[android-beginners] Re: ATTENTION: Android-Beginners will be permanently disabled on August 9 2010

2010-08-07 Thread Indicator Veritatis
But that assumes that people tag them accurately, so that they CAN be
found. That assumption is wildly optimistic: look at how many
meaningless variations of the non-descript tag 'android' there are in
Stack Overflow. I have yet to find a way to do a meaningful tag-based
search in Stack Overflow for an android issue. I doubt there is one.
That is why I am not impressed by Google's attempt to shuffle us off
into Stack Overflow.

Actually, that is only one reason. There are others, but this is the
main one.

On Aug 6, 5:07 pm, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 3:52 PM, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:
  I do a daily walk through stackoverflow for questions tagged with
  android.  Nobody will be searching based on esoteric tags.  I think
  the point of restricting tag generation is to ensure that people *do*
  find your question because it exists in a pool of other similar
  questions that people are examining.

 I have a problem with linecache.  There's no tag for it.  I couldn't
 create one.  I did go ahead and choose other tags, ones not as
 relevant as the ONE I wanted.  But whatever.

 It's a stupid restriction.  1500 reputation before I can even properly
 tag my question?  I've developed sites that used tags plenty of times
 before.. it's just a join table, not a huge deal.  For them to act
 like tags are so important n00bs like me can't create one?  Fuck them
 and their 1500 reputation tags.

 I've never once got help from there.  I tried again today as a last
 resort.  I'm expecting nothing, as it's likely that's what I'll be

 Greg Donald
 destiney.com | gregdonald.com

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[android-beginners] Re: ATTENTION: Android-Beginners will be permanently disabled on August 9 2010

2010-08-07 Thread Indicator Veritatis
But just how thorough is this daily walk through? Today, there are
14645 questions tagged 'android'. How do you choose which ones you
really look at?

Worse yet, some idiot decided there should be ONE tag for 'android-
sdk', but then three separate tags for 'android-sdk-2.1', 'android-
sdk-2.2' and 'android-sdk-1.6'! With such irrational decision making
as this, searches  based on tags are bound to miss a lot.

On Aug 6, 1:52 pm, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:
 On Aug 6, 1:20 pm, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:

  # users with less than 1500 reputation can't create new tags. The tags
  'rails3 linecache' are new. Try using existing tags instead.

  Good luck only tagging questions that already have popular tags.

 What advantage do you expect to gain from creating new tags?

  do a daily walk through stackoverflow for questions tagged with
 android.  Nobody will be searching based on esoteric tags.  I think
 the point of restricting tag generation is to ensure that people *do*
 find your question because it exists in a pool of other similar
 questions that people are examining.

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[android-beginners] Re: ATTENTION: Android-Beginners will be permanently disabled on August 9 2010

2010-08-07 Thread Indicator Veritatis
BTW: if you do a daily walk-through, why is MY question still
unanswered? It was not even that hard a question. It was:

On Aug 6, 1:52 pm, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:
 On Aug 6, 1:20 pm, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:

  # users with less than 1500 reputation can't create new tags. The tags
  'rails3 linecache' are new. Try using existing tags instead.

  Good luck only tagging questions that already have popular tags.

 What advantage do you expect to gain from creating new tags?

 I do a daily walk through stackoverflow for questions tagged with
 android.  Nobody will be searching based on esoteric tags.  I think
 the point of restricting tag generation is to ensure that people *do*
 find your question because it exists in a pool of other similar
 questions that people are examining.

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[android-beginners] Re: ATTENTION: Android-Beginners will be permanently disabled on August 9 2010

2010-08-04 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Yes, the distinction has been getting blurred. This is a bad thing.
Discontinuing this group only makes the blurring worse, as more and
more beginners will move to android-developers -- where beginning
questions really do not belong.

On Aug 3, 11:49 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Kevin Brooks bear35...@gmail.com wrote:
  I just joined the new group.  Hopefully Mark Murphy will decide to join as
  well an Volunteer to be a Moderator.

 Personally, I would recommend people use StackOverflow.

 For those who find StackOverflow to be ineffective, or find the
 behavior of volunteers there to be morally reprehensible, or whatever,
 use the [android-developers] Google Group. The dividing line between
 that group and this one has been extremely blurry over the past 9-12

 There are other support resources as well (JavaRanch, anddev.org,
 etc.). I do not try to participate in all of them, as I would never
 get any sleep. :-)

 If this list is discontinued, for the near term, I will be focusing on
 StackOverflow and [android-developers], and we will see where things
 go from there.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Development Wiki:http://wiki.andmob.org

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[android-beginners] Re: ATTENTION: Android-Beginners will be permanently disabled on August 9 2010

2010-08-03 Thread Indicator Veritatis
When I first saw Google announce the existence of Stack Overflow and
suggest it for posting questions instead of this forum, I found it
mildly amusing. I wondered if it meant Google had plans to discontinue
this forum!

But then to my surprise, I started seeing not only more traffic in
Android Beginners, but even more quality posts than at the time of
that announcement. And now I hear Google is going to pull the plug!

Come now: do you REALLY think Stack Overflow is that much better than
Google Beginners? I certainly do not. Nor have I seen Google, in any
of these announcements, make a convincing case that it is.

What is more, when I do a Google search to see what the web has on a
particular Android problem I am working on, I find useful answers in
Android Beginners about as often, maybe even a little more often, than
in Stack Overflow. True, the query has to be well crafted to eliminate
the dross, but that is situation normal for the Web.

Under such circumstances, what impression do YOU think Google is
making on the public and the market by this decision? I cannot see it
as a good one.

On Aug 2, 2:37 pm, Roman N (Google Employee) romannu...@google.com
 Hi all,

 Next week, on Monday, August 9th, 2010 at 9am PDT, this Google Group
 and associated email alias will be permanently disabled and placed
 into archive mode. All new messages and replies will be automatically
 rejected. Existing messages and threads will still be available online
 athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners, but closed to
 further discussion.

 Please direct your questions to other discussion forums, as per these

 - All new, beginner-level questions related to Android application
 development should be posted on Stack Overflow:

       Android questions:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android
       Stack Overflow FAQ:http://stackoverflow.com/faq
       Ask a question:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask

 For more background on Android and Stack Overflow, please see this
 blog post:


 - All existing, unanswered questions on Android-Beginners, that are
 directly related to Android application development, should be posted
 to Stack Overflow. Please read the Stack Overflow FAQ and look at
 examples of popular questions on the site before posting.

 - All new, advanced questions related to Android application
 development should be posted to either Stack Overflow or the Android-
 Developers group:


 - As before, all new Android questions not directly related to Android
 application development should be posted to the Android-Discuss group:


 Please reply to this thread if there are any questions or concerns.


 Roman Nurik
 Android Developer Relations

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[android-beginners] Re: how to self-close an Activity

2010-07-30 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I have the same question. And even if they are done with it, I have
another question: how do you suppose the user will react when he sees
it auto-close? That is, do you really think the user expects this? I
am not aware of any other app that does this, the user's expectation
is based on these other apps, a de facto standard has emerged. That
standard is: let the user close it.

Ruby programmers like to talk about the principle of least surprise:
the principle applies at least as well to UI design as it does to

On Jul 29, 10:53 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:39 AM, cellurl gpscru...@gmail.com wrote:
  I want to auto-close my about-window after 10 seconds

 Why? Do you not trust the user to do this? What if they're not done with it?

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-beginners] Re: how to self-close an Activity

2010-07-30 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Also, if it is a things are progressing display rather than an About
box, why aren't you using an android.Widget.ProgressBar instead?
People are used to seeing a Progress Bar disappear when the underlying
things are done. But they are not so used to About boxes (or things
like them) disappearing.

Besides: what is the point of making an entire Activity for this? Of
course, since I don't know your app, I can't be 100% sure, but it does
sound like overkill.

On Jul 30, 12:07 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 1:04 PM, cellurl gpscru...@gmail.com wrote:
  Its not actually closing an about-box, its on a things-are-progressing
  type pop-up window.

 Well that makes quite the difference =)

 I still wonder why a things-are-progressing type pop-up would close after
 some time and not, you know, when things-are-done-progressing ... but it's
 your app.

 Regardless, I would go with Justin's suggestion to use a Timer.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-beginners] Re: Passing an int value from one activity to another

2010-07-09 Thread Indicator Veritatis
What 'putIntExtra'? There is a getIntExtra, there is a putExtra, but I
don't see a 'putIntExtra'.

Besides: surely the type conversion rules of Java guarantee that he is
calling putExtra(String, int) here.

On Jul 7, 9:38 pm, Yousuf Faheem yousuf.syed@gmail.com wrote:

 Use putIntExtra instead of putExtra()

 Thanks  Regards,
 Yousuf Syed

 On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Traveler jadkins...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am a relative newbie to Android and am trying to learn how to pass
  an int value to another activity.

  Main activity uses a ListView. The following onitemClick method is
  supposed to communicate the
  position value to the playalphabet activity.

  public void onItemClick(AdapterView? a, View v, int position, long
  id) {
     Intent intent = new Intent(v.getContext(),
     intent.putExtra(selections, position);
     startActivityForResult(intent, 0);

  When a button click is detected in the playalphabet activity, it is
  supposed to retrieve the
  position value, but position is always zero.

  Any advice is appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: adb shell command gives very inconsistent results

2010-07-08 Thread Indicator Veritatis
This sounds somewhat different from the problems I have seen with adb.
So I am not sure how helpful my advice will be, but what I would do
is: before ever even entering the shell of adb, make sure that adb can
see the emulator with adb devices.

Yes, unlike the distinction between emulator and device for the -e and
-d options, adb devices will list both real hardware devices (of
which you have none) and emulator instances (all of them).

If you don't see the emulator instance even after launching the
emulator and seeing the home screen, then try adb kill-server
followed by adb restart. If that gets adb to see the emulator
instance, then go on to adb shell.

The one other suggestion I have is to make sure that you are using an
uptodate version of adb -- and for that matter, of all the tools.

On Jul 8, 5:55 am, Chris c...@comcast.net wrote:
 I do not own an Android phone and am working exclusively in the
 Eclipse/emulator environment on my laptop.

 When I type in the adb shell cmd from the tools directory I get very
 inconsistent results.
 Sometimes it says error: device not found.
 Sometimes it says error: device offline.
 If I start a small application and continue to type in the adb shell
 command until the emulator starts I get the 2 errors I just mentioned
 in that order and then the adb shell command actually works and I
 can see the # prompt, and type in commands such as ls -l and see
 the results.
 Then as I'm working in the shell it suddenly ends and I'm back at the
 Windows prompt.
 I am running on Windows XP Pro Version 2002 Service Pack 3.

 Thank You in advance to anyone who would like to offer some help with
 this situation.


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[android-beginners] Re: Regarding language support

2010-07-08 Thread Indicator Veritatis
If you follow the localization procedures advised in
(especially under Using Resources for Localization, the system will
automatically make sure that unsupported languages will not be
displayed in the UI. You do not need to access the supported language
list yourself.

It is different from phone to phone anyway. My G1, for example, only
supports English and Spanish, the emulator supports many more.

On Jul 8, 5:41 am, ameya dandekar ameya...@gmail.com wrote:
         I am currently working on application in which i need to display
 lists in different languages, so , is there any API to get the supported
 language list for android ?
         I am currently using sdk 1.5. And it is observed that Hindi and
 Hebrew are not supported.
 So , i need to avoid such languages to be displayed on UI.

 Thanks and Regards,

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[android-beginners] Re: screen orientatios

2010-07-05 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Concerning screen orientation: no, the programmer does not set this.
Why would he? The phone sets it, based on what it thinks the
orientation is, based on accelerometer and/or keyboard slide.

My G1, for example, will usually switch orientation correctly based on
how I am holding the phone. But sometimes I have to slide the keyboard
out to force the switch.

In the emulator, you can choose orientation by hitting Ctl-F11. That
is the official command. I have to precede it with Ctl- F12 though. I
never did figure out why.

On Jul 4, 11:20 am, Rc3375 rcobb3...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 Have a couple of questions.
 1.  How do you switch screen orientation, is it done
 promatically or layout/main.xml ?

 2. And how do you create tabs.  The examples of tabs that were found,
 doesn't seem to work.  Are there any good examples of TABS out there
 that work?   What I'm trying to do is create two tabs that share the
 same screen.

 Appreciate all the help,

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[android-beginners] Re: Application still consumes battery even tough it is closed

2010-07-04 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Hi, Mark-

As I should have expected for someone who did write a good book on
Android, I see your knowledge of the Android life-cycle really is
better than mine. But I am seeing something else that vitiates this
superior knowledge, your habit of stating unconditionally, in a very
general form, things that are only sometimes true.

For that is what you have done in both issues: 1) the issue of whether
or not there is a direct transition to the stopped state and 2) the
issue of whether it is true that Back always caused onDestroy() to be

In neither case is your sweeping generalization justifiable, in both
cases you are misleading readers rather than helping them. Do you
really want to encourage, for example, Android programmers to fail to
handle correctly the case where onStop() is called without a
preceding, corresponding call to onPause()? Such programming sounds
very careless to me.

Even if most of the time (even your 99.999% is an overstatement), the
programmer can ignore this scenario, he should be aware that it
exists, so then when he needs to take care of it, he knows that he
needs to do so.

Similarly with the second issue: even Google violates the rule [that
onBackPressed() should cause onDestroy() to be called] often enough
that your readers are going to be confused if they forget that some
apps really do override onBackPressed(), they don't all call

Finally, yes the docs are wrong. I already showed how they contradict
each other. And others have found other similar contradictions in the
docs. Take a look at my previous posts on this and see for yourself: I
provided the direct quotations.

On Jul 4, 2:14 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
  That may be true, but if so, there is a serious problem with the
  online Android documentation. For as I have already shown, the
  documentation clearly states that there is a possible transition
  direct from the started state to the stopped state, one that does not
  call onPause() first.

 That would occur in fairly rare cases, when something occurs on the
 device after onStart() and before onResume(). Since those methods are
 invoked in rapid succession, something else taking over the screen
 (e.g., phone call comes in) during that window is rather unlikely.
 Developers should not be worrying about that particular scenario very
 much, if at all.

  So other than your own authority, on what grounds do you say that the
  docs are wrong?

 The docs are not wrong. However, my previous post was covering the
 99.999% case, not every possible scenario.

 On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
  This is certainly wrong.

 No, it is certainly correct.

  Pressing the Back key does NOT cause
  onDestroy() to be called.

 Yes, it does.

  It causes onPause() to be called.

 And onStop(), and onDestroy().

  I have run
  this in the emulator too many times myself to believe that it does.

 I even had to run my own test, just to confirm I hadn't slid into some
 parallel dimension, before writing my previous post. onDestroy() is
 called after the BACK button is pressed, just like it is supposed to.
 It has behaved this way for over two years.

 If you are unable to replicate this, there is a problem in your
 development environment.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Consulting:http://commonsware.com/consulting

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[android-beginners] Re: Application still consumes battery even tough it is closed

2010-07-03 Thread Indicator Veritatis
This is certainly wrong. Pressing the Back key does NOT cause
onDestroy() to be called. It causes onPause() to be called. I have run
this in the emulator too many times myself to believe that it does.
The application goes into the background, but it remains in memory, on
the activity stack. Only much later, if at all, is onDestroy() called.
Since most applications do not provide an 'Exit' button/key, and many
users do not use a Task Killer, onDestroy() might not be called until
power-down (or the next configuration change).

On Jul 2, 12:55 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:38 PM, david2 enki1...@gmail.com wrote:
  onPause() is called whenever the activity loses the foreground from an
  input standpoint.

  onStop() is also called, if the activity is no longer visible on the 

  onDestroy() is also called, if the activity instance is going away for 

  Hence, BACK calls onPause(), onStop(), and onDestroy(). HOME calls
  onPause() and onStop().

  Not true. Back does not call onDestroy.

 Yes, it does.

  On destroy is called when the
  system decides the application is going away.

 Such as when the user presses the BACK button.

  This does not normally
  occur on a back button or home button.

 Yes, it does normally occur on a BACK button.

  Processes stay around until
  memory is needed elsewhere.

 Which has little to do with onDestroy() of individual components
 within that process.

  And even then, documentation states that
  onDestroy may never get called even when the application is killed.


  In general BACK doesn't do anything additional vs. HOME.

 Yes, it does. It causes the activity to be destroyed.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training...At Your Office:http://commonsware.com/training

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[android-beginners] Re: Application still consumes battery even tough it is closed

2010-07-02 Thread Indicator Veritatis
But what about when the user presses the home key? According to the
docs, onPause() is called WHENEVER the application goes invisible, not
just on the Back key, not just when another application is launched.
So no, it is not just on the Back key.

On Jun 26, 9:13 am, mahesh askmah...@gmail.com wrote:
 And you have to unregister it in your OnPause() and onStop().

