Helping Jenin Camp Should be U.N. Priority, U.S. Says [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


Text: Helping Jenin Camp Should be U.N. Priority, U.S. Says

(Ambassador Negroponte's remarks to Security Council) (1140)

Alleviating the situation in the Jenin refugee camp should be the U.N.
Security Council's priority humanitarian objective at this time, said
Ambassador to the U.N. John Negroponte April 19.

Speaking April 19 during a Security Council debate on the Middle East,
Negroponte outlined the progress U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
during his ten-day trip to the region and urged council members not to
press for any new resolutions that could complicate future negotiations.

Powell found broad support for a comprehensive strategy that comprises
security and freedom from terror, serious and accelerated negotiations,
and economic and humanitarian assistance for the Palestinians, he said.

"My country firmly believes that the Security Council is most effective
and its resolutions most meaningful when its actions are focused on
of convergence and agreement," the ambassador said. "When we speak with
one voice and demonstrate cohesion, our words have real strength.
for example, resolutions 1397, 1402 and 1403."

The three resolutions passed during March and April set out a vision of
two states, Israel and Palestine, and call for an end to the violence
acts of terror and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinians
towns. Council members have been discussing a resolution that would call
for an investigation of the Israeli occupation of Jenin and a
multinational peacekeeping force.

"Our goal remains the full implementation of United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1402 and a just and lasting solution based on U.N.
Security Council resolutions 242, 338, and 1397 ... Given the complexity
of the tasks ahead, we must remain focused on the region," said

Following is the text of the ambassador's remarks:

(begin text)

The United States is fully committed to peace in the Middle East and we
are working with all the countries that have a stake in this conflict.
Secretary Powell returned from the Middle East early Thursday morning
after 10 days in the region. While there, he met with the leaders of
Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Syria
Lebanon, some of them on more than one occasion. Yesterday, he met with
President Bush to report on the progress achieved and on the difficult
situation on the ground.

Secretary Powell made progress during his mission, and I would like to
take this opportunity to share some of his findings. First, Secretary
Powell obtained an Israeli commitment to wind down its military
operations. The Israeli Defense Forces have withdrawn from Jenin and
be pulling out of Nablus soon. President Bush publicly affirmed that the
Israelis "must continue their withdrawals."

Second, Secretary Powell obtained a clear statement from the Palestinian
leadership condemning recent terrorist attacks, notably the horrific
suicide bombings in Netanya and Jerusalem. And again, President Bush
called on the Palestinian Authority to "act on its condemnation of

As he said yesterday, Secretary Powell found broad support among
and Palestinians, Arab states, and members of the Quartet for a
comprehensive strategy as a way forward that comprises three key
1) Security and freedom from terror and violence for both Israelis and
Palestinians; 2) Serious and accelerated negotiations to revive hope and
lead to a political settlement; 3) Economic and humanitarian assistance
address the increasingly desperate conditions faced by the Palestinian

I must emphasize that the progress achieved should be measured against
commitment to sustained engagement with the parties and our
to make significant progress towards peace. Our goal remains the full
implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1402, and a
just and lasting solution based on UN Security Council resolutions 242,
338 and 1397.

United States Assistant Secretary of State Burns remains in the region.
The Secretary of State has stated his intention to return to the region
continue his diplomatic efforts. And Foreign Minister Shimon Peres is
arriving in Washington as we speak.

Mr. President, Given the complexity of the tasks ahead, we must remain
focused on the region. As the Secretary-General said to the Security
Council yesterday, "Through three recent resolutions, 1397, 1402, 1403
the Presidential Statement of April 10, you have clearly outlined a
of a final settlement and the steps that should be taken to enable
political negotiations to resume." These resolutions demand an immediate
cessation of all acts of violence, terror, provocation, incitement and
destruction. They also contain comprehensive calls to action on the
political, humanitarian and military aspects of the current crisis and
provide a practical roadmap forward.

Chinese, Russian Leaders Talk Over Phone [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


Chinese President Jiang Zemin had a phone conversation with Russian
President Vladimir Putin at the latter's request on Wednesday, according to
China's Foreign Ministry.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin   had a phone conversation with Russian
President Vladimir Putin at the latter's request on Wednesday, according to
China's Foreign Ministry.

Jiang, who is paying a state visit to Tunisia, discussed with Putin key
issues of common concern, including world peace and security, the role of
the United Nations, and a summit meeting of the Shanghai  Cooperation
Organization which will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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US Finds Strange Bedfellows in UN Vote on Torture [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Friday, April 19, 2002 in the Christian Science Monitor 

  US Finds Strange Bedfellows in 
  UN Vote on Torture 

  by Peter Ford 
PARIS – The United States has aligned 
  itself with some of its fiercest and least democratic enemies in opposing 
  efforts to strengthen an international treaty that outlaws torture, 
  according to diplomatic sources. 

European negotiators do not understand why Washington has 
tried so hard to convince other countries not to sign the 

Washington has found 
  itself on the same side as Cuba, Libya, and Syria, among other states, in 
  trying to block a proposal before the United Nations Human Rights 
  Commission in Geneva designed to give more teeth to the Convention Against 
  US diplomats insist they are not opposed to beefing up the 1987 UN 
  convention, to which Washington is a party, but say they disagree with the 
  international prison-inspection regime being proposed by their Latin 
  American and European allies.
  Human rights activists, however, are disappointed with the US 
  "It's pretty scandalous that some states claiming to defend human 
  rights are blocking this," says Mark Thomson, secretary general of the 
  Geneva-based non-governmental Association to Prevent Torture. "If they 
  succeed, it's really putting a spanner in the works in terms of 
  implementing the convention in a meaningful way."
  The new protocol to the Convention Against Torture, which is due to 
  come to a vote today, would establish national and international 
  inspectorates to ensure that prisoners are not being tortured, through 
  visits to places of detention.
  Washington has opposed the idea since it was first raised 10 years ago, 
  arguing that the fourth amendment to the US Constitution prohibiting 
  "unreasonable searches and seizures" meant it could not allow foreign 
  prison inspectors to go where they pleased. "As a matter of principle, 
  unrestricted authority granted to a visiting mechanism is incompatible 
  with the need for checks and balances" argues Steve Solomon, head of the 
  US delegation.
  European negotiators say they have no quarrel with US constitutional 
  reservations, but do not understand why Washington has tried so hard to 
  convince other countries not to sign the protocol.
  "The American arguments are fine for America, but we are disappointed 
  that they have lobbied as hard as they have against adoption," says one 
  European diplomat.
  US negotiators have found their influence over other governments 
  limited by the fact that the US is not currently a member of the UN Human 
  Rights Commission, having been voted off the 53-member body last year. But 
  they have played a vocal and active role on the working group concerned 
  with the torture protocol, which is open to all UN members.
  The US has proposed a weaker inspection mechanism by which inspectors 
  would be sent to a country only through arranged visits at the individual 
  government's request to discuss ways to prevent torture.
  Proponents of stronger mechanisms say the US idea would water down 
  implementation to meaningless levels.
  "We have already compromised on the issue of ad hoc, surprise visits, 
  which the protocol won't allow," says the European diplomat. "This text is 
  as low as we can go."
  When the protocol comes up for a vote at the commission, probably 
  today, India, Syria, Libya, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia are expected to vote 
  against it. But 25 countries are cosponsoring it, just two votes short of 
  the majority needed, so both supporters and opponents expect the protocol 
  to pass.
  It will then be presented to the UN Economic and Social Committee in 
  New York, and later go before the UN General Assembly. If the General 
  Assembly adopts the protocol, it will recommend that member states ratify 
  Copyright © 2002 The Christian Science Monitor 


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Commemoration of Jasenovac this Sunday [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


You are all invited.

Best regards,

PO BOX 608, MONROE, MI.  48162
Tel. (734) 242-3992 Fax (734) 242-4289  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Let the truth be known!"



On Sunday, 21 April 2002, a ceremony to honor the Victims and Survivors
the Jasenovac Concentration Camp and the Yugoslav Holocaust will be held
2 to 3 PM at The Holocaust Memorial Park in Brooklyn, NY. A ceremony 
including a wreath laying, religious service and speeches by Survivors
scholars will accompany the placing of a plaque with a draft of the 
inscription for a future stone monument proposed for the park. The
Memorial Park, which is located at West End Avenue between Emmons Ave &
Blvd in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn, is the only monument
commemorating the Holocaust in the New York City area. 

April 22nd marks the fifty-seventh anniversary of the breakout attempt
Jasenovac inmates.  The memorial ceremony has been timed as closely as 
possible to mark this anniversary.  The Jasenovac Research Institute
to initiate an annual practice of holding commemorative ceremonies on
date. All those who support justice for and recognition of Yugoslav
Victims and Survivors are encouraged to enrich this ceremony with their 


Following the Nazi invasion and dismemberment of Yugoslavia in April
the "Independent State of Croatia" was established as a pro-Nazi
It was dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology influenced both by
Nazism and 
extreme Roman Catholic fanaticism. On coming to power, the Ustashe Party

dictatorship in Croatia quickly commenced on a systematic policy of
extermination of all Serbs, Jews and Roma living within its borders.
August 1941 to April 1945, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, tens of
of Jews and Roma, as well as anti-fascists of many nationalities, were 
murdered at the death camp known as Jasenovac. Estimates of the total
of men, women and children killed there have been put at 700,000.
was not the only death camp in fascist-occupied Yugoslavia, but it was
by far 
the largest in the entire Balkans region and the one in which a majority
the some one million victims of the Yugoslav Holocaust perished.  


By Car From Manhattan: Take the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE)
Westbound to 
the Belt Parkway. You will travel on the Belt Eastbound and exit at Exit
(Coney island Ave.). Follow signs for Kingsborough. Be warned that Exit
follows closely upon Exit 7.  The exit leaves you on Guilder Ave. You
take Guilder straight - past Coney Island Ave - and to its end at East
Street.  Make a right turn on East 12th St. Then make an immediate left
(at the light) onto Neptune Ave. You will then make another rapid turn -
first possible right - onto Cass Place (also at a light).  Take Cass
about 2 blocks past the light. West End Ave. and the Park are
immediately on 
your left. You can find parking on the streets adjoining the park.
follow posted parking regulations.

By Car From New Jersey:  Take any of the 3 or 4 bridges going to Staten 
Island and head onto the Verrazano's Narrows Bridge (no toll out of
Island).  Exit the bridge onto the Belt Parkway going East.  Now follow
directions from Manhattan.

By Car From Queens  or Long Island:  Take the Belt Parkway West to Exit
(Coney Island Ave.).  At the end of the exit turn right onto Voorhies
Make another right from Voorhies onto Sheepshead Bay Road at the first
 Take Sheepshead Bay Road to the end (2 lights) and make a right turn.
your first possible left turn at the second light onto West End Ave.
Holocaust Memorial Park is on this block on your left. You may park on
any of 
the adjoining streets. Please follow posted parking regulations.

By Bus:  The B-49 Bus stops within one block of the Holocaust Park. Any
connection to the B-49 bus is good.

By Subway:  The best lines to take are the D or the Q trains.  Both go
Sheepshead Bay Station. Remember to get a transfer ticket at the token
In front of the train station is a bus stop for the B-49 bus.  


