[Assam] Fwd: KVK Alumni Day updates

2012-11-08 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dear Alumni,

As you might know, we have decided to celebrate the "Alumni Day" on
Saturday, the 24th and 25th of November, 2012. The venue for 24.11.2012 is
Kendriya Vidyalaya school campus and for 25.11.2012 is Greenwood Resort on
outskirts of guwahati.

In this regard, I would like to request you to fill up the form again by
clicking the link below although you might have done it earlier also. The
reason for again filling up the form is that, we have updated the form and
as part of the goodies bag, you would be getting a T-Shirt for which you
need to give your size and furthermore, you might also want to be a part of
the Virtual Blood Bank which we are creating. Payment information and other
essential information is updated and there is proviso for bringing children
or a guest with you if you so may desire on 25th November Cultural Evening.
Form: >

Regarding the payment options, if you don't want to queue up at the bank or
find it inconvenient to do a netbanking transfer, you can deposit cash at
any of "THE MOBILE STORE" in Guwahati. There are 8 of them around GUwahati.
If you stay outside Guwahati, you can have your near and dear ones to do it
for you. I will be updating you with new information as it becomes
available. One thing need to be mentioned here is that you can collect your
goodies bag from 22nd of November' 2012

If help is required, Please call:
1. Samarjit D Neog 9435350001
2. Sumon Kalyan Dutta 9535109263
3. Manoj Chakravarty 9864060268
4. Mandeep Bharadwaj 9435015014
5. Dipankar Das 970702
6. Surajeet A Sangma 9435173373

Warm regards,

Samarjit D Neog
Alumni Day 2012 organising committee

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: Updated information regarding Alumni Meet 24.11.2012 and 25.11.2012

2012-10-31 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Dear Alumni,

As you might know, we have decided to celebrate the "Alumni Day" on
Saturday, the 24th and 25th of November, 2012. The venue for 24.11.2012 is
Kendriya Vidyalaya school campus and for 25.11.2012 is Greenwood Resort on
outskirts of guwahati.

In this regard, I would like to request you to fill up the form ( again )
by clicking the link below (although you might have done it earlier also ).
The reason for again filling up the form is that, we have updated the form
and as part of the goodies bag, you would be getting a T-Shirt for which
you need to give your size and furthermore, you might also want to be a
part of the Virtual Blood Bank which we are creating. Payment information
and other essential information is updated and there is proviso for
bringing children or a guest with you if you so may desire on 25th November
Cultural Evening.


Regarding the payment options, if you don't want to queue up at the bank or
find it inconvenient to do a netbanking transfer, you can call up the
numbers below to deposit cash in Guwahati. If you stay outside Guwahati,
you can have your near and dear ones to do it for you. I will be updating
you with new information as it becomes available. One thing need to be
mentioned here is that you can collect your goodies bag from 22nd of
November' 2012

Please call:
1. Samarjit D Neog 9435350001
2. Sumon Kalyan Dutta 9535109263
3. Manoj Chakravarty 9864060268
4. Mandeep Bharadwaj 945015014
5. Nayanjyoti Medhi 9435043007
6. Surajeet A Sangma 9435173373

We will be adding more names and places to the abovementioned list in the
coming days to facilitate deposit of cash.

Warm regards,

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Alumni Day 2012 organising committee

assam mailing list

[Assam] Seven-blunders-that-will-haunt-India-for-posterity

2011-05-19 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
assam mailing list

[Assam] lokpal bill

2011-04-05 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
As Anna Hazare started his fast seeking a role for public in the drafting of 
Lokpal Bill, it appeared that the 72-year-old activist’s protest was taking the 
contours of a popular movement. Thousands of people, including students, 
teachers, artistes, retired government officers and activists, joined Anna at 
Jantar Mantar to lend him support. On the Net, support for Anna is already a 
viral movement. Unless the government concedes to the demand, this support is 
only likely to grow. 
Anna Hazare said he would rather die than give up the fight for citizens’ 
rights. ‘‘There is no faith left in politicians and bureaucrats and it is time 
that people be allowed to decide what they want,’’ he said as more than 2,000 
supporters, including activists Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Agnivesh and Kiran Bedi, 
gathered around him at the protest site. While activists like Mallika Sarabhai 
began a parallel protest in Ahmedabad, JD(U)’s Sharad Yadav had to leave Jantar 
Mantar after activists said they didn’t want politicians participating in this 
Speaking before he began the fast, Hazare said he wasn’t going to buy into 
assurances from the government. ‘‘In the last few months, I sent several 
letters to Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh 
with our demand for a joint committee on formulation of the anti-corruption 
bill. We even handed over a copy of the Jan Lokpal Bill proposed by us, which 
has been drafted by a team of public leaders and senior lawyers, but that was 
rejected. Only fake assurances were given.’’ 
The Jan Lokpal bill aims at making decisions of the state and Central 
Lokayuktas binding and final. The Lokpal is envisaged to have powers to dismiss 
corrupt officials, including judges and politicians. Many in the government 
feel the Lokpal should be limited to making recommendations. 
The Congress party appealed to Anna Hazare to call off the protest, saying 
a group headed by defence minister A K Antony was examining the proposals. 
National Advisory Council members Aruna Roy and Harsh Mander, however, said 
there was a need for a wider debate and recommended that the Lokpal’s ambit 
should include the PMO too. 
Hazare said ministers who faced allegations of corruption were part of the 
Group of Ministers (GoM) set up to decide on the required amendments in the 
drafting of the anti-corruption bill. ‘‘This is not acceptable, to me or the 
public at large. If the government alone drafts the anti-corruption bill 
(Lokpal Bill), it will be autocratic not democratic, there will be 
discrepancies,’’ Hazare said. 
Cutting across the political divide, thousands came out to support Hazare’s 
fast and the Jan Lokpal Bill. Students, farmers and social activists waved the 
Tricolour and held up placards in support of the bill at the protest site. 
Songs like ‘‘Raghupati raghav raja ram’’ and numbers created to highlight the 
need of the Jan Lokpal Bill were played. 
Earlier, the activists, led by Hazare, marched from Rajghat to India Gate 
and offered prayers. 
RTI activist Kejriwal said that with scams like 2G and Commonwealth Games, 
people have lost faith in the state. ‘‘Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and other freedom 
fighters sacrificed their lives for the country’s independence. But 
power-hungry and corrupt politicians continue to exploit us. The RTI Act has 
given us a tool to get information hitherto not available but to punish those 
involved in such massive corruption a tough law is required which is not 
tailor-made to suit the needs of politicians,’’ he said. 
Bhole Vishwakarma, an environmental engineer, said, ‘‘It is a pity that an 
asset of the country — Anna Hazare — has to die for our criminal politicians 
and their vested interests.’’ 

Lokpal should have jurisdiction over politicians, bureaucrats and judges; even 
PM within its ambit 
Central Vigilance Commission should be merged with Lokpal 
Lokpal should have powers to file FIRs, investigate and launch prosecution 
Selection of Lokpal to be done by panel of eminent people, not just politicians 
Loss caused by corruption should be recovered from those proven guilty Hazare 
says he will die but Not Give Up Fight 
Thousands turn up to support the crusader as he begins his fast unto death at 
Jantar Mantar, demanding a bigger role for people in the drafting of the 
anti-corruption bill  <>
assam mailing list

[Assam] A item in Times of India

2010-10-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Don’t pity us, Arundhati – not yetby: Anshul Chaturvedi
27 Octbober 2010, Times of India

Insofar as putting thoughts into words go, I guess I’m not really qualified to 
take up an issue with Arundhati Roy; she’s a globally acknowledged, indeed, 
acclaimed writer, while I am no more than an inconsequential rarely-read 
salaried cog in the gigantic wheels of the print media. Having said that, I am 
very clear that I don’t want my share of the accumulated pity that she thinks 
the nation collectively merits. So, here’s my inadequate submission: 

Arundhati has said that she “spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who 
live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world; for 
Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their 
homeland; for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on 
garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; for the Indian poor who pay the 
price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in 
the terror of what is becoming a police state.”

I disagree with the effortless branding of Kashmir as “one of the most brutal 
military occupations in the world” – it is not pleasant, today, I am sure, but 
from 1948 to say, at least 1988, a period of well over four decades, Kashmir 
was a part of what we consider India – merged, integrated, acceded, depends on 
whom you ask – and for those four decades it was not part of India on the 
strength of a “brutal military occupation”. Unlike German soldiers marching 
into Poland or Chinese troops invading Tibet, India did not have to “invade” 
Kashmir and then hold it from Day One by administering martial law or its 
equivalent. I don’t mean to sound cheesy, but for years and years Bollywood 
didn’t churn out those scenes of a beautiful, peaceful, idyllic Kashmir on the 
strength of shooting  crews backed by hundreds of ‘brutal soldiers’ trying to 
create a pretence of normal, peaceful life. That’s just how it was. Someone 
worked to change it. The question is – who?

Punjab, too, faced a decade of insurgency, something which we forget all too 
easily today. But it wasn’t ‘occupied’ prior to that, it isn’t ‘occupied’ 
today. Kashmir has faced more than a decade of insurgency, agreed, but to 
portray it as if everyone in Kashmir for all time has been subject to “one of 
the most brutal military occupations” does no justice to the intellect which 
Arundhati obviously possesses – more so in the context of the fact that the 
other friendly democratic states that border Kashmir, namely Pakistan and 
China, have no noticeable tradition of tender loving care extended by their 
respective militaries to people who question whether they belong to those 

Having lived and worked in J&K for many years, as an editor, I have carried 
stories about remote hilly villages where terrorists surrounded hamlets of 
Gujjars and slit the throats of two dozen villagers to indicate the price of 
‘cooperation’ extended to security forces patrolling the hills. When Bill 
Clinton came to India, we saw the carnage of 36 Sikhs in Chatttisinghpora – 
something which Arundhati’s comrade in arms, Syed Ali Shah Geeelani, incredibly 
enough, still reiterates was ‘done by India to defame Kashmiris’. There is no 
dearth of such instances – I quote only a couple to remind us all that 
Kashmir’s brutal occupation is not quite as much of an 
innocent-lambs-being-led-to-slaughter scenario as Ms Roy perhaps sees it as.

When Arundhati says that she speaks for justice “for Kashmiri Pandits who live 
out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland”, it is too 
ridiculous to even merit comment, given that she wants that justice to come 
while she shares a dias with Geelani. They were ‘driven out of their homeland’, 
Arundhati, by the brutal military occupiers of Kashmir, or by someone else? 
Driven out by whom? Why leave it to delightful ambiguities here? I do not know 
if Kashmiri Pandits give any weightage to her speaking ostensibly on their 
behalf. And the statistical chances of Pandits returning to Kashmir if the 
brutal military occupation ends tomorrow are slimmer than of Arundhati joining 
the BJP. 

Arundhati seeks justice, too, “for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose 
graves I visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore.” This is 
slick if you are writing a column for a foreign audience, the way Aussie 
‘experts’ wrote on the caste composition of the Indian cricket team during the 
Bhajji-Symonds spat, but, hello, “Dalit soldiers” killed in Kashmir die in 
situations different from upper caste soldiers or Sikh soldiers or Muslim 
soldiers – or local, Kashmiri Muslim policemen? Don’t insult our intelligence, 
and the Army’s basic DNA, with this line of argument. You wish to be the 
defender of the rights of those oppressed in Kashmir, of the Pandits, and of 
the “Dalit soldiers” from among the troops who die there day in and day out? 
Sorry, this is just not real, 

Re: [Assam] Strange

2008-06-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dear Uttam da,

now you have all (the only) the right voices in here who should be heard. my
presence is no longer required. Now i can take a back seat and enjoy the


On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greetings Nayan. Looks like you found your voice again, but  like in
> the past, without much to say.
> I thought you went silent because I badgered you to explain or prove
> the claims you made and opinions you aired. Being unable to do that,
> you went silent. I also remember  your vow not to respond to my
> challenges and questions. That was actually amusing.
> I think you are grown up enough, or so I hope,  to know that  to go
> silent instead of explaining your stance  in a forum like this, does
> not  do your credibility, if there is any to begin with, any good.
> Therefore your taunts today smack of the same immaturity and
> vacuousness as the previous  ones.
> But I am an optimist. let us hope you learnt your lessons and will
> tell us something we don't know, or educate us with your wisdoms.
> cm
> At 4:43 PM +0530 6/27/08, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >Uttam Da,
> >
> >You are very correct, we can discuss. Infact we have been doing this since
> >long.  There are some others too who will join. But you will find the
> >loudest voices in Assamnet absent (silent) on the issue because they see
> >only one side of the coin. They see what they want to see. Not what is
> >happening in front of them or for that matter us. They can see vivid
> >photographs of young Assamese boys getting killed for utopian dreams of
> them
> >and deliberate on that topic. But they cant bear to see those very boys
> >coming home to eat pithas made by their mothers. They cant make those
> >reasons go away which gets these assamese boys killed in jungles of
> Bhutan,
> >Bangladesh and Myanmar. Even I like being a silent spectator of Assamnet
> >these days.
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Nayan
> >
> >
> >On 6/27/08, uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>Dear Nayan
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  But you and I are unfettered. We can discuss, what do you say?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  I am amazed that some organisations, some persons and the state/
> central
> >>  governments make certain claims/ counter claims and want us to believe
> >>  whatever they say. It is strange that since the beginning of the
> foreigner's
> >>  issue in 1979 any group, person or government seem to have mastered the
> art
> >>  of fooling all the people all the time in Assam. Some people will
> >>  believe the propaganda dished out by one side and some will believe the
> >>  other side and would not read between the lines to distinguish facts
> from
> >>  fictions. Vested interests win when the masses suffer. And some would
> take
> >>  this statement as whining and ask the masses to lead the leaders.
> Strange
> >>  indeed!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  Do not stick your neck out, if you do not want to, till things settle
> >>  down:-)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  *Uttam Kumar Borthakur*
> >>
> >>
> >>  --- On *Fri, 27/6/08, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >*wrote:
> >>
> >>  From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>  Subject: Re: [Assam] Strange
> >>  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "A Mailing list for people interested
> in
> >>  Assam from around the world" 
> >>  Date: Friday, 27 June, 2008, 10:02 AM
> >>
> >>   Uttam da,
> >>
> >>  It has happened before. You may have noticed from the earlier postings,
> >>  whenever there were happenings which may have had a impact on the fate
> of
> >>  assam, we restrained ourselves from posting. If you go through the
> postings
> >>  in Assamnet, you would find that there are voids in the postings
> regarding
> >>  some topics. Maybe all (including me) are waiting to see which way the
> wind
> >>  blows.
> >>
> >>  Regards,
> >>
> >>  nayanjyoti Medhi
> >>
> >>
> >>  On 6/27/08, uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>  It is strange that there's almost no posting on the momentous
> happenings
> >>>  of Assam in the assamnet. There may be a few reasons. All the netters
> are
> >>&g

Re: [Assam] Strange

2008-06-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Uttam Da,

You are very correct, we can discuss. Infact we have been doing this since
long.  There are some others too who will join. But you will find the
loudest voices in Assamnet absent (silent) on the issue because they see
only one side of the coin. They see what they want to see. Not what is
happening in front of them or for that matter us. They can see vivid
photographs of young Assamese boys getting killed for utopian dreams of them
and deliberate on that topic. But they cant bear to see those very boys
coming home to eat pithas made by their mothers. They cant make those
reasons go away which gets these assamese boys killed in jungles of Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Myanmar. Even I like being a silent spectator of Assamnet
these days.



On 6/27/08, uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Dear Nayan
> But you and I are unfettered. We can discuss, what do you say?
> I am amazed that some organisations, some persons and the state/ central
> governments make certain claims/ counter claims and want us to believe
> whatever they say. It is strange that since the beginning of the foreigner's
> issue in 1979 any group, person or government seem to have mastered the art
> of fooling all the people all the time in Assam. Some people will
> believe the propaganda dished out by one side and some will believe the
> other side and would not read between the lines to distinguish facts from
> fictions. Vested interests win when the masses suffer. And some would take
> this statement as whining and ask the masses to lead the leaders. Strange
> indeed!
> Do not stick your neck out, if you do not want to, till things settle
> down:-)
> *Uttam Kumar Borthakur*
> --- On *Fri, 27/6/08, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*wrote:
> From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Assam] Strange
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "A Mailing list for people interested in
> Assam from around the world" 
> Date: Friday, 27 June, 2008, 10:02 AM
>  Uttam da,
> It has happened before. You may have noticed from the earlier postings,
> whenever there were happenings which may have had a impact on the fate of
> assam, we restrained ourselves from posting. If you go through the postings
> in Assamnet, you would find that there are voids in the postings regarding
> some topics. Maybe all (including me) are waiting to see which way the wind
> blows.
> Regards,
> nayanjyoti Medhi
> On 6/27/08, uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is strange that there's almost no posting on the momentous happenings
>> of Assam in the assamnet. There may be a few reasons. All the netters are
>> busy, except me/ Somehow I am not getting into the discussion/ Or everyone
>> has become tired of the related issue. If I am missing something due to my
>> ignorance about browsing, will somebody show me the way please?
>> Uttam Kumar Borthakur
>>  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to
>> http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/
>> ___
>> assam mailing list
>> assam@assamnet.org
>> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Correspondence Address:
> 59, Mother Teresa Road, Geeta Nagar
> Guwahati-781021, Assam
> Phone:
> +91 94350 43007 (Mobile)
> +91 361 2410728 (Fax)
> +91 361 2416960 (other)
> Email:
>  --
> Get an email ID as [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] Click
> here.<http://in.rd.yahoo.com/tagline_dbid_4/*http://in.promos.yahoo.com/address>

Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

Correspondence Address:
59, Mother Teresa Road, Geeta Nagar
Guwahati-781021, Assam

+91 94350 43007 (Mobile)
+91 361 2410728 (Fax)
+91 361 2416960 (other)

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Strange

2008-06-26 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Uttam da,

It has happened before. You may have noticed from the earlier postings,
whenever there were happenings which may have had a impact on the fate of
assam, we restrained ourselves from posting. If you go through the postings
in Assamnet, you would find that there are voids in the postings regarding
some topics. Maybe all (including me) are waiting to see which way the wind


nayanjyoti Medhi

On 6/27/08, uttam borthakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is strange that there's almost no posting on the momentous happenings of
> Assam in the assamnet. There may be a few reasons. All the netters are busy,
> except me/ Somehow I am not getting into the discussion/ Or everyone has
> become tired of the related issue. If I am missing something due to my
> ignorance about browsing, will somebody show me the way please?
> Uttam Kumar Borthakur
>  Explore your hobbies and interests. Go to
> http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

Correspondence Address:
59, Mother Teresa Road, Geeta Nagar
Guwahati-781021, Assam

+91 94350 43007 (Mobile)
+91 361 2410728 (Fax)
+91 361 2416960 (other)

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology at Guwahati

2008-03-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
> > _______> assam mailing list>
> > assam@assamnet.org>
> > http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> > _
> > Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.
> >
> >
> http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?ocid=TXT_TAGHM_Wave2_sharelife_012008
> > ___
> > assam mailing list
> > assam@assamnet.org
> > http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> >
> ___
>  assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

Correspondence Address:
59, Mother Teresa Road, Geeta Nagar
Guwahati-781021, Assam

+91 94350 43007 (Mobile)
+91 361 2410728 (Fax)
+91 361 2416960 (other)

assam mailing list

[Assam] Press release on behalf of Garo Students Union, Khasi Hills Zone

2008-01-25 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
The illegal felling of trees and illegal operation of Sawmills in Meghalaya
has assumed such wide and significant proportion that the said illegal
operation of saw mills and also illegal felling of trees has resulted in
severe public outcry in the State. The common conscious citizens of the
country have reasons to be anxious in the face of gross mismanagement of the
entire forest cover and resources of the State. The entire episode has now
attained higher proportions in view of some recent developments which prima
facie reveal the intention of the authorities manning the affairs of the
State to help in achievement of undue gains to a few individuals at the cost
of the Environment, depleting the Forest resources and Public Interest, and
environmental safety. A PIL was filed by Advocate Nayanjyoti Medhi on behalf
of the Garo Students Union through the Khasi Hills Zone President Sanjeeb A
Sangma and General Secretary Alex R Marak  praying for urgent judicial
intervention of the Gauhati High Court into the illegal operation of
sawmills and also illegal felling of trees in the State of Meghalaya, more
particularly in the Garo Hills region and the subsequent inaction by the
department of forest and other authorities in the State of Meghalaya to
ensure strict compliance of the Hon'ble Apex Court's orders passed in
W.P202 of 1995 [
T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad versus Union of India]. It was prayed on behalf
of the Garo Students Union that if Gauhati High Court does not urgently
interfere to close down the illegal saw mills operating in the State of
Meghalaya and monitor the entire conservation of natural forests,
protection, forest rehabilitation, regeneration, afforestation,
reforestation and new plantations, with a view to maintaining or restoring
the ecological balance, the State will soon have depleted the entire forest
cover leading to environmental imbalances of catastrophic proportions. The
Division Bench comprising of Chief Justice Shri Jasti Chelameshwar and
Justice Hrishikesh Roy has admitted the petition and issued notice to the
Government of Meghalaya which was accepted by Government Advocate of
Meghalaya Sri Ratul Goswami.

Further details may be had from Sanjeeb A Sangma at +91 98630 22587 or +91
94363 13284

Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Mob strips woman protester in Guwahati - Times of India

2007-11-30 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
the no Bandh Case filed by Journalist Mrinal Talukdar (UNI) is Pending in
the Part II hearing list of Gauhati High Court. For other details, please
ask Mrinal Da. He is a Assamnetter.

