException
                 HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                 BufferedReader reader = null;
                 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                 String inputLine = null;
                 YammerResponse messageResponse = null;

                 if (entity != null)
                         reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader
 ( entity.getContent(), UTF-8 ));

                     while( (inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null )
                         buffer.append( inputLine );

                     messageResponse = new ResponseParser().parseString
 ( buffer.toString());

                 System.out.println( Response parsed! );

                 return messageResponse;

 I would appreciate some help here!


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[android-beginners] problem with displaying path (urgent)

2009-12-10 Thread sabs
Hi every body

I wrote an application which contains a list view, when i click on
list my application will move to another list when i click on that
list it will move to another activity like that my application will
work. Now my problem is i would like to display the path on the top of
my application means that iam in this acativity like that

eg: list 1(main activity) when i click on list it is moving to another
list (next activity) when i click on that list it will move to another
activity, now i have to display path as shown in bracket (/main
activity/secondactivity/another activity) if i come back from third
activity to second activity my path also need to changed dynamically.

can any one help me to get rid of this problem.

thank you

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Re: [android-beginners] Just starting this, not working

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Duffey
Incidentally, having more plugins in Eclipse won't slow down it's startup
times by much, if anything. Eclipse employs a lazy initialization process
for plugins. When they are needed, they are activated. The only thing it
does is read each plugin manifest to register it in the system and add any
non code elements like menus (that can be clicked to activate the actual
code in the plugin), UI elements, extension points and so on.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:

 Where in Eclipse I pass the command lines you mentioned?

 2009/12/8 Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com

 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a new 2.66GHz i7 (8 cores) over-clocked to 3.69GHz, and I have
  12 GBs of ram, 9 GBs free, no swapping.  The emulator take about 80
  seconds to load from scratch.  Eclipse takes well over two minutes to
  start up.
  Seems to me it doesn't really matter your computer configuration.

 Sounds to me like you haven't allocated enough RAM to Eclipse, on a
 modest 2.40Ghz Core 2 Duo, with 3GB RAM, my Eclipse starts in just
 over 40secs using these settings:


 I also keep plug-ins to a minimum, in particular avoiding VCS plugins
 like Subclipse.

 Your emulator estimates more-or-less match mine, you can improve boot
 time to a degree by passing some command switches to it. e.g.
 --noaudio which prevents Android emulating the entire audio stack
 (assuming you don't need it), and -no-boot-anim which prevents the
 boot animation from loading up.

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[android-beginners] problem using the android emulator

2009-12-10 Thread René
when I try to run the HelloWorld project,I get the following message

emulator: ERROR: no search paths found in this AVD's configuration.
Weird, the AVD's config.ini file is malformed. Try re-creating it.

could You help?

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[android-beginners] Re: Google Maps Api - No image displayed

2009-12-10 Thread Denis
Hi, guys,

It is interesting, but I have the same problem. I've found a guide to
construct Google Maps-aware application (as simple as possible, just a
map even without zoom...) and it doesn't work (Well, it works - shows
me nice grey grid). The advice is always one - check API keys. But the
key is correct, because another application (that is built-in MapsDemo
in Eclipse) runs well using my key!


On 14 ноя, 21:27, Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the answer,

 Yes i am running in debug mode.

 But i think i did it right, as i gave the debug keystore fingerprint to the
 registration process.
 I have not performed yet the creation of a release keystore for wndows nor



 2009/11/11 TreKing treking...@gmail.com

  Looks like you're running in debug mode. Are you sure you're using the
  debug key? If you tested a release version on your Mac it would explain why
  it works there.

  2009/11/10 Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com

  Hi Folks,

  Some updates,
  I retried on mac osx JAVA6 (i was on winXP JAVA5) and it works fine.

  I have 2 hypothesys on my problem :
  - OS but i don't believe it
  - Java version but i don't believe also


  Le 10 novembre 2009 12:36, Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com a
  écrit :

  Hello folks,
  In my map view i have NO image displayed.
  I did get an apiKey from my keystore fingerprint.
  I using the ant script that affirms to sign the apk with the same
  I have proper permissions and library usage.
  But still I got no image.
  If anyone has a clue for displaying the map in my simulator i will be
  very happy.
  Extracts from the manifest :
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
    *uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
    uses-permission android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
  android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS /
  android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION /*
    uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=5 /
    application android:label=@string/application_name
    *uses-library android:name=com.google.android.maps /*
    activity android:name=InitializationActivity
    action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
    category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /

  Extracts from the layout.xml
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  ScrollView xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
  *  android:apiKey=0U4YsOFH1B2CbsN0un0AcdDlD30t4i-EDL3h4JQ*
  Extract from the activity which extends MapActivity with proper override.
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    MapView map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map_view);
    MapController mc = map.getController();
     double latitude = 47.3869316;
    double longitude = -2.9516315;
    GeoPoint location = new GeoPoint((int) (latitude * 100.0), (int)
  (longitude * 100.0));

  Installing the application
    [echo] Packaging resources
   [aaptexec] Creating full resource package...

  [apkbuilder] Creating MapTest-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it with a
  debug key...
  *[apkbuilder] Using keystore: C:\Documents and

    [echo] Running zip align on final apk...
    [echo] Debug Package: C:\MapTest\bin\MapTest-debug.apk

  Total time: 5 seconds
  C:\SVNLOCAL\DexemGuiDynamicadb install -r bin\MapTest-debug.apk
  1087 KB/s (1061868 bytes in 0.953s)
    pkg: /data/local/tmp/MapTest-debug.apk

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  TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-beginners] Accessing Email Contacts in Android 2.0

2009-12-10 Thread sloth
Hi there!

I'm working on an Android project for university. The application
should retrieve information (about people) that's stored on the device
and then query online platforms using the data provided. I should
implement two data sources.

My first source would of course be the contacts that are stored on the
device. These are more or less easily accessible via the
ContactsContract ContentProvider.

My second source was supposed to be emails. I'm sure a lot of people
communicate via emails with persons whose email addresses aren't
stored in the contacts. So I would like to retrieve those email
However, I couldn't find any way to do so. It is said that Android 2.0
has its own email client/app, but I can't find any documentation about
it. Is it still in development?
Are there any emails stored on the device after all? Or do different
devices use different email apps?

The only alternative I came up with, would be accessing the user's
GMail contacts.. but I didn't do any research on that so far...

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Re: [android-beginners] getting started

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Duffey
Great info. I just subscribed!! Looking forward to reading these books this
next couple weeks! Has anyone ready them... if so, do they explain more on
game programming, threading, multiple sounds with no latency, etc? I am
definitely looking for more info on how to achieve those particular goals
for better game development.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Sebastian Stein adv@hpfsc.de wrote:

 Sanjeev iamsanj...@gmail.com [091207 19:06]:
  I hear good reviews about the following books.
  1. Professional Android Application Development (Wrox Programmer to
  2. Unlocking Android: A Developer's Guide by Frank Ableson, Charlie
  and Robi Sen
  3. Android Wireless Application Development by Shane Conder and Lauren
  4. The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development by Mark L. Murphy

 You should check this page:


 Instead of buying a single book, you buy a yearly subscription and get
 always the updated version of the books (and upcoming books). I think this
 is a very fair deal!


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[android-beginners] I have the idea but dont know how to program Android, what do i do?

2009-12-10 Thread Lucas
I am a business major not a programming major.

I have an idea for a application for the android.

how do i copyright my idea?

how do i pay someone to program it for me?

Is this possible?

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[android-beginners] Re: Problem running latest ADT in Eclipse on Mac 10.6?

2009-12-10 Thread Like The Color
Yes, cocoa.  The downloaded file is:

96247809 Nov 26 07:34 eclipse-java-galileo-SR1-macosx-cocoa.tar.gz

On Dec 2, 8:43 pm, phirstube phirst...@gmail.com wrote:
 Which version Dan?  Cocca?  There are so many versions of Eclipse it
 is a bit ridiculous.

 On Dec 2, 1:50 pm, Like The Color danimal.br...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yes, I am using eclipse on OSX (10.6.2).  I had to get the 32-bit
  version of eclipse though to get things working.

  Best of luck,

  On Nov 29, 1:26 pm, phirstube phirst...@gmail.com wrote:

   Has anyone had any luck getting this to work?  My thought is that
   there is a bug that will not allow the ADT to load in Eclipse.

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Re: [android-beginners] Geopoint not giving the correct location

2009-12-10 Thread TreKing
If the icon is missing how do you know it's pointing to Tulsa? Have you
zoomed out all the way to see if you see the icon *somewhere* ?