>From the memory of those who survived, and from the passion of those 
>who wish
the truth to be known, came the Jasenovac Research Institute, a
foundation dedicated to building public awareness about the Holocaust in

Yugoslavia and the furthering the search for justice for its Victims and

Survivors.  JRI promotes research and activities designed to enlighten

Israelis Reject Visit From Bay Area 'Shields' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Friday, April 19, 2002 in the San Francisco Chronicle 

  Israelis Reject Visit From Bay 
  Area 'Shields' 8 Planned to Witness Events in 

  by Ilene Lelchuk 
Eight Americans, most from the Bay 
  Area, who tried to reach the Palestinian territories this week to act as 
  "human shields" were turned away at the Tel Aviv airport by Israeli 
  officials, relatives and friends said yesterday. 
  The eight had boarded an Air Canada flight Tuesday from San Francisco 
  International Airport and were promptly detained by Israeli officials upon 
  touching down early Wednesday. 
  Stream Weir, daughter of traveler Alison Weir of Sausalito, said her 
  mother called to say the group was scheduled to be deported back to the 
  United States last night. 
  "I'm really upset that they are being held without being told why," 
  Stream Weir said. "They weren't going to do anything wrong. They were just 
  going to be eyes." 
  In interviews 
  before they left, the travelers refrained from calling themselves 
  pro-Palestinian. But they said they wanted to see firsthand the effects of 
  Israel's hunt for terrorists and the military occupation of Palestinian 
  They also hoped their presence in Palestinian homes, hospitals and on 
  the streets would discourage the Israeli army from attacking those 
  locations for fear of killing Americans. 
  The trip was well publicized, with Alison Weir giving interviews on 
  radio and television, which might explain why Israeli officials were on 
  the lookout for them at the airport. 
  An official of the U.S. Embassy in Israel confirmed that eight 
  Americans had been detained Wednesday. The Israeli Consulate in San 
  Francisco did not return calls. 
  The group was pulled together by Iman Farajallah of Daly City, who said 
  she grew up in a refugee camp in Gaza and still has family there. 
  Farajallah, who did not travel along, created the Muslim Grassroots 
  Protection Program after Israel began its military assault on suspected 
  terrorists in Palestinian towns and villages. She has been recruiting 
  other activists for another trip to the Palestinian territories in May. 
  "It seems critical that some American citizens be there on the ground 
  to participate in nonviolent actions," Alison Weir, 54, said before 
  leaving the Bay Area. "Our massive amount of tax money sent to Israel that 
  literally has no strings attached . . . is preventing peace from being 
  The travelers were an eclectic mix. Weir is a community journalist. 
  Regina Carey, 50, of Terra Linda, described as herself as a civil rights 
  activist working for a high-tech firm. Others were artists and political 
  The travelers received little or no training and had few plans except 
  to meet with a peace activist group called International Protection 
  Program for Palestinians, also known as the Solidarity Movement. They were 
  told the group would train them and shuttle them to Palestinian 
  ©2002 San Francisco Chronicle 


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"The Future of NATO and Enlargement" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


Text: Brookings Scholar Says NATO Remains Key Security Vehicle

(NATO enlargement is a unifying force in Europe, he says) (2270)

The 19-member NATO Alliance remains the primary vehicle for keeping the
United States engaged in European security affairs, says a Brookings
Institution scholar, and further enlargement remains critical for the
continent's security needs.

Through its enlargement process, NATO "is playing a critical role in
unifying a continent that had been divided for almost 50 years," Philip
Gordon, a senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings
Institution, said April 17 in testimony before the U.S. House
International Relations Subcommittee on Europe. "NATO brought peace to
Balkans, and continues to deploy tens of thousands of troops to the
Balkans, without which [that region] could easily revert to the horrible
conflicts of the 1990s," he said.

The International relations subcommittee was conducting hearings on the
proposed enlargement of NATO and its transformation into the 21st

Gordon, who is also director of the Center on the United States and
at Brookings and a former director for European Affairs at the National
Security Council, said that instead of giving up on NATO as some have
suggested, the North American and European allies should use the Prague
summit in November to continue to adapt the Alliance to the most
security challenges of the day.

Following is the text of Gordon's remarks:

(begin text)

[U.S. House International Relations Subcommittee on Europe
Washington, D.C.
April 17, 2002]


"The Future of NATO and Enlargement"

I am delighted to provide testimony to this subcommittee on the
subject of NATO and its future.  The ongoing war on terrorism, an
enlargement at the November 2002 Prague summit to 5-7 new members, the
European Union's own emerging security and defense policy, and a new
NATO-Russia relationship all raise fundamental questions about the roles
NATO can play and how it should serve American interests.  It is thus
right that members of Congress begin to think about these issues well
before the Prague summit, so that they can help shape American policy
toward the most successful Alliance in history.

NATO will probably never again be the central security institution it
during the Cold War, but it remains a vital tool for the defense of
important American interests.  Let me try to explain how recent
developments challenge the Alliance, and how I think we should use the
Prague summit to enhance its future effectiveness.

Less than 24 hours after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the
States, America's allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
came together to invoke the Alliance's Article 5 defense guarantee --
"attack on one" was to be considered an "attack on all."  When it came
time to implement that guarantee, however, in the form of the
military campaign in Afghanistan, NATO was not used.  The Americans
decided not to ask for a NATO operation for both military and political
reasons -- only the United States had the right sort of equipment to
project military forces half-way around the world, and Washington did
want political interference of 18 allies in the campaign.  In the wake
these decisions, some observers have begun to wonder whether NATO has
enduring role at all.

And there are, in fact, serious reasons to be concerned about the future
of the Alliance if leaders on both sides of the Atlantic do not take the
steps necessary to adapt it to changing circumstances.  The Afghanistan
campaign revealed significant gaps between the war-fighting capabilities
of the United States and its allies, and reinforced the perception in
quarters in Washington that it is easier to conduct operations alone
with allies who have little to offer militarily and who might hamper
efficient decision-making.

Moreover, the U.S. decision in the wake of the terrorist attacks to
increase its defense budget by some $48 billion [$48,000 million] for
-- an increase larger than any single European country's entire defense
budget -- will only make this capabilities gap worse.

To the extent that the war on terrorism leads the United States to
undertake military operations in other distant theaters, and to the
that the Europeans are unwilling or unable to come along, NATO's
centrality will be further diminished.  Yet to conclude that NATO no
longer has any important roles to play because it was not used for a
mission that it was not designed for would be perverse and mistaken.
Alliance remains the primary vehicle for keeping the United States
in European security affairs.

Through its enlargement process, it is playing a critical role in
a continent that had been divided for almost 50 years.  NATO b

Li Peng Meets Iraqi, Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti, Iranian Parliamentary Leaders. [WWW

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


China's top legislator Li Peng met with Chairman of the National Assembly of
Iraq Saadoun Hamadi,President of the Saudi Arabian Consultative Council
Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim Bin Jubair, Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly
Jasim Mohmmad Al-Kharafi and Vice-Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohsen
Armin, on separate occasions Thursday in Chongqing.

China's top legislator Li Peng   met with Chairman of the National Assembly
of Iraq  Saadoun Hamadi, President of the Saudi Arabian Consultative Council
Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim Bin Jubair, Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly
Jasim Mohmmad Al-Kharafi and Vice-Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohsen
Armin, on separate occasions Thursday in Chongqing, a municipal city in
southwest China. 

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress
(NPC), extended a warm welcome to the guests attending the third annual
meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP).

Li expressed hope that the AAPP meeting would further promote cooperation
and exchanges between China and the four countries within the framework of
the AAPP. 

Li said he agreed with the positive comments by the parliamentary leaders on
their countries' relations with China and the relations between Islamic and
Arab countries and China. He thanked the guests for their briefing on the
Middle East situation.

Islamic and Arabic countries are important forces in the international
arena, Li said, adding that China attaches great importance to friendly
relations with these countries.

China welcomes and supports the achievements made in the recent Arabic
summit meeting, he said.

This is a reflection of further solidarity in the Arab and Islamic world,
according to the chairman.

China consistently opposes unilateralism, hegemonism and power politics, and
stands for multipolarization, Li said.

China hopes the Arab countries would play an even more important role in
regional and international affairs, he said.

China is deeply concerned about the impasse in the Middle East peace
process, Li said. 

The international community has the responsibility to help realize peace and
stability in this region, he said.

China appreciates and supports the efforts made by Islamic and Arab
countries in pushing forward the Middle East peace process and the Arabic
peace initiative passed at the Arab League summit meeting, Li said.

The initiative accords with the United Nations resolutions and the
land-for-peace principle in raveling Palestine-Israel   issue, he said.

China strongly hopes that relevant UN resolutions be strictly implemented
and is willing to make efforts for an early solution of the Middle East
issue together with the international community, he said.

On China-Iran relations, Li said as an important country in the region, Iran
plays an important role in safeguarding the peace and security of the Middle
East and the Gulf Region.

China has kept good relations with Iran in many fields, which not only
serves the interests of the two peoples, but is also conducive to the peace
and stability of the region and the world at large. Hamadi said that
relations between Iraq and China have kept developing since the two
countries forged diplomatic ties, and Iraq hopes to further cooperation on
economy and trade with China.

He voiced hope that China, a permanent member of the Security Council of the
United Nations, would play a more important role in advocating justice and
safeguarding world peace and stability.

He also expressed hope that the parliaments of the two countries would
strengthen cooperation and exchanges.

Jubair said that the relations between Saudi Arabia and China have developed

On the regional situation, he said that the current situation in the Middle
East continues to deteriorate, and Saudi Arabia is concerned about it.

He spoke highly of the just stance China has taken on the Middle East issue,
and said that Saudi Arabia appreciates China's support for peace in the
Middle East region.

Al-Kharafi said that the Kuwaiti people would never forget China's support
to Kuwait in safeguarding its independence and sovereignty. He praised
China's consistent just stance in international affairs.

He said he hoped that China would play an even more important role in
resolving the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Kuwait hopes for further cooperation with China in all fields, he said.

Armin said that the world has changed greatly after the September 11
incident, and unilateralism and hegemony have intensified, which is
detrimental to world peace and stability.

He said that Iran attaches importance to its relations with China, and is
willing to further cooperation with China in all fields.

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Chinese President Arrives in Shiraz for State Visit to Iran. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


Chinese President Jiang Zemin Thursday flew in the ancient city of Shiraz
from Tunis, kicking off his state visit to Iran, as guest of Iranian
President Mohammad Khatami. In a written statement issued upon arrival,
Jiang said his visit is to increase mutual understanding and trust, deepen
friendship and expand cooperation.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin Thursday flew in the ancient city of Shiraz
from Tunis, kicking off his state visit to Iran, as guest of Iranian
President Mohammad Khatami.

In a written statement issued upon arrival, Jiang said his visit is to
increase mutual understanding and trust, deepen friendship and expand

Visit to play positive role in enhancing bilateral relations
He is convinced the visit will play a positive role in promoting the overall
growth of the China-Iran friendly relations of cooperation in the new
century. He added bilateral friendly relationship can be traced back 2,000
years ago or ever longer.

The two countries have enjoyed a continuous friendly ties of cooperation in
the political and economic sectors, with which China is satisfied, Jiang

He noted that through joint efforts, bilateral friendly cooperation is sure
to score greater promotion.

Also arriving aboard the special plane were Jiang's wife Wang Yeping and
Vice-Premier Qian Qichen.

Jiang and his entourage were warmly received at the airport by Amin Zadeh,
Iranian deputy foreign minister, and Mohammad Ebrahim Ansari Lari,
governor-general of Fars.

Jiang will leave here for Tehran Friday to continue his state visit. During
his stay in Tehran, Jiang will exchange views with Khatami and other Iranian
leaders on further strengthening bilateral friendly ties of cooperation, and
on international and regional issues of common concern.

Iran is the last leg of Jiang's two-week five-nation trip, which will
finally take him home on April 22. Jiang had just ended his state visit to
Germany, Libya, Nigeria and Tunisia.

Iran highlights Chinese President's visit
Iran on April 16 highlighted the significance of the upcoming visit by
Chinese President Jiang Zemin to the Islamic Republic, saying that the visit
scheduled to begin on Thursday would lay ground to boost constructive
cooperation between the two countries.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi told the official IRNA
news agency that Tehran and Beijing  could diversify relations in all fields
relying on their historical antiquity and the two countries could further
develop ties given their significant standing in the world.

President Jiang Zemin's visit to the Islamic Republic would also be an
opportunity to exchange views on regional developments, including the
Palestine-Israel   issue and the reconstruction of war-shattered
Afghanistan, Asefi said.

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"China opposes hegemonism and won't seek hegemony itself," he declared. [WWW.STO

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


China Puts Forward Proposals on Peace, Development in Asia.

Zhou Guangzhao, head of the China's Parliamentary Delegation to the ongoing
annual meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP),
Wednesday put forward a four-point proposal on peace and development in

Introduction of Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP) Created in
September of 1999, the AAPP is the largest inter-parliamentarian
organization in Asia with 36 member states and 15 non-member states.

In line with the theme of "peace and development", lawmakers every year will
discuss a wide spectrum of issues including multi-polarization in the world
politics, world peace, economic globalization and its ensuing impact upon
developing nations and how to strengthen international cooperation for a new
international political and economic order.

Zhou Guangzhao, head of the China's Parliamentary Delegation to the ongoing
annual meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP),
Wednesday (April 17) put forward a four-point proposal on peace and
development in Asia.

Zhou, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, announced the proposal at the first
Plenary Session of the Third annual meeting of the association.

The proposals are as follows:
-- We must cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace and stability in Asia.
History and reality both demonstrate that a peaceful and stable regional
surrounding environment is vital to the development, prosperity and security
of countries in the region. Therefore, the countries should all proceed from
long-term and strategic interests and make further efforts to preserve the
current situation. 

-- All countries in the region should respect each other and treat each
other as equals on the basis of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We
should respect the fact that Asia is diversified and give full play to the
advantage of diversity and seek diversified development so as to create a
new Asia in which various kinds of culture and civilization coexist and make
common development.

-- To further deepen the multi-facet economic cooperation of various forms
in Asia. In the spirit of mutual benefit and common development, countries
should learn from each other while competing with each other, draw upon each
other's advantages and make up for deficiencies. Thus, the economic power of
countries and Asia as a whole will be increased and the ability to deal with
the challenge of economic globalization enhanced.

