Four million dollars lost in Kosovo energy fraud: EU [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


Four million dollars lost in Kosovo energy fraud: EU
Tuesday, 30-Apr-2002 

-Despite imports of energy over the past three years,
local media reported that Kosovo only enjoyed four
full days without any power cuts last year.

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, 30 April (AFP) - Fraudsters have
creamed off 4.5 million euros (four million dollars)
from the budget of Kosovo's electricity company, an EU
official said Tuesday, adding that an international
member of the UN mission in the territory was
suspected of involvement.

Andy Bearpark, a top economic official in the
UN-administered province, said he had evidence of
possible corruption in Kosovo's KEK electricity
company, which both produces energy locally and
imports it from outside.

He said the money was stolen from international aid
provided to allow the territory to import energy,
which comes mainly from elsewhere in Serbia and from

I have known for many months that there are rumours
about corruption in KEK... I now have evidence,
Bearpark said at a press conference.

From people possibly concerned one is an
international that at one stage was working for my
organization, Bearpark said adding that he had
notified the European anti fraud office in Brussels

The official, who heads the EU's economic program in
Kosovo, declined to give further details.

The province's economy has struggled to recover since
Kosovo came under UN administration in 1999 after NATO
military action ended Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown
on ethnic Albanians in the province.

Despite imports of energy over the past three years,
local media reported that Kosovo only enjoyed four
full days without any power cuts last year.

In the last three years a substantial amount of
electricity was imported into Kosovo. Most of it came
from Bulgaria and some from Serbia, Bearpark said.

KEK is run by a local managment and supervised by
international staff in the province.

The province's UN administrator, Michael Steiner, who
took up his post earlier this year, said that fighting
corruption and crime was one of his priorities.

What we heard today shows that we mean it. There is
zero tolerance for crime, Steiner said at Tuesday's
press conference.

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NATO's Faithful Servant: Romania To Send More Troops To Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


April 30, 2002

Romania to send additional troops to Afghanistan 
Associated Press

-Romania’s contribution is expected to cost about $26
million, a big financial burden for a country where
the average monthly wage is just $110.

BUCHAREST, Romania — Hoping to show Romania is ready
for NATO membership, parliament decided Tuesday to
send hundreds of troops to Afghanistan in support of
the U.S.-led military operation there.
Approving a request by President Ion Iliescu to
participate in the international campaign, parliament
voted 385 to 6 to send 405 infantry soldiers and a
unit of 70 officers specialized in nuclear, chemical
and biological defense.

Romania’s contribution is expected to cost about $26
million, a big financial burden for a country where
the average monthly wage is just $110.

Earlier this year, Romania sent 285 military police
and 15 physicians to Afghanistan as part of an
international peacekeeping mission.

Proposing the Romanian involvement, Defense Minister
Ioan Mircea Pascu told lawmakers that Romania would
lose credibility if it shied away from dangerous
missions. “Romania needs to show it is a supplier of
security,” said Pascu.

The government hopes to receive an invitation in
November to join NATO at a summit in Prague and is
eager to demonstrate that it is a serious candidate
for alliance membership.

Romania has been praised by Western nations,
particularly the United States, for its stance against
terrorism in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Other former Warsaw Pact member countries — the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland — joined NATO in 1999. 

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NATO Interoperability: US Pays Turkey $228 For Afghan Mission [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


Turkey seeks aid in Afghan role

The Australian
May i, 2002

-The US administration has promised Turkey it will ask
Congress for $US200 million ($372.58 million) in
economic aid and another $US28 million ($52.16
million) in military aid for Turkey.

THE head of the Turkish military has asked the US and
other nations to provide satellite communication
systems and cargo planes before his forces assume
command of the Afghan peacekeeping force.

General Huseyin Kivrikoglu said: If these requests
are met, Turkey would carry out this mission in the
best way.
Turkey, NATO's sole Muslim member, officially
announced yesterday that it will take over the command
of the international force in Afghanistan.

Such a role for Turkey would strengthen the US
argument that the war against terror is not between
Islam and the West.

The Turkish government has agreed in principle to
lead the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan,
Kivrikoglu told CNN-Turk television.

But, Turkey has some requests. Some equipment and
abilities which are not in the inventory of Turkey
should be supported by other nations.

Britain has reportedly refused to leave its own
military satellite communication system to the Turks
because of apparent security concerns.

Turkey needs a new satellite system to communicate
with the forces of 17 other nations participating in
the peacekeeping force, patrolling in and around

The United States had agreed to help Turkey to buy the
satellite systems, the daily Radikal newspaper said

Turkey also wants heavy cargo planes to transport
armoured vehicles and light military vehicles to

Lieutenant Colonel Neil Peckham, of the British forces
in Afghanistan, said today that he does not believe
that a handover will take place before June.

We expect that we'll be remaining as lead nation
until the latter part of June, said Peckham,
spokesman for the International Security Assistance
Forces, or ISAF.

He said Britain would like to remain in charge until
after the Loya Jirga, or Grand Council, decides
whether to back the interim government of Hamid Karzai
or select another administration. The military
planning for a handover would also take time, he

Kivrikoglu urged Afghan factions to leave aside past
factional fighting.

This is a very important opportunity for Afghan
people, Kivrikoglu said. If they keep their
conflicts alive ... the chaos will persist.

He said he opposed Afghan demands to expand the
4,500-strong force throughout the country to stop
regional warlords from vying for power.

It is a very small force for such a big country,
Kivrikoglu said.

Turkey, which is struggling with a deep economic
crisis, is also worried about the mission's cost.

The US administration has promised Turkey it will ask
Congress for $US200 million ($372.58 million) in
economic aid and another $US28 million ($52.16
million) in military aid for Turkey.

Turkey has some 270 peacekeepers in Afghanistan and is
expected to deploy another 1,000 soldiers.

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U.S. Air Strikes In Pakistan? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Frontier Post (Pakistan)
May 1, 2002

Pak-US operation in tribal areas troubles Islamabad
Naveed Miraj

Islamabad: Pakistan’s cooperation with USA in the ‘war
against terrorism’ will enter into more treacherous
waters with preparations for operations in the tribal
areas complete that could include air strikes on some
targets that are inaccessible. 

The most worrisome aspect for the government of
Pakistan is that if it allows the US troops to enter
tribal areas that can lead to serious unrest in the

Sources in the government said that the tribes in
South Waziristan had already expressed their
resentment over the raid on a madrassa in Miram Shah

There were reports that a few US nationals were also
present in the operation. 

Now the tribesmen are threatening that they will put
armed resistance to any operations. 

Reports arriving from South Waziristan said that local
people were apprehending other operations in the area
and on Monday had gathered in large numbers to defend
on of the madrassas. 

‘About five hudred tribesmen had gathered to resists
operations” sources said. 

Government officials when approached said that tribal
maliks were cooperating with them and had promised
that they could provide every help to the forces sent
by the government of Pakistan. 

The madrassa that was seracehd a few days back was
established by an Afghan Taliban leader Jalal ud din

Other religious schools that are said to be the
targets of impending operations are also associated
with the same group. 

Pakistan has been trying to keep any such developments
as secret as p[possible to ensure that its fall out
does not effect the internal situation. 

President Musharraf’s bid to seek presidency through
referendum once finally out of the way he will be in
much stronger position on the issue of Pakistan –US
joint operations to root out Al Qaeda. 

Although neither US or Pakistan government has not
released any details of the people arrested after the
raid on Friday, some of the sources said that five
people were arrested in that operation. 

But none of them was an Arab national and all were
Afghans having links with Taliban leadership. 

Meanwhile sources said that the US teams had been
patrolling some key cities suspected of Al Qaeda
presence and were trying to intercepts communication
between different cells. 

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Germany To Lead NATO Fleet Off Horn Of Africa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


Germany to lead int'l anti-terror fleet off the Horn
of Africa 

Berlin, April 30, IRNA (Iran) -- Germany's navy is to
take charge of multinational fleet operations off the
Horn of Africa within the framework of the global
anti-terror campaign, German television quoted the
defense ministry as saying here Tuesday.  

Germany is scheduled to take over the command in early
May and will hold it until October
The decision was followed by intense US pressures for
Germany to assume a bigger role in anti-terror
operations since the devastating September 11
terrorist attacks.

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Guardian: New blow for September 11 inquiry [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Stasi


New blow for September 11 
Matthew Engel in 
May 1, 2002The 
The US Congress's hopes of 
discovering why American intelligence failed to get a hint of plans for 
September 11 dwindled further yesterday with news of the resignation of the 
former CIA man who was heading its investigation. 
Britt Snider left after two months amid strong signs that he had been forced 
out. The investigation is being conducted jointly by the intelligence committees 
of the Senate and House of Representatives. 
The immediate issue seems to have been a personnel matter, but there were 
growing complaints among some committee members that Mr Snider was too close to 
his old colleagues and preparing for a whitewash. However, his departure is 
thought likely to add to tensions on the committee and force the postponement of 
hearings on the issue. 
Mr Snider's former boss, George Tenet, is now a presidential favourite and 
seems to be fireproof. But some important congressional figures, including the 
senior Republican senator on the committee, Richard Shelby, are deeply critical 
of Mr Tenet and the agency in general for a catalogue of apparent failures, 
dating back to the first World Trade Centre bombing in 1993. 
Senator Shelby said: "A thorough and unbiased investigation will reveal that 
the intelligence community is encumbered by ossified and entrenched 
bureaucracies, which inhibit its ability to confront current and emerging 
Mr Snider's departure coincided with the release of a speech by the FBI 
director, Robert Mueller, made two weeks ago, in which he admitted that his 
agency has found almost nothing that gives a hint about the planning of the 
"In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper - either 
here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has 
turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere - that mentioned any aspect of the 
September 11 plot," he said. 
There is also growing frustration in Washington about the inability of 
interrogators to extract information from detainees, including those held at 
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. 
William Webster, a former director of both the CIA and FBI, has called for 
detainees to be injected with a so-called truth serum. 

