[arch-general] Protect a cron job from systemd

2013-01-02 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

among various tasks, I also run sysstat for monitoring my server's load. 
The way it runs by default is via the hourly cron, as a job that lasts 
exactly one hour. Sometimes I need to stop crond (systemctl stop dcron) to 
perform some short maintainance, and restart it a minute later that I'm 

Previously the sadc monitoring process of sysstat wasn't being killed, 
since it double forked and stayed up as a daemon. Unfortunately now 
systemd kills the whole cgroup, and in this manner it's possible to lose 
up to one hour of accounting logs. Any ideas on how to instruct systemd to 
not kill it when terminating crond?

Thanks in advance,

Re: [arch-general] Protect a cron job from systemd

2013-01-02 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hi Gaetan,

On Wed, 2 Jan 2013, Gaetan Bisson wrote:

[2013-01-02 11:07:01 +0200] Dimitrios Apostolou:

Any ideas on how to instruct systemd to not kill it
when terminating crond?

Indeed, cron daemon services should use KillMode=process. I'll implement
that for cronie and push it to [testing] right away. If you use another
daemon, please create a bug on our tracker.

Thanks, that's the solution I was looking for! Filed a bug for dcron (btw 
I hadn't noticed it moved to community, I thought it is still in core :-), 
see FS#33273.


Re: [arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-09 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Sat, 8 Dec 2012, Curtis Shimamoto wrote:

On 12/09/12 at 04:01am, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:

Imagine that in /usr unit file the daemon is being called as binary
-d. So I create the /etc unit file that supersedes it and calls it
as blah -d -n1. Then the package gets updated and the /usr unit
file changes to binary -d --lock=/whatever/path.

As you can see I won't get the update because I've overriden the
unit file, I won't get any warning either, but if the original unit
file called binary -d --lock=/whatever/path $BLAH_ARGS there would
have been no such problem.

Keep some kind of configuration fine and use the .include feature of
systemd units to source the config with EnvironmentFile=.

Hi Curtis, I can't see how the .include directive would help in the case I 
mentioned. But even in other cases that it helps, I think it's a much more 
heavyweight solution to the problem, than the /etc/conf.d EnvironmentFile. 
What do you think?


Re: [arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-09 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
Tom, thank you very much for the extensive reply, I've been searching a 
lot for the reasoning you explained.

On Sun, 9 Dec 2012, Tom Gundersen wrote:

Speed is not a concern.

The way things should ideally work, IMHO, is:

Options related to the init-system, such as where the lock-file is
located should be indicated as an option in ExecStart. The reason this
makes sense is that it must match what is specifid in PIDFile=. The
same goes for any other option that systemd requires to be a certain
value to function correctly. All these options are things that the
admin would not usually change.

Agreed, as I pointed in my example such options should be hardcoded in 
ExecStart. Unfortunately this comes with the side-effect of missing any 
updates if ExecStart gets customised in custom unit file (I didn't know 
about systemd-delta, thanks to everyone who mentioned it).

However, options that are unrelated to the init-system should not be
specified in ExecStart=, but should be configured in the applications
own configuration file. It has nothing to do with systemd, so for
systemd to just stupidly read it from one location and pass it on to
the program without touching it seems wrong on a conceptual level.

More concretely, why we should avoid /etc/conf.d (and why all distros
should discourage similar use of their own config directories):

* it is distro-specific, so once we switch to unit files provided by
upstream, we would have to change the location of the configuration
file to whatever is used upstream (maybe the Debain location, or maybe
the Fedora one, or maybe something else, it would probably differ from
package to package). I think it is better to have a general rule
saying we don't use /etc/conf.d with systemd, than package by
package moving their config files around as things are upstreamed.

Personally I believe all distros that switch to systemd will add their own 
twist to it. Distro-independant Unit files sounds like Utopia. In reality 
I expect unit files to be patched for various custom needs of different 
distros. But anyway if it is actually achieved it would be great.

* most packages have their own configuration file where some, if not
all, options can be configured. Having two locations for configuring
the same options is not ideal, so we want to avoid that to the extent
possible. One could imagine using /etc/conf.d for packages where not
all command-line options can be configured in the config file.
However, what do we then do when one day the config files are extended
to deal with all the options? If we drop /etc/conf.d support we'll
have the same problems as above: package by package changing

There are cases when using /etc/conf.d is necessary, but to the extent
possible we should try to avoid it. Moreover, the first option should
always be to petition upstream to add their own config files with the
required options, and only if that is impossible add /etc/conf.d

Just let me be specific with two examples that I use /etc/conf.d, and it 
may be more clear why they are still needed:

1) On a memory constrained system I use the following for spamassassin: 
SPAMD_OPTS=-c --min-spare 0 --max-children 1 -s local5. I don't think 
this can be customized by other means.

2) For the crond started service of sysstat, I keep all history with 
HISTORY= in /etc/conf.d/sysstat. I don't know if /etc/conf.d is being 
deprecated for everything or only for systemd started daemons, but this is 
a non-systemd example that makes good use of it.




[arch-general] On /etc/conf.d deprecation

2012-12-08 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

from a reply I got to a bug report (FS#32817, reply is private) I found 
out that configuration files in /etc/conf.d are deprecated and that the 
supported way is to replicate and customize service files.

Imagine that in /usr unit file the daemon is being called as binary -d. 
So I create the /etc unit file that supersedes it and calls it as blah 
-d -n1. Then the package gets updated and the /usr unit file changes to 
binary -d --lock=/whatever/path.

As you can see I won't get the update because I've overriden the unit 
file, I won't get any warning either, but if the original unit file called 
binary -d --lock=/whatever/path $BLAH_ARGS there would have been no 
such problem.

/etc/conf.d is a weaker but more elegant mechanism. I'm not saying it 
should replace unit files, but it should work *with* unit files, as the 
Arch way even if not in Freedesktop's - Fedora's recommendations. Of 
course anyone will still be free to copy and customize the unit file.

