USA. 44 Arrested at S.F. War Protest [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-15 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 2:18 AM
Subject: [kominform2] USA. 44 Arrested at S.F. War Protest


Subject: [R-G] 44 Arrested at S.F. War Protest

 44 Arrested at S.F. War Protest Demonstration at Federal
 Building Over Congressional Votes

 By Patrick Hog and Harriet Chiang

 October 12, 2002; San Francisco Chronicle

 Scores of anti-war protesters waved signs and chanted slogans as
 they surrounded San Francisco's federal building Friday to denounce
 Congress' vote authorizing President Bush to wage war against Iraq.

 Federal police and security guards hold down a protester outside
 the federal building. Chronicle photo by Carlos Avila Gonzalez

 Federal officers arrested 44 people for blocking entrances to the
 building shortly before 8 a.m., preventing thousands of federal
 workers from getting to their jobs. Forty-two were cited for civil
 disobedience and released. Two protesters were arrested on felony
 charges of attacking an assistant U.S. attorney and a court
 security officer.

 Nonetheless, it was a relatively peaceful protest and some people
 there to do business didn't mind the disruption.

 Erik Babcock, a defense attorney who was trying to get into the
 building, said he sided with the demonstrators. I'm with their
 sentiments, he said.

 The protest began Thursday afternoon after both houses of Congress
 voted overwhelming to give Bush the go-ahead to use military force
 against Saddam Hussein's regime.

 About 225 people marched from Montgomery and Market streets up to
 the federal building where about 200 protesters, armed with
 blankets, tents and sleeping bags, camped out overnight on the
 plaza in front of the building.

 After Friday morning's protests, a band of about 50 demonstrators
 marched to Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office to protest her voting for
 the resolution giving Bush war powers. San Francisco police
 detained one demonstrator.

 The number of protesters was far less than the 8,000 who attended
 Sunday's anti-war rally at San Francisco's Union Square. But Medea
 Benjamin, founding director of Global Exchange, a national anti-war
 group based in San Francisco that helped sponsor both protests,
 called the turn-out for the latest one amazing considering it was
 hastily organized to coincide with the votes in Congress.

 This is starting to feel like Vietnam in terms of the level of
 protests, she said. The one difference is that we're trying to
 stop a war before it happens.

 ©2002 San Francisco Chronicle


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China-India-Russia Cooperation Can Play Key Role In InternationalArena. [WWW.STO

2002-10-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: [kominform2] China-India-Russia Cooperation Can Play Key Role In

Subject: China-India-Russia Cooperation Can Play Key Role In International


India-China-Russia cooperation can play key role:

New Delhi, Oct 4, IRNA (Iran) -- Chinese ambassador to
India has said that
cooperation and friendly ties between China, India and
Russia could play a significant role in international
Hua Junduo told reporters in Chandigarh in north India
on Thursday that the significance of the
India-Russia- China tie lies in the fact that we have
made our voice louder in the international arena,
reported Press Trust of India (PTI).  We (India,
Russia and China) can make our voice louder and louder
in the interest of the whole world, he said, adding

cooperation among the three countries can strengthen
the people of the sub-continent, he added.

The cooperation between the three countries can bring
them closer and it is possible through joint efforts,
he said. Cultural interactions can bridge the
traditional and friendly ties between the three
countries, he added.
China's relationship has increased with India, he
said, adding  there was a bright future for further
enhancement of relations between the two neighbors.

Trade between China and India has increased to four
billion dollars in the past year, he said. China is
looking forward to Indian Premier Atal Behari
Vajpayees's visit to that country laterthis year
or early next year, Hua said.
A piquant situation arose ahead of the Chinese
ambassador's  visit to a function in Chandigarh when
about 50 Tibetans entered the venue and shouted
anti-China slogans.
Raising slogans We want freedom, Long live Dalai
Lama, the  protesting students turned violent and
were chased away by local  police. Before fleeing from
the venue the students broke window panes of the
auditorium where the function was to be held. However,
no one
was injured in the incident.

The ambassador was in Chandigarh to inaugurate a photo
exhibition World Heritage in China to celebrate the
53rd anniversary of  founding of people's Republic of
China. Referring to the incident, the ambassador
said, We have ears for their demand. If it is just we
would listen and respond.
We expect such activity everywhere. I found it in US,
Fiji and Canada.., he added.


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2002-10-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:59 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Colombia. MORE US SPECIAL FORCES ARRIVING.




By Alfredo Castro, ANNCOL Bogotá

US Special Forces are due to arrive in Colombia during this month to run
training courses for two brigades of the Colombian army that are implicated
in human rights violations. Their mission is to fight against left-wing
rebels and protect an oil pipeline

According to General Galen Jackson, Director of Operations for US Army
Southern Command, units of US Special Forces personnel have started to
arrive in Colombia this week to give training to two Colombian army units.
The US Congress is also due to hand over around $95 million to train and
equip the two Colombian units and, after heavy lobbying by the manufacturers
of the aircraft, helicopter gun-ships appear to be first on the shopping

The new training and equipment is aimed at increasing security for the Caño
Limon oil pipeline that is owned and operated by Los Angeles-based
Occidental Petroleum - another company that lobbied hard for the aid
package. The pipeline, which runs through north-eastern Colombia, is a
regular target of leftwing rebels who object to Colombia's oil wealth being
expropriated by multinational corporations.

On Monday of this week the rebels attacked the pipeline in three different
places and forced it to be shut down for the day whilst last year it was out
of action for more than 170 days due to attacks. The newly trained units are
expected to attempt and find the guerrilla units responsible as well as
guard the pipe.

The two units due to receive the training and equipment, the 5th and 18th
Brigades of the Colombian army, both have a long history of violating human
rights and setting up and working with paramilitary death squads. Human
rights organisations fear that the fresh aid will lead to further violations
especially as Washington enforces none of the human rights conditions
attached to legislation on aid to the Colombian military.

According to Isabel Acevedo Muñoz, a human rights worker in the region, the
new aid is very worrying to her and her colleagues. Why is the US working
with these military units when it is so well-known that they are always
targeting the civilian population? Both the 5th and the 18th Brigades work
with the death squads and we fear that this training could easily increase
the problems especially if the US trainers teach them the sort of scorched
earth tactics used in Central America and other places, she said.

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Estimated 1.5 million protest U.S. war on Iraq in dozens of Italian cities [WWW.

2002-10-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Fred Feldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 2:51 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Estimated 1.5 million protest U.S. war on Iraq in dozens of
Italian cities

United Press International
October 6, 2002

1.5 Million March Against Attack on Iraq
Anti-War Rallies Change Italy on Iraq?

by Eric J. Lyman

ROME -- More than 1.5 million Italians took to the streets of dozens of
cities Saturday afternoon and evening to protest possible U.S. military
action against Iraq -- a surprise show of discord that could be fervent
enough for the Italian government to re-think its support of Washington.

The larger-than-expected protests took place without violence, despite
speculation from some fronts that the gatherings could become dangerous,
especially to U.S. citizens. On Friday, the U.S. Embassy in Rome circulated
a warning to citizens residing in or visiting Italy to stay away from the
demonstrations because of fears that they could become targets for violence.

But even though the protests were peaceful, demonstrators made it clear that
they opposed U.S. action against Baghdad. The stance is significant because
up to this point, Rome and London have been President George W. Bush's
strongest allies in Europe.

Most European leaders -- most vocally France's Jacques Chirac and Gerhard
Schroeder of Germany -- have called on diplomatic means to diffuse tensions
between the United States and Iraq.

For several weeks, Italians have been saying that they are opposed to
action against Iraq, but this is the first time they have put those words
into action, Maria Rossi, co-director of the polling firm Opinioni, told
United Press International. The site of thousands of Italians on the
streets protesting against the potential war in Iraq has to be a sobering
sight for government officials who will need public support for other

Government officials were not available for comment on their stance on
U.S.-Iraq relations on Saturday, but local television drew the same
conclusion as Rossi.

If the government can ignore this ... it can ignore anything, said one
on-the-scene journalist for the network La 7 in Milan. On this day, the
Italian people have spoken ... and they say they are against support for the
American position.

Opinion polls support that view, with a week-old survey from Opinioni
showing that more than two out of every three Italians opposed any armed
conflict over Iraq, and nearly four out of five Italians opposed to Italian
participation in such action unless it was as part of a United
Nations-sponsored force.

Most of the anti-war demonstrations took place on Saturday morning, with the
biggest of those in Milan, drawing a crowd that police estimated at between
60,000 to 100,000 people.

Signs in the crowd showed Bush's head on the body of a hawk -- a reference
to the president's hawkish stance toward Iraq's Saddam Hussein -- and others
that showed Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and British leader Tony
Blair as Bush's pets, referring to their support of U.S. policies. Other
large morning rallies took place in Bologna, Florence, Naples and Palermo.

But the day's biggest march was held in the evening in Rome, where police
said as many as 200,000 people gathered in protest.

Our point is that we cannot support the United States's plan to kill
innocent Iraqis in order to win the upcoming (Congressional) elections,
Marco Filiberti, 38, a protester who came to Rome with six friends from the
nearby city of Latina, told UPI.

Claudia Bacigalupo, 24, a teacher from Rome, said she hoped the day's
unexpectedly large rallies would convince the government to backtrack on its
support of Washington.

We cannot control what the United States does, but we can tell them that if
they want to march into Iraq they will have to do so without the support of
the Italian military, Bacigalupo said.

Whether that will be the case or not is unclear. In the past, Berlusconi has
paid only limited attention to public opinion -- which, combined his
eagerness to support Washington on a variety of issues -- might make a
change of plans unlikely. But pollsters say that because of the support the
government will need to address an array of domestic issues, the public's
view on Iraq could create a degree of doubt about the course the prime
minister has chosen.

Over the coming months, the government will try to pass a so-far unpopular
budget, revisit controversial labor reform legislation and start to tackle
painful pension reforms, Rossi, the pollster, said. With the economy
weakening, the government may have to pick its most important battles ...
(and) what we don't know is whether Iraq is one of them.

The United States has taken an 

Re: What gives with Barbara Streisand? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-05 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 1:21 AM
Subject: What gives with Barbara Streisand? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


Yo, did any of you folks happen to see on the news last night Barbara
Streisand doing a fundraiser for the Democratic Party?  They said she
opposes Bush's war plans against Iraq.  But how can she support the
Democratic Party, when the Democrats have done essentially nothing to
try to stop the war?  How come I didn't hear her speaking out when
Clinton was bombing Yugoslavia, and most of the Democrats in Congress
were supporting him?

It seems to me that complaining about war while supporting the
Democratic Party is a bit like supporting the Nazi Party while
complaining about anti-Semitism.

Funny girl.




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Vietnamese, DPRK leaders hold talks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-04 Thread Bill Howard


President Tran Duc Luong affirmed the country's consistent policy to support
the Korean people's aspiration for peace and national unification.

He was speaking at the talks with President of the Presidium of the Supreme
People's Assembly of the DPRK Kim Yong Nam.

He welcomed the results of the historic summit between the two Koreas in
June 2000 as well as recent moves toward pushing up dialogue and
consolidating peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

During the talks, President Luong and President Kim informed each other of
the situation in their respective countries and discussed orientations and
measures to bolster the friendship and multi-form co-operation between
Vietnam and the DPRK in the first years of the 21st century. They also
compared notes on regional and international issues of common concern.

President Luong expressed profound sympathy over current economic
difficulties faced by the Korean people and informed the host that the
Vietnamese government has decided to donate 5,000 tonnes of rice to the
DPRK's people to help them overcome severe aftermaths caused by recent
consecutive natural calamities.

To reach that goal, the two presidents emphasised the importance of
exchanging visits by delegations at all levels. They agreed to major
orientations aiming at expanding bilateral co-operation in politics,
economy, science-technology, investment, commerce, education, health care,
sports and tourism to a level commensurate with the potential and conditions
of the two nations.

The two presidents said they highly appreciated the signing of agreements
during the visit. They agreed to find out proper co-operation forms to tap
available potentials in industry, agriculture, farm produce processing,
mechanical engineering, ship building and repair, construction and

The two sides will actively accelerate the exchange of new items, focusing
on goods barter to expand trade ties between the two countries.

President Luong and President Kim were unanimous in boosting operations of
the Inter-governmental Committee for economic, scientific and technological
co-operation, thus ensuring effective co-operation between the two nations.

Discussing regional and international issues, the two presidents expressed
their wish to strengthen bilateral co-ordination in international forums,
making contributions to international efforts for peace, stability and
co-operation for development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a

President Kim Yong Nam said he highly appreciated Vietnam's role toward
peace, stability and co-operation in the region and the world.

The same day, President Tran Duc Luong of Vietnam met Chairman of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Supreme People's Assembly Choi
Thae Boc. 

Both host and guest expressed their joy at the fruitful development of
bilateral relations between Vietnam and the DPRK, including those between
the two legislative bodies, in the recent past.

Chairman Choi expressed his admiration for the Vietnamese people's past
struggle for national independence and their present national
industrialisation and modernisation. He also noted that with its recent
socio-economic achievements, Vietnam's prestige in the international and
regional arena had been improved.

President Luong's visit to the DPRK was described by the DPRK leader as an
opportunity for the two countries to take bilateral traditional ties between
the two States, National Assemblies and peoples to a new height of

The Vietnamese leader took this occasion to express sincere thanks to the
DPRK for its support and precious assistance to Vietnam in its past struggle
for national independence and liberation as well as its present socialism

After briefing his host of Vietnam's preparations for the coming election of
the 11th National Assembly, President Luong said he hoped that the two
countries' top legislative bodies would further exchange experiences and
find out measures to step up bilateral co-operation, including the
establishment of Parliamentary Friendship Associations in their respective
National Assemblies.

President Tran Duc Luong began his official four-day visit to the DPRK on
May 2 as guest of President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK Kim Yong Nam.

The same day, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, who accompanies
President Luong on the current DPRK visit, met his DPRK counterpart Paek Nam
Sun to discuss measures to boost co-operation between the two foreign
ministries in order to implement high-level accords signed between the two
countries with a view to further promoting their friendship and

The two ministers were pleased at the close co-operation between their
ministries, not only helping to develop bilateral ties but also supporting
each other during multilateral international and regional forums in 

Global trade goes into reverse [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-03 Thread Bill Howard


Charlotte Denny
Friday May 3, 2002
The Guardian

International trade went into reverse last year for the first time in nearly 20 years
as recession in the world's three largest economies took its toll on exports, the
World Trade Organisation said yesterday.
After rising 12% to a record level in 2000, export volumes fell by 1% last year and in
value terms dropped 4% to $6 trillion (£4 trillion) from $6.2 trillion - another
record - in 2000. In a preliminary assessment last October the WTO said that, despite
the global downturn, trade would be up about 2% on the previous year.

Blaming the decline on the bursting of the dotcom bubble, terrorist attacks on the US
and Europe's descent into recession following the American slump, the WTO said trade
was unlikely to stage more than a sluggish pickup this year.

Of the three factors, the IT industry's woeful state was the most serious, the WTO
said. Global sales of semiconductors fell 30% last year and worldwide shipments of
personal computers fell 4.6%, the first time since 1985 that PC sales have declined.

East Asian countries such as Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia, and
the United States - all heavy traders in IT and related products - saw the sharpest
export falls. Taiwan reported a drop of 17%, and Japan, Singapore and the Philippines
were down 16%. Malaysia fell 10%.

Of the leading economies, recession hit Japan hardest, with a 17% decline in exports,
while the US recorded a 7% fall and Britain 4%. The European Union as whole escaped
relatively lightly, with exports flat.

China was the only large trader to increase its exports, by a healthy 7%. Others that
stood out were some former European communist economies: the Czech Republic boosted
exports by 15% and Poland was up 12%.

Special reports
Global recession
Attack on America

Recession roll call
Company job losses around the world

04.01.2001: Recession

Useful links
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Arab countries agreed toreactivate a economic blockade of Israel. [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-05-03 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 4:59 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Libyan News and Views May 3. Arab countries agreed toreactivate
a economic blockade of Israel.

Libya News and Views

 Friday, 3 May, 2002: Nineteen Arab countries agreed to reactivate a
decades-old economic blockade of Israel. Economic boycott of Israel was
agreed to in 1951 but has remained largely inactive and ineffective. It has
slackened particularly since the launch of the Middle East peace process in
the early 1990s. The Arab nations decided at a three-day meeting in Damascus
last week to revive the boycott. Representatives of Syria, Iraq, the Sudan,
Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, the UAE Emirates,
Kuwait, Libya, Somalia, Comoros, Morocco, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and Djibouti
attended the meeting. [IPS]


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Korea and the Axis of Evil [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-03 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
To: cpa_blacktown_mailing_list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: [cpa_blacktown] Korea and the Axis of Evil

Korea and the Axis of Evil

S. Brian Willson

Centre for Research on Globalisation (Ca),  April 22, 2002

The demonization of North Korea by the United States government continues
unrelentlessly. The wealthy oil and baseball man who claims to be president
of the United States, used his first State of the Union address on January
29, 2002 to brand perennial enemy North Korea, along with former allies Iran
and Iraq, as the world's most dangerous regimes who now now form a
threatening axis of evil. Unbeknown to the public, because it was intended
to have remained a secret (whoops!), was the fact that this claimed
president presented a Nuclear Posture Review report to Congress only three
weeks earlier, on January 8, which ordered the Pentagon to prepare
contingency plans for use of nuclear weapons. The first designated targets
for nuclear attack were his newly identified members of the axis of evil,
along with four other lucky nations as well -- Syria, Libya, Russia, and
China. That this is nothing short of a policy of ultimate terror remains
unaddressed in the U.S. media.

That Koreans are deeply concerned is an understatement. However, they
understand the context in which their evil is being portrayed, not an
altogether new threat levelled at them. However, the dangerous escalation of
policy rhetoric following the 9-11 tragedy now boldly warns the world of
virtual total war. Vice-president Richard Cheney, another oil man from
Texas, declares that the U.S. is now considering military actions against
forty to fifty nations, and that the war may never end and become a
permanent part of the way we live.1 The Pentagon has declared that the
widening gap between the Haves and Have-nots poses a serious challenge
to the U.S., requiring a doctrine of full spectrum dominance. Thus, the
U.S. demands total capacity to conquer every place and its inhabitants in
and around the Earth, from deep underground bunkers, including those in
North Korea and Iraq, through land, sea, and air, to outer space. All
options for achieving global and spatial hegemony are now on the table.
Already, the U.S. military is deployed in 100 different countries.2 Total
war, permanent war. Terror!

Addiction to use of terror by the United States is nothing new. The
civilization was founded and has been sustained by use of terror as a
primary policy. For example, in 1779, General George Washington ordered
destruction of the merciless Indian savages of upstate New York,
instructing his generals to chastize them with terror. The generals
dutifully carried out these orders. In 1866, General William Tecumseh
Sherman ordered extermination with vindictive earnestness of the Sioux.
They were virtually exterminated. Secretary of War Elihu Root (1899-1904)
under President's McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, justified the ruthless
U.S. military conduct in the Philippines that savagely killed a half-million
citizens by citing precedents of the highest authority: Washington's and
Sherman's earlier orders.3

War against nations around the world is not new either. The U.S., over its
history, has militarily intervened over 400 times, covertly thousands of
times, in over one hundred nations.4 Virtually all these interventions have
been lawless. It has bombed at least eighteen nations since it dropped
Atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. It has used chemical warfare against
Southeast Asia, and has provided chemical warfare agents for use by other
nations such as Iraq. It has used biological warfare against China, North
Korea, and Cuba. The Koreans are quite aware of most of this history. Most
U.S. Americans are not. But now the U.S. has declared a unilateral terrorist
war on the whole world.5

Two of the interventions in the Nineteenth Century were inflicted against
Korea, the first in 1866. The second, larger one, in 1871, witnessed the
landing of over 700 marines and sailors on Kanghwa beach on the west side of
Korea seeking to establish the first phases of colonization. Destroying
several forts while inflicting over 600 casualties on the defending Korean
natives, the U.S. withdrew realizing that in order to assure hegemonic
success, a much larger, permanent military presence would be necessary. The
North Korean people regularly remark about this U.S. invasion, even though
most in South Korea do not know of it due to historic censorship. Most in
the U.S. don't know about it either, for similar reasons, even though in all
of the Nineteenth Century, this was the largest U.S. military force to land
on foreign 

Speech by Fidel - May Day, 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-03 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: Jose G. Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Fw: Speech by Fidel - May Day, 2002

Speech by Fidel - May Day, 2002

Via NY Transfer News *   All the News That Doesn't Fit

 315 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10016
   Tel: 212-689-7215 * Fax: 212-689-9073


Official Translation - May 3, 2002

Distinguished guests;

Dear countrymen:

We were condemned in Geneva by those who believe that this sea of
people gathered here, which can be seen from every corner of the globe,
has been deprived of its human rights. I am certain that not one of
those Latin American countries that promoted, co-sponsored or supported
this project could gather even 5% of the number here in their
respective capitals.

Are these fanatic, ignorant and uncultured individuals who lack any
historical or political knowledge? If we were to ask this mass of
people if there were any amongst them who could not read or write; or
if there were any functional illiterate people who had never studied
beyond grammar school, not one person could raise their hand. But if we
were to ask how many of this same mass have the education of a ninth
grader or above, more than  90%, would raise their hands. The only
ones who wouldn't raise their hands would be the students who haven't
yet reached their 15th birthdays.

Our people's glorious tradition of rebellion and patriotic
struggle, to which we must today add a full and profound understanding
of freedom, equality and human dignity; their solidarity and
internationalist spirit; their self-confidence and heroic conduct; 43
years of tenacious and unrelenting struggle against the powerful
empire; a broad and solid political culture and an extraordinary
humanism --all of these qualities cultivated by the Revolution-- have
made Cuba a unique country.

Wretched indeed is the destiny of hundreds of millions of people in
this part of the world who, from a truly human perspective, have been
as yet unable to emerge from humanity's prehistory. And it will not be
possible for them to escape such condition while the pillage that
slaughtered tens of millions of their native ancestors, successively
turning their countries into colonies, neo-colonies and economically
dependant and underdeveloped countries, continues to govern their

Events prior to, during and after Geneva are barely distinguishable
from the shameful history with which our people have been more than
familiar since the very first days after the triumph of the Revolution
on January 1st, 1959.

Cuba was the last Latin American country to free itself from
Spanish colonialism after a heroic and lone struggle. Yet, it was
unable to enjoy that victory, as it immediately fell in the hands of
the fledgling North American empire, from which it once again liberated
itself with the same determination and heroism 61 years later although
it would be disgracefully abandoned and betrayed by every other Latin
American government.

No book by Marx or Lenin could illustrate the anti-national,
submissive and treacherous nature of the Latin American oligarchies and
the true significance of imperialism for the destiny of our people as
clearly as the last 43 years of our Revolution's history. Every
oligarchic and bourgeois government joined in the imperialist policy of
isolation, blockade and aggression against Cuba, the sole exception
being a country that had experienced its own great social revolution
some decades before, the same that brought justice and real progress to
the people of a nation mutilated by the insatiable expansionism of its
northern neighbor and made the martyr on numerous occasions throughout
its hazardous and painful history of foreign intervention and conquest.
Tragically, this time the exception has become rule.

Cuba is no longer the illiterate, uncultured and inexperienced
country of those early days. Today, the Latin American population, that
numbered 208 millions at that time including the English-speaking
Caribbean nations, have swelled to 526 millions. They have also had the
opportunity to learn firsthand the meaning of imperialist domination,
exploitation, injustice and pillage. Despite the deluge of slander and
lies against our exemplary people and their admirable struggle, and in
the face of countless capitulations across the globe, there are ever
more people who realize that Cuba is a powerful moral force, that
defends the 

Arafat compares Jenin battle to Stalingrad [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:19 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Arafat compares Jenin battle to Stalingrad

AFP. 1 May 2002. Arafat compares Jenin battle to Stalingrad.

JERUSALEM -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat on Thursday compared
fighting in the Jenin refugee camp to the devastating World War II
battle of Stalingrad that destroyed the former Soviet city and killed
more than 600,000 people.

Jenin has turned into Jeningrad, instead of Stalingrad. Remember
something like that, Stalingrad? Now, Jeningrad, Arafat told CNN
shortly after Israeli troops lifted their month-long siege of his
Ramallah office.

Speaking in a firm voice but looking pale, Arafat said he intended to
visit areas of the West Bank to see for himself the impact of Sharon's
armed incursions, which he described as a crime.

If the opportunity was open again, and the tanks were not around me in
the morning again, I will go and see what happened in our cities and
towns, the disasters and crimes, said Arafat.

But Arafat noted that travel to other countries is not the first item
for me. I want to go and see, and shake hands with my people who have
suffered (from) crimes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 9:19 AM
Subject: [kominform2] WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says.

From: Steve Wagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says

Saturday, 27 April 2002

WWIII is coming, 'I'm sure,' high-level Sharon aide says
By Stephanie Innes

  The terror attacks on Sept. 11 and extreme turmoil in the Middle
East point to one thing - World War III, a spokesman for Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday during a visit to Tucson.

  We've been fighting a war for the past 18 months, which is the
harbinger of World War III. The world is going to fight, whether
they like it or not. I'm sure,'' Ra'anan Gissin, a senior adviser
to Sharon, said in an interview Friday.

  Sept. 11 was a watershed event, and things will never be the
same. The battle lines have been drawn.''

  Gissin, 53, is in Tucson this weekend as part of a 12-day tour of
the United States to promote the purchase of Israel Bonds. The
bonds are part of a program that began in 1951 in which securities
are sold to individuals and corporations to finance economic
growth in Israel.

  The Israeli government pays them back. . . . The collateral is
the eternity of the Jewish people,'' Gissin said, dismissing an
April 1 Newsweek story that questioned the future of his country.

  We believe the state of Israel will continue to exist forever.
Therefore, it's a sure investment.

  On Friday night he spoke to an audience of about 300 people at the
Reform Temple Emanu-El, 225 N. Country Club Road, as police stood
on guard at the doorways of the synagogue. Today at 5 p.m. he is
scheduled to speak at the conservative Congregation Anshei Israel,
5550 E. Fifth St.

  Gissin called the war a clash between the civilized and
uncivilized worlds.

  It's a clash between the forces of evil, as (President Bush) so
neatly described it, and forces of life.

  Mohyeddin Abdulaziz, 54, a Tucson resident and Palestinian who
grew up near Ramallah, did not attend Gissin's talk. But in an
interview Friday night he said the Israeli point of view does not
take into account the suffering of Palestinians who live in the
occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

  This is a war that is being fought against a largely civilian
population. It is a one-sided war,'' said Abdulaziz, who still has
family living in the West Bank. The Palestinians do not have one
tank, one airplane, one helicopter. These are people who have been
under a brutal occupation for 35 years and every nation on this
Earth has recognized it as an illegal occupation.

  We have generations of Palestinians who know nothing but brutal
occupation,'' he said. The West Bank and Gaza are only 22 percent
of the geographic area of Palestine, and it's all the Palestinians
are asking for. They want a place to call home.

  Gissin said he did not believe that the Israeli incursion at the
West Bank refugee camp in Jenin earlier this month was a massacre
as some Palestinians have said. The chief Palestinian negotiator,
Saeb Erekat, has accused Israel of trying to hide terrible
things at the camp. Palestinians say hundreds died. The United
Nations is sending a fact-finding team there.

  Real peace can only exist or come about when there is an
understanding and a commitment among our Arab and Palestinian
neighbors to a process of reconciliation - to accept the fact that
Jews also have a right to their own land, to their ancestral
homeland, Gissin said.
* Contact Stephanie Innes at 573-4134 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Merritt in Oakland.  Starts  ends at the colonnade between Grand 
Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712,


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US and British Warplanes Bombed Iraq. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


One Iraqi was killed and three others injured when US and British warplanes
bombed northern Iraq on Wednesday, an Iraqi military spokesman said.

One Iraqi was killed and three others injured when U.S. and British
warplanes bombed northern Iraq on Wednesday, an Iraqi military spokesman

The unidentified spokesman told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) that
the hostile planes bombed civil and service installations in the northern
Iraqi province of Neineva and led to the casualties.

Iraqi air defense artillery opened fire at the US and British planes and
forced them to flee away from the Iraqi airspace, the spokesman added.

It is not immediately known whether the air raids were related to Iraqis'
unprecedented celebrations of President Saddam Hussein's birthday, which
fell on April 28. 

US President George W. Bush has branded Saddam as an evil person and Iraq
as part of an axis of evil and strongly warned that Iraq may become the
next target of the US-led war on terror.

Neineva Province, along with other two provinces in northern Iraq, have been
located inside the northern no-fly zone, set up by the US-led Western allies
after the 1991 Gulf War with the claimed aim of protecting the Kurds from
the persecution of the Iraqi government.

A similar air exclusion zone was also established in southern Iraq to
allegedly protect the Shiite Muslims there.

Iraq has never recognized the two no-fly zones and has regularly opened fire
at the Western planes enforcing them.

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Egypt Assails the Lumping of U.S. War With Israel's [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:57 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Egypt Assails the Lumping of U.S. War With Israel's

From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Egypt Assails the Lumping of U.S. War With Israel's


Published on Wednesday, May 1, 2002 in the New York Times

Egypt Assails the Lumping of U.S. War With Israel's

by Neil MacFarquhar

CAIRO - President Hosni Mubarak criticized Washington today for allowing
Israel to lump the Palestinian struggle to end occupation into the same
category as the war on terrorism, and he echoed the impatience of other
Arab officials with the lack of peace initiatives from the United

This Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and its
provocative, illegitimate acts are the main reason behind the escalation
of the Palestinian resistance, President Mubarak said in a nationally
televised speech marking May Day.

This fierce campaign that Israel is launching on the Palestinian people
and leadership must end, this campaign that is unjustly based on a
comparison between the U.S. war against terrorism in Afghanistan and
Israel's war against unarmed Palestinians who are resisting occupation.

In the absence of any concrete plan to help the Palestinians, Arabs and
Muslims are likely to doubt the entire American effort, said Mr.
Mubarak, traditionally a staunch ally of the United States but
increasingly critical in recent weeks.

What happened is a sudden change in the direction of the war against
terrorism which, I am afraid, will shake the people's faith in it and in
its credibility in the Arab and Muslim worlds, he said.

Since September, the entire American effort to fight terrorism has
encountered a certain skepticism in the Middle East, where the idea that
the attacks on the United States were the work of Al Qaeda, Osama bin
Laden's network, was not fully accepted.

The American failure to get Israel to halt its offensive in the West
Bank has deepened regional suspicion that the United States cannot be
trusted to help pursue Arab interests. This has been especially true in
Egypt and Jordan, whose leaders have been forced to defend maintaining
peace treaties with Israel and have resorted to lowering their public

The fact that the Bush administration managed to broker a deal that
appears likely to free Yasir Arafat from Israeli siege in Ramallah shows
that its engagement works, Mr. Mubarak said, lamenting a lack of further

The strong intervention of the U.S. through definite suggestions can
bring a real political breakthrough that leads to security and stability
in the region, he said.

Washington has indicated that it wants moderate Arab states to convince
Mr. Arafat that he needs to take a more high-profile role in stopping
suicide bombings.

There is some indication of that happening already, according to
American officials in the region, who said that Mr. Mubarak, King
Abdullah of Jordan and others had called Mr. Arafat in recent days.

But Arab officials noted that the United States should not expect a
broad effort from the Arab side without Washington showing more spine in
pressuring the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon.

Where is the pressure from the U.S. on Sharon? said Amr Moussa, the
secretary general of the Arab League. Why should the Arabs put pressure
on Arafat without equal pressure being put on Sharon? There is no
solution except this one.

He said the main pressure should be to get Israeli forces to withdraw to
where they were before Sept. 28, 2000, when the current Palestinian
uprising against the Israeli occupation started, and for both sides to
observe a cease-fire.

It is not a question of some tanks being withdrawn or Mr. Arafat being
able to go from Ramallah to Gaza, this is not a commodity to be sold for
a high price, Mr. Moussa said. Without this withdrawal I don't think
there will be any progress, our side will not be convinced that the
other side is serious.

Arab officials are hoping for some sign from Washington that it realizes
that the Palestinian question is not another branch of the war on
terrorism and that American credibility on other issues - not to mention
its stated wish to take on Iraq - is at stake.

You cannot, particularly if you are a big country, see everything
through one prism, said Ahmed Maher, the Egyptian foreign minister. In
the minds of the Americans, Israel is fighting in Palestine the American
war against terrorism, which is total nonsense.

What you have in Palestine is people who are under occupation who are
resisting, sometimes with methods that we do not approve, but all in all
it's a situation of resistance against 

Russia. May Day in Moscow. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:55 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Russia. May Day in Moscow.