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Guardian: Prodi warns that Iraq war could strain alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Stasi


Prodi warns that Iraq war could strain 
Ian Black in 
May 1, 2002The 
America must avoid taking action on 
Iraq that would damage the global anti-terrorist coalition, Romano Prodi, the 
European commission president, warned yesterday. 
Speaking in advance of tomorrow's EU-US summit, the first since the September 
11 attacks, he said it was vital for these "mature and serious partners" to work 
together for a more stable world. But Chris Patten, the EU external relations 
commissioner, expressed concern about Washington giving in to a "unilateralist 
temptation" in trade, arms control and the environment. 
Although Iraq is not formally on the agenda of the Washington talks, at which 
Europe will be led by Jose Maria Aznar, the Spanish prime minister, and the US 
by President George Bush, the two sides are unable to agree on the need for 
military action to overthrow President Saddam Hussein. 
Mr Prodi, anxious to avoid a public row on an issue where Britain is close to 
the American position, only hinted at the possible damage to transatlantic 
"Obviously one should bear in mind the consequences that this would have on 
the global set-up," he said. "The coalition the United States put together after 
September 11 has been a great example of political intelligence, and it is quite 
clear that it is so precious that we should do nothing to harm it." 
He did not attempt to conceal the EU's anger at the ongoing row over the huge 
tariffs Mr Bush slapped on foreign steel imports to protect America's failing 
industry in response to domestic political pressure. 
"I cannot over-emphasise how disappointed we are," the European commission 
president said. He insisted that the EU had no choice but to threaten to impose 
€377m (£234m) worth of sanctions on US products from next month. The episode 
raised questions about Washington's commitment to the rules of the World Trade 
Organisation, he added. 
He sought to underline Europe's contribution to the fight against global 
terrorism, which has seen enhanced transatlantic police, judicial and financial 
cooperation since the al-Qaida attacks. 
Later this week the EU is expected to decide that the Kurdish Workers' party, 
the PKK, will be added to the list of banned organisations whose assets can be 
EU justice ministers last week approved a mandate to negotiate extradition 
and judicial cooperation agreements with the US. But there are differences on 
the death penalty and the use of military tribunals to try foreign terrorist 
However, it is clear that European solidarity is threatened by resentment of 
America's go-it-alone instincts. 
Mr Patten told the English-Speaking Union at Guildhall in London: "America's 
overwhelming pre-eminence has generated increasing pressure within the US to 
abandon her internationalist past in favour of an unapologetic pursuit of 
national interest, imposing her will unilaterally and resisting outside 
obligations that might constrain her freedom of action." 
On the Middle East, which is likely to be the main subject of the one-day 
summit, Mr Prodi signalled that he wanted Mr Bush to do more to rein in the 
Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon. 
He said Washington's efforts to defuse the latest wave of Israeli-Palestinian 
violence would not succeed unless there were negotiations under the aegis of the 
so-called Quartet - the US, EU, Russia and the United Nations. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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US Asks Japan For Destroyer, Submarine Surveillance Planes For Afghan, Iraq Wars

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Japan Times
May 1, 2002

U.S. asks Japan to dispatch Aegis ship to Indian Ocean

-The request could be related to U.S. plans to
escalate its antiterrorism campaign, including a
possible attack on Iraq, which President George W.
Bush claims is part of an axis of evil.
-Opponents of the dispatch fear it could result in
Japan's active engagement in war, which is prohibited
under the pacifist Constitution.

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) The United States asked Japan on
Monday to dispatch a destroyer with the Aegis air
defense system and P-3C antisubmarine surveillance
aircraft as part of its support for the U.S. military
campaign in Afghanistan, a top Japanese ruling party
official said.
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made the
request in talks with the secretaries general of the
three ruling parties -- Taku Yamasaki of the Liberal
Democratic Party, Tetsuzo Fuyushiba of New Komeito and
Toshihiro Nikai of the New Conservative Party,
Yamasaki said at a news conference after the meeting.

Wolfowitz called on Japan to extend the May 19
deadline for its logistic support for the U.S.
campaign because there are still many operations to be
carried out, and hoped for the dispatch of an
Aegis-equipped vessel and P-3C aircraft, both of which
have high intelligence-gathering capabilities,
Yamasaki said.

Wolfowitz did not refer to specific areas where the
destroyer and aircraft might be used, or their
missions, he said.

The request could be related to U.S. plans to escalate
its antiterrorism campaign, including a possible
attack on Iraq, which President George W. Bush claims
is part of an axis of evil.

Under the Antiterrorism Special Measures Law enacted
Oct. 29, the Self-Defense Forces have sent several
naval vessels to the Indian Ocean to refuel U.S. and
British warships. The duration of the SDF dispatch was
set from Nov. 20 to May 19.

The ruling bloc leaders told Wolfowitz that the three
parties will closely consult with one another on the
proposed extension of the deadline but avoided giving
an immediate answer to the request for the dispatch,
Yamasaki said.

At the news conference, however, the three coalition
leaders were negative on the destroyer and P-3C

An immediate dispatch would be difficult under the
current conditions. It is necessary to consider the
missions and take into account the feelings of the
Japanese people, Yamasaki said.

Fuyushiba said, There is no need for the dispatch.

Nikai said this is not an issue for immediate
discussions by the three parties.

In Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said at
a news conference that the government was aware of the
request. He added that the government will hear more
about the request from the Yamasaki mission.

When the U.S. began its military campaign against
targets in Afghanistan last October after the Sept. 11
attacks on the United States, Japan considered
dispatching an Aegis destroyer to the Indian Ocean.

It decided against such a move, however, because there
were objections within the ruling coalition, and the
U.S. bombing of targets in Afghanistan eased after the
collapse of the Taliban regime.

Opponents of the dispatch fear it could result in
Japan's active engagement in war, which is prohibited
under the pacifist Constitution.

The coalition group, which arrived in Washington
earlier in the day, also held separate talks with
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and top
White House economic adviser Lawrence Lindsey.

Armitage called on Japan to fully investigate the
incident in which an unidentified ship sank in
December in the East China Sea after an exchange of
fire with Japan Coast Guard vessels.

Armitage told the coalition leaders that the mystery
ship will be a mystery no more if it is raised,
Yamasaki said.

Japan is seeking to raise the ship, which it believes
to be of North Korean origin, from waters in China's
exclusive economic zone. The U.S. is apparently
interested in finding out what the ship's purpose was
and what types of weapons it was carrying.

Armitage also said Japan should upgrade its Defense
Agency to a ministry, according to Yamasaki, a former
Defense Agency chief.

The coalition leaders and Lindsey exchanged views on
the economic situations in Japan and the U.S., as well
as Japan's steps to fight deflation.

On Tuesday, the three coalition leaders were scheduled
to travel to New York and hold talks with U.N.
Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Yamasaki was to leave New York later Tuesday for a
visit to Turkey. He will also visit Israel Jordan, and
Saudi Arabia before returning to Japan on May 6.

Fuyushiba and Nikai have canceled their original plan
to visit the Middle East, due to party business.

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Re: EU set to add PFLP to list of terror groups [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


This is unconscionable. The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine is a secular political
grouping, one of three, along with Al Fatah and the
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, that
constitutes the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Except for airplane hijackings some quarter of a
century ago, there's nothing about the PFLP - and even
its armed wing - that could be characterized as
terrorist. There targets have been strictly
military, much as were those of the Minutemen and
Green Mountain Boys during the American Revolution.
It's alleged involvement in the killing of the Israeli
Tourism minister was in retaliation for the Israeli
Defense Forces coldblooded murder of the PFLP's
general secretary Abu Ali Mustapha in August of last
year. (See the Socialist Party of Serbia's statement
on this brutal and cowardly assassination at:
Note that the Palestinian National Authority has no
right to request - much less demand - the extradition
of the IDF and Israeli national cabinet members who
ordered and carried out this murder.
Much less to have the EU consider both as terrorist

--- Steve Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 EU set to add PFLP to list of terror groups 
 By Reuters 
 BRUSSELS - The European Union is set to update its
 common list of terrorist groups to include the
 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
 and others this week, provided no member state
 objections, EU envoys agreed on Monday. 
   Under the so-called written procedure, the 15
 states have until Thursday to reject the updated
   The final decision regarding a final list will be
 known once the written procedure ends at midday on
 Thursday, May 2, a spokeswoman for current EU
 president Spain said in a statement. Organisations
 the list are liable to have their assets frozen in
 EU countries. 
   The PFLP is a Damascus-based Marxist organization
 includes many Palestinians of Christian origin. The
 group was behind the assassination of Israeli
 of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi in Jerusalem last year. 
   An EU diplomat told Reuters last week the bloc
 also put on its list the Kurdistan Workers' Party
 (PKK), which earlier this month changed its name to
 the Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress. 
   The list is part of the bloc's common efforts
 the September 11 attacks on the United States. A
 version of the list was published in late December
 included radical Basque seperatist, Northern Irish
 Middle Eastern groups.
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US Influence Moves Into One More Ex-Soviet Republic [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


US Influence Moves Into One More Ex-Soviet Republic
By Patrick Goodenough Pacific Rim Bureau Chief
May 01, 2002

-If the U.S. attacked Iraq, and Turkey balked at
allowing its territory to be used as a launch pad for
air strikes, it said, Georgia would be more than
willing to serve Washington in this and any other
At the same time, should relations with Russia turn
sour in the future, a U.S. presence in Georgia,
coupled with U.S. forces in Turkey, could pose a
serious threat to southern European Russia.

( - Just weeks before President Bush meets
his Russian counterpart for a summit in St.
Petersburg, the U.S. has expanded its military
influence into parts of the former Soviet Union that
Moscow has long considered within its sphere of
strategic interest.

A small group of U.S. military personnel is meeting
with officers in Georgia to identify suitable
locations for an intensive, $64-million program aimed
at training the country's cash-strapped army to meet
security threats.

That group will be followed by up to 200 Special
Forces troops who will help train and equip specific
units of the local armed forces.

The key target is a group of Islamic militants
believed to be holed up in the Pankisi Gorge, a
lawless and mountainous region near Georgia's border
with the breakaway Russian republic of Chechnya.

Western and Russian intelligence agencies say fighters
from Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network have found
refuge among several thousand Chechen militants and
refugees located in the area.

Bush agreed to send in troops, after Georgia requested
help in improving its counter-terrorism capability and
handling the Pankisi Gorge situation, the Pentagon
said in a statement.