So I'm curious to know why this mechanism was deprecated? Is it speed we 
gain by not including the EnvironmentFile directive in the systemd unit 
file? Is there some other reason I might be missing?

Thanks in advance,

[arch-general] moving custom hooks to systemd

2012-08-31 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

I tried booting with systemd and two custom hooks I have that create the 
/var directory on tmpfs didn't work. Google doesn't help here and my 
experience with systemd is in its infancy, so is there specific action I 
should take?

My custom hooks are set to run during sysinit_postmount and 
shutdown_preumount, see attached file for full source.

Thanks in advance,
function varsync_start ()
# Assuming that we mounted /var as tmpfs in the previous step
stat_busy Rsyncing /var-sync/ to /var/
/usr/bin/rsync -ax /var-sync/ /var/

function varsync_stop ()
# saving the /var filesystem from the tmpfs
echo -e 'y\ny' | /usr/bin/pacman -Scc /dev/null
stat_busy Rsyncing /var/ to /var-sync/
/usr/bin/rsync -ax --delete /var/ /var-sync/

add_hook sysinit_postmount varsync_start
add_hook shutdown_preumount varsync_stop

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] dropping tcp_wrapper support

2011-07-19 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

I've been using tcp_wrappers on Linux for more than 10 years, and on 
Archlinux for 6 years.

FWIW I'm not happy about this change. Even though I know that the same 
functionality is provided by iptables, I consider tcp_wrappers the Unix 

Anyway there is no value in fighting about personal opinions, and I 
respect the developers' decision because tcp_wrappers is unmaintained. 
Hopefully someone will move forward, fork the package and bring it up 
to date.


Re: [arch-general] Change Arch's default crond

2011-04-21 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Grigorios Bouzakis wrote:

Because of these:
Mostly https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/18681

The run many times per day bug hasn't bitten me since months ago. And I 
used to see it really often. Maybe it is fixed?


Re: [arch-general] flyspray mailing list

2011-03-13 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Sun, 13 Mar 2011, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 12.03.2011 12:39, schrieb Sergej Pupykin:


what about creating mailing list with all flyspray notifications?

I think it can take off some load from bug wrangler person and may be
usefull for Arch users.

In general, I am not against this. I wouldn't subscribe, but some people

I have used such lists in other projects without subscribing, the web 
archives of that list are very useful in showing latest activity.

For arch I think it would be good, especially if it showed all the 
reopening requests and the replys, that are now simply lost.


Re: [arch-general] mkinitcpio compression

2011-02-27 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Sun, 27 Feb 2011, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 27.02.2011 03:12, schrieb Dimitrios Apostolou:

Hello list,

I'm using arch on an old laptop with only 128MB RAM. I had problems
compressing the initcpio image with lzma, it always failed allocating
memory. The following one-line patch allowed me to set my own
compression level in mkinitcpio.conf, with COMPRESSION=lzma -4

Does it also work if you simply omit any option and use the default? If
you read the manpage, lzma -9 shouldn't be used anyway.

The default setting is -6 and it works, but I prefer -4 to avoid swapping. 
But what I'm arguing is that the default should be used anyway, and leave 
it to the user to choose a custom setting only if necessary.

FWIW compressing the kernel26-fallback image with various settings 
(no_options, -e, -4, -4e, -9, -9e) yields almost identical results, even 
if -9 needs many times the memory of -6. CPU times are all from 20 to 25 

-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis 10293248 Feb 27 15:19 kernel26-fallback.orig
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7860781 Feb 27 15:22 kernel26-fallback.4.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7849183 Feb 27 15:25 kernel26-fallback.4e.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7848882 Feb 27 15:26 kernel26-fallback.6e.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7848866 Feb 27 15:28 kernel26-fallback.9e.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7846985 Feb 27 15:22 kernel26-fallback.9.lzma
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimis jimis  7846962 Feb 27 15:21 kernel26-fallback.6.lzma


[arch-general] mkinitcpio compression

2011-02-26 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

I'm using arch on an old laptop with only 128MB RAM. I had problems 
compressing the initcpio image with lzma, it always failed allocating 
memory. The following one-line patch allowed me to set my own compression 
level in mkinitcpio.conf, with COMPRESSION=lzma -4

--- /sbin/mkinitcpio.orig   2010-10-06 03:23:00.966415649 +0300
+++ /sbin/mkinitcpio2011-02-26 19:11:36.309682053 +0200
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 if [ -n ${GENIMG} ]; then
 echo -n :: Generating image '${GENIMG}'...
-if ! /sbin/gen_init_cpio ${FILELIST} | ${COMPRESSION} -9  ${GENIMG}; 
+if ! /sbin/gen_init_cpio ${FILELIST} | ${COMPRESSION}  ${GENIMG}; then
 echo FAILED

What do you think? Should this make it to the distro? Also I actually 
think that *not* forcing -9 compression level, and letting the tool use 
its default is a good thing.


Re: [arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

2010-06-16 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Denis A. Altoé Falqueto wrote:

The proposed model is based on the web of trust. We would trust on
some keys to sign other keys. The main keys would be kept by some high
trusty developers. They would sign the public keys of the other
developers (and their personal keys too) with the main ones. We,
mortal users, would trust the main keys to sign the others, and files
signed by the developers' keys would be considered valid, by
transitivity of the trust model.

So, if a developer's key is compromised, it would be enough to
generate another, submit to the key signers and resign the packages
affected. In the current workflow, the package building is made in
chroots, in the machine of each developer (sound reasons given by
Ionut, above). The package would be signed after him testing it. The
package would be upload to a staging area and the repo.db would be
created. At this point, the repo.db should be signed, but exactly how
is the real problem. I have some ideas, as explained in the wiki page,
but I don't have the time and my skills are not so wonderful. This is
done by Debian and Fedora, at least (those were what I've searched.
Others may do it the same way).

As far as I know, Fedora uses a different model: a build server and 
release-wide keys. Search for Fedora koji and Fedora keys for more 
info. However I don't know how do developers submit RPM spec files to the 
build server, /maybe/ their own keys are used there.