And another PIL was moved yesterday by Advocate Bipul Das regarding the
Adivashi incident. Don't know the details as of yet as we tend not to notice
cases where we are not paid. :)


Nayanjyoti Medhi

On Dec 1, 2007 7:47 AM, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 7:21 AM +0530 12/1/07, mc mahant wrote:
> >Nayan can also tell us how his  "No-BANDH" case is fast-tracking.
> *** Exactly!
> BTW, what is this case about   "No-BANDH" ?  Who is the plaintiff,
> her standing to file the suit, and his
> evidence/justification and under what circumstances? Is it a lawsuit
> to make "bondhos" illegal for ALL occasions? Or are there exceptions?
> It will be interesting to learn about them.
> >mm> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:03:27 -0800> From:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: assam@assamnet.org> Subject: [Assam] Mob
> >strips woman protester in Guwahati - Times of India> > FYI how
> >fast track courts work and how media helps> build the pressure> >
> >http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4775905.stm> > >
> >http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/feb2007/indi-f03.shtml> > Search
> >net if you need more info.> > > Nayan can probably explain more on
> >how Fast Track> courts work and how police can speed up/delay>
> >proceedings (investigation/chargesheet etc) based on> which wheel is
> >squeaking more.> > > > > > >but I do not see ANY petition demanding
> >quick and> >stern actions against those who were involved in>
> >thisincident.> > > >> Just out of curiosity; how is this done?
> >I> >>mean getting QUICK > >>and STERN action ? Should people be
> >picked up and> >>meted summary > >>judgement like it is done for
> >those labeled ULFA,> >>TERRORIST and the > >>like, on the spot, by
> >those who have the authority> >>to do that?> > >>If NOT, what are
> >the tools available for the people> >>in India to > >>obtain this?
> >What is the process? Who will do it?> >>When will it > >>happen?
> >What precedents are there to point to as> >>an example?
> >Where?> > >>Without an understanding of this process to
> >merely> >>SEEK it in these > >>exchanges is little more than an
> >exercise in> >>futility, in the make > >>believe, isn't
> >it?> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > At 8:52 AM -0800
> >11/30/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty> wrote:> >Bhaiti> >> >1) I believe
> >I have expressed it quite clearly what> I> >am pointing at --- some
> >people's perception that> Media> >painted Assam in Black ... The
> >arguments and> postings> >were more focussed on that rather then
> >dignity of a> >woman. As I said, I would not have get into this>
> >HAD> >the criticisms revolved around this topic> >> >2) The question
> >on Lawyers is relevant because you> >asked whether journalists will
> >go to court to help> >lawyers. It is your choice that you avoided
> >it.> >> >3) You might be interested in internet porno sites or> >for
> >that matter the bars in Guwahati (as reported by> >Sentinal a couple
> >of days back) but trust me, there> >are better things to
> >do.> >> >This has nothing to do with your thinking power, it>
> >is> >about feeling .. People seems to be more> >concerned about
> >shoving it under the carpet as a> >"minor issue" rather then
> >demanding justice.> >> >There are petitions demanding actions
> >against media> >but I do not see ANY petition demanding quick
> >and> >stern actions against those who were involved in
> >this> >incident.> >That, sadly, says all about your "dignity for
> >woman"> >> > > >
> >>
> >Be a better pen pal. > Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail.
> >See how. http://overview.mail.yahoo.com/> >
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> >Post free property ads on Yello Classifieds now! www.yello.in
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Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Mob strips woman protester in Guwahati - Times of India

2007-11-30 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Chakraborty Da,

Please accept my sincere and unconditional apology for wasting your valuable
time. It was quite unworthy of me to doubt your contentions regarding the
naked portrayal of a woman by some news channels. I simply do not have any
words to argue with your logic. But then you have to bear with me. I say and
do things which my mind and heart says. At times I even get emotional about
things. But then what to do, I am not the enlightened one like you. Infact
the main problem with Assam today is that the enlightened ones are outside.
So we, the unenlightened ones have to cope with whatever situation comes
with our own limited resources (thinking power). Most of the Assamese people
don't even have access to the internet so that they can mail you and take
your opinion before doing something. There is no one to guide the masses. So
we have a corrupt government. We have a state where nothing is right. Maybe
one day you will come and enlighten us too.

By the way CNN IBN apologised today for doing their duty. This news was
published in the Assamese newspaper Asomiya Khabar today. I think you should
take up the matter and show them light. You should strongly protest before
them stating that why should they have to apologise for doing their duty.

As for the other things you have said about us lawyers, I would not like to
comment upon them now as they are irrelavent in the context of this issue.
Maybe we'll talk about it sometime later because today the issue involves
the dignity of a women. And I am sure, even if you do not have any sisters
or wife or daughter, you must be having a mother. So next time you you want
to see a naked woman. Please visit a Internet porno site or strip bar in Las
Vegas. Not Assam. Our women are not for public display. We are not yet that
forward. And I am proud to be backward in this area.

Nayanjyoti Medhi

On Nov 30, 2007 2:25 AM, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nayan,
> Once again,  I would first like to know the reason for
> outrage against media   is it because the picture
> depicted Assam in Negative or is it because it
> insulted the woman. From beginning I am seeing the
> outburst for the former reason  had it been ONLY
> the later reason , I would probably not have taken up
> my pen (keyboard).
> My only concern is people are stooping to a lower
> level of regionalism against humanism.
> Coming to your points --
> >>You get me wrong. I am not condemning anyone
> You should condemn those who commited the crime and
> those who abeted by not trying to prevent it.
> >But
> >>showing a picture to a Judge is something else and
> publishing it in a
> >>newspaper is something altogether different. Won't
> you agree?
> In democracy,  the media plays a vital role in shaping
> public opinion, in bringing awareness, in keeping the
> government on its toes.   This picture serves all
> these purpose . exposing how miserably our
> government failed.  Just the way a judge will form an
> opinion,  the public will form an opinion based on
> this
> >>Do you think that
> >>the other pictures of people beating people were not
> enough that they had to
> >>publish the picture of that stripped innocent girl
> to pressurize the
> >>government?
> If the other pictures would have had the same impact,
> why the outburst that this picture has painted Assam
> in black ?
> >>>nd this
> >>would not be the first time. And as you have said
> about the PIL. I can
> >>assure you that it won't be able to reverse the
> process of not being able to
> >>control the situation.
> Did not expect this from you .  ANY criminal
> litigation CANNOT reverse what has happened.  If you
> use this example,  these criminals should not be put
> through legal process because it will NOT reverse the
> situation nor should a murderer be put to trial
> because you cannot undo the murder.
> >>I simply cannot speak for anyone else other than me.
> But let
> >>me enlighten you that cases are not won because
> there is someone (an
> >>advocate) to represent the villain. Cases are won
> when witnesses do not
> >>falter, when they speak the truth with courage (they
> have to appear first).
> >>If witnesses do not appear then justice is delayed
> and sometimes denied.
> 1)  You wanted an assurance from me if the journalists
> will come up as witness as their moral duty.  What I
> pointed is,  lawyers DO send their morality to
> vacation when they defend a known criminal.  Can you
> deny that ?  No.  So,  if a lawyer does not stick to
> his ethics/morality why do you expect journalis

Re: [Assam] Mob strips woman protester in Guwahati - Times of India

2007-11-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

You get me wrong. I am not condemning anyone. You are quite right in saying
that a picture often speaks much more than a thousand line. In fact I would
go on to agree with you that pictures do play a vital role in courts. But
showing a picture to a Judge is something else and publishing it in a
newspaper is something altogether different. Won't you agree?

BY the way, your logic that the Government would have hushed the matter as
they tried at the early stage has one very small hitch. Do you think that
the other pictures of people beating people were not enough that they had to
publish the picture of that stripped innocent girl to pressurize the

And as to your question about the lawsuit about the media, Dr, Bikash Kumar
Das called me up yesterday about the same thing and I have advised him on
this very topic as how the media has violated the Indecent Representation of
Women (Prohibition) Act, Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, Article
21 (Right to life/live[with dignity]) as has been guranteed by the
Constitution of India and provisions of the Indian Penal Code. He intends to
act on the advice and has presumably started off the process.

I would not hesitate to represent the victims if asked for by them(pro bono)
but for your information, I also do not volunteer my services. And this
would not be the first time. And as you have said about the PIL. I can
assure you that it won't be able to reverse the process of not being able to
control the situation. And even if a PIL is filed, do you know what will
happen? It would mean just another pending case for many years and
appearance fees for us advocates. It won't make people kill each other. It
also won't make people hate each other.

And lastly, the assurance you want from me as to no advocate will represent
the villains, I simply cannot speak for anyone else other than me. But let
me enlighten you that cases are not won because there is someone (an
advocate) to represent the villain. Cases are won when witnesses do not
falter, when they speak the truth with courage (they have to appear first).
If witnesses do not appear then justice is delayed and sometimes denied. And
as you know delay is the worst form of denial.


nayanjyoti medhi

On Nov 29, 2007 11:32 PM, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1.  From the outrage we are seeing here,  people are
> more concerned at Assam's Image NOT at modesty of the
> woman (refer postings of BD, JS) .
> First, please clarify the reason of this outrage
> 2.  A picture often speaks much more then a thousand
> line  that is why photo journalism exists.
> Without this picture you would not have seen such
> reactions (Quote from CM --- "They are animals").
> you as a lawyer should know it better  that the
> impression this picture is going to have on a judge is
> much more then a thousand lines.  In US court system,
> pictures do play a vital role (I have some interest in
> law though I am not a lawyer)
> 3.  Every person in the society has their own role to
> play ..By your logic, a journalist covering war
> should go and treat war victims instead of reporting.
> Journalists are often termed as heartless but because
> they are,  you can become aware of the crime happening
> around the world.
>  Did the media person Arnab Goswami (who is being
> highly praised)  try to resist the hooligans ?
> 4.  If media would have given the photos to
> police/government instead of publishing it,  there
> would NOT have been the pressure on government  and
> Government would have hushed up the matter (as they
> tried initialy)
> 5.  If media people start flocking the court as
> witnesses, will advocates cover their role ?
> 6.  Many are pointing that media was wrong but you as
> an advocate can easily file a lawsuit against media if
> they are wrong.  Will you?
> 7.  As an advocate, will you represent the victims
> (this and other similar cases)  pro-bono
> 8.  For every criminal case, you have a criminal
> advocate trying to save the criminal.  Can you, as an
> advocate, give us assurance that NO advocate will
> represent these (or other similar) criminals?
> 9.  Will you, as an advocate,  file a PIL against GOA
> as to why they failed to control the situation?
> I am all with you to protect Assam's interest ... .
> But you seem to be blaming the wrong person for
> degrading Assam ..  count me in if you are
> condemning the right set of people  the
> government, police et al.
> >>If I may,
> >>1. Maybe the media could have given the tapes to the
> police so that they
> could catch the culprits (which they have done).
> >>2. Maybe they could have given a detailed write up
> instead of 

Re: [Assam] Mob strips woman protester in Guwahati - Times of India

2007-11-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
If I may,
1. Maybe the media could have given the tapes to the police so that they
could catch the culprits (which they have done).
2. Maybe they could have given a detailed write up instead of the photograph
or video.
3. Maybe they could have given the girl a piece of cloth to cover her
modesty instead of a black strip on the photo or video (I presume they were
Eye Witnesses).
4. Maybe they could have resisted the hooligans and saved the girl from
getting stripped instead of shooting pictures (If I am not wrong they did
not shoot pictures of the person who gave the girl a piece of cloth to cover
her modesty).
5. Maybe they could have used their pens to condemn the incident.

Uncovering the truth is of course  their duty but is it not their duty to
save a girl from getting stripped in the first place. Will they (the
photographers) go and testify against the molestors in the court? If it is
their duty to uncover the truth? Can you give us assurance that they will be
present in the court to ensure punishment to the molestors? Or is it that
their duty finishes as soon as they click with zoom lenses from safe
distances and publish the pictures?


Nayanjyoti Medhi

On Nov 29, 2007 8:03 PM, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So what is the solution  shove it under the carpet
> just like our Netas  were trying to do until Media
> exposed it ?
> By your logic a rape victim should not move to
> court/police station !  You would probably advice this
> if your relative is a victim of such incident.
> >From what I see in this forum, people are more
> concerned primarily because this exposure caused a
> negative publicity to Assam and NOT because they are
> concerned about the modesty of the woman.  This is
> apparent from many questioning why media exposed it
> for Assam and never do it for other places .
> May I know why you are shouting .. or is it just
> that the CAPS lock in your keyboard is stuck :)
> >>Dear Mr Chakraborty
> >>  Regards
> >>  Muktikam Phukan
> >>Krishnendu Chakraborty 
> wrote:
> >>  Unless I am mistaken, ALL media reports blurred
> the
> face of the lady to hide identity. Exposing such
> henious acts are not a Assam/India media phenomenon
> but is done by media all over world.
> What is the allegation against media ---
> 1) That they exposed a crime
> 2) That it gave Assam a bad publicity
> 3) That the lady (whose identity is not disclosed by
> the photograph) has been insulted
> Seeing all the posts in this forum, I suspect it is
> number 2 above.
> But then, had media not exposed it, would there been
> such swift action from GOA. The GOA was earlier trying
> to cover it up as a minor incident.
> The Assam Police already mentiond that they have
> identified the culprits from the media footage.
> If someone can prove that what media showed is
> false/fabricated, I am all with him in blaming media
> but this does not seem to be the case here.
> Yes, it gave a negative publicity to Assam but that
> was NOT because of Media's fault  it was because
> of our Government's fault. The incident could have
> been controlled much earlier had the police force been
> active.
> To dilute the situation, there are already comments by
> some that the Adivasi's were inebriated, or that why
> they should demand such things in Assam.
> All set aside, there cannot be any justification to
> such barbaric act .. period.
> BTW, does someone know what happened to Barnali rape
> case . a child who was raped and murdered by some
> Network travel employees?
> >>Media always exposes such incidents be it Assam or
> Abu Ghraib. I thought it is duty of Media.
> >> TIMESNOW has not shown any footage of the stripped
> woman but reported the news with heavy condemnation.
> In fact Arnab >>Goswami has raised a very pertinent
> question -
> Be a better pen pal.
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Re: [Assam] Beltola to Dispur

2007-11-25 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
i live in survey, between beltola and dispur where the incident occured.
narrowly escaped when i was returning home from my chamber at around 1 PM.
adivasis started the attack without any provocation from the general public.
in beltola area when the procession was stopped by a magistrate, they beat
him up and threw him near a drain. they hacked a motorcycle rider with a
dao. they snatched a baby from its mother and threw him against the road
(present condition of the baby not known). they then started stonning and
beating innocent passerby's, broke shops and cars. only after that the
public started retaliating.

but one thing must be said here. most of the adivashis who were
injured/beaten up are innocent. the culprits were in the front of the
procession. they atarted the rampage and fled. but the ones who were behind
had to bear the onslought from the general public.

On 11/26/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  This is just unbelievable!
> However not everything  in this  report makes ordinary sense. Something is
> missing.  I don't believe Adivasis would have started an attack without some
> provocation from some quarter. Their numbers were not that great for them to
> start such a war deliberately, knowing that they were far from home.
> Question is if we will learn the full story and when?
> At 5:32 PM -0800 11/25/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
> I scoured through several newspapers to get a little more detail on the
> battle in Beltola. The English dailies from Guwahati did not have enough
> English to describe it and the national dailies did not have the room to
> cover it. I found the following website to be of some help. So I am sharing
> it with my NRA netters.
> I request the netters from Guwahati to tell us if this Assamese newspaper
> is stating the facts. I'd also like to know who the local residents of
> Beltola (who took part in the battle) are - the non-Assamese traders who
> occupy the streets, the original inhabitants of Beltola, or the Assamese
> middle class who migrated to Guwahati and bought land in the area.
> http://www.dainikagradoot.com/mainnews1.htm
> Dilip Deka
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Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] steel plant?

2007-11-15 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dilip Da,
Any particular reason why a Steel Plant should not be set up in
Guwahati? I suppose it would be harmful for the environment but think
of the jobs it would generate. And it won't even be robbing the state
of its natural resources as Assam does not produce iron ore .


Nayanjyoti Medhi

On Nov 15, 2007 9:26 PM, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why steel plant and why Guwahati?
> Dilip
> Rs 200-cr steel plant to be set up in city
> From Our Spl Correspondent
>  NEW DELHI, Nov 14 – Union Minister for Steel, Chemicals and Fertilizer, Ram
> Vilas Paswan today announced a decision to set up a steel processing plant
> at Guwahati at a cost of Rs 200 crore. The Minister made the announcement
> while addressing the Editor's Conference. The decision is part of the Steel
> Ministry's move to set up 10 steel processing plants across the country. The
> Ministry is estimated to spend over Rs 2,000 crore, in this connection.
> The Detailed Project Report was reported to be ready and public sector giant
> Steel Authority of India (SAIL) is likely to take initiative to set up the
> processing units.
> The processing mill is slated to come up at Assam, Jammu and Kashmir,
> Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, while Madhya Pradesh and Bihar will have two
> units each.
> ___
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Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

+91 361 2410728

assam mailing list

[Assam] My name is Bond, James Bond

2007-11-01 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
James Bond travels on a BA Flight on a secret mission for her Majesty and
meets a Telegu guy who was sitting next to him.

Telugu Guy: "Hello, May I know your name please?"

James Bond: "My name is Bond" Continuing in his inimitable style, "Bond ..
James Bond"

Then Bond asks: "And you?"

Telugu Guy:
My name is Rao... Siva Rao... Samba Siva Rao...
Venkata Samba Siva Rao... Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao... Sitaramanjaneyula
Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba Siva Rao...
Vijayawada Sitaramanjaneyula Rajasekhara Yarlagadda Venkata Samba
Siva Rao... .."

James Bond faints
assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: Article

2007-10-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
-- Forwarded message --
From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 10, 2007 12:50 AM
Subject: Article

28 years have gone by since the start of the liberation struggle by the
United Liberation Front of Assam. Many boys have died and their bodies rest
in unmarked graves in jungles of Bhutan, Arunachal, Myanmar and still many
have died in their own backyards. Many are languishing in the different
jails all throughout Assam. Many have surrendered and joined the mainstream.
Not only the boys, with them many civilians who did not have anything to do
with liberation have given their lives in this ongoing struggle between the
state and the liberation army.

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was formed on April 7, 1979 at the
Rang Ghar in Sibsagar to establish a "sovereign socialist Assam" through an
armed struggle. Of course, there was an initial euphoria and an unnaturally
heightened sense of alienation because of the step motherly attitude of the
Indian Government in the initial stages of the movement. The truth has since
been gradually realised and that sense of alienation has died.

Times have changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps
with mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian
security forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream
Assamese the ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one
that keeps normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the
people what they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people
see the ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the
betterment of the Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they
are not part of India and are being exploited by New Delhi?

Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that
is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something
which is being imposed on them. Please take part in the opinion poll going
on in Assamtimes to let the people know.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Internet connection in Guwahati

2007-10-19 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
**Rajdhani Broadband. Very good connection without any wires. they connect
you within 2 working days. i.e., pay today get connection tommorrow. office
at ganeshguri- r.g.baruah road, near 7-9 grocery store. hope it helps. But
connection speed wise BSNL is best.

On 10/20/07, bg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. BSNL's broadband ..
> 2. ERNet's business centre located at Panbazar, by the side of the
> flyover (hwre IITG office is located, in the big building)
> 3. GPRS enabled mobiles...
> 4. ..
> On 10/20/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Friends from Guwahati,
> >
> > What are the high speed internet options availabe in
> > Guwahati and how long does it take to get a new
> > connection? How is the speed/availability/cost?
> >   I have managed to convince my manager to extend my
> > vacation plan for a couple of  more days with a plan
> > to work from home ... so need a dependable internet connection.
> >
> > __
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> --
> Babul Gogoi
> 011-29817150 / 9868182079
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Nayanjyoti Medhi

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
lf-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series
> of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the
> demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be
> defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the
> chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state
> as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.
> Kamal J Deka
> sugarland,Texas.
> On 10/13/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Rubi,
> I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and
> Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want
> for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one
> interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same
> person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this
> to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been
> one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our
> own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in
> their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be
> a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has
> no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should
> be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record
> that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others
> equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the
> posts. However I would suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put
> there by me few days back. You will find that it is me who wrote that there
> should be a plebiscite because a very miniscule portion of the masses have
> access to internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the
> masses. And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the
> masses in the last post as well as in my reply to the letter written by you
> to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was also sent to me.
>  Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that
> the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a
> solution from the thin air?
> You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought
> in.
> Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations
> won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on
> the changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and
> where did I say that? Infact I have gone on record saying that I am
> disgusted with both the Government and you (see my reply to C Da's
> post) because neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I
> have not seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months old
> baby).
> Nayan
> P.S: Please ask Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to
> what i have written coz i won't reply then.
> On 10/13/07,* ulfa_ 1979April7* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
> We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,"  "Times have
> changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with
> mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security
> forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the
> ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps
> normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what
> they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the
> ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the
> Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of
> India and are being exploited by New Delhi?
> Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that
> is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something
> which is being imposed on them."  We find that your statement is a mere
> repetition of what the unified command structure has been saying for the
> last twenty eight years.  We do not accept such views. The colonial
> administration has been trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle
> of Asom to their liking for the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the
> changes the administration has brought in. But, why the struggle by
> thousands of freedom fighters in a tough situation created by fifth
> columnists facing uncertain future is

Re: [Assam] ULFA reply

2007-10-13 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and
Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want
for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one
interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same
person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this
to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been
one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our
own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in
their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be
a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has
no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should
be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record
that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others
equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the
posts. However I would suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put
there by me few days back. You will find that it is me who wrote that there
should be a plebiscite because a very miniscule portion of the masses have
access to internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the
masses. And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the
masses in the last post as well as in my reply to the letter written by you
to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was also sent to me.

 Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that
the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a
solution from the thin air?
You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought in.
Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations
won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on
the changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and
where did I say that? Infact I have gone on record saying that I am
disgusted with both the Government and you (see my reply to C Da's
post) because neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I
have not seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months old


P.S: Please ask Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to
what i have written coz i won't reply then.

On 10/13/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,
> We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote,"  "Times have
> changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with
> mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security
> forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the
> ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps
> normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what
> they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the
> ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the
> Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of
> India and are being exploited by New Delhi?
> Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that
> is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something
> which is being imposed on them."  We find that your statement is a mere
> repetition of what the unified command structure has been saying for the
> last twenty eight years.  We do not accept such views. The colonial
> administration has been trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle
> of Asom to their liking for the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the
> changes the administration has brought in. But, why the struggle by
> thousands of freedom fighters in a tough situation created by fifth
> columnists facing uncertain future is still ongoing has not been highlighted
> by you?
> The ULFA has admitted of civilian casuality  in unfortunate
> circumstances(viz suddenly appearing during firing) while conducting
> operations against the enemy. Anticipating such casualities we have publicly
> requested people not to be with the occupation forces or in close proximity
> of the military camps or otherwise.
> The murder of engineer Ajay Deka and the old woman Sabitri Rajbangshi has
> proven again our contention that the unified command structure has been
> involved in these crimes in a planned manner to malign the ULFA.  Some may
> not believe our position, but, they should not believe the unified command
> structure's assertions either.  You are talking about people supporting the
> unified structure but there is no mention of the need for independent
> inquiry into their operatio

Re: [Assam] Shantikam here

2007-10-11 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
C Da,
I am really Sorry but you have found a place in my ignore list. And for your
personal satisfaction, as i have my stand clear earlier, I am sick of you
and the Government. I find absolutely no difference between the two. Both
have done absolutely nothing for the masses (people of Assam) and both of
you win if the problem does not get solved.