-- We should actively advocate the new security concept with mutual trust,
mutual benefit and equitable cooperation as the core. All bilateral disputes
and disagreements should be resolved through consultation and negotiation.
We should strengthen security by increasing cooperation and expanding common
interests. We should enhance the cooperation in non-traditional security
fields and fight collectively against terrorism, smuggling,
drug-trafficking, piracy and illegal immigration and other transnational

China's efforts on peace, development in Asia
Zhou said China has a long-time good neighborly friendship and cooperation
with other Asian countries, citing efforts China have been making to develop
friendly relations and cooperation of good neighborliness and good
partnership with surrounding Asian countries.

Mutual understanding and trust has been deepened as a result, he said.

At present, China has established a framework for cross-century
good-neighborly and friendly relations and cooperation with most Asian
countries, he said. "The cooperation in economic, trade, scientific and
technological and cultural fields continued to deepen."

"China has, along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan,
established the 'Shanghai   Cooperation'," Zhou said.

China also took an active part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, promoted the
dialogue in the Korean peninsula, supported relevant countries in the Middle
East and south Asia in their efforts to peacefully resolve disputes and
supported the rebuilding of Afghanistan, said Zhou.

"All these fully demonstrate our good wishes to safeguard regional and world
peace and development," he said.

China to make greater contribution on peace, development in Asia
He also talked about the country's three major tasks for the new century,
including the goal of doubling the country's gross domestic product (GDP) of
2000 in the 2010, gradually accomplishing common prosperity in the country,
striving for the peaceful reunification of the country, and safeguarding
world peace and promoting common development.

Zhou stressed that the development in China cannot be separated from the
support of people in Asian countries, and a stable, developed and prosperous
China will not pose any threat to any country at any times.

"On the contrary, China will make greater contribution to peace and


2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


April 19, 2002


George Bush introduced the new notion to the world political vocabulary
in the beginning of the current year: "axis of evil." This word
combination implies Iran, Iraq, and North Korea - the countries, which
allegedly pose the biggest threat to the whole "civilized community." 

Russian President Vladimir Putin introduced another political notion -
"the curve of stability," which should be created in the world. Putin
expressed his initiative to journalists after negotiations with
President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson. It goes about the new "very
perspective organization for security in the world," which will appear
within the framework of the mentioned "curve of stability,"
incorporating a lot of countries. Russia's closer cooperation with NATO
countries on the one hand, and with Asian countries on the other hand
(with rapidly developing China in particular) is supposed to assist in
the establishment of the new organization. 

Here is an important aspect: Putin said that all members of the new
organization, or of "the curve of stability," must be equal. In other
words, there should not be the predominance of one particular country in
the organization. Putin said: "We proceed from the necessity to
strengthen the UN, the Security Council of the UN, the OSCE, realizing
that these structures are supposed to keep their key role in
guaranteeing the security. We have to act quickly and in a balanced way
for the efficient reaction on several problems, including terrorism, and
the mass destruction weapons issue." 

However, you can set forth an idea, and it is ok, but the way that you
are going to realize this idea - this is a completely different thing.
Especially if this idea touches upon Washington's interests - the
restriction of America's supremacy in the world. 

The newspaper Kommersant wrote that the Russian president used the
notion of the "curve of stability" as an opposition to the theory of the
former assistant to American president for national security affairs
Zbignew Bzhezinsky, who called the Asian-Pacific countries the "curve of

Sergey Stefanov 
Translated by Dmitry Sudakov 


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What Israel Has Done [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
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  Published in the May 6, 2002 issue of The Nation 

  What Israel Has Done 

  by Edward Said
Despite Israel's effort to restrict 
  coverage of its destructive invasion of the West Bank's Palestinian towns 
  and refugee camps, information and images have nevertheless seeped 
  through. The Internet has provided hundreds of verbal as well as pictorial 
  eyewitness reports, as have Arab and European TV coverage, most of it 
  unavailable or blocked or spun out of existence from the mainstream US 
  media. That evidence provides stunning proof of what Israel's campaign has 
  actually--has always--been about: the irreversible 
  conquest of Palestinian land and society. The official line (which 
  Washington has basically supported, along with nearly every US media 
  commentator) is that Israel has been defending itself by retaliating 
  against the suicide bombings that have undermined its security and even 
  threatened its existence. That claim has gained the status of an absolute 
  truth, moderated neither by what Israel has done nor by what in fact has 
  been done to it. 
  Phrases such as "plucking out the terrorist network," "destroying the 
  terrorist infrastructure" and "attacking terrorist nests" (note the total 
  dehumanization involved) are repeated so often and so unthinkingly that 
  they have given Israel the right to destroy Palestinian civil life, with a 
  shocking degree of sheer wanton destruction, killing, humiliation and 
  There are signs, however, that Israel's amazing, not to say grotesque, 
  claim to be fighting for its existence is slowly being eroded by the 
  devastation wrought by the Jewish state and its homicidal prime minister, 
  Ariel Sharon. Take this front-page New York Times report, "Attacks 
  Turn Palestinian Plans Into Bent Metal and Piles of Dust," by Serge 
  Schmemann (no Palestinian propagandist) on April 11: "There is no way to 
  assess the full extent of the damage to the cities and towns--Ramallah, 
  Bethlehem, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Nablus and Jenin--while they remain under a 
  tight siege, with patrols and snipers firing in the streets. But it is 
  safe to say that the infrastructure of life itself and of any future 
  Palestinian state--roads, schools, electricity pylons, water pipes, 
  telephone lines--has been devastated." 
  By what inhuman calculus did Israel's army, using dozens of tanks and 
  armored personnel carriers, along with hundreds of missile strikes from 
  US-supplied Apache helicopter gunships, besiege Jenin's refugee camp for 
  over a week, a one-square-kilometer patch of shacks housing 15,000 
  refugees and a few dozen men armed with automatic rifles and no missiles 
  or tanks, and call it a response to terrorist violence and a threat to 
  Israel's survival? There are reported to be hundreds buried in the rubble, 
  which Israeli bulldozers began heaping over the camp's ruins after the 
  fighting ended. Are Palestinian civilian men, women and children no more 
  than rats or cockroaches that can be attacked and killed in the thousands 
  without so much as a word of compassion or in their defense? And what 
  about the capture of thousands of men who have been taken off by Israeli 
  soldiers, the destitution and homelessness of so many ordinary people 
  trying to survive in the ruins created by Israeli bulldozers all over the 
  West Bank, the siege that has now gone on for months and months, the 
  cutting off of electricity and water in Palestinian towns, the long days 
  of total curfew, the shortage of food and medicine, the wounded who have 
  bled to death, the systematic attacks on ambulances and aid workers that 
  even the mild-mannered Kofi Annan has decried as outrageous? Those actions 
  will not be pushed so easily into the memory hole. Its friends must ask 
  Israel how its suicidal policies can possibly gain it peace, acceptance 
  and security. 
  The monstrous transformation of an entire people by 
  a formidable and feared propaganda machine into little more than militants 
  and terrorists has allowed not just Israel's military but its fleet of 
  writers and defenders to efface a terrible history of injustice, suffering 
  and abuse in order to destroy the civil existence of the Palestinian 
  people with impunity. Gone from public memory are the destruction of 
  Palestinian society in 1948 and the creation of a dispossessed people; the 
  conquest of the West Bank and Gaza and their military occupation since 
  1967; the invasion of Lebanon in 1982, with its 17,500 Lebanese and 
  Palestinian dead and the Sab

American foreign policy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


It works at home
Apr 19th 2002 From The Economist Global 
AgendaAfter suffering reverses in Afghanistan, Venezuela and, above all, 
the Middle East, President George Bush’s foreign policy is going through a 
difficult phase. But trouble abroad has not yet translated into serious 
political difficulty at home

IT HAS seemed like a 
week of drift and failure in American foreign policy. Most obviously, Colin 
Powell returned from the Middle East without a ceasefire. Hugo Chavez, the 
Venezuelan president loathed by the White House, swept back into power after a 
bumbling coup of which America—alone in the western hemisphere—had approved. The 
administration says it pleaded with the coup leaders not to suspend the National 
Assembly, but that merely raised questions about whether the administration was 
cynically stage-managing the dismal attempt to kick Mr Chavez out. 

Meanwhile, the administration had to admit that it had almost 
certainly let Osama bin Laden slip through its fingers during fighting around 
Tora Bora at the end of last year. It concluded, according to the Washington 
Post, “that failure to commit US ground troops to hunt him was its gravest error 
in the war against al-Qaeda.” 

And to top it all off, 
George Bush seemed to be facing, for the first time, some significant public 
opposition to his foreign policies. Tens of thousands of people gathered on the 
steps of Congress to demand that the administration back Ariel Sharon more 
strongly and not negotiate with Yasser Arafat. They even booed Paul Wolfowitz, 
one of the most hawkish members of the administration.

Yet against this 
confused background, Mr Bush chose to make one of the strongest defences yet of 
his post-September 11th foreign policy. At a speech to a military academy in 
Virginia on April 17th, he repeated and justified his criticism of the “axis of 
evil”. He reiterated his view that Mr Arafat not only had to denounce “homicide 
bombers” but take action against them. And he warned Saddam Hussein that the 
Taliban was merely the first government to fall in the war against terror. 

Yet Mr Bush’s diplomacy 
has not yet provoked serious domestic political opposition. The president has 
always said there would be setbacks in his foreign policy but that he would not 
be put off by them. This week showed not only that he meant what he said, but 
that—at the moment—he retains public support for his stance.

The trick that Mr Bush 
is currently pulling off is typified, paradoxically, by that rally in 
Washington—the largest pro-Israel demonstration (its organisers claim) since the 
foundation of Israel in 1948. For America’s allies, this underlines their 
growing differences with the United States. Everywhere else, the large 
demonstrations have been in favour of the Palestinians. A new transatlantic poll 
by the Pew Research Centre shows that Americans sympathise with the Israelis by 
a three-to-one margin, while Europeans support the Palestinians by up to two to 
one. And while over half of America thinks the administration is doing enough to 
bring about peace in the region, in European countries roughly two-thirds do 

The rally was seen as a 
problem in America, too, but for a different reason. The administration, some 
feared (and others hoped), would be pushed into a more pro-Israeli stance by the 
pressure of domestic politics, undermining its efforts as go-between in the 
That is also the fear 
outside America, where Mr Bush is seen as bending over backwards to give Mr 
Sharon the benefit of the doubt. On April 18th, he said that the Israeli 
withdrawal from the West Bank was going quickly and on schedule, and, more 
remarkably still, that Mr Sharon is “a man of peace”. The following day, the 
Israeli army did indeed loosen its grip on Jenin, scene of the worst of the most 
recent bloodshed. But Israeli incursions continued elsewhere, including in the 
south of the Gaza strip, after a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up near 
an Israeli settlement in the strip.

It is true that the 
American administration has felt domestic pressure, though not just from the 
fabled Jewish lobby. Rather, it comes from two groups which in the normal course 
of events have less to say about Israel: the religious right, and the 
neo-conservatives, who want America to play a more forceful role in the 

These Republican groups 
have their differences. Neo-cons are obsessed with the grand design of foreign 
policy, the religious right with social concerns, such as abortion and cloning. 
Some neo-cons backed John McCain, whom the religious right abhors. But they have 
things in common. Both see the world in Manichean terms, as a struggle between 
good and evil. Both think that no-holds-barred combat is the best way to conduct 
that struggle. Both have concluded that Israel is engaged in a war against 
terrorist evil, so the Bush administr

Bush Throws US Support Behind Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Thursday, April 18, 2002 by Agence France Presse 