The initiative, it said, Underscores the firm
relationship built between the two countries since the
end of the Cold War, as well as U.S. support of
Georgia's sovereignty, independence and territorial

The Georgian deployment is the latest development in
Washington's expanding war on terrorism following the
Sept. 11 attacks. The U.S. already has sent troops to
the Central Asian Republics of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
and Tajikistan, as well as to the Philippines and

The campaign's main focus has targeted the
Afghanistan-based group blamed for those attacks, al
Qaeda, and the Taliban militia which gave it shelter.
Pockets of al Qaeda remain in Afghanistan, while
others are believed to have escaped to other countries
in the region.

Bin Laden has close links to Chechen rebels, having
contributed both fighters and finances to their fight
against Russia. At the weekend, Georgian Interior
Ministry troops captured three men in Pankisi Gorge
subsequently reported to be al Qaeda members.

Against this background, the operation called Georgia
Train and Equip got off the ground this week with the
arrival in Tbilisi of the 20-strong advance party.

Georgia's chief of staff, Gen. John Pirtskhalaishvili,
said talks would be held with the Americans in the
forthcoming days and a special working plan drafted.

The team is expected to select four places where
training will take place -- a 70-day component
training senior commanders to improve staff planning
and operations; and a 100-day component covering
combat skills, infantry tactics and offensive and
defensive operations.

According to the U.S. European Command, which is
overseeing the program, Georgian troops and border
guards participating in the training will also be
equipped with U.S.-supplied firearms, ammunition,
uniforms, communications equipment, medical gear and
construction materials.

This is understood to be the first time U.S. forces
are being deployed in Georgia, although European
Command has conducted two exercises in the country, in
1998 and 2000.
Westward drift 

Georgia, a country a little larger than West Virginia
with a population of some 5.2 million, is
strategically located in the Caucasus, between Russia
and Turkey. To Russia's chagrin, the former Soviet
republic has been drifting further from its sphere of
influence ever since declaring independence in 1991.

Although forced under Russian pressure to join the
Commonwealth of Independent States, Georgia gradually
moved closer toward the West and in 1999, together
with Azerbaijan, refused to sign a joint CIS
declaration condemning NATO action in the Balkans.

Georgia was one of the first countries to offer its
full and unconditional support to the U.S. in the
fight against terrorism, European Command noted in a
statement this week.

Moscow is highly sensitive to the prospect of U.S.
forces in Georgia, whose president, Eduard
Shevardnadze, has turned down several Russian offers
of military assistance.

President Vladimir Putin, however, played down the
situation earlier this year, saying the U.S. move was
no tragedy for Russian 

Gujarat violence backed by state, says EU report [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)


Gujarat violence backed by state, says EU report
By Edna Fernandes in New Delhi
Published: April 29 2002 18:15 | Last Updated: April 29 2002 18:37
A European Union investigation into India's worst race riots in a decade has concluded 
that the violence was not spontaneous but a pre-planned policy involving state 
ministers to purge Muslims and destroy their economy, according to an internal 
report by EU embassies in Delhi.
The report provides one of the most damning indictments yet on the Gujarat riots, 
which have killed almost 900 people, mostly Muslims, in a matter of weeks. One EU 
source said the report pointed to ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the state and that 
there was clear evidence of complicity by state ministers.
The report has been submitted to the 15 EU governments who will decide what action to 
take and how to raise their concerns at next week's EU-India summit in Delhi.
Gujarat is one of the items on the summit agenda. I imagine we will express concern 
about everything in our report, including evidence of a purge, said the EU source. If 
that fails to yield a dialogue, further measures will have to be considered, he said.
The disclosure is sure to put further pressure on India's Hindu nationalist BJP-led 
government, which faces an opposition censure motion in parliament today over its 
handling of the riots.
On Monday Ram Vilas Paswan, the minister for coal, resigned in protest, marking the 
first formal split in the fragile coalition over the issue. Mr Paswan's Lok Jan Shakti 
party has four seats in parliament.
Atal Behari Vajpayee, prime minister, hit back at foreign criticism last week, 
accusing the international community of meddling in India's internal affairs. But that 
position was becoming harder to justify this week amid mounting evidence that the 
violence was pre-planned and state-backed. Last week some western diplomats described 
events in Gujarat as genocide for the first time. While the EU report stopped short 
of using that word, it clearly implied there was a policy of ethnic cleansing.
The pattern of violence suggests the purpose was to purge Muslims from Hindu and 
mixed Hindu/Muslim areas, said a copy of the final draft seen by the Financial Times. 
Muslim businesses were systematically targeted and destroyed.
On the role of BJP state officials in Gujarat, it said: Ministers took active part in 
the violence . . . senior police officers were instructed not to intervene in the 
Until now, the BJP central government has said the revenge riots were ignited by a 
fatal arson attack on a train carrying Hindu activists at Godhra. That attack, which 
killed 59 people, was blamed on Muslims.
But the EU report, based on investigations by a number of individual member states 
that sent staff to the region, - including Germany, Britain and the Netherlands - said 
Godhra was no more than a pretext for Hindu mob violence, which was planned months 
before. Diplomatic sources said free swords were being distributed by Hindu activists 
days before the riots began.
The true death toll was put at more than 2,000 and 140,000 people are estimated to be 
refugees as a result of the attacks.
On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch published its own verdict on Gujarat which appeared to 
back the EU's findings. What happened in Gujarat was not a spontaneous uprising. It 
was a carefully orchestrated attack against Muslims, said the group, adding that the 
state and police were complicit.
On Monday, a group of Gujarat victims came to Delhi to tell their stories. Dilawer, a 
nine-year-old boy, told how his parents were killed. They spread water. A naked wire 
was there. My mother died of electric shock. They burned my father also. Another 
victim, Feeroz Bhai, told how he watched a Hindu mob use a sword to cut out his unborn 
child from his eight-month pregnant wife, killing them both.


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US To Support New War Against Western Sahara? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Cf. today's dispatches concerning the U.S.'s favorite
'President General' Pervez Musharraf receiving 98% of
the vote in a rigged referendum (former Pakistani
presidents Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif refused the
right to return to the country under penalty of
imprisonment or worse) and last week's White House
statement, regarding the U.S. backed coup attempt in
Venezuela, that it's not democracy just because there
was an election.
Now the US, British and French - which is to say NATO
- monarchical client state of Morocco can finish its
genocidal project in Western Sahara.]

The Independent (UK)
War drums beat again for Polisario Front guerrillas
By Katherine Butler in Laayoune, Western Sahara
01 May 2002
After a cease-fire of more than 10 years, the threat
of renewed war between the Polisario Front and Morocco
was looming yesterday as the United States backed
plans to give Morocco sovereignty over the Western
With the deadline for a UN peacekeeping mandate in the
vast, arid but phosphate-rich territory set to expire,
the US, with strong British backing, is proposing what
it says is a fair compromise to end a 30-year-old
The 15-member Security Council began discussions on
the plan last night, and was expected to extend the UN
mission by three months to give the deeply divided
members more time to discuss the issue.
Algerian-backed Polisario Front guerrillas went to war
against Morocco in 1975 after the kingdom annexed the
territory following the departure of the Spanish
colonists. The struggle which ensued created one of
the world's largest and by now most forgotten
humanitarian crises. Tens of thousands of Saharan
refugees, most descended from nomadic desert tribes,
are still stranded inside Algeria to this day.
The US proposal, which Morocco supports, gives Rabat
ultimate sovereignty over the Western Sahara, although
the territory would have wide-ranging autonomy. The
brainchild of James Baker, the former US Secretary of
State, the plan has angered the Sahrawi independence
movement. Not only does it quash any hopes of
independence, it all but abandons a long-standing UN
commitment to allow the Western Sahara people to
determine their future in a referendum.
A UN ceasefire was brokered in 1991 on the promise of
a referendum. But disputes over who could vote in this
semi-nomadic, semi-literate society have raged for
nearly a decade. Last night a senior British diplomat
said: It is quite clear a referendum is never going
to be implemented.''
Meanwhile on both sides of the 2000km wall of sand and
landmines that runs the length of the border with
Algeria, families are divided and allegations of
disappearances, unlawful detentions and torture
After a 10-year impasse, a Moroccan diplomatic
offensive led by the young King Mohammed the Sixth
appears to be paying dividends. Many Western
governments appear to believe that this is a good
opportunity to forge a favourable relationship with a
liberal-minded Islamic ruler .
Laayoune, the capital of the Western Sahara, could
hardly be depicted as a war zone. UN peacekeepers have
so little to do they call their mission Club Med. But
in modest homes off the city's run-down side streets,
Saharan activists warned of a return to guerrilla
war'' if the UN withdraws and the Baker plan is
imposed without a referendum.
Self-determination is sacred for the Sahrawi
people,'' said Dahaa Ramouni, a member of a Sahrawi
human rights group. If that is denied us, although we
don't want it, the danger is the Polisario will resume
Sidi Mohammed Dadesh, a veteran of the Polisario
campaign, said: We want a referendum and anyone who
wants another solution wants a return to war.''
Algeria's reaction is crucial. Rivalry between the
neighbouring states for the Western Sahara's phosphate
reserves, its offshore oil potential and its strategic
location on the Atlantic, is at the route of the
conflict.Hamid Chabar, the king's appointee to the
territory, suggested yesterday that Morocco would be
ready to grant Algeria access to the Atlantic as part
of a settlement.
Despite the Polisario's rhetoric, the diplomatic
battle is not going their way. Morocco has worked
effectively to undermine the movement's claims to
nationhood by bringing thousands of people into the
territory who claim to be Sahrawi. More than 20,000
nomads have been camped in Laayoune since 1991 waiting
for a referendum. A mother in a breeze-block hut
decorated with artificial flowers and a television set
said yesterday: We came here as a show of loyalty to
Morocco. If there is no vote, that is God's will.''

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Inquiry Delay 'unacceptable' says EU [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner


Inquiry delay 'unacceptable' says EU
May 1 2002

  Israel's refusal to cooperate with a United Nations fact-finding
mission investigating Israeli army action against Palestinians in the
Jenin refugee camp is unacceptable, European Commission President
Romano Prodi said yesterday.

