2002-04-25 Thread jonathan
Title: Message


shows that all the rural ethnic Albanians in Macedonia knew exactly what was 
going on and collaborated in it.
.A villager passed by. He was 
an elderly Albanian who knew my father. The only words he uttered were: “This is 
insane,” and he handed me a cigarette. 

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Muslims trapped by India's apartheid [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


Muslims trapped by India's apartheid
Gujarat's Hindu nationalist chief minister, Narendar Modi, holds the media responsible 
for the cycle of communal bloodletting, but the blame lies largely at his doorstep, 
writes Luke Harding 
The Guardian, London 
Tuesday April 23, 2002 

When will the violence in Gujarat stop? Judging by the horrific events of this 
weekend, not yet. Nearly two months after communal rioting first broke out in India's 
most infamous state, there were more deaths in Gujarat.

Some 17 people were killed and at least 100 injured in fresh Hindu-Muslim clashes. The 
state's main city Ahmedabad continues to burn. A group of Muslims dragged a police 
constable into a lane and stabbed him to death on Sunday.

The police responded by going on a killing spree, shooting dead at least six Muslims 
in the Gomtipur area of the city. They included an 18-year-old girl, Nazimabanu 
Mehmood Hussain, and her 42-year-old father. She and the other victims of what is 
euphemistically known as "police firing" were shot in the head at point blank range.

The depressing cycle of violence follows a now-familiar pattern in which Gujarat's 
partisan Hindu police force - instead of trying to stop the violence - trains its guns 
on India's minority community.

The response of Gujarat's unrepentant Hindu nationalist chief minister, Narendar Modi, 
has been to blame the media. In full-page adverts in Sunday's Indian newspapers Mr 
Modi accuses his critics of "malicious propaganda". They have tarnished Gujarat's 
reputation by spreading "untruths", he says.

Few people outside India's ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) - of which Mr Modi is a 
member - share this view. Last week a leaked report compiled by senior diplomats at 
the British high commission in New Delhi squarely pointed the finger of blame for the 
violence at Mr Modi and his administration.

The report also suggested that the official death toll - 800 - was a gross 
underestimate. A truer figure was 2,000, with the vast majority of dead Muslims, the 
report noted. Extremist Hindu organisations began preparing an attack against the 
state's Muslim community well before the Godhra tragedy, in which a Muslim mob burned 
to death 56 Hindus on a train, the report added.

In a declaration to be made public this week, the European Union compares events in 
Gujarat since February 27 with the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany. "The 
carnage in Gujarat was a kind of apartheid ... and has parallels with Germany of the 
1930s", the declaration says.

While secular Indians have been appalled by the epic scale of the retaliatory 
destruction in Gujarat, Mr Modi has become a hero among hardliners within the BJP and 
its Hindu revivalist allies. It is this, perhaps, which explains why India's BJP prime 
minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, had refused to give in to persistent demands from the 
opposition to sack the defiant Mr Modi.

It seems that many in the BJP and its revanchist sister organisations feel that 
India's Muslims have finally got the beating they deserve. "The Muslims have to be 
taught a lesson, once and for all", Pravin Togadiya, the secretary general of the 
extremist Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), opined on Sunday.

Mr Vajpayee clearly finds the violence embarrassing. India's reputation 
internationally has suffered badly. New Delhi's previously plausible argument that the 
problem of extremism was one that only affected its archrival Pakistan now seems 
hollow. But with the BJP in deep electoral trouble, many within the ruling party 
believe that continuing Hindu-Muslim unrest is the best way to consolidate its Hindu 
vote bank and bounce back to victory in a general election scheduled for 2004.

India's ultra-nationalist home minister LK Advani - seen by many as a successor to Mr 
Vajpayee - has defended Mr Modi. The bodies have continued to pile up, but Mr Advani 
has maintained a sphinx-like silence, which appears to hint at approval. Several of 
the prime minister's secular coalition partners, meanwhile, have also demanded Mr 
Modi's dismissal. 

But they have refrained from pulling the plug on the government, realising that loss 
of office, which an early general election would bring, means loss of influence, 
power, and money.

With more deaths every day Mr Modi's declaration in yesterday's Indian newspapers that 
"Peace is our collective responsibility" seems nothing more than a sick joke.


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US Troops Attack, Suffer Casualties In Pakistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


Al-Qaida Cropping Up in Pakistan 

By George Gedda
Associated Press Writer
Thursday, April 25, 2002; 12:28 AM 

WASHINGTON –– Covert U.S. soldiers have participated
in attacks against al-Qaida hide-outs in Pakistan and
are searching for pockets of militants along the
border region, The Washington Post reported.

U.S. troops based on the Afghanistan side of the
mountainous frontier have been attacked several times
a week over the last month and have been in several
firefights with al-Qaida militants, the Post reported
in Thursday's edition, citing unidentified U.S.
military officials.

The Americans have suffered some casualties, though no
American has been killed, the Post said.

U.S. forces have found only small pockets of al-Qaida
forces since the end of a weeklong ground and air
assault in the Shah-e-Kot valley south of Kabul, the
Afghan capital. Since then, the military has been
quiet on whether U.S. forces are operating in
Pakistan, where many al-Qaida fighters are believed to
have fled.

Pentagon officials could not be reached for comment
late Wednesday night.

In the Afghan regions, members of the U.S. Special
Forces and Delta Force have been deliberately exposing
themselves to attack to draw out the small pockets of
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters believed to be hiding in
the border area, the Post said, again citing military

U.S. officials earlier Wednesday had said the Bush
administration was considering sending U.S. advisers
to work with Pakistani troops in the pursuit of
al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in Pakistan.

A senior administration official said it was his
understanding that an agreement may already have been
reached but another official said the two countries
had not yet reached that point.

Asked about a New York Times report that an agreement
has been reached, Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke
declined comment except to say that Pakistan has been
very helpful in the war on terrorism.

"The cooperation continues to get better and better
all the time," she said.

At issue is a strategy to deal with hundreds of
al-Qaida and Taliban militants who are believed to
have taken refuge in a lawless region near the Afghan

One official said Pakistan was reluctant to
acknowledge contacts with the United States about
joint military cooperation in tracking down terrorists
out of concern for public opinion.

He noted that Pakistani authorities themselves
traditionally have been reluctant to engage in law
enforcement activities in the area, preferring to
leave policing to local tribal authorities.

Pentagon officials have indicated for months that they
think it is unlikely that Pakistan would agree to
joint military operations in pursuit of suspected
terrorists inside Pakistan, and some have said they
believe it would be unwise because of a likely
political backlash.

The approach taken by Gen. Tommy Franks, the U.S.
commander of the war in Afghanistan, has been to
coordinate and consult with the Pakistani military in
pursuing al-Qaida fugitives, but to let the Pakistani
authorities carry out the operations.

The main U.S. role has been in providing intelligence
and law enforcement support, rather than direct
military involvement.

The joint Pakistani-U.S. raids that led to the capture
of suspected terrorist Abu Zubaydah are thought to be
models for future counterterrorism operations in
Pakistan. They relied on U.S. civilian, rather than
military, authorities.

Abu Zubaydah is alleged to have been one of Osama bin
Laden's top planners of terrorist operations, with
knowledge of al-Qaida plots and operational cells. He
was captured in Pakistan on March 28 and is recovering
from three gunshot wounds he received in the raid. 

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Ukrainian pres. for the deployment of internationals [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread TOOLGT


Ukrainian pres. for the deployment of international forces in the Palestinian territories

(Leonid Kuchma) also called for an unconditional, immediate and complete Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and "ending all violent operations and terrorist acts, a step which must be declared officially by the Israeli leadership and the President of the Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat." 

Ukrainian president called for the deployment of international forces in the Palestinian territories 
AMMAN, (Jordan), April 24 - Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma called for the deployment of international forces in the West Bank and Gaza to set the stage for the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. Kuchma said Wednesday that the resumption of negotiations should focus on the establishment of a Palestinian state and a cease-fire. Kuchma spoke in Jordan at the end of a Mideast tour that included Lebanon and Syria. He also called for an unconditional, immediate and complete Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and "ending all violent operations and terrorist acts, a step which must be declared officially by the Israeli leadership and the President of the Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat." 
The Ukrainian president, who arrived Tuesday in the Jordanian capital, held talks with King Abdullah II. The talks between the two men focused on the situation in the region and the escalation of violence in the Palestinian territories as well as bilateral economic cooperation. Jordan and Ukraine signed economic and cultural agreements to enhance and facilitate trade exchange, joint ventures and the establishment of trade centers in the two countries. 
Last year, the volume of bilateral trade reached 56,9 million dinars (dlrs 80 million) of Ukrainian exports to Jordan, while Jordanian exports to Ukraine reached one million dinars (dlrs 1,4 million).  


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Deadly American Attack No Surprise To Residents Of Kandahar [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Globe And Mail

Deadly American mistake no surprise to residents of

Thursday, April 25, 2002 

KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN -- To many Afghans, the saga of
the four Canadian soldiers who died in a training
exercise near Kandahar sounds all too familiar.
They've been through the sequence many times before:
the Americans drop bombs, the Americans kill the wrong
people, the Americans apologize and the Americans
promise an investigation.

The investigations rarely lead anywhere and many
Afghans have grown deeply cynical about their
"liberators." The list of so-called friendly fire
incidents involving Afghans during the past six months
is long.

The first was the mistaken bombing of the Red
Cross/Red Crescent headquarters in Kabul during the
early phases of the air war to root out the Taliban
regime. Since then, errant bombs and missiles have hit
Afghan forces working with the U.S.-led coalition
several times, including a mistaken attack in Kandahar
in December that lightly wounded the country's interim
leader, Hamid Karzai. In late December, U.S. planes
hit a convoy near Khost, killing dozens of Afghans,
including tribal leaders on their way to Mr. Karzai's
inauguration in Kabul.

Even more infamous is the attack in Orozgun province
on Jan. 23, which left at least 16 Afghans dead, and
which the Americans have since admitted was a
special-forces operation gone awry.

So when news rippled through Kandahar that four
Canadians had been killed by another errant American
missile, residents only shook their heads.

"It's not good. The Americans, they do whatever they
want, kill whoever they want and it doesn't matter,"
said rickshaw driver Taimoor, who like many Afghans
uses only one name.

Some have a warning for Canadians expecting to find
out what really happened last week when an F-16
dropped a 250-kilogram bomb on Canadians conducting a
training exercise. "Do not believe them. The Americans
always say they will investigate, but never do," said
Gul Ahmed, who sells Polaroid photographs in Kandahar.

Such cynicism is perhaps understandable. The number of
Afghans killed during the U.S. "war on terrorism" has
yet to be tallied, but it ranges from several hundred
into the thousands.

The Orozgun incident stands out in the minds of many
here. In January, a U.S. special-forces team descended
on two compounds in the town of Hazar Qadam, believing
they had discovered a cell of Taliban fighters.
Instead, they attacked allies of Mr. Karzai. At least
16 Afghans were killed in the raid -- some of them,
according to witnesses, killed execution-style or shot
in their beds as they slept. More than 25 were taken
prisoner. A few weeks later, after journalists visited
the site, the Pentagon admitted the Americans had hit
the wrong people.

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SCMP: Hu Jintao says China opposes world's bullies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


Hu Jintao says China 
  opposes world's bullies


LLOYD-SMITH in Kuala Lumpur




  Vice-President Hu Jintao yesterday 
delivered a strong message to Washington ahead of his arrival in the 
US this weekend - that Beijing will oppose the "big bullying the 
Speaking to diplomats and executives in Kuala Lumpur, the man 
expected to succeed President Jiang Zemin said Beijing "opposes the 
strong lording it over the weak and the big bullying the small, and 
has long pledged not to seek hegemony, not to join any military bloc 
and not to pursue its own spheres of influence". 





added: "It is recognised that the major powers in the world all have 
some interests in Asia. A peaceful, harmonious and co-operative 
relationship among these powers is what Asian countries desire." 
Although he did not mention the US by name, his comments came 
after the world's sole superpower significantly beefed up its 
military presence in Asia in the wake of the September 11 attacks. 
While many neighbouring countries appear concerned about the 
mainland's growing clout, Beijing is wary of the US presence in the 
Southeast Asian leaders - including those in Singapore, Mr Hu's 
next stop, and Malaysia - have become increasingly worried about the 
steady rise of the mainland economy, which has been drawing jobs and 
investment away from the region. 
Mr Hu praised Mr Jiang's leadership and assured the region he 
remained committed to opening the mainland's economy. 
"In the next five years, a more open China will provide its 
trading partners with opportunities of at least US$1.5 trillion 
[HK$11.7 trillion] worth of goods," he said. China's foreign trade 
is currently worth about US$500 billion. 
After arriving in Malaysia late on Tuesday, Mr Hu held talks 
yesterday with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and his deputy, 
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and met King Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin. He is 
due in Singapore tomorrow before leaving for a week-long US trip on 
Saturday. He arrives in Honolulu before travelling to San Francisco, 
New York and Washington, where he will meet President George W. Bush 
and Vice President Dick Cheney. 