On 10/11/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >would it not be even better if you move a step ahead and include the
> masses of Assam alongwith the >Assamnetters in a meaningful discussion
> regarding the necessity of a National Liberation Struggle of >Asom
>  Would  Nayanjyoti  lead or support a movement in Assam to allow an
> unfettered and free discussion and debate on the subject of WHY  Assam's
> sovereignty, without governmental intimidation or private sabotage ?
> I will be pleased to  fire the first salvo by offering my series on the
> subject. I will even edit it from the conversational format to an article
> format.
> >Also you need to convince us and the masses as to why you are better than
> the government and why >the masses should support you.
>  At the same time, would Nayanjyoti and others like him also tell us
> why Indian rule isd better for Assam and how it has served Assam's welfare
> since the birth of ULFA?
> >By the way the font used in the reply to Shri Shantikam Hazarika is Times
> New Roman while the >Signature is in Courier New. Whoever drafted your reply
> did a good job.
>  Is that illegal by Indian law, or is it unethical or immoral or
> otherwise unbecoming?
> cm
> At 4:31 PM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> I am in receipt of  a cc of your reply to Mt Shantikam Hazarika. maybe
> wrongly included due to mistaken identity. I see reference to Nayan Parasar
> in the reply so maybe you have thought me to be him which is not correct.
> But anyways I would not want to deprive myself of this opportunity of
> talking directly with you.
> It is good to know that you are open to debates and discussion, but I
> would like to suggest that since you have indicated in most clear words that
> you are open to queries and discussions, would it not be even better if you
> move a step ahead and include the masses of Assam alongwith the Assamnetters
> in a meaningful discussion regarding the necessity of a National Liberation
> Struggle of Asom as the persons indulging in a dialogue over the issue in
> assamnet are a mere handful and do not amount to a majority of the Assamese
> masses. I am sure since as per your own admission, the modern communications
> have made the world a small place, you will have no difficulty in engaging
> in dialogue with the masses.
> But then there is one more thing i would like to bring to your notice. We
> all are aware of the aim of the ULFA in the past Twenty Eight years of
> struggle. But then, we also are aware to this fact that times have changed.
> So, the onus is on you to convince us and the masses if the same
> conditions prevails now and are relevant which were there 28 years back. I
> would be glad to know as I was only about 4 months old when the liberation
> struggle started.
> After all as you proclaim, you are struggling on behalf of the masses of
> Assam, it becomes your foremost duty and obligation to secure for the masses
> what the government could not. i.e., peace and prosperity etc., Also you
> need to convince us and the masses as to why you are better than the
> government and why the masses should support you.
> Regards,
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> P.S: By the way the font used in the reply to Shri Shantikam Hazarika is
> Times New Roman while the Signature is in Courier New. Whoever drafted your
> reply did a good job.
> On 10/11/07,* ulfa_ 1979April7* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr Shantikam Hazarika,
> Your relevant mail has proven that, your real intention is to destroy the
> National Liberation Struggle of Asom by attacking Ruby Bhuyan of the ULFA
> like a rabid dog biting people on the street indiscriminately. We thank you
> for revealing your design.
> We do not wish to insult you by trying to make you knowledgeable how the
> modern communications have made the world a small place. However, we are at
> a loss to make out why are you unaware of the aim of the ULFA¢s past
> Twenty-Eight years of struggle in Asom? Excepting a yokel, a person like you
> well versed in

Re: [Assam] Shantikam here

2007-10-11 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
I am in receipt of  a cc of your reply to Mt Shantikam Hazarika. maybe
wrongly included due to mistaken identity. I see reference to Nayan Parasar
in the reply so maybe you have thought me to be him which is not correct.
But anyways I would not want to deprive myself of this opportunity of
talking directly with you.

It is good to know that you are open to debates and discussion, but I would
like to suggest that since you have indicated in most clear words that you
are open to queries and discussions, would it not be even better if you move
a step ahead and include the masses of Assam alongwith the Assamnetters in a
meaningful discussion regarding the necessity of a National Liberation
Struggle of Asom as the persons indulging in a dialogue over the issue in
assamnet are a mere handful and do not amount to a majority of the Assamese
masses. I am sure since as per your own admission, the modern communications
have made the world a small place, you will have no difficulty in engaging
in dialogue with the masses.

But then there is one more thing i would like to bring to your notice. We
all are aware of the aim of the ULFA in the past Twenty Eight years of
struggle. But then, we also are aware to this fact that times have changed.
So, the onus is on you to convince us and the masses if the same
conditions prevails now and are relevant which were there 28 years back. I
would be glad to know as I was only about 4 months old when the liberation
struggle started.

After all as you proclaim, you are struggling on behalf of the masses of
Assam, it becomes your foremost duty and obligation to secure for the masses
what the government could not. i.e., peace and prosperity etc., Also you
need to convince us and the masses as to why you are better than the
government and why the masses should support you.


Nayanjyoti Medhi

P.S: By the way the font used in the reply to Shri Shantikam Hazarika is
Times New Roman while the Signature is in Courier New. Whoever drafted your
reply did a good job.

On 10/11/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mr Shantikam Hazarika,
> Your relevant mail has proven that, your real intention is to destroy the
> National Liberation Struggle of Asom by attacking Ruby Bhuyan of the ULFA
> like a rabid dog biting people on the street indiscriminately. We thank you
> for revealing your design.
> We do not wish to insult you by trying to make you knowledgeable how the
> modern communications have made the world a small place. However, we are at
> a loss to make out why are you unaware of the aim of the ULFA¢s past
> Twenty-Eight years of struggle in Asom? Excepting a yokel, a person like you
> well versed in advanced technology, should not have to come up with such a
> view.
> The debate in question was not put forward in a manner of your requirement
> of ¡asked them in plain, straight forward English¢. You are trying to throw
> blows in the air just to sweep this deficiency under the carpet. We would
> like to remind you that the debate took place as a result of Nayan Parasar
> criticizing impertinently in the Asom On Line forum ¡the get well wish¢
> statement of our Honourable Chairman Arobinda Rajkhowa when Dr. Mamoni
> Goswami fell ill. Criticism of a ¡Get well wish¢ cannot be ¡Honest,gentle,
> civilized¢. But you approving his subterfuge and attacking the ULFA with
> vindictive words have been noted in the net.
> You may not be aware that about ten years ago Prof. Jugal Kalita linking
> the ULFA website to the Assam Org site there was an objection raised by one
> Supratik Gupta. Following this there was a long debate between Arun Mahanta,
> a member of the ULFA¢s Central Publicity Group and Supratik Gupta. In this
> debate, Supratik was given detailed replies with unambiguous views the ULFA
> holds. Supratik Gupta was not satisfied with it, but, the ULFA was very
> frank in giving out replies. He wished to know what his status would be in a
> Sovereign Independent Assam to a person of Bangladesh origin. We must say
> that Supratik Gupta behaved like a gentleman. On the other hand your good
> man Nayan Parasar does not sound at all a gentleman, but a sycophant bent
> upon keeping Asom under colonial occupation forever. We are analysing of the
> reasons why should you be promoting the sycophancy of Parasar as something
> very honourable.
> If you really want a useful discussion, you are welcome to come forward in
> earnest. Do you think only your type are the ones who deserves respect? You
> do not have to instigate any one to have a debate with us. In this instant
> what has unfolded puts you in the same defiled platform as with Nayan Parasr
> and Utpal Borpujari. Otherwise we could have a meaningful dignified debate
> in the meantime. Instead of scornfulness and insulting, a simple request on
> the query would ha

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
 That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and unfettered
discussion and debate among the people of Assam about the whys and
of the pros and cons of
sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed

 Reasonable period means? would you be more specific? Should I
presume that 29 years are not reasonable enough for you? And people of Assam
have not discussed and debated about the pros and cons? C Da, I am, what do
you say?  Sorry, could not find the proper word. maybe you could
find one for me and substitute.

 That it be conducted under UN supervision.

###  UN supervision is quite acceptable. I mean to me and I presume to
all. Can't say anything about the Government though. Not really concerned
about the government as they have failed to provide the necessary security
and peace for the development of the region.
On 10/11/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  At 12:01 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway,
>  You seem to have a serious misconception about who can and who can't
> or when one can participate here in a discussion or debate. I don't need an
> invitation to join in on one. I can* barge in* on it any time I choose to.
> * Just as you too can.*
> You need to remember Nayan, that I also  have another responsibility,
> albeit a self-imposed one, here: Of serving as a logic detector. With the
> preponderance of absurd and illogical arguments here presented by people who
> could be expected to  know better, day-in and day-out , someone needs to
> point them out.
>  maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world
> know what people really want in assam. assamese people who stay in assam,
> work in assam, have their families in assam, live here and die here. they
> should be the ones to decide what they want. i fully agree with C da. let
> there be a plebiscite. but before that it should be gauranteed by all
> concerned that people's wishes will be respected.
>  I agree wholeheartedly, with all of the above. But in addition to
> that we need a couple of other conditions attached:
>  That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and
> unfettered discussion and
> debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the pros
> and cons of
> sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed
> judgement.
>  That it be conducted under UN supervision.
>  It will be an effective way to  bring the nearly thirty year long
> conflict to an end, which I like to think all sincere and honorable people
> want and aim for. Since ULFA has declared more than once, that it will abide
> by it; to find excuses for not doing it will be a most insincere and
> dishonorable pursuit, designed to promote interests of India over Assam's.
> *So, will you lead the effort in Assam to generate public opinion for it?*I 
> will back you up any way I can.
> On 10/10/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> poll?
> At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> surface mail.
> Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> (or Service) group?
> _
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request
> of the webmas

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Ram da,
I know some people won't accept the results. And I do not see any role of
the Government in this Plebiscite. The government cant and won't do this but
since the PCG has tried. Let them try again. Maybe an non Governmental
Plebiscite funded by the ULFA. It does not have to be a Government sponsored
one naa. The issue is that people of Assam should be heard and there should
be a guarantee that the people's choice will be respected. Thats all I or
for that matter any sensible Assamese would want. And when you talk of
threat and fear, well.. we have been living with it. nothing new about
it. Yes, you are quite right about one thing though. who will be allowed to
take part. You? Me ? People like Sandip Dutta or Utpal Borpujari. Nah we
won't be :)

On 10/11/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast
> Hehehe! Not so fast. Here are some potential problems I see in the way it
> is conducted, and who will be allowed to take part in it.
> It would be a bad idea if illegal Bangladeshi's or ISI types are
> also given a chance to voice their opinion.
> And how will this be conducted? Even today, when there is a call for Assam
> bondho, there is no one to challenge it. Will the plebicite be conducted
> under the threat of violence?
> And lastly, Nayan, we have seen in even this microscopic sample (Assam
> net), we are not able to even accept the results of a poll nor come to a
> consensus, and you think, C'da and others will accept something as serious
> as a plebicite if it goes against their wishes?
> Lastly, I seriously doubt if the Indian Govt. will accept to hold a
> plebicite. Agreeing to hold a plebicite would be tantamount to declaring
> (for the Govt,) that maybe, just maybe Assam could be sovereign, and the
> Govts. points are not that strong.
> Furthermore, the Govt. of India is just a CARETAKER of the country and her
> people. It does not have *any rights* to give away portions of the country
> when it pleases, or even hold plebicites *that could well cast doubts in
> the territorial integrity of the country *. Well, thats the way I
> understand the essence of the Indian Constitution. That I think is a big
> reason why Kashmir couldn't have a plebicite either.
> In any case, IMHO, like Kashmir, the role for a plebicite is too late for
> Assam
> --Ram
>  On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a
> > bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in
> > assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families
> > in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
> > they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
> > that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be
> > respected.
> >
> > On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > >
> > >  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> > > servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> > > an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> > >
> > >
> > > Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> > > poll?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> > >
> > > Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> > > from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> > > surface mail.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> > > result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> > > (or Service) group?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > _
> > >
> > > On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can
> > > be rest assured that somebody (C Da) will de

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway, maybe a plebiscite is not a bad
idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in
assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families
in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what
they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before
that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued
> servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put
> an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?
> Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation
> poll?
> At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even
> from a poll that one doesn't trust.
> It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru
> surface mail.
> Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results?  Also, does this
> result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works
> (or Service) group?
> _
> On 10/10/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
> rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
> i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
> see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request
> of the webmaster.
> *Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to 
> editors*<http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html>
> **
> June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch
> LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
> September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
> Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
> Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
> Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
> sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
> former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
> links between the government and the consultative group.
> Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to
> express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded
> to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through
> e-mails, and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not
> announced Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only
> 300 or so people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their
> opinion in the negative."
> On 10/10/07,* Krishnendu Chakraborty* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Check the last para of this ---
> http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
> UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
> PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
> BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
> are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
> explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
> the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
> School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
> whose business get impacted because of regular
> bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
> ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
> the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
> >>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> >>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
> representation of Assam's polity?
> >>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
> an issue as this,
> what will anybody learn from it?
> At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >please take part in the opinion poll going on in
> >< http://www.assamtimes.org> www.assamtimes.org
> >
> >--
> >Nayanjyoti Medhi
> >Advocate
> >Gauhati High Court
> >
> >Chamber:
> >Sat

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be
rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report.
i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also
see the editorial in assamtimes.org  and comment. i wrote that on request of
the webmaster.

 Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to
15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch

LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE --->"The nine-member PCG, formed on
September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan,
Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup
Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip
Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and
sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and
former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain
links between the government and the consultative group.

Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to express
their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded to that
survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through e-mails,
and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not announced
Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only 300 or so
people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their opinion in
the negative."

On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Check the last para of this ---
> http://www.newswatch.in/news-analyses/attacks-on-scribes/5060.html
> Looks like PCG too tried similar polls   not sure
> if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,
> UNINFORMED and UNREALISTIC to the core".
> PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
> BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> assamtimes.org (or even those who responded to PCG)
> are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
> explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
> the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
> School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
> whose business get impacted because of regular
> bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
> ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
> the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??
> >>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> >>WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair
> representation of Assam's polity?
> >>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
> an issue as this,
> what will anybody learn from it?
> At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >please take part in the opinion poll going on in
> ><http://www.assamtimes.org>www.assamtimes.org
> >
> >--
> >Nayanjyoti Medhi
> >Advocate
> >Gauhati High Court
> >
> >Chamber:
> >Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> >Guwahati-781001, Assam
> >
> >Phone:
> >+91 361 2416960
> >+91 94350 43007
> >
> >Email:
> ><mailto:nayanjyoti.medhi at
> gmail.com>nayanjyoti.medhi at gmail.com
> >
> ________
> Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo!
> Autos.
> http://autos.yahoo.com/index.html
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dilip Da,
why do you get the notion that i am going to lose my mind? and I did not
say i lost my voice, if you go through C Da's posts, you will find that it
was he who said that i have lost my voice.

On 10/10/07, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Huh? Come again.
> Nayan,
> You may think you lost your voice but you will get it back. But if you
> lose your mind, it will be hard to get it back.
> It still doesn't make any sense. "Us bole to" = ? in English or Assamese.
> Dilip Deka
> =======
> *Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
>  us = aami
> soory to have used hindi. that too cut copy paste from a hindi movie. but
> nevertheless, i meant to say that aami (us) xei bilak akhomiya june
> liberation nibisare aaru jun bilak akhomiyai prasna khudhile, xihotor
> verification koribologia hoi   :)
> On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> >
> >
> >
> > BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> > practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> >
> > And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> > signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> > >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> > >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> > >
> > >Rgds,
> > >Sandip
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > assam mailing list
> > assam@assamnet.org
> > http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> >
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Residence:
> 8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
> Basistha Road, Guwahati-28
> Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
> --
> Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click
> here.<http://in.rd.yahoo.com/tagline_webmessenger_4/*http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/webmessengerpromo.php>
> --
> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers
> <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=48254/*http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/_ylc=X3oDMTI5MGx2aThyBF9TAzIxMTU1MDAzNTIEX3MDMzk2NTQ1MTAzBHNlYwNCQUJwaWxsYXJfTklfMzYwBHNsawNQcm9kdWN0X3F1ZXN0aW9uX3BhZ2U-?link=list&sid=396545469>from
> someone who knows.
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
I think we need to get back to the main topic.
I had posted some questions to C Da and he has miseably failed to answer
them. In my whole post nobody has debated on anything other than this single
line which i deliberately put to show assamnetters as to how C Da will spin
a web to avoid directly answering the questions. I think it is clear to
everyone now how he has guided everyone away from the main topic. This line
I put had almost nothing to do with the questions put and was in deep
contrast with everything else.
So, can i request everyone to not get personal and please ignore that line
as my deliberate and intentional mistake.

On 10/10/07, SANDIP DUTTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I dont know you enough to get into personal attacks like you have done.
> If that was an attempt to make me mad, it was stupid to say the least.
> But now its clear what culture YOU are coming from. Why not give up your
> plum PSU job and join the ranks of the shrill screaming mafia we have here?
> Rgds,
> SD
> - Original Message 
> From: muktikam phukan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world <
> assam@assamnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 9:45:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> Why do people talk to this person SD as "kharkhowa". He is a "Dried fish
> Khowa"
>  >>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?
> Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad?
> And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.
> Rgds,
> SD
> - Original Message 
> From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world <
> assam@assamnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> >
> >Rgds,
> >Sandip
> >
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest
> shows<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/tv/mail/tagline/tonightspicks/evt=48220/*http://tv.yahoo.com/>on
>  Yahoo! TV. ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
>   *Muktikam Phukan *
> Deputy Director (NR)
> Petroleum Conservation Research Association
> Sanrakshan Bhawan,10, Bhikaiji Cama Place,New Delhi 110066
> Ph: +91 11 26198856 Ext 385,Res: +91 120 2452892,Mob: +91 9818598565
> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]<http://in.f84.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]<http://in.f84.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --
> Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click
> here.<http://in.rd.yahoo.com/tagline_webmessenger_4/*http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/webmessengerpromo.php>
> --
> Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places
> <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=48256/*http://travel.yahoo.com/;_ylc=X3oDMTFhN2hucjlpBF9TAzk3NDA3NTg5BHBvcwM1BHNlYwNncm91cHMEc2xrA2VtYWlsLW5jbQ-->on
> Yahoo! Travel.
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
you can also see their editorial.

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
> WHO visits assamtimes.org ? Are they a fair representation of Assam's
> polity?
> If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple an issue as this, what
> will anybody learn from it?
> At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> please take part in the opinion poll going on in www.assamtimes.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

[Assam] Please take part in the opinion poll

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
please take part in the opinion poll going on in www.assamtimes.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
C Da,
I think language is a medium for communication. What if I mix  2 or 3 or 4
lanuages? You should be happy as long as you understand  what i wanted to
the only thing language does is to carry the message across. or should i
have taken a Phd in language and grammer to make you understand?

On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >Does it matter whether its good or bad?
>  Because of the  implications embedded in the opinion:
> .you would have recognized it if
> >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> >And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across
> India.
>  Oxomiyas starting with US ( aami) an English word, bole to ( say)  a
> Hindi phrase,  like Indians all over, is a good thing for WHAT?
> The Oxomiya language?
> Hindi Language?
> English language  ?
> World amity?
> Oxomiya culture?
> Bollywood culture?
> At 10:20 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> >>>And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that?
> Does it matter whether its good or bad? Why should a new dialect be bad?
> And yes, it is the language of the young crowd spoken by many across India.
> Rgds,
> SD
> - Original Message 
> From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the world <
> assam@assamnet.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:13:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.
> I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> >
> >Rgds,
> >Sandip
> >
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
>  --
> Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest
> shows<http://us.rd.yahoo.com/tv/mail/tagline/tonightspicks/evt=48220/*http://tv.yahoo.com/+%0A>on
>  Yahoo! TV.
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
I was not agitated. you got that wrong.
so i was not waiting for you to help me calm down. i have gone through what
you have written. does nothing to clear my inquisitiveness but only shows
subtle hints that people like me should restrain from asking questions.  :)
so in a way everything remains the same.

On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Thanks for clarifying that Nayan.
> BTW, did my reply help in calming you down?
> At 10:47 PM +0530 10/9/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> us = aami
> soory to have used hindi. that too cut copy paste from a hindi movie. but
> nevertheless, i meant to say that aami (us) xei bilak akhomiya june
> liberation nibisare aaru jun bilak akhomiyai prasna khudhile, xihotor
> verification koribologia hoi   :)
> On 10/9/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> >
> >Rgds,
> >Sandip
> >
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Residence:
> 8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
> Basistha Road, Guwahati-28
> Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] reply to C Da who thinks i lost my voice.

2007-10-09 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
us = aami
soory to have used hindi. that too cut copy paste from a hindi movie. but
nevertheless, i meant to say that aami (us) xei bilak akhomiya june
liberation nibisare aaru jun bilak akhomiyai prasna khudhile, xihotor
verification koribologia hoi   :)

On 10/9/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still don't get it though. Does it mean  'they say '?
> BTW, what is 'munnabhai hindi', is it some kind of cool talk,
> practised by the desi in-crowd ?
> And is it good or bad for  Kharkhowas  speaking  like that? Does it
> signify an upward mobility, fitting in with those who matter?
> At 10:05 AM -0700 10/9/07, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
> >US BOLE TO...thats munnabhai hindi..you would have recognized it if
> >you were familiar with the fact that now many Assamese speak it too.
> >
> >Rgds,
> >Sandip
> >
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Conclusions: PART 1-Continued

2007-10-08 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
its okay, i sent it again under a different subject. hope you got that and
will rationally reply to it.