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Sunil Menon menon1...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using Android 2.0.1 with Google APIs. I wrote a simple app using
 ItemizedOverlay. here is the code snippet:


linearLayout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.zoomview);
mapView = (MapView)findViewById(R.id.mapview);

   drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon);
itemizedOverlay = new HelloItemizedOverlay(drawable);

Double lat = 37.2591264 * 1E6;
Double ln = -121.968505 * 1E6;
GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(lat.intValue(),ln.intValue() );
OverlayItem overlayitem2 = new OverlayItem(point, , );

  ItemizedOverlay class:-

 public class HelloItemizedOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay {
//Context ma;
private ArrayListOverlayItem mOverlays = new
public HelloItemizedOverlay(Drawable defaultMarker) {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void addOverlay(OverlayItem overlay) {
protected OverlayItem createItem(int i) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mOverlays.get(i);

public int size() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mOverlays.size();


 when I run the above code, i do not get the correct location on the
 map . it points to location Tulsa in Okhlama state while I was
 entering the coordinates for Los Gatos , CA.
 Even the icon is missing.

 However when i use the Map Controller and  call animateTo(point) , i
 get the correct location.

 I am not sure what is wrong?.

 would appreciate any pointers here..

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[android-beginners] Re: Creating a Webview progress bar

2009-12-10 Thread Richard
I received a message that solved things for me:

activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);

Change to:

activity.setProgress(progress * 100);

The setProgress range is 0 - 1, therefore the sample on Android
web site is incorrect by multiplying input (0 - 100) by 1000 instead
of 100.

On Dec 5, 12:20 pm, Richard ldonel...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All-

 Newbie here and I'm trying to create a webview with a progress bar
 that updates while the page is loading.  I started with the code in
 the webview javadoc which seems pretty straightforward but I don't
 actually see the progress bar as the page loads.  Can someone point me
 in the right direction?

 public class WebViewTest extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

         // Let's display the progress in the activity title bar, like
         // browser app does.

         WebView webview = new WebView(this);

         final Activity activity = this;
         webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
           public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {
             // Activities and WebViews measure progress with different
             // The progress meter will automatically disappear when we
 reach 100%
             activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);

         webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
           public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode,
 String description, String failingUrl) {
             Toast.makeText(activity, Oh no!  + description,




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Re: [android-beginners] Removing Widget from Home Screen when Uninstalled

2009-12-10 Thread ryan alford
I would have thought that also.  Maybe its a special attribute or something
that I am just missing.  I was surprised to see that the uninstall didn't
remove the widget.


On Dec 7, 2009 6:04 PM, Kevin Duffey andjar...@gmail.com wrote:

Gees..I would think the uninstall built in to Android knows to do this on
it's own??

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 7:56 AM, eclipsed4utoo ryanalford...@gmail.com

  When my application is uninstalled, the widget stays on the HOME 
screen and gives an error mes...

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[android-beginners] Re: Using browser within Emulator to launch an app

2009-12-10 Thread Raj
I am having a similar issue.  I can't open my app.  Is this possible


On Dec 7, 10:15 am, Vertifi c...@eascorp.org wrote:

 I'm using Eclipse and the emulator.  I've created an app with the
 following Intent:

 manifest ...
 action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
 category android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
 category android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /
 data android:scheme=myscheme android:host=com.mycompany.myapp /

 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET/uses-

 When opening the browser (within the emulator) and entering
 myscheme://com.mycompany.myapp as the URL, I'm expecting my app to
 launch, but it is not.  Any tips?

 Chris @ Vertifi Software

 Is this not supported within emulator, or am I missing

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[android-beginners] Books for learning to program for Android?

2009-12-10 Thread Subjective Effect
I'm lokking to learn to program a few apps for Android and I'd really
like a book to work from but I've no idea which to get. The reviews
for most of them aren't great atm.

I do a bit of JavaScript/PHP/mySQL programming and I've had a little
experience with ASP and Visual Basic some years ago. I've no
experience with Java/C/C++ though.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



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[android-beginners] Hello, Linear Layout - XML Error

2009-12-10 Thread LeeGiT
Hello all,

I am trying to walk through the Linear Layout tutorial on the Android
website. I followed the instructions and copied the XML code into the
main.xml file, which Eclipse decided to wiggly underlined but when I
run it I am getting the follow error...

[2009-12-08 19:37:47 - Hello Linear Layout]Error in an XML file:
aborting build.
[2009-12-08 19:37:48 - Hello Linear Layout]res/layout/main.xml:0:
error: Resource entry main is already defined

Also, I'd like to mention that previous to this tutorial, I followed
the Hello, Android tutorial; which had me create an AVD and create the
Hello, Android project. So now in the Project Expl, I have two
projects... Hello Android and Hello Linear Layout. Can I have more
then one project in this space? If so, then what am I doing wrong
here? It was straight forward copy and paste, so I have no idea where
I'm going wrong.

Any help is greatly appreciated!



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[android-beginners] Audio/Video Code samples?

2009-12-10 Thread Valentino XM
Hi All,
I  am trying to code Audio/Video into my existiing project for the
first time. Following the directive from the Android Devlopers page,

Playing from a File or Stream

You can play back media files from the filesystem or a web URL:

   1. Create an instance of the MediaPlayer using new
   2. Call setDataSource() with a String containing the path (local
filesystem or URL) to the file you want to play
   3. First prepare() then start() on the instance:

MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();

looking for coding examples that will give me a more precise picture
of how the MediaPlayer  code should be worked into my existing

Do I create a VideoView window in the Main.xml of the existing
project, and then reference that window in the in the Java window of
my exsiting project, directly under

  MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();


MediaPlayer = (VideoView)findViewById(R.id.VideoEMS);

also (PATH_TO_FILE);

is that going to be written using the song or video title

feks. D:/Music/XSC2.wmv.mp4

thank you

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[android-beginners] Re: Unable to check correct row when using CheckedTextView

2009-12-10 Thread Miguel Barrios
As Romain said, top-level View has to be Checkable. A solution could
be to make a custom container implementing Checkable interface, then
use that container as top-level View for your row. Overriden methods
just call analog methods in Checkable item inside the container.


public class CheckedLayout extends LinearLayout implements Checkable {

private CheckedTextView checkbox;
private ImageView image;
private TextView text;
private Context context;


public boolean isChecked() {
return checkbox.isChecked();

public void setChecked(boolean checked) {

public void toggle() {

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[android-beginners] Re: webview load set progress bar

2009-12-10 Thread Nugman
Add this line of code:


Greets Klaus

On 7 Dez., 16:33, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am still after a solution to this problem too.

 2009/12/5 Richard ldonel...@gmail.com

  I'm following the Android docs example for a webview progress too.

  My code compiles and runs, but I don't actually see the progress bar.
  I confirmed that the onProgress method was firing (via debug).  Can
  someone point me down the right path?

  public class WebViewTest extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

         // Let's display the progress in the activity title bar, like
         // browser app does.

          WebView webview = new WebView(this);

         final Activity activity = this;
         webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
           public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {
             // Activities and WebViews measure progress with different
             // The progress meter will automatically disappear when we
  reach 100%
             activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);

          webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode,
  String description, String failingUrl) {
             Toast.makeText(activity, Oh no!  + description,



  On Nov 1, 7:18 am, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
   Thank you!

   2009/11/1 donthorp dth...@gmail.com

You need to make sure you're requesting the feature before you set
your content view.

On Oct 30, 1:01 pm, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have this code to setup a progress bar for my webview.
 I get an error on runtime on the first marked line. What is wrong?

 getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS); // hangs out on

         final Activity activity = this;
         webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
           public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {
             // Activities and WebViews measure progress with
             // The progress meter will automatically disappear when
             activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);

 1. What I am doing wrong?
 2. the Debugger doesn't pick up the line, it was a pain to detect the
 what is missing from Eclipse? I get source path not found error.


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[android-beginners] Google Map is not displaying in emulator

2009-12-10 Thread san
have an odd problem.  I'm working on my first Maps application.  I'm
using the demo/tutorial code as a baseline to figure this out.

I have the app running, I can see the zoom controlsbut no map

I see no errors in the console.

I've set the debug.keystore.  I also have the key for the API set.
I've verified I have them in the right place according to the Eclipse

I can even add an overlay with a small graphic with no problem.

But I still only see the graph paper-like background for the map.
I'm not sure what's going on.

Using Java 1.6.

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[android-beginners] Re: Keeping the Options Menu visible after click

2009-12-10 Thread Gab
You can only tap to Menu and then the Menu-Items appear,
but if you click to a Menu-Item, it will close again.

Your apps should have already been on the iphone by now!

On Dec 4, 12:19 am, Kanizares dkai...@vivalamobile.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 Just implemented my first Option Menu. When i click a MenuItem it all
 works fine but the default behaviour of the OptionsMenu is to then
 disappear. How do I keep it open in code without having to press the
 'menu' button again?


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[android-beginners] Select/Highlight/Focus on Text in a WebView

2009-12-10 Thread Mel Navarro

I was wondering if there is a way to select or highlight or focus at
text from a webview's content.