From: daniel mckelvey peyser [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] May Day in Moscow (report by Alan Woods)

May Day in Moscow

By Alan Woods

In bright summery sunshine, thousands of workers and young people
on the streets of Moscow today. The demonstration, organised by the CPRF and
other Communist and Left organisations included a column of over two
young communists that united different youth organisations, including
supporters of the Russian Marxist paper Rabochaya Demokratiya
(, who played an active role in the preparations,
distributing 12,000 stickers all over Moscow.

The mood of the young communists was extremely radical, as reflected in the
slogans. The most common ones were: Putin out! Revolution! Capitalism
rubbish! As long as we are united we cannot be defeated! Our fatherland
the USSR! Long live the worldwide proletarian revolution! and Death to

The general mood was cheerful and comradely. When the demonstrators
the city centre, a large number of onlookers applauded them and expressed
their agreement with the slogans - even the most radical of them!

This is not surprising. The mood of anger among the population is increasing
by the day. The attempts by the bourgeois government of Putin to attack
standards and workers' rights have reached the point where people are simply
not prepared to take it lying down.

Having introduced a reactionary anti-trade union law (the notorious Kzot),
a law of land privatisation, he is now trying to force people to pay
rents and to pay for things like electricity, gas and central heating that
were always free since Soviet times. This is the most serious attack on the
conditions of or ordinary Russians yet. Many people will not be able to pay
the increases out of their meagre earnings. And the effects of having your
heating cut off in a land where in winter temperatures normally drop to
or thirty degrees below zero can be easily imagined. This is one attack too

On April 11 a mass protest demonstration organised by the official trade
unions (FNPR) and the
CPRF in the city of Voronezh ended in something like an uprising, when the
angry people, instead of listening to the speeches of the organisers at the
end, broke away to attack government buildings, leading to violent clashes
with the police. This was a serious warning of what is being prepared!

The increasingly radical mood is finding its expression in the ranks of the
CPRF. The speaker of the Duma, Seleznyov, was recently expelled from the
party. There is growing pressure from the CP rank and file demanding that
party begin to present a serious opposition to Putin and the bourgeoisie.

The final meeting was held in Revolution square in front of the statue of
Marx, with the Bolshoi Theatre at the opposite end of the square. It is
difficult to calculate the exact numbers but the square was practically
so there could have been anything up to 100,000 present.

The speech of the leader of the Moscow District Committee, Alexander Kuvaev,
at the end of today's demonstration was consequently very radical: On this
day of the world working class, we must form a united revolutionary front of
workers against the common enemy - international Capital and US
he began. After denouncing the so-called reforms that were an attack on the
living standards of the masses, he added:

We cannot accept the policies of any capitalist government. We must not
time seeking agreement with this government. We must get rid of those
of the party justify a policy of agreement with Putin on the grounds of
so-called higher reasons of state. Do not pay any attention to Putin's
'patriotic' speeches! Down with the anti-popular President - the agent of
imperialism! We must be the left opposition!

Kuvaev's speech was well received, but this was not the case when Zyuganov
spoke. Some sections displayed open discontent, and there was no enthusiasm
general for what he had to say. Unfortunately, some of the young people
present began to chant and interrupt him - which only caused irritation
amongst the CPRF members. Later on there was a disagreeable incident when
platform refused to allow the leader of Trudavaya Rossiya, Viktor Anpilov,
speak from the platform.

This kind of incident is not useful for the cause of the Communist movement
Russia, which must be united on a common platform of struggle against the
common class enemy. But in the course of the day it was a secondary 

Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May Day against Bush and racism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 10:55 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May Day against Bush and

-- Forwarded Message
From: uhuru_now [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 23:28:14 -
Subject: [leftwing] Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May Day against Bush and

May Day 2002 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands: for peace and socialism;
against Bush and racist Fortuijn

May Day 2002 saw millions in action all over the world, for peace,
workers' rights, and international solidarity. Also in many places in
The Netherlands: from the small village of Finsterwolde to Amsterdam
to the government city of The Hague: there, a demonstration focused
against George W. Bush putting the Kurdish workers'party PKK on
a terrorist list.

In Rotterdam, the second city of The Netherlands, at 6 p.m. people
began to gather in front of the city hall, Coolsingel 40. The big
crowd varied from supporters of the left liberal D66 party
(comparable to the Liberal Democrats in England or Americans for
Democratic Action in the US) to communists and everyone in between.
The main slogan was Against war and racism, together for socialism.
Among the other slogans on banners and signs were: Stop the Dutch
Haider [the extreme right Dutch politician Pim Fortuijn,
participating in the Dutch general election of 15 May; whose policies
are somewhat similar to Austrian extreme Rightist Haider. Fortuijn
insults Muslims, people from the Caribbean, and others]. Pim Le Pen
[comparing Fortuijn to French extreme Rightist Le Pen], stop with
politics, and start cooking! This alludes to an infamous remark by
Fortuijn when a female journalist, live on national television, asked
him a question. Fortuijn, not just a racist, but also a misogynist,
snapped: Bitch, you'd better take up cooking instead of journalism.
This may have cost Fortuijn female floating voters; unfortunately, it
may also have won him some stupid male floating voters.

Other slogans: Long live the workers'day (in Dutch and Arabic). Stop
war for oil and money. Rotterdam against the new war. Socialist
Party. Stop the corporate media campaign against immigrants. Down
with racism.. Legalize the Kurdish language in Turkey. Long live
international solidarity. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. There were pictures
of Che Guevara and Kurdish Workers Party president Öcalan, a
political prisoner in Turkey. Red flags and Kurdish flags floated. On
a truck, a Brazilian percussion band played.

After an introductory speech, Savas, player of the sas (string
instrument) from Turkish Kurdistan, played. A song by him is on the
Internet, at

Among the organizations taking part in the march were: Aksi
Setiakawan (Indonesian),  Rotterdam against the new war committee;
the Rotterdam  branch of the trades union congress FNV; one million
and a half people in The Netherlands are FNV members. Iranian
refugees. Turkish Workers' League, and the Social Alliance (an anti
poverty network, including the two biggest trade union congresses FNV
and CNV, and others).

When far over a thousand people had gathered, they started to march
through the shopping streets of the city center. In the middle of the
demonstration the truck, with the Brazilian band still playing, and
speeches from various participating organizations. People shouted:
George Bush, terrorist! [Israel prime minister] Sharon, terrorist!
Pim Fortuijn, racist! A lot of the slogans rhymed in Dutch, though
not in English. Like: First of May, free Palestine. Fortuijn's party
is the new NSB [Dutch Nazi party, founded in 1931, banned in 1945];
down with it! Pim Fortuijn, his shirt is brown [bruin in Dutch;
like Hitler's SA]. The slogan: Pim, start cooking! drew spontaneous
applause by a sixteenish blonde girl passing by, and a thumbs up sign
by an African tramway passenger. Motorists honked along with the May
Day slogans. Marchers cheered a construction worker, as construction
trade unions are stepping up strike action on May Day.

As the marchers arrived back at the city hall, a swift flew overhead,
screaming. This migratory bird always comes back to The Netherlands
around May Day. From the truck, Peter Sas of the International
Socialists mentioned the nuclear weapons threat, ending his speech
with: long live socialism, down with capitalism!

After Sas, Wim van Wijk of the refugees' organization PRIME spoke. He
criticized the Dutch government, which wants to send refugees back to
unsafe Iraq; and expels refugees from their houses.  Next, Jane
of Rode Morgen (Red Dawn) monthly, mentioned the big anti Le Pen
demonstrations in France on this May Day.

Then, the Red Rotterdam 

CP of Britain, Imperialism - the Real Axis of Evil [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: CP of Britain, Imperialism - the Real Axis of Evil
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors.
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   CP of Britain, Imperialism - the Real Axis of Evil
   From: Communist Party of Britain, Wed, 01 May 2002
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ,

Dear Comrades,

We are sending you a recent article published in the Morning Star by our
party's general secretary Robert Griffiths. We hope you find it of

Yours in Comradeship,

Kenny Coyle
International Department
This article first appeared in the Morning Star, Britain's only
socialist daily newspaper

Axis drowned in blood

Communist Party general secretary ROBERT GRIFFITHS explores the history
of Western intervention in the nations labelled by the US as an Axis of
Evil.  THOMAS Evan Nicholas was a bard, dentist Welsh nonconformist
preacher and founder member of Britain's Communist Party.  He once
remarked that he didn't have to go to America to discover that it's a
land of gangsters.  Some of them are in prison, but most of them are in
the government! That is as true today as it was in the 1930s and it has
been throughout the intervening period. Current gangster-in-chief George
W Bush has used his State of the Union address to declare war on the
Axis of Evil.

Iraq, Iran and People's Korea are supposedly developing and accumulating
weapons of mass destruction and so must be stopped. Who says so? The
world's biggest stockpiler of mass-destruction weapons - the US regime
which wages wars for peace, fights terrorism with terror and bombs
civilians to defend civilisation.

What the peoples of Iraq, Iran and Korea have in common is that oceans
of their blood were shed in the 20th century as the direct result of US
foreign policy. The US invaded Korea in 1950 wrapped in the flag of the
United Nations, having gerrymandered a resolution through the UN
security council after excluding People's China and producing a walkout
by the Soviet Union in solidarity.

Ostensibly, the US intervention was in order to rebuff a military
offensive allegedly launched by North Korea against the South. In
reality, it was to prop up the corrupt regime of US puppet Syngman Rhee,
who had just arrested his victorious opponents in the southern
elections. As the war swung back and forth over the 38th parallel
between the two Korean states, US forces combined a scorched earth
policy of retreat with an enormous aerial bombing campaign in the north.

As General Emmet O'Donnell, who was head of US Bomber Command,
commented, I would say that the entire, almost the entire, Korean
peninsula is just a terrible mess. Everything is destroyed. There is
nothing standing worthy of the name. Just before the Chinese came in, we
were grounded. There were no more targets in Korea!

US and British forces slaughtered more than two million Koreans whose
crime had been to fight for a united, socialist homeland. Napalm and
other chemical weapons were used. There is also substantial evidence
that US aircraft dropped germ warfare canisters in two regions of North
Korea and over the border in Chinese Manchuria. Outbreaks of cholera,
bubonic plague, smallpox and encephalitis were reported from 1951

When Labour MP SO Davies raised the issue in the House of Commons,
government ministers denounced the charges as outrageous and a
communist fraud! The whole controversy was recounted in my biography of
SO Davies, drawing upon contemporaneous US establishment sources and
an unpublished report by Saap van Ginneken given to me by former CIA
agent Philip Agee.

Since then, state documents released in the US have confirmed almost all
the circumstantial evidence, including the US rescue and re-employment
of Japanese scientists who had developed the bacteriological weapons
used against Chinese civilians in World War II. While wading up to their
knees in Korean blood, the gangsters governing the US fought by proxy to
drown the anti-imperialist revolution in Iran led by Mohammed Mossadeq.
Elected prime minister on May Day 1951, his government had nationalised
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Although an oil-rich country, nine-tenths
of Iran's population were illiterate and half of all children died


2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:34 AM
Subject: Posts [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


Sorry for the excess of posts today. Busy over the weekend which meant a backlog of
stories, many of them too interesting to let pass by.

No need to apologise, theyve all been read and
forwarded on.




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Palestine: Israel Army Rolls Into Hebron, 8 Dead. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:31 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Palestine: Israel Army Rolls Into Hebron, 8 Dead.


Subject: [Peoples War] Palestine: Israel Army Rolls Into Hebron, 8 Dead -

Israel Army Rolls Into Hebron, 8 Dead
Xinhuanet 2002-04-29 14:36:57

   GAZA, April 28 (Xinhuanet) -- At least eight Palestinians were
killed when Israeli army tanks and infantry troops entered the
Palestinian-controlled West Bank town of Hebron, previously
surviving the massive Israeli Defence Shield operations launched
late last month, Palestinian medical sources and eyewitnesses said.

   Large numbers of Israeli army tanks and infantry entered Hebron
from four different directions on Monday morning and occupied more
than half of the Palestinian part of the divided city.

   Israeli army has declared a curfew, confining Palestinians to
their homes.

   Palestinian doctors and security sources said that Israeli
soldiers opened fire with heavy machine guns, killing seven
Palestinians, including a member of the security forces and at
least three gunmen.

   A local leader of the Hamas militant group was also arrested,
they said. Fifteen people were reportedly injured, most of them
hurt by fire from helicopter gunships.

   Israeli forces are carrying out door-to-door searches for
weapons and wanted militants, said the residents, adding that the
hunt was being carried out in area H1, around 80 percent of the
city, which is under Palestinian control.

   The rest of the town has been occupied by Israel since 1967 to
protect several dozens of Jewish settlers living in three enclaves.
About 240,000 Palestinians live in their controlled part of the

   The operation in Hebron came in response to the armed attack in
the nearby Adura Jewish settlement Saturday, in which four Israelis
were killed.

   Hebron and Jericho are the only two West Bank cities which have
not been included in Operation Defensive Shield.

   Israel usually controls about 20 percent of Hebron, guarding
three enclaves where settlers live.



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Phillipines: Joint Military Exercises An Embarrassment: AbuSayyaf. [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 3:32 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Phillipines: Joint Military Exercises An Embarrassment:


Subject: [Peoples War] Phillipines: Joint Military Exercises An
Embarrassment: Abu Sayyaf - Xinhua

Joint Military Exercises An Embarrassment: Abu Sayyaf
Xinhuanet 2002-04-29 13:50:50

   MANILA, April 29 (Xinhuanet) -- The Abu Sayyaf Group on Monday
said that the ongoing Philippine-U.S. joint military exercises on
the southern island of Basilan has already failed since it failed
to crush the group halfway through its six-month schedule.

   The superpower and the Philippines gained nothing but 
embarrassment since an American couple and a Filipina nurse have
remained in captivity for 11 months now, the ABS-CBN on-line news
quoted Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya as saying.

   U.S. Joints Chief of Staff Chairman, Richard Myers, who is
visiting Basilan, said earlier that the exercises have so far been
a success, and that the U.S. government would help crush terrorist
cells in Southeast Asia which are linked to the al-Qaeda network
of international terrorist Osama bin Laden.

   The Abu Sayyaf said the Philippine government should seek
freedom for American missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham
and Filipina nurse Ediborah Yap through negotiation instead of
military pressure. The group said Monday that it is giving the
government a final chance to negotiate.

   The Abu Sayyaf has warned of strikes on U.S. forces in Basilan
and intensified attacks against civilian and government targets if
the military went on with it offensives. The group also reportedly
claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in General Santos city
in the south that killed 15 people early this month.

   The military, however, taunted the threat, saying that the
bandits have been isolated, cornered, and cut off of its supply
lines. It is now a question of time for the uprooting of the group.

   There are over 1,000 U.S. troops deployed in the southern
Philippines, some of which, including 160 special forces, are
joining thousands of Filipino troops hunting in Basilan where the
Abu Sayyaf bandits are hiding with their hostages in thick forests
and mountains.



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Argentina crisis could yet affect U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 5:13 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Argentina crisis could yet affect U.S.

From: sf_adam.rm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Arg_Solid] AP: Argentina crisis could yet affect U.S.

Argentina crisis could yet affect U.S.

Martin Crutsinger, AP - 4/29/2002

WASHINGTON - The United States largely has avoided the fallout from
Argentina's financial collapse. That could change if the crisis in
South America's second biggest economy worsens.

The worry is that a serious recession and Argentina's plunging
currency could spill over to neighbors still trying to emerge from
last year's global slowdown - and eventually reach the United States.

The global economy remains very fragile with troubles in Argentina,
Japan mired in a decade-long recession and Germany struggling, said
Mark Zandi of If something goes badly wrong, it could
quickly spread to our economy.

Even so, America's relative insulation from the crisis so far has
been striking.

The U.S. economy also survived the last serious currency turmoil, the
Asian crisis in 1997-98, even though American investors had a number
of nerve-racking moments, especially after Russia defaulted on 40
billion dollars in government debt in August 1998.

That default caused the near-collapse of a giant American investment
fund, Long Term Capital Management, and sent stock prices skidding
until the Federal Reserve interceded with interest rate cuts.

Argentina's decision in December to halt payment on much of its 141
billion dollars in foreign debt - the biggest government default in
history - has caused modest ripples so far in the U.S. economy.

American banks with large exposures to Argentina, led by FleetBoston
Financial Corp., have written off bad loans. General Motors, Verizon,
McDonald's, Coca-Cola and other companies have taken some hits. Their
losses, however, are small compared with the profit squeeze all U.S.
companies endured in last year's U.S. recession.

Unlike the Asian crisis, Argentina's troubles took a long time to
develop, giving foreign investors warning and leading analysts to
play down the chance of a sudden jolt to Wall Street even if the
crisis drags on.

Any real contagion effect like what happened in the Asian crisis
would have already occurred, said David Wyss, chief economist at
Standard  Poor's in New York. But that doesn't mean there can't
still be economic impacts felt in the United States.

Wyss and other analysts said the bigger threat was to trade rather
than the flow of investment.

Argentina's 3.9 billion dollars in purchases accounted for less than
one-half of 1 percent of total U.S. exports last year. But U.S. sales
to the rest of Latin America could suffer if Argentina's slowdown
depresses growth in the region. Brazil, South America's biggest
economy, does nearly one-third of its trade with Argentina.

The Latin American economies, like the rest of the world, are trying
to recover from the global recession and Argentina's troubles will be
a significant limitation on growth, said Sung Won Sohn, chief
economist at Wells Fargo in Minneapolis.

Many analysts also are worried about the political impact from the
financial turmoil in a region that the past decade has moved to
embrace democracy and free-market capitalism.

The Argentine people are suffering and they are blaming foreign
banks, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the U.S.
government, said Zandi. The whole process of political reform could
be undermined.

President Bush took office with a pledge to pay more attention to
Latin America. So far, his administration, led by Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill, has insisted on a tough-love approach, denying billions
of dollars in new IMF loans to Argentina until the country goes
further with economic reforms.

All of us ache when we look at the television and see people getting
killed on the streets of Argentina, O'Neill told a congressional
committee last week, referring to the rioting that began in December.

But O'Neill said the administration was adamant that new IMF loans
should only go ahead when Argentina takes the right steps.

They include controlling deficit spending by the central government
and provinces, and stabilizing the country's currency, which has lost
nearly 70 percent of its value this year.

Despite the troubles, many analysts believe Argentina will put in
place enough reforms to qualify for at least 9 billion dollars in new
IMF loans. But they warned that those reforms will mean economic pain.

The reality is that there will be a lot of suffering because of past
policy mistakes, said Morris Goldstein, a former top IMF economist
now at the Institute for International Economics, a Washington think
tank. The banking 

Meeting marks liberation of the south, Labour Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


A grand meeting was held in Hanoi on April 29 to mark the 27th Liberation
Day of southern Vietnam (April 30) and the International Labour Day (May 1).

Nguyen The Phuc, president of Hanoi Labour Federation, delivered a speech
recalling the nation's historical stages, the glorious revolutionary
tradition of the Party and the people, who had fought and sacrificed their
lives for national reunification.

The speech affirmed that the great victory in 1975 would forever be a
splendid landmark in Vietnam's history, which encouraged the Party, the
people and the army to make greater efforts for national industrialisation
and modernisation for a prosperous people, a strong country and an
equitable, democratic and civilised society.

In the undaunted spirit of May 1, the day of unity among the working class
worldwide, together with the pride of the national building and defence
tradition with the pinnacle of April 30 victory, the working class and
people of different classes in localities nationwide in general and in Hanoi
in particular, have always been the core force in the revolutionary
movements under the leadership of the Party, the speech stressed.

Implementing the renovation policy of the Party, Hanoi has been one of the
country's leading localities achieving high economic growth rates in many

A representative of the capital's working class, Pham Huu Binh said that
industrialisation and modernisation are the cause of the whole nation, thus
the working should strive to be the leading force in the national

The workers of the capital also took this opportunity to express their pride
and trust in the leadership of the glorious Party and wished to do their
best to contribute to the building of the capital as well as the nation as a

The participants joined the singing of the song 'As if we had Uncle Ho in
this great victory day.'

Present were Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh; former general
secretaries, Do Muoi and Le Kha Phieu; former advisor to the Party, Le Duc
Anh; National Assembly chairman, Nguyen Van An; Politburo members Nguyen Phu
Trong and Truong Quang Duoc; generals Vo Nguyen Giap, Chu Huy Man, Nguyen
Quyet; Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam, President of the Vietnam
Fatherland Front Pham The Duyet, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Labour
Confederation Cu Thi Hau, revolutionary veterans, Heroic Mothers and
representatives from sectors, branches and organisations.

Many activities are also being held in localities nationwide to mark the

Quang Tri has been granted the title 'Hero of the People's Armed Forces' for
its significant contributions in the struggle against the US aggressors. A
decision to this effect was signed by President Tran Duc Luong on April 29.

The province held a number of cultural activities to celebrate its 30th
anniversary of liberation (May 1, 1972 - May 1, 2002), paid tribute to war
martyrs and visited revolutionary families.

Other localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Ca Mau, Thai Nguyen,
Dong Nai, military zones and others have launched emulation movements in
celebration of the liberation of the south and Labour Day.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Association of Photographers opened a photo
exhibition entitled 'Life and Labourers' in Hanoi. The exhibition features
nearly 80 photos describing the life and work of the working people as well
as beautiful scenes of the country.

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South African CP, SACP Statement for May Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-30 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:59 PM
Subject: South African CP, SACP Statement for May Day
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  South African CP, SACP Statement for May Day
 From: RedNet, Mon, 29 Apr 2002
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ,

 29 April 2002

The South African Communist Party (SACP) salutes all poor and working
people of South Africa and the world. Our slogan Workers of the World
Unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains has never been this
relevant in the light of deepening global imperialism, and unceasing
intense attacks on the working class globally through neo-liberal
restructuring: retrenchments, casualisation, outsourcing, labour market
flexibility and privatisation of basic services.

Our own democratic breakthrough in 1994 coincided with the high-point of
imperialist, neo-liberal triumphalism. But in the space of eight years,
the international situation has seen a massive failure of this idea to
deliver on its promises. The almost total financial collapse of
Argentina, as well as the growing gap between rich and poor nations, as
well as within nations marks a singular failure of neo-liberal
prescriptions and a blow to this arrogant triumphalism.

There is a growing global movement of developing countries, the working
people and progressive elements in all parts of the globe whose voice is
starting to make an impact. We need to contribute in strengthening these
forces. For the SACP the time is ripe now to take forward this struggle
by developing a common international platform of action with other
progressive forces in the world, including common days of action around
specific issues: demonstrations against financial speculation,
privatisation of basic services and unemployment, as we have seen
Italian workers doing recently.

In the wake of September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States we
have seen the growing belligerence and arrogance of the United States.
Whilst as the SACP we continue to condemn in the strongest possible
terms the actions of 11 September, but we are also strongly opposed to
unilateral aggression by the United States outside of a common global
struggles against terrorism and a global struggle to fight poverty,
under the auspices of the United Nations.


We are also celebrating this May Day against the background of some of
the worst attacks on the Palestinian people by the military machine of
the Israeli apartheid state. What Ariel Sharon is doing against the
Palestinian people is almost tantamount to genocide and is an expression
of the fact that the Israeli aggression is by all accounts state
terrorism. The recent attacks, including the massacres in Jenin calls
for the world to condemn Sharon as a war criminal and treat him
accordingly. The United States must also be firmly held accountable for
this state terrorism as it is unconditionally support Sharon, whilst
claiming to be a mediator at the same time. The actions of the US in
this regard, including the attack on Afghanistan, support for the failed
Venezuelan coup, shows the extent to which we have an American
administration that is a threat to world peace.

As the South African Communist Party we call upon all South African
workers to join in their numbers in the current mass demonstrations
organised and led by the Alliance in solidarity with the Palestinian
people. We also call upon all South African trade unions to use all
their international platform, relations and gatherings they attend, to
firmly raise the issue of the Palestinian people and call for pressure
on the Israeli apartheid state and the United States. The people of
Palestine must be free, and our own freedom will be incomplete for as
long as the Palestinian people are not free.

Cuba, the DRC and Swaziland

It is also important to use this May Day to express our continuing
solidarity with the Cuban people and call for the lifting of the US
blockade against Cuba. As the SACP we also welcome progress being made
towards peace on our continent, particularly the signing of a peace
agreement in Angola, as well as progress being made in the DRC. With
regards to the DRC we call upon President Kabila to 

American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Bill Howard


Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian

The United States had been considering a coup to overthrow the elected Venezuelan
president, Hugo Chavez, since last June, a former US intelligence officer claimed
It is also alleged that the US navy aided the abortive coup which took place in
Venezuela on April 11 with intelligence from its vessels in the Caribbean. Evidence is
also emerging of US financial backing for key participants in the coup.

Both sides in Venezuela have blamed the other for the violence surrounding the coup.

Wayne Madsen, a former intelligence officer with the US navy, told the Guardian
yesterday that American military attaches had been in touch with members of the
Venezuelan military to examine the possibility of a coup.

I first heard of Lieutenant Colonel James Rogers [the assistant military attache now
based at the US embassy in Caracas] going down there last June to set the ground, Mr
Madsen, an intelligence analyst, said yesterday. Some of our counter-narcotics agents
were also involved.

He said that the navy was in the area for operations unconnected to the coup, but that
he understood they had assisted with signals intelligence as the coup was played out.

Mr Madsen also said that the navy helped with communications jamming support to the
Venezuelan military, focusing on communications to and from the diplomatic missions in
Caracas belonging to Cuba, Libya, Iran and Iraq - the four countries which had
expressed support for Mr Chavez.

Navy vessels on a training exercise in the area were supposedly put on stand-by in
case evacuation of US citizens in Venezuela was required.

In Caracas, a congressman has accused the US ambassador to Venezuela, Charles Shapiro,
and two US embassy military attaches of involvement in the coup.

Roger Rondon claimed that the military officers, whom he named as (James) Rogers and
(Ronald) MacCammon, had been at the Fuerte Tiuna military headquarters with the coup
leaders during the night of April 11-12.

And referring to Mr Shapiro, Mr Rondon said: We saw him leaving Miraflores palace,
all smiles and embraces, with the dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga [who was installed by
the military for a day] ... [His] satisfaction was obvious. Shapiro's participation in
the coup d'état in Venezuela is evident.

The US embassy dismissed the allegations as ridiculous. Mr Shapiro admitted meeting
Mr Carmona the day after the coup, but said he urged him to restore the national
assembly, which had been dissolved.

Mr Carmona told the Guardian that no such advice was given, although he agreed that a
meeting took place.

A US embassy spokesman said there were no US military personnel from the embassy at
Fuerte Tiuna during the crucial periods from April 11 to 13, al though two members of
the embassy's defence attache's office, one of them Lt Col Rogers, drove around the
base on the afternoon of April 11 to check reports that it was closed.

Mr Rondon has also claimed that two foreign gunmen, one American and the other
Salvadorean, were detained by security police during the anti-Chavez protest on April
11 in which around 19 people were killed, many by unidentified snipers firing from

They haven't appeared anywhere. We presume these two gentlemen were given some kind
of safe-conduct and could have left the country, he said.

The members of the military who coordinated the coup have claimed that they did so
because they feared that Mr Chavez was intending to attack the civilian protesters who
opposed him.

Mr Chavez's opponents claim pro-Chavez gunmen shot protesters while his supporters say
the shots were fired by agents provocateurs .

In the past year, the United States has channeled hundreds of thousands of dollars in
grants to US and Venezuelan groups opposed to Mr Chavez, including the labour group
whose protests sparked off the coup. The funds were provided by the National Endowment
for Democracy, a nonprofit agency created and financed by the US Congress.

The state department's human rights bureau is now examining whether one or more
recipients of the money may have actively plotted against Mr Chavez.

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China Supports Palestinian, Arab Cause: President Jiang. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Bill Howard


The Chinese government and people firmly support the just cause of the
Palestinian and Arab people, said Chinese President Jiang Zemin at a meeting
Monday morning with visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The Chinese government and people firmly support the just cause of the
Palestinian and Arab people, said Chinese President Jiang Zemin  at a
meeting Monday morning with visiting Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Jiang condemned Israel  for its refusal to implement United Nations
resolutions, its invasion of Palestinian-controled areas and restriction of
the freedom of President Yasser Arafat, who is an old friend of the Chinese

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China would continue to
make efforts to realize a just and lasting peace in the Mideast, said Jiang.

During the meeting, Hariri, who is on a three-day official visit to China as
a guest of Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, briefed Jiang on the Middle East

Sino-Lebanese Friendship to Further
Sino-Lebanese friendship will be further developed in the new century with
efforts from both sides, said Jiang.

Jiang pointed to the fact that Lebanon   is a country with a long history
dating back to the ancient Phoenician civilization 4,000 years ago.

Lebanon enjoyed fame in modern history as the trade, finance and tourism
center of the Middle East, noted Jiang.

In recent years, Jiang continued, the Lebanese people had scored great
achievements in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity,
promoting national reconciliation and rebuilding its economy.

He said he was convinced that the Lebanese government was bound to lead the
Lebanese people to make greater achievements.

Jiang said that Sino-Lebanese friendship dated back to ancient times with
the ancient Silk Road as a link between the two peoples, although the two
countries are far apart.

He also mentioned Doctor Ma Haide (George Hatem), who came from Lebanon and
contributed his life to promoting the Chinese people's health.

The two countries celebrated the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties last
year, and China was pleased with bilateral relations which have withstood
the test of international changes and continuously developed in the past 30
years, pointed out Jiang.

He referred to the constant high-level visits, increasing exchanges in
various fields and sound cooperation in international affairs between the
two sides in recent years.

Hariri, who is here on a three-day official visit to China as a guest of
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, talked about China's admirable economic progress
since his last visit in 1996.

He said the Lebanese people were grateful for China's consistent and firm
support for the Lebanese and Arab people's just cause in the fight against

He noted that Lebanon was satisfied with the smooth development of bilateral
relations, pointing out that there was still vast potential for the rapid
development of bilateral economic and trade exchanges and cooperation.

The Lebanese side encouraged enterprises from both sides to strengthen
cooperation so as to boost bilateral economic and trade cooperation of
mutual benefit and push forward the overall development of bilateral

Premier Zhu Urges Israel to Withdraw Troops
Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji expressed the Chinese government's deep anxiety
about the Middle East situation, and made a strong request for Israel to
unconditionally implement resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security
Council and to withdraw its troops from Palestine-controled areas at the
earliest possible date.

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'US a Seedy Imperialist State' - Gore Vidal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 5:43 AM
Subject: US a Seedy Imperialist State-Gore Vidal

subject: US a Seedy Imperialist State-Gore Vidal
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 21:34:12 -0400
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US a Seedy Imperialist State-Gore Vidal
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
source - Sanjoy Mahajan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Guardian - April 27, 2002,3858,4402268,00.html

Since September 11 the US is in danger of turning into a
'seedy imperial state,' argues Gore Vidal

Taking liberties
by Gore Vidal

According to the Koran, it was on a Tuesday that Allah created darkness.
Last September 11, when suicide pilots were crashing
commercial airliners into crowded American buildings, I did not have
to look at the calendar to see what day it was: Dark Tuesday was
casting its long shadow across Manhattan and along the Potomac river.
I was also not surprised that despite the seven or so trillion
dollars the US has spent since 1950 on what is euphemistically called
defence, there would have been no advance warning from the FBI or
CIA or Defence Intelligence Agency.

While the Bushites have been eagerly preparing for the last war but
two - missiles from North Korea, clearly marked with flags, would
rain down on Portland, Oregon, only to be intercepted by our
missile-shield balloons - the foxy Osama bin Laden knew that all he
needed for his holy war on the infidel was a few flyers willing to
kill themselves along with those passengers who happened to be aboard
the hijacked airliners. Also, like so many of those born to wealth,
Bin Laden is not one to throw money about. Apparently, the airline
tickets of the 19 known dead hijackers were paid for by credit card.
I suspect that United and American Airlines will never be reimbursed
by American Express, whose New York offices Bin Laden -
inadvertently? - hit.

The telephone keeps ringing. In summer I live south of Naples, in
Italy. Italian newspapers, television and radio want comment. So do
I. I have written lately about Pearl Harbor. I get the same question
over and over: isn't Dark Tuesday exactly like Sunday morning,
December 7 1941? No, it's not, I say. As far as we know, we had no
warning of the September 11 attack. Of course, our government has
many, many secrets which our enemies always seem to know about in
advance but our people are not told of until years later, if at all.
President Roosevelt provoked the Japanese to attack us at Pearl
Harbor. I describe the various steps he took in a book, The Golden
Age. We now know what was on his mind: coming to England's aid
against Japan's ally, Hitler, a virtuous plot that ended triumphantly
for the human race. But what was
- is? - on Bin Laden's mind?