On 10/8/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am not assanet's Owner Nayan. Never was.
> I get the same message, whenever I forward something with Fwd in the
> subject field. My guess is that the assamnet server has been set up with an
> automatic filter to reject posts with Fwd in the subject field prevent cross
> posting and junk mail. THere may be other criteria.
> At 11:03 PM +0530 10/8/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> i sent the reply, mail to me says waiting moderator approval, why i don't
> know, since you are the owner, you might know why my posts are to be
> approved by the moderator
> On 10/8/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 1:01 PM +0530 10/8/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> Hello Nayan:
> Looks like I have reduced you, a man of many words, strong and loud,  to
> onomatopoeia. Last few responses of yours consisted entirely of various
> sounds emanated by the human body under different conditions.  I hope the
> brevity  is not a reflection of the soul of your thoughts .
> Anyway, if you find the time or regain your voice, do share what you were
> thinking. A few more words won't make you that much poorer you know? Who
> knows, we might understand what you were trying to say and even learn a
> thing or two?
> cm
>  On 10/7/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  must give credit to those one or two voices of reason, feeble and
> confused still as they are, that I ran into in the wasteland of
> esomonline  resounding with the howls of scavengers in a feeding
> frenzy:
> I will have to read thru it in more detail but Samudragupta Kashyap's was
> one.
>"---Please also look into various circumstances as well as
> certain acts of people from
>among us (us meaning the state) that have, over the years
> contributed towards
>cearting an atmosphere conducive for rise of forces like the ULFA."
> Even though it  reeked of colonial condescensions as  in "It is also
> great that the ULFA (or at least Ruby Bhuyan -- with such appreciable
> improvement in English) has opened up for discussions."
> But the response, what little I have noticed so far, was either even
> more feeble or more confused, at best. I have noticed names there, of
> others who fancy themselves 'journalists'  and other names that I
> recognized as who's who  not only of Assam but also of NRAs as well
> as Assamnetters. But alas, they remained unmoved, unable to provide
> any leadership or even of maturity .
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Residence:
> 8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
> Basistha Road, Guwahati-28
> Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Residence:
> 8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
> Basistha Road, Guwahati-28
> Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Conclusions: PART 1-Continued

2007-10-08 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
i sent the reply, mail to me says waiting moderator approval, why i don't
know, since you are the owner, you might know why my posts are to be
approved by the moderator

On 10/8/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  At 1:01 PM +0530 10/8/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> Hello Nayan:
> Looks like I have reduced you, a man of many words, strong and loud,  to
> onomatopoeia. Last few responses of yours consisted entirely of various
> sounds emanated by the human body under different conditions.  I hope the
> brevity  is not a reflection of the soul of your thoughts .
> Anyway, if you find the time or regain your voice, do share what you were
> thinking. A few more words won't make you that much poorer you know? Who
> knows, we might understand what you were trying to say and even learn a
> thing or two?
> cm
> On 10/7/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  must give credit to those one or two voices of reason, feeble and
> confused still as they are, that I ran into in the wasteland of
> esomonline  resounding with the howls of scavengers in a feeding
> frenzy:
> I will have to read thru it in more detail but Samudragupta Kashyap's was
> one.
>"---Please also look into various circumstances as well as
> certain acts of people from
>among us (us meaning the state) that have, over the years
> contributed towards
>cearting an atmosphere conducive for rise of forces like the ULFA."
> Even though it  reeked of colonial condescensions as  in "It is also
> great that the ULFA (or at least Ruby Bhuyan -- with such appreciable
> improvement in English) has opened up for discussions."
> But the response, what little I have noticed so far, was either even
> more feeble or more confused, at best. I have noticed names there, of
> others who fancy themselves 'journalists'  and other names that I
> recognized as who's who  not only of Assam but also of NRAs as well
> as Assamnetters. But alas, they remained unmoved, unable to provide
> any leadership or even of maturity .
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> --
> Nayanjyoti Medhi
> Advocate
> Gauhati High Court
> Chamber:
> Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
> Guwahati-781001, Assam
> Residence:
> 8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
> Basistha Road, Guwahati-28
> Assam
> Phone:
> +91 361 2416960
> +91 94350 43007
> Email:
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Conclusions: PART 1-Continued

2007-10-08 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

On 10/7/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I  must give credit to those one or two voices of reason, feeble and
> confused still as they are, that I ran into in the wasteland of
> esomonline  resounding with the howls of scavengers in a feeding
> frenzy:
> I will have to read thru it in more detail but Samudragupta Kashyap's was
> one.
>"---Please also look into various circumstances as well as
> certain acts of people from
>among us (us meaning the state) that have, over the years
> contributed towards
>cearting an atmosphere conducive for rise of forces like the ULFA."
> Even though it  reeked of colonial condescensions as  in "It is also
> great that the ULFA (or at least Ruby Bhuyan -- with such appreciable
> improvement in English) has opened up for discussions."
> But the response, what little I have noticed so far, was either even
> more feeble or more confused, at best. I have noticed names there, of
> others who fancy themselves 'journalists'  and other names that I
> recognized as who's who  not only of Assam but also of NRAs as well
> as Assamnetters. But alas, they remained unmoved, unable to provide
> any leadership or even of maturity .
> _______
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

[Assam] Reservation!!!!!

2007-09-05 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
HAve a look at this::: somebody sent this mail to me and i thought maybe i
should share it

I think we should have job reservations in all the fields. I completely
support the PM and all the politicians for promoting this. Let's start the
reservation with our cricket team. We should have 10 percent reservation for
Muslims. 30 percent for OBC, SC/ST like that. Cricket rules should be
modified accordingly.

The boundary circle should be reduced for an SC/ST player. The four hit by
an OBC player should be considered as a six and a six hit by an OBC player
should be counted as 8 runs. An OBC player scoring 60 runs should be
declared as a century.

We should influence ICC and make rules so that the pace bowlers like Shoaib
Akhtar should not bowl fast balls to our OBC player.

Bowlers should bowl maximum speed of 80 km/ hour to an OBC player.

Any delivery above this speed should be made illegal.

Also we should have reservation in Olympics. In the 100 meters race, an OBC
player should be given a gold medal if he runs 80 meters.

There can be reservation in Government jobs also. Let's recruit SC/ST and
OBC pilots for aircrafts which are carrying the ministers and politicians
(that can really help the country...)

Ensure that only SC/ST and OBC doctors do the operations for the ministers
and other politicians. (Another way of saving the country...)

Let's be creative and think of ways and means to guide INDIAforward...
Let's show the world that INDIAis a GREAT country.
Let's be proud of being an INDIAN...

May the good breed of politicians like ARJUN SINGH long live.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] About My Instigations and Your Contributions

2007-05-31 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi


On 5/31/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nayan:
> Hope you have a fruitful and enjoyable trip to Geneva. I presume you
> are in a delegation--perhaps on the interest of promoting
> jurisprudence and the rule of law. I am sure you will do justice to
> your mission.
> In the meantime, your CONDITION below:
>   >Accept my invitation and I will answer all your questions.
> Means only one thing: You are evading answering the question. Your
> condition has nothing to do with whether *I* accept your invitation
> to witness the bloodshed. It is a childish, clueless proposition,
> unbecoming of someone of your training and standing in society.
> The question I asked is a very simple one. If you cannot muster the
> courage of your convictions , for such a black and white issue, to
> tell us WHERE you stand , it means only one thing: Your commitments
> to bringing peace back to Assam is phonier than a three rupee note.
> All your heart-bleed in this forum is little more than abject
> shedding of crocodile tears.
> >I surely believe that as I was the Advocate fighting for release of
> >the DHD (ceasefire group) when their >cadres were arrested by the
> >Indian Army in violation of the ceasefire ground rules. And
> >ultimately the >Gauhati High Court released those cadres.
> *** That does not mean a darn thing. You will, do quite the opposite
> too, if HIRED to do that.  Like a lawyer will go defend an accused
> even if he knows him to be guilty, just as well if he knows him to be
> not guilty. That is dictated by your professional ethos. Wouldn't you
> remain true to  that?
> c-da
> At 10:44 PM +0530 5/30/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> >C-Da,
> >Accept my invitation and I will answer all your questions. And as
> >regards the following:
> >
> >*** That shows your fair-and-balanced outlook and respect for the
> >law which, I presume,  holds no one should be held guilty until so
> >proven in a court of justice.
> >
> >I surely believe that as I was the Advocate fighting for release of
> >the DHD (ceasefire group) when their cadres were arrested by the
> >Indian Army in violation of the ceasefire ground rules. And
> >ultimately the Gauhati High Court released those cadres.
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Nayan
> >
> >p.s: I did not post my observations in assamnet to intimidate you, I
> >did that because maybe you could contribute in lessening of the
> >killings of innocent people. I apologise. I was wrong.
> >
> >
> >On 5/30/07, Chan Mahanta
> >
> >Hi Nayan:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  >  I'm glad that at last you admitted that you are a wimp.
> >
> >
> >*** Didn't realize you were under the mistaken idea that I was
> >otherwise. Why didn't you just ask. I am not ashamed of being a wimp
> >to admit it. Haven't you noticed how I never accuse anyone of being
> >a 'coward' unlike your brave compatriots in assamnet?  That is
> >because I am one myself :-).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  >about the suicide bomber thing, no matter who ever says that, Till
> >the attacks are against the civilians >of Assam, they will be
> >deplorable and taken as an act of terrorism by the people of assam
> >against >them and not as anything else.
> >
> >
> >*** I am sure  your warning will be taken due note of those who
> >might be contemplating such.  Question is whether they will be
> >shaking in their chappals  from it ? If past and present experience
> >is any guide however, that may not be enough of a deterrence. What
> >do you think ? Maybe you can as ask a Tamil Tiger or a Kashmir
> >Freedom Fighter if they are deterred by warnings of the righteous
> >like yourself.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Will you be able to demonstrate your  commitments to a peaceful
> >>resolution of the conflict by  standing up and supporting the plea
> >>of the 'traders'   published in the AT that Barta Bistar posted ?
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  >In case you have not noticed, I have not commented upon the doings
> >of any organisations until now
> >
> >
> >*** That shows your fair-and-balanced outlook and respect for the
> >law which, I presume,  holds no one should be held guilty un

Re: [Assam] About My Instigations and Your Contributions

2007-05-30 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
nference  if you asked me. You flatter me so.

But something tells me it is a rather brazen attempt to intimidate me.
Unfortunately it does not work here
Nayan. You should have known that  by now.


At 12:46 PM +0530 5/30/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:


I did not ask you how many times you have/had been in Assam and whether
you know Assam. I know that you know.

*** Unlike you brave folks , I am quite a wimp and have neither the desire
nor the commitments required to become a suicide bomber or for that matter
any bomber. Thus I also do not instigate others to become such. But I
thought you were informed enough to have known where news of that

came from. FYI, that was what was hinted by none other than ULFA's
chairman, Rajkhowa. I would not take that lightly, unlike you military
strategists of Assam Net.  Because that has been a well define trend in
countless asymmetrical warfares waged by freedom fighters and terrorists
alike in recent decades, around the globe.

I'm glad that at last you admitted that you are a wimp.

about the suicide bomber thing, no matter who ever says that, Till the
attacks are against the civilians of Assam, they will be deplorable and
taken as an act of terrorism by the people of assam against them and not as
anything else. In case you have not noticed, I have not commented upon the
doings of any organisations until now. I as a concerned citizen of Assam,
would like the fear factor out of the minds of the people, who are afraid to
venture out to any market areas even during the day time. Whoever is doing
this is not helping the people of assam in any way but rather they are
contributing to the backwardness of this region.

Now the question arises as to who are behind these acts of terrorism. No
one has come forward to claim responsibility till now neither has there been
any explanation as to why these acts has been committed. I as a private
citizen do not have the means to find out who are behind these. So for me
and for the people of assam, who does not have the means to find out who are
behind such heinous acts, these will be just random acts of terrorism. But I
have asked you to come and enlighten us as you seem to know more about

But your non acceptance of my offer would only make me come to a
conclusion that although you know more than us, you for some unknown reason
are unwilling to share it with us and so further make me conclude that you
are not sincere to the thoughts you defend vehemently in assamnet.

And as to your knowledge about why these things are happening, no one in
assam is concerned as to why its happening. Everybody is concerned about
only one thing. THAT IT SHOULD STOP.

Thus you can count on hearing from me again . Don't forget , if my
analyses  and reasoning had no influence, you would NOT be on my case like
crows over june-bugs :-), as they might say here in the US midwest.

You are right. I'm on your case because i know that you alongwith some
others who do not have the guts to give blood are instigating others to do
that on your behalf. and that is setting a bad trend. it is getting the
young peole of assam into early graves. And  they also say many others
things in US midwest. I would not like to say that to a  Assamese elder no
matter how crazy he may be.



p.s: i will be in Geneva for 2 weeks, so replies may be a late in coming.
please bear with me.

On 5/30/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Nayan:

At 11:19 PM +0530 5/29/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

Don't beat around the bush. Just say in a plain 'YES' or 'NO' whether you
are coming or not

*** I have already been in Assam twice this year.  Thanks much for your
generosity in offering guide services, but I really don't need it. You may
not know this, but I happen to know Assam fairly well.

You have forgotten that here in India, the government is by the people,

*** You are quite the humorist, aren't you :-)?  I wished you had read  a
recent address by Newsweek editor Fareed Zakaria and what he thinks of
Indian democracy.  If I can locate it again, I will send a copy of it for
your reading pleasure. BTW, Zakaria is quite an India promoter, not like
yours truly at all :-).

>If you want I can get all the families of the victims send an invitation
to you.

*** That will not at all be necessary Nayan. I happen to know all about
their plight , and WHY it continues. Thanks to Assam and Indian
intelligentsia's role in helping perpetuate the tragedy.

> I had refrained from answering your questions then because someone else
had answered them >better than i could ever have. And if you remember I had
said that.

*** If I am not mistaken, you wrote that you will wait to hear what OTHERS
say about the first set of questions. And I don't recall anyone attempted to
answer it, as I expected none to.

Re: [Assam] Anti-ULFA slogans rattle Pengere

2007-05-30 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

I did not ask you how many times you have/had been in Assam and whether you
know Assam. I know that you know.

*** Unlike you brave folks , I am quite a wimp and have neither the desire
nor the commitments required to become a suicide bomber or for that matter
any bomber. Thus I also do not instigate others to become such. But I
thought you were informed enough to have known where news of that
came from. FYI, that was what was hinted by none other than ULFA's chairman,
Rajkhowa. I would not take that lightly, unlike you military strategists of
Assam Net.  Because that has been a well define trend in countless
asymmetrical warfares waged by freedom fighters and terrorists alike in
recent decades, around the globe.

I'm glad that at last you admitted that you are a wimp.
about the suicide bomber thing, no matter who ever says that, Till the
attacks are against the civilians of Assam, they will be deplorable and
taken as an act of terrorism by the people of assam against them and not as
anything else. In case you have not noticed, I have not commented upon the
doings of any organisations until now. I as a concerned citizen of Assam,
would like the fear factor out of the minds of the people, who are afraid to
venture out to any market areas even during the day time. Whoever is doing
this is not helping the people of assam in any way but rather they are
contributing to the backwardness of this region.
Now the question arises as to who are behind these acts of terrorism. No one
has come forward to claim responsibility till now neither has there been any
explanation as to why these acts has been committed. I as a private citizen
do not have the means to find out who are behind these. So for me and for
the people of assam, who does not have the means to find out who are behind
such heinous acts, these will be just random acts of terrorism. But I have
asked you to come and enlighten us as you seem to know more about these.

But your non acceptance of my offer would only make me come to a conclusion
that although you know more than us, you for some unknown reason are
unwilling to share it with us and so further make me conclude that you are
not sincere to the thoughts you defend vehemently in assamnet.
And as to your knowledge about why these things are happening, no one in
assam is concerned as to why its happening. Everybody is concerned about
only one thing. THAT IT SHOULD STOP.

Thus you can count on hearing from me again . Don't forget , if my analyses
and reasoning had no influence, you would NOT be on my case like crows over
june-bugs :-), as they might say here in the US midwest.

You are right. I'm on your case because i know that you alongwith some
others who do not have the guts to give blood are instigating others to do
that on your behalf. and that is setting a bad trend. it is getting the
young peole of assam into early graves. And  they also say many others
things in US midwest. I would not like to say that to a  Assamese elder no
matter how crazy he may be.



p.s: i will be in Geneva for 2 weeks, so replies may be a late in coming.
please bear with me.

On 5/30/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Nayan:

At 11:19 PM +0530 5/29/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

Don't beat around the bush. Just say in a plain 'YES' or 'NO' whether you
are coming or not

*** I have already been in Assam twice this year.  Thanks much for your
generosity in offering guide services, but I really don't need it. You may
not know this, but I happen to know Assam fairly well.

You have forgotten that here in India, the government is by the people,

*** You are quite the humorist, aren't you :-)?  I wished you had read  a
recent address by Newsweek editor Fareed Zakaria and what he thinks of
Indian democracy.  If I can locate it again, I will send a copy of it for
your reading pleasure. BTW, Zakaria is quite an India promoter, not like
yours truly at all :-).

>If you want I can get all the families of the victims send an invitation
to you.

*** That will not at all be necessary Nayan. I happen to know all about
their plight , and WHY it continues. Thanks to Assam and Indian
intelligentsia's role in helping perpetuate the tragedy.

> I had refrained from answering your questions then because someone else
had answered them >better than i could ever have. And if you remember I had
said that.

*** If I am not mistaken, you wrote that you will wait to hear what OTHERS
say about the first set of questions. And I don't recall anyone attempted to
answer it, as I expected none to.

>Even recently Chittaranjan Da had replied to some of your queries in a
very liberal manner to which I >throughly agree and can't think of adding
anything more.

*** I haven't had a chance to reply to Chitta yet on that, but rest
assured there WAS NOTHING that resembled an answer

Re: [Assam] ULFA and Liberation

2007-05-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
gt; > violence.
>> >
>> > --Ram da
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 5/27/07, Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Ramda
>> > >
>> > > The girl has recovered, but her whole body was full of scars-result
>> of
>> > > 80% burns. Also saw the surviving girl from Dhemaji (kiba Kaman
>> > > asile-Mishing girl). Her forehead had a woundmark about 1 inch deep

>> and 3
>> > > inches wide. Coultnot sleep one whole night, after seeing that.
>> Horrifying
>> > > sight.
>> > >
>> > > -manoj
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >  On 5/27/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > Hi Manoj
>> > > >
>> > > > I remember that incident very well. It is indeed poignant. I hope
>> > > > that little girl was somehow been able to pick up the pieces and

>> carry on.
>> > > > The Athgaon incident and other such incidents in Assam have
>> nothing to do
>> > > > with "liberation" but all to do with insurgents trying scare the
>> common
>> > > > people into their ways.
>> > > >
>> > > > If people took care to go into the histories of Cambodia, Laos or
>> > > > even Nigargua (Managua) - similar tactics were employed to cow
>> down a
>> > > > population which basically wanted to be left alone.
>> > > > It is lucky, that India is a big country and insurgents, even
>> after
>> > > > all these years, form the fringe. So, such a situation cannot
>> develop in
>> > > > Assam.
>> > > >
>> > > > -- Ram da
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >  On 5/27/07, Manoj Das < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > >  It's sad that innocent people suffer in the all such cases.
>> > > > > condolences to the sufferers. It could be anyone, and they have
>> nothing to
>> > > > > do with liberation, oppression or anything.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Some years back an Assamese family lost 5 family members in
>> > > > > Delhi's Saroniji Nagar bomb blast. Mr. Apurba Sarma of Nagaon,
>> working in a
>> > > > > bank came for a vacation with his sister-in-law's family. Mr.
>> Sarma went to
>> > > > > buy some sweets, and the other members were having 'aloo
>> when the
>> > > > > bomb ripped through. 5 of them were pulverised instantly, three
>> badly burnt.
>> > > > > We went to see his recuperating survivors at Safdarjung
>> Hospital. His
>> > > > > youngest daughter was in ICU and wanted to be with her mother.
>> Mother and
>> > > > > elder sister were no more, and who could break the news to her?
>> It was heart
>> > > > > rendering. Mr Sarma's life was devasted in a second's time.
>> a second
>> > > > > before that moment it was full of life and fun, a moment later
>> it was all
>> > > > > gone.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > -mkd
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > > On 5/27/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
>> wrote:
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > Dear C da,
>> > > > > > I would like to invite you to Assam/Asom/axom (Athgaon, Fancy
>> > > > > > Bazaar/Abroad the Brahmaputra Mail). The weather is really
>> great. Red is the
>> > > > > > Colour of the day. It feels really good when you take a walk
>> down the
>> > > > > > Bazaars. Tommorow is Guwahati Bandh. I'm sure you have not
>> enjoyed a Bandh
>> > > > > > for a long time. i suppose it does not happen there in UNITED
>> > > > > > AMERICA. So why don't you accept my invitation and come down

>> for a prolonged
>> > > > > > visit. I will surely take you everywhere. Will show you where
>> the bomb
>> > > > > > blasts occured. Will even take you to talk with the family of
>> the victims.
>> > > > > > You can even tell them

Re: [Assam] Anti-ULFA slogans rattle Pengere

2007-05-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

C Da,

Don't beat around the bush. Just say in a plain 'YES' or 'NO' whether you
are coming or not. You have forgotten that here in India, the government is
by the people, so, Why do you not talk with the people. I am inviting you.
If you want I can get all the families of the victims send an invitation to
you. I will answer all your questions. But the forum should be here in
Assam. Before its people.
I had refrained from answering your questions then because someone else had
answered them better than i could ever have. And if you remember I had said
that. Even recently Chittaranjan Da had replied to some of your queries in a
very liberal manner to which I throughly agree and can't think of adding
anything more. I am not like you and for that matter like anyone else who
would comment on any Godamme thing just for the sake of commenting.



p.s: If you have the guts, be a suicide bomber yourself. Don't instigate
others to suicide for your whims and fancies. You have done enough already.

On 5/29/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Nayan:

My apologies for the delay in replying to your  incisive, steel-trap
questions .  Here I am , humbly submitting to your inquisition (albeit late
for being out of town for the Memorial Day weekend) without a whimper about
your disappearing act whenever I ask some questions in return. I realize you
are busy deliberating on them and will reply in *'due time' :-).*

>"why all these Maara Maari is acceptable"

*** To foolish people like myself, it is NOT at all acceptable that these
conflicts should have ever escalated from disgruntlement against
governmental un-responsiveness to 'andwlons' ( agitations) and then to
insurgency , warfare, secret-killings, state sponsored terrorism, bombing of
civilian targets -- you name it.  I await in dread of the next possible
phase of the continuing escalation of suicide bombings, tacitly
supported by those who shall not accept a negotiated political solution ( as
amply demonstrated by their pronouncements in every conceivable media).

On the other hand, I ask of you and others like you, who make up the
brain-trust of your society, if your approach, of crying rivers of tears,
while continuing to stone-wall a political solution, aren't mere crocodile
tears of those who are UNAFFECTED by the violence, sitting pretty in your
comfortable prosperity and relative security?

Your intelligence, your wisdom, becomes an issue, only because of what YOU
say and what you do ( or don't).

Will you be able to demonstrate your  commitments to a peaceful resolution
of the conflict by  standing up and supporting the plea of the 'traders'
published in the AT that Barta Bistar posted ?

We will be all ears.


At 10:37 PM +0530 5/27/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:


That was what i wanted to say. Saying directly has had no answers nor
acknowledgements. Only dangor dangor philosophy from the know it all's as to
why all these Maara Maari is acceptable in the name of liberation of Assam.
I want them to see and feel the same anguish the family members of the
innocent victims are going through.


On 5/27/07,* Manoj Das* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's sad that innocent people suffer in the all such cases. Our
condolences to the sufferers. It could be anyone, and they have nothing to
do with liberation, oppression or anything.