Or even select and copy text to the clipboard? (just like the default

Or even access the emulateShiftHeld() function?

I'm working on an browser and am trying to add accelerators but I can
really only focus on links and buttons.


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[android-beginners] Re: New to Java and Android

2009-12-10 Thread redants1972
I was thinking of a similar thing, however my background is in ASP. My
intention was to try
and do a HTTP post or some thing like that with the values in a
querystring. Could that work?

On Dec 4, 1:48 am, MWarren mwarren3...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok I need to start by saying I am new to Java and Android.  I am a web
 developer with my primary development is done in PHP.  I am trying to
 sort thru everything and set up an application for the new Droid
 running 2.0 but have trouble sorting thru the tutorials as they seem
 older.  What I am trying to create is basically a shell for a web app.
 I was hoping to be able to have a menu on the phone where I can set
 the webapp url(or could be stored in the program), username, password
 and api key and send the later 3 along with the geo-location to my
 Is this possible, can anyone provide me with assistance on this.

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[android-beginners] Re: Problems with Eclipse ADT-Plugin installation

2009-12-10 Thread mlsteeves
It turned out to be a permission issue.

I'm using windows 7, and I had placed Eclipse in the Program Files
(x86) directory.  I had to go to Eclipse directory, and set the
permissions to Full for Users  I re-installed all of the eclipse
plugins, and everything started working again.

On Dec 2, 9:18 pm, mlsteeves mlstee...@gmail.com wrote:
 The install works as per the directions 

 But when I go to Window|Preferences, there is no Android option on the
 left hand side.

 When I create a new project, there is also no Android option.

 When installing the ADT plugin, I've tried using the https url, the
 http url, and I've downloaded the zip file.  All ways to install have
 the same affect.


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[android-beginners] When a MediaPlayer object is just created using new ? 3 part question

2009-12-10 Thread Valentino XM
I am trying my 1st audio/video coding, and i am stuck at the gate: 3
part question...

Ref:  from the Android Developers page on Audio/Video

(When a MediaPlayer object is just created using new)


(New?)   e.g;  New file, folder, project, .??


 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_file_1);

Where exactly is this code placed in my java directory. for the same
project,  In relation to the code I have already written, for other
buttons  in the main.xml  (unrelated to the is question)

When I switch over to the main.xml  window, in the same project...
Should i import a Video View box from theviews/layouts menu(s)

as compliment'  to the code directly below; and then reference the
VideoView box, from the main.xml  window (same project) using the
(Id) for the VideoView  in the java window, underneath the code
below, eg.

   MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_file_1);


VideoView videoEMS;
int program =0;

/** called when the activity is first created. */

public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) }
super.onCreate (savedInstanceState);
setConteentView (R.layout.main);
Log.d(TAG,onCreate started);

// I now have all my UI in the java memory

VideoEMS = (VideoView) findViewById(R.id.VideoEMS);

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Re: [android-beginners] Re:

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Duffey
Sadly I see a lot of posts like this on various forums. I think the problem
is, lots of young kids, or even some older folks that might have dabbled in
some programming tend to think they can just jump in and write android apps.
Like iPhone, these are the same people that often release crap to the market
polluting it. I find that posts like this represent lazy or far from
knowledgeable developers and they should really stay clear of doing any sort
of programming other than their VCR. Hopefully they find it too complicated
to get going and give up.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Isn't this question already answered by the release notes?

 Please recall the release notes for 1.5 are still on the developer
 website at http://developer.android.com/sdk/android-1.5.html.

 At that site, everything above API level concerns the whole
 platform, everything below concerns the target.

 On Dec 8, 12:19 pm, saurabh sinha saurso...@gmail.com wrote:
  someone tell me what is  difference android 1.1 and android 1.5 target

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[android-beginners] Re: Problems installing Android SDK - no target available

2009-12-10 Thread DaveIsAwesome
Thank you very much for posting this.  I've been running around
looking at tutorials for the past few nights trying to figure this
out, and finally everything works.

On Dec 5, 2:36 pm, afarrell afarrell_2...@yahoo.com wrote:
 you have to open the SDK manager (type 'android' at the command prompt
 or open it in eclipse under the 'window' tab) go to settings, check
 the box for 'forcehttps://...sourcesto be fetched', then go to
 available packages which should have the site 'https://dl-
 ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml' listed. If not,
 click 'add site' and put in this url. check this box and it willlist
 a bunch of sdk's and api's, choose the one you want, (both the SDK and
 the API) and hit 'install selected' You should now have some targets

 On Nov 30, 12:46 am, cbartsie cbart...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey Guys!

  Were you all able to get an answer?  I'm having the same problems.

  I'd love to find out how you guys got it work.  I'm stuck.  I can't
  get the setup.exe to run, which is then suppose to allow you to import
  various platforms.  Any help you can provide would be great.


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Re: [android-beginners] Re: Changing Widget Layout Programmatically

2009-12-10 Thread ryan alford
It works fine.  I have it running right now.


On Dec 8, 2009 7:46 PM, Paul Turchenko paul.turche...@gmail.com wrote:

Are you sure that would work??? Remote views is just a collection of
actions. It has nothing to do with real widget's layout.

On Dec 7, 11:37 pm, ryan alford ryanalford...@gmail.com wrote:  I ended
up figuring it out.  So ...
 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com

   Are you using the PreferenceActivity and SharedPreferences to store
which   layout the user ...
  On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:17 AM, eclipsed4utoo ryanalford...@gmail.com

   Let's say that I have two layouts for a widget:  Layout1 and Layout2.
  The default for th...

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[android-beginners] Re: MD5 Hash is wrong

2009-12-10 Thread Mike M
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the replies.

I am sending the hash in a URL to a website to verify the information
being sent.  Every time I sent it with the above hash, it
didn't work.  When I sent it with a hash from another source (like a
website that creates hashes), it worked.

Niko20, sorry I didn't reference the function.  I didn't realize it
wasn't a built in API.  I imported another library for my project, and
I guess it gets imported from there.
I eventually used code similar to the sample you provided and it
worked.  Thanks for the suggestion.

The code I ended up using is:

public static String MD5_Hash(String s) {
MessageDigest m = null;

try {
m = MessageDigest.getInstance(MD5);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

String hash = new BigInteger(1, m.digest()).toString(16);
return hash;

On Dec 7, 1:55 pm, Kevin Duffey andjar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dan Niko20, little uptight this morning? It's amazing what happens when
 you're actually nice in responses instead of so harsh. If you're going to
 help out, why send a 3rd reply with such an attitude.

 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:36 PM, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:
  And what the hell is  your MD5_Hash function look like anyway?
  That's not a built in android API.

  Crimony, give some info next time! Obviously your MD5 function is
  messed up.


  On Dec 7, 2:33 pm, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:
   Try this:

   public String md5(String s) {
       try {
           // Create MD5 Hash
           MessageDigest digest = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance
           byte messageDigest[] = digest.digest();

           // Create Hex String
           StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer();
           for (int i=0; imessageDigest.length; i++)
               hexString.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF  messageDigest
           return hexString.toString();

       } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
       return ;


   Found it on google search

   On Dec 7, 2:32 pm, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:

Just a a side note, why do you care if it doesn't match? Unless you
are comparing MD5's to ones generated elsewhere, you are still getting
a unique hash. And as long as you compare to only hashes generated by
android it will always match


On Dec 7, 1:14 pm, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:

 Have you verified the website is correct by checking with a couple
 hash generation sites?

 On Dec 6, 2009 11:00 PM, Mike M mike.mos...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey guys,

 I'm trying to get an MD5 Hash in my Android app, but it's not giving
 the correct hash.

 For example, in my app I have this:

 MD5_Hash hash = new MD5_Hash();
 myHash = hash.Hash(What I want to Hash);

 I get this from the above code:  306a801b82d299c8e965c2bf1d7fc18

 I go to a website that will calculate MD5 hashes, and enter What I
 want to Hash, and get this:  306a8001b82d299c8e965c2bf1d7fc18.

 It does this every time; for some reason it strips one of the 0's.
 Has anyone noticed this?  Is there another / bettter way to get a


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Re: [android-beginners]

2009-12-10 Thread ryan alford
Why do these types of questions even get approved?


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.comwrote:



 In every single one of your posts it seems like you are wanting everyone
 else to do the work for you.  You ask the same questions several times, and
 even when they are answered you continue to post the same questions.

 I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I am sick and tired of this!  Either
 dive in and do some work on your own to figure things out (and come to the
 google groups with specific problems you are having AFTER attempting to do
 some coding) or pick up another hobby...

 And the links I posted are not hard to find by the way  I went to
 developer.android.com, clicked on the SDK tab, and they were all there on
 the left hand side of the page.