 Just as ref if you do not know this already -
 OnPause() is called when you quit the application via the back button
 or start another app.
 OnStop() is called when it is actually killed (via task manager)


 On Jun 25, 2:25 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Flamechamp flamechamp1...@yahoo.com 
   This may sound stupid, but I have a problem with my application.
   I made an application to check the accelerometer and orientation
   I tested it on my Nexus One and it works.
   The problem starts when I close it. (I pressed the - button in the
   phone) When I checked the Battery usage. That program I made is still

  You also need to be sure to unregister your sensor listeners. If you
  do not, your program will not truly end, and you will continue
  receiving sensor data.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 1.6

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[android-beginners] Re: Application still consumes battery even tough it is closed

2010-07-01 Thread Indicator Veritatis
That is what the diagram says, yes. But the text of the table says
something different: it says onPause() is called when the system is
about to resume another activity. But it also says that onStop() may
be called when the activity is no longer visible to the user.

More importantly, it says that this may happen EITHER because another
activity is being resumed (in which case onPause() will be called) OR
because it (the current activity) is being destroyed.

The implication is that no, we cannot count on onPause() being called
before onStop() is called, even if this is by far the more common

Similarly, the same table says elsewhere that the next state for
onStart() can be EITHER onResume() OR onStop(). Again, no stop at

Finally, I should point out that in 
the doc we are all following to discuss this issue, it says explicitly
that this table offers MORE detail than the diagram (following table
describes each of these methods in more detail). That implies that
the diagram is incomplete, but the table is if not complete, at least
more complete.

In a formal spec, the distinction would probably have been 'normative'
versus 'reference'. But the Android online docs do not use this

On Jun 26, 4:51 pm, RichardC richard.crit...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Why both onPause() and onStop()?  Looking at the application lifecycle


 it's not possible to get to onStop() without going through onPause().

 If however, you have found this not to be the case, I will have to
 change my programs and also deal with possible exceptions from
 resources being released twice.

 Do you have a simple test as I have never seen this (onPause being
 skipped) happen?


 On 26 June, 17:13, mahesh askmah...@gmail.com wrote:

  And you have to unregister it in your OnPause() and onStop().

  Just as ref if you do not know this already -
  OnPause() is called when you quit the application via the back button
  or start another app.
  OnStop() is called when it is actually killed (via task manager)


  On Jun 25, 2:25 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Flamechamp flamechamp1...@yahoo.com 
This may sound stupid, but I have a problem with my application.
I made an application to check the accelerometer and orientation
I tested it on my Nexus One and it works.
The problem starts when I close it. (I pressed the - button in the
phone) When I checked the Battery usage. That program I made is still

   You also need to be sure to unregister your sensor listeners. If you
   do not, your program will not truly end, and you will continue
   receiving sensor data.

   Mark Murphy (a Commons 

   _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 1.6

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[android-beginners] Re: Application still consumes battery even tough it is closed

2010-06-30 Thread Indicator Veritatis
That link is a good start, and required reading, but I see they have
still left in the vague and contradictory language concerning which
callback must come next.

I am referring to the wording in the state diagram and the table
concerning whether onStart() or onRestart() are next, and which
callback must follow these. The position in the table makes it look
like onRestart() can follow onCreate() preceding onRestart(). But in
fact, onRestart() can never follow onCreate() directly: it can only
follow onStop(), when the user starts it again (as explained elsewhere
at the same link).

The above could be dismissed as reading too much into proximity of two
items in the table. The same cannot be said for the following:
the flowchart-style diagram shows only one possible transition from
onStart(): the transition to onResume(). But the text in the table
says it can transition to onStop() also. Both cannot be right. So
which is correct? How is the Android beginner supposed to know?

On Jun 28, 5:18 pm, RichardC richard.crit...@googlemail.com wrote:

 On Jun 28, 7:49 pm, Flamechamp flamechamp1...@yahoo.com wrote: ermm... can 
 someone show me or give me an URL that shows how to use
  the onDestroy, onPause or onStop??

  I am really beginner and didn't understand how systems in Android are

  I really appreciate the help

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[android-beginners] Re: LogCat

2010-06-27 Thread Indicator Veritatis
That was completely uncalled for and even completely unjustifiable.
Why, your own response is more like that of a petulant child than
any thing DonFrench said.

After all Don French gave an excellent list of reasons why it is
better to view DDMS LogCat output in Eclipse rather than running it
standalone. What is more, he showed very much the opposite of the
petulance you so unfairly accuse him of by patiently detailing all
these advantages of viewing in Eclipse.

Real software professionals recognize your fix it yourself as the
real petulance, since real software engineers understand that such
bugs should be fixed by the person(s) most familiar with that part of
the code. Code diving is all too often a terrible waste of a good
engineer's time. Worse yet, it often causes other bugs down the road,
because the 'diver' did not understand the code well enough. This is
WHY it should be fixed by the person(s) most familiar with the
relevant code, not by anyone who feels the need for the fix.

Personally, I hope Google's team will find the time to fix it
relatively soon, but I am not going to sweat it if they don't. But I
will join Don in saying that it would be a valuable fix, it is likely
being given too low a priority -- as often happens even in the best-
run projects.

Finally, if the Google team does recognize this as a bug, how do we
find it in the bug database? Some of us would like to vote for it;)

On Jun 23, 6:08 pm, Mikey frak@gmail.com wrote:
 Spoken like a petulant child - fix it yourself if you think you can do 

 On 24 Jun 2010, at 01:06, DonFrench wrote: Thanks but I really prefer to 
 view LogCat in Eclipse because it is so
  much easier to find what you want.  In Eclipse, for example, user-
  generated log output is split into individual tabs based on the tags
  you set.   Also, in the main log tab everything is color coded. To
  find the stack trace associated with a Force Close, for example, you
  just scroll up until you see a block of red output.  Google did a
  great job in designing the Eclipse LogCat viewer except for the
  unfortunate bug that they have ignored for so long.

  On Jun 22, 11:11 am, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

  I can recommend running adblogcat from the OS's command line window.

  This way, it's always around, you can make it as large as you want, and
  can do filtering by piping through grep or find, if necessary.

  -- Kostya

  22.06.2010 22:02, DonFrench пишет:

  I useLogCata lot when debugging but it is an ir ritation that it
  frequently has to be reset to get the latest log output. I am only
  aware of two ways to get the log output when this happens: 1) Go to
  the DDMS perspective and then pull down the menu in the Devices view
  and select reset adb, and 2) Exit Eclipse and restart it.  Some of the
  time Reset adb works but often it does not and I have to exit and
  restart Eclipse.  So, first, am I doing something wrong that causes
  LogCatto stop functioning?  And second, is there another way to
  refresh the log other than the two methods I mentioned?  And third, is
  this a bug in the Android Eclipse plug-in?  If it is, why doesn't
  Google fix it?

  Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-beginners] Re: Factory Reset

2010-06-07 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Most users would be very unhappy to find Factory Reset being executed
from an application. Why do you think this is what you want?

It is with good reason that Factory Reset is 'difficult'. The user
must be really sure that is what he wants, the procedure must do all
that is possible to guarantee that it is not executed except very

On Jun 6, 10:00 pm, Aviral aviral...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can anybody please tell me how the factory reset (system restore)
 takes place? I want to know  the execution of factory reset and
 implement it in my code.

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[android-beginners] Re: Way To develope the android application ?

2010-06-04 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Hi, Mayank-

The best two books I have found and read on Design Patterns are not
the 'classics' everyone keeps referring too. But if you read either of
them, you will see why they are much more accessible than any of the
classics, especially the Gang of Four books.

They are http://www.holub.com/goodies/patterns/ and 

The big advantage of the latter is that 1) it is free, 2) it is a
great sequel to another great Eckel book, Thinking in Java, whose
3rd edition is also free. The biggest disadvantage is that he never
really finished the book.

But it is the former book by Holub that is really good, addressing all
the beginner concerns the Gang of Four never address in their books,
showing the benefits of using Patterns in real, live code. For a deep
understanding of OOP/OOD and Patterns, it has no equal.

However, be warned: many of the good practices of pure OOP using
Patterns are still not recommended on cell phones, as described at
and at http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/design/responsiveness.html.

For example, the former warns against creation of many objects, since
that still tends to make phones sluggish. But both Eckel and Holub
recommend making more objects rather than fewer, even saying that when
the existing classes don't do what you want, the 'default' solution is
to make an object of a new class. Similarly, somewhere else it was
mentioned that inner classes take up more memory than interfaces, but
this may already be out of date.

That said, one of the many good things one can say about Android is
that the list of violations of OOP practices that one must follow for
optimal code is far, far shorter for Android than for any previous
Java mobile environment.

On Jun 3, 12:07 am, mayank bisht mayank.and...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an application in which on front screen there are 7
 buttons.Through these seven buttons navigate to different screens. But
 on all screens these buttons will be appear in lower portion so how
 should I have to develop this application. My way

 1:- I am creating an activity for starting application as all do
 nothing new.
 2:- Then on clicking on any button i again call  
 startActivityforResult(intent)   for every button .
 3:- I am just taking data from web services and parsing data and show
 it on screens.

 My Question :-
 1:- So i want to know is  this right way or standard way to develop an
 application ?
 2:- and what will happen in my application if i develop it in this
 way ?
 3:- If it is not correct then plz tell me the way how should I develop
 my application
 4:- Is there any design pattern for android application development ?
 5:- where i can found the design patterns ?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android SIM Card API

2010-06-02 Thread Indicator Veritatis
By asking specifically for SIM card, you are asking for
implementation, where the API provides interface instead, as is good
Object Oriented practice.

See the SDK online references for packages android.telephony. Even
there, SmsMessage.getIndexOnSim() has been deprecated -- no doubt
because it confuses interface with implementation.

NB: SIM cards state is in android.telephony.TelephonyManager.

On Jun 1, 6:50 am, sohguanh sohgu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi I have scanned through the Android SDK and is still searching for
 an API that allow application to read/write to the SIM card.

 Does Android SDK expose any SIM API for developers ? If it is not in
 the SDK, how does one go about trying to read/write to SIM card in the
 Android phone ?


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[android-beginners] Re: Android SIM Card API

2010-06-02 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Did your search include the package 'android.provider'? Specifically
and mainly, 'ContactsContract' in that package?

Of course, this provides only the interface, not the implementation,
but it does provide much of what you want. Now you just have to find
the implementation for the SIM of that interface.

On Jun 2, 7:21 am, sohguanh sohgu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually what I wanted is to be able to copy the contacts on my
 Android phone into the SIM card. So in order to do that, I need some
 API that will allow me to read the contacts follow by API to write
 them to the SIM card.

 Telephony class does not provide those methods for me to accomplish
 the above. I have checked other classes but none seem to expose the
 functionality for me to call them.


 On Jun 2, 5:36 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

  By asking specifically for SIM card, you are asking for
  implementation, where the API provides interface instead, as is good
  Object Oriented practice.

  See the SDK online references for packages android.telephony. Even
  there, SmsMessage.getIndexOnSim() has been deprecated -- no doubt
  because it confuses interface with implementation.

  NB: SIM cards state is in android.telephony.TelephonyManager.

  On Jun 1, 6:50 am, sohguanh sohgu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi I have scanned through the Android SDK and is still searching for
   an API that allow application to read/write to the SIM card.

   Does Android SDK expose any SIM API for developers ? If it is not in
   the SDK, how does one go about trying to read/write to SIM card in the
   Android phone ?


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[android-beginners] Re: Android SIM Card API

2010-06-02 Thread Indicator Veritatis
One more thing: you might want to Google SIM Application Toolkit, or
start with the Wikipedia article on the same. Support for this toolkit
was announced in Android SDK 1.5, and then little was heard about it.

On Jun 2, 7:21 am, sohguanh sohgu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually what I wanted is to be able to copy the contacts on my
 Android phone into the SIM card. So in order to do that, I need some
 API that will allow me to read the contacts follow by API to write
 them to the SIM card.

 Telephony class does not provide those methods for me to accomplish
 the above. I have checked other classes but none seem to expose the
 functionality for me to call them.


 On Jun 2, 5:36 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

  By asking specifically for SIM card, you are asking for
  implementation, where the API provides interface instead, as is good
  Object Oriented practice.

  See the SDK online references for packages android.telephony. Even
  there, SmsMessage.getIndexOnSim() has been deprecated -- no doubt
  because it confuses interface with implementation.

  NB: SIM cards state is in android.telephony.TelephonyManager.

  On Jun 1, 6:50 am, sohguanh sohgu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi I have scanned through the Android SDK and is still searching for
   an API that allow application to read/write to the SIM card.

   Does Android SDK expose any SIM API for developers ? If it is not in
   the SDK, how does one go about trying to read/write to SIM card in the
   Android phone ?


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[android-beginners] Re: debugging the (suddenly) crippling slowness of the emulator

2010-05-27 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Shall we compare experiences? I regularly run the SDK and emulator not
on Ubuntu, but Fedora, which is similar enough.

You say even 10 minutes later, you are still looking at boot
animation: what I see that is so similar is: about 1 launch in 7 or
10, it gets stuck early on. I never let it go for 10 minutes though;)

Instead, if it hasn't got to the home screen (even if it says I have
to press Menu to unlock) within 3 minutes, I kill the emulator launch
and start it over. I have never seen it fail twice in a row.

Yes, it is annoying, but since it never fails twice in a row, I have
never felt a very strong urge to debug it further. The workaround is
good enough.

So how does this differ from your situation? Are you getting the 10
minute failure every time you launch the emulator? Do you still get it
after rebooting the machine? Or after rebooting only Eclipse?

On May 27, 2:08 am, Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:
   (aside:  my apologies for the regular posting of newbie-level
 questions -- i'm just trying to stress test stuff as i learn it so
 it's not surprising that i'll screw something up and need help to fix
 it.  also, hysterically, with what little i know so far, i've been
 asked to give a beginner-level tutorial locally on how to get started
 with android.  the mind reels.  anyway, onward if i might ...)

   curiously, since just yesterday when i ran the emulator on my ubuntu
 10.04 system and it worked relatively quickly, this morning, bringing
 up a new AVD that i just created (nothing special about it) is taking
 *forever* -- literally, it's been 10 minutes since i started the
 emulator and i'm still looking at the boot animation screen.

   is there a way to debug what's going on?  i've already verified that
 not long after i start the emulator, adb devices sees it and i can
 adb shell into it.  some time after that, what i assume is the
 bootanimation utility starts to run which produces the neat
 android boot logo and ... much more time passes.

   during this time, i'm shelled into the emulator, ps works (i can
 see the bootanimation utility running), top works, things are
 clearly running but i have no idea why, just in the last several
 hours, things are so much slower.  this is an absolutely stock AVD (1G
 SD card), no added apps, etc.  it's the same thing i was testing
 previously with no issues.

   given that i can shell into the emulator and poke around, is there
 something i can check?  at this point, i'm baffled.

 User 43%, System 32%, IOW 0%, IRQ 1%
 User 85 + Nice 0 + Sys 64 + Idle 44 + IOW 0 + IRQ 3 + SIRQ 0 = 196

   PID CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name
   186  54% S    18 122508K  24064K  fg system   system_server
   147  18% R     1    912K    396K  fg root     top
   196   9% S     4  12772K   5148K  fg graphics /system/bin/bootanimation
    40   1% S     4   3388K    176K  fg root     /sbin/adbd
   ... snip ...


 Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

             Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

 Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
 Twitter:                                      http://twitter.com/rpjday

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[android-beginners] Re: building the entirety of android 2.2 on ubuntu 10.04

2010-05-26 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Well, it depends on your understanding of the concept of 'success';)
Seriously: the reason for the test you ripped out is that Java 6
introduced a change in the way '@Override' is interpreted, one that
does not mesh well with the way Android wants to use it. So you have
stuff that compiled, but that is no guarantee that it will actually
run correctly!

Considering what @Override actually does, however, the build you got
will probably actually work, it will only be when trying to compile
new Android code that you will have to no longer trust the @Override
annotation to correctly flag errors. Or at least I could believe that
if you also had no warnings.

Did any of the warnings have anything to do with methods being re-

On May 25, 10:31 am, Robert P. J. Day rpj...@crashcourse.ca wrote:
   strictly for the entertainment value, i decided to follow the
 instructions here for 64-bit ubuntu:


   as i have a perfectly stock install of ubuntu 10.04, i had to make a
 couple tweaks -- some of the packages in the required list have been
 slightly renamed and, since i didn't feel like regressing my java 6 to
 java 5, i cavalierly ripped out the test for the version of java that
 would normally cause the build to fail and typed make.

   a couple hours later, it finished:

 Generated: (out/target/product/generic/android-info.txt)
 Target system fs image:
 Install system fs image: out/target/product/generic/system.img
 Target ram disk: out/target/product/generic/ramdisk.img
 Target userdata fs image: out/target/product/generic/userdata.img
 Installed file list: out/target/product/generic/installed-files.txt

   am i to assume then that i successfully built the entire code base
 using java 6?  other than numerous compilation warnings, i didn't
 notice any build errors.



 Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

             Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

 Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
 Twitter:                                      http://twitter.com/rpjday

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[android-beginners] Re: Newbie looking to buy a handset

2010-05-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Or you could buy a G1 on Craigslist for anywhere from $80 to $100
dollars. Expect to pay about $30-$40 bucks to get it unlocked unless
you buy it already unlocked. Then once you do the setup with a SIM
card in the phone, you should see an offer to upgrade the ROM to 1.6.
There is no reason not to accept it.

That will give you a fairly up-to-date phone, if with somewhat limited
hardware. Cyanogen already has 2.1 ROMs for the G1, but you have to be
rather technically savvy to install it, and Cyanogen does not have the
license to distribute the Goolge Apps.

On May 20, 12:32 pm, Raveesh raveeshbhall...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey all,

 I'm new to developing apps for Android, and am planning to purchase a
 handset in the coming few months.

 I live in India and plan on having my sister buy one in the US and
 send it to me (there hardly are any Android handsets over here, the
 latest being the Motorola Milestone). I wanted to know if I'd face
 difficulties getting the Android updates or downloading apps. I'd be
 purchasing a unlocked handset, so it's not like I'm messing with the

 Also, I'm planning on buying the Google N1, but I've heard some users
 have faced problems with the 3G. Are there any particular reasons for
 the problems, ie, is it the network or the handset's fault?

 with best regards,


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[android-beginners] Re: Which Widget/UI Component to use for Gameboard?

2010-05-15 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Thank you. I have used his tutorials before, they are good. Now they
are even better now that he has admitted the need to change his style
to be more uniform with the general coding style prevailing in Java
and Android;)

On May 11, 5:49 pm, John Maag jjm...@gmail.com wrote:
 You might want to check 

 That blog has a ton of great android tutorials that might help you.

 On May 10, 5:13 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

  If I want to create a gameboard, like a checker board or chess board,
  and allow the user to select a square by tapping on it, which widget
  should I use? The obvious approach would be to make each individual
  square a button, but that sounds like too many objects.

  Is there some sort of clickable-map widget I could use (not 'map' in
  the sense of Google Maps, of course) to return the coordinates of
  where he clicked, and let the programmer calculate which square that
  is in? Should I just do the whole board as one View? Then what API do
  I call to get the coordinates of the tap?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android Emulator - Eclipse cannot see it

2010-05-14 Thread Indicator Veritatis
That might not be good enough. I found, for example, that my system
runs Eclipse a LOT better after being upgrade from .5 to 2.5 Gigs of
RAM. But I still have occasional problems with Eclipse locking up the
system completely, usually only when using Ctl-Tab to switch BACK to

On May 14, 6:10 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Kevin Brooks bear35...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have to shut down the IDE every time I run my application.

 If you are having consistent issues where things just aren't working right,
 I would just uninstall and re-install everything.

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-beginners] Re: Force Close when trying to use getApplication()

2010-05-11 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Unlocking Android is a good book, but I have learned from my own
experience with it that it is not a good idea to type in code from the
text and expect it to work. Much better to get the code from the
book's website and run that. Download it from the website, compare
that to what you already have, and it will mostly likely simply work.

If you are still having trouble with it, there is a Manning forum for
the book too. In my experience, some one of the authors will usually
respond promptly and helpfully.

On May 11, 7:02 am, Jon Jacob jonjacobm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am a newbie both to Java and Android and have been reading the book
 Unlocking Android and trying to learn by adapting their code to my
 ideas for a project to play with and learn Android.

 But, I have run into a brick wall that I need help with.   The
 following code gives me a force close when I click the submit button,
 and I don't know why.   (Good debugging tips would be nice too.)

 Its the line:

 BoardGameFinderApplication application = (BoardGameFinderApplication)

 that seems to be causing the crash.  I just don't understand why?  All
 indications are that I am using it correctly.  What am I missing?

 Here is the code:

 From my main activity class:

 import java.util.ArrayList;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.os.Debug;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
 import android.widget.Button;
 import android.widget.EditText;
 import android.widget.TextView;

 public class BoardgameCriteria1 extends Activity {

         private Button grabGames;
         private TextView introText;
         private EditText gameName;
         ArrayListString bglNames = new ArrayListString();
         private String s;

     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

         this.introText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.IntroText);
         this.gameName = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.GameName);
         this.grabGames = (Button) findViewById(R.id.Submit);

         // get the board game names when submit button hit
                         new OnClickListener() {
                                 public void onClick(View v) {

     private void handleGetReviews() {

         BoardGameFinderApplication application =
 (BoardGameFinderApplication) getApplication();

         Intent intent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(),


  and the BoardGameFinderApplication class:

 public class BoardGameFinderApplication extends Application {

     private BoardGame currentBoardGame;
     private String gameCriteriaName;

     public BoardGameFinderApplication() {

     public void onCreate() {

     public void onTerminate() {

     public BoardGame getCurrentBoardGame() {
         return this.currentBoardGame;

     public String getBoardGameCriteriaName() {
         return this.gameCriteriaName;

     public void setCurrentBoardGame(BoardGame currentBoardGame) {
         this.currentBoardGame = currentBoardGame;

     public void setBoardGameCriteriaName(String boardGameCriteriaName)
         this.gameCriteriaName = boardGameCriteriaName;


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[android-beginners] Re: Problem with IDE.

2010-05-10 Thread Indicator Veritatis
He is already using Eclipse. The problem is that when he relies on
Eclipse to create the folder, it fails. He has to recreate it manually
everytime he executes ProjectClean Project.

It sounds like something is wrong with the Ant script Eclipse has
built for the project, but based on the evidence here, it is hard to
be more specific.

On May 8, 7:30 pm, joshua hublar joshua.m.hub...@gmail.com wrote:
 The best advice I can offer is to go with Eclipse -- I had my dev platform
 setup in 15 minutes and I highly recommend it.  I've not had a single
 problem with it.

 On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Ubuntu Explorer

  Is there a sequence to be followed while building android projects in IDE?

  Sometimes, I get an error saying gen folder is not present. But it is an
  autogenerated folder created duing compilation.

  If I manually create this folder I am able to compile this project. But if
  I clean and then try to build, I get a build path error.

  Should I be creating this folder everytime?


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[android-beginners] Re: How to debug

2010-05-10 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Even before running the application under the debugger, a good first
step is to look at LogCat in the DDMS Perspective: there will probably
be a Java Exception logged there, that Exception is what caused the
shutdown. Look for your own source code's line number in the stack

On May 9, 2:55 pm, Ubuntu Explorer ubuntuexplo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry, Forgot to add that I want to do it from within Eclipse IDE.

 On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Ubuntu Explorer


  I am able to write basic android applications now. Thanks for all your

  However, when there are certain runtime issues, I cannot detect them using
  simulator. There is one msg that says Unexpectedly shutdown (I also see
  this for alarm clock and other apps sometimes - though I cannot figure out

  How to run android apps in debug mode to see where the issue is?


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[android-beginners] Which Widget/UI Component to use for Gameboard?

2010-05-10 Thread Indicator Veritatis
If I want to create a gameboard, like a checker board or chess board,
and allow the user to select a square by tapping on it, which widget
should I use? The obvious approach would be to make each individual
square a button, but that sounds like too many objects.

Is there some sort of clickable-map widget I could use (not 'map' in
the sense of Google Maps, of course) to return the coordinates of
where he clicked, and let the programmer calculate which square that
is in? Should I just do the whole board as one View? Then what API do
I call to get the coordinates of the tap?

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[android-beginners] Re: Your feedback on Samples/Tutorials/Articles

2010-05-10 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I do not share this enthusiasm for videos for two reasons:

1) I rarely see a video tutorial that tells me something valuable an
HTML text tutorial with screenshots does not

2) a video tutorial is not searchable using Ctl-F in your text-editor
or web-browser.

On May 7, 3:48 am, Pankaj Sharma reliablepan...@gmail.com wrote:
 yes put some videos too...

 On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Raul Martinez raul5...@gmail.com wrote:
  it would be awesome if there were video tutorials

  On Mar 18, 5:38 pm, Megha Joshi mjo...@google.com wrote:
   Hi everyone,

   As many of you might have noticed by now, we have added a new
   Resourceshttp://developer.android.com/resources/index.htmltab under
   developer.android.com. It contains samples, tutorials and technical
   articles. We want your feedback to add more samples and tutorials to
   it.. Please add/vote topics for new samples and tutorials at the link
   Please be very specific (like mentioning API or package or feature or
   names) when you submit a suggestion.

   Thanks for your feedback in helping us improve our Android developer


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[android-beginners] Re: what happens exactly when android goes to sleep?

2010-05-04 Thread Indicator Veritatis
All this document says is that when Android goes to sleep, it calls
onPause(). But that does not tell what ELSE Android does when it goes
to sleep.

For that matter, the same doc says that onPause() is also called when
another app takes the foreground, so the application developer cannot
even rely on a call to onPause() as a sure indicator that Android is
going to sleep.

Now I realize that the details of what it does when it goes to sleep
and wakes up might be subject to change w/o notice, but even so, it is
easy to see that the developer often needs to know more than just what
that one doc says about sleep and onPause(). A developer also needs to
know, for example, that Alarms are still checked while the phone is
asleep, and can wake up the phone.

On May 4, 10:56 am, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Michael Dorin bsddo...@gmail.com wrote:
  Exactly what happens to your activity when android goes to sleep?
  Either via the power button or letting it sit idle?

  Sometimes my app does not wake up nicely...It even crashes giving
  a register dump...other times it seems to be 'half awake'.

  What methods are invoked?  I don't seem to see onCreate or onResume
  being called as I log those..unless I am missing something



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[android-beginners] Re: Why does my app Stop Unexpectedly every time I remove an item from myListView.

2010-04-27 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I know Justin has been helping people in this forum for a long time,
so perhaps he is tired of repeating it, but since this is a beginner's
group, it is worth repeating the detailed steps for how to do this.

To see the Logcat output in Eclipse, it is easiest to:

1) switch to DDMS perspective: (WindowOpen PerspectiveDDMS)
2) find the tab labeled LogCat on the lower left (assuming DDMS
perspective reset to defaults)
3) front and maximize the tab (the box is on the top far right of this
window) so you can read several lines at once.

Given the symptoms the OP describes, he will probably find a
NullPointer Exception in the LogCat output, whether he is running in
Debug or not.

On Apr 26, 7:48 pm, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 Debug it and look at the logcat info... It will give you more information
 about the problem.

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:31 PM, ajb468 ajb...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am creating a sample example from a book. Its called To Do List.
  I'm at the point where I am working with the Options menu. I have the
  options of adding and removing an item to a list. I can add items to a
  list but every time I remove an item, the program Stopped
  Unexpectedly. Everything in my code seems to be fine. Ill show a few
  sections of the code that have to do with the view.

  static final private int ADD_NEW_TODO = Menu.FIRST;
  static final private int REMOVE_TODO = Menu.FIRST + 1;
  private boolean addingNew = false;  // True if myEditText is visible.
  False if not.
  private ArrayListString todoItems;
  private ListView myListView;
  private EditText myEditText;
  private ArrayAdapterString aa;

         public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                 myListView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.myListView);
                 myEditText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.myEditText);
                 todoItems = new ArrayListString();
                 int resID = R.layout.todolist_item;
                 final ArrayAdapterString aa;
                 aa = new ArrayAdapterString(this, resID, todoItems);
                 myEditText.setOnKeyListener(new OnKeyListener() {
                         public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent
  event) {
                                 if (event.getAction() ==
                                         if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1) {
                                                 return true;
                                 return false;

         public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
                 // Create and add new menu items.
                 MenuItem itemAdd = menu.add(0, ADD_NEW_TODO, Menu.NONE,
                 MenuItem itemRem = menu.add(0, REMOVE_TODO, Menu.NONE,
                 // Assign icons
                 // Allocate shortcuts to each of them.
                 itemAdd.setShortcut('0', 'a');
                 itemRem.setShortcut('1', 'r');
                 return true;

         public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
                 int index = myListView.getSelectedItemPosition();
                 switch (item.getItemId()) {
                 case (REMOVE_TODO): {
                         if (addingNew) {
                         } else {
                         return true;
                 case (ADD_NEW_TODO): {
                         return true;
                 return false;

  private void removeItem(int _index) {

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[android-beginners] Re: Question about UI Handling

2010-04-24 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Well, of course the docs will not be clear on that, as YOU are not
very clear on it. What is continuous different UI screens moving
around with the user input supposed to MEAN? Usually, you want a UI
screen to stay in one place while it has focus so that the user CAN
enter data. But you seem to want it to move around while it has focus.

If not, what DO you mean?

On Apr 23, 9:51 am, Karthik Ravi Shankar r.karthi...@gmail.com

 Thanks for the reply for my previous questions guys! I have one very basic
 question. In my application I am trying to have continous different UI
 screens moving around with the user input. I am looking into the
 Android.Reference still, but not able to gather much. I am not very clear as
 to how to go about it. Has anybody done this before ? Can anybody let me
 know ?

 Thanks in advance.

 Karthik R
 Graduate Student
 Computer Science Department

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[android-beginners] Re: Android number formatting question

2010-04-24 Thread Indicator Veritatis
IOW, the same way you do that formatting in any other Java program. So
not entirely appropriate for this group.

On Apr 23, 8:53 am, ~ TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Traveler jadkins...@gmail.com wrote:
  How do I format a floating point number to 2 decimal places in Android?


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[android-beginners] Re: Downgrading 2.1 app to 1.5

2010-04-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
In your 'etc', does that include turning on Build Automatically? And I
hope that was a typo when you said R.java.layout.main. It should be
just plain R.java. And it should be in the child directory of 'gen'
corresponding to your package name. Then again, maybe that is your
problem: you need R.java, not R.java.layout.main and/or you have it in
the wrong directory.

But edit your XML files in layout, and R.java should be regenerated in
the right child directory of gen.

On Apr 23, 2:06 am, MartinM martinandj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks all.

 I've cleaned, bulit etc.

 However, I still get  'R.layout.main cannot be resolved', even though
 I have and R.java.layout.main in the gen folder.

 Do I need to manually check/change a path somewhere that's got

 On 22 Apr, 18:44, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

  And above all, don't confuse your own 'R' with 'android.R'. They are
  different files. To get setContentView(R.layout.main) to work,
  Eclipse needs to find your 'R', not Android's.

  'R' is supposed to be automatically generated by Eclipse whenever you
  add a line to the relevant XML file. But there are bugs in the build
  system. Usually you can work around them by doing 'Clean' on the
  project. If that doesn't work, escalate by closing and re-opening the
  project, turning build automatically off and then back on...

  On Apr 22, 8:07 am, ~ TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:27 AM, MartinM martinandj...@gmail.com wrote:
I've a (non-google maps) app that I want to install on a 1.5
phone. However, it was originally built for 2.1, and when I set the 
as 1.5 I get some errors:

   Don't set the Target to 1.5, just set the minSDK requirement to 3.

1. 'invalid resource directory name' - the directory exists and is
unchanged, the contents are listed in the Eclipse browser. Errors
shown on re/drawable-hdpi, re/drawable-ldpi and re/drawable-mdpi

   Different resolutions was added in 1.6 so they're invalid in 1.5.

 2. 'R cannot be resolved'. This appears to be the fact that R.java is
no longer present. I've fixed this by importing android.R (not sure
why it needed to be done again), but now

   The resource file is generated from your resources. Fix the above issue 
   this should build fine.

 setContentView(R.layout.main); cannot be resolved.

   See #2 above.

   TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-beginners] Re: Android Development Phones

2010-04-22 Thread Indicator Veritatis
As you noticed, the official developer phone is a bit pricey. But
since it is still generally best to target application for 1.5, an
unlocked G1 phone is just as viable, and a lot less pricey.

You have probably already noticed that you cannot upload an app from
the emulator to the Android Market.

On Apr 21, 4:10 pm, Ubuntu Explorer ubuntuexplo...@gmail.com wrote:

 I want to purchase an Android developer phone. It seems to be bit pricey at
 $399 (including international shipping). Is it an absolute necessity for
 testing applications before uploading to market?

 Also, I wonder what the device provides that the emulator does not.
 I would imagine the answer to the above depends on what features of Android
 I wish to use in my app. However, I would like to know the extent of device
 emulation provided by the emulator.

 Does it support accelerometer, camera, maps and other sensors?

 Please advice.


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[android-beginners] Re: Downgrading 2.1 app to 1.5

2010-04-22 Thread Indicator Veritatis
And above all, don't confuse your own 'R' with 'android.R'. They are
different files. To get setContentView(R.layout.main) to work,
Eclipse needs to find your 'R', not Android's.

'R' is supposed to be automatically generated by Eclipse whenever you
add a line to the relevant XML file. But there are bugs in the build
system. Usually you can work around them by doing 'Clean' on the
project. If that doesn't work, escalate by closing and re-opening the
project, turning build automatically off and then back on...

On Apr 22, 8:07 am, ~ TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 9:27 AM, MartinM martinandj...@gmail.com wrote:
  I've a (non-google maps) app that I want to install on a 1.5
  phone. However, it was originally built for 2.1, and when I set the target
  as 1.5 I get some errors:

 Don't set the Target to 1.5, just set the minSDK requirement to 3.