For several decades there has been an unrelenting demonisation of the
Muslim world in the American media. Since I am a loyal American, I am
not supposed to tell you why this has taken place, but then it is not
usual for us to examine why anything happens other than to accuse
others of motiveless malignity. We are good, announced a deep
thinker on American television, they are evil, which wraps that one
up in a neat package. But it was Bush himself who put, as it were,
the bow on the package in an address to a joint session of Congress
where he shared with them - as well as all of us somewhere over the
- his profound knowledge of Islam's wiles and ways: They hate what
they see right here in this chamber. A million Americans nodded in
front of their TV sets. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate
our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our
freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. At this
plangent moment what American's gorge did not rise like a Florida
chad to the bait?

So why do Bin Laden and millions of other Muslims hate us?

Bin Laden persuaded 4,000 Saudis to go to Afghanistan for military
training by his group. In 1991, Bin Laden moved on to Sudan. In 1994,
when the Saudis withdrew his citizenship, Bin Laden was already a
legendary figure in the Islamic world and so, like Shakespeare's
Coriolanus, he could tell the royal Saudis, I banish you. There is a
world elsewhere. Unfortunately, that world is us.

In a 12-page declaration of war, Bin Laden presented himself as a
potential liberator of the Muslim world from the great Satan of
modern corruption, the US. When Clinton lobbed a missile at a

Turkey, The police takes 248 TKP members into custody in ten days! [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-29 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: CP of Turkey, The police takes 248 TKP members into custody in ten days!
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
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CP of Turkey, The police takes 248 TKP members into custody in ten days!


   From: Communist Party of Turkey, Sat, 27 Apr 2002
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP)

   The police takes 248 TKP members into custody in ten days!

Preparations are going on in Turkey for the May Day demonstrations.
Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) called the working people to gather in
Istanbul on the 1st of May inorder to give an ultimatum to the ruling
classes that are waging an open war against the poor and the oppressed.

More than 100,000 posters were on the walls all around the country and
even more leaflets were distributed. It was not a surprise that the
police forces were alarmed and tried to prevent the propaganda work. In
ten days time 248 TKP members were taken into custody by the police only
in Istanbul. They usually are released in 24 hours time, however are
threatened to be prisoned between 8 and 14 months by the court.

This threat did not stop the TKP members and even the Head of the
General Staff Kivrikoglu could not escape from the posters!

TKP Press Bureau



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Britain, New Labour and new imperialism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: CP of Britain, New Labour and new imperialism
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors.
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CP of Britain, New Labour and new imperialism
   From: Communist Party of Britain, Sun, 28 Apr 2002 , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Comrades,
Please find attached an article on recent statements by British
diplomats on the need for a new imperialism.

We hope you find it of interest.

Yours in comradeship
Kenny Coyle
International Department
This article first appeared in the Morning Star, Britain's only
socialist daily newspaper

New Labour and new imperialism
 By Brian Denny

Just before the bombing of Afghanistan last year, senior Foreign Office
diplomat and chief Blair advisor Robert Cooper published a piece in
Prospect magazine promoting 'imperialism' as a serious concept to enable
western powers to rule the world. This explicitly put forward the
intellectual case for a new European empire to rule the resource-rich
and, equally, poverty-stricken third world.  All the conditions seem to
be there for a new imperialism. There are countries which need an
outside force to create stability (recently in Sierra Leone a rally
called for the return of British rule).

He freely admits that this rather maniacal view of the world will
involve tearing up the United Nations charter respecting the rights of
nation states to self-determination and sovereignty. He also proposes
the basis of this co-operative empire or Commonwealth lay within the
European Union where the strong will rule the weak states.  This is
extreme realpolitik in action and our Mr Cooper is inspired by that
paragon of democracy and freedom - The Roman Empire.

Like Rome, this Europe would provide its citizens with some laws, some
coins and the occasional road. None of this will be easy but perhaps it
is possible to imagine a future Europe, with 30 or so members as a
modernised, democratic, co-operative empire. Cooper's noble dream, as
he put it, was updated recently with the publication of his pamphlet
'Reordering the World' by the spooky Foreign Policy Centre, complete
with foreword by Blair himself.

It cold-bloodedly explains the need for the west to engage in brutal
military action against weaker states in the political and economic
interests of the western powers. The post modern world has to start to
get used to double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis
of laws and open co-operative security. But, when dealing with
old-fashioned states outside the postmodern continent of Europe we need
to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era - force, pre-emptive
attack, deception whatever is necessary to deal with those who still
live in the nineteenth century. The need for colonisation is as great
as it ever was in the 19th century, he says.  So that's clear then.

This exposes the real thinking behind the attacks on Afghanistan (Mr
Cooper represented Britain at the Bonn conference which carved up the
country in December) as well as the British occupation of Sierra Leone,
the bombing of Yugoslavia and the whole 'postmodern' eurofederalist
project itself.  It also produced headlines in stunned sections of the
press who are not quite up to speed on the new 'moral' world order.

Therefore, The Guardian stepped in to smooth down the edges of Cooper¹s
bellicose vision of empire by reassuring liberal readers that it was
being done in their interests.  First of all, leading eurofanatic Hugo
Young admonished Labour MP's like Tam Dayell and Alan Simpson who had
the temerity to question Cooper's vision and claimed that the diplomat
was simply misunderstood.

Then the editoral made things clear for mere mortals. One of the
frustrating aspects of this story is that Mr Cooper is someone with
things to say that deserve to be heard and not caricatured.  His
subtext - and sometimes his text itself - is that of a committed
European who wants to extend the EU model, and its values, to the rest
of Europe and who believes that global stability and liberty provide the
best context for it.

If the new imperialism is indeed about extending the EU model it 

Re: Observer: How To Save The Imperialist Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message - 
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 6:28 AM
Subject: Observer: How To Save The Imperialist Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


[From the ostensibly 'leftist' Guardian/Observer. The
Euro-elites have their tongues stuck deeply up the
arse of Washington and Brussels yet complain because
their voices aren't heard.
Small wonder.
Their major complaint? They aren't cut in for a big
enough share of the new global colonial carve-up.
These comic opera imperialists deserve each other.
Good riddance to the whole lot.]

If only life were so simple. The fact is we are not
in the position of overseeing or commanding events
and the fact remains that if we are to make progress
we may have to pick one of these comics over the
other one and only later can we say: 'good riddance'
to them all.




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Henry Kissinger: Hero or villain? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Bill Howard



Friday, 26 April, 2002, 
  15:04 GMT 16:04 UK 
  Henry Kissinger: Haunted by his 
  He was arguably the most influential architect of 
  US foreign policy since the war, but, as Bob Chaundy of the BBC's News 
  Profiles Unit reports, attempts to question Henry Kissinger about 
  terrorist crimes have put the darker side of his career under the 
  Henry Kissinger once said that "90% of politicians give the other 10% a 
  bad reputation". 
  Throughout his career, this German Jewish emigré who began his working 
  life in a shaving brush factory in New York, rose to become a Harvard 
  professor and then assumed control of America's foreign policy under 
  Presidents Nixon and Ford, has bitterly divided opinion over which of 
  these two percentage categories he belongs to. 

He had a hold over President 
NixonKissinger became Richard Nixon's national security 
  adviser in 1969. It was testament to his mastery of political in-fighting 
  and his increasing hold over the president that, in all but the final year 
  of the Nixon presidency, he ran foreign policy over the head of the 
  Secretary of State, William Rogers. 
  By this policy, say his supporters, he made the world a safer place. He 
  was the man who effected détente with the Soviet Union. He opened up the 
  way to Nixon's visit to China. He negated the Communist threat in 
  America's back yard, most notably in Chile. 
  With his famous "shuttle diplomacy" after the 1973 Yom Kippur war in 
  the Middle-East, he brokered the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. 
  He was the secret negotiator at the Paris peace talks which ended the 
  Vietnam War for which he was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. And he 
  was the man who kept American foreign policy on the rails after the 
  Watergate scandal and maintained its momentum under President Ford. 

He assumed almost complete control of 
foreign affairs during the Nixon 
  yearsHis wisdom is still sought after. His punditry on 
  the current state of American foreign policy is aired by TV networks 
  everywhere, and he is a regular on the highly lucrative lecture circuit. 
  Of course, say his defenders, there were times when American policy 
  under Kissinger was more motivated by global balance of power and national 
  interest at the expense of human rights, but, as the Times put it in a 
  recent editorial, "the world was polarised, and fighting communism 
  involved hard choices and messy compromises". 
  This messy business, though, is what has made him a highly 
  controversial figure. His critics refer to Kissinger's complicity in the 
  illegal carpet-bombing of neutral Cambodia, designed to deprive North 
  Vietnam of troops and supplies, but which sowed the seeds for the 
  murderous Pol Pot regime. 
  Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Seymour Hersh, in a 1983 biography, 
  Kissinger, the Price of Power, argued that this bombing, moreover, 
  jeopardised America's atomic security. 

Kissinger sanctioned the illegal bombing 
of CambodiaBritish writer, Christopher Hitchens, in his recent 
  book The Trial of Henry Kissinger, argues that Kissinger is a war 
  criminal. He claims he connived with brutal regimes, allied to the US, 
  most notably Pakistan, Greece and Indonesia, to embark on savage acts of 
  Most notably, charges relating to Latin America have returned to haunt 
  Henry Kissinger. The CIA's involvement in the coup which toppled the 
  elected Chilean leader Salvador Allende and brought General Pinochet to 
  power, has been long well-documented. 
  "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist 
  due to the irresponsibility of its people," Kissinger once famously 
  But a number of factors have brought these old chestnuts back into 
  public prominence. 

Chileans demonstrating against the 
brutality of the Pinochet 
regimeDocuments recently released by the CIA, strengthen 
  previously-held suspicions that Kissinger was actively involved in the 
  establishment of Operation Condor, a covert plan involving six Latin 
  American countries including Chile, to assassinate thousands of political 
  At the same time, the success of international tribunals in bringing 
  suspected war criminals such as Yugoslavia's former leader 

Re: Good Morning Nuremberg [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Bill Howard


Nuremberg, is that where a certain country
was punished for war crimes and yet no
mention was made of Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
the fire bombing of Dresden...




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Shocks and Stares! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-27 Thread Bill Howard


Dow Slides Below 10,000, Nasdaq Plunges 2.9%.

Stocks plunged Friday, shoving major market gauges toward the biggest weekly
losses since the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, as dreary forecasts from
companies intensified fears of a tepid recovery in corporate profits.

Stocks plunged Friday, shoving major market gauges toward the biggest weekly
losses since the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, as dreary forecasts from
companies intensified fears of a tepid recovery in corporate profits.
Investors ignored news that the economy snapped back in the first quarter,
sending the Dow Jones industrials below 10,000 for the first time in more
than two months. Tech stocks had the biggest losses in volatile trading,
with the Nasdaq composite index closing at levels not seen since October.
The Dow closed down 124.34, or 1.2%, at 9910.72. The index last closed lower
on Feb. 21, when it stood at 9834.68. The technology-centered Nasdaq plunged
49.81, or 2.9%, to 1,663.89 ¡ª the lowest finish since Oct. 18 when the
index 1,652.72. The Standard  Poor's 500 index dropped 15.16, or 1.4%, to

The decline capped a dismal week for stocks, and extended a losing streak
that has seen the Dow fall six out of the last eight sessions, and the
Nasdaq, seven out of eight.

For the week, the Dow fell 3.4%; the blue chips have now closed down five of
the last six weeks amid investors' ongoing disillusionment with company
earnings and outlooks.

The Nasdaq lost 7.4% for the week. It last closed lower on Oct. 31, at
1,059.78. The SP lost 4.3% over the week.

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Swedes boycott Israeli products [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:08 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Swedes boycott Israeli products

From: Mashood Yunus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:17:39 -0500
Subject: [AM] Swedes boycott Israeli products

Swedish Foreign Minister Boycotts Israeli Products
Lindh: Boycotting Israeli products is the least I
could do.

By Yahya Abu Zakarya, IOL correspondent in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, April 20 (IslamOnline) - Swedish Foreign
Minister Anna Lindh announced that she will boycott
Israeli products available in the Swedish market,
especially citrus fruits and avocadoes.

Speaking to Swedish television on Friday, April 19,
Lindh said, If I'm unable to influence my
government's policy to boycott Israel, I can at least
personally boycott their products. She called on
Swedish nationals to boycott Israeli products in the
light of the recent massacres committed by the Israeli
army in the Palestinian territories.

Lindh is a member of the ruling Social Democratic
Party and has been sympathetic with Arab issues along
with other members of the Swedish government, such as
former Foreign Minister Stein Anderson, a personal
friend of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

She had in the past asked the European Union to
suspend its relations with Israel as a way of
denouncing the occupation forces practices against the
Palestinian civilian population.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian minister for international
cooperation Nabil Shaath was visiting Stockholm on
Friday and met with Swedish Prime Minister Goeran
Persson who promised to donate 350 Swedish Corona
(nearly $ 35 million) to rebuild Jenin and nearby
areas destroyed by Israeli aggression. Persson
promised to increase the sum soon.

Shaath also met with Lindh who expressed her shock at
recent events in the Palestinian territories and
promised to do her best to help the Palestinian

Besides government officials, Swedish nationals have
also been sympathizing with the Palestinian cause,
many of them wearing badges that said boycott

The streets of Stockholm on Thursday witnessed
demonstrations were banners were raised calling
hawkish Israeli prime minister
Ariel Sharon a mass murder, and other saying Bush is
a killer and Zionism is Faschism.  Jews in Sweden
have also held counter demonstrations and a few
conflicts rose between both sides that was stopped
through police intervention.

In the Swedish city of Obsala on Friday, a silent
demonstration was held with demonstrators wearing
black and carrying candles.

The increasing number of Swedes participating in
anti-Israeli demonstrations has been noticeable and
has forced the Palestinian Issue to be featured on the
agenda of the Swedish Legislative elections which will
be held on September 2002.


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KCNA slams Japan's call for right to collective self-defense [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


Pyongyang, April 25 (KCNA) -- The economic and fiscal policy minister
said monday the right to collective self-defense is inherent to a country
and Japan's war-renouncing constitution should be revised. In this regard,
Kyodo said, it is rare for a serving cabinet member to comment on revising
the constitution. 
Such happening in Japan is arousing deep apprehension among the world
public as it means that the Japanese militarist and ultra-nationalist
forces' moves for overseas military aggression have entered the phase of
being legalized and adopted as a policy through a constitutional revision.
In 1946 when a discussion was made on a new constitution at the Japanese
diet, the then prime minister Yoshida expressed opposition to war and the
right of belligerency based on the right to self-defense, confessing that
many recent wars including the Sino-Japan War and the Pacific War were
carried out under the cloak of the right to self-defense.
As Yoshida admitted, the right to collective self-defense was intended
to launch an overseas aggression. That was why Japan's peace constitution
after the Pacific War codified the renunciation of the right of belligerency
based on the right to self-defense.
However, Japan, which remains listed as an enemy state by the UN
charter, is now letting its cabinet members call for the legalization of the
war doctrine, claiming the face and right of normal state which is
recognized by nobody.
If Japan truly wants to be recognized by the world community as a normal
state, it should make an honest repentance and apology for the crimes
committed in the last century, far from calling for the aggressive right to
collective self-defense.
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China. People´s Daily Apr 27 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 3:11 PM
Subject: [kominform2] China. People´s Daily Apr 27


Saudi Arabia Warns US on Mideast Policy.

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz warned US President George W.
Bush on Thursday about the risks the United States faces if it continues
with a Middle East policy widely perceived in the Arab world as favoring
Israel, a senior Saudi official said.

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz warned US President George W.
Bush on Thursday about the risks the United States  faces if it continues
with a Middle East policy widely perceived in the Arab world as favoring
Israel, a senior Saudi official said.

Abdullah and Bush met for about five hours at Bush's ranch in Crowford,
Texas, two hours longer than the original plan.

Adel Al-Jubeir, a foreign policy adviser to the Saudi government, told
reporters Abdullah had warned Bush about the direction of U.S. policy in the
Middle East.

The crown prince speaks directly, he is sincere and he doesn'tmince words,
Al-Jubeir said. The message is, if the violence doenot diminish, there will
be grave consequences for the U.S. and its interests in the region.

Al-Jubeir said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon must withdraw Israeli
troops from Palestinian cities and towns, end thesieges of Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat at Ramallah and around the Church of the Nativity in
Bethlehem, and submit to a swift U.N.fact-finding mission in Jenin.

Bush on Thursday urged Israel to finish its troop withdrawal from
Palestinian lands and seek a non-violent solution to armed standoffs in
Ramallah and Bethlehem.

Israel must finish its withdrawal, Bush said after the long meeting with
the Saudi leader. I made it clear to him I expected Israel to withdraw. ...
I expect them to be finished.

Bush said that he and Crown Prince Abdullah had forged a strong personal
bond through the talks, which was dominated by the Israeli-Palestinian

One of the really positive things out of this meeting is the fact the crown
prince and I established a strong personal bond, Bush said.

The two sides discussed next steps in implementing a Saudi peace plan which
was endorsed by the Arab league, Bush said, describing the plan as a
breakthrough in defusing the Mideast crisis. The crown prince left the
ranch in Crowford without speaking to reporters.

Saudi Arabia recently complained that the Bush administration'ssupport of
Israel had damaged prospects for the Middle East peace process and soured
relations with the Arab world.

According to Bush, Crown Prince Abdullah promised during the meeting that
the country will not support any broadening of Iraq  'soil embargo to
include other angry Arab states.

Saudi Arabia made it clear and made it clear publicly that they will not
use oil as a weapon and I appreciate that, respect that and expect that to
be the case, Bush said.

Bush Urges Israel to Complete Troop Withdrawal
US President George W. Bush on Thursday urged Israel to finish its troop
withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and seek a non-violent
solution to armedstandoffs in Ramallah and Bethlehem.

Israel must finish its withdrawal, Bush said after a long meeting with
Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at his Texas ranch.

I made it clear to him I expected Israel to withdraw. ... I expect them to
be finished,'' Bush said.

The talks began in the morning and lasted about five hours, twohours longer
than original plans, according to the White House.

Bush said that he and Crown Prince Abdullah had forged a strong personal
bond through the talks, which was dominated by the Israeli-Palestinian

One of the really positive things out of this meeting is the fact the crown
prince and I established a strong personal bond, Bush said.

The two sides discussed next steps in implementing a Saudi peace plan which
was endorsed by the Arab League, Bush said, describing the plan as a
breakthrough in solving the Middle Eastcrisis.

The crown prince left the ranch in Crowford without speaking toreporters.

Saudi Arabia recently complained that the Bush administration'ssupport of
Israel had damaged prospects for the Middle East peace process and soured
relations with the Arab world.

According to Bush, Crown Prince Abdullah promised during the meeting that
the country will not support any broadening of Iraq'soil embargo to include
other angry Arab states.

Saudi Arabia made it clear and made it clear publicly that they will not
use oil as a weapon and I appreciate that, respect that and expect that to
be the case, Bush said.

Russian President Putin to Visit China, Boosting Links.

Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit China 

Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (1 of 2) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Africa: ;
Cc: news: ;; overflow: ;; blindmice: ;; Asia: ;
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:53 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (1 of 2)

subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (1 of 2)
From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 05:21:19 -0700
Subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (1 of 2)

Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (1 of 2)
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

By Jon Hillson

BUENOS AIRES, April 24 (NY Transfer)--Don't cry for me, Argentina,
the truth is I never left you, implores the romanticized persona of
Eva Duarte in the musical Evita. But the powerful fact today is
that millions do not long for her, or her husband, deceased dictator
Juan Domingo Pern. The cry instead is for justice, and struggles
breaks out everywhere as the velocity of the crisis impelling them
continues to accelerate at a breathtaking pace.

In April, a top delegation of representatives of the International
Monetary Fund, headed by Anoop Singh, arrives in Buenos Aires to
impose draconian conditions for loans, billions of dollars that will
only increase the country's impossible $142 billion foreign
debt-funds destined for the coffers of so-called lenders and the
country's rich. The marching orders, which include demands for
provincial budget cuts of up to 60 percent -- meaning bone-deep --
public service sector layoffs and further slashes of already
eviscerated social programs-are leaked to the media, some of whose
representatives confront Singh. They are written in English.

The daily newspaper Pgina 12 captures the scene in a front page
photo. The headline: Si, bwana, Yes boss -- the caricatured,
servile expression popularized by Hollywood of the African colonial
to his metropolitan master, many years ago.


The statistics of the financial collapse of the Argentine economy
here -- the third largest in Latin America, after Mexico with three
times, and Brazil, double the population of Argentina-provide a
context to understand explains the breadth of popular anger.

The currency adjustment, which shattered the one-to-one
convertibility of the peso to the dollar last December, has devalued
money here by 70 percent. This sparked an immense, decentralized,
virtually anarchic mass uprising which, coupled with a general strike
and the events of December 19-20, led to a sequence of five
presidents in a matter of weeks.

Since then, prices have risen 42 percent. This has gutted wages and
evaporated pensions. During the week of April 1, the costs of goods
and services rises 3.5 percent, indicating an annual rate of 180

More than three million Argentine workers are unemployed, a
percentage of over 23 percent of the workforce. This is the
official figure. More than 170,000 workers have been laid of since
January 1, 2002, including 65,000 March alone -- an increase of 1,800
percent since the same month last year.

Building and home construction and repair has ground to a halt, with
some 300,000 construction workers unemployed. We want to work, says
a new poster, pasted to walls in downtown Buenos Aires, put up by
union members.

Since January, 30,000 shops in the province of Buenos Aires, with
about a third of the country's population, have closed -- 13 an hour,
everyday, since the beginning of 2002.

A survey by the government indicates that 49 percent of the people --
and 56 percent of its children -- of Argentina now live below the
poverty level, with nearly a quarter of the population indigent --
unable to purchase the weekly minimum of food. Of every ten people
newly impoverished, six are from the middle class -- an indication of
the level of destitution that affects the vast majority of working

Homelessness, which did not exist in the capital a decade ago, has
leaped, from 1,200 last year to 3,500 today.

Aguas Argentinas, the privatized national water system, declares
bankruptcy in mid-April, as protests in barrios against it mount.
Some residents are paying hundreds of pesos every two months for
drinking water.

According to Clarn, a prestigious bourgeois daily, and the Los
Angeles Times, the Argentina ruling elite has spirited $106 billion
out of the country to foreign safe havens and an additional
$30 billion in untouchable securities -- legally, both newspaper
note -- while for the middle class, personal savings, drastically
devalued to $8 billion, are frozen in banks, locked corallitos
[playpens]. Transfers can only be made for spending on big-ticket

Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (2 of 2) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Africa: ;
Cc: news: ;; overflow: ;; blindmice: ;; Asia: ;
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (2 of 2)

subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (2 of 2)
From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 05:23:01 -0700
Subject: [CubaNews] Argentina: Reporter's Notebook (2 of 2)

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
By Jon Hillson

The cab I am in turns right off avenida 9 de Julio -- one of a series
of parallel avenues that form a broad, spacious central artery,
abutted by rows of handsome buildings and divided by islands of
grass. It heads down Suipacha, towards the small hotel on Suipacha
where I'm staying. At that exact moment, 20 feet away, two pistol
shots split the night air. That's a gun, I say to the taxista.

Someone's robbing a bank, he says matter-of-factly. Just then, a
figure hurtles out of a doorway, slips, falls, gets up, and scampers
away. Nothing unusual, he says, shrugging off the incident.
Sensational media coverage about a wave of street crime --
including numerous assaults on supermarkets, is widespread, but it
has no real resonance, since millions believe the real looters and
thieves run the country and government. This is a refreshing way to
address the question of who are the real criminals in Argentina, and


The Casa Argentina-Chile, a community center in the working class
section of barrio San Telmo is jam-packed with people. Every
Wednesday, for the last year there's been a trueque [place of barter]
set up there. People -- parents, grandparents, some with small
children or accompanied by teenagers -- bring a variety of goods to
swap. The list of items is endless, from socks and underwear to cakes
and pies, used flatware and plates, jeans, typewriters, lighting
fixtures. For each time the goods are brought, the bearer gets a
ticket indicating a credit. It is used to for exchange. There's no
money here at all, says Teresa, a volunteer.

Over a loudspeaker crackling with static, a plumber offers his
services. Vendorsr can trade their items for a visit and work, or
someone can offer their credits, which the plumber can use to get any
merchandise, or a sausage sizzling on the grill. We have other food
too, says Teresa, but no meat. There's not much meat in this
neighborhood. Or money.

Despite the cramped quarters -- hundreds of people shoulder to
shoulder, with small children underneath -- there's no friction, no
bickering, no shoving or shouting, just the din of conversation, the
squeal of babies, music from some place, the amplified announcements.

Some trueques are stationary, have their own established center.
Others take place in community center like this. They crop up in
working class neighborhoods across the city as a popular, emergency
defense against the rash of indigence sweeping the country.

Who organized this one?

We did, the people of the barrio, says Teresa, as she greets people
at the door, signs them in, and gives out the credits.


In the upscale Buenos Aires Recolecta neighborhood -- a more
classical, tree-shaded version of the toney upper East Side of
Manhattan, or the homes and apartments of Beacon Hill in Boston --
the elegant cafes and excellent restaurants that dot quaint streets,
are cheap now, as are the taxis to get you there, If you have lots of
pesos, or better, dollars.

You should see this place at night, says Franklin, a waiter and an
immigrant from the Dominican Republic. The restaurant he works at is
right across from the famed Recolecta Cementary where, the rich and
famous of Argentina are buried, their coffins in rows of mausoleums.
The Duarte family tomb is there, too, and behind its barred windows
is the coffin of Eva Peron, the main attraction for tourists.

My favorite tomb is that of the great Argentine boxer, Lus Angel
Firpo -- the Wild Bull of the Pampa -- who fought, and lost to Jack
Dempsey for the heavyweight championship of the world. He is cast,
larger than life in bronze, in trunks and robe.

The are private cars everywhere, no buses, private cars, nice cars,
Franklin says, pointing to a nearby avenue that passes the cemetary,
and lots of people are selling their cars to live, so you know
there's money. Tourists come mostly from Mexico and the United
States, and Britain, he says.

The level of social tension is not like Mexico, where units of
machine-gun toting soldiers patrol the airport in the 

San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-26 Thread Bill Howard


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  PWW, San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty
From: People's Weekly World Newspaper, Fri, 26 Apr 2002

 San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty
   by Herb Kaye and Gail Ryall

People's Weekly World Newspaper, Apr 27, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO ­ In the largest peace demonstration the Bay Area has seen
in many years, more than 35,000 people from all nationalities and
political persuasions rallied and marched April 20 for an end to the
real axis of evil ­ war, racism and poverty. The demand for an end to
the slaughter and destruction in the Palestinian homeland, and to the
occupation by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
with complicity by the Bush administration, was a dominant demand.

Thousands rallied at Dolores Park in the traditionally Latino Mission
District and then marched through several neighborhoods to a second
rally at Civic Center Plaza. Signs, banners and graphic puppets of Bush
and Sharon proclaimed the need to End the Occupation and Stop the
Killings, and for the Bush administration to stop military aid to
Israel as well as ending the war at home and abroad.

Representatives of Peace Action, the country's largest peace
organization, carried a huge balloon in the shape of a missile, showing
that the bloated military budget is shortchanging monies to meet human

Marie Harrison, columnist and managing editor of The S.F. Bay View in
Hunters Point and a community organizer with Greenaction, reminded the
audience that April 20 is also Earth Day, and that the people in her
predominantly African-American neighborhood are being killed by
pollution from two power plants. The war is not just abroad, Harrison
said, but it is being played out here as well.

A large delegation marched behind the banner of Jewish Voice For Peace,
a Bay Area group that has grown rapidly and initiated militant protests
at the Israeli Consulate. One marcher with the group, Osha Neumann,
said, Twenty years ago I was with a group of Jews protesting at the
Jewish Consulate and it was lonely. I am happy that Jews, especially,
and other progressives are no longer blind to oppression by the Israeli

Riad Morrar, a U.S. citizen born and raised in Palestine, who marched
with his family, said, There is nothing else I can do but tell
President Bush: 'You're wrong. Stop killing my people.'

Kate Raphael, who recently returned from a visit to a refugee camp near
Bethlehem, told of seeing holes ripped in the walls of houses and
children not being able to go to school for two months and having to do
without food, water, electricity, and yet maintaining their spirits and
pride as Palestinians.

The rally protesters, who included longtime activists from many
progressive causes and newly mobilized people, including whole families,
came from around California and other Western states. Palestinians and
Arab Americans were a large part of the crowd. Demonstrators denounced
corporations like Enron, the World Bank and capitalist globalization.
Environmentalists had a prominent presence. Signs called for an end to
the embargo on Cuba, and for an end to U.S. military involvement in the
Philippines, Puerto Rico and Colombia. A large union contingent
participated as well.

Richard Mead, president of International Longshore and Warehouse Union
Local 10 in the Bay Area, sharply criticized initiatives by the Bush
administration to promote open-ended war abroad and squelch dissent at
home in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 tragedy. He warned that, in the
wake of Sept. 11, the shipping companies and the Bush administration may
be trying to take away the union hiring hall, in the name of national
security, in current contract negotiations that expire July 1. In case
of a possible lockout by the employers or being forced to strike, Mead
said, I hope you will all come down to the docks in that event and help
us win our fight.

Jeff Patterson, of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, told the crowd that
Gulf War veterans are now dealing with the effects 

Nepal rebels blow up PM's house [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 4:28 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

Wednesday, 24 April, 2002, 12:47 GMT 13:47 UK
Nepal rebels blow up PM's house

The government has been trying to guarantee safety

Rebels in Nepal have destroyed the family home of Prime Minister Sher
Bahadur Deuba.

Reports say the Maoists blew up the house on Tuesday evening, on the first
day of a five-day nationwide strike they have called in protest at the
government's state of emergency.

The strike was said to be waning on Wednesday, with many businesses in the
capital, Kathmandu, and elsewhere reopening.

President Bush's administration says it will seek approval from the US
Congress for $20m of military aid for the government to combat the rebels.

The Nepalese Government has now offered rewards of $64,000 for the capture
of three of the leading Maoists.

Ministers targeted

Prime Minister Deuba was in Kathmandu when the rebels attacked his family
home in the town of Assigram, some 490 kilometres west of the capital.

A group of Maoist terrorists ordered the housekeeper to go out and then
blew up Mr. Deuba's house, local administrator Narendra Raj Sharma told
the AFP news agency.

The rebels have carried out several attacks recently

The Maoists have targeted the houses of other ministers in recent weeks.

Mr Deuba has ruled out any resumption in peace talks until the rebels lay
down their arms.

They broke off peace talks last November, resuming their attacks.

That prompted King Gyanendra to declare a state of emergency, freeing the
army to join in the fight against the rebels.

Some 3,000 people have been killed since the rebels began their campaign to
abolish the constitutional monarchy six years ago.

Much of Nepal was paralysed on Tuesday, the first day of the rebels'
strike, with many ordinary Nepalis afraid of defying the call for a total
shutdown of the country.

However there were clear signs of life returning to normal on Wednesday.

Traffic in Kathmandu was estimated to have returned to about 50% of normal
levels. Domestic flights were running again.

Much of the east of the country was still said to be shut down though, and
long-haul public transport was still affected.

In one eastern district, Mahottari, a group of rebels attacked a
broadcasting station of the state-owned Radio Nepal, destroying costly
equipment including transmitters.

Built in 1990 with Japanese assistance, this was the first radio station to
be destroyed by the rebels.

Military financing

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told journalists on Tuesday
that his government was reviewing several options for military assistance
with Nepal.

We've asked Congress for a supplemental appropriation of $20m in foreign
military financing for Nepal, so that we can support more assistance, he
said, AFP reports.

US military advisers have been touring parts of Nepal recently held by the

The Nepalese Government is waiting to see if its offers of $64,000 rewards
for the capture or killing of three senior Maoist rebels will have any

The bounty has been offered on the heads of Maoist supremo Pushp Kamal
Dahal, alias Prachanda, Mohan Vaidya, alias Kiran, and Baburam Bhattarai.

This is the first time Nepal has fixed prices on the heads of Maoist

The home ministry has offered rewards for other rebels as well.


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Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Africa: ;
Cc: news: ;; overflow: ;; blindmice: ;; Asia: ;; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on

subject: Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
Washington Post / Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
Micha Odenheimer

Where Stalin has admirers and Maoists still fight on
The failure of democracy in Nepal has led to a rise in popular support
for rebels who have taken over much of the country
Micha Odenheimer

More than a decade after the collapse of Soviet and East European
 communism, and a quarter-century after China ended Mao Zedong's
Cultural  Revolution, the mere existence of a Maoist communist movement
should be a  strange anachronism.  Yet in Nepal Maoists not only exist,
but have been gradually seizing  control over more and more of the
mountainous nation of roughly 25 million  people, while killing
hundreds of government troops.