About debian I don't have a clue.


And one more thing: the implementation is not the main concern. The
process is. That's why we muse discuss it thoroughly. A good plan will
lead to a good and secure implementation. We should not rush anything.

A: Because it obfuscates the reading.
Q: Why is top posting so bad?

Denis A. Altoe Falqueto

Re: [arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

2010-06-16 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
i found this annoying since, debugging is more harder, i have to download the 
resulted package to test it, send it, wait for the pool to come. is a mess :D

even if my system is compromised, we build our packages in clean chroots.

The workflow won't be changing much using a build server: you build and 
rebuild on your own system using a clean chroot, until you are satisfied 
with the result. Then you submit PKGBUILD to the build server and forget 
about it. 99% of the time the build will be successful, since it uses the 
exact same buildchroot you did, the package will be automatically signed 
with the arch-wide key stored safely in the server and will be submitted 
to the repo. 1% of the time something bad happens in the process and you 
get notified by email...

I think the idea of build server is only positive, if we somehow 
find the equipment needed. :-)


Re: [arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

2010-06-16 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hey, what do you think about this way of verifying packages?

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:
On another note, an easy but maybe a bit costly way to avoid any MITM 
tampering to packages, is serve *.md5 files for every package through a 
trusted HTTPS host. Then everyone can query that single host and check if the 
package he got from a mirror is safe.

Costs: A little more traffic by serving hash files to everyone plus the cost 
of the certificate from a CA. Is the income Arch receives from ads and schwag 
enough for such a simple solution?

Let me explain it a bit more:

Pacman downloads package-1.tar.xz from a random mirror.
It then fetches:


Pacman should then know whether the connection to sums.archlinux.org was 
tampered, since the certificate is signed from a CA in ca-bundle.crt. So 
if the two hashes match, the package is safe (as safe as the archlinux 

That way any type of file can be verified (packages, db files, PKGBUILDs, 
patches etc) provided that its cryptographic hash is in that HTTPS host. 
Obviously to be able to verify db files, they need a timestamp appended to 
them, e.g. core-MMDDHHMM.tar.gz. That necessary change is perhaps the 
most difficult part of this proposal.

If too many small files is a problem, maybe the whole db.tar.gz can be 
served (at the cost of a higher bandwidth utilisation).

This solution doesn't use package signing nor a web-of-trust. It simply 
piggybacks on the tried and true HTTPS mechanism. Primary advantage is 
the lack of complexity which makes it easy to understand and implement.

What do you think?

Re: [arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

2010-06-16 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 16 Jun 2010, Dan McGee wrote:

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Hey, what do you think about this way of verifying packages?

On Tue, 15 Jun 2010, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:

On another note, an easy but maybe a bit costly way to avoid any MITM
tampering to packages, is serve *.md5 files for every package through a
trusted HTTPS host. Then everyone can query that single host and check if
the package he got from a mirror is safe.

Costs: A little more traffic by serving hash files to everyone plus the
cost of the certificate from a CA. Is the income Arch receives from ads and
schwag enough for such a simple solution?

Let me explain it a bit more:

Pacman downloads package-1.tar.xz from a random mirror.
It then fetches:


Pacman should then know whether the connection to sums.archlinux.org was
tampered, since the certificate is signed from a CA in ca-bundle.crt. So if
the two hashes match, the package is safe (as safe as the archlinux

That way any type of file can be verified (packages, db files, PKGBUILDs,
patches etc) provided that its cryptographic hash is in that HTTPS host.
Obviously to be able to verify db files, they need a timestamp appended to
them, e.g. core-MMDDHHMM.tar.gz. That necessary change is perhaps the
most difficult part of this proposal.

If too many small files is a problem, maybe the whole db.tar.gz can be
served (at the cost of a higher bandwidth utilisation).

This solution doesn't use package signing nor a web-of-trust. It simply
piggybacks on the tried and true HTTPS mechanism. Primary advantage is the
lack of complexity which makes it easy to understand and implement.

What do you think?

I think that someone could blow this apart. I break in, touch a
package of my choosing without telling anyone, and update the checksum
file. Bam- everyone's systems are fucked and the developers never knew
because you didn't do anything both cryptographically secure and
verifiable, you just added some indirection to the process.

HTTPS is both cryptographically correct and verifiable. The case you 
mention is if someone breaks the one end, that must be guarded most. 
The danger is there everywhere, on the web-of-trust case someone that 
broke into a dev's machine and got the key, can sign anything he wants and 
serve it to the user, who would know? On the distro-wide key case, it's 
like someone stealing that key, and be able to serve/sign everything.

Here, we don't have a key to keep safe, but a server. So it needs special 
attention about who has access and how hashes are submitted (although 
HTTPS can secure this process too). But I admit that keeping a server safe 
is a bit harder than keys, if that was your point.



Re: [arch-general] Package signing for the umpteenth time (was Re: unrealircd contains backdoor)

2010-06-15 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Denis A. Altoé Falqueto wrote:

And keep in mind that package signing per se will not solve this kind
of problems. Repository database signing is more important for that
solution, but is a problem in the current workflow of Arch developers.

How exactly is core and extra database populated?

Moreover, instead of building all packages in the private PCs of 
developers, I think it is preferable to submit PKGBUILDs to build servers 
(via web interface maybe) and let the servers do the build + signing + 
repoupdate... That way if a developer's system gets compromised his 
packages will stay clean. Of course that needs extra work and equipment, 
but perhaps we can agree to it as a future target.

On another note, an easy but maybe a bit costly way to avoid any MITM 
tampering to packages, is serve *.md5 files for every package through a 
trusted HTTPS host. Then everyone can query that single host and check 
if the package he got from a mirror is safe.

Costs: A little more traffic by serving hash files to everyone plus the 
cost of the certificate from a CA. Is the income Arch receives from 
ads and schwag enough for such a simple solution?