Some years back an Assamese family lost 5 family members in Delhi's
Saroniji Nagar bomb blast. Mr. Apurba Sarma of Nagaon, working in a bank
came for a vacation with his sister-in-law's family. Mr. Sarma went to buy
some sweets, and the other members were having 'aloo chaat', when the bomb
ripped through. 5 of them were pulverised instantly, three badly burnt. We
went to see his recuperating survivors at Safdarjung Hospital. His youngest
daughter was in ICU and wanted to be with her mother. Mother and elder
sister were no more, and who could break the news to her? It was heart
rendering. Mr Sarma's life was devasted in a second's time. Just a second
before that moment it was full of life and fun, a moment later it was all


On 5/27/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Dear C da,

I would like to invite you to Assam/Asom/axom (Athgaon, Fancy
Bazaar/Abroad the Brahmaputra Mail). The weather is really great. Red is the
Colour of the day. It feels really good when you take a walk down the
Bazaars. Tommorow is Guwahati Bandh. I'm sure you have not enjoyed a Bandh
for a long time. i suppose it does not happen there in UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA. So why don't you accept my invitation and come down for a prolonged
visit. I will surely take you everywhere. Will show you where the bomb
blasts occured. Will even take you to talk with the family of the victims.
You can even te

Re: [Assam] Anti-ULFA slogans rattle Pengere

2007-05-28 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Dear C Da,
Hope all is well at your end. It should be, you are not walking down the
blood (of your own relatives/ near and dear ones) soaked roads in guwahati /
tinsukia / dibrugarh / (Assam/Asom/Axom). I have not yet got any reply from
your end to my invitation. What i wanted to further suggest that why don't
you come down here for a while and enlighten us (stewpid kharkhowa resident
asomiyas) with your ideas of a independent and liberated assam. you can be
rest assured, i will arrange everything here. Infact i am thinking of
organising a interactive get together of the families of the victims of
liberation struggle if only you would agree to come. Infact I would also
like to invite anyone else who would care to come and participate in this
thought of interaction. Then we can sit together and dicuss how many more
litres of blood will be required for full liberation of your beloved
motherland (i have not said our motherland because we don't matter. our
blood does not matter.). We can also discuss the inconsequential things like
what we (you) will do about the the boundary of the motherland, what
treaties you conclude with Nagas, Hmars, Bodos, Deuries, Dimasas,china,
myanmar, bangladesh, bhutan, india etc,


P.S: Please fix a date for coming, so that everything can be arranged for
your convenience.

On 5/28/07, Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


ULFA-i jake take bumare urai thakile, kiba eta pabo..xeitoo hol raizor

 On 5/27/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you Manoj for the update and also about the poor girl from
> Dhemaji. Ultimately and unfortunately, these are the innocent victims of
> violence.
> --Ram da
> On 5/27/07, Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ramda
> >
> > The girl has recovered, but her whole body was full of scars-result of
> > 80% burns. Also saw the surviving girl from Dhemaji (kiba Kaman
> > asile-Mishing girl). Her forehead had a woundmark about 1 inch deep and 3
> > inches wide. Coultnot sleep one whole night, after seeing that. Horrifying
> > sight.
> >
> > -manoj
> >
> >
> >  On 5/27/07, Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Manoj
> > >
> > > I remember that incident very well. It is indeed poignant. I hope
> > > that little girl was somehow been able to pick up the pieces and carry on.
> > > The Athgaon incident and other such incidents in Assam have nothing to do
> > > with "liberation" but all to do with insurgents trying scare the common
> > > people into their ways.
> > >
> > > If people took care to go into the histories of Cambodia, Laos or
> > > even Nigargua (Managua) - similar tactics were employed to cow down a
> > > population which basically wanted to be left alone.
> > > It is lucky, that India is a big country and insurgents, even after
> > > all these years, form the fringe. So, such a situation cannot develop in
> > > Assam.
> > >
> > > -- Ram da
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  On 5/27/07, Manoj Das < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > >
> > > >  It's sad that innocent people suffer in the all such cases. Our
> > > > condolences to the sufferers. It could be anyone, and they have nothing 
> > > > do with liberation, oppression or anything.
> > > >
> > > > Some years back an Assamese family lost 5 family members in
> > > > Delhi's Saroniji Nagar bomb blast. Mr. Apurba Sarma of Nagaon, working 
in a
> > > > bank came for a vacation with his sister-in-law's family. Mr. Sarma 
went to
> > > > buy some sweets, and the other members were having 'aloo chaat', when 
> > > > bomb ripped through. 5 of them were pulverised instantly, three badly 
> > > > We went to see his recuperating survivors at Safdarjung Hospital. His
> > > > youngest daughter was in ICU and wanted to be with her mother. Mother 
> > > > elder sister were no more, and who could break the news to her? It was 
> > > > rendering. Mr Sarma's life was devasted in a second's time. Just a 
> > > > before that moment it was full of life and fun, a moment later it was 
> > > > gone.
> > > >
> > > > -mkd
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On 5/27/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear C

Re: [Assam] Anti-ULFA slogans rattle Pengere

2007-05-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

That was what i wanted to say. Saying directly has had no answers nor
acknowledgements. Only dangor dangor philosophy from the know it all's as to
why all these Maara Maari is acceptable in the name of liberation of Assam.
I want them to see and feel the same anguish the family members of the
innocent victims are going through.


On 5/27/07, Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's sad that innocent people suffer in the all such cases. Our
condolences to the sufferers. It could be anyone, and they have nothing to
do with liberation, oppression or anything.

Some years back an Assamese family lost 5 family members in Delhi's
Saroniji Nagar bomb blast. Mr. Apurba Sarma of Nagaon, working in a bank
came for a vacation with his sister-in-law's family. Mr. Sarma went to buy
some sweets, and the other members were having 'aloo chaat', when the bomb
ripped through. 5 of them were pulverised instantly, three badly burnt. We
went to see his recuperating survivors at Safdarjung Hospital. His youngest
daughter was in ICU and wanted to be with her mother. Mother and elder
sister were no more, and who could break the news to her? It was heart
rendering. Mr Sarma's life was devasted in a second's time. Just a second
before that moment it was full of life and fun, a moment later it was all


On 5/27/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear C da,
> I would like to invite you to Assam/Asom/axom (Athgaon, Fancy
> Bazaar/Abroad the Brahmaputra Mail). The weather is really great. Red is the
> Colour of the day. It feels really good when you take a walk down the
> Bazaars. Tommorow is Guwahati Bandh. I'm sure you have not enjoyed a Bandh
> for a long time. i suppose it does not happen there in UNITED STATES OF
> AMERICA. So why don't you accept my invitation and come down for a prolonged
> visit. I will surely take you everywhere. Will show you where the bomb
> blasts occured. Will even take you to talk with the family of the victims.
> You can even tell them how lucky they are to have given their beloved ones
> for liberation. If you are lucky, we might even be eye witness to a few
> bombings and see the RED oozing out of humanity.
> Regards
> Nayan
>  On 5/27/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> >
> > This is what I feel should happen in Assam:
> > President' Rule be imposed on Assam.
> > ULFA given a strict deadline by which to surrender and come for talks.
> >
> > Bangladesh also given a deadline by which they should destroy and
> > hand over anti India insurgents lodged in their territory.
> > In the failure of the above, India launches a full scale offensive on
> > ULFA  in NE as well as inside Bangladesh territory.
> > If the World reacts, it will be a good fortune for India. India has
> > enough evidence of how terrorists are striking India from across the
> > border and how Bangladesh is offering a safe sanctuary to these
> > groups.
> > India should come out of it's puppet like spineless existence. If it
> > wants to be a superpower in the next 2 decades it should behave like
> > one. What is the use of spending so much of national wealth on
> > defense if it can't even protect it's own borders. Look at Israel, it
> > launched a full scale offensive against Lebanon to rescue 2 of it's
> > soldiers from Hezbollah.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 27/05/2007, at 7:06 AM, Chan Mahanta wrote:
> >
> > >>  >Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
> > > ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
> > >
> > >
> > > *** Good question. Should  it?  I would not even go into the choice
> > > of adjectives here.
> > >
> > > And if not, what should be done and who should ?
> > >
> > > Finally, HOW will that be stopped? WHO will do that ?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At 6:08 PM +0800 5/26/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma wrote:
> > >> Just as we talk the cowards have struck again in Fancy Bazar,
> > >> Guwahati.
> > >> Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
> > >> ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
> > >> JS
> > >>
> > >> ___
> > >> assam mailing list
> > >> assam@assamnet.org
> > >> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > assam mailing list
> > assam@assamnet.org
> > ht

Re: [Assam] Anti-ULFA slogans rattle Pengere

2007-05-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Dear C da,
I would like to invite you to Assam/Asom/axom (Athgaon, Fancy Bazaar/Abroad
the Brahmaputra Mail). The weather is really great. Red is the Colour of the
day. It feels really good when you take a walk down the Bazaars. Tommorow is
Guwahati Bandh. I'm sure you have not enjoyed a Bandh for a long time. i
suppose it does not happen there in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. So why don't
you accept my invitation and come down for a prolonged visit. I will surely
take you everywhere. Will show you where the bomb blasts occured. Will even
take you to talk with the family of the victims. You can even tell them how
lucky they are to have given their beloved ones for liberation. If you are
lucky, we might even be eye witness to a few bombings and see the RED oozing
out of humanity.



On 5/27/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is what I feel should happen in Assam:
President' Rule be imposed on Assam.
ULFA given a strict deadline by which to surrender and come for talks.
Bangladesh also given a deadline by which they should destroy and
hand over anti India insurgents lodged in their territory.
In the failure of the above, India launches a full scale offensive on
ULFA  in NE as well as inside Bangladesh territory.
If the World reacts, it will be a good fortune for India. India has
enough evidence of how terrorists are striking India from across the
border and how Bangladesh is offering a safe sanctuary to these groups.
India should come out of it's puppet like spineless existence. If it
wants to be a superpower in the next 2 decades it should behave like
one. What is the use of spending so much of national wealth on
defense if it can't even protect it's own borders. Look at Israel, it
launched a full scale offensive against Lebanon to rescue 2 of it's
soldiers from Hezbollah.

On 27/05/2007, at 7:06 AM, Chan Mahanta wrote:

>>  >Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
> ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
> *** Good question. Should  it?  I would not even go into the choice
> of adjectives here.
> And if not, what should be done and who should ?
> Finally, HOW will that be stopped? WHO will do that ?
> At 6:08 PM +0800 5/26/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma wrote:
>> Just as we talk the cowards have struck again in Fancy Bazar,
>> Guwahati.
>> Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
>> ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
>> JS
>> ___
>> assam mailing list
>> assam@assamnet.org
>> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] 'Second Tier' Proponents-show your Cards!

2007-03-03 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

I think i'll wait for the others to comment upon what i've written before i
reply to your (cut the sentence in pieces, bring out different meanings to
the pieces) routine. i thought you have become a bit mature (maturity is not
related to age) when you wrote the piece about the governance of assam. BUt
as i opined later, i'm sure that piece was written by someone else. you
are not capable of doing that. you are only capable of cut and paste.
and this time definately i'll answer.

On 3/4/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >*It is also a fact that when the children get out of hand, a firm hand
>is required. Maybe thats what is happening because as far as I know
>hundreds of Crores, if not thousands come into Assam but it either >remains
unutilized or gets utilized [gets divided I mean]).*

*** What are the tools with which the people can deal with that? Can you,
as a lawyer practising in the High Court enlighten us on that?

Go ahead, give a step by step instruction. Tell us WHAT institutions of
the Indian state the people can rely on to hold those responsible

Do you know what is going on in regards to the twenty crores plus spent on
the incomplete Kolakhettro Conference Center? Did you know that those in
charge, reared and nurtured in the great traditrions of desi-demokrasy
allowed incompetent engineers from outside Assam to design thirty meters
deep piers to hold up a tin roof, and that the main conference center built
with its floor below adjacent grade, and then constructed an elaborate
network of open trenches to prevent flooding? Who is asleep at the wheel?
And WHY is it so? WHY is not Assam's intelligentsia, people like you, taking
it lying down? What is YOUR excuse? Did ULFA prevent the intelligentsia from
taking action?

>*(The fifteen useful also have a duty towards their loser siblings. It
>is their duty to correct the losers and show them light and not run >away)

*** That is far too idealistic. Would be nice, but cannot be demanded. But
it is the responsibility of the parents to allow their children to go learn
their surviving skills. Let them learn to swim or sink. Devolve powers,
teach them how to manage their own affairs.* If they fail, it is INDEED
the fault of those parents.*
*> (Exactly the point. The select group of people who want independence
>are from an era which is unknown to most of the youth of TODAY, their
>problems do not date back 27 years, they are struggling for a place >under
the SUN, they want to prove that they can do something.*
*** What, or WHO is holding them back? Is it the ULFA? Is it those who
have their fingers on power? I hope you will not go silent and explain that.

>*Now this group of people does not want the inexperienced youth of >TODAY
to take charge.*

*** Is that an attempt at a joke? Or are have we been smoking something we
shouldn't be?

>*They have been losing for the last so many years without bringing any
>Wind of Change in Assam.*

*** Xaap hoi khuitsa aaru bez hoiw zaarisa. You atre speaking from both
ends of your mouth. It may be expected from the clueless. But what is your

Indian government is fighting them , being egged on by the likes of you,
and you expect them to bring in winds of change? Do you think people are
idiots to take you seriously?

>*Have these supporters of independence ever run an organisation like
>ULFA whose most cadres [who die in hands of the INDIAN ARMY or >MALARIA in
BHUTAN or MYANMAR] are the inexperienced youth*

*** Use your brains and try to figure out why it is so. Not very hard at
all. But if you still cannot, ASK. There will be people who will be pleased
to, explain the obvious I am sure.

>*It had to happen, guess who is among the so called ELDERS of St. Luis*

** It is a patently bad idea to take on things one is ignorant about.

>*Hope you will continue this trend. As they say, I'm Loving It*

*** I am pleased to provide the amusement. But it might not be very
entertaining  if one is not sure at whose cost.

At 8:34 AM +0530 3/4/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

On 3/4/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Do not blame others for Assam's inadequacy. I hear this "Mai-Baap"
accusation >frequently in the net. If two parents have twenty children,
fifteen grow up to >be useful citizens and five do not, whom do you blame?
The children or the >parents?

 Assam's intelligentsia's inadequacy, like the inadequacies of entire
Indian intelligentsia is a RESULT of a 'mai-baap' Central Govt's colonial
accumulation of all important powers of state, with the intent of taking
care of all those 'children', like the loving parents they are, NEVER
letting the children LEARN to take care of themselves; because they are so
'incapable'* (It is also 

Re: [Assam] 'Second Tier' Proponents-show your Cards!

2007-03-03 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
r lows! $430K Loan for $1,399/mo - Paying Too Much?
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assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Parliament has no power to bar judicial scrutiny of laws

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court's judgment on the Ninth Schedule laws has only
reaffirmed and reinforced the judicial intolerance towards legislative
attempts to tinker with the basic structure of the Constitution or the
fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens.

Though it is not landmark, this verdict will shine like a bright star in the
increasingly polluted political sky, for rarely have nine judges, sitting
together, expressed their views unanimously as they did in this case.

The nine-judge Bench unambiguously stated that Parliament has no power to
bar judicial scrutiny of laws put in the Ninth Schedule, for the apex court
is constitutionally mandated to find out if they violated the fundamental
rights and basic structure of the Constitution.

With this judgment, the usual rumbling has begun in political circles, which
are wary of the judgment coming in the way of putting reservation laws into
the protective Ninth Schedule.

Still, more than the usual noise is being made that the judiciary is trying
to stifle Parliament's legislative will, which is nothing but a reflection
of people's will.

Keeping the argument 'Parliament's will is people's will' aside for a while,
a look at our democratic governance will tell us that it is carried on by
three instruments legislature, executive and judiciary.

All three wings owe their place and power to the fountainhead the
Constitution of India, which has created and empowered them on a mandate
from "we the people of India''.

And, simply put, they are but creations of the Constitution. If that is so,
then it will be a legal harakiri or a political bluff for any of the three
organs to call itself superior to the Constitution and lay claim to a power
to do something overreaching the blue book itself.

No doubt, the legislature or Parliament has the power to enact laws to meet
situations that the nation finds itself in its march forward, but the
legislative solution to a problem cannot be of such nature as to
horrendously offend the core of the Constitution.

That is why it made sense when the apex court said that though Article 368
empowers Parliament to amend the Constitution, this power cannot masquerade
as people's will to subvert the basic framework of the Constitution,
fundamental rights included.

Once the mischief of a belief 'Parliament's will is peoples will' gains
ground, it could lead to catastrophic results. We have seen such examples in
the recent past, as well as in the small history of independent India.

Recently, a few MPs were caught on camera taking money for asking questions
in Parliament. They also represented a sizable population between four lakh
and seven lakh people depending on the size of their constituency.

If one discounts this as an aberration, what of the P V Narasimha Rao
government, facing a no-trust vote in Lok Sabha in 1993, having won it with
the shameful distribution of money that helped the Rao government cobble up
the wafer-thin majority?

Did that also reflect people's will? Lastly, the Emergency proclamation was
passed by Parliament in 1975 by a majority vote when the entire Opposition
was locked up in jails. Was that an act of Parliament synonymous with
people's will?

That is why, the Constitution provided the three organs of governance a
definite role.

Parliament will enact laws as per the people's will, nay their
representatives' will, and it is for the judiciary to test the laws on the
touchstone of fundamental rights and basic structure of the Constitution to
find whether they are actually for the people or not.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: A CORRECTION RE: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

No problem in calling me by my name,
" You might have learnt from your own case (pending in CAT)."<---
misunderstanding of names. i thought you were someone else. stands
corrected. please omit that line when reading.

On 3/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am calling you Nayan, because I think you are a lot younger than I am.
I didn't understand the part, " You might have learnt from your own case
(pending in CAT)."
- Please elaborate a little.

*Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >* wrote:

I think you are right on point. Make people aware. Also make everyone
accountable for their actions. The law of torts is still lagging behind in
India. In this i think we need to follow the American legal system. The
Courts in India still don't like awarding Damages. I think it would be a
good starting point. And one more thing. everything cannot be reformed at
once in a single go. As you said, it needs time. You might have learnt from
your own case (pending in CAT). The very first thing that needs to be
overhauled is the Judiciary. Make lawyers and Judges accountable  for their
actions. I think this will bring in a drastic change in the society. A
strong, efficient Judiciary and Justice delivery system will ensure

On 3/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> *" I definately (sic) would welcome a reform in the Governmental
> system. "*
> * -*  I don't think there is anyone in the net who does not agree with
> the statement. Reform is needed not just for the inequity with the rest of
> India that is being discussed, but also for inequities within Assam -
> between rural and urban areas, between tribal and non-tribal areas, and
> between the haves and have-nots etc. etc.
> How do you bring about the reform? It will be a slow process. One that
> comes to mind right away - Make people aware of their rights as citizens
> through education and prepare them to participate in the reform by imparting
> proper education about the systems.
> My son went to Bangalore, India and did an internship with an
> organization called Janaagraha whose mission is to educate both the youth
> and adults on how democracy is supposed to function and how it has
> degenerated into clan system in India. I think Janaagraha is a good start
> and more of such effort is needed.
> Dilip
> =======
> *Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >* wrote:
>  At 11:29 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
> *Please do not in anyway connect it with independence of ASSAM. I
> neither was nor am advocating the independence of Assam but I definately
> would welcome a reform in the Governmental system.   *
> *** Fair enough. That is far more than anything I ever achieved here
> :-): That Assam needs such comprehensive reforms.
> Now then, if you believe in Rajen's advice to engage in a productive
> discussion or debate, I hope you will share your own ideas about how you can
> imagine such reforms could be ushered in. But if you take all the others'
> ARGUMENTATIVE approach and only object obsessively to what I proposed with
> reasons, then it will serve no purpose.
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org
> http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] A CORRECTION RE: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

I think you are right on point. Make people aware. Also make everyone
accountable for their actions. The law of torts is still lagging behind in
India. In this i think we need to follow the American legal system. The
Courts in India still don't like awarding Damages. I think it would be a
good starting point. And one more thing. everything cannot be reformed at
once in a single go. As you said, it needs time. You might have learnt from
your own case (pending in CAT). The very first thing that needs to be
overhauled is the Judiciary. Make lawyers and Judges accountable  for their
actions. I think this will bring in a drastic change in the society. A
strong, efficient Judiciary and Justice delivery system will ensure

On 3/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

*" I definately (sic) would welcome a reform in the Governmental system. "
* -*  I don't think there is anyone in the net who does not agree with the
statement. Reform is needed not just for the inequity with the rest of India
that is being discussed, but also for inequities within Assam - between
rural and urban areas, between tribal and non-tribal areas, and between the
haves and have-nots etc. etc.

How do you bring about the reform? It will be a slow process. One that
comes to mind right away - Make people aware of their rights as citizens
through education and prepare them to participate in the reform by imparting
proper education about the systems.

My son went to Bangalore, India and did an internship with an organization
called Janaagraha whose mission is to educate both the youth and adults on
how democracy is supposed to function and how it has degenerated into clan
system in India. I think Janaagraha is a good start and more of such effort
is needed.

*Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 At 11:29 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

*Please do not in anyway connect it with independence of ASSAM. I neither
was nor am advocating the independence of Assam but I definately
would welcome a reform in the Governmental system.  *

*** Fair enough. That is far more than anything I ever achieved here :-):
That Assam needs such comprehensive reforms.

Now then, if you believe in Rajen's advice to engage in a productive
discussion or debate, I hope you will share your own ideas about how you can
imagine such reforms could be ushered in. But if you take all the others'
ARGUMENTATIVE approach and only object obsessively to what I proposed with
reasons, then it will serve no purpose.

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] A CORRECTION RE: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

*** Fair enough. That is far more than anything I ever achieved here *(C Da
you should be happy for the time being with the [more than anything  I ever
achieved here bit].* *Don't stress your luck, you might just still need it
sometime in future)  *:-): That Assam needs such comprehensive reforms.

On 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 At 11:49 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

*"There are certain emotions which can find expression only in silence."*

*** I am philosophically challenged. I hope the emotive silence also runs
deep and not merely a subterfuge, a refuge to conceal having nothing to put
forth :-)


On 3/2/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 11:29 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

*Please do not in anyway connect it with independence of ASSAM. I neither
was nor am advocating the independence of Assam but I definately
would welcome a reform in the Governmental system.  *

*** Fair enough. That is far more than anything I ever achieved here :-):
That Assam needs such comprehensive reforms.

Now then, if you believe in Rajen's advice to engage in a productive
discussion or debate, I hope you will share your own ideas about how you can
imagine such reforms could be ushered in. But if you take all the others'
ARGUMENTATIVE approach and only object obsessively to what I proposed with
reasons, then it will serve no purpose.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] A CORRECTION RE: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

*"There are certain emotions which can find expression only in silence." *

On 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 At 11:29 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

*Please do not in anyway connect it with independence of ASSAM. I neither
was nor am advocating the independence of Assam but I definately
would welcome a reform in the Governmental system.  *

*** Fair enough. That is far more than anything I ever achieved here :-):
That Assam needs such comprehensive reforms.

Now then, if you believe in Rajen's advice to engage in a productive
discussion or debate, I hope you will share your own ideas about how you can
imagine such reforms could be ushered in. But if you take all the others'
ARGUMENTATIVE approach and only object obsessively to what I proposed with
reasons, then it will serve no purpose.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] A CORRECTION RE: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

*Please do not in anyway connect it with independence of ASSAM. I neither
was nor am advocating the independence of Assam but I definately
would welcome a reform in the Governmental system.  *

On 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >Only Nayan had the intestinal fortitude or the sincerity of purpose to
>acknowledge it thus far.