  Late last August I traveled to southeast Nepal and walked hours
through  the jungle into a revolutionary stronghold in the Sindhuli
district.  Sindhuli was then the 15th of Nepal's 75 districts to fall
to the Maoists.  The Maoists were set to celebrate their victory in
Sindhuli and, as I  walked deeper into the area, families were
streaming in from all over the  region to attend the festivities. Along
the way local peasants fed us for  free. We passed through victory
gates made of bent saplings adorned with  flowers, and waded waist-deep
to cross a river before emerging onto a  grassy plain, which quickly
filled up with almost 10,000 people. I spotted  a platoon of the Nepali
Maoists' People's Army: about 60 young people in  fatigues carrying
ancient rifles. Children trailed after the soldiers as  if they were
rock stars.

  At the far end of the plain was a schoolhouse with a porch that
would  serve as a dais, and a dilapidated megaphone for a sound system.
The dais  was decorated with paper stream ers, confetti and watercolor
portraits of  the movement's heroes: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,
Vladimir Lenin,  Joseph Stalin and Mao.  Stalin? I asked my guide,
shocked to see the former Soviet dictator  included in the pantheon.
Don't your friends know that he murdered 20  million people? Our
leaders say Stalin was 75 percent good and 25  percent bad, came the
answer. They know he wasn't completely good.  In the Western world,
which claims to care about both democracy and  terrorism, Nepal's fight
is one worth noticing. Six months since my visit  to the Maoists, Nepal
is mired even deeper in a bloody civil war that has  taken 2,600 lives
since 1996, and threatens to destroy a decade-long  experiment with

  On February 17 thousands of members of the People's Army crept down
from  the mountains at midnight and surrounded an army garrison in
western  Nepal. By morning, 137 soldiers had been slaughtered. A few
days later in  eastern Nepal the Maoists struck again, killing 30
policemen. The army has  fought back hard, regaining control of some
district headquarters,  slaughtering hundreds of Maoists, and driving
the rebels into the rough  interior of the country.

  The Maoists have targeted civilians, too. In January - according to  
Amnesty International - they abducted an acting school headmaster,
tied  him to a tree and shot him to death apparently because of his
affiliation  with a ruling party association and his refusal to give
donations to the  Maoists. He was one of 28 teachers killed by the
insurgents.  People aren't the only casualties of the battle.
Democratic institutions  have also suffered. Since the government
declared a state of emergency in  November, police in the capital,
Katmandu, have arrested an estimated  4,000 journalists, students,
teachers and political activists. Subodh  Pyakarel, general secretary
of a respected Nepali human rights  organization, says that many of
those arrested have been tortured.

  Nonetheless, the rebels continue to exert an impressive degree of
control  over the population - even in Katmandu. During February and
March, the  Maoists called a series of strikes, including a general
strike that  paralyzed the city for three days.  What's astonishing
about the Maoist revolution in Nepal is that it exists  at all. Like
seeing a movie monster rise after his apparent death,  watching Maoist
rebels gain ground anywhere in the 21st century defies  belief. Twelve
years ago, Nepal became a multi-party democracy, ending  years of
monarchic dictatorship. Why have the Maoists become a major  threat
just as democracy has begun to flourish?

   From the outside the crisis in the Nepalese royal family would 

US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007 [W

2002-04-25 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Cor Groenendijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: IKV Oosterzee, J.J.v. - Den Haag [EMAIL PROTECTED]; AI London
Paul Lansu; Pax Christi International [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mw Marjolein Wijninckx;
Pax Christi Nederland; Utrecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ICCO Ackerman, E. -
Zeist [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Lankamp, H. - Delft [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cordaid - Den Haag
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Fw: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To
Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007

- Original Message -
From: sento
To: ArmsTradeList ; Home
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:10 AM
Subject: [armstrade] (Israel) US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond
$2.4B Ceiling in 2007

 My Groups | armstrade Main Page

Ivri: US Military Aid to Israel To Rise $200M Annually Beyond $2.4B Ceiling in 2007
GMP2002042449 Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English 24 Apr 02
[Report by defense correspondent Amnon Barzilay: Ivry: U.S. Military Aid To Rise By
$200M A Year]

U.S. military aid to Israel is likely to grow by some $200 million a year beyond
the $2.4 billion ceiling it is slated to hit in 2007, former ambassador to Washington
David Ivri said yesterday.

Ivri completed his Washington posting last week.

According to an agreement with Washington, U.S. civilian aid to Israel is being
gradually phased out over a 10-year period, while military aid is being increased by
half the amount of the civilian aid cut each year. When the process ends in 2007,
annual military aid will be $2.4 billion.

But in practice, said Ivri, two joint ventures between the Pentagon and Israel's
Defense Ministry will result in higher aid levels. One of these ventures is the joint
production of the Arrow anti-missile missile, which the United States is funding. The
second is a project to develop an anti-aircraft laser gun.

The United States has so far invested $33 million in the Arrow production line,
which was set up at a Boeing plant. The line is slated to become operational in 2004,
and Israel has asked for a grant of $600 million over five years ($120 million a year)
to finance actual production.

The laser gun project (originally called the Nautilus) is expected to cost $250
million over three years. Due to budgetary constraints, the Pentagon will start
funding the project in 2005, but Israel expects that once it begins, it will cover 75
percent of the costs. Until then, the United States has allocated smaller sums ($13
million in 2002, for instance), primarily to keep the scientists involved on payroll.

Thus by mid-decade, Ivri noted, the Americans are slated to be giving Israel an
extra $200 million a year in military aid.
[Description of Source: Tel Aviv Ha'aretz (Internet Version-WWW) in English --
Left-of-center, independent daily of record; root URL on filing date:]

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Premier Zhu Pledges to Boost Sino-Arab Ties. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-22 Thread Bill Howard


Visiting Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji stressed on Sunday that China is willing
to further promote Sino- Arab cooperation in years ahead.

Visiting Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji stressed on Sunday that China is willing
to further promote Sino- Arab cooperation in the years ahead.

While meeting with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa at the
headquarters of the Arab League in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, Zhu said
that one of the purposes of his ongoing visit to Egypt is to boost Sino-Arab

China attaches great importance to its ties with the Arab League, the
Chinese premier said, pointing to an important role by the pan-Arab forum in
strengthening unity and cooperation among Arab countries and safeguarding
world peace and stability.

Developing friendship and cooperation between China and the Arab League and
Arab countries is China's set foreign policy, he said, adding that China has
maintained contact and conducted sound cooperation with the Arab League and
its member states on bilateral and international issues over the past years.

Recalling a proposal raised by the Arab League foreign ministers council on
establishing the Arab-Chinese cooperation forum in 2000, Zhu said, China
supports the idea and is ready to set up such a forum between the two sides
in a step-by-step manner.

He expressed hope that Sino-Arab cooperation in the areas of economy, trade,
culture, science and technology will be further promoted in the future.

Arab places great importance on ties with China
For his part, Moussa hailed efforts made by Chinese leaders to boost
Sino-Arab ties, saying that the Arab League places great importance on
developing its ties with China, and is pleased to see that bilateral
cooperation has been even closer against the backdrop of the current tension
in the Mideast region.

In addition, the two sides have been implementing agreements and consensus,
said Moussa, who expressed hope that Arab-Chinese cooperation in a variety
of areas will develop further in coming years.

Middle East issue ? common concern
On the Mideast issue, Zhu said that under the prerequisite of Israel's
withdrawal from the Palestinian-controlled areas, the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict can be solved eventually based on relevant U.N. resolutions and
under the land-for-peace principle.

China appreciates an Arab peace plan adopted at the Beirut Arab summit, the
Chinese premier stressed.

In return, Moussa said that peace serves as a precondition for development
in the region, and will benefit all countries in the region, noting the Arab
League hopes that the U.N. Security Council will play an even greater role
on the Mideast issue.

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70 Mexicans Dead Crossing into U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] 70 Mexicans Dead Crossing into U.S.

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Luis A. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Rights of undocumented violated;
Mexican government looks the other way

Han muerto 70 mexicanos en cuatro meses en
su intento por cruzar hacia EE.UU. (Sigue versión en Español)

De la Torre: Number of Mexicans crossing the border does not decrease


La Jornada
CBIACS Press Review

So far this year, 70 Mexicans have died attempting to cross the
border into the United States without documentation. It is estimated
that one Mexican will die every day while attempting to cross the
border, said the general director of Migrant Services of the
Presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad, Omar de la Torre de la Mora.

Interviewed at Boca del Río, Veracruz, he remembered that 380
Mexicans died last year, most of them from either drowning in the
river or dehydrating in the desert.

At the same time, he admitted that, following the attacks of
September 11, violence and harassment towards the Mexican community
in the U.S. increased to such an extent that 50 consulates had to be
placed on alert.

Speaking at the inauguration of the Eleventh National Meeting of
State Offices for Migrant Services, the federal official pointed out
that recent statistics show that the flow of migrants attempting to
cross the northern border has not decreased. Also at this meeting,
the participants unanimously rebuked a U.S. Supreme Court ruling
against Mexican workers, describing it as a legal blunder that
increases the vulnerability of migrants.

Despite the hardening of U.S. immigration policy following the
attacks, 70 Mexicans died during the first 14 weeks of the year. He
explained that most drowned in the river or died of dehydration in
the desert. He added that the highest death rate occurs in the desert
stretches between Sonora and Arizona and Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, the
most dangerous point on the border.

Officials Fired

Felipe de Jesús Preciado Coronado, commissioner for the National
Institute of Migration (INM) said that 900 officials were removed
from their positions due to various errors and crimes. 180 of these
were fired mainly for assaulting Central American undocumented
migrants and 12 were brought before the Public Ministry on charges of
belonging to bands dedicated to illegal human trafficking.

On the other hand, the California Foundation for Rural Assistance, an
international organization known for its defense of the rights of the
undocumented, condemned the Mexican government for not taking a
position at the U. N. Human Rights Commission against the U.S.
immigrant control operatives at the southern California border.

The organization's director, Claudia Smith, said that the Mexican
diplomats at the work sessions of the United Nations in Geneva,
Switzerland set forth their positions regarding human rights
situations around the world, such as Cuba and Iraq, but said nothing
about the problems confronting the prospective undocumented migrants
at the border band between the U.S. and Mexico.

Meanwhile, a truck bearing the logo of the international delivery
company, Fedex was used to transport 15 Mexicans wishing to travel to
Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Translated by
Luis Martin


No baja el número de connacionales que buscan atravesar la frontera:
De la Torre

Han muerto 70 mexicanos en cuatro meses en su intento por cruzar
hacia Estados Unidos


En lo que va del año, 70 connacionales han fallecido en la frontera
norte, en su intento por ingresar de manera indocumentada a Estados
Unidos. Se estima que durante 2002 morirá un mexicano diariamente al
buscar cruzar la zona, sostuvo el director general de Atención a
Migrantes de la Oficina Presidencial para Mexicanos en el Exterior,
Omar de la Torre de la Mora.

Entrevistado en Boca del Río, Veracruz, recordó que el año anterior
fallecieron 380 mexicanos, en su mayoría ahogados en el río Bravo y
deshidratados en el desierto. Pese a que desde septiembre se
endureció la política migratoria estadunidense, el flujo de migrantes
se mantiene, señaló.

Asimismo, admitió que tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre se
incrementó la violencia y el hostigamiento hacia la comunidad
mexicana radicada en Estados Unidos, por lo que se pusieron en
alerta los 50 consulados.

Presente en la inauguración de la Decimoprimera reunión nacional de
oficinas estatales para la atención de los 

Palestine Update Apr 21 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 2:42 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Palestine Update Apr 21

UPDATE: Ramallah

April 21, 2002: Urgent alert: We have been informed by people inside the
Presidential Compound that they have received information from a reliable
IDF source that a special commander force is planning to enter the building

April 20, 2002: 17.55:The power station supplying the area of Ramallah has
been bombed and both Ramallah and Al-Bireh are now without electricity.


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Thousands Protest in London [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Bill Howard


of thousands of people marched in London on Saturday 13th April in a 
pro-Palestine demonstration to protest against Israeli military action in the 
West Bank. Called by the Muslim Association of Britain, the protest was 
supported by many organisations including CND and the Stop The War Coalition. 
Disagreement on the numbers participating was greater than any of the recent 
anti-war protests, with the BBC and others initially reporting 50-100,000, then 
dramatically scaling the figures down after police revised their figures down to 
10-15,000 - meanwhile some news organisation reported just hundreds! At the same 
time in Exeter 300 people held a march for Palestinian rights, while 
3000 tried to march to the now infamous town of Jenin; the day before on Friday, a group of activists occupied 
the head offices of Caterpillar in Desford, Leicestershire in 
protest at the bulldozer-building company profiteering from the situation in 
Palestine. Reports: 1 : 2 : 3 Pictures 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 For updates, reports and timeline of events from the 
War on Palestine see:IMC 
Palestine | IMC Israel | IMC UK updates 

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Chinese President Arrives in Tehran to Continue State Visit. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-20 Thread Bill Howard


Chinese President Jiang Zemin Friday evening flew in Tehran from Shiraz to
continue his state visit to Iran that will last until April 22.

Jiang Arrives in Tehran to Continue State Visit.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin  Friday (April 19( evening flew in Tehran from
Shiraz to continue his state visit to Iran   that will last until April 22.

Earlier Friday, Jiang paid a visit to the Mausoleum of Hafiz, the famous
ancient Persian poet, and attended a luncheon hosted in his honor by
Mohammad Ebrahim Ansari Lari, governor-general of the Fars Province.

During his Tehran tour, Jiang will exchange views with Iranian President
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami and other Iranian leaders on further strengthening
bilateral friendly ties of cooperation, and on international and regional
issues of common concern.

Iran is the last leg of Jiang's two-week five-nation trip, whichwill finally
take him home on April 22. Jiang had ended his state visit to Germany ,
Libya, Nigeria and Tunisia.

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U.S. has completed 'basics' of plan to attack Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 5:43 PM
Subject: [kominform2] U.S. has completed 'basics' of plan to attack Iraq

From: ogden_flake [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] U.S. has completed 'basics' of plan to attack Iraq

It shouldn't come as a surprise to learn that the world's biggest
bully is getting ready to kick the sh*t out of another weak country.

Report: U.S. has completed 'basics' of plan to attack Iraq

Friday, April 19, 2002
WASHINGTON - The U.S. military has completed the framework for a
military campaign against Iraq, defense sources say.

U.S. Central Command already has the basics of a major campaign put
together, a report by the Washington-based Center for Defense
Information said. Component commanders of each service are now at
their forward headquarters in the region with more than 1,000 war
planners, logistics experts and support specialists. This operations
plan is being refined regularly and the target list is being
validated and updated daily.

Defense sources said that amid an intense debate within the Bush
administration the U.S. Central Command has established a framework
to conduct major military operations against Iraq from neighboring
Kuwait and other areas of the Persian Gulf, according to Middle East
The center said in its report that the United States will probably
launch an offensive against Iraq in the spring of 2003. The earliest
the U.S. military would be ready for an attack would be the mid-fall
of 2002.

The sources said the opposition by Arab countries to a U.S. military
campaign would require more time for any operation. They said the
Arab and Islamic opposition appears to have delayed plans to begin
operations by the end of the summer.

The report - authored by [Ret.] Rear Adm. Stephen Baker, former
of staff for naval forces in U.S. Central Command in Bahrain, and
research analyst Michael Donovan - said some of the requirements
of a
military operation would include the deployment of up to 100,000 U.S.
troops and 25,000 support personnel in Turkey and Gulf Cooperation
Council countries.

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey would be the most likely staging
grounds for an offensive, the chief aim of which would be to locate
and destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

The general expectation among U.S. military planners - but not a
given - is that Iraqi air defenses, command and control
the Iraqi army and Republican Guard would be rapidly overwhelmed and
defeated swiftly, the report said. The threat of biological or
chemical weapons targeting Israel, neighboring countries, or U.S.
troops will be a major concern. Handling this threat will be one of
the hardest, most challenging missions in Iraq.


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Zyuganov blames officials for extremism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-20 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Miroslav Antic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: Zyuganov blames officials for extremism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


2002-04-20 02:16 MSK - Zyuganov blames officials for extremism

MOSCOW - Russia's Communist Party chief blamed President Vladimir
Putin's administration on Thursday for policies that he said had spurred
the growth of violent extremism. Speaking in an interview just hours
after Putin delivered a state of the nation speech, Gennady Zyuganov
said the Kremlin leader had failed to come up with anything positive for
Russians and had ignored the poverty and lawlessness afflicting society.
It is the authorities' extremism which pushes people towards extremism.
People have nothing to eat. Young people graduate from fine institutes
and cannot find work. Entire generations are growing up knowing nothing
other than drugs, vodka and life on the street, Zyuganov told Reuters.
It is extremism which begets extremism and this is inevitable. Our
people are calm and reasonable. But if they are pushed, it will be hard
to stop. Nationalist groups periodically stage organised attacks on
ethnic groups, particularly traders, from southern Russia and adjacent
ex-Soviet republics. Putin has called for a crackdown on nationalist
gangs ahead of Saturday's anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth. Zyuganov,
57, who has been beaten in two presidential elections, said Putin had
ignored his party's suggestions for improving the economy. Communists,
he said, wanted reforms and had drawn on the experience of other
countries, particularly China, in forming plans to develop Russia's
economy that took into account Russia's very specific nature. He said
it was the oligarchs - industrialists who made money in the
post-Soviet period - who had put Russia in its current state, with
nearly 70 million people either going hungry or reduced to begging.
OLIGARCHS TO BLAME The Communist Party chief singled out for criticism
Anatoly Chubais, long a hate figure among Russian communists for his
role in mass privatisations in the mid-1990s, which created vast
fortunes for some industrialists. Zyuganov accused Chubais of causing
widespread misery in his current job as head of the country's
electricity utility, RAO.UES. He cuts off power to maternity hospitals,
to rocket basesin any other country he would be pushed to the wall,
Zyuganov said of Chubais. This is extremism. Whole districts without
power, patients lying on the operating table and power cut off. Fascist
Germany did not even cut off power to its people. Zyuganov is credited
with rebuilding the Communist Party after a ban on its activity was
lifted. He was defeated by Boris Yeltsin in the 1996 presidential
election and lost to Putin four years later. Latest polls give the party
a 34 percent rating - far ahead of pro-Putin centrists who control the
State Duma lower house. The Communists are the Duma's largest single
group, but lost much of their power base when deputies removed them from
top positions on key committees, prompting Zyuganov to declare the party
in all-out opposition. In his interview, the barrel-chested Zyuganov
said the party remained united despite its recent setback in parliament.
He was confident recent good results in local elections would lead to
mass support in next year's parliamentary polls. What is sad is that
the party in power has no ideology. Its base is made up of officials
looking after their own interests. Once Putin is gone, everyone will
simply run off, he said. We, on the other hand, have an idea, an
organisation, in even the most remote village. He said enduring
hardship for millions of Russians would mean a big turnout for street
rallies he has called for May 1, international workers' day, and May 9,
when ex-Soviet states mark the anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi
Germany. I think there will be many more people turning out this year,
he said. In the past year, because of Putin's policies, no one has seen
improved living standards except the oligarchs. -Reuters



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US: 100 bicycle riders detained by Police [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


by Jen O 6:48pm Fri Apr 19 '02
phone: 202 483-3700

According to an eyewitness report, Critical Mass bikers detained during peaceful bike
ride in Washington DC.

According to an eyewitness report, Critical Mass bikers detained during peaceful bike
ride in Washington DC. THe bikers in the group of 200 had been close to the end of
their march and were at the corner of 21st st. and L st. NW. They had ridden around
downtown DC with no problems up until that point. Approximately 100 bikers were
detained at that point by DC police. Their bikes were being piled up and confiscated.
The source witnessing the police using violence against the bikers, kicking and
hitting the bikers. The detained bikers were then led away in handcuffs.

Critical Mass is a loose collective of activist who bike around urban areas en masse
to draw visibility to issues ranging from specific environmental policies to sweatshop
labor. Their use of bicycles represents a choice to live in a cleaner environment free
of pollution caused by copious car usage.

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China opposes hegemonism and won't seek hegemony itself, he declared. [WWW.STO

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


China Puts Forward Proposals on Peace, Development in Asia.

Zhou Guangzhao, head of the China's Parliamentary Delegation to the ongoing
annual meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP),
Wednesday put forward a four-point proposal on peace and development in

Introduction of Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP) Created in
September of 1999, the AAPP is the largest inter-parliamentarian
organization in Asia with 36 member states and 15 non-member states.

In line with the theme of peace and development, lawmakers every year will
discuss a wide spectrum of issues including multi-polarization in the world
politics, world peace, economic globalization and its ensuing impact upon
developing nations and how to strengthen international cooperation for a new
international political and economic order.

Zhou Guangzhao, head of the China's Parliamentary Delegation to the ongoing
annual meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP),
Wednesday (April 17) put forward a four-point proposal on peace and
development in Asia.

Zhou, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, announced the proposal at the first
Plenary Session of the Third annual meeting of the association.

The proposals are as follows:
-- We must cherish and safeguard the hard-won peace and stability in Asia.
History and reality both demonstrate that a peaceful and stable regional
surrounding environment is vital to the development, prosperity and security
of countries in the region. Therefore, the countries should all proceed from
long-term and strategic interests and make further efforts to preserve the
current situation. 

-- All countries in the region should respect each other and treat each
other as equals on the basis of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We
should respect the fact that Asia is diversified and give full play to the
advantage of diversity and seek diversified development so as to create a
new Asia in which various kinds of culture and civilization coexist and make
common development.

-- To further deepen the multi-facet economic cooperation of various forms
in Asia. In the spirit of mutual benefit and common development, countries
should learn from each other while competing with each other, draw upon each
other's advantages and make up for deficiencies. Thus, the economic power of
countries and Asia as a whole will be increased and the ability to deal with
the challenge of economic globalization enhanced.

-- We should actively advocate the new security concept with mutual trust,
mutual benefit and equitable cooperation as the core. All bilateral disputes
and disagreements should be resolved through consultation and negotiation.
We should strengthen security by increasing cooperation and expanding common
interests. We should enhance the cooperation in non-traditional security
fields and fight collectively against terrorism, smuggling,
drug-trafficking, piracy and illegal immigration and other transnational

China's efforts on peace, development in Asia
Zhou said China has a long-time good neighborly friendship and cooperation
with other Asian countries, citing efforts China have been making to develop
friendly relations and cooperation of good neighborliness and good
partnership with surrounding Asian countries.

Mutual understanding and trust has been deepened as a result, he said.

At present, China has established a framework for cross-century
good-neighborly and friendly relations and cooperation with most Asian
countries, he said. The cooperation in economic, trade, scientific and
technological and cultural fields continued to deepen.

China has, along with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan,
established the 'Shanghai   Cooperation', Zhou said.

China also took an active part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, promoted the
dialogue in the Korean peninsula, supported relevant countries in the Middle
East and south Asia in their efforts to peacefully resolve disputes and
supported the rebuilding of Afghanistan, said Zhou.

All these fully demonstrate our good wishes to safeguard regional and world
peace and development, he said.

China to make greater contribution on peace, development in Asia
He also talked about the country's three major tasks for the new century,
including the goal of doubling the country's gross domestic product (GDP) of
2000 in the 2010, gradually accomplishing common prosperity in the country,
striving for the peaceful reunification of the country, and safeguarding
world peace and promoting common development.

Zhou stressed that the development in China cannot be separated from the
support of people in Asian countries, and a stable, developed and prosperous
China will not pose any threat to any country at any times.

On the contrary, China will make greater contribution to peace and
development in 

Li Peng Meets Iraqi, Saudi Arabian, Kuwaiti, Iranian Parliamentary Leaders. [WWW

2002-04-19 Thread Bill Howard


China's top legislator Li Peng met with Chairman of the National Assembly of
Iraq Saadoun Hamadi,President of the Saudi Arabian Consultative Council
Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim Bin Jubair, Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly
Jasim Mohmmad Al-Kharafi and Vice-Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohsen
Armin, on separate occasions Thursday in Chongqing.

China's top legislator Li Peng   met with Chairman of the National Assembly
of Iraq  Saadoun Hamadi, President of the Saudi Arabian Consultative Council
Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim Bin Jubair, Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly
Jasim Mohmmad Al-Kharafi and Vice-Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohsen
Armin, on separate occasions Thursday in Chongqing, a municipal city in
southwest China. 

Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress
(NPC), extended a warm welcome to the guests attending the third annual
meeting of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP).

Li expressed hope that the AAPP meeting would further promote cooperation
and exchanges between China and the four countries within the framework of
the AAPP. 

Li said he agreed with the positive comments by the parliamentary leaders on
their countries' relations with China and the relations between Islamic and
Arab countries and China. He thanked the guests for their briefing on the
Middle East situation.

Islamic and Arabic countries are important forces in the international
arena, Li said, adding that China attaches great importance to friendly
relations with these countries.

China welcomes and supports the achievements made in the recent Arabic
summit meeting, he said.

This is a reflection of further solidarity in the Arab and Islamic world,
according to the chairman.

China consistently opposes unilateralism, hegemonism and power politics, and
stands for multipolarization, Li said.

China hopes the Arab countries would play an even more important role in
regional and international affairs, he said.

China is deeply concerned about the impasse in the Middle East peace
process, Li said. 

The international community has the responsibility to help realize peace and
stability in this region, he said.

China appreciates and supports the efforts made by Islamic and Arab
countries in pushing forward the Middle East peace process and the Arabic
peace initiative passed at the Arab League summit meeting, Li said.

The initiative accords with the United Nations resolutions and the
land-for-peace principle in raveling Palestine-Israel   issue, he said.

China strongly hopes that relevant UN resolutions be strictly implemented
and is willing to make efforts for an early solution of the Middle East
issue together with the international community, he said.

On China-Iran relations, Li said as an important country in the region, Iran
plays an important role in safeguarding the peace and security of the Middle
East and the Gulf Region.

China has kept good relations with Iran in many fields, which not only
serves the interests of the two peoples, but is also conducive to the peace
and stability of the region and the world at large. Hamadi said that
relations between Iraq and China have kept developing since the two
countries forged diplomatic ties, and Iraq hopes to further cooperation on
economy and trade with China.

He voiced hope that China, a permanent member of the Security Council of the
United Nations, would play a more important role in advocating justice and
safeguarding world peace and stability.

He also expressed hope that the parliaments of the two countries would
strengthen cooperation and exchanges.

Jubair said that the relations between Saudi Arabia and China have developed

On the regional situation, he said that the current situation in the Middle
East continues to deteriorate, and Saudi Arabia is concerned about it.

He spoke highly of the just stance China has taken on the Middle East issue,
and said that Saudi Arabia appreciates China's support for peace in the
Middle East region.

Al-Kharafi said that the Kuwaiti people would never forget China's support
to Kuwait in safeguarding its independence and sovereignty. He praised
China's consistent just stance in international affairs.

He said he hoped that China would play an even more important role in
resolving the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

Kuwait hopes for further cooperation with China in all fields, he said.

Armin said that the world has changed greatly after the September 11
incident, and unilateralism and hegemony have intensified, which is
detrimental to world peace and stability.

He said that Iran attaches importance to its relations with China, and is
willing to further cooperation with China in all fields.

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Argentina. Occupation of hospitals. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-18 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:46 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Argentina. Occupation of hospitals.

From: Vicente Balvanera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Arg_Solid] Occupation of Legislature, hospitals in Province of San
Juan, Argentina

La Naci?n reported this morning that public sector
workers demanding back pay have occupied the Casa de
Gobierno (Government House) in the Province of San
Juan, since this morning.

The occupation continues!

(includes photos).

More photos at Argentina Indymedia:

TN internet TV:

Hospitals have also been occupied by the workers.

The governor Avel?n is in Buenos Aires begging for the
funds that the IMF's policy, which the Duhalde
government is implementing, has frozen.

Since the Governor has also met with the Minister of
the Interior, repression is no doubt being planned.

For the satisfaction of all the workers demands!
No repression!
Freedom of all political prisoners and dropping of
charges against all the fighters!
No payment of the foreign debt!
For a solution of the working class and popular

Vicente Balvanera


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
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Chinese President on Middle East Issue [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-18 Thread Bill Howard


China is deeply worried about the deterioration of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict in the Middle East, visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin said
here Tuesday evening at a banquet hosted by Tunisian President Zine
Al-Abidine Ben Ali.

China is deeply worried about the deterioration of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict in the Middle East, visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin aid here
Tuesday evening at a banquet hosted by Tunisian President Zine Al-Abidine
Ben Ali. 

He noted that China condemned Israel's military strike and economic blockage
against Palestine, as well as the siege of President Yasser Arafat.

Israel should immediately implement relevant resolutions of the U.N.
Security Council, withdraw from the Palestinian areas, lift the siege of
President Arafat and solve its conflicts with Palestine through
negotiations, Jiang said.

He stated that China, as a permanent member of the Security Council, will,
as always, support the Middle East peace process andjoin hands with Arab
nations, including Tunisia, to continue to work to help ease the regional
tension and promote an early settlement of the issue.

Jiang flew in Tunis earlier Tuesday from Abuja of Nigeria   for his state
visit as guest of Ben Ali.

Tunisia is the fourth leg of Jiang's two-week five-nation trip, which will
finally take him to Iran  on April 18. Jiang had just ended his state visit
to Germany, Libya and Nigeria.

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Worldwide Protests Condemn U.S. and Israel - List of World WideActions! [WWW.STO

2002-04-18 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:34 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Worldwide Protests Condemn U.S. and Israel - List of World

From: poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] Worldwide Protests Condemn U.S. and Israel -
List of World Wide Actions!

Worldwide Protests Condemn U.S. and Israel
Revolutionary Worker #1147, April 21, 2002, posted at

Outrage at the brutal Israeli/U.S. attacks and massacres of Palestinian
people has ignited mass protests on every continent.

The Moroccan capital of Rabat had the biggest protest in its history. At
least a million people marched Sunday, April 7, the day before U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell came to town. In Jordan, there have been
literally hundreds of demonstrations, including an attack on the Israeli
embassy on April 5.

In Cairo, the capital of Egypt , 80,000 people marched to support the
Palestinian people on March 31. The next day, students took to the streets,
charging the Israeli embassy and fighting running battles with the police.
University, high school and middle school students were joined by many
others in the fiercest demonstration since the 1991 Gulf War. There have
also been protests by the Lawyers' Syndicate and other professional
organizations in Egypt.

In Lebanon , where thousands of Palestinian refugees live, protesters burned
tires in the streets. The government was forced to allow protests in the
refugee camps for the first time in years.

Many protests have targeted the U.S. as well as Israel. McDonald's and KFC
restaurants were destroyed in Cairo and protesters have burned U.S. flags
throughout the Middle East.

Bahrain , a series of islands in the Persian Gulf with a population of
700,000, is the home of the U.S. 5th Fleet. On March 30, 7,000 protesters
marched on Palestinian Land Day. Taking part in such a demonstration is the
least anyone can do, one 43-year-old man told reporters. We are ready to
give up our lives. The next week, demonstrators attacked the U.S. embassy
with rocks and Molotov cocktails. One protester died after being hit in the
head by a projectile fired from the embassy.

Big marches occurred in Sohag and Alexandria, Egypt ; in many cities in
Saudi Arabia ; in the Arab countries of Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and
Tunisia . In Kuwait , 4,000 people gathered in the capital and chanted
Death to Israel and Death to the U.S.

In dozens of U.S. towns, large and small, diverse groups have protested
Israeli atrocities.

As George Bush and Tony Blair met in Crawford, Texas , to plan more crimes
against humanity, several hundred gathered at a community center to protest.

Militant demonstrations have rocked the campus of UC Berkeley . On April 2,
hundreds took the streets and marched to a major intersection and blocked
traffic for hours. A Palestinian youth whose family lives in Ramallah later
wrote, When I saw that a lot of the protesters last night were Americans
and Jews, something inside filled me with spirit and happiness to the sight
of diverse races and religions helping the Palestinian cause.

On April 9, in remembrance of the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre in which over
250 Palestinians were murdered by Zionist gangs, 1,500 people gathered in
Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley. After a rally and march, 250 people occupied
Wheeler Hall. An RCYB member who was arrested with 78 others in the hall
reported: The Students for Justice in Palestine, the group that organized
the day, issued a list of demands and insisted on negotiating with the
Chancellor. They called out the University of California for supporting
Israel and demanded it begin divesting immediately. When the Vice Chancellor
came to threaten us with suspension or possibly expulsion if we continued to
occupy the building, we countered his threats with determined resistance and
80 of us stayed inside, sat down, and linked arms.

The next day a coalition of labor unions and Jewish Voice for Peace had a
picket and sit-in at the Israeli consulate in San Francisco , where at least
20 were arrested.

Thousands have marched in Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, Boston, Chicago,
Houston and Atlanta . There have been almost daily protests at Times Square
in New York , including actions of over 2,000 people. Protest actions have
happened in Atlanta, Kansas City, Missouri; Austin, Texas; Lansing,
Michigan; Santa Clara, California; Dearborn, Michigan; and Dayton, Ohio .