  1. 'invalid resource directory name' - the directory exists and is
  unchanged, the contents are listed in the Eclipse browser. Errors
  shown on re/drawable-hdpi, re/drawable-ldpi and re/drawable-mdpi

 Different resolutions was added in 1.6 so they're invalid in 1.5.

   2. 'R cannot be resolved'. This appears to be the fact that R.java is
  no longer present. I've fixed this by importing android.R (not sure
  why it needed to be done again), but now

 The resource file is generated from your resources. Fix the above issue and
 this should build fine.

   setContentView(R.layout.main); cannot be resolved.

 See #2 above.

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-beginners] Re: Any idea why the following code crashes the app? It happens in calculateGmt()

2010-04-21 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I'm not seeing enough info for me to run this myself under Eclipse
DDMS and see the exception -- which is probably your best bet for
diagnosing the problem. Or, if it crashes before it waits for user
input, you should use Debug: 1) set a breakpoint by double-clicking on
the bar to the left of the line number in the Java source code editor
2) instead of doing Run As (or ctl-F11 or the corresponding tool),
launch the debugger by clicking on the tool that looks like a bug or
by doing F11 instead of ctl-F11. You can always switch back to DDMS
perspective in Eclipse after that and look in the Logcat output for
the exception.

Or, as either an alternative, or in addition to the above, you might
want to break up complicated lines like

double val = Double.parseDouble(gmtinput.getText().toString());

into multiple assignment statements. That will reveal where, for
example, you forgot to actually allocate memory for the result.

On Apr 20, 8:35 pm, Traveler jadkins...@gmail.com wrote:
 package Adkins.GMTpackage;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
 import android.widget.Button;
 import android.widget.TextView;
 import android.widget.EditText;

 public class GMTactivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
         TextView title;
         TextView minsattitle;
         TextView minustitle;
         TextView minsatoutput;
         TextView minusoutput;
         TextView gmtinput;
     Button gmtbutton;

         /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

         title = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.title);
         minsattitle = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.minsattitle);
         minustitle = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.minustitle);
         gmtinput = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.gmtinput);
         gmtbutton = (Button)this.findViewById(R.id.gmtbutton);

         public void onClick(View v) {

         protected void calculateGmt() {

                 double val = 
                 // in a real app, we'd get this off the 'net
                 minsatoutput.setText(Double.toString(val * 2));


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[android-beginners] Re: Any idea why the following code crashes the app? It happens in calculateGmt()

2010-04-21 Thread Indicator Veritatis
All good points!

In particular, the OP should have told us what the warning suppressed
really was. It might have been the hint he needed to solve the
problem. Or it might have been just another attempt to suppress the
spurious warning messages from Eclipse -- which sometimes says you
need to Override a method you have already Overriden.

And just to connect a few dots: the easiest way to get to Logcat and
search the output is to switch to DDMS perspective, find the Logcat
tab, bring it to the front and maximize it. Then you can delete the
previous contents of the log and just watch the world scroll by. Or
play around with filters, though that is not necessary for this

It also helps to watch this Logcat output on a known good program run,
so that you can get used to which error message can be ignored.
Unfortunately, even for a program running perfectly OK on the
emulator, we see Java exceptions and other error messages in Logcat.

On Apr 21, 12:51 am, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 First thing I noticed right off the bat is that you aren't checking for the
 case where the input can't be parsed to a double...  That throws an
 exception and since you aren't handling that that would crash your app.

 Second thing I noticed is that hideous @SuppressWarnings thing  In my
 opinion if you need to do that then you need to rethink what you are doing.

 Last, but not least, check the logcat output when you get a crash... it will
 tell you more about why it is crashing.

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:35 PM, Traveler jadkins...@gmail.com wrote:
  package Adkins.GMTpackage;

  import android.app.Activity;
  import android.os.Bundle;
  import android.view.View;
  import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
  import android.widget.Button;
  import android.widget.TextView;
  import android.widget.EditText;

  public class GMTactivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
         TextView title;
         TextView minsattitle;
         TextView minustitle;
         TextView minsatoutput;
         TextView minusoutput;
         TextView gmtinput;
     Button gmtbutton;

         /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

         title = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.title);
         minsattitle = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.minsattitle);
         minustitle = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.minustitle);
         gmtinput = (TextView)this.findViewById(R.id.gmtinput);
         gmtbutton = (Button)this.findViewById(R.id.gmtbutton);

         public void onClick(View v) {

         protected void calculateGmt() {

                 double val =
                 // in a real app, we'd get this off the 'net
                 minsatoutput.setText(Double.toString(val * 2));

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[android-beginners] Re: Optimizing drawing on a canvas

2010-04-21 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Are you calling the Drawable method setBounds()? Android Graphics will
check to make sure the rendering is inside this rectangle before
actually putting pixels on the screen.

On Apr 21, 7:29 am, Jon mailinglists jon.ml...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just wonder if Canvas.draw... checks if I want to draw outside its
 bounds and skips thoose parts or if I should do the math myself. The
 case I'm having is that I have an update and the user has scrolled
 away from that part of the screen. Should I bother adding an if
 statement around the drawBitmap or is the only overhead that draw is
 being called and just doesn't do anything?

 Thanks in advance

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[android-beginners] Re: How often does an activity run?

2010-04-20 Thread Indicator Veritatis
It is most definitely not a zombie process. A zombie process, by
definition, is one not even the shell command 'kill' can kill. The
process you just described is still able to receive events -- and will
the next time the OS decides to call onDraw.

It is Android that decides when to call onDraw(). However, you can
tell it to do so by calling postInvalidate() or invalidate() as
described in http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/index.html

On Apr 18, 11:37 pm, BobG bobgard...@aol.com wrote:
 If we run a simple little hello world program that just puts some text
 in a textview, I see the the onCreate runs, and I guess it calls
 ondraw once, then it sort of returns to the os, and if we have
 registered a sensor changed or an onclick listener, we can read the
 sensor and call invalidate and the os will call ondraw again, and it
 all is usually 'fast enough'. But my question is: Does ondraw ever get
 called again? Or is this now a 'zombie process' that will just sit
 there taking up memory until we kill it?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android Emulator don't show up (Linux Fedora 12 x86_64)

2010-04-20 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I didn't have to follow that many steps to get it up and running. Yet
I am running under Fedora, too.

For example, 'yum' will allow wild-cards, so that where he ran many
yum commandlines, I needed only one. Nor do I remember having to
twiddle with permissions.

Then again, I am still running SDK v. 1.6. I never felt a compelling
need to jump to 2.1 when most phones are still running 1.5 or 1.6
binaries anyway. Until recently, it has been easier to find books and
websites documenting how to use SDK 1.6 anyway.

On Apr 17, 9:12 am, Miguel Guirao mgui...@gmail.com wrote:
 wow!! all this have to be done in order to get Android up and running??
 I have been following the instrucctions on the Android web site and it is
 far more simple than all these!!

 how come??

 On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 2:03 AM, Michael Cheselka chese...@gmail.comwrote:


  I just installed android 2.1 on Fedora 12 x86_64 and it's working for me.

  1st step, I followed other peoples advice and installed the following rpms:

     yum install glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686
  zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrandr.i686

  2nd step, I installed the latest Sun Microsystems JDK and JRE for
  x86_64 RPM based Linuxes:

     yum install jdk-6u20-linux-amd64.rpm jre-6u20-linux-amd64.rpm
  sun-javadb-javadoc-10.5.3-0.2.i386.rpm --nogpgcheck

  3rd step, I twiddled the permissions on my Android dir:

     [ ! -d /opt ]  sudo mkdir -m 0755 /opt
     sudo tar zxvf
  /home/${USER}/Downloads/android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz -C /opt/.

     sudo chown -Rf ${USER}:${USER} /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/.
     chcon -R -u system_u /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/.
     chmod -Rf o-wx /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/.
     chmod -Rf a+r /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/.
     find /opt/android-sdk-linux_86 -type d -exec chmod a+x '{}' \;

     cd /opt/android-sdk-linux_86/tools
     chmod a+x adb android apkbuilder ddms dmtracedump draw9patch
  emulator etc1tool hierarchyviewer hprof-conv layoutopt mksdcard
  sqlite3 traceview zipalign
     chcon -t bin_t adb android apkbuilder ddms dmtracedump draw9patch
  emulator etc1tool hierarchyviewer hprof-conv layoutopt mksdcard
  sqlite3 traceview zipalign

  * Name: droid
  * Target: Android 2.1 - API Level 7
  * Size: 512MiB
  * Skin: HVGA

  Result: works fine.

  # rpm -qa --qf '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' | egrep
  '\.i686$' | egrep 'audio|arts|alsa|sound|glibc|gcc|\+\+' | sort

  Michael Cheselka

  On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 19:28, Michael Cheselka chese...@gmail.com

   This is wrong!  Pulse Audio is new, not old.  People are using it more
   and more not less and less.

   It is working better all the time on Fedora 12.  Originally I had
   problems now and then with Pulse Audio but  not in the last few
   months.  In fact, my bluetooth headphones work best under Fedora 12
   than under Vista 64 Ultimate or XP Pro.

   It is used now with Gnome, MS Windows, and the Palm Pre.

   Try to fix the problem rather than strip down the OS.

   Read about Pulse Audio here:


   Michael Cheselka

   On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 15:37, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com
   You should not have to disable audio to run the emulator.

   I wish I could be sure my proposal would work for this problem, but I
   don't: since it is a good idea anyway, I will go ahead and say you
   should try removing pulse-audio from your Fedora installation, since
   nobody uses it anymore anyway, yet it causes lots of weird problems.

   I have a lot fewer audio problems ever since removing pulse about a
   month ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly how it is done: try
   yum info pulse-audio as superuser to see if that gives you the exact
   package name to remove. Then remove it with yum remove pacakge-

   On Apr 14, 1:34 pm, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote:
   I hopefully found a workaround

[android-beginners] Re: Is there a concept like DLL in Andoirds?

2010-04-20 Thread Indicator Veritatis
So the short answer to his original question, whether or not there is
a 'DLL concept' in Android, is 'no'.

If he really wants to, he can use the NDK as you suggest, but that
sounds like a lot of custom work for trying to support a C/C++
paradigm in a Java world, an approach that is likely to offer more
pain than profit. Android is based on Java, it is only to be expected
that the Java way will be more natural.

On Apr 16, 10:30 am, Kitzy kitzyk...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can create libraies in C/C++ and share them with your
 applications. Look at the NDK to see if that may help.



 On Apr 16, 12:01 am, Prashant Shelar shelar...@gmail.com wrote:


  I know that we can use a concept Java Package but I just wanted to
  know that whether Android has provided a DLL concept where I can my
  most of the functionality.

  Is there any concept like DLL on Android OS?

  Can we develop a DLL for better modularization and other benefits on

  Thanks and Regards,

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[android-beginners] Re: Android Emulator don't show up (Linux Fedora 12 x86_64)

2010-04-16 Thread Indicator Veritatis
You should not have to disable audio to run the emulator.

I wish I could be sure my proposal would work for this problem, but I
don't: since it is a good idea anyway, I will go ahead and say you
should try removing pulse-audio from your Fedora installation, since
nobody uses it anymore anyway, yet it causes lots of weird problems.

I have a lot fewer audio problems ever since removing pulse about a
month ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly how it is done: try
yum info pulse-audio as superuser to see if that gives you the exact
package name to remove. Then remove it with yum remove pacakge-

On Apr 14, 1:34 pm, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I hopefully found a workaround

 That's weird but audio is involved is this issue, arguments must
 passed in the run configuration to disable audio:

 In Eclipse, Run  Run Configuration  Android Application  my
 android app tab  target tab  Additionnal Emulator Command Line
 Options type -no-audio + Apply

 Running the application is now a success:

 [2010-04-14 22:16:36 - HelloDroid] Android Launch!
 [2010-04-14 22:16:36 - HelloDroid] adb is running normally.
 [2010-04-14 22:16:36 - HelloDroid] Performing
 com.tests.HelloDroid.HelloDroid activity launch
 [2010-04-14 22:16:36 - HelloDroid] Automatic Target Mode: launching
 new emulator with compatible AVD 'FakePhone_2_1'
 [2010-04-14 22:16:36 - HelloDroid] Launching a new emulator with
 Virtual Device 'FakePhone_2_1'
 [2010-04-14 22:16:37 - HelloDroid] New emulator found: emulator-5554
 [2010-04-14 22:16:37 - HelloDroid] Waiting for HOME
 ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
 [2010-04-14 22:17:32 - HelloDroid] WARNING: Application does not
 specify an API level requirement!
 [2010-04-14 22:17:32 - HelloDroid] Device API version is 7 (Android
 [2010-04-14 22:17:32 - HelloDroid] HOME is up on device
 [2010-04-14 22:17:32 - HelloDroid] Uploading HelloDroid.apk onto
 device 'emulator-5554'
 [2010-04-14 22:17:32 - HelloDroid] Installing HelloDroid.apk...
 [2010-04-14 22:17:45 - HelloDroid] Success!
 [2010-04-14 22:17:45 - HelloDroid] Starting activity
 com.tests.HelloDroid.HelloDroid on device
 [2010-04-14 22:17:58 - HelloDroid] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent
 { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
 cmp=com.tests.HelloDroid/.HelloDroid }

 On 26 mar, 21:37, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote: Hello,

  I decided to install my Android development environment on my second
  OS: Fedora 12 x_86_64 (KDE)
  with proprietary NVIDIA Drivers. My distribution is up to date.

  SUN Java JRE, JDK and Eclipse Galileo EE are installed, Android SDK
  2.1, ADT eclipse plugin
  , android SDK tools, Google APIs... are up to date. I also set up the
  ~bashrc file for my current user.

  I tried to create a new Android project (Hello World flavour) and get
  the following error:

  Failed to parse the out of 'adb version'
  android-sdk/tools/adb: error while loading shared libraries:
  cannot open shared object file

  I figured out that the 32bits libs were missing. So I followed
  instructions about 32bits needed 
  and installed them:

  # yum install glibc.i686
  # yum install glibc-devel.i686
  # yum install libstdc++.i686
  # yum install zlib-devel.i686
  # yum install ncurses-devel.i686
  # yum install libX11-devel.i686

  I restarted Eclipse, the previous error message disappeared.
  I created a virtual device called fake_phone_2_1 and target my
  Hello World project to Android 2.1.
  So created my project (HelloDroid), and ran it.
  The emulator didn't showed up, even after a few minutes.
  I got no error or warning... I'm missing something here.

  Console output within Eclipse:
  [2010-03-26 20:09:07 - HelloDroid] Android Launch!
  [2010-03-26 20:09:08 - HelloDroid] adb is running normally.
  [2010-03-26 20:09:08 - HelloDroid] Performing
  com.tests.HelloDroid.HelloDroid activity launch
  [2010-03-26 20:09:08 - HelloDroid] Automatic Target Mode: launching
  new emulator with compatible AVD 'FakePhone_2_1'
  [2010-03-26 20:09:08 - HelloDroid] Launching a new emulator with
  Virtual Device 'FakePhone_2_1'

  Please find below somemore information about my environement setup:

  1 ) JRE and JDK location

  2 ) SUN JAVA version
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)

  3 ) Eclipse Galileo IDE for Java EE Developers

  4 ) Android SDK: android-sdk_r05-linux_86

  5 ) 

[android-beginners] Re: Any good site for searching Android API

2010-04-16 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I downloaded all the *.html fies (well, all of android-sdk-
linux_x86-1.6_r1/docs) and I search the whole thing using Linux
command line as follows:

find . -name *.html | xargs grep ArrayAdapter

Or, I can put some other keyword in place of ArrayAdapter, not
necessarily a class name or method name.

Does this answer your question?

On Apr 15, 12:34 am, Jacky Lam jackylam@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear all,

         Any good site or offline documentation which allow me to search and
 reference for Android API/Class/Object/Attribute?



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[android-beginners] Re: R.id cannot be resolved

2010-03-31 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Yet another option is to turn on ProjectBuild Automatically (put a
check in the checkbox) in Eclipse.

This will make sure R gets regenerated when it should. Unfortunately,
it also generates a lot of spurious error message while you are typing
in new code, which can make Eclipse run slower and slower...

But I have had no problems with such slowness ever since upgrading
from 512M to 2G of RAM. Before this, I would turn Build Automatically
off when it got too slow, but leave it on the rest of the time.

BTW: the install instructions do say to install Eclipse leaving this
turned on. My guess is that their motive for this is that they know
they have a bug somewhere in keeping track of build dependencies -- a
but covered up by leaving Build Automatically turned on.

On Mar 29, 5:04 am, mbaye dieng diengsal...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think you have just to rebuild the project  (or Run it again)! Right click
 on the project and select Run as - Android is an easy method.

 2010/3/29 mnavlani monishanavl...@gmail.com

  I cant see the attributes I created, in the R.java...does it mean that
  they hvnt been created?
  what can be done?

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  ME as the subject.