  Bush Throws US Support Behind 

President George W. Bush again threw 
  US support behind Israel, calling Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a "man of 
  peace" as aid workers picked through the rubble of his army's attack on 
  the West Bank. 
  Palestinian officials condemned the remarks as a "reward" for Sharon's 
  "war crimes" as the troubled Middle East appeared no closer to peace 
  despite an intensive peace mission by US Secretary of State Colin 
  UN Secretary General Kofi Annan meanwhile asked the Security Council on 
  Thursday to consider sending an armed multinational force to help end 
  violence in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory.
  The UN Middle East envoy said the devastation was "horrific beyond 
  belief" as he toured the blood-soaked ruins of the West Bank, still mostly 
  in the grip of Israeli troops despite Bush's calls for an immediate 
  "I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace," Bush told reporters in 
  the Oval Office as he was briefed by Powell on his Middle East tour, which 
  ended without a ceasefire agreement to end almost 19 months of 
  Bush said Sharon was on schedule for pulling back his troops, who 
  launched a ferocious assault on the West Bank three weeks ago in what 
  Israel said was a bid to crush the "infrastructure of terrorism."
  Powell told reporters before leaving Jerusalem after six days of 
  shuttling between Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat that there 
  was a schedule for the pullback but gave no specifics.
  "He gave me a timetable and he's met the timetable," the US president 
  The Palestinians had told Powell there could be no hope of a 
  long-sought truce until there was a full withdrawal from the West Bank, 
  where Arafat has hoped to create an independent Palestinian state.
  "This is a reward for state terrorism and the war crimes committed by 
  Sharon," top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat told AFP after the Bush 
  Israel launched its assault on March 29, two days after a suicide 
  bomber killed 28 people on the Jewish Passover holiday. A suicide attack 
  killed six people in Jerusalem last Friday, hours after Powell began his 
  peace mission.
  Sharon has repeatedly blamed Arafat for the waves of attacks which have 
  left scores of Israelis dead.
  Under heavy pressure from Powell, Arafat issued a statement condemning 
  terror attacks against civilians during Powell's trip and Bush said he 
  would hold the Palestinian leader to his words.
  "Mr Arafat did condemn terror, now we hold him to account," Bush said. 
  The Palestinian Authority "must act on its condemnation of terror."
  UN chief Annan for his part said, "I believe the deployment of a 
  multinational force deserves serious consideration."
  Israel has repeatedly rejected calls for international troops on the 
  ground but Annan said, "The situation is so dangerous that the 
  international community has an obligation to provide this assistance."
  Erakat hailed the call, saying, "This idea is the only right way to 
  start fighting Israeli aggression."
  Annan's special envoy to the Middle East, Terje Roed-Larsen, toured the 
  remains of the shattered Jenin refugee camp, site of the fiercest battles 
  in Israel's West Bank campaign, and denounced the horror he saw.
  "It is totally unacceptable and horrific beyond belief," he told AFP as 
  he toured the Jenin camp.
  "The stench of death is horrible," he said. "We have expert people here 
  who have been in war zones and earthquakes and they say they have never 
  seen anything like it."
  The Palestinians claim around 500 people were massacred in Jenin, many 
  of them women and children, and that some were summarily executed after 
  surrendering. There were also claims of mass graves dug by Israeli 
  "The international community and the press believe these lies and don't 
  ask for proof from the Palestinians. Where is the proof?" said Israeli 
  foreign ministry spokesman Gideon Meir said Thursday.
  Israel said the camp was a hotbed of Palestinian militants and closed 
  off all access after invading on April 3, refusing access to aid groups 
  and the media.
  The Israeli army announced it had begun a "partial withdrawal" from the 
  northern West Bank town of Jenin overnight but did not give further 
  Copyright 2002 AFP 




2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic




The western administrator of Pristina has caused a storm by threatening
to publicise the names of officials involved in an epidemic of illegal
house building.

By Nehat Islami in Pristina

The international official heading the Pristina administration has
alarmed Albanian colleagues by threatening to publish a list of
politicians who built homes without planning permission or engaged in
other forms of corruption.

Ivo Sanc, from the Czech Republic, last week announced he had "accurate
and reliable information on corruption within the city municipality" and
said an investigation was under way.

The gauntlet he has thrown down nettled the local administration,
dominated by members of Ibrahim Rugova's Democratic League of Kosovo,
LDK. Berim Ramosaj, the Albanian leader of the city council and a LDK
member, admitted individual cases of fraud but insisted it did not apply
to the authority as a whole.

Corruption over building permits is nothing new in Kosovo.  Illegal
construction was widespread in Pristina long before the international
community deployed in the region three years ago, after Serb forces were
forced out.

But the problem has visibly got worse, largely because of a huge influx
of people from the countryside. The city housed about 250,000 before the
1999 conflict.  The population has now soared to half a million, causing
an accommodation crisis.

Illegal house construction is not the only problem.  Large-scale
immigration has had a knock-on effect on all local utilities.  The
demand for electricity has jumped and drinking water is in short supply.
About 150,000 cars clog roads designed for far less traffic, leading to

Pollution is severe.  The city's sanitation infrastructure was
unprepared for such an influx, as a result of which Pristina is coated
in outpourings from the nearby power station, which releases up to 20
tonnes of dust a day - 70 per cent more than is allowed.

The burden of solving all these problems falls on the local authority.
The international personnel are there to monitor or correct the
council's decisions.  The western administrator can veto them but rarely
does so.

Since 2000, local building inspectors have noted some 4,000 buildings
without planning permission. There are suspicions that many were built
after the owners bribed municipal officials not to interfere. Others
lack permits because their applications were not processed properly.

One illegal builder, Enver Sadiku, an electrical power worker, said he
went ahead without a permit because the delays were too long.  "The
municipality is inefficient," he said. "I waited a whole year for a
permit and when I saw everyone else building without one, I decided to
do the same".

Sanc said unauthorised use of government properties was a particular
problem and that Ramosaj had failed to give him a list of appropriated
premises.  Naser Krasniqi, an official dealing with municipal property,
estimated that about 10,000 buildings had been illegally occupied,
though most had not been built on.

Little effort has been made to stop the rot.  Sanc has already
complained of a widespread nepotism in the municipal administration.  A
report on illegal construction in the Pristina daily Koha Ditore
revealed that Nebih Zariqi, a deputy leader of the municipality,
co-owned a building company that had put up an illegal extension.  But
more mundane factors also play a part.  The local administration is
short of staff and low salaries encourage a culture of bribery and

Although city officials have warned they will demolish illegal
buildings, few take the threat seriously.  The authorities seem hardly
likely to flatten 4,000 properties in a municipality where housing is in
such short supply.  The council has, in fact, obtained demolition
equipment.  But the machinery has a habit of breaking down when used -
which is not often. Only 30 buildings have been levelled so far.

Given the fact that wholesale demolition is unfeasible, the council is
considering alternative strategies. One is to impose a tax on buildings
erected without a permit on privately-held land, and to only get rid of
structures built on state property.

In the meantime, Sanc and the local council trade accusations about who
is to blame.  The former wants more qualified professionals to join the
administration.  "I know people at Pristina University and within many
companies who could help solve the municipality's problems," he said,
"but they don't like the politics and will not take part in the existing

He said council inertia was also to blame for lack of foreign
investment, "Nothing is being achieved because of the municipality's
lack of interest."

So far, the local government has blamed all its problems and
shortcomings on the legacy of the 1999 conflict.  But this may not wo

Israel 'Morally Repugnant,' U.N. Envoy Says [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Israel 'Morally 
  Repugnant,' U.N. Envoy Says


  By Nazir MajallyArab 
  JERUSAELM, Apr 19, 2002 -- The United Nations' Middle East envoy 
  yesterday denounced Israel as "morally repugnant" for blocking aid to the 
  wounded at the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. In contrast, US 
  President George W. Bush lauded Israel for "meeting the timetable" it 
  promised for withdrawing from the West Bank even as troops stayed put in 
  all reoccupied Palestinian towns. And Bush warned Palestinian leader 
  Yasser Arafat that he "will now hold him to account". 
  At the United Nations, the United States threatened 
  to veto any resolution calling for a UN probe into the Jenin 
  UN Middle East envoy Terje Roed-Larsen toured the devastated Jenin camp 
  and said afterward: "It is totally unacceptable and horrific beyond 
  belief." "It is totally unacceptable that the government of Israel for 11 
  days did not allow search and rescue teams to come. This is morally 
  repugnant," said Roed-Larsen. "The stench of death is horrible," he said. 
  "We have expert people here who have been in war zones and earthquakes and 
  they say they have never seen anything like it." 
  The Palestinians say around 500 people were massacred in Jenin, many of 
  them women and children, and that some were summarily executed after 
  Bush indicated he was satisfied with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel 
  Sharon's withdrawal of troops from some Palestinian villages. "Israel 
  started withdrawing quickly after our call, from smaller cities on the 
  West Bank. History will show that they've responded," said Bush. Sharon 
  "gave me a timetable and he's met the timetable." 
  "I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace. I'm confident he wants 
  Israel to be able to exist at peace with its neighbors," added Bush, who 
  discussed the timetable in a Monday telephone call with the Israeli 
  But he had harsh words for Arafat. "Terrorist acts will forever and 
  constantly undermine the capacity for peace," he said. Arafat "did condemn 
  terror and we will now hold him to account," the president added, 
  demanding that actions follow words. 
  The Palestinians reacted angrily to those comments, with chief 
  negotiator Saeb Erekat saying they amounted to "a gift, a reward from Bush 
  for Sharon's policy of state terrorism and war crimes." 
  Diplomats said the United States told other members of the Security 
  Council that it would veto an Arab-sponsored call for a UN investigation 
  of deaths in the Jenin refugee camp. The Council scheduled a public debate 
  to start at 1900 GMT on the crisis in the Palestinian territories, but it 
  was unclear whether Arab states would push for an immediate vote on their 
  draft resolution. Two Council diplomats said that the 
  US ambassador to the United Nations, John 
  Negroponte, gave "a loud and clear" message to the Council that he would 
  veto the draft. 
  Secretary-General Kofi Annan earlier asked the Council in a private 
  session to consider sending an armed multinational force to help end 
  violence in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory. An Israeli government 
  spokesman later rejected Annan's appeal, saying such a force was 
  inappropriate and would be in danger from Palestinian fighters. 
  Annan quoted Terje Roed-Larsen as saying the scene at the Jenin camp 
  was "horrific". "They witnessed people digging out corpses from the rubble 
  with their bare hands," Annan said. "The destruction is massive and the 
  impact on the civilian population is devastating." 
  Asked later whether he supported the idea of an official inquiry, Annan 
  told reporters: "We haven't initiated a formal investigation as such; for 
  the moment, I would prefer we concentrate on getting assistance to those 
  in need." 
  He said: "A time will come for the investigation to be undertaken. That 
  is not my first priority; at this stage it is to get help to the people, 
  to get the dead buried and move the wounded." 
  At the Jenin refugee camp, residents gouged at a wasteland of 
  destruction in a desperate search for missing loved ones as the stench of 
  rotting corpses wafted over the scene. 
  The Israeli Army admitted late yesterday that "dozens" were buried 
  under the rubble of about 100 houses destroyed in the camp. "Until now, we 
  have transferred 25 bodies to the Palestinians. We believe that without 
  doubt there are dozens of other dead buried under the ruins," said army 
  spokeswoman Sharon Feingold. "There has not been a massacre, but it

US: 100 bicycle riders detained by Police [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


by Jen O 6:48pm Fri Apr 19 '02
phone: 202 483-3700

According to an eyewitness report, Critical Mass bikers detained during peaceful bike
ride in Washington DC.

According to an eyewitness report, Critical Mass bikers detained during peaceful bike
ride in Washington DC. THe bikers in the group of 200 had been close to the end of
their march and were at the corner of 21st st. and L st. NW. They had ridden around
downtown DC with no problems up until that point. Approximately 100 bikers were
detained at that point by DC police. Their bikes were being piled up and confiscated.
The source witnessing the police using violence against the bikers, kicking and
hitting the bikers. The detained bikers were then led away in handcuffs.

Critical Mass is a loose collective of activist who bike around urban areas en masse
to draw visibility to issues ranging from specific environmental policies to sweatshop
labor. Their use of bicycles represents a choice to live in a cleaner environment free
of pollution caused by copious car usage.