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Stratfor: The Mysteries of Saudi Troop Deployments [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


The Mysteries of Saudi Troop Deployments24 April 2002 
SummaryUnusual reports of Saudi troop movements along the 
northern border with Jordan have raised several questions. The movements -- 
ostensibly in response to an Israeli military buildup or, as Riyadh claims, a 
routine military maneuver -- more likely reflect the government's growing 
concern with domestic instability.AnalysisThe official 
Saudi Press Agency confirmed April 23 that Saudi troops were deployed over the 
past two weeks to the northwestern region of Tabuk. The deployment included 
8,000 troops, or a total of eight brigades, equipped with missile launchers and 
driving armored personnel carriers, Agence France-Presse reported. 
Several explanations for the deployment are possible. An unnamed Gulf 
military official quoted by AFP said the maneuver came in response to an Israeli 
military buildup near the Jordanian border. The Saudi Press Agency denied this 
claim, asserting that the deployment was routine. Another, more likely 
possibility is that the movement was triggered by a wave of political unrest 
that swept through Saudi Arabia in early April. Although the reason for the 
deployment remains in question, it does illustrate the growing import of even 
the smallest events in the kingdom. Despite an appearance of calm, a 
well of dissatisfaction with the royal family bubbles just below the surface of 
Saudi society. How deep this dissatisfaction runs and how widespread it is 
remain unclear, but what is certain is that the government in Riyadh recognizes 
the danger and is responding with several unusual maneuvers to quell dissent. 
But using the armed forces to launch a security crackdown of some sort, even if 
in response to increased dissent, would abrogate the House of Saud's social 
contract with the nations' many tribes and invite political and social chaos. 
The recent deployment doesn't necessarily indicate a forthcoming crackdown, but 
it does raise concerns about stability in the region.Tabuk is in Saudi 
Arabia's northwestern quadrant -- just south of Jordan and west of Sakakah, the 
scene of recent rioting. It is home to the Northwest Area Command at King Abdul 
Aziz Military City. It also hosts the Royal Saudi Land Forces 7th Armor, 8th 
Infantry, 12th Armor and 14th Infantry brigades; the RSLF Airborne School and 
Brigade; the RSLF Armor Institute and the King Faisal Air Base with the F-5 2nd 
Squadron. There is also a U.S. Military Training Mission based outside the city. 
If Riyadh were expecting trouble in the region, reinforcing the military units 
in Tabuk would make perfect sense. Given the tense situation in the 
region, the claim that the troops were sent in response to Israeli military 
activity near the kingdom's border with Jordan is also, at first glance, 
plausible. According to AFP's Gulf military source, the Saudi military was 
responding to Israeli air force activity near the border. But Saudi officials 
claimed Israel was massing troops along the Jordanian border, The Associated 
Press reported April 23. It is highly unlikely that Jordan would not have 
responded in some way to an Israeli buildup, and nothing in the way of 
diplomatic protests or military movements has emerged from the Hashemite 
kingdom. Israel did raise the security alert level in the southern Negev 
region -- which is separated from Saudi Arabia by only a 15.5-mile strip of 
Jordanian territory -- on April 9, about the same time the Saudi troops 
movements began. But a number of potential explanations exist for the security 
alert, which came during the Israeli military offensive in the West Bank. For 
instance, Israel reportedly plans to open an internment camp for Palestinians 
outside of Beersheeba in the Negev. Trouble with Palestinian gunmen in Gaza also 
may have triggered the alert, as could reports of Egyptians carrying explosives 
and trying to cross into Israel from the Sinai Peninsula. The Saudi 
deployment to Tabuk is too far from the border with Iraq or any other Gulf 
states to suggest that problems with those nations prompted the movement. 
A second possibility is that Riyadh sent forces to the region to scout 
out potential al Qaeda hideouts. Unconfirmed rumors surfaced last year 
that Osama bin Laden and his supporters were using the mountainous deserts of 
Wadi Rum, south of the ancient Jordanian city of Petra, as sanctuary. Tabuk is 
about 62 miles south of the Jordanian border, with easy access to the valley, 
and indirect evidence ties bin Laden to the area. In the late 1960s, after his 
father died in a helicopter crash, bin Laden traveled to Tabuk to live with his 
mother. Moreover, one of the men involved in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. 
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania -- Mohammed Sadiq Howaida, also known as Odeh -- 
is from Tabuk.More recently, bin Laden mentioned the region specifically 
in a video statement broadcast by the Al-Jazeera t

Stratfor: Partisan U.S. Politics Could Worsen Latin American Crises [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


Partisan U.S. Politics Could Worsen Latin American 
Crises24 April 2002 SummaryThe recent 
political turmoil in Venezuela has given Democratic congressional leaders in 
Washington an opportunity to create a divisive issue ahead of November's 
mid-term congressional elections. With the economy on the rebound, Democrats are 
looking at the Bush administration's foreign policy. The party likely will 
exploit three crises in Latin America -- Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela -- as 
evidence of the administration's incompetence. 
AnalysisSen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT), chairman of the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee's subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, 
narcotics and Peace Corps, reportedly plans to schedule hearings soon on the 
recent political upheaval in Venezuela. Subcommittee sources tell STRATFOR that 
Dodd will look into allegations that the Bush administration was involved in, or 
had advance knowledge of, the April 11-14 military coup against Venezuelan 
President Hugo Chavez.The planned hearings will unfold over the next 
several weeks or months against a backdrop of continuing political instability 
in Venezuela, deepening economic collapse and hyperinflation in Argentina and 
the likely election of Alvaro Uribe Velez as Colombia's next president. While 
the hearings likely will conclude that the Bush administration played no role 
whatsoever in the coup that briefly toppled Chavez, Dodd could seek to portray 
the worsening economic and political crises in Latin America as evidence of the 
incompetence of Bush's Latin America policy team.Democratic and 
Republican sources in Congress tell STRATFOR that Dodd's hearings will have two 
main objectives: to discredit Otto Reich, assistant secretary of state for 
Western Hemisphere affairs, and to create a wedge issue that Democrats can 
leverage to their advantage in November's mid-term congressional elections. 
Since the rebounding U.S. economy has deprived Democrats of an effective 
campaign issue, the Bush administration's foreign policy will come under 
partisan congressional fire. The administration's supporters in Congress 
likely will counterattack by waving the red flag on national security concerns 
in Latin America, to which Dodd is particularly vulnerable. However, the 
hearings on Venezuela could distract the Bush administration's Latin America 
policy team from the multiple crises requiring their close attention. Moreover, 
any increase in partisan bickering over Latin America policy ahead of mid-term 
elections could hinder the Bush administration's efforts to manage the economic 
and political crises consuming Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela 
simultaneously.Additionally, if Uribe Velez is elected president of 
Colombia May 26 -- as is probable, given his commanding lead over Liberal Party 
rival Horacio Serpa -- Democratic support for expanded U.S. military aid to 
Colombia likely will weaken or be withdrawn altogether. Unless Uribe Velez can 
prove convincingly that he has never had ties either to paramilitaries or drug 
traffickers, Dodd and other Democratic leaders can be expected to resist Bush 
administration attempts to increase U.S. military aid to Colombia -- especially 
between now and November.Similarly, the Bush administration's efforts to 
advance other important Latin America policy initiatives -- including Senate 
approval of trade promotion authority, renewal of the Andean Trade Preferences 
Act, and an immigration deal granting amnesty to millions of Mexicans and 
Central Americans living illegally in the United States -- also are likely to be 
delayed this year by partisan bickering. In fact, the Bush administration may 
have as much, if not more, difficulty selling trade and immigration initiatives 
to some Republicans in Congress this year as it will have with 
Democrats.While the Bush administration is distracted by 
election-motivated tussles over Latin America policy, the economic and political 
crises in Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela likely will get much worse. Three of 
Latin America's most significant economies are under extraordinary duress and at 
great risk of a near total collapse of their democratic institutions and 
procedures. Moreover, it is also likely that this deterioration will 
become more pronounced across the region -- especially in countries like 
Bolivia, Brazil and Ecuador, where presidential elections are scheduled in June 
and October. Argentina's economic crisis is now so severe that even if 
the International Monetary Fund comes to its swift aid with billions of dollars 
in fresh loans, which is unlikely, its economy will shrink by up to 15 percent, 
unemployment will shoot above 30 percent and a hyperinflationary burst likely 
will trigger violent social disturbances in coming months. Even if 
President Eduardo Duhalde remains in office until presidential elections in 
September 2003 - which is doubtful, given 

Guardian: Pilot freed as terror case fails [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi



Pilot freed as terror case 
Judge finds no evidence of September 11 link 
GillanThursday April 
25, 2002The 
An Algerian pilot accused by the 
United States of training some of the September 11 hijackers walked free from 
court yesterday after a British judge ruled that charges against him were 
unsubstantiated. He is now considering suing for damages. 
Lotfi Raissi, 27, who was originally told he was likely to be charged with 
conspiracy to murder and could face the death penalty in the US, smiled as the 
judge said that there was no evidence whatsoever to support allegations of 
involvement in terrorism. His family clapped and outside the court he and his 
wife Sonia wept as they realised that an ordeal that has lasted seven months was 
finally over. 
The man who was the first person to be accused of participating in the 
attacks on the World Trade centre and the Pentagon - and who was said to be the 
key suspect in the biggest investigation in criminal history - was free to go. 
After all serious allegations were dropped, Mr Raissi faced extradition to 
the US on minor charges that he lied on a form for his pilot's licence after he 
failed to declare a previous criminal conviction and an old tennis injury. 
District judge Timothy Workman, sitting in London's Bow Street magistrates 
court in London, discharged him, saying that the criminal conviction had been 
spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and that the tennis injury had 
been declared on a similar form a year before and had not been considered a 
problem. He said he was not satisfied there was a prima facie case to answer. 
After discharging the defendant, Mr Workman said to defence lawyers: "Your 
client has appeared before me on several occasions where allegations of 
involvement in terrorism have been made. 
" I would like to make it clear I have received no evidence whatsoever to 
support that contention." 
However, James Lewis QC, representing the US government, said: "Mr Raissi 
continues to be subject of an ongoing investigation into those responsible for 
the September 11 attacks." 
Outside the court Mr Raissi, who was remanded in Belmarsh high security 
prison for five months before being given bail in February, said: "I am very 
relieved it is all over. I would like to thank the British public for believing 
in my innocence." 
His lawyer, Richard Egan, said that the family was contemplating taking 
further action, possibly against the British police as well as the US 
He said: "There is no evidence that has been produced in this case to 
substantiate any involvement in terrorism. There was talk at one stage of 
terrorism charges being brought and none could have been brought. 
"The effect of these proceedings is that Mr Raissi has been held for five 
months on the basis of wholly unsubstantiated allegations before being released 
on bail. He and his family have had to endure the finger of suspicion being 
pointed at them. At the very least one would hope for an apology." 
With reference to the prosecution saying Mr Raissi was still subject to an 
investigation, Mr Egan said they "had got a sound beating and had to say that. 
"Bearing in mind the length of time this case has already gone on it's absurd 
to suggest that there is still an ongoing investigation into Mr Raissi," he 
"It's time that this whole sorry farce came to an end. It's time that his 
absolute innocence is recognised." 
A Guardian investigation revealed in January that the US evidence against Mr 
Raissi was flimsy and was causing concern in Whitehall that the US was holding 
the British justice system to ransom by insisting that it would eventually find 
a connection to link him to the September 11 attacks. 
In an exclusive interview after he was released on bail, Mr Raissi said he 
had been made a scapegoat because he was Muslim and a pilot. He said his 
reputation had been ruined by the allegations and he did not know if he would 
ever be able to work as a pilot again. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Venezuela: Pentagon Acknowledges Reviewing Role in Coup - Xinhua [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


Pentagon Acknowledges Reviewing Role in Venezuela Coup

Xinhuanet 2002-04-24 07:01:26

WASHINGTON, April 23 (Xinhuanet) -- The Pentagon acknowledged on Tuesday
that it is looking into what its representatives in Venezuela did during a
short-lived coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

"We're informally gathering details of what occurred in Venezuela,"
Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Commander Jeff Davis said. "The facts are
clear, but events on the ground occurred veryrapidly so we want to make sure
we have all the details."

"All the information we have at this time confirms that
DefenseDepartment personnel engaged with Venezuela issues acted in a highly
professional and proper manner," Davis told reporters.

"There is no indication or suggestion that Defense Department personnel
aided or encouraged improper extra-constitutional or unlawful actions in
Venezuela," he added.

Venezuelan military officers forced Chavez from office after protesters
were fired on as they marched on the presidential palace on April 11. But
the coup crumbled within 48 hours, and Chavez returned to power afterwards.

After Chavez's removal, the Bush administration did not condemnthe
action. Instead it blamed street protests on "undemocratic actions committed
or encouraged by the Chavez administration."



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Xinhua: British Newspapers Least Trusted in EU States [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi





  British Newspapers Least Trusted in EU 



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-24 


     LONDON, April 24 (Xinhuanet) -- British 
  newspapers are trusted by their readers far less than any others in 
  the European Union (EU),a latest poll found.    
  Eurobarometer, the polling body of the European Commission, found in 
  its latest public opinion survey that trust in papers in Britain was a 
  dismal 20 percent, the Guardian newspaper reported 
  Wednesday.   The rate was much lower than the EU average 
  of 46 percent, but up by 5 percent compared with last year. No less 
  than 75 percent respondents said they "tended not to trust" the 
  written press.    The next worst result, 39 percent, came 
  from Italy, where the media is dominated by billionaire Prime Minister 
  Silvio Berlusconi.Trust in the written media was the highest in 
  Belgium at 60 percent, followed by Finland and Luxembourg at 58 
  percent each.    About 48 percent of Britons read a 
  newspaper every day, higher than the EU average 40 percent but far 
  lower than 72 percent for Sweden.    Across the EU, 
  trust is higher in radio and television, at an average figure of 62 
  percent. The poll in Britain showed 65 percent trust in radio and 71 
  percent in TV.    The poll found the most trusted 
  institution in Britain and for seven other EU states was the army, 
  trusted by 82 percent; followed by the police, 65 percent; and the 
  United Nations, 59 percent.  Enditem 

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Guardian: Kissinger admits possible errors on Vietnam [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi



Kissinger admits possible errors on 
Jamie Wilson and Giles 
Tremlett in MadridThursday April 25, 2002The Guardian 
Henry Kissinger yesterday responded 
to calls for his arrest for allegedly aiding and abetting war crimes by 
admitting that mistakes were "quite possibly" made by the administrations in 
which he served. 
As the former US secretary of state told an audience of British business 
leaders at the Royal Albert Hall in London that the issue was whether courts 
were the right place to determine what had happened, protesters calling for his 
arrest staged a demonstration outside. They accused him of involvement in war 
crimes in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. 
The 78-year-old told the Institute of Directors: "No one can say that he 
served in an administration that did not make mistakes. The decisions made in 
high office are usually 51-49 decisions, so it is quite possible that mistakes 
were made. The issue is whether 30 years after the event courts are the 
appropriate means by which determination is made." 
Mr Kissinger said it would be impossible to recall every one of the thousands 
of cases he dealt with every day when he was in office, and that the US 
government had decided it would deal with questions about past policies, adding: 
"It is not a refusal on my part to answer questions." 
However, documents obtained by the Guardian show that the British authorities 
had to turn down requests from Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish judge responsible 
for the arrest of Augusto Pinochet, to question the former US secretary of 
state, because Mr Kissinger had personally refused to answer questions. 
"We have spoken to Henry Kissinger's office. Mr Kissinger has refused to give 
evidence on his knowledge of the events mentioned in your rogatory commission. 
Apparently he has taken this decision on the advice of the US state department," 
a Spanish translation of the document sent to Judge Garzon said. 
"According to British law it is not possible to take evidence from a witness 
without their consent. We regret, therefore, that we cannot help you with this 
The document said that both the US state department and Mr Kissinger had said 
that if the request was sent through the US authorities, his attitude might 
Earlier yesterday human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell made an unsuccessful 
legal move to have Mr Kissinger arrested under the Geneva Convention Act 1957, 
for the "killing, injuring and displacement" of 3 million Vietnamese and 
Cambodian people during the Vietnam war. 
However, Mr Tatchell said he believed the wording of the ruling had left open 
the possibility that he might issue a warrant in the future if he could produce 
stronger evidence against Mr Kissinger. 
"It is now my intention to liaise with human rights lawyers and organisations 
in the US in order to obtain further evidence and witnesses. I hope to come back 
to court in a few months time and make a new application for Mr Kissinger's 
arrest," he said. 
Mr Kissinger arrived at the conference via a side entrance, ignoring 
reporters' questions over whether he had been involved in war crimes. 
Outside the hall Guy Taylor, from Globalise Resistance, said: "Henry 
Kissinger will not travel to Spain, France, Switzerland and lots of countries in 
South America because he knows he will be arrested. But he has been swanning in 
and out of London for years." 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Interview With NATO's Nazi-Installed King [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