Re: [arch-general] Bad attitude in flyspray again!

2010-03-12 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou


On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:

Commenting on closed bugs is not doable in Flyspray.

I didn't know it, thanks for the info! So I guess every argument
from now on is just for the sake of completion...

More-over, I think it is a bad idea. The only reason people want
commenting on closed bugs is so that they can argue with the
developers - give reasons why the bug shouldn't be closed. That's what
a reopen request is for. If that fails, then it's time to discuss it
directly with the developer in question

Once, on another project, I filed a feature request on Flyspray. I 
also attached some measurements that showed how slow was the current 
way of doing things. After some monts the feature got implemented and the 
bug closed. I liked the feature, the program was much faster, and I wanted 
to attach measurements from the same machine that showed the difference. I 
didn't because I felt a reopen request would bother the developers.

But even for true reopen requests, IMHO the request itself should be 
logged as a comment so that others can see it, and why it was rejected.


Re: [arch-general] Bad attitude in flyspray again!

2010-03-12 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Dan McGee wrote:

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Damjan Georgievski gdam...@gmail.com wrote:

Commenting on closed bugs is not doable in Flyspray.

Actually it is doable, it's a configuration option per project.
Check http://bugs.archlinux.org/pm/proj1/prefs

More-over, I think it is a bad idea. The only reason people want
commenting on closed bugs is so that they can argue with the

assuming malicious users up-front?

- give reasons why the bug shouldn't be closed. That's what
a reopen request is for. If that fails, then it's time to discuss it
directly with the developer in question

I see at least several good uses of allowing comments on closed bugs,
sometimes even adding aditional reasons why the bug needs to *stay

Thanks. I just turned this on for the pacman bug tracker because I do
find comments after closing a feature that is a net positive (with
some trolling drawbacks, of course).

Me thanks! I think it will generally be positive. And in any case you can 
turn it back off if it's abused.



Re: [arch-general] Bad attitude in flyspray again!

2010-03-11 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
My primary complaint against flyspray is that it doesn't allow comments to 
be added after the bug is closed. The only way is by doing a request to 
reopen the bug, and even in that case your comment is not added to the 
comment list.

Wouldn't this functionality remedy the closing bugs early situation? Is 
it supported in flyspray?


Re: [arch-general] pacman overwriting files (was Re: dcron 4.2)

2010-02-11 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Thomas Bächler wrote:

Am 10.02.2010 21:30, schrieb Dimitrios Apostolou:

Guys that thing bit me again: During the big libpng upgrade
initscripts package got upgraded too and /etc/rc.{sysinit,shutdown}
got overwritten without notifying me. Because of special changes I've
made to mount /var as tmpfs, and because I forgot to put the files in
the NoUpgrade line of pacman.conf, the system was unbootable and after
fixing it pacman wants to download 500MB of packages again (ideas?). :-@

Can't pacman just emit a big fat warning like: WARNING: /etc/rc.sysinit

Since this case is extremely rare, the message would appear scarcely. I
can't thing of anything negative for such a feature.

This will definitely not happen. pacman will only notify you on files
that are marked as backup in the package and thus listed in pacman
-Qii! All other will be overwritten without a warning (pacman doesn't
know you modified them). rc.{sysinit,shutdown} are not supposed to be

Thanks for the info, so it's not a matter of policy but I now see it's 
technically not feasible... I wish this was mentioned before. I now 
noticed that pacman stores the checksums of files in the %PACMAN% array 
inside files file. I somehow was under the impression that no checksums 
were needed, only the timestams inside the installation tarball.

modified by the user - if you still want to do that, the NoUpgrade
feature of pacman will do the job, but then you are completely on your
own (Arch gives you all freedom you want, as long as you know you and
only you are to blame for problems)!

You should try to make your changes work inside Arch:
1) If your changes are general enough to make it into the mainstream
initscripts as a feature (or an optional one), submit a feature request
with a patch against latest git.
2) If your changes are for local usage only, try to integrate them with
the new initscripts hooks system. You can also request to add more hooks
to be added in initscripts, just open a feature request. The hooks
system is explained in the comments in /etc/rc.d/functions.

My patch is only 3 lines before any other initialisation has taken place, 
and copies /var from disk to tmpfs. I'm using it on my Eee 901 for over 
one year, but it's really custom and non-portable. I didn't know about the 
new hooks system, I think I like it. When I find some time to port my 
3-lines patch to it, I'll post it here in case someone else needs it.


[arch-general] pacman overwriting files (was Re: dcron 4.2)

2010-02-10 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Thomas Bächler tho...@archlinux.org wrote:

Am 13.01.2010 00:34, schrieb Dimitrios Apostolou:

Since I've been bitten by this, how can I know if the file I modified is
goint to be overwritten or not, *before* it actually happens? And even
if it is, a .pacsave wouldn't hurt anyone, if I remember correctly (it's
been some time) I had completely lost my changes, and I had to rewrite

pacman -Qii is your friend.

pacman -Qii dcron will show you all the backup files that pacman will
take care of.

Guys that thing bit me again: During the big libpng upgrade initscripts 
package got upgraded too and /etc/rc.{sysinit,shutdown} got overwritten 
without notifying me. Because of special changes I've made to mount /var 
as tmpfs, and because I forgot to put the files in the NoUpgrade line of 
pacman.conf, the system was unbootable and after fixing it pacman wants to 
download 500MB of packages again (ideas?). :-@

Can't pacman just emit a big fat warning like: 

Since this case is extremely rare, the message would appear scarcely. I 
can't thing of anything negative for such a feature.


Re: [arch-general] pacman overwriting files (was Re: dcron 4.2)

2010-02-10 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, dave reisner wrote:

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Guys that thing bit me again: During the big libpng upgrade initscripts
package got upgraded too and /etc/rc.{sysinit,shutdown} got overwritten
without notifying me. Because of special changes I've made to mount /var as
tmpfs, and because I forgot to put the files in the NoUpgrade line of
pacman.conf, the system was unbootable and after fixing it pacman wants to
download 500MB of packages again (ideas?). :-@

Can't pacman just emit a big fat warning like: WARNING: /etc/rc.sysinit

Since this case is extremely rare, the message would appear scarcely. I
can't thing of anything negative for such a feature.