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  D'ÉTATMichael McCaughan speaks to Kim 
  Bartley, who witnessed last weekend's coup attempt in 
  VenezuelaReprinted from Irish Times 16 April 2002[Posted 18 April 2002](Thanks to Karl Sanchez for this 
  Ms Kim Bartley and Mr Donnacha O'Brien have spent the past three months 
  filming a documentary on Venezuelan President Mr Hugo Chavez for Power 
  Productions, an independent film company based in Galway.
  "I arrived in the centre of town just as the shooting started," says 
  Kim. "I filmed a while then took cover in a doorway. Whoever was firing 
  aimed directly at the crowd, which was pro-Chavez. I filmed two dead 
  bodies, both of them beside the podium set up to rally Chavistas to defend 
  the presidential palace.
  "A woman working in the vice-president's office identified the bodies 
  as a legal secretary and an archivist, both working inside the building. A 
  10-year-old girl was then taken away, fatally injured.
  "More shots. We ran for cover like everyone else. We made it to the 
  palace through back streets as the firing continued and as soon as we got 
  in the gate another sniper started aiming at the crowd. We were all thrown 
  to the ground behind a wall and later ran for cover into the building. 
  Three of the snipers were arrested . . . "Chavez was about to explain what 
  was happening in a live television broadcast but the state channel's 
  signal was cut just as he began to speak.
  "The army generals arrived and went off for a meeting with Chavez. The 
  evening passed in a flash as we waited for news inside the presidential 
  palace. A tearful Environmental Minister, Ms Analisa Osorio, emerged in 
  the early hours of Friday, announcing the end of an era. 'He's under 
  arrest,' she said. Chavez emerged, barely visible with all the bodyguards 
  and junta soldiers jostling both to protect and arrest him. 
  "The atmosphere turned ugly. Radio and television immediately announced 
  the resignation of Chavez and began broadcasting upbeat messages: 
  'Venezuela is finally free' was the banner across all private TV 
  "The government went into hiding. Everyone fled for their lives. The 
  witch-hunt began. We decided not to go home, checking into a hotel 
  instead, for safety . . . 
  "The media kept repeating footage of the swearing-in ceremony of the 
  interim president [Pedro Carmona] which was followed by images of empty 
  streets, everything in perfect tranquillity. We were about to book a 
  ticket to Panama when a well-dressed passer-by told us to get off the 
  streets. 'The Chavistas are coming' he said. It was Saturday 
  "We took a taxi to the centre, where huge crowds had surrounded the 
  palace, demanding the return of Chavez. We managed to get inside and found 
  several Chavez deputies calling round the country to find out what was 
  going on. A dozen people who were working for the interim government had 
  been taken to a room in the basement for their own safety.
  "Reports came in from around the country, barracks by barracks, like a 
  Eurovision song contest jury, that the military was rebelling against the 
  coup. Then came the rumours that a commando had been sent to kill Chavez 
  at the army base where he was being kept.
  "The television continued to broadcast a steady diet of soap operas, 
  saying nothing about the huge mobilisation, which was now making a 
  deafening racket outside. Then came the news that Chavez had been freed 
  and was taking a helicopter to Miraflores. The crowds went wild. The 
  presidential guard made a tunnel from the palace gates to a helicopter pad 
  across the street. The sound of choppers buzzing overhead.
  "Then he was there, striding toward the palace, mobbed by supporters. 
  It was like a dream, it's still hard to believe it really happened."
  © The Irish Times * Reprinted for Fair Use Only
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Fwd: [AfricaT] Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-19 Thread petokraka78



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Title: Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila

Le complot Mbeki-Kagame contre Joseph Kabila

Ludo Martens, Bruxelles, 17 avril 2002

Chez tous les nationalistes congolais habitant Bruxelles, l¹indignation était à son comble après la lecture des « propositions » du président sud-africain Mbeki. Ainsi, jusqu¹à la fin de cette guerre d¹agression sanglante qui a déjà fait plus de 3.500.000 morts, l¹Afrique du Sud se tiendra aux côtés des Rwandais et Ougandais et de leurs commanditaires. 
Nous avons écrit dès le mois d¹août 1999 que l¹Accord de Lusaka contenait le programme d¹un coup d¹état « parlementaire » contre le pouvoir nationaliste de Mzee Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Le coup d¹état militaire des Rwandais ayant échoué en août 98, c¹est bel et bien un coup d¹état « parlementaire » que Mbeki veut réussir après trois ans et huit mois d'occupation. 
C'est un secret public que l'Afrique du Sud a été de mèche avec les Etats-Unis, le Rwanda et l'Ouganda dès le début de la guerre. Se rendre à Sun City pour négocier le destin du Congo, était se mettre dans la gueule du loup. Si les « rebelles » et opposants voulaient réellement un « dialogue » entre Congolais, Kinshasa s¹imposait d¹emblée comme seul choix possible. C¹est à Kinshasa que se sont déroulés ces autres Dialogues appelés Conclave de Lovanium et Conférence Nationale et Souveraine. Les scènes grotesques et humiliantes qui se sont déroulées à Sun City n¹auraient jamais pu avoir lieu à Kinshasa. La population n¹aurait pas supporté l¹intolérable. 

Manoeuvres de la dernière minute 

Le 10 avril, quelques jours avant la fin du "dialogue", Mbeki a fait des propositions qui imposent de nouvelles concessions à Joseph Kabila. Le Président congolais est dépouillé de l¹essentiel de son pouvoir par la création d¹un « Conseil d¹Etat » composé par le Président de la République, le chef du RCD, le chef du MLC et le Premier ministre qui vient de l¹opposition. Mais le RCD refusa les propositions de Mbeki, exigeant la capitulation pure et simple du gouvernement légal et légitime du Congo. 
Pendant 44 jours, le RCD, le MLC et une partie de l¹opposition ont tenté de faire table rase de toutes les institutions congolaises. Malgré les (trop) nombreuses concessions du gouvernement, le « Dialogue » allait droit à l¹échec. Alors, le 11 avril, Masire a proposé que le « Dialogue », qui devait prendre fin le lendemain, soit prolongé jusqu¹au 18. Il l¹a fait après concertation avec Mbeki « pour permettre de finaliser les avances réalisées sur les institutions de la Transition ». Cela participait déjà du complot entre Mbeki et le RCD-Rwanda. Le gouvernement a protesté contre cette modification des termes de l¹Accord de Lusaka : le « facilitateur » n¹a pas compétence en la matière. Le RCD, en revanche, a immédiatement « salué l¹annonce de Masiri Šqui se justifie pour le bien du peuple congolais ». Le RCD, Mbeki et Masire espéraient pousser Joseph Kabila et le gouvernement à la capitulation intégrale.
Mbeki profita du délai supplémentaire pour rédiger une seconde version de son Plan, qui vise à réaliser les conditions de la victoire des agresseurs et de la liquidation de tout pouvoir nationaliste à Kinshasa. 

Une « Transition » sous occupation rwandaise ?

Le plan inqualifiable de Mbeki a comme premier objectif de justifier l¹occupation permanente de l¹Est par les armées de Kagame. Son texte dit : « La période de la Transition sera utilisée afin d¹initier le processus qui va mener à la réunification de la RCD et afin de faciliter le retrait des forces étrangères. » Tous les nationalistes congolais avaient affirmé qu¹il ne pouvait y avoir de dialogue intercongolais sous la menace des fusils des agresseurs. Mais la soi-disant Communauté Internationale les a obligés de dialoguer avec les marionnettes de Kagame et Museveni et cela sous la présence continue des agresseurs sur la moitié du territoire national. C¹était déjà une concession que les nationalistes jugent inacceptable, mais que le gouvernement a faite pour que le peuple se rende compte que si le « dialogue » tourne en farce et échoue, ce ne sera pas de sa faute. 
Cette concession humiliante, les agresseurs l¹ont transformée en nouvel argument pour rester indéfiniment au Congo, pendant toute la période de la « Transition », s¹il le faut. Dans les propositions que Ruberwa a remises à Mbeki, nous lisons parmi les « principes fondamentaux de la transition » au point 7 : « Le désarmement immédiat des groupes armés étrangers sui

News, 19.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   19th April, 2002, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Between Past Crimes and Present Duties

   Germany is debating Israel's assault on the Jenin refugee camp. The
   country has good relations with the Palestinians but also a special
   responsibility for Israel's security.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_501564_1_A,00.html

   Saudi accuses Israel of Jenin war crimes

   Saudi Arabia's foreign minister accused Israel on Friday of
   committing war crimes in the Jenin refugee camp and said it was to
   blame for U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's failure to secure a
   Middle East ceasefire. Prince Saud al-Faisal, speaking after talks in
   Moscow said that an independent fact-finding mission must be
   dispatched as soon as possible to Jenin. He also emphasised that
   Saudi Arabia would never resort to using oil as a weapon in the
   conflict to support the Palestinian cause, and pledged to maintain
   present production levels. The Israeli army left Jenin on Friday ,as
   Palestinian residents of the town's devastated refugee camp dug up
   corpses. An army statement said Israeli forces had completed their
   mission in Jenin, but tanks have taken up positions around the city.
   A senior hospital official there said that they had recovered about
   fifty corpes, but the the death toll could rise to 400, once all
   corpses were extracted from rubble.

   Germany says Mideast tension threatens Europe

   Germany warned on Friday that a failure to find peace in the Middle
   East would hurt European security and that U.S., Israeli, British and
   Jewish institutions were now at risk of attack. Interior Minister
   Otto Schily said that failure to stop the terror and the bloodshed
   will have unforeseen consequences in which many people will also
   suffer outside the Middle East. Germany's BKA federal crime agency
   also warned of security risks and has notified the 16 German states
   of a risk both inside Germany and for Germans abroad.

   Afghan refugees return in droves

   The United Nations refugee agency said on Friday that 300,000 Afghans
   had gone home from Pakistan and Iran in just seven weeks. The flood
   was shaping up to be the largest and fastest return since 800,000
   ethnic Albanians went back to the Serbian province of Kosovo in the
   summer of 1999, a UNHCR spokesman said.The U.N. High Commissioner for
   Refugees now hopes to help 800,000 Afghan refugees return home this
   year, double its initial planning target, as well as 400,000
   internally displaced people within Afghanistan itself. Iran and
   Pakistan host about three-and-a-half million Afghans, who fled war,
   drought and lack of food over more than 25 years.

   North and South Korean parliamentary leaders exchange warm handshake

   Parliamentary leaders from North and South Korea formally shook hands
   at a meeting in the southern Chinese city of Chonqing, a move which
   China's official news agency said symbolized the hope for peace and
   reunification oof both countries. The handshake follows an
   ice-breaking visit to the communist capital Pyongyang earlier this
   month by South Korea's special envoy Lim Dong-Won. During that visit,
   the two Koreas agreed to resume family reunions and open tourism and
   economic cooperation talks.

   South Korea Awards Multi-Billion Dollar Fighter Jet Deat to Boeing

   South Korea has awarded a multi-billion dollar fighter jet contract
   for 40 planes to the U.S. Boeing concern. The deal is expected to
   generate almost 3 billion dollars in jobs and technology for South
   Korea, which hopes to develop its own fighter by 2015. Seoul is
   expected to take first delivery of the new F 15 jets in 2005.

   Plan Crash in Milan Still Leaves Many Open Questions

   Investigators in Italy are still trying to discover what caused
   yesterday's crash of a private plane that slammed into Milan's
   tallest building, killing 3 people, including the pilot and injuring
   more than 90. The incident, which initially was thought to be a
   terrorist attack is currently being called an unbelievable accident,
   after it was disclosed that the pilot told air controllers minutes
   before impact that he was having technical problems. The Italian
   authorities are now speculating that the 67-year-old may have
   committed suicide. The plane struck the building near the top and
   blew out windows on both sides. About 300 people were believed to
   have been in the building at the moment of impact.

   Spanish customs seize 500 kilos of cocaine

   Spanish customs seized 500 kilos of cocaine and arrested two

The Soviet threat was a myth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner



The Soviet threat was a myth 

Stalin had no intention of attacking the west. We were to blame for the
cold war 

Andrew Alexander
Friday April 19, 2002
The Guardian 

On a long and reluctant journey to Damascus, as I researched the
diaries and memoirs of the key figures involved, it dawned on me that
my orthodox view of the cold war as a struggle to the death between
Good (Britain and America) and Evil (the Soviet Union) was seriously
mistaken. In fact, as history will almost certainly judge, it was one
of the most unnecessary conflicts of all time, and certainly the most
The cold war began within months of the end of the second world war,
when the Soviet Union was diagnosed as inherently aggressive. It was
installing communist governments throughout central and eastern Europe.
The triumphant Red Army was ready and able to conquer western Europe
whenever it was unleashed by Stalin, who was dedicated to the global
triumph of communism. But "we" - principally the US and Britain - had
learnt from painful experience that it was futile to seek accommodation
with "expansionist" dictators. We had to stand up to Stalin, in
President Truman's phrase, "with an iron fist". 

It was a Manichean doctrine, seductive in its simplicity. But the
supposed military threat was wholly implausible. Had the Russians,
devastated by the war, invaded the west, they would have had a
desperate battle to reach the Channel coast. Britain would have been
supplied with an endless stream of men and material from the US, making
invasion virtually hopeless. And even if the Soviets, ignoring the
A-bomb, had conquered Europe against all odds, they would have been
left facing an implacable US: the ultimate unwinnable war. In short,
there was no Soviet military danger. Stalin was not insane. 

Nor was he a devout ideologue dedicated to world communism. He was
committed, above all else, to retaining power, and ruling Russia by
mass terror. Stalin had long been opposed to the idea that Russia
should pursue world revolution. He had broken with Trotsky, and
proclaimed the ideal of "socialism in one country". Foreign communist
parties were encouraged to influence their own nations' actions. But it
was never Stalin's idea that they should establish potentially rival
communist governments. Yugoslavia and China were to demonstrate the
peril of rival communist powers. 

The cold war began because of Russia's reluctance to allow independence
to Poland. Stalin was held to have reneged on promises at Yalta.
Roosevelt and Churchill had demanded that Poland be allowed a
government that would be "free" and also "friendly to Russia". It was a
dishonest formula. As recently as 1920, the two countries had been at
war. No freely elected Polish government would be friendly to the USSR.
Furthermore, as Stalin pointed out at Yalta, Russia had been twice
invaded through Poland by Germany in 26 years, with devastating
consequences. The invasion of 1941 had led to the deaths of 20 million
Russians. Any postwar Russian government - communist, tsarist or social
democratic - would have insisted on effective control at least of
Poland, if not of larger areas of eastern Europe, as a buffer zone
against future attacks. 

