[AsburyPark] Re: New Orleans

2005-09-04 Thread Skip Bernstein
Some people blamed the President for not responding to the needs of
the people who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.

Rev KeV, perhaps you can enlighten the people who elected not to
evacuate and us as to how people without automobiles were to pack up
their families and belongings, and move several hundred miles to what?

We get that you're a true blue (or is that red) republican, likely
have personally heard the word of god and no doubt preach that your
particular god will help anyone that helps themselves; but all that
begs the question, should the people who elected not to evacuate
have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to help themselves?

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some people blamed the President for not responding to the needs of
 people who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.  Subsequent
to the  storm 
 the levees broke and the sea reclaimed much of its sea bed for New
 I now have heard reliable eye witness reports from the actual
locations in  
 NO and from People I know in Washington, DC.
 First off:
 The violence was so bad let me give you the eye witness report I got
 someone I know and also hearing this on CABLE NEWS TONIGHT, as a 
 At the Super Dome.  A man raped and killed a SEVEN YEAR OLD  GIRL. 
10 other 
 men beats him to death.  This all happened within 30  minutes when
 the same man who raped the little girl struggled with a  National
Guardsman - 
 taken his weapon and shooting him.
 Now from the Washington friends:  The White House was not about to
go  in and 
 subject rescue workers to the violence without first securing the
area  with 
 a sufficient amount of soldiers.  The violence was so HIGH, it took
 plus Military to call the area stable.
 No matter who you wish to blame - it's really doesn't matter.
 It's starting to turn around. 
 I for one pay no attention to ignorance.  In this country as free as
 you are 
 to spout off... other are as free to tune out!
 Besides why is that only Liberals are complaining...???
 The be happy - and no worries crowd are not good at NASTY!!!
 May The Peace of The Lord Jesus Christ Be Upon All Mankind.
 Rev. Kevin Brown
 Long Branch, New Jersey

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[AsburyPark] Re: Why Katrina is misused as a Race Card

2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev

In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
second... i like the way that "colored" people are singled out as to 
  keeping the troubles and wrong doings of thier people alive and before the 
  public... i believe that there are PEOPLE OF ALL RACES AND FAITHS that do 
  thatthere is always someone talking about the the mistreatment of BLACKS, 
  JEWS, MUSLIMS, GAYS, ARABS, and just about every other group on this planet... 
  so before you single out one group of people make sure that it is just that 
  group that is harping about what is happening to 
Except for the Italians and the Irish here in America! So did 
others. However growing up in an Italianand Irish family noone 
taught me to hate because of what was going on in New York in the mid to late 
1800. I had no idea until Martin Scorceese made a movie about it called 
"Gangs of New York" 
 They learned a basic biblical truth.
"Don't let the sun go down on your anger." More importantly people 
just don't know how to forgive unconditionally. It's a powerful spiritual 
attribute and it work's miracles.

"Be not amazed or confused that they persecute you! For they also 
persecuted me." Jesus to His followers.

Happy Sunday
Kevin Brown



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[AsburyPark] Responding to Skip

2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev

In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
  people blamed the President for not responding to the needs ofthe people 
  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit."Rev KeV, perhaps you 
  can enlighten the "people who elected not toevacuate" and us as to how 
  people without automobiles were to pack uptheir families and belongings, 
  and move several hundred miles to what?We get that you're a true blue 
  (or is that red) republican, likelyhave personally heard the word of god 
  and no doubt preach that yourparticular god will help anyone that helps 
  themselves; but all thatbegs the question, should the "people who elected 
  not to evacuate"have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to 
  help themselves?
Public transportation was working before the storm. I am sure 
their were emergency services available to assist people to comply... if 
not than they should consider this before it happens again. My point is, 
no one person is at fault here. Certainly not the President.

SKIP really I am surprised at you... I am not blue nor red. 
Been both, and see the error of their ways. 

I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in. I wish I 
heard clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what was to 
happen, before it happenned. But I ask you, even if God showed me ahead of 
time. like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have said; "Thank You 
Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!" and how many do you think 
would have laughed at me? (at the very least)

As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... I do not 
subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly notion was that 

Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme needy and 
I had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while she 
struggled with drugs if you must know. Why I even mention this is because 
I was always amazed how the poor, even the addictedwho have struggled for 
so long were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and 
get going before any one else. One shopping cart at a time.

Don't take the ability to choose from people. Fact is many chose to 
stay behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.

Happy Sunday
Kevin Brown


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2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev


Sunday, September 4th, 2005
8:51 am

  for CitySig has been coordinating with the city to get 
  them phones for the past couple of days. It's a daunting task but 
  hopefully we can get the some comms.That huge convoy of utility 
  type trucks rolling in appears to MCI. Seems like the tech type stuff is 
  gonna be up and running before the flooding is pumped out and the water is 
  turned on. 
  Comments |Comment 
  on this)
7:55 am

  Up and 
  at 'emSlept in til 7am today. The police and military 
  still control the streets and they're patrolling in force by vehicle -- 
  you can see this on the cam. A lot of people have asked about the vehicles 
  and who's in them. They're all police vehicles now -- commandeered. 
  Let me address the political situation for a moment. I noticed 
  that the responses I've been getting on the blog and the stuff I've been 
  reading in the mainstream media has become very politicized. I'm not going 
  to get into politics here -- I'm just going to do my work and then report 
  what I see and hear throughout the day. If you guys want to play Democrat 
  vs Republican vs Independent, go right ahead, but I'm really weary of the 
  permanent election season this country's turned into. Honestly, these are 
  politicians you guys are getting so excited about. Politicians. As far as 
  I'm concerned, I don't trust people who want to tell other people how to 
  spend their money and what they can read or see on television and what 
  they can do in the privacy of their own homes. There's no way I'm going to 
  feel comfortable supporting someone who thinks he knows what's best for 
  the rest of "society" and is willing to use force and the threat of force 
  to make others fall into line.So yeah, I'm not going to support or 
  condemn anyone specific for what's going on here. And another 
  thing to think about when we start pointing fingers is this. The 
  government is never equipped to handle a crisis like this. There's too 
  much bureaucracy -- initiative-stifling bureaucracy which prevents swift, 
  effective action. I would like to hear from government employees on this. 
  The nature of that bureaucracy is such that you have very specific 
  guidelines to follow for even the most minute tasks. You need approval for 
  just about everything, and the person you need approval from usually needs 
  approval to give you the approval. It's not as easy as say 
  rounding up 4 of your co-workers and saying, "We've got someone at such 
  and such an address, let's go grab her and get her out of there." Now add 
  a destroyed or disabled command and control center to that bureaucracy and 
  you've got a total and complete mess. You (as a civilian) don't 
  need "Approved" stamped on 3 different forms before you can run into your 
  neighbor's house and pull them out. I hope this makes 
  sense.Anyway, I'm sure there's been human error in this 
  catastrophe. How could there not be? But what I'm saying is that I've come 
  to expect poor decision making and a total lack of initiative from 
  government. They can't even balance a budget, at the federal, state, or 
  local levels. I could balance my checkbook and spend within my means when 
  I was a teenager. But I'm not gonna point fingers and get into the blame 
  game. If you want me to blame something besides the storm herself, I blame 
  the nature of government in the first place. It's too big, it's too slow, 
  it's too inefficient, it's too bloated, and it's too intiative-stifling to 
  be effective in normal circumstances, much less in a disaster. It's a 
  systemic issue, more than an issue of individual people in 
  government.Ok, that being said, I see more civilians on the street 
  now -- although many of them appear to be journalist types. More 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you praise

