Re: [arch-general] dmraid wiki wrong on chroot proceedure??

2010-01-17 Thread RedShift

On 01/17/10 09:54, David C. Rankin wrote:


I was helping someone on installing grub and I noticed the following on:

under Install Grub that does not look correct:

# mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
# mount -t proc none /mnt/proc
# mount -t sysfs none /mnt/sys
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

That should be:

# mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
# mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc
# mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash

shouldn't it?? I know there wasn't a sysfs involved the last time I did 

Eh no? Both examples stated above are correct.


[arch-general] Tiny webserver to run as root

2010-01-03 Thread RedShift

Hi all

Does anyone have a suggestion for some software, a tiny webserver that is able 
to run as root and execute CGI scripts? It should be smaller than apache and 
preferably even smaller than lighttpd. It doesn't need a whole lot of features, 
it only needs to be able to execute CGI scripts.

I have tried a few: nanoweb (which is written in php as well) but has some 
problems with CGI scripts and when it runs in multi process mode it brings the 
system load up to exactly 1.00. Nullhttpd, but it's old and unmaintained. 
Tinyhttpd isn't up for the job as well (kept crashing at times).


Best regards,


[arch-general] A universal Operating System API - why don't we have it?

2009-12-18 Thread RedShift

Hi all

It dawned on my that lots of industries have standards and companies generally 
keep to them. For example slabs of aluminium have standard sizes, building 
materials have well defined specifications, or take electrical components: 
there's a huge list of standardized components. You can expect between 220 and 
240 VAC from your wall socket, fuses have standard formats and ratings, 1 meter 
here is exactly the same as 1 meter in another country, etc... Even CD's, which 
have been around for decades by now, have always been created using the same 
format (albeit extended somewhat, over time, but a normal CD pressed now should 
still play in a CD player that's 20 years old).

It allows for a very competitive market where choices are made based on price, 
quality, availability, etc...

Why doesn't the computer business have something similar? Sure processors are interchangeable in a 
limited way, we use standardized RAM, standard interfaces for accessing our peripherals, etc... But 
not when it comes to software. Why don't we have one universal API that works on every operating 
system? Yes there is libc, the language C is defined in some way, but I'm talking about 
stuff that would make applications 100% portable. Things like enumerating all hardware devices, 
configuring a network interface, drawing a window, ejecting the CD-ROM drive, getting notified 
about new hardware plugged in, etc... It's different on every operating system. You cannot write a 
driver for Linux and expect it to work on FreeBSD. You cannot write an application for windows and 
expect it to work on Linux. When you buy a piece of hardware you usually hope for the best that 
it'll work out-of-the-box including all extra features.

So why is that? Why hasn't someone stepped up and even try and create a universal 
operating system API? Is it because the computer business is still a child in 
some way, compared to other industries?

Just a thought.


Re: [arch-general] Help - Sound Disappeared -- Really! All modules - Gone?? (kernel bug?)

2009-12-02 Thread RedShift

David C. Rankin wrote:


This is really strange. Sound used to work on my laptop, now it is just -- 
gone. The hardware hasn't changed (obviously):


Just an observation I'm making here, when I sift through the e-mail archives of 
the Arch e-mailinglist about every 7th or 8th post is yours... That's quite a 
lot compared to how many members are subscribed. When reading back those post 
most issues are trivial and solved 2 or 3 posts later... It also occurs to me 
you run testing as well - which will definitely break stuff as that is the 
nature of testing. The issue you've had right now would also have been 
prevented if you would have paid closer attention to pacman's output.

I'm not talking about your right to post to this list, I'm merely suggesting 
maybe you should take more time analyzing your problem instead of immediately 
posting your problem here.

Best regards,


Re: [arch-general] rate limiting

2009-11-23 Thread RedShift

Phillip Smith wrote:

   The maximum data transfer rate permitted, in bytes per second, for
   anonymous clients.

Good luck!

Ah, I didn't think about doing it in the daemon... That would
definitely be easiest, I think I'll do it this way! :)

You don't need tc to do traffic shaping, you can use iptables as well for
this. It is more primitive though, but for simple tasks it's easier than
using tc.

Now I'm curious... Everything I've seen points to using tc to be able
to rate-limit in kbps... The only rate-limiting I know you can do in
iptables by itself is packets-per-timeframe (second, minute etc)

You can use hashlimit for it. And how is rate limiting in kbps not the same as 
packets-per-timeframe? It's exactly the same.


Re: [arch-general] rate limiting

2009-11-22 Thread RedShift

Phillip Smith wrote:

Hi all,

Could someone share the details of how the 50kbps rate-limit is
implemented on

I know Google gives me plenty of results for rate-limiting with
iptables and tc but I've never had much success with tc, and the rate-limiting seems to work perfectly... So why try
reinventing the wheel? :)


You don't need tc to do traffic shaping, you can use iptables as well for this. 
It is more primitive though, but for simple tasks it's easier than using tc.


Re: [arch-general] The ultimate Home Theater / media center computer

2009-11-20 Thread RedShift

So I finally got around to spending some time again on this project. I ordered 
the Silverstone LC-19 case discussed below but for the motherboard, I went with 
a Zotac IONITX-D-E [1].

Though I'm still having some small issues and the system is not complete (it 
doesn't meet all the requirements yet I set below), I can already tell it's an 
awesome hardware combination.

As the mediacenter software, I chose XBMC (because I think it works the best 
and has built-in support for VDPAU).

I'm writing a full review and intend on writing a wiki page to achieve the 
perfect setup in combination with ArchLinux.


Best regards,


RedShift wrote:

Hi list

Somehow I got it into my head that I want a home theater PC. I'm growing 
tired of having to watch television and movies on my computer's 17 LCD 
screen. At the shop I used to work at, once in a while we'd build a 
media center computer, but the concept never really took off here 
(Belgium). There are many reasons for that, such as:

* Television is major suckage here (thanks to That Big Company and 
Government-Not-Governing). The entire country is split into very small 
regions where broadcast frequencies differ,  there's no unified TV guide 
system, not all regions can receive all channels. Digital television is 
even worse: That Big Company forces you to buy one of their proprietary 
decoders. The only way to receive digital television without 
restrictions is DVB-T with a very limited number of channels (basically 
* At that time, the hardware sucked (noisy, too big, not stylish enough 
to put it along your other hi-fi components, not powerful enough, 
limited digital outputs, etc...). The software wasn't much better (too 
complicated, took a long time to start, etc...).

Anyway, my goal is to build the *ULTIMATE* HTPC. As such, strong demands 
must be met:

The hardware:

* It should be stylish, a timeless look which fits with your other hi-fi 

* It must be entirely silent. Zero moving components. No exceptions.
* Unrestricted fully digital outputs.
* Must be able to play at least 720p MKV's using x264 encoded video.
* Easy remote control. No remote controls with more buttons than there 
are stars in the sky and certainly no dual function buttons (those 
functions in a different color which you need to flick a switch or are 
context dependent).

* Able to receive DVB-C.

The software:

* There is no room for Digital Rights Management fascism. All content 
must play flawless and in the highest quality possible. In some cases 
this will mean circumventing protections. That'll probably make the 
device illegal in some countries, but I don't care.

* Easy user interface (also see hardware remote control point).
* Can connect to NAS or other storage devices such as USB sticks.

In total:

* Must be a complete replacement for your DVD player and other media 
devices. The goal here is keeping the number of remote controls down. 
Ideally you should only have two: one for controlling your HTPC and one 
for your hi-fi set.
* It is geared towards modern television, that means stuff like HDTV and 
no legacy connector stuff (like composite).

With those goals set, I started looking for hardware. Here's what I've 
come up with:

* Case: Silverstone LC19

+ Fanless PSU.
+ Casefans can be removed
+ Comes with PCI-e and PCI risercards
+ Integrated cardreader and slimline optical slot
+ Available in black and silver
+ Accommodates standard ATX I/O shield
+ Room for a 3.5 storage device (SSD?)
+ Vents right above the CPU
+ Slim

- Fits only small motherboard sizes
- Only 120 watt PSU
- No infrared receiver, no remote control

* Motherboard: Asus P5N7A-VM

+ Powerful on-board graphics (nVidia 9300)
+ Supports 16 GB of RAM
+ eSATA port
+ Optical audio output
+ HDMI, DVI and VGA video output
+ Gigabit ethernet
+ Solid caps

- nVidia on-board graphics (requiring proprietary driver)
- On-board graphics use system memory
- Crappy realtek audio codec

* DVB-C receiver: ?

I have zero experience with DVB-C receivers for computers. I've come 
across the DVBWorldDTV Cable 
( which seems to provide 
what I'm looking for. Anyone know how good this hardware actually is and 
how well it's supported by linux?

I have an old hauppauge PVR-350 card which works well, unfortunately 
hauppauge doesn't seem to have DVB-C products.

* Remote control: ?

I want to have something simple here. Maybe a small USB infrared 
receiver and a simple remote control with buttons up, down, left, right, 
enter? Anyone know if such hardware exists?

* Processor: Intel Celeron?

No idea how much processing power would be required for a decent HTPC

Re: [arch-general] pam settings INSECURE

2009-11-18 Thread RedShift

Caleb Cushing wrote:

so here's the problem I've discovered
 links to arch bug included posting here because I believe both kde's
and arch's developers responses are less than satisfactory. This is a
security bug an easy to fix without making users lives more difficult.

Who said that setting the user's shell to /bin/false means disabling a user?

[arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread RedShift

This thread will probably erupt in a massive flamewar, yet I decided to post my
story anyway. I am talking about the desktop experience in general, not the
technical details behind it. Keep that in mind.

I've been working these past few months with KDE 4.3 and it feels very sluggish
and incomplete. I can't enable the desktop effects because that makes things
even slower. I'm doing this on a fairly decent setup, an AMD Sempron 2 Ghz with
an nVidia FX5500. My laptop suffers from this sluggishness as well. On top of
that, lots of things annoy me in KDE 4.3, see the end of this post for my top
annoyances. Yesterday I had to reboot to my Windows XP installation on this
computer and I was shocked when I arrived in XP's userland. Everything was
ridiculously fast. When returning to my linux desktop everything felt even more
sluggish. That's when I decided to go back to KDE 3.5. I restored my old KDE 3.5
profile, installed the necessary packages and logged back in. WOF,
everything is fast again. Opening new windows is instantaneous, hell even
bringing up context menus is faster. If Linux is that much better, why does the
current Linux desktop (KDE 4.3) still suck compared to an operating system
that's 8 years old?

Last week I also had the chance to check out Windows 7, and I was stumped. I was
genuinly impressed by Windows 7's GUI. It feels fast, works fluently, it has
nice effects which just work and work FAST. When browsing around it felt like a
very solid desktop environment. I am jealous. I really am. The thought of
using Windows 7 in favor of KDE 4.3 has occured to me much more than I like. And
it's little things like dragging the windows to the top of the screen makes them
maximized, dragging them to the left makes the take exactly 50% of the screen.
How many times have you been manually resizing windows to fit next to each
other? I have, too many times. These are things that really improve your

So when should we have started working at a better desktop environment for

When Mac OS X came out. When was that again? 2001. Yes, it really was that long
ago. It already had awesome desktop effects that just work on (compared to these
days) VERY modest hardware. And it worked fast as well. It was and still is a
solid desktop environment. From that point on the Linux community should have
recognized the threat Mac OS X was for the desktop environment. Unfortunately
nobody did and we went on creating a big mess, fighting over implementations and
technical details instead of attempting to create a solid desktop environment.