The cold war warrior Harry Truman came to office in April 1945. The
existing White House, including the belligerent Admiral Leahy,
convinced him that he must make an aggressive start. In May, Churchill
told Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary, that the Americans ought not
to withdraw to the lines previously agreed. There had, he said, to be a
"showdown" while the Allies were still strong militarily. Otherwise
there was "very little prospect" of preventing a third world war. 

Churchill's iron curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri, in March 1946 -
the phrase originated with Dr Goebbels, warning of the same red peril -
reflects the great warrior's view of the Soviet menace. Not
surprisingly, however, it was seen by the Russians as a threat.
Referring to the new "tyrannies", Churchill said: "It is not our duty
at this time when difficulties are so numerous to interfere forcibly in
the internal affairs of countries." The inevitable implication was that
there would be a time when difficulties were not so numerous. 

Truman had adopted an aggressive attitude to Russia the previous
October. He produced 12 points which he said would govern American
policy, including the importance of opening up free markets. The
programme would be based on "righteousness". There could be "no
compromise with evil". Since half his points were aimed at Soviet rule
in eastern Europe, the evil he had in mind was plain. He added that no
one would be allowed to interfere with US policy in Latin America. 

So Russian interference in countries essential to its safety was evil.
But exclusive US domination of its own sphere of 

Gore Vidal explains it all in San Francisco [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner


Vidal's analysis of Sept. 11 gets warm reception

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff WriterFriday, April 19, 2002 
With warm approval from a packed house last night, author Gore Vidal
dissected the Sept. 11 attacks and returned to his basic theme: America
is not without blame. 

The acclaimed political and historical essayist spoke to about 1,300
people at the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco, elaborating on his
latest book, "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace," which examines the
federal government's role in Sept. 11. 

Speaking in a wry tone that brought laughter from the audience, and
often relying on understatement, Vidal said the United States had in
more than 200 instances attacked other countries. 

"We've been like this rogue elephant going around the world, attacking
this country and that," said Vidal. 

He said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, while lamentable, were not
completely inexplicable. 

"Sooner or later, someone was going to get irritable," said Vidal. "The
first rule of physics is that for every act, there is reaction." 

He belittled the Bush administration, which he said was beholden to
business interests. And he said the war in Afghanistan amounted to an
oil grab, rather than a desire to root out terrorists. 

"It's Central Asian oil that we have our eyes on," Vidal said. 

Stanford history Professor Barton Bernstein, one of three panelists,
echoed some of Vidal's thoughts while examining the history of what he
said was America's military aggression. Based on its history, he said,
the United States could be considered a terrorist state. 

Other panelists were Roberg Higgs of the Independent Institute of
Oakland and Thomas Moore of the Hoover Institution at Stanford. 
E-mail Ryan Kim at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
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Nuclear Terror: US Ships High-Radiation Device to China by Mistake [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-19 Thread Steve Wagner


Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, April 19, 2002
Nuclear Terror: US Ships High-Radiation Device to China by Mistake
Recently the US reported two losses of high-radiation devices which
strained the nerve of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. One is a
measuring instrument containing Cs-137 high-radiation material lost by
a paper plant in Wisconsin, which was later found shipped to China, but
fortunately kept untouched in a safe place.  
Nuclear terror has been a focus of public concern since the "September
11" incident. Recently the US reported two losses of high-radiation
devices which strained the nerve of the US Nuclear Regulatory

One is a measuring instrument containing Cs-137 high-radiation material
lost by a paper plant in Wisconsin, which was later found shipped to
China, but fortunately kept untouched in a safe place. The other is a
box containing Ir-192 found in a shop of second-hand articles, and
disastrous results would had been caused if the shop owner haven't
called police quickly. 

Cs-137 shipped to China by mistake

The North America StoraEnso, with its headquarter in Wisconsin, is a
subsidiary company of Sweden-Finland StoraEnso, a world famous paper
producer. Last year the company sold equipment of a factory to a
Chinese paper plant. The equipment, according to agreements, should be
dismembered entirely and then shipped to China. However, workers in
charge of this didn't notice the eye-attracting yellow alarm mark and
didn't adopt any measure for the Cs-137 measuring instrument fastened
on a metal tube. As a result, it was loaded and shipped to China
together with other devices. 

Last January inspectors of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission found
the high-radiation device was missing. On January 31 representatives of
StoraEnso rushed to the Chinese plant, finding the device still
fastened on steel beam, untouched. 

StoraEnso has 10 to 20 such instruments containing Cs-137, mainly used
to measure pulp density and paper thickness, according to the company
spokesman. The one shipped to China, camara-sized, may cause harm to
human body in many aspects if carelessly opened, even death. 

Cs-137 is a kind of high-radiation material which brings great harm if
improperly used, experts say. If seeped into soil, it could remain
centuries in natural environment, even join in food chain. 

The reporter tried to contact South America StoraEnso by telephone to
learn how the company dealt with the case, but couldn't get through. 

The device didn't cause harm since it was fastened in a sheltered
place, according to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The company,
after finding the device, sealed it immediately and put it in safe
place. Now concerned parties are talking how to ship it back safely to
By PD Online Staff Li Heng 


Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or

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UN High Representative Nixes Bosnian Election [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


High Representative Delays Bosnian Election

SARAJEVO, Apr 19, 2002 -- (dpa) The international
community high representative in Bosnia late Thursday
postponed announcement of Bosnia's general elections,
just two hours before the notification deadline

After the parliaments of Bosnia-Herzegovina's
Moslem-Croat and Serbian entities failed to adopt
certain constitutional reforms that would have further
altered the election rules, Austrian diplomat Wolfgang
Petritsch decided to reduce the statutory time period
for notification to be sent by the Election Commission
to all competent authorities from 170 days prior to
the election, as set by the law, to 169 days.

The high representative's decision, according to his
office, would apply only to the elections scheduled
for October 5, 2002, as the first elections to be
organized and held by the Bosnian authorities. The
previous elections in Bosnia were administered by the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

The forthcoming Bosnian general elections were planned
to be held in accordance with constitutional reforms
proposed early this month in the so-called Sarajevo
Agreement, signed by three Bosnian reform parties, out
of nine parties that negotiated the reforms.

Under the Sarajevo Agreement, the parliaments of
Bosnia's two entities - the Moslem-Croat Federation
and the Serb-run Srpska Republic - were supposed to
adopt amendments to the entities' constitutions.

Based on a two-year old decision by
Bosnia-Herzegovina's Constitutional Court, the
agreement was designed to give the same rights on all
Bosnia territory to the country's three ethnic groups
- Croats, Moslems and Serbs.

Neither the Bosnian nationalist Croat Democratic Union
(HDZ) nor the Moslem Party of Democratic Action (SDA)
signed the agreement, nor most Bosnian Serb political

Postponing the elections notification deadline by one
day, the high representative gave an opportunity to
Bosnian political parties to reconsider their
standings, change their earlier decisions and adopt
the constitutional reforms, so that the October 5
elections could be officially declared on Friday.

The office of the high representative did not comment
on possible measures if Bosnian political parties that
hold the seats at the entities' parliaments again fail
to adopt the reforms.

(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur 

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Facing Foreign-Backed Attacks, Communist Support Grows Massively [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
April 18, 2002

Moldova: Are Democracy And Statehood In Peril?
By Eugen Tomiuc

-[T]his week's survey...indicates that pro-Moscow
Communists, who won more than 50 percent of the vote
in general elections last year (February 2001), now
enjoy the support of 73 percent of Moldovans.
-The Communists came to power promising to return
living standards in Europe's poorest country to
Soviet-era levels by bringing Moldova closer to
Russia, and into the Russia-Belarus Union.

An opinion poll in Moldova this week came to the
surprising conclusion that the popularity of the
ruling Communists is on the rise, despite a
three-month, antigovernment protest led by the main
opposition party. Analysts say the protesters' calls
to overthrow a democratically elected government have,
in fact, only strengthened the Communists' position.
They also say the current political turmoil and
absence of stable political parties threaten Moldova's
young democracy, as well as the very existence of a
Moldovan state. 

Prague, 18 April 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Moldovan protesters
have been staging mass antigovernment demonstrations
in the center of the capital Chisinau since January.
But an opinion poll published on 16 April found that
the popularity of the Communists was rising, despite
-- or even as a result of -- the protests. At the same
time, analysts say the current political turmoil and
lack of stable political parties are posing a threat
to democracy in Moldova.

Demonstrations organized and led by the opposition
Christian Democratic People's Party (PPCD) began on 9
January after the government imposed the mandatory
study of Russian in Moldovan schools and announced
plans to make Russian an official language alongside

The plans were subsequently dropped, but demonstrators
continued to gather, pressing for the resignation of
the country's Communist government. Protests peaked
last month, with an estimated 50,000 people rallying
in Chisinau on 31 March. 

However, this week's survey -- conducted by IMAS, an
independent polling organization in neighboring
Romania -- indicates that pro-Moscow Communists, who
won more than 50 percent of the vote in general
elections last year (February 2001), now enjoy the
support of 73 percent of Moldovans.

Commentators say the poll's findings are not
surprising. Moldovan-affairs analyst Charles King of
Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., told RFE/RL
that the protesters are in the minority.

"My view -- and the view of many analysts, I think,
outside Moldova -- is that [the protesters] probably
aren't terribly representative. In fact, the current
demonstrations may have the long-term undesirable
consequence of actually strengthening the position of
the Communist government. This was a government that
was elected in elections that were deemed by all
parties -- even the current opposition -- to be free
and fair," King said.

The PPCD won only 9 percent of the vote in last year's
election. The current opinion poll found the party's
popularity to have dwindled even further, with the
support of only about 6 percent of Moldovans. 

The Communists came to power promising to return
living standards in Europe's poorest country to
Soviet-era levels by bringing Moldova closer to
Russia, and into the Russia-Belarus Union.

Communist President Vladimir Voronin also pledged to
step up efforts to resolve a decade-long dispute with
Moldova's separatist Transdniester Republic -- a
pro-Russian region near the eastern border with
Ukraine. Moldova and Transdniester -- which declared
independence in 1990 -- fought a short but bloody war
in 1992, and have yet to reach an agreement. 

Most of Moldova was part of Romania until World War II
and some two-thirds of its 4.5 million people speak
what is officially called Moldovan -- virtually the
same language as Romanian -- while most of the rest
speak Russian.

Pro-Romanian circles in Moldova, primarily represented
by the PPCD, have seen the Communists' pro-Russian
rhetoric as an attempt to bring the country back into
the Russian sphere of influence -- something they have
vowed to oppose. 

With only 11 seats in Moldova's 101-seat parliament,
the PPCD has limited political power. But its leaders
pledged to resort to civic actions to prevent what
they call "the re-Russification" of Moldova. Many
analysts, however, say Moldovans are indifferent to
both the pro-Russian rhetoric of the Communists and
the pro-Romanian stance of the PPCD. 

With an average income of less than $1 per day,
Moldovans may favor the Communists only out of
nostalgia for the more prosperous days of the Soviet

Analyst Vladimir Socor of the U.S.-based Jamestown
Foundation said the country's endemic poverty is the
result of a decade of failed economic reforms that
compromised the very idea of a market economy.

Socor told RFE/RL that the PPCD is losing support
because it has failed to present credible s

Georgian Troops Threaten Abkhazia; Turkey Backs Azeris Against Armenians, To Pro

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
April 18, 2002


Abkhaz Defense Ministry officials issued a statement
on 17 April claiming that some 700-900 Georgian troops
remain deployed in the Kodori Gorge despite Tbilisi's
assurances to the contrary, the "Georgian Times"
reported. The statement adds that if Georgian troops
remain in the gorge, Abkhazia will "introduce troops
there, including artillery." Abkhazia has been
protesting for nearly a week that Georgia has violated
the 2 April protocol calling for the complete
withdrawal of Georgian troops form the gorge by 10
April (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 3 April 2002). RG 

2)Turkey's ambassador to Azerbaijan pledged on 17
April that, despite recent Armenian comments
suggesting an easing of tensions with Azerbaijan,
Turkey will continue to withhold diplomatic relations
with Armenia until "Armenia reconsiders its policy
toward Azerbaijan" and the Karabakh conflict is
resolved, the Turan news agency reported, cited by
Groong. The Turkish diplomat added that Ankara remains
committed to the planned Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline for
exporting Azerbaijani oil and pledged that Turkey will
ensure the security of any pipeline from Baku. RG 

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Russian Defense Official Objects To US Military Buildup In Georgia [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff

"The presence of American divisions in Georgia should
worry any Russian soldier." 