Or simply add rc.sysinit to the backup array in the PKGBUILD. I was bit by
this as well, but I had a backup close by. Imagine that.

Because of my experience in this area... I also had a backup and that's 
how I fixed my system. BU* that happened after I realised something got 
overwritten, that is *after* the reboot, which costed me my pacman db. 
Can you imagine it? ;-)



Re: [arch-general] pacman overwriting files (was Re: dcron 4.2)

2010-02-10 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Thomas Bächler tho...@archlinux.org

Am 13.01.2010 00:34, schrieb Dimitrios Apostolou:

Since I've been bitten by this, how can I know if the file I modified is
goint to be overwritten or not, *before* it actually happens? And even
if it is, a .pacsave wouldn't hurt anyone, if I remember correctly (it's
been some time) I had completely lost my changes, and I had to rewrite

pacman -Qii is your friend.

pacman -Qii dcron will show you all the backup files that pacman will
take care of.

Guys that thing bit me again: During the big libpng upgrade initscripts
package got upgraded too and /etc/rc.{sysinit,shutdown} got overwritten
without notifying me. Because of special changes I've made to mount /var as
tmpfs, and because I forgot to put the files in the NoUpgrade line of
pacman.conf, the system was unbootable and after fixing it pacman wants to
download 500MB of packages again (ideas?). :-@

Can't pacman just emit a big fat warning like: WARNING: /etc/rc.sysinit USER

Since this case is extremely rare, the message would appear scarcely. I
can't thing of anything negative for such a feature.

I can: extra work for people who are already taxed. You want it? Submit a patch.

OK I like that, from previous answers I thought it was a choice not to fix 
it. I will try to submit the patch.


Re: [arch-general] 2 Killer kde4 dark themes - DR you listening??

2010-01-19 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou


sorry for hijacking your thread but speaking of dark themes, I have been 
looking for ages for a nice reverse theme for gtk+ but every single one I 
remember wasn't perfect... Anyone 100% happy with a reverse theme?

And most importantly, how the /heck/ do you handle the *bright* *white* 
pages of the web... I'd tried creating a custom CSS for me, but it broke 
too many pages...


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] dcron 4.2

2010-01-12 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:

If you modify it, you should add it to the NoUpgrade line in
/etc/pacman.conf. The backup array is for what we INTEND to be
modified. Users are more than welcome to do what we don't intend, but
you need to control whether of not pacman mucks with those files

Since I've been bitten by this, how can I know if the file I modified is 
goint to be overwritten or not, *before* it actually happens? And even if 
it is, a .pacsave wouldn't hurt anyone, if I remember correctly (it's been 
some time) I had completely lost my changes, and I had to rewrite them.


Re: [arch-general] CUPS

2010-01-09 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
My guess is you need to authenticate to the Active Directory domain of 
your network. Windows does it automatically when you login. I have seen 
this case in the past but I can't help you with the specifics. You can 
google for something like cups samba active directory authentication...


Re: [arch-general] high CPU temperature with 2.6.32

2010-01-06 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 6 Jan 2010, Marti Raudsepp wrote:

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Using powertop I can see more than 100K wakeups/s (extra_timer_interrupt
is first on the list but I think it's irrelevant since it only shows about
100 wakeups), and the CPU is not going into C2 mode at all. Strangely
however the cpu is 99% idle, and top doesn't show system or user cpu

This sounds bad. Let me get this straight. Wakeups-from-idle per
second shows 100 000, but no large numbers show up under Top causes
for wakeups?

Can you post the contents of your /proc/interrupts and
/proc/timer_stats twice, taken within a few seconds difference?

cat /proc/timer_stats /proc/interrupts  echo  echo  sleep 2  cat \
/proc/timer_stats /proc/interrupts

Timer Stats Version: v0.2
Sample period: 0.000 s
0 total events
  0:  79154XT-PIC-XTtimer
  1:   1621XT-PIC-XTi8042
  2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
  3:  2XT-PIC-XT
  4:  3XT-PIC-XT
  5:  6XT-PIC-XTau8810
  6:  5XT-PIC-XTfloppy
  7:  0XT-PIC-XTparport0
  8:  4XT-PIC-XTrtc0
  9:  4XT-PIC-XTacpi
 10:  2XT-PIC-XT
 11:  45870XT-PIC-XTyenta, yenta, uhci_hcd:usb1
 12:  82960XT-PIC-XTi8042
 14:  15309XT-PIC-XTata_piix
 15:  0XT-PIC-XTata_piix
NMI:  0   Non-maskable interrupts
LOC:  0   Local timer interrupts
SPU:  0   Spurious interrupts
PMI:  0   Performance monitoring interrupts
PND:  0   Performance pending work
RES:  0   Rescheduling interrupts
CAL:  0   Function call interrupts
TLB:  0   TLB shootdowns
TRM:  0   Thermal event interrupts
THR:  0   Threshold APIC interrupts
MCE:  0   Machine check exceptions
MCP:  4   Machine check polls
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

Timer Stats Version: v0.2
Sample period: 0.000 s
0 total events
  0:  79271XT-PIC-XTtimer
  1:   1622XT-PIC-XTi8042
  2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
  3:  2XT-PIC-XT
  4:  3XT-PIC-XT
  5:  6XT-PIC-XTau8810
  6:  5XT-PIC-XTfloppy
  7:  0XT-PIC-XTparport0
  8:  4XT-PIC-XTrtc0
  9:  4XT-PIC-XTacpi
 10:  2XT-PIC-XT
 11:  45914XT-PIC-XTyenta, yenta, uhci_hcd:usb1
 12:  82960XT-PIC-XTi8042
 14:  15330XT-PIC-XTata_piix
 15:  0XT-PIC-XTata_piix
NMI:  0   Non-maskable interrupts
LOC:  0   Local timer interrupts
SPU:  0   Spurious interrupts
PMI:  0   Performance monitoring interrupts
PND:  0   Performance pending work
RES:  0   Rescheduling interrupts
CAL:  0   Function call interrupts
TLB:  0   TLB shootdowns
TRM:  0   Thermal event interrupts
THR:  0   Threshold APIC interrupts
MCE:  0   Machine check exceptions
MCP:  4   Machine check polls
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

I have already compiled a minimal 2.6.31 and a 2.6.32 kernel and the 
problem seems to be a regression introduced in the former. So I'm trying 
to find time for a git bisection... Any other ideas?