 Mbaye Dieng, engineer in computer science.
 Address: Am annatal 47, 15344 Strausberg
 Tel: (+49) 017635459747

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[android-beginners] Re: I want to find source file which controls wifi signal icon on status bar.

2010-02-24 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Isn't this a better question for the developer's mail list?

On Feb 23, 10:52 pm, bf wang wangyl...@gmail.com wrote:
 which file control it ? Tell me please!
 Best Regards!

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[android-beginners] Re: Scrollbars Problem

2010-02-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
He explicitly said he wanted horizontal scroll bars. Those are for
horizontal scrolling; ScrollView supports only vertical.

If the OP wants to scroll a TextView, he should look at

On Feb 19, 3:00 pm, Mike michaeldouglaskra...@gmail.com wrote:
 I assume you want some part of a view in one of your layouts to
 scroll?  Place that view inside a ScrollView.

 - Mike

 On Feb 8, 11:02 pm, Chirayu Dalwadi chirayu.dalw...@gmail.com wrote:

  hii folks,

  How to apply horizontal scroll bars?

  Warm Regards,
  Chirayu Dalwadi

  Cell Number: +91-997-470-4341
  Email: chirayu.dalw...@gmail.com

  Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. -- Lance Armstrong

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[android-beginners] Re: Deactivate any calls to Log methods before publishing app

2010-02-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Hi, Justin-

True to from, the official Android documentation on this property on
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html is not all
that clear, but it seems to say just as you do: that it concerns using
the debugger, NOT logging.

But the OP had another closely related question still unanswered: is
is really true that all logging using 'Log' must be turned off to put
the application on the market? I can think of lots of uses for logging
that even the user can turn on/off, yet the guidelines at
http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/preparing.html really do
seem to forbid using 'Log'.

On Feb 22, 6:29 am, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 AFAIK, the android:debuggable property only affects whether you can actually
 step through your code in the debugger...

 On Feb 21, 2010 11:15 AM, mikek mik...@gmail.com wrote:

 In the Android publishing How-To guide it says,

    * Deactivate any calls to Log methods in the source code.

 I assume this refers to calls in the app like,
 Log.i(Application.TAG, connectClient connect... );

 I thought these log messages would automatically be supressed when,
  * Remove the android:debuggable=true attribute from the
 application element of the manifest.

 Is it really the case that all Log messages need to be commented out?

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[android-beginners] Re: tutorials for a beginner?

2010-02-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
There are lots of alternative tutorials. But they tend to be even more
out of date than Google's. So the best course of action is to be
persistent, live with the bugs you find in the online tutorials,
finding workarounds by searching this group, Stack Overflow, and the
open internet.

There you will find corrections for at least many of the bugs in the

That said, I have found the following alternative online tutorials
also useful: http://android.cyrilmottier.com/?p=85

On Feb 17, 1:32 pm, herbie 4whi...@o2.co.uk wrote:
 I've started working though the 'Hello Views' tutorials but like a
 number of people on this group,  I've found a number bugs  which is

 Can anyone recommend  any alternative online tutorials?


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[android-beginners] Re: Dont understand contexts.

2010-02-19 Thread Indicator Veritatis
getSystemService is a method of Activity, not of LunarView nor of
LunarView.LunarThread. That is why the first one works and the second
does not.

On Feb 18, 12:27 pm, cellurl gpscru...@gmail.com wrote:
 This works:

 public class Translate extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
        LocationManager lm =


 This doesn't:   (ERR sez: the method getSystemService(String) is
 undefined for the type  LunarView.LunarThread)

 public class LunarView extends SurfaceView implements
 SurfaceHolder.Callback {
     class LunarThread extends Thread {

             LocationManager lm =



 I am hacking the lunar lander sample code, trying to put in location
 Any tricks appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: setting the volume of a media player

2010-02-17 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Yes, you are right, they should have documented there. They didn't.
Fortunately, though, others have asked this question before in this
group, and the answer may thus be found at the much earlier post,

David Sparks answered the question in that thread.

On Feb 13, 1:06 pm, prajakta prajakt...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying the raise / reduce the volume of my MediaPlayer using the
 function setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume) but I am not
 sure how to use this function. The documentation says that they have
 to be raw scalars. Can anyone put more light on this function, as to
 how I can use this to increase or reduce the volume of mediaplayer on
 a button click.


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[android-beginners] Re: illegal characer in URI ?

2010-02-15 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Judging from all the sample code ignoring the recommendation, I'd say
not many people did know. That is why I posted the quote from the API

OTOH, it is a mild nuisance that URI throws URISyntaxException, which
isn't even an IOException. So I suspect the desire to avoid dealing
with this is the reason so much sample code ignores the

But professional quality code should not avoid this. It should follow
the recommendation and deal properly with the exception.

On Feb 14, 4:23 pm, Kevin Duffey andjar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Good info Indicator.. I did not read both APIs to know that either was
 better than the other... for URIs this is good to know.

 On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.comwrote:

  RFC2396 does list '^' as one of the 'unwise' characters. The inference
  is that '^' should be escaped, though the RFC does not say so

  The Java API docs on URI and URLencode, OTOH, recommend always using
  URI rather than URLEncode, converting from URI to URL only as needed,
  using toURL.

  The API refs exact words:

  Note, the URI class does perform escaping of its component fields in
  certain circumstances. The recommended way to manage the encoding and
  decoding of URLs is to use URI, and to convert between these two
  classes using toURI() and URI.toURL().

  The URLEncoder and URLDecoder classes can also be used, but only for
  HTML form encoding, which is not the same as the encoding scheme
  defined in RFC2396.

  On Feb 13, 11:55 pm, ivanchan ivanm...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,

   I am trying to use HttpGet to fetch some data from yahoo finace, the
   whole url is
   http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^DJI;, from the log I gucess it
   about the '^' character, what is the right way to solve this problem?

   E/AndroidRuntime(  287): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal
   character i
   n query at index 32:http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^DJI
   E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:970)
   E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at
   E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at


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[android-beginners] Re: illegal characer in URI ?

2010-02-14 Thread Indicator Veritatis
RFC2396 does list '^' as one of the 'unwise' characters. The inference
is that '^' should be escaped, though the RFC does not say so

The Java API docs on URI and URLencode, OTOH, recommend always using
URI rather than URLEncode, converting from URI to URL only as needed,
using toURL.

The API refs exact words:

Note, the URI class does perform escaping of its component fields in
certain circumstances. The recommended way to manage the encoding and
decoding of URLs is to use URI, and to convert between these two
classes using toURI() and URI.toURL().

The URLEncoder and URLDecoder classes can also be used, but only for
HTML form encoding, which is not the same as the encoding scheme
defined in RFC2396.

On Feb 13, 11:55 pm, ivanchan ivanm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to use HttpGet to fetch some data from yahoo finace, the
 whole url is
 http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^DJI;, from the log I gucess it
 about the '^' character, what is the right way to solve this problem?

 E/AndroidRuntime(  287): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal
 character i
 n query at index 32:http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=^DJI
 E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:970)
 E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at
 E/AndroidRuntime(  287):        at


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[android-beginners] Re: Emulator error cause?

2010-02-12 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I have seen the message Terminate it in an unusual way several times
now, all from different circumstances. So I would not assume that it
was because the swap file can't grow -- there could be other causes.

But your swap file should not be so constrained if you are running no
other large apps, and have just rebooted the system. So you might try
that and see if that makes it go away.

On Feb 11, 8:22 am, BobG bobgard...@aol.com wrote:
 Hello Android experts. Trying to run a HelloWorld app in an AVD for
 2.1 and WVGA854 and right when the emulator pops up, it disappears and
 this comes up in the comsole. I 'think' it means 'you idiot... youre
 disk is almost full and the swap file cant grow, so were going to kill
 you'. Did I guess right? Anyone else seen this?

 [2010-02-11 11:18:16 - Emulator]
 [2010-02-11 11:18:16 - Emulator]This application has requested the
 Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
 [2010-02-11 11:18:16 - Emulator]Please contact the application's
 support team for more information.
 [2010-02-11 11:18:16 - HelloAndroid]emulator-5554 disconnected!
 Cancelling 'com.example.helloandroid.helloandroid activity launch'!

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[android-beginners] Re: Emulator takes too much time to show up - any solution?

2010-02-09 Thread Indicator Veritatis
2 seconds is not worth the extra effort.

On Feb 8, 2:46 pm, Greg Donald gdon...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Peace_in_mind say...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm using Eclipse (with android plugin, dalvik) to try out few android
  app development. But every time I try to run anything using emulator,
  it takes a lot of time and slows down productivity. Is there any
  easier way to use the emulator?

 I find starting the emulator from inside Eclipse takes over two
 minutes (on an i7 cpu, 12GBs of ram).  I find starting it from the
 command line takes about 2 seconds less so that's what I do.  Yup..
 pretty sad, I know.

 Good luck.

 Greg Donald
 destiney.com | gregdonald.com

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[android-beginners] Re: Emulator takes too much time to show up - any solution?

2010-02-09 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Unfortunately, such a small setting for SD card size is not always an
option. It has already been pointed out by others in this forum, for
example, that to get the Google Maps examples (from the tutorial etc)
to run, you need an SD card greater than 8M. I use 10M for each AVD
intended for use with Google Maps.

And I know it has been said often enough already, but I will say it
again, because it is such an important point: because the emulator is
so slow to load, it really is a good idea to load it once and keep it
running for as long as you can, quitting and reloading only as a last

Unless, of course, it really is true that your system gets slower and
slower the longer you do this. But that is unusual. If that is really
what is happening, then yes, you need to check your system settings to
make sure enough real, physical memory is allocated to the emulator.
And be moderate with SD card size. 10M should do fine, smaller if
Google Maps not needed.

On Feb 8, 5:20 pm, BobG bobgard...@aol.com wrote:
 Check the pagefile size in task manager. Once it starts getting bigger
 than the ram size everything slows way down. Try making the sd file in
 the AVDs a lot smaller. Like a couple meg instead of a gig.

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[android-beginners] Re: Can't create new class in Eclipse (Google Map View official tutorial)

2010-02-08 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Your choice of package name is suspicious. It must match the package
name you used for HelloMapView. Did you use the same name? Was the
finish button grayed out just before you clicked on it?

Eclipse is buggy, but this does not sound like a familiar bug. You
should have got an error message if it had trouble reading your
project configuration to figure out where to put the new class, You
may want to search the Eclipse bug database.

On Feb 8, 4:19 am, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Somehow I didn't answered post to the whole group on last reply...
 (@Kitzy: anyway, thanks for your feedback...).

 I ] Steps to encounter the issue within an Android Project in Eclipse
 IDE (Map HelloMapView tutorial):

 1.1 )  Right clic on my project folder
 1.2 )  New  Class:
 * Source folder: MyProjectName/src (filled by default)
 * Package: com.mypackagename (either tried manually  using browse
 * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
 * Name: HelloItemizedOverlay
 * Modifiers: public
 * Superclass: com.google.android.maps.ItemizedOverlay
 * Interfaces: leaved blank
 * Which method stubs would you like to create?
 -- Constructor from superclass: checked
 -- Inherited abstract methods: checked

 And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything.

 II ] Steps to encounter the issue within a regular Java test project:

 2.1 ) Create new Java test project
 2.2 )  Right clic on my test project folder
 2.3 )  New  Class:

 * Source folder: MyTestProjectName/src (filled by default)
 * Package: com.mytestpackagename (either tried manually  using
 browse feature)
 * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
 * Name: testJavaClassApp
 * Modifiers: public
 * Superclass: java.lang.Object
 * Interfaces: leaved blank
 * Which method stubs would you like to create?
 -- public static void main (String[] args): checked
 -- Constructor from superclass: unchecked
 -- Inherited abstract methods: checked

 And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything: seems like my issue
 is not specific to Android SDK (just hypothesis, of course).

 Any feedback would be appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: Can't create new class in Eclipse (Google Map View official tutorial)

2010-02-08 Thread Indicator Veritatis
As far as I can tell from your description, I went through the exact
same steps when I did the HelloGoogleMaps tutorial a few days ago, and
everything worked fine. The new file was created and placed right
where it should be when I clicked. The only differences I can see are
things that should have made no difference, i.e., the name was
HelloGoogleMaps, not HelloMapView, and I am running under Fedora11,
not WinXP.

Or is the different name the problem? The tutorial I did really was
it really does want you to name things HelloGoogleMaps, and NOT
HelloMapView, even though the name of the tutorial is Google Map

Did you do http://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/views/hello-mapview.html
instead? They are very similar.

But somehow, this does not sound likely, since you mentioned you get
the same error with a non Android project.

Oh, BTW: I am running Eclipse Galileo: I don't remember you giving the
version of Eclipse you are using.

On Feb 8, 12:39 pm, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for your response

 There's no problem in the package name, the one I mentionned was an
 I used the same package name for HelloMapView class and other classes
 in my android project (no big deal here)

 I've finally  created the class manually, because I wouldn't able to
 hit the finish button for the Create New Class Wizard in the IDE.
 My project runs OK in the emulator...The finish button of the
 Create New Class  Wizard is not greyed, that's why I can't figure
 out how to resolve this issue.

 I must mention that I'm running Eclipse under Windows XP

 On 8 fév, 20:15, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

  Your choice of package name is suspicious. It must match the package
  name you used for HelloMapView. Did you use the same name? Was the
  finish button grayed out just before you clicked on it?

  Eclipse is buggy, but this does not sound like a familiar bug. You
  should have got an error message if it had trouble reading your
  project configuration to figure out where to put thenewclass, You
  may want to search the Eclipse bug database.

  On Feb 8, 4:19 am, yodaa yodaa...@gmail.com wrote:

   Somehow I didn't answered post to the whole group on last reply...
   (@Kitzy: anyway, thanks for your feedback...).

   I ] Steps to encounter the issue within an Android Project in Eclipse
   IDE (Map HelloMapView tutorial):

   1.1 )  Right clic on my project folder
   1.2 )  NewClass:
   * Source folder: MyProjectName/src (filled by default)
   * Package: com.mypackagename (either tried manually  using browse
   * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
   * Name: HelloItemizedOverlay
   * Modifiers: public
   * Superclass: com.google.android.maps.ItemizedOverlay
   * Interfaces: leaved blank
   * Which method stubs would you like tocreate?
   -- Constructor from superclass: checked
   -- Inherited abstract methods: checked

   And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything.

   II ] Steps to encounter the issue within a regular Java test project:

   2.1 )CreatenewJava test project
   2.2 )  Right clic on my test project folder
   2.3 )  NewClass:

   * Source folder: MyTestProjectName/src (filled by default)
   * Package: com.mytestpackagename (either tried manually  using
   browse feature)
   * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
   * Name: testJavaClassApp
   * Modifiers: public
   * Superclass: java.lang.Object
   * Interfaces: leaved blank
   * Which method stubs would you like tocreate?
   -- public static void main (String[] args): checked
   -- Constructor from superclass: unchecked
   -- Inherited abstract methods: checked

   And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything: seems like my issue
   is not specific to Android SDK (just hypothesis, of course).

   Any feedback would be appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: 'drawable' vs. 'drawable-hdpi' in Online Tutorial

2010-02-02 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Thanks for the suggestions. I thought I already tried the Refresh, but
I will try that again. I did not try the Clean Project, so that will
be worth trying, too.

But for now, I have to admit my enthusiasm for this particular
tutorial is somewhat dampened by the problems I found running it under
SDK 1.5 as described in

On Feb 2, 9:17 am, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Kitzy kitzyk...@gmail.com wrote:
  Also, it is best to program to the lowest sdk version possible. All
  sdks. Are backwards compatable (somethiing made for 1.5 will work on
  2.1. However something made for 2.1 won't work on 1.5) although you
  can/should test in your 2.1 emulator.

 That's not entirely true. You can develop apps in the 2.1 SDK that
 work on Android 1.5. You just need to adjust the minSdkVersion in your
 AndroidManifest.xml as detailed 

 The thing that matters is that you test your product on Android 1.5
 (either on a physical device, or using the 1.5 emulator) before
 shipping it. There is functionality available in the latest SDK that
 simply won't work correctly on earlier versions of Android, and you
 need to iron these out before the app will work correctly on the
 earlier versions.

 Regarding the original question: creating a drawable/ directory is
 not a kludge, you can delete the drawable-hdpi/ etc directories and
 stick with just drawable/ if you want.

 However, doing this should not be required. You are able to put all
 your images in drawable-hdpi/ and they should all be seen by
 Eclipse. The fact that this was not happening for you suggests that
 you dropped the images DIRECTLY into the directory, and Eclipse simply
 did not find them for some reason. You should try right-clicking on
 the project in the Eclipse package explorer tree, and selecting

 If that doesn't get rid of your error message, then try the Project
 - Clean... option in the menu bar to re-build your entire project -
 occasionally, the new files are found, but your R.java is not updated
 for some reason.

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[android-beginners] 'drawable' vs. 'drawable-hdpi' in Online Tutorial

2010-02-01 Thread Indicator Veritatis
It seems the online tutorials have not been rewritten to reflect
Android 2.1. For they still refer to 'drawable' and 'res/drawable',
but when I create a new project for 2.1 using the wizard, I do not GET
any such directory. Instead, I get 'res/drawable-hdpi', 'res/drawable-
ldpi' and 'res/drawable-mdpi'.