[King Simeon II, Saxe-Coburg Gotha, partner of
Romania's King Michael, also placed on the throne by
the Nazis in the 1940s, and who has also recently
returned to the homeland whence he was expelled for
his World War II fascist collaboration.
Both King Simeon and King Michael have for years made
NATO membership for their own countries and NATO
expansion in general their very raison d'etre.
We're supposed to believe that the monarchs'
dedication to NATO's world expansion - both Bulgaria
and Romania presently have military forces in
Afghanistan - is actuated solely by their commitment
to the 'democratic values and virtues enshrined in the
Atlantic Charter.'
Just ask Tony Blair, Lord Robertson, Javier Solana,
Joschka Fischer, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright,
Lionel Jospin and Robin Cook - the bombers of

Interview: Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha 
By Martin Hutchinson
UPI Business and Economics Editor
>From the  Business & Economics Desk
Published 4/25/2002 9:46 AM
WASHINGTON, April 24 (UPI) -- It is not simply
journalistic curiosity. It is impossible to interview
Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha, prime minister of Bulgaria,
without remembering that he was crowned, and to
legitimists remains, H.M. Simeon II, czar of all the
Bulgars -- and wondering whether one day he will again
resume the latter status.
Born in 1937, Simeon ascended the throne in 1943, on
the unexplained death of his father Czar Boris in an
air crash. After his coronation in Sofia, the country
underwent a Communist coup on Sept. 9, 1944, and his
uncle and guardian the Regent Prince Kyril was
executed. Two years later, the Moscow-controlled
Communist government held a referendum, in which
allegedly 94 percent voted for Simeon's deposition. He
left Bulgaria, moved to Spain in 1951, graduated from
the Lycee Francaise, and spent a year (1958-59) in the
United States, at the Valley Forge Military Academy.
To legitimists, the fall of the Bulgarian Communists
in 1991 seemed to offer the promise of Simeon's
return. Though the record of the Bulgarian monarchy
had been good, and Simeon, as a crowned monarch who
had been illegitimately deposed, has one of the better
exiled-monarch claims to return, no referendum was
Instead, in April 2001, Simeon announced his intention
to run for Bulgaria's parliamentary elections, formed
the National Simeon II Movement, and on June 17, 2001,
won a handsome parliamentary majority.
Simeon visited Washington this week, in connection
both with the IMF-World Bank meetings and Bulgaria's
application to join NATO, and Tuesday hosted a small
media breakfast which I attended.
"On NATO, Bulgaria's way ahead is fairly clear," said
Simeon. "My message to President Bush is a pragmatic
and realistic one, bearing in mind the relative sizes
of the countries concerned. Bulgaria has no conflict
with her neighbors, and has acted as a good ally of
the United States since Sept. 11.
"Illegal immigration of Muslims is not a problem --
Bulgaria isn't rich enough -- and ethnic tensions are
defused by the Muslim minorities in Bulgaria coming
from three groups, ethnic Turks, ethnic Bulgarians and
Roma, all of which live in different parts of the
country. The Turkish party is now a member of Simeon's
governing coalition."
"Greece and Turkey are both backing Bulgaria's
application to join NATO, because they recognize they
will be less isolated if Bulgaria and its neighbor
Romania are members. At the same time, NATO itself is
evolving, from an alliance against Russia to a vast
mutual security perimeter of which Russia itself may
well become a member -- President (Vladimir) Putin,
for example has been invited by Italian Prime Minister
(Silvio) Berlusconi to attend a NATO meeting in Rome
next week. NATO itself has very strong support within
Bulgaria -- 67-68 percent if opinion polls are to be
believed. My main concern is that a rejection of
Bulgaria's application at September's Prague summit
may cause an upsurge in anti-Western feeling in
The victory of the leftist (though young and
apparently pragmatic) Georgy Purvanov in November
2001's Presidential election indicates that support
for the old eastward-looking alliances is by no means
Bulgaria's application to join the European Union is
also making good progress, according to Simeon, with
Bulgaria having completed 17 of the 29 chapters of
legislation required for EU entry -- the task is huge
as 80,000 pages of legislation must be translated into
Bulgarian. Simeon is a strong believer in European
integration, both for Bulgaria and more broadly for
Europe as a whole, although he recognizes that a
concentrated administration over a large population
without proper devolution of powers has the potential
to be a nightmare.
"In economic matters," said Simeon. "I recognize and
empathize strongly with the wish of the Bulgarian
people to be lifted out of poverty, and with the large
social needs of the population, particularly th

Update On Albanian Tribute To Nazi Wehrmacht [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


Albania Stops Memorial Project for German Soldiers in
TIRANA, Apr 25, 2002 -- (dpa) The Albanian government
has ordered Tirana municipal officials to stop work
for the construction of a graveyard and the erection
of a memorial for German soldiers killed in Albania
during the World War II.
"Prime Minister (Pandeli) Majko has ordered the
interruption because he thinks that there is a need
for clarification over the procedures for the
construction permit," government spokesman Sokol Gjoka
told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Thursday.
The graveyard has already been built and work for the
erection of the memorial is in its final stages. The
remains of 56 German soldiers were recently taken from
the German embassy building to the graveyard.
Gjoka said that the order was handed over to Tirana
local officials on Wednesday.
Government newspapers reported on Thursday that the
prime minister issued his order under pressure from
World War II partisan associations, who have
complained about the location of the project.
The graveyard is located in Tirana's National Park,
near the monuments of four Albanian 19th century
patriots and the graveyard and memorial of British
soldiers killed during the World War II in Albania.
The associations claim that the German soldiers were
occupiers and, as such, their remnants should not be
allowed to lie in the national park.
An estimated 3,600 German soldiers were killed in
Albania during World War II, but the remains of only
56 have been found.
Under a 1994 agreement, the German government has
charged a German association that cares for war
cemeteries abroad, Volksbund Deutsche
Kriegsgraeberfuersorge, with the technical
implementation of the project for the construction of
the graveyard and the memorial in Albania.
(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


 May Day Event -
Organised by Sympathizers Of The 
Revolutionary Internationalist Movement  including the following 
Parties  - ALL WECOME !
Party Of Iran 
Communist Party Of Turkey 
Tuesday 30th April, From 6.45 P.M. 
Onwards At the Hundred Flowers Centre, 2A, Belgrade Road, Off Stoke Newington 
Road, London, N16.
Public Transport: Dalston Kingsland BR; 
Buses: 67, 76, 149, 243
Wide - Ranging Discussion Of the International Situation today and the need to 
step up the struggle against the U.S. Led 
Video Material  regarding the situation in 
Live Revolutionary Music and Food.
Those coming from outside London should 
bring a sleeping bag if they want to stay the night so as to be able to leave 
and Join The Maoist Contingent on the 
May day March the next morning..


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Ojdani: 'My conscience is absolutely clear' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 25 April 2002. UN war crimes court nets biggest catch since

THE HAGUE -- Former Yugoslav army chief Dragoljub Ojdanic surrendered to
the UN tribunal Thursday, the most senior war crimes suspect to be
turned over for trial since former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic
last year.

The former general, charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity
committed in Kosovo, arrived at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on a
regular flight from Belgrade and was promptly transfered to the
tribunal's prison facility outside The Hague.

"He is certainly the most senior military official to have been
transfered" by Belgrade, tribunal spokesman Jim Landale told AFP.

He said Ojdanic would make his first appearence in court on Friday at
2:30 pm (1230 GMT).

Before leaving Belgrade on a Yugoslav Airlines flight accompanied by his
wife and his lawyer, the retired general said he was setting out to
prove his innocence.

"I have nothing to be ashamed of and my conscience is absolutely clear,"
Ojdanic said in a TV interview late Wednesday.

Ojdanic refused to say whether he would testify against Milosevic.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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KCNA on S. Korea's decision to introduce U.S.-made fighters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


KCNA on S. 
Korea's decision to introduce U.S.-made 
Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "Ministry of NationalDefence" 
decided to select F-15K of the U.S. Boeing Company as the type offighters of 
the next generation on April 19, a Seoul-based radio reported.This decision 
can never be tolerated as it is an act contrary to the basicspirit of the 
June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the atmosphere forreconciliation 
and cooperation now prevailing on the Korean Peninsula afterthe publication 
of the joint press release on April 5 this year. It is alsoan action going 
against the positive trend toward warming up the temporarilyfrozen 
inter-Korean relations.
Today all 
the Koreans in the north, south and abroad ardently hope fornational 
unity and the reunification of the country.
Accordingly, what is needed in South Korea is an atmosphere of 
nationalreconciliation, not an atmosphere of confrontation and war caused by 
lethalweapons outsiders seek to sell, instigating it to kill fellow 
countrymen.What matters is that the South Korean military authorities caved 
in tothe pressure of the U.S. munitions monopolies and turned down the 
nation'svital demand for peace.
The U.S. 
does not hesitate to sacrifice other country and nation for itsown benefit. 
Pressed by it, the "Ministry of National Defence" of SouthKorea decided to 
introduce U.S.-made fighters, which is a concentricexpression of its 
pro-U.S. toadyism.
As is 
known, the U.S. has forced South Korea to purchase such type offighters 
worth 5,800 billion won with taxes collected from the south Koreanpeople in 
a bid to bring profits to the U.S. munitions monopolies.Worse still, the 
U.S. is seeking to inflict a nuclear holocaust upon theKorean nation by 
selling to South Korea scores of such fighters capable ofcarrying nukes. 

South Korea as an operational base for its Asia strategy,nuclear strategy, 
the U.S. is scheming to deploy in local areas in advancethe latest fighters 
to be used for putting this strategy into practice. Suchmoves can not but be 
a time fuse to spark fresh military confrontation onthe peninsula. 

The U.S. sale of weapons to South Korea will be censured by the 
Koreanpeople and the world people as it will delay the peace process in 
thepeninsula and aggravate the situation in the Asia-Pacific 
Juche Idea means, in a few words, that the owner of the revolution and 
construction are the masses" : Kim Il 
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web : Central News Agency : Friendship Association : Friendship & Solidarity Campaign: International Institute : 

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DPRK: Korean Liberation Army 70th Anniversary Reports [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi



(April.24.2002 Juche 91) [CONTENTS]*    Kim Il 
Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA units*    70th 
anniversary of KPA celebrated*    Army-people unity in 
DPRK*    Wreaths laid before patriotic martyrs 
cemetery*    Floral baskets to monument to victory in 
Fatherland Liberation War*    Wreaths laid before 
revolutionary martyrs cemetery on Mt. 
Taesong*  Kim Jong Il sees 
performance given by troupe of of CPLA
*   Stamps issued to 
mark KPA birthday
Cyprian crewmen observe KPA birthday
*Wreath laid before Liberation 
Tower*    Kim Il Sung's ceaseless field inspection of KPA 
  Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung had covered 
a totalof 182,668 Kms to make field inspection of over 3,120 units of the 
threeservices of the Korean People's Army from the liberation of the country 
tothe last period of his life, according to compiled information. 
Thepresident put forward the four-point programme for increasing the 
politicaland military might of the Korean People's Army, a regular army, 
andinspected more than 460 units of the KPA for its implementation 
fromFebruary, Juche 37 (1948) to June Juche 39 (1950).He set out 
original military ideas and war tactics such as the ideas offirmly ensuring 
the politico-ideological, strategic and tactical advantagesof the army, 
properly combining large unit operation and small unitoperation, regular 
army battles and guerrilla battles and successfullyfighting mountain 
warfares and night operations during the last FatherlandLiberation War and 
ceaselessly inspected the front, leading the units of thethree services of 
the KPA and their sub-units to victory in the war.He traveled at least 
32,548 kms to make field inspection of more than520 units of the three 
services of the KPA and their sub-units forstrengthening the revolutionary 
armed forces in the 1960s.The president, on a scientific insight into 
requirements of the modernwarfare in the middle of the 1970s, put forward an 
original five-pointpolicy the keynote of which is staunch revolutionary 
spirit, peculiar andsuperb tactics, steel-strong physical body, marksmanship 
of never missingtargets and iron military decipline and provided ceaseless 
field guidance tounits of the three services of the KPA and their sub-units 
in their effortsto implement it to the letter.Leader Kim Jong Il always 
accompanied the president on field guidancefrom may Juche 49 (1960) when he 
inspected the 105 tank division to April25, Juche 83 (1994), the last period 
of his life, when he visited KPA unitno. 564. 
70th anniversary of KPA celebrated
  Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Events are taking place one after 
anotherto celebrate the 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's 
Army.Performances of workers and clerks' family art circles from across 
thecountry were given at the Pyongyang Grand Theater and the East 
PyongyangGrand Theater on April 23.Put on the stage were a poem and 
chorus "the Korean People's Army, thearmy of Mt. Paektu", drum and chorus 
"the army-based leadership is best" andother numbers. The performers highly 
praised the greatness of SupremeCommander Kim Jong Il who is leading the 
cause of building a powerfulsocialist nation to victory with his unique 
army-based policy and showed thestrong faith and will of the Korean people 
to uphold his leadership withloyalty. A meeting of youth and students in 
Pyongyang with anti-Japaneserevolutionary fighters and DPRK heroes was held 
here on the occasion of theanniversary. On the same day, the economic 
and commercial councilors corps herevisited the Revolutionary Museum of the 
ministry of the people's armedforces and the military attaches corps here 
was invited to the film showhosted by the 
Army-people unity in 
Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The army 
and people in the DPRK love andhelp each other as they do their own flesh 
and blood. In February lastservicemen of the unit of the Korean People's 
Army to which Pak Yun Dubelongs threw themselves into a house in flames to 
protect people's livesand property. People in Thongchon county, Kangwon 
Province, miraculously saved a5-year-old son of an officer of the KPA, who 
suffered third degree burns on78 per cent of his body.It is commonplace 
in the society that soldiers of the people's army savechildren from drowning 
in rivers at the cost of their lives and peoplesincerely assist the 
army.The trait of unity between the army and people dates back to the 
periodof the anti-Japanese armed struggle organized and led by President Kim 
IlSung. The Korean People's Revolutionary Army could fight against the 
Japaneseimperialists for a long period without a home front no

Fwd: [WW] 100,00 in DC, 35,000 in SF: "Free, Free Palestine" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-25 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 2, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

100,000 IN DC, 35,000 IN SAN FRANCISCO: "FREE, FREE 

By Monica Moorehead
Washington, D.C.