2005-09-04 Thread Skip Bernstein
…even the addicted who have struggled for  so long were always the
ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and  get going
before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.  Don't take the
ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay behind and
unfortunately they suffered for it.

Pardon me for not buying into the notion that the poor even the
addicted… were always the ones with the greatest mobility,
notwithstanding the mobility society provides them courtesy of the
paddy wagon.  Rev you claim to be a man of god, maintain that the poor
are among those having the greatest mobility and absolve a president
of all responsibility for his failure to perform one of his highest
duties, to save people and maintain order in a disaster.  

I have a vague recollection that Jesus worked for and walked among
lepers, the poor and destitute, that money and wealth had no influence
over him; somehow I can't fathom the Jesus you praise tolerating, much
less letting off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of business
is further enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when presented the
choice to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened hundreds
of thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless pit of his
Iraqi folly. 

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
 Some  people blamed the President for not responding to the needs of
 the people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.
 Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected not to
 evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles were to pack up
 their families and belongings,  and move several hundred miles to what?
 We get that you're a true blue  (or is that red) republican, likely
 have personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach that your
 particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but all that
 begs the question, should the people who elected  not to evacuate
 have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to  help
 Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am sure 
their were 
 emergency services available to assist people to comply...  if  not
than they 
 should consider this before it happens again.  My point is,  no one
person is at 
 fault here.  Certainly not the President.
 SKIP really I am surprised at you...  I am not blue nor red.   Been
both, and 
 see the error of their ways.  
 I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in.  I wish I
 clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what
was to  
 happen, before it happenned.  But I ask you, even if God showed me
ahead of  time. 
 like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have said; Thank You  
 Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!  and how many do you
think  would have 
 laughed at me? (at the very least)
 As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... I
do not  
 subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly
notion was that 
 Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme
needy and  I 
 had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while she  
 struggled with drugs if you must know.  Why I even mention this is
because  I was 
 always amazed how the poor, even the addicted who have struggled for
 so long 
 were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up
and  get going 
 before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.
 Don't take the ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose to
 behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.
 Happy Sunday
 Kevin Brown

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Re: [AsburyPark] Responding to Skip

2005-09-04 Thread luvinasburypark


My point is, no one person is at fault 
  here. Certainly not the PresidentDon't take the ability to choose 
  from people. Fact is many chose to stay behind and unfortunately they 
  suffered for it. 
from Harry Truman: "The buck stops here."

from Anne Rice:

"...a chorus of voices rose. 'Why didn't they leave?'...'Why did they stay 
there when they knew a storm was coming?'...'Why do people live in such a 
place?'...Now the voices grew even louder.'How could people shoot one 
another?'...'What kind of people are these, the people of New Orleans, who stay 
in a city about to be flooded, and then turn on one another?' 
"Well, here's an answer. Thousands didn't leave New Orleans because they 
couldn't leave. They didn't have the money. They didn't have the vehicles. They 
didn't have any place to go. They are the poor, black and white, who dwell in 
any city in great numbers; and they did what they felt they could do - they 
huddled together in the strongest houses they could find. There was no way to up 
and leave and check into the nearest Ramada Inn. 
"What's more, thousands more who could have left stayed behind to 
help others. They went out in the helicopters and pulled the survivors off 
rooftops; they went through the flooded streets in their boats trying to gather 
those they could find." 


[AsburyPark] Responding to Skip
9/4/2005 9:50:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  

In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
  people blamed the President for not responding to the needs ofthe people 
  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit."Rev KeV, perhaps you 
  can enlighten the "people who elected not toevacuate" and us as to how 
  people without automobiles were to pack uptheir families and belongings, 
  and move several hundred miles to what?We get that you're a true blue 
  (or is that red) republican, likelyhave personally heard the word of god 
  and no doubt preach that yourparticular god will help anyone that helps 
  themselves; but all thatbegs the question, should the "people who elected 
  not to evacuate"have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to 
  help themselves?
Public transportation was working before the storm. I am sure 
their were emergency services available to assist people to comply... if 
not than they should consider this before it happens again. My point is, 
no one person is at fault here. Certainly not the President.

SKIP really I am surprised at you... I am not blue nor red. 
Been both, and see the error of their ways. 

I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in. I wish I 
heard clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what was to 
happen, before it happenned. But I ask you, even if God showed me ahead of 
time. like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have said; "Thank You 
Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!" and how many do you think 
would have laughed at me? (at the very least)

As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... I do not 
subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly notion was that 

Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme needy and 
I had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while she 
struggled with drugs if you must know. Why I even mention this is because 
I was always amazed how the poor, even the addictedwho have struggled for 
so long were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and 
get going before any one else. One shopping cart at a time.

Don't take the ability to choose from people. Fact is many chose to 
stay behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.

Happy Sunday
Kevin Brown


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[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip

2005-09-04 Thread sandy
-Thank you, Mario. I Couldn't have said it better myself in such few 
words. ]:-)

-- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JK's  comment: 
 My point is, no one person is at fault  here.  Certainly not the 
 PresidentDon't take the ability to choose  from people.  Fact 
is many chose to stay 
 behind and unfortunately they  suffered for it.  
 from Harry Truman: The buck stops here.
 from Anne Rice:
 ...a chorus of voices rose. 'Why didn't they leave?'...'Why did 
they stay  
 there when they knew a storm was coming?'...'Why do people live in 
such a  
 place?'...Now the voices grew even louder. 'How could people shoot 
 another?'...'What kind of people are these, the people of New 
Orleans, who stay  in a 
 city about to be flooded, and then turn on one another?'  
 Well, here's an answer. Thousands didn't leave New Orleans 
because they  
 couldn't leave. They didn't have the money. They didn't have the 
vehicles. They  
 didn't have any place to go. They are the poor, black and white, 
who dwell in  
 any city in great numbers; and they did what they felt they could 
do - they  
 huddled together in the strongest houses they could find. There 
was no way to 
 up  and leave and check into the nearest Ramada Inn.  
 What's more, thousands more who could have left stayed behind to  
 others. They went out in the helicopters and pulled the survivors 
off  rooftops; 
 they went through the flooded streets in their boats trying to 
gather  those 
 they could find.  
 Original  Message Subj: [AsburyPark] 
Responding to Skip  
 Date: 9/4/2005 9:50:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time  From: 
 (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:
 In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
 Some  people blamed the President for not responding to the needs 
 the people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.
 Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected not to
 evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles were to 
pack up
 their families and belongings,  and move several hundred miles to 
 We get that you're a true blue  (or is that red) republican, likely
 have personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach that 
 particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but all 
 begs the question, should the people who elected  not to evacuate
 have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to  help 
 Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am sure  
their were 
 emergency services available to assist people to comply...  if  
not than they 
 should consider this before it happens again.  My point is,  no 
one person is at 
 fault here.  Certainly not the President.
 SKIP really I am surprised at you...  I am not blue nor red.   
Been both, and 
 see the error of their ways.  
 I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in.  I wish 
I  heard 
 clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what 
was to  
 happen, before it happenned.  But I ask you, even if God showed me 
ahead of  time. 
 like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have said; Thank 
 Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!  and how many do you 
think  would have 
 laughed at me? (at the very least)
 As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... 
I do not  
 subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly 
notion was that 
 Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme 
needy and  I 
 had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while 
 struggled with drugs if you must know.  Why I even mention this is 
because  I was 
 always amazed how the poor, even the addicted who have struggled 
for  so long 
 were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up 
and  get going 
 before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.
 Don't take the ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose 
to  stay 
 behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.
 Happy Sunday
 Kevin Brown
 _Asbury  park home_ 
 _Asbury  park nj_ 
 _Asbury  park hotel_ 

[AsburyPark] Check out APFN

2005-09-04 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  here: APFN 


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[AsburyPark] Check out What Happens to a Race Deferred - New York Times

2005-09-04 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  here: What Happens to a Race Deferred - New York Times 



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[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you praise

2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone
Jesus never counted on Government(s) for anything.  Exactly my 
point.  He walked everywhere he went, never blaming or complaining.  
Even on one occasion he rode upon a donkey... on that day he was 
heralded such as a King would be.  One week later the same mob 
screamed at him and spit at him as they declared to the 
Government Crucify Him!

Thanks for prooving my point for me.

Kevin Brown

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 …even the addicted who have struggled for  so long were always the
 ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and  get going
 before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.  Don't take the
 ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay behind 
 unfortunately they suffered for it.
 Pardon me for not buying into the notion that the poor even the
 addicted… were always the ones with the greatest mobility,
 notwithstanding the mobility society provides them courtesy of the
 paddy wagon.  Rev you claim to be a man of god, maintain that the 
 are among those having the greatest mobility and absolve a 
 of all responsibility for his failure to perform one of his highest
 duties, to save people and maintain order in a disaster.  
 I have a vague recollection that Jesus worked for and walked among
 lepers, the poor and destitute, that money and wealth had no 
 over him; somehow I can't fathom the Jesus you praise tolerating, 
 less letting off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of business
 is further enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when presented 
 choice to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened 
 of thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless pit of 
 Iraqi folly. 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
  AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
  Some  people blamed the President for not responding to the 
needs of
  the people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.
  Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected not to
  evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles were to 
pack up
  their families and belongings,  and move several hundred miles to 
  We get that you're a true blue  (or is that red) republican, 
  have personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach that 
  particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but all 
  begs the question, should the people who elected  not to 
  have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds necessary to  help
  Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am sure 
 their were 
  emergency services available to assist people to comply...  if  
 than they 
  should consider this before it happens again.  My point is,  no 
 person is at 
  fault here.  Certainly not the President.
  SKIP really I am surprised at you...  I am not blue nor red.   
 both, and 
  see the error of their ways.  
  I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in.  I 
wish I
  clear enough to have warned some folks in The Gulf area about what
 was to  
  happen, before it happenned.  But I ask you, even if God showed me
 ahead of  time. 
  like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have 
said; Thank You  
  Brother Brown, let me get out of here now!  and how many do you
 think  would have 
  laughed at me? (at the very least)
  As far as the Doctrine of God helps those that helps 
themselves... I
 do not  
  subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that silly
 notion was that 
  Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch among the extreme
 needy and  I 
  had a daughter living in the French Quarter for three years while 
  struggled with drugs if you must know.  Why I even mention this is
 because  I was 
  always amazed how the poor, even the addicted who have struggled 
  so long 
  were always the ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up
 and  get going 
  before any one else.  One shopping cart at a time.
  Don't take the ability to choose from people.  Fact is many chose 
  behind and unfortunately they suffered for it.
  Happy Sunday
  Kevin Brown

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[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you praise

2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone
Besides, nothing personal but anyone depending on a Government is a 

John F. Kennedy a great democrat; and also a liberal.

Don't ask what your country can do for you...
ask what you can do for your country.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you praise

2005-09-04 Thread luvinasburypark

Re: Jersey Kev's 

One week later the same mob screamed 
  at him and spit at him
Those folks had probably been listening to the demagogic blathering 
on Fox news, right-wing hate radio, or pharisees like Pat Robertson and Jerry 