Cornel West, Harvard professor and prominent Black author and Rabbi Michael
Lerner of Tikkun , a liberal Jewish journal, were part of a group of 26
activists who were arrested on April 11 while blocking the street in front
of the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. The protesters were
demanding that the 

Argentina: Unpaid Clothing Workers Seize Control of Factory [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 4:53 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Argentina. Brukman story


Subject: [Arg_Solid] brukman story (fwd)

[Editor's Note:  I deleted stray html code from message for easier
Subject: brukman story

As Argentine crisis deepens, workers seize failing firms

By Leslie Moore, Globe Correspondent, 4/7/2002

BUENOS AIRES - It's a takeover toasted by Argentina's activists and media: A
heroic story of seamstresses' trumping the bosses by seizing the factory
floor after their demands went unmet.

In the fading garment district of Barrio Once, about 35 workers have staged
a sit-in, refusing to budge until they get back wages they say they deserve.
Amid Argentina's recent economic and political upheavals, the seamstresses
have become poster women for worker defiance and a sign of the extremes
taken to earn a livelihood at a time when the nation's unemployment rate
exceeds 20 percent.

Photos and footage of the seamstresses hugging and mugging for cameras and
stooping over sewing machines have played from Buenos Aires to Patagonia,
and the group has attracted attention from media outlets in Europe and North
America. Activists around the country and world are latching onto the
seamstresses' cause as proof that worker resistance can blossom even in
ravaged Argentina.

`'If they win, all workers of Argentina win,'' said Ana Dossantos, a member
of the communist-influenced Workers' Party. `'It's an answer to the crisis
in Argentina.''

A six-member team of garment workers called the Commission of Internal
Struggle makes management decisions. Seamstress leaders say they set - and
live by - budgets, buy goods from suppliers, and deal directly with
customers. Profits from the stock of men's suits, leaders say, are shared
equally between all workers. To ward off police who may try again to kick
them out, as they did last month, the women sleep in shifts on factory

Jacobo Brukman and his two brothers, Enrique and Mario, who own and operate
the 51-year-old factory, once enjoyed licensing agreements with Christian
Dior and Pierre Cardin. But in the 1990s, Argentina's strong peso shrank the
wholesaler's export demand. And the country's grinding four-year recession
has cut domestic sales. By 2001 the company notified creditors that the
company was on the edge of bankruptcy, said Jaime Muszkat, the brothers'
attorney. Creditors now partly manage the company.

But Muszkat insisted that the factory is hostage to Argentina's politics and
a victim of media that prefer a story of heroics to truth-telling. He said
the brothers have been banished from entering their property and have no
idea how much merchandise remains.

`'We have a business that has been hijacked,'' said Jaime Muszkat. ''The
workers are staging a big show of tears, and it's all a lie.''

On this the two sides agree: For two weeks straight last fall, the cash-poor
company paid employees about $5 for a week's work, adding to the poor labor
relations at the factory. By Dec. 18 a faction of outraged workers had had
enough. When they went to confront the brothers in their first-floor
offices, they and other office workers had vanished, protesting workers say.
They believe the bosses disappeared to avoid a tussle over wages.

Muszkat insists that workers locked out the three owner-brothers and names
other employees who have boycotted the sit-in. Government limits on bank
withdrawals, known as the corralito, forced the brothers to pay workers less
than they were owed because they had no access to cash, he said, not
disputing the roughly $5 wages for five days of 9-hour shifts. The
corralito, which began Dec. 5, capped weekly bank cash withdrawals at $250
per week.

''No one had cash in the first two weeks of December,'' he added. ''This is
exploitation of the owners. We're talking about a political doctrine [from]
groups of the extreme left. It's absolutely crazy.''

Workers want the government to take over the company so long as it gives
them a promise of lifelong job security. `'There are 33 hospitals in Buenos
Aires that need sheets. We can provide them,'' said Celia Martinez Otozo, a
catalyst behind the squatters' movement.

`'Before they said they had no money to pay, but now we see that the clothes
were being sold and that there is money.'' Martinez said workers have paid
thousands of dollars in overdue utility and gas bills that management left

Workers' say their lives are better since they became their own bosses. They
say they pocket about 10 times more money weekly. Lunch before was a cheese
sandwich, eaten in 15 minutes at their sewing machines. Now they take an
hour break and cook meals of lentil stew or polenta in the factory's

Pakistan. Communist Workers and Peasants Party. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 4:48 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Pakistan. Communist Workers and Peasants Party.

From: Taimur Rahman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Communist Workers and Peasants Party Pakistan

Comrades, please help to distribute news of our struggle in Pakistan.

In solidarity

Charsada (Hashtnagar)

An Anti-Terrorist Act Case Has Been Registered Against CMKP General
Secretary, Afzal Khamosh

Detailed report by Syed Azeem, Punjab President, Communist Mazdoor

During the 1970s a number of peasant struggles started in Pakistan,
were mainly organized by the Communists. The most successful and
land-grab by the peasants took place in Hashtnangar, an area close to
Pak-Afghan border in the province of NWFP. Organized by the then Mazdoor
Kissan Party (MKP), the peasants were able to liberate this area from
lords, who brutally oppressed the poor peasants and had the backing of
state. Since those days, Hashtnagar remains to be a liberated area
several attempts by the feudal lords and state to eject the peasants.
the sincere leadership of the Communist Workers Peasants Party (CMKP),
peasants remain united and steadfast. Almost 300 people have lost their
lives in thirty years of conflict but the peasants are not ready to give
the lands that provide food and shelter for their families.

Recently, another attempt by the feudals, in connivance with the state
machinery, is in progress to forcefully evict the poor peasants from the
lands of Charasada (Hashtnangar). Eager to use the so-called
War-Against-Terrorism hysteria, the military and feudals are eyeing to
only takeover the lands of Hashtnagar (in NWFP), Okkara, Khanewal,
and Pak-pattan (in Punjab), but also to reverse many gains made by the
peasant movement in Pakistan. After putting up a show of cracking down
terrorists to please his masters in United States, the current
President of
Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, wants to use the anti-terrorism slogan to
clean-up all opposition against him. The state - a nexus between the
capitalists, feudals, civil and military bureaucracy - has taken action
against religious extremist outfits only for the time being to appease
opinion. In actuality, it is afraid of the working-class movement in
Pakistan, which has a glorious past of struggle. The Communist
Workers-Peasants Party (CMKP), in the immediate aftermath of September
had declared its apprehensions that President Musharraf will use the
war-on-terror propaganda, created and supplied by US imperialism all
the world, as a weapon against true anti-imperialist and working-class
forces in Pakistan.

Now that the extremist religious parties, created and organized by a
venture of US imperialism and Pakistani establishment, are rapidly
dissolving into political nonentities, the ground for the forces of left
Pakistan are wide open. Now the next enemy of US imperialism in the
are the forces that have refused to accept the new Afghan setup and also
know how to fight US imperialism on scientific footings. In Afghanistan,
two Maoist organizations, that have refused to accept the puppet setup
by Hamid Karzai and threatened to fight against it, are Afghan
Organization (ALO) and Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan
(RAWA). Their closest ally in Pakistan is the Communist Workers Peasants
Party (CMKP), which has also made it clear several times that it would
let US imperialism stand in the way of obstructing the right of peoples
Pakistan and Afghanistan in choosing their own destiny. Soon enough, a
poison will be injected into Pakistan's economy in the form of
assistance and aid, not only to reward the Pakistani establishment
assisting the US-led world coalition but primarily to preserve the
corrupt, exploitative, yet compliant status quo. CMKP has set the
once again, to rise to the occasion against this status quo. The state
its allies have registered cases against the leaders and cadres of CMKP.
Here starts a new phase of struggle at hand.

As mentioned earlier, in 1970s the peasants of Hashtnagar, organized
the leadership of the then MKP, defeated the feudal lords. Now the
establishment, which is just another tool of US imperialism, is raising
hue and cry on the forced takeover of land by the peasants. CMKP was
to realize that the anti-terrorist laws will be used against the party
the peasants. Therefore, they mobilized the peasantry in the area and
instructed them not to use weapons except as a last resort. This 

Palestine. More victims of the War on Terror in the West Bank [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Palestine. More victims of the War on Terror in the West Bank

From: Macdonald Stainsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [R-G] More victims of the War on Terror in the West Bank

Reuters. 16 April 2002. Children's Corpses Legacy of West Bank City

NABLUS -- The dusty corpses of the al-Shabi children are frozen in time,
testimony to their last moments of life in the battle-scarred ancient
quarter of this Palestinian city in the West Bank.

Seven-year old Azam's arms cover his head as if he was trying to shield
himself from the rubble of his home as it came crashing down, killing
him and seven other members of his family more than a week ago during an
Israeli military offensive.

His four-year-old sister Anis has her little fists clenched to her
stomach. She is curled up, still dressed in her green sport shirt and

They were all together in a bombed building in the old city, said Anan
Qadri, the head of the emergency medical committee in Nablus. The
Israelis destroyed their house in a missile attack and then destroyed it
with bulldozers.

The eight members of the al-Shabi family were among 71 Palestinians
killed in Nablus during the Israeli sweep since April 3, according to
Nablus's Rafidia Hospital records obtained by Reuters.

Israeli armored personnel carriers and tanks churned up the hilly
streets of the West Bank's largest Palestinian city on Tuesday,
enforcing reoccupation.

Qadri had no breakdown for the number of gunmen and civilians killed in
Nablus. We are still working on this but many of them are civilians,
she said.

The military curfew imposed on the more than 100,000 residents of Nablus
has grisly implications in a city where tradition calls for mass public
burials and three-day condolence visits.

We have to prepare the tombs, and the families have to come but we are
under curfew, said Qadri. The Israeli liaison officer said we will
allow you to only bury them one by one, so we refused.

This means that the bodies of the Shabi family and 25 other Palestinians
are kept in a refrigerated dairy truck in a parking lot behind the
hospital because the mortuary is overflowing with even more corpses.

Good health and strength! the advertisement on the side of the truck
says above a collage of colored milk cartons in vivid colors. A
generator hums softly next to the vehicle, keeping its contents cold.

The dead are being lowered into shallow temporary graves, covered in
palm leaves in the Islamic tradition. Three corpses have been buried in
the hospital garden.

And in the old quarter of Nablus, stone steps lead up a narrow alley
toward a wooden door between houses with arched windows their residents
say are centuries old. The door swings open onto a lilac-scented garden.

Under the shade of lush almond and peach trees, two indentations in the
ground mark the spot where 13 Palestinians have been buried in a
temporary mass grave.

Palm fronds fan across the soil. Two military-style olive green
overcoats are splayed in the dirt, riddled with what look like shrapnel

We buried them here, said Nafez Eissa, whose home opens up onto the
garden. We will dig them up when the Israeli army withdraws and give
them a decent burial in the cemetery.

And in the Askar refugee camp near Nablus, the Abu Aisha family buried
their 11-year old son Qusay near their home. He was shot dead with two
bullets in his chest during the Israeli army incursion into the camp on

Inside the Old City, known locally as the Casbah, or bazaar, hundreds of
fighters mingled with Palestinian police and security forces of Arafat's
Palestinian Authority in preparation before the Israeli incursion.

Graffiti on the walls urging more militant attacks is scrawled next to
signs which urge residents not to park in driveways.

Blood stains spatter the rubble in front of scorched groceries and
shops. The facades of houses are busted through with gaping holes
residents say were made by helicopter rocket attacks.

Bomb-blasted buildings have been reduced to mounds of yellow stone and

The door of the 300-year old Al-Beik mosque in the old quarter is
spattered with blood from the dead and injured who were brought into the
prayer room, which was transformed into a temporary operating theater
and first aid station.

Blood-caked surgical instruments soak in dirty water, and plastic
sheeting covers the floors under the mosque's sparkling chandeliers.

Israeli tanks had sealed off the narrow alleyways into the old quarter
during days of fierce fighting.

After the incursion we turned the mosque into a hospital, said Doctor
Tawfik Ghazal. We could not evacuate injured Palestinians from the old

Mass organisations condemn Israel's military raids on Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


The Vietnam Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian people and the
Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations held a special meeting on
Palestine in Hanoi on April 16, vehemently condemning Israel's military
attacks on Palestine.

The statement says:

We, representatives of the Vietnamese people, strongly condemn Israel's
brutal military aggression against the Palestinian people. The Israeli army
has killed many civilians including women and children, destroyed public
infrastructure works, and laid siege to and intimidated Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat. Israel's continuation of its all-out war is an
attempt to put an end to the Palestinian State. It threatens the security of
the entire Middle East.

We demand that Israel put an immediate end to its military strikes and
withdraw at once its troops and weapon from the territories it has occupied
in Palestine. We demand that Israel strictly observe principles of
International law, the United Nations and the UN Security Council
Resolutions on the Middle East, and other international documents on human

We take this opportunity to express the consistent solidarity of the
Vietnamese people with the Palestinian people and to assert our firm support
for the just struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of
President Arafat for the right to self-determination for an independent,
sovereign state and for the sacred right to live in their motherland.

Also today, more than 500 people representing Ho Chi Minh City's people of
all walks of life gathered at a meeting at the City's Friendship House to
condemn Israel's military attacks on Palestine and to celebrate the 53rd
anniversary of the World Peace Movement.

The meeting was organised by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations
and the Ho Chi Minh City Peace Committee.

The participants also expressed their solidarity with and support for the
Palestinian people's just cause led by President Arafat for peace in the
Middle East and the world at large. (VNA)

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The Ruins of Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] The Ruins of Jenin

-- Forwarded Message
From: Louis Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 23:43:45 -0700
To: Earth First! alert [EMAIL PROTECTED], Berkeley Stop
the War Discussion List  [EMAIL PROTECTED], Coalition to End
the Sanctions against Iraq [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eastbay Coalition
[EMAIL PROTECTED], iac discussion
Subject: [EF!] The Ruins of Jenin

From the FreePalestine e-list:

Amid the ruins of Jenin, the
grisly evidence of a war crime
Phil Reeves in Jenin
16 April 2002

A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover
up for a fortnight hasfinally been exposed. Its troops
have caused devastation in the centre of the Jenin
refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent,
where thousands of people are still living amid the ruins.

A residential area roughly 160,000 square yards about a third of a mile
has been reduced to dust. Rubble has been shovelled by bulldozers into
piles. The sweet and ghastly reek of rotting human bodies is everywhere,

evidence that it is a human tomb. The people, who spent days hiding in
basements crowded into single rooms as the rockets pounded in, say there
hundreds of corpses, entombed beneath the dust, under a field of debris,

criss-crossed with tank and bulldozer treadmarks.

In one nearby half-wrecked building, gutted by fire, lies the fly-blown
of a man covered by a tartan rug. In another we found the remains of
23-year-old Ashraf Abu Hejar beneath the ruins of a fire-blackened room
collapsed on him after being hit by a rocket. His head is shrunken and
blackened. In a third, five long-dead men lay under blankets.

A quiet. sad-looking young man called Kamal Anis led us across the
littered now with detritus of what were once households, foam rubber,
clothes, shoes, tin cans, children's toys. He suddenly stopped. This was
a mass
grave, he said, pointing.

We stared at a mound of debris. Here, he said, he saw the Israeli
soldiers pile
30 bodies beneath a half-wrecked house. When the pile was complete, they

bulldozed the building, bringing its ruins down on the corpses. Then
flattened the area with a tank. We could not see the bodies. But we
could smell

A few days ago, we might not have believed Kamal Anis. But the
given by the many other refugees who escaped from Jenin camp were
not, as many feared and Israel encouraged us to believe, exaggerations.
Their s
tories had not prepared me for what I saw yesterday. I believe them now.

Until two weeks ago, there were several hundred tightly-packed homes in
neighbourhood called Hanat al-Hawashim. They no longer exist.

Around the central ruins, there are many hundreds of half-wrecked homes.
of the camp - once home to 15,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war
- is
falling down. Every wall is speckled and torn with bullet holes and
testimony of the awesome, random firepower of Cobra and Apache
helicopters that
hovered over the camp.

Building after building has been torn apart, their contents of cheap
furnishings, mattresses, white plastic chairs spewed out into the road.
other building bears the giant, charred, impact mark of a helicopter
Last night there were still many families and weeping children still
amid the ruins, cut off from the humanitarian aid. Ominously, we found
wounded, although there was a report of a man being rescued from beneath
only an hour before we arrived.

Those who did not flee the camp, or not detained by the army, have spent
bombardment in basements, enduring day after day of terror. Some were
into rooms by the soldiers, who smashed their way into houses through
walls. The UN says half of the camp's 15,000 residents were under 18. As
evening hush fell over these killing fields, we could suddenly hear the
children chattering. The mosques, once so noisy at prayer time, were

Israel was still trying to conceal these scenes yesterday. It had
refused entry
to Red Cross ambulances for nearly a week, in violation of the Geneva
Convention. Yesterday it continued to try to keep us out.

Jenin, in the northern end of the occupied West Bank, remained a closed

military zone, was ringed Merkava tanks, army Jeep patrols, and
personnel carriers. Reporters caught trying to get in were escorted out.
A day
earlier the Israeli armed forces took in a few selected journalists to
sanitised parts of the camp. We simply walked across the fields, flitted

US workers support struggle in Italy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-17 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] WARNING FROM AMERICAN WORKERS

-- Forwarded Message
From: Michelle Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 19:57:16 -0500


 As Italian workers contemplate whether or not to participate in the
upcoming General Strike called by CGIL, CISL, UIL and other labor unions
throughout Italy, we, the undersigned workers from the United States,
support and encourage Italian workers to fight the Americanization of
Italian labor law!

 In the United States today, it is estimated that roughly 90 percent of
all workers live under some form of the constricting legal doctrine called
at-will employment.  It is clear from the Italian government's plan that
this American-style at-will employment is the ultimate aim of Berlusconi's
desire to re-write Article 18 of the Italian Constitution, etc.

 Being an at-will employee in the United States means that you are
employed as, and thus live as, a slave.  As an at-will employee you
function at the arbitrary desire of your supervisor.  If your boss
doesn't like the color of your shirt, you can be fired with no legal
recourse.  Living as an at-will employee means living with the constant
fear that at any minute the livelihood and survival of your family is at

 During the winter of 2000, after 143 steelworkers in Duluth,
Minnesota, in the USA, declared a strike against a local steel foundry owned
by a company also operating in Italy, we appealed for solidarity
from the Italian workers employed by the company, known at the time
as GST-Europa SpA.  To the amazement of hundreds of at-will
employees in Minnesota, workers at the GST-Europa foundry in
Mezzomerico (Novara) Italy declared a sympathy strike in solidarity with the
143 striking Duluth steelworkers.  If Berlusconi succeeds, the grueling
ten-month long strike endured by our neighbors - our brothers and sisters
and their families - in Minnesota is an example of what workers in Italy can
expect as their own future.  The multi-national corporation locked-out the
steelworkers from the Duluth factory without pay and without a guarantee of
returning to work for the entire duration of the ten-month long strike!  At
last report, only 30 steelworkers are now employed at the Duluth foundry and
the union is in disarray.

 We, labor-activists in the U.S., feel obligated to stand-up and offer
our solidarity to the workers of Italy in this fight for workers' rights.
Berlusconi's attack on labor is an attack upon our families and children, in
America as well as in Italy.  We must fight against these attacks.
At-will employment is horrible.  You must not allow it to become the legal
standard in Italy!  Please, strike and take to the streets on April 16th!

Juan Arroyo
[Los Angeles, California]

Sally Bebo-Anderson
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.525.2866

Mary Cain
[Cloquet, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.726.8297

Séamas Cain
[Cloquet, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.879.8628

Laverne Capan
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.724.2647

Tom Carr
[Oakland, California]

Tom Cornell
[Marlboro, New York]
   Phone:  845.236.2542

Rodger Cragun
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.727.2972

Linda Das-Gupta
[Superior, Wisconsin]
   Phone:  715.398.5494

Kevin Davis
[Carlton, Minnesota]

Sara Dunlap
[Brainerd, Minnesota]

Dylan Ellefson
[Los Angeles, California]

Peter L. Freeman
[West Liberty, West Virginia]

Tom Gilliam
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.727.4088

Patrick Halpin
[Warrensburg, Missouri]

Tom Heinonen
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.393.4672

Jeffrey Hilgert
[Duluth, Minnesota]

Lee Siu Hin
[Los Angeles, California}

Grace Hoff
[Lincoln, Nebraska]

Virginia Hyvarinen
[Cambridge, Massachusetts]

Helmut Jensen
[Cloquet, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.879.6058

Kathleen Johnson
[Stillwater, Minnesota]

Gary Kohls
[Duluth, Minnesota]
   Phone:  218.728.9756

Nick Levashov
[Devil's Lake, North Dakota]

Staughton Lynd
[Niles, Ohio]

Scott Mathern-Jacobson
[Duluth, Minnesota]

Catherine McDonald
[Duluth, Minnesota]

Rick Milanov
[Boston, Massachusetts]

Jeff Miller
[St. Paul, Minnesota]

soliderity message for Washington protest [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-16 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:46 AM
Subject: soliderity message




Dear Comrades,

We wholeheartedly support your campaign for the six point demands, which you are going
to raise by launching a street demonstration on the 20th April 2002. We are with you
in all your fights against the ruling imperialist clique of USA and the
Military-Industry complex for whom it works.

Your demand for a US foreign policy based upon social justice and not on military and
corporate oppression is a common demand for all peace loving democratic people of the
world. We also know that after the September 11 incidence, by using it as a pretext,
US ruling lobby has launched a very dangerous worldwide onslaught of state terrorism
and  is pushing the world towards an extremely dangerous possibility of a new world
war in this highly volatile atomic age. Our party supports the just demands of  The
Palestinian people, the people of Afghanistan and all anti-imperialist democratic
forces who are now engaged in a very unequal war and had to undergo immense suffering.
At the same time we also think private terrorism is neither an effective nor a
justified path of resistance against imperialism. We doubly condemn the heinous
attempts of state terrorism by US imperialism, a super power of the world against the
world's weakest states.

We also stand by the brave humanist tradition and democratic values of the general
American people on behalf of whom you have launched this campaign in support of the
innocent immigrants now facing cruel racial discrimination at the hands of the state
machinery of USA. We fully support the demands for transparency of all military
spending and researches by your Government in co-operation with higher educational
bodies. Your fight is very crucial and we would like you to know that together we all
are actually fighting the same global battle. Victory in this common battle will not
only decide the future of global peace but also determine whether the American people
will live in a different America fighting for peace and social justice or will
continue to suffer at the hands of a narrow ruling lobby representing a few warmongers
and a handful of multinational corporations, lusting for super profit!

Let People Raise Their Heads and Demand



·Social Justice



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World Bank, IMF threw Colombia into tailspin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-16 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] World Bank, IMF threw Colombia into tailspin

-- Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:56:32 +0300
Subject: [kominform2] World Bank, IMF threw Colombia into tailspin

From: Red Palante! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: World Bank, IMF threw Colombia into tailspin

World Bank, IMF threw Colombia into tailspin

By Tony Avirgan
Originally published April 4, 2002

WASHINGTON -- As the United States drifts deeper into the Colombian quagmire
of drugs and war, policy-makers need to take a new look at the problems of
poverty, joblessness and hopelessness that have made that country such a
trouble spot.

And if they explore how unemployment in Colombia nearly doubled from 10.5
percent in 1990 to 19.7 percent in 2000, they will find a surprising pair of
culprits -- not drug kingpins and leftist guerrillas, but the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund.

They sponsored draconian economic reforms that damaged the nation's
industries and agriculture.
The policies promoted by these international lenders, including privatizing
many industries and public services, eliminating subsidies of all kinds,
raising interest rates and cutting public services, thrust the economy into
a tailspin and wiped out tens of thousands of jobs.

A new report by the Medellin-based Global Policy Network (whose initials in
Spanish are ENS) paints a grim picture of where Colombia stands and how it
got there.

The devastating rise in unemployment has its roots in a series of economic
reforms initiated in 1990, with World Bank and IMF guidance, to meet the
demands of globalization.

In exchange for an IMF structural adjustment loan, Colombia agreed to
privatize many industries and public services, eliminate subsidies, increase
tariffs for public services, raise interest rates, downsize the public
sector and open the nation's economy to world competition.

Some Colombian officials feared the effects of a rising tide of imports. But
World Bank and IMF economists assured them that job gains in export
industries would more than make up for the inevitable job losses in domestic

As in other countries throughout the world, however, these assurances proved
empty. Colombia now imports far more than it exports, and unemployment has

Colombia's once-vital agricultural sector, which previously met the nation's
needs and exported the surplus, has been devastated.

The country has ceased to be self-sustaining, choosing to import what it
once exported, the ENS report says. Colombia now imports more than 6
million tons of food annually while 2 million acres of arable land lie idle.

The industrial sector has suffered a similar fate as a massive influx of
imports has swamped medium-size and small businesses.

This decline has, in turn, triggered a sharp reduction in the number of
salaried workers -- from 37.1 percent of the population in 1992 to 30.7
percent in 2000.

Virtually the only part of the Colombian economy that has expanded is the
least stable and productive for the economy as a whole.

This is the vast informal sector, which includes, at one end of the
spectrum, legitimate but low-paying self-employment such as street vending
and, at the other end, drug trafficking.

As a result of World Bank- and IMF-sponsored policies, per-capita income in
Colombia has plunged from $2,716 in 1997 to $1,890 currently.

Between 1997 and 2000, the percentage of Colombians living in poverty rose
from 50.3 percent to 60 percent.

When people have a choice of seeing their family starve or breaking the
law, laws against drug cultivation mean nothing and some people will take up
arms, argues Jose Luciano Sanin of the ENS.

The United States should not be surprised by the increase in drug
cultivation and trafficking. It is not a stretch to hold the World Bank,
despite its programs to promote alternative crop production, and the IMF at
least partially responsible.

Tony Avirgan is global policy coordinator for the Economic Policy Institute,
a Washington-based economic think tank.

Copyright © 2002, The Baltimore Sun

Red Palante!
Comunicacion Alternativa y
Resistencia Cultural


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081

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CP of Greece, Address to the International Conference of Solidarity to the Pales

2002-04-16 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Address to the International Conference of Solidarity to the
Palestinian People, Cyprus,Nicosia 5-6 April 2002
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors.
Join the mailing list: info/subscribe/unsubscribe
 CP of Greece, Address to the International Conference of Solidarity to
the Palestinian People, Cyprus,
 Nicosia 5-6 April 2002
   From: Communist Party of Greece, Tue, 16 Apr 2002 , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Address of Costas Alissandrakis
 Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece and of
the European Parliament to the International Conference of Solidarity to
 the Palestinian People
 Nicosia, 5-6 April 2002

Dear friends and comrades,
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece, I
would like to thank AKEL for its initiative to organize this
international conference of solidarity to the Palestinian people and for
inviting our party.

It is worth noting not only the time, but also the place where this
conference is being held. The heroic island of Cyprus is also, in part,
under foreign occupation. Of course, the Turkish troops are not inside
the presidential building of the Republic of Cyprus, still they are only
a few kilometers away, at the other side of the green line that cuts in
two the historic city of Nicosia and the entire island. Our party has
always been for a solution of the Cyprus question and the termination of
foreign occupation according to the resolutions of the United Nations.

Dear friends and comrades,

Until ten days ago one could speak of the barbarity of the state of
Israel. Until ten days ago one could speak about genocide against the
Palestinian people, about war crimes, about state terrorism. One could
also speak about the heroic struggle of the people of Palestine who, at
the face of a fully armed opponent, stand with their bare hands and
their soul.

Today, one weak after the new invasion of the Israeli army in Ramallah,
words such as the above are incapable of describing the reality, which
by far surpasses what we have witnessed so far. The attacking, as well
as the attacked side, have both exceeded themselves, the former in
barbarity and the latter in heroism, endurance, selflessness, and belief
in the right of their cause. The besieged free people of Ramallah, first
of all President Arafat, show to the entire world what a small people
who, using the words of our poet Yannis Ritsos «fights for the bread of
the entire world, for light and for song», can do. At this point, I wish
to express our unlimited solidarity to the struggle of the Palestinian
people for their own motherland, for peace and for life, as well as to
president Arafat.

The events in Palestine, as well as the boundless imperialist aggression
that we are facing during the last years, cannot but induce us to remark
how different the world is today, without the Soviet Union and the
international socialist community. The so-called «new world order» is
particularly inventive in continuous transfigurations, one more dreadful
that the other.

The massacre of Palestine is taking place, once more, under the cold and
indifferent eyes of the so-called «international community». We heard
the president of the U.S. yesterday to accept all the arguments that
Israel employs to justify its horrendous acts and, at the end, to ask
Israel to gradually withdraw its armed forces from the Palestinian
towns! No further proof is necessary for one to realize who is behind
the Israeli agression, where from do the criminal Sharon and his
government draw their power to murder civilians and to destroy the vital
infrastructure of the Palestinian land. The outcome of the suicide
attacks that cause civilian deaths is certainly appalling, but this can
in no way be put on an equal footing with the murder of civilians by an
organized state, nor can it be placed at the same level as the
executions of leaders of Palestinian organizations. Concerning the
friendly advice of the head of the biggest terrorist organization of the
world towards his collaborators, it is probably in the framework of
seeking Arab support for his adventurist plans against Iraq, Iran and

Communist Party of Turkey speech to Balkan AntiNATO Coordination Centre [WWW.STO

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis  Action ... ]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: CP of Turkey, ,Speech to the BAN-c Meeting March 2002
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors.
Join the mailing list: info/subscribe/unsubscribe
 CP of Turkey, ,Speech to the BAN-c Meeting March 2002
   From: Communist Party of Turkey, Mon, 15 Apr 2002

Balkan AntiNATO Coordination Center BAN-c
Views and actions of Balkan movements
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The Ban-C Meeting-March 2002
Dear comrades,

It is a pleasure for me and my comrades to be in this lovely city again,
although we would all prefer to be here under the circumstances where
there existed no NATO, no imperialism, no destructive weapons and no
exploitation. Well, let's continue to work for this, for cleaning up
this beautiful region, the Balkans.

I will try to deal on both issues namely the role of Turkey in NATO's
enlargement process and the recent development on the Cyprus problem.

Dear friends and comrades,

You already know that the U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney came to Turkey
after visiting several countries in the Middle East. Communist Party of
Turkey and some other anti-imperialist forces organized demonstrations
in very hard conditions when thousands of special police units and their
fellow CIA personnel invaded Ankara and other cities. Our task was and
still is to prevent a new war against Iraq.

The first results of Cheney's visit might easily make us relieved, as
all the leaders of different countries that he met openly criticized a
possible military operation to Iraq. However one must take into account
that, it is not easy to know what happened behind the closed doors.
There is no official joint statement on the issue, there is only rumor
and speculation. Thus, we have to be clever enough to work on details
which are in total a clear evidence that there is a very dirty
bargaining going on between the United States and it allies in the

As the Communist Party of Turkey, we have been trying to focus on this
bargain since last December when Turkish government announced that «U.S.
should take into account the losses of Turkey during the Gulf War». Then
the government added that they cannot accept an independent Kurdish
state in Northern Iraq.

I don't think that there is a need to say something about my countries
relation with U.S imperialism. This relation became even more close
after the 11th of September events. Objectively speaking, there is a
limit for the capitalist Turkey to resist a specific U.S. plan. It
should be clear that, the Turkish government's concern about a military
operation to Iraq is real. However their strong inclination to play the
major role in U.S initiatives in the region is something more actual. So
the bargaining points here are the following:

· To increase the price for participating a war against Iraq.
· To overcome the effective obstacle of a lobby in U.S. Senate which
does not permit some hi-tech weapons to be sold to Turkey.
· To get the support of U.S. to organize a security belt or even an
occupied region inside Iraq.

Every day we have to read several articles in the daily press about the
developments on these three issues. Although the public opinion is
against a new war, we already know that this might easily change over a

Plus the monopolies don't care the public opinion when they realize
that, there is no organized action against their projects.

A few words should be said here about the NATO influence in the
Caucasian republics and the Central Asia. If we realize what Turkey is
doing in that area clearly, than we will be aware of the real
possibility of an aggression against Iraq. Turkish military is playing a
very important role in the enlargement process of NATO in the region.
Just one year ago in the Ban-C meeting I did have a chance to give
examples of Turkish Army's engagement in the Balkans and in Azerbaijan.
It is pity that now I have to speak about a broader area. Please 

South Africa. COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: [kominform2] South Africa. COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies

From: Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [L-I] COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies

Speech by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) President Willie
Madisha on the Occasion of the Protest March to the Israeli and US
Embassies - Pretoria 12 April 2002

Leaders of the South African Communist Party, ANC and
SANCO Comrades and friends!

Dear comrades,

Never has silenced being so deafening!

Never has state terrorism been condoned in the face of
many wars that are being fought under the banner of anti-

In the history of humankind, never have we seen so many
people being maimed and the rest of the international
community digging their heads in the sand.