Some 100,000 people made history April 20 by chanting, 
"Free, free Palestine," and, "Stop U.S. aid to Israel," as 
the biggest pro-Palestine rally ever here defiantly 
transformed Washington into liberated territory.

While there were many issues raised at the demonstration--
including opposition to U.S. intervention in Iraq, Colombia, 
the Philippines and elsewhere--the struggle in Palestine 
assumed central importance.

Heroic resistance in the Occupied Territories had spread 
around the world and crossed the Atlantic to the United 

A large majority of the people who descended upon this 
political and military nerve center of U.S. imperialism were 
Palestinians and other Arab and Muslim peoples. Many were 
children and youths, waving the red, black, green and white 
colors of the Palestinian flag and wearing their traditional 
dress including the beautiful kaffiya scarves.

They along with thousands of anti-war and revolutionary 
activists from the Black, Latino, Native, Asian, Jewish, 
lesbian/gay/bi/ trans communities, came to protest the 
brutal Bush/Sharon war against Palestine.

The size and political significance of the protest com 
pelled some of the big-money media, including the Washington 
Post and Los Angeles Times, to report the day's events. In 
addition, C-Span and Al-Jazeera--the world's largest Arab-
based TV network--both showed live coverage of the White 
House rally.

Millions of people worldwide--and especially in the Arab 
world--know what happened here April 20.

Many mosques and Islamic centers as well as other sectors of 
the Arab-American community organized hundreds of buses to 
show support for the current phase of the Palestinian 
Intifada. People in 100 U.S. cities mobilized for the 
actions. They used every form of transportation to get here--
including car caravans, trains, vans and planes.

As speakers and rally literature pointed out, the Bush 
administration had tried to use the attacks last Sept. 11 
not only to push the United States into new war adventures 
from Afghanistan to Iraq, but also as an excuse to 
intimidate and demonize the most vulnerable and marginalized 
sectors of U.S. society--namely Arab, South Asian and Muslim 

The turnout here April 20--and the crowd's mood--showed that 
the heroic Palestinian resistance to U.S./Israeli aggression 
in the occupied territories has helped reverse the 
reactionary tide of intimidation and paralysis that had 
plagued the movement for social justice here and worldwide 
since Sept. 11.

Ever since the U.S.-backed Israeli terrorist killing machine 
elevated its murderous assault on the Palestinians beginning 
on March 29, the whole world has watched in horror as the 
Israeli military destroyed whole neighborhoods in Jenin, 
Jerusalem, Nablus and Ramallah.

Many at the march carried signs showing graphic images of 
those who were either slaughtered or injured at the hand of 
the apartheid-like Israeli regime. An estimated 1,500 
Palestinians have been massacred--500 in Jenin alone--and 
thousands injured.

Besides the Washington, D.C., protest, another 35,000 people 
marched in San Francisco in support of the just cause of the 
Palestinian people. International solidarity protests were 
also called for April 20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; San Salvador, El 
Salvador; Managua, Nicaragua; Basque Country; Madrid, Spain; 
the cities of Tabasco, Oaxaca and Mexico City, Mexico; 
Montreal, Canada; Belgium; Japan; and South Africa.

The International Act Now to Stop War and End Racism 
(ANSWER) coalition issued a call for activists to converge 
on the White House to demand an end to the U.S.-backed 
onslaught by the Israeli military against Palestinian 
civilians, and an immediate end to the 54-year-old illegal 
Israeli occupation of Palestine.

ANSWER leaders said they made the conscious decision to 
build a pro-Palestinian demonstration to illustrate that 
supporting the Palestinian people's right to self-
determination is part and parcel of the overall struggle 
against imperialist war and racist repression.

Before the march began, 50,000-60,000 people gathered at the 
Ellipse, behind the White House. They heard a dive

DPRK: U.S WWP delegation meets former unconverted long-term prisoners - KCNA [WW

2002-04-25 Thread Stasi


U.S party 
delegation meets former unconverted long-term 
Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Members of the delegation of the 
WorkersWorld Party of the U.S. led by Deirdre 
Griswold, member of the secretariatof its national committee, met with Kim 
Tong Gi and Hong Myong Gi, formerunconverted long-term prisoners who are 
known as men of strong faith andwill, at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel yesterday. At 
the meeting, Kim and Hong saidthat the former long-term prisoners had kept 
their pledge to the party andthe leader, while undergoing mental and 
physical sufferings beyond humanimagination behind bars, and devoted 
themselves to the motherland moreprecious than their 
Noting that 
leader Kim Jong Il put forward them as patriotic championsof reunification 
and bestowed deep love and benevolence upon them, they saidthere is no enemy 
to be afraid of and nothing impossible to do when peoplehave the 
revolutionary faith and will to follow only Kim Jong Il.
"The Juche Idea means, in a 
few words, that the owner of the revolution and construction are the masses" : 
Kim Il Sung
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web : Central News Agency : Friendship Association : Friendship & Solidarity Campaign: International Institute : 

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The Balkans: Democracy Triumphant [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Balkan Expressby Nebojsa 
April 25, 
The Balkans: Democracy TriumphantAbundance, Not Absence, Of Democracy Caused 
"Democracy" is a word most often used, and abused, in today's world. It is 
seen as a solution to all problems and a practice bestowing its practitioner 
with an aura of almost-divine righteousness, while those accused of lacking it 
are quickly declared evil beyond comprehension. It is routinely asserted as the 
best and even only possible system of government, and any opposition to such a notion 
is deemed a despicable heresy.
Heresy it is, 
since belief in democracy has become a form of religion, with all its dogmatic 
trappings and a zealous following engaged in a holy war. Just one of the 
battlefields in that high crusade, the former Yugoslavia, offers a clear example 
of democracy run amok.
From the Empire to 
its lowly vassals in the Balkans, just about everyone agrees that the former 
federation's problem is a lack of democracy. Yet they are all absolutely wrong. 
The problem with Yugoslavia's successors is that they have exemplified democracy 
at its purest, and most destructive. Like a cancer, it spread through the 
peninsula and brought death, devastation and despair to everything it 
The Path of 
There is no 
space in this column to deal with all the misconceptions of  democracy. For 
that, one can read an aptly-named book Democracy: 
the God That Failed, by Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe of the Mises Institute. Basically, Hoppe argues, the State 
is an enemy – not 
defender – of civilization; democracy is much worse than the absolute monarchies 
it replaced (and how!); and the modern Western democratic welfare-state is not 
the summit of social evolution, but rather a very dark blind alley. 
Though the book is 
based on theory and logic that Hoppe says transcend particular historical 
experiences, such experiences are in no short supply. 
Serbia: With A 
Serbia, for example. Slobodan Milosevic rose to power as a proponent of greater 
democracy in the former Yugoslav federation, deriding the Communist apparatus of 
which he was himself a member and relying instead on the masses. A decade of 
war, however, combined with Empire's incessant pressure and overt aggression, 
made the masses who once listened to Milosevic by the million turn on him and 
bring to power a new democratic government in October 2000.
Since then, taxes 
have soared; the economy has collapsed even further; the highest laws of the 
land were violated or perverted by their sworn protectors; life and property 
became less secure than ever; and the cultural values of the Serbian people have 
been exposed to incessant attacks by the government, its fellow-travelers and 
outside sponsors. These days, Serbia represents nothing so much as a land of the 
lotus-eaters, its people lost in a world of illusions 
that are slowly killing them.
Those who 
advocated democracy in Serbia overlooked its one fatal flaw. Just as there is no 
such thing as individual freedom within a democratic country, there is no such 
thing as sovereignty in a democracy-dominated world. As the state has power over 
individuals, so does the Empire over its vassals. They can only be willing servants, like the 
current regime, or unwilling, like its predecessor. If not, there is always the 
Montenegro: No 
says Hoppe, is by nature living in the now. There is no tomorrow for its 
short-term leaders, who are credited with astounding foresight if they can see 
as far as the next election, let alone beyond it.
Such an absence of 
perspective is chiefly responsible for the collapse 
of Montenegro's government last week. After the regime in Podgorica agreed to kill off Yugoslavia and 
enter a new association with Serbia, some of its members who stood to lose from 
the settlement resigned in protest. These are the ministers who stood to gain 
power and influence from an immediate declaration of independence. The agreement 
engineered by NATO's own former Butcher of Belgrade Javier Solana, and recently 
ratified by both 
Serbian and Montenegrin parliaments, requires that Montenegro refrain from such 
a declaration for three years. 
Never mind that 
Montenegro's regime kept all of its current power, while effectively killing off 
Yugoslavia and securing automatic recognition of independence in three years 
without a messy referendum they might have easily lost. Three years are an 
eternity to the zealots of democracy, who want the power now. Their 
voters, whom they promised independence, might mind being lied to – but that is 
the least of their problems, as voters can always be manipulated.
Bosnia: Running 
Claiming to 
represent the will of the people is hard enough when there are only one people 
in question. When there are three, it is impossible – but it doesn't stop peop

ANALYSIS: Milosevic Prosecution Claims Court Unfair [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic


ANALYSIS: Milosevic Prosecution Claims Court Unfair 

The prosecution is to appeal against a trial chamber decision to
conclude its case within a year. 

By Mirko Klarin in The Hague (TU No. 262, April 15-20, 2002)

Is the prosecution going to have a fair hearing in the Milosevic trial?
The question has been raised by the tolerance judges showed towards the
defendant's aggressive defence style and the strict restrictions they
imposed on the presentation of the prosecutor's case. (See Tribunal
Update No. 255)

Now, after two and a half months, the prosecution has publicly accused
the trial chamber of "unfairly curtailing" its right to a fair trial. It
was prompted by the trial chamber's insistence on April 10, 2001 that it
conclude its case within a year (See Tribunal Update No. 261). 

Declaring that such a drastic time limit would "emasculate" its case,
the prosecution last week submitted an application for leave to file an
appeal, which contains unusually strong criticism of the trial chamber

The prosecution has been caught between a rock and a hard place from the
start. On the one hand, it has had to ward off the accused, whose
aggressive denial of all counts of the indictment and the testimonies of
eyewitnesses and experts has forced it to present more evidence than it
originally planned.

At the same time, the prosecution has had to confront impatient and
worried judges. Fearful that the trial will last forever and become
"unmanageable" both for them and the accused, they keep demanding that
the prosecution "simplifies" its case, which means "downsizing" its
evidence and shortening the time for its presentation. 

The prosecution's appeal is based on two fundamental arguments. The
first is that setting a strict time limit for the presentation of
evidence in such a complex case as this, involving three indictments and
a total of 66 counts, imposes "irremediable prejudice" on the

The latter has calculated that a 12-month deadline means they have about
193 court days to go. Judging by events thus far, the defendant will
consume half of these with extensive cross-examinations while the three
amici curiae (friends of the court) will use another 5 per cent for
examination. So the prosecution has "less than 100 'exclusive' court
days left to present a case effectively and thoroughly". 

The appeal application warns that if the prosecution is forced to
present its case in an "unreasonable" time frame, "the only possible
consequence is that the quality" of its case will suffer, which, in
turn, will have a bearing on the trial chamber's final decision. 

The prosecution says a fundamental reason for opposing a strict time
limit on completion of its evidence is that the issues in the case are
still not clearly identified. It says, for instance, it cannot foresee
the defendant's reaction to crime-based evidence on the Bosnian and
Croatian components of the prosecution case. 

In its favour, the prosecution can refer back to the appeals chamber
decision last year in the Stanislav Galic case, which urged the trial
chamber to consider "whether the issues really in dispute have been
clearly identified so that proper assessment of the time needed for the
prosecution case can be made". 

The second argument for an appeal is what the application defines as
"infringement of the prosecution's statutory rights" under the tribunal
statute. The prosecution says the tribunal rules do not empower the
trial chambers to deny it the right to present its case in the manner it
deems fit.

Three appeal judges, Claude Jorda, David Hunt and Fausto Pocar, will
assess the application. In January, they ruled in favour of a
prosecution appeal against a trial chamber decision to try Milosevic
twice, first for Kosovo, and then jointly for Croatia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina (See Tribunal Update 249). The judges ordered a joint
trial for Milosevic on all three indictments. 

It remains to be seen whether the prosecution will succeed once more in
the battle for a fair trial. 

Mirko Klarin is IWPR senior editor at the war crimes tribunal and
editor-in-chief of SENSE News Agency.

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Saudi to Warn Bush of Rupture Over Israel Policy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Saudi to Warn Bush of Rupture Over Israel 
OUSTON, April 24 — Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is expected to 
tell President Bush in stark terms at their meeting on Thursday that the 
strategic relationship between their two countries will be threatened if Mr. 
Bush does not moderate his support for Israel's military policies, a person 
familiar with the Saudi's thinking said today. 
In a bleak assessment, he said there was talk within the Saudi royal family 
and in Arab capitals of using the "oil weapon" against the United States, and 
demanding that the United States leave strategic military bases in the region. 

Such measures, he said, would be a "strategic debacle for the United States." 