  If the Israeli army has nothing to hide, there is no reason to delay
the UN mission, Prodi told a news conference.

  This was a chance for Israel to show the world that Palestinian
allegations that Israeli soldiers killed hundreds of Palestinians in
Jenin were untrue, Prodi said.

  The commission chief who heads for a summit with US President George
W Bush in Washington on May 2 said he would urge the American
Administration to continue pressing Israel on a complete military
pull-out from Palestinian territories.

  I am very pleased that the US convinced Israel to end the siege of
Ramallah and allow (Palestinian Authority President) Yasser Arafat
freedom of movement, Prodi said.

  This is a good and constructive step, the commission chief said.

  But Prodi said he would now ask President Bush to convince Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to fully cooperate with the international
community on the Jenin inquiry and allow urgent action to ease the
humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories.

  I am deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation, Prodi
insisted, adding that international aid operations were being hampered
in West Bank cities because of an absence of clear rules on their

  I will ask Bush to call for the full and unhindered access of
humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, Prodi said.

  Israel's destruction of the basic infrastructure of the Palestinian
Authority had created a vacuum which could lead to chaos and
anarchy, the commission president warned.

  This is not in Israel's security interest, he cautioned.

  Renewed American interest in the Middle East was to be encouraged but
permanent peace in the region required international cooperation,
Prodi insisted.

  As such it was vital that the quartet group including the US,
Europe, the United Nations and Russia continued to work together, Prodi

  A meeting of the Israeli security cabinet - whose members have
accused the UN of bias - has ruled out cooperation with the UN team.

  Israel presented to the UN several subjects essential to holding a
fair probe, but as long as these conditions go unmet, it will be
impossible to hold the probe, an Israeli cabinet statement said.

  Israel says the team should include more military and
counter-terrorism experts who can better judge the military aspects of
the Israeli army operations in the Jenin refugee camp.
Copyright © 2002. The Sydney Morning Herald

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Is This *April* Ist? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


[April Fool's Day has come a month late for UNMIK and
Of course for the last three years they have not
tolerated graft, corruption, mass-scale ethnic
cleansing, narcotics trafficking, white slavery of
minors, the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands
of ethnic Serbs, Roma, Goranci, Jews and others, the
targeted assassinations of non-KLA Albanians, the
export of KLA terror and subversion into Southern
Serbia and Macedonia, lucrative contracts for Brown
and Root for constructing the largest US military base
abroad since the Vietnam War, and so forth.
Theirs has been a strictly humanitarian endeavor.] 

BELGRADE, 1 May 2002. /from RIA Novosti correspondent
Alexander Slabynko/. - Michael Steiner, head of UN
mission in Kosovo, said in Pristina that he would not
tolerate further spread of graft in Kosovo. He made
the statement in connection with embezzlement of the
4.5 million euro subsidy granted by UN to ensure the
region's electricity supply. 
According to Andy Bearpark, UN Mission's deputy head
for economic development, an official representative
of an international organization was involved in the
fraud scheme that had led to the embezzlement. Rumours
of graft have long been in the air, but only recently
have we managed to obtain tangible evidence of the
crime, he told a press conference in Pristina. 
Andy Bearpark did not disclose the name of the
official implicated in the embezzlement scheme. He
stressed however that corruption in Kosovo must be
curbed at all costs.  

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'Paramount Power Arrogance': Czech Left Denounces NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


Czech Happenings
May 1, 2002 

Communist leader Grebenicek against NATO, EU
  - 1.5.  
PRAGUE, May 1 (CTK) - Communist (KSCM) leader Miroslav
Grebenicek spoke against the Czech Republic's NATO and
EU membership in his May Day speech he made at a rally
of about 10,000 to 12,000 people according to police
estimates at Prague's Letna plain today.
   If Czech employees are to be only cheap labour and
Czech businesspeople and framers to go bankrupt amid
unequal competition, then such integration must be
rejected, Grebenicek told the rally which was also
participated in by Cuban ambassador to the Czech
Republic David Paulovich.
   Grebenicek said that class differences had been
escalated in the country - the rich are getting
richer, the poor are getting poorer.
   He said this was a logical part of the process in
which all national property had been sold out under
   The current Social Democrat government has only
carried on the partition of state interests into
private properties, Grebenick said.
   We blame the government for having succumbed to
the right- wing madness set on the total privatisation
of everything which was to and could benefit
citizens, Grebenicek told the crowd who interrupted
him with applause and affirmative shouting.
   In this situation the hosting of a NATO summit in
Prague [in November] is an expression of paramount
power arrogance, Grebenicek said adding that it would
cost taxpayers more than one billion crowns.
   He assured the participants that the communists
would prevent attempts to revise the results of World
War Two including the transfer of Sudeten Germans.
   Grebenicek was referring to the calls of some
Austrian, German and Hungarian politicians for the
abrogation of the Benes decrees under which Sudeten
Germans and also Hungarians were deported from then
   He also promised that the Communists would work for
full employment, solidarity-based social welfare and
free education.
   The KSCM organised rally proceeded in calm. Only
about ten communism opponents unfolded posters reading
Red Poverty and KSCM - threat to humankind.  

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NATO To End Humanitarian Intervention In US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Correction. A spokesman for NATO General Secretary
Lord Robertson has informed us that the aircraft in
question were surveillance planes and fighters.
As such this mission doesn't qualify as a humanitarian
Had they been bombers] 

NATO to End Unprecedented Patrols Over America
BRUSSELS - (Reuters) - The NATO military alliance said
it was ending its unprecedented operation to patrol
the skies of the United States, launched after the
September 11 attacks, because U.S. air defense
security had improved.
NATO used seven airborne warning and control system
(AWACS) planes, consisting of international crews, to
watch over the skies of the United States to free up
U.S. planes for the military operation in Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the NATO planes
would return home May 16, and expressed U.S.
Operation Eagle Assist, as the mission was called,
marked the very first time that NATO had deployed
assets in direct support of operations in the
continental United States, Rumsfeld said at a
Pentagon briefing.
I certainly want to express my full appreciation and
the appreciation of our country to our NATO allies and
to the many dedicated air crews who have helped to
defend our country in the immediate aftermath of Sept.
11, Rumsfeld said.
The Pentagon last month reduced the number of U.S.
fighter jets on round-the-clock combat air patrols
over major cities, relying instead on intermittent
sorties and improved security in airports and on
passenger jets.
The NATO planes were deployed Oct. 19 after NATO for
the first time activated its mutual-defense clause,
which says an attack on one member is as an attack on
the whole alliance.
This decision concludes NATO's historic first
deployment of assets in direct support of operations
in the continental United States, said a NATO
statement, released late on Tuesday.
The AWACS squadron is a NATO unit rather than one
formed from equipment pooled by NATO states and has
crews from 11 of the alliance's 19 nations. The unit
is based at the Geilenkirchen base in Germany.
The alliance said the operation had ended after
upgrades to the U.S. air defense system and enhanced
cooperation between the U.S. civil and military
During the operation, the E-3A planes were based at
the Tinker Air Force base in Oklahoma. NATO said that
830 crew members had patrolled the U.S. skies for
nearly 4,300 hours in more than 360 operational
This operation has been a concrete demonstration of
allied solidarity, NATO said.
NATO also showed its support for Washington's war on
terrorism by sending a flotilla of warships to the
eastern Mediterranean in October.
With the British frigate Chatham as flagship, the
force includes frigates from Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and the United States, a
Greek destroyer and a German refueling ship.

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Re: Is This *April* Ist? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Cossack


No, no, no Rick, you missed the critical word in first 
Michael Steiner, head of UN
mission in Kosovo, said in Pristina that he would not
tolerate further spread
of graft in Kosovo.
The graft which has existed up to this time is both NATO/KFOR/UNMIK
accepted/approved/cooperated with. Steiner is merely stating
that the monopoly has been granted and those operating outside
NATO/KFOR/UNMIK cooperation will not be tolerated.
As if we are to expect the modern day robber barons to deal with
nudge, nudge, wink, wink!
At 11:08 5/1/2002 -0700, Rick Rozoff wrote:
[April Fool's Day has come a month late for UNMIK and
Of course for the last three years they have not
tolerated graft, corruption, mass-scale ethnic
cleansing, narcotics trafficking, white slavery of
minors, the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands
of ethnic Serbs, Roma, Goranci, Jews and others, the
targeted assassinations of non-KLA Albanians, the
export of KLA terror and subversion into Southern
Serbia and Macedonia, lucrative contracts for Brown
and Root for constructing the largest US military base
abroad since the Vietnam War, and so forth.
Theirs has been a strictly humanitarian endeavor.] 

BELGRADE, 1 May 2002. /from RIA Novosti correspondent
Alexander Slabynko/. - Michael Steiner, head of UN
mission in Kosovo, said in Pristina that he would not
tolerate further spread of graft in Kosovo. He made
the statement in connection with embezzlement of the
4.5 million euro subsidy granted by UN to ensure the
region's electricity supply. 
According to Andy Bearpark, UN Mission's deputy head
for economic development, an official representative
of an international organization was involved in the
fraud scheme that had led to the embezzlement. Rumours
of graft have long been in the air, but only recently
have we managed to obtain tangible evidence of the
crime, he told a press conference in Pristina. 
Andy Bearpark did not disclose the name of the
official implicated in the embezzlement scheme. He
stressed however that corruption in Kosovo must be
curbed at all costs. 