Now for some tutorials, I have been able to get by by putting files in
'res/drawable-hdpi'. But for the TabLayout tutorial,
this does not work. I still get the error message (on completion of
step 3) R.drawable.ic_tab_artists cannot be resolved.

The files ic_tab_artists_grey.png and ic_tab_artists_whit.png
really are in res/drawable-hdpi.

I also tried changing the name 'drawable' to 'drawable-hdpi', but Java
did not like the '-' in the name (no surprise).

So how are we supposed to get this to work? Go back to 1.5? Surely
there is a better way.

Just for clarity's sake, the line of code I get the error on is: spec
= tabHost.newTabSpec(artists).setIndicator(Artists,
//  res.getDrawable

in HelloTabWidget.java.

I get the same class of error message on the other three
res.getDrawable calls, too.

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[android-beginners] Re: 'drawable' vs. 'drawable-hdpi' in Online Tutorial

2010-02-01 Thread Indicator Veritatis
And switching back to 1.5 usually works for me. But both your approach
and mind sound like kludges. There should be a better solution. I
really do not want, for example, to have to create this extra
directory for EVERY tutorial I complete using SDK 2.1. Do you?

On Feb 1, 3:01 pm, Ben  Jerry's South Bay mochama...@gmail.com
 I just created a new folder within eclipse called 'drawable' and then
 created my new files there.  It worked for me.

 On Feb 1, 2010 12:18 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

 It seems the online tutorials have not been rewritten to reflect
 Android 2.1. For they still refer to 'drawable' and 'res/drawable',
 but when I create a new project for 2.1 using the wizard, I do not GET
 any such directory. Instead, I get 'res/drawable-hdpi', 'res/drawable-
 ldpi' and 'res/drawable-mdpi'.

 Now for some tutorials, I have been able to get by by putting files in
 'res/drawable-hdpi'. But for the TabLayout 
 this does not work. I still get the error message (on completion of
 step 3) R.drawable.ic_tab_artists cannot be resolved.

 The files ic_tab_artists_grey.png and ic_tab_artists_whit.png
 really are in res/drawable-hdpi.

 I also tried changing the name 'drawable' to 'drawable-hdpi', but Java
 did not like the '-' in the name (no surprise).

 So how are we supposed to get this to work? Go back to 1.5? Surely
 there is a better way.

 Just for clarity's sake, the line of code I get the error on is: spec
 = tabHost.newTabSpec(artists).setIndicator(Artists,
 //                          res.getDrawable

 in HelloTabWidget.java.

 I get the same class of error message on the other three
 res.getDrawable calls, too.

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[android-beginners] Re: 'drawable' vs. 'drawable-hdpi' in Online Tutorial

2010-02-01 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Oh, well, thanks for your response anyway. But I am going to wait in
the hopes that some who unlike us, it not a newbie, can come up with a
suggestion that is not one of our newbie kludges;)

On Feb 1, 4:16 pm, Ben  Jerry's South Bay mochama...@gmail.com
 It was a bit kludgie...but for me as a newbie to eclipse...it was not to
 painful :-).

 On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.comwrote:

  And switching back to 1.5 usually works for me. But both your approach
  and mind sound like kludges. There should be a better solution. I
  really do not want, for example, to have to create this extra
  directory for EVERY tutorial I complete using SDK 2.1. Do you?

  On Feb 1, 3:01 pm, Ben  Jerry's South Bay mochama...@gmail.com
   I just created a new folder within eclipse called 'drawable' and then
   created my new files there.  It worked for me.

   On Feb 1, 2010 12:18 PM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com

   It seems the online tutorials have not been rewritten to reflect
   Android 2.1. For they still refer to 'drawable' and 'res/drawable',
   but when I create a new project for 2.1 using the wizard, I do not GET
   any such directory. Instead, I get 'res/drawable-hdpi', 'res/drawable-
   ldpi' and 'res/drawable-mdpi'.

   Now for some tutorials, I have been able to get by by putting files in
   'res/drawable-hdpi'. But for the TabLayout tutorial,
   this does not work. I still get the error message (on completion of
   step 3) R.drawable.ic_tab_artists cannot be resolved.

   The files ic_tab_artists_grey.png and ic_tab_artists_whit.png
   really are in res/drawable-hdpi.

   I also tried changing the name 'drawable' to 'drawable-hdpi', but Java
   did not like the '-' in the name (no surprise).

   So how are we supposed to get this to work? Go back to 1.5? Surely
   there is a better way.

   Just for clarity's sake, the line of code I get the error on is: spec
   = tabHost.newTabSpec(artists).setIndicator(Artists,
   //                          res.getDrawable

   in HelloTabWidget.java.

   I get the same class of error message on the other three
   res.getDrawable calls, too.

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[android-beginners] Re: Eclipse can't seem to locate R.java

2010-01-30 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I had this problem on every other build until I turned on the Eclipse
flag ProjectBuild Automatically.

I believe that is the default when Eclipse is installed, but I
unchecked it because I thought it was unnecessary. Even now, I think
it is necessary only to cover up a bug in Eclipse when it tries to
detect build dependencies.

So turn on that flag and see if that solves the problem.

On Jan 28, 1:47 pm, André pha...@hotmail.com wrote:

 I'm not sure if it's me or eclipse that has a problem. Probably me
 with eclipse!
 With three different projects where I have copy and pasted the code
 from the sample apps as an example I almost always get a problem to
 locate setContentView(R.layout.main); for instance and it says that it
 can not be resolved.

 Any suggestions on what I can do to solve this?


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[android-beginners] Re: أدخل السحب على منتدى vb مجانى مقدم من منتدى أجدع أصحاب

2010-01-25 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I looked at the Google Translate translation of it, chuckled and
clicked 'Report Spam'. How long does it take for Google to respond to
this? I assume you did similarly.

On Jan 24, 8:26 pm, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 Anybody else tired of this spammer's crap?

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 2010/1/24 alagmy smsm_egy2...@yahoo.com أدخل السحب على منتدى vb مجانى مقدم 
 من منتدى أجدع أصحاب

  أدخل السحب وأكسب منتدى vb من خلال تسجيلك بمنتدى أجدع أصحاب ووضع
  10مواضيع مميزه وغير مكرره بالمنتدى وبعد ذلك إرسل رساله إلى المدير
  تخبره بأنك قد قمت بإضافة المواضيع المطلوبه لتدخل السحب لربح المنتدى
  المجانى كاملا بالهاكات

  للإشتراك أدخل منتدى أجدع أصحاب وسجل به


  ثم إبدء فى إضافة المواضيع التى لن تكلفك شئ سوى القليل من وقتك واستمتع
  بما داخل المنتدى من مواضيع وأراء

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[android-beginners] Re: I still don't get XML's...!?

2010-01-24 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Well, I can't claim to be the guru you are looking for, but I can say
this much: I see the code to create the layout, supply it with In and
Out animation, but not to display the animation itself.

I would study the Google tutorial on Tween Animation (or the
immediately following section on Frame Animation) at
to figure out what went wrong.

On Jan 23, 3:08 pm, Duey Oxburger cg-art...@hotmail.com wrote:

 When my game fires up I'm trying to fade from my company logo to my
 splash page... basically fade from one image to the other.  I'm
 to use ViewAnimator to do this, but I'm confused about how to
 hook this up to my main.xml file.  I've enclosed my main.xml file and
 my .java file as well.  If some of you more experienced guru's have a
 moment and wouldn't mind having a quick peak, it'd be much


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/




 package com.tybon.fe;

 import android.app.Activity;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.widget.ViewAnimator;
 import android.widget.FrameLayout;
 import android.view.ViewGroup;
 import android.widget.ViewSwitcher.ViewFactory ;

 public class AMBUSH extends Activity {
     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





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[android-beginners] Re: problems with emulator

2010-01-21 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I am glad you solved the problem. Now as for which team should check
it out: this sounds like an emulator issues, not an Android issue. So
someone (you?) should file the bug with the people who write the

On Jan 21, 2:55 am, jj juanjosegilmen...@hotmail.com wrote:
 Finally, I found the problem, and I am posting it here, in case it can
 be of any help to anyone...

 The emulator seems to crash when the operative system is NOT

 was anyone aware of this?

 I had my windows xp sp3 in spanish, and no matter how many times I
 installed and reinstalled JDK... I even tried many of the available
 android sdk's, from the old ones to the most recent ones... The
 emulator (run both from the console and from eclipse) always

 Then I installed microsoft virtual pc, and an english windows xp, with
 only the latest JDK and the android SDK, and it worked straight

 It would be good if someone from the android team can check this out


 On Jan 19, 8:40 pm, jj juanjosegilmen...@hotmail.com wrote: Hi

  I am trying to run it from console, and the error that I get is just a
  window telling
  emulator.exe has detected a problem and must close, with two buttons
  to decide whether to inform microsoft about this problem
  sorry, I dont know how to insert a screenshot here...

  On Jan 19, 6:15 pm, honey malhotra aryan.m...@gmail.com wrote:


   I think thr is some problem at the time of configuration.

   If you are trying to run the emulator from eclipse then try to check the
   logcat when the emulator crashes. It will give you some more details.

   If you are starting from console in that case can you tell me the exact
   error which you on getting on console when it crashes.


   On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:06 AM, jj juanjosegilmen...@hotmail.com 
Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately, I did try most of the sdk's:
Release 1.6 r1
Release 1.5 r3
Release 1.1 r1
Release 1.0 r2
with the same frustrating result
That's actually the reason why I try the old one, thinking that there
may be some incompatibility with the new ones...

On Jan 19, 5:14 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 1..0_r1 is really old. At this point, I would not use anything older
 than 1.5_r3, and that only if you had a strong reason to avoid 2.0.
 Remember that you can always target an early API level, so it is very
 rare that you would actually need to use the old SDK.

 On Jan 19, 3:47 am, jj juanjosegilmen...@hotmail.com wrote:

  I recently moved from linux (where I was developing for android 
  eclipse) to windows

  I just downloaded the sdk (android-sdk- windows-1 .0_r1.zip), and 
  emulator does not start...
  I dont even see it. Just a screen telling that has been an error, 
  the posibility to inform microsoft! about it

  Also, I installed JDK (Java SE Development Kit 6u18), but it keeps

  anyone has any idea about what I am missing?


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[android-beginners] Re: how to put button in list activity?

2010-01-21 Thread Indicator Veritatis
The examples you ask for are in the tutorial at, for example:

These examples in this tutorial are a great way to familiarize
yourself with views and how to modify the XML file to get what you
want out of the views.

On Jan 21, 1:56 am, umar mr_muskura...@yahoo.com wrote:
 actually i am new to android..

 on button click i want to go to text detail

 and button should be dispalyed beside that text.. could you please
 explain it??

 do you have any example of that

 On Jan 21, 2:49 pm, Antti Karhu antti.iisa...@gmail.com wrote: HI.

  Just like with other views, put it in the layout xml:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  LinearLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
      android:orientation=vertical android:layout_width=fill_parent

      Button android:id=@+id/selection android:layout_width=fill_parent
          android:layout_height=wrap_content android:text=a button /

      ListView android:id=@android:id/list
  android:drawSelectorOnTop=false /


  -- Antti

  On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM, umar mr_muskura...@yahoo.com wrote:

   can any one guide me how can i put

   Text  Button

   in list activity???

   any help would be appriciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: problems with emulator

2010-01-19 Thread Indicator Veritatis
1..0_r1 is really old. At this point, I would not use anything older
than 1.5_r3, and that only if you had a strong reason to avoid 2.0.
Remember that you can always target an early API level, so it is very
rare that you would actually need to use the old SDK.

On Jan 19, 3:47 am, jj juanjosegilmen...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I recently moved from linux (where I was developing for android using
 eclipse) to windows

 I just downloaded the sdk (android-sdk- windows-1 .0_r1.zip), and the
 emulator does not start...
 I dont even see it. Just a screen telling that has been an error, and
 the posibility to inform microsoft! about it

 Also, I installed JDK (Java SE Development Kit 6u18), but it keeps

 anyone has any idea about what I am missing?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android development on Netbeans

2010-01-18 Thread Indicator Veritatis
There is a netbeans plugin for it, but I could never get it to work. A
lot of other people have had the same problem, so I would not
recommend wasting time on it.

Eclipse has its own problems, but since the entire Android development
world is using Eclipse and the ADT plugin, it is and will always be
better maintained and supported than the NetBeans plugin. That is why
een though I consider myself a NetBeans person rather than an Eclipse
one, I downloaded Eclipse and learned the basic in order to to

On Jan 15, 1:26 am, QterMgnus luc...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Can I use  Netbeans for Android development ?
 is there a tutorial ?
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[android-beginners] Re: SDK Download Issues

2010-01-18 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Are you downloading it from within Eclipse using the Android SDK and
AVD Manager? Does it show any error messages?

On Jan 14, 1:31 pm, 224.0@android 224.0@googlemail.com

 Has anyone had problems downloading the new SDK? I'm new to Android
 and curiosity has led me to download the SDK but it keeps failing half
 way through the process 3x at 15 MB for a 22MB file.

 I have been able to download from other websites without an issue so I
 know it's not my connection. Can you please tell me the right place
 (email address) to post this problem it seems the server stops
 responding after a set amount of time.

 I have a capped connection and at this rate I will use up all of my
 5GB/month mobile connection so any help will be most appreciated.

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[android-beginners] Re: Hello World / Emulator Problem

2010-01-18 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Until when? How long should the user continue to wait before he can
conclude that something really has gone wrong? Remember: he said the
message waiting for Home android.process.acore was STILL displaying
on the screen. Can we count on this message to be accurate?

Sure, I know that the emulator takes a LONG time, even on a fast
machine. But sometimes the launch really does fail, and the user needs
a way to tell.

My own experience has been: 1) it takes a very long time, and paints
the word 'Android' on the screen in two different fonts 2) sometimes,
but not all the time, I have to unlock the menu 3) sometimes, but not
all the time, execution passes directly to the application, sometimes
I have to launch it myself.

I don't remember what was displaying in the console window in all
these cases: that is why I ask which messages we can really count on
in that window.

It seems pretty random which I get in 2 and 3. But computers are
deterministic finite state machines! They are not supposed to do
things like this!

On Jan 13, 6:17 pm, CT yeu...@gmail.com wrote:
 continue waiting !

 On Jan 7, 4:22 pm, Jonathan jonathan.gord...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey all, so I just completed the hello world tutorial but it won't
  seem to run. I waited for a long time at the Android screen with the
  blinking underscore, then finally I moved onto a screen with a fancy
  font Android and its kinda flashing silver. The console in eclipse
  still says waiting for Home anroid.process.acore... How long does it
  usually take to load?? Am I doing something wrong?? Thanks
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[android-beginners] Re: problem with adb

2010-01-06 Thread Indicator Veritatis
A number of questions come to mind:

1) what operating system are you on?
2) how did you do the install of Eclipse?
3) how did you install the Android Plugin?
4) how did you install the Android SDK?

On Jan 5, 5:00 pm, Rc3375 rcobb3...@gmail.com wrote:
 Had to do a reinstall of Eclipse.  All software is where it needs to
 be, but when you fire up Eclipse, this error keeps coming up; failed
 to parse the output of 'adb version.   Try and restart adb and restart
 Done all that a million timesbut still won't work.  Any ideas on
 this problemthanks for the help...Rc3375
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[android-beginners] Re: Error in Building Hello World

2010-01-06 Thread Indicator Veritatis
the tutorial? What tutorial? There is no tutorial in the Android SDK
for running C programs built via Eclipse on Windows. This is an
Android group, not an Eclipse one.

On Jan 6, 4:13 am, rocky84 rocky84 hulkman...@gmail.com wrote:

 thanks for replying ..

 below is the excerpt of the default code.

  Name        : HelloWorld.c
  Author      : Rakesh
  Version     :
  Copyright   : Your copyright notice
  Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style

 #include stdio.h
 #include stdlib.h

 int main(void) {
     puts(!!!Hello World!!!); /* prints !!!Hello World!!! */
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;


 i am running it using Eclipse on windowns platform (via my laptop).i
 followed the tutorial also for my setup.
 when i saw in manuals it is indicating some problems with the Build (make

 can you guys please elaborate on errors i am getting while compiling itself

 Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
 Error launching external scanner info generator (sh -c 'gcc -E -P -v -dD
 ')    HelloWorld        Unknown    C/C++ Problem
 Error launching external scanner info generator (sh -c 'gcc -E -P -v -dD
 ')    HelloWorld        Unknown    C/C++ Problem


 On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Vant shav...@gmail.com wrote:
  Yes more info would be helpful. Can you give us details on your setup
  and development environment? Also posting your code may help as well.
  Following the Hello World tutorial(http://developer.android.com/
  provided by Android developer
  site is recommended.