He also warned of a general drift by Arab leaders toward the radical politics 
that have been building in the Arab street.
The Saudi message contained undeniable brinkmanship intended to put pressure 
on Mr. Bush to take a much larger political gamble by imposing a peace 
settlement on Israelis and Palestinians. 
But the Saudi delegation also brought a strong sense of the alarm and crisis 
that have been heard in Arab capitals.
"It is a mistake to think that our people will not do what is necessary to 
survive," the person close to the crown prince said, "and if that means we move 
to the right of bin Laden, so be it; to the left of Qaddafi, so be it; or fly to 
Baghdad and embrace Saddam like a brother, so be it. It's damned lonely in our 
part of the world, and we can no longer defend our relationship to our 
Whatever the possibility of bluster, it is also clear that Abdullah 
represents not just Saudi Arabia but also the broader voice of the Arab world, 
symbolized by the peace plan he submitted and that was endorsed at an Arab 
summit meeting in March.
Those familiar with the prince's "talking points" said he would deliver a 
blunt message that Mr. Bush is perceived to have endorsed — despite his protests 
to the contrary — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's military incursion into the West 
Abdullah believes Mr. Bush has lost credibility by failing to follow through 
on his demand two weeks ago that Mr. Sharon withdraw Israeli troops from the 
West Bank and end the sieges of Yasir Arafat's compound in Ramallah and of the 
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
If those events occur and Mr. Bush makes a commitment "to go for peace" by 
convening an international conference, as his father did after the Persian Gulf 
war, to press for a final settlement and a Palestinian state, the Saudi view 
would change dramatically.
But those close to the Saudi delegation said there was no expectation that 
Mr. Bush is prepared to apply the pressure necessary to force such an outcome. 

"The perception in the Middle East, from the far left to the far right, is 
that America is totally sponsoring Sharon — not Israel's policies but Sharon's 
policies — and anyone who tells you less is insulting your intelligence," the 
person familiar with Abdullah's thinking said.
Western analysts see the prince as a blunt Bedouin leader whose initiative is 
regarded by many Arabs as a gesture worthy of the late Egyptian leader Anwar 
el-Sadat, who flew to Jerusalem in 1973 to sue for peace with Menachem Begin. 
Abdullah's offer, now the Arab world's offer, calls for recognition of Israel 
and "normal relations" in return for a Palestinian state on lands Israel 
occupied in 1967.
The Saudi assessment was apparently being conveyed through several private 
On Tuesday President Bush's father had lunch with the Saudi foreign minister, 
Saud al-Faisal, and the kingdom's longtime ambassador to Washington, Prince 
Bandar bin Sultan. Their specific message could not be learned, but in the 
familial setting, where Barbara Bush was also the hostess for Princess Haifa, 
Prince Bandar's wife, the strong strategic and personal ties of the Persian Gulf 
war that characterized Saudi-American relations a decade ago was a message in 
Abdullah, in a luncheon today with Vice President Dick Cheney, was to convey 
the seriousness with which he regards the Thursday meeting with President Bush 
as a "last chance" for constructive relations with the Arab world. 
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman 
of the joint chiefs of staff, also flew to Houston to join in last-minute 
discussions before the summit meeting. A senior official in Washington said Mr. 
Rumsfeld and General Myers were dispatched to brief the prince personally on the 
American accomplishments in Afghanistan and in the broader war on terrorism. 

"The idea was, if he thought we were strong in Desert Storm, we're 10 times 
as strong today," one official said. "This was to give him some idea what 
Afghanistan demonstrated about our capabilities."
United States military commanders in the Persian Gulf region have been 
building up comm

Israel Fears U.N. Jenin Mission May Be a 'Setup' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Israel Fears U.N. Jenin Mission May Be a 


  By Ellis ShumanIsrael Insider
  TEL AVIV, Apr 25, 2002 -- Israel's government decided Tuesday that it 
  would postpone its cooperation with the United Nation's fact-finding team 
  to the Jenin refugee camp until the team's composition was changed and 
  questions over the mandate of its activities were resolved. UN Secretary 
  General Kofi Annan agreed to postpone the departure of the team to hear 
  Israeli arguments, but called on its members to begin their work in the 
  camp by Saturday. 
  Israeli officials expressed concern that statements made by Annan and 
  the fact that two of the three members appointed to the team were veterans 
  of humanitarian work, and possibly biased against Israel, amounted to 
  a "setup to accuse Israel of war crimes." The 
  decision to postpone cooperation with the team was made by Prime Minister 
  Ariel Sharon, Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and senior Defense 
  Ministry and Foreign Ministry officials. 
  Yesterday, cabinet secretary Gideon Sa'ar said there were "worrying 
  signs" that the fact-finding team was overstepping its parameters and 
  suggested that Israel could block the team from entering the Jenin refugee 
  camp if it believes the fact-finding team is not abiding by its mandate. 
  Sharon said yesterday that Israel had no choice but to accept the 
  United Nations fact-finding team to the Jenin refugee camp, as it was "the 
  lesser of two evils." But Sharon expressed his fear for the kind of result 
  the team would produce, Israel Radio reported. 
  Israel objected to Annan's comments at a news conference on Monday that 
  the team would "present [its] findings and conclusions," which seemed to 
  deviate from the Security Council's resolution that the mission was to 
  "develop accurate information regarding recent events in the Jenin refugee 
  camp through a fact-finding team." Annan also said the team would "focus 
  on Jenin to begin with," while the Security Council had specified only the 
  Jenin camp. 
  "The secretary general went past the spirit and decision of the 
  Security Council, which did not say that the fact-finding team can come to 
  a conclusion," said a senior Foreign Ministry official, quoted in the New 
  York Times. "His terms of reference made it more of an investigation, and 
  he did it very fast, without consulting Israel." 
  Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Yehuda Lancry met with Annan 
  to present Israel's case that the fact-finding team "should be more 
  balanced and should include military and counter-terrorist experts." 
  Lancry said, "The mandate of the fact-finding team should also cover not 
  only the military operation of Israel, but the terrorist network which has 
  flourished in the Jenin refugee camp and which, in fact, generated the 
  Israeli military operation." 
  Annan agreed to a short delay in the UN mission to review Israel's 
  requests, but "expects the team to be in the Middle East by this 
  Saturday," a statement from his office said. The secretary general said he 
  would not discuss his choice of team members but considered adding experts 
  "as might be deemed necessary." 
  Annan reportedly agreed to Israel's request that the status of retired 
  U.S. general William Nash be upgraded from military advisor to full member 
  of the fact-finding team, Israeli media sources reported. 
  Israel: team members are "political" Israeli officials are unhappy with 
  the fact that the other members of the committee are political officials, 
  and not military officers who can discern what really happened in the 
  eight days of intense fighting between Israeli troops and Palestinian 
  gunmen within the crowded, urban conditions of the refugee camp. 
  On Monday, Annan selected Martti Ahtisaari, the former president of 
  Finland, to head a team that included Sadako Ogata, a former United 
  Nations high commissioner for refugees, and Cornelio Sommaruga, a former 
  head of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Ahtisaari told 
  reporters yesterday that both Nash and police advisor Peter Fitzgerald of 
  Ireland were full-fledged members of the team. 
  Lancry denied that Israel had "specific objections" to the members 
  appointed to the team, but Israeli government sources fear that the 
  backgrounds of Ogata and Sommaruga may make them biased in favor of the 
  charges of international aid workers. 
  Media sources reported Israel's serious objections to the appointment 
  of Sommaruga, who served as head of the Red Cross from 1987 to 1999. 

Hosni Mubarak: 'Israel has gone beyond all limits' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


'Beyond all limits'ISRAEL'S invasion of the Palestinian territories is 
"barbaric" and the Israeli leadership is "labouring under delusions of military 
force," according to President Hosni Mubarak. In an address to the nation 
yesterday, commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sinai Day, Mubarak devoted most 
of his speech to lambasting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government for 
its defiance of international law and reason, reports Nevine Khalil. 
"[Israel's] practices represent gross infringements of all norms, laws and 
legitimacy, and demonstrate a lack of any clear vision for peace. [Israel] is 
living in an illusion that military force will win security for itself," Mubarak 
told the world. 
25 April marks the day when Israeli forces completed their withdrawal from 
Sinai, except for Taba, the last disputed patch of occupied Egyptian territory. 
The Taba issue was litigated at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) where 
it was decided that the resort town fell within Egypt's borders, not Israel's. 
"Israel has gone beyond all limits by laying siege to the Church of the 
Nativity, by violating human rights in all Palestinian areas -- especially at 
the Jenin refugee camp -- and by attempting to cover up evidence ... (of the) 
horrendous crimes perpetrated by the Israeli Defence Forces," said Mubarak. He 
also described as "groundless" Israel's claim that the Palestinian "legitimate 
right to resistance" is really terrorism. The president said that Tel Aviv is 
using this argument "to avoid being accused of state terrorism" against 
Mubarak continued that Israel was also "taking advantage of some 
international powers' reluctance to perform their role in order to [serve their 
own] interests." Mubarak clearly hinted that America and European powers were 
failing to pressure Israel to take the road to peace. 
"We must all be vigilant and rational, close ranks and unite our efforts, in 
order to besiege the forces of aggression for the sake of a just, balanced and 
comprehensive peace," he said. 

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Powell: No Evidence of Jenin Massacre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Powell: No Evidence of Jenin 


  By Janine ZachariaJerusalem 
  WASHINGTON, Apr 25, 2002 -- While trying to clear the way for UN 
  fact-finders, US Secretary of State Colin Powell told Congress yesterday 
  he has no evidence of an Israeli massacre of Palestinians at the Jenin 
  refugee camp. 
  "Clearly, innocent lives may well have been lost," said Powell, 
  testifying before the Senate Appropriations foreign operations 
  subcommittee. But, he said, "I have no evidence of mass graves. I see no 
  evidence that would support a massacre took place." Powell said he based 
  his assessment on a three-and-a-half-hour inspection of the refugee camp 
  Friday by US Assistant Secretary of State William Burns. 
  Burns subsequently reported a mass destruction by Israeli troops, who 
  invaded the camp in the search for terrorists and explosives. 
  Powell told Senate appropriators that President Bush was still 
  considering whether to convene a multilateral peace conference and said 
  the administration was open to extra funding for Israel as part of an 
  emergency appropriations bill. 
  Powell's comments came during wide ranging testimony about US policy in 
  the Middle East ahead of today's key summit between Bush and Saudi Crown 
  Prince Abdullah at the president's ranch in Crawford, Texas. 
  Powell conferred with Bush yesterday in the White House situation room 
  about the latest events in the Middle East before the president departed 
  for Crawford to prepare for today's meeting. 
  While the US insists the Saudi leadership has played a positive role in 
  the war on terrorism - launched after 15 Saudi hijackers took part in the 
  September 11 attacks - the Saudis have been critical of US support for 
  Israel, have themselves overtly raised money to support Palestinian 
  terrorism, and have reportedly continued to funnel money to hardline, 
  anti-western madrasas in Pakistan. 
  Powell said he would raise in his meetings in Crawford today the 
  subject of $100 million raised to help the Palestinian intifada during a 
  three-day Saudi telethon. Powell said it was "troubling" some of the 
  money, according to adverstisements, would be directed to Hamas. 
  But a senior administration official briefing reporters en route to 
  Crawford yesterday suggested the bilateral talks would play up the 
  positive aspects of the relationship and play down the differences. The 
  leaders will focus on the "common principles" the US and Saudi Arabia 
  share, the official said. And President Bush will thank Abdullah for his 
  peace initiative and explore ways to expand it. 
  The official said Bush would reaffirm US support for Saudi Arabia's bid 
  to join the World Trade Organization and that Bush would raise his 
  concerns about weapons of mass destruction falling into the hands of 
  terrorists. "It's premature, way premature to start talking about what we 
  do against Iraq," the official said when asked if Bush would request the 
  use of Saudi Arabian bases as a staging ground for an offensive against 
  Saddam Hussein. 
  "Saudi Arabia is one of America's oldest and best friends in the 
  region," the official said. "The Saudis have been very constructive in the 
  war on terrorism and very constructive in general as a partner." The 
  closely managed event will notably be closed to press. 
  Speaking to a Senate appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations, 
  Powell said the administration will "be engaged (diplomatically) as a 
  close, dear friend of Israel but also as a friend of the Palestinian 
  people, because they need peace. They need security. They need a place in 
  the world." 
  Powell said the president has not yet decided whether to convene a 
  multilateral peace conference "but we're certainly looking at it." 
  On financial assistance, the administration has requested an emergency 
  supplemental bill to help in the war on terrorism. 
  The White House's budgetary arm had nixed an early request for $200 
  million in additional funds for Israel. But Powell said extra aid "is 
  something we should look at as we move forward." 
  Powell, asked about Israel's use of American-made weaponry in its 
  military offensive, said he had seen no need for an inquiry into whether 
  the weapons had been used in violation of US law. US law says 
  American-made weapons sold to third countries can be used only for 
  defensive purposes. 
  © Jerusalem Post, 2002. All rights reserved. Distributed in partnership 
  with Globalvision News Network ( 