April 18, 2002 

Russian defense official objects to planned U.S.
military training in Georgia 
MOSCOW – A Russian defense official objected Thursday
to the planned U.S. military training in Georgia,
saying that American influence in the Caucasus
Mountains region was growing and cause for alarm. 

"The presence of American divisions in Georgia should
worry any Russian soldier," Deputy Defense Minister
Alexander Kosovan told the ITAR-Tass news agency. 

The United States announced in February that it would
send military instructors to help train Georgian
troops to fight terrorists. U.S. officials have said
they suspect fighters linked to Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaeda network are hiding in Georgia's Pankisi

President Putin reacted calmly to the announcement,
but many other Russian officials have expressed anger
at Washington's plans. 

Kosovan said Georgia had rejected earlier Russian
offers of help in clearing out the Pankisi Gorge,
according to ITAR-Tass. Russia has said Chechen rebels
are using the gorge bordering Chechnya to rest,
regroup and rearm. 


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Belarus Humanitarian Visit To Iraq; US Smears Continue [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Belarus officials to on humanitarian visit to Iraq  
MINSK, April 18 (AFP) - An official delegation from
Belarus will visit Iraq next week to promote
humanitarian ties between the two countries, the
foreign ministry said Thursday. 
The delegation, led by deputy chief of President
Alexander Lukashenko's administration Leonid Kozik,
would include officials from the health and trade
ministries, as well as representatives of Belarus's
Belavia airlines. 

"The delegation also includes a group of surgeons, who
would perform charity surgeries in Iraqi hospitals,"
foreign ministry spokesman Pavel Latushka said, adding
that Belarus was ready to train Iraqi doctors as well.

The group is scheduled to meet with Iraq's Deputy
Prime Minister Khikmat Al-Azavi and other ministers,
Latushka added. 

Belarus, which already sells tractors, trucks, spare
parts and tyres, would like to establish a tractor
factory, rebuild a bottle manufacturer and restore a
water system in the capital Baghdad, officials in
Minsk said earlier. 

Belarus and its authoritarian leader are viewed with
disfavour by the United States, which accuses Minsk of
being implicated in arms sales to countries that
support terrorism. 

Last October, the German newspaper Die Welt reported
that some 30 Iraqi officers from anti-aircraft defence
forces were in Belarus to familiarise themselves with
S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, which Minsk denied,
saying there was no military component to the
Belarus-Iraqi ties. 


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War Criminal Clark On NATO Expansion, New Order, Privatization, War, Globalizati

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
April 19, 2002

East: Former NATO Supreme Commander Reviews Expansion,
Russia, And Terrorism
By Elena Nikleva and Jeremy Bransten

-"I think it's [September 11]actually facilitated the
enlargement issue and coming to terms with it in two
ways. Number one, it's enabled NATO to show its
appreciation for the United States through the
declaration of NATO Article 5 and the support to the
United States that NATO has given as an institution.
But it's also given the opportunity for individual
NATO member countries to send their forces to work
with the United States -- work that's been greatly
facilitated by the years of NATO inter-operability and
standardization of procedures. 

U.S. General Wesley Clark, who retired in May 2000
after serving as NATO's supreme allied commander in
Europe, has been closely associated with the Balkans
for the past several years. As a military adviser to
U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke in 1995, Clark took
part in the Dayton negotiations that brought peace to
Bosnia. In 1999, he commanded alliance forces during
the Kosovo conflict -- NATO's first-ever combat
mission. Clark has championed the idea of a broad
second wave of NATO expansion -- including Bulgaria
and Romania -- an idea that has appeared to gain favor
in recent months. Seven months before NATO leaders are
due to meet in Prague to announce their future plans,
Clark spoke to RFE/RL in a broad-ranging interview on
NATO expansion, relations with Russia and membership
prospects for "southern flank" nations. 

Prague, 18 April 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Retired U.S. General
Wesley Clark was first asked to enumerate what he sees
as the main rationale for continuing NATO's eastward
expansion. The key benefits, he says, are not only
military but political.

"I think NATO recognizes that first, the prospect of
membership is an important incentive in helping
nations cope with the stresses and difficulties of
transformation. And secondly, NATO would like to see
the stability of Western Europe extended eastward.
It's a stability not marked only by democratic change
but by the expectations in people's lives, the
settling down, the recognition that the old ways are
things of the past. There will be no more wars. There
will be no more conflicts. There will be no more armed
revolts. There will be no more killing in the streets.
This is Europe. This is the heartland of civilization.
It's going to be settled. People can count on the
future, and they can build their lives."

Specifically, in the case of Romania and Bulgaria,
Clark sees NATO membership as an anchor that will once
and for all ensure the two countries' place in the
community of Western European nations, after centuries
of existence on its turbulent political fringe.

"I think the most important advantage of bringing
Bulgaria and Romania in [NATO] is that it settles the
question of their future alignment and orientation.
They're going to be democratic countries. They're
going to be Western-oriented countries. They're going
to increasingly become integrated into the mainstream
of Europe and not be isolated and their people
isolated on the southeastern fringe. It moves further
to the recesses of the past, the legacy of the Ottoman
Empire and of the armies that have tramped back and
forth across the boundaries of the Black Sea --
invasions and massacres and so forth. They're going to
be part of Western Europe."

Clark's heavy emphasis on the political significance
of NATO expansion stems from his belief that, at
heart, the alliance in the post-Cold War era has
become more important as a political organization
rather than as the military pact it was once solely
designed to be.

Instead of judging applicants by rigid criteria, such
as whether their armies are up to NATO standards or
whether their governments have the necessary funds or
fully established democratic institutions expected of
current NATO members, the alliance -- according to
Clark -- should act as a facilitator.

Expansion, he says, should be seen as part of an
ongoing process that will require a certain leap of
faith from both the alliance and future members.

"Fundamentally, it's a political issue. NATO is a
political alliance before it's a military alliance.
But when people in Eastern Europe talk about being
poor, this is part of the transformation process.
Wealth is created by people's imagination and
industry. People have to create wealth by having ideas
and then they need the institutions to support those
ideas -- whether it's micro-scale loans or whether
it's something else. And those micro-scale loans and
easier credits from larger banking institutions and
technical services and strong copyright and
patent-protection provisions that are still accessible
and relatively low trade barriers -- all of these
features have to developed by the state. But they also
require a transformation of mind set. Wealth can't be
created by the state. I

Russian FM Opposes NATO Eastward Expansion [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Russia Journal
April 19, 2002

Ivanov opposes NATO eastward expansion

-But despite the prospect of a new, closer
relationship, NATO's interest in welcoming more former
Soviet republics as members continues to irritate the
The three Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and
Estonia are expected to win coveted invitations to
join the U.S.-led alliance this year, and U.S.
President George W. Bush said last week that he
envisions an alliance stretching "from the Baltic to
the Black Sea."

MOSCOW (Associated Press) - Russian Foreign Minister
Igor Ivanov reiterated on Thursday the Kremlin's
opposition to the eastward expansion of NATO, saying
it would lead the alliance in the wrong direction.
"A mechanical expansion of the North Atlantic alliance
will not help solve the problems facing the world
community today," Ivanov said, according to ITAR-Tass
news agency.

"Therefore we suggest a new formula for solving such
problems - the establishment of the Russian-NATO
twenty," ITAR-Tass quoted Ivanov as saying while
fielding questions from readers of the daily
Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Ivanov was referring to a new Russia-NATO council that
is close to be agreed between the former Cold War
foes. Under the plan, Russia would sit alongside the
19 NATO member nations to cooperate in tackling
terrorism and the spread of nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons.

Russia and NATO are expected to wrap up the agreement
during a May 14-15 meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland.

But despite the prospect of a new, closer
relationship, NATO's interest in welcoming more former
Soviet republics as members continues to irritate the

The three Baltic countries of Lithuania, Latvia and
Estonia are expected to win coveted invitations to
join the U.S.-led alliance this year, and U.S.
President George W. Bush said last week that he
envisions an alliance stretching "from the Baltic to
the Black Sea."

Ivanov was quoted by ITAR-Tass as saying Friday that
the expansion eastward was "a road in the wrong

Meanwhile, Ivanov said that Russia is eager to
continue building its partnership with the United
States, according to ITAR-Tass.

"The United States is a partner with which Russia
wants to solve problems such as world security and
stability," he said.

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Caucasus: NATO 1, Russia 0 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Georgia to get back its military bases soon 

-Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said last
month that Moscow could revise the date of the troop
withdrawal as a result of the expected deployment in
Georgia of 200 US troops to train security forces in
anti-terrorism methods.
AFP [ THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002  6:58:15 PM ] 
MOSCOW: Moscow is prepared to hand back two military
bases to Georgia within 10 years, or four years
earlier than originally planned, a senior Russian
defence official said on Thursday.

"This new Russian offer has been well received by the
Georgian side," news agencies quoted Russia's deputy
defence minister, General Alexander Kosovan, as

However, while the offer should still be regarded as
informal and had "not yet been officially extended,"
to Tbilisi, negotiations on the bases should
nevertheless start next month, Kosovan said.

The two bases, Akhalkaladi and Batumi, located in
south and southwest areas of Georgia, have long been a
source of tension between Moscow and Tbilisi.

Georgia insists Moscow hand back the two bases within
three years at the latest but Russia is pressing
Georgia to accept its new offer, with Kosovan saying
Moscow will not withdraw 1,500 of its troops stationed
near Tbilisi "until an agreement has been reached on
the date of the handover of Akhalkadi and Batumi."

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said last month
that Moscow could revise the date of the troop
withdrawal as a result of the expected deployment in
Georgia of 200 US troops to train security forces in
anti-terrorism methods.

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Kyrgyzstan: 6 US Jet Fighters, 3,000 Western Troops Deployed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Times Of India
April 19, 2002

Six US jets in Kyrgyzstan for Afghan operation 

-In addition, some 1,500 troops from countries
including the United States, France, Spain and South
Korea are deployed at the airfield and this number
could grow to up to 3,000 soldiers.

BISHKEK: Six US FA-18 fighter jets have arrived at the
Manas airport in Kyrgyzstan to take part in US-led
anti-terror operations in Afghanistan, a spokesman
said on Thursday.

The six US Hornet jets landed at the airfield outside
the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek on Tuesday evening, said a
spokesman for the US airforce contingent at the
airfield, Richard Essary.

Refuelling aircraft and six French Mirage 2000 jets,
which have been taking part in the US-led operation
against pockets of al Qaeda resistance, are already
based at Manas in this Central Asian nation.

In addition, some 1,500 troops from countries
including the United States, France, Spain and South
Korea are deployed at the airfield and this number
could grow to up to 3,000 soldiers.

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Terror Bombing In Southern Serbia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Multiethnic police facility in southern Serbia damaged
in attack 
April 18, 2002

Bujanovac, 18 April: At about 2135 [1935 gmt] last
night, an explosive device was thrown at the facility
housing multiethnic police in the village of Lucane,
on the Bujanovac road towards Kosovo-Metohija, after
which several rounds were fired from automatic
weapons, the Bujanovac press centre has reported. 

At the time of the attack, members of the multiethnic
police were inside the facility, but no one was hurt. 

The explosion damaged the roof and the room in which
the policemen were staying, while the barrage fire
damaged a truck that was parked near the facility... 

Source: Tanjug 

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BBC: Boeing wins disputed Korean deal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Stasi


Friday, 19 April, 2002, 08:09 GMT 09:09 UK 
Boeing wins disputed Korean 
There were protests at US pressure to buy from 



  Caroline Gluck BBC 
  Seoul correspondent 

Boeing, the US aerospace giant, has won a 
contract to provide South Korea with 40 new fighter jets, beating off rival bids 
from three European makers. 