  On Jan 4, 5:48 pm, cellurl gpscru...@gmail.com wrote:
   You gotta give more info up front.
   1. Do it on a PC.
   2. Run the existing HelloWorld first before writing your own
   It works if you install and follow all the step by step steps.
   I had absolutely no experience and I got the HelloWorld to work right
   out of the box..

   On Jan 4, 12:15 am, rocky hulkman...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi All,

i am getting the below 2 errors while Building a simple Hello World
could anyone Genius help it out? looks some problem in my eclipse


Description     Resource        Path    Location        Type
Error launching external scanner info generator (sh -c 'gcc -E -P -v -
dD D:/Profiles/xtcg76/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/
org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.c ')    HelloWorld              Unknown
  C/C++ Problem
Error launching external scanner info generator (sh -c 'gcc -E -P -v -
dD D:/Profiles/xtcg76/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/
org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.c ')    HelloWorld              Unknown
  C/C++ Problem

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[android-beginners] Re: Eclipse Galileo Build path 1.6 Win XP Newbie

2009-12-27 Thread Indicator Veritatis
It is not just you. I have been having the problem off and on ever
since I first downloaded Eclipse. But for me, the workaround you
describe does not always work. I just flail around trying different
things until the system finally decides to launch the emulator despite
the build errors and then rebuilds the file it previously complained
was missing. Usually that flailing included not only restarting
Eclipse, but even deleting the project and starting all over (using
lots of copy-and-paste).

One suspect I only recently though of: all this time I have been
running Fedora 11 with the default Java, which is 'Open Java'.
(Previously it was Ice Tea Java). But Eclipse has not been tested with
Open Java. It has been tested with Sun Java (and one variant of it?).

I have now installed Sun's JDK 1.6.0_17, but I haven't used it long
enough to verify that this has any effect on the problem.

On Dec 27, 6:11 am, Gatehoven pgateho...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Sorry another post on this topic. I think I have read all the previous
 posts on this.

 File-New-AndroidProject builds fine

 but after Project-Clean I get The project cannot be build until
 build path errors are resolved . This has ONLY that missing required
 source folder 'gen' message above it the first time, which
 understandably goes away on the second attempt to build. (There are
 never any messages about missing tools etc as in other posts like this
 Once this starts happening, it seems I can only get rid of it by
 closing Eclipse and restarting Eclipse (waiting for it to load the
 Android SDK), then doing a Project-Build All   (or Project-Build

 Doing any refresh/fixprojectproperties (yes I've read those posts) /
 closeproject/openproject doesn't kill this problem.
 Only an Eclipse restart does it.

 amazingly confusing for a beginner! I can live with it though I guess.

 Win XP sp12 etc all done as instructed on android SDK site,all
 Android tools SDK etc installed ok - because it builds OK and runs OK
 on device fine first time.
 This is a simple NewProject i've added nothing, only Android SDK 1.6

 I note that the persistent Problem says it is a Java Problem in the
 Eclipse Problem window. had a look at paths etc - but puzzled because
 if a path is wrong why does it work ok before a clean?

 Thank you for any help (but i've read the posts and tried those
 solutions). is it just me? a bad clean script or some magic like that
 - should I just try a reinstall all?

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[android-beginners] Re:

2009-12-09 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Isn't this question already answered by the release notes?

Please recall the release notes for 1.5 are still on the developer
website at http://developer.android.com/sdk/android-1.5.html.

At that site, everything above API level concerns the whole
platform, everything below concerns the target.

On Dec 8, 12:19 pm, saurabh sinha saurso...@gmail.com wrote:
 someone tell me what is  difference android 1.1 and android 1.5 target

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[android-beginners] Re: New Android Project in Eclipse - Build Target Section Not Selectable

2009-12-06 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I think this is just random Eclipse/ADT flakiness. I had (what sounds
like) the same problem when I tried to install the WinXP Galieo build
of Eclipse (and Android 1.5); I followed all the steps exactly as in
the directions until I could not, because the directions insisted
there would be a choice of build targets -- when there were clearly

That was when I gave up on the Windows version, loaded Eclipse under
Linux (Fedora 11) and have not seen it since. I wish I could guarantee
such smooth sailing to anyone else who makes the switch...

I know it sounds like a desperate measure, but you may want to try
installing Eclipse under Fedora instead of Ubuntu. Use the latest

On Dec 5, 8:11 am, ogi radivojejovano...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have the same problem on my Ubuntu 9.10 and Galileo Eclipse. I
 checked and  I have multiple platforms installed. Did anyone managed
 to resolve this?

 On Nov 29, 10:46 am, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote: Eclipse 3.5.1 and 
 Ubuntu 9.10 are working for me. Maybe one thing to
  check is to make sure that you have some build targets installed.
  After installing the SDK and setting it up in Eclipse go to the Window
  menu, then choose Android SDK and AVD Manager, then choose Available
  Packages. Check to see if there are any SDK platform packages you can
  install there like SDK Platform Android 2.0, API 5, revision 1. That
  will add the build target for Android 2.0, for example.

  On Nov 29, 9:51 am, ak08820 ak08...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have the same issue, Vista home 32bit, Eclipse Ganemede.
   It is sad that the Android dev process fails so early in the startup
   for a newbie and no help from Android keepers.

   On Nov 6, 7:13 pm, Luis Vivero luis.viv...@microlands.com wrote:

I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm working on Eclipse 3.5.1
(Galileo) and Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

Any help would be appreciated since I could not create a new Android

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[android-beginners] Re: send String to pc using wifi

2009-12-04 Thread Indicator Veritatis
That depends on what you mean by send a string. Usually, people
don't just send a single string and then stop there. Instead, they
implement a client on one device and a server on the other.

So in your example, you would need to open a socket on the PC, too,
and get the OS to 'listen' on its end of the socket.

In fact, the wording above reveals the ambiguity plaguing a lot of
talk about 'sockets'. You create a data structure called a 'socket' on
the phone before you have the corresponding structure on the PC, and
you do not yet have a true socket yet: you have a true socket only
when you have an open port and an application running on both ends of
the communication path known as a 'socket'.

Now rather than write a special application just to receive a single
string, I suggest you run 'telnet' on the PC, and then send to the
phone from whatever port you chose as a command line argument when you
launched telnet. Don't forget to open up the port in the firewall,

You will probably have to open it up even if you use the standard
telnet port, since this is usually left closed to prevent people
hacking into your system by using telnet. Which means you should
close  the port in the firewall when you are done with this

But the important point is: your PDUs will disappear into thin air if
you don't do these things before calling a write routine on the

See also the Java Tutorial on Sockets:

On Nov 30, 6:17 am, Yourikahn alban@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello guys!
 I'am looking for a method to send data like string to my PC using the
 Wifi on my G1...
 I've made a Socket with the data but what should I do to send it to th

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[android-beginners] Re: Error in helloandroid tutorial

2009-11-23 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I haven't seen that error message. But since the name of the
application in the tutorial is certainly not Android Keyboard, you
can safely force close it. My guess is that you should go ahead and do
that, and then look for the application (Hello Android or
HelloAndroid) you made during the build and run that.

Normally, that application would run anyway, without waiting for you
to start it. But that does not appear to be happening, since you are
getting this other application in the way.

But all this is only a guess. If you are lucky, after a little while
you will see more knowledgeable answers in this thread.

On Nov 22, 5:12 am, Qin XiaoYang qinxiaoy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I met the following error message appared on the emulator screen.
  There's a big error message saying that 'Application Android Keyboard (in
 process com.android.inputmethod.latin) is not responding.' and asking
 whether i want to force close it or wait.
 Anybody knows why? Thanks.

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[android-beginners] Re: Absolutely Infuriating

2009-11-22 Thread Indicator Veritatis
So how was it that he got this error, and you did not? You did say the
API demos all compiled for you out of the box, didn't you? Yet they
were missing this declaration of mTabHost, and the package imports.

On Nov 19, 11:17 pm, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:
 mTabHost will not resolve

 That one can be fixed by adding this member variable above the
 onCreate function:
 private TabHost mTabHost;

 The class will need to be imported as well. The imports above the
 class declaration should look like this:
 import android.app.TabActivity;
 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.widget.TabHost;

 On Nov 18, 6:11 pm, Captain Heff teh.he...@gmail.com wrote:

  The API Demos also work for me, however, they're quite a large and
  unorganised package. As a newbie to both Java and XML, I find tracking
  down the information I need to make my own tabs in that mess quite

  Instead I have tried to 
  - the Android dev guide to using tabs.
  It gives me the error that mTabHost will not resolve. I'm unsure how
  to fix this as I still can't figure out how to create tabs. Hence why
  I'm looking for a simple example about tabs.

  I also tried two other 
  I figure that I'm copy pasting his code into the wrong place, because
  it gives all kinds of errors. Some about the XML being wrong, and more
  variable will not resolve errors.

  The third one I tried was about dynamic tabs, a link I found in this
  site, but that one does not run.

  On Nov 19, 1:50 am, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:

   The API demos (platforms/android-2.0/samples/ApiDemos in the SDK
   directory) have 3 different tabs examples and compile and run fine for
   me. What error are you getting?

   On Nov 17, 10:17 pm, Captain Heff teh.he...@gmail.com wrote:

Every single example of using Tabs - be it the example provided on the
Android dev site, to random samples found through Google - will not
compile in Eclipse, and furthermore, not run in the Android VM. This
makes it insanely hard to actually understand how to use this feature.

Can anyone give me a quick once-over of how tabs work?

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[android-beginners] Re: random problem

2009-11-22 Thread Indicator Veritatis
True. Even then, this is probably not the code he really wants.
Instead of using casts on a Random method returning doubles, he could
use the java.lang.util.Random.nextInt() method to get an integer in
the range he specifies.

Then instead of (int( (Math.random()*9)+1 he could have, after a
declaration like Random mRandGen = new Random();,

mRandGen.nextInt(9) +1;

to return a random integer from 1 to 10.

Code w/o casts is generally better than code with casts. Unless, of
course, it resorts to drastic contortions to avoid the case. But such
is not the case here.,

On Nov 19, 11:10 pm, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:
 The value of this expression will always be zero:
 (int) Math.random()

 Casting to an integer removes the fractional portion. Casting has a
 higher operator precedence than multiplication or addition, so happens
 first in your full expression. Parentheses could be used to alter when
 the cast happens, however. Like this:
 (int) (Math.random() * 9) + 1

 On Nov 18, 11:00 am, Jags jag...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am fairly new to android and java

  i tried following code to generate different random numbers in the
  ranges of 1 - 9

  i wrote following code

                                  int i = (int) Math.random() * 9 + 1;
                                  while (i == previousIndex) {
                                          i = (int) Math.random() * 9 + 1;

  always i is getting 0 and goes to infinite loop, why so ?

  sorry for a novice question though :P

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[android-beginners] Re: detect if there is a connection to internet

2009-11-15 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Now maybe Marton will figure it out, he was, after all, the person who
asked the question. But I cannot figure out how to tell whether the
phone is connected to the Internet from NetworkInfo, not even from the
more detailed version, 'NetworkInfo.DetailedState'

Rather, the questions this object answers are just a little different:
on the Wifi net, it tells you when you have a 802.11 connection, on
the phone network, it tells you when the phone network is idle/
connected/disconnected. But I see no way to differentiate between, say
for example, 802.11 MAC level connectivity and 'Internet', which has
to mean at least IP if not TCP level connectivity. After all: the text
does say, Describes the status of a network interface of a given type
(currently either Mobile or Wifi). Both of these interfaces can
return CONNECTED without any connection to the Internet being
available. Hopefully, that is not too common in the Mobile case, but
it certainly is common in the WiFi case: it is distressingly frequent
that you have connectivity to the local net, or even to the local
access point -- and no further.

Now maybe this is good enough for Marton. But the question he
originally asked was about Internet connectivity, which really is

On Nov 15, 9:13 am, Smelly Eddie ollit...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can use ConnectivityManager and check the returned networkinfo


 On Nov 15, 4:32 am, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:


  I want to detect if there is a connection to Internet before launching a
  How can I detect it?


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[android-beginners] Re: R cannot be resolved

2009-11-14 Thread Indicator Veritatis
One correction to what I wrote earlier: it is 'R.layout.main' that is
problematic, not 'R.main.java'. Fortunately, I am not getting this
spurious error message from Eclipse right now, so I cannot verify
which version of 'R' it tries to bring in, but I can verify that the
line it has trouble on is the one referring to 'R.layout.main' in the
@Override for onCreate(Bundle) in the Activity being defined.

On Nov 13, 10:39 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 In general, the procedure you give is a useful one. Unfortunately, for
 this particular problem (Eclipse complaining that R.main.java does not
 resolve), that procedure will bring in the wrong 'R'.

 Instead, what the user needs to do is get the IDE to launch the
 emulator. That will rebuild the object 'R.main.java' from 'main.xml',
 forcing the IDE to recognize R.main.java.

 I have been told that this is an Eclipse bug.

 Now the hard part is getting the IDE to launch the emulator. I haven't
 figured this one out entirely myself yet. My temporary workaround is
 to close the project, delete the project, and start all over again
 after closing and relaunching Eclipse.

 Clearly this workaround is not acceptable for a project of substantial
 size. But it is tolerable for going through the Android tutorials. I'm
 still waiting for someone to cover a more usable workaround in this
 forum, which really is the ideal place for it.

 Finally, this question (or some one of the many minor variants of it)
 has been asked often enough, the answer really belongs in the FAQ.
 After all, by now, it is clear: it really is a frequently asked

 On Nov 11, 7:50 am, eclipsed4utoo ryanalford...@gmail.com wrote:

  If you are using Eclipse as your IDE, put the cursor on the R and hit
  Ctrl + Shift + O (the letter O).  That will automatically add the
  needed import statement.


  On Nov 11, 10:42 am, jbrohan jbro...@gmail.com wrote:

   Look at the other files in src/ There may be an R theredelete it!

   On Nov 8, 8:00 am, benjamin goth ben.fighting.h...@googlemail.com

Hi I was doing fine going through the tutorials but suddenly whatever
SDK I use to build against I get that R cannot be resolved
I have the R.JAVA file in my gen folder and have not used the wrong
import pleaeeese someone point out where I am being stupid
Many thanks

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[android-beginners] Re: R cannot be resolved

2009-11-14 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Lucky you! I already thought of that, I have tried it many times, it
never solves it for me. Not even once. The only procedure I have found
that will solve it is to delete the project, exit Eclipse and start
all over again.

On Nov 14, 8:47 am, Mehdi Achour mach...@gmail.com wrote:
 Usually cleaning the project (Project  Clean) magically solves this for me.


 On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Indicator Veritatis 

  One correction to what I wrote earlier: it is 'R.layout.main' that is
  problematic, not 'R.main.java'. Fortunately, I am not getting this
  spurious error message from Eclipse right now, so I cannot verify
  which version of 'R' it tries to bring in, but I can verify that the
  line it has trouble on is the one referring to 'R.layout.main' in the
  @Override for onCreate(Bundle) in the Activity being defined.

  On Nov 13, 10:39 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
   In general, the procedure you give is a useful one. Unfortunately, for
   this particular problem (Eclipse complaining that R.main.java does not
   resolve), that procedure will bring in the wrong 'R'.

   Instead, what the user needs to do is get the IDE to launch the
   emulator. That will rebuild the object 'R.main.java' from 'main.xml',
   forcing the IDE to recognize R.main.java.

   I have been told that this is an Eclipse bug.

   Now the hard part is getting the IDE to launch the emulator. I haven't
   figured this one out entirely myself yet. My temporary workaround is
   to close the project, delete the project, and start all over again
   after closing and relaunching Eclipse.

   Clearly this workaround is not acceptable for a project of substantial
   size. But it is tolerable for going through the Android tutorials. I'm
   still waiting for someone to cover a more usable workaround in this
   forum, which really is the ideal place for it.

   Finally, this question (or some one of the many minor variants of it)
   has been asked often enough, the answer really belongs in the FAQ.
   After all, by now, it is clear: it really is a frequently asked

   On Nov 11, 7:50 am, eclipsed4utoo ryanalford...@gmail.com wrote:

If you are using Eclipse as your IDE, put the cursor on the R and hit
Ctrl + Shift + O (the letter O).  That will automatically add the
needed import statement.


On Nov 11, 10:42 am, jbrohan jbro...@gmail.com wrote:

 Look at the other files in src/ There may be an R theredelete it!

 On Nov 8, 8:00 am, benjamin goth ben.fighting.h...@googlemail.com

  Hi I was doing fine going through the tutorials but suddenly
  SDK I use to build against I get that R cannot be resolved
  I have the R.JAVA file in my gen folder and have not used the wrong
  import pleaeeese someone point out where I am being stupid
  Many thanks

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[android-beginners] Re: Referenced part does not exist yet

2009-11-14 Thread Indicator Veritatis
The answer to your question why java 1.5  is at
If the SDK docs you read say otherwise, it is probably because they
were not updated. Or it could be because the above cited post really
only applies to platform builds...