Yet we did have a second chance in 2007. Microsoft obviously screwed up with
Windows Vista, we had the chance to win back alot of terrain here until the
release of Windows 7. So what did we come up with? KDE 4. Yes, a big
dissapointment. We still don't have something that's comparable.

So basically, where are we at?
KDE 3.5 is Windows XP
KDE 4.3 is Windows Vista
??? is Windows 7

When are we getting to the Windows 7 stage?

Microsoft didn't do a big advertising campaign for the launch of Windows 7,
nevertheless they delivered a big slap in the face to the Linux desktop
environments. The numbers speak for themselves, Windows 7 has already sold more
copies in its first week than Windows Vista did in its first month. And with
good riddance, Windows 7 really is better than Windows Vista. Microsoft
recognized the problems with Windows Vista and dealt with them. And dealt with
them swiftly if you ask me, doing it in less then 3 years.


We are losing ground. We are losing it fast. Our competitors recognize what the
user wants and delivered.

If we are comparing enterprise desktops, there's no going around Red Hat. The
current Red Hat desktop (5.4) ships with KDE 3.5, while its succesor RHEL 6 will
be, if looking what Fedora brings now, shipped with KDE 4.2 or 4.3. That means
KDE 4.2/4.3 will be the main desktop for enterprises for at least the next 3
years. A disgrace if you ask me. Users will be comparing desktop environments
and they will find Windows 7 or Mac OS X to be better. After the damage RHEL 6
will have done to the reputation of the Linux desktop, it will take again as
many years to rectify the damage done. Granted if we will have a solid desktop
environment comparable to Windows 7 by the time RHEL 7 gets released. Which I
can't help but doubt.

My top KDE 4.3 annoyances:
* Slo. Logging in takes a multifold of times it did under KDE 3.5,
repainting windows takes up a lot of time
* The battery status applet is buggy, it only shows the actual percentage after
you've hovered it with the mouse, even when you've set it to always display. The
scale it uses is also difficult to interpret. These bugs have been reported a
long time ago and are still not fixed.
* The run dialog is useless. The reason is the history function. It can't
display a full history when you start typing, you have to type alot more. Having
a pull down menu and using the 

Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread RedShift

Allan McRae wrote:

RedShift wrote:
This thread will probably erupt in a massive flamewar, yet I decided 
to post my
story anyway. I am talking about the desktop experience in general, 
not the

technical details behind it. Keep that in mind.

So you posted in both the forums and here...

Seriously, get a blog.

Yes I did, because I feel the more technical people roam the mailinglists and 
the more casual user the forums. I want to hear all the sides.


Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread RedShift

Jozsef wrote:
I guess you are right about everything. As a desktop Windows is 
better than KDE. If desktop is all that is matter for you then you 
should go for it :)

By the way Alt+F2 is something I like in KDE4.3.2 for example. What 
about you? Is there anything you like in KDE4.3? 

I think it's always good to see things you like and to try to be 
positive even if KDE4.3 sucks.

Of course there are things I like about KDE 4.3. A few examples:

* The desktop effects are integrated into the window manager. No more messing 
around with compiz
* When those effects are enabled, you do have cool things like a window preview 
when hovering the taskbar. This is what I miss most
* You can fetch external themes, backgrounds, color schemes, etc... directly 
from within the applets that are responsible for those settings. No more 
searching around the web for nice themes, no more installing in obscure 
locations, it's now all done for you
* I really like the concept plasma brings to the desktop
* The KDE team has provided measures to turn back the clock (classic start 
menu, classic desktop)
* Lots of KDE software runs under windows. This brings kate, my favorite 
editor, to the windows desktop
* KDE still has better abstraction of file locations than windows or gnome

However, for me, the negatives unfortunatly outweigh the positives. For the 
most part, because they don't really enhance my productivity.


Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread RedShift

Stefan Erik Wilkens wrote:

A general rule in life is that nothing is ever free. Perhaps a bold
remark to use in an open-source mailing list, but cost doesn't have to
be defined by money.

We simply pay for using Linux by coping with slightly lower
performance in some (certainly not all) areas of the desktop
experience, furthermore by dealing with a lack of certain features and
compatabillity with the rest of the world (office and other indistry
standard applications not being available to us, the open source
counterparts not being up to par with the standard due to
closed-source or licencing).

I haven't thought about the money aspect and yes this world does revolve around you 
get what you pay for. Though I see this in a different light, just because we chose 
to be Free, we have to settle for less?

Though we try to stay on par, I think determining that we have lost
implies that we must outperform other operating systems in every way
to be considered a real alternative.

This point has come up in the forums as well. Don't we want linux/Free software 
to succeed in all facets of computing? Certainly because the desktop is a big 

KDE 4.x is in active developement, GNOME is renewing the desktop
experience (albeit slowly). Things are moving along in the open source
desktop world. Thankfully, linux != just desktop

Yes and KDE 4 has made huge improvements over the releases. But my peers do 
feel similar and the most common response is, how can the community be so 
unresponsible for doing flawed releases?

However, for me, the negatives unfortunatly outweigh the positives. For the 
most part, because they don't really enhance my productivity

Behind != different?

I don't consider being behind as being different


Re: [arch-general] We have lost the desktop war. The reason? Windows 7.

2009-10-26 Thread RedShift

Rafa Griman wrote:

(note, lots of things cut)

I've been working these past few months with KDE 4.3 and it feels very
 sluggish and incomplete. I can't enable the desktop effects because that
 makes things even slower. I'm doing this on a fairly decent setup, an AMD
 Sempron 2 Ghz with an nVidia FX5500.

I've got a Dell Latitude D610 with an Intel VGA:

$ lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML 
Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)


$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
model name  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.86GHz
Using KMS for my Intel VGA.

I've got to say I've got a very snappy KDE running. Doesn't feel slow, 
response is immediate, ...

I have about the same setup running here (Intel 915 VGA and a Pentium M 
processor), yet it distinctively feels slow compared to for example Windows XP 
or KDE 3.5.

My guess is that there's something wrongly configured or installed in your KDE 
4 installation. Check this:

- deactivate nepomuk and Akonadi
- delete /tmp/k* /var/tmp/k*
- delete your .kde4 and .kde and .local dirs (you can also choose
  creating a new account and see if it's faster)

Already did those. Doesn't help.

So basically, where are we at?
KDE 3.5 is Windows XP
KDE 4.3 is Windows Vista
??? is Windows 7

When are we getting to the Windows 7 stage?

KDE 4.5? ;)

I hope so. Maybe I should have waited with my response and give KDE 4 project 
more time to mature, but there's also chance I would be writing this same 
e-mail two years in the future.

Microsoft didn't do a big advertising campaign for the launch of Windows 7,
nevertheless they delivered a big slap in the face to the Linux desktop
environments. The numbers speak for themselves, Windows 7 has already sold
 more copies in its first week than Windows Vista did in its first month.
 And with good riddance, Windows 7 really is better than Windows Vista.
 Microsoft recognized the problems with Windows Vista and dealt with them.
 And dealt with them swiftly if you ask me, doing it in less then 3 years.

MS _DOES_ have some help from IHVs ;) Those IHVs preinstall Windows on their 
laptops, netbooks, ... + MS also has some very deep pockets (filled with $) to 
convince those IHVs to preinstall MS-Windows. Not only that, their deep 
pockets help them talk with polititians (at least here in Spain that helps a 
lot ;)

That is true, but even that's not unlimited. Look at windows vista. Most OEMs 
still ship XP upgrades with business desktops. Though that'll rapidly diminish 
now that 7 is out.


We are losing ground. We are losing it fast. Our competitors recognize what
 the user wants and delivered.

This reminds me of a time (long ago) when MS prooved that Win2k was faster 
serving files that Linux+Samba. While the FLOSS Community was shouting and 
arguing whether the benchmark was well done, Mr. Torvalds said that was good 
news since now we would know where we have to apply fixes and what fixes would 
have to be applied. I think this situation is similar.

Than it is a good thing that I spoke up. I am worried about the future of Linux.

* Double clicking the system icon in the titlebar doesn't always work to
 close an application (the system icon is the left-most icon in the
 titlebar). This bug has also been reported a long time ago and still not

Never tried that, TBH, always use the X on the far right.

Partially agreed, however, my reasoning here is don't provide features that don't 

* I get a full 10 minutes of extra runtime on my laptop when I switched
 back to 3.5

Not here.

On the forums the response was, well duh. That being due to the fact that KDE 
4 makes more intensive use of the graphics card, which I can understand. But I would have 
expected by optimizing hardware usage, the system would be faster as well, which is not 
the case.


Re: [arch-general] let's discuss /srv again

2009-10-02 Thread RedShift

Sergej Pupykin wrote:


I want to discuss using /srv directory in packages

(For reference:

Of course I can easy sed and rebuild all my web packages, but I want to 
know reason why we disable /srv in packages?

(Did I skip something?)

  /srv and /home are different cases

  /home often network or --bind mounted.

  for example I use 4 chrooted environment to build packages with 
single /home (mounted with --bind key)

  Most of distros I know (for example suse, alt, debian) use /srv (or 
/var/www) in packages. (I can not remember distro which disable it)


I do not want to split packages into /etc, /usr/share and /var folders 
with kludge symlinking.

Would it be good if I replace /srv/http with /var/www/package or 
something like this?

If packages start putting stuff in /srv as well, where are we supposed to put 
OUR data? You don't want to put your data where packages put data as well.


[arch-general] Request for hpacucli output from people running HP Smart Array controllers

2009-09-05 Thread RedShift

Hello all

I'm gathering the output of the hpacucli program from as much configurations as 
possible. If you can find some free time for me, can you send me the output of:

hpacucli ctrl all show detail
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 show config
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 array all show
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 array A show
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 physicaldrive all show
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 physicaldrive 2I:1:1 show
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 logicaldrive all show
hpacucli ctrl slot=1 logicaldrive 1 show

Replace the slot=, array, physicaldrive and logicaldrive entries with what 
matches your specific setups (if possible, for all slots, arrays, physical and 
logical drives).

I need as much as possible, normal working configurations and exotic setups 
like failed drives, arrays in rebuilding or failed state, hot-spares, etc...

Much appreciated!


Best regards,


Re: [arch-general] Howto adjust font scaling in Arch? All fonts look a bit big and fat?

2009-08-27 Thread RedShift

David C. Rankin wrote:


I'm looking for a way to adjust the font size scaling (no not the 
control center font size) so all the fonts in my kde4 desktop look right. 
Basically, in Arch kde4 on my laptop, all fonts look 1pt too big. Case in 
point, on suse, I have all my desktop fonts set to 9pt, but with Arch, I have 
the size set at 8pt and they still look bigger than the suse fonts (same fonts 
of course, same subpixel hinting setting, etc...).