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 1:22 PM, saurabh sinha saurso...@gmail.com wrote:

 what is the difference between android 1.6 and android 2.0

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Re: [android-beginners] Contacts onActivityResult

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Duffey
What is the exception? Is it possible the c.getColumnIndex() using the
Phones.NUMBER is causing the exception? Can you wrap it in a try/catch block
and show the exception?

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Maurizio Bellemo maurizio.bell...@gmail.com

 Hi all,

 I am developing an application with 2.0 sdk. I am trying to access the
 contacts to get a number and send a SMS.

 *Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,

 android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds. Phone.CONTENT_URI);
 startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_CONTACT);*

 Below you can find the code to catch the selected number

 *if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
 Uri contactData = data.getData();
 Cursor c = managedQuery(contactData, null, null, null,
 if (c.moveToFirst()) {
 String number =
 SmsManager sm = SmsManager.getDefault();
 sm.sendTextMessage(number, null, code, null, null);
 // finishes dialog activity

 The problem is that the highlighted line is not working. It triggers an
 exception. Is there anything wrong in my way of using the contacts??

 Any suggestion of how make it work?


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Re: [android-beginners] Just starting this, not working

2009-12-10 Thread Greg Donald
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:44 AM, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Sounds to me like you haven't allocated enough RAM to Eclipse, on a
 modest 2.40Ghz Core 2 Duo, with 3GB RAM, my Eclipse starts in just
 over 40secs using these settings:


I tried these settings, and then I doubled them and tried again.
Neither attempt made any difference in my Eclipse load time.  My best
load time is currently 1 minute and 53 seconds.

My PC starts in 23 seconds for Windows7 and 14 seconds for Ubuntu
Linux.. doesn't seem like it's a hardware problem.

Any more suggestions?

Greg Donald

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[android-beginners] GSM Timing Advance

2009-12-10 Thread Bill Schrickel
Are there any Android APIs that allow the application to retrieve the
GSM Timing Advance? Or anything useful that the timing advance can be
easily derived from?


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Re: [android-beginners] How to show menu item automatically?

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Duffey
Curious, why would you want to do this?

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Sasikumar.S sasikumar.it1...@gmail.comwrote:


 How to show menu items automatically (without clicking menu button) when
 the layout is viewed?..

 Thanks  Regards

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[android-beginners] Re: any good tutorial for database stuff

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Hoekstra
I'm also interested in best way to do a global static db class, but
here is a tutorial to help answer some of those questions:


On Nov 30, 1:12 pm, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am wondering if there is out there any good tutorial about databases on

 I am looking for
 a) how to handle connect in global way (eg: static class)
 (init-create/update schema)
 b) how to handle database updates, versioning
 c) how to prepare queries
 d) database encryption
 e) and maybe some writings abouts db sync process


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[android-beginners] Menu problems in emulator

2009-12-10 Thread Nathan
I have an Activity that works fine, loads app and displays all the
data as expected. I tried to add a simple menu, but when I start up
the emulator, the menu button doesn't work. Nothing responds. Also, I
have noticed if I click on the letters on the keypad to the right,
some chinese/japanese letters start popping up at the bottom of the
screen, and usually fill in whatever text box I am typing in with
those characters instead of English.

I am doing all of this in a 2.0 emulated device. Here is my AVD
Target: Android 2.0 (API level 5)
Skin: HVGA
SD Card: 1000M
hw.lcd.density: 160

Here is the code (compiles and loads fine; just no response from the
menu button):

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
menu.add(0, GamesDashboard.MENU_GET_REPORT, 0, getResources
menu.add(0, GamesDashboard.MENU_VIEW_SAVED_LOCATIONS, 1,
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public boolean onMenuItemSelected(final int featureId, final
MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
Intent intent = new Intent(GamesDashboard.this,
return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item);

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[android-beginners] Trouble installing from SDK and AVD Manager: access denied unzipping

2009-12-10 Thread Rick Jones
I have successfully installed and am using sdk API's 2-5 and google
api level 5 from within eclipse.  However, I am unable to install
other updates (such as API 6 and, more importantly, the USB driver
package) with errors such as Unzip failed: C:\Program Files\eclipse
\ExtraPackage.new01\i386\WinUSBCoInstaller.dll (Access is denied).

Has anyone seen this before?  I don't know what, if anything would be
preventing access to these files.  I am not out of disk space or
running multiple IDE's or anything like that.  I am running under
Windows 7, but I have seen issues like this on another XP machine as

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[android-beginners] how to open another application with Intent

2009-12-10 Thread Mike M
I am wondering if there is a way to open another Application (not
Activity) with intents.  I want users to be able to look at the
pictures on their device, so when they push a button, it will open the
GalleryPicker that comes on Android devices.

I've debugged my Droid when I am on the Home screen and I open the
GalleryPicker.  Here's the debugs:

INFO/ActivityManager(1015): Starting activity: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=
[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1020
cmp=com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker }

I am trying to use this code:

Intent i = new Intent();
i.setComponent(new ComponentName(com.android.camera,


When I hit the button, here is what I get in the debugs:

INFO/ActivityManager(1015): Starting activity: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=
[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1020
pkg=com.android.camera cmp=com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker }

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit
activity class {com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker}; have you declared
this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

Any ideas, or is this futile?


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[android-beginners] How to navigate between different screens

2009-12-10 Thread anup

I am a Symbian Application developer and now i am moving to Android.
So need some little help from you guys.
I want to make an application which will have two screens and those
two screens will have different attributes. Now on clicking on one
button in one screen I want to go to the next screen and also i shud
have a facility to go back to my original screen.

Therer are number of places where I have to make changes what i
believe. So i need a proper guidance regarding these so that in
feature I can add as number of screens as i want and at the same time
i can navigate through them

Any help on this will be great for me.


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[android-beginners] without Absolutelayout, how to put widget on arbitary coordinate

2009-12-10 Thread Shawn Field
Hi All,

Since the absolutelayout is deprecated, are there any way to put a
widget on arbitary X,Y ?

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[android-beginners] android 2.0.1 release schedule

2009-12-10 Thread Tumaru
I have just contacted HTC to see if they were going to upgrade my
Dream to android 2 but they said that they didn't have a schedule in
place. How easy would it be for them to upgrade their software and
when will they be expected to do so, if not already. I think I
remember something about Dec 15 but am unsure if that's the right date.

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[android-beginners] Is it possible for me to install Java Application(.java) on Android?

2009-12-10 Thread buggyboy
im new here. I am familiar with java programming. However, i am
not sure if i can create application using Java SE instead of using
the Android SDK and installed it on Android Phone?

I have found out a website on this stating :

But Android’s programs are written in Java, using Java-oriented IDEs
(it also comes with an Eclipse plugin)… it just doesn’t compile the
java code into java bytecode but (ops, Sun didn’t see this one coming)
into Dalvik bytecode.

So, Android uses the syntax of the Java platform (the Java “language”,
if you wish, which is enough to make java programmers feel at home and
IDEs to support the editing smoothly) and the java SE class library
but not the Java bytecode or the Java virtual machine to execute it on
the phone (and, note, Android’s implementation of the Java SE class
library is, indeed, Apache Harmony’s!)

Does that mean I can use only Java syntax to do my programming in
ANDROID SDK but i cannot directly execute a java application using

Android has this R.Java file, follows a Layout Structure using XML.
These are different from Java SE. If Android can really support a new
compiled Java Application, How should i installed it on Android

Thanks for attention and help :)

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[android-beginners] Bug in SDK Manager: cannot update

2009-12-10 Thread greg
(OSX 10.5.3):
I have re-downloaded the SDK starter pack a few times and this is what
I run ./android, click Refresh on Available Packages, and get SSL
error.  I force HTTPS over HTTP, and Refresh.

This repository requires a more recent version of the tools.
Some packages were found but are not compatible updates.

I go to Installed Packages:
Android SDK Tools, revision 4
Update All! -- nothing to update

So it appears that the SDK manager thinks I need a newer version even
though I have the newest version.

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[android-beginners] Need follow-me map-example code

2009-12-10 Thread cellurl
Q: Are there any example map apps in the 2.0 SDK?

I have the 1.5-SDK and all the jetboy tutorials and such which are
fantastic examples.

What I need is a map that uses GPS to show where I am at all times...
Eg it automagically follows me using GPS.


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[android-beginners] Hello Date Picker

2009-12-10 Thread LeeGiT
I am working through the tutorial for Hello Date Picker. I copied the
code for the HelloDatePicker.java file but I keep getting syntax error
on tokens for the 'int'. Here some code...

package com.example.hellodatepicker;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import java.util.Calendar;

private TextView mDateDisplay; == Error Here - Syntax error on
these tokens, delete these tokens.
private Button mPickDate;  == and here

private int mYear;   == and here
private int mMonth;== and here
private int mDay;== and here.

static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID = 0; == Error Here - Syntax error
on these tokens, AnnotationName expected instead.