Re: [arch-general] high CPU temperature with 2.6.32

2010-01-06 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 6 Jan 2010, Marti Raudsepp wrote:

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Timer Stats Version: v0.2
Sample period: 0.000 s
0 total events

Huh? Something's broken with your /proc/timer_stats. Either that, or
some application is polling the file at an insane rate. Were you
running powertop in the background at this time?

No I wasn't running anything in the background, really stange indeed...

Nothing suspicious in your /proc/interrupts -- I assume the
'processor' module was still loaded at the time you took these


I have already compiled a minimal 2.6.31 and a 2.6.32 kernel and the problem
seems to be a regression introduced in the former. So I'm trying to find
time for a git bisection... Any other ideas?

You can contact people responsible for the 'processor' module. Linux
get_maintainer.pl lists these emails for

Len Brown l...@kernel.org
Bjorn Helgaas bjorn.helg...@hp.com
Andrew Morton a...@linux-foundation.org
Yinghai Lu ying...@kernel.org
Alex Chiang achi...@hp.com

(Yeah, feel free to send an email to all recipients, that's how people
usually communicate on LKML)

Thanks for the tips, they are very useful!



Re: [arch-general] high CPU temperature with 2.6.32

2010-01-05 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:


pacman just brought kernel 2.6.32 for my old laptop (P3 500MHz). A strange 
thing I noticed is that the fan won't go off when CPU is idling like it used 
to. Using powertop I can see more than 100K wakeups/s (extra_timer_interrupt 
is first on the list but I think it's irrelevant since it only shows about 
100 wakeups), and the CPU is not going into C2 mode at all. Strangely however 
the cpu is 99% idle, and top doesn't show system or user cpu usage.

FYI this happens when the module processor is inserted, whence I get 
something like marking tsc as unstable due to halts in idle. Using 
acpi_pm clocksource.

Before that the CPU is idling cool, but from then on I get ~130K wakeups/s 
and the CPU runs hot. My workaround for the moment is booting with 
parameter clocksource=pit.

Anyone else seeing such behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

Re: [arch-general] high CPU temperature with 2.6.32

2010-01-05 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:

Do you run acpi-cpufreq?

No I don't. In fact I don't think the CPU is able to lower its frequency.


Re: [arch-general] wchan info in ps

2009-11-16 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Sat, 14 Nov 2009, Xavier wrote:

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Hello list,

is anyone actually getting WCHAN information from either ps or top? To try
it just use ps opid,wchan,cmd. I only get dashes, any idea why?

man ps
wchan  WCHANname of the kernel function in which the process
is sleeping, a - if the process is running, or a * if the process
is multi-threaded and ps is not displaying threads.

That said, I only get a dash for the ps itself, and sometimes also for
the shell.

4040 n_tty_ -zsh
4620 rt_sig zsh
4626 poll_s irssi
12880 pause  screen -r
12942 rt_sig /bin/zsh
14936 rt_sig /bin/zsh
14939 poll_s cmus
23759 poll_s vim lib/libalpm/dload.c
23770 rt_sig /bin/zsh
23842 -  ps opid,wchan,cmd

I still can't figure this one out. The output you get is the correct one 
(I get that on Redhat systems) however how did you manage to get it on 
arch??? I tried on two more PCs with archlinux, but I still get dashes! 
So I see the same bogus behavior on 3 different systems (all 32-bit), I 
guess it's not my fault.



[arch-general] wchan info in ps

2009-11-14 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

is anyone actually getting WCHAN information from either ps or top? To try 
it just use ps opid,wchan,cmd. I only get dashes, any idea why?


Re: [arch-general] wchan info in ps

2009-11-14 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Sat, 14 Nov 2009, Xavier wrote:

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

Hello list,

is anyone actually getting WCHAN information from either ps or top? To try
it just use ps opid,wchan,cmd. I only get dashes, any idea why?

man ps
wchan  WCHANname of the kernel function in which the process
is sleeping, a - if the process is running, or a * if the process
is multi-threaded and ps is not displaying threads.

That said, I only get a dash for the ps itself, and sometimes also for
the shell.

4040 n_tty_ -zsh
4620 rt_sig zsh
4626 poll_s irssi
12880 pause  screen -r
12942 rt_sig /bin/zsh
14936 rt_sig /bin/zsh
14939 poll_s cmus
23759 poll_s vim lib/libalpm/dload.c
23770 rt_sig /bin/zsh
23842 -  ps opid,wchan,cmd

I get all dashes, so I must have broken something on my setup... :-( You 
are on 32-bit, right?


Re: [arch-general] archlinux on old hardware

2009-09-18 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

I'm using Arch on a old Sony Vaio: pentium II 200MHz with ~64MB of ram. It

Cool, especially since you have desktop software on it... How did you 
manage to install with only 64MB RAM?

is running LXDE. It is slow to boot, but I suspend without problems (its up
since a couple of month with suspend+resume each morning).
It is running slow, but this machine is now my alarm clock, and it works
perfectly streaming mp3 over wireless internet.

I think I have opera on it, but don't ask too much for web surfing...