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Palestinian Minister: Dissolution of Fact-Finding Team a License for Israel To C

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Palestinian Minister: Dissolution of 
  Fact-Finding Team a License for Israel To Continue Massacres

  JERUSAELM, May 1, 2002 -- The Palestinian Minister of Local Government 
  and Chief Negotiator, Saeb Erekat said in an interview with 
  that any decision by the UN secretary General Kofi Annan to dissolve the 
  fact finding team in Jenin would give Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel 
  Sharon, a license for more killings and repetition of massacres and war 
  In a telephone interview with Erekat said Wednesday, "In 
  light of the Israeli refusal to cooperate with the fact finding team, 
  Annan must keep the team as it is and send it to the region." 
  The UN Security Council is due to hold consultations Wednesday upon a 
  request by the Arab states to discuss the consequences of the Israeli 
  refusal to cooperate with the fact-finding committee. This move has come 
  after Annan decided to refer the issue to the Security Council shortly 
  after he announced that he would tend to dissolve the committee. 
  In the same context, an Israeli diplomat revealed Wednesday that Israel 
  hopes the US would veto any decision by the security council to send an 
  investigation committee to Jenin after the Jewish state's refusal of 
  receiving the fact finding team. 
  "The committee should come and let Israel refuse it before the whole 
  world," Erekat commented on Israel's refusal to give permission for the 
  fact finding team plane to land in Israel. He added, "the Israeli refusal 
  constitutes another evidence that Israel has things to hide." 
  "By taking such a decision, Israel attempts to hide the crimes and 
  massacres committed by the Israeli army and the fact that it moved the 
  bodies of Palestinians from Jenin camp and buried them in West Bank and 
  other areas known to us. Israel also tries to conceal the fact that the 
  Israeli army used old people and children as human shields in Jenin camp 
  and Nablus." 
  "We as Palestinians will never forget or forgive such actions by 
  Israel. All what we try to do is to prevent the recurrence of such 
  massacres. If Annan dissolves the fact finding committee, he will give 
  Sharon permission for more massacres," the Palestinian chief negotiator 
  On the other hand, Erekat confirmed that Israel prevented him and the 
  Palestinian negotiating team from gaining access to the besieged 
  Palestinian president's headquarters in Ramallah. 
  Earlier, a senior Palestinian official announced that the Israelis 
  denied Wednesday dawn the negotiating Palestinian team access to Arafat's 
  headquarters making the agreement reached with the American and British 
  experts to lift the siege on Arafat void. 
  But Erekat sees that the Israeli refusal does not constitute a 
  cancellation of the agreement but rather a non-compliance by Israel to 
  what was agreed upon. "We cannot confirm that but we can say that Israel 
  did not comply with what was agreed upon three days ago," said Ereikat. 
  He pointed out that Israel has two faces by using the English language 
  to talk about Mitchell, Tenet and fact finding committee and at the same 
  time uses the Hebrew language to talk about absolute refusal of everything 
  and the continuation of aggression. "In consistence with this policy, 
  Israel keeps besieging Arafat and depriving the besieged Palestinians 
  inside the Nativity Church of food and water, attacking Hebron with tanks 
  and planes and killing a two year old Palestinian girland the aggression 
  "I do not see any progress in the negotiations about the Nativity 
  Church siege despite the Israeli reports which claimed that," concluded 
  Erekat., 2002. All rights reserved. Distributed in partnership 
  with Globalvision News Network ( 


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News, 1.5.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   May 1st, 2002, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   May Day Kicks Off with Violence

   As May Day celebrations get underway in Germany,
   police in Berlin and Hamburg clash with angry protestors.  Violent
outbreaks are expected throughout the day.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1432_A_510207_1_A,00.html 

   Car Bomb Explodes in Madrid

   A car bomb has exploded outside Madrid's Bernabeu soccer stadium,
   which is the venue for tonight's European Champions League soccer
   semifinal between Real Madrid and Barcelona. Rescue workers are on
   the scene and five people are reported to have been wounded. A car
   bomb blamed on the Basque separatist group ETA damaged buildings
   and cars in the same area 10 days ago.

   Fire Kills 18 Prisoners in Algeria

   18 prisoners were killed in a fire that ripped through a high
   security jail in Algeria's capital Algiers. The official Algerian
   news agency said the fire at Serkadji prison appears to have been
   started by prisoners who had set their mattresses ablaze after seeing
   a 19-year-old inmate attempting to kill himself.

   Freedom of Movement for Arafat Near?

   Palestinian President Yasser Arafat has reached a tentative
   agreement with U.S. and British officials to move six men wanted
   by Israel from his Ramallah headquarters to a jail supervised
   by American and British forces. Israel's security forces say they
   they will withdraw from outside Mr. Arafat's compound once the
   six were taken to Jericho. An aid to Mr. Arafat has said Israeli
   forces must FIRST leave the area before the prisoner deal can be

   Shooting Outside Church of the Nativity

   Israeli troops shot and wounded a Palestinian man in the courtyard of
   the besieged Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem Wednesday. The
   Israeli army described the Palestinian as a gunman who had been hit
   in the shoulder and later surrendered to Israeli troops. The army
   has besieged the church since April 2 after 30 gunmen sought refuge
   from soldiers who had reoccupied Bethlehem.

   Jenin Inquiry Close to Dissolution

   U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan is close to recommending that the
   U.N. Jenin inquiry mission opposed by Israel be called off but has
   said he will await a U.N. Security Council session later today.
   The mission headed by former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari has
   waited since last weekend in Geneva. Israel, which denies Palestinian
   massacre claims, wants the inquiry's mandate extended to include
   alleged terrorist acts. Annan's spokesman said a credible report on
   Israel's assault on Jenin last month depended on Israeli cooperation.
   On Tuesday Israel's army pulled back from Hebron in the West Bank,
   saying it had arrested 150 terror suspects. At Rafah in the Gaza
   Strip, four Palestinians have reportedly been killed, including a
   two-year-old girl. An army source said a tank fired at militants.

   No Injuries Following Missile Blast in Pakistan

   A missile has exploded near a government compound housing U.S.
   personnel in Pakistan. The missile fell just yards away from the
   compound, which is located not far from the border with Afghanistan.
   There were no injuries reported. The U.S. says a small number of
   troops are in the area to track down remnants of Afghanistan's ousted
   Taliban movement.

   U.S. to Send Troops and Attack Helicopters to Eastern Afghanistan

   The United States says it's deploying hundreds of troops and attack
   helicopters to the Afghan mountains near Pakistan to support British
   troops in their hunt for remaining Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. The
   Pentagon believes hundreds of al Qaeda fighters and their Taliban
   allies could be gathering in the area.

   May Day Protests Worldwide

   Millions of people around the world have taken to the streets to mark
   Labour Day Wednesday. In the Philippines, tens of thousands of people
   demonstrated in the capital against the politics of President Gloria
   Arroyo. Large demonstrations were also held in Turkey's capital,
   Ankara and in China, the authorities have honoured successful
   businessmen with medals and high praise.
   Hundreds of thousands of May Day protesters also took to the streets
   in France Wednesday. They called for improved workers rights and
   voiced their opposition to extreme right politician Jean-Marie Le
   Pen, who will face President Chirac in a run-off election in less
   than two weeks. There were also smaller demonstrations in France
   supporting Mr. Le Pen.
   Here in Germany hundreds of thousands of people marched in a 

Egypt Assails the Lumping of U.S. War With Israel's [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 in the New York Times 

  Egypt Assails the Lumping of 
  U.S. War With Israel's 

  by Neil MacFarquhar

CAIRO  President Hosni Mubarak 
  criticized Washington today for allowing Israel to lump the Palestinian 
  struggle to end occupation into the same category as the war on terrorism, 
  and he echoed the impatience of other Arab officials with the lack of 
  peace initiatives from the United States. 
  "This Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and its 
  provocative, illegitimate acts are the main reason behind the escalation 
  of the Palestinian resistance," President Mubarak said in a nationally 
  televised speech marking May Day.
  "This fierce campaign that Israel is launching on the Palestinian 
  people and leadership must end, this campaign that is unjustly based on a 
  comparison between the U.S. war against terrorism in Afghanistan and 
  Israel's war against unarmed Palestinians who are resisting 
  In the absence of any concrete plan to help the Palestinians, Arabs and 
  Muslims are likely to doubt the entire American effort, said Mr. Mubarak, 
  traditionally a staunch ally of the United States but increasingly 
  critical in recent weeks.
  "What happened is a sudden change in the direction of the war against 
  terrorism which, I am afraid, will shake the people's faith in it and in 
  its credibility in the Arab and Muslim worlds," he said.
  Since September, the entire American effort to fight terrorism has 
  encountered a certain skepticism in the Middle East, where the idea that 
  the attacks on the United States were the work of Al Qaeda, Osama bin 
  Laden's network, was not fully accepted.
  The American failure to get Israel to halt its offensive in the West 
  Bank has deepened regional suspicion that the United States cannot be 
  trusted to help pursue Arab interests. This has been especially true in 
  Egypt and Jordan, whose leaders have been forced to defend maintaining 
  peace treaties with Israel and have resorted to lowering their public 
  The fact that the Bush administration managed to broker a deal that 
  appears likely to free Yasir Arafat from Israeli siege in Ramallah shows 
  that its engagement works, Mr. Mubarak said, lamenting a lack of further 
  "The strong intervention of the U.S. through definite suggestions can 
  bring a real political breakthrough that leads to security and stability 
  in the region," he said.
  Washington has indicated that it wants moderate Arab states to convince 
  Mr. Arafat that he needs to take a more high-profile role in stopping 
  suicide bombings.
  There is some indication of that happening already, according to 
  American officials in the region, who said that Mr. Mubarak, King Abdullah 
  of Jordan and others had called Mr. Arafat in recent days. 
  But Arab officials noted that the United States should not expect a 
  broad effort from the Arab side without Washington showing more spine in 
  pressuring the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon.
  "Where is the pressure from the U.S. on Sharon?" said Amr Moussa, the 
  secretary general of the Arab League. "Why should the Arabs put pressure 
  on Arafat without equal pressure being put on Sharon? There is no solution 
  except this one."
  He said the main pressure should be to get Israeli forces to withdraw 
  to where they were before Sept. 28, 2000, when the current Palestinian 
  uprising against the Israeli occupation started, and for both sides to 
  observe a cease-fire.
  "It is not a question of some tanks being withdrawn or Mr. Arafat being 
  able to go from Ramallah to Gaza, this is not a commodity to be sold for a 
  high price," Mr. Moussa said. "Without this withdrawal I don't think there 
  will be any progress, our side will not be convinced that the other side 
  is serious."
  Arab officials are hoping for some sign from Washington that it 
  realizes that the Palestinian question is not another branch of the war on 
  terrorism and that American credibility on other issues  not to mention 
  its stated wish to take on Iraq  is at stake.
  "You cannot, particularly if you are a big country, see everything 
  through one prism," said Ahmed Maher, the Egyptian foreign minister. "In 
  the minds of the Americans, Israel is fighting in Palestine the American 
  war against terrorism, which is total nonsense."
  "What you have in Palestine is people who are under occupation who are 
  resisting, sometimes with methods that we do not approve, but all in 

Satis Nambijar u Beogradu / Nambiar Is Visiting Belgrade [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic


21:10 Nambijar o NATO intervenciji protiv Jugoslavije

NATO intervencijom protiv Jugoslavije pogazene su sve medjunarodne norme
i principi, ali i nacionalni suverenitet i integritet jedne zemlje,
ocenio je prvi komandujuci snaga UNPROFOR za bivsu Jugoslaviju, indijski
general Satis Nambijar, koji boravi u Beogradu. On je rekao da je glavni
razlog sto nije prihvatio produzenje mandata UN to sto mu je postalo
jasno da NATO pokusava da vuce konce mirovne operacije. Nambijar je
rekao da je u jednom trenutku shvatio da izvestaji s terena pre stizu u
Brisel, nego u sediste UN u Njujorku i da je video da su UN postale
fasada za NATO.