Original Message

[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you 
9/4/2005 12:39:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:  
Jesus never counted on Government(s) for 
anything. Exactly my point. He walked everywhere he went, never 
blaming or complaining. Even on one occasion he rode upon a donkey... 
on that day he was heralded such as a King would be. One week later 
the same mob screamed at him and spit at him as they declared to the 
Government "Crucify Him!"Thanks for prooving my point for 
me.Kevin Brown--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Skip 
Bernstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: "…even the addicted who have 
struggled for so long were always the ones with the greatest 
mobility and could pick up and get going before any one 
else. One shopping cart at a time. Don't take the ability to 
choose from people. Fact is many chose to stay behind and 
unfortunately they suffered for it."  Pardon me for not buying 
into the notion that the poor "even the addicted… were always the ones 
with the greatest mobility", notwithstanding the mobility society 
provides them courtesy of the paddy wagon. Rev you claim to be a 
man of god, maintain that the poor are among those having the 
"greatest mobility" and absolve a president of all responsibility 
for his failure to perform one of his highest duties, to save people and 
maintain order in a disaster.   I have a vague 
recollection that Jesus worked for and walked among lepers, the poor and 
destitute, that money and wealth had no influence over him; somehow 
I can't fathom the Jesus you praise tolerating, much less letting 
off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of business is further 
enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when presented the choice 
to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened hundreds of 
thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless pit of his 
Iraqi folly.--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  In a 
message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,   
AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:"Some people 
blamed the President for not responding to the needs of  the 
people who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit."  
  Rev KeV, perhaps you can enlighten the "people who elected 
not to  evacuate" and us as to how people without automobiles 
were to pack up  their families and belongings, and move 
several hundred miles to what?We get that you're 
a true blue (or is that red) republican, likely  have 
personally heard the word of god and no doubt preach that your 
 particular god will help anyone that helps themselves; but all 
that  begs the question, should the "people who elected 
not to evacuate"  have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds 
necessary to help themselves? 
 Public transportation was working before the storm. I am sure 
 their were   emergency services available to assist people 
to comply... if not than they   should 
consider this before it happens again. My point is, no 
one person is at   fault here. Certainly not the 
President.SKIP really I am surprised at 
you... I am not blue nor red. Been both, and 
  see the error of their ways.
 I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in. I wish 
I heard   clear enough to have warned some folks in 
The Gulf area about what was to   happen, before it 
happenned. But I ask you, even if God showed me ahead of 
time.   like he showed Noah, how many do you think would have 
said; "Thank You   Brother Brown, let me get out of here 
now!" and how many do you think would have   
laughed at me? (at the very least)As far as 
the Doctrine of God helps those that helps themselves... I do 
not   subscribe to that and the proof that set me free on that 
silly notion was that   JESUS DIED ONCE FOR ALL! 
Finally, Skip I have been downtown Long Branch 
among the extreme needy and I   had a daughter living 
in the French Quarter for three years while she   
struggled with drugs if you must know. Why I even mention this is 
because I was   always amazed how the poor, even the addicted 
who have struggled for so long   were always the 
ones with the greatest mobility and could pick up and get going 
  before any one else. One shopping cart at a time. 
   Don't take the ability to choose from people. 
Fact is many chose to stay   behind and 
unfortunately they suffered for it.Happy 
Sunday  Kevin Brown 
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2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev

Sunday, September 4th, 2005
11:32 am

  and Other Latest Updates.A confidential source reports 
  that the Mayor of New Orleans and Oprah Winfrey will be sharing a 
  helocopter flight over the city today. Also, he tells me that the NAACP is 
  asking for permission to fly over the city to evaluate.From 
  Sig's morning recon: People are pretty much gone from the Dome, but 
  there are around 100 who will not leave -- they are entenched and being 
  referred to as Die Hard Saints Fans jokingly by the authorities. They 
  would have to be forcibly removed. The stench from the Dome is sickening 
  and all authorities in the area wear breath masks; the trash is piled up 
  all over the place and human excrement is everywhere.By the 
  Casino, the various agencies have a very big presence with mini HQs in the 
  area. Also the Dome and the Convention Center have large agency presences. 
  A lot of people still don't know where to evacuate. A lot of 
  people were so scared of looting that they kept their presence hidden and 
  are just now being discovered. From an official source: New 
  Orleans already had a big homeless population. A lot of the already 
  homeless refused to leave without their shopping carts. So they won't go 
  near the evac centers, even though we have heard reports that the 
  helocopters will now allow people to bring their shopping carts with 
  them.And, to top it all off, as if to confirm my earlier post 
  about government, the State and Federal governments are still at each 
  other's throats. This crisis is going to require some leadership if things 
  are gonna get better. 
  Comments |Comment 
  on this)
10:58 am

  UpdateA lot of tankers have been 
  going by. I'm not sure what's in the plain, nondescript silver ones are 
  carrying -- could be fuel, could be water for the rescuers and relief 
  effort. Also, like you I've heard the rumors of cannibalism, but I 
  have no confirmation from any of the police. The city really does 
  look like a ghost town. It's so bizarre to see streets which are normally 
  highly trafficed having such a limited flow of vehicles. And at night it's 
  weird to see all these high rises with no light coming from the buildings. 
  No street lights, no traffic lights, the clock on the Whitney Bank 
  building on Poydras and Camp -- a widely recognized feature -- is stopped. 
  The debris is still everywhere. Cars abandoned all over the place. 
  Abandoned and trashed. And the quiet. Aside from the occasional vehicle, 
  this place has no sound. Every piece of glass that used to be a high rise 
  window which hits the ground can be heard blocks away. I wonder 
  how things will be different in this city when this is all behind 
  us.Update: On cam, way down the street, you can see what 
  appears to be an armed military foot patrol. First one I've 



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[AsburyPark] Fox news - Rush - Pat - Falwell

2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Re: Jersey Kev's  comment: 
 One week later the same mob 
 screamed  at him and spit at him and said Crucify Him.  Let's not 
leave that out cause it is the crucifiction that saves the believing 

mjd 's comments 
 Those folks had probably been listening to the demagogic 
blathering  on Fox 
 news, right-wing hate radio, or pharisees like Pat Robertson and 

Talk is cheap!!!

Now tell me how does your hostility feed one hungry person?
Now tell me how does your hositlity give drink to one thirsty person?

Than tell me how you liberal horse manure helps the children who are 
devasted and confused???

I want you to go to Houston, Texas and tell the kids there when they 
ask YOU When can we go home?  That well, you can't because Bush is 
still president or that Conservatism has invaded your home in the 
form of water, snakes, etc, etc

The problem with your gripe is you have no answers.  I havent seen 
John Kerry on his swamp boat out there lately.  Where is Hillary?

I guess I should be thankful that you are at least blaming man and 
taking shots at me, instead of blaming God.

However, your kind comes to that soon anyway.


 Original Message
 Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the 
Jesus you  
 praise  Date: 9/4/2005 12:39:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time  From: 
 (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:
 Jesus never counted on Government(s) for  anything.  Exactly my 
 point.  He walked everywhere he went, never  blaming or 
 Even on one occasion he rode upon a donkey...  on that day he was 
 heralded such as a King would be.  One week later  the same mob 
 screamed at him and spit at him as they declared to the  
 Government Crucify Him!
 Thanks for prooving my point for  me.
 Kevin Brown
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip  Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  …even the addicted who have  struggled for  so long were 
always the
  ones with the greatest  mobility and could pick up and  get going
  before any one  else.  One shopping cart at a time.  Don't take 
  ability to  choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay 
   unfortunately they suffered for it.
  Pardon me for not buying  into the notion that the poor even the
  addicted… were always the ones  with the greatest mobility,
  notwithstanding the mobility society  provides them courtesy of 
  paddy wagon.  Rev you claim to be a  man of god, maintain that 
  are among those having the  greatest mobility and absolve a 
  of all responsibility  for his failure to perform one of his 
  duties, to save people and  maintain order in a disaster.  
  I have a vague  recollection that Jesus worked for and walked 
  lepers, the poor and  destitute, that money and wealth had no 
  over him; somehow  I can't fathom the Jesus you praise 
  less letting  off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of 
  is further  enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when 
  choice  to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened 
  of  thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless pit 
   Iraqi folly. 
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In a  message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard 
AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:
   Some  people  blamed the President for not responding to the 
 needs of
   the  people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm hit.

   Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected  
not to
   evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles  were to 
 pack up
   their families and belongings,  and move  several hundred miles 
   We get that you're  a true blue  (or is that red) republican, 
   have  personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach 
particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but 
   begs the question, should the people who elected   not to 
   have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds  necessary to  help
Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am 
  their were 
   emergency services available to assist people  to comply...  
  than they 
   should  consider this before it happens again.  My point is,  
  person is at 
   fault here.  Certainly not the  President.

   SKIP really I am surprised at  you...  I am not blue nor red.   
  both, and  
   see the error of their ways.  

I hear from God as regularly as any man or woman tuned in.  I 
 wish  I
   clear enough to have warned some folks in  The Gulf area about 

[AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you praise

2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 JK's comment: (Thats Mr JK too you - sore looser, next time put up 
a better candidate.  The election is not for a few years _ I support 
the President and Iam Proud of supporting him.)  And until terrorism 
stops completely I agree to fight them there rather than prepare for 
their attacks here...
 Besides, nothing personal but anyone  depending on a Government is 
 fool!...John F. Kennedy a great democrat;  and also a 
liberalDon't ask 
 what your country can do for you...ask what  you can do for your 
 The big corporate lobbyists on K Street who have  commandeered this 
 administration should take heed of Kennedy's  words.
 Original  Message Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: 
Responding to 
 Skip -- can’t fathom the Jesus you  praise  Date: 9/4/2005 
12:45:31 PM Eastern 
 Daylight Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   
Sent on:
 Besides, nothing personal but anyone depending on  a Government is 
 John F. Kennedy a great democrat; and also a  liberal.
 Don't ask what your country can do for you...
 ask what you  can do for your  country.
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2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev


On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.In the 
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, President Bush and all Americans send their 
thoughts and prayers to the families of those who have lost lives and to all 
those affected by this natural disaster.  The President 
is directing Federal agencies throughout the government to do all in their 
power to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The top priority is to 
save and sustain lives.President Bush established a White House task force 
to oversee Hurricane Katrina response and recovery, and he convened a 
Cabinet meeting to ensure that Federal agencies' efforts are timely and 
fully coordinated. Residents of the Gulf Coast states affected by 
the hurricane have lost loved ones, lost homes, and been displaced from 
their communities, and they will have the full support of the Federal 
government.  The President has called for the coordination 
of all parties involved in the response and relief efforts. Federal, state, 
and local governments are working side-by-side to deliver relief to the 
areas physically damaged by Hurricane Katrina and to communities across the 
South that will be affected in the aftermath of the storm. Efforts and 
resources are focused on saving lives, sustaining lives, and supporting 
long-term recovery. For information and guidance you may wish to visit 
the FEMA website at www.fema.gov or call 800-621-3362 or 
800-621-FEMA.  The President has called on all Americans to 
support the relief and rescue efforts through charitable contributions and 
aid. Americans who wish to contribute can do so by contacting charities that 
are assisting with hurricane relief. For more information on relief 
and recovery efforts, please visit the USAFreedom Corps website at 
www.usafreedomcorps.gov.  Thank you again for taking the 
time to write.


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2005-09-04 Thread Abdualtalac
Title: AOL Email


  I guess he would do this since the republicans and the democrats 
  are BOTH on his 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Fox news - Rush - Pat - Falwell

2005-09-04 Thread sandy
If your a man of the cloth, as you claim you are, why are you hiding 
out in a room in the middle of this human tragedy playing with 
electronic gear. You should be out in the streets tending to your 
flock. That's what Jesus would have done.I know that if I was able 
to be there, I would be helping the victims not sitting on my ass 
quoting history  scripture,and spewing nonsense on a web site. 
Shame, Shame Shame on you! ]:-(

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, noblarneyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Re: Jersey Kev's  comment: 
  One week later the same mob 
  screamed  at him and spit at him and said Crucify Him.  Let's 
 leave that out cause it is the crucifiction that saves the 
 mjd 's comments 
  Those folks had probably been listening to the demagogic 
 blathering  on Fox 
  news, right-wing hate radio, or pharisees like Pat Robertson and 
 Talk is cheap!!!
 Now tell me how does your hostility feed one hungry person?
 Now tell me how does your hositlity give drink to one thirsty 
 Than tell me how you liberal horse manure helps the children who 
 devasted and confused???
 I want you to go to Houston, Texas and tell the kids there when 
 ask YOU When can we go home?  That well, you can't because Bush 
 still president or that Conservatism has invaded your home in the 
 form of water, snakes, etc, etc
 The problem with your gripe is you have no answers.  I havent seen 
 John Kerry on his swamp boat out there lately.  Where is Hillary?
 I guess I should be thankful that you are at least blaming man and 
 taking shots at me, instead of blaming God.
 However, your kind comes to that soon anyway.
  Original Message
  Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the 
 Jesus you  
  praise  Date: 9/4/2005 12:39:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time  From: 
  (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:
  Jesus never counted on Government(s) for  anything.  Exactly my 
  point.  He walked everywhere he went, never  blaming or 
  Even on one occasion he rode upon a donkey...  on that day he 
  heralded such as a King would be.  One week later  the same mob 
  screamed at him and spit at him as they declared to the  
  Government Crucify Him!
  Thanks for prooving my point for  me.
  Kevin Brown
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip  Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   …even the addicted who have  struggled for  so long were 
 always the
   ones with the greatest  mobility and could pick up and  get 
   before any one  else.  One shopping cart at a time.  Don't 
   ability to  choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay 
unfortunately they suffered for it.
   Pardon me for not buying  into the notion that the poor even 
   addicted… were always the ones  with the greatest mobility,
   notwithstanding the mobility society  provides them courtesy 
   paddy wagon.  Rev you claim to be a  man of god, maintain that 
   are among those having the  greatest mobility and absolve a 
   of all responsibility  for his failure to perform one of his 
   duties, to save people and  maintain order in a disaster.  
   I have a vague  recollection that Jesus worked for and walked 
   lepers, the poor and  destitute, that money and wealth had no 
   over him; somehow  I can't fathom the Jesus you praise 
   less letting  off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of 
   is further  enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when 
   choice  to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened 
   of  thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless 
Iraqi folly. 
   --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a  message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard 
 AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:

Some  people  blamed the President for not responding to 
  needs of
the  people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm 
Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected  
 not to
evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles  were 
  pack up
their families and belongings,  and move  several hundred 

We get that you're  a true blue  (or is that red) 
have  personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach 
 particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but 
begs the question, should the people who elected   not to 
have robbed a 


2005-09-04 Thread sandy
-Five days late, millions of dollars short!

-- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
 In the  aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, President Bush and all 
 Americans send their  thoughts and prayers to the families of 
 those who have lost lives and to all  those affected by this 
 natural disaster.
 The President  is directing Federal agencies throughout the 
 government to do all in their  power to assist the victims of 
 Hurricane Katrina. The top priority is to  save and sustain lives.
 President Bush established a White House task force  to oversee 
 Hurricane Katrina response and recovery, and he convened a  
 meeting to ensure that Federal agencies' efforts are timely and  
 fully coordinated.  Residents of the Gulf Coast states affected 
 the hurricane have lost loved ones, lost homes, and been displaced 
 from  their communities, and they will have the full support of 
 Federal  government.
 The President has called for the coordination  of all parties 
 involved in the response and relief efforts. Federal, state,  and 
 local governments are working side-by-side to deliver relief to 
 the  areas physically damaged by Hurricane Katrina and to 
 communities across the  South that will be affected in the 
 of the storm. Efforts and  resources are focused on saving lives, 
 sustaining lives, and supporting  long-term recovery.  For 
 information and guidance you may wish to visit  the FEMA website 
 www.fema.gov or call 800-621-3362 or  800-621-FEMA.
 The President has called on all Americans to  support the relief 
 rescue efforts through charitable contributions and  aid. 
 who wish to contribute can do so by contacting charities that  are 
 assisting with hurricane relief.  For more information on relief  
 and recovery efforts, please visit the USAFreedom Corps website 
 Thank you again for taking the  time to write.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Fox news - Rush - Pat - Falwell

2005-09-04 Thread sandy
I guess your a Rev. made from the same cloth as Jerry Falwell and 
Pat Robinson. Next you'll be blaming the gays for the hurricane 
because you know they were responsible for 9/11. ];-)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, noblarneyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Re: Jersey Kev's  comment: 
  One week later the same mob 
  screamed  at him and spit at him and said Crucify Him.  Let's 
 leave that out cause it is the crucifiction that saves the 
 mjd 's comments 
  Those folks had probably been listening to the demagogic 
 blathering  on Fox 
  news, right-wing hate radio, or pharisees like Pat Robertson and 
 Talk is cheap!!!
 Now tell me how does your hostility feed one hungry person?
 Now tell me how does your hositlity give drink to one thirsty 
 Than tell me how you liberal horse manure helps the children who 
 devasted and confused???
 I want you to go to Houston, Texas and tell the kids there when 
 ask YOU When can we go home?  That well, you can't because Bush 
 still president or that Conservatism has invaded your home in the 
 form of water, snakes, etc, etc
 The problem with your gripe is you have no answers.  I havent seen 
 John Kerry on his swamp boat out there lately.  Where is Hillary?
 I guess I should be thankful that you are at least blaming man and 
 taking shots at me, instead of blaming God.
 However, your kind comes to that soon anyway.
  Original Message
  Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Responding to Skip -- can’t fathom the 
 Jesus you  
  praise  Date: 9/4/2005 12:39:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time  From: 
  (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:
  Jesus never counted on Government(s) for  anything.  Exactly my 
  point.  He walked everywhere he went, never  blaming or 
  Even on one occasion he rode upon a donkey...  on that day he 
  heralded such as a King would be.  One week later  the same mob 
  screamed at him and spit at him as they declared to the  
  Government Crucify Him!
  Thanks for prooving my point for  me.
  Kevin Brown
  --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Skip  Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   …even the addicted who have  struggled for  so long were 
 always the
   ones with the greatest  mobility and could pick up and  get 
   before any one  else.  One shopping cart at a time.  Don't 
   ability to  choose from people.  Fact is many chose to stay 
unfortunately they suffered for it.
   Pardon me for not buying  into the notion that the poor even 
   addicted… were always the ones  with the greatest mobility,
   notwithstanding the mobility society  provides them courtesy 
   paddy wagon.  Rev you claim to be a  man of god, maintain that 
   are among those having the  greatest mobility and absolve a 
   of all responsibility  for his failure to perform one of his 
   duties, to save people and  maintain order in a disaster.  
   I have a vague  recollection that Jesus worked for and walked 
   lepers, the poor and  destitute, that money and wealth had no 
   over him; somehow  I can't fathom the Jesus you praise 
   less letting  off the hook a rich boy whose highest order of 
   is further  enrichment of the obscenely rich and who when 
   choice  to spend a small sum to repair a levee that threatened 
   of  thousands, chose to spend those funds on the bottomless 
Iraqi folly. 
   --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a  message dated 9/4/2005 4:48:19 A.M. Eastern Standard 
 AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:

Some  people  blamed the President for not responding to 
  needs of
the  people  who elected not to evacuate before the storm 
Rev KeV, perhaps you  can enlighten the people who elected  
 not to
evacuate and us as to how  people without automobiles  were 
  pack up
their families and belongings,  and move  several hundred 

We get that you're  a true blue  (or is that red) 
have  personally heard the word of god  and no doubt preach 
 particular god will help anyone that helps  themselves; but 
begs the question, should the people who elected   not to 
have robbed a bank so as to obtain the funds  necessary to  

 Public transportation was working before the storm.  I am 
   their were 
emergency services available to assist people  to comply...  


2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev

Sunday, September 4th, 2005
4:32 pm

  UpdateWe've been told that there's 
  a fire in some church on Tchoupitoulas Street (chop a tool us). If you 
  were just watching the cam, you saw a police APC drive by with the top 
  open and a bunch of officers point their guns out. There's definitely a 
  show of force. Not sure why it's like that in this sector, since we're 
  just a handful of blocks away from a major National Guard and law 
  enforcement staging area. You also might have seen that enormous 
  portable toilet caravan. It's the little things like that which improve 
  conditions considerably.As for that bridge shooting we've all 
  heard about, this is all I've got. N.O. Deputy Chief Warren Riley: Law 
  enformcement officials shot eight people carrying guns on the Danziger 
  Bridge today - killing five. Edit: Ok, here's the bridge: 
  not sure where that bridge is. Also, Convention Center Blvd. 
  smells like an unflushed toilet.Finally, I don't care what Jesse 
  Jackson thinks about the word "refugee." A refugee is a person 
  dispossessed of his house and property and who flees the area looking 
  for... check it out... REFUGE. I will continue using this word. It 
  certainly is not racist like he said.NEW PHOTOS UP ( ---link) 
  Comments |Comment 
  on this)
3:24 pm