Else, Arch is great! ;)


Re: [arch-general] archlinux on old hardware

2009-09-18 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Daenyth Blank wrote:

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 17:04, Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net wrote:

The other is that I had trouble finding a truly lightweight X terminal
(there were times when xterm was considered bloated ;) so I packaged myself
rxvt. Most other distributions offer it so in case you decide to include it
I attach the PKGBUILD.

rxvt is available in the AUR (which you can read about on the wiki).
The repos have mrxvt and rxvt-unicode packaged as binaries.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't search the AUR. I assumed it was deprecated 
because of rxvt-unicode, which is much more heavyweight. Would the devs 
consider including it in extra? it's one of the simplest but most basic 
packages available.


Re: [arch-general] archlinux on old hardware

2009-09-18 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

2009/9/18 Dimitrios Apostolou ji...@gmx.net

On Thu, 17 Sep 2009, Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

 I'm using Arch on a old Sony Vaio: pentium II 200MHz with ~64MB of ram. It

Cool, especially since you have desktop software on it... How did you
manage to install with only 64MB RAM?

Note that I'm not sure how much RAM I have. I might have more, like 80MB,
but not much more. I can verify tonight. I remember trying to access the web
with it (with arora I think), it was possible but really slow, and forget
about tabs.

Just FYI you might want to try the following tips to speed things up, they 
work in my case:

* forget about XDM/GDM/KDM and use startx, or a direct autologin from 
* Don't run LXDE, GTK+ 2.x is way too heavy for such hardware. My choice 
for window manager is JWM, recompiled with minimal dependencies, together 
with a script to auto-generate the menu from *.desktop files (I can post 
this if you need it).
* Try my PKGBUILD for rxvt, today even xterm has antialiased fonts which 
is too much for this old hardware

* Command line mail client (alpine is my personal choice)
* Dillo 2 or links-g (started with links -g) for web browser. 
Unfortunately that's not enough to provide the full web2 experience so 
when I'm open to alternatives you may suggest ;-)

As for installation, it was a pain. Mainly because this laptop does not have
a cd drive, and does not support booting from USB... When I got that
machine, debian was on it with grub. So I copied the usb thumb drive image's
kernel to the hd, added an entry for this kernel in grub, and booted the fs
on the usb drive. Started installation, wiped-out debian and only have arch
now. Put back arch's grub and its configuration, and that's it... ;)

awesome way to install :-)


P.S. Oh, did I mention sysctl vm.swappiness=0?

[arch-general] archlinux on old hardware

2009-09-17 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Hello list,

I just installed archlinux on a very old laptop of mine PIII at 500MHz 
with 128MB RAM. I am planning on using it as a desktop... I should mention 
two facts.

First is that I installed from CD succesfully without problems. I remember 
in the past the installer would fail with such amount of ram but it seems 
today's squashfs goodness is paying back... So what are the current 
minimum requirements?

The other is that I had trouble finding a truly lightweight X terminal 
(there were times when xterm was considered bloated ;) so I packaged 
myself rxvt. Most other distributions offer it so in case you decide to 
include it I attach the PKGBUILD.

I'm wondering, what's the oldest equipment you run archlinux on? Is it for 
desktop or server usage?

pkgdesc=a really lightweight terminal for X
arch=(i686 x86_64)

build() {
  cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \
--disable-everything \
--enable-shared \
  make || return 1
  mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/terminfo
  export TERMINFO=${startdir}/pkg/usr/share/terminfo
  make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install

Re: [arch-general] poll: udev uevents settle wait time

2008-05-29 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 06:12 +0200, Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
 måndagen den 19 maj 2008 skrev Dimitrios Apostolou:
  Let me start with a P3 800MHz I have running arch.
  Normal wait time: ~11.5s
  acpi=off wait time: ~5s
  What about yours?
 Toshiba laptop, pentium 233MHz, wait time 85564ms

:-O Fantastic!

It's probably the slowest arch machine I 've seen... How much RAM does
it have? How did you perform the installation? Are you using any desktop
environment, if so how does it perform?


Re: [arch-general] Any way to decrypt hashes set by ssh HashKnownHosts?

2008-05-21 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Was this change forwarded to the OpenSSH developers? I am sure that if
it is indeed better security-wise to hash the known_hosts file, they
would change the default configuration upstream. I'm also sure that they
would give very good reasons for not wanting to do so.


Re: [arch-general] About Arch pkg compress format

2008-05-21 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Tue, 2008-05-20 at 10:14 +0200, Jan de Groot wrote:
 Pacman itself is ready for .tar.bz2 package files. The whole issue
 with .bz2 files is that compression and decompression times increase a
 lot without giving the same amount of size reduction back. We've done
 some recent tests with LZMA, which compresses just as good as bzip2 at
 the lowest compression rate, but does it at the same speed as gzip. 

About LZMA I should add that when using higher (actually the default)
compression rate, compression is much better than bzip2 but takes more
time/memory. Decompression however, which is what really matters in a
packaging format, is kept fast and lightweight.

 downside is that LZMA is not supported by libarchive, and won't be
 supported officially either, because libarchive is BSD licensed and LZMA
 is GPL licensed.

Can't this problem be circumvented by spawning the lzma command line
utility, and piping all data to it? I understand that this perhaps
negates the purpose of libarchive, but the overhead should be small.


Re: [arch-general] About Arch pkg compress format

2008-05-21 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 19:39 +0200, Jan de Groot wrote:
 What's the memory usage when unzipping an LZMA file? Is it much higher
 than the needs of gzip? We already have problems supporting low-memory
 systems with our installer, adding a compression algorithm that eats
 more memory will cause even more problems for these systems.