21:10 Nambiar Is Visiting Belgrade

The first UNPROFOR Commander for former Yugoslavia, Indian General Satis
Nambiar says that all international standards and principles, national
sovereignty and integrity of one country, were breached through NATO's
intervention in Yugoslavia. During his current visit to Belgrade he has
said he did not accept prolongation of his mandate because it was clear
that NATO was trying to pull the strings of the peace operation and that
NATO had become UN's facade.


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Sharon May Need To Offer Arabs New Deal if Bush is To Fend Off U.N. [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Sharon May Need To Offer Arabs New Deal if Bush 
  is To Fend Off U.N.


  By Bradley BurstonHa'aretz
  TEL AVIV, May 1, 2002 -- Nearing a dangerous precipice with the UN 
  Security Council, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon may need to make an overture 
  the Arabs can't refuse if he is to win White House support in diplomatic 
  warfare over the disputed bloodshed in Jenin. 
  Sharon is to visit the White House next week. Bush administration 
  officials had hoped that by the time the prime minister reached 
  Washington, the hydra-headed negotiations regarding IDF-Palestinian 
  standoffs at Yasser Arafat's besieged Ramallah headquarters, Bethlehem's 
  Church of the Nativity, and the Jenin investigation impasse, would have 
  been resolved by the time President George W.Bush welcomed Sharon to 
  True to form, however, the Middle East has little patience for quick 
  solutions. In a cascade of policy reversals over the past two weeks, 
  Sharon has twice agreed to and twice rejected Israeli cooperation with the 
  UN fact-finding mission charged with the on-site sifting of evidence over 
  the IDF offensive in Jenin refugee camp. 
  Israel maintained its insistence that it had nothing to hide in the 
  face of Palestinian allegations - now largely in doubt - of wholesale 
  massacres and summary executions of Palestinian civilians in the camp. 
  However, the Sharon government has balked at the possibility that the 
  evidence gathered by commission members could someday be used to fuel 
  war-crimes proceedings against soldiers, commanders, and even the leaders 
  who ordered the operation, Israe 
  The resultant diplomatic limbo has left the UN team stranded in Geneva, 
  pending a late Wednesday Security Council debate over the impasse, and a 
  subsequent decision by Secretary-General Kofi Annan on whether to disband 
  the mission. 
  Furiously pulling diplomatic levers of his own was Arafat, the focus of 
  Sharon's High Noon war of nerves, whom the prime minister has kept 
  sequestered in a corner of a dingy, largely destroyed Ramallah compound in 
  an explicit bid to isolate the Palestinian leader from the world. 
  But as Bush administration intervention increased in recent weeks, 
  Arafat has been bathed in the spotlight of a range of international 
  diplomatic efforts. Arafat's repeated past declarations that he wished 
  nothing for nothing more than martyrdom in his Ramallah confinement have 
  now given way to fresh negotiations and a steady stream of American and 
  European mediators. 
  If Israelis had harbored hopes that the issue would disappear along 
  with the UN mission, their optimism was quickly dispelled by widespread 
  fears that Israel's international diplomatic plight could dramatically 
  worsen - and soon. 
  Former foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said that an enraged Security 
  Council determined to show a defiant Israel who was boss, could raise the 
  stakes of an investigation, appointing a full-blown commission of inquiry 
  into the events of Jenin as well as other elements of the broad IDF West 
  Bank offensive ordered in response to an unprecedented series of suicide 
  bombings. UN sanctions could follow. 
  A UN inquiry would likely pose a much more profound problem for Israel, 
  Ben-Ami said. Moreover, if the government rejected such a commission, the 
  step could lead to a "frontal confrontation with serious operative 
  decisions regarding Israel, which would in turn put additional pressure on 
  the United States, with respect to its ability to stand alongside Israel." 

  At the same time, pressure on Sharon has increased at home. On Sunday, 
  Sharon dismayed rightists by persuading the Cabinet to accept a Bush 
  administration plan aimed at securing Arafat's release. In the past, 
  Sharon had declared that Arafat would stay put until he handed over the 
  killers of slain cabinet minister Rehavam Ze'evi. Under the U.S. plan, the 
  suspected assassins, who have been Arafat's guests in the Ramallah 
  compound, are to be transferred to a Jericho prison under American and 
  British supervision, with Arafat's freedom to follow. 
  According to Ha'aretz commentator Akiva Eldar, Israeli leaders had 
  agreed to the proposal under the mistaken belief that in return, the Bush 
  administration would act to quash UN action over Jenin. 
  Now, after having caved in on the Arafat issue without the hoped-for 
  diplomatic compensation, Sharon will likely be forced to come up with 
  another quid pro quo to offer when he visits Washington. "This will then 
  allow Bush to 

Jenin 'massacre' reduced to death toll of 56 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
ilies living in houses 
directly opposite the destroyed area have told The Washington Times that Israeli 
soldiers, who temporarily occupied their houses just before the final battle 
began, treated them without violence and assured them: "You will not be 
harmed."They confined the 36 members of the 
Abu Khalil family to two rooms, allowing them out one by one, and set up a 
snipers' point upstairs through two holes in the wall  under a family framed 
message in Arabic: "There is No God but Allah and Mohammed is His 
Messenger."They confiscated identity cards but 
left them on the table before slipping out during the 
night.At the United Nations in New York, 
Undersecretary-General Kieran Prendergast said "a thorough, credible and 
balanced report on recent events in Jenin refugee camp would not be possible 
without the cooperation of the government of 
Israel.""Since it appears from today's Cabinet 
statement by Israel that the difficulties in the way of deployment of the 
fact-finding team will not be resolved anytime soon, the secretary-general is 
minded to disband the team," he told reporters after briefing the U.N. Security 
Council.Diplomats said Mr. Prendergast told 
council members that Mr. Annan was leaning toward disbanding the three-member 
team, which has been joined by numerous advisers. The team, which was to have 
arrived in Jenin on Saturday, remained in Geneva 
yesterday.The Security Council is to take up 
the issue of whether or not to disband the mission at a meeting 
today.The United States put forward the 
resolution adopted by the Security Council welcoming the dispatch of a U.N. team 
to find out what happened in Jenin during the Israeli military's 
attacks.Israel initially agreed to the idea, 
but subsequently raised questions over the composition of the team, its scope of 
inquiry, who could be called as a witness and what documents would be presented 
to the panel.Mr. Prendergast said that "with 
every passing day, it becomes more difficult to determine what happened" in 
Jenin. U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte said Mr. Annan was considering whether to 
let the fact-finding team begin its work in Geneva or "simply abandoning the 
mission on the assumption that satisfactory terms of reference could not be 
worked out." This article is based in part 
on wire service reports.

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May Day - Summary [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Barry Stoller


AAP; AFP; Reuters; AP; Ananova; MSNBC. 1 May 2002. May Day.

a mounted charge against demonstrators as a May Day protest in Sydney
turned ugly today, with marbles and fireworks and an incendiary device
thrown in the path of police horses.

Wearing chequered-headscarves wrapped so that only their eyes showed,
dozens of M1 protesters - including some wearing reflective vests
reading 'NURSE' - showed their enmity to Israel.

The Palestinian resistance and freeing the detained illegal immigrants
were one and the same cause, said a masked teenage girl, who gave her
name as 'Nailbomb.'

It's all about overthrowing the colonialism here and in Palestine. It's
all about overthrowing the capitalism that is at the heart of it all, 
she said.

Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Leigh Hubbard told 10,000
workers claims that May Day had had its day were false as workers faced
the same issues now as they did when they first claimed the day as their
own 120 years ago.

Things are as tough as they ever were, he said. Bosses are still
wanting to screw more and more productivity out of workers.

Meanwhile, thousands of trade unionists have gathered in downtown Moscow
to mark May Day.

Organisers say at least 140,000 people had gathered behind St. Basil's
Cathedral near Red Square by mid-morning.

Another 100,000 met at a separate rally held by the Communist Party at
Karl Marx Square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre, the ITAR-Tass news
agency reported.

Leading the communist rally, party leader Gennady Zyuganov said more
young people are taking part in the May Day celebration than in recent

The communists demanded an immediate government resignation.

Elsewhere in the former Soviet Union, rallies were planned in about 500
cities and towns.

In the former Communist stronghold of Voronezh, in southern Russia,
demonstrators rallied in the city's central square by a statue of Lenin.

They applauded as the slogans rang out, attacking the government and the
traitors to the fatherland, denouncing the dictatorship of the
bourgeoisie, and joined in as the comrades shouted in unison: down
with the government.

In Manila, about 500 leftists took to the streets Wednesday in protests
against the government and U.S. military exercises.

They focused on claims that thousands of U.S. troops currently in the
Philippines are part of a plan by Washington to re-establish a permanent
presence in the Southeast Asian country, which was formerly a U.S.
colony and site of U.S. military bases.

Leftist labor leader Elmer Labog said Wednesday's rally would be the
start of a campaign to push for Arroyo's removal.

Workers are determined to launch a nationwide campaign to press for her
urgent removal from Malacanang, Labog said in a statement.