What is going on here? Is seems all the tutorials are based on Android
1.5 - 1.6

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Re: [android-beginners] Re: Flickering camera preview in SurfaceView

2009-12-10 Thread 李務誠
This is really strange. Which phone and release are you running on? I don't
know any phone that supports JPEG preview frame.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:25 AM, kaloer mkal...@gmail.com wrote:

 It works now. Should simply set the parameters.setPreviewFormat(); to

 On 5 Dec., 13:05, kaloer mkal...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a screenshot of  the flicker here:http://tinypic.com/r/35003lv/6
  On 5 Dec., 12:59, kaloer mkal...@gmail.com wrote:
   I have an Dialog with a custom view. This view has a SurfaceView which
   shows a camera preview. However, the preview is very flickering.
   The taken photo does not contain flicker. It looks as it should.
   Why does the preview flicker? (The camera does work :-) )
   This is my custom view:
   public class CameraView extends LinearLayout implements
   SurfaceHolder.Callback, OnClickListener, PictureCallback {
   private SurfaceView surfView;
   private SurfaceHolder previewHolder;
   private Camera camera;
   OnProfilePictureTakenListener onProfilePictureTakenListener =
   public CameraView(Context context) {
   surfView = new SurfaceView(getContext());
   previewHolder = surfView.getHolder();
   public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format,
   int height) {
   Camera.Parameters parameters = camera.getParameters();
   parameters.setPreviewSize(width, height);
   public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
   camera = Camera.open();
   try {
   } catch(Throwable t) {
   Log.e(surfaceCallback, Exception, t);
   Toast.makeText(getContext(), t.getMessage(),
   public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
   camera = null;
   public void onClick(View v) {
   private void takePicture() {
   camera.takePicture(null, null, this);
   public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
   new SavePhotoTask().execute(data);
   public void
   lis) {
   onProfilePictureTakenListener = lis;
   class SavePhotoTask extends AsyncTaskbyte[], String, String {
   protected String doInBackground(byte[]... jpeg) {
   File photo = new
   /.addMePictures/ + System.currentTimeMillis());
   if(photo.exists()) {
   try {
   FileOutputStream fos = new
   } catch(IOException e) {
   if(onProfilePictureTakenListener != null) {
   return null;
   public interface OnProfilePictureTakenListener {
   public abstract void onProfilePictureTaken(File
   Thank you very much!

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[android-beginners] Re: Changing layout of the QuickSearch

2009-12-10 Thread Benjamin
What a shame

On 7 Dez., 18:24, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 Sure... but you'd have to download and modify the actual android source
 code.  You can't do anything like that with the SDK.

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Benjamin benjaminru...@googlemail.comwrote:

  Hey ho,

  is it possible to change the layout of the standard quicksearch? I
  found this article
  , posted in the android developer blog but but it doesn't describe how
  to add an aditional button for example.

  Is it possible at all?

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[android-beginners] Data layer best practice?

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Hoekstra
I've happily started down the path as an Android developer.  The
Notepad reference has been very helpful as a jumpstart model

I am now growing my application beyond one primary activity.  I'm
curious for anyone's advice for best practice of implementing a data
layer?  C# is my primary language and there I'd create a static class
to handle database interactions, passing back collections and
objects.  However, with Android, the create db method for the sqlite
class takes a context object reference, which I'm assuming doesn't
make it possible to design a reuseable global static class. (Could be
wrong, just haven't found good examples of in books or web sites.)

Perhaps designing data access within content providers is the answer
and best practice?

Any thoughts, article references, etc are greatly appreciated.


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Re: [android-beginners] Books for learning to program for Android?

2009-12-10 Thread Mark Murphy

 I'm lokking to learn to program a few apps for Android and I'd really
 like a book to work from but I've no idea which to get. The reviews
 for most of them aren't great atm.

 I do a bit of JavaScript/PHP/mySQL programming and I've had a little
 experience with ASP and Visual Basic some years ago. I've no
 experience with Java/C/C++ though.

 Does anyone have any suggestions?

I would start by spending a bit of time learning Java outside of Android.
Learning Java and Android at one time may prove frustrating, as the Java
books don't discuss Android and the Android books assume Java experience.

In terms of Android books, I have a list of the ones I know about here:


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html

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Re: [android-beginners] How to you keep your program running as a process?

2009-12-10 Thread Sean Hodges
Sounds like what you want is a Service:

A service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in
the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a
service might play background music as the user attends to other
matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate
something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each
service extends the Service base class.

There is a simple tutorial here:
http://minicompact.com/mobiletalk/?p=18, and a more in-depth one here:

And the reference page:

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:19 AM, j0hns0n johnson.tec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello!  I have a program successfully running to relate AudioManager
 and SensorManager.  By safe life-cycle practice:

    protected void onResume()

    protected void onStop()

 Just to keep it clean.

 My question is that I'm interested in moving this program out of the
 active part of the priority and keep it running in the background
 until the user gets back to the program to switch it off.

 I'm still very new to all the life-cycle things so I'm just studying
 away.  I still haven't found what I need to find yet.

 Bonus (if it can be addressed): It will be really cool if I can leave
 an icon at the top bar to show it is running.  :)

 Thanks in advance.

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Re: [android-beginners] New to Java and Android

2009-12-10 Thread Sean Hodges
Is there anything more specific that you're having problems with?

I think what you want is to use a WebView:


If you haven't already, please run through the tutorials on the
Android development site. It's well worth grasping the basics before
attempting to build an app from scratch:


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:48 AM, MWarren mwarren3...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok I need to start by saying I am new to Java and Android.  I am a web
 developer with my primary development is done in PHP.  I am trying to
 sort thru everything and set up an application for the new Droid
 running 2.0 but have trouble sorting thru the tutorials as they seem
 older.  What I am trying to create is basically a shell for a web app.
 I was hoping to be able to have a menu on the phone where I can set
 the webapp url(or could be stored in the program), username, password
 and api key and send the later 3 along with the geo-location to my
 Is this possible, can anyone provide me with assistance on this.

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[android-beginners] Android keeps rebooting

2009-12-10 Thread Vinicius Carvalho
Hello there! My G1 phone is rebooting every 5 - 10 minutes. a message:
Home activity is not responding is shown and then it reboots.

Any ideas why this is happening?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android keeps rebooting

2009-12-10 Thread Vinicius Carvalho
I've also noticed that the phone is hanging a LOT! Sometimes apps do
not respond.

G1 is the greatest piece of crap ever released. I'm really regret I
was stupid enough to buy this crap. As a phone it is good as a piece
of rock. If you can, avoid it. Use the emulator, buy a real phone. G1
Dev is a crappy piece of hardware, and an expensive one as well.

Selling mine on ebay.

On Dec 10, 10:41 am, Vinicius Carvalho viniciusccarva...@gmail.com
 Hello there! My G1 phone is rebooting every 5 - 10 minutes. a message:
 Home activity is not responding is shown and then it reboots.

 Any ideas why this is happening?

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Re: [android-beginners] Re: Android keeps rebooting

2009-12-10 Thread Sean Hodges
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Vinicius Carvalho
viniciusccarva...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've also noticed that the phone is hanging a LOT! Sometimes apps do
 not respond.

It sounds like your phone is faulty, try doing a factory reset to see
if the issue is software related. Otherwise, I suggest you send it
back for a replacement.

 G1 is the greatest piece of crap ever released. I'm really regret I
 was stupid enough to buy this crap. As a phone it is good as a piece
 of rock. If you can, avoid it. Use the emulator, buy a real phone. G1
 Dev is a crappy piece of hardware, and an expensive one as well.

As a G1 user, I have to disagree with you there. I would also suggest
you wait more than 15 minutes between asking if anyone else is
experiencing your problems and declaring the all G1 phones are

 Selling mine on ebay.

Well that's your choice. Personally I would try fixing the phone
first, but the G1 is not ideal for everyone.

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[android-beginners] Re: How to navigate between different screens

2009-12-10 Thread Samuh
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[android-beginners] Re: how to open another application with Intent

2009-12-10 Thread Samuh
this might help:


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[android-beginners] GIT on windows ...

2009-12-10 Thread Mark Rosenberg
I want to be able to retrieve the Android SDK open source, and perhaps
in the future participate in the development effort. There appear to
be several options on Windows as far as GIT clients, UIs, etc is
concerned. I would appreciate hearing the wisdow of this forum with
regard to which of the options are best (or worst).

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Re: [android-beginners] problem with displaying path (urgent)

2009-12-10 Thread Justin Anderson
Add the path as an extra to the intent being used to start the activity.
Then you can retrieve it from the activity you started.