Thanks for answering the question about which perspective you are
using. If you cannot workaround this Eclipse bug by choosing a
different perspective (one with no ProblemView), then I suggest you
describe the problem to an Eclipse forum. Or it may be time to do as
you suggested yourself earlier, re-install Eclipse. And then update

Of course, I hope that is not necessary. But it is an Eclipse class
that is not being found, so this is an Eclipse problem, not an Android

Finally, I doubt the problem will be solved by using Java 1.5 (the
main reason to use 1.5 is '@Override'), but since that is such an easy
thing to try, you might want to try that before re-installing.

On Nov 14, 1:32 pm, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am in the Java perspective.
 Why I should use Java 1.5?

 The SDK page tells me to download JDK 5 or 6


 2009/11/14 Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com

  Shouldn't you be using Java 1.5 instead of 1.6?

  Also, since the choice of Eclipse Perspective affects which views are
  presented, could you tell us which perspective you were using when
  this happened?

  On Nov 13, 10:01 am, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
   Having two weird errors with one of my Android projects.
   What might be wrong?

   java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
   BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=hu_HU
   Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.java.product
   Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -product

   Wed Nov 11 18:01:07 EET 2009
   Referenced part does not exist yet: org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView.

   Wed Nov 11 17:44:23 EET 2009
   Unable to restore source lookup path - unknown type source container type
   specified: org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.containerType.mapping


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[android-beginners] Re: Passing a Hashtable in Intent Extras..

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
The ClassCastException means that the Java Runtime does not like your
request to convert a Serializable into a HashMap. What is less clear
is why: but the J2SE API docs give a pretty good clue when they say:

Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a
subclass of which it is not an instance. 

On Nov 13, 1:32 am, Samuh samuh.va...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a Hashtable, which, I need to pass to another activity. Since,
 Hashtable is Serializable, I am doing the following:

 Hashtable mHashTable = new Hashtable();
 // load values

 Intent intent = new Intent(this,SecondActivity.class);


 In the Second activity, I try to read the extras in OnCreate(..) as:

 Hashtable table = (Hashtable)getIntent().getSerializableExtra

 I get ClassCastException at this line in Logcat:

 11-13 14:21:15.939: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(922): Caused by:
 java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap

 What is that I am missing or doing wrong here?

 Please help.


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[android-beginners] Re: Referenced part does not exist yet

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Shouldn't you be using Java 1.5 instead of 1.6?

Also, since the choice of Eclipse Perspective affects which views are
presented, could you tell us which perspective you were using when
this happened?

On Nov 13, 10:01 am, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Having two weird errors with one of my Android projects.
 What might be wrong?

 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
 BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=hu_HU
 Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.java.product
 Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -product

 Wed Nov 11 18:01:07 EET 2009
 Referenced part does not exist yet: org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView.

 Wed Nov 11 17:44:23 EET 2009
 Unable to restore source lookup path - unknown type source container type
 specified: org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.containerType.mapping


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[android-beginners] Re: changing a package name

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Without incident? Lucky you! But as we can see from all the people in
this group who have problems nobody else seems to have, that does not
mean that it is a safe procedure.

On the contrary: it is all too common nowadays that what works on one
system fails miserably on another, despite the Java promise of write
once, run anywhere.

Now the reason I said we want 1.5 instead of 1.6 is that as
describes, the @Override annotation is not consistent with Java 1.6.
So I am surprised that you have been able to use it without incident.
Have you been omitting this annotation?

On Nov 11, 12:05 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Indicator Veritatis wrote:
  NB: the tutorials go on and on glowingly about Java 1.6, but you
  really want 1.5 for Android.

 Why do you say that? I've been using 1.6 without incident.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _Beginning Android_ from Apress Now Available!

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[android-beginners] Re: string.xml

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Bingo! The original question needs to be re-worded. Until that
happens, the OP is not going to get an answer he will find useful.

On Nov 11, 1:54 pm, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
 Unless I misunderstood your question...  If that is the case, then can you
 please explain a little more what you are wanting to do?

 There are only 10 types of people in the world...
 Those who know binary and those who don't.

 On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Justin Anderson 

  1) Search this group with the following: XML Array
  2) Click on the very first result.  It should be called Using XML array in
  3) Do some work and read through the post... it tells you how to do it.

  There are only 10 types of people in the world...
  Those who know binary and those who don't.

  On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:49 PM, android darioamor...@gmail.com wrote:

  where is the answer??

  On 11 Nov, 22:43, Justin Anderson janderson@gmail.com wrote:
   Ummm... have you tried searching the group?

   I searched the group with XML array and the very first result gave me

   There are only 10 types of people in the world...
   Those who know binary and those who don't.

   On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:36 PM, android darioamor...@gmail.com
you can put in the ArrayList string.xml how do?

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[android-beginners] Re: How hard would it be to make a second language of sorts for the Android?

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
I second the motion. Not that I share Stephen's enthusiasm for the
'greatness' of Java, but I do recognize that it has the market
momentum now that makes it well worth the effort to learn. Especially
now that Android uses it.

The tutorials at Sun/Javasoft are pretty good, too. You would be hard
pressed to find better online tutorials for any CS topic than those
for Java at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial.

Start with Trails Covering the Basics (but you could omit the
tutorial on Swing).

Finally, both the API reference and the tutorials for Android will
make a lot more sense to you once you have finished those trails of
the Sun tutorials. You will make much faster progress learning

So don't hesitate, start those Sun tutorials ASAP!

On Nov 11, 8:17 am, Stephen Walsh stephenwalsh@gmail.com wrote:
 It would probably be easier to just learn Java.  It's a great language that
 has been around for years and is very useful in learning OOP for
 applications beside Android.

 Stephen Walsh

 On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 17:14, Anthony Walker anthonyrichardwal...@gmail.com

  I just started reading up on developing apps for Android and it's
  quite confusing as I don't know any Java. So I was thinking how hard
  would it be to make a simple point  click Flash application that
  modifies your Eclipse workspace files?

  For example, in a game, you want your player to go left when you roll
  the trackball left.
  So in the app maker you click the character,
  select on - trackball left
  move left at a speed of __

  Then it inserts template code into a few files in the workspace to
  make that happen, all the variables such as button, speed, direction,
  all defined by you.

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[android-beginners] Re: AVD (broken?)

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Yes, Shadana is right. But don't panic if you see something a little
different. Usually, I see the home screen or lock screen, but
sometimes the first thing I see after the word 'Android' finally
disappears is the running application. I haven't been able to figure
out the pattern yet. But that may be simply because I haven't
considered it worth the effort to solve this little mystery.

BTW: all my Android experience is running Eclipse under Fedora11.
Under Windows, results may be somewhat different.

On Nov 11, 8:17 am, Shadana shadana.my...@gmail.com wrote:
 The screen you see is the AVD loading screen. Allow it to run for a
 while and then a different Android screen will appear.
 After the second Android screen, you should see your Home screen or
 the Lock screen.

 On Nov 9, 10:13 pm, thefiestysoldier thefiestysold...@gmail.com
 wrote: When I start an AVD through Eclipse with all of the attributes loaded
  it shows up with  white text on a blck screen saying Android with a
  blinking cursor at the end.

  I am using SDK 2.0 level 5 on Ubuntu Jaunty

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[android-beginners] Re: R cannot be resolved

2009-11-13 Thread Indicator Veritatis
In general, the procedure you give is a useful one. Unfortunately, for
this particular problem (Eclipse complaining that R.main.java does not
resolve), that procedure will bring in the wrong 'R'.

Instead, what the user needs to do is get the IDE to launch the
emulator. That will rebuild the object 'R.main.java' from 'main.xml',
forcing the IDE to recognize R.main.java.

I have been told that this is an Eclipse bug.

Now the hard part is getting the IDE to launch the emulator. I haven't
figured this one out entirely myself yet. My temporary workaround is
to close the project, delete the project, and start all over again
after closing and relaunching Eclipse.

Clearly this workaround is not acceptable for a project of substantial
size. But it is tolerable for going through the Android tutorials. I'm
still waiting for someone to cover a more usable workaround in this
forum, which really is the ideal place for it.

Finally, this question (or some one of the many minor variants of it)
has been asked often enough, the answer really belongs in the FAQ.
After all, by now, it is clear: it really is a frequently asked

On Nov 11, 7:50 am, eclipsed4utoo ryanalford...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you are using Eclipse as your IDE, put the cursor on the R and hit
 Ctrl + Shift + O (the letter O).  That will automatically add the
 needed import statement.


 On Nov 11, 10:42 am, jbrohan jbro...@gmail.com wrote:

  Look at the other files in src/ There may be an R theredelete it!

  On Nov 8, 8:00 am, benjamin goth ben.fighting.h...@googlemail.com

   Hi I was doing fine going through the tutorials but suddenly whatever
   SDK I use to build against I get that R cannot be resolved
   I have the R.JAVA file in my gen folder and have not used the wrong
   import pleaeeese someone point out where I am being stupid
   Many thanks

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[android-beginners] Re: Unable to update TextView on a scheduled-basis

2009-11-12 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Why, yes. The blog post is good. But it inspires me to wonder: what is
Guy's native language? I ask because he gave a classic learner's
mistake confusing the gerund with the participle.

I refer to:

Since everything happens on a single thread performing long
operations, like network access or database queries, on this thread
will block the whole user interface.

As it stands, 'performing' must be a participle, which leaves like
network access or database queries dangling without a role in the
sentence. But with moving just one comma (and adding the clarifying
parentheses), it now parses correctly as a gerund, to read:

Since everything happens on a single thread, performing long
operations (like network access or database queries) on this thread
will block the whole user interface.

I am sure many readers of this forum will find that version of the
sentence much more memorable as well as easier to follow.

On Nov 11, 10:36 am, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:
 The painless threading blog post here mentions a lot of nice 

 On Nov 9, 12:12 pm, Chris cpar...@alum.rpi.edu wrote:

  Hello everyone, I'm new to Android (but not Java), so bear with me.

  I'm trying to create a stopwatch-type UI, where a digital timer is
  displayed and incrementing every second.  I started off creating 
  atextviewand attempted to update thistextview(TextView.setText())
  using either the TimerTask class to update the view in a timer as well
  as updating the view in the same thread, using a Thread.sleep(1000).

  In either case, the view does not get updated. Obviously this doesn't
  seem to be the proper way to go about updating a text view.  Any
  suggestions on the proper way to notify thetextview?


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[android-beginners] Re: LinearLayout View Tutorial, weight behavior

2009-11-12 Thread Indicator Veritatis

The most likely explanation is that you did not modify the weight you
thought you did. The very first occurrence of the layout_weight
attribute is in the outermost LinearLayout, so it applies to the
entire screen, not to the upper half alone (the color bands). To
change the weight only for the latter, you need to change the SECOND
occurrence of the layout_weight attribute.

Of course, that still doesn't explain the reverse behavior you
described, but at least it is a start.

Now concerning your background: it is impressive that you have made
this much progress in Android w/o an OOP background, but you will make
it much easier on yourself if you take the time out to learn at least
the elements of OOP using Java before putting too much effort into
Android. All the Android documentation and tutorials do assume a
fairly high level of familiarity with these elementary facts about

On Nov 11, 3:09 pm, maximus-dev sylus.mcf...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Everyone...

 Very short background... I'm currently a C developer (not C++
 unfortunately... so no experience with OOP) who writes homebrew for
 the nintendo DS. I'm exploring moving away from that platform and
 towards the Android.

 That said, I'm doing as suggested at the end of the LinearLayout View
 tutorial and modifying the weight values to see how it affects the
 size of the columns and rows. The structure seemed very simple, so it
 seemed obvious that modifying the first weight (the top half) to 2
 should give the top section 2/3rds of the screen and the bottom only
 1/3rd. Instead... it appeared to be reversed... the upper area had
 become the smaller third (this is in the emulator... I do not have
 actual hardware yet).

 I tested the same idea on the color columns and the more expected
 result occured... the columns with greater weight were now wider and
 seemed to take up the correct fractional area of the screen.

 Any particular reason for this behavior?

 Thanks everyone,

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[android-beginners] Re: LinearLayout View Tutorial, weight behavior

2009-11-12 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Or so I thought on first reading. But no, I was misled by the small
frame in the tutorial. Now that I have it running in the emulator
myself, I see the exact same thing you saw.

OTOH, the behavior is closer to what is to be expected (based on the
tutorial) if you change from the default only the weight in the green
band, changing from 1 to 2: then the green band is approximately twice
as big as the red and blue, but the yellow falls somewhere in between!

It looks like the layout manager is not perfect.

On Nov 12, 5:19 pm, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:

 The most likely explanation is that you did not modify the weight you
 thought you did. The very first occurrence of the layout_weight
 attribute is in the outermost LinearLayout, so it applies to the
 entire screen, not to the upper half alone (the color bands). To
 change the weight only for the latter, you need to change the SECOND
 occurrence of the layout_weight attribute.

 Of course, that still doesn't explain the reverse behavior you
 described, but at least it is a start.

 Now concerning your background: it is impressive that you have made
 this much progress in Android w/o an OOP background, but you will make
 it much easier on yourself if you take the time out to learn at least
 the elements of OOP using Java before putting too much effort into
 Android. All the Android documentation and tutorials do assume a
 fairly high level of familiarity with these elementary facts about

 On Nov 11, 3:09 pm, maximus-dev sylus.mcf...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Everyone...

  Very short background... I'm currently a C developer (not C++
  unfortunately... so no experience with OOP) who writes homebrew for
  the nintendo DS. I'm exploring moving away from that platform and
  towards the Android.

  That said, I'm doing as suggested at the end of the LinearLayout View
  tutorial and modifying the weight values to see how it affects the
  size of the columns and rows. The structure seemed very simple, so it
  seemed obvious that modifying the first weight (the top half) to 2
  should give the top section 2/3rds of the screen and the bottom only
  1/3rd. Instead... it appeared to be reversed... the upper area had
  become the smaller third (this is in the emulator... I do not have
  actual hardware yet).

  I tested the same idea on the color columns and the more expected
  result occured... the columns with greater weight were now wider and
  seemed to take up the correct fractional area of the screen.

  Any particular reason for this behavior?

  Thanks everyone,

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[android-beginners] Re: Unable to select build target for new Android project

2009-11-11 Thread Indicator Veritatis
You run Eclipse on a netbook? I have refrained from even trying
Eclipse on my netbook since I assumed it would slow to a painful crawl
running on an Atom processor.

On Nov 10, 5:20 pm, mconstant david.b.w...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need help with this, too

 On Nov 5, 1:31 pm, Songmak kevinve...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and Eclipse 3.5.  After getting everything
  setup, the new Android project wizard screen is not allowing me to
  select a buildtargetfrom the list.  The targets are there and
  installed but the table is so condensed in the UI that you are unable
  to select atargetand move to the next step.

  Can anyone shed light on how to correct?

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[android-beginners] Re: changing a package name

2009-11-11 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Explains more about packages and libraries. More than what? As you
admitted, this is really a Java question, not an Android one. Almost
any source will explain more about packages and libraries than the
Android docs, since they assume it is understood. Or are you looking
for something that explains more than your basic Java reference --
whatever that is?

Under such circumstances, I am afraid we can only give you vague
answers here. But I hope you will find some benefit in even such a
vague answer as to refer you to the Java tutorial on Packages, namely:


NB: the tutorials go on and on glowingly about Java 1.6, but you
really want 1.5 for Android. But for this tutorial, the difference is

Finally, since this is, after all, an Android forum, please consider
learning the Android approach to communication between packages and
applications: instead of moving source code between packages and
libraries, use Intents (or a similar IPC scheme).

Really finally this time, we do not know enough about the particulars
of your situation to say what the solution should be. But it may very
well turn out that IPC is the way to go rather than moving code. You
may even decide to move some code but handle the rest with IPC.

Good luck.

On Nov 10, 10:36 am, jbrohan jbro...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is more a Java question than Android
 I have a graphing routine AChartEngine (very very good by the way).
 Now I want to link this with another routine say a sound recording
 activity. They are in different packages and different projects.
 AChartEngine has lots of Lib's and Referenced Libraries, so it's
 easier to move the other stuff there. However the charting demo has
 the demo package name and the demo project name.

 What is the best way to move these things about? Is there a sensible
 text which explains more about packages and libraries etc?

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[android-beginners] Re: how to remove completely the SDK and ADB

2009-11-11 Thread Indicator Veritatis
Are you running them under Windows or Linux? Windows has its uninstall
somewhere in the Control Panel, and most distibutions of Linux have
their own package manager for the uninstall (e.g. apt-get, yum). And
did you install the SDK using the  Eclipse package manager (supported
since 1.6), or did you download the zip file and install it yourself
by unzipping it and setting paths in Eclipse?

If the latter, then SDK removal is the reverse of installation. But
there's not much point in reverting Eclipse variables if you are going
to remove Eclipse,too.

That said, I have been thinking about reinstalling both also, but have
been warned that it will change nothing, Eclipse really is that buggy:

On Nov 11, 11:55 am, Marton Kodok pentiu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think there is something wrong with my Eclipse and SDK installation.
 I want to remove any trace of both.
 Beyond removing the folder components what other files and actions must I do
 to completely recycle them?


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