Is there somewhere that some type of scaling is done that I can tweak 
to try and fix this? The effect of the larger scaling makes everthing from the 
kmail message list to the basket notepad fonts look cramped. Any thoughts?

This thread is useless without pics...


Re: [arch-general] introducing kernel26-lts

2009-08-25 Thread RedShift

Andreas Radke wrote:

Today I've added a 2nd kernel to our svn called kernel26-lts. It
should help to make you less caring about kernel updates. The intention
is to 

1) have a 2nd choice for the kernel pkg that suits better in
certain situations and 

2) it can be a fallback when a reboot after updating the core
kernel26 fails

Having a stable unpatched kernel is definately a Good Thing. The constant 
kernel changes and the associated lava-pants was getting a real nuisance on my 
Arch servers.

I wouldn't bother including Xen though, IMO it's on its last legs since Red Hat 
took KVM under their wings. KVM is definately the way to go.


Re: [arch-general] The vsftpd only starts at the second attempt

2009-08-03 Thread RedShift

Lucas Salies Brum wrote:

(r...@abraham ~):# ps -A | grep vsftpd
(r...@abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd start
:: Starting vsftpd FTP Daemon
(r...@abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd stop
:: Stopping vsftpd FTP Daemon
(r...@abraham ~):# /etc/rc.d/vsftpd start
:: Starting vsftpd FTP Daemon
(r...@abraham ~):# ps -A | grep vsftpd
 6453 pts/300:00:00 vsftpd

This has happened to someone?

/etc/vsftpd.conf -
/etc/rc.conf -

Arch Linux i686.

Lucas Saliés Brum
lsbrum @

Not having this problem with the default vsftpd.conf. Instead of starting it 
via the initscripts, can you start vsftpd manually? Does it fail as well? Can 
you try strace the process?


Re: [arch-general] Bind 9.6.1-1 patched against dynamic update ddos?

2009-07-29 Thread RedShift

Fredrik Eriksson wrote:

I've seen that there's a dynamic update ddos attack that is widely 
available on the net and after looking for the solution it seems that 
bind's latest patch (9.6.1-P1) solves this problem.

So my question is more like this, is extra/bind 9.6.1-1 in the 
repository the same as bind 9.6.1-P1?
The build date of the current package in extra/ says the 18 July but the 
homepage of BIND says the latest patch was published the 28 July.

Best regards
Fredrik Eriksson

According to a commenter on the slashdot news article about this issue, this 
should provide a temporary countermeasure:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j DROP -m u32 --u32 '30270xF=5'

haven't tested it myself though...


[arch-general] PCI modems

2009-07-23 Thread RedShift

Hi all,

I'm currently searching for a PCI modem that will be used to receive faxes. 
I've tried out a few modems but they all use conexant chipsets, which need 
out-of-tree kernel drivers and currently doesn't work here (kernel oops when 
the installation script modprobes the driver).

Does anyone know of a PCI modem that works out of the box with in-tree kernel 



Re: [arch-general] PCI modems

2009-07-23 Thread RedShift

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:

RedShift wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently searching for a PCI modem that will be used to receive
faxes. I've tried out a few modems but they all use conexant chipsets,
which need out-of-tree kernel drivers and currently doesn't work here
(kernel oops when the installation script modprobes the driver).

Does anyone know of a PCI modem that works out of the box with in-tree
kernel drivers?




Any PCI _real_ modem (not soft/win modem) will work without any special
driver, just the driver for serial ports. No need to fight with special
drivers ;)

Modems like US Robbotics 0727 is ideal. The only problem maybe is find
where to buy today. Search for 0727 modem in ebay:

Good Luck!


I don't think using second hand modems is a good idea, I really need something 
I can buy in a store...



Re: [arch-general] Kompare

2009-06-27 Thread RedShift

richard terry wrote:
Still using kde3 and don't seem to have kompare on my disk. Not in the 
Archlinux or AUR packages, can one still get a kde3 package for arch?



[gl...@polaris ~]$ pacman -Qo /opt/kde/bin/kompare 
/opt/kde/bin/kompare is owned by kdemod3-kdesdk-kompare 3.5.10-1

See for kde 3.5 packages.


Re: [arch-general] Light-weight SMTP server

2009-06-05 Thread RedShift

Magnus Therning wrote:

Any good suggestions for a light-weight SMTP server?

All email goes off-box to my ISP for remote delivery, I don't require 
any local delivery.  Things like exim/sendmail/postfix feels like 
overkill.  It would even be enough if all that's available is something 
like an /usr/lib/sendmail executable.  Is there something suitable and 


I'd use postfix. Use this basic for sending only:

queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix

mynetworks_style = host

home_mailbox = Maildir/

alias_database = $alias_maps

alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases

# relayhost = []

Comment out relayhost if you want to relay your e-mail via another server (for 
example your ISP's SMTP server).


Re: [arch-general] Fix or not fix? install scriptlets with user handling.

2009-05-28 Thread RedShift

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:


Many package manage user/groups in many differents ways. (no much
problem here)

Many do things like:

@ when installed
1) check if not user foo exists then create it
2) check if not group foo exists then create it
@when removed
1) remove the user foo (without check)
2) remove the group foo (without check)

Because by default the option USERGROUPS_ENAB is set to yes, when user
foo is removed also the group foo is removed, so the groupdel
command will fail, then pacman show the message: error: scriptlet
failed to execute correctly.

The solution is trivial, check with getent before remove, just like some
packages do it before create the user.

My question here, is there interest in resolving this? Currently I have
the choice of those who fail (both extra and comunity). Do you send a
report to everyone who fail to flyspray with the patch (low priority)?
Also I can unify the user creation step, some .install check with grep
and others with getent. I prefer the proper getent method.

The only package in [core] that have this issue is dbus-core [#1] and is
actually reported.



IMNSHO .install scripts should never ever add users or groups, let alone remove them. 
Everything that would need a user for itself should default to nobody. Yes, 
this imposes, though small, a security risk but any decent server admin will move that 
stuff to its own user.

I've even seen packages that start and stop daemons themselves (shrug!), if it were up to 
me there would be no such things. But many believe that automatically adding and removing 
users is OK. A package should install its program files, and THAT'S IT. 
Nothing more. It may be a bit a spartan way, but it's reliable (no unexpected surprises) 
and leads to an uncluttered passwd and group file.


Re: [arch-general] The ultimate Home Theater / media center computer

2009-05-11 Thread RedShift

Marq Schneider wrote:

* Motherboard: Asus P5N7A-VM

+ Powerful on-board graphics (nVidia 9300)
+ Supports 16 GB of RAM
+ eSATA port
+ Optical audio output
+ HDMI, DVI and VGA video output
+ Gigabit ethernet
+ Solid caps

- nVidia on-board graphics (requiring proprietary driver)
- On-board graphics use system memory
- Crappy realtek audio codec

As i mentioned, i use this motherboard in my HTPC.  Works nice, but
i'm afraid the heat dissipation from the nvidia chipset is a bit much
for a fanless solution.  If you are still considering this motherboard
and want some numbers, i can turn off the fans and measure the case
temperature to give you a ballpark figure.

Could you provide us those figures? If the nVidia chipset gets too hot, I'd try 
the intel board (the DG45FC discussed earlier). If it still gets too hot, we'll 
probably have to start looking at VIA solutions. But I'm affraid those will be 
underpowered and I have bad experiences with VIA grahpics chipsets and linux.



Re: [arch-general] The ultimate Home Theater / media center computer

2009-05-04 Thread RedShift

Christopher Daley wrote:

That board doesn't seem to have a PCI/PCI-E slots, so you'd have to splurge
on a USB tv tuner card.  But you could probably shove that motherboard into

It has an x1 PCI-express slot.

The on-board graphics is an Intel X4500HD, how good is Linux support on this in 
the multimedia field? The article says it has hardware accelerated MPEG2, AVC 
and VC1, does Xorg make use of this?

The board definitely looks like a good candidate to me, it will probably use 
less power than the Asus board I was looking at. It has a bigger brother too, 
the DG45ID 
which has more expansion slots and supports more memory.


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 8:07 AM, Roberto Malinverni wrote:

-Messaggio originale-
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 03 May 2009 21:33:14 +0200
From: RedShift
Subject: [arch-general] The ultimate Home Theater / media center computer
To: General Discusson about Arch Linux
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

* Motherboard: Asus P5N7A-VM

+ Powerful on-board graphics (nVidia 9300)
+ Supports 16 GB of RAM
+ eSATA port
+ Optical audio output
+ HDMI, DVI and VGA video output
+ Gigabit ethernet
+ Solid caps

- nVidia on-board graphics (requiring proprietary driver)
- On-board graphics use system memory
- Crappy realtek audio codec

I just stumbled upon this:


[arch-general] The ultimate Home Theater / media center computer

2009-05-03 Thread RedShift

Hi list

Somehow I got it into my head that I want a home theater PC. I'm growing tired of 
having to watch television and movies on my computer's 17 LCD screen. At the 
shop I used to work at, once in a while we'd build a media center computer, but the 
concept never really took off here (Belgium). There are many reasons for that, such 

* Television is major suckage here (thanks to That Big Company and 
Government-Not-Governing). The entire country is split into very small regions 
where broadcast frequencies differ,  there's no unified TV guide system, not 
all regions can receive all channels. Digital television is even worse: That 
Big Company forces you to buy one of their proprietary decoders. The only way 
to receive digital television without restrictions is DVB-T with a very limited 
number of channels (basically nothing).
* At that time, the hardware sucked (noisy, too big, not stylish enough to put 
it along your other hi-fi components, not powerful enough, limited digital 
outputs, etc...). The software wasn't much better (too complicated, took a long 
time to start, etc...).

Anyway, my goal is to build the *ULTIMATE* HTPC. As such, strong demands must 
be met:

The hardware:

* It should be stylish, a timeless look which fits with your other hi-fi 
* It must be entirely silent. Zero moving components. No exceptions.
* Unrestricted fully digital outputs.
* Must be able to play at least 720p MKV's using x264 encoded video.
* Easy remote control. No remote controls with more buttons than there are stars in the 
sky and certainly no dual function buttons (those functions in a different 
color which you need to flick a switch or are context dependent).
* Able to receive DVB-C.

The software:

* There is no room for Digital Rights Management fascism. All content must 
play flawless and in the highest quality possible. In some cases this will mean 
circumventing protections. That'll probably make the device illegal in some countries, 
but I don't care.
* Easy user interface (also see hardware remote control point).
* Can connect to NAS or other storage devices such as USB sticks.

In total:

* Must be a complete replacement for your DVD player and other media devices. 
The goal here is keeping the number of remote controls down. Ideally you should 
only have two: one for controlling your HTPC and one for your hi-fi set.
* It is geared towards modern television, that means stuff like HDTV and no 
legacy connector stuff (like composite).