*** I should have clarified this: Nayan only acknowledged that the outline
I presented for a reformed Assam is desirable. Not its integral requirement
, the TOOL to create it with, INDEPENDENCE that is.

At 11:28 AM -0600 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta wrote:

At 12:14 PM -0500 3/2/07, Barua, Rajen wrote:

Am I missing something?

You are missing 'how you achieve' independence of Assam big time.


*** Are we not putting the cart before the horse?

WHY do we need independence? Are we in agreement that we do need it for
the reasons I cited? If we do, why can't you say so?   Only Nayan had the
intestinal fortitude or the sincerity of purpose to acknowledge it thus far.

If we are in agreement then we can go to the next step: Look into possible
ways of achieving it.

But if we don't agree on the very fundamental premise then it wioll be an
absurd exercise, won't it?

assam mailing list

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Thank you C Da,

But ofcourse I reserve the right to jump in this lively discussion as and
when i think fit so. For the while I'm just a silent spectator.
As Victor Hugo said in his work "*Han d'Islande*" (*1823*)  --- "There are
certain emotions which can find expression only in silence."

On 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 My apologies Nayan. I corrected it as soon as I realized my mistake.

At 11:07 PM +0530 3/2/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

Arre C Da,

Why Ghasito me here. I only said what is the ground reality as i
perceived. And i would definately answer when i think it time and proper.
infact Mr pathak expressed the whole thing better than anyone could have in
the present times.

why create further confusions?

On 3/2/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 12:14 PM -0500 3/2/07, Barua, Rajen wrote:

Am I missing something?

You are missing 'how you achieve' independence of Assam big time.


*** Are we not putting the cart before the horse?

WHY do we need independence? Are we in agreement that we do need it for
the reasons I cited? If we do, why can't you say so?   Only Nayan had the
intestinal fortitude or the sincerity of purpose to acknowledge it thus far.

If we are in agreement then we can go to the next step: Look into possible
ways of achieving it.

But if we don't agree on the very fundamental premise then it wioll be an
absurd exercise, won't it?

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 2, 2007 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents
To: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Arre C Da,
Why Ghasito me here. I only said what is the ground reality as i perceived.
And i would definately answer when i think it time and proper. infact Mr
pathak expressed the whole thing better than anyone could have in the
present times.
why create further confusions?

On 3/2/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 At 12:14 PM -0500 3/2/07, Barua, Rajen wrote:

Am I missing something?

You are missing 'how you achieve' independence of Assam big time.


*** Are we not putting the cart before the horse?

WHY do we need independence? Are we in agreement that we do need it for
the reasons I cited? If we do, why can't you say so?   Only Nayan had the
intestinal fortitude or the sincerity of purpose to acknowledge it thus far.

If we are in agreement then we can go to the next step: Look into possible
ways of achieving it.

But if we don't agree on the very fundamental premise then it wioll be an
absurd exercise, won't it?

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From Hindustantimes :: How Racist we can be

2007-03-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

An American woman, Pamela K Fleig- denied entrance
Thailand's Crown Princess Sirindhorn - denied entrance
former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi- denied entrance

Atleast they don't bow before the high and mighty .

On 3/2/07, Malabika Brahma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Food destroyed at Jagannath temple after foreigner's entry

Indo-Asian News Service

Bhubaneshwar, March 2, 2007

In a country where millions go to bed hungry, food worth Rs 1 million,
meant for holy offering at Orissa's Jagannath temple was destroyed on Friday
because a foreigner had entered the shrine, an act seen as defiling the

Priests at the temple in Puri, 56 km from here, also performed rituals to
cleanse the shrine after Paul Rodgier, a 55-year-old American Christian,
visited it on Thursday afternoon.

The priests fined him Rs 209 when he pleaded that he was not aware of any
restriction on the entry of foreigners to the temple. Rodgier had reportedly
come to the government-run National Thermal Power Corp in Angul district on
official work a few days ago.

The shrine administration then decided to destroy the food that was
prepared for offering to the deities, temple official Laxmidhar Pujapanda
told the agency. A mud pit was dug inside the premises and the holy offering
was thrown in it.

The priests, who had stopped all the rituals of the temple since Thursday
afternoon, also performed purification rituals on Friday, he said. The
kitchen areas of the temple were also washed thoroughly, he added.

Foreigners are not allowed to enter leading Hindu temples in Orissa,
including the Jagannath temple at Puri and the Lingaraj temple here.

An American woman, Pamela K Fleig, who had converted from Christianity to
Hinduism after marrying an Uttar Pradesh resident, was denied entry into the
11th century Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneswar in 2005.

Thailand's Crown Princess Sirindhorn was also not given permission to
visit the Jagannath temple the same year because she is a foreigner and a

Even former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, a born Hindu was not allowed to
enter the temple when she was in power because she had married a Parsi.

The all-new Yahoo! 
 wherever you go - free your email address from your Internet provider.

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: My Take on 'your take ' on things

2007-02-28 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

as said by C da you should learn to comprehend things written by C da and

On 3/1/07, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You are so right!!
You don't owe anything to anyone in this world. You are so self made. My
hats (wollen cap) off to you!! You are the man!! Your are the only true one!


*Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:


But it was NOT a GIFT or dole from India for me. India took much more
from my people than it gave back. Out of nearly 1600 plus entrants to
the 4- IITs my freshman year, there were less than six from Assam. *( DOES

But oh, I forgot--it was the Assam people's own damn fault, right? *(IF
TOO) *

My performance in college was NOT India's contribution*( NOBODY SAYS IT
effort. The exposure is all India gets credit for. I OWE India
nothing. But I give back to Assam, the USA as well as India. How much
or what or in what form is MY business. It has nothing to do with the
substance ( or lack thereof) of the things I advocate or the
arguments I make in assamnet or anywhere else.

At 1:52 PM -0800 2/28/07, Rajib Das wrote:
>I assume you COULD go to America also because you went
>to an institution in India funded by the Indian
>government to get your education THAT opened the doors
>for you there. I mean - you couldn't have walked
>straight from Namti, could you?
>Evidently the Indian government did well by you - even
>if you didn't do well by it or it didn't do well for
>the rest of the people.
>> > >And I agree that I left because I saw NO
>> potential to advance my
>> >own career or potential in >the society I was in.
>> And it is true
>> >that America provided me, an INDIVIDUAL, the
>> >opportunities to
>> >advance my interests and realize my potentials, as
>> opposed to
>> >POSING >OBSTACLES, like Indian governance does. In

>Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast
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Umesh Sharma
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College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick,
easy and free. Do it 

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Take on Independence - I-V COMBINED

2007-02-28 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

C Da,

Please stop your cut and paste routine and reply to my views. i am sorry to
see that you have altogether avoided the example (you) i have cited in my
views. i have also included the possible solution (although its in one or
two words only) which needs to be further deliberated upon so as to fine
tune it, but i see that you have decided to remain silent on that front too.
But yes, this confirms my views on what i have written earlier on turning
your back on the situations. and it would be further helpful if you can give
some concrete facts about this independence thing. just like Chittaranjan
Pathak has made up his mind that independence is bad, yours too is made up
that it is good. but he has been able to cite history and present supporting
his views whereas you have been repeating the same thing
(INDEPENDENCE) without giving any concreate supporting evidence for the

i would further invite you to give your views on "THE BASIC UNIT OF ANY
SOCIETY IS ALWAYS AN INDIVIDUAL"  in relation to your going to america and
its implication on assam (assamese society).

On 2/28/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Nayan:

I am very pleased to see this note from you. You are the FIRST and ONLY
*" i only liked the one you wrote about "Assam's governmental system". i
liked it because it is what is required.*

*** That WAS the thrust of my entire effort.

*** Oh, I know there are others who know that too. Some don't express it,
because they are with it; have been all along. There are others who DID NOT
* expect* to see what I proposed. They thought I was about to hang myself
and gave me all the rope to help me along :-). The deafening silence however
is understandable:

One can decry it, but at the cost of losing all credibility.

Some truly don't know and yet others play 'no-comprendo' :-) and
thus unable to decide if it is good, bad or no different.

Some have long decided, out of their own lack of self-assurance
and lack of faith in their own abilities that these are UTOPIAN
ideas which others like them--(kharkhowas after all:-( --will
be able to attain. Governance to them is such a mysterious thing,
to the perception they grew up with: That once the polity elected
their govt. 'democratically', that is the end of THEIR
Thus talking about something unattainable only will only
encourage and egg-on the disaffected, which will put at risk
they and their near and dear ones have eked out so far, either by
their own efforts or thru the largesse of reverse Robinhoodism of
Assam and Indian Govts.

>What you want for Assam is laudable but is it what the people want? I
think Mr. >Chittaranjan Pathak has more or less placed the true state of
affairs from past >to present.

*** I do  not see Chitta's post  in that light. His mind is made up on the
fact that 'independence for Assam is BAD---so don't bother me with the facts
of WHY it is even needed', just like all most others here.

*** What YOU write however requires further deliberation:* "--but is it
what the people want?"*

That has to be looked at in view of WHAT they KNOW. Do the people KNOW
what they want and WHY they want it?

That is why I posed the question about Independence: Is it a TROPHY or a

*** This was NEVER explored and discussed by Assam intelligentsia--the
people who lead, and educate their uninformed.

That is exactly why WE need to analyze it, discuss it, help people
understand WHERE the root of their disaffections lie, what possible
solutions may be and of course they could be attained. That independence is
an essential TOOL and not merely a trophy or an end unto itself, like many
of our friends have long accepted.

*** But without doing that, to assert that the PEOPLE don't WANT it, like
Chitta does and many others past or present do, is not a RATIONALE stance.
Should not be.

What do you think?


PS: Thanks for sharing your background. It is very impressive. I hope it
will take you places :-).

At 11:09 PM +0530 2/28/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

Sorry for the slight delay but i wanted to go through what the
consolidated reading of your whole series meant to me. When i congratulated
you on your piece, i did not mean all the things you wrote. i only liked the
one you wrote about "Assam's governmental system". i liked it because it is
what is required. but that does not in any way mean that it is also
attainable ans ofcourse sustainable once somehow its attained.

next, although i had made up my mind to share a few thoughts with assamnet
about your whole series, but in light of what Mr. Chittaranjan Pathak has
written all i wanted to share has become redundent. i could not possib

[Assam] The way world is changing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-24 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi


> Operator : "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut . May I have your..."
> Customer: "Heloo, can I order.."
> Operator : "Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?"
> Customer: "It's eh...,
> Operator : "OK... you're... Mr Singh and you're calling from 17


> Kayu.
> Your home number is 4094! 2366, your office 76452302 and your

mobile is

> 0142662566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?"
> Customer: "Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?
> Operator : "We are connected to the system Sir"
> Customer: "May I order your Seafood Pizza..."
> Operator : "That's not a good idea Sir"
> Customer: "How come?"
> Operator : "According to your medical records, you have high blood
> pressure
> and even higher cholesterol level Sir"
> Customer: "What?... What do you recommend then?"
> Operator : "Try our Low Fat Hokkien Mee Pizza. You'll like it"
> Customer: "How do you know for sure?"
> Operator : "You borrowed a book entitled "Popular Hokkien Dishes"
> from the
> National Library last week Sir"
> Customer: "OK I give up... Give me three family size ones then, how
> much
> will that cost?"
> Operator : "That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The
> total is
> $49.99"
> Customer: "Can I pay by! credit card?"
> Operator : "I'm afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit


> is
> over the limit and you owe your bank $3,720.55 since October last


> That's not including the late payment charges on your housing loan,
> Customer: "I guess I have to run to the neighbourhood ATM and


> some
> cash before your guy arrives"
> Operator : "You can't Sir. Based on the records, you've reached


> daily
> limit on machine withdrawal
> today"
> Customer: "Never mind just send the pizzas, I'll have the cash


> How
> long is it gonna take anyway?"
> Operator : "About 45 minutes Sir, but if you can't wait you can


> come
> and collect it on your motorcycle..."
> Customer: " What!"
> Operator : "According to the details in system ,you own a
> Scooter,...registration number 1123..."
> Customer: " ????"
> Operator : "Is there anything else Sir?"
> Customer: "Nothing... by the way... aren't you giving me that 3


> bottles of cola as advertised?"
> Operator : "We normally would Sir, but based on your records you're
> also
> diabetic... "
> Customer: #$$^%&[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Operator : "Better watch your language Sir. Remember on 15th July
> 1987 you
> were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman...?"
> Customer: [Faints]

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*********** - III, Trophy or Tool?

2007-02-24 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi


How can you say that. Its better Chandan Da stays where he is at present. I
think you remember my earlier view on this subject. "There are some people
who like to instigate others to do what they don't have the guts to do
themselves". Now i'm not saying that Chandan da is like that but then its
quite possible that someone might draw such an inference from the given
Chandan da was not here in Assam (mind it not India and he will never
subject himself to the laws of colonial india [i'm sure he burnt his INDIAN
PASSPORT once he reached UNITED STATES OF AMERICA]) when everything started.
He was far away in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA fighting for sovereignity of
Assam. Now all of a sudden you want him back  in India, that too to start a
non-violent movement like Gandhi

My Gawd Umesh. you sure have hopes.  :))


On 2/25/07, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

perhaps C-da should go back to India and start a non-violent movement like
Gandhi --rather than sitting outside and conjecturing. Go and do it --if you
can!!! If thats what you think is right. Do it!!! Best wishes.


*Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

 rajen da,
 can my suggestions be incorporated? do tell me because that
would help in preparation of the future deliberations as regards that topic.



On 2/24/07, Rajen & Ajanta Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Chandan: Theser are not meant for individual reply and spend time in
> side arguments but to help ypu prepare the final Manin Course and address.
> Thanks
> Rajen
>  - Original Message -
> *From:* Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:* Barua, Rajen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; assam@assamnet.org
> *Sent:* Friday, February 23, 2007 3:57 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*** - III, Trophy or
> Tool?
> R:
> >I don't see any serious debate for or against independence from any
> side so far. ZERO, ZIPPO.
> *** That is because of  your and Dilip's admonition to all those
> chomping at the bit to come out swinging , to hold their horses, till I am
> done saying my piece.
> >I would also hope that you not side tract the issue and would not
> present more appetizers but will go to >the full course.
> *** I will certainly consider that :-).
> >that all the Assamese share your views equally.
> *** WOW! Come on Rajen. I know I have a big head, but  NOT that big :-).
> Actually I made that clear at the outset that these are MY views. And, trust
> me, I don't speak for anybody else: Not the Oxomiya Jaati, not the whole or
> even part of Assam, Not ULFA, not NRAs.
> But that is not to suggest there may not be anybody who could be
> expected to find common cause with MY views.
> >In my opinion, Briefly your full course essay should have the following
> contents.
> 1) Introduction
> 2) What is the problem?
> 3) What reforms we need?.
> 4) Why Independence needed for these reforms?
> 5) How this Independence can be achieved.?
> 6) What is needed for success.?
> >7) What is the plan?
> *** Those are good points.
> But I would like to point out a couple of things:
> Those who grew up in rural Assam and had some morbid
> curiosities,
> perhaps noticed that when the common vultures descend on
> carrion, they don't dig into the feast the moment they land.
> There
> is a hierarchical order in the animal kingdom -- the grunt
> vultures must
> wait for the Roja Xogun/s ( literally the royal vultures -- with
> their
> distinctive red appendages around the eyes and the throat--
> also called turkey vulture/s) to alight and take the first
> bites,
> usually at the eyes of the carcass.
> Or a more contemporary  and genteel example would be the feudal
> fiefdom
> of the HC Judges in India, where an aggrieved grunt-justice must
> obtain His Lordship's say-so, before he or she can lodge a
> public complaint of wrong-doing.
> In assamnet we don't have such hierarchies. Netters are free to
> state
> their own positions, as they see fit, in any order they wish, at
> any
> time. They don't need to wait for anybody's blessing.
> So, DO :-).
> >Each of these topic can be really short and may be just one paragraph,
> *
> *
> *** I would leave that to the discretion of the writer. It is her time
> and his dime :-).
> >For any statement, there should be a back up support in your 

Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*********** - III, Trophy or Tool?

2007-02-24 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

can anybody imagine why C da has changed.
I'm at my wits end pondering after i went through his new piece about
Assam's Own Governmental System.
Looks like he outsourced it to someone and forgot to edit.



On 2/25/07, Alpana B. Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi C'da:

Didn't mean to get in here like this out of the blue...just could not help
myself. :)

> You don't have to seek anyone's permission for that. Just pitch in where
feel it is needed. >After all, you too, as an informed >citizen,  will be
participating in an independent Assam's >governance.

Thanks for the reminder. We need that every now and then. :)

>After all, you too, as an informed >citizen,  will be participating in an
independent Assam's >governance

You mean, absolute freedom, like, being able to speak and write, for
example? Are you sure? Or is it like, free from one governance and go
under another, where you may not even be able to talk?

From: *Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
To: *"Nayanjyoti Medhi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Rajen & Ajanta
Barua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, assam@assamnet.org,"Chan Mahanta" <
Subject: *Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*** - III, Trophy or Tool?*
Date: *Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:05:16 -0600*

It is already included Nayan.  And what is missing you can always fill in.
You don't have to seek anyone's permission for that. Just pitch in where
feel it is needed. After all, you too, as an informed citizen,  will be
participating in an independent Assam's governance.


At 10:01 PM +0530 2/24/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

rajen da,

 can my suggestions be incorporated? do tell me because that
would help in preparation of the future deliberations as regards that topic.



On 2/24/07,* Rajen & Ajanta Barua* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chandan: Theser are not meant for individual reply and spend time in side
arguments but to help ypu prepare the final Manin Course and address.



- Original Message -

*From:* Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*To:* Barua, Rajen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; assam@assamnet.org

*Sent:* Friday, February 23, 2007 3:57 PM

*Subject:* Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*** - III, Trophy or Tool?


>I don't see any serious debate for or against independence from any side
so far. ZERO, ZIPPO.

*** That is because of  your and Dilip's admonition to all those chomping
at the bit to come out swinging , to hold their horses, till I am done
saying my piece.

>I would also hope that you not side tract the issue and would not present
more appetizers but will go to >the full course.

*** I will certainly consider that :-).

>that all the Assamese share your views equally.

*** WOW! Come on Rajen. I know I have a big head, but  NOT that big :-).
Actually I made that clear at the outset that these are MY views. And, trust
me, I don't speak for anybody else: Not the Oxomiya Jaati, not the whole or
even part of Assam, Not ULFA, not NRAs.

But that is not to suggest there may not be anybody who could be expected
to find common cause with MY views.

>In my opinion, Briefly your full course essay should have the following

 1) Introduction

2) What is the problem?

3) What reforms we need?.

4) Why Independence needed for these reforms?

5) How this Independence can be achieved.?

6) What is needed for success.?

>7) What is the plan?

*** Those are good points.

But I would like to point out a couple of things:

Those who grew up in rural Assam and had some morbid curiosities,

perhaps noticed that when the common vultures descend on

carrion, they don't dig into the feast the moment they land. There

is a hierarchical order in the animal kingdom -- the grunt
vultures must

wait for the Roja Xogun/s ( literally the royal vultures -- with

distinctive red appendages around the eyes and the throat--

also called turkey vulture/s) to alight and take the first bites,

usually at the eyes of the carcass.

Or a more contemporary  and genteel example would be the feudal

of the HC Judges in India, where an aggrieved grunt-justice must

obtain His Lordship's say-so, before he or she can lodge a

public complaint of wrong-doing.

In assamnet we don't have such hierarchies. Netters are free to

their own positions, as they see fit, in any order they wish, at

time. They don't need to wait for anybody's blessing.

So, DO :-).

>Each of these topic can be really short and may be just one paragraph,


*** I would leave that to the discretion of the write

Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*********** - III, Trophy or Tool?

2007-02-24 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
ocused only on the TROPHY part. Neither the proponents of
> independence -- the ULFA, its supporters and sympathizers,  nor its
> detractors, have dealt with the really important component; that it is an
> essential TOOL, indispensable means to certain ends.
> All the justifications for i**e , thus far presented and debated
> by proponents and opponents alike have been entirely on historical,
> cultural, ethnic and natural right components. Not that they are not
> relevant or important. They ARE. For most struggles for independence in
> recent human history have been fought exactly on these issues.
> The TROPHY justifications, of necessity, are intangible and could be
> subjective at times and thus become targets of detractors from the trite to
> the toxic.
> But in case of Assam, I would submit, the TOOL component, the
> indispensable means to certain ends is even more important. It is essential
> to reform Assam's governance to suit Assam's needs and which is impossible
> under India's colonial and medieval system. The fact of the dysfunction of
> the Indian system needs no proving. It is there for all to see and
> experience.
> After the 'andwlon', when AGP came to power, it did not realize that
> unless it radically reformed the system they would fall victim to its
> built-in recipe for failure, of falling into the 'jeyei lonkaloi jai, xeyei
> raabon hoy' trap.
> The key here then is to demonstrate HOW to go about doing it.
> Next "My Take on Why I* - IV, Assam's Own Governmental System"
> cm
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> ___
> assam mailing list
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assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*********** - III, Trophy or Tool?

2007-02-24 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
 missed a big 'introduction' which
should come before 'why independence', an introduction' which probably you
are taking it for granted that all the Assamese share your views equally.
But that question can wait to see your full course.

In my opinion, Briefly your full course essay should have the following

1) Introduction

2) What is the problem?

3) What reforms we need?.

4) Why Independence needed for these reforms?

5) How this Independence can be achieved.?

6) What is needed for success.?

7) What is the plan?

Each of these topic can be really short and may be just one paragraph, but
each should be addressed. For any statement, there should be a back up
support in your pocket so that you may counter any questions from the
doubters. Like when you say, (After the 'andwlon', when* AGP* came to
power,* it did not realize* that unless it radically reformed the system
they would fall victim to its built-in recipe for failure, of falling into
the 'jeyei lonkaloi jai, xeyei raabon hoy' trap.) here people like me
would question the phrase in bold, because you are making statement on Oxom
Andwlon which you did not participate and may not have any clue other than
your impression from remote.

Without a full sized report addressing all the issues, the netters
may again get excited to be busy in arguments.