  UpdateSig and I went down to the 
  street to head over to Baronne to check out some tenant housing the 
  company owns and make sure the building is still secure. The water down 
  Poydras has receded about one and 1/2 block as you head toward the Dome. 
  Baronne street the water has receded to about 2 blocks down from Poydras 
  as you head to Canal. Still very significant flooding that way and the 
  water is absolutely nasty. The surface is a rust-covered gunk that is 
  difficult to describe; luckily, Sig took some pictures. We saw some signs 
  of looting and there was a car there which had been completely crushed 
  under a wall of bricks which fell down from the 3rd floor of a now-exposed 
  condo. Law enforcement have absolutely lost their minds. Some guy 
  wearing khaki fatigues and black vests which say Police on them have their 
  faces covered in black ski masks and are touting M4-A1s with front hand 
  grips -- like they're some kind of Delta Force operators waiting to hit 
  the tire house. They're guarding the four corners around the Bell South 
  building for crying out loud. And what, they need secret identities? Come 
  on. You can just tell some of these guys have never gotten out before. 
  Now's their big chance to play Army. The police presence is 
  growing and it consists of non-stop driving around the CBD. Dozens and 
  dozens of cars just driving up one street and down the other. We're safe 
  from civil unrest now, that much is certain. 
  Comments |Comment 
  on this)
2:44 pm

  UpdateThe National Guard contacted 
  us looking for fuel containers to help them resupply their vehicles, so we 
  told them to swing by and grab some of ours. We gave them about a 
  dozen.We're working on comms for the police now also. It 
  looks like their are more reporters on the street now than regular 
  civilians. I have to run down and make contact with someone. BRB 


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[AsburyPark] Re: Fox news - Rush - Pat - Falwell

2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess your a Rev. made from the same cloth as Jerry Falwell and 
 Pat Robinson. Next you'll be blaming the gays for the hurricane 
 because you know they were responsible for 9/11. ];-)

Actually I blame the same spirit that obviously pervades you...

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2005-09-04 Thread noblarneyzone

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 -Five days late, millions of dollars short!
 -- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On behalf of President Bush, thank you for your correspondence.
  In the  aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, President Bush and all 
  Americans send their  thoughts and prayers to the families of 
  those who have lost lives and to all  those affected by this 
  natural disaster.
  The President  is directing Federal agencies throughout the 
  government to do all in their  power to assist the victims of 
  Hurricane Katrina. The top priority is to  save and sustain lives.
  President Bush established a White House task force  to oversee 
  Hurricane Katrina response and recovery, and he convened a  
  meeting to ensure that Federal agencies' efforts are timely and  
  fully coordinated.  Residents of the Gulf Coast states affected 
  the hurricane have lost loved ones, lost homes, and been 
  from  their communities, and they will have the full support of 
  Federal  government.
  The President has called for the coordination  of all parties 
  involved in the response and relief efforts. Federal, state,  and 
  local governments are working side-by-side to deliver relief to 
  the  areas physically damaged by Hurricane Katrina and to 
  communities across the  South that will be affected in the 
  of the storm. Efforts and  resources are focused on saving lives, 
  sustaining lives, and supporting  long-term recovery.  For 
  information and guidance you may wish to visit  the FEMA website 
  www.fema.gov or call 800-621-3362 or  800-621-FEMA.
  The President has called on all Americans to  support the relief 
  rescue efforts through charitable contributions and  aid. 
  who wish to contribute can do so by contacting charities that  
  assisting with hurricane relief.  For more information on relief  
  and recovery efforts, please visit the USAFreedom Corps website 
  Thank you again for taking the  time to write.

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[AsburyPark] Re: Fox news - Rush - Pat - Falwell

2005-09-04 Thread jerseyjohn99

Can we be more civil to each other? Is there any reason to start 
attacking each other? None of our bickering is going to make any of 
those lost souls come back. 

This wasn't a Republican/Democrat disaster. It was an AMERICAN 
disaster. This American would rather salute those of us who do things 
to help in our own ways rather than point fingers at others for doing 
things to help in their own way.

Now where's Skip with some good ol' Fish bashing? 

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, noblarneyzone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I guess your a Rev. made from the same cloth as Jerry Falwell and 
  Pat Robinson. Next you'll be blaming the gays for the hurricane 
  because you know they were responsible for 9/11. ];-)
 Actually I blame the same spirit that obviously pervades you...

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Re: [AsburyPark] gas pirates....

2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone

Put a stop to it by writing the Pres. and ask him to sign an executive Order, freezing the price of gas at $blah-blah! That's all it takes! But will he do it? NO! Bush is out to take over the World!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--"oakdorf"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:OakhustServiceStation,outdidGettybetween3-5pmtoday-goingfrom3.49to3.85.WanamassaJerseyOil@3.73asisMonmouthOilonRt35inOT.Theoilco'swillforcethesmallguystoclose/stopsellinggas.Someoperatorsaresimplyclosing,refusingtosellasnottotakegrieffromloyalcustomers.Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone

No, you're just saying that you are Not a PUPPET like him! You agree to disagree, which is as American as Apple Pie! Bush is like a spoiled brat! If you don't play the game his way, he grabs up the game and stalks off, pouting like the brat/dictator/anarchist, HE is! I'm waiting for the concentration camps to open. Oh, I forgot, they closed down Dome City and opened one at the Astro Dome!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--Lighty[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Isn'tthatwhatwehavenow?Ifyoudon'tagreewitheverythingthispresidentsaysordoesyouhavebeendeemedun-american.Ipaycloseattentiontoconservativepublicationsandblogs.Idon'tseeanyoneonoursidecallingyoursideun-American.Iconstantlyseeyoursideaccusingusofcallingyouun-American.Verycuriousbehavioronyourpart.Maybeit'ssomesortofguiltyfeelingforyourpostions?Readcloselyintothatlastline.KindasoundslikewhatpeoplewouldhavesaidinGermanybackintheday,doesn'tit?Ifwedon'tblindlyfollowthispresidentIguesswemustbewrongandsomehowfeel"guilty"aboutit.Not.Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/



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Re: [AsburyPark] gas pirates....

2005-09-04 Thread Lighty
Title: Re: [AsburyPark] gas pirates

On 9/4/05 8:38 PM, Sharon G. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Put a stop to it by writing the Pres. and ask him to sign an executive Order, freezing the price of gas at $blah-blah! That's all it takes! But will he do it? NO! Bush is out to take over the World!

In case people here dont know it, it is against the law in New Jersey for gas stations to raise prices more than once every 24 hours. Hundreds of people have already sent in complains to Trenton about this as I think its hard NOT to find a gas station in Monmouth County that broke the law in the past week. Im seen stations that raised their prices about 3 times in a 3-4 hour period.

BTW, many stations have started NOT listing the price of gas. Beware those stations as some people have really been stuck with high prices.


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[AsburyPark] Re: gas pirates....