With those goals set, I started looking for hardware. Here's what I've come up 

* Case: Silverstone LC19

+ Fanless PSU.
+ Casefans can be removed
+ Comes with PCI-e and PCI risercards
+ Integrated cardreader and slimline optical slot
+ Available in black and silver
+ Accommodates standard ATX I/O shield
+ Room for a 3.5 storage device (SSD?)
+ Vents right above the CPU
+ Slim

- Fits only small motherboard sizes
- Only 120 watt PSU
- No infrared receiver, no remote control

* Motherboard: Asus P5N7A-VM

+ Powerful on-board graphics (nVidia 9300)
+ Supports 16 GB of RAM
+ eSATA port
+ Optical audio output
+ HDMI, DVI and VGA video output
+ Gigabit ethernet
+ Solid caps

- nVidia on-board graphics (requiring proprietary driver)
- On-board graphics use system memory
- Crappy realtek audio codec

* DVB-C receiver: ?

I have zero experience with DVB-C receivers for computers. I've come across the 
DVBWorldDTV Cable ( which seems 
to provide what I'm looking for. Anyone know how good this hardware actually is and how 
well it's supported by linux?

I have an old hauppauge PVR-350 card which works well, unfortunately hauppauge 
doesn't seem to have DVB-C products.

* Remote control: ?

I want to have something simple here. Maybe a small USB infrared receiver and a 
simple remote control with buttons up, down, left, right, enter? Anyone know if 
such hardware exists?

* Processor: Intel Celeron?

No idea how much processing power would be required for a decent HTPC. 
Preferably as low powered as possible, as the CPU will have to be passively 

* Processor cooling: ?

I was thinking of a big block with small fins which you see a lot in 1U 
rackservers. Copper would be the logical choice but from what I've read, 
aluminum allows for better heat transfer to the environment. So a copper base 
with alu fins would be ideal.

* Storage: ?

For storing the operating system I was thinking of those IDE compact flash cards. 
Downside is that they are very slow. An SSD can be considered but I want to leave 
the option open to use the 3.5 bay for a hard drive for people that don't have 
the luxury of a NAS or don't want to leave a NAS running all times.

Moving along. The most annoying aspect: software. Obviously we want all our 
software to be open source. A shortlist 

Re: [arch-general] [Fwd: [arch-announce] Dropping i686 support]

2009-04-01 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bohn wrote:

On Wed, April 1, 2009 10:09, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:

This was posted in march.   And it's discussed on the developer mailing
list and voted for.  Personally I also agree they made a good choice.

Okay, what is the alternative? Especially if you don't want end up with
Debian-based distributions?


Let's make things frugal! There's also a product called 
windows on the market, they say it's good and it should run lots of software. 
You have to turn in a part of your brain to use it though.

Re: [arch-general] [Fwd: [arch-announce] Dropping i686 support]

2009-04-01 Thread RedShift

Rafa Grimán wrote:

For x86 based models, I guess we'll have to switch for the time being to 
another distro, which IMHO isn't too much of an issue. Sooner or later we'll 
have to switch over to x86-64 based systems since x86 is used on old 
hardware: hard to get replacements, doesn't scale, less performance, ...

x86_64 is just x86 with more registers with 64 bit address space instead of 32 
bit. Architecturally there is not much difference so all the shortcomings of 
x86 still exist on x86_64. Unfortunately.

Re: [arch-general] (no subject)

2009-03-30 Thread RedShift

Agus Setiawan wrote:


Agus Setiawan

Censorship by the governments? Conspiracy theories please.


[arch-general] Computer blocking due to kernel - userspace incompatibility?

2009-03-30 Thread RedShift

Hello list

Is it possible a computer gets stuck (not responding to keyboard, the only way 
to bring it back alive is a hard reset) because of a incompatibility between 
the kernel and userspace? The cursor is still flickering though, that is what 
leads me to believe it's software crash, not a hardware crash.

This is the software in question:

glibc 2.9-4


Best regards,

Glenn Matthys

Re: [arch-general] pacman bug? (can't replace dir with file)

2009-03-28 Thread RedShift

Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:30 PM, Jan de Groot wrote:

On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 19:08 +0100, Damjan Georgievski wrote:

error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting files)
test: /test exists in filesystem

I think it has to do something with this:
[...@server ~]$ pacman -Qo /usr/share/vte
error: cannot determine ownership of a directory

The point with directories is that there's no real ownership, as lots of
packages can store files in such a location. Now, what would have
happened if your directory on the filesystem contained files not
belonging to the package that is upgraded?

True, but pacman should probably check to see if the dir is empty, and
replace it if it is.

That seems like something dangerous to do, what if package A installed for 
example, /var/lock/mysoftware/ to keep locks for multiple purposes, and you 
install package B, which replaces /var/lock/mysoftware/ with a file called 
/var/lock/mysoftware (because /var/lock/mysofware/ happens to be empty at that 
point), causing package A to break.

Not only does it give the potential to break software (bad) instead of erroring 
out (good), it gives inconsistent results across multiple systems.

I wonder what would happen in the case of:

packageA: /foo/bar normal file
packageB: /foo/bar/baz normal file

With packageA installed, attempting to install packageB. I'd hope it
would error out somehow

Re: [arch-general] on Acer Aspire One

2009-03-09 Thread RedShift

solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:

I'm trying to use on my Acer Aspire One. is known to behave badly on Acer hardware. bad luck for
try it on another hardware.


@op: try install the bitstream TTF fonts.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] mailman hiccup

2009-03-03 Thread RedShift

Geoffroy Carrier wrote:

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 09:10, RedShift wrote:

I've been working on my own mailing list manager, it's completely written in
PHP and uses SQL as a backend, but at this point a bit specific to our
setup. Because our company is all about open source I intend on releasing it
as such. It's in need of an overhaul anyway, I'll get hacking at it again

I'd love to be an early adopter :)

Plus I'd be happy to contribute...

Ok so here's what I've got so far:

When I was designing my anti-SPAM filter, I noticed you're just running a series of code 
after each other. To keep everything nice and tidy I split up the various routines into 
small pieces of code designed to do one thing and then pass on to the next filter. My 
project has the codename redsky. Yes, it's cliché but I couldn't think of 
anything else.

By itself, redsky is pretty useless. It's only capable of running a series of 
filters after each other. The real power is in the filters itself. The 3 
filters that come shipped with redsky are designed to interface with another 
piece of software called proxsmtpd (but can be used in other ways as well, they 
just use STDIN and STDOUT), but there's no reasons you could write your own 
input/output filters and make redsky a mini-SMTP server.

Here are the packages that are of interest:

* phpemailtoolbox (

This is a small set of email related functions and classes. It is required by 

* redsky (

This is the main redsky code. It contains three filters:
* redsky_read: this reads the email in question from STDIN. It is designed for 
interfacing with proxsmtpd, but can be used in a generic manner as well.
* redsky_discard: when the discard flag is set on an email, this filter will 
log this event.
* redsky_out: this outputs the email to STDOUT, again designed to interface 
with proxsmtpd but is suitable for general purpose as well. In the mailinglist

* redsky-filters (

This is a set of complementary filters for redsky, it has for example SMTP 
blacklist checking, whitelisting, autoreplies, etc... They are mainly designed 
to use in a postfix content scanner context. Only the redsky_sqlconn filter is 
required for mailinglist manager.

* mlm-filters (

This is the most interesting set of filters. Mlm stands for Mailing List 
Manager. There's a queueing part and a sending part.

For the queueing part:
* mlm_getinfo: Fetch information for a certain list using SQL
* mlm_loopdetect: Check if a message is looping or not
* mlm_bouncehandler: If the message received was sent to a bounce address, 
store it in an SQL table
* mlm_getsubscribers: Get the subscribers from SQL for the current list
* mlm_access: Determine if a sender has access to the list. It currently 
supports 4 methods: use an ACL, only allow subscribers, require a passphrase or 
no limitations
* mlm_subjecttag: Tag the subject if the mailinglist is configured for that
* mlm_addfooter: Add a footer to the emails if the mailinglist is configured 
for that
* mlm_queuer: Write a spoolfile and put all the recipients into an SQL table

For the sending part:
* mlm_singleinstance: Only allow a single instance of redsky to be run
* mlm_queuebuilder: Build a queue of messages to be sent and their respective 
* mlm_queuerunner: Process the earlier built queue using sendmail to send 

redsky is written to support multiple configurations. In the MLM case, you 
would have two configuration files (examples are shipped with mlm-filters), one 
for the queuer and one for the sender. The queuer would be called by the MTA 
while to sender could be executing with a cronjob. Use -c to supply an 
alternate config, for example:

redsky -c /etc/redsky.queuerunner.config.php

You will notice that the redsky-filters and mlm-filters come shipped with 
example configuration files. You will find them in /usr/share/php/redsky/. Some 
filters depend on each other, so it is important in which order they are 
executed. For example, the mlm_access cannot determine if the sender is a 
subscriber when mlm_getsubscribers hasn't run first, because it uses the 
information from mlm_getsubscribers for this.

Now maybe the hardest part, integration with an email server. I'll only handle 
postfix. Our entire infrastructure is based on MySQL, however all redsky code 
is written to use PDO, so it should be compatible with any databaseserver that 
PDO supports.

You can get our database schema from

In postfix terms, you would add entries to your alias table to send certain addresses to 
the mlm. The examples below are made to work with the database schema above, 
but all queries can be modified in the configuration files.

virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/

Re: [arch-general] arch way for ip aliasing

2009-02-21 Thread RedShift

Adam Stokes wrote:

Does one exist or are we still putting them in rc.local?


Use your brains next time, it took me exactly 1 second to come up with this. In 

eth0=eth0 netmask broadcast
eth0_1=eth0:1 netmask broadcast

INTERFACES=(eth0 eth0_1)


Re: [arch-general] [PATCHES] About /var/run/ and /var/lock/ checks in daemons

2009-02-12 Thread RedShift

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi wrote:

Hi people!

I interested to make Arch Linux suitable for use with a /var/run and
/var/lock that are mounted as tmpfs. But this also helps, in the case
that not mounted as tmpfs, to make more simple purge function for
these directories at rc.sysinit step.

In my case this is just for fun!, but other users can be benefited by
this, for example netbook users.

OK, i initially created rc-script patches for the packages in the extra
repo that use /var/run/program-name-directory and fails if not exists.
(these list was obtained with  for x in $(find
/usr/share/pkgtools/lists -type f); do egrep -l var/run/.+ $x;done 

@@NOTE@@: I will send the patches to the FL individualy per package now,
reference to this email in FL, and then copy the links to response in
this email. ;)

Please review it, thanks in advance. :)

What exactly are the advantages of running /var/run and /var/lock on tmpfs?


Re: [arch-general] HTML email will be rejected

2009-02-11 Thread RedShift

Aaron Griffin wrote:

Hello all,
I am writing to inform you that I have changed all the Arch lists to
reject HTML formatted email. Please send messages in plain text only.

Note: This is true of all lists, but I am only sending this message to
the higher trafficked lists.


Good riddance. When customers of me send me HTML email they can always expect a 
plaintext reply.