Yes it eats more memory in comparison to gzip, at least when high
compression is chosen. But still the memory it uses is not much. From
the official site of the LZMA utils: 


RAM usage on decompression
gzipbzip2   lzmash  lzmash -e
1   1 MB   1 MB 1 MB-
2   1 MB   2 MB 2 MB-
3   1 MB   2 MB 1 MB1 MB
4   1 MB   2 MB 2 MB2 MB
5   1 MB   3 MB 3 MB3 MB
6   1 MB   3 MB 5 MB5 MB
7   1 MB   3 MB 9 MB9 MB
8   1 MB   4 MB17 MB   17 MB
9   1 MB   4 MB33 MB   33 MB

The memory usage of lzma stays competitive with bzip2 when files have
been compressed with lzmash -6 or with a smaller option. The files
compressed with the default lzmash -7 can still be decompressed, even
on machines with only 16 MB of RAM, but sometimes you don't have even
that much memory available. If you compress with lzmash -8 or lzmash
-9, you should think if the users need to be able to decompress your
files also on ancient computers.

I fully understand the license problem and personally I am pretty happy
with the gzip algorithm, I am just pointing facts so that a technically
correct conclusion is reached. 


[arch-general] poll: udev uevents settle wait time

2008-05-19 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
Hello list, 

I have recently seen the new feature of the initscripts, where the waiting 
time for uevents settling is being reported. So since we are all interested 
in booting speed, what are the times being reported for your computer? 

Let me start with a P3 800MHz I have running arch. 
Normal wait time: ~11.5s
acpi=off wait time: ~5s

What about yours?


Re: [arch-general] pacman changes libcrypt.so.1 symlink

2008-05-08 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
On Thursday 08 May 2008 13:10:02 Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 Yeah, but it glibc compiling much processor time. I've made small
 shell wrapper for ldconfig and it works. Maybe the best solution would
 be adding blowfish support to glibc's libcrypt itself.

Yet another external patch for glibc? Baaah However you may find 
interesting that glibc already supports sha256/sha512 password hashes. I 
remember having read that they intentionally prefered implementing those 
instead of blowfish. 

Ok I found it:


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] policy on desktop files?

2008-05-08 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
On Thursday 08 May 2008 15:58:51 bardo wrote:
 On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Grigorios Bouzakis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi, i wanted to note that there is
  http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Desktop_Project maintained by bardo
  a TU, which mentions absolutely nothing about upstream.
  Instead it says I (bardo) will write/modify the necessary files and
  notify the corresponding maintainers so they can be added to the
  packages. Additionally there are links to the bug tracker.
  I have no idea if bardo submitts them upstream as well but i doubt it.

 At the moment I don't. When I announced the project it got a good
 reaction, so I carried on with it, but after a while creating and
 providing desktop files through the bug tracker I started receiving
 the upstream problem answer. This has become pretty frequent, so
 lately I haven't been doing very much on the Arch side. The few
 developers I tried to contact didn't do anything, so I suppose there's
 little to no interest from them.

 The whole thing has started to become more frustrating than anything,
 so at the moment I'm not working on it anymore.

IMHO, even though I'm aggresively against patching, I don't consider 
the .desktop files as patches. They are some extra, *non-code* files, that is 
fair for the distro to provide (like other configuration files). I don't 
really blame the app developers that don't include them upstream. 



[arch-general] root CA certificates bundle

2008-04-29 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou
Hello list, 

In the past I had set-up some software I use (mpop) to read the root CAs 
certificates from  /usr/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt but it seems that some 
update broke that. I could easily find an alternative, since many archlinux 
packages come with their own CA cert bundle but it reminded me I wanted to 
post about it...

I think it would be better if archlinux had its own CA-certificate-bundle 
package, and all appropriate packages used that one. As a start we could use 
the file provided by curl or firefox, wrap it in its own package, and force 
its installation in every system. 

Of course this raises important issues concerning security, like how to 
distribute such a package since plain HTTP downloads (and without any 
signature verification) that pacman uses are insecure. The problem surely 
existed before, it's just that creating such a package mandates a solution. 
Nobody wants to have forged CA root certificates... Undoubtedly the safest is 
to include it once in the install CDs and never update it through the web, it 
seems pretty impossible though. So what do you think? 


Re: [arch-general] kernel26 2.6.25-1 enters [testing]

2008-04-20 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Dream Team wrote:

Le Sunday 20 April 2008 15:23:38 Erwin Van de Velde, vous avez écrit :

On Saturday 19 April 2008, Thomas Bächler wrote:

- Removed mactel patch

The removal of these patches was because a) there are no new patches
available for 2.6.25 and b) I am trying to reduce the amount of
patching, especially if it only benefits a few people or can be
potentially dangerous.
As far as I know, the mactel patch is required for some hardware support 
on intel-based mac systems and contains important fixes. This does not seem

like one patch too many, but an essential one for all users who, like me,
have mac hardware.
I do understand your wish to reduce the number of patches, but throwing out
patches required for support of important hardware does not seem the way to
go to me.


I also am using arch on my mac, and I find this essential and should not be 
removed if you find 2.6.25 compatible patchs (I am sure that they will come 
out in not so many time)


Hi, I would suggest to test the new kernel on your mac before 
complaining, perhaps it supports it better now. And if after that much 
time this patch is necessary for such common hardware and hasn't been 
imported upstream, I think you should contact the LKML.


Re: [arch-general] signoff kernel26-

2008-03-26 Thread Dimitrios Apostolou

Just my humble opinion on some of the issues raised:

What Arch needs is to have strict guidelines on PKGBUILDs and kick out
any developers that don't have the same idea. A proposition:
* Patches are unacceptable unless in the case the software wouldn't work
*at all* (Hint, qt PKGBUILD)

PLEASE no more patches that just add functionality! I want VANILLA 
packages and that's one reason I chose Arch. The users should complain 
to the specific application's developers for missing functionality and 

If arch returns to the arch way please remind me to post a list of 
packages with superfluous patches applied...

* Bugs and other issues that come from upstream, _should be fixed
upstream_. If people do have problems with a certain issue, they can abs
and makepkg themselves. (See rule 1)


Another point of interest may be that many people used to find gnome
coming ugly by default (I don't know if this still the case). So what?
 Selecting your own theme is just a few mouse clicks away. Arch should
never come with a fscked up KDE or Gnome profile like Ubuntu and others
do. In fact, packages should *always* come with the defaults shipped by

Again I like respecting the application's developers choices.