When the UN, through a resolution, called for the founding
of the Palestinian state, never did the world suspect that it
would amount to savage attacks, maiming of women and
children, bombing of infrastructure and anarchy. Since
1948, the Palestinian people have been in struggle to
ensure that they stay like all of humanity in a country that
they will call their home.

In the same period, the Israeli regimes have fought to deny
the Palestinian people this important birthright.
Notwithstanding the aggression the Israeli has pursued
against the innocent, they have intensified their action and
seized more land in 1967 following the war that took place.

For the last 18 months the Palestinian people have been
intensifying the offensive against the apartheid Israeli to
ensure that their dreams for a free Palestine are realized.
The Arial Sharon regime responded with army tanks,
missiles and other forms of heavy military artillery, which
has seen young children and innocent civilian killed.

The UN for its part is guilty of failing to stop the genocide
against the Palestinians. It possesses both the moral and
political responsibility to ensure that the people of Palestine
are given what is due to them. The UN Security Council
resolutions, as well as the general assembly, have been
violated for decades and have not done anything to punish
Israel. In spite of the UN resolution that calls on Israel to
stop its occupation of Gaza strip and West Bank, the UN
has not taken action as it did in Iraqi dispute.

Millions of Palestinians have been forced into exile.
Whereas people of Jewish origin are allowed into Israel
from wherever they are under the Law of Return, the
people of Palestine who are in exile are being denied the
right of return to their motherland through the same Law of

The US has been pumping 5 billion US dollars annually and
arming the apartheid Israel against the Palestinians. It is
these billions of dollars that have killed more than 2000
young people mostly under the age of 15. Arial Sharon has
the full support of the US.

In March, the military forces attacked the headquarters of
the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions
(PGFTU). This is a clear case of state terrorism and has
treated everybody in the world with contempt.

In South Africa we have a direct experience of a similar
situation to that of the Middle East.

We expect the same solidarity that was expressed with us
from the world. On our part, while we call for a cessation of
hostilities, we want to make it clear that in this case, Sharon
and his surrogates are aggressors. We call on the Israel to
withdraw its forces from all occupied Palestine land.

We demand that Sharon open negotiations with the leaders
of the PLO, President Arafat and stop the siege in his
headquarters of Ramallah which he has been secluded for
the last 4 months. If they dare kill Arafat, there would not be
peace in the Middle East because of the vacuum that will

COSATU side by side with its alliance partners will be
mobilizing the co-ordinating other action with the
international trade union movement as a whole to ensure
that all the demands for a free Palestine are realized.

Viva PLO!
Viva Yasser Arafat!

Patrick Craven and Moloto Mothapo
Acting COSATU Spokespersons



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Argentina. Workers Controlled Factories Declaration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 9:18 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Argentina. Workers Controlled Factories Declaration


Subject: [Arg_Solid] Argentina: Workers Controlled Factories Declaration


Faced with any attempt of ouster and repression, we call for the defense of
the occupations of factories and businesses. Our struggle is fraternal with
all workers and  people against unemployment, the high cost of living and
the robbery by the bankers and government of our small savings.

Business closings are multiplying. Employers and government cannot assure
production and work. On the contrary, in January there were a thousand
layoffs every day. In February it rose to two thousand a day. In March the
figure is growing as already 65 thousand are in the street. Since the year
began they have laid off one worker every minute! The International Monetary
Fund in addition demands layoffs of state workers in the provinces.

In Brukman Clothing in Buenos Aires, in Zanon Ceramics in Neuquen, in the
metal facotry La Baskonia in La Matanza, in other facotries and businesses a
new road is being tried: occupy the instalations so that there is not one
more layoff.  In Zanon and Brukman we call for the State to take over under
workers control.

But we are not waiting with our arms crossed for the State to take charge.
The plants are functioning under workers control and our administration

In many other enterprises, companeros are trying to form workers
cooperatives, when the employers walk away and empty out the factory. We
exercise and defend the right of workers to take in their own hands the
resolution of the social disaster of increasing unemployment.

We should follow the example of the Neighborhood Assemblies  that mobilized
when the police attempted to oust the workers of Brukman: We formed a great
solidarity network with the neighborhood assemblies and with the university
and high school students. Everyone who participates in the event of April
13th is commited to going out in support of all the occupied factories: An
attack at one is an attack at all.

In our own defense and to extend our example to all those who want to rsist
clsures and layoffs, we are calling a Plenary or National Council to
coordinate the different enterprises where the workers have taken over their
workplace and are under workers control.

We do not only want to maintain  existing jobs, we want work for everyone.
There are more than three million companeros unemployed. The 150 pesos and
the social plans of Duhalde and his advisers are no solution because it
does not cover basic necessities and less than half the unemployed will be

We fight for the unity of employed and unemployed. That is why we
participated in the Piquetero Assemblies of Matanza and the National
Assembly in Plaza de Mayo sharing our struggle with the Bloque Piquetero

In Neuquen, the ceramic workers of Zanon and its union SOECN work side by
side with the Movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD). Together we demand
genuine work  with a plan of public works controlled by workers, for schools
to be built which students and teachers need. for public hosptials and homes
which the workers and people demand.

The workers of Brukman who put to work their plant believe believe that our
production would have more social meaning is we were sewing hospital sheets
of which there is shortage and school clothing for the children of our

We call for the movements of unemployed to fight for a program of genuine
work and to not participate in the Consultative Councils of the government
and the political henchmen.  We fight to put into practice regional
coordinating meetings between employed, unemployed, neighborhood asemblies,
and a new Natioal Assembly of Workers and Piqueteros, with delegates elected
in rank and file meetings at the workplace and neighborhoods, with a mandate
to plan for a national struggle for bread and work for everyone.

With the brutal rise in prices the wages of 8 million workers has been
reduced.  The leaders of the trade union federations do not support our
struggle against layoffs and closings. They leave the workers in the hands
of the social plans of Duahlde. Besides, they are allowing a scandelous
robbery to our wages and pensions without calling for a minimal struggle.
How much time do these leaders need to break the truce and their support to
this government of hunger?  How can we as workers get the great trade unions
on our side?

We address all those who work in industry and public services that can
paralyze the country  just as in the stoppogas against Dela 

Report: Nepal: 50 Police, 12 Rebels.killed in Clash [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Nepal. Over 50 policemen killed.

From: poblachtach dearg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] Nepal Peoples War News

AFP. 11 April 2002. Over 50 police killed in clashes with Maoist rebels
in Nepal.

KATHMANDU -- More than 50 policemen and 12 Maoist rebels were killed in
clashes in southwestern Nepal early Friday, officials said.

Nearly 3,000 Maoist rebels suddenly attacked two police posts at
Satbaria and Lamahi areas in Dang district late Thursday night which
continued until the early hours of Friday morning, a senior home
ministry official told AFP.

Dang is some 450 kilometres (281 miles) southwest of the capital,

There were 80 to 90 policemen stationed at the Lamahi police post where
heavy Maoist casualties were reported and the bodies of at least 12
rebels were recovered, the source said.

In this clash, more than 50 policemen are feared killed but we are
awaiting detailed reports, he said.

The source said the Satbaria police post, which was manned by around 100
armed policemen, was attacked by over a thousand rebels who looted
nearly 100 self-loading rifles (SLRs).


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Venezuela's Chavez Conciliatory as Coup Fails [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread Bill Howard


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.Venezuela's Chavez Conciliatory as Coup Fails
Sun Apr 14, 6:41 AM ET
By Jason Webb

CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Fiery Venezuelan populist
Hugo Chavez returned to the presidency in a conciliatory
mood on Sunday after a government set up following Friday's military coup collapsed in
the face of a rebellion by loyalist troops and massive protests.

The former paratrooper turned politician flew back from the Venezuelan island of La
Orchila where he had been held under arrest by military top brass who briefly ousted
him as leader of the world's fourth-largest oil-exporting nation in favor of
mild-mannered businessman Pedro Carmona.

Raising his fist in jubilation, a grinning Chavez, who first came to prominence as
leader of a failed coup attempt in 1992, advanced slowly through a tightly packed
crowd of chanting supporters toward the entrance of the Miraflores presidential palace
as a military band played.

In a largely conciliatory speech, Chavez later told a news conference he had not been
mistreated and recognized that both his government and his opponents had made

There isn't going to be any retaliation, no witch hunt.
I haven't any thirst for revenge, Chavez said, calling for his supporters who rioted
on the streets in support of his return on Saturday to go quietly back to their homes.

State prosecutors were interviewing Carmona and several
senior military officers at the Fuerte Tiuna military base,even though they were not
formally under arrest, Chavez's defense minister, Jose Vicente Rangel, said.

Carmona resigned on Saturday night after protests broke out in favor of Chavez, and
loyalist troops seized control of Miraflores.

Instantly returning to his old talkative form, Chavez gave a
rambling hourlong monologue that ended shortly before dawn
broke over the troubled capital. He illustrated his promises
of respect for the law by waving a small blue copy of the
country's constitution and held up a crucifix he had taken
with him into captivity.

He recalled how he had washed his own socks and underwear
and said the popular protests and army mutinies in his favor
marked a historic triumph for the Venezuelan people.

I never for a moment doubted that we would return.
But I never thought we would return so quickly, he said.

Statements by military generals that he had resigned and
asked to be sent abroad were lies, he said.

They put a piece of paper on the table saying Resign, but I said, I am a president
being held prisoner, but I am not resigning.

Rejoicing in their hero's return, thousands of ecstatic
Chavez supporters, mainly from Caracas' sprawling slums,
waved Venezuelan flags, chanted and pressed against the iron
fence around the presidential palace.

Sporadic violence continued in several parts of Venezuela's
chaotic tropical capital, where tens of thousands of angry
Chavez supporters took to the streets on Saturday to demand
the return of a leader they said had stood up for the poor.

In a day of chaos in which it was seldom clear who was
running the country, the Chavez supporters clashed with
police -- there were reports of several deaths -- and
stormed television stations that had been fiercely critical
of the populist leader.


Loyalist troops took control of the Miraflores palace and
waved their berets and weapons in salute as huge crowds
cheered them on.

Chavez's career had seemed to be finished early on Friday,
when the heads of the armed forces announced that he had
agreed to resign at their request following the deaths of at
least 11 unarmed anti-government protesters.[Cuban media indicates snipers hoping to
provoke the coup had fired on the demonstrators, and that pictures showing Chavez'
troops pointing guns were actually aiming at the snipers.]

The demonstrators -- among hundreds of thousands who marched to call for Chavez's
resignation on Thursday -- were killed by gunmen in civilian dress. The protest had
been sparked by a strike called by employees of the powerful state oil company, who
objected to Chavez's decision to fire their
board of directors.

Carmona's interim government blamed Chavez for the deaths,
said it was dismissing Congress and the Supreme Court and
would hold elections within a year.

The United States, which disliked Chavez for his friendship with Cuban President Fidel
Castro and fretted about his populist leadership of a country that is one of its
biggest oil suppliers, was clearly pleased to see the back of him.

U.S. officials said they considered there had been no coup.

The military officers behind Chavez's overthrow said they
merely had done their duty by protecting unarmed civilians.

Chavez, the 47-year old son of poor teachers, led troops in a failed coup attempt in

After his release from prison, he launched a legal political

UK: Angry scenes at anti-Israel demo . [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 5:24 AM
Subject: [kominform2] UK: Angry scenes at anti-Israel demo .


Subject: [Peoples War] UK: Angry scenes at anti-Israel demo - BBC

Saturday, 13 April, 2002, 21:13 GMT 22:13 UK

- The BBC's Fiona Werge:  2,000 peace activists, carrying food and medical
supplies, attempted to break the ring of israeli steel surrounding Jenin

Angry scenes at anti-Israel demo
Between 10-15,000 people joined the rally

Protesters have burned Israeli and American flags during angry scenes at a
pro-Palestinian demonstration in London.
Thousands of people peacefully attended the rally in Hyde Park to protest
against Israeli military action in the West Bank.

But some of the demonstrators tore and burnt Israeli and American flags as
they clambered up Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square.

You must raise your voice, but in a peaceful way
 Protester Mumtaz Ahmed

A petition is due to be handed into Downing Street later calling for
sanctions against Israel.

Police said about 10-15,000 people took part in the demonstration, which
began in Hyde Park and moved to Trafalgar Square.

But the organisers claim the figure was more than double that.

The rally comes after the Israel's ambassador in London was summoned to the
Foreign Office to explain his country's actions in the West Bank.

Scotland Yard said no arrests had been made during the peaceful protest.

The BBC's Martha Doyle said: Feelings are running high.

Intense emotions

People are very angry and upset about what is happening in the Middle East.

Protesters called for Israeli sanctions

Many people have relatives there.

I have spoken to men who have been in tears concerned for their relatives
and people suffering there, she said.

The protest's organiser, the Muslim Association of Britain, appealed for

But scores of people crammed into the centre of Trafalgar Square shouting:
Down with Israel.

Banners carried by protesters, some of whom were masked, read Free
Palestine - Victory to the Intifada and Stop Bush and Blair's War Drive.

Strong sentiments

Former MP Tony Benn said they were demonstrating for the right of the
Palestinians to be given their own state.

We are demonstrating against what President Bush called `a crusade' against
the Muslim world.

The only reason that Bush wants peace in Palestine is so that he can start
a war in Iraq.

Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn said: The message to Tony Blair is now clear, he
must stop speaking on behalf of George Bush and instead on behalf of peace
and justice in the Middle East.

Representatives of the Stop the War Coalition and CND were also expected to
be among the speakers.

Michel Massih, chairman of the Palestinian community in the UK, said
Christians, Muslims and a small number of Jews were among the protesters.

This demonstration reflects that right across the religious divide there is
widespread support for the Palestinian cause, he said.

A spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain, condemned the few
flag-burning incidents.

When you have thousands of people at such an event, there is always going
to be a minority who you cannot control, he said.

The most important thing at the end of the day is that we showed support to
the Palestinian people. It is not an issue of Muslims versus Jews, it is an
issue of human rights.

Mumtaz Ahmed, 45, a chartered accountant from Glasgow, put the flag-burning
down to a few frustrated youngsters.

You must raise your voice, but in a peaceful way.

Suicide bombing

Tensions escalated on Friday when a suicide bomber killed six Israelis in

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat made a statement condemning all terrorist
acts which target civilians.

Britain has called for the Israelis to withdraw, Downing Street has not yet
committed to a UN suggestion to send an international force into the

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw met the Israeli ambassador Zvi Shtauber on
Friday to express these concerns.

On Saturday Israeli forces reportedly made new incursions into Palestinian
territory on the West Bank.


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Russia, Belarus Move to Step Up Economic Integration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread Bill Howard


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.Russia, Belarus Move to Step Up Economic Integration.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarussian counterpart Alexander
Lukashenko agreed here Friday to take more steps to integrate the two
countries' economicsystems toward creating a final Union State.
They made the decision in a joint statement, which was releasedfollowing a
meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Russia and
Belarus on Friday. 
The two presidents, in their joint statement, stressed the needfor
additional measures for creating uniform economic expanse. Thetwo countries
are taking practical steps towards adopting unified economic policies and
creating equal conditions for the two economies.
Before introducing the single currency of the Union State, the Central Bank
of Russia and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus will pursue a
coordinated policy in order to stabilize theexchange rates of the Russian
and Belarussian rubles, said the statement.
In addition, the presidents signed a number of resolutions, specifically, on
the drafting of the Constitutional Act of the Union State, the procedure of
forming and fulfilling the budget ofthe Union State, the creation of equal
conditions in pricing, as well as on broadening cooperation in the gas
Upon the conclusion of the meeting, Putin announced that the Decree of the
Belarussian president lifting customs and tax benefits for Belarussian
economic subjects will go into effect from May 1.
The presidents reached an arrangement to spread domestic Russian tariffs for
energy to Belarus from May 1, 2002, and railway tariffs from July 1, 2002.
The Russian ruble will become the two nations' single currency in 2005.
The Belarussian president wound up his working visit to Russia and left
Moscow on Friday evening.


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US EU at odds over 'Permanent War Crimes Tribunal' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 9:06 PM
Subject: [kominform2] ICC Creation Pits US Against World.


Subject: [R-G] ICC Creation Pits US Against World - London Times

The London Times
 April 11, 2002

ICC Creation Pits US Against World

War crimes court pits United States against the world From James Bone in New
York THE United States will be put on a collision course with the rest of
the world today when at least seven countries gather for a ceremony at the
United Nations that will trigger the creation of the world's first permanent
international criminal court. After the statute of the new International
Criminal Court was adopted in Rome in 1998, diplomats believed that it could
take up to two decades to get the 60 ratifications needed for the new court
to come into being.

However, with Washington isolated in its opposition to the proposed new
permanent war crimes tribunal in The Hague, other countries have been
stampeding to show their support.

Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Ireland, Mongolia, Romania, and Slovakia have
all signalled their intention to deposit articles of ratification today,
which would push the Rome treaty over the threshold for the court to come
into existence. Niger, Jordan and the Democratic Republic of Congo have also
promised to ratify soon. Britain has ratified the treaty. From today Greece
will be the only European Union nation not to have ratified.

That is exceeding our expectations, Philippe Kirsch, the Canadian chairman
of preparatory negotiations, said. When we finished the conference in Rome,
the pessimists were saying 20 years and the optimists were saying ten years.
We will be under four years.

The result is that the Rome treaty will come into effect on July 1. After
that date, war criminals will be subject to the jurisdiction of the court.
The court itself is expected to be up and running in offices already set
aside in The Hague in the first three months of next year.

The court has the potential to be the most important human rights
instrument created in the last 50 years, Richard Dicker, of Human Rights
Watch, said. Building on Nuremberg, building and carrying further the work
of the Yugoslav and Rwanda tribunals, the court will limit the gross
impunity of the Pinochets, Saddam Husseins and Pol Pots of the future.

In a significant rift with its European allies, the Bush Administration
rejects the jurisdiction of the court and is actively considering
withdrawing former President Clinton's signature from the Rome treaty.

Republican politicians have floated a variety of possible retaliatory
measures in Congress, including one proposal that the United States be
willing to use force to free any American held by the court.

Washington fears that the new court does not have adequate safeguards to
prevent political prosecutions of American soldiers captured abroad. But US
servicemen will still be subject to the court's jurisdiction if their
alleged offences take place on the territory of a nation that has ratified
the treaty.

Iraq has not yet signed the treaty, but if it were to ratify it, US soldiers
participating in any alleged war crimes on Iraqi soil could be liable to
prosecution by the new court.

Israel, which followed the American lead in signing but not ratifying the
treaty, could face similar risk in military actions against any Arab
neighbours that ratify the treaty. Jordan is the only Arab country whose
ratification is considered imminent and there is legal controversy about
whether Palestinians could accede to it.

The court's proponents insist that it will act as a judicial, and not a
political, body. Under the principle of complementarity, the court will act
only when national legal systems are unwilling or unable to do so.
Prosecutions can be initiated only by the UN Security Council, by a
state-party or by an elected prosecutor, who must vet all decisions with a
pre-trial chamber.


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2002-04-12 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: Bruce K. Gagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 11:58 PM

NRO, Space Command, NASA Tout Common Language
  Of Space Supremacy at Conference

By Loring Wirbel (Colorado Springs, CO)

 The gloves are off in the wake of the war on terror, and the U.S.
Space Command, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and even NASA are
singing from a unified songbook that boasts of space supremacy.  At the
18th annual National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs in April, the
extent to which a new Cold War defines space priorities became abundantly

 While NRO, the nation's largest intelligence agency by budget, always
held a central role at the annual conference, its presence defined the
direction for military and civilian space communities alike at this year's
symposium.  Peter Teets, the former chief operating officer of
Lockheed-Martin, has been appointed to the dual roles of new NRO director
and Under Secretary of the Air Force.  In addition, Teets has been
designated as the primary procurement agent for the government responsible
for national-security space, the first time an NRO director has held this

 Teets and U.S. Space Command Commander in Chief Gen. Ed Eberhart were
not shy in reiterating the message that the U.S. controls the planet through
control of planetary space.  Teets updated an earlier saying of former NRO
Director Keith Hall by proclaiming that Afghanistan has reinforced
something about space dominance:  We have it, we like it, and we're going to
keep it.

 Civilian interests under NASA are bowing to the new realities of the
military setting the agenda.  NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe revealed that
the agency's top budget priority for fiscal 2003 will be to spend close to
$1 billion in nuclear propulsion, exploring both radioisotope thermal
generators such as those used for Cassini, as well as possible mini-reactors
for deep-space missions.  O'Keefe, a former Navy secretary and Pentagon
comptroller, also reiterated how well NASA had served the Pentagon in
providing imagery for the Afghan war, such as SeaWiFS and Terra spacecraft
images provided to the Navy.  O'Keefe said that NASA was looking forward to
providing agency resources for the war on terror.

  The blurring of lines between military and civilian resources was
omnipresent at the conference.  Since the commercial space industry imploded
during the 2001 recession, civilian companies and agencies have looked to
their old friends in the military for dual-use functions.  Many talked at
the conference of using space-based technology for the Office of Homeland
Defense, though speakers from Boeing and Raytheon warned that there are
plenty of civil liberties hurdles they must overcome to use imaging and
database technologies to snoop on events in the U.S.  In fact, the corporate
speakers said that often, their own insurance companies provide bigger
blockades to using questionable technologies domestically, than do either
the Department of Justice or the Congress.

Space Grabs its Spoils After Winning the War

 Teets, Eberhart, and several uniformed officers of the Space Command
boasted of the role space played in Afghanistan.  The Global Positioning
System, particularly an augmented targeting program called GETS (GPS
Enhanced Theatre Support), allowed for extremely precise bombing by fighters
and unmanned aerial vehicles in Afghanistan.   The Global Broadcast System,
a special classified broadband communication system that rides on Navy UHF
Follow-On satellites, was used heavily in the war.  A GBS satellite parked
above the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia relayed everything from video
feeds of Predator UAVs, to video downlinks for special operations soldiers
on horseback in remote regions of western Afghanistan.

 In fact, communications advances were as important as the NRO's vast
array of intelligence satellites.  Eberhart said that while intelligence
usually gains the most attention, the provision of broadband services to
soldiers from space assets was just as important.  He said that we in Space
Command provided Tommy Franks seven times the bandwidth that was provided to
Norman Schwarzkopf, and an individual soldier had 322 times the bandwidth
that was available in Desert Storm.  Teets added that in no time in our
history has the capability of space been so pivotal.

 The Defense Department is now considering an expansion of the UAV
program to include autonomous vehicles that span the realm from the upper
atmosphere to space.  Ron Sega, director of defense research and
engineering, said that a new DoD program called the 

Taiwan Caucus a US Provocation: Commentary [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread Bill Howard


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.Taiwan Caucus a US Provocation: Commentary.

On April 9, the 23rd anniversary of the United States' troublemaking Taiwan
Relations Act, the US Congress is due to unveil a 70-member Taiwan caucus.

On April 9, the 23rd anniversary of the United States' troublemaking Taiwan
Relations Act, the US Congress is due to unveil a 70-member Taiwan caucus.
Most congressional caucuses are issue-based or for particular racial groups
but this one will be devoted solely to Taiwan, an inalienable part of China.
It is claimed that the caucus will serve as an official channel for
legislators from both the United States and the island to exchange ideas.
Such a provocative move will obviously overshadow the renewed Sino-US
relations. On a more dangerous level, it may provide fodder to Taiwan's
military forces and play into the hands of Taiwan separatist extremists.
One of the group's goals is to promote US military ties with Taiwan.
This comes at a time when there have been conspicuous signs of
ever-increasing US-Taiwan military ties.
In mid-March, the US side granted Taiwan Defence Minister Tang Yiau-ming a
visa so he could attend a conference sponsored by US military contractors in
Florida. On the sidelines of the conference, he met senior Bush
administration officials including Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
and Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly.
On March 22, Admiral Dennis Blair, commander-in-chief of the US Pacific
Command, told the House Armed Services Committee that the United States and
Taiwan can maintain a military balance across the Taiwan Straits if both
sides continue modernizing their armed forces.
It seems that this so-called military balance is what Taiwan leader Chen
Shui-bian wants. 
Last Wednesday when receiving a special delegation from the US House of
Representatives, Chen said that the strong support of the US Congress -
which led to US arms sales to Taiwan in April last year - ensured a balanced
cross-Straits military situation and peace in the Taiwan Straits.
President Bush reaffirmed the US promises to all Taiwanese and repeatedly
declared he would abide by the Taiwan Relations Act - to provide Taiwan with
the necessary protection against Beijing, Chen was quoted by the Taipei
Times as saying. 
In most cases, those who sow the wind will reap a whirlwind.
The robust military build-up may not bring the so-called balance but menace
instead cross-Straits peace and stability.
Helping Taiwan build its military muscle will only foment pro-independence
forces. Since the latest remarks and events may give these forces the
impression that the United States is on their side and ready to provide
military protection, they may become provocative enough to push the island
to the edge. 


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Backed By US And NATO, Georgia Threatens Russia With Ultimatum [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

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- Original Message -
From: Rick Rozoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: Backed By US And NATO, Georgia Threatens Russia With Ultimatum


[With U.S. troops now training and commanding Georgian
forces, the possibility exists for American and
Russian troops to come into armed conflict for the
first time since the Russian Civil War eighty years
No need to point how how grave a situation this is.]

Agence France-Presse
Friday April 12, 8:33 PM

Georgia demands Russia withdraw troops from disputed
Georgia's Defence Minister David Tevzadze called for
the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops deployed by
helicopter in a disputed territory in the breakaway
zone of Abkhazia.
We have given the Russians an ultimatum: pull out of
the Kodori gorge by this evening, Tevzadze was quoted
by state television as saying Friday.
Eight Russian helicopters landed in the Georgian-held
village of Azhara, deploying around 100 troops and
escalating tension between Tbilisi and Moscow, which
backed the Abkhaz side in a separatist war a decade
The arrival of the helicopters, four military and four
civilian, spread panic in Azhara in the Kodori gorge
region, Georgian lawmaker Iveri Chelidze said in
remarks broadcast on television.
But the Russian defence ministry officially denied the
Georgian reports of an armed landing in Azhara, saying
that its peacekeeping troops were merely setting up an
agreed observer post two kilometres (one mile) west of
the village.
The Georgian defence ministry immediately placed its
forces on a state of military alert, while parliament
prepared to issue a statement denouncing Russia for
its aggressive action, state television reported.
Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze had decided to
fly to the restive region after first dispatching
Tevzadze to take charge of the situation, a
presidential spokesman said.
If the Russians do not give us an explanation, they
will be able to say goodbye to their peacekeeping
operation (in Abkhazia) for good, Shevardnadze told
journalists before leaving Tbilisi.
Shevardnadze's envoy to Kodori, Emzar Kvitsiani, said
around 80 Russian paratroopers had landed in Azhara,
adding: The situation could deteriorate unless
peacekeeping forces take the necessary steps.
Kvitsiani, who cited unconfirmed reports that 40 armed
Georgians had seized one of the helicopters, said
Tbilisi had never agreed to the deployment of Russian
troops in Azhar.
The Kodori region straddling government-held territory
and the breakaway republic of Abkhazia has been
occupied by Georgian troops following a flare-up of
tension there.
However, Tbilisi was meant to withdraw its forces by
April 10 under the terms of a deal signed earlier this
month between the Georgian and Abkhaz authorities.
Chelidze responded Friday to Abkhaz complaints that
not all the Georgian units had withdrawn from the
disputed area by saying that some troops had been
delayed by poor weather.
Abkhazia has claimed de facto independence from
Georgia, fighting a short but bitter war in the early
1990s in which it was supported by Moscow.
A ceasefire was brokered in 1994, but little progress
has been made since in resolving the dispute.
Moscow deploys a peacekeeping force in Abkhazia but
has repeatedly been accused by Tbilisi of interfering
in the dispute.
The latest tension between the two former Soviet
states comes as 200 US troops are expected in Georgia
to help track down al-Qaeda terrorists allegedly
hiding out in the remote Pankisi gorge, which borders

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''Pentagon confirms surrounding Iraq with military bases'' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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.''Pentagon confirms surrounding Iraq with military bases''
by 8:04am Thu Apr 11 '02

( - New information, recently released by the Pentagon, provides some
confirming evidence that the Bush administration has been building military bases in
the countries surrounding Iraq. As reported in the news report, U.S.

Pentagon confirms surrounding Iraq with military bases
Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2002 @ 05:35:19 EDT

By Christopher Reilly Journalist

( - New information, recently released by the Pentagon, provides some
confirming evidence that the Bush administration has been building military bases in
the countries surrounding Iraq. As reported in the news report, U.S.
armed forces surrounding Iraq under veil of secrecy, published Thursday, March 28,
2002, undisclosed U.S. military sources reported that new airbases for use against
Iraq were being constructed in Jordan, the Arab Emirates, and Kuwait. These reports
were partially confirmed in an International Herald Tribune article published on April
8, 2002.

According to that article, the Pentagon has been moving equipment, planes and other
military materials out of its Saudi Arabian air base. The materials have been going to
bases located in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman to help
with future U.S. air operations against Iraq.

The U.S. military base in Saudi Arabia is coming under increasing pressure from Saudi
officials who are becoming stricter and less accommodating in defining acceptable uses
for U.S. military bases on Saudi soil. For example, the Saudi monarch has demanded
that no U.S. aircraft can attack Iraq after taking off from Saudi Arabia. According to
the Herald Tribune article, the U.S. military presence [in Saudi Arabia] is
frequently portrayed as an affront to Islam in its place of birth and is said to
undercut Saudi efforts to appear self-reliant and independent of U.S. military

The bulk of operations may be moved from the Saudi base to the Al Udeid facility in
Qatar if the current impasse between U.S. and Saudi officials continues.

It still cannot be confirmed that the Bush administration is building an airbase in
Jordan. Nonetheless, General Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. Central Command, recently
told Pentagon reporters that, over the past 18 months, munitions have been covertly
moved from Saudi Arabia to undisclosed areas in the region. Frank's statement lends
credibility to those of the undisclosed military sources.

Due to security concerns, General Franks would not elaborate on where these munitions
have been placed, saying only that he was changing the location of some of the assets
that we have. The general did say that an additional battalion of troops was ordered
to Kuwait last November to add to the battalion there, bringing the total number to
about 4,000, according to the Herald Tribune.

The type of troops provided, as cited in the news report, may possibly
contain American special forces units along with a mix of National Guard and active
duty components.

President Bush has continued to verbally assault the Iraqi president, informing
British Prime Minister Tony Blair that the policy of my government is to remove
Saddam and that all options are on the table.

Bush also reiterated once more that Saddam Hussein is willing to kill his own

However, Bush's plans have been placed on temporary hold by the fighting and
devastation that has erupted in Israel and the occupied territories. The U.S.
president will now have to deal with recent announcements by leaders in the Middle
East who have declared that an attack on Iraq would be considered as an attack on the
national security of all Arab states.

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provided that any such reproduction must identify the original source, Internet web links to are


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US: Earth Orbiting Bomber Plane [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: Bruce K. Gagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:40 PM

April 10, 2002

Military explores space planes: Vehicle could drop bombs, fix satellites,
general says

By John Diedrich The Gazette (Colorado Springs, CO)

The military is looking into building a spacecraft that could drop bombs
from space, fix orbiting satellites and give better pictures of the
battlefield, the top space officer said Tuesday.

If a military space plane becomes a reality, it would be the first time the
United States has put weapons in space.

The Pentagon has military satellites that provide navigation, communication,
weather, reconnaissance and missile warning information, all considered key
to how the United States fights war. But none of them has weapons.

Gen. Ed Eberhart, head of U.S. Space Command, Air Force Space Command and
NORAD - all based in Colorado Springs - says the military needs a space

A reusable launch vehicle will be the key to operating and conquering the
space frontier, Eberhart said at the 18th annual National Space Symposium
at The Broadmoor hotel, an annual exposition of commercial, military and
civilian space issues. About 3,800 people attended.

NASA scrapped plans to build a spacecraft called the X-33 a year ago, in
part, because of cost overruns. Eberhart said the military is interested in
that spacecraft, but its version would be different. It might be designed to
run without humans on board and to land in the oceans, he said.

A military space plane quickly could provide surveillance in areas of the
world that become important to the Pentagon, he said. Moving satellites for
better surveillance now can take days.

It could fix or refuel satellites in orbit, which isn't a current option for
the military. The plane also could bomb a target in a matter of hours,
instead of the 17 hours it takes for a conventional bomber to travel halfway
around the world.

(A space plane) has a lot of possibilities, a lot of applications in every
one of our missions, Eberhart said.

The space plane is only an idea and studying it doesn't mean the United
States has decided to put weapons in space, said Army Maj. Barry Venable,
spokesman for U.S. Space Command.

We aren't doing our job if we don't look at things like this and think
about it, he said.