There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:24 AM, sabs bsabare...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi every body

 I wrote an application which contains a list view, when i click on
 list m y application will move to another list when i click on that
 list it will move to another activity like that my application will
 work. Now my problem is i would like to display the path on the top of
 my application means that iam in this acativity like that

 eg: list 1(main activity) when i click on list it is moving to another
 list (next activity) when i click on that list it will move to another
 activity, now i have to display path as shown in bracket (/main
 activity/secondactivity/another activity) if i come back from third
 activity to second activity my path also need to changed dynamically.

 can any one help me to get rid of this problem.

 thank you

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Re: [android-beginners] GIT on windows ...

2009-12-10 Thread Justin Anderson
The last time I looked into this, there was no option for getting the
Android Source code on windows  But there is a separate group for things
like GIT called Repo and Gerrit Discussion.

You may have better luck posting there.

There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Mark Rosenberg 
markrosenberg01460...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to be able to retrieve the Android SDK open source, and perhaps
 in the future participate in the development effort. There appear to
 be several options on Windows as far as GIT clients, UIs, etc is
 concerned. I would appreciate hearing the wisdow of this forum with
 regard to which of the options are best (or worst).

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Re: [android-beginners] Hello, Linear Layout - XML Error

2009-12-10 Thread Justin Anderson
I think the error means that you have two main.xml files

There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 6:46 PM, LeeGiT leegi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello all,

 I am trying to walk through the Linear Layout tutorial on the Android
 website. I followed the instructions and copied the XML code into the
 main.xml file, which Eclipse decided to wiggly underlined but when I
 run it I am getting the follow error...

 [2009-12-08 19:37:47 - Hello Linear Layout]Error in an XML file:
 aborting build.
 [2009-12-08 19:37:48 - Hello Linear Layout]res/layout/main.xml:0:
 error: Resource entry main is already defined

 Also, I'd like to mention that previous to this tutorial, I followed
 the Hello, Android tutorial; which had me create an AVD and create the
 Hello, Android project. So now in the Project Expl, I have two
 projects... Hello Android and Hello Linear Layout. Can I have more
 then one project in this space? If so, then what am I doing wrong
 here? It was straight forward copy and paste, so I have no idea where
 I'm going wrong.

 Any help is greatly appreciated!



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Re: [android-beginners] Hello Date Picker

2009-12-10 Thread Justin Anderson
You need to import TextView and Button.  The errors for the int variables
should go away after that.

There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:58 PM, LeeGiT leegi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am working through the tutorial for Hello Date Picker. I copied the
 code for the HelloDatePicker.java file but I keep getting syntax error
 on tokens for the 'int'. Here some code...

 package com.example.hellodatepicker;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import java.util.Calendar;

 private TextView mDateDisplay; == Error Here - Syntax error on
 these tokens, delete these tokens.
 private Button mPickDate;  == and here

 private int mYear;   == and here
 private int mMonth;== and here
 private int mDay;== and here.

 static final int DATE_DIALOG_ID = 0; == Error Here - Syntax error
 on these tokens, AnnotationName expected instead.

 What is going on here? Is seems all the tutorials are based on Android
 1.5 - 1.6

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Re: [android-beginners] How to you keep your program running as a process?

2009-12-10 Thread Justin Anderson
Keep in mind though, that any service that runs indefinitely will drain the
hell out of the phone's battery.

There are only 10 types of people in the world...
Those who know binary and those who don't.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:28 AM, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Sounds like what you want is a Service:

 A service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in
 the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a
 service might play background music as the user attends to other
 matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate
 something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each
 service extends the Service base class.

 There is a simple tutorial here:
 http://minicompact.com/mobiletalk/?p=18, and a more in-depth one here:

 And the reference page:

 On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 12:19 AM, j0hns0n johnson.tec...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello!  I have a program successfully running to relate AudioManager
  and SensorManager.  By safe life-cycle practice:
 protected void onResume()
 protected void onStop()
  Just to keep it clean.
  My question is that I'm interested in moving this program out of the
  active part of the priority and keep it running in the background
  until the user gets back to the program to switch it off.
  I'm still very new to all the life-cycle things so I'm just studying
  away.  I still haven't found what I need to find yet.
  Bonus (if it can be addressed): It will be really cool if I can leave
  an icon at the top bar to show it is running.  :)
  Thanks in advance.
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Re: [android-beginners] Re: any good tutorial for database stuff

2009-12-10 Thread Marton Kodok
thanks but I look for my static approach

2009/12/10 Jason Hoekstra jasonhoeks...@gmail.com

 I'm also interested in best way to do a global static db class, but
 here is a tutorial to help answer some of those questions:


 On Nov 30, 1:12 pm, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am wondering if there is out there any good tutorial about databases on
  I am looking for
  a) how to handle connect in global way (eg: static class)
  (init-create/update schema)
  b) how to handle database updates, versioning
  c) how to prepare queries
  d) database encryption
  e) and maybe some writings abouts db sync process

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Re: [android-beginners] Just starting this, not working

2009-12-10 Thread Marton Kodok
Where in Eclipse I pass the command lines you mentioned?

2009/12/9 Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 3:44 AM, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com
  Sounds to me like you haven't allocated enough RAM to Eclipse, on a
  modest 2.40Ghz Core 2 Duo, with 3GB RAM, my Eclipse starts in just
  over 40secs using these settings:

 I tried these settings, and then I doubled them and tried again.
 Neither attempt made any difference in my Eclipse load time.  My best
 load time is currently 1 minute and 53 seconds.

 My PC starts in 23 seconds for Windows7 and 14 seconds for Ubuntu
 Linux.. doesn't seem like it's a hardware problem.

 Any more suggestions?

 Greg Donald

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[android-beginners] Fail to build Android platform source code, need help

2009-12-10 Thread mundou
Hi, all!

I'm building android platform source code on Fedora 11, with
jdk1.5.0_21. I used git to get the entire project from /platform/
manifest.git. When I build the source, it fails with the following

Install: out/host/linux-x86/framework/dx.jar
Copy: dx (out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/dx_intermediates/dx)
Install: out/host/linux-x86/bin/dx
target Dex: core
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
   at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.10)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
com.android.dx.command.Main not found in
parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}
   at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.10)
   at gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.10)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.10)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.10)
   at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.10)
make: *** [out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core_intermediates/
classes.dex] error 1

It seems that someone has met this kind of error before but
unfortunately no solution is provided. Can somebody kindly give me
some advice to this?

Thanks very much, mundou

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[android-beginners] GK:How to Animate the single image in the Gallery

2009-12-10 Thread Ganesh Ram
Hi All,
  I added and displayed set of images in my gallery. I made like at a
time use can view three images.

Now I want to do different Animation for these images. I used
following snippet but its refreshing entire Gallery.
gallery.setSelection(position, true);
Try to help me. I need to complete this soon.

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[android-beginners] Re: SDK Installation: A folder failed to be renamed or moved

2009-12-10 Thread lint
You should try to launch the SDK Setup.exe while Eclipse is
shutdown. It solved my problems.

Hope it helps,


On Dec 9, 5:01 am, Dan danmarsh...@global.t-bird.edu wrote:
 I saw this error using Eclipse. I tried the anti-virus suggestion, but
 still no go.

 It worked when I went directly to the android-sdk-windows Windows
 folder (not using Eclipse) and clicked the SDK Setup.exe icon. That
 will bring up the Android SDK and AVD Manager. Once there, I needed
 to update the settings to check  Force https:// sources to be fetched
 using http://;.

 On Nov 14, 4:11 pm, NoVa David novadav...@gmail.com wrote:

  Windows XP Professional SP3
  JDK 1.6.0_14
  have force https:// to be fetched as http://...;)
  Android SDK Updater Revision 3

  i run the Android SDK and AVD Manager, goto Available Packages,
  choose *anything* (but i'm concentrating on v2 stuff) i get the

  Downloading SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1
  Installing SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1
  Failed to rename directory C:\work\android-sdk-windows\temp
  \PlatformPackage.new01 to C:\work\android-sdk-windows\platforms
  -= Warning ! =-
  A folder failed to be renamed or moved. On Windows this typically
  means that a program is using that folder (for example Windows
  Explorer.) Please close all running programs that may be locking the
  directory 'C:\work\android-sdk-windows\temp\PlatformPackage.new01' and
  try again.

  no other applications are running. i've rebooted, verified that the
  directory is NOTread-only. yet i still get similar results. i have
  ADMINISTRATOR privileges on this machine.

  any ideas??

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Re: [android-beginners] how to open another application with Intent

2009-12-10 Thread zuo shibo
For example:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, yourclass.class);

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Mike M mike.mos...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am wondering if there is a way to open another Application (not
 Activity) with intents.  I want users to be able to look at the
 pictures on their device, so when they push a button, it will open the
 GalleryPicker that comes on Android devices.