Re: [arch-general] Moonlight 1.0

2009-01-22 Thread RedShift

Amanai wrote:
The final Version from Moonlight 1.0 released on January 20th. Will this 
be avaible in the Archlinux repo's extra?

Moonlight is an open source implementation of Microsoft Silverlight for 
Unix systems. It's avaible for 32/64 bit!

Release Notes
Final release of Moonlight 1.0
Support for the Microsoft Media Pack
Quick and easy installation of media codecs
Several media releate bug fixes

I hope one of the dev's like to pick this up.

Use the force:


Re: [arch-general] Dovecot imap processes pinning CPU

2008-12-13 Thread RedShift


David Rosenstrauch wrote:

In recent days, dovecot's imap processes keep getting stuck.  Each time
I check my server there's a bunch of imap processes (sometimes 2 of
them, sometimes 4, sometimes 6) that are using all of the box's CPU.

And worse, there's no way to kill the processes either (neither kill -15
or kill -9 works), which means that I wind up having to reboot the box
every time this happens.  REALLY irritating.

I don't normally even *see* the imap processes in htop, as I think they're
pretty short lived.  And I'm not sure what they're looping trying to do. 
My debugging skills on Linux are a bit weak, and so I don't know how to

look at the process and see what it's doing.

I see quite a few imap (and imap-login) processes hanging around, always have. 
But they are generally idling, not using 100% CPU like in your case.

Also, not sure what's changed on my system to cause this, as this is
definitely a recent problem.  Maybe the upgrade to Thunderbird
(since I usually use T'Bird to access my email).  I don't seem to run into
this problem when I use Squirrelmail.

Interesting. If this really is a fault then a bugreport must be sent to the 
dovecot developper with high priority (as this could lead to a DoS attack) and 
to the mozilla team indicating something's wrong with how they talk to certain 
IMAP servers.

Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?  Or, if not, then
suggestions on how I might be able to debug the situation myself?

Start here:


Re: [arch-general] Kernel PKGBUILD proposition: Ease custom kernel compilation.

2008-12-08 Thread RedShift

Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:

Hi all!

* lots of text here *

Whoah, that PKGBUILD is HUGE. Take a look at mine, which I use for my custom 
configs. It doesn't do one thing though, and that's install the kernel headers. 
You need those if you want to compile out-of-tree modules like nvidia. I'm not 
sure if it's 100% OK because I haven't used it in a long time, but the logic I 
like to follow is there.

pkgdesc='Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix'

build() {
# Apply configuration
cat config-$pkgver.$CARCH  $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/.config

# cd to the kernel build directory
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/

# Process the configuration to get CONFIG_LOCALVERSION
. ./.config

# Make necessary directories
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/boot
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/mkinitcpio.d
mkdir -p 

# Make the boot image and kernel modules
make vmlinux bzImage
make modules

# Install boot image and kernel modules
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$startdir/pkg modules_install
if [ $CARCH = x86_64 ]; then
cp $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage 
cp $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/arch/i386/boot/bzImage 

# Setup mkinitcpio
echo ALL_kver='${pkgver}${CONFIG_LOCALVERSION}'  
install -m664 -D $startdir/src/$pkgname.preset 

Re: [arch-general] Welcome Geoffroy Carrier!

2008-12-05 Thread RedShift

Geoffroy Carrier wrote:

Many thanks to all of you.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 18:12, Thayer Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Welcome aboard, Geoffroy!  Is it pronounced JEFF-roy, jeff-ROY or neither?

On this particular concern, let me give you a few of my nicknames to
avoid you this issue:
- Google or Linux (seems irrevelant here)
- Chewbacca/Chewy
- Mr Muscle or Bucheron (woodcutter in French)

If you still insist on using my name, it's something like Geoffrey, by
removing the d sound from the initial dj and replacing ey by
wa like in war.

Already assigned you your first bugreports. Get hacking ;-).


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Grub2

2008-12-04 Thread RedShift

Ronald van Haren wrote:

Hi all,

Grub2 is now in my staging dir for both architectures. I'll move it
into extra shortly.

Things to know:
- config file changed to /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- config syntax changed a bit
- most information can be found on the grub2 archwiki page [1]

If you have any experience with grub2 and know your way around, the
wiki page still needs some attention for some more special options.
The basic stuff should be covered.

If you have a more exotic configuration than I have, give it a try. I
can't test a lot of use cases myself.



What's the deal with grub2 anyway, why is it taking so long for them to make a 


Re: [arch-general] remove HWD from extra and wiki!

2008-12-03 Thread RedShift

Pierre Chapuis wrote:

Le Wed, 3 Dec 2008 01:10:34 +0100,
Pierre Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

Well, it does not produce working xorg.conf files. However: X -configure 
should be prefered; so there is no need for hwd (anymore).

It doesn't provide working xorg.conf files only since xorg 1.5 was moved to 
extra. That was less than 5 days ago... I believe it will be updated to take 
the changes into account.

To me, hwd is a very useful tool, so please don't remove it from extra without 
a second thought.

Well I got to say about this that hwd has never produced a 100% accurate result 
for me on all kinds of systems. Even my old soundblaster live is wrongly 
detected as an audigy card. Let alone that I would trust this tool before the 
official Xorg tools to generate an X config.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] device-mapper 1.02.29-1 lvm2 2.02.43-1

2008-11-16 Thread RedShift

Tim Gelter wrote:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:

I'm a user, not a dev, running on i686.
I couldn't find a definition of a 'signoff', but I updated abs, built
the 2 new packages, they compiled fine, i installed them, rebooted my
system and everything came up fine (dm_crypt+lvm based system).
I also tested the basic commands (pvdisplay,lvdisplay) and even did an
lvextend and resize2fs on a volume. everything still works fine. (didn't
try making new/deleting LV/PV's etc though)
Does this count as a signoff ?

The point of the signoff is not that you can build the package, but that
the package provided in the repositories is working. If you can build
the package, you still won't know if (for example) one of the
executables inside the binary package is corrupted. Other than that,
your tests are sufficient.

PS: Users cannot send to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so fwiw I cc'd

Indeed they can't, you can always reply on arch-general if you feel the
need to comment on a developer discussion.

I believe that all answers to this question have been given so hopefully
you don't mind if I hijack this thread...

Since we're in the middle of discussing LVM, I've got a request.
Not too long ago, I had my root partition / on an LVM physical volume.
It was actually pretty easy to set up and worked like a charm until I
created a snapshot of one of my other PVs. As soon as I did so, I could
no longer boot the system because the dm_snapshot kernel module was not
loaded. I was told by several people that I needed to add a hook for
it, but never did figure out how to do so.
It seems to me that if we are going to support booting from logical
volumes, we also need to make sure that users who do so are still able
to boot if they decide to take a snapshot of any logical volumes,
including booting from a snapshot of /.
I'll be glad to help test and even work on the hook if anyone gives me
instructions detailing how to do so.

Put dm_snapshot in the MODULES array in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and then rebuild 
the initial ramdisk using mkinitcpio -p kernel26 (assuming you are using the 
kernel26 package from core).


Re: [arch-general] 22 fan site

2008-11-14 Thread RedShift

Jeffrey Lynn Parke Jr. wrote:

You cost me 5 minutes of my productivity, I'm invoicing you for that! ;-)


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] pkgstats: first results

2008-11-09 Thread RedShift

Pierre Schmitz wrote:

Hi all,

I think you all are interested in the result of Allan's crazy idea to get some 
stats about package usage. I spent some/alot time this weekend to present you 
some stats.

At first: I played a bit with gettext and some usefull pages are available in 
German and English (depends on your browser's config):

* (That's the one; be warnded:
   atm it loads  2MB of pure

For those who want to play with some sql queries, I have uploaded a (reduced) 

Before announcing this we should discuss the results and talk about what we 
learn about them.

I'll make a start: (topdown)

* extra and community have similar size
* more than 1200 submissions since friday. Thanks! :-)
* installation size varies from 126 to amazing 2800
* 1/4 use x86_64
* Nearly 70% of packages are from extra. Nice.
* Only 7% are installed from community and a similar amount 
  is in no official repo (Might be a sign that there is something wrong with

  priorities in [community])
* About 2% from extra and 3% from community aren't used by anybody!
  The unused kde-l10n pacakges are no problem; I create them automatically
* Nearly 20% of all users (that includes 3/4 i686) use lib32 packages. 
* There are lots of rarly used packages in all repos

* kdemod-kdelibs is installed by 14,26 % while kdelibs fomr [extra] is
  installed by 34,05 %. Maybe splitting support in makepkg and devtools should
  get a higher priority 

...that should do it for a start.

Just a warning, generalizing based on these numbers (and on any numbers in 
fact) is very dangerous.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Election Night

2008-11-05 Thread RedShift

Aaron Hussein Griffin wrote:

I'm assuming it will be quiet around here tonight. Many of us will be
glued to our TVs/radios/internet waiting for election results.

So no one break the server tonight! Allan, I'm looking in your direction :)

Obama has won. But the real challenge has yet to come.


[arch-general] test

2008-11-02 Thread RedShift


Re: [arch-general] bftp denyhosts

2008-10-14 Thread RedShift

Sergey Manucharian wrote:

On Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:04:54 +
Jon Kristian Nilsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is ther any reason you are using bftp, instead of for example sftp?

Actually there is no specific reasons, it was installed 2 years
ago, and now services a whole bunch of users with complex chroot
directories structure. Maybe I'll replace bftp with something else
anyway. The only strange thing for me that I believed that
hosts.deny/allow files are system-wide and I can rely on them, but it's
not so.


hosts.allow  hosts.deny is only effective on programs that implement 


Re: [arch-general] 32-bit glibc package?

2008-08-20 Thread RedShift

David Rosenstrauch wrote:
I use Arch x86_64 - so far without a problem.  But I've found recently 
that there's a few AUR packages that I'm unable to compile.  (e.g., 

Seems like the build needs the /usr/include/gnu/stubs-32.h file, which 
isn't installed on my Arch64 system.  (glibc installs stubs-64.h instead.)

But according to this thread, it appears that many distros work around 
this by having a 32-bit glibc package for this purpose:

Does Arch have such a thing?  Didn't look like it from surfing the 
packages in the repos (and AUR), but thought I'd ask anyway.

If not, I'm not opposed to writing a new packages for this, but I'm not 
sure quite how to build a 32-bit glibc package that doesn't conflict 
with the 64-bit one.

Anyone have any advice here?



Use a 32 bit chroot for 32 bit stuff. Arch doesn't (and hopefully will never 
ever) support multilib.


Re: [arch-general] running sybase under arch linux

2008-08-11 Thread RedShift

Scott Weisman wrote:

Hello everyone,

I've got a big problem I hope someone can help with.

I've been a huge fan and user of Arch since early 2004. I really like
it and it works great for me. I have several production servers also
running it, with no problem whatsoever.

However, I have one ancient server running a creaky version of Red Hat
Linux that I would love to replace, but can't.