Some critics of Space Command have said a space plane that drops bombs would
be in violation of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which says space will be
used for peaceful purposes. But Venable said peaceful purposes has been
interpreted to mean nonaggressive acts. In other words, weapons can be put
in space to defend a nation and its assets, he said.

Also Tuesday, Eberhart said information from military satellites may be
useful for local police and other first responders in the war on terrorism.

Over time we can leverage our space assets to support homeland security and
law enforcement, Eberhart said, noting there is no such proposal yet. A
lot of it hinges on cooperation.

The general didn't give examples, but Venable said later satellite
information could help fire departments track the spread of chemical or
biological agents released by terrorists, provide police with more accurate
city maps or give emergency workers better communications.

We need to look for ways to make this information available for the local
guys as well, Venable said.

Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274


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9 Shot Dead at Venezuelan Rally [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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Thursday, 11 April, 
  2002, 22:54 GMT 23:54 UK 
  Venezuela strike rally turns 
  The crowds fled from the bullets and tear 
  Shooting has broken out between police and 
  unidentified gunmen at an anti-government protest in the Venezuelan 
  capital Caracas. 
  At least nine people have died and more than 80 been injured, according 
  to officials, but there are fears that this figure could rise. 

Chavez has shown his true face - this dictator's 
apprentice brutally ordered the repression of a peaceful 

Greater Caracas Mayor Alfredo Pena 

  Pitched battles between police and protesters have been taking place as 
  over 150,000 people marched on the Miraflores presidential palace in 
  downtown Caracas to demand that President Hugo Chavez resign. 
  Mr Chavez has ordered troops to surround the presidential palace for 
  protection and suspended the broadcasts of at least four private 
  television on the grounds that they were inciting people to violence. 
  Dead journalist 
  "These people think they are going to be able to come here and get 
  Chavez out and they think the armed forces are going to support a 
  rebellion," Mr Chavez in a broadcast on national television. 

Troops have surrounded the presidential 
  "The march can't get here, with thousands of people outside, we can't 
  permit that," he said. 
  Among those reported dead was local journalist Jorge Tortoza, a 
  photographer with the daily 2001 who was shot dead during fighting. 
  "There are snipers firing from the rooftops, we don't know who they 
  are," said a cameraman from the Reuters news agency. 
  Police have been firing tear gas at the marchers, who were armed with 
  sticks and throwing rocks, to keep them about 100 metres (yards) away from 
  the palace. 
  Indefinite strike 
  "Chavez has shown his true face. This dictator's apprentice brutally 
  ordered the repression of a peaceful demonstration," Greater Caracas Mayor 
  Alfredo Pena said. 
  The unrest came a day after Venezuela's largest labour and business 
  confederations announced that they will continue a 48-hour general strike 

Chavez remains 
  The strike was called last week, in support of the state oil company's 
  workers and managers, who are protesting against the appointment of a new 
  board by President Chavez. 
  Venezuela is the world's fourth largest oil exporter and on Wednesday a 
  senior PDVSA official acknowledged for the first time that its exports had 
  been affected. 
  The extended strike action could also cause more nervousness in the 
  global oil market following Iraq's decision to suspend oil exports for 30 
  Iraq and Venezuela jointly export about 4.5 million barrels of oil per 
  day. Venezuela alone exports nearly one million barrels of crude oil daily 
  to the United States. 




Key stories:
crisis warning
cuts off exports
embargo threat
gets acquisitive
loses its shine

oil embargo?
trails BP's lead
fading power
oil firms?
the tide turns

oil cartel
markets explained
thirst for oil
to oil

  See also:
  07 Apr 
  president sacks oil executives 
  07 Apr 
  escalating oil dispute 
  05 Apr 
  hit by oil crisis 
  05 Apr 
  oil dispute escalates 
  Internet links:
  Venezuelan Government
  Fedecamaras (in Spanish)
  Globovision TV (in 
  Spanish)The BBC is not responsible 
  for the content of external internet sites
  Top Americas stories 

Special Report Intifada Update [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: alissar gazal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 6:06 AM
Subject: [solidarity_palestine] MIFTAH--Special Report Intifada Update

MIFTAH--Special Report: Intifada Update
  Special Report: Intifada Update
  Palestinian Human and Material Losses Inflicted by Israel during the Intifada
  September 28th, 2000 - April 07, 2002

  Number of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces and settlers:
  Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem: 1,354
  Palestinians in Israel: 15
  Palestinians in southern Lebanon (killed in clashes on Israeli northern
borders): 2
  Total (including 234 deaths inflicted among children aged 18 and below): 1,371

  Gender Distribution of Deaths:
  Total number of Palestinian men killed: 1,303
  Total Number of Palestinian women killed: 50

  Number of Palestinians injured by Israeli security forces and settlers:
  Live ammunition: 4,286
  Rubber Bullets: 5,446
  Tear Gas: 4,995
  Miscellaneous: 3,863

  Number of olive trees uprooted form Palestinian land: 112,900
  Area of Palestinian cultivated land destroyed (in m2): 3,669,000

  Since 1967, Israel has confiscated almost 750,000 acres of land from the 1.5
million acres comprising the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since 1967, almost 200,000
tress have been uprooted by Israeli forces from Palestinian land. Since 1967 only,
more than 7,000 homes have been demolished on the basis that they were not supported
by the required construction permits (permits for Palestinians are almost impossible
to obtain from the Israeli authorities). Please refer to MIFTAH's fact sheet on Home
Demolition and Land Confiscation.

  Israeli attacks against doctors and ambulance drivers:
  Number of ambulance drivers killed: 4
  Number of doctors killed: 3
  Number of doctors and ambulance drivers injured: 122
  Number of ambulances hit: 165
  Number of cases in which ambulances were denied access to rescue:

  Number of Palestinian schools previously shut down due to Israeli siege: 174
  Number of Palestinian students previously deprived from attending school: 90,000
  Number of Palestinian school children killed, injured, or attacked to date: 435

  Impact of Israeli closures on Palestinian economic life:
  Number of Palestinians unemployed due to the closures: 257,000
  Avg. unemployment rate in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip: 53%
  Total income losses for Palestinian workers previously employed inside Israel:
$3.6 Million/Day
  Actual losses: Shortfall in GNP between Sept.-Mar.: $1.5 Billion
  Decrease in per capita income:

  Percentage of Palestinians living below poverty line: 64%
  Estimated loss if closures continue in 2002: $1.7 Billion
  Daily overall economic losses (according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of
Statistics): $11 Million

  *Palestine Red Crescent Society *The World Bank (West Bank and Gaza Strip)
  *Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator (UNSCO)-Gaza *Ramallah
  *Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza *PECDAR *UNICEF *B'Tselem
  The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
  Jerusalem office Tel: +972-2-585 1842
  Ramallah office Tel: +972-2-298 9490


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Interview with Ariel Sharon [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Taimor Hazou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: OzPales [EMAIL PROTECTED]; solidarity_palestine
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 7:03 AM
Subject: [solidarity_palestine] Great to read - know your enemy!

Who is Ariel Sharon?
Interview by Amos Oz in 1982
[URL can be found at the end of the text.]

The interview of Ariel Sharon by Amos Oz

(interview with Ariel Sharon published in the Israeli daily Davar
Dec. 17, 1982)

You can call me anything you  like.  Call  me  a  monster  or  a
Just note that I don't hate  Arabs.  On  the  contrary.  Personally, I
much more at ease with them, and especially with
the Bedouin, than with Jews. Those Arabs we  haven't  yet  spoilt are
people, they are irrational, cruel and  generous.  It's the Yids that
all twisted. In order to  straighten  them  out
you have to first bend them  sharply  the  other  way.  That,  in
brief, is
my whole ideology.

Call Israel by any name you like, call it a Judeo-Nazi state  as does
Leibowitz. Why not? Better a live  Judeo-Nazi  than  a  dead saint. I
care whether I am like Ghadafi. I am not after the
admiration of the gentiles. I don't need their love. I don't need to be
loved by Jews like you either. I have to live, and I intend to ensure
my children will live as well. With or without the blessing of the Pope
the other religious leaders from the New
York Times. I will destroy anyone who will raise a  hand  against my
children, I will destroy him and his children, with or without our
purity of arms. I  don't  care  if  he  is  Christian, Muslim, Jewish
pagan. History teaches us  that  he  who  won't
kill will be killed by others. That is an iron law.

Even if you'll prove  to  me  by  mathematical  means  that  the
war in Lebanon is a dirty  immoral  war,  I  don't  care.  Moreover,
if you will prove to me that we have not  achieved
and will not achieve any of our aims in  Lebanon,  that  we  will
create a friendly  regime  in  Lebanon  nor  destroy  the Syrians or
the PLO, even then I don't  care.  It  was  still
worth it. Even if Galilee is shelled  again  by  Katyushas  in  a
time, I don't really care. We  shall  start  another  war, kill and
more and more, until they will have had  enough.  And do you know why
it is
all worth it?  Because  it  seems  that
this war has made us more unpopular among the so-called civilised

We'll hear no more of that  nonsense  about  the  unique Jewish
the moral lessons of the holocaust or  about  the  Jews who were
to have emerged from the gas chambers pure  and
virtuous. No more of that. The destruction of Eyn Hilwe (and it's a
pity we
did not wipe out that hornet's nest  completely!),  the healthy
of Beirut and that  tiny  massacre  (can  you call 500 Arabs a
in their camps which we  should  have committed with  our  own
hands  rather  than  let  the
Phalangists do it,  all  these  good  deeds  finally  killed  the
talk about a unique people and of being a light upon the nations. No
uniqueness and no more sweetness and light. Good riddance.

I personally don't want  to  be  any  better  than  Khomeini  or
or Ghadafi or Assad or  Mrs.  Thatcher,  or  even  Harry Truman who
half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.  I
only  want  to  be  smarter  than  they  are,  quicker  and  more
efficient, not better or more beautiful than they are.  Tell  me, do
baddies of this world have a bad time? If anyone tries  to
touch them, the evil men cut his hands and legs  off.  They  hunt and
whatever they feel like eating. They don't suffer  from indigestion and
not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join
that club. Maybe the world will then at last  begin  to  fear  me
of feeling  sorry  for  me.  Maybe  they  will  start  to tremble, to
my madness  instead  of  admiring  my  nobility.
Thank god for that.  Let them tremble, let  them  call  us  a
Let them understand that we are a wild country,  dangerous to our
surroundings, not normal, that we might go crazy if one of
our children is murdered - just one! That we might  go  wild  and burn
the oil fields in the Middle  East!  If  anything  would happen to your
child, god forbid, you would talk like I  do.  Let them be aware in
Washington, Moscow, Damascus and China  that  if one of our ambassadors
shot, or even  a  consul  or  the  most  junior embassy official, we
start World War Three just like
that ! ..

We are talking while sitting on the balcony of the pretty country house
belonging to C. which is situated in a  prosperous  Moshav.  To the
west we

Huge concert in solidarity with the Palestinian People in Athens [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: SolidNet 
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 11:44 AM
Subject: CP of Greece, Huge concert in solidarity with the 
Palestinian People in Athens 
News, documents and calls for action from communist and 
workers parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors. 
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CP of Greece, Huge concert in solidarity with the Palestinian People 
in Athens 
From: Communist Party of Greece, Thu, 11 Apr 2002 , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Huge concert in solidarity with the Palestinian People in Athens 
Tens of thousands of people  workers, parents, immigrants youth and 
students- gathered in the centre of Athens, at the Constitution Square, 
yesterday (10/04/2002), to participate in the solidarity concert in support of 
the Palestinian people and against imperialism. 
The concert was organized by numerous mass organizations, the peace movement, 
trade unions, and supported by all political youth organizations of Greece 
«Solidarity to the Palestinian People  the new order will not pass», 
«Terrorists are NATO and US and not the people», «Bush  Sharon, Murderers», «A 
front against monopolies and imperialism, freedom for Palestine», «Americans  
Brussels, murderers of the people», were only some of the banners the protesters 
 photo from "Rizospastis" 
More than 20 of the most famous Greek singers sang songs of truth, peace and 
resistance, while actors read poems between the songs. 
Mikis Theodorakis was also present, and he read a solidarity message which 
was a sharp accusation to the warmonger imperialists and an appeal «to stop them 
now, before it is too late». 
Solidarity messages were also made by the president of the General 
Confederation of Greek Workers, of the mayor of Kesariani, G. Katimertzis, the 
rector of the National Polytechnic Institute, Th. Ksanthopoulos and others. The 
ambassador of Palestine in Greece, Abdala Abdala, also took the stand and 
addressed the manifestation. 
At the solidarity rally were present a large representation of the Communist 
Party of Greece (KKE) with Aleka Papariga, general secretary of the party, and 
Harilaos Florakis the honourary president. Also, representatives of PASOK and 
SYN, numerous representation of PAME, the Greek Peace Committe, candidates for 
the forthcoming municipal election in Athens, and large number of massive and 
social movements. 
In her statement to the journalists, the general secretary of the CC of KKE 
stressed: "At this moment, the just cause of the Palestinian people is 
exclusively at the hands of the people. Only the people can impose a just 
solution of the Palestinian issue. May "arbiters" and "mediators" appear lately, 
from N York up to Brussels. I am afraid that all these coming from "above" are 
not interested in a real Palestinian State, but for an agreement even worse than 
that one of Oslo. Thus, the optimism and the vindication of this martyr-like 
struggle will occur only through the intervention of the peoples. The people are 
the only that can extend real and substantial pressure. In this sense, this 
concert sends such a message and I believe that the joining of the movement with 
the artists, that constitute part of the movement, is the best gesture at this 
very moment". 
Info by International Section 
 Communist Party of Greece - 
Central Committee Tel:(+3) 010 2592111 Fax:(+3) 010 2592298 

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Vietnam reaffirms support for Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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.Vietnam reaffirms support for Palestine

Vietnam persistently supports the just struggle of the Palestinian people
under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) headed
by President Yasser Arafat.

This stance was reaffirmed by Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien of Vietnam
during his meeting with Palestinian Ambassador Sayed Al-Masri in Hanoi on
April 10. 

Minister Nien noted that the Palestinian people's struggle aims to win back
their legitimate national rights, including their right to
self-determination and their right to establish an independent State of

The Palestinian Ambassador briefed his host on the recent heightening of
tensions in Palestinian territories as a result of Israel's military attacks
to occupy cities under the control of the Palestinian Administration, its
confinement of President Yasser Arafat in his headquarters, and its killing
of many innocent people.

The Vietnamese foreign minister held that ceasing military activities and
resuming peaceful talks to find a rational solution to the conflict is the
only way to establish long-lasting peace and ensure security for all nations
in the Middle East.

He noted that Vietnam's viewpoint was made clear in President Tran Duc
Luong's letter to UN General Secretary Kofi Annan dated March 31 and the
March 30 statement by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson, in which Vietnam
strongly condemns Israel's military activities and demands Israel
immediately withdraw its forces from Palestinian territories. (VNA)


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- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: Bruce K. Gagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:27 PM

Published on Thursday, April 11, 2002 in the Washington Post

Going Backwards
Nuclear-Tipped Interceptors Studied
Rumsfeld Revives Rejected Missile Defense Concept

by Bradley Graham

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has opened the door to the possible use
of nuclear-tipped interceptors in a national missile defense system,
reviving an idea that U.S. authorities rejected nearly three decades ago as
technically problematic and politically unacceptable.
William Schneider Jr., chairman of the Defense Science Board, said yesterday
that he had received encouragement from Rumsfeld to begin exploring the idea
as part of an upcoming study of alternative approaches to intercepting enemy

We've talked about it as something that he's interested in looking at,
Schneider said in an interview.

The Pentagon experimented with nuclear-armed interceptors in the 1950s and
1960s and, for a short time in the mid-1970s, deployed an anti-missile
system that relied on them. But the notion of nuclear explosions going off
high overhead to block incoming missiles proved unsettling for many people.
And the prospect that ionized clouds and electromagnetic shock waves
associated with the explosions could end up blinding radar on the ground and
scrambling electronic equipment eventually helped kill the plan.

Since then, defense officials have focused on developing interceptors to
destroy targets without the need for explosives, relying instead on the
force of direct impact, a concept known as hit to kill.

Driving the new interest in arming interceptors with nuclear devices is the
problem of dealing with decoys and other measures that an enemy might use to
confuse an interceptor, Schneider said.

The hit-to-kill approach depends on interceptors picking out the real enemy
targets and homing in on them. By contrast, nuclear-armed interceptors need
not distinguish actual targets from clusters of decoys but could rely on
explosive power or radiation to wipe out everything in the vicinity.

One other arguable advantage of nuclear interceptors, Schneider suggested,
is their potential for ensuring destruction of missile-borne biological
warfare agents such as anthrax.

President Bush has made clear his interest in pursuing technological
solutions to missile defense, removing long-standing constraints by deciding
last December to withdraw the United States from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty with Moscow.

The Pentagon has embarked on experimental anti-missile programs, including
land- and sea-based interceptors as well as airborne lasers and space-based
weapons, with the hope of having at least a rudimentary capability in place
by fall 2004. But until now, defense officials had shied away from the
nuclear option.

An extensive Pentagon review of missile defense alternatives undertaken in
the first months of the Bush administration raised the possibility of
nuclear-tipped interceptors, according to two officials familiar with the
review. But the idea failed to make the list of programs worth funding.

Its return comes in the context of other recent signs of the
administration's general readiness to consider broader uses of nuclear
weapons. A Pentagon review of U.S. nuclear policy, concluded late last year,
put new emphasis on possible nuclear strikes against Third World adversaries
and backed development of low-yield nuclear bombs to hit hardened or deeply
buried targets.

Russia, which built a missile defense system around Moscow in the 1960s that
survives to this day, relied from the start on nuclear-armed interceptors.
Although U.S. defense experts regard the Russian system as anachronistic,
Russian military officials worry that the United States will eventually
adopt the nuclear approach, according to Pavel Podvig, editor of an
authoritative book about Russian strategic nuclear forces published last
year by the Center for Arms Control Studies in Moscow.

They believe strongly that you cannot get an effective missile defense
system using hit-to-kill, Podvig said.

The Defense Science Board, set up in the 1950s, is a senior advisory body
that reports to the secretary of defense on technological, operational and
managerial matters. One of its task forces already is looking at some
aspects of missile defense, including command and control systems,
international cooperation and countermeasures such as decoys. Schneider said
he plans to initiate the review of nuclear interceptors and other
alternatives to hit-to-kill after the task force 

Don't Regard Politician's Clamor as Ravings, How Far Japan Is Away From Nuke [WW

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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.Don't Regard Politician's Clamor as Ravings, How Far Japan Is Away From

Japanese Liberal Party chief Ichiro Ozawa openly threatened on April 6 that
Japan could make thousands of nuclear weapons overnight to curb China's
excessive expansion. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue
sternly pointed out on April 8: Ozawa's remarks were provocative, typically
reflecting an outdated Cold War mentality. However, this wildly arrogant
Japanese might have spoken out Japan's real nuclear potential-Japan is fully
capable of making nuclear weapons overnight enough to destroy the entire

Politician's Frequent Clamor to Wave Nuclear Big Stick
The Japan  Times gives thorough disclosure of the background against which
Ozawa made the remarks. Ozawa brazenly attacked China at a seminar held in
Fukuoka on April 6: In the event of China's excessive expansion, Japan
would make nuclear weapons to 'curb' China; the plutonium of Japan's nuclear
power plant can fully turn out more than 4,000 nuclear warheads, we'll not
lose to China in terms of military strength!

Ozawa is not the first Japanese politician who clamors to wave the nuclear
big stick: On June 17, 1994, the then Japanese Prime Minister Hata Tsutomu
openly told reporters: Japan does have the ability to possess nuclear
weapons. In March 1995, well-known Japanese magazine, Hoseki Gem, revealed
that while accepting the interview by the magazine's correspondent, a senior
Japanese government official said: Japan can produce atom bomb within 183
days! In July 2001, Japan set up a special nuclear detachment in the
National Self-defense Corps on the pretext of protecting nuclear safety.

This means Japanese politician is telling the truth.

Japan's Promise to Abide by Nuclear-related Three-No Principles
After War World II, Japan's Constitution forbids Japan to possess nuclear
weapons, beginning in 1956 the Japanese government declared that it would
abide by the nuclear-related three-no principles, i.e., forbidding Japan
to possess nuclear weapons, to produce nuclear weapons and to introduce any
nuclear weapons. On November 24, 1971, Japanese Diet formally included the
nuclear-related three-no principles into the law; in 1976 the Japanese
government signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and made further
promise: it will not develop, not use, and not allow the transfer of
nuclear weapons in its territory.

How Far Japan Is Away From Nuke
To know how far Japan is away from nuclear weapon, it is necessary first to
make an examination of its nuclear capability: First of all, Japan possesses
advanced, comprehensive nuclear technology. Although Japan currently still
lacks nuclear weapons, it has the world's first-rate nuclear energy
technology and 49 nuclear power stations with an annual power output of
about 40,000 megawatt, ranking in the frontline of the world. Japan also
possesses multiplication reactor technology that has all along been the key
and difficult points in nuclear technology research. Secondly, Japan
possesses super-strong computer simulation nuclear blasting capability.
Thirdly, Japan is actively exploring new technology for obtaining nuclear
raw materials. Fourthly, Japan possesses extremely high-level nuclear
warhead-carrying technology. Fifthly, Japan stores astonishing nuclear raw
materials. By the year 2010, Japan's gross plutonium reserves will reach 100
tons, thus making it the world's number 1 country with the largest plutonium
storage. After deducting normal nuclear reactor consumption, it still has a
surplus of over 60 tons. One ton plutonium can make 120 nuclear warheads, it
is self-evident how many nuclear warheads these plutonium can make.

Japan's Nuclear Policy Becomes Increasingly Disturbing
Although Japan has signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, its
attitude, however, arouses suspicion. As early as 1967 period when
discussion began on nuclear non-proliferation, Japan was astonishingly
passive. It strongly opposed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty for it
maintain that the treaty did not stipulate the obligation of nuclear
countries to cut down nuclear weapons, and only prohibited non-nuclear
countries from developing nuclear weapons.

After the conclusion of the Cold War, the world pattern clearly tended to
become multi-polarized, Japan's role in Asia, particularly East Asia,
further improved. From the long-term point of view, the possibility of
Japan's pursuit of independent defense capability is on the rise. Japan
will not count on permanent US mild nuclear protection policy, even if the
United States   was willing to provide such protection, Japan's national
interest could not invariably be identical with that of the United States,
Japan will ultimately be independently responsible for its own security.
This has enormously 

Iraq Announces 10-Million-Euro Aid to Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread Bill Howard


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.Iraq Announces 10-Million-Euro Aid to Palestine.

An Iraqi cabinet meeting chaired by President Saddam Hussein on Wednesday
decided to donate 10 million euros (about 9.3 million U.S. dollars) to
support the Palestinian intifada (uprising) against Israel, the official
Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

An Iraqi cabinet meeting chaired by President Saddam Hussein on Wednesday
decided to donate 10 million euros (about 9.3 million U.S. dollars) to
support the Palestinian intifada (uprising) against Israel, the official
Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

President Saddam ordered to donate 10 million euros and transfer the money
quickly to support the Palestinian intifada and the struggle of the
Palestinian people, INA said.

This means that the aid to Palestine will come directly from Iraq rather
than the United Nations, which controls Iraq's oil revenues.

Iraq, under sweeping U.N. sanctions since its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, has
been allowed by the U.N. oil-for-food program since 1996 to sell oil and use
part of the proceeds to buy food, medicineand other essentials.

Iraq in 2000 requested the U.N. to allocate 1 billion euros (about 930
million U.S. dollars) from its oil revenues to support Palestine, but has
hit snags due to the opposition of the United States  and Britain.

Wednesday's decision followed Saddam's announcement on Monday that Iraq
started from Monday afternoon to completely stop its oil exports for a
period of 30 days, or until Israeli armed forces unconditionally withdraw
from the Palestinian territories they have occupied.

Iraq has shown vehement support for the 18-month-old Palestinianintifada
against Israeli occupation.

In addition to shipments of relief aid to Palestine, it has organized a
6.5-million-strong Jerusalem Liberation Army which vowed to fight along
with the Palestinians against Israel.

The latest Israeli incursions, which have taken a number of Palestinian
towns, including a siege of Arafat's headquarters, havetriggered strong
reactions from the Arab world, especially in Iraq.


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India. Army to set up bases along Nepal border [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 4:33 AM
Subject: [kominform2] India. Army to set up bases along Nepal border

From: Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [Peoples War] Indian Army to set up bases along Nepal border

Army to set up bases along Nepal border



BETTIAH: In their separate wars against terror, South Asia neighbours India
and Nepal find their long porous border a constant handicap. While India
has had to grapple with ISI infiltration for well over a decade, the
Himalayan kingdom faces a Maoist seige despite proclamation of national

Reports of Maoist rebels using the porous border to forge links with ultra
groups and even to find sanctuary in India have resulted in Nepali prime
minister Sher Bahadur Deuba seeking further Indian support in Nepal's war
on terror.

Well-placed sources told Times News Network that the Indian army is in the
process of identifying places along the border to set up bases for an
effective presence in the area.

Deuba, during his recent visit to New Delhi, is believed to have impressed
upon the Indian government the urgency of the extremist problem vis a vis
the porous border. Already, a Saarc resolution on concerted drive against
terrorism has been there from before.

While Nepal grapples with Maoist menance and India has been at the
receiving end due to the ISI campaign to push in armed terrorists,
counterfeit Indian currency and arms, intelligence sources do not rule out
the likelihood of an ISI-Maoist link up.

This terror scenario has already resulted in the deployment of Special
Services Bureau (SSB), a para-military force under the home ministry, along
the Nepal border. That the Indian government has taken serious congnizance
of the threat posed by the porous Nepal border is now evident by steps
being taken by the defence ministry to set up army stations near the

Sources stated that the skeletal army presence at Muzaffarpur is likely to
be beefed up. Further, the commanding officer of a unit of the 9th Jat
Regiment based at Muzaffarpur, Col A K Gupta, recently held consultations
with civil and intelligence officers in Champaran.

The army is scouting for land here, stated an intelligence officer. The
army is looking for space to locate one battalion each at Bettiah and
Motihari, sources said while adding, The Signals corps too is likely to
set up base at Sitamarhi. A dozen Afghan nationals were apprehended at
Sitamarhi last year, it may be recalled.

Further, a couple allegedly owing allegiance to Al-ummah, a south India
based extremist organisation, who were wanted in the Coimbatore blast case,
were nabbed at Bettiah last year. Moreover, the conspiracy to assassinate chief Tarun Tejpal is also believed to have been hatched in
these parts where the ISI is said to support local mafia groups.

The visible presence of the army, it is believed, will not only result in
improved vigil of the border areas but will also go a long way in combating
ISI's covert war on India. Nepal too is expected to gain with the
deployment of Indian army in the border region.


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USA. Students Rally for Palestinians [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: [kominform2] USA. Students Rally for Palestinians

From: Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: [R-G] Students Rally for Palestinians

As usual, reporters underestimate the number of protesters in the
article below, but here's news about rallies for Palestinians,
including one at OSU.

April 10, 2002

Students Rally for Palestinians

Filed at 6:34 a.m. ET

Marching and handing out fliers, students who sympathize with
Palestinians under siege from Israel rallied on some of the nation's

Most events during Tuesday's loosely organized protests were modest
and peaceful, though some demonstrators were heckled.

A rally for the Palestinian cause drew about 1,000 supporters and
spectators at the University of California, Berkeley, including
pro-Israel demonstrators who shouted their disapproval while police
kept watch.

After the rally, campus police arrested 79 pro-Palestinian protesters
who stormed into a classroom building. Some students hung a
Palestinian flag from a third-story window, while others marched in
the hallways of the building, which houses classrooms for Middle
Eastern studies.

Students for Justice in Palestine likened the current Mideast
violence to the Holocaust -- only with the Palestinians as the
victims. They also called for the university to divest any
Israel-related investments.

``This really should be Holocaust prevention day,'' said Sarah Weir,
a 23-year-old cognitive science major.

As speakers made their case during the rally, counter-demonstrators
tried to drown them out crying ``Stop the suicide bombings!'' They
also booed, cursed and chanted ``Shame!''

At the same time, a small knot of people in a tent nearby read aloud
the names of people killed by the Nazis, part of a 24-hour vigil for
Yom Hashoah, the Jewish Holocaust remembrance day.

``They are trying to subvert language used in the Holocaust,'' said
Eddan Katz, 26, a third-year law student and Israeli-American. ``I
hear no one in Israel politics today talking about the eradication of
all Palestinians.''

At the University of Michigan, about 50 protesters, some with arms
tied and mouths gagged, paraded mutely through the Ann Arbor campus.

A group called Students Allied for Freedom and Equality said in a
statement their demonstration was ``to draw attention to the brutal
tactics used by the state of Israel in its illegal occupation of
Palestinian lands.''

One young man, clad only in underwear, bore a sign saying he was
representing the ``Palestinians who were asked to strip naked by the
Israeli Army, lie on their stomachs and then taken on to an unknown

At Ohio State University, about 60 protesters lined a campus sidewalk
that faces a busy Columbus thoroughfare and chanted: ``Stop the hate.
Stop the crime. Help save Palestine.'' Some also wore yellow armbands
in memory of those who perished in the Holocaust.

Ora Wise, 21, a junior and rally organizer, was born in Jerusalem and
raised to support Israel by her American parents but decries Israel's
current policies, she said.

``I've always been taught my Jewish heritage is one of fighting for
social justice,'' Wise said. ``It's abhorrent to me, my people would
be enacting such brutality, such atrocities, on the Palestinian

At one point, a van passed and a young man leaned out a window to
shout: ``Go, Israel! Go!''

At Columbia University in New York, several members of Students for
Justice in Palestine manned a card table handing out informational

``The issue is enormously complex. It's not an issue you can
categorically oppose or support,'' said Nadim El Gabanni, a
21-year-old junior who holds dual citizenship in Egypt and Canada.

At the University of Minnesota, about 75 people turned out to
demonstrate. One was Hussan Mahmoud, a 28-year-old graduate
engineering student from Egypt.

``I just hope this makes a difference,'' Mahmoud said, ``but I don't
see how it will. You can have all your Bill of Rights and freedom of
speech and freedom of the press, but it doesn't make a difference if
the leaders don't want to make it happen.''


* Calendar of Events in Columbus:
* Anti-War Activist Resources:
* Student International Forum:
* Committee for Justice in Palestine:


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Germany, in Protest, Suspends Arms Sales to Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Cor Groenendijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Fw: [AL-AWDA-News] Germany, in Protest, Suspends Arms
Sales to Israel

- Original Message -
From: Jess Ghannam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 5:53 AM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Germany, in Protest, Suspends Arms Sales to Israel

 Germany, in Protest, Suspends Arms Sales to Israel
 Decision May Foreshadow European Trade Sanctions as Criticism of West Bank
 Incursions Mounts
 By Peter Finn
 Washington Post Foreign Service
 Wednesday, April 10, 2002; Page A15

 BERLIN, April 9 - Germany, long Israel's most steadfast supporter in
 has suspended arms sales to the Jewish state to protest its military
 in the West Bank, officials here said today. At the same time, some senior
 German politicians have used harsh language to publicly criticize a
 that the Holocaust legacy has often put almost beyond reproach.

 In interviews today, officials in the government of Chancellor Gerhard
 Schroeder declined to use the word embargo to describe its action. But the
 government has refused to act on planned weapons sales to Israel,
 effectively suspending them, and other European countries have taken
 actions, officials here said.

 The move signals a growing impatience with Israel in Europe. In recent
 the 15-country European Union has issued call after call for Israel to end
 its military offensive, to no discernible effect. Senior EU officials who
 flew to Israel last week to seek a settlement were denied access to
 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and stayed less than a day.

 Holding up weapons sales is the first known sanction that Europe has
 to try to bring muscle to its words; officials are also talking about some
 other kind of trade restriction.

 Israeli officials today played down the action, but did not deny that
 weapons sales were not going forward.

 I can categorically say this is not an embargo, said Shimon Stein,
 Israel's ambassador to Germany, in a telephone interview. There are some
 problems that need to be resolved and that is subject to ongoing
 We hope that we can overcome the difficulty.

 The German press agency DPA reported, however, that the Israeli Defense
 Ministry filed a letter of protest with the German government over its
 refusal to allow sales.

 In 2000, the last year for which figures are available, Germany sold about
 $170 million in military equipment to Israel, including torpedoes and
 for tanks and armored cars.

 The revelation that Germany is blocking weapons sales followed meetings in
 Berlin last week between German officials and Dore Gold, foreign policy
 adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel. The Frankfurter
 newspaper described the meeting as cool and said that German officials
 labeled Gold intransigent.

 The government's frustration has begun to spill out of Schroeder's
 whose members are normally circumspect in their statements on Israel.
 The occupation against the resolution of the U.N. Security Council, the
 adherence to the occupation, and the reports about the Israeli troops'
 conduct are shocking, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Schroeder's minister of
 development aid, told German media.