*This is just to help you so that you donot throw any more appetizers with
ifs and but and we donot get into unnecessary arguments but may go to the




Behalf Of* Chan Mahanta
*Sent:* Friday, February 23, 2007 9:37 AM
*To:* assam@assamnet.org
*Subject:* [Assam] My Take on Why I*** - III, Trophy or Tool?

My apologies for not getting to the part most of my friends opposed to my
views must be waiting for - Assam's Own Governmental System".

However it is important to set the stage for the main course. So, here I
deal with a very important question about this whole concept of
i**e  or sy :-):* What is it?* Bangalis might ask, Eta ki?
Khai-na kaane' pore' ( what is it?  Do you eat it or wear on your ear?).

*Is i**e  a trophy or is it a tool?*

The answer is that it is both.

And readers might ask--SO?

The reason I decided to raise this question first and answer it is because
of the fact that, thus far, the discourse about Assam's i**e has
been focused only on the TROPHY part. Neither the proponents of independence
-- the ULFA, its supporters and sympathizers,  nor its detractors, have
dealt with the really important component; that it is an essential TOOL,
indispensable means to certain ends.

All the justifications for i**e , thus far presented and debated
by proponents and opponents alike have been entirely on historical,
cultural, ethnic and natural right components. Not that they are not
relevant or important. They ARE. For most struggles for independence in
recent human history have been fought exactly on these issues.

The TROPHY justifications, of necessity, are intangible and could be
subjective at times and thus become targets of detractors from the trite to
the toxic.

But in case of Assam, I would submit, the TOOL component, the
indispensable means to certain ends is even more important. It is essential
to reform Assam's governance to suit Assam's needs and which is impossible
under India's colonial and medieval system. The fact of the dysfunction of
the Indian system needs no proving. It is there for all to see and

After the 'andwlon', when AGP came to power, it did not realize that
unless it radically reformed the system they would fall victim to its
built-in recipe for failure, of falling into the 'jeyei lonkaloi jai, xeyei
raabon hoy' trap.

The key here then is to demonstrate HOW to go about doing it.

Next "My Take on Why I* - IV, Assam's Own Governmental System"


The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the
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assam mailing list

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2

Re: [Assam] My Take on Why I*********** - III, Trophy or Tool?

2007-02-23 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
ndwlon', when AGP came to power, it did not realize that
unless it radically reformed the system they would fall victim to its
built-in recipe for failure, of falling into the 'jeyei lonkaloi jai, xeyei
raabon hoy' trap.

The key here then is to demonstrate HOW to go about doing it.

Next "My Take on Why I* - IV, Assam's Own Governmental System"


assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New subscription request to list assam from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2007-02-19 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

who is he/she?

On 2/19/07, bg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Please welcoem Himadi to Assam!


> Your authorization is required for a mailing list subscription request
> approval:
> List: assam@assamnet.org

Babul Gogoi / বাবুল গগৈ

assam mailing list

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Fwd: Response to Chitta-III

2007-02-19 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Dear Umesh!

Thank you for the concern but what i said was true. Some people love
instigating others to do things they themselves don't have the guts to do. I
just wonder why these people don't leave the comfort and luxury of city life
and go to jungle to fight for the independence which they presumably want.
Don't really have anything to say but to smile.


On 2/19/07, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


That is  brave comment. I would advise that you do not put your address
etc here -- ULFA might take notice of your views!

***And Chandan da I do not want to trap you and make you come out of your
UTOPIAN dream. I think you should stay that way. It will be less harmful for
the people of this land because you are SAFE in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Your family does not have to worry about whether you will come back home


*Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 18, 2007 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Response to Chitta-III
To: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Chandan Da and Bhuban Da,

Please don't mind me replying to you both through these following few
First of all let me thank Chandan da for the compliment:

 Nayan asks good questions, but he is getting ahead of himself, like Dilip
Deka did yesterday. The questions also demonstrate a profound inadequacy of
understanding of makings of a democratic state, how it is supposed to
function, and the citizens' responsibilities towards making it work. I would
have hoped, people like Nayan, an advocate of the high-court, would have
been more educated about it. But unfortunately it is yet another result of
the colonial style of governance, controlled from a remote location, that
failed to create the institutions at the grassroots level empowering them to
learn how to *govern themselves*, while our educational system bypassed it
entirely, creating generations of otherwise highly skilled people, whose
idea of a democratic state begins and ends with the vaunted desi
'elekshuns'. Had India attempted to establish local institutions of *democratic
self-governance*, instead of adopting the colonial rulers' top-down,remote
controlled approach; sixty plus years since independence, India would have
become a far better state today and would not be fighting insurgencies and
rebellions all across the length and breadth of its territories, born out of
the unresponsiveness and failure to deliver on its responsibilities.

*coming from Chandan da, i take his (yellow highlighted) words as a
compliment because I am yet to cross 30 years of age. And I also would like
to THANK Chandan da for (see red highlighted) the clarification. i think
this ongoing revolution (if you THINK it can be defined as a REVOLUTION) is
also being controlled from a remote location, [leaving the illegal
immigrants to fill the vacant jobs or work or fields] that failed to create
the institutions at the grassroot level empowering them to learn how to
govern themselves. [Chandan da seems to have forgotten the panchayats which
are doing a decent if not good job in the villages (see blue highlight
above)]. *
*I must make it very clear at this point that I am not an Advocate of the
Indian Government. Neither am I an irresponsible citizen of this land
(ASSAM/AXOM etc.,) who will instigate my brothers to take up arms and die in
jungles from unknown bullets so that illegal immigrants can come and take
away the land on which these boys could have worked and fed their families.
And Chandan da I do not want to trap you and make you come out of your
UTOPIAN dream. I think you should stay that way. It will be less harmful for
the people of this land because you are SAFE in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Your family does not have to worry about whether you will come back home

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard Univers

[Assam] Fwd: Response to Chitta-III

2007-02-18 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 18, 2007 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Response to Chitta-III
To: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Chandan Da and Bhuban Da,

Please don't mind me replying to you both through these following few lines.
First of all let me thank Chandan da for the compliment:

Nayan asks good questions, but he is getting ahead of himself, like Dilip
Deka did yesterday. The questions also demonstrate a profound inadequacy of
understanding of makings of a democratic state, how it is supposed to
function, and the citizens' responsibilities towards making it work. I would
have hoped, people like Nayan, an advocate of the high-court, would have
been more educated about it. But unfortunately it is yet another result of
the colonial style of governance, controlled from a remote location, that
failed to create the institutions at the grassroots level empowering them to
learn how to *govern themselves*, while our educational system bypassed it
entirely, creating generations of otherwise highly skilled people, whose
idea of a democratic state begins and ends with the vaunted desi
'elekshuns'. Had India attempted to establish local institutions of *democratic
self-governance*, instead of adopting the colonial rulers' top-down,remote
controlled approach; sixty plus years since independence, India would have
become a far better state today and would not be fighting insurgencies and
rebellions all across the length and breadth of its territories, born out of
the unresponsiveness and failure to deliver on its responsibilities.

*coming from Chandan da, i take his (yellow highlighted) words as a
compliment because I am yet to cross 30 years of age. And I also would like
to THANK Chandan da for (see red highlighted) the clarification. i think
this ongoing revolution (if you THINK it can be defined as a REVOLUTION) is
also being controlled from a remote location, [leaving the illegal
immigrants to fill the vacant jobs or work or fields] that failed to create
the institutions at the grassroot level empowering them to learn how to
govern themselves. [Chandan da seems to have forgotten the panchayats which
are doing a decent if not good job in the villages (see blue highlight
above)]. *
*I must make it very clear at this point that I am not an Advocate of the
Indian Government. Neither am I an irresponsible citizen of this land
(ASSAM/AXOM etc.,) who will instigate my brothers to take up arms and die in
jungles from unknown bullets so that illegal immigrants can come and take
away the land on which these boys could have worked and fed their families.
And Chandan da I do not want to trap you and make you come out of your
UTOPIAN dream. I think you should stay that way. It will be less harmful for
the people of this land because you are SAFE in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Your family does not have to worry about whether you will come back home

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: FW: Thought for the day(life toooooooooooooooo)

2007-02-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

*Thought 1 #* *

When we are born, our mother's get the compliments and the flowers. When we

are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity. When we die,

our widows get the life insurance.* *


Thought 2* *

The average man's life consists of: Twenty years of having his mother ask* *

him where he is going,* *

Forty years of having his wife ask the same question;* *

and at the end, the mourners wondering too.


Thought 3 #* *

A Man was walking down a street when he heard a voice from behind, "If you*

take one more step, a brick will fall down on your head and kill you." The*

man stopped and a big brick fell right in front of him. The man was **

astonished.* *

He went on, and after a while he was going to cross the road. Once again* *

the voice shouted, "Stop! Stand still! If you take one more step a car will*

run over you, and you will die." The man did as he was instructed, just as*

a car came careening around the corner, barely missing him. **

The man asked. "Who are you?" I am your guardian angel," the voice

answered. "Oh, yeah?" the man asked "And where the hell were you when I got

married?"* *

- ---* *

This is the best!!! Thought 4 #* *

Everyone in the wedding ceremony was watching the radiant bride as her* *

father escorted her down the aisle to give away to the groom. They reached *

the altar and the waiting groom; the bride kissed her father and placed* *

some thing in his hand.* *

Everyone in the room was wondering what was given to the father by the* *

bride. The father could feel the suspense in the air and all eyes were on* *

him to divulge the secret and say something. So he announced "Ladies and **

Gentlemen today is the luckiest day of my life."* *

Then he raised his hands with what his daughter gave him and continued, "My*

daughter finally, finally returned my credit card to me." The whole **

audience including priest started laughing..but not the poor groom!*

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

[Assam] Fwd: FW: Thought for the day(life toooooooooooooooo)

2007-02-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

*Thought 1 #* *

When we are born, our mother's get the compliments and the flowers. When we

are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity. When we die,

our widows get the life insurance.* *


Thought 2* *

The average man's life consists of: Twenty years of having his mother ask **

him where he is going,* *

Forty years of having his wife ask the same question;* *

and at the end, the mourners wondering too.


Thought 3 #* *

A Man was walking down a street when he heard a voice from behind, "If you*

take one more step, a brick will fall down on your head and kill you." The*

man stopped and a big brick fell right in front of him. The man was **

astonished.* *

He went on, and after a while he was going to cross the road. Once again **

the voice shouted, "Stop! Stand still! If you take one more step a car will*

run over you, and you will die." The man did as he was instructed, just as*

a car came careening around the corner, barely missing him. **

The man asked. "Who are you?" I am your guardian angel," the voice

answered. "Oh, yeah?" the man asked "And where the hell were you when I got

married?"* *

- ---* *

This is the best!!! Thought 4 #* *

Everyone in the wedding ceremony was watching the radiant bride as her **

father escorted her down the aisle to give away to the groom. They reached *

the altar and the waiting groom; the bride kissed her father and placed* *

some thing in his hand.* *

Everyone in the room was wondering what was given to the father by the* *

bride. The father could feel the suspense in the air and all eyes were on **

him to divulge the secret and say something. So he announced "Ladies and **

Gentlemen today is the luckiest day of my life."* *

Then he raised his hands with what his daughter gave him and continued, "My

daughter finally, finally returned my credit card to me." The whole **

audience including priest started laughing..but not the poor groom!*

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] We Need Your Help

2006-12-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
, and 's' as in the word 'sun'). Changing
the name to 'Asom' will merely encourage the
non-Assamese speakers to pronounce the name of
our state as something like 'Osom' or even 'Esom'
( with the 's' being pronounced as in 'sun') as a
simple survey will clearly illustrate and thereby
defeating any intent of asserting our unique
language heritage embedded in the name 'Oxom'
(the 'x' here being an internationally recognized
representation of the guttural 'kh' sound ).

7. Today our state has two
names: 'Assam' internationally and 'Oxom' in
Assamese. This is similar to 'India'
internationally and 'Bharat' in Indian languages;
or 'West Bengal' internationally and 'Poschim
Bongo' in Bengali. Such duality does not rob or
dilute the states' unique cultural, language or
ethnic heritage.

8. Today Assam faces numerous
problems which are crying out for the
Government's attention and action. But changing
the state's ancient name of Assam to a misguided
attempt at Roman transliteration of the Assamese
name 'Oxom' to 'Asom', with all the associated
costs: monetary, cultural and historical, is
certainly not one of them.

9. The 'xo' or 'kho' guttural
sound is unique to the Assamese language, among
the myriad of the sub-continental languages. We
should protect and promote this heritage, instead
of diluting it to destruction by equating it to
the 'so' sound of other languages, as this
imposition of 'Asom' by an act of legislative
fiat will surely do.

Based on the above considerations, we urge you to
exercise your leadership in rescinding this
un-deliberated, unwise and destructive of
an-unique-Assamese-language-heritage act of the
Assam legislature forthwith. We will be pleased
to furnish additional historical documentation
and intellectual arguments to prove our points,
should that be necessary. You may kindly contact
Rajen Barua of USA (e-mail:
or Wahid Saleh of The Netherlands (e-mail:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]) for further discussions
and clarifications in this regard.

Your Sincerely

Well Wishers and Friends of Assam

1. Rajen & Ajanta Barua, Katy, Texas, USA

2. Chandan & Bonti Mahanta, St Louis, MO, USA

3. Wahid Saleh, Berkel en Rodenrijs, The Netherlands.

4. Ramgopal Sarangapani, Houston, Texas, USA

5. Partha Gogoi, Washington, DC, USA

6. Ankur Bora, Austin, Texas, USA

7. Rini Kakoty, London, UK

8. Shantikam & Sangeeta Hazarika, Guwahati, Assam

9. Monoj Das, New Delhi, India

10. Chanakya Bora, Noida, India

11. Jayanta & Alakananda Barman, Guwahati, Assam

12. Bidyananda & Kavita Barkakoty, Guwahati, Assam

13. Bikram M Baruah, Abu Dhabi, UAE

14. Shankar Borua, Huntsville, Texas, USA


Honorable Prime Minister of India

Honorable Home Minister of India

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep Send instant messages to your online
friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

The all-new Yahoo! 
 wherever you go - free your email address from your Internet provider.

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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] We Need Your Help

2006-12-27 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

On 12/27/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Netters:

We have received forty-three (43) signatories so far, from around the
But surprisingly, very few Assam Netters have responded.

Please stand up and be counted. And if you do not
agree, go ahead and express yourselves. Tell us
why you don't agree. As a part of the Assam
intelligentsia, we owe it to ourselves to speak
up and participate in the debate.

For if not us, WHO?




On 15th December 2006, the State Assembly of Assam adopted a

resolution by voice vote to write the name of the State of Assam as

'Asom'.  No argument or reasoning was given for the name change, nor

any debate was allowed in spite of requests from the opposition. We are

starting a general campaign to oppose the government of Assam's

resolution to change the name of the state from Assam to Asom.

We, a number of friends and well wishers of Assam living in and outside

the state are shocked to see the above news report, and hereby

register our strong opposition to this entirely unwarranted move on

the part of the State Legislature. For this we are circulating the

attached petition all over the world to collect signatures from those

who support our move.

We would like you to support our effort to retain the present name

Assam. You may sign the petition, simply by
furnishing the information mentioned at the end
of this mail.

It would be of immense help to us if you would be kind enough to

forward this e-mail to your friends who might be willing to support

this cause.

You are welcome to give your valuable suggestions if any, regarding the

petition or any other issues.

The letter will also be addressed separately to Mr. Brindaban Goswami,

the Opposition Leader, Assam Assembly, as well as copied to the Prime

Minister's and Home Minister's office.

The petition will be mailed on 1st January 2007 with the first set of

Signatures. So please send your replies to us at least by 30th December

Sincerely yours,

Chandan Mahanta
St. Louis, USA


- The Map of Bengale published in 1662.


- Letter of Joan Maetsuyker, Governor General of Dutch Batavia, 29-08-1663


- Treaty of Yandaboo, 24-02-1826


- Website link with more articles on this issue:



I oppose the resolution to change the name of the
state from Assam to Asom, and hereby give my
consent to put my name as a signatory to the

Full name: Nayanjyoti Medhi

Name of Spouse (optional)

City : Guwahati

Country : India

E-mail address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please reply to this e-mail with a copy to
. Rajen Barua, Katy, Texas, USA, is coordinating
the compilation of the names of the signatories
and mailing the petition to the Chief Minister of



Mr. Tarun Gogoi

Honorable Chief Minister of Assam,

Sachibalaya, Dispur, Assam 781006

Dated Houston 1st January, 2007

Sub:  State Assembly's Resolution to Change the name of Assam to Asom.

Dear Sir:

On 15th December, 2006, the State Assembly of
Assam adopted a resolution by voice vote to write
the name of the State of Assam as 'Asom'.  No
argument or reasoning was given for the name
change, nor any debate was allowed in spite of
requests from the opposition.

We are a number of friends and well wishers of
Assam living in and outside the state, who are
shocked to see the above news report. We hereby
register our strong opposition to this entirely
unwarranted move on the part of the State
Legislature for the following reasons:

1.The State's name is not
something for changing in as casual a fashion as
it has been done,  without a thorough and
informed public discussion and debate. It was
never a mandate of the people. Even the
Opposition parties' demand for a debate was
summarily cut off in a highly undemocratic

2.The Legislature did not
give a credible set of reasons for the change
from the internationally well-recognized name
'Assam' to'Asom'. In these days of

Re: [Assam] Women's groups

2006-11-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
is there anything else then north east network. i'm looking for groups who are working out of the limelight. NEN is known to all.
On 11/10/06, nilankur das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
North East Network is one. See, Tezpur District Mahila Samiti too.
On 11/10/06, Nayanjyoti Medhi <

Can anybody give me a list of Women's groups/ NGO's who work for rights of women/upliftment of the social status of women in the north east region of India
Nayan___assam mailing list

assam mailing list

[Assam] Women's groups

2006-11-10 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Can anybody give me a list of Women's groups/ NGO's who work for rights of women/upliftment of the social status of women in the north east region of India
assam mailing list

[Assam] the soldier who won India's first Param Vir Chakra:

2006-11-04 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi

Lately many pleas have been made that Mohammed Afzal Guru's execution should be stayed because his death 'could fuel separatism in Jammu & Kashmir.' 

This makes me remeber the soldier who won India's first Param Vir Chakra:http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/NEWS/newsrf.php?newsid=7634
assam mailing list


2006-10-26 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Dear Rajib Da
All we have in Guwahati isDowntown hospital which follows in letter and spiritthe Hotel California song ("You can check out anytimebut you may never leave" (unless you are dead)). It'sa shame.
My brother was in an accident last year and now he is physically disabled with C4-C6 spinal cord injury. After being admitted in Down Town Hospital, Guwahati, he went through 2 cardiac arrests in front of my eyes. Only because of the excellent Accident response team of Down Town Hospital Especially Dr. Borthakur and Dr Rahman, he is alive today. Infact the hospital did not even ask for money to be deposited until he was safely in ICU (He was admitted at 
7.30 Pm and 1st request for money was made in the morning next day)
On 10/26/06, Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mikeda,Great idea. It is already happening - medicaloutsourcing in India. It is somewhat like the early
dayof IT outsourcing. Roadwarriors of TCS going out andselling offshore IT services. A friend of minebranched out from IT into setting up a medical clinicin Toronto and then tying up with Apollo Hospitals to
send patients there for certain kinds of surgeries. Inaddition to 10 lakh healthworkers, you need medicalinfrastructure of a high order. And other regions aremaking giant leaps. Somewhere near Noida, VC companies
from Silicon Valley are lining up to invest inMedicity - a huge town full of hospitals and healthworkers catering to the offshore medical servicesmarket. And no, big brother GOI is not quite directingit.
Unfortunately while Dhaka could attract an Apollohospital, Guwahati still hasn't. Amazing isn't it.Given that train loads of people still make thejournies to Mumbai and Vellore and Chennai every year
with their patients. All we have in Guwahati isDowntown hospital which follows in letter and spiritthe Hotel California song ("You can check out anytimebut you may never leave" (unless you are dead)). It's
a shame.--- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:-Very Good!Now look at the same problem low-budgetly:
United Group Programs, a health insurer in Boca Raton,Florida, began offering the programme six months ago.With medical costs skyrocketing in the United Stateswhere Americans spend an estimated 16 per cent of the
GDP on healthcare and in Europe, the idea of goingabroad to get healthy is becoming more and moreattractive, Newsweek reported.More than 150,000 North American and European arecurrently seeking medical treatment abroad, it said.
Giving instances of the savings, Newsweek quotedGlobalChoice Healthcare, a firm arranging foreignprocedures, as saying that angioplasty which costs$50,000 in an American hospital can be performed formerely $6000 in Mohali in India. Can make @ $2000 in
Bhalukpung,Dorongiri,Jonai,…….MAKE IT POSSIBLE THRO'"THE MISSION" .Ms Rini Kakoty in London will act asfacilitator!The magazine quotes Abacas International, a leadingtravel facilitator, estimating that medical tourism to
Asia could generate up to $4.4 billion by 2012.*Assam needs to create 10 Lakh Health workers( eachworker on a 5 year service contract)..Idea is tocreate a delicate, youthful ,caring ,polite band of
Health Care Managers with masterity in American,English, Russian Spanish, Mandarin-- each onehighly educatedin Paramedics to receive,care,love,-befriend-philosopher-guide to:·1 Lakh Retirees' beds in Himalayan foothills:
treated like beloved Grandparents-till they die·Anytime 2 Lakh health tourists who will goaway after he/she becomes cured·Anytime 2 Lakh recuperating fromTrauma/Operations/recovery from illnesses
And corresponding infrastructure likehousing/furniture/Linen/Catering/entertainment/telecoms.Need is NOW! No better place than Assam-Himalayanfoothill riversides.mm
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 20:54:55 -0500shape{;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal,div.MsoNormal{margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;font-family:'TimesNew Roman';}a:link,span.MsoHyperlink{color:blue
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eyes for exactly 10 seconds  NOW PLEASE SCROLL DOWN  ~THANK YOUYOUR CAT SCAN
IS NOW COMPLETE  *That will be $1500 please!><< image001.gif >> ><< image002.jpg >>>___
>assam mailing list>assam@assamnet.org>http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org

[Assam] Fwd: What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS

2006-10-15 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
-- Forwarded message --From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Oct 14, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPSTo: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello Chan Da
Sorry to bother you again. but i left out something which needs to be put on the table too.
*While I entirely agree with the latter above, I cannot imagine WHO or WHY anyone, anyone at all, would wish to or attempt to either discourage your involvement, much less push you aside or throw you out. 
No one I have ever known, even the most stridently iconoclastic of NRAs I have known, would do any such thing.  Well have you ever heard of someone called mike mahanta. Well when i joined Assamnet for the first time he called me a RAW agent. Do you know why he did that? Could you ask him if he knows me? And if he doesn't then why he said that to me. At that point of time I preferred to remain silent. Not because I could not say anything but because I'm young and I do not want to antagonise my seniors. The society I live in does not permit me to show disrespect to anyone. As far as I know Mike is not a Assamese/Oxomiya name. Now tell me why this nick. Is somebody embarrased to use the name his parents gave him/her. You have rightly said-" 
even the most stridently iconoclastic of NRAs I have known, would do any such thing" Thay won't. But this can be done by a resident Assamese/Oxomiya. As he had done with me. Without knowing my antecedents he had called me names. That is not proper. ( please refer to my first communications to assamnet). anyways got to go now. 