This is running Sybase, and I simply can't get it working on
my replacement server. First of all, for those who are shaking their
heads, this is a legacy server dating to 1998. Second, I had nothing
to do with the original design. Third, I hate Sybase. Even though a
free version has been available for years, it is absolutely hostile to
Linux in general. It needs a very specific configuration or it simply
won't run. And good luck figuring that out, unless you use one of
their supported configurations.

My new server is running Arch x86_64. I have no choice about this. I
have the old RPMs and extracted them to /opt/sybase. I
installed the following packages:

local/libstdc++5 3.3.6-2
local/emul32-compat 1.0-3
local/lib-compat 1.4.1-1

No matter what I try though, I get segfaults when trying to run Sybase.

Has anyone had any success getting ANY version of Sybase running on
Arch? Please let me know if you have, or if you have any suggestions
at all!

VERY much appreciated.



You could try copying that whole red hat installation to somewhere else, chroot 
to it and run programs from there. But pretty good chance that won't work 
because arch's GCC, kernel, etc... is too new to support that old stuff.

An other option would be to do a fresh redhat 9 install or copy the existing redhat 
installation to somewhere on the new server, and run the install in a virtual machine 
using qemu, vmware or insert your favorite virtualization software. Make sure 
you use hardware VT (qemu can make use of the kernel's KVM layer - ideal!).

My choice would be copy the entire redhat install and run it in a virtual 
machine with qemu-kvm.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Snort UID / GID

2008-07-18 Thread RedShift

Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Hugo Doria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thus this way snort can work out of the box with less privileges.
Anyone who wants can put snort to run with another user.

And, in any case, this email was just a question.

I don't see why people have such an issue with creating UIDs/GIDs out
of the box. I don't have a problem with it, as long as we don't do it
on every flippin package under the sun. Is it possible to use 'nobody'
for snort, or is there a security risk there too?

What if I want to run snort under for example security_user. Now I have a 
cluttered passwd file due to the post-install script. And if I manually remove the snort 
user, the pre-remove will probably error out too.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Snort UID / GID

2008-07-17 Thread RedShift

Hugo Doria wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:27 AM, RedShift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why can't the users themselves create a snort uid/gid...

As the snort itself will run with the snort user/group is better
create them during the installation.

-- Hugo

Why is it better to create them during installation?


Re: [arch-general] [SPAM] [arch-dev-public] two patches for rc.d/network

2008-07-16 Thread RedShift

James Rayner wrote:

1)  0001-add-some-useful-error-messages-to-wireless-code.patch
Makes the wireless code in rc.d/network output some useful errors and
a tad more robust, rather than failing and giving no useful error at

Not tested yet, I don't have an insecure or WEP network to try it on,
and the family won't be impressed if I start messing with dd-wrt. I'll
try tomorrow morning when they're sleeping.

2) 0002-Added-connection-state-info-to-rc.d-network.patch
Makes rc.d/network create a file for an interface if it manages to
connect. Useful for scripts.
Also needs the directory /var/run/network/interfaces/ created in the
initscripts PKGBUILD.

Scripts should use ifconfig or other networking tools that directly read from the 
kernel's configuration for network interface information. What if a user manually 
modifies his configuration without using the initscripts? Or does some advanced 
networking configuration in rc.local? The information in /var/run/network 
will not be correct.

I'm going to be blunt, it's a stupid idea.


(patches are not dependent)



Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Multilib on Archlinux x86_64

2008-07-08 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:

Andreas Radke schrieb:

You must have mixed the mailing lists!

Actually, no.

Arch64 was founded to never have support for 32bit compatibilty. So
move this into the community/AUR list.

Yeah, maybe, and I am extending it.

I give you a strict -1 for any 32bit compat stuff in our officially
supported repos as I already told you in private discussions. I've
spent several weeks if not even months to make it as clean as possible.

What you are saying is that by adding an extra capability (again, 
separate repository, nothing to pollute core or extra in any way), we 
destroy the clean-ness of your so clean (and yeah, it is clean) system. 
That's just irrational.

The fact that you don't quote a single line from my posting tells me 
that you haven't even read any of my propositions. Why don't you give 
technical arguments instead of making this personal?

The reason I want to maintain this on our ftp is that I want it to be 
easily accessible to our devs and users, as I can't maintain it alone. 
The reason I don't want this (at least the core of it) in community is 
that I want it to be separate from the rest.

Besides, unless you want to maintain the packages or use them by 
activating the repository in pacman.conf, you won't even notice it's there.

It would be a reason for me to stepdown here!

Now you're just being childish!

100% agree with Andreas, again this is about principles. And I think Andreas 
has the same principles as me, either you go full x86-64 or you don't. A middle 
road is messy. If it were up to me the kernel wouldn't even have support for 
executing 32 bit stuff (right now that option is enabled).


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Multilib on Archlinux x86_64

2008-07-08 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:

Andreas Radke schrieb:

It's more a question what Arch64 was founded for: to be the bleading
edge leading _pure_ 64bit distro around. That's been its goal since the
project has started. And I think we did a good job.

You may have missed the early discussions when we made decisions that
we don't want (though we have could have) multilib compatibility and
bi-arch gcc. That was a strict law. It was our way to push the efforts
to once get it the same level where the x86 world is.

I missed the discussions, maybe. But this is not a discussion we had a 
few years ago, this is the discussion we are having now. And just saying 
A few years ago, we wanted it this way is not a good reason.

Offering 32bit compat stuff always means to make it easy for users

No, not to make it easy, but make it possible. As I said in my reply to 
Daniel, I need a 64 bit OS, but I also need mixed 32/64 bit environments.

but takes much pressure from companies and opensource developers give
the x86_64 architecture the time and responsibility it is worth. You
can compare it to the question to support closed source stuff or not.
We made our decision long ago. So please respect it.

We never denied closed source software out of principle. We always made 
things just work. I want standard applications to just work, without 
having to bother about which architecture I am on.

Now, again, you gave me a list of ideological reasons not to do it, but 
where exactly is the point where this damages your pure system 

It's about the technical purity. It's this that makes us different from the 
other distro's. Otherwise we're just on the road to the next ubuntu. And if you 
really want 32 bit stuff running on x86-64, just use a 32 bit chroot and don't 
bother with the multilib stuff.


Re: [arch-general] /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolc.conf.tail

2008-07-03 Thread RedShift

timetrap wrote:

Hi, this is my first message to arch-general.

I have been helping a user on the forums who needs multiple search 
domains in his /etc/resolv.conf file.

His original question was this:

Our DHCP isolates clients to a separate subnet than the servers. As 
such, unless you fully qualify the server name, you can't find the 
server. A work around is to put the IP in the hosts file, but there are 
just too many servers to do that with. Another option is to add the 
search domain(s) in the to the end of the search line in resolv.conf, 
however that file is re-written by dhcpcd, so changes are quickly lost.

Is there a way to add on search domains to what DHCP hands your system?

I have done some research and found that the BSDs have a particularly 
nice solution to this;  /etc/resolv.conf.tail

Basically, it does this:


if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf.tail ]; then
   cat /etc/resolv.conf.tail  /etc/resolv.conf

I am still new to arch, and I don't know who exactly deals with this 
portion of the distro. Is this something that can be made standard? It 
seems like a very simple fix. Very useful too.

Here is the forum posting:


Something like that is totally unecessairy. That's why we have 
/etc/conf.d/dhcpcd. Also see man dhcpcd.


Re: [arch-general] /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolc.conf.tail

2008-07-03 Thread RedShift

timetrap wrote:
dhcpcd is fine. But this is a patch for dhclient. Which is a totally 
different dhcp client.

When I installed wicd, dhclient was a dependency, if you want to use 
wicd, you need to use dhclient. If you want to have multiple search 
domains with dhclient (through wicd), you need to edit your 
/etc/resolv.conf and append those search domains.

Rather than edit by hand, or run an external script. Why not just patch 
the dhclient-script?

So yes, something like this SHOULD be unecessairy. But it isn't.

Oops. Didn't notice it was for dhclient. Anyways, dhclient-script is provided 
by upstream, so either apply your patch everytime the package is upgraded or 
build your own dhclient package.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] kernel26

2008-07-03 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:
Just a bump to .10 and a minor configuration change (AOE added). It is 
built with gcc 4.3.1, so if any binary modules break, please tell me.

It may be smart to wait for GCC 4.3.2 to come out, because of this bug:


Re: [arch-general] Need to mount 2nd SATA drive

2008-06-28 Thread RedShift

Allie Daneman wrote:
I can't figure out how to mount my 2nd SATA primary disk is 
mounted by uuid in my current fstab but disk 2 doesn't seem like it's

being found correctly. Can anyone help do I figure out the
uuid of my 2nd drive ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  0 Jun 28 09:49 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  0 Jun 28 09:49 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AAJS-75PSA0_WD-WMAP98331746 - ../../sda lrwxrwxrwx 1
root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AAJS-75PSA0_WD-WMAP98331746-part1 - ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AAJS-75PSA0_WD-WMAP98331746-part2 - ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AAJS-75PSA0_WD-WMAP98331746-part3 - ../../sda3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AAJS-75PSA0_WD-WMAP98331746-part4 - ../../sda4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jun 28 09:49
ata-WDC_WD1600AVJS-63SWA0_WD-WCAP9C579547 - ../../sdb lrwxrwxrwx 1
root root  9 Jun 28 09:49 scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AAJS-_WD-WMAP98331746
- ../../sda lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AAJS-_WD-WMAP98331746-part1 - ../../sda1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AAJS-_WD-WMAP98331746-part2 - ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AAJS-_WD-WMAP98331746-part3 - ../../sda3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AAJS-_WD-WMAP98331746-part4 - ../../sda4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jun 28 09:49
scsi-SATA_WDC_WD1600AVJS-_WD-WCAP9C579547 - ../../sdb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -la /dev/disk/by-path/ 
total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root

0 Jun 28 09:49 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  0 Jun 28 09:49 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1
root root  9 Jun 28 09:49 pci-:00:1f.1-scsi-1:0:0:0 - ../../sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jun 28 09:49 pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0
- ../../sda lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1 - ../../sda1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root
root 10 Jun 28 09:49 pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0-part2 - ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0-part3 - ../../sda3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root
root 10 Jun 28 09:49 pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0-part4 - ../../sda4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jun 28 09:49 pci-:00:1f.2-scsi-1:0:0:0
- ../../sdb 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/ total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  0 Jun 28 09:49 . drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  0 Jun
28 09:49 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
24898ead-1493-4544-a69b-9aa873df4eb8 - ../../sda4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root
root 10 Jun 28 09:49 944d5302-9d85-422a-8aab-dd38606ee224 - ../../sda2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jun 28 09:49
b0746ca3-76e3-4428-9898-74d46f638722 - ../../sda1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root
root 10 Jun 28 09:49 d71891a3-aff1-4696-9c43-8ada3f0d4c00 - ../../sda3

Your second disk doesn't have any partitions. Although you can create a 
filesystem on a whole disk without partitioning, it may be favourable to 
partition your drive. Use cfdisk to partition your drive. It's registered as 


Re: [arch-general] apache-/httpd-config files (was: [arch-dev-public] cleaned-up apache package)

2008-06-25 Thread RedShift

Finkregh wrote:

On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 00:31:50 +0200
Pierre Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Btw: does anybody know why the previous maintainer has
used /etc/httpd/conf instead of /etc/httpd?  