Business this week [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Business this week
Apr 25th 2002 From The Economist print edition
Mobile woes
confirmed the worst fears of mobile-phone pessimists by announcing that it 
would lay off up to 20,000 staff by the end of 2003, some 20% of the total. 
Losses at the Swedish mobile-phone and equipment maker in the first quarter 
totalled SKr5.4 billion ($517m), after orders from heavily indebted mobile 
operators suffered. The shares plunged by 24%, and the company announced a 
rights issue to raise SKr30 billion.
article:Mobile phones that take pictures
Kamps, Germany's 
biggest baker, dropped its objections to a takeover and accepted a bid from 
Barilla, the world's biggest pasta maker, after the Italian company added an 
extra slice of cash to its offer. Barilla is paying just over euro1 
billion ($892m) to extend its grip on European mealtimes.
CGNU, a British 
insurer, met resistance at a shareholder meeting to a dividend cut and its plan 
to change its name to Aviva. Too similar to Arriva, a British bus company, 
complained investors: symbolic of “life, growth and vitality”, retorted the 
company, of the cod-Latin rebranding. 
The European Commission 
drew up a list of American goods that it plans to hit with trade sanctions 
in retaliation for the steel tariffs that the Americans announced last 
month. In order to target states that are politically sensitive to President 
George Bush, the list includes steel products, as well as such diverse items as 
quinces, crocheted vests, protective goggles and pinball machines. The Americans 
urged the EU to postpone its mid-June deadline for imposing 
the sanctions.
Going, going, gone
Alfred Taubman was 
sentenced to a year and a day in prison and fined $7.5m for his part in an 
illegal price-fixing scheme between Sotheby's, an auction house of which 
he was chairman, and Christie's, a "rival" auctioneer.
article:Auction houses in the dock
Warner, the world's biggest media company, announced the world's biggest 
write-off of goodwill, taking losses in the first quarter to a staggering $54.2 
Ford responded to 
the departure of Wolfgang Reitzle, head of the group's luxury-car division, and 
the recent ascendancy of General Motors, with a management reshuffle. Mark 
Fields, head of the less prestigious Ford-controlled Mazda Motor, will take over 
the European luxury brands—Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land Rover. 
Lincoln-Mercury will revert to control by the North American unit.
profits fell by 58% in the first quarter compared with a year ago—which had 
been a record quarter for the company—to $2.2 billion. Good weather combined 
with recession and the September 11th attacks to cut demand. 
Bill Gates appeared in 
court for the first time in the Microsoft antitrust trial. He argued 
strongly against the draconian remedies to the software giant's monopolistic 
behaviour that are being demanded by nine hardline states. Mr Gates, hoping to 
convince the court that less stringent remedies hammered out between Microsoft 
and the Justice Department would suffice, argued that a more drastic solution 
would hobble innovation at Microsoft, computers everywhere—and indeed the world 
article:Bill Gates takes the stand
Enron's new 
bosses said that the bankrupt energy trader's assets were inflated by some $14 
billion when the company filed for bankruptcy late last year. As much as another 
$10 billion could be wiped away by liabilities from energy-trading derivatives 
Paul Volcker, the former 
Fed chairman who has been trying to save Andersen, the accounting firm 
that audited Enron, seems ready to quit. Andersen's partners appear unwilling to 
make the changes necessary for its survival. Meanwhile, the firm made a last 
attempt to settle with America's Justice Department. 
New York state's 
attorney-general, Eliot Spitzer, continued his investigation of Wall 
Street. He announced a multi-state task-force to probe investment banks and 
said that federal regulators are on the case. Merrill Lynch, accused of having 
misleading investment research, hired Rudolph Giuliani, a former mayor of New 
York (and federal prosecutor), as a legal adviser. Lost in the furore: neither 
Merrill nor any other firm has been accused of a crime.
Celera Genomics 
appointed Kathy Ordoñez as president, to replace Craig Venter, who left in 
January. It is also to transfer its genome-database business, including its 
version of the human genome, to a sister company, Applied Biosystems. Celera 
will concentrate on drug development.
Bouncing back





is optimistic about the prospects for the world economy, according 
to its latest Economic Outlook. Even Japan's recession-blighted economy 
is predicted to grow a little in 2003. 


Manufacturing Truth About the Middle East [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Truth About the Middle East Michael Albert, Z 
MagazineApril 25, 2002
Editor's Note: Noam Chomsky discusses the current 
conflict in the Middle East, the history of U.S.-Israeli relations, and the fate 
of Palestine. 

MICHAEL ALBERT: Is there a qualitative change in what's happening now? 

NOAM CHOMSKY: I think there is a qualitative change. The goal of the Oslo 
process was accurately described in 1998 by Israeli academic Shlomo Ben-Ami just 
before he joined the Barak government, going on to become Barak's chief 
negotiator at Camp David in summer 2000. Ben-Ami observed that "in practice, the 
Oslo agreements were founded on a neo-colonialist basis, on a life of dependence 
of one on the other forever." 

With these goals, the Clinton-Rabin-Peres agreements were designed to impose 
on the Palestinians "almost total dependence on Israel," creating "an extended 
colonial situation," which is expected to be the "permanent basis" for "a 
situation of dependence." 

The function of the Palestinian Authority (PA) was to control the domestic 
population of the Israeli-run neocolonial dependency. That is the way the 
process unfolded, step by step, including the Camp David suggestions. The 
Clinton-Barak stand (left vague and unambiguous) was hailed here as "remarkable" 
and "magnanimous," but a look at the facts made it clear that it was -- as 
commonly described in Israel -- a Bantustan proposal; that is presumably the 
reason why maps were carefully avoided in the US mainstream. 

It is true that Clinton-Barak advanced a few steps towards a Bantustan-style 
settlement of the kind that South Africa instituted in the darkest days of 
Apartheid. Just prior to Camp David, West Bank Palestinians were confined to 
over 200 scattered areas, and Clinton-Barak did propose an improvement: 
consolidation to three cantons, under Israeli control, virtually separated from 
one another and from the fourth canton, a small area of East Jerusalem, the 
center of Palestinian life and of communications in the region. And of course 
separated from Gaza, where the outcome was left unclear. 

But now that plan has apparently been shelved in favor of demolition of the 
PA. That means destruction of the institutions of the potential Bantustan that 
was planned by Clinton and his Israeli partners; in the last few days, even a 
human rights center. The Palestinian figures who were designated to be the 
counterpart of the Black leaders of the Bantustans are also under attack, though 
not killed, presumably because of the international consequences. 

The prominent Israeli scholar Ze'ev Sternhell writes that the government "is 
no longer ashamed to speak of war when what they are really engaged in is 
colonial policing, which recalls the takeover by the white police of the poor 
neighborhoods of the blacks in South Africa during the apartheid era." This new 
policy is a regression below the Bantustan model of South Africa 40 years ago to 
which Clinton-Rabin-Peres-Barak and their associates aspired in the Oslo "peace 

None of this will come as a surprise to those who have been reading critical 
analyses for the past 10 years, including plenty of material posted regularly on 
Znet, reviewing developments as they proceeded. 

Exactly how the Israeli leadership intends to implement these programs is 
unclear -- to them too, I presume. 

It is convenient in the US, and the West, to blame Israel 
and particularly Sharon, but that is unfair and hardly honest. Many of Sharon's 
worst atrocities were carried out under Labor governments. Peres comes close to 
Sharon as a war criminal. Furthermore, the prime responsibility lies in 
Washington, and has for 30 years. That is true of the general diplomatic 
framework, and also of particular actions. Israel can act within the limits 
established by the master in Washington, rarely beyond. 

ALBERT: What's the meaning of Friday's Security Council Resolution? 

CHOMSKY: The primary issue was whether there would be a demand for immediate 
Israeli withdrawal from Ramallah and other Palestinian areas that the Israeli 
army had entered in the current offensive, or at least a deadline for such 
withdrawal. The US position evidently prevailed: there is only a vague call for 
"withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities," no time frame specified. 

The Resolution therefore accords with the official US stand, largely 
reiterated in the press: Israel is under attack and has the right of 
self-defense, but shouldn't go too far in punishing Palestinians, at least too 

The facts -- hardly controversial -- are quite different. Palestinians have 
been trying to survive under Israeli military occupation, now in its 35th year. 
It has been harsh and brutal throughout, thanks to decisive US military and 
economic support, and diplomatic protection, including the barring of the 
long-standing intern

US-led forces desecrate Serbian church [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic




U.S.-led forces desecrate Serbian church?

Letter to Bush protests alleged violence by peacekeeping troops

Posted: April 25, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aleksandar Pavic
C 2002

The Serbian Orthodox Church is charging the peacekeeping force in Bosnia
with violently desecrating church property in its search for suspects
wanted by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.

In an April 11 letter addressed to U.S. President Bush, Gen. John B.
Sylvester, commander of the SFOR peacekeeping force in Bosnia, and
Bosnian High Commissioner Wolfgang Petritsch, the Serbian Church
protested the behavior of U.S.-led troops.

Written by Serb Patriarch Pavle in the name of the Holy Synod of
Bishops, the letter refers to "enormously unpleasant situations which
the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Church experienced on Feb. 28 and
March 1, 2002, when the soldiers of the SFOR peacekeeping forces
violently burst into these villages claiming to search for [former
Bosnian political and military leader] Radovan Karadzic. They used
explosive and other objects to smash doors and barge into houses,
ambulances and even schools."

Even though U.S. officials have expressed opposition to the newly
ratified International Criminal Court, there is an urgency to round up
people in Bosnia wanted for alleged war crimes to stand trial in another
international court, the Hague Tribunal. U.S. War Crimes Ambassador
Pierre-Richard Prosper, on April 18, traveled to Bosnia to inform the
Serb leadership that "there would be no economic or political progress
in Republika Srpska (the Serb part of Bosnia)" until Karadzic and Ratko
Mladic stood trial at The Hague. He went on to say that "Republika
Srpska risked falling behind other countries for not cooperating with
the Hague Tribunal" and that its "citizens would continue suffering
while Radovan Karadzic was free."

In addition, the U.S. administration has continued applying economic and
political pressure against neighboring Yugoslavia, compelling it to pass
an unconstitutional law that sets the rules for "cooperation with The
Hague" and to issue arrest warrants against alleged Hague suspects.

The intensified search for suspects in Bosnia has caused Karadzic to
resurface from his seven-year exile to protest the methods used in the

The letter goes on to say that the Serbian Orthodox Church is "shocked
and appalled by the behavior of the SFOR soldiers to innocent civilians,
especially by their violent entering the Church of the Dormition of the
Most Holy Mother of God at Celebici, with weapons, where they scattered
sacral objects in the altar and smashed the glass within the chalice
[used] for giving the Holy Communion to priests and people. ... The
Church in which our faithful pray to God, receive the Holy Communion,
are christened and married has been desecrated. Religious feelings of
our faithful, their human dignity and safety have been violated." The
letter concludes with an appeal that "measures be taken so that nothing
similar should ever happen again."

This is not the first time that the Serbian Church has appealed to
Western leaders to stop the threat to its churches. Since the NATO-led
KFOR troops came to the Serbian province of Kosovo after the bombing of
Yugoslavia in June 1999, more than 100 Orthodox churches have been
damaged or destroyed by Albanian Islamicists in the presence of the
50,000-plus-strong Western military forces.

In the April 24 edition of the Belgrade weekly Nedeljni Telegraf, ran a
letter written by Karadzic to Kosta Cavoski, a close friend and leading
Yugoslav legal authority and Hague opponent, in which he says that he
has been "earnestly trying to avoid an encounter with the SFOR troops
for the past seven years ... and that it would be better if Gen.
Sylvester did the same, [for] in that encounter I may not pass very well
and would probably pass very badly in the technical sense, but I would
certainly be the winner in the moral sense."

Sylvester, continues Karadzic, "could come out the winner only if we
don't meet, that is, if he refuses the role of policeman and bounty

Karadzic also expresses his wonder as to "why Gen. Sylvester wants to
equate his soldiers with cruel bounty hunters" and whether his soldiers'
parents know that "their children break into houses of our innocent
civilians in the middle of the night and frighten our children, who fall
unconscious" from shock.

Referring to the "tribunal" that is hunting him, Karadzic goes on to ask
"what kind of court and prosecution is it that first arrests and only
then compiles evidence ... which has held our speaker of the House, who
has had no role in the executive branch, in detention without trial for
two years," further wondering whether "such things are allowed in Gen.
Sylvester's country."

Finally, Karadzic wonders w

Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague
Text: Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague 
(Indicted for crimes during Kosovo war) (610) 
The former chief of the general staff of the Yugoslav army, Dragoljub 
Ojdanic, indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the 
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), will make his 
first appearance before the court on April 26. 
He surrendered April 25 and was immediately transferred to The Hague from 
Ojdanic has been charged on the basis of both individual and superior 
criminal responsibility for executing "a campaign of terror and violence 
directed at Kosovo Albanian civilians" between January 1, 1999 and June 20, 1999 
in an effort to expel them from the province. 
Following are ICTY press releases on his transfer and his appearance before 
the court: 
(begin text) 
International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Release 
JL/P.I.S./672e The Hague, 25 April 2002 
On 25 April 2002, Dragoljub Ojdanic was transferred from Serbia, Federal 
Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), to the Detention Unit of the International 
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. 
Dragoljub Ojdanic is charged in an amended Indictment, confirmed on 29 
October 2001. It alleges that, between 1 January 1999 and 20 June 1999, forces 
of the FRY and Serbia acting at the direction, with the encouragement, or with 
the support of the four accused, Milan Milutinovic, Nikola Sainovic, Vlajko 
Stojiljkovic and Dragoljub Ojdanic, executed a campaign of terror and violence 
directed at Kosovo Albanian civilians. At all times relevant to this Indictment, 
Dragoljub Ojdanic held the post of Chief of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army 
It is alleged that the operations targeting the Kosovo Albanians were 
undertaken with the objective of expelling a substantial portion of the Kosovo 
Albanian population from Kosovo in an effort to ensure continued Serbian control 
over the province. The Indictment goes on to describe a series of well-planned 
and coordinated operations undertaken by the forces of the FRY and Serbia. 
Approximately 800,000 Kosovo Albanian civilians were expelled from the 
province by their forced removal and subsequent looting and destruction of their 
homes, or by the shelling of villages. Surviving residents were sent to the 
borders of neighbouring countries. En route, many were killed, abused and had 
their possessions and identification papers stolen. Furthermore, specific 
massacres allegedly committed by Serb forces in places such as Dakovica/Gjakovë, 
Suva Reka/Suharekë, Racak/Reçak, Bela Crkva/Bellacërke, Mala Krusa/Krushë e 
Vogël, Velika Krusa/Krushë e Madhe, Padaliste/Padalishtë, Izbica/Izbicë, 
Vucitrn/Vushtrri, Dubrava/Dubravë Prison complex, Meja/Mejë and Kacanik/Kacanik 
are listed in the Indictment. 
The Indictment charges Dragoljub Ojdanic, on the basis of individual criminal 
responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior criminal 
responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with: 
-- one count of violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 of the 
Statute - murder), 
-- four counts of crimes against humanity (Article 5 thereof - deportation; 
murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; other inhumane 
The date and time for the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will be 
announced in due course. 
(end text on transfer) 
(begin text on court appearance) 
International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Advisory 
JL/P.I.S./PA049 The Hague, 25 April 2002 

Please be informed that the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will take 
place on Friday 26 April 2002 at 14.30 in Courtroom I before Judge Patrick 
All media are welcome to attend. For further information please call: 0031 70 
512 5343/5356. 
(end text on court appearance) 
(end text) 
(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S. 
Department of State. Web site:  


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Nepal rebels blow up PM's house [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


Matter in Motion through Space and Time ... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 4:28 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

Wednesday, 24 April, 2002, 12:47 GMT 13:47 UK
Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

The government has been trying to guarantee safety

Rebels in Nepal have destroyed the family home of Prime Minister Sher
Bahadur Deuba.