P.S: I will wait for a nice little (long) reply. 

On 10/14/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 

Hello Nayan:
Greeting from St. Louis, in the heartland of America.
Glad to make your acquaintance. Nice to know that you are a practising lawyer  and that too in the high court. Often we play 'baam-ukil' here, without anyone being able help us with questions. Now we know we can speak to a real-life lawyer to help us out. Sorry, but I don't think we will be able to keep you on retainer :-). 

>Its not true that I/we have any disagreement with the political >viewpoint of anyone. Anyone can have his/her personal viewpoint on >any subject.
*** Glad to know you realize it. I was almost afraid you too were in the same boat with Jyoti, from your note of support for his position.
It is OK to have different views and not to agree with someone. But when we differ or oppose, we also have an obligation to explain why. Just telling someone that she is wrong, does not go anywhere. Because why discuss and debate is to try and persuade others, and not merely to assert our own righteousness. And it is patently rude to go attack someone personally, directly or indirectly for any heartburn that their views may cause us :-). 

>But the very specific point that I would like to point out is that - >The wrong decisions that lead to the present socio political scenerio >of Assam/Asom/Axom. were not taken by this present generation. 

*** That is a loaded gun you aim here Nayan :-).
    A: What WRONG decision are you referring to? And WHO took
    those decisions?
    B: And if these decisions were taken by your 'pitamoh' ( ancestors)
    :-), and they span generations, it tells me these might be societal
    problems that none of us can just wash-off saying you did not
    take part in it. I guess you could, but obviously to no avail. Would I
    be wrong to conclude that?
>So I think the remedy should also started by the same Generation who >took the right decisions to make this land Xonar Axom, and if they >can't then let us help.
*** IF the previous generation created these problems you refer to, why are they NOT helping resolve it? But more importantly, is your society being run by that previous generation only, or are you, the present generation, a part of that same society and thus a part of the solution? 

I ask, because I cannot imagine the adults of a society like yourselves can remain outside of solutions to their societal needs. If your previous generation is keeping yours outside of its governance, then YOU, my friend, need nothing less than a revolt to take your rightful place in running your present and shaping your future. And you all have no excuses for not being involved, if you live in the much touted 'liberal democracy' of India. 

>In Assam net I have come across some great discussions and really >great ideas. And maybe this forum would go a long way in solving the >problems that persist in this land.
*** I know you say that because you want to be generous :-) to us netters. But if by some chance you are serious, then you are harboring extremely unrealistic expectations which will lead to nothing but damaging disappointments. 


Re: [Assam] We work through ''ARADHANA''

2006-10-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
I would like to join Aradhana alongwith my brother. My brother is Physically handicapped (Spinal Cord Injury, C4-C6), Paralysed from Chest down. We usually give information to anyone interested, and are helped in this by the Indian Spinal Injury Center. We try to let the patients and their family know how to cope with paralysis and what to be done after injury. How do I contact you so that we can also join ? 

On 10/13/06, jogen kalita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 

We Work Through ''Aradhana'' 
Hi Every one in the net, you will be glad to know about one small organisation ''Aradhana'' which has been working for the development of the needy young ones in the state and more impoportantly working hard for the upliftment of the good number of young ones suffering from thier physical and mental disabilities. 

They are also havving unique qualities in them. 
We work through music. Music is our main instrument. There are people with us like noted singer Torali Sarmah and Ms Sangeeta Kakoti, noted Acot and Director Brojen Bora, noted author and journalist Anuradha Sarma Pujari, IPS officer Mr Dilip Borah, social worker Ms Nomita Sarmah of ghy has been the Gen Secy. 

We have to work with our membership fee only (Rs 300/- life member). We do not go for asking for govt grants etc.
WE ARE Successful in working through this. For example we could help hysically handicapped two students from Ghy to stand at the national competition who had shown talents to the nation.  And many more.

I shall be grateful if any one comeforward to get life membership to help us to go forward to do little bit for the people who really need our support. It is only Rs.300/- It will be highly appreciated if we can get a few like minded life members of Aradhana abroad. 

I am putting this to net because, when she knew that I will be coming to London Again, Nomita baidew requested me to think for aradhana all the time. 
With Best Regards,
Dr Jogen Kalita.

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Re: [Assam] What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS

2006-10-14 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
d secure life, by
    and large, our sense of vulnerability is far higher than the
    average, because few if any of us have had the safety net of
    an extended family and friends unlike our counterparts back in
    Assam do. Therefore most of us immigrants, have always had
    to weigh our involvement in whatever we do against how it
    might impact our financial security. But it will change as our children
    grow up, raise their families and they become independent.
    The above is exactly why you see so few entrepreneurs amongst us. Most
    of us are wage earners, but with a degree of security that comes
    with it.
    There is a major misconception amongst our friends and families
    in Assam that us NRAs are hugely wealthy. Yes a few may be, but so
    few that it could not be applied as a rule. They are reasonably
    set, but by no means wealthy by local standards. As such it is
    unrealistic to expect large or significant charitable outlays
    from them. A couple of hundred dollars for this and that is different.
    But to expect large outlays, even for eminently worthwhile causes
    is simply unrealistic.
    Time too is a precious commodity. It was more so when our children
    were growing up and both parents were/are in the work-force. You
    would not believe what we went thru with pre-school childcare
    issues in our younger days. Therefore I can empathize with what
    others are going thru now.
    Ours also is a small community. We all have held the same ideals
    as you younger folks do now about helping others. And we continue
    to do that, but with a more mature and realistic approach. The
    bright-eyed optimism of unfettered young adults in prosperous
    societies with security and safety ready to change the face of
    Assam with our new found empowerment  soon gave way to the stark
    realities of raising a family and securing their futures. We
    attempted to do so many different  things for Assam! I personally
    led a number efforts at raising funds for charitable work, some
    right here in Assamnet, sometimes inviting taunts and
    boos from some of our less gifted compatriots :-). But one thing
    I quickly found out was that this small group of NRAs is NOT
    like a well that could never dry up.
    People give once, twice and may even three times. But comes a time
    only the complete fool will keep approaching the same people, again
    and again. The well does dry up.
The lesson here is this: Charity will not deliver Assam to the promised land. Assam must create the opportunities for itself by managing its above average resources for ALL its people. It is the only way!
To that end good luck and god-speed to you all. And do count on us to lend
a hand when we can, in areas we can.

At 10:23 PM +0530 10/13/06, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
Mahanta Da,
*** It is not a secret that yours, Jyoti's, Nayan's , Rajib's and a lot many others' angst in assamnet is rooted in your disagreements with the political viewpoints of those such as yours truly.
 Its not true that I/we have any disagreement with the political viewpoint of anyone. Anyone can have his/her personal viewpoint on any subject. But the very specific point that I would like to point out is that - The wrong decisions that lead to the present socio political scenerio of Assam/Asom/Axom. were not taken by this present generation. So I think the remedy should also started by the same Generation who took the right decisions to make this land Xonar Axom, and if they can't then let us help. In Assam net I have come across some great discussions and really great ideas. And maybe this forum would go a long way in solving the problems that persist in this land. But then nothing will happen if we are thrown out/discouraged, because we are ones who will face tomorrow and will carry the torch forward. Dada, let the people unite, remove the generation gap. Then maybe someday ..

On 10/13/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Momy:
Thanks for your response. I am delighted to see a young Oxomiya woman holding her ground and providing leadership and courage to others like Jyoti Das and Nayan Medhi  for example in a forum such as assamnet. That is MY kind of an Oxomiya; courageous, proud and willing to take a stand for what she believes in :-). So all powers to you Momy.

Having said that, I think it is important to point out out what was wrong about the OPINIONS that you delivered in your farewell note/s:
*** First off, your disappointments about assamnetters and assamnet were indeed rooted on an unexpressed assumption that it is a forum which ought to discuss
only projects and issues such as what 

Re: [Assam] What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS

2006-10-13 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Mahanta Da, 
*** It is not a secret that yours, Jyoti's, Nayan's , Rajib's and a lot many others' angst in assamnet is rooted in your disagreements with the political viewpoints of those such as yours truly. Its not true that I/we have any disagreement with the political viewpoint of anyone. Anyone can have his/her personal viewpoint on any subject. But the very specific point that I would like to point out is that - The wrong decisions that lead to the present socio political scenerio of Assam/Asom/Axom. were not taken by this present generation. So I think the remedy should also started by the same Generation who took the right decisions to make this land Xonar Axom, and if they can't then let us help. In Assam net I have come across some great discussions and really great ideas. And maybe this forum would go a long way in solving the problems that persist in this land. But then nothing will happen if we are thrown out/discouraged, because we are ones who will face tomorrow and will carry the torch forward. Dada, let the people unite, remove the generation gap. Then maybe someday ..

On 10/13/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Momy:
Thanks for your response. I am delighted to see a young Oxomiya woman holding her ground and providing leadership and courage to others like Jyoti Das and Nayan Medhi  for example in a forum such as assamnet. That is MY kind of an Oxomiya; courageous, proud and willing to take a stand for what she believes in :-). So all powers to you Momy.

Having said that, I think it is important to point out out what was wrong about the OPINIONS that you delivered in your farewell note/s:
*** First off, your disappointments about assamnetters and assamnet were indeed rooted on an unexpressed assumption that it is a forum which ought to discuss
only projects and issues such as what you hold dear, to the exclusion of issues that others might find more interesting. No doubt yours and others' like yourself who expressed such sentiments are GOOD and laudable issues/projects.

But it does not mean, in any way shape or form, that other issues could not or should not be pursued at the same time.
*** It is not a secret that yours, Jyoti's, Nayan's , Rajib's and a lot many others' angst in assamnet is rooted in your disagreements with the political viewpoints of those such as yours truly. You, just like anybody else here, are entitled to your views. But it would have been better if you could express that forthrightly, instead of finding other reasons to vent your frustrations. That is what I alluded to as the "Urohi gosor wr onyo korbaat", which roughly translated means that the real root of the disappointments are different from what was presented as.

*** Your assumptions about the 'older generation' of expatriate Oxomiyas as a self-centered lot, unwilling to help others is a rather shallow and ignorant one. It is a typically unenviable  Indian/Kharkhowa trait of making broad brush

judgements about a whole class of people based on scanty sampling.
*** What *I* do or have done, either as charity or as public service, is MY business. I don't need anybody's approval or judgement about its adequacy. Besides, it is neither about ME, nor you, nor Rini Kakati, whom you have singled out as a villain :-). That is why I shall not speak about it here.

*** It is also true that as laudable as charitable efforts are, they are merely
outlets for salving one's guilt, and are inadequate vehicles for improving Assam's lot.
Personally I have no need to resort to charitable efforts to soothe my feelings of guilt. The burden of my guilt is far less than most I know. But I have nothing against those who do.
*** I do have a right to use the words I do to characterize opinions of others, including 'naive', just as you do. But I use words judiciously and carefully, and only when I can back them up.
If you would like to know why I used the word naive, let me know, I will be pleased to explain :-).
*** Not true. The haughtiness with which you dismissed assamnet, and thus its many participants, was a poor display of your own self-importance and self-image. While you are entitled to it, others don't need to accept it without a word :-).

>I won't go into details now(YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IF YOU WANT TO), but if you >would like for me to, I will be pleased to take them up for discussion at a >later time.(WHY PRIVATE..IT STARTED IN A PUBLIC FORUM, KEEP IT THAT WAY)>

*** I don't get into private debates about public issues.
*** Discussions/debates and action are not mutually exclusive of each other. Both can happen at the same time. Assamnet is NOT an action group, never has been, never will be. So if you came here with the expectation that it will be a

Re: [Assam] Fwd: What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS

2006-10-13 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
What you say is true. A discussion group has its limitations. But is there any limitation in encouraging someone who wants to make an effort. Correct me if I'm wrong. 
And dada, when you say about World Bank, most of the develoment projects that are going on in Assam/Asom/Axom and being executed by the various departments of the Government of Assam are being funded by the World Bank. I would not want to comment on United Nations as that does not seem proper to me at this Moment

Nayanjyoti Medhi 
On 10/13/06, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this is probably true : a discussion group has its limitations -- we should perhaps get a building and other stuff -- like United Nations or World Bank to get something done!!
*You can get some great ideas here. But these ideas are only born here. you have to take them out of Assam net, nurture and implement them on your own if you really want to do something for this land. Don't count on anyone to give support. They won't because they can't

Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

-- Forwarded message --From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Oct 13, 2006 1:00 AM Subject: Re: [Assam] What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS
To: Jyoti Kumar Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Momy !
let me introduce myself first. I'm Nayanjyoti Medhi. A Lawyer practising in Gauhati High Court and a self appointed observer of Assam net ( I was a participant /wanted to participate like you did, and finally decided that a silent observer is sometimes a better role and yes a worthy one to be played in Assam net.). I fully agree with Jyoti Kumar Das. 

I am not writing this mail to you advice you on something as others have done. Infact i have written this mail to you because I think you have/had some great ideas and i would suggest that you carry out those and then join the discussion on the Assam net. I had somekind of a same experience as you have. I had some suggestions for the Assam net members and then I was called a RAW agent for advising the know it alls. But anyways, the people of Assam do not need these discussions to make this a better land. They need someone who can bring out the ground reality and act on that. If only they knew that my father was arrested by the Government of Assam, they might not have called me a RAW agent. But then the Assam net is not totally useless. You can get some great ideas here. But these ideas are only born here. you have to take them out of Assam net, nurture and implement them on your own if you really want to do something for this land. Don't count on anyone to give support. They won't because they can't. They don't have the means to implement something. They can sit on net for hours and argue about the name of this State but they won't help you make a website. They are not bothered that everyday dozens of youth are being killed in the name of liberation. they are not concerned about the fact that our generation is being killed. they are concerned about a name. they dont know who are hungry. they are not concerned about unemployment, they talk about apologies and reconsideration. silly people really. 

anyways sorry for taking so much of your time. Please ignore if the above written doesnot bring out any meaning.
Nayanjyoti Medhi

On 10/13/06, Jyoti Kumar Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote: 

Dear Momy,
I like your spirit, commitment and purpose.  You did what I wanted to do a long time back.  I noticed this happening earlier as well. Ther are a couple of members in the forum who like to actively participate in the discussions and keep it going as long as possible.  Maybe its good for them, but I don't have so much time to indulge and keep a debate / topic of discussion / or rather a string going (as it is known in the IT world). 

I remember reading a mail from one of the members, who mentioned how active the forum is and how erring members are "dressed down" and thats exactly whats happening at this moment.  I don't see why someone should feel intimidated by confrontation from younger memebers. If you can show reasoning and wisdom of judgement with your experience, please do so. Don't try to dress down members. 

Momy has raised a valid point, if you can contribute in any way then do so. If there is nothing to contribute from your experience then don't justify your actions and use words like naivity.  Your actions speak for itself, so don't point fingers at others. Remeber when you point one finger, four of your fingers are pointing at you. 

Momy, you need to stay on and try a "redress" the actions on the net.
Jyoti Das  

Momy Saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Momy (HELLO MR MAHANTA):I was disappointed to read your note on the disappointments of yourown (YOU SHOULD BE AND EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T APPRA

[Assam] Fwd: What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPS

2006-10-12 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
-- Forwarded message --From: Nayanjyoti Medhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Oct 13, 2006 1:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] What a shame! YOUR Qs ANSWERED IN CAPSTo: Jyoti Kumar Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Momy !
let me introduce myself first. I'm Nayanjyoti Medhi. A Lawyer practising in Gauhati High Court and a self appointed observer of Assam net ( I was a participant /wanted to participate like you did, and finally decided that a silent observer is sometimes a better role and yes a worthy one to be played in Assam net.). I fully agree with Jyoti Kumar Das. 

I am not writing this mail to you advice you on something as others have done. Infact i have written this mail to you because I think you have/had some great ideas and i would suggest that you carry out those and then join the discussion on the Assam net. I had somekind of a same experience as you have. I had some suggestions for the Assam net members and then I was called a RAW agent for advising the know it alls. But anyways, the people of Assam do not need these discussions to make this a better land. They need someone who can bring out the ground reality and act on that. If only they knew that my father was arrested by the Government of Assam, they might not have called me a RAW agent. But then the Assam net is not totally useless. You can get some great ideas here. But these ideas are only born here. you have to take them out of Assam net, nurture and implement them on your own if you really want to do something for this land. Don't count on anyone to give support. They won't because they can't. They don't have the means to implement something. They can sit on net for hours and argue about the name of this State but they won't help you make a website. They are not bothered that everyday dozens of youth are being killed in the name of liberation. they are not concerned about the fact that our generation is being killed. they are concerned about a name. they dont know who are hungry. they are not concerned about unemployment, they talk about apologies and reconsideration. silly people really. 

anyways sorry for taking so much of your time. Please ignore if the above written doesnot bring out any meaning.
Nayanjyoti Medhi

On 10/13/06, Jyoti Kumar Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 

Dear Momy,
I like your spirit, commitment and purpose.  You did what I wanted to do a long time back.  I noticed this happening earlier as well. Ther are a couple of members in the forum who like to actively participate in the discussions and keep it going as long as possible.  Maybe its good for them, but I don't have so much time to indulge and keep a debate / topic of discussion / or rather a string going (as it is known in the IT world). 

I remember reading a mail from one of the members, who mentioned how active the forum is and how erring members are "dressed down" and thats exactly whats happening at this moment.  I don't see why someone should feel intimidated by confrontation from younger memebers. If you can show reasoning and wisdom of judgement with your experience, please do so. Don't try to dress down members. 

Momy has raised a valid point, if you can contribute in any way then do so. If there is nothing to contribute from your experience then don't justify your actions and use words like naivity.  Your actions speak for itself, so don't point fingers at others. Remeber when you point one finger, four of your fingers are pointing at you. 

Momy, you need to stay on and try a "redress" the actions on the net.
Jyoti Das  

Momy Saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Momy (HELLO MR MAHANTA):I was disappointed to read your note on the disappointments of yourown (YOU SHOULD BE AND EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T APPRAISE AN YOUTH'S OPINION).
Allow me to share a little observation of mine, with the hope thatyou will take a moment of your precious time to ponder(I ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM AS ITS ONE OF THE REASONS BEHIND MY 
DEVELOPMENT):Expectations is the mother of all disappointments!" (WELL IF YOU ASK ME...EXPECTATION IS THE MOTHER OF ACHIEVEMENT). Is it catchy orwhat? (ITS DEGRADING THE TERM FOR ME SO NOT CATCHY AT ALL SIR) Remember you 

[Assam] Indians to be sent on Moon

2006-06-02 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Indians to be sent on Moon

Manmohan Singh to Bush – We are sending Indians to the moon next year.

Bush – Wow! How Many?

Manmohan Singh - 100

25 - OBC
25 - SC
20 - ST
5 - Handicapped
5 - Sports Persons
5 - Terrorist Affected
5 - Kashmiri Migrants
9 - Politicians

and if possible 1 – Astronnaut 

source: www.funtoosh.com

assam mailing list

[Assam] Reserved Category : what will happen?

2006-05-31 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Take a hypothetical situation.

There are 100 vacancies in the indian administrative service. Selection
takes place and a merit list of 1000 candidates is published. 70 posts
are of general category. 30 posts are for the reserved category. Now if
the serial number 1 of the merit list applied through reserved
category. He will be considered in the general category as the supreme
court has desided in indra sawhney case (mandal commission case) and
subsequently in other cases thereafter. He loses his reserved category
status. So actual general category becomes 69 as one post goes to a
meritous candidate of the reserved category. The 30 posts of reserved
category stays intact as they cannot be interfered with by anyone.

Now, if suppose serial number 1-70 of the merit list are all meritous
candidates who had applied through the reserved category. Then
according to the law prevailing, they also have to be considered in the
open competition category (the general category). So all the general
category posts also go to the reserved category candidates as they are

Now is it not woth considering that this might/can happen today/one day?

All the 100 posts go to reserved category candidates because the
meritous reserved category candidates get selected in the general
category and the rest have the reserved seats/posts


Nayanjyoti Medhi
assam mailing list

[Assam] Indians to be sent on Moon

2006-05-29 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
Indians to be sent on Moon

Manmohan Singh to Bush – We are sending Indians to the moon next year.

Bush – Wow! How Many?

Manmohan Singh - 100

25 - OBC
25 - SC
20 - ST
5 - Handicapped
5 - Sports Persons
5 - Terrorist Affected
5 - Kashmiri Migrants
9 - Politicians

and if possible 1 – Astronnaut 

source: www.funtoosh.com
assam mailing list

[Assam] think

2006-04-21 Thread Nayanjyoti Medhi
The story given below is  quite interesting and really gives us aninsight into DECISION MAKING.Which one will  you choose?
A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one  still inuse  while the other disused. Only one child played on the disusedtrack, the rest  on the operational track. The train came, and you were
just beside  the track interchange. You could make the train change itscourse to the disused track and saved most of the kids.However, that would  also mean the lone child playing by the disusedtrack would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train  go its
Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could  make..No cheating...
Most people might choose to  divert the course of the train, andsacrifice only one child.
You might think  the same way, I guess. Exactly, I thought the same wayinitially because to save most of the children at the expense of onlyone child was rational decision most people would make,  morally and
emotionally. But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to  play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to  play at asafe place?Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his  ignorant   
friends who chose to play where the danger was.
This kind  of dilemma happens around us everyday. In the office,community, in  politics and especially in a democratic society, theminority is often  sacrificed for the interest of the majority, nomatter how  foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how farsighted 
and knowledgeable the  minority are.The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case  he wassacrificed,  no one would shed a tear for him.
The friend who forwarded me the story  said he would not try to   change the course of the train because he believed that the  kids playing  onthe operational track should have known very well that track was still
in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train'ssirens.
If the train was diverted, that  lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come  over to that track!   Moreover,that track was not in use probably because it was not  safe.
If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of  allpassengers on board at stake! And in your attempt to save a few  kids by sacrificing one child, you might end up  sacrificing hundreds of people
to save these few  kids.
While we are all aware that life is full of tough decisions  that needto be made, we may not realize that hasty decisions may not always bethe right  one.
"Remember that what's right isn't always popular... and what's popularisn't  always right.
assam mailing list