2005-09-04 Thread jerseyjohn99
funny cartoon:


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Lighty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/4/05 8:38 PM, Sharon G. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Put a stop to it by writing the Pres. and ask him to sign an 
executive Order,
  freezing the price of gas at $blah-blah! That's all it takes! 
But will he do
  it? NO! Bush is out to take over the World!
 In case people here don¹t know it, it is against the law in New 
Jersey for
 gas stations to raise prices more than once every 24 hours.  
Hundreds of
 people have already sent in complains to Trenton about this as I 
think it¹s
 hard NOT to find a gas station in Monmouth County that broke the 
law in the
 past week.  I¹m seen stations that raised their prices about 3 
times in a
 3-4 hour period.
 BTW, many stations have started NOT listing the price of gas.  
Beware those
 stations as some people have really been stuck with high prices.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone

can you spell "Half-Past Dumb"?SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--"sandy"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Whyshouldyouembarressyourlovingfamilylikethat?;~)---InAsburyPark@yahoogroups.com,"bluebishop82"[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Mario,sinceIsaid"ThankYou"forcallingmeaDittohead,didn'tthattipyouoffthatIknewwhatitwas?Onceagain,ThankYou!IweartheDittoheadtagproudly!Mega-dittos,Rush!!!Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/



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[AsburyPark] Re: Who to blame

2005-09-04 Thread sandy
Half-past dumb would be the correct spelling. Glad I could help 
you out. ]:~)

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Sharon G. Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 can you spell Half-Past Dumb?
 Sharon Boone
 -- sandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why should you embarress your loving family like that? ;~)-
 -- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, bluebishop82 
  Mario,  since I said Thank You for calling me a Dittohead, 
  that tip you off that I knew what it was?  Once again, Thank 
You!  I 
  wear the Dittohead tag proudly!  Mega-dittos, Rush!!!
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2005-09-04 Thread Sharon G. Boone
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sunday, September 4th, 2005  8:51 am  
 Phones  for City
 Sig has been coordinating with the city to get  them phones for the 
 couple of days. It's a daunting task but  hopefully we can get the 
some comms.
 That huge convoy of utility  type trucks rolling in appears to MCI. 
 like the tech type stuff is  gonna be up and running before the 
flooding is 
 pumped out and the water is  turned on. 
 (_19  Comments_ 
 |_Comment  on this_ 
mode=reply) )
 7:55 am  
 Up and  at 'em
 Slept in til 7am today. The police and military  still control the 
 and they're patrolling in force by vehicle --  you can see this on 
the cam. A 
 lot of people have asked about the vehicles  and who's in them. 
They're all 
 police vehicles now -- commandeered.  
 Let me address the political situation for a moment. I noticed  
that the 
 responses I've been getting on the blog and the stuff I've been  
reading in the 
 mainstream media has become very politicized. I'm not going  to get 
 politics here -- I'm just going to do my work and then report  what 
I see and hear 
 throughout the day. If you guys want to play Democrat  vs 
Republican vs 
 Independent, go right ahead, but I'm really weary of the  permanent 
election season 
 this country's turned into. Honestly, these are  politicians you 
guys are 
 getting so excited about. Politicians. As far as  I'm concerned, I 
don't trust 
 people who want to tell other people how to  spend their money and 
what they can 
 read or see on television and what  they can do in the privacy of 
their own 
 homes. There's no way I'm going to  feel comfortable supporting 
someone who thinks 
 he knows what's best for  the rest of society and is willing to 
use force 
 and the threat of force  to make others fall into line.
 So yeah, I'm not going to support or  condemn anyone specific for 
 going on here. 
 And another  thing to think about when we start pointing fingers is 
this. The 
  government is never equipped to handle a crisis like this. There's 
too  much 
 bureaucracy -- initiative-stifling bureaucracy which prevents 
 effective action. I would like to hear from government employees on 
this.  The nature 
 of that bureaucracy is such that you have very specific  guidelines 
to follow 
 for even the most minute tasks. You need approval for  just about 
 and the person you need approval from usually needs  approval to 
give you the 
 It's not as easy as say  rounding up 4 of your co-workers and 
saying, We've 
 got someone at such  and such an address, let's go grab her and get 
her out of 
 there. Now add  a destroyed or disabled command and control center 
to that 
 bureaucracy and  you've got a total and complete mess. 
 You (as a civilian) don't  need Approved stamped on 3 different 
 before you can run into your  neighbor's house and pull them out. I 
hope this makes 
 Anyway, I'm sure there's been human error in this  catastrophe. How 
 there not be? But what I'm saying is that I've come  to expect poor 
 making and a total lack of initiative from  government. They can't 
even balance a 
 budget, at the federal, state, or  local levels. I could balance my 
 and spend within my means when  I was a teenager. But I'm not gonna 
 fingers and get into the blame  game. If you want me to blame 
something besides 
 the storm herself, I blame  the nature of government in the first 
place. It's 
 too big, it's too slow,  it's too inefficient, it's too bloated, 
and it's too 
 intiative-stifling to  be effective in normal circumstances, much 
less in a 
 disaster. It's a  systemic issue, more than an issue of individual 
people in  
 Ok, that being said, I see more civilians on the street  now -- 
although many 
 of them appear to be journalist types. 
 More  later.
I see. You're a professional exploiter, just like Pat Robertson, 
calling for the murder of Hugo Chavez, as long as your hat is full 
when it's passed! Too bad they didn't snipe you, O white boy, holier 
than thou or those coloreds as you call them. I'd like to see the 
video of one of them thugs as you call them giving you a good old 
fashioned ass-whipping! You deserve one! Pretending to be a man of 
the cloth, to keep from holding a REGULAR job! How's your 501C3 
status going? Have one! Got a EIN? I wished the FBI would wire me up 
to catch you!

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[AsburyPark] Sandy

2005-09-04 Thread jerseykev

sandy writes:

-Go ahead Sharon, let him sue you. 
Because then he has to open all his books to you. Then you'll see how much 
money his non-profits are makeing with the conglomerote of Web sites and who 
knows what else he's running down there. Did I hear silicone valley of the 
cloth? ];~)

The records of my ministry are already open.

I filed an action against The City of Long Branch and a Lawyer for Mal 

It's RLUIPA, Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Religious 

The case is in Federal Court. When your involved in such a litigation 
you bear all before the Federal Court.

I would suggest you, as well choose your remarks cautiously. 
Malicious assaults against bona fide organizations made in public are 

And you also prove my point. When you run out of intelligent things 
to say, or don't have anything intelligent to begin with you all tend to attack 
attack attack...

Bearing False Witness is an interesting characteristic.

I'll even provide proof,,,


(Lighthouse Institute for Evangelism v. City of Long Branch, Case No. 
00-33366, U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey; Lighthouse 
Institute for Evangelism v. City of Long Branch, U.S. Circuit Court of 
Appeals for the Third Circuit, Case No. 03-2343)



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