Reports say the Maoists blew up the house on Tuesday evening, on the first
day of a five-day nationwide strike they have called in protest at the
government's state of emergency.

The strike was said to be waning on Wednesday, with many businesses in the
capital, Kathmandu, and elsewhere reopening.

President Bush's administration says it will seek approval from the US
Congress for $20m of military aid for the government to combat the rebels.

The Nepalese Government has now offered rewards of $64,000 for the capture
of three of the leading Maoists.

Ministers targeted

Prime Minister Deuba was in Kathmandu when the rebels attacked his family
home in the town of Assigram, some 490 kilometres west of the capital.

"A group of Maoist terrorists ordered the housekeeper to go out and then
blew up Mr. Deuba's house," local administrator Narendra Raj Sharma told
the AFP news agency.

The rebels have carried out several attacks recently

The Maoists have targeted the houses of other ministers in recent weeks.

Mr Deuba has ruled out any resumption in peace talks until the rebels lay
down their arms.

They broke off peace talks last November, resuming their attacks.

That prompted King Gyanendra to declare a state of emergency, freeing the
army to join in the fight against the rebels.

Some 3,000 people have been killed since the rebels began their campaign to
abolish the constitutional monarchy six years ago.

Much of Nepal was paralysed on Tuesday, the first day of the rebels'
strike, with many ordinary Nepalis afraid of defying the call for a total
shutdown of the country.

However there were clear signs of life returning to normal on Wednesday.

Traffic in Kathmandu was estimated to have returned to about 50% of normal
levels. Domestic flights were running again.

Much of the east of the country was still said to be shut down though, and
long-haul public transport was still affected.

In one eastern district, Mahottari, a group of rebels attacked a
broadcasting station of the state-owned Radio Nepal, destroying costly
equipment including transmitters.

Built in 1990 with Japanese assistance, this was the first radio station to
be destroyed by the rebels.

Military financing

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told journalists on Tuesday
that his government was "reviewing several options for military assistance
with Nepal".

"We've asked Congress for a supplemental appropriation of $20m in foreign
military financing for Nepal, so that we can support more assistance," he
said, AFP reports.

US military advisers have been touring parts of Nepal recently held by the

The Nepalese Government is waiting to see if its offers of $64,000 rewards
for the capture or killing of three senior Maoist rebels will have any

The bounty has been offered on the heads of Maoist supremo Pushp Kamal
Dahal, alias Prachanda, Mohan Vaidya, alias Kiran, and Baburam Bhattarai.

This is the first time Nepal has fixed prices on the heads of Maoist

The home ministry has offered rewards for other rebels as well.


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RE: Ojdani: 'My conscience is absolutely clear' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread cube321


   Complete idiot!

Barry Stoller wrote:
> AFP. 25 April 2002. UN war crimes court nets biggest catch since
> Milosevic.
> THE HAGUE -- Former Yugoslav army chief Dragoljub Ojdanic surrendered to
> the UN tribunal Thursday, the most senior war crimes suspect to be
> turned over for trial since former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic
> last year.
> The former general, charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity
> committed in Kosovo, arrived at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on a
> regular flight from Belgrade and was promptly transfered to the
> tribunal's prison facility outside The Hague.
> "He is certainly the most senior military official to have been
> transfered" by Belgrade, tribunal spokesman Jim Landale told AFP.
> He said Ojdanic would make his first appearence in court on Friday at
> 2:30 pm (1230 GMT).
> Before leaving Belgrade on a Yugoslav Airlines flight accompanied by his
> wife and his lawyer, the retired general said he was setting out to
> prove his innocence.
> "I have nothing to be ashamed of and my conscience is absolutely clear,"
> Ojdanic said in a TV interview late Wednesday.
> Ojdanic refused to say whether he would testify against Milosevic.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller


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Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


Matter in Motion through Space and Time ... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: ; ; ; ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on

subject: Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
>Washington Post / Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
>Micha Odenheimer

>Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
>The failure of democracy in Nepal has led to a rise in popular support
for rebels who have taken over much of the country
>Micha Odenheimer
>More than a decade after the collapse of Soviet and East European
 communism, and a quarter-century after China ended Mao Zedong's
Cultural  Revolution, the mere existence of a Maoist communist movement
should be a  strange anachronism.  Yet in Nepal Maoists not only exist,
but have been gradually seizing  control over more and more of the
mountainous nation of roughly 25 million  people, while killing
hundreds of government troops.

  Late last August I traveled to southeast Nepal and walked hours
through  the jungle into a revolutionary stronghold in the Sindhuli
district.  Sindhuli was then the 15th of Nepal's 75 districts to fall
to the Maoists.  The Maoists were set to celebrate their victory in
Sindhuli and, as I  walked deeper into the area, families were
streaming in from all over the  region to attend the festivities. Along
the way local peasants fed us for  free. We passed through victory
gates made of bent saplings adorned with  flowers, and waded waist-deep
to cross a river before emerging onto a  grassy plain, which quickly
filled up with almost 10,000 people. I spotted  a platoon of the Nepali
Maoists' People's Army: about 60 young people in  fatigues carrying
ancient rifles. Children trailed after the soldiers as  if they were
rock stars.

  At the far end of the plain was a schoolhouse with a porch that
would  serve as a dais, and a dilapidated megaphone for a sound system.
The dais  was decorated with paper stream ers, confetti and watercolor
portraits of  the movement's heroes: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,
Vladimir Lenin,  Joseph Stalin and Mao.  "Stalin?" I asked my guide,
shocked to see the former Soviet dictator  included in the pantheon.
"Don't your friends know that he murdered 20  million people?" "Our
leaders say Stalin was 75 percent good and 25  percent bad," came the
answer. "They know he wasn't completely good."  In the Western world,
which claims to care about both democracy and  terrorism, Nepal's fight
is one worth noticing. Six months since my visit  to the Maoists, Nepal
is mired even deeper in a bloody civil war that has  taken 2,600 lives
since 1996, and threatens to destroy a decade-long  experiment with

  On February 17 thousands of members of the People's Army crept down
from  the mountains at midnight and surrounded an army garrison in
western  Nepal. By morning, 137 soldiers had been slaughtered. A few
days later in  eastern Nepal the Maoists struck again, killing 30
policemen. The army has  fought back hard, regaining control of some
district headquarters,  slaughtering hundreds of Maoists, and driving
the rebels into the rough  interior of the country.

  The Maoists have targeted civilians, too. In January - according to  
Amnesty International - they abducted an acting school headmaster,
tied  him to a tree and shot him to death apparently because of his
affiliation  with a ruling party association and his refusal to give
"donations" to the  Maoists. He was one of 28 teachers killed by the
insurgents.  People aren't the only casualties of the battle.
Democratic institutions  have also suffered. Since the government
declared a state of emergency in  November, police in the capital,
Katmandu, have arrested an estimated  4,000 journalists, students,
teachers and political activists. Subodh  Pyakarel, general secretary
of a respected Nepali human rights  organization, says that many of
those arrested have been tortured.

  Nonetheless, the rebels continue to exert an impressive degree of
control  over the population - even in Katmandu. During February and
March, the  Maoists called a series of strikes, including a general
strike that  paralyzed the city for three days.  What's astonishing
about the Maoist revolution in Nepal is that it exists  at all. Like
seeing a movie monster rise after his apparent death,  watching Maoist
rebels gain ground anywhere in the 21st century defies  belief. Twelve
years ago, Nepal became a multi-party democracy, ending  years of
monarchic dictatorship. Why have the Maoists become a major  threat
just as democracy has begun to flourish?

   From the outside the crisis in the Nepalese royal family would seem
to   bear much of the

US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007 [W

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


Matter in Motion through Space and Time ... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message -
From: Cor Groenendijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: IKV Oosterzee, J.J.v. - Den Haag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; AI London
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; mobilize-globally; USA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Paul Lansu; Pax Christi International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; mw Marjolein Wijninckx;
Pax Christi Nederland; Utrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ICCO Ackerman, E. -
Zeist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Lankamp, H. - Delft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Cordaid - Den Haag
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Fw: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To
Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007

- Original Message -
From: sento
To: ArmsTradeList ; Home
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:10 AM
Subject: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond
$2.4B Ceiling in 2007

 My Groups | armstrade Main Page

Ivri: US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007
GMP2002042449 Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English 24 Apr 02
[Report by defense correspondent Amnon Barzilay: "Ivry: U.S. Military Aid To Rise By
$200M A Year"]

U.S. military aid to Israel is likely to grow by some $200 million a year beyond
the $2.4 billion ceiling it is slated to hit in 2007, former ambassador to Washington
David Ivri said yesterday.

Ivri completed his Washington posting last week.

According to an agreement with Washington, U.S. civilian aid to Israel is being
gradually phased out over a 10-year period, while military aid is being increased by
half the amount of the civilian aid cut each year. When the process ends in 2007,
annual military aid will be $2.4 billion.

But in practice, said Ivri, two joint ventures between the Pentagon and Israel's
Defense Ministry will result in higher aid levels. One of these ventures is the joint
production of the Arrow anti-missile missile, which the United States is funding. The
second is a project to develop an anti-aircraft laser gun.

The United States has so far invested $33 million in the Arrow production line,
which was set up at a Boeing plant. The line is slated to become operational in 2004,
and Israel has asked for a grant of $600 million over five years ($120 million a year)
to finance actual production.

The laser gun project (originally called the Nautilus) is expected to cost $250
million over three years. Due to budgetary constraints, the Pentagon will start
funding the project in 2005, but Israel expects that once it begins, it will cover 75
percent of the costs. Until then, the United States has allocated smaller sums ($13
million in 2002, for instance), primarily to keep the scientists involved on payroll.

Thus by mid-decade, Ivri noted, the Americans are slated to be giving Israel an
extra $200 million a year in military aid.
[Description of Source: Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English --
Left-of-center, independent daily of record; root URL on filing date:]

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2002-04-25 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Kim Jong Il meets Pulikovski
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- General Secretary of Kim Jong Il
yesterday met Konstantin Borisovich Pulikovski, plenipotentiary
representative of the President of the Russian Federation to the far east
federal district, and his party on a visit to the DPRK. He courteously
conveyed congratulations from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the
Russian Federation, to Kim Jong Il and presented his gift to him.
    Kim Jong Il expressed thanks for this and had a talk with him in a warm
and friendly atmosphere.

Kim Yong Nam meets delegation of UMNO
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly who is member of the political bureau
of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, met with the delegation of
the United Malays National Organization of Malaysia (UMNO) led by datuk
ahmad Zahid Bin Hamidi, member of its supreme council, at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall yesterday. Pak kyong son, vice department director of the WPK
Central Committee, was present there.
    Noting that the UMNO and the Malaysian people fully support the workers'
party and people of Korea in their struggle to reunify the country
peacefully by federal formula on the principle of national independence, the
head of the delegation said that they would work hard to develop the
friendly ties between the two parties and the two countries.

Talks held between Korean, Dominican party officials
     Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here yesterday between
Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee, and
Miguel Mejia, secretary general of the united left movement of Dominica. At
the talks both sides informed each other of their party activities and
exchanged views on the matter of developing the friendly ties between the
two parties and a series of issues of mutual concern.
    The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.

KPA, revolutionary armed forces
    Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 70th anniversary of the
Korean People's Army. On the occasion all the officers and men of the
people's army and people look back with deep emotion upon the proud course
of the revolutionary armed forces replete with victory and glory.
    Seven decades ago President Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People's
Revolutionary Army, the first genuine army of the people in the history of
Korea, to wage a protracted and hard-fought struggle against the Japanese
imperialists and accomplish the historic cause of the country's liberation.
    After the liberation of Korea in August 1945 the KPRA grew to be the
KPA, the regular armed forces.
    The servicemen displayed matchless self-sacrificing spirit and mass
heroism in the three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War (June 1950-July
1953) to defeat the U.S. imperialist aggressors who had boasted of being the
"strongest" in the world and creditably safeguarded the sovereignty of the
country and the nation and their dignity.
    The KPA that won the wars against the two formidable imperialist enemies
has grown to be an invincible army under the guidance of supreme commander
Kim Jong Il. 
    He has pursued the army-based policy to train the KPA as the main force
of the revolution, lead the struggle to defend socialism to victory and
remarkably increase the nation's military potential.
    In the 1990s when the imperialist campaign to isolate and stifle the
DPRK was at its height and a dangerous situation was prevailing in the
country the KPA gave full play to the revolutionary spirit of soldiers to
perform shining feats in the defence of the country and socialist
    The rare wisdom, outstanding politico-military ability and matchless
grit of the supreme commander are the source of the tremendous combat power
of the KPA. 

KCNA slams Japan's call for right to collective self-defense
    Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- The economic and fiscal policy minister
said monday the right to collective self-defense is inherent to a country
and Japan's war-renouncing constitution should be revised. In this regard,
Kyodo said, "it is rare for a serving cabinet member to comment on revising
the constitution." 
    Such happening in Japan is arousing deep apprehension among the world
public as it means that the Japanese militarist and ultra-nationalist
forces' moves for overseas military aggression have entered the phase of
being legalized and adopted as a policy through a constitutional revision.
    In 1946 whe

Jenin: 'Put a bullet in each window' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Barry Stoller


Washington Post. 26 April 2002. Ill-Prepared For a Battle Unexpected.

JERUSALEM -- It was the second day of the battle for the Jenin refugee
camp, and things were going badly for the Israelis. Palestinian gunmen,
firing from sandbags hidden behind curtained windows, had pinned down
advancing Israeli troops on the camp's western edge. Two Israelis had
already died.

To a young Israeli army sergeant watching from a nearby rise known as
Antennae Hill, perhaps 400 yards above the camp, it was clear that his
commanders had been wrong when they had confidently predicted a few days
earlier that the Palestinians would surrender at the first sight of
approaching tanks.

That's when he heard the orders to open fire.

"The orders were to shoot at each house," recalled the sergeant, a
member of a heavy weapons company in the Yoav regiment of the army's
Fifth Brigade, a reserve unit that did the bulk of the fighting in

"The words on the radio were to 'Put a bullet in each window.' "

The sergeant, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he was troubled
by the orders, which did not require soldiers to actually see the gunmen
they were trying to kill.

But he said the Israeli soldiers didn't hesitate.