 I've debugged my Droid when I am on the Home screen and I open the
 GalleryPicker.  Here's the debugs:

 INFO/ActivityManager(1015): Starting activity: Intent
 { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=
 [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1020
 cmp=com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker }

 I am trying to use this code:

 Intent i = new Intent();
 i.setComponent(new ComponentName(com.android.camera,


 When I hit the button, here is what I get in the debugs:

 INFO/ActivityManager(1015): Starting activity: Intent
 { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=
 [android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1020
 pkg=com.android.camera cmp=com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker }

 android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit
 activity class {com.android.camera/.GalleryPicker}; have you declared
 this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

 Any ideas, or is this futile?


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[android-beginners] Using Google Maps API for a navigational app

2009-12-10 Thread Chris Janota
Does anybody know if you require Google Maps api PREMIER to create a
Android navigational app?  I understand you must use Premier instead
of the free Google Maps api if you are charging a fee for use.But
i have requested info on Premier so i can get the pricing structure
and never receive a response.  Any navigational app developers
experience this?

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[android-beginners] Re: Using GLSurfaceView with other views...

2009-12-10 Thread Jeremiah Sellars
I may be on the right track looking over the surface view overlay
example. Turns out it's a GLSurfaceView that is being overlaid...

In my current demo, I'm extending GLSurfaceView to make receiving user
input a bit easier. This brings two questions:

1. In the layout xml file for the surface view overlay example, it
uses a FrameLayout, and inside it creates the GLSurfaceview like

android.opengl.GLSurfaceView android:id=@+id/glsurfaceview
android:layout_height=fill_parent /

Since I've extended my GLSurfaceView as ShapeSurfaceView and it's in
my namespace, would I use something like the above or something more

com.mynamespace.tests.ShapeSurfaceView android:id=@+id/
android:layout_height=fill_parent /


2. The other thing I'm not sure on, is what constructor, if any (sorry
for my Java inexperience) is being called when you use a layout like
this? When using findViewById() to instantiate a View in code, is it's
constructor called? I really hope someone can answer...

On Dec 7, 11:50 am, Jeremiah Sellars sylus.mcf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I believe I have a pretty clear idea on how to properly tackle a game
 while using GLSurfaceView. With the provided samples and
 documentation, I have the UI and Renderer threads going (since that's
 basically given to you) and will be implementing game logic thread (as
 soon as I understand threading a bit better).

 The question I have, is to be able to move forward with whatever else
 may need to be on screen during game play (possible touch controls,
 meters/gauges, etc), I'm trying to figure out what the best method
 would be to display them. I suppose the options would be to either
 draw them with OpenGL ES or to use other Views. I don't like the
 OpenGL idea because generally all of the game ideas I have would
 require a perspective view, and I'm not totally sure how I would
 accomplish that...

 So I'm thinking I would use other image or button views...

 I guess the ultimate question, is what is most practical? And if using
 other views, I'm slightly lost on the right way to implement it. I was
 thinking maybe a Linear Layout... some items on top, a larger area in
 the middle for the GL View, and then some items on bottom.

 I'm not looking for exact code or anything, just a nudge in the right
 direction. Thanks everyone!

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Re: [android-beginners] problem using the android emulator

2009-12-10 Thread TreKing
Did you try following the instructions and re-creating the AVD?
You should probably try a new name for it too, since the old files stick
around even if you use the Delete option from the AVD manager.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 6:07 PM, René rene.bon...@bluewin.ch wrote:

 when I try to run the HelloWorld project,I get the following message

 emulator: ERROR: no search paths found in this AVD's configuration.
 Weird, the AVD's config.ini file is malformed. Try re-creating it.

 could You help?

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[android-beginners] Orange is answering to your questions Live during LeWeb

2009-12-10 Thread Ellimac
Do you want to know more about Orange? About testing? About the on-
device App Shop client Orange launched yesterday at LeWeb?
Orange experts answer your questions online.


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Re: [android-beginners] Wanting to start and would like a good book. Suggestions?

2009-12-10 Thread Jay Swartzfeger
I started out much like you -- I'm basically a LAMP guy with HTML and
SQL experience, a smattering of XML and general scripting stuff. No
real programming experience to speak of, but I do have a general
understanding of basic programming concepts.

Check out Hello, Android by Pragmatic Programmers. Excellent book.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Subjective Effect
subjective.eff...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm very interested in learning to develop apps for Android and I've
 been reading all about it and reading lots of the info here on

 My background: I've got some experience using PHP, JavaScript, HTML,
 mySQL (SQL and Oracle) and I've created a few sites with PHP/Apache/
 mySQL as well as the old HTML/CSS stuff. I did some work with ASP/
 Visual Basic about 10 years ago and although the details will be out
 of date my point is I know a little programming.

 I've no experience with Java or C/C++ or XML though (although XML
 isn't totally alien to me - it's often mentioned in the books I used
 for HTML).

 What I'd like is a nice book for beginners for Android.

 Has anyone any suggestions? I've look at reviews for a few books and
 I'm usually a fan of O'Reilly stuff but the reviews for their Android
 stuff aren't too encouraging.

 Thanks for any help

 Subjective Effect

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Jay Swartzfeger

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[android-beginners] 2.0.1 Update

2009-12-10 Thread Nick Hird
Is there a way to center the clock on the new home screen? The 2.0 home
screen had the clock and date in the center, now its off to the left a

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[android-beginners] Problem with VideoView when playing a mp4/3gp file

2009-12-10 Thread Yousuf Syed

I was working on developing a VideoPlayer. I am getting an error while
running the .mp4 file  on VideoView. This error occurs when I click on the
video view when the video is playing or if I start the video directly. The
error dialogue that appears on the screen says application stopped

Does anyone knows whats wrong with my code. Is there any other thing that I
need to do like adding permissions or intent filters.

Here is the code that can give more understanding about my application Video

public class VideoPlayer extends Activity {
VideoView videoview;
Context context;
Bundle bundle;
Intent sender;
volatile boolean FLAG_FOR_FAVORITE;
volatile boolean FLAG_FOR_PLAY_PAUSE = false;
MediaController mediaController;
TextView wordtext;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
context = this.getApplicationContext();
sender = this.getIntent();


Bundle retrieving_bundle = sender.getExtras();
String wordname = retrieving_bundle.getString(txtstring);
String filename = /sdcard/ + wordname + .mp4;
ImageButton playpause = (ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.playpause);

mediaController = new MediaController(context);
wordtext = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.vocabularyword);

///Code for setting video View //
videoview = (VideoView)findViewById(R.id.wordvideo);
//videoview.start(); *This gives an error if
not commented This is what I meant by running directly*
videoview.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
if(FLAG_FOR_PLAY_PAUSE == false){
to remove from favorites ///
else if(FLAG_FOR_PLAY_PAUSE == true){

catch(Exception e){

playpause.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v)
ImageButton pauseplay =
/ to add to favorites/
if(FLAG_FOR_PLAY_PAUSE == false){
to remove from favorites ///
else if(FLAG_FOR_PLAY_PAUSE == true){


The logcat shows the following:

12-10 11:53:12.931: WARN/WindowManager(52): at
12-10 11:53:12.931: WARN/WindowManager(52): at
12-10 11:53:12.931: WARN/WindowManager(52): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
12-10 11:53:12.931: WARN/WindowManager(52): Attempted to add window with
token that is not a window: null.  Aborting.
12-10 11:53:12.941: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(3035): Shutting down VM
12-10 11:53:12.941: WARN/dalvikvm(3035): threadid=3: thread exiting with
uncaught exception (group=0x4001b188)
12-10 11:53:12.951: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): Uncaught handler: thread
main exiting due to uncaught exception
12-10 11:53:13.041: DEBUG/dalvikvm(3035): GC freed 2397 objects / 340176
bytes in 89ms
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035):
android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token
null is not valid; is your activity running?
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): at
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): at
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): at
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): at
12-10 11:53:13.081: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(3035): at

Re: [android-beginners] Need follow-me map-example code

2009-12-10 Thread TreKing
Have you looked at the Hello,
and / or 

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 6:56 PM, cellurl gpscru...@gmail.com wrote:

 Q: Are there any example map apps in the 2.0 SDK?

 I have the 1.5-SDK and all the jetboy tutorials and such which are
 fantastic examples.

 What I need is a map that uses GPS to show where I am at all times...
 Eg it automagically follows me using GPS.


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[android-beginners] Help finding documentation for actions in the manifest file

2009-12-10 Thread Joe Mihalich

 This has been killing me.  I finally found examples around the
net for things I wanted to experiment with.  I had to go searching cuz
I could find this information anywhere in the API Docs.

 I got one answered, but I need help with the other.

 1) For listening for broadcast SMS messages through a broadcast
receiver, I see that you have to defined the action, for the intent in
the broadcast receiver element as:

   receiver android:name=.myClassName
   action android:name=
   android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED /

   First, where is that name

android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED defined?  How am I supposed to
track that down in the API Doc?

There is no android.provider.Telephony class or package.

   Second, in the code for receiving the actual broadcast, I see
you need to do something like this to get the message(s).