Why is that directory used at all?
Doesn't it make more sense to use something like '/etc/apache/' like
e.g. lighttpd does?

Or is there already a policy on that i overlooked?

Actually, apache is not called apache, but is called httpd. It has been called 
httpd ever since 2.0. (The 2.0 series used apache as name, that's why people generally call httpd 

The usage of /etc/httpd (with a conf subdirectory below) is because it allows 
you to set the serverroot to /etc/httpd. That's why there is a log and modules 
symlink in there. If we didn't do it like that, what whould we set the 
serverroot to?

If you've been using httpd for a long time, then the way it's currently set up 
makes perfect sense and is the most logical one too (I wouldn't know any better 
way to set it up).


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] adding http user/group to filesystems

2008-06-22 Thread RedShift

Pierre Schmitz wrote:


as mentioned in the apache thread I would like to use a dedicated user/group 
for our different webserver packages. To achieve this I'd like to add the 
user/group http to our filesystem package. (It allready contains them for 
mail and ftp)

According to uid/gid 
33 should be free for use.

An install script to add those for upgraders have to be added, too.

Another approach would be adding an install script creating those groups to 
the webserver packages.

What do you think is best?


Why not just use nobody for programs that need their own user, as a sane 
default. Any smart admin should create any groups and users himself when 
necessairy. And prevents cluttering of unnecessairy users/groups. For example 
in my httpd setups, the http users would never be used.



Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [signoff] filesystem-2008.06-1

2008-06-19 Thread RedShift

Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 8:09 AM, RedShift [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why does this package mess around in /usr/local? IIRC there are no Arch
packages that use /usr/local and it's meant for local deviations, so
wouldn't it be wise not to touch /usr/local?

I stand corrected.

Re: [arch-general] Xen for Arch Linux - Update 1

2008-06-14 Thread RedShift

Hi all,

Time for an update!

* linux-xen is renamed to linux-xen0. This way someone can create a 
linux-xenU package if he/she wants

* 64 bit build
* Kernel configurations based on stock Arch Linux kernel as far as is 

Get the packages at:

* 64 bit build
* Updated initscripts: the scripts are now in rc.d.
 - xend: archified
 - xendomains: Don't touch what you don't know. Script looks pretty 
complex so other than a changed path I did not modify the script

Get the packages at:

You can find the updated PKGBUILDs at:


RedShift wrote:

Hi all,

I've been keeping busy today with Xen for Arch Linux. I've created the 
following packages:

- This package contains the userland tools to administer a Xen dom0 


- This package contains the Xen hypervisor/dom0 kernel.

As Xen uses a heavily modified linux kernel, it cannot easily be 
ported to more current kernel versions. So:

1) You're stuck with whatever hardware 2.6.18 supports
2) We have to use GCC 3.4 to compile this
3) It needs a patch because of using GCC 3.4 (xentime-gcc34.patch) :-(

The kernel configuration is currently the default one that comes with 
Xen. Most drivers are compiled in statically. I plan to update the 
configuration to match Arch Linux's stock kernel.

The kernel package does NOT provide support for running AS A 
paravirtualized* GUEST. The goal of these packages is make the system 
run guest OS'es without any modifications. This means you need 
hardware virtualization support. You can check for hardware VT if you 
have either vmx or svm (respectively Intel's and AMD's virtualization 
technology) in /proc/cpuinfo. I do not intend to support 
paravirtualization (see TODO).

I've only tested i686. I can natively run m$ windoze (with networking) 
on these packages, so the basics work.

The xen package should compile and work on x86_64. The linux-xen 
package has not even been compiled on x86_64 and will not work ATM.

I've started a wiki article for Xen too,

You can grab the PKGBUILDs here:
* linux-xen:
* xen:

Still TODO:
* x86_64 support
* update kernel config to match Arch Linux's stock kernel
* finish the wiki article, create an example scenario
* fix initscripts for xen package (they are currently in etc/init.d)
* paravirtualization: from what I've read, the kernel can be 
configured to function both as hypervisor and guest. The traditional 
way is to have two kernels in the distro: one for dom0 and one for 
domU. It would be great to combine these two - but I'd like some 
advice on this one. Does it have performance implications?
- If having both dom0 and domU support in the same kernel has no 
negative side-effects I will support paravirtualization. If it does 
have side-effects that are unacceptable I will not support 

(Paravirtualization is virtualization without hardware support from 
the CPU. This means the guest OS has to be made compatible with Xen in 
order to run. This is why you see for example xenU or domU kernels: 
these are meant to be used inside a Xen domain if the Xen host doesn't 
have hardware VT)

Any feedback is appreciated.


Re: [arch-general] top posting

2008-05-20 Thread RedShift

 I guess you /don't/ like HTML email as well :-(

Xavier wrote:

What about using a consistent style, at least for one given ML?
arch-general is really painful to read sometimes.


Re: [arch-general] top posting

2008-05-20 Thread RedShift

I guess you don't like HTML email as well 

Xavier wrote:
What about using a consistent style, at least for one given ML? 
arch-general is really painful to read sometimes. 

Re: [arch-general] pacman changes symlink

2008-05-07 Thread RedShift

Xavier wrote:

Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:

I don't know if it's bug or feature, but it makes me crazy. It begun
probably after some pacman upgrade.
I'm using blowfish passwords with my archlinux, so my
/lib/ points to instead of
from glibc. In my pacman.conf I have NoExtract   = lib/
But even though I've made this arrangements everytime when I run
pacman -S some_interesting_package (it doesn't have to be glibc, eg
libpng is enough) the link gets changed.
Any suggestions?

 From what I can tell, it's ldconfig who does this (try running it, it 
should overwrite your symlink).

And pacman runs ldconfig when installing packages.
Maybe someone can clarify further why ldconfig does this and if it's 
possible to prevent it.

ldconfig makes sure you are using the most recent version of a certain library 
and provides a cache for the runtime linker. See man 8 ldconfig.


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

Jan de Groot wrote:

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 00:24 +0200, RedShift wrote:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

RedShift schrieb:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

I am hacking initscripts and can't quite decide on two issues:

1) I'd like to hardcode /dev/pts/ mounting in rc.sysinit.
What's wrong with putting that in fstab? What if I don't want to have 
that mounted? So instead of modified fstab I'd have to mess with 
rc.sysinit everytime the initscripts get upgraded? This is the same 
discussion as with moving lo to rc.sysinit instead of leaving it in 
rc.conf. Uterly pointless.
The point is, everyone needs it mounted. Your system will be completely 
useless without devpts (as it is without the lo interface).

However, I know your opinion on these issues. Are there any rational 
reasons not to hardcode devpts?

Yes. It's not logical. fstab was made for mounting filesystems, why even consider moving 
it to rc.sysinit? It's not because it makes the system unusable without it, that it 
should be moved to rc.sysinit. Why the change anyway? What's the benefit? Now we're going 
to see Heeey stuff's being mounted that's not in fstab? wtf?. This change is 
just plain irrational, fstab was _specifically made_ for mounting filesystems. If you're 
going to hardcode stuff like that you might as well throw away fstab.


/proc and /sys are already hardcoded. About your system being broken
without these filesystems mounted:
- SSH (both server and client) won't work without devpts mounted
- None of the virtual X terminal things will work without devpts mounted

It doesn't prevent the system from booting and having a working virtual 
console. So people can fix it if they decided to mess with the default entries 
in fstab. You guys just don't get it. This is about _principle_. And its not 
because there already are some filesystems hardcoded, that the rest should be. 
In fact, these should be moved from hardcoding to fstab. But that will probably 
never happen.

Wether these are virtual or real filesystems, it doesn't matter: the fs in 
fstab stands for FileSystem, period. If something needs to be mounted, it should go there.

This is exactly as what happened with the lo moving to rc.sysinit, hiding stuff 
so the newbies won't remove it because they think they don't need it. And the 
fact is, if you remove lo from the system, you can *still* boot your system and 
most stuff works without lo. So they can still fix lo if they removed it.

I'm sick and tired of complaining about issues like these, that shouldn't be 
discussed in the first place. Do you think I like complaining? Since when do we 
assume the user is stupid? All that's been accomplished here is create a big 

One sidenote though: I don't think users will break their system,
the /dev/shm and /dev/pts mounts are in fstab during setup and I think
most people don't remove them. I haven't seen bugs about hey my system
doesn't boot, but when I add these lines to /etc/fstab it works

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

Jan de Groot wrote:

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 11:12 +0200, RedShift wrote:

I'm sick and tired of complaining about issues like these, that
shouldn't be discussed in the first place. Do you think I like
complaining? Since when do we assume the user is stupid? All that's
been accomplished here is create a big mess.

I think these things shouldn't be discussed in public anymore. Your use
of language makes me sick. This is the same for that thread aaron opened
about the direction archlinux is going, some people personally attacked
several devs.

Yes, I'm sorry for my language, I can be a bit harsh at times, haven't allowing 
myself to cool down. But that's no excuse for avoiding this discussion. You may 
see this as some little change with small importance, but this sets a precedent 
for Arch Linux in the future. It's now that has to be decided that changes like 
these are acceptable or not.

And the fact that developers attacked other developers personally, isn't that 
expected? They did create the packages, so if there is something wrong, they 
are the ones to go to?


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:

RedShift schrieb:

/proc and /sys are already hardcoded. About your system being broken
without these filesystems mounted:
- SSH (both server and client) won't work without devpts mounted
- None of the virtual X terminal things will work without devpts mounted

It doesn't prevent the system from booting and having a working 
virtual console. So people can fix it if they decided to mess with the 
default entries in fstab.

That's correct.

You guys just don't get it. This is about _principle_.

YOUR principle.

Yes, and guess where I got them from. Arch, 3 years ago.

And its not because there already are some filesystems hardcoded, that 
the rest should be.

I'm not talking about the rest, I'm talking about things that are 
mandatory for basic system operation.

It is not mandatory for basic system operation. With basic system operation I 
mean getting a virtual console working and that's it. You know, the thing the 
users aren't supposed to be afraid of? Having some working xterm's or whatever 
in X is not basic system operation.

In fact, these should be moved from hardcoding to fstab. But that will 
probably never happen.

You're right, it won't, because it is impossible. If you would care to 
even read rc.sysinit, you would know why.

Yes, there are things that need to be hardcoded because there is no way around 
them. I have no problem with those. /dev/pts doesn't fall in this exception.

Wether these are virtual or real filesystems, it doesn't matter: 
the fs in fstab stands for FileSystem, period. If something needs to 
be mounted, it should go there.

Says you?

Yes. It's logical.

This is exactly as what happened with the lo moving to rc.sysinit, 
hiding stuff so the newbies won't remove it because they think they 
don't need it. And the fact is, if you remove lo from the system, you 
can *still* boot your system and most stuff works without lo. So they 
can still fix lo if they removed it.