Labog, head of the May 1 Movement, the country's biggest leftist union,
said Arroyo should be removed from office for her sycophancy to foreign
monopoly firms... through her promotion of globalization policies.

Well over half a million marchers took to the streets in French cities
in protest against Jean-Marie Le Pen as the extreme right presidential
candidate rallied thousands of his own supporters in Paris.

Chanting N like Nazi, F like Fascist, demonstrators packed dozens of
towns and cities in a massive show of peaceful opposition to Le Pen and
his National Front party ahead of Sunday's runoff election against
President Jacques Chirac.

Trotskyists distributed tracts urging voters on Sunday to shun both Le
Pen and Chirac, who is widely expected to be heading for a landslide

In Germany, one woman was fighting for her life after violence marking
May Day erupted in two districts of Berlin.

It began when a group of around 500 anarchists lit a large fire on a
main street and then pelted the fire brigade with bottles and stones.

Police used water cannons against the demonstrators and hundreds of riot
police moved in.

Dozens of people suffered facial cuts from hurled bottles after what was
planned as a peaceful anti-Nazi demonstration.

Whistles, whoops, and bongo beats rang out through central London on May
Day as anti-capitalist protesters took to the streets.

A crowd of several hundred embarked on what at times seemed more like a
walking tour of the capital's tourist highlights, and although there
were sporadic displays of tension, there was no sign of the feared
violence by mid-afternoon.

Probably the most threatening display came outside a branch of
McDonalds' on Oxford St when several dozen police stood their ground in
front of the restaurant as the protesters stopped to vent their spleen
at the multinational.

Grosvenor Square, home to the US Embassy, provided a rallying point for
the marchers at lunchtime. Traffic 

Military doesn't know where undersea weapons dumps are [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner


The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE

WebPosted Wed May  1 11:13:31 2002

MARGAREE FORKS, N.S.--A resident of Cape Breton Island wants the 
Canadian military to come clean about where tonnes of chemical
weapons were dumped after the Second World War. 

 Myles Kehoe, an antique dealer in Margaree Forks, Cape Breton, was 
surprised at what he found while looking at some nautical charts from
the 1960s. 

 Some of the charts mark well-documented military explosive dump
sites off the East Coast. But one marked a site not found on any

 Kehoe says a former military person and local fishermen have told
him it's a post-Second World War chemical warfare dump. 

 The military claims it doesn't know what it is, but is looking into
the allegations. 

 We're taking Mr. Kehoe's claims very seriously, said Maj. Francois

 In 1946, the navy sunk a barge-load of mustard gas 160 km east of 
Halifax, near Sable Island. 

 The military is trying to find out if there are other sites. It
admits it doesn't know. 

 Some records may have been destroyed and it will make the search
that much more complicated, said Lauzon. But we will do our best. 

 Opposition politicians are starting to ask questions on Parliament

 We're asking the government to come clean with Canadians, to be 
responsible, to protect the interests of all of us, and our fish 
stocks, said Peter Stoffer, NDP fisheries critic. Kehoe believes the
waters off Cape Breton hide other unmarked mustard gas dump sites. 

 It's there. They have to admit it's there. If you manufacture 
something, and you don't use it, where the heck is it?, he said.
Now if they can show me where it's at, in another site, hey, all the 

 Kehoe is worried that with increased exploration of the ocean floor
by oil companies and others old warheads and barrels of mustard gas
could be disturbed, with dangerous results. 

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

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Thousands march to mark May Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Thousands march to mark May 

MOSCOW - Thousands of trade 
unionists gathered in downtown Moscow on Wednesday to celebrate the traditional 
May Day holiday while communists marked the occasion at a separate rally. 
Organizers of the trade unionists' rally said at least 140,000 people had 
gathered behind St. Basil's cathedral near Red Square by midmorning. 
Another 100,000 people met at the separate communist rally at Karl Marx 
Square in front of the Bolshoi Theater several blocks from Red Square, the 
ITAR-Tass news agency reported. Participants in the trade union rally criticized 
government policy toward labor, but praised the leadership of President Vladimir 
Andrei Isayev, deputy chairman of Federation of Trade Unions, said Russia was 
being led by "a person we are not ashamed of before the whole world: a sober, 
reasonable and rational politician." 
But, he said, Russia was not developing dynamically because Putin's policy 
was becoming stuck "in the stagnant bureaucratic apparatus of those who do not 
want to work and cannot work." Putin sent a message to the trade unionists that 
was read to the crowd over a loudspeaker. 
"The main task of the government and all constructive forces in society is to 
make Russia a wealthy, prospering country," Putin's message said. "I believe 
that the joint rally by representatives from the Federation of Trade Unions will 
help achieve this goal." 
Some 4,000 police officers and traffic police were deployed in the city 
center to control the crowds celebrating May Day, once one of the most important 
holidays in the former Soviet Union, ITAR-Tass said. 
Leading the communist rally, party leader Gennady Zyuganov noted that more 
young people were taking part in the May Day celebration. "The participants have 
increased by four or five times (over recent years), and many of them are young 
people," he said. 
Elsewhere in the former Soviet Union, rallies were planned in about 500 
cities and towns.
/The Associated 


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Tense World Marks May Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Tense World Marks May Day 
By Tony CzuczkaAssociated Press WriterWednesday, May 
1, 2002; 10:21 AM 
BERLIN  Demonstrators rallied against the right 
in Germany and France, merchants boarded up stores to guard against attacks by 
anti-capitalist demonstrators and riot police turned out in force as Europeans 
marked a tense May Day on Wednesday. 
Police in Berlin used tear gas to quell overnight clashes with anarchists who 
threw rocks, set street fires and looted a supermarket, the worst violence on 
the eve of May Day for years. An estimated 5,000 police turned several parts of 
the German capital into restricted zones, including a main thoroughfare through 
the landmark Brandenburg Gate. 
Scores of anarchist protesters were detained in several cities overnight, and 
police said two people were injured seriously in Berlin. May Day in the German 
capital has regularly degenerated into street battles between police and 
anarchists over the past 15 years. 
In France, as many as 500,000 people demonstrated nationwide against 
extreme-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, the largest turnout so far against the 
ultra-nationalist politician since he qualified for this Sunday's presidential 
Earlier, Le Pen led several thousand supporters through central Paris. They 
chanted "Le Pen, president" and waved tricolor flags and signs that read, "I'm 
proud to be French." 
Some 700 supporters of a far-right fringe party marched through a Berlin 
suburb, escorted by nearly 2,000 police who kept them apart from heckling 
counter-demonstrators shouting "Nazis out!" At least one marcher was detained by 
police for making the banned stiff-arm Nazi salute. 
"We're demonstrating because we love our country," declared far-right marcher 
Wolfgang Kuehl, 34. 
At Berlin's city hall, labor leaders rallied a crowd of about 10,000 behind 
Germany's first industrial strike in seven years, due to start next week. 
In Moscow, at least 140,000 trade union supporters holding up pictures of 
President Vladimir Putin rallied downtown. The Communists marked the occasion 
separately, drawing mostly elderly people who carried red carnations and proudly 
displayed World War II medals on their lapels. 
In Greece and Turkey, protesters proclaimed solidarity with the Palestinians 
in their bloody struggle with Israel. 
"A thousand greetings to the Palestinian resistance," read a slogan at a 
rally in Istanbul, Turkey. In Athens, about 6,000 people marched to the U.S. and 
Israeli embassies to protest Israel's military incursion into Palestinian areas. 

In the economically struggling former Yugoslav republic of Croatia, workers 
marched through the capital, Zagreb, to protest government plans to trim labor 
rights. Polish officials laid flowers at a monument in the city of Poznan to 
workers killed in 1956 anti-communist protests, but the capital, Warsaw, was 
calm as many people left for the countryside for a five-day weekend. 
Workers in Macedonia handed out platefuls of hearty cooked brown beans  
considered a laborer's staple  in the capital, Skopje, as they demonstrated for 
an end to poverty. The country has the highest jobless rate in the Balkans. 
In London, more than 100 noisy demonstrators on bicycles blocked 
intersections in the busy Oxford Street shopping area. Some of them, 
representing a variety of groups from environmentalists to anti-capitalists, 
went to the U.S. Embassy bearing a banner reading "Capitalism doesn't work." 
Cuba's communist authorities called out more than 1 million citizens for a 
May Day march to protest Latin American criticism of its human rights record. 
President Fidel Castro was to head the annual workers march in the Havana. 
In Asia, police clashed with protesters in at least three nations while 
elsewhere, workers demonstrated peacefully for better working conditions and 
higher pay. 
In the Philippines, thousands of demonstrators were met on the streets by 
riot police amid coup rumors and terrorist threats. Police said they thwarted 
two possible terrorist attacks, including one that might have targeted President 
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. 
Activists in Sydney, Australia, used May Day to highlight the plight of 
thousands of asylum seekers kept in detention centers for up to three years 
while their cases are reviewed. Police on horseback charged demonstrators after 
500 people blockaded offices of a company that operates five of the detention 
In Singapore, police arrested two prominent opposition party officials and 
civil rights activists as they tried to stage an unauthorized rally outside the 
tightly controlled city-state's presidential palace. Police later arrested an 
additional activist who refused to leave a police station where one of the other 
activists were detained. 
Malaysian police arrested 17 people as hundreds of plantation workers marched 
toward the world's tallest buildings in the capital, 

Arafat compares Jenin battle to Stalingrad [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 1 May 2002. Arafat compares Jenin battle to Stalingrad.

JERUSALEM -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Thursday compared
fighting in the Jenin refugee camp to the devastating World War II
battle of Stalingrad that destroyed the former Soviet city and killed
more than 600,000 people.

Jenin has turned into Jeningrad, instead of Stalingrad. Remember
something like that, Stalingrad? Now, Jeningrad, Arafat told CNN
shortly after Israeli troops lifted their month-long siege of his
Ramallah office.

Speaking in a firm voice but looking pale, Arafat said he intended to
visit areas of the West Bank to see for himself the impact of Sharon's
armed incursions, which he described as a crime.

If the opportunity was open again, and the tanks were not around me in
the morning again, I will go and see what happened in our cities and
towns, the disasters and crimes, said Arafat.