   Object[] pdus = (Object[]) bundle.get(pdus);

   Where is it defined that the extra name in the bundle is pdus
for SMS messages.


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[android-beginners] how to make custom spinners

2009-12-10 Thread Jetti
Hi to all,
 i want to create an application to create an custom spinner.i.e.
while clicking on the spinner it shows a full sized dialog box(entire
screen of emulator)  to select the options.But i want to resize that
showing dialog box .Is it possible to do this ?

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[android-beginners] SimpleDateFormat and Android 2.0

2009-12-10 Thread Carl Cedergren
Hi guys,

i am having some problems with SimpleDateFormat under Android 2.0, the
following code:

formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(MMM);
Log.i(TAG,date is +formatter.format(new Date()).toString

Should return a three letter abbreviation of this months name, and it
does under 1.5 and 1.6, but under 2.0 it just gives me the number of
the month?

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[android-beginners] Acer neotouch

2009-12-10 Thread vdr
Hello. I recently bought an Acer Neotouch with windows mobile 6.5
installed and i am not very satisfied with this os. I would like to
install Android on it but i don't know where to start. I found
information on how to install android but only for the HTC phones.
Nothing about Acer Neotouch. Can someone give me some useful

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[android-beginners] adb push ..... system/lib

2009-12-10 Thread Zlate87

I'm trying to install voice search to my t-mobile pulse.

However I run in to a problem, I need to run this command adb push C:
\libspeech.so system/lib, but I get error: read-only file system.

I read that adb remount will help, but when I run it, I get this
error: operation not permitted.

I also read that adb root will help, but when I run it, I get this
error: adbd cannot run as root in production builds.

I have enabled USB debugging in Settings-Applications- Development.

Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance :)

Zlatko Stamatov

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[android-beginners] How can we change the view of the tabs?

2009-12-10 Thread Achanta
I want to provide a clickthrough on the list in a tab which opens
another view.
I need to open the new view within the same tab. I then need to
provide a back button on the changed layout to change the view to
original view.

I have tried this.

Intent intentA = new Intent(this, AView.class);

Now I am trying to access the tabSpec from main activity class
[MainTabView] and set the intent as follows.



But this does not change the view immediately but changes it when I go
to another tab and come to the starting tab. How can I make it to
refresh it as soon as the content has been changed to another intent?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android Best Practices

2009-12-10 Thread Kanizares
Yes, same question from me. I currently am building an app that has
certain repetitive screens (e.g. drill-down through lists of items).
Is a ViewFlipper or multiple Activities the better way to go?


On Nov 10, 4:26 pm, jphani...@gmail.com jphani...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a question with respect to best practices in android? Which one
 is more efficient? A ViewFlipper to go through multiple defined
 layouts or have an activity for each layout and one main layout.
 Please let me know if my question is not clear.


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[android-beginners] Re: Error running android programs with netbeans 6.7.1 in asus n10

2009-12-10 Thread chas

When I got the error  package manager not ready to install new
packages  on every app I tried, I started closing other applications
on my system.  Opera, for one had  many open tabs.  After closing them
out, Netbeans and Android started talking again.  So try running with
only Netbeans..


On Oct 23, 10:32 pm, ivan ramos djvamosr...@gmail.com wrote:
 i'm building a program for android in netbeans 6.7.1 in asus n10
 (windows 7)
 my avd is android 1.5 (API level 3)
 when i start run main project
 the command prompt in netbeans said
 Result: -1
 Device's package manager not ready to install new packages

 can someone know how to solve this?
 thanks for your attention

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Re: [android-beginners] android 2.0.1 release schedule

2009-12-10 Thread Shadana Myers
I don't have the Dream but I do have the HTC Eris which runs 1.5. Verizon
has announced that the Eris will get an update of 2.0 or higher in the first
quarter of 2010. So HTC is working on upgrading their software. This doesn't
answer your question but maybe the Dream will receive the same update in Q1

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Tumaru tum...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have just contacted HTC to see if they were going to upgrade my
 Dream to android 2 but they said that they didn't have a schedule in
 place. How easy would it be for them to upgrade their software and
 when will they be expected to do so, if not already. I think I
 remember something about Dec 15 but am unsure if that's the right date.

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Re: [android-beginners] Re: Google Maps Api - No image displayed

2009-12-10 Thread TreKing
Also make sure you have the internet permission in your manifest, otherwise
the maps can't download the image tiles.

TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Denis 87elem...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, guys,

 It is interesting, but I have the same problem. I've found a guide to
 construct Google Maps-aware application (as simple as possible, just a
 map even without zoom...) and it doesn't work (Well, it works - shows
 me nice grey grid). The advice is always one - check API keys. But the
 key is correct, because another application (that is built-in MapsDemo
 in Eclipse) runs well using my key!


 On 14 ноя, 21:27, Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com wrote:
  Thanks for the answer,
  Yes i am running in debug mode.
  But i think i did it right, as i gave the debug keystore fingerprint to
  registration process.
  I have not performed yet the creation of a release keystore for wndows
  2009/11/11 TreKing treking...@gmail.com
   Looks like you're running in debug mode. Are you sure you're using the
   debug key? If you tested a release version on your Mac it would explain
   it works there.
   2009/11/10 Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com
   Hi Folks,
   Some updates,
   I retried on mac osx JAVA6 (i was on winXP JAVA5) and it works fine.
   I have 2 hypothesys on my problem :
   - OS but i don't believe it
   - Java version but i don't believe also
   Le 10 novembre 2009 12:36, Raphaël Piéroni raphaelpier...@gmail.com
   écrit :
   Hello folks,
   In my map view i have NO image displayed.
   I did get an apiKey from my keystore fingerprint.
   I using the ant script that affirms to sign the apk with the same
   I have proper permissions and library usage.
   But still I got no image.
   If anyone has a clue for displaying the map in my simulator i will be
   very happy.
   Extracts from the manifest :
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
 *uses-permission android:name=android.permission.INTERNET /
   android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS /
   android:name=android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION /*
 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=5 /
 application android:label=@string/application_name
 *uses-library android:name=com.google.android.maps /*
 activity android:name=InitializationActivity
 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
   Extracts from the layout.xml
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   ScrollView xmlns:android=
   *  android:apiKey=0U4YsOFH1B2CbsN0un0AcdDlD30t4i-EDL3h4JQ*
   Extract from the activity which extends MapActivity with proper
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 MapView map = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.map_view);
 MapController mc = map.getController();
  double latitude = 47.3869316;
 double longitude = -2.9516315;
 GeoPoint location = new GeoPoint((int) (latitude * 100.0),
   (longitude * 100.0));
   Installing the application
 [echo] Packaging resources
[aaptexec] Creating full resource package...
   [apkbuilder] Creating MapTest-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it with
   debug key...
   *[apkbuilder] Using keystore: C:\Documents and
 [echo] Running zip align on final apk...
 [echo] Debug Package: C:\MapTest\bin\MapTest-debug.apk
   Total time: 5 seconds
   C:\SVNLOCAL\DexemGuiDynamicadb install -r bin\MapTest-debug.apk
   1087 KB/s (1061868 bytes in 0.953s)
 pkg: /data/local/tmp/MapTest-debug.apk
   You received this message because you are subscribed to the 

[android-beginners] how to get starting material of android

2009-12-10 Thread Xi Shen

i am totally new to android, and have little programming experience
about linux. can anyone point me where should i start?

i am planing to get a HTC g1.

Best Regards,
David Shen


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[android-beginners] Re: how to open another application with Intent

2009-12-10 Thread Mike M

thanks for the link.  I was able to get what I wanted with the
following code:

Intent i = new Intent();
i.setComponent(new ComponentName(com.android.gallery,


I guess I was trying to open the wrong area.  This will open the
gallery to view all the media on the sdcard.


On Dec 10, 7:33 am, Samuh samuh.va...@gmail.com wrote:
 this might help:


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Re: [android-beginners] without Absolutelayout, how to put widget on arbitary coordinate

2009-12-10 Thread Alessandro Pellizzari
Il giorno mer, 09/12/2009 alle 17.46 -0800, Shawn Field ha scritto:

 Since the absolutelayout is deprecated, are there any way to put a
 widget on arbitary X,Y ?

The AbsoluteLayout is deprecated exactly because you should NOT put a
widget on arbitrary X, Y.

Either you don't put it there, but use another Layout, or you use
Absolute and agree your application will not work well on different
screen resolutions.


Alessandro Pellizzari

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[android-beginners] Is there a way to add Video files to my application

2009-12-10 Thread Yousuf Syed

I am developing an application where in I need to display video files in a
video player. I need to push the video files on to the sdcard of the
emulator in order for my application to play those videos. if this
application is deployed on an android phone I need to push the files on that

Is there a way I can bundle those file along within the apk file so that its
easy for the users to download and install the application?

Thanks in advance,


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