They pounded a group of cinder-block homes -- the apparent source of
Palestinian sniper fire -- with .50-caliber machine guns, M-24 sniper
rifles, Barrett sniper rifles and Mod3 grenade launchers.

"It's not true there was a massacre, because guys did not shoot at
civilians just like this," the sergeant recalled.

"However -- and this is terrible -- it is true that we shot at houses,
and God knows how many innocent people got killed."

In separate interviews Wednesday, the sergeant and another Israeli
reservist who fought in Jenin, Sgt. Shlomi Lanyado, offered a detailed
account of the battle from the perspective of the Israeli forces. Both
sergeants participated in the house-to-house combat in the center of the
densely built refugee camp.

The sergeants' accounts add up to only a small piece of a much larger
picture. Their recollections are parallel in some respects, but do not
provide a comprehensive account of the battle.

Both sergeants have returned to civilian life, and spoke without the
presence of Israeli army press officers.

The soldiers described a lack of preparation by Israeli reservists. They
were hastily mustered from civilian life less than two weeks before, and
were told to expect a Palestinian surrender within three days, the
sergeants said. They spent barely a day rehearsing the operation. They
also described the trauma of losing close friends in battle.

They expressed grudging admiration for a mostly unseen enemy that had
meticulously planned for the assault, stockpiling ammunition, food and
medical supplies as well as crude but effective bombs made frommetal
canisters filled with phosphate and acetone.

"I can't be contemptuous of them," said Lanyado, 32, a cheerful,
animated stage actor and producer who lives in a high-rise near Tel Aviv
with his wife and two small children. "Somebody there had thought very
much what to do and how to fight and succeeded for 10 or 11 days against
a very big army."

Both Lanyado and the other sergeant said they do not believe that
Israeli soldiers intentionally killed Palestinian civilians. Lanyado
said he and the other members of his platoon went out of their way to
treat Palestinians with respect, providing them with water and once
summoning a medic to treat an elderly man who collapsed in his bedroom.

[N.B.] The other sergeant, however, said he was troubled not only by the
order to fire through open windows without specific, identifiable
targets, but also by what he said were insufficient efforts by the army
to allow civilians to leave their homes in safety.

[N.B.] He also questioned the decision to use bulldozers to knock down
houses at a time when he said the fighting had mostly subsided.

Neither soldier said he was aware of Israeli troops using noncombatants
as human shields, to open doors, closets or packages that could be
booby-trapped, as Palestinians have charged.

Both sergeants acknowledged, however, that soldiers often drafted
Palestinians to knock on neighbors' doors as the soldiers moved from
house to house in search of gunmen and terrorist suspects.

The sergeants were called to active duty on March 17, about two weeks
before the start of Israel's offensive in the West Bank. Israeli
intelligence had identified the camp as a center of operations for two
militant groups, the Islamic Resistance Movement, known as Hamas, and
Islamic Jihad, as well as fighters affiliated with Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat.

On Monday, April 1, Lanyado said, he and other members of the company
rehearsed their mission -- to round up terrorists and gunmen -- using
empty buildings at an army base near Jenin. "We practiced knocking on
the door and then waiting" to one side, he recalled.

"We were

RE: Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-25 Thread cube321


 What was this moron thinking???

Miroslav Antic wrote:
> Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague 
> Text: Former Yugoslav Army Chief Dragoljub Ojdanic Sent to The Hague 
> (Indicted for crimes during Kosovo war) (610) 
> The former chief of the general staff of the Yugoslav army, Dragoljub
> Ojdanic, indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the
> International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), will
> make his first appearance before the court on April 26. 
> He surrendered April 25 and was immediately transferred to The Hague
> from Serbia. 
> Ojdanic has been charged on the basis of both individual and superior
> criminal responsibility for executing "a campaign of terror and violence
> directed at Kosovo Albanian civilians" between January 1, 1999 and June
> 20, 1999 in an effort to expel them from the province. 
> Following are ICTY press releases on his transfer and his appearance
> before the court: 
> (begin text) 
> International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Release
> JL/P.I.S./672e The Hague, 25 April 2002 
> On 25 April 2002, Dragoljub Ojdanic was transferred from Serbia, Federal
> Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), to the Detention Unit of the International
> Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. 
> Dragoljub Ojdanic is charged in an amended Indictment, confirmed on 29
> October 2001. It alleges that, between 1 January 1999 and 20 June 1999,
> forces of the FRY and Serbia acting at the direction, with the
> encouragement, or with the support of the four accused, Milan
> Milutinovic, Nikola Sainovic, Vlajko Stojiljkovic and Dragoljub Ojdanic,
> executed a campaign of terror and violence directed at Kosovo Albanian
> civilians. At all times relevant to this Indictment, Dragoljub Ojdanic
> held the post of Chief of General Staff of the Yugoslav Army (VJ). 
> It is alleged that the operations targeting the Kosovo Albanians were
> undertaken with the objective of expelling a substantial portion of the
> Kosovo Albanian population from Kosovo in an effort to ensure continued
> Serbian control over the province. The Indictment goes on to describe a
> series of well-planned and coordinated operations undertaken by the
> forces of the FRY and Serbia. 
> Approximately 800,000 Kosovo Albanian civilians were expelled from the
> province by their forced removal and subsequent looting and destruction
> of their homes, or by the shelling of villages. Surviving residents were
> sent to the borders of neighbouring countries. En route, many were
> killed, abused and had their possessions and identification papers
> stolen. Furthermore, specific massacres allegedly committed by Serb
> forces in places such as Dakovica/Gjakovë, Suva Reka/Suharekë,
> Racak/Reçak, Bela Crkva/Bellacërke, Mala Krusa/Krushë e Vogël, Velika
> Krusa/Krushë e Madhe, Padaliste/Padalishtë, Izbica/Izbicë,
> Vucitrn/Vushtrri, Dubrava/Dubravë Prison complex, Meja/Mejë and
> Kacanik/Kacanik are listed in the Indictment. 
> Charges 
> The Indictment charges Dragoljub Ojdanic, on the basis of individual
> criminal responsibility (Article 7(1) of the Statute) and superior
> criminal responsibility (Article 7(3) thereof) with: 
> -- one count of violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 of
> the Statute - murder), 
> -- four counts of crimes against humanity (Article 5 thereof -
> deportation; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious
> grounds; other inhumane acts) 
> The date and time for the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will
> be announced in due course. 
> (end text on transfer) 
> (begin text on court appearance) 
> International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia Press Advisory
> JL/P.I.S./PA049 The Hague, 25 April 2002 
> 2002 
> Please be informed that the initial appearance of Dragoljub Ojdanic will
> take place on Friday 26 April 2002 at 14.30 in Courtroom I before Judge
> Patrick Robinson. 
> All media are welcome to attend. For further information please call:
> 0031 70 512 5343/5356. 
> (end text on court appearance) 
> (end text) 
> (Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
> Department of State. Web site:
>  )  


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French Foreign Minister blasts American Jews... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


French FM: US Jewry more 'intransigent' than 
SharonBy Herb 
In order to pressure Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to show more flexibility, 
the EU should try to whittle away at American Jewry's support for the prime 
minister, French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine said in a closed meeting 
Monday. In the world according to Vedrine, who as a result of the recent 
French elections is on his way out of office, Sharon is an obstacle to the peace 
process bolstered in his intransigence by American Jewry, which Vedrine said is 
essentially more Sharon than Sharon. These diplomatic insights were 
shared by Vedrine at a closed meeting with the EU and Mediterranean state 
foreign ministers in Valencia, Spain, on Monday night. In comments which 
diplomatic officials who were in attendance said reflected Vedrine's deep 
frustration with Sharon and the situation here, the French foreign minister said 
American Jewry - which supports Sharon - is more "intransigent" than the prime 
minister, and influences the positions of President George Bush. "The 
Jewish organizations," Vedrine said according to diplomatic officials at the 
meeting, "have not made the switch toward peace." Referring to Former US 
Secretary of State James Baker who applied heavy pressure on Israel in the early 
1990s, Vedrine said "without Baker's pressure, Oslo would never have come 
about." Therefore, Vedrine said, "I am not in favor of economic pressure [on 
Israel], I don't think economic pressure is effective. But political pressure is 
definitely helpful. The job of the European Union is to strengthen the 
peace camp in Israel, strengthen the PA, and change US positions." Pierre 
Lebovics, the spokesman for the French embassy in Tel Aviv, refrained from 
commenting on Vedrine's words regarding American Jewry, because he had not seen 
the text of the comments. However, Lebovics said, "I can confirm that my 
minister is not in favor of economic sanctions." One EU diplomatic 
official, responding to Vedrine's comments regarding American Jewry, said there 
is nothing wrong with trying to convince people their direction is wrong. 
"What is wrong with trying to convince a target group that their 
attitudes are mistaken or bring negative results. "If Europe is 
convinced that the solution- a long lasting solution - will only come through 
restoring a political dialogue, then the next logical step is to convince all 
the players of this reality," the official said. Malcolm Hoenlein, 
executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American 
Jewish Organizations, responded to Vedrine's comments about pressuring American 
Jewry by saying "any effort of that kind would only intensify the resolve of the 
Jewish community. Our support is not tied to the particular government in power 
in Israel, the community's record in supporting efforts to achieve a true peace 
speaks for itself." According to Hoenlein, "change is indeed called for, 
but on the part of the French government and the EU who need to return to a 
position of at least objectivity to Israel, rather than the open and blatant 
hostility that is now being manifested."

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Egypt ready to wage war on Israel ... for $US100 billion [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Egypt ready to wage 
war on Israel ... for $US100 billion
April 25 2002

Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Ebeid said his country would go to war with 
Israel if Arab countries stumped up $US100 billion ($A186.32 billion) to pay for 
the confrontation, in an interview published yesterday. 
"If you want to undertake an action and be ready to face up to challenges, 
you need at least $100 billion," he told the Abu Dhabi Government's 
Al-Ittihad newspaper when asked why Egypt had taken no measures against 
Israel's military offensive against the Palestinians. 
"I told you we want $100 billion," he repeated in response to a question why 
Cairo had not expelled Israel's ambassador to Egypt. 
"Let the Arab world give $100 billion from Arab funds deposited around the 
world. Let it say to Egypt: 'This is a budget for confrontation. This budget is 
at your disposal. Undertake confrontation,' " he said. 
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak accused Israel yesterday of going "beyond 
all limits" with its military actions in the West Bank, particularly in 
Bethlehem and Jenin. 

Egypt became the first Arab country to make peace with Israel and signed a 
treaty in 1979. Protesters in Egypt have frequently called for cutting 
diplomatic ties with Israel and expelling the Israeli ambassador. 

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2002-04-25 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message




  Yugo rides again 

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British Special Forces Fighting In Pakistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


British special forces believed to be hunting al-Qaida
in Pakistan 
Jason Burke in Bagram
Friday April 26, 2002
The Guardian

British special forces hunting al-Qaida and former
Taliban fighters are believed to be operating
alongside their American counterparts inside Pakistan.

Officials in Washington and London refused to confirm
this yesterday, but defence sources said privately
that the SAS or SBS had been deployed inside the
country. Allied military planners had been seeking
Pakistani permission to cross the border to hunt
fighters fleeing Afghanistan for months. Now it
appears to have been granted. 

The operation comes at a sensitive time for Pakistan's
leader, General Pervez Musharraf. He has called a
referendum on his rule in five days' time. Many
Pakistanis oppose the allied operation in Afghanistan
and are angry at his cooperation with the US. 

That the tribesmen in the lawless border areas have
been helping al-Qaida fighters is no secret. Local
Pashtun tribes have strong personal, religious and
ethnic ties to the Taliban. 

Three weeks ago a statement purporting to come from
Osama bin Laden, posted on a website run by Taliban
sympathisers, thanked Pakistani supporters in the
tribal areas for sheltering him and his followers. 

Arab journalists who have been in the region said that
several hundred al-Qaida fighters were hiding there.
One journalist saw about 200 predominantly Arab
fighters near the Pakistani border town of Miram Shah.

A Pakistani military spokesman denied that any allied
military forces were operating inside the country.
However, CNN reported last night that an undisclosed
number of American troops had been sent to Pakistan to
prepare for future operations there. 

Earlier this week Brigadier Roger Lane, commander of 3
Commando Brigade, which has provided most of the
British combat forces in Afghanistan, said that he
could only operate "within the landmass of

However, he told the Guardian that though "there is
plenty for us to do, clearly I would prefer the
[al-Qaida] people to be on this side of the border, so
we can prosecute our mission". 

The SAS and SBS detachments in Afghanistan work in
close coordination with his 1,700 troops, drawn
largely from 45 Royal Marine Commando based at
Arbroath in Scotland. 

One problem faced by Brig Lane appears to be finding a
target that justifies mounting a large-scale combat
operation. The special forces operating in the
mountains along the frontier are primarily deployed in
an intelligence gathering role. 

Intelligence experts are poring over the web statement
that Bin Laden or one of his close aides appears to
have written. In his statement Bin Laden thanks the
tribal people of Pakistan and Afghanistan for "opening
their houses" to him and his men, and reassures
followers that he is well. 

"We are now adopting a new strategy to meet the
present changed circumstances," the statement says.
"What is going on in Afghanistan is for a short time
and will be over soon." 

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Tony Blair: Woof-Woof [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Rick Rozoff


I'm not America's poodle, says Blair 

AFP [ FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2002  8:52:25 AM ] 
LONDON: British Prime Minister Tony Blair said on
Friday he was not America's poodle in its war on
terrorism or any strike on Iraq, insisting he would
only agree to military action if he thought it was the
right thing to do. 

Blair said that "action is not imminent" against Iraq,
although recent events in Afghanistan, including the
rise of the Taliban and the al-Qaeda network of chief
terror suspect Osama Bin Laden threw the need for
action into sharp focus. 

"In respect of Iraq or anything else, if I thought
America was wrong to do something, I would say so,"
Blair told the Guardian newspaper for a series of
articles to mark his five years as Premier. 

Asked if he was irked by suggestions that Britain was
America's "poodle", he replied, "it doesn't irk me but
I do think people are wrong and potentially very
destructive of this country's influence. 

"It's a good thing that the British Prime Minister has
influence with the American President. There are
forces inside America that believe that it should be
on its own, entirely unilateralist." 

Blair added, "it should be part of our job constantly
to say no, there are good allies in the world who can
work with you', and where we have disagreement, like
we do over Kyoto agreement or some trade issues, we
will say that."  

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