This is not about hiding things, it is about keeping it simple. What is 
simple about having to configure something that everybody needs, always 
needs it and will break everything if it is configured differently? It 
is unnecessary to even be able to configure it. So simplicity tells me 
to hardcode it.

I'm sick and tired of complaining about issues like these, that 
shouldn't be discussed in the first place. Do you think I like 

Then don't complain, I'm sick of it. These changes do not decrease your 
flexibility, nor do they break anything.
Believe me, I am all against changes that remove control from the user. 
But this is about things a user doesn't have to control, doesn't even 
want to control. What I want is a system that is flexible on the one 
hand, robust and unbreakable on the other hand. The 'lo' change (as well 
as the devpts change) is about increasing robustness without removing 
any flexibility. I cannot see how this is not a good thing.

*everything* should be in the user's control. That includes things that can 
shoot him in his own foot. You don't know if there are out there that want to 
control lo or devpts. Now they'll have to apply a patch every time the 
initscripts get upgraded.

Since when do we assume the user is stupid? All that's been 
accomplished here is create a big mess.

This is rule number one of development, always assume the user is 
stupid. The result of that is, that I have less emails with complaints 
to answer, less forum posts to unbreak user's systems, one less 
bugreport to close. It essentially means that I have more time doing 
things that actually benefit the Arch community.

Yah, that's kind of like exactly the opposite of what Arch stands (stood?) for.

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

RedShift wrote:

Jan de Groot wrote:

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 00:24 +0200, RedShift wrote:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

RedShift schrieb:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

I am hacking initscripts and can't quite decide on two issues:

1) I'd like to hardcode /dev/pts/ mounting in rc.sysinit.
What's wrong with putting that in fstab? What if I don't want to 
have that mounted? So instead of modified fstab I'd have to mess 
with rc.sysinit everytime the initscripts get upgraded? This is the 
same discussion as with moving lo to rc.sysinit instead of leaving 
it in rc.conf. Uterly pointless.
The point is, everyone needs it mounted. Your system will be 
completely useless without devpts (as it is without the lo interface).

However, I know your opinion on these issues. Are there any rational 
reasons not to hardcode devpts?

Yes. It's not logical. fstab was made for mounting filesystems, why 
even consider moving it to rc.sysinit? It's not because it makes the 
system unusable without it, that it should be moved to rc.sysinit. 
Why the change anyway? What's the benefit? Now we're going to see 
Heeey stuff's being mounted that's not in fstab? wtf?. This change 
is just plain irrational, fstab was _specifically made_ for mounting 
filesystems. If you're going to hardcode stuff like that you might as 
well throw away fstab.


/proc and /sys are already hardcoded. About your system being broken
without these filesystems mounted:
- SSH (both server and client) won't work without devpts mounted
- None of the virtual X terminal things will work without devpts mounted

It doesn't prevent the system from booting and having a working virtual 
console. So people can fix it if they decided to mess with the default 
entries in fstab. You guys just don't get it. This is about _principle_. 
And its not because there already are some filesystems hardcoded, that 
the rest should be. In fact, these should be moved from hardcoding to 
fstab. But that will probably never happen.

Wether these are virtual or real filesystems, it doesn't matter: the 
fs in fstab stands for FileSystem, period. If something needs to be 
mounted, it should go there.

This is exactly as what happened with the lo moving to rc.sysinit, 
hiding stuff so the newbies won't remove it because they think they 
don't need it. And the fact is, if you remove lo from the system, you 
can *still* boot your system and most stuff works without lo. So they 
can still fix lo if they removed it.

I'm sick and tired of complaining about issues like these, that 
shouldn't be discussed in the first place. Do you think I like 
complaining? Since when do we assume the user is stupid? All that's been 
accomplished here is create a big mess.

Besides, they can just as well remove it from rc.sysinit. But it's more hidden, 
and that's what we're going for right? Hide things from the users so they don't 
mess with it?

(Yes, that was sarcasm)

One sidenote though: I don't think users will break their system,
the /dev/shm and /dev/pts mounts are in fstab during setup and I think
most people don't remove them. I haven't seen bugs about hey my system
doesn't boot, but when I add these lines to /etc/fstab it works

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

There is in fact a valid reason why we should not hardcode devpts and I 
am thinking of dropping the thought, but none of you even cared to bring 
it up, instead you bitch about your weird principles, which you claim to 
be Arch's principles, insulting developers and being an ass on the way. 
  I am following KISS and trying to make things simpler, while you want 
to keep things more complicated, because you think that's what Arch is 

Obviously we have a different view of what Simple actually means. There is no 
common ground anymore.

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-07 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:

I am hacking initscripts and can't quite decide on two issues:

1) I'd like to hardcode /dev/pts/ mounting in rc.sysinit.
2) I'd like to remove the (hardcoded) line /usr/bin/setterm -blank 15 
from rc.sysinit.

Can I get opinions on these?


Having read your last e-mail you are right, I should have *pointed out* my 
opinion instead of going omgwtf. The thread resulted in savagery - nowhere near 
civilized. I apologize for that. I will try and keep my e-mails more 


Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] initscripts changes

2008-04-06 Thread RedShift

Thomas Bächler wrote:

RedShift schrieb:

Thomas Bächler wrote:

I am hacking initscripts and can't quite decide on two issues:

1) I'd like to hardcode /dev/pts/ mounting in rc.sysinit.

What's wrong with putting that in fstab? What if I don't want to have 
that mounted? So instead of modified fstab I'd have to mess with 
rc.sysinit everytime the initscripts get upgraded? This is the same 
discussion as with moving lo to rc.sysinit instead of leaving it in 
rc.conf. Uterly pointless.

The point is, everyone needs it mounted. Your system will be completely 
useless without devpts (as it is without the lo interface).

However, I know your opinion on these issues. Are there any rational 
reasons not to hardcode devpts?

Yes. It's not logical. fstab was made for mounting filesystems, why even consider moving 
it to rc.sysinit? It's not because it makes the system unusable without it, that it 
should be moved to rc.sysinit. Why the change anyway? What's the benefit? Now we're going 
to see Heeey stuff's being mounted that's not in fstab? wtf?. This change is 
just plain irrational, fstab was _specifically made_ for mounting filesystems. If you're 
going to hardcode stuff like that you might as well throw away fstab.


Re: [arch-general] Custom kernel compile fails

2008-04-01 Thread RedShift

CtM wrote:

Happy April everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone else was having issues building a recent 
custom kernel. I find that it fails on the make command. Here is the 
output I get:

LD  .tmp_vmlinux1
kernel/built-in.o: In function `getnstimeofday':
(.text+0x205d3): undefined reference to `__umoddi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `getnstimeofday':
(.text+0x205f6): undefined reference to `__udivdi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `do_gettimeofday':
(.text+0x20718): undefined reference to `__udivdi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `do_gettimeofday':
(.text+0x20736): undefined reference to `__umoddi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `timekeeping_resume':
timekeeping.c:(.text+0x209e6): undefined reference to `__umoddi3'
timekeeping.c:(.text+0x20a06): undefined reference to `__udivdi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `update_wall_time':
(.text+0x20d5a): undefined reference to `__umoddi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `update_wall_time':
(.text+0x20d7a): undefined reference to `__udivdi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `update_wall_time':
(.text+0x211f6): undefined reference to `__umoddi3'
kernel/built-in.o: In function `update_wall_time':
(.text+0x21216): undefined reference to `__udivdi3'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1

I have tried kernel 2.6.24 and on two different machines with 
two different cpu's (one intel dual core and one AMD 64 bit). I've tried 
using my previous config (make oldconfig) and also tried without it. I 
even ran make clean  make mrproper on the new extracted kernel 
directory before attempting to build it.
Usually upgrading a kernel is very routine for me, but this time it 
isn't working. All kernel sources were downloaded from as 
usual for me.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



Linux 2.6.24 is broken with GCC 4.3. Either wait for the next release 
(which will most likely include a fix) or see this bugreport:
it includes a link to a patch to compile linux with GCC 4.3.


Re: [arch-general] html messages on this list.

2008-03-30 Thread RedShift


  1. /Oh/ don't be *such*

a square®

Keith Richie wrote:

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:25:30 +0200, Arvid Ephraim Picciani wrote:


please stop sending broken html from dialup machines. I can't believe
arch-general is the only list where people do that. Even the default sa
from the arch packges filters those with up to 8 points. Seriously,...
archers should be able to read RFCs and setup their MUA correctly.

Sadly it is not only this list. There's quite a few I subscribe to that 
have this issue. If only people could see what a mess it creates when the 
list is read with a proper reader.

I can't stand the msn, hotmail, live, or yahoo spam that gets sent along 
with so many messages.


(enable html for best performance)

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Processor Generation++

2008-03-17 Thread RedShift

Pierre Schmitz wrote:

Am Montag, 17. März 2008 10:11:15 schrieb Tobias Powalowski:

My opinion on this, why to desupport something which might be still used,
also we all know that x86_64 is the future and therefore i don't think the
benefit is worth the trouble.

In addition to this MMX would not really boost anything. SSE would be much 
superior. And further more: You would only notice such improvements on heavy 
multimedia encoding stuff and such things you would not do on an 10 years old 

You could say the same thing between using march=i386 vs. march=i686.
I'm for this idea, and I would even suggest bumping from i686 to
pentium3. But not any further than that, because I'm still using an
ArchLinux install on my Pentium 3 500 Mhz testbox...


Re: [arch-general] Boot sequence stops at modules (rc.sysinit)

2008-03-01 Thread RedShift

Stephen Wilkinson wrote:

Hello everyone,

After upgrading the kernel alone (and after fixing some kernel panics
-- see postscript) the boot sequence now stops at loading the modules
([DONE]) and goes no further: the cursor blinks and I can type
characters, but I never get a shell prompt. It seems the boot sequence
doesn't go beyond rc.sysinit

The only reference I found to a similar problem is in the forum:
where it was suggested to try the fallback image and removing modules
from the rc.conf. I've tried both, but hasn't helped (as expected: the
kernel loads properly, so not an ramdisk problem, and the modules also
load as I get [DONE] status...).

Before this problem, I knew nothing at all about the boot sequence in
linux so I read this:

The next step after Loading modules is loading standard ACPI modules. 
Try adding these to the module blacklist in rc.conf:

ac battery button fan processor thermal


Re: [arch-general] where is kde 3.5.9 ?

2008-02-29 Thread RedShift

solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:

Have you read the changelog? It's hardly worth being excited for...

yes you're right.

i was hoping a part of it was missing or hidden somewhere else on there 
site... but it does not seem so. 

is it this ?

That is the official changelog, I don't see any else around?

Re: [arch-general] where is kde 3.5.9 ?

2008-02-28 Thread RedShift

solsTiCe d'Hiver wrote:

kde 3.5.9 is out since the 19th february

i was used to have the latest kde release the day before the offical release 
on arch !

now we are almost 10 days after the official release and nothing. 
what's happening ? 

even if arch switch to kde 4 (too soon for me) i prefer to wait Kde 4.1
will we have a kde 3.5.9 release in arch ?

Have you read the changelog? It's hardly worth being excited for...