  We considered security, foreign policy and economic 

  South Korean Defence Ministry statement 
  After a two-year 
evaluation, Boeing was chosen over Eurofighter, Dassault and Russia's Soi, to 
fulfil a contract worth more than $4bn. 
The battle to win the contract, codenamed FX, had become hotly disputed. 
A few weeks ago the French company Dassault applied to the South Korean 
courts in an effort to block the deal, which it said was biased in favour of 
Lucrative deal 
But, as had been widely expected, South Korean defence officials announced 
that Boeing had been awarded a multi-billion dollar contract to provide the air 
force with a fleet of new jet fighters. 
Boeing's latest version of its F15 fighter was chosen over the Rafale, 
produced by France's Dassault Aviation in a second round evaluation. 
A statement by the Ministry of Defence said that it had considered security, 
foreign policy and economic factors in making the final decision. 
For the past half-century South Korea has bought most of its defence 
equipment from the United States, a close military ally with more than 37,000 US 
troops stationed on its territory. 
The battle to win the FX contract has proved increasingly controversial. 
Earlier this month Dassault filed a court injunction against the South Korean 
Government to try to stop the competition. 
The company said it believed the process lacked transparency and was biased 
in favour of Boeing. 
The court has not yet made its ruling. 
Meanwhile, defence officials have also announced that the American company, 
General Electric, has been chosen to build engines for the Boeing jet, beating 
Pratt and Whitney which had supplied engines for every F15 sold for nearly 30 
The news came after a Defence Ministry investigation which concluded this 
week that the crash of a fighter jet in February was due to a problem with a 
Pratt and Whitney engine. It was the third crash due to engine failure since 

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'Che-Leila' Youth Brigades Launched in Occupied Ramallah [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Stasi


'Che-Leila' Youth Brigades Launched in Occupied Ramallah

"Love the people, serve them and become a part of them"
(Leila Khaled's Autobiography 'My People Shall Live')
Founded in Ramallah, Palestine, April 5th 2002

Why the launch of Che-Leila?
Che-Leila is a non party-affiliated organisation in Britain that will
provide support to the international movements who are fighting imperialism,
which is the source of poverty, hunger, destitution and humiliation in
oppressed peoples' countries. It is unlike any other organisation in Britain
as it seeks to concretely support those civil mass organisations of people
who are seeing to the peoples basic human needs under imperialist
exploitation and oppression. It has been too long in Britain that people
have not been supported because a section of British people have been
corrupted by the same system that they claim to fight. In Ramallah, we are
meeting many peoples organisations who are arrogantly dismissed by these
people in Britain. They are doing revolutionary work, and we as
revolutionaries in the heartland of British Imperialism are duty bound to do
our utmost to support them.

Inspired by the unity in Palestine and the Arab world
In Ramallah we are following the tremendous international support that the
people of occupied Palestine are receiving, especially the Arab youth. We
were very much inspired by the youth of Jordan and Egypt (Cairo University
students are heroically facing batons, water cannons and armoured trucks on
their campus while striking against US and Zionist presence in their

Living through the events in the Northern towns and cities last summer in
Britain, we watched with mixed feelings our Asian youth fighting police and
fascist provocation, a provocation which is always encouraged by the racist
press and the racist Labour government. While seeing the defence of the
Asian community as just, we were pained to see the division amongst the
youth of our two communities - white and black. In Ramallah we are
profoundly inspired by the unity of the 'National and Islamic Forces', where
Islamic, Communist and Secular organisations are all united against a common
enemy - the dark Zionist forces. This has to serve as an example to us in
Britain. This unity, which is being steeled with every martyr and action of
resistance in Palestine and South Lebanon, this is the most potent force
against oppression.

Repression increases, lets increase our resistance!

Che-Leila Youth will never be intimidated!

Youth who have founded Che-Leila have been supporting peoples movements for
several years. Che-Leila activists have been to Cuba, Ireland, Libya,
Algeria, Palestine, Colombia to see and help our people there. Under the
Terrorism Act 2000 we are being criminalised for supporting these movements.
We have no rights under this law. We can be imprisoned and/or fined upto
£2,500 for simply refusing to answer questions. This is unjust and we must
resist unjust laws. This law is also an attack on our own movement for our
rights in this country. Any physical attack on the British infrastructure is
seen as a terrorist action. This means a strike could be seen as a terrorist
action. The brutal attack on leading trade unionist Bob Crow of the Rail and
Maritime Transport Union is a signal from the powers that be that we will be
repressed in defending our rights at work. Che-Leila activists have been
detained and arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000, we are all targets and
must prepare ourselves for the inevitable repressive actions that the
British state will conduct against our peoples in Britain. We must support
people who are against the Terrorism Act and the 'emergency terrorist laws'
that treat foreign nationals even worse than under the Terrorism Act 2000.

Ideological and organisational discipline! Lets Learn!
With increased repression and exploitation the only weapons we have, are
first, understanding, (knowing what you are fighting against and fighting
for), and then organisation so that we can be ready not only for defensive
actions but also positive actions. The unity of these two will make us
unstoppable. We must learn from movements who are showing, IN PRACTICE these

Why the name 'Che -Leila'?

The names comes from Che Guevara and Leila Khaled. Two names which are on
the lips of revolutionary youth around the world. These names we have seen
everywhere in Ramallah and occupied Palestine, on flags, on streets and in
peoples names themselves. Che Guevara is the legendary revolutionary who
fought with Castro in Cuba for freedom and also a great internationalist who
also fought in other parts of Latin America and in Africa against
imperialism. Leila Khaled, living in Jordan tod

'Deep Chill' With China As US Military Enters Asia 'With A Vengeance' [WWW.STOPN

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Hindu
April 19, 2002

Terrorism: U.S. not happy with China 
By Amit Baruah 

-It is evident that after a period of neglect, the
Americans have woken up to the Asia-Pacific region
with a vengeance. 
-...China expressed concern over Washington's plans to
stay for a long time in Afghanistan and other parts of
Central Asia. American troops are likely to linger in
the Philippines longer than the six months
-...Admiral Blair said the U.S. was interested in the
use of the strategic Vietnamese base of Cam Ranh Bay,
which the Russians are expected to return to Hanoi
later this year. 


SINGAPORE April 18. At a time when China has said a
"deep chill'' has set into its relations with the
United States, Washington has called on Beijing to
share more intelligence information with it to tackle
the problem of terrorism. 

Admiral Dennis Blair, U.S. Pacific commander, told
reporters in Hong Kong today that Beijing was coming
up short on specifics when it came to polling
information in the battle against terrorist groups.
``With other governments that we're operating with
more closely, like the Philippines or Singapore and
Malaysia, it's very detailed, tactical information of
the type you need to take actionI think we need to
get to that level with Beijing, and it's not quite
there yet,'' the Admiral, who has been visiting the
region, was quoted as saying. 

Beijing is critical of recent developments in ties
with the U.S. and believes that Washington is
undermining the basis on which the relations were
restored — the U.S. commitment to a "one China''

``When we have all countries doing that (sharing
information) in a very effective way, we will go a
long way towards winning this campaign,'' the U.S.
official, who lays down office on May 2, said. ``You
need specific information: what airplane flight is
that person going to be flying from Beijing to Manila
on and what alias is that person going to be using and
let's have a picture,'' the Admiral said about the
kind of cooperation the United States wanted from
China. Apart from their criticism of the U.S. paying
host to top Taiwan leaders, China expressed concern
over Washington's plans to stay for a long time in
Afghanistan and other parts of Central Asia. American
troops are likely to linger in the Philippines longer
than the six months scheduled; a policy option that
has support from the Philippine President, Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo, herself. 

These developments are being closely watched by
Beijing, which had expected more understanding from
Washington in its battle against the Uighur
separatists in Xinjiang province. 

Interestingly, Admiral Blair said the U.S. was
interested in the use of the strategic Vietnamese base
of Cam Ranh Bay, which the Russians are expected to
return to Hanoi later this year. 

The Americans, however, are unexpected to receive any
special treatment from the Vietnamese as far as the
use of the Russian Cold War base is concerned given
the past history of animosity between Hanoi and

It is evident that after a period of neglect, the
Americans have woken up to the Asia-Pacific region
with a vengeance. 

There have been scores of visits to this part of the
world — the Americans are slated to begin a security
dialogue with the Indonesians later this month and the
Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, will be in
Washington in May. 

There is little doubt that underlying all this
diplomatic activity is the dominant concern about
tackling terrorism especially when it affects American
nationals. In the weeks and months to come, American
involvement in the Asia-Pacific region can only
increase. Such developments will be closely watched in
the capitals of the region — especially in Beijing.

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Russians Turn Against Putin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Daily Telegraph
April 19, 2002

Hardliners turn against Putin the reformer
By Marcus Warren in Moscow

-"He is carrying out Gorbachev's policy: saying one
thing and doing another," the Communist leader
complained recently. "He talks of strengthening our
influence in the world and Nato bases appear in
Central Asia and American colonels in Georgia."

PRESIDENT Putin issued a clarion call for bolder
reforms yesterday, widening the gap between Russia's
leader and his erstwhile supporters among the

In his annual "state of the nation" address, Mr Putin
said that now political stability had been restored
after a turbulent decade of change, improving living
standards was the next big challenge.

"I have already said that Russia needs more ambitious
policies, a higher rate of economic growth," he told a
special session of both houses of parliament. State
institutions should work together to achieve this, he

For Russia's communists and nationalists it was a
further sign of how the president has fallen from
favour. Like spurned lovers, they have swung from
rapturous delight to wary approval to outright

Where once they praised him for his backing of the
military and championing of the old Soviet national
anthem, now they heap abuse on him.

His pro-Western stance and pursuit of economic
liberalisation have even earned him sneering
comparisons with two hate figures for the hardliners,
Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.

"It was directed at the Americans and the Europeans
rather than his own country," Gennady Zyuganov, the
Communist Party leader, said of yesterday's speech in
the Kremlin. "It was cheerless and uninteresting."

At its most extravagant, the criticism portrays the
former KGB officer as a helpless nonentity, the puppet
of Russian tycoons, the Yeltsin-era ancien regime and
the West.

Highlighting the trend is a new novel by a nationalist
guru, Alexander Prokhanov, a satire on Mr Putin's rise
to power. Its title, Mr Hexogen, refers to the
explosives used in bombs which destroyed several
blocks of flats in 1999.

The author, editor of the influential weekly Zavtra,
joins some of the president's liberal enemies in
blaming the blasts not on Chechen terrorists, the
official culprits, but on those grooming Mr Putin to
succeed Mr Yeltsin.

"The Kremlin planned it all," he said recently. "There
are various dots in a row. They needed a Chechen war
for Putin to become president. But there is one
mysterious dot in this line and that is the

The end of the Yeltsin era is depicted in his book as
a diabolic orgy of evil, peopled by half-man,
half-beast reformers and grotesque oligarchs, all of
them manipulated by KGB veterans.

The vitriolic attack on Mr Putin is also noteworthy
because its author, admittedly a maverick, was once an
enthusiastic admirer of the then newly elected

Emerging from a private audience with Mr Putin in the
Kremlin two years ago, Mr Prokhanov described his host
as "masterful".

Now, he dismisses the president as "a zero, a
hologram, one minute it's there, the next it isn't, a
play of the light."

He recalled: "Then, I didn't have the chance to
stretch out my hand and prod him. If I had, I am sure
that my hand would have passed straight through this
cloud and come out the other side."

Until now, Mr Zyuganov has been careful to condemn the
Kremlin's policies or Mr Putin's entourage rather than
the man himself.

"He is carrying out Gorbachev's policy: saying one
thing and doing another," the Communist leader
complained recently. "He talks of strengthening our
influence in the world and Nato bases appear in
Central Asia and American colonels in Georgia."

Halfway through his four-year term, a squeeze on
living standards caused by cuts in housing subsidies
and resurgent anti-American sentiment could, in
theory, erode Mr Putin's astonishing popularity.

And yet, despite their rhetoric and support among the
victims of reform, the communists seem as ill prepared
as any other political force to exploit discontent.

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US Parliament Of Whores Bans Visitors, Students From 7 Countries [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-04-19 Thread Rick Rozoff


Friday April 19, 2:16 PM 
US Senate passes ban on visitors from state sponsors
of terrorism

-The Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform
Act, passed unanimously (97-0) in the Senate late
Thursday, prohibits admission of people from Cuba,
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and North Korea unless
they are coming to the United States as immigrants. 

The US Senate, still reeling from the September 11
attacks, moved to bar visitors from countries formally
declared sponsors of terrorism, and tighten control
over foreign students coming to the United States. 

The Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform
Act, passed unanimously (97-0) in the Senate late
Thursday, prohibits admission of people from Cuba,
Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and North Korea unless
they are coming to the United States as immigrants. 

However, the US secretary of state will have the
ability to grant a waiver to those deemed not a risk
to US national security. 

The measure marked another step by Congress to enhance
domestic security in the wake of the September 11
attacks that were carried out by terrorists who
managed to enter the United States legally, including
on student visas. 

"We know the chances of another terrorist attack are
great, and we know it is unconscionable for our
systems to allow entry of another terrorist into the
United States," warned California Democratic Senator
Dianne Feinstein, one of the sponsors of the bill,
during the debate preceding the vote. 

"Unless we move on this bill, we cannot possibly
remedy the faults in our system," she added.

As many as 16,000 nationals from Iran, Iraq, Sudan,
Libya, and Syria have entered the United States as
students over the past 10 years, according to
congressional officials. 

It was not immediately known how many come every year
to visit relatives and friends living in the United
States or as tourists. 

The measure also significantly tightens control over
foreign students studying in US universities and

It requires the State and Justice Departments to
closely monitor these students' arrivals, enrolment
into classes as well as their dropping out. 

If the bill becomes law, which is largely expected,
universities will be asked to report foreign students
not showing up for classes to immigration authorities.

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