 German officials today called for the early creation of a Palestinian
 followed by negotiations on key issues such as Palestinian refugees, the
 status of Jerusalem and the final borders of Palestine. The Germans also
 called for an immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from positions they
 seized in the current offensive.

 In a significant change of mood in Germany, leading parliamentarians from
 the center-right opposition have cast Israel as the aggressor and, in one
 case, employed language associated with the Nazis to describe the
 into Palestinian territory.

 In a widely publicized letter to the Israeli ambassador, Norbert Bluem, a
 labor minister under former chancellor Helmut Kohl, described the Israeli
 offensive as a war of annihilation - the very term employed by Adolf
 Hitler to describe his 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union.

 And Juergen Moellemann, deputy chairman of the right-of-center Free
 Democrats, a likely coalition partner in the next German government, said
 Palestinian violence, I would resist too, and use force to do so . . .
 just in my country but in the aggressor's country as well.
 Such language was once heard only in far-right and far-left circles here.

 Some analysts view the political mainstreaming of anti-Israeli sentiment
 more than an immediate response to the 

Solana wants EU arms embargo on Israel; Israel Has Built Itself Into A Military

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
From: Cor Groenendijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] [armstrade] (Israel) Solana wants EU arms embargo on
Israel; Israel Has Built Itself Into A Military Powerhouse 9-4-02

 Original Message -
From: sento
To: ArmsTradeList ; Home
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 2:50 PM
Subject: [armstrade] (Israel) Solana wants EU arms embargo on Israel
Solana wants EU arms embargo on Israel

STRASBOURG, April 9 (AFP) - 15:20 GMT - EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana proposed
Tuesday coordinated Europe-wide action to halt or suspend the shipment of weapons to
Israel that might be used against Palestinian civilians.
On possible sanctions against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government, Solana said
appropriate measures would be considered by foreign ministers of the 15 EU member
states when they meet in Luxembourg next Monday.

But he said he personally favored EU-wide coordination to halt the shipment to
Israel of military equipment that could be used against Palestinian civilians.

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April 9, 2002

Israel Has Built Itself Into A Military Powerhouse

By David Wood, Newhouse News Service

WASHINGTON -- There was a time, in the tortured history of Israel and the Arab world,
when the United States was the unquestioned military superpower in the Middle East and
drew obedient if grudging respect from all sides.

No more.

Now Israel is the region's superpower, and where it once looked to the United States
not just for diplomatic support but for military rescue, now Israel can thumb its nose
at Washington and go its own way.

Israel can field 19 divisions of ground troops, by some counts; the United States
boasts 13 divisions worldwide and would need weeks to move any significant military
force into the region.

Israel's air force, which flies souped-up U.S. F-15 and F-16 fighters, can generate
nearly 3,000 sorties, or combat missions, per day. The United States can sustain about
1,600 sorties a day. That kind of combat punch has given Israel unprecedented freedom
of action, not just against lightly armed Palestinian street fighters, but against its
traditional enemies of Syria and Egypt as well.

We have created an 800-pound gorilla, said Kenneth Brower, an independent military
consultant in Washington, assessing decades of U.S. military aid to Israel.

On Monday, the 11th day of its invasion of Palestinian territories, Israel again
shrugged off U.S. demands that it begin withdrawing without delay, as President Bush
put it. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a speech to the Knesset in Jerusalem that
the army will continue operating as quickly as possible until the mission has been

The United States has given Israel about $3 billion a year for weapons purchases since
the late 1970s, and has transferred new or used weapons and military technology for
free or at deeply discounted prices under other government programs and commercial

In addition, the United States has stored millions of dollars worth of ammunition,
fuel, spare parts and even a field hospital in Israel, ostensibly for use by American
forces. The agreements under which the equipment was stored in Israel are secret. But
most analysts assume Israel has access to the storage sites.

It's always been said there are `tripwires' that would permit Israel to use that
stuff, said Shoshana Bryen, an analyst for the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs, a think tank in Washington. My guess is if Israel needed the stuff, they'd
get it.

The increase in Israel's combat clout comes less from size than from other, intangible
factors. For instance, Israeli technicians have added digital and other improvements
to their F-16 fighters, making them even more capable than versions used by the U.S.
Air Force, Brower said.

And Israel can fly so many combat sorties per day because it has a huge pool of
seasoned combat pilots. That enables its air force to use one aircraft again and again
during a 24-hour period while exchanging fatigued pilots for fresh ones. The United
States does not maintain as many combat pilots per airplane as Israel.

Israel relies heavily on its reserve forces. There are almost 1 million Israelis under
the age of 48 liable to be recalled to duty. All have done three years' active duty as
well as reserve training. Reserve troops are organized into units already matched up
with vehicles and weapons.

It's one of the most efficient military forces around, said Anthony Cordesman, a
senior analyst at the Center 

Iran Says Ready for Oil Embargo to Israeli Allies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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.Iran Says Ready for Oil Embargo to Israeli Allies.

Iran's Parliament Speaker Mahdi Karrubi on Tuesday noted that the country is
ready for oil embargo to Israeli allies, the official IRNA news agency

Iran's Parliament Speaker Mahdi Karrubi on Tuesday noted that the country is
ready for oil embargo to Israeli allies, the official IRNA news agency

Iran is prepared to stop oil exports to the countries which back Israel,
although this will prove effective only if other countries follow suit,
Karrubi was quoted as saying.

He stressed that global support for Palestinians was key to force Ariel
Sharon, the prime minister of the Zionist Israeli regime, to tone down
some of its hardline policies and pull out from Palestinian territories and
return normal life to the occupiedlands.

Fortunately, we are not the only (people) who support Palestinians. Rather,
the whole world, even Jews in the occupied lands and Tel Aviv, back
Palestinians and express their hatred toward the Zionist policies of the
(Israeli) occupying, the Iranian speaker said.

On Friday, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Islamic
oil-producing countries to suspend supplies to Israel and the countries
which have relations with Israel at least for a month as a symbolic

Israel has recently declared Arafat its enemy and sent troops and tanks into
the West Bank city of Ramallah to smash into Arafat's headquarters.

As the situation is getting worse on the occupied areas, the Israeli army
has intensified its widespread military offensive against Palestinian towns,
refugee camps and villages in the past days, leaving dozens of people dead
and more wounded. 

The Israeli aggressive action has drawn world-wide condemnation.Iran, which
does not recognize Israel, has rendered its firm support to Palestinian
resistance groups in their movement against Israeli occupation.


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Libyan News Apr 10 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 6:49 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Libyan News Apr 10

Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Jamahiriya News Agency

English News Bulletin


March 10th,  2002

Foreign Affairs Secretary Meeting

Tripoli/Altayr 10/Jana

The foreign affairs secretary at the General Peoples Congress held a meeting
last night with Alfredo Mantiqua,the assistant Italian foreign minister and
his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting the secretary confirmed that the massses of the basic
peoples congresses are the masters of decision making in Great Jamahiryia
and that these masse are following closely the implementation of the joint
Libyan Italian delcaration signed in Rome in Nasser 1999 in which Italy
apologised to the Libyan people and confirmed the opening of a new page of
co-operation with the Great Jamahiriya.

The meeting which was also attended by the Italian ambasador studied the
suffering of the Palestinian people at the hands of the zionist terrorist

/Jamahiriya News Agency /

Foreign Liaison Secretary Meets

Tripoli/Altayr 10/Jana

The Secretary of General Peoples Committee for Foreign Liaison and Interna-
tional co-operation held a meeting this morning with the French ambassador
in Great Jamahiriya who delivered to him a message from the French foreign
minister Vedrin which confirmed France's support for Great Jamahiriya
membership in the world trade organisation,in view of the significant status
it enjoys in the international area and the importance of its political and
economic role in the area and throughout the world.

The meeting discussed the arrangements for the meeting of the group of five
plus five of the West Mediterranean which will hold a meeting on the
ministerial level in the Great Jamahiriya next May.

It also tackled the convening of the joint Libyan-French committee in the
Great Jamahiriya next month.

The meeting also handled the zionist aggression against the Palestinians.

The ambassador expressed France's concern towards the violence perpetrated
by the zionists against Palestinian civilians.

He said that France will do what it can through the EU in order to stop
those bloody acts.

/Jamahiriya News Agency /

International Islamic Peoples Command's Statement

Tripoli/Altayr 10/Jana

The International Islamic Peoples Command ha issued a statement regarding
the continued war of cleansing launched by the Zionist terrorist army
against the Palestinians.

The statement is as follows:

The war of cleansing,harassement and destruction of sacred shrines conducted
by the zionist enemy in occupied Palestine, supported by the permanent
enemies of the islamic nation is met by silence from all
international quarters which claim to be democratic states that sponsor
human rights. They bless such criminal acts considering them within the
pattern of self defence whereas they describe those who defend their homes,
honour and famillies as terrorists.

However,the wrath and the revival of the revolutionary spirit among the
masses as a result of the zionist practices, through the continent of the
world which call for severing relations with the zionist enemy. All that
created a new call for solidarity and sympathy with the zionists which is
considered solidarity with the nazis and the new fascists in the world.

The Muslim masses should not wait. Any condemnation of the terrorist acts by
its enemies because they are conducting the same acts against a number of
Muslim nations.

The death train of the zionists which demolished home nowadays on the heads
of their residents and destroying the holy shrines will eventually reach all
countries which believe that that establishing relations in various forms
with the enemy would protect them.

They will witness one day that if Muslims remain as such it will become
impossible for them to perform Haj or Umrah except by special permission and
by predetermined numbers as the enemy controls the holy shrines,particulary
holy Mecca.

The Islamic institutions within the international Islamic people command as
they declare their condemnation of the criminal zionist practices against
our people in Occupied Palestine are to call on the masses of the nation to
express their anger and denounce these atrocious acts and support the

Mujahideen in Palestine to counter the criminal aggression. They are to
express that through addressing international and regional organisations and
from the forums of mosques and media and fusion with those angry protestors
in the streets to declare their rejection for the official silence and the
disgraceful submission.

The international Islamic peoples command as it calls on you to act 

US: Berkeley solidarity demo - 79 arrested [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-10 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 11:53 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] US: Berkeley solidarity demo - 79 arrested

-- Forwarded Message
From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 22:30:31 -0400
Subject: [leftwing] US: Berkeley solidarity demo - 79 arrested

Reuters. 9 April 2002.  Arrests as U.S. protesters demand Israel

BERKELEY, Calif. -- Some 79 people were arrested on Tuesday after
pro-Palestinian protesters tried to take over a building on the
University of California, Berkeley campus to demand the nation's largest
public university system divest from companies doing business with

University spokesman Bob Sanders said the arrests occurred in Wheeler
Hall after a raucous day that saw pro-Palestinian protesters face off
with Jewish students holding a public vigil to commemorate the victims
of the Holocaust.

Sanders said most of those arrested were cited for trespass and
released, while six faced additional charges of resisting arrest.

One protester, who bit a policeman, was charged with a felony count of
assaulting an officer and transferred to the Berkeley city jail.

The protesters left the campus and some are now protesting outside the
jail, Sanders said.
Rising violence in the Middle East has led to a number of protests at
Berkeley, known as a hotbed of activism during both the Vietnam War and
the student-led drive to force universities to divest from apartheid-era
South Africa.

Pro-Palestinian students who participated in Tuesday's sit-in said they
hoped to launch a similar divestment drive against Israel.

They've got significant holdings in companies that do business in
Israel, one protester told a television reporter. We're saying that's
in our name, and it's wrong.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

 ?If we do not change direction, we are likely to end up where we are

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Lebanon. One Israeli Tank Hit by Hezbollah Rocket. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 4:24 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Lebanon. One Israeli Tank Hit by Hezbollah Rocket.


Subject: [Peoples War] Lebanon: One Israeli Tank Hit by Hezbollah Rocket -

One Israeli Tank Hit by Hezbollah Rocket

Xinhuanet 2002-04-09 01:48:28

BEIRUT, April 8 (Xinhuanet) -- One Israeli tank was hit by the barrage
of Lebanese resistance guerrilla Hezbollah (Party of God) on Sunday,
Lebanese official NNA news agency reported on Monday.

Israeli artillery in the disputed Shebaa Farms fired shells to towns in
south Lebanon Monday afternoon at 3:15 p.m. of local time (1215 GMT).
Israeli warplanes hovered over southern Lebanese part along the Blue Line
drawn by the U.N. after Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000, and
launched several air-to-ground missiles.

Meanwhile, Israel fighters infringed Lebanese air space and broke sound
barriers over the capital of Beirut Monday afternoon.

Hezbollah launched mortars and rockets to Israeli positions in the
Shebaa Farms at 4:00 p.m. of local time (1300 GMT) and hit an Israeli powder
magazine and an Israeli tank. There was no report ofcausalities.

Israel began to build up army along the Lebanese-Israeli border to deal
with the incessant attacks from Hezbollah since March 29.

It was reported that Hezbollah Sunday unleashed for the first time in
last 22 months volleys of shoulder-fired Soviet-designed SAM-7 missiles to
Israeli warplanes in south Lebanon.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has claimed that they will
spare no efforts to support Palestinian people and hintedthe possibility of
opening a second front with Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon earlier claimed that his country
will not stand idle in the face of Hezbollah's defiance. Enditem


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Libya. News Apr 8 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 4:44 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Libya. News Apr 8


Jamahiriya News Agency

April 8th, 2002

Jana/ 2

The Leader Mammar al Qathafi :There is a Huge International Shift in Support
in Favour of the Struggle of Palestinian People

Tripoli / Al Tayr 8 / Jana

The Leader Muammar Al Qathafi has announced that there is a huge
international shift in support in favour of the struggle of the Palestinian
People and their heroic resistence in defence of their home against Zionist
occupation forces.

The Leader who was addressing the huge students ceremony, yesterday, on the
occasion of the Seventh of April Students Revolution's Anniversary, said the
cause of the Palestinian People has enjoyed increasing international
sympathy and anti-Israelism is spreading at al arenas. He said the belgiam
parliament in Brussels has decided to sever relations with the Zionists and
most european states which are witnessing the terror of Zionist Nazi are now
supporting the legitimate struggle of the Palestinians.

They are condemning the Zionist atrocities which are committed on unarmed
Palestinians. He said: we expect the Israelis to take the position of Hitler
or Nazism. The position of all nations generally towards the Zionsist
atrocities would be same as that against Nazism. From now on all nations
would view the support for Zionism as support for Nazism.

The Leader expressed his deep sorrow for America's incrimination for those
who defend their land, honour and for inciting Israelis to commit more
blood- letting within the Palestinians.

The Leader revealed that it the the duty of America, as a super power, to
defend the weak around the world. To defend them gain their freedom, not to
contribute towrads killing them.

He indicated that we should not look forward to America to prevent
incriminate or even denounce the terror practiced by the Zionist terrorist
organisation, which uses American weapons and American banks. He said we do
not expect America to condemn the events in occupied Palestine because, as
such, America incriminates itself.

/ Jamahiriya News Agency /


The Great Jamahiria Supports Iran's Call

Tripoli / Al Tayr 8 / Jana

An authorized source at the General Peoples Committee for Unity has
announced that the Great Jamahiria supports Iran's call to cut oil
supplies from those countries that support the Zionist entity.

The source made a statement to Jana and confirmed that the Great
Jamahiria's endorsement is conditioned by the acceptance of all Arab and
Islamic oil producing countries and that such action leads to a stop in the
Zionist killing saga in Paletine.

/ Jamahiriya News Agency / 12 : 51

Jana/ 4

AL Qathafi : No One Gurantees Peaceful life for the Israelis

Tripoli / Al Tayr 8 / Jana

Colonel Muammar Al Qathafi the Leader of the Great Al Fateh Revolution has
confirmed that there is no one who could gurantee peaceful life for the
Israelis who occupy the Arab Palestine.

He said that the peaceful iniatives proposed by the Arabs and endorsed in
Beirut Summit , which suggest the withdrawal of the Israelis from the
territories occupied in 1967, would not put an end for the Palestinian claim
in their right to regain their full territories and no one could pledge that
the Paletinian People or their various factions would stop fighting the

He said : we want to reveal the facts to the whole world. We do not want to
deceive any one. All Arab Rulers must not implicate themselves in matters
they could not manage or control. He explained that the initiative that was
ratified in Beirut Summit is deficient and was rejected by the Palestinian
Factions and by all lively forces in the Arab Homeland.

He confirmed that no Arab Ruler should pledge to ensure peace and security
for the Israelis while occupation is still on.

He revealed that Yasser Arafat could not control the forces of the
Palestinian People or those who defend their right in life and liberation of
the soil from the Zionist occupation. He said that what is going on
presently in the Palestinian teritory is in fact battles of life and death.
The Zionists have settled to cleanse the palestinians and extreminate their

The people are therefor obliged to defend themselves and fight death which
attacks them at any moment.

/ Jamahiriya News Agency / 12 : 59

Jana/ 5

The Train of Zionist Death is Attacking the Whole Arab Homelands

Tripoli / Altayr 8 / Jana

Colonel Muammar Al Qathafi the Leader of the Great Al Fateh Revolution has
announced that the Israeli train of death has started attacking the whole
Arab Homeland. He said the Israelis are coming to Egypt, North Africa and
the Arab Peninsula, within the pattern of establishing their 

Palestinian Medics: fear that at least 150 residents have been killed... [WWW.

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis  Action ... 

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  April 09, 2002: The IDF has deployed a large 
  number of troops and intense firepower in an effort to break the 
  Palestinian resistance. Officers in the area have described the battle as 
  a "Palestinian Masada," saying that there is a huge amount of destruction 
  in the camp, and that the bodies of dozens of dead Palestinians are strewn 
  in the streets. Leaning over drips nearly empty of fluid, Zahra al-Wawe 
  worked without electricity, blood banks or ambulances, pleading for help 
  over her mobile telephone until the battery ran dry, shouting: We are 
  losing them, we are losing them. details 
  Medical sources fear that at least 150 residents have been killed and 
  the bodies are still lying in streets, alleyways and inside shelters and 
  homes. Sources told LAW that the refugees are suffering from lack of food, 
  medicines, water. The camp has ran out of all basic supplies. Medical 
  sources fear a health epidemic in the camp. Contrary to Israeli claims 
  that ambulances have been allowed access, medical personnel told LAW that 
  two ambulances, trying to evacuate the wounded in Jenin, were ran over and 
  destroyed today by Israeli tanks. LAW 
  Jenin. Remember this word, for every time your lose faith in humanity, 
  all you need to do is to recall it. Repeat inside of you, slowly, when you 
  are down and frail. It should give you vigor and lift your spirit. It's a 
  symbol of courage, courage beyond these times of despair and degradation, 
  courage that's legendary, almost mythological. How else can we explain 
  that a small refugee camp, less than a kilometer sq. length and width 
  stands for days in the face of hundreds of tanks, Apache helicopters and 
  thousands of trained killers, they call soldiers? story by 
  Ramzy Baroud

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Fw: CP of Macedonia, Address to the 3rd Meeting of the Balkan AntiNATO Center, T

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: CP of Macedonia, Address to the 3rd Meeting of the Balkan AntiNATO Center,
Thessaloniki 23-24 March 2002
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
parties. The items are the responsibility of the authors.
Join the mailing list: info/subscribe/unsubscribe
   CP of Macedonia, Address to the 3rd Meeting of the Balkan AntiNATO
 Center, Thessaloniki 23-24 March 2002
  From: Communist Party of Macedonia, Mon, 8 Apr, 2002

Balkan Anti-NATO Center
Thessaloniki 23-24 March
   NATO out of Balkan
   For Balkans a zone of Peace and Cooperation

Communist Party of Macedonia

 Meeting of the Balkan Anti-NATO Center

Dear friends present at this meeting, respectable organizer of this
gathering, we would like to thank for your invitation but we regret for
not being in a position to take presence at the meeting.

We agree with the agenda and the items for the meeting because they are
in compliance with the essence of the problem and the recent

What is our opinion about the following items;

1. NATO out of BALKANS

NATO out of Balkans YES.
Why? Because NATO is military organization that in the past was
protecting its members from danger that could coe fro the other side
east (Warshow) block. Now this danger does not exist.

Now we are facing another danger, the danger of NATO becoming *world
policeman*. Who needs such policemen? The oligarchy that would like to
rule the capital of the world communisty by the power of the weapon.

The NATO enlargement

NATO is present every where, where the government structures call NATO
for there presence in order to stay longer in position to rule with
support of NATO and USA. Nobody ask the citizens of that country for
their opinion.

We the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, and we believe the
majority of the citizens of other countries vote for peace, democracy
and respecting of human rights.

We vote NATO out of the Balkans because it is and organization that
instead of peace, every where produces war and breaking human rights.

There is no democracy.

NATO dictates the program of TV stations - bombing of Yugoslav national

NATO dictates changes of the constitution (Republic of Macedonia

NATO with its bombs pollutes the environment. That is why we say - NATO
out of Balkans.

The Cyprus question

The future of Cyprus should be in the hands of the people in that
country. Thirty years ago they were living in peace, together and witout
problems. They should be left to chose their future, alone, without any

We respect and we support the people of Cyprus.

With respect,

Communist Party of Macedonia

Andon Andonovski
Member of the Republic Committee



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Asia-Pacific wide day of solidarity with Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Asia-Pacific wide day of solidarity with Palestine

-- Forwarded Message
From: Sydney Green Left [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 16:38:22 +1000
Subject: [NBL] Asia-Pacific wide day of solidarity with Palestine

My Groups  | national_broadleft Main Page

Following the tremendously successful Free Palestine! rally yesterday
(8-10,000 people marched from Town Hall Square to the US  Israeli
consulates) an Asia-Pacific wide day of solidarity with Palestine will be
held on April 19. 

This initiative, coming out of the recent Asia Pacific International
Solidarity conference will be taken up by anti-war activists in numerous
countries including the Philippines (where there is presently a movement
growing against the return to the Philippines of US troops), Indonesia,
Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and many more countries (as well as in
every capital city in Australia).

An organising meeting for the Sydney protest will be held this Wednesday
(April 10) at 6.30pm at Lvl 3 (Concourse) UTS Broadway. Everyone is welcome.
(Ph 9690 1977 for more info).

A copy of the flyer for April 19 can be found at:

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Iran on Monday voiced its opposition to a possible U.S. attack [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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.Iran on Monday voiced its opposition to a possible U.S. attack on Iraq and
stressed that resorting to war and violence is never the solution to global
problems, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Iran on Monday voiced its oppositionto a possible U.S. attack on Iraq and
stressed that resorting to war and violence is never the solution to global
problems, the official IRNA news agency reported.

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi said he hopesthe
possibility of U.S.attacks on Iraq will never materialize.

On Saturday, U.S. President George W. Bush and the visiting British Prime
Minister Tony Blair told a joint press conference that they had agreed to
consider all options for dealing with Baghdad and we must be prepared to
act where terrorism or weapons of mass destruction threaten us.

The United States   has repeatedly voiced its readiness to launch military
attacks against Iraq and to topple the Saddam Hussein regime while demanding
Baghdad let U.N. weapons inspectors back to determine whether it has
chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, which Washington worried Saddam
could hand to terrorists like thosewho carried out the September 11 attacks
on the U.S. 

Asefi noted that the Middle East cannot put up with a third war and any
attempt to change governments by military means is against international
norms, democratic tenets and moral ethics.

It is only people and nations who can decide on the future of their country
and choose their own government, he stressed.

The spokesman, meanwhile, urged Baghdad to cooperate with the United Nations
and avoid giving any pretext to those seeking hostile policy against it.

Iran and Iraq fought an eight-year bloody war from 1980 to 1988,costing some
one million lives from both sides. Although there has been improvement in
dealing with issues such as the exchange of prisoners of war (POWs), the
rival governments' support for opposition groups remain the main stumbling
blocks to the normalization of relations between the two neighbors.


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Roundup: Palestinians Claim Peace With Sharon 'Impossible' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-09 Thread Bill Howard


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.Roundup: Palestinians Claim Peace With Sharon 'Impossible'.

After over 18-month-old Palestinian Intifada, or Uprising against Israel in
the Palestinian territories, and after an endless bloodshed between the
Palestinians and Israel, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza come to
realize that peace with the current Israeli government headed by Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon is impossible.

Palestinians realize peace impossible
After over 18-month-old Palestinian Intifada, or Uprising against Israel  in
the Palestinian territories, and after an endless bloodshed between the
Palestinians and Israel, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza come to
realize that peace with the current Israeli government headed by Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon is impossible.

The Palestinians stressed that they are determined to continue their
struggle against the occupation of their territories using all means until
they enjoy independence and freedom, despite the tough and widespread
military operations by Sharon's government against them into their towns,
villages and refugee camps.

What does Sharon want from us? He is a murderer, he killed thousands of
Palestinians since he was in the Israeli army and government a long time
ago, especially in Lebanon   in 1982 and in the Palestinian territories
these days. He and his army should leave our territories, said Mansoor
Ghannam, a 54-year-old resident from Gaza who owns vegetable store in Gaza

Ghannam said that the Palestinians would never give up or surrender, adding
that if he is not going to witness the liberation of Palestine, his sons and
grandsons will do. 

This is the land of our fathers and ancestors. If someone comes and
occupies your house and kicks your children and your family outside, what
should you do? Are you going to thank him, are you going to surrender? Of
course not, you would resist the occupier, fight him to the end until he
leaves your house, vowed Ghannam.

The Palestinians believe that as long as Israel is all the time planning to
take parts of the Palestinians' lands, expand settlements and demolish their
homes, kill their children, the war and conflict with the Israelis would
last forever, he added.

If any Israeli prime minister or any Israeli leader, but not Sharon, comes
and says to the Palestinians he decided to withdraw his army from the
occupied Palestinian territories, all the people would welcome him and make
peace with him, said Anwar Abu Hamdan, a 23-year-old student from Gaza.

Hamdan said that he was 14 years old when Israel and the Palestinians signed
a peace agreement, adding that he started to feel that peace with Israelis
is real and can be possible.

Nothing can break Palestinians' determination for independence
The Palestinian authority officials, who used to meet and negotiate the
Israelis, said that violence, aggression and offensives would never break
the Palestinians' determination to seek for their freedom and independence.

The officials said that military actions against the Palestinians by the
Israeli government would never solve the problem, noting that the conflict
should only be ended by the withdrawal from all the occupied territories,
and by peace negotiations not by violence.

This government of Sharon has approved that it doesn't want peace with us,
said Palestinian Information Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo.

Abed Rabbo said that the Sharon-led government, which elected and formed
after the beginning of the Intifada, wanted to break the Palestinian people
and imposed on them by force the solution that they want and not the
solution that the Palestinians want.

He stressed that Sharon sworn in and became a Prime Minister without having
any political agenda to end up the conflict and reach a permanent solution
in the area of the Middle East, adding that he (Sharon) came only with a
series of military plans, and he is implementing them one after the other.

But until now and further more, all the military plans of Sharon would
never succeed to achieve his dream and his aims to break the Palestinian
people, said Abed Rabbo. Peace with this man is impossible after all what
he did. 

Tension between Israel and Palestinians
Since last Friday, tension between Israel and the Palestinians has grown up
after the Israeli army carried out the widest military operation against the
Palestinians in the West Bank since Israel pulled out from its towns and
villages in 1995. 

In less than a week, the Israeli army reoccupied the West Bank towns of
Ramallah, Jenin, Qalqilia, Tulkarem, Nablus, Bethlehem andparts of Hebron,
killing and wounding dozens, and arresting hundreds.

Israel said that the reason it decided to carry out such widespread
operations against the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat is to fight the 

US: Accountancy Company Fire 7 000 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


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.Monday, 8 April, 2002, 17:26 GMT 18:26 UK
Andersen to lay off 7,000

The accountancy firm Andersen has said it will lay off 7,000 workers at its US arm
Arthur Andersen.

Of all the issues we have confronted recently, none compare to actions we are now
forced to take with our employees

Larry Gorrell
Andersen blamed the Enron scandal for the layoffs, which will be executed over the
next few months.
About a quarter of Andersen's US workforce will lose their jobs.
Of all the issues we have confronted recently, none compare to actions we are now
forced to take with our employees, said Larry Gorrell, managing partner of the firm's
US operations.
Cuts inevitable
Staff working in Andersen's audit and administrative units will be hit the hardest by
the cuts.
Heavy cuts are expected at the firm's Chicago headquarters where 5,300 people work.
Andersen warned last month that the job cuts in the US were inevitable.
Breaking up
Andersen's problems have been mounting in recent years, along with a criminal
indictment and substantial lawsuits brought by shareholders for its role in the demise
of Enron.
Many of Andersen's clients, scared off by the scandal, have walked into the open arms
of the accountant's competitors.
The competitors have been actively snapping up bits of Andersen's business too.
Most of Andersen's US tax practice will be sold to its rival Deloitte  Touche.
While internationally, Andersen's network is being carved up by its rivals.


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Enron suit implicates 9 US banks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Howard


[Hour by hour news  analysis... ]

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. Monday, 8 April, 2002, 21:49 GMT 22:49 UK
Enron suit implicates 9 US banks

University of California regents are the lead plaintiffs

The University of California has filed an amended complaint in its lawsuit against
Enron, alleging nearly a dozen investment banks and law firms colluded to defraud
The university filed the revised class-action lawsuit on Monday in US District Court
in Houston on behalf of thousands of other stockholders, who lost at least $25bn
(£17.4bn) by investing in failed energy-trader Enron.

The wrongful conduct which underlies this case was not limited to Houston, but also
took place on Wall Street

William Lerach
plaintiff attorney

The revised lawsuit, 500 pages in length, accuses the firms not only of participating
in deception but of profiting from it, too.

This fraud was worldwide in its scope, years long in its duration, unprecedented in
its size, said William Lerach, the lead attorney representing the plaintiffs.

Looking beyond Enron

The scheme's sheer immensity meant it could not have been accomplished by Enron
executives alone, no matter how dishonest or energetic they may have been, Mr Lerach
told reporters during a press conference on Monday in San Francisco.

University of California officials said the educational system lost $145m attributable
to the collapse of Enron's stock price.

The original class-action lawsuit filed last October named 29 top Enron officials and
its embattled auditor Arthur Andersen and has been frozen ever since Enron filed for
bankruptcy last December.

Among those named in that lawsuit were former chairman and chief executive Kenneth Lay
and another former chief executive Jeffrey Skilling.

'Pyramid' scheme

The amended shareholder suit was accompanied by a similar complaint filed by former
Enron employees who lost their pension funds as a result of the bankrupt firms' now
worthless stock.

Arthur Andersen
29 Enron ex-officials
Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan
Merrill Lynch
Lehman Brothers
Bank of America
Canadian Imperial Bank
Vinson  Elkins
Kirkland  Ellis

Both complaints named the same nine Wall Street investment banks, accusing them of
acting to defraud investors.

In mounting their latest legal manoeuvre, the plaintiffs have implicated some of Wall
Street's most prestigious investment banks with the hopes of recouping some of the
billions of dollars they have lost.

The named banks include Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, CSFB,
Lehman Brothers, Bank of America, JP Morgan and Canadian Imperial Bank.

The wrongful conduct which underlies this case was not limited to Houston, but also
took place on Wall Street, where Enron's investment banks and lawyers helped create,
structure and sell securities which propped up the Enron pyramid, the employee
complaint read.

'No alternative'

Analysts on Monday said the plaintiffs face an uphill battle in getting a court to
agree the banks and law firms are liable for shareholder losses.

They clearly have a large challenge before them, said Christopher Bebel, a Houston
lawyer. However, they have no alternative. They have to pursue this course of action
to have a chance of locating sufficient funds.

Part of the reason for the inclusion of new defendants is that Andersen may prove
unable to come anywhere near meeting the plaintiffs' demands for compensation.

When the lawsuit was first prepared last autumn, it seemed feasible to extract
hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation from Andersen - the world's fifth
largest accounting firm - and former top Enron officials.

But the scale of the class-action suit has ballooned to $25bn, and Arthur Andersen's
further existence has been called into question, as company after company has fired or
failed to renew contracts with the firm.

Defending against charges

Two of the newly named banks denied the latest charges.

We believe there is no basis for this claim, and we intend to vigorously defend
against it, a spokesman for Merrill Lynch said.

London-based Barclays Capital told Dow Jones news agency the bank does not believe
there is a basis for a successful claim to be brought against it.

Citigroup and JP Morgan declined to comment, while Bank of America, CIBC, Deutsche
Bank and Lehman were not reachable.

For its part, CSFB has previously defended its role in advising Enron, saying its work
was reviewed by the ratings agencies, outside counsels, and the accounting firms.

Also implicated in the partnerships are the law firms Vinson  Elkins and Kirkland 
Ellis, who helped shepherd the deals through. Both firms have said they would
challenge the charges

The suit accuses Enron executives and advisors of a long list of offences, centring on
the off-balance-sheet partnerships that were used to conceal the firm's finances 

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