But Arafat noted that travel to other countries is not the first item
for me. I want to go and see, and shake hands with my people who have
suffered (from) crimes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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'They raped every German female from eight to 80' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner

'They raped every German female from eight to 80'

Antony Beevor, author of the acclaimed new book about the fall of
Berlin, on a massive war crime committed by the victorious Red

Wednesday May 1, 2002
The Guardian

  Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with
German women, wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary
when serving as an officer of marine infantry in East Prussia.
Nine, ten, twelve men at a time - they rape them on a collective

  The Soviet armies advancing into East Prussia in January 1945, in
huge, long columns, were an extraordinary mixture of modern and
medieval: tank troops in padded black helmets, Cossack cavalrymen
on shaggy mounts with loot strapped to the saddle, lend-lease
Studebakers and Dodges towing light field guns, and then a second
echelon in horse-drawn carts. The variety of character among the
soldiers was almost as great as that of their military equipment.
There were freebooters who drank and raped quite shamelessly, and
there were idealistic, austere communists and members of the
intelligentsia appalled by such behaviour.

  Beria and Stalin, back in Moscow, knew perfectly well what was
going on from a number of detailed reports. One stated that many
Germans declare that all German women in East Prussia who stayed
behind were raped by Red Army soldiers. Numerous examples of gang
rape were given - girls under 18 and old women included.

  Marshal Rokossovsky issued order No 006 in an attempt to direct
the feelings of hatred at fighting the enemy on the battlefield.
It appears to have had little effect. There were also a few
arbitrary attempts to exert authority. The commander of one rifle
division is said to have personally shot a lieutenant who was
lining up a group of his men before a German woman spreadeagled on
the ground. But either officers were involved themselves, or the
lack of discipline made it too dangerous to restore order over
drunken soldiers armed with submachine guns.

  Calls to avenge the Motherland, violated by the Wehrmacht's
invasion, had given the idea that almost any cruelty would be
allowed. Even many young women soldiers and medical staff in the
Red Army did not appear to disapprove. Our soldiers' behaviour
towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely
correct! said a 21-year-old from Agranenko's reconnaissance
detachment. A number seemed to find it amusing. Several German
women recorded how Soviet servicewomen watched and laughed when
they were raped. But some women were deeply shaken by what they
witnessed in Germany. Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the
scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in
1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. The Russian soldiers were
raping every German female from eight to eighty, she recounted
later. It was an army of rapists.

  Drink of every variety, including dangerous chemicals seized from
laboratories and workshops, was a major factor in the violence. It
seems as if Soviet soldiers needed alcoholic courage to attack a
woman. But then, all too often, they drank too much and, unable to
complete the act, used the bottle instead with appalling effect. A
number of victims were mutilated obscenely.

  The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so
repressed in Russia that even today veterans refuse to acknowledge
what really happened. The handful prepared to speak openly,
however, are totally unrepentant. They all lifted their skirts
for us and lay on the bed, said the leader of one tank company.
He even went on to boast that two million of our children were
born in Germany.

  The capacity of Soviet officers to convince themselves that most
of the victims were either happy with their fate, or at least
accepted that it was their turn to suffer after what the Wehrmacht
had done in Russia, is striking. Our fellows were so
sex-starved, a Soviet major told a British journalist at the
time, that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even
eighty - much to these grandmothers' surprise, if not downright

  One can only scratch at the surface of the psychological
contradictions. When gang-raped women in Königsberg begged their
attackers afterwards to put them out of their misery, the Red Army
men appear to have felt insulted. Russian soldiers do not shoot
women, they replied. Only German soldiers do that. The Red Army
had managed to convince itself that because it had assumed the
moral mission to liberate Europe from fascism it could behave
entirely as it liked, both personally and politically.

  Domination and humiliation permeated most soldiers' treatment of
women in East Prussia. The victims not only bore the brunt of
revenge for Wehrmacht crimes, they also represented an atavistic
target as old as war itself. Rape is the act of a conqueror, the
feminist historian Susan Brownmiller observed, aimed at 

WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-01 Thread Steve Wagner

Saturday, 27 April 2002

WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says
By Stephanie Innes

  The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle
East point to one thing - World War III, a spokesman for Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday during a visit to Tucson.

  We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the
harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether
they like it or not. I'm sure,'' Ra'anan Gissin, a senior adviser
to Sharon, said in an interview Friday.

  Sept. 11 was a watershed event, and things will never be the
same. The battle lines have been drawn.''

  Gissin, 53, is in Tucson this weekend as part of a 12-day tour of
the United States to promote the purchase of Israel Bonds. The
bonds are part of a program that began in 1951 in which securities
are sold to individuals and corporations to finance economic
growth in Israel.

  The Israeli government pays them back. . . . The collateral is
the eternity of the Jewish people,'' Gissin said, dismissing an
April 1 Newsweek story that questioned the future of his country.

  We believe the state of Israel will continue to exist forever.
Therefore, it's a sure investment.

  On Friday night he spoke to an audience of about 300 people at the
Reform Temple Emanu-El, 225 N. Country Club Road, as police stood
on guard at the doorways of the synagogue. Today at 5 p.m. he is
scheduled to speak at the conservative Congregation Anshei Israel,
5550 E. Fifth St.

  Gissin called the war a clash between the civilized and
uncivilized worlds.

  It's a clash between the forces of evil, as (President Bush) so
neatly described it, and forces of life.

  Mohyeddin Abdulaziz, 54, a Tucson resident and Palestinian who
grew up near Ramallah, did not attend Gissin's talk. But in an
interview Friday night he said the Israeli point of view does not
take into account the suffering of Palestinians who live in the
occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

  This is a war that is being fought against a largely civilian
population. It is a one-sided war,'' said Abdulaziz, who still has
family living in the West Bank. The Palestinians do not have one
tank, one airplane, one helicopter. These are people who have been
under a brutal occupation for 35 years and every nation on this
Earth has recognized it as an illegal occupation.

  We have generations of Palestinians who know nothing but brutal
occupation,'' he said. The West Bank and Gaza are only 22 percent
of the geographic area of Palestine, and it's all the Palestinians
are asking for. They want a place to call home.

  Gissin said he did not believe that the Israeli incursion at the
West Bank refugee camp in Jenin earlier this month was a massacre
as some Palestinians have said. The chief Palestinian negotiator,
Saeb Erekat, has accused Israel of trying to hide terrible
things at the camp. Palestinians say hundreds died. The United
Nations is sending a fact-finding team there.

  Real peace can only exist or come about when there is an
understanding and a commitment among our Arab and Palestinian
neighbors to a process of reconciliation - to accept the fact that
Jews also have a right to their own land, to their ancestral
homeland, Gissin said.
* Contact Stephanie Innes at 573-4134 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand  Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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2002-05-01 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


May Day observed
    Papers here today run editorials to mark May Day calling upon the Korean
workers to give full play to their revolutionary spirit in the efforts for
building a powerful nation. They say that on this occasion the Korean
workers and other people extend militant greetings to the workers around the
world in their vigorous struggle for justice, truth, peace and socialism and
are determined to discharge their historic mission.
    It is the revolutionary will of the Korean workers to discharge with
credit the mission and duty as the hardcore force in the building of a
powerful nation of Juche, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:
    The history of prosperous socialist Korea represents a heroic epic of
the Korean workers who have worked hard with ardent loyalty and boundless
devotion to the Workers' Party of Korea, the revolution, the country and the
    The inexhaustible potential of the Korean workers, a main agent in
socialist construction, is keenly felt in the worthwhile efforts to build a
powerful nation of Juche.
    They are discharging their noble mission in the efforts to build a
powerful nation. This is entirely attributable to the energetic guidance of
Kim Jong Il. 
    Victory and glory are in store for the Korean workers and other people
who are pushing ahead with the building of a powerful nation under his
army-based guidance.

Day of Sun and Army Day commemorated
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- the Korean people and the revolutionary
people around the world commemorated the 90th birth anniversary of President
Kim Il Sung and the 70th birthday of the Korean People's Army as a great
festival of praise for the sun, unprecedented in human history. The national
and international political, military, cultural and sports events were held
here in April blessed by humankind.
    Leader Kim Jong Il was present at the national meeting to commemorate
the 90th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung and saw the parade of the
Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the mass gymnastic and artistic performance
    Those functions involved over 290 delegations and delegates from more
than 60 countries and delegations of overseas compatriots and figures from
different circles to be recorded as a grand international festival in human
    Heads of state of Russia, Indonesia, Guinea, Mongolia, Palestine and
Cambodia, party leaders of various countries, figures of political parties,
organizations and various circles sent floral baskets to statues of Kim Il
Sung and missions of the DPRK in foreign countries and presented personal
letters and gifts to Kim Jong Il.
    International gatherings were held significantly in Pyongyang by
delegations and delegates from various countries and international
organizations. Among them were a seminar of political parties of different
countries, a rally for solidarity with the Korean people, the 9th meeting of
the executive committee of the board of the international institute of the
Juche idea, the 5th aesthetic symposium on the present times and national
art and a meeting of delegations and delegates of Juche idea study
organizations for exchanging experience.
    Artistes from different countries and overseas Korean artistes staged
the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival in Pyongyang.

4th seminar on medical science held
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The 4th Pyongyang seminar on medical science
of Koreans at home and abroad was held at the People's Palace of Culture on
April 29 and 30. Heads of the delegations of medical science of Koreans in
Japan and the U.S. made congratulatory addresses.
    They said that scientists and officials in charge of medical science at
home and abroad sat together to exchange achievements and experience in
scientific research and preventive and curative medical care in order to
settle theoretical and practical issues arising in health services and
improve them. 
    The seminar was held divided into scientific seminar, departmental
seminar and invitational lecture.
    Medical scientists at home and in Japan and the U.S. made public at
least 60 valuable theses on the introduction of new methods of diagnosis and
treatment based on modern technology, successes and experience in basic
medical science, preventive medicine and pharmacy including gene
engineering, cell engineering, immunology and molecular biology.
    Well-known medical scientists at home and abroad gave lectures.

Aerial espionage and war drill committed by U.S.
     Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist bellicose forces
conducted aerial espionage on the DPRK by strategic and tactical
reconnaissance planes of different